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For the MarketPlace API demo purpose, I just visited the RapidAPI.

com  website there to see how this

market sells the API to the consumer. When a user visited the website if they are not signup yet they
need to do this, after this, the user will show the API list category wise like the popular API, and top AI
Based APIs where a lot's company sell their API. AI-based companies sell the AI-related API, sports
company sell their football or cricket relate APIs. If any user is interested to see the details of their API
they need to click on the card that the website is showing and go to the about section where they
briefly explain how their API actually works. In the tutorial section, they actually show how you should
hit their API. In the discussion section you will a lot of people's comments and you can also add your
comment as well. In the pricing section, you can see the owner set the price according to the amount
API calls per day. In the endpoint section, you will see the API list category-wise like for the sports-related
company API separate the section like teams, players, and trophies. If you need to test any API first you
need to subscribe. In the code snipped section you will see a lot of language lists of how you will connect
those APIs to your application.

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