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Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 6: Management a Successful Business Project (5039)

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Re-submission date Date received (2nd submission)

Student name Student ID

Class Assessor name Hoang My Linh

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

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P6 P7 P8 M4 M5 D3
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I. Abstract

This project explores the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Vietnam's tourism industry. We provide
initial policy insights and recommendations to support businesses in Vietnam's tourism industry. By
looking at the impact of the epidemic on the tourism industry. Based on a survey of 178 people,
assessing the economic impact of the pandemic on tourism industry businesses, this article reflects and
assesses different trends in his scenarios, showing the Covid-19 pandemic. How will -19 affect Vietnam's
tourism industry? estimate the adverse effects on the development of Pandemic Impact and the
response policy of the Vietnamese government to deal with the impact of the pandemic. Research shows
many solutions to minimize the negative impact of the Covid-19 epidemic on Vietnam's tourism industry.

II. Introduction

Tourism is a general economic sector, increasingly important for economic development, political, social
and environmental protection. However, at present, the “Industry does not” This “smoke” has been
severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The impact of COVID-19 to the tourism industry is
forecasted to be very large, far exceeding the epidemics that Vietnam experienced in the last few
decades. According to the General Statistics Office in 2021 (GSO, 2021), the number of visitors.
International tourism as well as domestic tourism decreased significantly compared to before the
epidemic appeared presently. Generally, in the first 5 months of 2021, international visitors to our
country are estimated at 81 thousand arrivals people, down 97.8% over the same period last year, in
which visitors arriving by air reached 50.5 thousand turns of people, down 98.3%, by road 30.3 thousand
turns of people, down 94.5%; equal by sea reached 193 turns of people, down 99.9%. It can be said that
the COVID-19 epidemic has had an impact on the entire economy, especially for tourism businesses in
Vietnam. Up to 98.3% of businesses. The business said that the COVID-19 epidemic is affecting the
tourism business mine. Challenges that businesses will have to face.


“ Factor that affect growth index of tourism business in Vietnam " is the name of this project. Research project is
type of project. The author will also list specific goals and objectives below.
Social fluctuations (natural disasters, epidemics, economic fluctuations…) affect almost all areas of human life.
Especially in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic that has taken place over the past 3 years, it has led to many
difficulties for the tourism industry. Therefore, every individual in the whole society, especially every tourism
business enterprise, needs to be active to seize opportunities and maximize their capacity to ensure the common
goals of the business. The main and overarching goal of this workshop is to adapt quickly to the changing tourism
industry environment and to promote the strengths of the industry.


In order to respond to the changes of tourism businesses when impacted by Covid-19, while grasping difficulties
and adapting flexibly, it is necessary to recognize some shortcomings and offer solutions. restore and develop
tourism in a new context. The purpose is to point out the factors affecting the growth index of Vietnam's tourism

III. Literature Review

(1) Disaster Management

The tourism industry is highly vulnerable to many factors such as natural disasters, pandemics, terrorism
and riots. Tourism-related organizations must therefore be well prepared with counter and recovery
strategies. Some studies define initiatives such as Tourism Crisis and Disaster Management (TCDM).
TCDM is an important topic, but there are few publications due to the difficulty of research

Some scholars aim to categorize crisis and disasters so that one can better understand them by grouping
various events into understandable types. This paper, again, emphasizes the fragility of tourism industry
in the face of disasters and the difficulties of organizing recovery effort. Therefore, it is important to
cumulate past experiences of crisis management in the tourism sector for future reference. And
organizing the crisis and disasters into categories facilitates our understanding of them. Certain research
direction focuses on the effectiveness of crisis and disaster management strategies. Some studies even
conduct a longitudinal case study because the subject faces crises frequently. One can even be
preemptive to strengthen the tourism industry’s resilience to crises and disasters. Given that there are
many different types of crises and disasters, and each event is likely to be unique, it is important to
document as much information as possible so that one can be better prepared for future possibilities.
Thus, the main focus of this paper is to provide a preliminary analysis of counter-planning and crisis
recovery strategy against COVID-19. Specifically, the three main objectives of this paper are

1. understanding the impact of COVID-19 on the tourism industry,

2. categorizing types of impact on tourism industry caused by COVID-19
(2) Interdisciplinary Approaches

As mentioned earlier, tourism is a multidisciplinary industry and TCDM may require a cross-sectoral
approach. Therefore, TCDM research requires an interdisciplinary approach. Approach to a more holistic
understandin, this may be political economics, environment, social sciences, marketing, Other fields
pandemic, Like the COVID-19 outbreak, it is an international issue case. Therefore, it affects the tourism
industry all over the world. All International flights are above ground and cross borders activities are not
recommended unless prohibited or have tourism requirements. Decreased and unemployment
continues to worsen People's ability to pamper themselves. many industries affected and needs a wide
range of institutions work on the problem and try to solve it. Therefore, this requires interdisciplinary
cooperation TCDM survey on the COVID-19 situation.

(3) Recent outbreak of pandemic

The recent outbreak of pandemic erupted most likely from Wuhan, China in the end of 2019. The
origin of the novel coronavirus, later labelled COVID-19, is obscure. There are many speculations and
conspiracy theories about the origin of the virus floating around. Although this is not the time for
blame, the rumours sprout a certain level of animosity among nations and its people. There are also
dust-ups among nationals regarding the ownership of some of the supplies necessary to combat
COVID-19. Harsh words were exchanged in both accounts that sow the seed for future conflicts.
These are just a few of the comparatively minor problems caused by COVID-19. Meanwhile, the virus
spread like wildfire with the nearest prospect of vaccine been developed in at least a year. The
impacts of COVID19 ventured beyond a medical issue. Many social, political and economic issues
emerge with the spread of the virus continues.
IV. Conduct the business project

We used a qualitative approach to conduct a survey of 178 people to learn more about the impact of

Question 1. Has COVID-19 affected your work ?

A. Disagree

B. Neutral ( 30% )

C. Agree ( 70% )

Question 1


Question 2. Has your business been affected much ?

A. No effect

B. Little influence ( 20% )

C. Much influence ( 30% )

D. Enterprise must go bankrupt ( 50% )

Question 2


Question 3. How are your business hours affected by covid -19 ?

A. Lots of damage ( 70% )

B. No significant damage ( 15% )

C. . Little damage ( 15% )

Question 3


Question 4. How has Covid-19 caused damage to your business ?

A. Lots of damage ( 80% )

B. No significant damage ( 15 % )

C. . Little damage ( 5% )
Question 4


IV.1. Impact of covid on Vietnam's tourism industry

Through the above survey, we can see that the impact of Covid-19 is really clear. To understand more,
the following analysis will be provided.

When epidemics occur, the tourism industry is considered as one of the industries most affected best.
Over the past few decades, the world tourism industry has witnessed many crises caused by epidemics
such as Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease in the UK (2001), SARS in East and Southeast Asia (2003), MERS in
Middle East (2012), Ebola outbreak in Africa (2014) or Zika mosquito epidemic (2016). The works
epidemic impacts on the tourism industry occurred almost immediately and lasted for a long time.

The emergence of diseases, especially those that have the potential to spread globally, will lead to a
rapid decrease in the number of tourists, resulting in reduced revenue and profits and a shrinking
tourism industry. For example, the 2003 SARS epidemic in just 3 months due to the travel restrictions of
the World Health Organization (WHO), but the tourism revenue of Hong Kong decreased by 41% and
China by 25%, and in Vietnam decreased by 15% in 2003. Tourism employment in these countries
decreased by 27,000 and 62,000, respectively (tongcucthongke, 2003). The effects of SARS in 2003 lasted
for 1-2 years in the countries directly affected. The impact of the epidemic on tourism supply and
demand is huge.

The Covid-19 epidemic began in earnest in early 2020 and has become the world's most widespread
pandemic serious severity over the last 100 years. Tourism is considered one of the most sensitive
sectors of the economy. As of February 2020, the Covid-19 outbreak will quickly become serious around
the world impact on the global tourism industry. Vietnam's tourism industry is also facing unprecedented

Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the world tourism industry in general and Vietnam in general
especially badly damaged. In 2020, many plans of Vietnam's tourism industry are almost impossible to
implement, the targets set out sharply decrease. Specifically, data from the General Statistics Office
shows that the number of international visitors in 2020 is only 3.8 million, down 78.7% compared to
2019, of which more than 96% are international visitors. First quarter of the year 2020; domestic tourists
also decreased by nearly 50%; Total tourism revenue in the country suffered a loss of up to 23 billion
USD. The decrease in tourist arrivals leads to a decrease in tourism revenue. In the first 6 months of the
year. In 2021, tourism revenue is estimated at 4.5 trillion VND, accounting for 0.2% of the total and down
51.8%. compared with the same period last year. In which, some localities had a sharp decrease in
tourism revenue in 6 months compared to the same period last year such as: City. Ho Chi Minh fell
53.6%; Hanoi down 44.3%; Da Nang down 43.5%.(toncucthongke,2021)

At the same time, many workers in the tourism industry are forced to quit or change jobs. A study by the
Travel Advisory Council found that travel and tour companies 18% of the companies that took part in the
survey laid off their entire staff. Companies give 50% to 80% of their employees leave and 75% receive
other forms of financial assistance. Number of employees who lost their jobs. It is estimated that from
the end of 2020 to May 2021, the tourism industry will lose 40% of jobs compared to the same period in
2019. 800,000 jobs in the industry from hotels and travel agencies, sightseeing, restaurants… in the past
16 months have all been reduced. Revenues of the remaining industries all decreased, on average 40%
lower than before Covid-19 Epidemic. (toncucthongke,2021)

IV.2. Government support policies

In order to promptly support tourism businesses and workers affected by the Covid-19 epidemic, over
the past time, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism has actively and actively coordinated with
relevant ministries and branches to advise and propose with the Government and the Prime Minister on
solutions to support businesses and workers in the tourism industry affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

On the basis of the proposal of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and relevant ministries and
sectors, the Government and the Prime Minister have issued a policy to reduce electricity prices, reduce
land rents, reduce travel business license fees and guide cards. tour guide, loan with preferential interest
rate, training support, consider reducing deposit. All solutions have been implemented, timely
supporting businesses, specifically:

Regarding the electricity price reduction policy: In 2020, the policy to allow tourist accommodation
establishments to be applied according to the price of electricity produced has been implemented in two
phases: Phase 1 (April, May, June 2020) and Phase 1. 2 (October, November 12, 2020). In 2021, the
Government will continue to support electricity price reduction, the third phase of electricity bill
reduction for electricity users. Accordingly, tourist accommodation establishments will continue to
receive electricity discounts from June to December 2021. (tongcucdulich,2020)

Regarding the electricity price reduction policy: In 2020, the policy to allow tourist accommodation
establishments to be applied according to the price of electricity produced has been implemented in two
phases: Phase 1 (April, May, June 2020) and Phase 1. 2 (October, November 12, 2020). In 2021, the
Government will continue to support electricity price reduction, the third phase of electricity bill
reduction for electricity users. Accordingly, tourist accommodation establishments will continue to
receive electricity discounts from June to December 2021. (tongcucdulich,2020)

Besides reducing electricity prices, the Government also issued a policy to reduce land rent. In 2020, the
policy of reducing land rent is implemented in accordance with Resolution No. 84/NQ-CP dated May 29,
2020 of the Government, accordingly, reducing the payable land rent by 15% in 2020 according to
Decision No. 22 2020/QD-TTg dated August 10, 2020 of the Prime Minister on reducing land rent. In
2021, the Government continues to extend the deadline for payment of value-added tax, corporate
income tax, personal income tax and land rent in 2021, accordingly the extension is 06 months from the
31st. May 2021. (tongcucdulich,2020)

The government also reduced fees for travel business licenses and guide cards. The fee for assessment
and issuance of a travel business license has been reduced by 50% according to the provisions of Circular
No. 35/2020/TT-BTC dated May 5, 2020 and Circular No. 112/2020/TT-BTC dated May 29, 2020.
December 2020 of the Minister of Finance (until the end of June 2021). Then, the Minister of Finance
issued Circular No. 47/2021/TTBTC dated June 24, 2021 extending the above fee reduction regulations in
2021. (tongcucdulich,2020)

The Government has also just issued a policy to support tour guide workers who are facing difficulties
due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic. Specifically, on July 1, 2021, the Government issued
Resolution No. 68/NQ-CP on a number of policies to support employees and employers facing difficulties
due to the Covid-19 pandemic. which supports VND 3,710,000/person for tour guides who are issued
tour guide practice cards affected by the Covid-19 pandemic during the period from May 1, 2021 to the
end of May 31. December 2021. Right after that, on July 7, 2021, the Prime Minister issued Decision No.
23/2021/QD-TTg detailing the implementation of a number of policies to support employees and
employers. activities facing difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic according to Resolution 68/NQ-CP.

Resolution 68/NQ-CP of the Government also has a policy to support employers to get loans to pay
salaries to stop working or to borrow loans to pay salaries for employees to restore production and
business. (tongcucdulich,2020)

In particular, the Government's Resolution 68 is also very interested in policies to support training and
job maintenance for employees. Accordingly, the employer is entitled to financial support for training,
retraining and improvement of vocational skills from the Unemployment Insurance Fund when fully
paying unemployment insurance premiums for employees for full 12 months or more. to the time of
requesting assistance. The maximum support level is 1,500,000 VND/employee/month and the
maximum support period is 6 months. (tongcucdulich,2020)
The policy of reducing deposit is one of the important support solutions implemented by the
Government. The Government has issued Resolution No. 58/NQ-CP dated June 8, 2021, which assigns
the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism to review, amend and supplement regulations on deposit for
travel service business according to the provisions of Decree No. 168/2017/ND-CP dated December 31,
2017 of the Government detailing a number of articles of the Law on Tourism. (tongcucdulich,2020)

IV.3. Solutions for business

Vietnam tourism needs to simultaneously deploy many new groups of solutions to "Overcome
difficulties" in the global pandemic, can perform well the task of "both economic development and anti-
epidemic". First of all, to restore the tourism industry, Vietnam needs to promote research on people's
awareness to promote vaccination against COVID-19 for all segments of focusing on building safe tourist
areas and safe destinations. That said, over 70% of tourists and people in the resort need to be
vaccinated against COVID19. The development of many programs to respond to "Stimulating domestic
tourism" with the association, cooperation, created many attractive promotional packages to introduce
to visitors, of the service providers in the industry (local, travel businesses, airlines, etc.) are the solution
to help the entire tourism industry in Vietnam. That will help the industry can stand stay strong and grow
on your feet both during the difficult period due to COVID 19, as well as in the "new normal" state.

Besides, it is necessary to have a suitable marketing direction to help attract more visitors, increase
revenue and growth. Using Digital Marketing [9] is one of the directions most successful market access
with the form of digital technology application in advertising and introduction domestic tourism
destination with the image of "Safety-Friendly-Quality"; through scanning QR code; tourism promotion
on media channels, social networks, communication about the pick-up process safe visitors (by video),
building an "online travel" program aimed at domestic tourists land.

In short, the COVID-19 epidemic has had a profound impact on the entire economy and severely affected
the economy to the tourism industry. To help the industry overcome this challenge, the government
needs to have supportive solutions support tourism businesses, quickly restore business afterwards. By
limiting control administrative investigation at the present time; for the business to operate smoothly;
land rent reduction; support vaccination for all tourism workers…. The business side also needs to be
prepared be ready so that as soon as the epidemic is over, the tourism market will have flourishes, there
will be products suitable tourism for tourists.

V. Reflect on the value of the business project and evaluate the project management process

In this project, me and my team members successfully completed the research portion of the project,
achieved the goals set, and ensured the quality of the project. Communication is also very strong.
Planning team members communicate with each other on a regular basis to ensure they always have the
necessary knowledge and skills to execute the plan as directed, and to communicate with suppliers,
investors and company owners to be able to effectively support the project as it grows.
However, in the process of implementation, there were also some problems that directly affected

The first is about the quality of survey results because:

- Without proper encouragement, respondents often do not give accurate and honest answers.

- Survey respondents' answers may be inaccurate because they do not remember the problem clearly or
simply get bored with the survey.

- Each surveyor may interpret the answer choices differently, which leads to inaccuracies in the collected
data. For example, the answer “strongly agree” can be interpreted differently depending on the subject
and the respondent.

The second is the cost of the project: In my project management plan, my team and I presented it in
detail and completeness.

Determine exact costs. But due to lack of human resources, we had to recruit more to continue the

Therefore, the project has to pause for a while to wait for the investor to replenish capital, leading to a
delay in the completion time of the project.

This study has a number of theoretical and practical contributions. As for the theoretical contribution, the
research results firstly show that social exchange theory can be used to explain the influence of employees'
motivation, trust and loyalty on the company.Furthermore, the results of this study expand our knowledge
of the impact during the COVID-19 crisis on the tourism industry.

However, this research paper will only have the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on tourism businesses;
the second is the difficulties faced by the tourism business in the process of working, the third is the
suggestions for the tourism business to develop in this period.

VI. Conclusion

In short, the COVID-19 epidemic has had a profound impact on the entire economy and severely affected
the economy to the tourism industry. To help the industry overcome this challenge, the government
needs to have supportive solutions support tourism businesses, quickly restore business afterwards. By
limiting control administrative investigation at the present time; for the business to operate smoothly;
land rent reduction; support vaccination for all tourism workers…. The business side also needs to be
prepared be ready so that as soon as the epidemic is over, the tourism market will have flourishes, there
will be products suitable tourism for tourists.
VII. Reference

Ngành du Lịch "chuyển mình" để ứng phó với đại dịch covid-19, từng bước Phục Hồi Trong Năm 2022. Available
nam-2022-20210923215750059.htm (Accessed: April 14, 2023).

Chuyển đổi SỐ - yếu TỐ Quan Trọng đối với SỰ Phục Hồi và Phát triển Bền Vững Của Ngành du lịch.
Available at:
trien-ben-vung-cua-nganh-du-lich-20221012091535416.htm (Accessed: April 14, 2023).

Đại Dịch Covid-19 tác động Mạnh đến Ngành Văn Hóa, Thể Thao và du Lịch (no date) Đại dịch Covid-
19 tác động mạnh đến ngành Văn hóa, Thể thao và Du lịch - Cổng Thông tin điện tử tỉnh Tiền
Giang. Available at:
nganh-van-hoa-the-thao-va-du-lich%2F33358034 (Accessed: April 14, 2023).

Tạp chí Kinh tế và Dự báo - Bộ Kế hoạch và Đầu tư (no date) Tác động Của đại Dịch Covid-19 đến du
Lịch Việt Nam và Giải Pháp phát triển Trong Thời Gian tới, Tạp chí Kinh tế và Dự báo - Bộ Kế
hoạch và Đầu tư. Available at:
lich-viet-nam-va-giai-phap-phat-trien-trong-thoi-gian-toi-20644.html (Accessed: April 14, 2023).

Báo Cáo Tác động Của Dịch Covid-19 đến Tình Hình Lao động, việc Làm Quý I năm 2022 (no date)
General Statistics Office of Vietnam. Available at:
(Accessed: April 14, 2023).

Ứng Phó Với đại Dịch Trong Tình Hình Mới, Phải Quyết Liệt, Linh Hoạt, Mạnh mẽ Hơn - Tin Liên Quan
(no date) Cổng thông tin Bộ Y tế. Available at:
trong-tinh-hinh-moi-phai-quyet-liet-linh-hoat-manh-me-hon (Accessed: April 14, 2023).

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