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Date: June 18, 2023

To: All National Weather Service Departments

From: Saul Moreno

Subject: Enhancing Storm Prediction Accuracy with Advanced Meteorological Technology

Action Required: Review and discuss the proposed solution by July 31, 2023

Distribution List: National Weather Service Department Heads and Staff

Dear Team,

Following our recent acceptance of the proposal to enhance storm prediction accuracy, I am writing to
update you on our next steps. Our shared commitment to protecting public safety through accurate
storm predictions remains a top priority, and the newly approved plan to leverage advanced
meteorological technology will greatly help us in achieving this goal."

As dedicated professionals of the National Weather Service (NWS), our shared commitment to
protecting public safety through accurate storm predictions is the lifeblood of our work. Despite
considerable advancements in meteorological technology and forecasting models, we continually
recognize that the precision of our predictions can be further enhanced.

Our new strategy addresses the intricate and volatile nature of weather patterns that have in the past
led to storm predictions that sometimes do not meet the precision levels we aspire to achieve. With the
implementation of this strategy, we aim to mitigate the potential outcomes – from significant economic
losses to alarming loss of lives – that inaccuracies can cause. It's our shared commitment and this
proactive step towards accuracy that will steer us to a more effective prediction system.The intricate and
volatile nature of weather patterns inevitably leads to storm predictions that sometimes do not meet the
precision levels we aspire to achieve. Such inaccuracies can catalyze a domino effect of undesirable
outcomes – from significant economic losses to an alarming loss of lives. Given the far-reaching impact
of these consequences, it is paramount that we continuously explore innovative solutions to improve the
accuracy of our storm predictions.

This memo discusses our plan to improve storm prediction accuracy by leveraging advanced
meteorological technology, specifically high-resolution satellite imaging and advanced weather radar
systems. This strategy involves the integration of these technologies into our operational workflow,
resulting in a more comprehensive and accurate data collection. Moreover, we're establishing
partnerships with industry-leading technology providers and research institutions to leverage their
technical expertise, cutting-edge tools, and innovative strategies.

This memo proposes a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach to address this issue, primarily focusing
on leveraging advanced meteorological technology, specifically high-resolution satellite imaging and
advanced weather radar systems. By integrating these technologies into our operational workflow, we
aim to significantly enhance the depth and breadth of our data collection, consequently improving the
accuracy of our storm predictions. Moreover, this proposal suggests forging strategic partnerships with
industry-leading technology providers and research institutions to gain access to technical expertise,
cutting-edge tools, and innovative strategies within the meteorological domain.

Embracing Technological Advancements

The ongoing technological revolution in the field of meteorology presents a wealth of opportunities. The
adoption of high-resolution satellite imaging and advanced weather radar technology can significantly
augment our current data collection capabilities, giving us a more detailed picture of atmospheric
conditions that directly impact storm formation and behavior.

In addition to enhancing our in-house technological capabilities, exploring collaboration opportunities

with leading technology providers and academic research institutions could provide us access to cutting-
edge meteorological technologies and research findings. These collaborations could involve joint
research projects, staff exchanges, and seminars, offering us valuable insights into novel forecasting
models and meteorological studies.

Resource Allocation and Implementation

The implementation of this proposal requires a significant investment, estimated at $50 million, over the
next five years. This includes the acquisition of new technology, staff training, and partnership
development. To meet these needs, we propose a phased investment approach. Additionally, ongoing
staff training will be integrated into our annual schedule, starting from Q4 2023.

The implementation of this strategy will involve significant resources, estimated at $50 million, over the
next five years. This covers the acquisition of new technology, staff training, and partnership
development. We've planned a phased investment approach, and staff training will be integrated into
our annual schedule, starting from Q4 2023.

To further optimize our approach, we will establish a dedicated team responsible for managing these
alliances, ensuring we derive maximum benefit from these relationships. We anticipate this team to be
fully operational by the end of 2023.

Potential Benefits
The potential benefits of this initiative are far-reaching and significant. By enhancing the accuracy of our
storm predictions, we can improve our ability to warn communities about impending storms. More
accurate and timely storm predictions mean individuals, families, businesses, and local authorities get
more time to prepare. They can secure their properties, evacuate if necessary, or take other safety
measures to protect lives and assets.

Moreover, the economic benefits are substantial. Accurate storm predictions can help communities and
businesses better prepare for storms, potentially reducing the financial losses linked to storm damage.
Enhancing the accuracy of our storm predictions also contributes to building a more climate-resilient
society. It enables us to provide the necessary data and insights to planners, policymakers, and climate
change adaptation efforts.
This initiative aligns perfectly with NWS's mission - to protect lives and property by providing accurate
weather, water, and climate data. As we move forward, we expect this initiative to significantly enhance
our reputation as a leading weather forecasting agency.

The proposed solution aligns perfectly with the mission of NWS - to protect lives and property by
providing accurate weather, water, and climate data. As such, this proposal stands as a compelling
opportunity for us to improve our services, enhance our reputation as a leading weather forecasting
agency, and strengthen our contribution to public safety.

1. Formation of a dedicated team to research potential technology partners and academic
institutions for collaboration.

2. Development of a comprehensive plan outlining the phases of investment, implementation, and

integration of the proposed technologies.

3. Scheduling a series of meetings to discuss and refine this proposal, enabling us to move towards
a consensus and develop an action plan.

Your attention to this proposal is deeply appreciated. I eagerly look forward to engaging in meaningful
discussions and collectively forging a path toward improved storm prediction accuracy.

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