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Caminamos con Calidad y Excelencia

GPE Area Teacher Grade Time Term Worksheet No.

015 English Natalia Quintero C 9º II 3
Topic: Could or Managed to
Name: Date: May 2023
Identify the difference between “Could” and “Manage to”

“Could” or “Managed to”

You use could for general ability, but you use managed to if you want to say
somebody did something in a specific situation:

Did you manage to speak to your father yesterday? 

My son could walk when he was 10 months old?

1. By the time she was seven, she __________ already speak three languages.

2. I __________ easily do gymnastics when I was young, but not now, I’m too
3. It was very difficult, but in the end I __________ make her understand what I
4. The work was quite difficult, but she __________ get it all done.
5. She missed the last bus but __________ get a taxi.
6. Emma __________ speak French really well when she lived in Paris.
7. The fog came down quickly so they __________ (negative)get to the top of
the mountain that day.
8. Alba started the piano at the age of eight and after only six months
she __________ play it quite well.
9. Bob was an excellent swimmer. He __________ beat anybody in his class.
10. The little boy didn’t like his soup but __________ eat all of it.
11. My brother wanted to go to America, but we __________ talk him out of it.
12. There were only a few seats left, but they __________ get a couple of tickets.
13. After looking for over an hour, she finally __________ find her glasses.
14. I __________ see they had been working hard. They looked exhausted.
15. He asked me when Julie's birthday was, but I __________ ( negative)
16. We were standing on the cliff edge and we __________ see the house.
17. He __________ talk when he was only 12 months old.
18. He __________ get up early for once in his life and be on time for his
19. Bob __________ read when he was only four years old.
20. I don’t speak much German, but I __________ make the taxi driver
understand where I wanted to go.

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Now, go to this interactive video and practice Present Perfect

Made by Review by Date

Natalia Quintero C. 2023

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