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Helping worksheet

Outlines of the oral presentation

A. Introduction
- Introduce yourself rapidly: Hello, my name is … and I am currently preparing an A-
level in Technology in sustainability. As part of my curriculum, I am working on a
project about….
- Introduce the name of the project and its link with the English class.

B. Table of contents and development

- Cultural background: When and where was the device first created? What was the
context (political, economic, social)? Is there a patent or a trademark or a copyright
about it?
- Functional analysis (problem, need, requirements, technological watch, brainstorming)
- Design (possible solutions, decision matrix table, chosen solution, model, prototype)
- Conclusion: your opinion on your project and its ethical and environmental impact.

C. Your oral is not a reading. So you can hesitate, use gap fillers (erm, well, so), take a look
at your notes from time to time.

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