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Self-efficacy beliefs are distinctive because they refer to the process of learning rather than outcomes of it.

The distinction between process and outcome beliefs is central to a social cognitive perspective on learning and
motivation, a topic we address next. Subsequently, we consider students’ intellectual self-regulation from a triadic
perspective, key self-regulatory processes and self-motivational beliefs, a
developmental perspective on how process goals become linked to outcome
goals, and how proactive process learners differ from reactive outcome learners in their cycles of self-regulation and
their sense of personal agency.
Finally, we consider challenges to students’ use of self-regulatory processes,
such as counterproductive outcomes

Figure 4 shows the overall self-efficacy profile that is owned by students. There are 33
students having high self-efficacy category and 10 with very high self-efficacy category. The
percentage of the two criteria are 43% and 10% respectively. The high self-efficacy of students
is supported by confidence in the mastery of chemical materials, in the ability to solve problems,
in the execution of tasks that are challenging, in the persistence possessed, and in the
strategies possessed to achieve maximum results. Meanwhile, 17 students had low self-efficacy
and 17 with very low efficacy. The low self-efficacy of students has an impact on the tendency of
studentsto be passive and reluctant to face a challenge. There are 4 factors that determine
one's self-efficacy, namely 1) experience, 2) phsychology, 3) verbal persuasion, and 4)
emotional [10]. The most influential factor of the four factors is the experience factor which
refers to the successes and failures that have been achieved. Success will increase one's self-
efficacy and failure is the opposite. Motivation from self and the environment can be used as a
treatment to improve the low self-efficacy of a person.

Figure 6 shows the overall percentage comparison of students self-efficacy level in learning acid-base.
A total 52% of students have good category (57 students), 46% show have fair category (50 students), and
2% have very good category (2 students). Generally, most senior high school students have good and fair
level category. There not found students who have poor category and very poor category. This result
show that mostly students have beliefs in their ability when learning acid-base.

Students’ beliefs is a key role in affecting behavior both directly and indirectly, it impacts personal
determinants including aspirations and goals, outcome expectations, affective inclinations, and social
insecurity and self-doubt. So, it is important measuring and describing students’ self-efficacy to ensure
that it is domain-specific. Hence, more attention should be given by teacher to 50 students in fair
category, so can be known the reasons/obstacles that students encountered in learning acid-base.
Furthermore, students in good and very good category also remains to be given attention. It will make
students more motivated in learning acid-base. Students who fell confident to understand and doing task
about acid-base matter will achieve better than students who not confident with their ability. One study
stated that self-efficacy strongly influences students’ motivation to learn. For instance, students with high
self-efficacy accept more challenging tasks, exert more effort, persist longer, use more effective
strategies, and generally perform better if compared to students with low self-efficacy [8].

Bandura elaborates (1995) on the

Components of self-efficacy beliefs as being effective, cognitive, and motivational, and

Therefore effectively controlling the person's feelings, thought processes, selfmotivation, and behavioral traits.

Because efficacy perception has

Considering the role of self-efficacy beliefs in students’ attitude towards their processes and outcomes,
examining ways of increasing students’ self-efficacy

Because efficacy perception has a key role in affecting

highlights personal determinants including aspirations and goals, outcomes expectations, affective inclinations,
and social insecurity and self-doubt.

SEBs are not necessarily

related to the skills individuals actually possess, but how they
perceive their own capabilities for a specific task. Accordingly,
people with higher perceptions of their capabilities set up
standards against which to evaluate their performance and
strive to realize those goals (Bandura, 1977). As a result, people
with higher SEBs are more likely to perform difficult tasks than
their counterparts with low SEBs (Bandura and Schunk, 1981;
Fairbrother, 2000). Due to this, students with high self-efficacy
beliefs have higher academic motivation, put forth more effort,
and are more persistent when doing classroom activities than
students with lower SEBs (Zimmerman and Lebeau, 2000)

nanti hasil assessment siswanya itu digunakan sebagai landasan guru dalam mengenali karakter belajar
siswanya lebih dalam
siswa dgn self-efficasy rendah diberi pengawasan lebih dgn cara mencari alasan/hambatan yg dialami
siswa tersebut dalam belajar yg membuat self efficacynya rendah
untuk yg self efficacy tinggi juga tetap harus terus diberi perhatian dgn cara terus memberi motivasi
belajar sehingga self efficacynya ttp tinggi

elf efficacy hanya salah satu assessment yg bisa digunakan, tentu saja alangkah baiknya menggunakan
banyak faktor untuk menilai sikap siswa seperti motivasi belajar dll sehingga penilaian sikap yg
guru berikan lebih akurat
Acid-base is a major component of chemistry.

beliefs in learning acid-base will

understand acid-base chemistry in all its guises, it

becomes possible to predict and explain the outcomes of a wide
range of apparently unrelated reactions.

Students who feel confident in their ability to use metacognitive and selfmotivational behaviors are likely to be
high in self-efficacy-the belief that one's own efforts (rather than luck or other people or other external or
uncontrollable factors) determine one's success or failure. Self-efficacy beliefs are perhaps the most important factor
(after ability) in determining students' success in school (Bandura, 1997; Schunk & Zimmerman, 2003).

Schunk, D. H., & Zimmerman, B. J. (2003). Self-regulation

and learning. In W. M. Reynolds & G. E. Miller (Eds.),
Handbook of psychology: Vol. 7. Educational psychology
(pp. 59-78). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Bandura, A. (1997). Self-eflcacy: The exercise of control. New

Yorlt: Freeman.

It means that every student has belief in himself though only a little.
Students of group C got highest percentage on very good category of self-
efficacy. One of the most striking sign observed was they more likely to
approach challenging task. In group Amore than half students were in fair
category. It may be there was no online phase in learning activity of group
A. Therefore, their experience were less than the other two groups.
Discussion activity of group A was also not as much as group B and C, so
they got less experience to solve problem and explore deeper and broader
to the related material. While group B and C were given time in online
phase to discuss the difficult material that simulate them to learn broader to
the related material. When one of students asked about difficult material
then they discussed it, thusall student in online forum could read the
discussion and enrich their knowledge. It was indirectly increase their belief
of their capability to solve further task. There were still a small percentage
of students who had poor category of self-efficacy. These students
observed that they had low self-efficacy belief from the beginning of the
lesson. Students’ own succeed and failure is strongly affect their self-
efficacy [10]. Students feel more belief that they can succeed at a task
when they have succeeded in the similar task in the past [1]. These student
gained poor score in previous chemistry materials, so they feel that they
could not master current material too. Even when they were given an extra
time to ask and discuss the material which they did notunderstand,they
refused and did not show more effort to understand it. Succeed and failure
of others also affected students’ self-efficacy [10]. When student who
considered as the smart one failed to solve a task, the other students feel
that they certainly will not able to

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