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Intrinsic Motivation plays a huge role in how students learn and perform in the University

of Cebu-Main Campus. However, failing to understand what actually motivates students

and not engaging them properly can have the opposite effect. Therefore, it is important

to understand that intrinsic motivation is a concept. There have been a different

proposed theories to explain intrinsic motivation and how it works.


Self-reliance or dependence on one’s own initiatives, pairs with self-efficacy. If the

student lacks the knowledge, skills, resources, or opportunities, self-efficacy is not

sufficient to motivate the performance of a behavior. The strength of the student’s

convictions as to the success of the behavior or performance, will affect whether the

behavior is initiated as well as the persistence. For example, a student who perceives

cardiovascular anatomy and physiology as too complex and difficult to understand, may

choose to memorize the terminology of cardiac structure but not persist in

understanding the physiology of how these structures function. Thus, the perceptions

hinder the student’s ability to answer application and critical thinking questions about

cardiovascular content. Research indicates a positive relationship between selfefficacy

and student motivation. Bandura’s instructional strategies and Gagne’s nine classical

principles offers a sound, logically organized, and motivational instructional design

model influencing selfreliance and self-efficacy (Meyer & Stemberger, 2012)


Intrinsic Motivation is also influenced by self-determination. If a person believes they

can manage themselves correctly, they are more likely to be motivated to complete

whatever activity they set out to do. Researchers have found that students show a

greater intrinsic motivation towards learning when teachers encourage a culture of

autonomy in the classroom (Niemiec & Ryan, 2009). Students experience autonomy

when they feel supported to explore, take initiative and develop and implement solutions

for their problems. Teachers should provide prompt feedback and stretch and challenge

students to promote a sense of competence. If done correctly, feedback not only works

because it provides an insight into how that student is doing, but because when

students perform well and they are given positive feedback, it makes them feel good

about the work they have achieved.

Students experience relatedness when they perceive others listening and responding to

them. When these three needs are met, it is fine to reward a student for their success,

but avoiding excessive external rewards for actions students already enjoy is essential if

one wants to improve their internal desire for motivation (Deci, Koestner, & Ryan, 2008)

Students who are more involved in setting educational goals are more likely to

experience intrinsic motivation, and are more likely to reach their goals.

For students to be able change their habits and regulate their study behavior, they need

to be aware of what motivates them to prioritize and complete their academic work.

There has been research supporting the link between self-awareness and self-

regulation and motivation. Those who focus on self-awareness have a greater familiarity

with self-regulation and motivation (Kelly, Crawford, Gowen, Richardson, Sunram-Lea,

2017). For these students, self-awareness is crucial when forming decisions within

academia such as declaring a major, or changing one's field of study (Mahasneh & Al-

alwan, 2012). If the student is aware of their motivators, thoughts, and feelings about

college, they can make informed decisions that will help them be motivated to do well in

their field of study. Kelly et. al (2017) found that motivation levels are main predictor of

self-control over one's behavior. Research has suggested that self-control/self-

regulation is linked to motivation levels. Those students who report having intrinsic

motivation also exhibited higher self-control when performing tasks (Kelly et al., 2017).

They were able to focus on tasks for a longer time period than those who did not report

high motivation levels (Kelly et al., 2017). Motivation allows the students to push

through after depleting energy resources to finish the task, and awareness of motivation

levels can help students learn to control and regulate their behavior to be academically


We believe that a student’s motivation and confidence in their abilities are some of the

most important factors in their long-term academic success. Intrinsically motivated

learners become life-long learners. Students who struggle with executive function can

have great difficulty with academic assignments and often experience negative impacts

on their grades over time. Academic failures can damage a student’s self-belief and

motivation to keep trying and their confidence that they can be successful in school

(Engaging Minds, 2020)

Dictionary of Psychology (2018) defines self-confidence as an individual’s trust in

his/her own abilities, capacities and judgements or belief that he or she can successfully

face day to day challenges and demands.

Self-confidence had significant role in academic performance development, learning

and success. Self-confidence was found as a predictor of academic performance. Better

the self -confidence better the academic performance. However, both teachers as well

as parents had a significant role in boosting self-esteem as well as self-confidence

among students for improving academic performance as well as learning ability among

students (Ballane, 2019). Self-confidence had a significant effect on learning process

among students, sharing of opinions, developing relations with peers as well as

teachers, seeking goals, controlling anxiety as well as developing interest in lessons to

learn more effectively were determined by level of self-confidence (Akbari & Sahibzada,

2020). Self-confidence has significant role in development of academic performance,

learning and success. Self-confidence acts as a predictor of academic performance.

Better the self -confidence better the academic performance. Genuine self-confidence is

the precursor for achievements. Self-confidence assimilates the powers of body and
mind directs them towards the goal. Mere knowledge and abilities cannot make one, a

successful person. Self-confidence is the prerequisite for development, progress and




Indeed Editorial Team. (2021, February 23). FAQ: Do Employers Care About GPA? Indeed

Career Guide. Retrieved April 1, 2022, from

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