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Papers attempting techniques

For current affairs

Brain storm and make rough outline to ensure sequence ( brain storm on social . political and economic
level , national and international level , your optional subjects, focus on causes , effects and solutions )

 Always write relevant content

 Length ;7-8 pages
 Write best question first .
 Don’t make grammar mistakes
 Focus on key words ; Analyze , discuss , critically analyze (
v=sMU7txL37vc see this video to understand the concept of critical analyses , comment

Parts of answer with details .

1- Introduction
A) Directly hit the answer with a recent fact
B) Briefly give summary of what is asked in the question
C) Write a relevant quote with marker
2- Brief background and current scenario
3- Write main heading of the question
4- Give headings and sub headings to support your answer
A) Each heading should be followed with a logical point , example or case study to validate that
B) Each heading and sub heading should be self explanatory in phrasal form
C) Use quotes
D) Write facts
E) Write references of books .
F) Make bar charts
G) Make pie diagrams
H) Flow charts
I) Write articles from constitution
J) Link with historical facts
5- Draw maps where necessary
A) Practice world map
B) Practice Pakistan map
C) Use shading in maps to show different areas
6- Write recommendations and give suggestions from international studies .
7- Write conclusion and end with a quote .
Attempted answers for clarity .

QNO 1- Define globalization , while highlighting its pros , how Pakistan can transform its socio-economic
indicators .

Introduction ; -

Globalization has completely revolutionized the global patterns of living . The overriding goal of
globalization is to interlink the world with a snowball effect. It has pros manifold like it improves the
politics , economics and social dimensions of a country owing to increased cooperation. Pakistan being
marred with plagues of lawlessness, economic fragility and social fragmentation can transform itself
with benefits of globalization by increasing political cooperation , economic advancements and social
upgradation of masses .

‘’No generation has had the opportunity, as we now have, to build a global
economy that leaves no-one behind. It is a wonderful opportunity, but also a
profound responsibility. ‘’― Bill Clinton,  Former U.S. President

Defining globalization ;
Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness and integration of countries
and societies around the world through the flow of goods, services, information,
technology, and people across borders

Globalization is a fact, because of technology, because of an integrated global

supply chain, because of changes in transportation. And we're not going to be
able to build a wall around that.’’ (Barack Obama).

Arguing against globalisation is like arguing against the laws of gravity.  ―Kofi Annan, Former
UN Secretary-General

Highlighting the pros of Globalization

1-At political level

A) Improves national security through international security cooperation

Eg; AMAN-23 exercises
B) It enables governments to conduct fair and fast elections by use of technology sharing
Eg; use of EVM
C) It aids in E- Governance .
2- At Economic level

A) It helps in augmenting international trade through barrier removal at borders

Eg ; Increasing trade through BRI
B) It has increased employment generation through technology
C) Access to foreign markets: Globalization allows countries to access foreign markets and expand
their customer base, which can lead to increased competitiveness and innovation .
D) Globalization has spurred tax collection by making it more efficient
3- At Social level

A) It has promoted simple learning to education 4.0

B) Women are getting chances manifold
C) Environmental cooperation to impede the impacts of climate change .
D) It has promote cultural exchange

While focusing on above mentioned Pros of Globalization , how can Pakistan transform its socio-
economic indicators

1- At Economic level
A) Increased economic growth: Globalization can lead to increased trade, investment, and
economic growth, which can provide employment opportunities and improve living standards
B) Diversifying the economy: Pakistan can reduce its dependence on a few key sectors and diversify
its economy by promoting the growth of other sectors, such as manufacturing, services, and
C) Enhancing trade: Pakistan can enhance its trade by reducing barriers to trade, improving
logistics and infrastructure, and negotiating favorable trade agreements with other countries
D) Encouraging innovation and technology transfer: Pakistan can encourage innovation and
technology transfer by investing in research and development, providing incentives for
businesses to innovate, and promoting partnerships between businesses and universities

A) Developing human capital: Pakistan can improve its socio-economic indicators by
investing in education, healthcare, and skills development, which can improve
productivity and create a more skilled workforce.
B) Alleviating poverty ; Globalization can spur economic activity that can improve
economic condition of the country .
C) Taking the maximum benefits from CPEC under globalization to uplift the social
conditions of people living in underdeveloped areas in Pakistan .

Case study ; Globalization shaping the socio-economic indicators

1- Case study of Singapore and South Korea

Suggestions for Pakistan to reap benefits from globalization

In particular, there is need for a stronger relationship between government and industry, and shared
views on

A)Tackling the urgent problems of energy, security, and investor confidence;

B) practical matters of regulatory barriers that impede entrepreneurship and business;

C)strategic plans for industrial upgrading

Pakistan is faced with a stark choice today – whether it can actively participate in the growing world
trade of goods and services, foreign investment and capital flows, technological advances, labor and skill
supply and thus benefit its population and improving their standards of living or remain a by-stander
and marginal player pursuing an inward looking strategy Pakistan is beginning to position itself for
maximizing benefits from globalization as the same policies that are conducive for accelerating
economic growth and poverty alleviation domestically are also pre-requisites for gaining from
globalization. The serious concern, however, is, the underdevelopment of the country’s human
resources and the low skill intensity of its labor force. Unless the quality and outreach of education,
training, literacy, skills, health status are significantly improved Pakistan will remain handicapped in
maximizing these benefits. Hence , overall globalization presents many pros but the success depend on
effective policies and strategies to address the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities
presented by globalization.


‘’ Those nations are not capable of dealing with hazards of tomorrow whose destiny lies not today’’

Q; What are the challenges to success of democracy in Pakistan , also write indicators that manifest the
absence of democracy .

Democracy has been unable to find its feat in Pakistan since its independence
owing to multifarious challenges that have blocked its way repeatedly. The few glaring
challenges are the foundational challenge , challenge of expansion , economic fragility , partial
and biased media , power hungry turncoat politicians and coercive feudal lords , data
manipulation through technology ,non state actors inflicting terror and increasingly intolerant
illiterate masses prone to radicalization . These challenge consequently made democracy a
failure which is evident at political , economic and most significantly at social level .

‘’In a democracy, the well-being, individuality and happiness of every citizen is important

for the overall prosperity, peace and happiness of the nation .’’ ( APJ kalam )

Defining democracy

Democracy is a type of government in which people choose their representative ,There are two

types of democracies 1- Direct democracy 2- Indirect democracy ( Representative democracy)

What are the challenges that have impeded the success of democracy in Pakistan .

1- Foundational challenge .

In Pakistan , the rule of military has undermined democracy . Pakistan has remained a
praetorian democracy in which military dominated and guided the basic rules of the
game while civilian governments had very little say over the important policies of the
state like defence, foreign, and internal security. Civilians were allowed to form
governments only to provide legitimacy to the permanent authoritarian rule of the
establishment. In this scheme of things, civilian governments were the subservient
partners of the establishment and follow most of their orders obediently while they are
in government.

2- Challenge of expansion
3- Challenge from partial and prejudiced media
4- Challenge from power hungry authoritarian leaders
5- Turncoat politicians and their never ending avarice for personal economic gains at the cost of
common population .
6- Economic fragility
7- Weak democratic institutions
8- Non state actors who tarnished peace in country , as peace is a prerequisite for successful
9- Absence of structural prerequisites like efficient judiciary to dispense justice ,and effective
institutions to implement law
10- Prevalent illiteracy nourishing intolerance and radicalization which proves to be a bane for
development of a democratic culture .
11- Ethnic and religious divisions: Pakistan is a diverse country, with several ethnic and religious
groups. These divisions can often lead to tensions and conflict, which can destabilize the
democratic process

12- Low voter turnout as result of missing awareness among masses hurts the spirit of democracy

Indicators that manifest that democracy in Pakistan has faced many challenges and it
has remained a failure .

1- Political indicators

A) Corruption prevalent in political domain is a clear anomaly from ideals of

B) Lack of democracy in political parties which negates the concept of pluralism
and cooperation in democracy
C) Political polarization and instability manifest that democracy in Pakistan is a
D) Limited political participation: There is limited political participation in Pakistan,
with low voter turnout in elections and a lack of engagement by citizens in the
democratic process. This suggests a lack of trust in democratic institutions and a
lack of interest in political affairs
E) Embezzlement of funds from public exchequer is a clear violation of democratic
spirit .

2- Economic indicators

a) Accumulation of wealth at elite level shows that populace have been deprived
of their economic share
b) Total economic meltdown is a manifestation that democracy has failed .

3- Social indicators

a) High illiteracy is contrary to democratic ideals ( 38 percent people are illiterate ) .

b) Increased crimes resulting in insecurity controverts the ideals of human security aspired in a
democratic country .
c) Weak civil society
d) Women in Pakistan have been deprived of their political and economic rights that manifest the
failure of democracy .
How can Pakistan overcome the challenges to nourish democracy in the country

1- Efficient and responsible role of institutions to implement rule of law and ensure unbiased
2- Digitalization and use of technology to fill the loopholes in economic system
3- Human development to ensure a progressive society

Eg; Kerala human development model

Conclusion ;

Succinctly , democracy is a panacea for all the ills , however the challenges that hamper democratic
progress should be dealt with prudence and well crafted policies . Pakistan progress and growth is
hidden in true democratic ideals .In this regard , everyone has a responsible role to play in order to

make Pakistan a country that its founder dreamt of If you want to walk fast, walk alone. But if

you want to walk far, walk together.” ( RATAN TATA ) .

Sources to study current affairs .

Newspaper ;

The news , dawn , express tribune , dailytime and pak observer .


IPRI , ISSI, Pak institute of international affairs , SDP institute , international crisis group

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