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‫הלכות נזקי ממון‬

‫פרק רביעי‬
1. The owner of a sheep that was guarded with a fence that could withstand a
common wind, (‫ )שמירה פחותה‬is ‫פטור‬. If the fence was weak, the owner is
‫ חייב‬regardless of how the animal escaped. Even if it escaped through
‫( ליסטים‬which is ‫ )אונס‬the owner is ‫ )בתחילתו פשיעה וסופו אונס חייב‬.‫ )חייב‬If the
fence was strong the ‫ ליסטים‬are ‫ חייב‬for any damages caused to the animal
When is the and by the animal they led out. (Otherwise it’s only ‫גרמא‬.)
owner ‫ פושע‬in 2. One who breaks down another’s inadequate fence is ‫פטור בדיני אדם וחייב‬
his ‫שמירה‬ ‫ בדיני שמים‬for any damages to the animal. If the fence was adequate for the
type of animal it was used to guard for, then the ‫ פורץ גדר‬is ‫ )פטור‬.‫ חייב‬or
‫ חייב‬refer to the fence, animal and the fruits it eats.)
3. One is ‫ חייב‬for standing someone’s sheep on top of another’s food if the
sheep eats the food. Since the animal’s eating of the food is certain and
immediate, it is ‫גרמי‬. However, he is ‫ פטור‬for standing the animal over
poison because it is not considered certain that it will eat the poison. (‫)גרמא‬
4. ‫ – ד' שומרים‬a) ‫ – שמירה מעולה‬all are ‫פטור‬, b) No ‫ – שמירה‬all 4 are ‫חייב‬, c)
Shomer chinam who does ‫ – שמירה פחותה על התם‬is ‫פטור‬, the other 3 ‫שומרים‬
are ‫( חייב‬This is the only case where a ‫ שומר‬is less responsible than the (
‫בעל‬, d) ‫ – שמירה פחותה על המועד‬all 4 are ‫פטור‬.
5. Leaving your animal in the hot sun is considered negligent, even if you
animal’s guarded it with ‫שמירה מעולה‬. Therefore, if it escaped and caused damages,
owner its owner is ‫חייב‬.
only 6. Leaving your animal with a ‫ שוטה‬,‫ חרש‬or ‫קטן‬, even with ‫שמירה מעולה‬, is
pays if negligence, since these people tend to untie the rope.
When is the 7. If 1 of 5 watchmen’s negligence made it impossible to guard the animal
he was ‫שומר‬
negligent properly, then only he is ‫ חייב‬if it escaped and damaged. However, if the
considered remaining 4 could have watched it properly then all 5 are ‫ חייב‬to pay for its
in the ‫פושע‬ damages.
‫שמירה‬ 8. Someone who borrows a ‫ מועד‬he thought was a ‫ תם‬pays according to what
his initial expectation about the animal was when he borrowed it: a) If he
knew it gored once or twice he pays ½ and the owner pays ½, b) If he
thought it never gored he is ‫ פטור‬and the owner pays the full damages.
9. An animal that became ‫ מועד‬while with a ‫ שומר‬reverts back to a ‫ תם‬when
the ‫ שומר‬returns it.
10. A ‫ שומר‬can accept partial responsibility for the animal. For example either
to only protect it from damage or to stop it from damaging.
11. If a ‫ שומר‬gives the animal to a 2nd ‫ שומר‬w/o the owner’s permission the first
‫ שומר‬is ‫ חייב‬for the damages to the animal. If the 2nd ‫ שומר‬was a family
member or his assistant, then the 2nd ‫ שומר‬is ‫חייב‬, because the owner
knows that the original ‫ שומר‬may give it to his family or assistant to watch.
12. The ‫ שומר‬of a ‫ תם‬who cannot pay the damages gives the ‫ שור שהזיק‬to the
‫ ניזק‬and owes the ‫ בעל השור‬the value of the animal he was watching.
13. Since viewing the fruits as produce alone or as a small part of the large field
affects the amount owed significantly, we compromise and evaluate an area
Irregular cases of land 60x’s the area eaten and the ‫ מזיק‬pays the difference of this tract of
concerning the land’s value with and without the amount of fruits the animal ate.
negligence 14. Fully ripe fruit is not considered part of the field, therefore you pay for what
was eaten. A ‫’דקל רומי‬s fruits are worth so little that in this instance we
multiply by 60 times that amount of ‫קרקע‬. A ‫’דקל פרטי‬s fruits are valuable.
Therefore, they are evaluated on their own.

‫בית סאה‬
1. 60 ‫ בית סאה‬full = $100
60x’s a ‫בית סאה‬ 2. 60 ‫ בית סאה‬minus 1 $97 = ‫בית סאה‬
3. You pay $3

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