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Institute of Technology of Cambodia

Faculty of Geo-resource and Geotechnical Engineering

Report: Petrology and Mineralogy

Dr: Seang Sirisokha
Student’s names: id
1. Kim sovanndara e20201201
2. Nin vannet e20201444
3. Nun rithchansakada e20201568
4. Oeng lihour e20201305
5. Orl sreylin e20200213
6. Phat sena e20200674
7. Phoan kiva e20200566
8. Phol vuochly e20201421
9. Phorn Souchheng e20201293
10. Phon Sreypich e20200189

Institute of Technology of Cambodia

Petrology (study rock in general macroscopic):
 Petrography (detail of the rock microscopic).
 Mineralogy (detail of mineral).

Petrology is the study of ROCK including their occurrences,

composition, origin, and evaluation.
Petrography deal with detail description and classification of rocks. The
detail study of rock’s commonly made by microscope.
Mineralogy is the systematic study that deal with the characteristic of
minerals including physico-chemical properties, origin, structure, and
crystal form of minerals.

Institute of Technology of Cambodia


Identify rock by physical properties:

Institute of Technology of Cambodia

There are several physical properties that can be used to identify a rock:

1. Color: The color of a rock can be an important clue to its identity. Some
rocks, such as granite, are typically light-colored, while others, like basalt,
are dark.

2. Texture: The texture of a rock refers to the way it feels to the touch.
Some rocks, like sandstone, have a rough, gritty texture, while others, like
shale, are smooth and fine-grained.

3. Hardness: The hardness of a rock can be determined by scratching it

with a fingernail, a penny, or a piece of glass. Rocks that are harder than a
fingernail are typically classified as igneous or metamorphic rocks, while
those that are softer are usually sedimentary.

4. Density: The density of a rock is its mass per unit volume. Some rocks,
like granite, are relatively dense, while others, like pumice, are less dense.

5. Porosity: The porosity of a rock refers to the amount of empty space or

pores within it. Some rocks, like sandstone, are highly porous, while
others, like granite, are relatively non-porous.

6. Mineral composition: The mineral composition of a rock can be

determined by examining it under a microscope or by performing chemical
tests. Different minerals have distinct physical properties that can help
identify the rock they are found in.

Institute of Technology of Cambodia

1. Color: Dark-gray, brown, black

2. Streak: Dark-gray  black, bright-greenblack
3. Mineral composition: Quartz, pyroxene, Amphibole, plagioclase
4. Composition: Intermediate to mafic
According the identification of color of the mineral, we can
define that it’s between intermediate to mafic mineral. Because of the
mineral contain little quartz and it’s a kind of igneous rock. Another
mineral contained is defined as mafic mineral.
5. Hardness: 6.5-7 ( using hardness pen)
6. Luster : Nonmetallic
Generally, Andesite’s luster is non-metallic. Ore mineral come up
with igneous rock while the weathering is processing. In this process
oxidation in weathering process is come up the ore fluid to the
fracture of the rock which is contain some ore such as pyrite or
7. Diagnostic properties: Magnetic ( by using magnetic pen)
8. Texture : Porphyritic
As the extrusive igneous rock which has fine grained. in
composition these correspond roughly to the intrusive igneous rock
diorite and consist essentially of andesine (a plagioclase feldspar)
and one or more ferromagnesian minerals, such as pyroxene or
9. Chemical composition: SiO2
10. Name: Andesite


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