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Materials Science and Engineering, 92 (1987) 13-21 13

Residual Stress Evaluation of a Cold-rolled Steel Strip Using X-rays and a Layer
Removal Technique*


Institut fiir Werkstoffkunde, Rheinisch-Westfdlische Technische Hochschule, Templergraben 55, D-5100 Aachen

Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institut fiir Nukleare Festkhrperphysik, Postfach 3640, D-7500 Karlsruhe
(Received July 30, 1986)

ABSTRACT two different wavelengths on an equivalent

specimen. In order to separate the influence
In terplanar spacingD{hkl} VS. sin2t~ distribu- of macrostresses and microstresses on the ob-
tions were measured on the surface o f a cold- served strains, the measurements were per-
rolled steel strip with Cr K s radiation for the form ed on several reflection lines, i.e. (211},
(211} reflection and with Mo K s radiation (200}, (631}, (732 + 651} and (721 + 633 +
for the (631}, (732 + 651} and (721 + 633 + 552}, at the surface and on deeper layers after
552} reflections. Additional measurements etching. In addition, we report results of a
were p e r f o r m e d for the (211} and (732 + determination of the macrostresses from the
651} reflections after the sample had been deflection of samples after the removal of
progressively thinned d o w n by electrochemical surface layers by etching.
etching. E x c e p t for the {732 + 651} reflec- As the state of the material has been des-
tion, all D vs. sin2~b curves were f o u n d to be cribed in detail in ref. 1, we shall not pursue
non-linear. The residual macrostresses were this topic here. Similarly, we wish to point
evaluated from the deflection o f stepwise and o u t that a list of publications dealing with
o f continuously etched specimens. By corn- the problems of stress measurements on steels
parison o f these results with the X-ray data having preferred orientations was given in ref.
and with the results o f a neutron diffraction 1. In Section 2, we shall describe the experi-
study on an equivalent sample the distribu- mental details and the results of the X-ray
tion o f the residual microstresses could be measurements. Section 3 is devoted to the
determined. Conclusions are drawn for the investigation of the residual macrostresses
determination o f residual stresses in textured by the deflection m et hod. In Section 4 the
materials by X-ray diffraction, results o f this study and of ref. 1 will be dis-
cussed with respect to the variation in bot h
macrostresses (type I residual stresses) and
1. INTRODUCTION microstresses (type II residual stresses) as a
funct i on of distance f r o m the surface. Finally,
In the acco mp an yi ng paper [1] the residual conclusions will be drawn concerning the
stress state o f a cold-rolled, heavily t e x t u r e d devel opm ent of a m e t h o d suitable for stress
steel strip has been studied by means of neut- analysis in t e x t u r e d materials.
r o n diffraction. In this paper, we r e p o r t re-
sults o f measurements made with X-rays of
*Some of the measurements given in the paper have
been presented at the German Fachausschui~tagung Some of the measurements r e p o r t e d here
Spannungsmei~technik, Erding, F.R.G., October 12, were carried out 3 years ago. According to
1984. the standard of that time, the lattice spacing

0025-5416/87/$3.50 © Elsevier Sequoia/Printed in The Netherlands


D was measured for positive and negative @ the peak positions was generally less than
values up to sin2@ ~< 0.5, where @ is the angle 0.01 °.
between the normal to the specimen surface For easy comparison of the results obtained
and the reflecting planes. Recently [2, 3] the from different reflection lines, all measured
measuring technique has been improved, al- D values were converted to {100} spacings.
lowing D vs. sine@ distributions to be deter- Lattice strains were calculated from the dif-
mined up to sin e @ ~< 0.9. All results presented ference between the observed D values and
in this paper dating from the later period meet Do = 0.286 699 nm obtained for a specimen
the improved standard. Moreover, some of the which had been annealed in vacuum for 1 h
previous measurements were extended to at 470 °C, slowly cooled and etched to a depth
higher @ values, of 0.2 mm.
The X-ray measurements were carried o u t The D vs. sin2@ distributions measured in
following the lines described in refs. 4-6. A the rolling direction (RD) and in the trans-
survey of the specimens investigated and the verse direction (TD) on the as-manufactured
details of the measurements is given in Table surface are shown in Figs. 1-4. The corres-
1. Using chromium powder (Do = 0.288 528 ponding relative intensities axe also given. The
nm) the diffractometers were adjusted so that positions of poles of the ideal orientations
the peak position was independent of ~ to {100}<011>, { l l l } < 2 i i > and {211}<01i> are
within +0.01 ° in 20. The counting times were indicated by the letters A, B and C respective-
chosen such that the statistical error A(20) of ly. For multiple reflections, indices have been

List of the specimens and details of the X-ray measurements

Speci- Specimen Depth Mea- (hkl} Radia- 20 Slit Maxi- N u m b e r Fig-

men size (mm) surement tion (deg) K~I-KOL 2 mum o f mea- ure
(mm x mm) direction separa- sin2~ sure-
tion a ments

2.5 100 x 20 0 RD, TD (211} Cr 156 DS 0.5 1 1

2.5 100 X 20 0 RD, TD (732 + 651} Mo 154 ES 0.5 3-4 2
2.5 100 X 20 0 RD, TD {721 + 633 + Mo 131 ES, DT 0.6 2 4
2.5 100 × 20 0 RD, TD {631} Mo 114 ES, DT 0.6 2 3
2.5 100 x 20 0 RD, TD (530 + 433} Mo 92 ES, DT 0.6 1
2.5 90 X20 0.300 RD (211} Cr 156 ES, DT 0.9 1
2.5 90 × 20 0.300 RD (200} Cr 106 ES, DT 0.0 5
2.5 90 X20 0.300 RD (732 + 651} Mo 154 ES, DT 0.9 1
2.6 100 x 20 0 TD {200} Cr 106 ES, DT 0.9 3
2.7 100 × 20 0 RD {211} Cr 156 ES, DT 0.9 2 1
2.7 100 X20 0 RD (200} Cr 106 ES, DT 0.0 5 i
2.7 100 × 20 0 RD <732 +651} Mo 154 ES, DT 0.9 1 2
2.7 30 X20 0.250, RD {211} Cr 156 ES, DT 0.9 1 6, 7
2.7 30 × 20 0.250, RD (200} Cr 106 ES, DT 0.0 5 6, 7
2.7 3 0 x 20. 0.250, RD, TD ~732 + 651} Mo 154 ES, DT 0.9 1 6,7
1.4 200 × 20 0.075 b RD (211} Cr 156 ES, DT 0.9 1 5
1.4 200 x 20 0.0755 <200} Cr 106 ES, DT 0.0 5 5
1.4 200 × 20 0.0755 {732 + 651} Mo 154 ES, DT 0.9 1 5

The first and second measurements on specimen 2.5 were carried out with a ~ diffractometer; all other measure-
ments were performed with a @ diffractometer.
aDS, double slit; ES, single slit; DT separation of the doublet.
bRemoval of a layer on one side only; for all other specimens a layer was removed on both sides.

0.28~ 1 l I I l 'I I I I I I 1
I Aze.-.O,01 °

•- o ° ® ~ 8 0 °o ° ° ~ ~ °~° °~©8°
o • 0 ®-4 (
02867 8 • 8

°o 8

B l c A
0.2856 J I II I I I [ I [ I I I I [ I
0,2 0,4

o®©oOOg~OO®O~ ®

I I ] I I ] ] t ]
O0 0.2 0/, 0.6 0.8 1
( C) sin z

Fig. 1. Interplanar spacings v s. sin2~ in (a) the R D ( ~ = 0 °) and (b) the TD ( ~ = 9 0 ° ) , and (c) the relative intensi-
ties v s . sin2~ for the R D (9 = 0°), measured for the as-manufactured surface on the (211} reflection line w i t h
Cr K(~ radiation: 0, ~ < 0°; e, ~ > 0 °. The D spacing (A) measured at ~ = 0 ° on the ( 2 0 0 ) reflection line is also
given. The labelling of the ideal orientations is explained in Section 2.

0.28~8 [ l I I I I T I I I I I [
(~ A ZO .,0,01 °

?- 0 , z ~ 7 • - - 0~ ~ o e 0 o ~
= O~oo~
C, A'B'~ C~ B~ C' C' A;/C
0.2866 II Ill l I I t I I t l I I J __ l LL i J
0,2 04
Co) 1 © - g 0~0 c1O 0 • • r l o © ©i 0I b ) sinZ~

0 ] [ t 1 1 ] ]
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8
(c ) sinz qJ

Fig. 2, I n t e r p l a n a r spacings vs. sin2~ in (a) t h e R D ( ~ - - O°) and (b) t he T D ( ~ = 90 °) and (c) the relative intensi-
ties v s. sin2~ for the R D (~ = 0°), measured for the as-manufactured surface on the t w o f o l d reflection line {732 +
651 } w i t h Mo K0~ radiation: o, ~ < 0 ° ; o, ~ > 0 °.

0,Z868 I I i I I I I I I [
{ & ZO'~O, 01° • •

=- • • O •
o o~
,=~-0zm7 " ® o ~S S• ~ ®® o • ® o•~ 8 ®

c' B' B'

0,2855 I l l I I l I I I I I I I
0,2 0/,, 0,6 0 0,2 0,4 0,6
sin z 0~
(a) (b)

Fig. 3. Interplanar spacings v s . sin2~ in (a) the R D (~ : 0 °) and (b) the T D (~ = 90 ° ), measured for the as-manu-
factured surface on the r e f l e c t i o n line (631 } w i t h Mo K0~ radiation: o, ~ < 0°; e, ~ > 0 °.

O.Z8~ I I I I I I I I I r
~ A 2@ =_*0,01°

Cl B18z A1 8' Q B; C' A~ Cz B~

0.2866 II I I I II I II I II I I
0,2 0,4 0,6 0.2 0,4 0,6 sin 2 q~
(o) b)

F i g . 4. I n t e r p l a n a r s p a c i n g s v s . s i n 2 ~ in (a) t h e R D (~ = 0 ° ) a n d ( b ) t h e T D ( ~ = 9 0 °), m e a s u r e d f o r t h e a s - m a n u -
f a c t u r e d surface on the threefold reflection line {721 + 633 + 552) with Mo Ks radiation: o, ~ < 0°; t, ~ > 0°.

added to these letters, e.g. 1 stands for the slopes of the curves shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2
(651) c o m p o n e n t of the {732 + 651) reflec- respectively. In view of the strong non-linear-
tion line. A prime denotes that the pole does ity of the D{21z} vs. sin2~ distribution the
n o t lie exactly in the measuring direction but good agreement between the two stress values
that it is close to it ( ~ ~ 15°). should n o t be overvalued.
The shapes of the D vs. sin 2 ~ distributions To investigate the variation in the residual
of the (211) reflection are similar to those stresses across the thickness, three specimens
f o u n d in previous investigations on cold-rolled were thinned down by etching on one or both
steels [7], i.e. the curve is oscillating for the RD sides over the entire width (20 mm) and a
and is approximately a straight line for the TD. length of 10 mm (Table 2). In a further step
Pronounced non-linearities were also f o u n d the middle part of the third specimen was
for the reflection line (721 + 633 + 552} in etched to a final thickness of 0.3 mm.
the RD and the reflection line {732 + 651} Figures 5-7 give examples of lattice strain
in the TD, where the curve bends at sin2~ = distributions measured after etching. Obvi-
0.6. The other D vs. sin 2 ~ distributions are ously the characteristics of the curves are
essentially linear; in particular the linearity unchanged, i.e. strong oscillations for the
of the D vs. sin 2 ~ distribution of the (732 + (211} reflection and a linear behaviour, some-
651) reflection in the RD reported in previous times with considerable scattering, for the
publications [8,9] is confirmed. According to {732 + 651) reflection. From the slope of the
ref. 9, the linearity in this case can be e x - D{732+651} vs. sin2~ curves it is evident that
plained by two facts: (i) because of the high considerable compressive residual stresses
multiplicity of this reflection line, i.e. 96, there persist even after removal of relatively thick
are m a n y poles of the ideal orientations of a layers on both sides of the specimen (see
rolling texture close to the measuring direc- Table 2). Since type I residual stresses are
tion; (ii) the elastic anisotropy does n o t pro- largely relieved by the etching procedure, the
duce non-linearities for a rolling texture, at residual stresses observed have to be mainly
least up to sin 2 ~ = 0.5, owing to a compensa- type II stresses. Thus it is suggested that the
tion of the non-linearities calculated for the residual stresses observed for the as-manu-
{7 32} and the (651) lattice planes, factured surface also contain considerable
The average slopes of the curves depicted type II components. To separate type I resi-
in Figs. 1-4 indicate small compressive resi- dual stresses and type II residual stresses, we
dual stresses for both the RD and the TD. used a mechanical technique which is sensitive
Quantitative evaluation of stresses from the to macrostresses only.
observed strains was restricted to the RD and
the data obtained for the (211} and (732 +
651) reflections. Using the values ½s2 {2zz} = 3. DETERMINATION OF RESIDUAL MACRO-
5.76 X 10 -6 MPa -z and ~s2 {732+651} = 6.05 x STRESSESBY A LAYER REMOVAL TECHNIQUE
10 -6 MPa -z from ref. 4 for the X-ray elastic
constants, stress values a~ -- 03 of --39 MPa A m e t h o d for the determination of residual
and --28 MPa are computed from the average stresses by continuously removing thin layers

Residual stress values determined by X-ray diffraction on different samples

Depth o 1 -- a 3 (MPa) from the average slopes up to sin2~ = 0. 9 01 - a 3 (MPa) from the
(mm) for the following (hkl} and radiation { 211}( 011) group of
{211}, Cr (732 + 651}, Mo

0.000 --39 --28 --52

0.075 a 13 15 --26
0.250 --12 --44 --59
0.300 --56 --55 --97
0.350 --49 --59 98

For the sample preparation and details of the measurements see Table 1.
aRemoval of a layer on one side only; for all other specimens a layer was removed on both sides.

8.Z868 l I I T- I I I I ~ 0.Z868--F-~ I r T--T- ~ -- I I I --

,~&20=-*001 ° ,~ &28=_-0.01 °

°.o $ •
• o
oQ ~o ~
.= 0,2867 • © 8 • o • • ° 0.286; • o
o '-= 8 e • Q o •
0 • • 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 • 0 0
o o Q o ~ O o
o o~

0.2866 I ] ] l I _ I I _ I l 0.2866 l I ~ I J ~L I L I
(a) Ca)
0.Z868 I I I I I [ 1 I I 0,2868 r F 1 , ~ T ~'-- ~ r , ]
(~ & 2 8 =-* 0'01° ~ £ & z O ='* 0,01°

=E o o
o o°,o,o.°o.oooo
0,2867 o --- 0.2867 o o • o o

e~ • •


• "

" "
02866 I I I I I I l I I 02866 I 012 ~ t ._ t I I l I
03 0.4 0,6 0.8 ' . 0. 0.6 0.8
( b ) sin2q~ ( b ) sln2•

Fig. 5. D{hkl} VS. sin2~ in the RD (•= 0°), measured Fig. 6. D{hl~l} vs. sin2~ in the RD @ = 0°), measured
after removal of a 75 tim surface layer on one side us- after removal of layers of 250 tim thickness on both
ing (a) the (211} reflection line with Cr Ka radiation sides using (a) the (211} reflection line with Cr K a
and (b) the {732 + 651} reflection line with Mo Ka radiation and (b) the (732 + 651} reflection line with
radiation: o, ~ -<<0°; o, ~ > 0 °. The D spacing (A) Mo Ka radiation: o, ~ ~<0°; o, ~; > 0 °. The D spacing
measured at ~ = 0 ° on the (200} reflection line is (A) measured at ~ = 0 ° on the {200} reflection line is
also given, also given.

of material by electro-polishing while monitor- T D ) a n d y i e l d e d v e r y s i m i l a r r e s u l t s . T h e dis-

ing the resultant deformations of the sample tribution of the residual stresses obtained by
h a s b e e n p r e s e n t e d in r e f s . 10 a n d 11. T h e t h i s t e c h n i q u e is p l o t t e d in F i g . 8. E v i d e n t l y ,
a p p a r a t u s u s e d in o u r e x p e r i m e n t s h a s b e e n the residual macrostresses are tensile for both
d e s c r i b e d in r e f s . 12 a n d 1 3 . T h e r e s u l t s re- t h e R D a n d t h e T D in t h e l a y e r s c l o s e t o t h e
p o r t e d in t h i s s e c t i o n a r e p a r t l y b a s e d o n r a w s u r f a c e . T h e b a l a n c e o f f o r c e s is m a i n t a i n e d
d a t a s o m e o f w h i c h w e r e o b t a i n e d in a n e a r l i e r b y t h e c o m p r e s s i v e r e s i d u a l s t r e s s e s in t h e
i n v e s t i g a t i o n [ 1 4 ] . T h e size o f t h e s p e c i m e n centre of the strip.
w a s 1 4 6 m m X 21 m m . T w o s p e c i m e n s w e r e As the residual stresses obtained for the
measured for each direction (the RD and the surface do not agree with the X-ray values,

0,Z868 r. I e I u 1 r I I u 80 I I I
t{zoo} (} A ze =-'°'°1° ' If
• Rolling D i r e c t i o n / ~
0 0 •0 •

• o •
Oo~ o • 40-
o •
0 • •
0 0
0,2866 .... I I [ I L I [ I ] .-

(o) I~ , i , , , r ~ • ~ , 0

® O o o ® ® O ® o ® ® o • ~ "
H I • ®
"0 I t i [ I I i I I
0,Z868 r 1 1 1 I I I I I - ~0
~, ZO : ; 0,01 °

) e

_c • o
_ 02867 - o
0 [ I 1 i l

*~L..~ o°
-8 0,1 0 0,1 0,3 0.5
Distence from Center of the Specimen in mm

02866 I [ I I I L I I I Fig. 8. Residual s t r e s s e s v s . distance from t h e c e n t r e

i t i , i of the strip, as determined by the layer removal tech-
,..,~, 1 o
g~ g ~' ° ~ 0 ~ 0 o © © © o © ® o o nique.

0 ~ i i ~ i ; ~ L L removal technique, we have to consider that

0 o,z 0,4 0,6 0,8
( d) sin, ¢ all X-ray values measured after the etching of
the surface layers are affected by partial relief
Fig. 7. (a), (c)The interplanar spacings and (b), (d) of the residual macrostresses. Consequently
the intensities vs. sin2~ in the RD (~=0°), measured
after removal of layers of 350 pm thickness on both the X-ray values were corrected f o r stress
sides using (a), (b) the {211} reflection line with Cr relief using the residual stress distribution
Ks radiation and (c), (d) the {732 + 651} reflection shown in Fig. 8. A comparison of the cor-
line with Mo Ks radiation: o, ~ ~<0°; o, ~ > 0 °. rected X-ray values with the residual macro-
stresses in the RD det erm i ned by t he layer
removal technique, is given in Fig. 9. Evi-
t h e y were checked by additional exper i m ent s dently, there are systematic deviations be-
using a slightly d if fer e nt technique. T w o spec- tween the two stress distributions. This must
imens were etch ed in steps and the resultant be attributed to the fact t hat the strains mea-
deflections were measured after each step. sured by X-ray diffraction (and also by neu-
These experiments confirmed t hat at the sur- t ron diffraction) are caused by t y p e I and
face the residual macrostresses in the RD are t y p e II residual stresses. T y p e II residual stres-
tensile. Th e value obtained by this m e t h o d is ses in turn contain two com ponent s, called
in fact even larger than t ha t p l o t t e d in Fig. 8; d e f o r m a t i o n residual stresses and grain inter-
this is p r o b ab ly due to the simplifying as- action stresses. F o r the d e f o r m a t i o n residual
sumptions made in the evaluation f or this stresses the stress-strain relationship is t h o u g h t
case. In the following discussion the distribu- to be the same as for macrostresses, but t h e y
tion o f the residual macrostresses shown in are n o t balanced over the cross-section of the
Fig. 8 is taken as th e basis, specimen. The equilibrium of forces is main-
tained by residual stresses in regions which do
4. DISCUSSION n o t contribute to the diffraction intensity,
i . e . at grain boundaries and/ or grains of addi-
Comparing the residual stress distribution tional phases [15, 16]. So d e f o r m a t i o n resi-
d e t e rmin ed b y X-rays and t hat by the layer dual stresses are n o t released by the removal

lZ0 , , , , case t h e s i m p l i f y i n g a s s u m p t i o n h a d to be
m a d e t h a t in c o n t r a s t w i t h t h e results in ref. 1
i - " - - . -. ~ ~ t h e p r i n c i p a l axes o f t h e stress t e n s o r are
80 / / / / / .- . . / . f f ~ i : ~ j j j S given b y t h e s a m p l e s y s t e m . A f u r t h e r reduc-
tion in t h e n u m b e r o f p a r a m e t e r s was 0b-
40 tained b y restricting t h e e v a l u a t i o n to the
j // f./ // d i f f e r e n c e s 01 - - 03 and 02 - - 03. If, as is c o m -
=_ .i"
j/ m o n l y a s s u m e d , t h e stress c o m p o n e n t 03 is
~ 0 v e r y small in the l a y e r irradiated b y the X-
rays, these d i f f e r e n c e s are a b o u t e q u a l to the
// stresses in t h e R D a n d the T D respectively.
-40 An a t t e m p t to evaluate a3 also w o u l d d e p e n d
m sensitively on t h e precise value o f the d e f o r -
m a t i o n - f r e e lattice spacing a n d was t h e r e f o r e
o~ 40 omitted.
As in ref. 1, t h e e v a l u a t i o n was based on
./ the stress-strain r e l a t i o n s h i p f o r single crystals
[ 1 7 - 1 9 ] . Details o f t h e c a l c u l a t i o n will be
....... " T given elsewhere [ 2 0 ] . T h e results are i n c l u d e d
in T a b l e 2. As can be seen f r o m the table,
-160) t h e r e are s y s t e m a t i c d i f f e r e n c e s b e t w e e n the
i J ___~__ i stress values f o r t h e {211}<01i> g r o u p and
0 0.1 02 03 0,4 0.5 t h o s e w h i c h are d e d u c e d f r o m the average
Distance from center of specimen m mm
slopes o f t h e D{a~z} vs. sin2~ distributions.
Fig. 9. Type I residual stress vs. distance from the This c o n f i r m s t h e findings in ref. 1 w h e r e it
centre in the RD in the as-manufactured specimen has b e e n s h o w n t h a t t h e residual stress state
( ) and at the surface after removal of layers on o f t h e grains varies c o n s i d e r a b l y w i t h their
one side (- - -) or on both sides ( - . - - ) . The lowest
curve (. . . . ) was obtained by shifting the full line orientation.
downwards by 75 MPa. The reflections and radiation T h e D vs. sin 2 ~ d i s t r i b u t i o n s o f t h e {732 +
lines used were as follows: e, Mo(732 + 651}; o, 651} r e f l e c t i o n o b s e r v e d f o r ~ = 0 ° w i t h
Cr(211}; A, grain group {211}(01i); 0, neutrons. The Mo K a r a d i a t i o n are linear, a l t h o u g h w i t h
X-ray values were corrected for stress relief, c o n s i d e r a b l e scatter. This indicates t h a t t h e y
are v e r y little a f f e c t e d b y plastic a n i s o t r o p y .
F u r t h e r m o r e , as has b e e n e x p l a i n e d in S e c t i o n
o f surface layers. T h e grain i n t e r a c t i o n stresses 2, t h e i n f l u e n c e o f elastic a n i s o t r o p y is ex-
are t h e residual m i c r o s t r e s s e s in a n a r r o w p e c t e d t o be very small in this case. T h e r e f o r e ,
sense, i.e. t h e y r e p r e s e n t t h e v a r i a t i o n in t h e we believe t h a t t h e residual stress values cal-
residual stresses w i t h the o r i e n t a t i o n o f the c u l a t e d f r o m t h e slope o f these curves using
grains t h a t o r i g i n a t e s f r o m plastic a n i s o t r o p y , t h e X - r a y elastic c o n s t a n t s f o r an i s o t r o p i c
A n e v a l u a t i o n o f the grain i n t e r a c t i o n stres- d i s t r i b u t i o n o f grain o r i e n t a t i o n s yields the
ses in o u r m a t e r i a l has b e e n r e p o r t e d in ref. 1. s u m o f t h e residual m a c r o s t r e s s e s a n d t h e
T h e analysis w a s b a s e d o n f o u r D{h~a} vs. sin 2 ~ d e f o r m a t i o n residual stresses. As can be seen
d i s t r i b u t i o n s d e t e r m i n e d b y n e u t r o n diffrac- f r o m Fig. 9, the d e f o r m a t i o n residual stresses
t i o n u p to sin2~ = 1. All the r e f l e c t i o n s used are n e a r l y c o n s t a n t across t h e s a m p l e t h i c k -
h a d low Miller indices, a n d t h e r e f o r e the varia- ness, i.e. ad = - - 7 5 MPa. F o r t h e surface itself,
tion in t h e d i f f r a c t i o n i n t e n s i t y w i t h ~0 a n d ~ a s o m e w h a t larger stress value of a b o u t - - 1 0 6
r e f l e c t e d s t r o n g l y t h e t e x t u r e o f the material. MPa is o b t a i n e d . T h e s e values are c o n s i s t e n t
A similar analysis was a t t e m p t e d using o u r w i t h t h e results o f investigations o f d e f o r m a -
X - r a y d a t a . H o w e v e r , t h e X - r a y d a t a at o u r t i o n residual stresses in similar low c a r b o n
disposal are less suited to such a p u r p o s e , steels a f t e r uniaxial plastic e l o n g a t i o n [ 15 ].
yielding o n l y a v e r y f e w d a t a p o i n t s f o r e a c h T h e d i f f e r e n c e s b e t w e e n t h e residual m a c r o -
g r o u p o f o r i e n t a t i o n s . T h e r e f o r e , reliable stresses a n d t h e stress values e v a l u a t e d f r o m
stress values c o u l d be c a l c u l a t e d o n l y f o r the t h e D vs. s i n 2 ~ d i s t r i b u t i o n s o f the (211}
{211}<01i> g r o u p in the RD. E v e n in this r e f l e c t i o n are also a p p r o x i m a t e l y c o n s t a n t

throughout the sample. This supports our our specimen. The residual macrostresses are
conclusion that the deformation residual compressive in the centre of the specimen and
stresses do n o t vary markedly across the tensile at the surface. The stresses in the RD
thickness. Furthermore, it indicates t h a t the are about a factor of 2 larger than in the TD.
grain interactions are also approximately Neutrons as well as X-rays reveal the presence
constant, of deformation residual stresses and grain
The presence of con.siderable deformation interaction stresses. The deformation residual
residual stresses has also been inferred from stress in the RD is considerable, i.e. about
the neutron results presented in ref. 1. From --50 MPa, whereas it is small in the TD and
data measured as averages over the whole the normal direction. As for the grain inter-
cross-section a 0 d value of --30 + 10 MPa was action stresses, all three stress components
obtained. From the difference between the are of the order of 50 MPa. In some cases the
neutron value f o u n d for the interior and the principal axes of the stress tensor deviate
residual macrostresses in the same region, we from those of the sample system. There seems
obtain Od = --40 + 10 MPa. This means that to be little variation in deformation residual
the agreement with the X-ray results is quali- stresses and in grain interaction stresses across
tative but n o t quantitative. This may be be- the sample thickness. The grain interaction
cause in contrast with our assumption the stresses, which arise from plastic anisotropy,
stress values deduced from the D vs. sin 2 ~ are the major cause of the non-linearities ob-
distributions of the (732 + 651} reflection served in several D{~ d vs. sin 2 ~ distributions.
are somewhat affected by plastic anisotropy. The following conclusions can be drawn
Moreover, we cannot exclude the fact that the concerning X-ray measurements aimed at a
much smaller penetration depth of X-rays determination of residual macrostresses in
than that of neutrons may lead to somewhat textured materials. If, as usual, the strains
different results. However, in so far as the raw are measured with Cr K~ radiation, the mea-
data can be compared, there is good agree- surements should be extended to sin2~ =
m e n t between the X-ray and the neutron 0.9. Thus the uncertainty of the stress values
results, caused by the non-linearities in the D{211} vs.
For the purpose of X-ray measurements of sin2~ distribution is considerably reduced.
residual macrostresses the precise value of the However, a better way is to use Mo K~ radia-
deformation residual stress is not very im- tion, which allows the positions of reflection
portant. What is important is the fact t h a t lines with a very high multiplicity to be mea-
deformation residual stresses and grain inter- sured. Hence the resulting D{~l} vs. sin2~
action stresses are approximately constant distributions in the RD are often linear. For
across the thickness. This means that t r u e rolling textures the (762 + 651} reflection
residual macrostresses can be determined seems to be the most suitable. Attention has
from X-ray data by subtracting the stress mea- to be paid to the fact that, even in the cases
sured on a deeply etched specimen from the where the observed D{hk~}vs. sin2~ distribu-
observed stress values of the unetched sample, tions are linear, the evaluated stresses may
We admit that for the unetched surface the deviate considerably from the residual mac-
residual macrostress value obtained in this rostresses because of superimposed type II
way is about 30 MPa too low. In view of the residual stresses. A good estimate of these
low stress level in our sample, this error may deviations can be obtained by additional mea-
seem quite large. However, for practical pur- surements on a sample in which the residual
poses an error of 30 MPa is usually tolerable, macrostresses have been relieved by deep
Residual stresses (type I and II) on the surface etching.
should be checked very carefully. If interest is n o t only in the residual macro-
stresses but also in the grain interaction stres-
ses, the measurements should be carried out
5. CONCLUSIONS for several reflection lines with low Miller in-
dices. If additionally the texture of the mater-
Summarizing the results of this and the ial is determined, the stress state of the grains
accompanying study [1], we obtain the fol- can be evaluated as a function of their crystal-
lowing picture of the residual stress state of lographic orientation.

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