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Roger Michel KUBWIMANA

Question 1
i. In the current digital word, Digital marketing has become the best approach reach out and
attract more people to consumption because more and more people are now connected, all
over the world through internet. Thus, adopting marketing strategy to this digital and
connected word is the way to go.
To promote/market any destination using digital marketing, one has to be creative to design
and develop web content, graphic designs and various multimedia contents promoting the
destination that will be shared over the internet to capture the attention of the consumer and
create necessity and desire to visit the destination.

However, internet content has become so immense that it’s sometimes difficult to find easily
what you are looking for, which require a need to adapt by using different technics to ease
how to find the destination you are promoting. The use of SEO, keywords, hashtags, SEM,
paid ads, PPC and social media presence arise as one of the solutions to capture attention to
the destination.

The main digital marketing platforms I would use are:

 Web: By the web I meant developing content shared thought a dedicated website that
create attention of the reader with information that enhance the desire to visit, with
significant details to make his/her decision quicker.
 Google AdWords: Google has become one main search engines across the internet with
most of average people believing it’s the only one, (sadly!). Thus, by using this google
marketing services, you are enhancing your presence in search results of targeted
population leading them to visiting your website where they will get more information
about the destination.
 Google Analytics: Through this platform, it become possible to collect information on
your website traffic. This lead to quick adaption of your marketing strategy and campaign
to the trends and insight of your audience.
 Social media: Social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TiKToK, Pinterest or
LinkedIn) has become one of the best channel to reach out more people. Through social
media, it becomes easier to communicate and spread quickly information to an audience.
A great portion of the population spend now more time over those platforms than visiting
websites. Depending on the targeted population, the strategy may vary for each social
media platform. The digital market has to adapt.
 Targeted emails: Emails are the modern mails and can be efficient in sharing useful
information to the target audience. They are used by many and can be useful tool as well
to promote a destination.
Among software, I would use to promote a destination, let me mention:

 DaVinci, Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator: These tools will be mainly used to create
content that convey our message and spread over the platforms aforementioned.
 Google Power Bi and Python: These tools will be used for data mining and collection.
By collecting data, you can get insight on your audience thus target them efficiently of
the digital platforms.
 Spreadsheets: A useful tool with incredible features and will help to keep databases of
your contacts for analysis and reporting purposes.
 Chat bots: By developing chat bot, you are creating easy interactions and engaging with
your audience to respond to their queries more quickly leading to high conversion of your
web visitors into your customers.

ii. Search engine are useful in enhancing your presence and how your audience will find your
destination over the internet. By using Searching Engine Optimization techniques and search
engine marketing you are more likely to attract more people to your website. Thus, by using
Keywords in all your web content, web URL, titles, and shared links it become easier to be in
search engine results which enhance your visibility over the internet.

Question 2

What I like about digital marketing is that it’s a dynamic fields and you need to follow trends and
changes to adapt your strategies in order to better attract your audience to the destination you are
promoting. Thus, there is a constant adaption to change leading to more challenges which
motivate to find solutions and mitigations measures.
With the current situation of Covid-19 pandemic crisis, it become clear how digital marketing is
key in the marketing industry such as MICE. People were not moving as usual and getting
information was through digital platforms. Thus, enhancing digital marketing was the best way to
reach your audience. By developing and creating more digital campaign the industry was able to
survive even if it was heavily impacted.
The current trend in digital marketing is to create a user-friendly virtual experience (short videos,
virtual preview of the product, …) that allow users to get insight on what to expect from the
product/services you want to promote and share them over social media to spread the information.
That user experience has to be straight forward for the user with
a user – experience centric approach. For instance, the website must me clean and pleasant for the
user taking into account they may not have much time to spend figuring out how to navigate on
your website.

Question 3

The most important qualities for a digital marketing is to be creative and flexible to adapt to
trends and dynamics of the industry. My success story was the development of a digital campaign
to promote our products. I work for a tech company and our products being software, I had first to
learn and understand our customers, their behaviors and adapt our digital strategy for efficient
reach out. I designed and created content that twisted their impression on how Rwandan tech
company can provide world-class solutions that can enhance their business. Our main client being
the microfinance sector and mainly leaving in rural area, I had to use digital channels on which I
was sure I can reach them efficiently. We redesigned our website, used online platforms such as
skypes to engage with them and support them, and interviews and coverage of our activities
through local media and press. We also used digital platforms such as twitter for coverage of our
participations to the African Microfinance Week, a bi-annual conference, where where all players
and stakeholders in Africa are present from all over the world. After such event, follow up and
engaging contacts met lead to negotiations and further contracting.
The shared content was straight forward with facts and useful information that we got a 35%
growth in number of new institutions and organizations and a 60% increase in number of more
solutions/modules subscriptions.

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