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1. What are the key points in the module?

The 14 learner-centered principles consist of four categories: metacognitive and cognitive
factors with six (6) principles, affective and motivational factors with three (3) principles,
developmental and social factors with two (2) principles, and individual differences
factors with three (3) principles. It is possible to create learner-centered teaching
strategies at all levels of education by having a solid understanding of these domains and
the underlying principles.
2. Based on your readings, how can you apply the content from this module to your
daily life?
Based on what I've read, I believe I can use the module's content in my daily life. I must
first read the module content and comprehend it; next, I must apply it, particularly the
psychological principles. Finally, I will be able to use it in every circumstance of my life.
3. What insights did the module provide in your course?
The module provides insights into my course on how to begin the learning process, how
to inspire, and how to memorize or learn. By directing my abilities in the appropriate
directions, I am better able to guide myself. It educates me on who I am and what I'm
capable of.
4. How can the learning in this module improve your daily role in your school, family,
and community?
By serving, understanding, and learning the module first, then applying it to myself, the
knowledge I gain from it will help me play a better role in my school, family, and
community. thereby serving as a tool for me to become a better teacher in the future. I
will instruct and support others in their learning, especially my family and community.

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