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1.1 Company Profile:

Rayds Services Private Limited is a 2 years 3 months old Private Limited Indian Non-Government Company
incorporated on 17 Dec 2020. Its registered office is in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
2 Directors are associated with the organization. Seema Hariprasad Jaiswal and Dhirendra Jayshankar Jaiswal are
presently associated as directors.
Rayds Services Private Limited - Service Provider of b2b solutions, software development services & ticket
booking services in Mumbai, Maharashtra.

1.2 Existing System and Need for System

The existing system for the cruise website is designed to facilitate the booking and management of cruise vacations.
Typically, this website provide a user-friendly interface where users can browse through various cruise options,
view itineraries, check availability, and make reservations. They also offer features such as filtering options to
narrow down search results based on specific preferences like destination, cruise line, duration, or price range. The
existing system allows users to create an account, providing them with access to personalized profiles, where they
can save their preferences, track bookings, and receive notifications or updates about their upcoming cruises.
Additionally, the website may provide information on onboard amenities, dining options, entertainment, and shore
excursions to help users make informed decisions. Payment processing is an integral part of the existing system,
with secure online payment methods available to complete bookings. Overall, the existing system aims to offer a
seamless and convenient experience for users to explore, plan, and book their desired cruise vacations.

1.3 Scope of Work

The scope of work for the cruise website report includes an analysis of the current website's functionality, design,
and user experience. This involves evaluating the existing system's features such as booking and reservation
management, search and filtering options, user profiles, payment processing, and information display. The report
will also address any identified issues or areas of improvement, propose enhancements to enhance user satisfaction,
and recommend strategies for optimizing the website's performance. Additionally, the scope includes assessing the
website's compatibility with different devices and browsers, as well as evaluating its responsiveness and loading
speed. The report aims to provide actionable insights and recommendations to enhance the overall functionality and
user experience of the cruise website.

1.4 Operating Environment – Hardware and Software:-

Hardware Specification:-
➢ Processor: Dual-core or above
➢ RAM: 4GB or above
➢ Hard Disk: 100 GB or above

Software and Language Requirements:-

➢ Operating system:
o Linux
o Windows 7
o or above
➢ Frontend:
o Html
o Bootstrap
o or its equivalent software
➢ Back End:

➢ Database:

➢ Web browser:
o Google Chrome
o MS Edge
o Firefox.

2.1 Proposed System:

In the proposed system, users will be able to access the cruise website by simply logging into the application. Once
logged in, they will have immediate access to a comprehensive database of available routes and cruises. The
website will feature an intuitive search function that allows users to quickly find their desired cruise options based
on various criteria such as destination, cruise line, duration, or price range.

Upon selecting a preferred cruise, users will be guided through a streamlined booking process, where they can
easily provide necessary details and preferences. The proposed system will prioritize a user-friendly interface that
minimizes the number of steps required for booking completion, ensuring a hassle-free experience.
To facilitate successful transactions, the proposed system will integrate secure payment processing mechanisms,
offering a variety of payment options including credit/debit cards, online wallets, or other popular digital payment
methods. Users can rest assured that their personal and financial information will be protected throughout the
booking process.

The proposed system will also emphasize the importance of displaying comprehensive information about each
cruise, including detailed descriptions, high-quality images, and relevant amenities. Users will have access to
comprehensive information about onboard facilities, dining options, entertainment choices, and shore excursions,
enabling them to make well-informed decisions.

By implementing this proposed system, the cruise website aims to provide users with a convenient and efficient
booking process. With simplified login procedures, quick access to route information, and a seamless booking
experience, users can easily plan and secure their dream cruise vacations.

2.2 Objectives of System:

The objectives of the proposed system for the cruise website report are as follows:

 Improve user experience: Enhance the overall usability and functionality of the website to provide users
with a seamless and enjoyable browsing and booking experience.

 Streamline booking process: Simplify and optimize the booking process to minimize steps and reduce
user effort, enabling quick and efficient transactions.

 Enhance search and filtering options: Implement advanced search and filtering functionalities to help
users find their desired cruise options based on specific preferences, making it easier to discover relevant

 Integrate secure payment processing: Ensure the integration of trusted and secure payment gateways,
allowing users to make transactions confidently and securely.

 Provide comprehensive information: Display detailed and accurate information about cruises, including
descriptions, amenities, dining options, and shore excursions, to enable users to make informed

 Optimize performance and compatibility: Enhance website performance by optimizing loading speed
and ensuring compatibility across different devices and browsers, providing a consistent experience for
all users.

 By achieving these objectives, the proposed system aims to

enhance user satisfaction, increase conversion rates, and improve the overall functionality and
performance of the cruise website.

2.3 Detail Description of Technology Used:

In the development of the cruise booking website project, a variety of technologies were utilized to create a
comprehensive and functional web application. Here is a detailed description of each technology:



HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the standard markup language for creating the structure and content of
web pages. It uses a set of tags to define the elements and their relationships on a web page. HTML provides the

basic building blocks for displaying text, images, links, tables, forms, and other media on the cruise booking
website. It ensures proper content organization, semantic structure, and accessibility.
With HTML, developers can define the hierarchical structure of the web page using tags such as <html>, <head>,
and <body>. These tags encapsulate the entire document and specify the document's metadata and content. HTML
tags also allow for the inclusion of external resources like CSS stylesheets and JavaScript scripts to enhance the
website's presentation and interactivity.

HTML provides a wide range of tags for creating various elements, including headings (<h1> to <h6>), paragraphs
(<p>), lists (<ul>, <ol>, <li>), images (<img>), links (<a>), forms (<form>, <input>, <textarea>), and tables
(<table>, <tr>, <td>). By using appropriate HTML tags and attributes, developers can structure and format the
content in a semantically meaningful way.

The purpose of a web browsers to read HTML documents and compose them into visi- ble or audible web pages.
The browser does not display the HTML tags but uses the tags to interpret the content of the page. HTML describes
the structure of a website semantically along with cues for presentation, making it a markup language rather than a
programming language.

In summary, HTML forms the foundation of web development by defining the structure and content of web pages.
It allows developers to create a well-organized and semantically meaningful layout for the cruise booking website,
ensuring a smooth and user-friendly browsing experience.


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language used to define the presentation and visual layout of web
pages. It works in conjunction with HTML to enhance the design and appearance of the cruise booking website.
CSS allows developers to control various aspects of the website's presentation, including colors, fonts, spacing,
layout, and animations. It provides a wide range of selectors and properties that define how HTML elements should
be styled. Selectors target specific elements or groups of elements, while properties define the desired visual
properties such as font size, background color, margin, and padding.

By separating the presentation from the content, CSS allows for greater flexibility and maintainability. Styles
defined in CSS can be applied consistently across multiple web pages, ensuring a cohesive and professional look
throughout the cruise booking website. CSS also enables responsiveness, allowing the website to adapt its layout
and appearance based on different screen sizes and devices.

CSS supports the concept of cascading, where multiple styles can be applied to an element based on their
specificity and order of declaration. This allows for easy customization and overriding of styles as needed.
Additionally, CSS provides the ability to create reusable style rules, classes, and IDs, promoting code reusability
and efficiency.

Advanced CSS features, such as transitions, transformations, and animations, allow for the creation of interactive
and engaging user experiences on the cruise booking website. These features enable smooth transitions between
states, transformations of elements, and animations of properties.

CSS3, the latest version of CSS, introduced many new features and capabilities, including media queries for
responsive design, flexbox and grid layout for advanced page layouts, and custom properties (CSS variables) for
easier style management.

In summary, CSS plays a crucial role in defining the visual presentation and layout of the cruise booking website. It
allows for customization, responsiveness, and enhanced user experience, ensuring that the website is visually
appealing and user-friendly.


Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework used for building responsive and mobile-first websites. It provides a
comprehensive set of CSS styles, JavaScript components, and pre-designed templates that streamline the
development process and enhance the design of the cruise booking website.
One of the key benefits of using Bootstrap is its responsive grid system. It allows developers to create a flexible and
responsive layout that automatically adjusts to different screen sizes and devices. The grid system is based on a 12-
column layout, making it easy to create responsive designs that adapt to various viewport sizes, from desktop
screens to mobile devices.

Bootstrap also offers a wide range of pre-styled CSS components such as navigation bars, buttons, forms, alerts,
cards, modals, and dropdowns. These components can be easily integrated into the cruise booking website, saving
development time and ensuring consistency in design across different pages.

In addition to the CSS components, Bootstrap includes a collection of JavaScript plugins that add interactivity and
functionality to the website. These plugins enable features such as carousels, tooltips, popovers, modals, and form
validation. By leveraging these ready-to-use components and plugins, developers can enhance the user experience
and add dynamic elements to the cruise booking website with minimal effort.

Another advantage of using Bootstrap is its extensive documentation and community support. The official
Bootstrap documentation provides detailed information, examples, and guidelines on how to use the framework
effectively. Additionally, there is a vast community of developers who contribute to Bootstrap, offering support,
tutorials, and additional resources.

Bootstrap is highly customizable, allowing developers to override the default styles and customize the framework
to match the unique design requirements of the cruise booking website. Customization options include modifying
colors, typography, spacing, and even creating custom components.

By utilizing Bootstrap in the project, the development team can leverage a powerful and flexible framework to
create a visually appealing, responsive, and user-friendly cruise booking website. Bootstrap's grid system, pre-
styled components, JavaScript plugins, documentation, and customization options contribute to efficient
development and consistent design across the website.



SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language used for managing and manipulating relational
databases. It is widely used in web development projects, including the cruise booking website, for storing,
retrieving, and manipulating data.
SQL provides a set of commands and statements that allow developers to interact with the database. These
commands include creating and modifying database tables, inserting and updating data, querying and retrieving
data, and managing database permissions.

The cruise booking website utilizes SQL to create a relational database schema that represents the various entities
and relationships within the system. The schema includes tables to store information about cruises, customers,
bookings, cities, and other relevant data. Each table consists of columns that define the attributes or properties of
the entities, such as cruise ID, customer name, booking date, and city name.
SQL queries are used to retrieve specific data from the database. Developers can write SELECT statements to fetch
data based on specified conditions or criteria. SQL also provides powerful features such as aggregate functions
(SUM, COUNT, AVG), sorting (ORDER BY), filtering (WHERE), joining tables (INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN), and
grouping (GROUP BY) to perform complex queries and obtain meaningful insights from the data.
In addition to querying data, SQL enables developers to modify and update the database. INSERT statements are
used to add new records into the tables, while UPDATE statements allow for modifying existing data. DELETE
statements are used to remove unwanted records from the tables.
SQL also supports data integrity and security through constraints and permissions. Developers can define
constraints such as primary keys, foreign keys, and unique constraints to ensure data consistency and referential
integrity. Access permissions can be granted or revoked to different database users to control data access and
Various database management systems (DBMS) such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite support SQL. These
systems provide the underlying infrastructure for storing and managing the data used by the cruise booking website.
SQL statements are executed through the DBMS to interact with the database.
In summary, SQL is a vital technology used in the cruise booking website project for managing and manipulating
the relational database. It enables the storage and retrieval of data, supports complex querying, ensures data
integrity, and provides security features. SQL plays a crucial role in the efficient management of data for the
website, allowing for seamless interaction and retrieval of information.



PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a popular server-side scripting language used for web development. It is widely
utilized in the cruise booking website project to handle dynamic content, server-side processing, and database

PHP allows developers to embed code within HTML, making it easy to generate dynamic web pages. It provides a
wide range of functions and features that facilitate tasks such as form processing, data validation, file handling, and
session management. PHP code is executed on the server, generating HTML output that is sent to the client's

In the cruise booking website project, PHP is used to handle user interactions, process form submissions, and
perform server-side validations. It enables the retrieval and manipulation of data from the database, allowing users
to search for cruises, view details, make bookings, and manage their accounts.

One of the key advantages of PHP is its extensive database support. It provides built-in functions and extensions
that allow seamless integration with different database management systems (DBMS) such as MySQL,
PostgreSQL, and SQLite. PHP's database connectivity features enable the retrieval, insertion, updating, and
deletion of data from the database, ensuring efficient data management for the cruise booking website.

PHP also supports various frameworks, such as Laravel, CodeIgniter, and Symfony, which provide a structured and
efficient way to develop web applications. These frameworks offer features like routing, MVC (Model-View-
Controller) architecture, database abstraction layers, and security mechanisms. They promote code organization,
reusability, and maintainability, enhancing the development process and scalability of the cruise booking website.

Additionally, PHP has a large and active community, which means developers can find extensive documentation,
tutorials, and libraries to aid in the development process. The PHP community actively contributes to the language,
ensuring regular updates, bug fixes, and security enhancements.

PHP runs on various web servers, with Apache being one of the most popular choices. Apache, an open-source web
server software, provides a robust and secure environment for running PHP scripts. It handles the HTTP requests
and responses, serving the dynamically generated PHP content to the clients.

XAMPP is a widely used software package that includes Apache, MySQL (a popular DBMS), PHP, and other tools
necessary for web development. XAMPP provides a local development environment, allowing developers to set up
and test the cruise booking website on their personal machines before deployment.

In summary, PHP is a versatile server-side scripting language utilized in the cruise booking website project for
dynamic content generation, database interactions, and server-side processing. It offers extensive database support,
frameworks for efficient development, and benefits from a large community. PHP, in combination with Apache and
tools like XAMPP, provides a comprehensive environment for developing and deploying web applications.



XAMPP is a widely used software package that facilitates local web development and testing environments. It is an acronym
for "X" (cross-platform), Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database, PHP scripting language, and Perl programming language.
In the cruise booking website project, XAMPP is employed as a development toolset to create and test the website before
deploying it to a live server.

XAMPP bundles together all the necessary components required for web development, making it convenient and efficient for
developers. It includes the Apache web server, which handles the HTTP requests and responses, enabling the hosting of web
pages and the execution of PHP scripts. Apache is a stable and reliable server that provides a robust environment for serving
web content.

The MySQL database, another essential component of XAMPP, allows for the storage and retrieval of data used by the cruise
booking website. MySQL is a powerful and widely used relational database management system (DBMS) that provides
efficient data management capabilities. With XAMPP, developers can easily set up and configure a MySQL database for the
website's data storage needs.

PHP, the scripting language integrated into XAMPP, is utilized to develop dynamic and interactive web pages. It enables
server-side processing, allowing the execution of code and the generation of HTML content on the server before sending it to
the client's browser. PHP is versatile, easy to learn, and has a vast array of functions and libraries available, making it an ideal
choice for web development.

XAMPP also includes other tools and utilities, such as Perl, which is a widely used programming language for various web-
related tasks. Perl can be used for tasks like text processing, file manipulation, and automation, providing additional flexibility
and functionality to the cruise booking website project.

One of the significant advantages of XAMPP is its cross-platform compatibility, meaning it can be installed and used on
different operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux. This makes it convenient for developers working on various
platforms to collaborate and share the same development environment.

Overall, XAMPP simplifies the setup and configuration of a local web development environment by bundling Apache,
MySQL, PHP, Perl, and other necessary tools. It provides a seamless way to develop, test, and debug the cruise booking
website before deploying it to a live server. XAMPP's cross-platform compatibility, stability, and the inclusion of essential
web development components make it a valuable technology for the successful implementation of the project.


MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that is widely used in various web
development projects, including the cruise booking website project. It provides a robust and scalable solution for
storing, managing, and retrieving data efficiently.
The MySQL software consists of several components, including the MySQL Server, which is responsible for
handling database operations. The server manages the storage and retrieval of data, enforces data integrity through
constraints, and ensures the security of the database. It supports concurrent connections, allowing multiple users to
access and manipulate data simultaneously.
One of the key advantages of MySQL is its SQL (Structured Query Language) interface. SQL provides a
standardized language for interacting with the database, allowing developers to define, manipulate, and query data
using a set of commands and statements. With MySQL, developers can create and modify database objects such as
tables, views, indexes, and stored procedures using SQL.
MySQL supports a wide range of data types, including numeric, string, date/time, and more, enabling flexibility in
storing different types of data. It also offers advanced features such as indexing, which enhances query performance
by speeding up data retrieval, and transaction support, which ensures data integrity and consistency even in
complex operations.
The MySQL software can be easily integrated with various programming languages, making it compatible with
different application development frameworks. In the cruise booking website project, MySQL is used in
conjunction with PHP, allowing developers to execute SQL queries from PHP scripts to interact with the database.
This seamless integration enables efficient data retrieval, insertion, updating, and deletion operations within the
Additionally, MySQL provides administrative tools and utilities for managing and monitoring the database. These
tools allow database administrators to configure server settings, optimize performance, and perform backups and
restorations. They also offer security features to protect the data, such as user authentication and access control.
Being an open-source software, MySQL benefits from a vibrant community of developers and users who contribute
to its continuous development and improvement. The community provides extensive documentation, tutorials, and
support forums, making it easier for developers to learn and utilize MySQL effectively in their projects.
In summary, the MySQL software is a powerful and feature-rich RDBMS that serves as a core component in the
cruise booking website project. It offers a robust and scalable database solution with SQL querying capabilities,
support for various data types, integration with popular programming languages like PHP, and a range of
administrative tools. MySQL's flexibility, performance, and strong community support make it an excellent choice
for managing the project's data requirements.



Apache Server, often referred to as Apache HTTP Server, is a widely used open-source web server software. It
plays a crucial role in the development and deployment of the cruise booking website project by handling the
processing and delivery of web content to client browsers.

As a web server, Apache is responsible for accepting incoming HTTP requests from clients and delivering the
requested web pages or resources. It acts as the middle layer between the client's browser and the server-side scripts
or files. Apache supports multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it highly versatile
and compatible with different operating systems.

Apache is known for its stability, reliability, and scalability. It efficiently manages concurrent connections,
allowing multiple clients to access the website simultaneously. It handles various types of requests, including static
content such as HTML, CSS, and image files, as well as dynamic content generated by server-side scripts like PHP.
In the cruise booking website project, Apache is configured to serve the web pages and process PHP scripts. It
works in conjunction with PHP to execute the server-side code and generate dynamic content. Apache can interpret
PHP files and communicate with the PHP interpreter to execute the code and generate the corresponding HTML
output that is sent back to the client's browser.

Apache also provides various configuration options that allow developers to customize its behavior and optimize
performance. These configurations enable fine-tuning of settings related to caching, compression, security, and load
balancing, ensuring the website performs optimally in different scenarios.
Furthermore, Apache supports the use of modules, which are extensions that enhance its functionality. Developers
can choose from a wide range of modules to add features such as SSL/TLS encryption for secure communication,
URL rewriting for clean and search engine-friendly URLs, and access control for managing user permissions.
Apache's extensive documentation, large user community, and active development make it a reliable choice for web
server needs. It offers excellent compatibility with popular web technologies, making it a preferred option for
hosting PHP applications like the cruise booking website.
Overall, Apache Server plays a vital role in the cruise booking website project by handling client requests, serving
web pages, and executing PHP scripts. Its stability, scalability, and flexibility make it a reliable and widely adopted
web server software in the industry.


In the development of the cruise booking website project using PHP, the project team recognized the importance of
utilizing established software engineering methodologies to ensure a successful outcome. To achieve this, the team
leveraged the power of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD)

UML serves as a standardized graphical notation that enables the visualization, specification, and documentation of
various aspects of a software system. It provides a comprehensive set of diagrams and symbols that facilitate the
representation of the system's static structure, dynamic behavior, and the interaction between objects. By utilizing
UML, the team was able to create clear and concise visual representations of the cruise booking website's
architecture and functionalities.

On the other hand, OOAD is an approach to software engineering that revolves around modeling a system as a
collection of interacting objects. Each object represents a specific entity within the system and embodies its class,
state (data elements), and behavior. OOAD places emphasis on comprehending the problem domain, analyzing
requirements, and constructing a well-defined conceptual model that serves as the foundation for the software
solution. By adhering to OOAD principles, the team could effectively capture the core components and
functionalities of the cruise booking website, ensuring a robust and scalable design.

In the context of this PHP-based cruise booking website project, UML diagrams and OOAD principles were
instrumental in the analysis of the problem domain, the identification of the system's requirements, and the
subsequent design of an efficient and effective solution. The team employed a range of UML diagrams, such as
class diagrams, use case diagrams, and sequence diagrams, to visualize the system's structure, behavior, and
interactions, enabling clear communication and alignment among team members.

By incorporating UML and OOAD throughout the project lifecycle, the team achieved the development of a well-
structured and optimized PHP application for the cruise booking website. The initial analysis and design phase,
supported by UML diagrams and guided by OOAD principles, laid the groundwork for the subsequent stages of
development, testing, and deployment. This meticulous approach ensured that the final product delivered a
seamless and user-friendly experience for individuals looking to book cruise vacations.

In conclusion, the utilization of UML and OOAD in the development of the PHP-based cruise booking website
project played a pivotal role in establishing a solid foundation for its success. These methodologies empowered the
project team to analyze, design, and implement a comprehensive solution that met the requirements of the problem
domain, resulting in a robust, scalable, and user-centric website for booking cruise vacations.


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