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No Soal Tryout Pembahasan Tryout Jawaban

1 Once upon a time, there were two close friends Jawaban : A A

who were walking through the forest together.
They knew that anything dangerous can happen
any time in the forest. So they promised each Jawaban opsi A memiliki arti “teman yang
other that they would always be together in any ada disaat kita membutuhkan / kesusahan
case of danger. adalah teman sejati”. Berdasarkan teks
diatas, statement ini tepat karena di akhir
paragraf diceritakan bahwa orang yang
Suddenly, they saw a large bear getting closer dihampiri beruang berkata ‘untuk tidak
toward them. One of them climbed a nearby mempercayai teman yang palsu’ kepada
tree at once. But unfortunately the other one temannya yang memanjat pohon dan
did not know how to climb up the tree. So being meninggalkan saat di hampir beruang.
led by his common sense, he lay down on the
ground breathless and pretended to be a dead
man. Pilihan B (salah) karena teman yang baik
akan selalu percaya pada kamu bukanlah
pesan moral yang terdapat dalam cerita
The bear came near the one who was lying on tersebut
the ground. It smelt in his ears, and slowly left
Pilihan C (salah) karena semakin kamu
the place because the bears do not want to
bersyukur semakin bahagia bukanlah pesan
touch the dead creatures. After that, the friend
moral yang terdapat dalam cerita tersebut
on the tree came down and asked his friend that
was on the ground, "Friend, what did the bear Pilihan D (salah) karena tidak ada
whisper into your ears?" The other friend kemenangan tanpa penderitaan pula
replied, "Just now the bear advised me not to bukanlah pesan moral yang ingin
believe a false friend." disampaikan oleh penulis dalam cerita
Pilihan E (salah) karena waktu yang
Adapted from:
berkualitas akan memberikanmu
What is the moral value from the text? kebahagiaan pun bukan isi moral yang ingin
disampaikan dalam cerita itu
A. A friend in need is a friend indeed

B. A true friend will always believe in you

C. The more you grateful, the more you get


D. No gain, no pain

E. A quality time will give you more blessing

2 Once upon a time, there were two close friends Jawaban : B. B

who were walking through the forest together.
Karena sinonim dari close =
They knew that anything dangerous can happen
dekat adalah immediate = dekat
any time in the forest. So they promised each
other that they would always be together in any Pembahasan :
case of danger.
Pilihan A (salah) Consistent = konsisten
Pilihan C (salah) Move = bergerak
Suddenly, they saw a large bear getting closer
toward them. One of them climbed a nearby Pilihan D (salah) Further = lebih lanjut
tree at once. But unfortunately the other one Pilihan E (salah) Broad = luas
did not know how to climb up the tree. So being
led by his common sense, he lay down on the
ground breathless and pretended to be a dead

The bear came near the one who was lying on

the ground. It smelt in his ears, and slowly left
the place because the bears do not want to
touch the dead creatures. After that, the friend
on the tree came down and asked his friend that
was on the ground, "Friend, what did the bear
whisper into your ears?" The other friend
replied, "Just now the bear advised me not to
believe a false friend."

Adapted from:

“There were two close friends who were
walking through the forest together”.
(Paragraph 2).

The underlined word has the same meaning


A. Consistent

B. Immediate

C. Move

D. Further

E. Broad

3 In 1892, the Sierra Club was formed. In 1908, an Jawaban : A A

area of coastal redwood trees north of San
Karena ridiculed dalam konteks kalimat ini
Francisco was established as Muir Woods
memiliki arti mengejek maka jawaban yang
National Monument. In the Sierra Nevada
tepat adalah Mock : Mengejek
Mountains, a walking trail from Yosemite Valley
to Mount Whitney was dedicated in 1938. It is Pretend : Berpura-pura (salah)
called the John Muir Trail.
Underestimate : Meremehkan (salah)
John Muir was born in 1838 in Scotland. When Admit : Mengakui (salah)
John was 11 years old, his family moved to the
United States and settled in Wisconsin. Muir left Ignore : Mengacuhkan (salah)
home at an early age. He took a 1,000-mile walk
south to the Gulf of Mexico in 1867and 1868.
Then he sailed for San Francisco. The city was
too noisy and crowded for Muir, so he headed
inland for the Sierra Nevadas.

When Muir discovered the Yosemite Valley in

the Sierra Nevadas, it was as if he had come
home. He loved the mountains, the wildlife, and
the trees. He climbed the mountains and even
climbed trees during thunderstorms in order to
get closer to the wind. He put forth the theory
in the late 1860s that the Yosemite Valley had
been formed through the action of glaciers.
People ridiculed him. Not until 1930 was Muir’s
theory proven correct.

Muir began to write articles about the Yosemite

Valley to tell readers about its beauty. His
writing also warned people that Yosemite was
in danger from timber mining and sheep
ranching interests. In 1901, Theodore Roosevelt
became president of the United States. He was
interested in conservation. Muir took the
president through Yosemite, and Roosevelt
helped get legislation passed to create Yosemite
National Park in 1906.

Although Muir won many conservation battles,

he lost a major one. He fought to save the Hetch
Hetchy Valley, which people wanted to dam in
order to provide water for San Francisco. In late
1913, a bill was signed to dam the valley. Muir
died in 1914. Some people say losing the fight
to protect the valley killed Muir.
“People ridiculed him. Not until 1930 was
Muir’s theory proven correct.” (Paragraph 3).

The underlined word above is closest in

meaning to?

A. Mock

B. Pretend

C. Underestimate

D. Admit

E. Ignore

4 A group of researchers has demonstrated that Jawaban : B B

pleasure and positive states of mind are better
Arti kata sedentary dalam konteks kalimat
for our health. This new intellectual approach to
ini adalah diam / menetap. Maka kata yang
health is not only more powerful, but also has
paling tepat untuk menjadi lawan katanya
no side effects. Central to this claim are recent
adalah Immobile : tidak bergerak
findings that even getting an education may add
as much as 10 years to your health. That is why Pilihan A (salah) Spirited = Bersemangat
National Geographic featured John de Rosen in
its book The Incredible Machine, which Pilihan C (salah) Busy = Sibuk
discussed old age. De Rosen, an artist, Pilihan D (salah) Vital = Vital
continued to paint until the week he died at age
91. The book notes: "Same scientists believe Pilihan E (salah) Lively = Hidup
that retirement to a sedentary lifestyle initiates
or aggravates medical problems, thus
shortening life. According to a study of retired
people, adults over 65 can learn a creative skill,
like oil painting, as readily as younger students."
So retiring from a job in a sense means retiring
from life unless supplemented by some other,
preferably new activity.
“Same scientists believe that retirement to
a sedentary lifestyle initiates or aggravates
medical problems, thus shortening life”

The underlined word above is closest in

meaning to?

A. Spirited

B. Immobile

C. Busy

D. Vital

E. Lively

5 A group of researchers has demonstrated that Jawaban : A. A

pleasure and positive states of mind are better
Disebutkan pada 2 kalimat akhir “According
for our health. This new intellectual approach to
to a study of retired people, adults over 65
health is not only more powerful, but also has
can learn a creative skill, like oil painting,
no side effects. Central to this claim are recent
as readily as younger students.”
findings that even getting an education may add
as much as 10 years to your health. That is why Yang menyatakan bahwa orang dewasa
National Geographic featured John de Rosen in diatas 65 tahun bisa mempelajari
its book The Incredible Machine, which kemampuan kreatif seperti melukis minyak
discussed old age. De Rosen, an artist, sama halnya dengan siswa yang lebih muda.
continued to paint until the week he died at age
91. The book notes: "Same scientists believe
that retirement to a sedentary lifestyle initiates
or aggravates medical problems, thus
shortening life. According to a study of retired
people, adults over 65 can learn a creative skill,
like oil painting, as readily as younger students."
So retiring from a job in a sense means retiring
from life unless supplemented by some other,
preferably new activity.
It can be inferred from the passage that
there is no ----.

A. Difference in learning a creative skill

between adults over 65 and younger

B. Success in the researchers' experiments

C. Activity after retiring from a job

D. Pleasure in developing one 's abilities

E. intention to get a creative skill for most of


6 Zeus was the chief deity of the Greeks, the Jawaban = B B

sovereign ruler of the world, the father of gods
Dethroned dalam konteks kalimat ini
and men, the mightiest of the gods, and to
memiliki arti menurunkan tahta.
whose will as central, all must bow. He was the
son of Kronos and Rhea. With the help of his Berdasarkan pilihan yang ada diketahui
brothers and sisters, he dethroned his father, masing-masing memiliki arti
seized the sovereign power, and appointed
them certain provinces of the universe to A. Thrown out = Dibuang
administer in his name, Hera, to rule with him B. Removed from power = Dihapus dari
as queen above, Poseidon over the sea, Pluto kekuasaan
over the nether world, Demeter over the fruits
of the earth, Hestia over social life of mankind. C. Imprisoned = Dipenjara
To his dynasty all the powers in heaven and
D. Executed = Dieksekusi
earth were more or less related, descended
from it and dependent on it and he himself was E. Fainted = Pingsan
to the Greeks the symbol of the intelligence
which was henceforth to be the life and light of Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah B.
men, an idea which is reflected in the name
Jupiter given him by the Romans, which means
"father of the day". He is represented as having
his throne in heaven, and as wielding a
thunderbolt in his right hand, in symbol of the
jealousy with which he guards the order of the
world established under him as chief.


“…he dethroned his father, seized the

sovereign power, and appointed them
certain provinces of the universe.”

The word dethroned in the passage is closest

in meaning to?

A. Thrown out

B. Removed from power

C. Imprisoned

D. Executed
E. Fainted

7 Many women in Western society, aware of the Jawaban = A A

power of names to influence identity, are aware
that choosing how to identify themselves alter
marriage can be a significant decision. They may Fascinating dalam konteks kalimat ini
follow the tradition of taking their husband's berarti memuaskan / menarik.
last name, hyphenate their own name and their
husband's, or keep their birth name. One Dari opsi jawaban yang tersedia masing-
fascinating survey reveals that a woman's masing memiliki arti:
choice is likely to reveal a great deal about
herself and her relationship with her husband.
Women who take their husband's name place
A. Irresistible : Sangat menarik
the most importance on relationships. On the
other hand, women who keep their birth names B. Repulsive : Menjijikan
put their personal concerns ahead of
relationships and social expectations. Female C. Provocative : Provokatif
forms of address influence others' perceptions
D. Curious : Penasaran
as well. Research conducted in the late 1980s
showed that women who choose the title Ms E. Unusual : Tidak biasa
give the impression of being more achievement
oriented, socially self-confident, and dynamic
but less interpersonally warm than Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah opsi A.
counterparts who prefer the more traditional
forms Miss or Mrs.

“One fascinating survey reveals that a woman's

choice is likely to reveal a great deal about

The words ‘fascinating’ is closest in meaning


A. Irresistible

B. Repulsive

C. Provocative

D. Curious

E. Unusual

8 Marie Curie was one of the most accomplished Jawaban = B B

scientists in history. Together with her husband,
Accomplished dalam konteks kalimat ini
Pierre, she discovered radium, an element
memiliki arti handal atau mahir.
widely used for treating cancer, and studied
uranium and other radioactive substances. Berdasarkan pilihan yang ada diketahui
Pierre and Marie’s amicable collaboration later masing-masing memiliki arti
helped to unlock the secrets of the atom.
A. Bourgeois : Borjuis

B. Barbaric : Barbar
Marie was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland,
C. Eminent : Tersohor
where her father was a professor of physics. At
an early age, she displayed a brilliant mind and D. High-toned : Berbudi
a blithe personality. Her great exuberance for
E. Calm : Tenang
learning prompted her to continue with her
studies after high school. She became Jawaban yang paling untuk menjadi lawan
disgruntled, however, when she learned that kata Accomplished adalah opsi B.
the university in Warsaw was closed to women.
Determined to receive a higher education, she
defiantly left Poland and in 1891 entered the
Sorbonne, a French university, where she
earned her master’s degree and doctorate in
Marie was fortunate to have studied at the
Sorbonne with some of the greatest scientists of
her day, one of whom was Pierre Curie. Marie
and Pierre were married in 1895 and spent
many productive years working together in the
physics laboratory. A short time after they
discovered radium, Pierre was killed by a horse-
drawn wagon in 1906. Marie was stunned by
this horrible misfortune and endured
heartbreaking anguish. Despondently she
recalled their close relationship and the joy that
they had shared in scientific research. The fact
that she had two young daughters to raise by
herself greatly increased her distress.

Curie’s feeling of desolation finally began to

fade when she was asked to succeed her
husband as a physics professor at the Sorbonne.
She was the first woman to be given a
professorship at the world-famous university. In
1911 she received the Nobel Prize in chemistry
for isolating radium. Although Marie Curie
eventually suffered a fatal illness from her long
exposure to radium, she never became
disillusioned about her work. Regardless of the
consequences, she had dedicated herself to
science and to revealing the mysteries of the
physical world.


“Marie Curie was one of the

most accomplished scientists in history.”

What is the opposite word of the underlined

word above?

A. Bourgeois

B. Barbaric

C. Eminent

D. High-toned

E. Calm

9 Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Jawaban = E E

Italy, in 1451. His career in exploration
Karena kata fruitless pada konteks kalimat
started when he was very young. As a
memiliki arti sia-sia atau tidak ada hasil.
teenager he traveled the seas and eventually
Maka jawaban yang paling mendekati
made Portugal his base. He appealed to the
adalah E. Without success : Tanpa
kings of Portugal, France, and England to
finance a westward trip to the Indies, but all
denied his request. After ten years of A. Thirsty : Haus
monumental efforts but fruitless results, King
Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain B. Broken promise : Membatalkan janji
agreed to finance Columbus in the hopes of C. Without any cost : Tanpa biaya
acquiring great wealth. On August 3, 1492,
Columbus and three ships, the Nina, Pinta, D. Without fruit : Tanpa buah
and Santa Maria, left Palos, Spain and
headed westward.

After stopping in the Canary Islands off the

coast of Africa, Columbus's ships hit the open
seas. Covering about 150 miles a day, the trip
was long and arduous. The crew was afraid
of sea monsters and grew more restless
every day land was not sighted. Columbus
offered a reward for the first person to sight
land. On October 12, a crew member aboard
the Pinta sighted one of the Bahama Islands.
Columbus set foot on what he believed was
one of the Spice Islands, a group of islands in
Asia (now known as Indonesia), where
valuable spices and riches came from. He
named the land San Salvador. Columbus
failed to find the riches he expected, and
continued to search for China. He next visited
Cuba and Hispaniola (Dominican Republic).
He encountered native peoples who he
named "Indians" because he believed they
were inhabitants of the Indies.

Columbus returned to Spain a hero. He was

named viceroy of the Indies. He soon
returned to the New World but never found
the riches he expected. Some began to
believe that Columbus had found "a new
world" rather than a shortcut to the Indies.

Christopher Columbus made one of the

greatest discoveries in the history of the
world - North America. Though he probably
wasn't the first explorer to see the continent,
and he believed until his death that the
islands he encountered were in the Asian
continent, his discoveries were instrumental
in the establishment of Spanish colonies in
North America. Today, we celebrate
Columbus Day in October to commemorate
his discoveries. /

Which of the following is closest in meaning

to "fruitless"?

A. Thirsty

B. Broken promise

C. Without any cost

D. Without fruit

E. Without success

10 The sheer number of people in a group affects Jawaban = A A

the amount of communication. Consider the
Karena unwilling dalam Bahasa Indonesia
difference between communication between
berarti = tidak mau. Sedangkan reluctant
two friends and communication in a group of
berarti = Enggan / Menolak
five people. When friends talk, there are two
people sending and receiving messages. In a B. Suspicious : mencurigakan
group of five, there are five people doing the
same thing. Each idea that is expressed must be C. Iffy : rapuh
understood by four others, who may also D. Moot : memperdebatkan
choose to respond. Consequently, the greater
number of people in a group, the fewer E. Unknown : tidak diketahui
contributions an individual may make. Because
there are disadvantages to large groups, you
might assume that small groups would be the
most effective. However, groups can be too
small as well as 100 people large. With too few
members, a group has limited resources, which
eliminates a primary advantage of groups for
decision making. Also, members may be
unwilling to disagree or criticize each other's
ideas. I believe that five to seven members is the
ideal size for a small group.
What is the closest meaning of word
“unwilling” in the paragraph?

A. Reluctant

B. Suspicious

C. Iffy

D. Moot

E. Unknown

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