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elf-confidence is an essential trait that positively affects many areas of human life, including academic

and career success. Self-confidence refers to an individual's belief in his or her abilities to perform a task
successfully. In the context of academic performance, self-confidence is the belief that an individual has
in his or her ability to succeed academically. Self-confidence affects students' academic performance in
different ways, such as study habits, academic motivation, and academic achievement.

Several studies have examined the effect of self-confidence on academic performance. A study
conducted by Nwachukwu and Eze (2016) in Nigeria showed that self-confidence had a significant effect
on academic performance. Students who had high self-confidence also had high academic performance
compared to students with low self-confidence. Another study conducted by Lin and Huang (2013) in
Taiwan showed that self-confidence positively correlated with academic achievement. The study found
that students with high self-confidence tended to have better grades than students with low self-

Additionally, self-confidence positively affects students' academic motivation. A study conducted by

Bandura (1989) found that self-confidence influences academic motivation. According to the study,
students who have a high degree of self-confidence are more likely to be academically motivated than
those with low self-confidence. This is because students who are confident in their abilities believe that
they can accomplish their academic goals, which motivates them to strive for success.

Furthermore, self-confidence influences students' study habits. According to a study conducted by

Almeida, Tavares, and Leite (2010), students with high self-confidence have better study habits than
students with low self-confidence. The study found that students with high self-confidence were more
likely to use effective study strategies, such as organizing their study material and managing their time

In conclusion, self-confidence is an essential factor that positively influences students' academic

performance. Students with high self-confidence tend to have better study habits, academic motivation,
and academic performance compared to those with low self-confidence. Therefore, it is essential for
educators to promote self-confidence in their students to help them succeed academically.

Apr 17, 2023, 9:36 PM

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Before my birthday ends, I first want to thank God for giving me people to love, care for me, and always
be there to help with things I cannot manage.

Secondly, I just want to say thank you to the people who took the time to celebrate my birthday, greet
me, and send me birthday wishes. I really appreciate it and I am at a loss for words because I did not
expect that many people would value celebrating my birthday. May God guide you and keep you happy
in your daily lives.

My only wish is that God guides me in my life's journey because the challenges that people face in their
lives are not easy. And finally, I hope to receive many blessings and that everyone is always happy and in
good condition.

Apr 22, 2023, 2:37 PM

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Visitation of the Gods by Gilda Cordero-Fernando

Apr 26, 2023, 5:15 AM

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I'm Eddie V. Fuentes is the guardian of Fallin Villamor, he said that he did not pass his template in the
due time for the reason that it was lost and when it was found, it was not attended to immediately so
that it could be passed

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