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Javier Álvarez Seco

2a) Design the internal supply chain for the production of Italian salad mix.


Raw materials are This step includes The next step The last step is when
obtained in the farm the production of consists of the the quality and
as the lettuce, the raw materials as control of the value value of the
carrots, rucola, it is its washing, and quality of the products its been
onions… drying… and the manufactured verified, they pack
manufacturing of products (Italian the product and
the products. salad mix: onions, they store it.

2b) About which two metrics do you want the information system to report to you and
why? And how(what) are you measuring?

The metrics that square measure most significant to report the shopper by the data system
square measure quality and service level. Quality generates improved merchandise and
services, reduces prices, and will increase the profit and the effectiveness. Quality in raw
materials is additionally vital because it’s a key point for the value of the ultimate product.
The level of service is also important, because if an organization meets the delivery times
and keeps happy the client, they would obtain loyalty that it is also a key point for a
successful company where there exists more competitors.

3) How important is technology for VEZET, motivate your point of view.

Innovation is extremely vital at intervals a plant, that is in reference to technology. Without
technology we tend to couldn't move forward in innovation. Technology avenues permit
countries out of the European union to supply higher and provide the demand of shoppers,
through a lot of safer, additional profitable and economical processes (efficiency). The key
point of technology is that its essential to improve the quality of the product and to save
money in resources as employees and more intermediaries as well as acquiring higher
response times.
In conclusion, in the field of food production, technology is followed by the efficiency of the
company and because of it and saving on other resources, they can invest in innovation and
expand the product in different ways.

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