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Formal to informal – SK Tarat B2

Here we used the formal e-mail from Reginald and created an informal e-mail based
on a ‘Reg’ that worked for a much smaller establishment than ‘Reginald’; a coffee shop ran
by his friend Deckie.

The teachers tried to keep the ideas but write in a far more informal manner.

Here is the result…the similar ideas but much less detailed and written in a much
simpler and condensed way using informal language / register and structure.

Hey Deckie,

I just got your ‘friendly’ message firing me! Way to go to treat your friend! I was
completely shocked and I couldn’t believe what you have done to me, all this while I
thought we were brothers. You see, I’ve been humbly working for you doing all the
donkey work day and night for five years. Imagine if you were in my shoes, how would
you feel; maybe I will call your father as he owns the coffee shop! I feel really useless
and helpless and unwanted. Is there any other way for me to stay, perhaps reducing
my working hours even giving me a smaller job with less pay, which is fine by me.

Don’t let me go please.


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