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Copyright © 2023 POSSESS ME by M.A. Heard.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or
by any means, including photocopying, recording, or
other electronic or mechanical methods, without the
prior written consent of the publisher, except in the
case of brief quotation embodied in critical reviews and
various other noncommercial uses permitted by
copyright law.
The resemblance to actual persons, things, living or
dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

Cover Designer: Cormar Covers

Cover Designer: Wander Photography
Cover Model: Andrew Biernat
Editor: Sheena Taylor
Possess Me
The Past
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
The Present
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Published Books
Connect with me
To my amazing readers who’ve loved and followed this Mafia world from
Merciless Saints to Possess Me.
After 15 books in the interconnected series’ The Saints, The Sinners, and The
Corrupted Royals, it’s time to say goodbye.

I’ve loved creating every character, and they’ll always be special to me.
Thank you for all your support and love.
Possess Me is for you.

The last song on the playlist is from all the Saints, Sinners & Corrupted
Royals men to you.
Forever & Always
Click here - Spotify
Never Alone – Krigarè
Climb – ADONA
Beauty Of The Dark – Mads Langer
Tattoo - Loreen
The Night We Met – Roses & Revolutions
Secrets – OneRepublic
Cross Your Mind – Calum Scott
Found Eachother – Kodoku
Pieces – Andrew Belle
Hero – Alan Walker, Sasha Alex Sloan
Love is just a word – Calum Scott, Jasmine Thompson
Forever & Always – Written by Wolves, Becks
I’m a monster.
I kidnapped the wrong girl, and under excruciating circumstances, we fell in love.
I took every beating and form of torture meant for her.
For months I protected Everleigh, only to lose her when we finally escaped.

It’s been years, and the ghost of Everleigh Adams still haunts me.
The nightmare of losing the only woman I’ll ever love has driven me to insanity.
And then I start to see her everywhere.
Her ghost has left my nightmares to taunt me in my waking life.

Turns out Everleigh never died, and she’s kept a secret from me.
When we come face-to-face after four years of pure hell and agony of living without her, she’s still out
of my reach.
But if insanity has taught me one thing – there are no rules.
I’ll take what’s mine. There’s nowhere Everleigh can run to escape me.
Possess Me
Mafia / Organized Crime / Suspense Romance
Book 5
Authors Note:
Alek has appeared in the other Corrupted Royal books, and I won’t rewrite
those scenes from his point of view as they are irrelevant to his story. His
entire stay at St. Monarch’s is skipped in this book, so I can focus on his past
and present and do his story justice.

This book contains subject matter that may be sensitive for some readers.
There is triggering content related to:
Physical, Emotional, and Mental Torture
Graphic violence.
Senses deprivation.
Death of a loved one.
Extreme heartache.
18+ only.
Please read responsibly.
“The Edge… There is no honest way to explain it
because the only people who really know where it is
are the ones who have gone over.”
–— Hunter S. Thompson, Hell’s Angels.
The Past
Chapter 1

(Twenty years old…)
Cinnamon hangs heavy in the air, the delicious aroma luring me to the
kitchen where I find Mama and Tiana admiring the honey cake they just
It’s my favorite smell in the world – Mama baking in the kitchen. It’s
The moment Mama spots me, she gives me a stern scowl. “Don’t you
dare try to steal a slice. It’s for after dinner.”
It’s Vincent’s birthday today. My brother is three years older than me.
We haven’t seen much of him over the past years as he’s been training to take
his place in the bratva.
With my father being a boss, it’s only natural that we follow in his
I take a seat at the table, eyeing the cake like it’s my last meal.
“Do you want coffee?” Tiana asks me.
“Please.” I smile at the girl who’s like a little sister to me.
My parents adopted Misha and Tiana Petrov, and even though things
were rocky at first, Misha is now my best friend.
I watch as Tiana makes the coffee the way I like it, creamy and sweet,
and smile again when she places the beverage in front of me.
“Thanks, T.” After I savor my first sip of caffeine for the day, I ask, “Did
you bake only one cake?”
It's normal for Mama to be up at the crack of dawn when it’s one of our
birthdays. And she always bakes enough for a small village.
Mama shakes her head while trying to hide the smile tugging at her
mouth. She cuts a huge slice out of the freshly baked cake. “You’ll live on
pastries and desserts if I give you half a chance.” Still, she plates the slice and
pushes it closer to me. “Only one slice.”
I lean closer and take a deep breath, my mouth watering from the aroma.
“I can’t promise anything,” I chuckle. “This is why you bake extra.” I give
Mama a thankful smile. “You love me too much to let me suffer until dinner
“Hmm.” Her eyes are fixed on me as I take the first bite.
When the taste of cream and cinnamon explode over my tongue, I let out
a satisfied groan. My eyes close as I savor the goodness of my mother’s
baking. “Perfect.”
Excitedly, Tiana claps her hands. “Really? You like it?”
My eyebrows fly up, and I swallow before asking, “Did you bake this one
all by yourself?”
She nods, pride dancing in her sky-blue eyes.
“Well, little sister,” I nod my approval, “it’s exactly how I like it.”
Tiana lets out a little shriek before falling onto the chair next to me. “Tell
me how it tastes. Is there enough cream? Did I make the dulce de leche right?
Not too much cinnamon?”
I lift a hand and softly pat her back. “Everything is perfect.”
“What’s perfect?” Misha asks as he comes into the kitchen.
“The honey cake I made,” Tiana answers, pride lighting up her face. “Sit.
You have to taste it.”
“It’s too early,” Misha protests. He grabs a seat, then looks at me.
Shaking his head, he mutters, “How can you eat cake first thing in the
I pop a huge bite into my mouth and groan again. “So good,” I mutter
around the cake.
Tiana places a cup of coffee in front of Misha, along with a much smaller
slice of cake. “Just taste it,” she begs.
Tiana might’ve accepted Vincent and me as her brothers, but there’s no
one she loves more than Misha. Before my parents adopted them, they were
stuck in an orphanage and only had each other, so it’s understandable that
they’re inseparable.
Mama starts to prepare breakfast, and soon the aroma of fried eggs,
melting cheese, and sliced sausages fills the air.
Vincent and Papa enter the kitchen, and Tiana gets busy preparing tea for
“Happy Birthday, zaika,” Mama says before hugging Vincent.
We all take a moment to wish Vincent a happy birthday, and as Mama
and Tiana set all the dishes on the table, Papa mutters, “The boys are coming
with me. We’ll be gone all night.”
“But it’s Vincent’s birthday!” Mama exclaims. “We always have dinner
together. It’s tradition.”
Papa shakes his head, giving Mama an impatient look. “Work can’t wait.”
Mama looks visibly unhappy, but she doesn’t force the subject. “You
better eat,” she says, glancing around the table. “Come, come. More food.”
Getting up, Mama starts to make more fried eggs, a clear sign she’s pissed off
with my father. Cooking always calms her down.
“Tiana, you look after your mama while we’re gone,” Papa instructs.
“Yes, Papa,” she replies.
Tiana was the first to call him Papa, where it took Misha a couple of
years. He still alternates between Mr. Ashlanhov and Papa. It was easier for
both to switch from Mrs. Ashlanhov to Mama, though.
Just to please Mama, we all eat twice as much. It feels like I’m going to
burst by the time I stand up from the table. I press a kiss to Mama’s cheek
before giving her a tight hug, then move to Tiana to hug her quickly.
“Be careful,” Mama says to Papa. “And look after our babies.”
“Babies, my ass,” Papa grumbles. “They’re fully grown men.”
Mama gives him a look of warning. “They’ll always be my babies.”
It takes another ten minutes before we’re able to leave the house, and
only once we’ve all piled into the armored SUV does Papa say, “We’re
taking Ivanov’s daughter tonight.”
My eyes widen, and shock trickles through my body. Misha and I just
started with our bratva training. We’ve been assigned to a junior boss and
follow him around like lost fucking puppies. So far, I’ve only beaten a couple
of fuckers who owe the bratva money. I’ve only killed once.
Kidnapping? That’s a whole different level. Especially if the girl has half
a fucking army guarding her.
My eyes flick to Misha, and we stare at each other for a moment.
“Alek, you’ll grab the girl while Vincent has your back. Misha and I,
along with my soldiers, will take care of her guards.”
I nod because there’s no arguing allowed. You do as you’re told in the
bratva. I have to kidnap the girl. I’d much rather help take care of the guards.
Letting out a slow breath, I turn my attention to the snow-covered scenery
passing us by as we speed toward the heart of Moscow.
Against my better judgment, I ask, “What happens to the girl after we
take her?”
Papa’s eyes remain on the road as he mutters, “She’ll be our hostage until
Ivanov either withdraws out of our territory or agrees to an alliance.”
Fuck. That can take years.
Pushing my luck, I ask another question, “Will she be kept in one of the
safe houses?”
It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask yet another question, but I know it will
anger my father.
“She’ll stay with us,” he mutters.
What the fuck? Mama is going to lose her shit.
Papa once came home with a little boy they kidnapped, and Mama didn’t
speak to Papa for a whole two months.
“It won’t be for long,” Papa adds.
The little boy only stayed two days. Hopefully, things will run as
smoothly this time around.
Or things are going to be tense at home for a long while.
“You’ll make me proud,” Papa demands. “Do as you’re told and get the
job done.”
“Yes, Papa,” we all answer in unison.
Chapter 2

(Eighteen years old...)
Glancing around me, it’s still hard to believe I’m in Moscow.
I was supposed to take this trip with my parents, but they died in a car
accident on New Year's Eve.
Next month will be a year since they passed away. The grief still comes
in waves, especially when I see one of the sights Mom always talked about.
We planned this trip for over a year, and it was meant to be my
graduation gift. With them gone, I decided to honor their memory by going
ahead with the vacation. Russia, Scotland, and Hawaii. We each chose a
destination, and right now, I’m on the first leg of the trip.
Sometimes I’m struck by a wave of panic. Honestly, it’s a little terrifying
exploring a foreign country alone.
It’s terrifying being alone in this big world.
The only family I have left are Dad’s cousins, who live in Canada, but I
barely have contact with them. There is Gillian, Mom’s best friend, and she’s
offered that I move in with her, but she has four kids of her own, and I don’t
want to intrude.
I inherited enough to live comfortably for the next ten years or so. Money
is the least of my worries. It’s the fact that I don’t have my parents anymore
that’s scaring the hell out of me.
I was going to study literature and played with the idea of becoming an
editor, but that flew out the window when I lost my parents.
Actually, I lost more than just my parents. I lost my friends as well. They
tried to be patient with me, but I was too consumed with unbearable grief,
and one by one, they stopped interacting with me.
By the grace of god, I managed to complete my final year of school, and
now, as I’m traveling through Russia, I have no idea what I’ll do once the
vacation is over.
Do I study further? My parents are supposed to be here to help me make
this decision.
Shaking my head, I draw myself out of my morbid thoughts and glance
up and down the busy street. The city is alive, and my eyes land on three girls
as they giggle. It looks like they’re heading toward a nightclub.
I used to be that carefree.
Finishing the last of the coffee I bought thirty minutes ago, I get up from
where I’m sitting in a café. Instead of going back to my hotel, I follow after
the girls at a slow pace.
Two girls are holding hands. I remember I used to be that close with
Bernadette before they moved to New York because her father was
transferred there for work.
The girls join the back of a long line of people waiting to enter the
nightclub, and I stop behind them. They’re talking Russian, but from the
excitement in their voices, it’s clear they can’t wait to get inside.
Wearing a pair of tight, black jeans and a cozy sweater over a white long-
sleeve shirt, I’m not dressed for the nightclub.
All the other girls are glammed up for the night.
Feeling a little self-conscious, I lift my hand to my head and pull my hair
free from the braid before placing the tie around my wrist. I tug my fingers
through the strands and take a couple of steps forward as the line moves.
Are you really going into the nightclub?
I glance around me, taking in the happy faces, and I feel the excited vibe
filling the air.
It’s better than sitting in my hotel room where my grief will overwhelm
Two guys come to stand behind me, and I feel overly aware of my
appearance. Like any other girl my age, I notice boys, and for some reason,
they seem more appealing just because they’re foreign. It’s weird.
My eyes sweep over the group of girls in front of me, and as we move
forward again, I notice their high heels. My sneakers might not fit the dress
Tugging my bottom lip between my teeth, I contemplate giving up on this
silly idea, but something keeps me from leaving the line.
When we get closer to the entrance, I can hear the music coming from
inside the nightclub.
A night out will do you good.
The girls ahead of me are allowed to enter then the bouncer’s eyes land
on me. His stern gaze sweeps over my outfit then he shakes his head. “Net.”
His tone is harsh when he says something else, and the guys behind me
chuckle, which has my cheeks going up in flames.
From my limited knowledge of Russian, I know the bouncer said no.
As I let out a sigh and turn to leave the line, a gorgeous woman comes
toward us, her eyes flicking from me to the bouncer. She says something in
Russian, then hooks her arm through mine, a bright smile on her face. I notice
the group of men behind her. They look like bodyguards, making me wonder
who the woman is.
My heartbeat speeds up, and caught off guard, I listen to her rambling in
her native tongue as we enter the nightclub before I think to say, “I don’t
understand Russian.” I pat my hand against my chest. “American.”
Her smile widens, and her eyes fill with surprise. “Really? So cool.” Her
accent is thick, and as she tugs me toward the lower floor where people are
dancing, she leans into me. “My name is Svetlana.”
Thank God she understands English.
A smile forms on my face as I meet her eyes. “I’m Everleigh…ahh…
thanks for getting me into the nightclub.”
I glance at the orange and blue décor, the strobing lights, the bar counters,
and sitting areas. Svetlana leads me up a narrow staircase, and at the top, we
enter a much more luxurious area than downstairs.
“You come alone?” Svetlana asks in broken English.
I nod, conscious of the men still following behind us. “Are they your
“Yes, ignore them.” I’m pulled toward a bar counter, then she asks,
“What do you drink?”
Getting a good look at her face, I have to admit she’s stunning. Her hair is
a couple of shades lighter than my light brown strands, and her blue eyes are
downright mesmerizing. She’s wearing tight leather pants, a silk blouse, and
a three-quarter-sleeve jacket. Paired with high heels, the woman looks like
she stepped out of a fashion magazine.
I almost decline a drink but remember the drinking age in Russia is
eighteen. Shrugging, I sit down on a stool. “I don’t drink much. You can get
Svetlana also takes a seat, then asks, “Are you visiting Russia?”
I nod, and slipping the strap from my shoulder, I set my backpack down
by my feet. “Russia is beautiful.”
“How long will you be here?”
The bartender interrupts her, and Svetlana holds up two fingers without
saying anything.
“Just another week.” My eyes dart between the bartender and her, then I
ask, “Do you come here often?”
She nods, and when the bartender places two shot glasses down, she picks
up one.
“Why did you help me get into the nightclub?”
“My father is owner, and it looked like you could use favor,” she
answers. We clink glasses, then she adds, “Welcome to Russia, Everleigh.”
That explains the bodyguards. Svetlana’s father must be wealthy.
We drink the shots, and the alcohol tastes like dishwashing liquid. My
body shudders, and I struggle not to cough. “God,” I chuckle. “It’s bitter.”
She lets out a burst of laughter, and a moment later, her face lights up,
and she waves excitedly. “My friends are here.”
I follow her line of sight and see two men and four women approaching
us. Svetlana stands up and hugs each of them.
While I’m watching the group interact, I think about the random
encounter with Svetlana. It’s not in my nature to talk to strangers, but she
looks the same age as me, so I don’t think there’s any harm in socializing
with her.
Also, the energy pulsing through the nightclub is a nice change of pace.
I’m tired of watching TV in the hotel room every night.
Svetlana gestures for me to follow them as they head toward a luxurious
sitting area. Picking up my backpack, I join the group, and while they’re all
sitting down, Svetlana pats the seat next to her. “Come. Sit down.”
She waves a hand at me while saying something in Russian. I make out
the word ‘American,’ and everyone smiles at me.
Feeling out of place, I shift on the seat, doing my best to return their
This is the most awkward and impulsive thing I’ve ever done.
One of her friends says something I don’t understand, and it has Svetlana
glancing over my clothes. She replies to her friend before she gives me a
wide smile. “I want to ask favor.”
My eyebrow lifts, and I feel a tinge of apprehension. “What?”
“You come to bathroom with me and exchange clothes.” She shoots a
glance at her guards. “We will go to dance floor, and you pretend to be me.”
Frowning at her, the apprehensive feeling grows. “Why?”
Svetlana lets out a chuckle. “I want to escape guards for one night. Do me
favor. Please.”
Yeah, I’m not so sure about this.
Svetlana has guards protecting her for a reason.
“I’ll get in trouble,” I state the obvious.
She waves a careless hand. “No. You just wear my clothes and dance.
Nothing will happen. You can leave after I’m gone.” She gives me a pleading
expression. “I just want one night. Please.” She takes hold of my hand. “My
life is ahh… suffocating. I want normal.”
We’re just swapping clothes.
Feeling sorry for her, I give in and nod.
A bright smile spreads over her gorgeous face, and I’m yanked to my feet
as she gets up. “Thank you! Let’s go.”
I quickly grab my backpack. The other girls join us and surrounded by
their giggles and Russian words, I’m ushered to the restroom.
“Thank you,” Svetlana says again when she shrugs off the jacket.
We begin to exchange clothes, and while I put on her high heels, I think
about the long walk back to the hotel.
Hopefully, I can get a cab.
Svetlana fluffs my hair out, her eyes perusing me. “Good. This will
Honestly, her guards are stupid if they don’t notice the swap.
I’m already regretting my decision to help her. I should’ve told her no
and gone back to my hotel.
“I’ll carry backpack to dance floor,” she says while shoving her purse into
my hands.
Hooking her arm through mine, she gives me another smile. The other
girls walk in front of us, and I notice they try to block our faces as we head to
the stairs.
The two men who are waiting at the table get up and follow us to the
lower level. Svetlana quickly pulls me into the dancing crowd.
“Wait ten minutes before leaving,” she says right by my ear. She sets my
backpack down by my feet and takes her purse from me.
“Let’s go,” one of the guys says while nervously glancing around.
The other guy and four girls stay with me while Svetlana makes her
escape. I dance so I don’t look like an idiot and keep giving Svetlana’s
friends awkward smiles.
Okaaayyy…this is not weird at all.
It’s only been five minutes when one of the girls waves at me, and the
group leaves to join Svetlana. I feel a flutter of nerves and continue to dance
while glancing around me. I try to see where Svetlana’s bodyguards are. I
didn’t get a good look at them, though.
Ugh, I hope this doesn’t bite me in the ass.
Sweat starts to bead on the back of my neck as I wait another ten minutes.
Feeling the urge to make a run for it, I grab my backpack and rush toward the
I hear Svetlana’s name being called behind me and shove my way
through the dancing crowd.
Crap. Crap. Crap.
With my heart beating a mile a minute, I make a beeline for the exit.
Chapter 3

Papa pointed out Svetlana Ivanov as she entered the club, and I memorized
her outfit because I didn’t get a good look at her face. It all happened a little
too fast.
Sitting in a car that’s parked by the side of the building, I watch as
Vincent lights a cigarette.
“Mama’s going to lose her shit when we come home with the girl,” I state
the obvious.
“Luckily, that’s not my problem,” my brother mutters. “I’m going back to
St. Monarch’s as soon as we’re done with this job.”
I let out a sigh while scanning our surroundings. “I wish I could go with
St. Monarch’s is a training school slash resort in Switzerland for anyone
in the criminal world. It’s the only neutral ground on the planet where we’re
taught how to be assassins, smugglers, and anything else crime related.
Vincent is learning everything regarding torturing, fighting, and shooting. I’ll
go through the same course as him once I turn twenty-one.
“Just one more year.” Exhaling a puff of smoke, he glances at me. “The
training is tough.”
“If you can do it, so can I.”
He nods while his eyes flit back to the nightclub’s entrance.
Silence falls between us, and we watch as people enter and exit the
Even though I’m not happy about kidnapping a girl, there’s nothing I can
do about it. I was born into the bratva. It’s been my entire life, and I always
knew I’d fill some role in the organization as soon as I became an adult. It
helps that I’m going through the training to be a bratva enforcer with Misha.
Suddenly I’m ripped out of my thoughts when a girl matching Svetlana’s
description comes darting out of the nightclub, heading straight for us.
“Shit,” Vincent exclaims. “Grab her.”
I shove the car door open and run after her. The high heels she’s wearing
slow her down, and I’m able to catch her before she can disappear around the
side of the building.
Nervously, I keep looking around us for the guards while my arms lock
around her. As I lift Svetlana off her feet, she cries, “I’m sorry. It was her
Hearing her American accent makes a frown form on my forehead, but
having a job to do, I haul her to the car. Vincent opens the backdoor, and I
shove Svetlana inside.
“Jesus,” she hisses, shooting a glare my way.
After I slide in beside Svetlana, Vincent starts the engine, and seconds
later, we’re speeding away from the nightclub where Papa and Misha will
take care of the guards should they try to come after us.
I turn in the seat to glance out the back window to make sure we’re not
being followed before I let out a breath of relief.
“That was easier than I thought,” I voice my thoughts to Vincent, then my
eyes lock on Svetlana.
Holy. Fucking. Christ.
The woman sitting next to me is so fucking beautiful, I can only stare at
her for a solid minute. She has wavy light brown hair, and her eyes are a
mixture of brown and green. Her features are delicate and innocent.
“Do you understand English?” she asks.
Svetlana is Russian. Born and bred.
This woman has an American accent.
“What’s your name?” I ask, praying to all that’s holy I didn’t grab the
wrong girl.
“Oh, thank God you speak English,” she lets out a relieved chuckle. “I’m
Everleigh. Are you Svetlana’s guards?” She glances out the windows, then
nervously brings her eyes back to me.
“What the fuck,” Vincent snaps from behind the steering wheel.
Apprehension tightens the girl’s features. “This was her idea. She left the
nightclub with her friends.” She glances out the window again. “You can
drop me off right here.”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” I mutter while quickly pulling my phone from my
pocket. In Russian, I tell Vincent, “Papa’s going to kill us.”
“What are you doing?” Vincent shakes his head as he turns the vehicle
left up a random street. “Don’t call Papa. Let’s think of a plan.”
“Can you stop the car?” The girl…Everleigh is looking more anxious by
the second.
I feel a twinge of panic because I wasn’t lying when I said Papa will kill
us for the mistake. We had one job, and we fucked up.
My eyes snap to the girl’s face as I ask, “Where is Svetlana?”
She shrugs while gripping a backpack to her chest. “I don’t know. She
left the club ten minutes before me.”
Suddenly there’s a crash of metal, our bodies are jarred, and the car spins
to the side.
“Blyadʹ,” Vincent curses, trying to regain control of the vehicle.
Shock vibrates through me, and the air in my lungs bursts from my lips.
Instinctively, I grab hold of Everleigh, who’s too stunned to make a sound.
I’m slammed against the door, and as the car flips, there’s nothing I can do to
stop us from being tossed around.
A faint peeping sound comes from Everleigh, and I feel her hands claw at
my shirt. Pain rips through my left arm, and a moment later, everything stops.
I hear the groaning of metal and something dripping.
What the fuck?
Letting out a groan, I shake my head before pushing myself up from
where I’m laying partially over Everleigh.
I grip hold of the driver’s seat and sit up. I notice blood seeping from a
gash on my left forearm, then my eyes dart to my brother, who’s slumped
over the steering wheel. There’s a cut on his forehead and blood trickling
from his mouth.
“Vincent!” Even though I intended to shout, his name is nothing but a
hoarse whisper.
“God,” Everleigh whimpers, trying to sit up.
The doors are yanked open, and still dazed from the accident my reaction
is delayed as I’m grabbed and hauled from the car.
When my arms are yanked behind my back, and someone starts to fasten
zip ties around my wrists, I struggle, shaking my head again to rid myself of
the fog left over from the accident.
This is an ambush.
I hear Everleigh cry.
As my eyes flick in her direction, I see men pulling her and Vincent from
the wreckage before a fist connects with my face. My muscles strain, but
before I can do anything, another blow slams into my temple, and I lose
Coming to it feels like I was hit by a train. My mouth is dry, and my head
heavy as I roll it to the side. There’s a dull throb in the side of my face.
What the fuck happened?
It doesn’t feel like a hangover, and my mind is too foggy to remember
last night.
“Hey,” I hear a panicked female voice. “Wake up. God. Please wake up.”
My mind clears a little, and when I move my left arm, it throbs. I’ve had a
broken arm before, so I know it’s not that bad.
Lying on my side, I pry my eyes open only to see a stained wall. It looks
like there’s a spray of blood drops that dried ages ago.
“Wake up! Please,” the woman begs again.
I push through the last of the grogginess and manage to move into a
sitting position.
“Thank God,” she whimpers before letting out a sob.
Turning my head in her direction, I stare for a moment before I recognize
her, and all at once, the events of the ambush hits me.
Jesus Christ.
Our car being hit. Vincent cursing as he tried to regain control of the
spinning vehicle. Us tossed around before being pulled from the wreckage.
“Blyadʹ,” I mutter, realizing how serious this shitty situation is.
My heartbeat speeds up, and I quickly glance around me, taking in every
inch of the small, filthy room we seem to be locked in.
I try to remember the men who ambushed us but come up empty-handed.
I don’t know who has us.
Maybe Ivanov retaliated?
“What’s your name?” Everleigh asks. “Do you think the other guards will
look for us?”
Glancing around the empty room again, I see nothing but old blood
stains. There’s a sinking feeling in my stomach.
Fuck, this is bad.
“Please talk to me,” Everleigh begs, her voice trembling.
My gaze swings back to her, and I shake my head. “Alek.” My tongue
flicks out to wet my dry lips. “My name is Alek.”
Everleigh’s features tighten, and I can see tears brimming in her eyes. Her
outfit is ruffled, and the high heels she wore when I grabbed her are nowhere
to be seen.
“How long have we been here?” I ask.
Her frightened gaze is locked on me. “A couple of hours.”
“Did you see what happened to my brother?”
“The guy driving the car?” When I nod, she shakes her head. “They put a
bag over my head.”
“Blyadʹ,” I curse again. Struggling to my feet, I walk to the door and test
it to see whether it’s locked. The door doesn’t budge, and I let out a sigh. “K
chertu moyu zhizn'.”
“I don’t understand Russian,” Everleigh whispers, her eyes still glued to
“I said fuck my life.” I take a deep breath while my hand skims over the
spot where my gun should be tucked behind my back.
It would be the first thing they’d take. That’s why Everleigh doesn’t have
her high heels. I also notice my belt is gone. Anything that could be used as a
weapon has been taken from us.
Dropping to my ass next to Everleigh, I rub a hand over my face.
“Do you know what happened?” she asks.
I let out a sigh, then explain, “We were supposed to grab Svetlana
Ivanhov, but she one-upped us. My guess is her father’s behind the ambush.”
My eyes meet the innocent girl’s panicked gaze, and I wonder if she
knows anything about the world I come from.
“You’re American?” I ask.
She nods. “I’m here on vacation.”
I feel a twinge of pity in my chest. “Sorry to be the bearer of bad news,
but you’re fucked,” I give it to her straight. There’s no time to sugarcoat our
The quicker she braces for the hell coming our way, the better for her.
Her face pales, her eyes jumping nervously over my features. “What do
you mean?”
“Ever heard of the bratva?”
She shakes her head.
“The mafia?”
This time her eyes widen, and panic makes her breaths come faster.
“You got caught in a war.” I shake my head, and unable to lie to her, I
say, “It’s going to get bad, but with a little luck, my father will find out where
we are and come to get us.”
But that will take time, and in the meanwhile, we’ll be tortured.
That’s if they don’t execute us today.
Like I said, we’re fucked.
Chapter 4

Terrified, I stare at Alek.
He looks a hell of a lot calmer than I feel.
In a matter of hours, I’ve gone from swapping clothes with Svetlana to
being grabbed off the street to a car accident to being kidnapped.
It’s surreal.
Panic flares hot through my chest, and a hysterical breakdown threatens
to overwhelm me.
If I weren’t scared out of my mind, I’d actually appreciate how attractive
Alek is. He has longish, dark brown hair, and strands fall over his forehead,
making him look like one of the bad boys Mom always warned me about.
His eyes are brown with golden flecks giving me the impression he’s a
He’s not dressed in a suit like Svetlana’s other guards but is wearing
black cargo pants, a black t-shirt, and boots.
There are tattoos on the back of his hands running all the way up his
forearms, where I can see his veins snaking beneath his skin.
I have an overwhelming need to get to know him because he’s locked in
this tiny room with me. Without him, I’d be alone, and that’s not something I
can deal with right now. Honestly, I’m trying not to think about the fact that
I’m in deep crap.
With anxiety tightening my voice, I ask, “How old are you?”
A frown forms on his forehead before he gives me a skeptical look.
“Seriously? Do you understand how much trouble we’re in?”
Turning my head away from him, I look at my knees and wrap my arms
tighter around my shins. “I just want to know who I’m stuck with.”
I want something to distract me from this horrible situation because
thinking about the trouble I find myself in will make me lose my mind.
I should’ve gone back to the hotel.
I never should’ve entered the club and agreed to swap clothes with
If my parents were alive, none of this would’ve happened.
Alek lets out a sigh and leans back against the wall. “I’m twenty.”
My eyes dart to his face again. The bruises near his left eye and jaw are
turning purple, but it doesn’t make him look any less attractive.
“I’m eighteen,” I whisper.
I’m only eighteen, and I’ve lost my parents. Now I’ve been kidnapped,
and I’m stuck in a dingy room with a guy I don’t know.
My breathing speeds up, and there’s no stopping the wave of panic
tearing through my insides.
A guy who kidnapped me.
Oh, God.
I duck my head, pinch my eyes shut, and bite my bottom lip as
overwhelming anxiety and fear send shockwaves through my body.
What have I gotten myself into?
My breaths are coming so fast a strangling sound escapes me.
“Won’t help to panic,” Alek mutters as if being kidnapped is just another
everyday thing for him. “It will piss them off, which means they’ll kill you
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
I lift my head, gulping breaths of air. My eyes lock on Alek, and I gasp,
“I’m just a tourist. I’m an American citizen.”
He shrugs. “None of that matters to them.” His features tighten
momentarily, but I can’t place the emotion on his face. “Just do as they say.”
He shakes his head and lets out a sigh. “My father should already be looking
for us.”
I stare at him, confused that he’s so calm.
“Why aren’t you scared?” Maybe he knows something he’s not telling
His gaze flicks to the door. “Fearing the inevitable is pointless.”
My voice trembles when I ask, “What is inevitable?”
I don’t want to know.
Not really.
Alek brings his attention back to me. “You’re already panicking. The last
thing I need is you having a breakdown.”
His reply makes my fear double in size.
Suddenly the question I’ve been trying to hold back pops from my mouth.
“You kidnapped me? Because you thought I was Svetlana?”
If I hadn’t swapped clothes with her, I wouldn’t be in this mess.
Alek’s jaw clenches, then he nods.
An impatient look crosses his face. “Like I said, you’re in the middle of a
Resentment toward the man beside me fills my chest, and I turn my eyes
to my legs.
We hear footsteps outside the door, then a rattling of keys. When the door
swings open, my mouth grows bone dry, and my eyes widen.
Two very scary-looking men come into the small room. They don’t look
Russian, though, and neither is old enough to be Svetlana’s father.
Alek lets out a chuckle. “Riccardo Prodi.” I hear him move, and shooting
a glance at Alek, I watch as he climbs to his feet. There’s a hate-filled
expression on his face that makes him look just as terrifying as our captors.
“Does Luca know what you’re up to?”
The man, who I assume is Riccardo Prodi takes a step closer to Alek.
“Until the mafia and bratva cut ties, we don’t report to Cotroni.”
Alek lets out another chuckle that sounds more like a warning. “Viktor
and Luca will kill you for this.”
Riccardo gestures toward me, and the other man comes to grab my arm.
I’m yanked to my feet and exclaim, “No. Wait.” Panic and terror swirl in
my stomach, making me feel queasy.
I give Alek a pleading look, hoping he can stop whatever’s about to
happen, but he doesn’t even look in my direction.
I struggle against the hold on my arm while crying for them to wait as
they drag me out of the room.
I’m taken down a narrow hallway, where I notice four armed guards
before I’m shoved into another room.
Riccardo takes a seat on a chair, and crossing his legs, his eyes slowly
sweep over me. He seems to be in his late twenties or early thirties, and
wearing a suit, he looks like an ordinary businessman.
The other man still has a biting hold on my arm, and all I can do is
tremble, my fear too intense to try and think straight.
“Who are you?” Riccardo asks.
“I’m American.” I have the futile hope that my nationality will keep them
from hurting me.
Or worse.
My mind slams up a wall, refusing to think of death.
A frown forms on the man’s forehead. “How are you affiliated with the
My tongue darts out to wet my lips. “I’m not. I don’t even know what the
bratva is.”
He tilts his head, his dark eyes staring at me until I fear that I’ll wet
myself. “What’s your name?”
“Never heard of you.” He glances at the man holding my arm and orders
with a bored tone, “She’s worthless. Get rid of her.”
An eerie sensation ghosts over my skin, and a feeling I’ve never felt
before rattles me to my core.
I’m not ready to die.
Honestly, I’m terrified of dying.
Maybe if I explain the situation that I just swapped clothes with Svetlana,
he’ll let me go. The words are on the tip of my tongue, but something tells
me not to divulge the information. Instead, I beg, “Please. Just let me go. I
won’t tell anyone.”
The man gripping my arm says, “She was in the back seat with Alek.
They looked cozy before we rammed into their vehicle. We could use her to
break him.”
I almost divulge that I don’t know Alek but bite my bottom lip to keep
from talking.
Riccardo again just stares at me, then asks, “What’s your relationship
with Aleksandr Aslanhov?”
“Ahhh…” I wet my lips again, my anxiety level through the roof. “I like
him…love him! We…we’re dating.”
They will ask Alek, and if he tells them the truth, I’m good as dead.
At least I’m buying myself a couple of minutes.
“Take her back to the room.”
I’m manhandled, and when I’m shoved back into the small room, my
eyes lock on Alek.
Instead of asking Alek to verify what I said, the door is locked again, and
we’re left alone.
“Oh, God,” I whimper, goosebumps spreading over my body. I sink to
my knees, and wrapping my arms around my middle, a horrible sob escapes
“What did they do?” Alek asks, his tone too calm for my frazzled mind to
“T-they wanted t-t-to know who I am,” I sputter. I give Alek a pleading
look. “I-I told them we’re dating. They were going to k-kill me. I panicked
and lied. Please don’t tell them the truth.”
When I’m done rambling, Alek just stares at me.
“Please,” I beg again. “I didn’t know what else to do.”
When I start to cry, ugly sobs bursting from me, he says, “Calm down.
I’m not telling them shit, so your secret is safe with me.”
Intense hope washes through me, and I feel dizzy from relief.
“T-thank you,” I whisper, uncontrollable sobs shuddering through me.
“It’s the least I can do for kidnapping you,” he mutters. He rests his head
against the wall and closes his eyes.
All I can do is stare at the guy who’s way too calm in the nightmare we
find ourselves in.
Chapter 5

It’s getting hard to tell how much time has passed since Prodi paid us a visit.
I was caught off guard that Prodi was the one who ambushed us instead
of Ivanov.
Riccardo Prodi is the eldest son of Ignasio Prodi, who’s been loyal to the
mafia all his life. It’s no secret the Prodi family isn’t happy about the ties
between the mafia and bratva, but I didn’t think they’d go this far.
The Italian is looking for shit to rain down on his head. Once Viktor, the
head of the bratva, and Luca, the head of the mafia, hear of this, all hell will
break loose.
The mafia is tied to the bratva through marriage, and from what I’ve
heard, it’s a happy marriage. There’s also the fact that Viktor and Luca are
close friends.
With Prodi taking us, he’s basically declaring war on the mafia and
I’d laugh my ass off if it weren’t for the shitty position I find myself in.
And then there’s the girl. She’s been quiet since I agreed to keep her
secret. I’m actually impressed she came up with the lie that we’re dating. It
won’t keep her alive for long, but she bought herself a day or two.
My eyes drift to where she’s pressed her body into the corner. Panic and
fear still tighten her features. My gaze stops on her trembling hands.
She has pretty hands.
Every time I look at her, I’m struck by her beauty. Beautiful is the last
thing you want to be when you’re kidnapped. There’s a good chance they
might rape her before killing her.
I feel sorry for her, but there’s not much I can do.
“Did you see my brother?” I ask.
She shakes her head.
I keep staring at her until she finally turns her head and meets my eyes.
She looks broken, and they haven’t even started with the torture.
Then again, she’s not from my world.
Suddenly I wish I could tell her she’ll be okay, but I can’t bring myself to
lie to her.
“What’s your brother’s name?” she asks, her voice soft as if all her
energy has been drained from her.
“And your last name is Aslanhov?” When I nod, she explains, “They
gave me your full name.” She seems to think about something before she
says, “We should get our story straight in case they ask about our
relationship.” When I don’t say anything, she continues, “My last name is
Adams. I’m from Ohio.” Her face threatens to crumble before she says, “My
parents died a year ago.” She loses the battle, and a sob bursts from her.
“There’s no one who will notice I’m missing.”
I’m hit by an intense wave of pity for the girl who seems to have the
worst luck in the world.
“I have people already searching for us,” I say to make her feel a little
Whether they’ll get here in time is a whole different story.
Silence falls between us for a long while before Everleigh whispers,
“Please tell me this is just a nightmare, and I’ll wake up soon.”
My gaze swings to her, and I shake my head. “I might be a criminal, but I
never lie.”
A hollow-sounding sigh escapes her. Minutes later, she looks at me.
“Why are you a criminal?”
I shrug, and figuring I have nothing better to do, I decide to answer her
question. “I was born into the bratva. It wasn’t a choice.”
“If you had a choice, would you do something else?”
I shrug again but don’t answer because I never thought about it. Why
waste your time thinking about something that can never be?
After a while, she asks, “Don’t you want to know anything about me?”
My eyes lock with hers, then I murmur, “You’re an eighteen-year-old
American from Ohio who lost her parents and is alone in this world. You’ve
grown up in a protected household and have no idea how to handle the shitty
situation we find ourselves in. You’re a positive person because, against all
odds, you still have hope to get out of this alive.” I pause for a moment
before I add, “And you’re either a kind person or a weak one for agreeing to
change clothes with a girl you don’t know.” My eyes flick to the door. “I
know everything worth knowing about you.”
I can feel Everleigh’s eyes burning on me. “You don’t have to be a jerk.”
She might be beautiful, and under different circumstances, I would’ve
taken my chance with her, but this is not the time or place to get to know
someone. Growing attached to her will make me vulnerable.
Hours pass where nothing happens. It’s impossible to tell what the time is
because there are no windows in the room.
I’m thirsty, and my stomach keeps rumbling.
Everleigh keeps squirming in the corner, giving me the impression she
needs to go to the restroom.
My bladder is full, but I can hold out for another few hours.
I’m more worried about Vincent than anything else. He’s the eldest
Aslanhov son, so they will torture him before they get to me.
They’re probably torturing him at this very moment.
I keep my face expressionless. Like I’ve been taught to do.
Papa used to beat the shit out of us until we learned to show no emotion.
Now I understand why he did it.
My father isn’t a good man, and honestly, he’s not much of a father. I’ve
been raised by one of the bosses of the bratva, and the only love I get is from
Mama, Vincent, Misha, and Tiana.
Their love is enough for me.
Honestly, it’s more than most people in my position ever get.
Climbing to my feet, I walk to the door and bang on it while shouting,
“Some of us need the toilet.”
I bang my fist against the door again, and when I hear footsteps, I move
to the other side of the room.
Everleigh quickly gets up and comes to stand next to me, her side
pressing against mine.
When the door opens, Prodi’s henchman steps inside.
I tip my head in Everleigh’s direction. “She needs the toilet.” When the
man hesitates, I say, “Unless you want us stinking up the place. It’s up to
With his gun drawn, he gestures for us to come, which I take as a good
sign that they intend to keep us alive for a while.
The henchman’s shorter than me. I’m pretty confident I could take him,
but then I see the other armed soldiers as we walk down the hallway.
I memorize the layout of the building as we pass four shut doors before
we reach a restroom with three stalls and sinks. There’s a tiny window that’s
been welded shut.
Vincent could be in any of those rooms.
The henchman presses the barrel of his gun to the side of my head and
nods toward the stalls. “You have one minute, principessa.”
Everleigh rushes into a stall, and a couple of seconds later, it sounds like
a waterfall is unleashed.
When she doesn’t come quick enough out of the stall, the henchman
snaps, “Time’s up, principessa.”
Seconds later, the door opens, and Everleigh comes out, her cheeks
burning red.
“Drink water,” the henchman instructs.
I watch as she relieves her thirst, and only once the barrel of the gun is
directed at her head do I get a nod to use the toilet.
I couldn’t give two shits about a girl being in the restroom while I take a
leak and go about my business.
I rinse my hands and drink my fill before I push Everleigh to the side to
stand between her and the gun. The poor girl is shaking like a fucking leaf.
My calm demeanor has the henchman glaring at me, and I’m shoved
toward the doorway.
We’re not taken back to our room but instead shoved into another room
where Prodi is sitting on a chair, and Vincent is on his knees in the middle of
the concrete floor.
My brother’s been beaten, and near him lies one of his molars. Unlike us,
he’s restrained with handcuffs.
There’s a camera standing on a tripod. Probably to send our father
recordings of our torture.
If Prodi thinks this will make the mafia and bratva cut ties, he’s stupid as
Forcefully, I tear my eyes away from Vincent, and with a blank
expression, I look at Prodi.
Let the fun begin.
Chapter 6

My body aches from all the anxiety and terror I’m feeling.
At least my bladder’s no longer going to burst, but standing in the room
with our captors, my relief is quickly forgotten.
Are they going to kill one of us?
All of us?
My eyes land on the tooth near Vincent, and I feel the ache in my jaw.
This is horror. Pure freaking horror.
My gaze flits all over the room, my breaths already rushing over my lips.
How am I going to survive this?
“Uncuff Vincent,” the one in charge orders.
The other guy unlocks Vincent’s cuffs, then another order is given. “Get
up, Vincent.”
I watch as Alek’s brother climbs to his feet. He has the same emotionless
expression on his beaten face as Alek.
Riccardo gestures to his guard or soldier. I’m not sure what to call him.
“Dario will shoot one of you unless…” Riccardo gets up and looks at
Vincent. “You have to choose who will get tortured next. If you refuse, Dario
will kill one of you.”
Oh, God.
My eyes flit wildly between all of the men because I know what’s
coming. There’s no way Vincent will choose Alek. I’m a stranger to him.
Vincent locks eyes with Alek, and as the seconds crawl by, my heart
beats out of my chest.
“The girl,” he mutters.
No. Oh, God. No!
“That was an easy choice,” Riccardo chuckles. “I’m surprised, though. If
she’s dating your brother, he’s going to be pissed off with you torturing his
Vincent doesn’t know about the lie!
Vincent’s eyes flick between Alek and me, but he doesn’t say anything.
Riccardo takes a seat again, then snaps, “You heard me, Vincent. Torture
the girl.”
Vincent’s hands fist at his side, and when he steps toward me, I take one
There’s no doubt in my mind he’ll kill me to save Alek.
The man, who I now know is Dario, points his gun at Alek.
“You have three seconds before Dario kills Alek,” Riccardo mutters as if
he’s bored with us.
My eyes are still wildly flitting around when Vincent darts forward. His
fist connects with my cheek, and as agonizing pain radiates through my entire
skull, I go down like a sack of potatoes.
Instinctively, I curl into a fetal position and cover my head with my arms.
“I didn’t say beat. I said torture,” Riccardo snaps.
I don’t even have the courage to peek around me and keep my eyes
squeezed shut.
The next moment Vincent grabs my right hand and pries my fist open.
My eyes fly open, and horrified I watch as he brings a set of pliers closer to
my hand.
“NoNoNoNo!” I scream, and when I try to push him away from me with
my left hand, he uses his body to block me, grips my pinky finger, and rips
the nail off.
Between my wails of pain, I hear Riccardo sneer, “I thought you were in
a relationship with the girl.”
There’s no emotion in Alek’s voice as he replies, “Would it help if I lost
my shit?” I hear him let out a sigh. “It won’t stop you from torturing her.”
“Take the girl and Vincent back to their rooms,” Riccardo shouts.
Is it over?
I’m yanked to my feet and shoved toward the doorway. I only get a
glimpse of Alek, who’s staring at Riccardo, unfeeling as ever.
I cradle my right hand against my shirt, my blood seeping into the fabric.
Vincent is locked in the room opposite ours before I’m shoved into the
four walls that have become my prison.
I hurry to the corner where I sit down, and pressing my face into my
knees, I try to process what just happened.
The pain burns all the way from my pinky up to my wrist as if the digit
has been set on fire. There’s a throbbing ache in my jaw, and my chaotic
emotions threaten to make me lose my sanity.
I had a perfect life before my parents died.
How did it come to this? Me, an orphan who’s going to be tortured and
killed by criminals.
What did I do to deserve this?
I wish I could be like Alek and just not care.
I lift my head and stare at the locked door.
Are they going to kill him?
God, I hope not. I don’t want to be alone in this room.
I’ve only known him a day, and already I’m attached to him. I think it’s
because of the harrowing situation we find ourselves in. He’s the only person
I can connect with. Just having him here with me helps.
It has nothing to do with the attraction I felt when I saw how good-
looking he is but pure survival. The odds of me getting out of this hell alive is
better with Alek by my side.
If he dies, they’ll probably kill me shortly after.
I haven’t prayed since I lost my parents. I’ve been too angry with God.
But with Alek’s life hanging in the balance, I start to whisper, “Dear, God,
don’t let them kill Alek. Or Me. Or Vincent. Please send an angel to watch
over us. I don’t want to die, and I’m so scared. Please help us.”
As the prayer leaves my lips, I don’t feel any better.
If miracles existed, my parents would still be alive, and I wouldn’t be
locked in a room.
Please come back, Alek.
Chapter 7

While Vincent and Everleigh are taken out of the room, Prodi trains his gun
on me. When I hear movement behind me, I keep my eyes locked on Prodi.
My arms are grabbed, and I’m yanked backward. Forced to sit down on a
chair, Prodi’s men strap my forearms to the armrests.
Only then does Prodi place his gun on his lap. Removing a packet of
cigarettes, he lights one before he says, “I hear your father attacked Ivanov’s
place. He thought you were taken in retaliation for trying to kidnap
He’s not holding us for information. Fuck. That means he’ll kill us once
he’s had his fun.
“As you know, my father is against the mafia and bratva working
together. For fun, we sent a ransom note to your father. We’re not asking
much. Just one euro for you and Vincent. It’s a bargain.”
There’s no way my father will pay for our release. Prodi is playing a mind
game with him.
“As an incentive, we’ll send your father recordings and proof of life. For
your sake, I hope he swallows his pride.”
That will never happen.
Prodi takes a deep pull of his cigarette then slowly blows out the smoke.
“Who is this Everleigh Adams, and what is she to you?”
I’m not telling this man shit and just stare at him.
He gestures to one of the men, my hand is grabbed, and a knife is plunged
through my skin and bone.
I can’t keep myself from groaning as the sharp pain tears through my
hand. “Mater' Bozh'ya.” A threatening chuckle escapes me. “I’m going to kill
“Who’s the girl?” Prodi asks again.
I clench my jaw while sucking in a deep breath of air.
This is exactly like the training I’ll receive at St. Monarch’s next year. If I
can’t survive a little torture, I won’t make it during training.
“If she means nothing to you, she’s of no use to me,” Prodi threatens.
I should let them kill her. It will be merciful compared to what lies ahead.
I stare at Prodi, and as he gestures to one of the men to take care of
Everleigh, I hiss, “She’s my girlfriend.”
What the fuck are you doing?
Prodi gives a skeptical look, then orders, “Go get the girl.”
He doesn’t believe the lie we’ve told him.
I keep my expression neutral, and when Everleigh is dragged back into
the room, she’s also shoved down on a chair, and her wrists are strapped to
the armrests.
Her eyes are wide on the knife embedded into the back of my hand, and it
looks like she’s going to puke.
“How long have you been in a relationship?” Prodi asks.
“Just over a year,” I answer so Everleigh doesn’t fuck things up.
“Don’t you like Russian pussy?” he asks.
“I like my women exotic,” I mutter. “If it weren’t for Everleigh, I’d try
some Italian pussy.”
The knife is ripped from my hand, and a curse bursts from me, “Iisus
Khristos.” I shake my head and chuckle darkly because, so help me God, I
will kill Riccardo Prodi.
One of Prodi’s men walks to Everleigh, and grabbing her hair, he yanks
her head back and presses the knife to her pulse. She makes a squeaking
sound, her terrified gaze darting to me.
I’ve seen fear before but nothing like the horror in her amber eyes.
Christ, you’re going to get yourself killed for a woman you don’t know.
“Tell me about your girlfriend,” Prodi says as he lights another cigarette.
“She’s from Ohio. She recently lost her parents, so she only has me.” I
hate lying, but I’m fucking good at it. “She just finished school and came to
Russia to be with me. We’re going to elope so I can keep her here with me.”
Prodi tilts his head, his eyes flicking between us. “You don’t look in
“No fucking shit,” I mutter. “This isn’t the honeymoon I envisioned for
“You didn’t seem to mind when your brother ripped off her nail,” he
mentions. He gestures to his men, then says, “Choose who will take the
beating from my men.”
Fuck my life.
I shake my head as I let out a chuckle, “Of course, it will be me.”
He nods, and a soldier comes to unstrap my forearms, and I’m pulled to a
standing position. It’s only then I notice the pool of blood that’s formed by
the leg of the chair.
If Prodi doesn’t kill us, infection will. I doubt the man is going to provide
us with first aid.
Another soldier comes to yank my arms behind my back, and cable ties
are used to restrain me.
Everleigh’s breathless with fear, her eyes still glued to me.
The men attack all at once, and with my wrists tied, I can’t do much to
defend myself. I take punch after punch and hear Everleigh cry, “Please stop!
You’re going to kill him.”
I stagger a step back while a grin spreads over my face, “It will take a hell
of a lot more than this to kill me, sweetheart.”
The next punch to my nose drops my ass to the floor. The men start to
kick, and when a boot slams into my head, everything goes black.

It’s our first day on the job, and I give Misha a nervous look.
We’ve been assigned to Rodin, a low-level boss, and we have no idea
what’s in store for us. We only know not to disappoint Papa.
“If Vincent could do it, so can we,” I whisper.
Misha nods. “At least we’re together.”
We’re standing outside a warehouse where we were told to meet Rodin,
and as he and ten of his men climb out of SUVs, I straighten my spine.
These are the men we’ll have to impress if we want to work our way up to
boss level.
When Rodin pulls a bat out of the SUV, my muscles tighten.
Blood in, blood out.
Chapter 8

I’m sitting next to Alek, who still hasn’t come to. They just dropped him on
the floor and locked us in the room again.
My nerves are frayed, and I don’t know how much more I can take.
Alek went along with my lie, and because of it, they beat the crap out of
him. I feel horrible for putting him in this position, but in all fairness, I’m
here because he kidnapped me.
It’s hard to think of Alek as my kidnapper. Especially when we’re being
held captive by worse people.
My eyes move over all his injuries, the slash on his left forearm, the stab
wound in his right hand, and all the blood on his face. It looks like his nose is
I wish I could clean him up.
My gaze darts to the door, and I’m torn in two. What if I ask for a first aid
kit, and they torture us some more?
What would Alek do?
He’d give them attitude.
Climbing to my feet, I suck in a deep breath of air and walk to the door.
My insides begin to tremble with fear, but knowing I won’t last long if Alek
gets sick and dies, I slam my left hand against the door. “Hey! Open the
When I hear footsteps, I quickly step back and pray to God I’m not
making a huge mistake.
Dario shoves the door open. “What the fuck do you want?”
It takes more strength than I have to say, “A first aid kit so I can take care
of my boyfriend.” While I’m being brave, I add, “And some food. We
haven’t eaten in a day.”
His eyebrow lifts, then he sneers, “Anything else, principessa.”
Nervously, I gulp. “No.”
The door is yanked shut and locked again. Feeling a hollow sense of
hopelessness, I walk back to Alek and sit down beside him. I’m wearing a
leather jacket and a silk blouse. Neither can be used to clean Alek’s wounds.
I eye his shirt for a moment and almost jump out of my skin when the
door suddenly swings open. A toiletry bag is thrown at me before the door is
locked again.
I scramble closer and unzipping the bag, a smile spreads over my face
when I see the antiseptic lotion and bandages.
At least it’s something.
Not wanting to waste the meager supplies we have, I can’t clean Alek’s
wounds and instead just smear the antiseptic lotion over the drying blood
before I bandage his forearm and right hand as best I can.
Alek begins to stir, and as I tuck the corner of the bandage in so it will
stay in place, his eyes open and focus on me.
He stares at me for a few seconds, then asks, “What are you doing?”
When he starts to push his body into a sitting position, I grab hold of his
right arm and help him. His eyes flick to the bandages before settling on me.
“I didn’t want you to get an infection,” I explain.
His gaze drops to my right hand. “What about your pinky?”
“The bandages are too big.”
For the first time, an expression tightens his features. Anger?
Alek grabs the bag, and opening it, he takes the antiseptic lotion out and
tosses it in my lap. “Put some on.”
While I dab a blob onto my pinky finger, I try not to show how much it
hurts because Alek must be in a hell of a lot more pain than me.
Just as I’m putting the lotion back into the bag, Alek grips his nose, and a
cracking sound vibrates through me.
“God,” I shriek, looking a the man as if he has lost his mind.
“What?” he grumbles while blood trickles from his nose. Unbothered, he
uses the neck of his shirt to wipe the blood away. “I’m not going to let it heal
I shake my head, and half in awe and half horrified, I ask, “How do you
do it?”
“How do you not care? They just beat the crap out of you and stabbed a
knife through your hand, and you’re still calm.”
Alek stares at me for a moment, then says, “It’s how I was raised. I’ve
been preparing for something like this since I was born.”
But how?
Incredulous, I shake my head.
“How do you prepare for a nightmare like this?”
He shrugs, then answers, “The same way you prepare for a normal life.
Every day I was taught how to be a bratva soldier.”
I lean closer to him, not even realizing it. “So, while I was being taught
‘normal’ stuff, what did you learn?”
Alek shifts backward so he can lean against the wall, and bringing his
knees up, he rests his wrists on them.
“I learned how to fight and shoot.” His eyes roam over my face. “And
how to torture someone. Next year I’ll go to a place where I’ll learn
everything I need to know to be an asset to the bratva.”
“And the bratva is like the mafia? Mob bosses, drugs, arms? All the bad
He nods. “Yep, all the bad stuff.”
Wow. It feels like I’ve been dumped into a world where everything is the
opposite of what I’ve known all my life.
“And you’re okay with it?” I swallow hard, my throat dry from the lack
of water. “Don’t you want to be anything else besides a criminal?”
Alek thinks for a moment, then says, “I don’t see it as being a criminal. I
belong to the bratva family, where we kill for each other.”
The corner of his mouth lifts, and seeing the smile on his attractive face
makes my heart skip a beat.
“The head of the bratva, Viktor Vetrov, is a good man. I hope I can
become half the man he is.” Alek’s eyes flick to mine again. “And there’s
Alexei Koslov, Viktor’s godfather. The man is a legend and my hero.” A
serious expression darkens his brown irises. “It would be an honor to die for
them.” Tilting his head, he asks, “What do you have that’s worth dying for?”
I move until I’m next to Alek and also lean back against the wall.
For a long while, silence fills the room before I say, “Thank you for
saying all those things about us so they wouldn’t kill me.” I turn my head and
look at Alek. “And thank you for taking a beating for me.”
He lifts his bandaged hand. “Thanks for patching me up.”
“It’s the least I could do,” I whisper.
When his eyes meet mine, I ask, “Can you show me how to stay calm?”
He shakes his head and lets out a sigh. “It’s not something you can learn
in an hour. It takes years.”
We continue to stare at each other, and with my emotions all over the
place, I admit, “I’m scared, Alek.” Tears threaten to overwhelm me, but
somehow, I manage to swallow them back.
I’m surprised when his eyes soften, and he wraps his arm around my
shoulders. Not hesitating, I lean into his side, and that’s all it takes for the
tears to burst free.
Chapter 9

I was worried Prodi was going to starve us to death, but luckily they finally
gave us something to eat.
It’s four pieces of dry bread and one chicken breast each. It’s a far cry
from Mama’s food, but it will have to do.
I finish my food before Everleigh is done with her first slice of bread.
When she catches me eyeing her food, she tears the chicken breast into
strips, takes one of the strips, and pushes the rest of her food closer to me.
“You need it more than me.”
I hesitate for a moment, but knowing she’s right, I take two strips of
chicken and a slice of bread and wolf it down.
“Finish the rest,” I say, not wanting her to starve.
We’ve been in this room for three days, and after the first day’s torture,
we’ve only been allowed out of our prison to visit the restroom. It’s usually
in the morning and late at night. It’s also the only time we get to drink water.
If they’re going to feed us every three days, we’re fucked.
Another thing that worries me is that I’m getting used to having Everleigh
in my space. With our dire situation and or the forced proximity, I’m starting
to feel things I wouldn’t feel under normal circumstances.
Whenever she checks my wounds to put on more antiseptic lotion, I feel
grateful that she’s here.
Having Everleigh take care of me feels good.
And with every passing hour, I worry more and more about her.
It doesn’t help that she’s beautiful and scared out of her fucking mind. It
makes me feel more protective of her.
And she’s kind. Not once has she blamed me for the hell I got her into.
She splits the last slice of bread and leftover chicken and hands half to
Like I said, she’s kind.
I take the food, and this time, savor the taste of every bite.
“I miss my mother’s food,” I admit.
Everleigh is staring at her hands. “Me too.” She ducks her head lower.
“She made the best pot roast.”
“Can you cook?” I ask.
“A little.” She lifts her head and meets my eyes. “And you?”
With a chuckle, I shake my head. “Were you close with your parents?”
She nods, and sorrow creeps into her amber eyes. “We were very close. I
miss them every day.”
“How did they die?” I’m not asking because I have a morbid curiosity. I
just want to talk to her, and the question came to mind.
“In a head-on collision with a truck that broke down. It was trying to
make a U-turn when the engine stalled. There were no lights.”
Christ. It must’ve been a closed-casket funeral. I’ve seen an accident like
that, and the driver was decapitated.
“I’m sorry,” I murmur. Changing the subject, I ask, “What made you pick
Russia as a travel destination?”
“It was my mom’s choice.” Everleigh gives me a sad smile, and it makes
me want to hold her. “My dad chose Scotland, and I picked Hawaii. I
would’ve gone to Scotland next.”
A sheepish grin forms around my lips. “Did you at least enjoy Russia
before I kidnapped you?”
Her smile widens. “I did.”
Our eyes lock, and the air grows serious. “I’m sorry I grabbed you off the
street. I thought you were Svetlana.”
“I know.” She lowers her head again. “I’m in this position because I
swapped clothes with a girl I knew nothing about. It’s my own fault.”
“None of this is your fault.”
Again, she meets my eyes. “I know it’s going to sound weird and selfish,
but I’m glad you’re here with me.”
Trying to make light of the situation, I let out a chuckle. “Hey, it’s not
every day I get locked up with a beautiful girl.”
Her smile widens again, and her cheeks flush pink.
Before I can stop the question, I ask, “Do you have a boyfriend back
“No.” Everleigh scrunches her nose. “I haven’t dated since my parents
passed away.” A shy expression crosses her features. “And you? Do you have
a girlfriend?”
The corner of my mouth lifts. “Besides you?”
This time a burst of laughter escapes her. “Yeah, besides me.”
I shake my head. “I’ve been too focused on work to have a relationship.”
Her eyebrows draw together. “Do you really think your father is looking
for you?”
“He won’t rest until he finds Vincent and me.”
“Are you close with your father?” she asks.
I shake my head. “No, but his pride won’t allow him to give up.” I give
her a reassuring look, and with dead certainty, I say, “He’ll find us.”
And then he’ll beat the shit out of Vincent and me for allowing Prodi to
kidnap us. Fun.
“And your mother?”
The corner of my mouth lifts again. “I’m her favorite.”
“Oh, good. I was starting to get worried,” Everleigh admits.
I raise an eyebrow at her. “About me?”
“Yeah. I was starting to think all you’ve ever known is violence.”
“I have people who love me.” I glance at the door feeling like shit
because Everleigh has no one.
Silence falls between us, and my thoughts turn to Vincent. I haven’t seen
my brother since the first day when they made him torture Everleigh.
I have no idea whether he’s dead or alive.
When I hear footsteps, I gather the two paper plates and climb to my feet.
Dario opens the door, his gun in his right hand. Instead of taking the
plates, he orders, “Come.”
Christ. Here we go again.
I’m still in a world of pain from the beating and knife wound to my hand,
but not wanting to give them any satisfaction, I set the paper plates down, and
schooling my face into a neutral expression, I walk into the hallway.
Just like before, Everleigh is right behind me.
When we enter the room where Prodi is waiting, sitting on the wooden
chair like a fucking king, I steel myself for any kind of torture they’re going
to throw my way.
There’s no sign of Vincent which fills me with disappointment. I was
hoping to at least see my brother. I don’t dare ask about Vincent. It will just
make things worse.
We’re joined by three of Prodi’s soldiers, which probably means they’re
going to beat the shit out of me again.
It’s better than losing any of my body parts.
Prodi glances between Everleigh and me, then says, “I think you’re lying
to me.” He waves a hand at us. “I don’t think you’re dating.”
“I don’t give a shit what you think,” I mutter.
The man is way too focused on something as trivial as my relationship
status. What’s he playing at?
From the one euro ransom he demanded from my father, I get the feeling
Prodi is all about mind games. He knows we can handle physical torture, so
maybe he’s trying to break us mentally.
“Prove to me you’re in a relationship with the girl,” he demands.
When I don’t move a muscle and keep quiet, Prodi lights a cigarette and
says, “Or my men will take turns fucking the girl before I put a bullet
between her eyes.”
“Alek,” Everleigh whimpers. She presses into my side, and I feel her
body trembling like a leaf caught in a shit storm.
Stay calm.
“How do you expect me to prove a relationship to you?”
A smirk forms on the bastard’s face. “Fuck her.”
Prodi lifts his chin at Dario, who trains the barrel of his gun on Everleigh.
There’s not a doubt in my mind they’ll kill her if I refuse.
Anger ignites in my veins, and knowing there’s no way out of this, I
glance down at Everleigh. She meets my eyes with a horrified look.
A blast echoes through the room, and the bullet misses Everleigh’s head
by an inch. Shock registers on her face, then she shrieks and presses her face
into my bicep. “Alek!”
My anger turns to rage, and I lock eyes with Prodi. “I wasn’t aware you
got off on watching other people fuck.”
He shrugs as he blows out a puff of smoke, then he dares me, “I don’t
think you’ll go through with it.” He pulls his gun out from behind his back
and rests the weapon on his thigh. “As an incentive, if you don’t fuck her, I’ll
kill both of you. Less mouths to feed, and I get to send your body parts to
your father.”
Prodi has no idea what I will and won’t do.
Taking hold of Everleigh’s arm, I walk closer to the wall and press her
back against it. I lean down until my mouth brushes against her ear, then
whisper, “This is the only way to keep us alive.”
She nods quickly, her breaths exploding against the side of my neck.
Tears spiral down her cheeks, and lifting a hand, she grips my side. “I know.
Just do it. I don’t want them raping me before they kill me.”
Christ, I’m going to fuck Everleigh in front of five men.
My heartbeat speeds up, and when I lock eyes with her, I say, “Just focus
on me.”
Chapter 10

I’m struggling to process everything.
This is crazy.
Terrified out of my ever-loving mind, my eyes dart over Prodi, Dario, and
the other three men. Just the thought of them raping me turns my insides to
stone. Then there’s the threat that they’ll kill Alek and me.
Even though the past three days have been hell, I still don’t want to die.
I’m still hopeful Alek’s father will rescue us.
One of the men watches me with blatant lust, and my stomach rolls with
God, please don’t let them rape me. They can tear all my fingernails off–
just don’t let them rape me.
When Alek reaches for the zipper of my pants, he whispers, “Keep your
underwear on. I don’t want them seeing you.”
A fresh wave of tears spills from my eyes, and I swallow hard on a sob as
I nod.
“Focus on me,” he reminds me.
I’ve only had sex once. It was last year, and it hurt a lot.
Alek pushes my pants down to my feet, and as I step out of the fabric, he
takes hold of my hips and lifts me from my feet before softly instructing,
“Wrap your legs around me.”
Oh, God. This cannot be happening right now!
I do as I’m told, and when one of the men chuckles, clearly getting a kick
out of this, I wrap my arms around Alek’s neck and bury my face against his
Even though he’s spent the past three days in the same clothes, I can still
smell a hint of woodsy aftershave. Alek’s natural scent weirdly makes me
feel better.
He presses my back into the wall, and pulling slightly away, he looks
down between us. Our faces are right next to each other, our cheeks touching.
I can only nod because I’ll never be ready to have sex in front of five
other men with a guy I met only three days ago.
Alek grips my left butt cheek, and with his right hand, he pulls his zipper
down. I feel his knuckles brush against the inside of my thigh.
I pinch my eyes shut, biting my bottom lip in an attempt to keep a
whimper from escaping me.
When I feel his fingers between my legs, and he pushes my panties to the
side, the whimper escapes over my lips. The sound is muffled against his
My panic and terror mix in a weird combination with anticipation.
Prodi lets out a chuckle. “Where’s the love, guys?”
I feel Alek’s hardness press against my entrance, and as he thrusts inside
me, he brings his right hand up to grab the back of my neck.
The pain is worse than I remember when I lost my virginity. It feels like
I’m being torn in half.
A scream rockets through my throat, but my head is yanked back, and
Alek’s mouth crushes against mine.
From the intense burn I feel, and the fact that Alek didn’t manage to enter
me all the way, it’s clear he’s too big for me.
His tongue thrusts into my mouth, and he kisses me as if he actually loves
me. At least, that’s what it feels like.
My heart explodes into a wild hammering against my ribs, and as Alek
pulls out only to push into me again, I can only think of him.
For a moment, the other men disappear. Our dire circumstances fade
away. My starving stomach and fear of death fall to the background.
There’s only Alek and the feel of him inside me. The burning ache from
his manhood stretching me to the max helps me to focus only on him.
The way he kisses me with aggression and desperation gives me a safe
haven – a mental place to escape to.
He moves again, and with a rhythm of hard thrusts, he fucks me as if he’s
been dying to have a taste of me.
It’s hard to remember it’s all an act to stay alive.
When the men start making remarks in Italian, Alek lets out a growl, and
the kiss grows more intense until it feels like he’s trying to brand me with his
Tingles rush over my skin, and my abdomen clenches.
I’m overwhelmed by Alek, and feeling an urgency in his movements, the
aching burn begins to fade. My core clenches, and a new fear bleeds into my
I don’t want to orgasm in front of all these men.
Alek breaks the kiss, and our eyes lock. He must recognize the fear
written all over my face for what it is because he quickens his pace to finish
the job instead of making me come.
I watch as his features tense, and pleasure overwhelms him. His lips part,
his breaths rushing over them. The golden flecks in his brown irises shine
brightly, and he looks downright frighteningly attractive.
My heart clenches, desperate not to fall in love with him while we’re
sharing such an intimate moment.
All your emotions are heightened and out of control. It’s because of the
forced proximity and because Alek is all you have in this hellhole. None of
your feelings are real. It’s all trauma related.
Alek’s body stills, and with our eyes locked, we stare at each other until
Prodi chuckles. “Take the love birds back to their cage.”
Alek pulls out of me, and when I feel the warmth of his orgasm trickling
down my legs, I almost die of shame.
He adjusts my panties, which quickly become soaked with his release.
When Alek reaches for my pants, Prodi says, “No.”
My eyes dart to the crazy Italian, then he adds, “The girl strips out of the
jacket and shirt. She’s only to wear her underwear.” He gives Alek a taunting
smile. “Be thankful I’m allowing the underwear.”
Alek lets out a threatening growl, and it has Dario pointing his gun at
him. “Do as the boss says.”
Not wanting Alek to get shot, I shrug off Svetlana’s jacket, and with
trembling hands, I pull the silk blouse over my head. After I drop the fabric to
the floor, I cross an arm over my bra and cover my soaked panties with my
other hand.
Just pretend you’re wearing a bikini.
In the middle of winter.
Just freaking great!
Prodi waves a careless hand at us. “Get them out of my sight.”
Alek grips my hips and moves in behind me as we walk back to our
When the door is locked behind us, my body begins to tremble badly, and
air bursts over my lips.
I just had sex with Alek in front of five men who, at any point, can decide
they want to rape me.
Crippling shame shudders through me, and it feels as if the ground is
ripped from beneath my feet.
Alek’s arms wrap around me, and as I sink down to the ground, he pulls
me against his chest, his body folding over mine as I shatter into a million
I thought I broke when my parents died, but I was wrong.
Nothing kills like the shame I’m feeling right now. It strips me of my
confidence and makes me feel like a cheap toy that can be used for others'
As I weep, Alek just presses his face against the back of my neck. He
doesn’t try to say anything.
What can he say?
He suffered too. It wasn’t just me.
Turning around on his lap, I wrap my arms around his neck and cling to
him for dear life. Or what’s left of it.
For the first time since we were thrown into this room, the lights turn off,
and we’re plunged into pitch-black darkness.
I can’t see anything, and I cling tighter to Alek.
It feels like hours pass before he whispers, “I’m sorry I hurt you.”
I shake my head. “We’re alive.”
More time creeps by, then he says, “Please tell me it wasn’t your first
I suck in a lung full of Alek’s natural scent. “It wasn’t.”
I feel his muscles tense before he lifts me as he stands up. Slowly he
moves us to the wall, where he sits down again. He positions me so I’m
straddling him before wrapping his arms around me again.
I lie against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart while trying
to find a sliver of the old me. It feels like there’s nothing left of the girl I used
to be.
There are just shattered pieces of my soul and shame that burns hotter
than the flames of hell.
“I’m sorry that happened,” I whisper. “Are you okay?”
He kisses the top of my head and keeps his mouth pressed to my hair.
“I’m fine.”
The darkness settles heavily around us, and it feels like we’re wrapped in
a bubble where it’s just us.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
I nod even though it’s the furthest thing from the truth.
I’m not okay.
I’ll never be okay again.
Chapter 11

When the room becomes unbearably cold, Everleigh begins to shiver.
I push her away from my chest, and taking off my shirt, I struggle in the
darkness to make sure it’s the right way around before I tug the fabric over
her head.
“It’s not much, but it will help,” I say as I adjust the fabric around her
torso and hips.
“Thank you.” Her voice sounds hollow and fragile.
I pull her back against my chest and soak up the heat from her body.
“You okay sleeping like this? It will help us generate some heat.”
It’s the middle of fucking winter, and if we don’t use our bodies to keep
each other warm, there’s a possibility one or both of us will get sick. The old
radiators I saw in the hallway and the heat from the building pipes might
keep away the worst of the winter, but it’s still going to be cold as fuck in this
Minutes pass before I ask, “How are you feeling? Physically.”
“Sore,” she admits. “It didn’t hurt as much when I lost my virginity.”
Guilt rears in my chest, and I press a comforting kiss to her hair. “I’m
“We had to do what was necessary to stay alive.”
Still, I orgasmed. There’s no denying that I got pleasure from fucking
As soon as I buried my cock inside her, I forgot all about surviving. I
fucked her because there was no way I could stop once I felt her tight pussy
wrapped around me.
With the deed done, I’ve figured out Prodi’s plan. He wants me to love
Everleigh so he can use her to break me mentally.
Which means there’s a good chance they’ll rape her.
In front of me.
My mind is overwhelmed with thoughts of what has happened and what’s
to come.
I remember the panic in Everleigh’s eyes when I felt her pussy clamp
around my cock. She was scared of orgasming.
The question escapes me before I can stop it. “Why were you scared of
She doesn’t answer me immediately, and when she does, I can hear the
embarrassment in her voice. “I didn’t want them to see me like that. It’s bad
enough that we were forced to have sex.”
Knowing there’s no place for unspoken truths between these four walls, I
admit, “I feel like shit for coming.”
Everleigh’s arms tighten around me. “It wouldn’t have been believable if
you didn’t orgasm.”
“Still.” My tongue swipes over my lips, where I can still feel the kisses
we shared. “I didn’t orgasm for show.” I suck in a deep breath, then admit, “I
enjoyed it.”
Everleigh is quiet for a moment before she says, “I’m not going to get
angry with you.” Even though she can’t see shit, she still lifts her head.
“You’re all I have right now, Alek. I hate them for putting us in this position,
but not you.” Her voice hitches. “You’re as much a victim as I am.”
“The only thing I hate is that they watched,” I grumble.
Jesus, you’d fucking swear I’m in a confession booth with the way I’m
spilling my guts to this girl.
“It wasn’t torture for me, Everleigh.” I move my hand to her arm and
brush my fingers up and down her slender bicep. “The attraction is there.”
She keeps still and doesn’t say a word for what feels like half an hour. I
hear her take a deep breath before she whispers, “Our emotions are all over
the place. The traumatic experience is making us feel things we wouldn’t
normally feel. Everything is heightened.”
“True.” I nod my head but add, “It doesn’t mean the emotions aren’t
She leans against me again. “At least we have each other. I’m not sure I
would’ve survived if I were alone.”
I usually couldn’t give two shits what people think of me, but I’m
desperate to know what Everleigh’s thinking.
Letting out a sigh, I mutter, “You have every right to hate me.”
She shakes her head.
“It’s my fault you’re in this hell,” I remind her.
“It is what it is, Alek. I also screwed up when I swapped clothes with
Svetlana.” She hesitates momentarily, then asks, “What would you have done
with me if we weren’t ambushed?”
Vincent would’ve made the choice to either drop her off somewhere or
take her home. If we took her home, there’s no telling what Papa would’ve
“I don’t know,” I answer honestly. “It would’ve been up to Vincent.”
“Do you think your brother is okay?” she asks. “We haven’t seen him
since the first day.”
Again I answer, “I don’t know. He’s the oldest, so he’s taking the brunt of
the torture.”
“I hope he’s alive,” she whispers.
“Me too.”
We grow silent again, and I stare into the darkness.
There’s a constant war inside me to demand to see my brother, but I know
it will only make them torture us. Not asking for Vincent is the best thing I
can do under the circumstances.
Papa used to make us all watch as he beat one of us. We weren’t allowed
to show any emotion, or he’d beat us too. He said he was training us in case
we got taken. It’s so we wouldn’t snitch on the bratva.
He also said it was to teach us not to show emotion because our captors
would use it against us.
Still, all I want to do is demand to see my brother.
But years of conditioning keep me from banging on the door.
As tough as I am, I’m not indestructible. I know it’s only a matter of time
before Prodi will either kill us or worse.
You can’t let him break you mentally.
Whatever happens, you have to fucking survive it.
“Prodi wants me to fall in love with you,” I inform Everleigh. “He’s
going to use you to break me.”
She pulls back again, and a second later, I feel her hands fumbling their
way up my shoulders and neck to rest on either side of my jaw.
There’s desperation in her voice as she says, “You can’t let him break
you. I won’t survive without you.”
Needing to warn her, I say, “The longer we’re stuck in this room,
deprived of everything but each other, the quicker we’re going to form a
Her voice is small as she replies, “I know.”
“Once Prodi is convinced I love you, they’re going to rape you.”
Everleigh wraps her arms around my neck and presses her body hard
against mine. I feel the trembles wracking through her slender frame.
“Don’t love me, Alek. You’re good at controlling your emotions.”
My eyes drift shut as I tell her about the catch twenty-two we’re stuck in,
“If I don’t love you, they’ll kill you. Your only purpose is to break me.”
Everleigh lets out a sob and starts to cry against my chest. “I’d rather die
than be raped by all of them.”
My arms tighten around her, and silence falls between us as I face off
with the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make in my life.
If I don’t fall in love with Everleigh, she’ll be killed.
If I love her, she’ll be raped. I’ll probably also be forced to choose who
gets tortured between her and Vincent.
I know my limits. Mentally I won’t survive them being tortured.
Chapter 12

I think it’s been two weeks since we were kidnapped.
The only way we keep track of time is when we’re allowed to go to the
restrooms. But the days are blurring together.
I don’t get hungry anymore, and it’s hard to eat the little food they give
us. I always give three-quarter of mine to Alek. He needs it more than me.
Because of our situation, I don’t process things the way I would typically
do. My survival instinct is stuck in overdrive, and honestly, it feels like a
lifetime has passed since Alek and I were forced to have sex.
My pinky nail is starting to grow back, but Alek said it will take around
eight months to grow out fully.
The cut on his forearm is almost completely healed, but the stab wound is
taking a little longer. At least it didn’t damage any nerves, and he can move
all his fingers.
Instead of letting the trauma overwhelm me, I’m more worried because
my period is due in a week. Or maybe it’s just a couple of days. I can’t tell.
I’ve heard some women don’t get their period when they suffer from
malnutrition or are subjected to severe stress. I’m hoping it’s the case with
me because I have no idea what I’ll do once I start bleeding. I don’t think the
Italians will supply me with feminine products.
“What are you thinking about?” Alek asks from where he’s sitting next to
I don’t even get embarrassed as I admit, “I’m worried that my period is
due any day.”
“Blyadʹ,” he curses under his breath.
“I don’t think they’re going to do a tampon run for me.”
“They won’t.”
Alek’s hand brushes against my arm before he takes hold of me. I’m
pulled onto his lap, and he wraps his arms around me.
It’s become our go-to position to sleep in.
“Try not to think of it until it happens,” he whispers.
It’s never been in my nature to share personal information with people,
but being locked up with Alek, it’s as if all our boundaries have been stripped
“The first time I had my period, my mom was away for work. I used toilet
paper because I was too embarrassed to ask my dad for feminine products.”
Every conversation between us is honest and raw, and it’s making me
care for him more than I’ve ever cared about anyone.
Being stuck in secluded darkness with him is making us form one hell of
an intense bond, and it makes me fear what will happen when Prodi realizes
his plan worked.
Alek fumbles in the darkness until he finds my hand, and like the nights
before, we link our fingers. His thumb brushes over my skin.
Alek must think about the same thing as me because he says, “It’s only a
matter of time before Prodi drags us out of this room.”
“What are we going to do when that happens?”
Without hesitation, he answers, “I’ll do my best so they torture me and
leave you alone.”
I haven’t been able to cry for the past week. It’s like my tears dried up.
“We just have to pretend we don’t care about each other,” I remind him.
Alek’s other hand lifts to the back of my neck, and he tugs me closer.
“The moment they try to rape you, I won’t be able to pretend.”
Oh, God.
My face crumbles, and there are only dry sobs. “I’d rather die, Alek.”
He presses his forehead against mine. “No.” He clears his throat. “It’s
crazy to think it’s only been a couple of weeks, but being imprisoned with
you in this hell is making it impossible for me not to care about you.” He lets
out a huff. “It’s like the darkness has fused us. I don’t even know where I end
and you begin.”
Our heightened emotions make it hard to focus on reality.
“I feel the same,” I admit.
I feel his breaths on my lips as he admits, “I can’t fight it anymore.”
The bubble of safety closes in around us until there’s nothing but Alek
and me.
“Me too,” I whisper.
When his mouth presses against mine, it feels like we’re sharing a kiss for
the first time. My heart fills with anticipation, and my stomach flutters as if a
kaleidoscope of butterflies has been set free.
Alek lets go of my hand and places his palm against my cheek. Tilting his
head, he deepens the kiss, his tongue entering my mouth.
The moment between us is so intense it blocks us from the outside world.
His teeth tug at my bottom lip, and slowly his hand moves down to the
hem of my shirt. When he pushes the fabric up, I lift my arms to let it pass.
The first time I had sex, it was because everyone was losing their
virginity, and I thought I loved Ben. Afterward, everything felt wrong, and I
realized I didn’t even like him.
It’s sad, really.
But with Alek, there’s a rushing sensation in my chest – and urgency to
become one with him.
With no one around to watch, this moment belongs to us.
“Everleigh.” He whispers my name as if it’s a prayer. “I want you.”
“I want you too.” I fuse our mouths together again, needing the high his
kisses will give me.
He pulls the lace of my bra down before covering my breasts with his
palms. It feels like we kiss for hours while he massages my skin, brushing his
thumbs over my hard nipples.
It feels incredible as if we’re getting a little glimpse of heaven from the
pits of hell.
When I hear him unzip his pants, I ask, “Can we go slow so it doesn’t
hurt as much?”
This time Alek doesn’t just thrust into me, but instead, he strokes his
manhood up and down my slit, and it quickly has me swiveling my hips for
more friction. Heat flushes my core, and I become slick with arousal for him.
He kisses me again, and all our emotions clash, creating a wild storm we
have no control over.
When he positions himself at my entrance, he takes it slow and only
enters me an inch at a time. We continue to kiss, our lips sharing the dreams
we’ll never get to have.
The future that was never destined for us.
We share our worries and fears.
Alek sheaths himself to the hilt inside me, and breaking the kiss, a groan
rumbles from him. “You feel perfect.” He brings his hand from behind my
neck and brushes his thumb over my jawline. “You’re heaven in the middle
of hell.”
He remains still, and in the darkness, it feels like we’re actually making
eye contact.
“I don’t want to live without you, Everleigh,” he whispers, his voice
“I don’t want to live without you either,” I admit.
“If this is the end of our lives, then this is how I want to spend it…with
you in my arms.”
Emotion overwhelms me, and I wish I had a tear left to shed for the
tragedy that’s our lives.
Our mouths crash together, and Alek starts to thrust into me. I bring my
hands up, and resting my forearms on his shoulders, my fingers twist into the
longish strands of his hair.
I meet each of his thrusts and get so lost in the intimacy between us that I
know with dead certainty I love Alek.
After everything we’ve been through together, I don’t think I’ll ever be
able to love another person the way I love him.
Alek quickens his pace, and slipping a hand down between us, he rubs his
finger against my clit. “Orgasm for me, moya malen'kaya lyubov'.”
My body obeys him, and soon I’m quivering and convulsing as
unadulterated pleasure seizes every inch of me.
“I love you,” he admits his feelings to me.
Breathless from our lovemaking, I say, “I love you too.”
My words make Alek reach his release, and as he empties himself inside
me, he repeats the most precious words I’ll ever hear, “I love you. I love you.
I love you.”
Chapter 13

Everleigh thinks it’s only been three weeks, but I’m sure we’ve been here for
over a month.
Because we’re only fed every three days, I’ve lost most of my weight and
muscle mass. Everleigh’s face has become hollow, and when she tries to
share her food with me, I have to use all the strength I have to deny the scraps
so she can get some nourishment into her body.
I still haven’t seen Vincent since the first day, and my worry for my
brother is eating me up alive. For all I know, Vincent is already dead.
We also haven’t been taken from the room to be tortured since Prodi
forced us to have sex. But that doesn’t mean we’re not suffering.
My worry for my brother and watching Everleigh fade away is a different
kind of torture that nothing in this world could prepare me for.
Everleigh and I sit side by side during the day, and at night I pull her onto
my lap so we can help keep each other warm while we try to get some sleep.
Sleep. It’s not something I’ve had much of. I only manage to drift off
occasionally, but mostly, I just stare into the darkness while listening to
Everleigh’s soft breaths.
I’m starting to lose the last of my hope that my father will find us. It’s
only a matter of time before Prodi kills us.
I always knew my life would end in a bloody death, but knowing
Everleigh won’t make it to her nineteenth birthday is slowly killing me.
“When I was little, my mom would bake mini cupcakes so I could have
real food to eat whenever I played with my tea set,” Everleigh suddenly
mentions. “I’d give anything for one of those cupcakes right now.”
“My mother makes the best honey cake,” I murmur. “It’s one of the last
things I ate before the ambush.”
“What else do you miss?” she asks.
“My best friend, Misha, and his sister Tiana. My parents adopted them
when we were little, so we grew up together. I’m really close with Misha.”
“I used to have a best friend, but she moved away, and after my parents
died, I lost contact with her.”
“That sucks,” I mutter. I mean it when I say, “Someone like you should
never be alone. You deserve to have a perfect life.”
Everleigh turns her head, resting her other cheek against my chest.
“Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve this.”
“You did nothing.” I brush my hand up and down her back. “This is all on
“You have nothing to do with my parents’ death,” she whispers. “Since
they passed away, everything just kept going wrong. I was hoping this trip
would give me a break from life so I could figure out how to live without
And now, there might not be a life for her to figure out.
Frustration and a sense of powerlessness fill my chest. I wish I had the
strength of ten thousand men, so I could get us out of this hell and keep her
Being imprisoned in a dark room with Everleigh has conditioned me to
love her. Fighting the emotions is impossible because our hellish
imprisonment has forced us to connect on a level I never knew existed. Our
breaths are even in sync.
Everleigh has become a part of me like the flesh covering my bones.
My mind tells me everything we feel is because of the nightmare we are
forced to endure on a daily basis, but my heart tells me I will never love
another the way I love her.
Our love is something deeper…more primal. It’s become one with my
will to survive.
“What are you thinking about?” Everleigh asks.
“Just how much I love you,” I answer.
Conditioning or not, the woman in my arms owns every inch of my heart.
She rubs her cheek against my chest. “Pretend a miracle happens, and we
magically transport from this room to anywhere else in the world.”
A grin tugs at my mouth. “Okay.”
“Would you come with me and live a normal life or return to the bratva?”
Before I can answer her, she adds, “Remember, it’s make-believe. There
are no consequences for whatever you choose.”
In the dark, I reach for her hand and link our fingers. “In an ideal world
without consequences, I’d choose the bratva and you.”
It’s not that I can’t decide but that I want both. I won’t have to give up
Misha and my family, and I won’t have to let go of Everleigh.
When the sound of footsteps echoes down the hallway, my body stiffens.
It’s not a food day, and it’s too early for our toilet break.
Keys rattle, and my stomach turns to a block of concrete.
“Blyadʹ,” I whisper, darting to my feet. When Everleigh is standing as
well, I pull her behind me.
“Alek,” she hisses, fear and panic tightening in her voice.
The door opens, and light spills into the room. My eyes snap shut, and it
takes a few seconds before I can open them again.
“Come,” Dario orders.
God, have mercy on us.
Every cell in my body wants to grab Everleigh to me, but I know that
would be too much of a risk.
This might be it. The end of us.
Or the final torture that will break me.
As we walk to what might be our impending death, Everleigh sticks close
to my back. Right before we enter the torture room, her fingers brush over
my lower back.
Stay strong for me, moya malen'kaya lyubov'.
My eyes land on Vincent, where he’s strapped to a wooden chair, and the
air leaves my lungs in a woosh. My brother’s been tortured beyond
recognition. He’s missing an ear, and what looks like the rest of his teeth lie
by his bare feet.
His eyes are swollen shut, and the skin has been peeled from his back.
I can’t process what I see and stop dead in my tracks.
While I was deprived of food and light, locked in a room with only
Everleigh for human contact, Vincent was tortured to within an inch of his
The blood in my veins turns to ice as I keep staring at my brother, who’s
been physically broken.
One of us will die today.
Chapter 14

After the first glimpse I get of Vincent, I’m horrified out of my mind and
can’t bring myself to look at him again. Spending weeks in a dark room with
Alek, I’m not mentally prepared for this level of violence.
Unable to tear his eyes away from his brother, I want to reach out to Alek
to comfort him. But I don’t dare, knowing it will shine a spotlight on us.
My eyes flit to Prodi, and seeing the twisted enjoyment he’s getting from
Alek’s reaction, my stomach churns with bile.
Deep down, I know today will be the worst, if not the final day of our
“I’ve had some fun with Vincent while you fell in love,” Prodi taunts
Alek. He lets out a chuckle, then adds, “Today, you get to choose who I
Slowly, Alek pulls his eyes away from his brother to look at Prodi. “I
choose myself.”
Prodi starts to laugh as if Alek just said the funniest thing, the sound
making goosebumps spread over my skin.
“Ahh…” Prodi shakes his head, “you know that’s not how it works.
Choose between your girl and brother.”
The expression on Alek’s face darkens, then the words rumble from him.
“I. Choose. Myself.”
Prodi stares at him for an unnervingly long minute before he nods.
“Okay. I’ll play along, but you lose a body part if the girl or Vincent makes a
sound or looks away. I think that’s a fair deal.”
Oh, God.
Frazzled, I struggle to stay present in the moment, my mind begging me
to escape into the bliss that might come with insanity.
A guard shoves Alek forward, and in the middle of the room, he’s forced
down into a kneeling position.
No. Please, God, save us!
“To make it more fun, we won’t tie you up. If you fight back, I get to pick
who dies.”
My eyes are glued to Alek, and I clench my jaw shut.
Don’t make a sound.
I fist my hands at my side when the guard picks up a contraption that
looks like a whip from the medieval times. There are metal spikes at the end
of each leather rope.
Prodi gestures for the guard to start, and when he swings his arm, the
force alone makes me jump with fright. The metal spikes rip through Alek’s
skin, and I quickly cover my mouth with both my hands to keep myself from
screaming and vomiting.
Alek grunts, fisting his hands on his thighs while keeping his chin raised
and his eyes locked on Prodi.
God, please stop this horror!
After the first one, the whipping picks up speed, and I swear my soul
wails at the sight of Alek’s back being torn to shreds of skin and blood.
I want to scream for them to stop. I want to offer myself up for torture.
But I don’t dare move a muscle or make a sound, fearing Alek will lose a
body part.
Fear is no longer a word I’d use to describe what I’m feeling. Neither is
horror or terror.
The Bible describes hell as a place where there’s wailing and gnashing of
teeth for all eternity. Who would’ve thought it’s a place on Earth.
My soul dies with each blow to Alek’s back until it feels like I’m nothing
but a hollow shell. Somewhere in my mind, something snaps, and I start to
zone in and out of reality.
Don’t kill him.
When the whipping stops and Alek is barely able to push himself back
into a kneeling position, the last of my hope dies.
My hands drop from where they were covering my mouth, and my voice
doesn’t sound like my own when I say, “Torture me.” With my eyes glued to
the man I love, I utter the words I’ve feared since day one, “Kill me. Just
don’t hurt him anymore.”
I’d rather die than watch the man I love being ripped to shreds.
Laughter bursts from Prodi, a triumphant expression on his face.
“No,” Alek mumbles as he struggles to lift his head.
Prodi gets up from the chair, and pulling his gun from where it’s tucked
into the waistband of pants behind his back, he goes to crouch in front of
Alek. “Choose who dies.”
Alek shakes his head. “Me.” He struggles to stay upright so he can look at
Prodi. “I choose myself.”
I take a step forward, shaking my head. “No. Please! Don’t kill him.”
Panic and desperation don’t begin to describe what I’m feeling.
Excruciating anguish.
Crushing defeat.
No. There really are no words.
Prodi sneers at Alek. “Choose, or I’ll kill them both.”
Vincent manages to lift his head, but he can only gargle something
“Get him up on his feet,” Prodi instructs a guard. “Turn him around so he
can watch them die.”
My eyes lock on Alek, so he’ll be the last thing I’ll see.
Prodi walks toward me and raises the gun. When he presses the barrel
between my eyes, the trembling in my body stills.
I wait for my life to flash through my mind, but there’s only Alek.
“No!” Alek’s shout echoes through the room. I see the fight draining from
his face and how his heart breaks. His eyes settle on Vincent.
The brothers stare at each other then Vincent nods.
My eyes are on fire with unshed tears as I whisper, “Don’t do it, Alek.”
He ignores me, and still holding eye contact with Vincent, he says, “I
choose Vincent.”
The barrel leaves my forehead, and a gunshot blasts through the air.
Instantly I taste gunpowder, and my ears ring.
I think I scream.
My bladder fails me.
And I can’t tear my eyes away from Alek as he watches his brother die.
Chapter 15

My brother looks at me with acceptance, his eyes begging me to put an end to
his torture.
He’s reached his limit.
My gaze desperately flicks between Everleigh, the woman I love, and my
Christ. Christ. Christ.
Vincent nods.
Knowing Prodi can fire his weapon at any second, the devastating words
leave my mouth, “I choose Vincent.”
I choose Vincent.
I hardly hear the gunshot, and as my brother’s head falls forward and
blood trickles from the gunshot wound to his temple, my sanity slips through
the cracks that formed in my mind.
Knowing I’ll follow him soon, I watch my brother die.
Not only did I betray my brother, but I ordered his death.
It takes minutes before the thought sinks in, and the grave reality of what
I’ve just done stares back at me.
Even though Vincent gave me the nod, and I could clearly see he had
reached his limit, it doesn’t make it any easier.
After all the torture he endured, my brother knew he was the only true
We all have our limits, and Vincent reached his.
Still, I chose for my brother to die.
Unable to feel anything, my mind spins into a dark abyss.
I don’t hear anything being said, and my body is on autopilot when I’m
dragged out of the room.
My eyes stay glued to Vincent until he disappears from my sight.
I’m shoved back into the dark room, and I feel Everleigh’s palms on my
Still, I don’t hear anything.
She tugs me down, and when my ass hits the floor, I bring my knees up
and rest my forearms on them. My head lowers.
A year could pass, and I wouldn’t know.
Frozen in shock and agony, my mind drifts off into a place where there’s
only the silence that comes with death.

My return to consciousness is sudden and excruciating.

I’ve been through a lot, and I’ve seen shit in my life, but not once did I
Not until today.
Hot tears spill from my eyes, dripping on the floor.
I grip fistfuls of my hair, and unable to bear the loss of my brother, a
hoarse shout tears from my chest.
“Alek,” Everleigh cries. She wraps her arms around my head and holds
me to her chest. “I’m sorry. God. I’m so sorry.”
I had my own flesh and blood killed.
With no other words to be said between us, Everleigh just holds me as the
loss of Vincent destroys me.
Growing up in the bratva world, you’re prepared for a bloody death at a
young age. You know you’ll lose family and friends along the way.
But still, none of the training I’ve had could’ve prepared me for the past
months and Vincent’s death.
I’ll never see him again.
He was only twenty-three.
How will I tell Mama?
“Alek?” Everleigh whispers.
I can’t move or talk. Captured in perpetual grief and guilt, I can only face
what I’ve done.
I had my brother executed.
I just couldn’t let Prodi kill Everleigh. Not her. Not ever.
Suddenly the sound of gunfire erupts, erratic pops echoing through the
“Oh, God.” Everleigh climbs to her feet, and once I’m standing, she
moves in front of me for the first time. “Go to the corner. I’ll cover you with
my body.”
When I don’t do as she says, she hisses, “Dammit, Alek. Move!”
Just as she presses her hands against my chest to push me backward, the
door shudders open. She spins around and presses her back to my front, her
arms wide.
She’s willing to take a bullet for me.
Instinctively, I shove her out of the way, and as she falls to the floor,
Dario opens fire on us.
I feel a bullet penetrate my thigh, and another hits my abdomen. My
body’s forced backward, and I slam into the wall. My back goes up in flames,
and sinking to the ground with my legs sprawled wide in front of me, an
insane chuckle escapes me.
I’m coming, Vincent.
“Noooo!” Everleigh screams, the sound filled with agony and
She hurries to me and throws herself over my chest.
“No. Don’t die. Please, Alek. I can’t live without you,” she rambles, her
arms around my neck threatening to strangle the little life I have left from my
More gunshots erupt, and Dario drops dead to the floor, the side of his
face blown away.
I don’t know where I find the strength, but I push Everleigh back, and
struggling to my feet, I wrap my arm around her shoulders so I can lean on
her and keep her close.
“We need to move,” I order.
My girl wraps her arm around my lower back to help me move, careful
not to touch the torn skin. When we get to the door, and I’m about to tell her
to pick up Dario’s gun, I see my father hurrying down the hallway.
He locks eyes with me and picks up his pace while barking, “Come.
I didn’t expect a warm reunion. That’s not the kind of person my father
“Where’s Vincent?” he asks, his voice strained.
I can only shake my head as I lean into Everleigh so I can limp faster.
Papa’s eyes land on her, and before he can ask who she is, I say, “She’s
coming with me.”
“Boss. We’ve got Prodi out back,” Grigory, my father’s second in charge,
calls from down the hallway.
Papa forgets about Everleigh as he spins around and jogs toward Grigory.
“Let’s hurry,” I tell Everleigh, and as we head past the bodies of Prodi’s
men, I get a sliver of satisfaction that they’re dead.
“Your father came, Alek,” my girl whispers with overwhelming relief
making her voice hoarse. “We’ve been saved!”
I pull her closer to me, and together we find our way out of the warehouse
that’s been our prison for weeks…months.
I won’t know how long we were Prodi’s captives until I talk with my
Papa came.
If only he had come earlier.
From the blood loss I’m suffering, I start to feel severely lightheaded, and
Everleigh struggles to keep me on my feet as she drags me to the nearest
“Alek needs to go to the hospital. He’s been shot!” she shouts at
I can’t keep my head up, and I start to drift in and out of consciousness.
At least Everleigh will get to live.
Strong arms grab me, and I’m forced into the back of an SUV. It only
takes seconds before I feel Everleigh’s hands pressing down on the bullet
wound to my thigh.
“We have to hurry,” she cries, the desperation in her voice growing
I still hear gunfire, and I can’t tell how long we wait before the SUV dips
from men climbing into the vehicle.
“Aleksandr,” Papa snaps.
Years of conditioning have me lifting my head.
“Don’t you dare fucking die,” he orders.
“Yes, sir,” I mumble, my speech slurred.
Grigory is behind the steering wheel, starting the engine and driving us
away from the hellhole where I lost my brother and found a consuming love.
I have no idea where we are when Papa snaps, “Stop the car.”
Grigory pulls over, and once again, my vision goes spotty from losing too
much blood.
“Alek!” Everleigh shouts, ripping me back to reality. She grabs hold of
my arm, but it’s only for a second before she’s ripped away from me.
“No!” Using the last of my strength, I shove the door open and stagger
out of the SUV. “Stop!” My eyes focus on Papa as he shoves Everleigh into a
field. “Papa!” I shout, but my voice is too weak to carry to him.
My body fails me, and as I drop to my knees, three shots echo into the
My entire world implodes as I watch the bullets hit Everleigh. Like a
string that’s been pulled too tight, my sanity snaps.
The last thing I see is her falling to the ground.
Chapter 16

Coming to, I’m confused as fuck.
My body feels like it’s been torn apart, and I struggle to pry my eyes
For a blissful moment, I don’t remember what happened as I glance
around the sterile room, seeing Misha sitting on an armchair.
My best friend glances at me, and instantly a smile spreads over his face.
He rushes to the doorway, and leaning out into the hallway, he shouts,
“Alek’s awake!”
My parents and Tiana come barreling into the hospital room.
Mama looks like she’s aged ten years, a shock of white streaks in her dark
brown hair. Her face has new lines, and her eyes are dull with heartache.
Tiana starts to cry and comes to grab my hand.
Then my eyes land on my father’s stern face.
The moment of bliss splinters, and every shard flays my soul to shreds.
My brother’s head falls forward, and blood trickles from the gunshot
wound to his temple.
My body fails me, and as I drop to my knees, three shots echo into the
My entire world implodes as I watch the bullets hit Everleigh.
The pain in my body fades until all that’s left is the harrowing reality that
Vincent and Everleigh are dead.
Uncontrollable rage explodes through me, and the wounds I’ve suffered
do nothing to stop me as I rip the IV from my arm and struggle out of bed.
I hear voices shrieking and shouting.
My eyes remain locked on my father as I stumble toward him.
There’s no reasoning. No right and wrong.
No will to live.
There’s only hatred and rage.
I lift my arms, and wrapping my hands around his throat, I try to squeeze
the life from him. Too weak, I slump down to my knees.
My breaths come too fast. My heart’s thundering.
Misha grabs hold of me as my father takes a step backward. He crouches
in front of me, and his eyes are emotionless as he orders, “Get your shit
together, boy.”
“You fucking killed her,” I groan. “Because of you, Vincent and
Everleigh are dead.”
Saying the words has the memory of Everleigh slumping down in the
field flashing through my mind.
“What took you so long?” I shout. “Why the fuck did you shoot her?”
I start to struggle against Misha’s hold, a broken cry tearing from my
chest. I become like a rabid dog.
“The girl was a liability,” my father mutters.
I can’t think straight. I can’t calm down.
I can’t do anything but fight against Misha. I manage to get loose, and
darting forward, I tackle my father off his feet.
I manage to get a punch in, slamming my fist into his cheek before Misha
once again grabs hold of me.
As I’m dragged away, madness spills over my lips, “You fucking killed
her. She was my soul! She was my everything. You fucking killed her. You
fucking killed her! YOU FUCKING KILLED HER.”
Misha wraps his arms around me, and I can’t hear a word he says.
Imprisoned inside my head, I’m alone in the darkness.
This time I don’t have Everleigh to keep me from losing my mind.
He killed her.
The other half of my soul.
He might as well have killed me.
I feel Mama’s hands on my shoulders. I see her tears.
A woman in white gives me an injection, and feeling dizzy, I keep my
eyes locked with my father’s.
“I’m…going to…kill you,” I slur before my body loses the fight, and I
slump against Misha.

When I wake up again, the memories are waiting for me.

There’s no blissful moment where it takes me a while before I remember
what happened.
The blow from my debilitating reality is instant. It sows destruction
through my mind, wiping out the man I used to be.
My breaths become desperate puffs, and unbearable agony rips through
my chest.
Misha comes closer, and he leans over me. Worry is etched deep into his
“Alek, calm down.”
It’s only then I hear the heart monitor beeping like crazy.
I lock eyes with my best friend, but his face blurs with all the memories
of Everleigh and me locked in a dark room.
Again, the image of her dying shudders through me.
In a single day, I lost Vincent and Everleigh.
I would’ve survived losing my brother, but not Everleigh as well.
I’m bombarded with scenes of torture. The starvation. The endless hours
we spent in the darkness and cold.
It feels like that’s all there ever was – just Everleigh and me and that dark
room. There’s no before and no after.
Misha’s hands frame my face, and he pleads, “Alek, please, calm down.”
My breathing is so fast, I don’t get enough air, and hyperventilating, I
return to the darkness, but this time Everleigh isn’t there with me.

The next time I wake up, I’m sluggish and drained of all my strength.
My mind is woozy, as if I’ve had too much to drink.
It’s hard to focus on anything, and when I let out a groan, I hear
Mama comes into view, and again, I’m shocked by how old she looks.
“Mama,” I manage to mumble.
Slowly she sits down in a chair, and picking up my hand, she grips it
between both of hers.
“Zaika.” She calls me the equivalent of baby or darling in Russian. Mama
rambles a prayer, thanking God I’m awake, then tears start to stream down
her face.
“Mama,” I manage again. “What happened?”
She forces a smile to her face while shaking her head. “You’re here. It is
all that matters.” Her voice breaks, and devastating heartbreak tightens her
features, then she whispers, “I still have you.”
The memories of the past months are delayed, but slowly they start to
trickle through my mind.
Because of whatever medication they’ve given me, I’m forced to feel
crushing blow after blow.
I’m forced to feel.
I remember the beating, the whipping, the knife through my hand.
I remember the starvation and hunger pains.
I remember the muscle cramps, my body withering away from lack of
I remember watching Everleigh fade away before my eyes.
The darkness.
The endless fucking darkness.
I close my eyes against the bright light in the room.
And I keep remembering.
What Vincent looked like on that final day. The way he accepted his fate
and his eyes begged me to end it.
Everleigh’s gone.
Vincent died for nothing, and I lost Everleigh anyway.
I only realize I’m crying when Mama pulls me into a sitting position and
presses my head to her chest.
“Shhh…zaika…shhh. Your Mama’s here.”
When I was little, I always found comfort in her arms, but there’s none to
be found today.
Today there’s only agony and guilt.
I have to bear the cross of being the only survivor.
How do I live with the guilt of failing my brother?
How do I survive while half my soul is rotting in a field?
Where Vincent and Everleigh’s torture has ended, mine is just beginning.
Chapter 17

When I open my eyes, my body feels numb, and I don’t recognize anything
around me.
It looks like I’m in a hospital room. I hear sounds from machines next to
the bed.
My heartbeat speeds up, and I notice an IV in my left hand.
Where am I?
The memories of my captivity pour into my mind, and I remember being
shot by Alek’s father.
Oh, God!
Alek! Did he survive?
Suddenly an elderly man comes into the room.
I don’t recognize the old man and stare at him, fear and panic filling my
When he notices I’m awake, his eyes widen. He rambles something in
Russian, and it looks like he expects a reply.
“I’m American,” I say, my voice hoarse as if I haven’t used it for a long
while. “I don’t speak Russian.”
“Ohhhh.” He comes closer, his eyes skimming over my face. “I found
you in field not far from my house. I brought you to hospital.”
Pure relief washes over me, and the tension that’s become a normal
feeling for me falls away. Overwhelmed by the realization that I’m no longer
a captive, my chin trembles, and hot tears roll down my cheeks.
“You found me?”
He nods. “Bad shape.” His eyebrows draw together in a serious
expression. “Why you get shot?”
After all the trauma I’ve suffered, I don’t trust a single soul. What if he’s
in the bratva or knows them? What if he tells them I survived, and they come
to kill me?
Besides that, who would believe my insane story?
I don’t think this man knows Alek’s father, or I wouldn’t be alive right
now. But not willing to take the chance, I shake my head and lie, “I don’t
I can see he doesn’t believe me, but he doesn’t push the subject. “You
American? Didn’t find passport.”
The hotel. I hope they still have my belongings.
“Politsiya will come,” he mentions, his eyes watching me like a hawk.
The police? Oh, crap. What do I tell them?
My heartbeat speeds up, and my anxiety spikes high again.
If I tell them the truth, what will happen?
They’ll probably open a case, and the bratva will find out I’m alive.
Alek’s father will try to kill me again.
That can’t happen!
I’ll just pretend I don’t remember anything. I just want to go home.
“How long have I been here?” I think to ask.
“Three weeks,” he answers.
God, that’s long.
But then, there were also the weeks I was held captive.
“What’s the date?”
“February 24th.”
Holy crap!
I struggle to make the calculation, and when I realize it’s been almost
three months since I was taken, I feel physically ill.

I’ll need my passport to get home. And my personal belongings. What are
the chances of the hotel keeping my stuff for three months?
We’re interrupted by a nurse coming into the room. Her accent isn’t as
thick as the old man’s when she asks, “How are you feeling?”
How do I feel?
There are no words. My emotions are all over the place.
I struggle to keep the horror of the trauma I suffered from overwhelming
Unable to answer truthfully, I lie, “I feel okay.”
She checks my vitals, then says, “You had three bullet wounds, a urinary
tract infection, and were severely malnourished.” She pats my forearm before
checking the IV to make sure I’m getting whatever medication they’re giving
me. “The infection is gone, and you’ve managed to gain weight. The doctor
will come to see you during his rounds.”
She glances at the old man and says something to him in Russian. He
nods and leaves the room.
“Mr. Vlasov is a nice man. He’s been worried and checking in on you
every day.”
Mr. Vlasov. I need to thank him.
The nurse locks eyes with me. “Do you know you’re pregnant?”
My heart stutters in my chest, and my mouth drops open. Waves of shock
hit me one after the other.
She gives me a comforting smile. “From your reaction, I’m guessing you
didn’t know. You’re nine weeks pregnant. It’s a miracle you didn’t miscarry
with all the trauma your body’s suffered.”
I can’t form any words, my mind coming to a dead stop.
She squeezes my hand. “Luckily, you and baby are doing well. Good
news, right?”
Good news?
I’m only eighteen and alone in a foreign country.
Alone in the world.
Overwhelmed, I can only nod.
“What happened to you?” she asks.
Everything, and I mean every single moment, passes through my mind
like a horror movie.
My throat strains, and my muscles tense. The trauma is too much, and I
fight to put up a mental wall.
My voice is still hoarse, but this time it’s because of the fragile state of
my mind. “I can’t remember.” My tongue darts out to wet my lips. “When
can I leave the hospital?”
“The doctor has to check you. He’ll decide when you can be discharged.”
Needing to call the hotel to hear about my belongings, I ask, “Is there a
phone I can use?”
“Who do you need to call?” she asks.
“The hotel I was staying at.”
“Give me the details, and I’ll call for you,” she offers.
Her kindness makes tears well in my eyes as I give her the name of the
hotel and my details.
If I can get my belongings, it will be one thing less to worry about.
“Thank you,” I whisper, giving her a grateful expression.
Her smile is warm. “You’re welcome. Get some rest. I’ll check in on you
when I do my rounds again.”
I watch as she leaves the room, then turn my eyes to the window. It’s dark
It’s always dark.
I’m carrying Alek’s child.
With a trembling hand, I place my palm over my abdomen.
Did Alek survive?
The thought of him being dead is too much, and I quickly shove it away.
He’s strong. He survived.
He probably thinks I’m dead.
My heart cracks down the middle when it sinks in that I won’t be able to
contact him. Not if I want to live.
Tears begin to fall down my cheeks because I don’t know how to let go of
Alek. I didn’t even get to say goodbye.
I don’t know how he’s doing. He must be heartbroken from losing
God, I wish I could hug him.
For an insane moment, I wish I was back in the dark room with him.
I cover my face with my hand and cry because I don’t know what else to
I can’t deal with everything that’s happened to me.
I can’t deal with being pregnant and alone.
I can’t deal with never seeing Alek again.
I wish I had died in the field.
Chapter 18

It’s been a month since my world came to an end.
This time I’m a prisoner in my bedroom because every time I lay eyes on
my father, I lose my mind.
I begged Misha to go to the field. I at least wanted Everleigh to be buried
so she wasn’t just lying out in the open.
Christ. My heart.
I grip the fabric over my chest, the pain too intense to breathe.
Misha didn’t find Everleigh in the field, which means someone already
discovered her body. It’s not comforting at all. Strangers are handling the
body of the only woman I’ll ever love. She didn’t even get a funeral.
I can’t. I can’t deal with this. It’s too much.
Standing in front of the window, I stare at nothing as my mind is tortured.
I have no will to live.
“Alek,” Misha whispers behind me.
“Talk to me.”
“About what?”
He takes hold of my shoulder and turns me so I’ll look at him.
The beating, the whipping, the knife through my hand. The starvation and
hunger pains. My body withering away. Watching Everleigh fade away.
The darkness.
Making love to Everleigh.
Kissing her.
Whispering for hours on end as we got to know each other.
Vincent. His broken body and the look of acceptance in his eyes.
They’re gone, and I’m still here.
Like always, when I think about them, my breathing speeds up, and my
heart beats uncontrollably.
Rage overwhelms me, and unable to kill my father, I let out a roar as I
start to trash the room. I grab the bedside table and throw it against the wall. I
rip the sheets off the bed and flip the base over.
I need to destroy everything the way I’ve been destroyed.
Misha grabs me from behind. “I’ve got you, brother.”
A broken cry is ripped from my destroyed soul, and as I slump to my
knees, Misha tightens his hold on me.
“We’ll get through this. I’m here.” His voice is loaded with emotion. “I’m
still here. You still have me.”
My grief and trauma are too much to handle, and I break down.
With my best friend holding me, my voice is hoarse as I say, “I lost them.
After everything, I still lost them.”
“You have me,” he says again.
I grab fistfuls of my hair and shake my head.
Misha lets go of me and comes to sit in front of me. His eyes carry a
world of worry and pain. “Talk to me, brother. Tell me what happened.”
Again I shake my head.
He just watches me for minutes.
I shift onto my ass, and pulling my knees up, I lower my head.
“Everleigh,” I whisper, my voice filled with unbearable loss. “We were
locked in a dark room.”
I only found out afterward Prodi had us for over two months.
“They starved us.”
Misha keeps quiet, and he doesn’t try to comfort me. He’s probably too
scared I’ll lose my shit or stop talking.
I don’t blame him. Insane people are unpredictable.
Destructive emotions bubble in my chest. It feels as if the hell we endured
has taken up residence in my soul.
The torment will never stop.
“I loved Everleigh,” I whisper. “Love. I love her.” Lifting my head, I lock
eyes with Misha. “It feels like I’ve lost my soul.” I give him a pleading look.
“I’m still stuck in the darkness, but she’s not there. I can’t think straight. I
can’t live without her.”
Misha lifts his hand, and gripping my shoulder, he leans closer. “She
would’ve wanted you to live, brother.”
Anger flares through me like a missile. “I wanted her to live! It doesn’t
matter what she wants because she’s rotting in some unmarked grave!”
My emotions spiral, and I lose my mind.
“Alek!” I hear Misha shout.
I feel his hands as everything goes black, and I’m sucked into the
darkness, where I keep shouting for Everleigh.
But there’s no answer.
There’s only the silence of death.
Chapter 19

Unlocking the front door, I push it open. Entering my house, which feels
more like a grave than a home, I nudge my luggage to the side and lock up
behind me.
Walking to the living room, I slump down on the couch and stare at the
blank TV screen.
I’m exhausted from the long flight from Russia to Ohio.
Automatically my hand rests on my abdomen. It’s something I started
doing when I found out I was pregnant.
Yelena, the kind nurse from the hospital, helped me get my belongings
from the hotel. We were just in time as they were going to get rid of
everything after three months.
She also helped me make a booking for a flight and dropped me off at the
airport. I have her phone number, and although I promised to call, I don’t
intend to.
I appreciate everything Yelena and Mr. Vlasov did for me. The old man
came to check on me daily until he was sure I’d be okay, then I never saw
him again.
I can’t call Yelena and risk the bratva finding out I’m still alive. It’s best I
stop all contact.
Every day I pray the bratva have forgotten about me.
Everyone except for Alek.
There’s a sharp pain in my chest, and it feels as if my heart is being
ripped out. Curling into a fetal position on the couch, I let out an agonizing
I’ll never see Alek again.
For what feels like the millionth time, I break into a million pieces.
I barely survived my parents’ deaths, but there’s no surviving the loss of
In that tiny room, he became my everything – my heartbeat, my breaths,
my sole purpose for existing.
How do I begin to deal with all the trauma I suffered? How do I pick up
the pieces of my life?
In the safety of my family home, I cry for hours, but none of the tears
make me feel better.
Once I calm down, I force myself to get up. I find a pad of paper and a
pen and start to make a list of everything I need to do.
Put the house up for sale.
Pack everything.
Check the car’s oil and tires.
Hire a moving company.
Move to LA and start a new life.
Find a gynecologist in the LA area.
Get everything ready for the baby.
I let out a sigh as I set the pen down. When my stomach rumbles, I get up
and head to the kitchen where I grab burritos from the freezer.
While they bake in the oven, I brush my hand over my abdomen.
At least you have a little piece of Alek with you.
I look down at my flat stomach, and for the first time, I talk to our unborn
child. “Hi.” Intense emotions wash over me again, and my voice is strained
as I whisper, “Thank you for not leaving me alone, little fighter.”
It’s taken me four months to sell my family home and to move to LA.
I’ve been super busy, and it’s kept me from losing my mind.
I’ve just entered my third trimester, and ‘little Alek’ is growing quickly.
When the doctor told me I was having a boy, I decided to name our baby
Alek Vincent Adams – for Alek.
The past four months have done nothing to lessen the longing and
heartache. The trauma is still there, and there’s no way I’ll see a therapist. I
can’t bring myself to talk about everything that happened.
And no one will understand.
No one, but Alek.
Needing to take a load off my feet, I sit down on the couch and glare at
all the boxes I still need to unpack.
I think Alek would be proud of me. I never thought I’d be able to sell my
parents’ house and move across the country.
But here I am.
My hand rests on my baby bump. “Here we are.”
I bought a three-bedroom house in Pasadena. The neighborhood seems
nice, and it’s even close to a park.
This is where I’ll raise little Alek.
I’m playing around with the idea of opening a bookstore because studying
to be an editor is not an option right now. The bookstore will keep me busy
until I have time to further my studies.
Letting out a sigh, I scowl at all the boxes again.
“Mommy doesn’t want to work,” I complain as I lie down on the couch.
“We’ll just take a little nap, okay?”
Just as I close my eyes, there’s a knock at the front door. My eyes pop
open, and I lie perfectly still.
It could be a neighbor.
There’s another knock, and my muscles tense.
Go away.
I lay frozen on the couch for over ten minutes, making sure whoever was
at the door has left, before I slowly sit up.
Because of my time in Russia, I have crippling anxiety when it comes to
interacting with people.
And I always check the locks. Sometimes I’ll check again and again
before my nerves settle.
It’s weird because it’s not like I was taken from my home. I’ve just
become a nervous person after everything that’s happened.
Getting up, I slowly walk to the front door and peek through the
peephole. Not seeing anyone, I check the locks on the door before letting out
a breath of relief.
Unable to sleep now, I walk to the nearest box and open it.
Just like I used to whisper with Alek in the dark room, I whisper to our
baby, “I wonder what colors you’ll like once you’re here. Should we make
your room white and yellow? Your daddy’s favorite color is black, but that’s
a little too morbid for a baby.”
I take all the family photos out of the box and arrange them around the
living room.
“You would’ve loved your grandparents.”
I don’t have a photo of Alek.
My heart sinks when I realize little Alek will never know what his father
looked like.
“Your father is the most amazing person. He’s strong and brave.” My
voice cracks as heartache ripples over me. “No one will ever take his place,
and you’ll never call another man Daddy.”
I’ll devote my life to raising Alek’s son and giving him a wonderful life.
Chapter 20

Standing in the field where Everleigh was killed, I look for any sign that she
was here.
It’s stupid. A year has passed. Of course, there won’t be anything.
Still, I stare at the ground.
I’ve been locked up in my bedroom until now, and this is the first chance
I’ve gotten to come to the field.
“Alek,” Misha calls from where he’s leaning against the SUV. “We have
to go, or we’ll miss our flight.”
The past twelve months of living without Everleigh have been brutal hell.
My father avoided me, but the few times we interacted always ended in
I’ll never forgive him. I’ll never forget.
And one day, when he least expects it, I’ll kill him the way he killed
“Alek,” Misha calls again.
We’ve been out here for over an hour. Misha’s been patient with me.
Honestly, only Misha and Tiana have tried to understand what I’m going
Once I got home, Mama fell into a deep depression. The loss of Vincent
almost killed her.
She lost her son, and I lost my brother and the only woman I’ll ever love.
I’ll never connect with another human the way I connected with Everleigh.
“I love you,” I whisper to the ground. “Forever and always. It will never
be the end of us, moya malen'kaya lyubov'. My time on this godforsaken
planet will end, and we’ll be together again.”
I close my eyes, and the image of Everleigh sitting on my lap fills my
‘I love you too.’
Lifting my hand, I grip the fabric over my broken heart. “It’s torture
living without you.”
Misha’s arm wraps around my shoulders, and he gives me a sideways
brotherly hug. “Come, brother.”
If it weren’t for Misha, I probably would’ve ended my life. The past year
he’s gone through hell with me, and out of respect for him, I face every brutal
Turning away from the last place I saw Everleigh, I walk to the SUV and
climb into the passenger seat.
When Misha slides behind the steering wheel, he says, “I’m looking
forward to our training at St. Monarch’s, and we’ll see more of Armani.”
Armani is an enforcer for the Italian mafia. We’ve worked with him in the
past and built a friendship.
“I don’t want anyone at St. Monarch’s to know about my past or
Everleigh,” I mutter.
Honestly, I’m only going because that’s where Misha will be.
“Don’t baby me either,” I add.
Mama tried to get me to take medication, but it drained me of my energy.
Instead, Misha guards me, always there to calm me down when I lose my
He’s become my voice of reason.
As we drive toward the airport, I close my eyes, letting the memories of
Everleigh wash over me.
I spend more time in my fragmented mind than in reality because it’s the
only place I can hear her voice and see her beautiful face.
‘If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?’ Everleigh
Surrounded by the darkness, we’re caught in our little bubble.
I don’t hesitate to answer, ‘LA.’
Straddled on my lap, she pulls a little back, and I feel her breath skim
over my jaw. ‘Why?’
‘Well, it used to be LA. That’s where the head of the bratva and my hero
live. But now it’s Ohio.’
‘Do you think we would’ve fallen in love if we met under normal
‘I’d always fall in love with you.’
Everleigh’s mouth finds mine, and time falls away.
Our souls connect, and we become one. Love doesn’t begin to describe
what I feel for her.
Everleigh is my beginning and my end.
She’s my forever and always.
My soulmate.
The Present
Three years later…
Chapter 21

Locking the door of my bookstore, I walk to the back, where Vincent is
I tried to get used to calling him Alek, but I couldn’t, so I swapped his
first and second names.
Vincent Alek Adams was born on a stormy night. There was a power
outage, and the darkness seemed fitting.
I crouch next to my sleeping son, and pressing a kiss to his cheek, I
whisper, “Time to wake up, sleepyhead.”
He stretches as he turns onto his back, and when a smile spreads over his
face, my heart clenches.
Vincent looks exactly like Alek. They have the same smile, the same
eyes, the same mop of dark brown hair.
He even has the same golden flecks in his brown irises.
I don’t need a photo of Alek to remember him. I have his son.
There have been so many nights where I lie and fantasize that Alek finds
us and we’re a happy family. But it’s only a dream because we can never be a
part of his violent world.
I won’t put my son in that kind of danger.
A shiver rushes down my spine, and I suppress the traumatic memories I
still haven’t processed.
I don’t think the nightmare I was subjected to can be dealt with, so I do
my best to ignore it.
“I’m hungry, Mommy,” Vincent says, pulling me from my thoughts.
“Let’s put all your toys away and go home.” I begin to gather his cars and
building blocks, putting them in the bin in his little corner of the store.
I thought about placing him in a daycare center, but I couldn’t bear to be
away from him for an entire day.
Where I go, Vincent goes.
Rising to my feet, I walk to the counter to grab my handbag, then hold my
hand out to my little boy, “Come, baby. Time to go.”
He walks toward me as if he has all the time in the world, and I wait
patiently. When his tiny hand slips into mine, I tighten my hold on him and
walk to the front door.
We step out onto the sidewalk, and I lock up behind us.
“Heading home?” April asks from where she’s having a cigarette.
She’s a barista at the coffee shop next to my bookstore, Fiction
“Yeah. Have a good night.” I give her a smile before I walk toward the
April once asked me to go out for a girls' night with her, but I used
Vincent as an excuse to decline the invitation. She’s friendly and always
greets me, but I like my quiet life with my son, and there isn’t space for
anyone else.
Opening the backdoor, I pick up Vincent and place him in his car seat. I
strap him in and press a kiss to the top of his head before I shut the door.
When I climb in behind the steering wheel, I strap on my safety belt and
ask, “What do you want to eat, baby?”
“Fish fingers.” He gives me a grin. “And ice cream.”
“You can have ice cream for dessert,” I say as I start the engine and pull
away from the curb.
“No, I want both for dinner,” he argues.
“How about I make corn on the cob with the fish fingers?” I negotiate.
“Corn on the cob, fish fingers, and ice cream.” Vincent chuckles.
I love my son’s playful nature. It makes a wide smile stretch over my
“And milk,” he adds. “Lots and lots of milk.”
“Okay, my baby.”

It’s quiet in the store, and Vincent is sitting on my lap while I read him a
When the doorbell jingles, I glance up and watch as a woman who seems
to be in her early thirties pushes a stroller into the store.
She has beautiful dark brown hair, olive skin, and light brown eyes.
She shoots a friendly smile my way, then asks, “Do you sell children’s
“Yes.” I put Vincent down on his feet and nudge him toward his corner.
“Go play a little while Mommy helps the lady.”
Her eyes follow my son, then she asks, “He’s adorable. How old is he?”
“Three.” I walk closer to her and peek into the stroller. “Awww…” I give
her a questioning look. “A boy?”
“Yes. He’s just turned one.”
“I miss the days Vincent used to sleep like that,” I chuckle. Gesturing
toward the shelves with children's stories, I say, “This way.”
“Do you have any recommendations? Which books does your son
Again a chuckle escapes me. “He’s obsessed with Mighty Pup Power.
Nothing else will do.” I take a copy off the shelf and hand it to her.
I glance at Vincent to make sure he’s okay.
“We have a dog, so I’m sure Roman will love this one.” Her gaze
browses over the other books. “This one looks good. Until he understands,
he’ll be able to look at the pictures of the animals.”
“That’s a good pick.”
The customer chooses three more books before we head to the counter.
“I’ve walked past this bookstore a hundred times and always wanted to
come inside.” Our eyes lock, then she adds, “Oh, I’m Rosalie Vetrov.”
Her last name makes the hair on the back of my neck rise.
“I’m Everleigh.” I hesitate for a moment, then ask, “Are you Russian?”
She shakes her head. “No, my husband is. I’m Sicilian.”
My heart sets off at a crazy pace, and I glance at Vincent again.
Chill, woman. Not all Russians are bad.
Nodding, I ring up her books and pack them in a paper bag. “Will that be
“Yes.” She hands me the cash, then blurts out, “I don’t know any other
mommies. Well, mommies with children close to Roman’s age. Do you want
to have coffee sometime?”
Not wanting to offend her by declining to her face, I say, “Leave your
number, and I’ll give you a call.”
She writes it down on a sticky note, then smiles happily at me. “It will be
nice to hang out with someone who has a child.”
It would.
“I’ll call soon.”
With a friendly wave, Rosalie leaves the store. My eyes follow her until
she disappears from my sight, then I glance down at her phone number.
My wild heartbeat calms down, and I let out a sigh.
I probably won’t call.
Still, I tuck the sticky note in a drawer before I walk to where Vincent is
playing with his cars.

With Vincent fast asleep in his bed, I leave his nightlight on before heading
to the kitchen. I wash our dinner dishes, and when everything is tidy, I check
that the front door is locked.
Just as I turn around, the urge to check overwhelms me. Letting out a
sigh, I triple-check the locks, annoyed that I’m not able to break the habit.
Switching off the lights, I walk to my bedroom, leaving the door open so
I can hear if Vincent calls for me.
I open the top drawer of my dressing table and make sure the gun is still
in the little locked box.
I bought a weapon a week after I moved to Pasadena. I’m not pro-
weapons, but I wanted something I could use to protect us.
Shutting the drawer, I climb beneath the covers and switch off my
bedside lamp.
Darkness fills the room, and closing my eyes, I snuggle my face into my
In tonight's fantasy, Vincent and I are at the beach.
I hear Vincent’s laughter above the sound of the waves and smile as I
watch him build a sandcastle.
Of course, I’m wearing a bikini, and there are no stretchmarks in sight.
I’m perfect.
Glancing over the stretch of beach, I see a man walking toward us. He’s
wearing black cargo pants…no, black swimming trunks. His skin is golden
from the sun, and he has a six-pack that makes me drool.
Then our eyes meet, and of course, I’m shocked.
I climb to my feet, and tears of happiness spill over my cheeks.
The corner of Alek’s mouth lifts in a hot grin. ‘I’ve looked everywhere for
‘You found us.’
We run into each other arms…crap, no, wait. I scoop up Vincent and then
run toward Alek. He embraces us in his strong arms, promising never to
leave us again.
I let out a huff, and punching my pillow, I scowl at the darkness.
He never left me. This fantasy sucks.
My thoughts threaten to go down the forbidden path as I remember what
it felt like to make love to Alek.
Sadness fills my chest, and missing him more than anything, I bring up
the memory of Alek’s smile.
I miss you, Alek. Every single day.
I wish you could meet our son. He looks so much like you.
I love you.
Finally, I drift off to sleep.
‘Choose who dies,’ Prodi orders.
I’m tied to a chair, and in the other chair is Vincent. Not Alek’s brother
but my baby boy.
Alek glances between us, his features torn with desperation.
‘Choose!’ Prodi shouts, aiming his gun at my baby.
‘Noooooooo!’ I shout, the most horrible feeling ripping through me.
Darting upright in bed, my cheeks are wet with tears, and my breaths are
racing over my lips.
My body trembles and it takes a moment for me to realize it was just
another nightmare.
Needing to see Vincent, I climb out of bed and hurry to his room. Intense
relief fills my chest when I lay eyes on my sleeping boy.
Careful not to wake him, I pick him up and carry him back to my bed.
Vincent has never had a problem sleeping in his own bed. I’m the one
who’s struggling to sleep alone.
Holding him close to my chest, I take a couple of deep breaths so I’ll
calm down.
Your baby is fine. Nothing is going to happen to him.
Prodi is dead, and he can’t hurt you anymore.
You’re safe.
Closing my eyes, I focus on Vincent’s soft breaths.
You’re safe.
Chapter 22

Sitting on a private jet with my boss, I stare out of the window.
I’ve completed my training at St. Monarch’s, and Viktor’s decided he
wants me in LA with him.
During my first year of training, I put up an act so people would fear me
and stay the fuck away from me, but with time I became the person I was
pretending to be.
I don’t care about anything but Misha, Armani, my mama, and Tiana.
I have no conscience and will kill without thinking twice.
After losing Everleigh and Vincent, I never got my sanity back. With
every passing year, it’s gotten worse, and now I’m nothing more than a
monster who’ll kill and maim at command.
My relationship with my father is volatile as fuck. Our lives hardly cross
paths, which is a good thing.
Viktor knows everything about my past, and he feels I’m a loose cannon
he needs to keep an eye on.
Honestly, I think Viktor is just as insane as me. I almost let out a chuckle
when I remember the incident earlier this year. Misha, Armani, and I fucked
up when we stopped the assassination of a mafia princess. As punishment,
Viktor shot me in the shoulder.
I was ready to die so Misha wouldn’t take the punishment, but Viktor just
gave us a warning.
“What are you grinning about?” Viktor asks from where he’s seated
across from me.
“I’m thinking of when you shot me.” My smile grows as I tease him,
“Your aim is shitty.”
My boss lets out a burst of laughter before giving me a look of warning.
“Don’t push your luck, Alek. I can always use you for target practice.”
Viktor flew to Switzerland because there was a job to take care of. He
decided then and there I’m going to LA with him.
A flight attendant brings us each a tumbler of vodka. Viktor thanks her
before locking eyes with me again. “Bullshit aside, how are you holding up?”
I shrug. “I’m ready to get to work, sir.”
He waves a careless hand. “Viktor. Keep the sir shit for my father.”
Instantly excitement bubbles in my chest. “Will I get to meet your father
and Mr. Koslov?”
“Yes. We all live on the same property.”
It’s been a lifelong dream of mine to meet the greatest assassin alive.
Alexei Koslov is nothing short of a legend.
Viktor tilts his head. “How are you really doing?” He gestures at his head.
I glance away, which is my first mistake.
“I’m fine.”
Second mistake.
Shifting in my seat, I bring my eyes back to Viktor’s. He keeps staring at
me until I say, “It comes and goes.”
“I hear you refuse to go for therapy.”
I shrug again. “No amount of talking will bring my brother and woman
Compassion softens Viktor’s eyes. “No, it won’t.” He lets out a sigh, then
says, “Don’t worry. I’ll give you enough work to keep you busy.”
“I look forward to it.” Dying to know, I ask, “What kind of work will I
A grin spreads over his face. “You’ll start as a chauffeur for the family,
and with time I’ll promote you to personal guard.”
It doesn’t sound like I’ll be busy at all. I was hoping to be where the
action is.
Viktor sees my disappointment, then mutters, “Ungrateful, fuck. With
you by my side daily, you’ll train to be my second-in-charge. There’s no
starting at the top.”
Christ, I didn’t think that far ahead.
“I’m sorry.” A frown forms on my forehead. “But why?”
If I’m such a loose cannon, why the fuck would Viktor want to place me
in such a high position?
“I owe you.” His expression grows serious. “You got taken because of
my alliance with Luca. This is my way of paying you back.” He takes a sip of
his vodka before continuing, “You’ve had a rough start, Alek. I feel you’ll do
well under my lead.”
I so didn’t see this coming.
“I’ll do my best not to disappoint you.”

When I steer the armored G-Wagon through the iron gates of the estate, I
glance at the perfect lawn and gardens.
I count fifteen guards stationed at various points. There are three
mansions and four cottages.
The place is fucking huge.
“The house on the right,” Viktor instructs from the passenger seat.
I pull up in the driveway and bring the vehicle to a stop. Climbing out, I
check our surroundings for threats even though I don’t have to. The estate is
safer than Ford Knox.
I still do it so I can get into the routine. The faster, the better.
A golden retriever comes running toward us and jumps up against Viktor.
I watch as my boss gives the old dog some attention, then the animal comes
to sniff my feet.
I let him do his thing before I pat him on the head.
“Her name is Luna,” Viktor says.
Oh, not a he but a she.
“I want to see my wife before I show you where you’ll live.”
I follow Viktor to his house, and when he enters through sliding doors, I
stay out on the veranda so he’ll have privacy.
“You’re home!” I hear Mrs. Vetrov exclaim. “I didn’t expect you until
much later.”
“Hi, baby,” he murmurs lovingly. “I missed you and our son. Put that
down so I can love you.”
There’s a moment’s silence, and I keep my eyes on the house to the right.
“Let me look at my son,” Viktor says. “He’s gotten bigger.” Another
pause, then he asks, “What have you been up to?”
“I found a cute little bookstore today and got some books for Roman.”
“You don’t think he’s a little young to start reading?” Viktor teases his
“Duh…It’s for me to read to him,” Rosalie chuckles. “The owner of the
bookstore is also a mom. I gave her my number and hope she’ll call so we
can hang out.”
“Don’t give me that look. She’s harmless. Not everyone is a threat.”
“I’ll be the judge of that.” A few seconds later, Viktor calls, “Alek, come
Stepping into the living room, I glance at Viktor’s wife and son.
“This is Rosalie, my wife.” Viktor pulls her close to his side.
“It’s an honor meeting you,” I say.
Viktor gestures at me, then explains to Rosalie, “Alek will live on the
grounds. I’m going to train him to be my second-in-charge.”
Rosalie smiles politely but then gives me a look of warning. “Take good
care of my husband.”
“I will,” I promise.
“I’m just going to take him to the main house before showing him his
own place,” Viktor tells Rosalie. “I’ll be back in an hour or so, Moya
malen'kaya roza.”
Hearing Viktor call her ‘his little rose’ makes me remember how I called
Everleigh ‘my little love.’
The pain is sharp, and I struggle to breathe for a moment.
It’s hard watching the people around me find happiness and start families.
I’ll never have that.
I lower my eyes to the floor and try to push the harrowing memories
away before they can consume me.
Misha isn’t here to calm my ass down, and I can’t lose my shit in my
boss’ home.
We exit the mansion and walk toward the biggest house on the estate. The
dark cloud over my head lifts a little as I realize I’m about to meet Demitri
Vetrov and Alexei Koslov.
The pair made the best assassin and custodian for decades, and no one has
beaten their records.
Alexei was also the head of the bratva before Viktor took over.
Viktor shoves a side door open and calls out, “Where’s everyone?”
“In the kitchen,” a man replies.
When we enter a state-of-the-art kitchen, I lay eyes on the two men sitting
by a round table and goosebumps spread over my body.
Even though they’re in their sixties, they still look badass as fuck.
Holy fuck. It’s finally happening.
Alexei’s eyes lock on me, and he tilts his head as he murmurs,
“Aleksandr Aslenhov.”
I’m not surprised that he knows who I am. There’s nothing in this world
this man doesn’t know.
He rises from his seat, and when he comes to stand in front of me, we
lock eyes. He searches for something in my gaze before he says, “What you
went through was fucked up. I hope you’ll find some happiness with us.”
The words are unexpected.
I can only nod. Not even for Alexei Koslov can I face my past.
He places his hand on my shoulder and gives it a squeeze. “We’ll spend
some time together tomorrow.”
“That would be great,” I admit. “I have the highest respect for you, sir.”
“Just Alexei.” He turns away from me to take a seat again.
Demitri, Viktor’s father, just stares at me, so I walk closer and reach a
hand out to him. “It’s good to meet you in person, sir.”
“Just Demitri,” he mutters.
The corner of my mouth lifts because Alexei and Demitri are so much
I’m introduced to Viktor’s mother, Ariana, and then to Alexei’s wife,
Isabella. She’s just as intimidating as her husband.
Isabella and Ariana both look at me with compassion, which tells me
everyone here knows what happened to me.
“Alek will start as a chauffeur. I’ll train him over the next year to become
my second-in-charge,” Viktor says.
Alexei nods, then asks, “Can you shoot?”
I let out a chuckle. “Not as good as you, but I don’t miss a target.”
He nods again, then mutters, “Good.” He gestures at a chair. “Sit, son.
Let’s eat.”
Viktor and I take seats at the table, and even though I’m not hungry, I eat
a little of everything so I don’t offend Isabella and Ariana.
Once we’re done, Viktor immediately rises to his feet. “Come, Alek.”
I shoot up, and with a nod at the former bratva boss, his custodian, and
their wives, I follow Viktor out of the mansion.
We walk to the cottage that’s nearest to the main gates, and Viktor takes a
key from his pocket, unlocking the front door.
When we step inside, I notice the place is already furnished.
“You can change anything you want,” Viktor informs me. “This will be
your home.”
Since I lost Everleigh, nothing has felt like home.
“If you bring a woman here, make sure she’s vetted,” he warns me.
“That’s something you don’t have to worry about,” I say.
Even though I’ve commented about getting laid, it was just to keep
people off my back.
I haven’t, and I won’t touch a woman. My heart, body, and what’s left of
my soul will always belong to Everleigh.
Viktor glances at me before nodding. “Obviously, you can come and go
as you wish. Just be here when I need you.”
“Do you have a schedule I can keep track of?” I ask.
Viktor nods, and pulling his phone from his pocket, he sends me an
email. “Unless something unexpected pops up, everything is on that
I check the schedule and notice there’s nothing planned for the next three
days. I also see contact details for doctors and anyone who’s in the service of
the Vetrov family.
“Take a couple of days to get settled. I’d suggest you drive around to get
accustomed to the neighborhood and surrounding areas.”
Viktor takes a credit card from his wallet and hands it to me. “This is for
business expenses. Your salary will be transferred to your personal account.
You won’t be wearing a combat uniform while on duty. Get suits on the
business account. You’ll find my personal tailor’s contact details in the email
I sent you.”
“Got it.”
“I’ll leave you to it so you can get settled,” he says as he hands me the
key to the cottage. Our eyes meet, and I see sincerity as he adds, “It’s good to
have you here, Alek.”
“Thank you.” I watch as he leaves the cottage before I turn around, my
eyes drifting over the space that will be my home until the day I die.
Misha married an Italian princess. Armani married Tiana.
They’ve both moved on with their lives, and we’re stationed far from
each other. Misha and Armani will probably see each other often because of
I’m on my own now.
Taking a deep breath, I walk out of the cottage to grab my luggage from
the G-Wagon.
Chapter 23

Climbing out of the car, I take Vincent’s hand and walk toward the park
where moms come so their kids can play.
I make a point of coming here once a week so Vincent can interact with
other children. Just because I have social anxiety doesn’t mean he has to
“Jonas,” Vincent calls out, already tugging at my hand so I’ll free him.
“Fine,” I chuckle. “Go play with your friend.”
I watch as he makes a beeline for Jonas, and they head to the jungle gym.
Finding a seat in the morning sun, I pull a book from my handbag. For a
while, I watch Vincent have fun before I open the book to continue reading.
I like fantasy and sci-fi books because they’re pure fiction and transport
me to a different world.
Every now and then, I check on Vincent. The sound of laughter and the
conversations from other mothers fill the air.
My head snaps up, and seeing the customer from the store who I didn’t
call, my stomach sinks.
She smiles brightly as she pushes the stroller closer. “It’s me, Rosalie.
You didn’t call.”
I shut the book and give her a sheepish expression. “Shoot, I lost the
sticky note.”
As she sits, I notice men in suits fanning out around us.
My heart sets off at a crazy pace, and grabbing my bag, I dart to my feet.
Intense fear overwhelms me, and I struggle to think straight.
Rosalie’s face fills with worry. “What’s wrong?”
Not thinking, the truth spills from my lips, “There are men watching us. I
have to get Vincent!”
She stands up again and takes hold of my arm. “Hey, it’s okay. They’re
my guards.”
My anxiety spikes dangerously high, and my breaths come way too fast.
Svetlana. Guards. The ambush. The torture.
With a concerned look, Rosalie wraps her arm around my shoulders and
ducks her head close to mine. “Shhh…it’s okay. You’re safe.” She leans even
closer to me. “Try to take deeper breaths. You’re safe here.”
My eyes lock on hers. “Who are you? Why would you have guards?”
She shakes her head. “Just the wife of a man who’s overprotective. The
guards are here to make sure Roman and I don’t get kidnapped and held for
Her honesty has my heartbeat slowing down a little. Shaking my head, I
say, “I’m sorry. I can’t stay.”
This is all too familiar.
Pulling away from Rosalie, I run to where Vincent is playing with Jonas.
“Come, baby. We have to go.”
He gives me a stubborn look. “No, it’s not time yet.”
Taking his hand, I pull him to his feet. I have to drag my son, who’s
kicking and screaming, away from the playground to the car.
My eyes keep darting around us, and every time I lock eyes with one of
Rosalie’s guards, my fear intensifies.
I bundle Vincent into his car seat and quickly strap him in before I rush to
climb behind the steering wheel. Panicking, I start the engine and floor the
Only when we get home, and I lock the door behind us do I manage to
catch my breath.
Vincent is crying next to me, and it feels like I’m about to have a
Sinking to my knees, I wrap my arms around my son. “I’m sorry, baby.
Mommy had a fright and just wanted to make sure we’re safe.”
“I…wanted to…play with Jonas,” he sobs as if his little heart is breaking.
I feel horrible for the way I reacted and comfort my boy until his sobs die
“Mommy will make it up to you, okay?” I say as I wipe the tears from his
face. “We’ll go back tomorrow so you can play some more.”
Vincent nods, then he mumbles, “I want ice cream.”
Climbing to my feet, I lift Vincent to my hip and carry him to the kitchen.
“How about Mommy makes popcorn, and we watch Ice Age?”
He nods. “And Ice cream.”
My child has an unhealthy addiction to ice cream and anything sweet, but
right now, I couldn’t care. I’ll let him eat everything we have to make up for
my crazy behavior.

The following day when we get to the playground, Jonas isn’t there.
“I don’t see him,” Vincent complains.
“Go play with the other children,” I encourage him. “Maybe you can
make new friends.”
He lets out a sigh, and dragging his feet, he walks closer to the group of
I find an open bench and keep my eyes on Vincent. After a while, I
glance around the park, and when my gaze lands on Rosalie, my heart sinks
to my feet.
Just my freaking luck.
When she nears me, I notice there are no guards in sight, and she doesn’t
have her baby with her today. She gives me a friendly smile and sits down
beside me.
“I told the guards to make themselves invisible.”
I can’t even manage a smile. My eyes remain locked on my son.
“From your reaction yesterday, I’m going to say I’m the last person you
want to see.”
I can’t tear my eyes away from my son as I reply, “The guards triggered
something for me. It’s not you.”
I think. I don’t know this woman at all.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you,” she murmurs. “I was hoping we
could be friends.”
Nope. Not happening.
I shake my head. “I don’t have time for friends. My son keeps me busy.”
“I understand,” she whispers. Getting up, she hesitates. “I’m sorry I
scared you yesterday. I just wanted to get to know other mothers.”
Guilt pours into my heart, and tearing my eyes away from my son, I
glance up at her. “It’s not you,” I try to explain. “I have social anxiety.”
That’s the understatement of the year, but it’s the only way I can explain
why I am the way I am.
She sits down again and gives me a compassionate smile. “I struggle
interacting with people as well. At least, I did. It was something I had to work
Her confession has me relaxing a little.
“I’m sorry for my crazy behavior,” I say while glancing at Vincent again.
He laughs, and the sound soothes my frazzled mind.
“No need to apologize,” Rosalie replies. “Do you mind if I just sit here
for a while? We don’t have to talk.”
And now I feel like shit.
“Where’s your son?” I ask.
“With his father.” She chuckles, her gaze resting on Vincent, who’s
making funny faces with a little girl. “Your son is adorable.”
“Thank you.”
“Roman took his first step last night.”
When my eyes dart to hers, I see the pride on her face.
A smile curves my lips. “That’s so awesome.”
“I shrieked with happiness which made him drop to his butt,” she admits.
I let out a chuckle. “I was so excited Vincent started crying.”
There’s a weird pang in my chest because this is the first time I’m getting
to tell someone about Vincent and what it’s like being a mom.
“Roman loves the book I got him.”
Still feeling awful because of my crazy reaction yesterday, I say, “I’m
really sorry I just ran off. I want you to know it’s nothing you did.”
“I understand.” Rosalie gives me a warm smile. “Let’s forget it
Still apprehensive because I don’t know her, I ask, “What work does your
husband do?”
Without hesitating, she says, “He’s in the shipping business.”
“Do you work?”
She shakes her head. “Nope. I’m a full-time mommy.” Her eyes meet
mine. “Do you own the bookstore?”
I nod. “Yeah, I love books, and it allows me to bring Vincent to work
with me.”
Finally, having someone to talk to, I admit, “I feel guilty for not putting
him in a daycare center. He doesn’t get to play with other children enough.”
She lets out a sigh. “I won’t place Roman in a daycare center either.”
With a hopeful look, she says, “Maybe the boys can have play dates?”
Before I can think of what to answer, Vincent comes running toward me.
“I’m thirsty, Mommy.”
I pull his juice box out of my bag and give it to him. “Drink it slowly.”
He sucks down half the juice, shoves the box back into my hand, and runs
back to his friends.
“Is it weird that I can’t wait to experience Roman at that age, but at the
same time, I don’t want him to grow up?” Rosalie asks.
“No, it’s not weird at all,” I chuckle.
“Are the terrible twos really as bad as people say?” she asks.
I shake my head. “Vincent is a blessing. It’s seldom he throws a tantrum.”
Rosalie sits with me for another ten minutes before she gets up. She
hands me a piece of paper with her number on it. “I’ll understand if you don’t
call. I just want you to have my number in case you change your mind and
feel like hanging out.”
Taking the paper, I give her a sheepish grin. “I usually bring Vincent to
the playground on Tuesday afternoons.”
A smile brightens her pretty face. “I’ll be here on Tuesday.”
I watch Rosalie walk to where a G-Wagon is parked before I turn my
attention back to Vincent.
You don’t have to be best friends with her, but it won’t hurt to have
someone to chat with once a week.
Chapter 24

After a shit night’s sleep in the foreign bed, I’m walking the perimeter of the
estate to check for any vulnerable spots.
Every time I come across a guard, I stop to introduce myself.
I’m busy in the backyard when Luna, Viktor’s dog, comes trotting toward
“Hey, girl,” I whisper. I pat her head before continuing to check the wall.
“Are you taking over my job?” I hear Alexei call.
Turning around, I wait for him to catch up with me, then he says, “I take a
walk around the estate every morning.”
“I’ll leave you be.”
He shakes his head and nods for us to walk. “We can check the perimeter
Yesterday he said he wanted to spend some time together. Not knowing
what to expect, my nerves twist in my stomach. The last thing I want to do is
disappoint Alexei.
We walk for a while, then he orders, “Tell me about yourself.”
“Sir?” My gaze darts to him. “I’m sure you know everything about me.”
“I know you’re the second son of Vincent Aslanhov, that you were good
during your training as an enforcer.” His sharp gaze flicks to me. “You got
taken by Prodi. You lost your brother, the woman you love, and your mind.
At St. Monarch’s, you were a hothead.”
That about sums up my life.
“Tell me who you really are, Alek,” he demands.
“I’m a bratva soldier,” I answer, because that's all I can be when
everything’s said and done.
“Bullshit,” Alexei mutters. “Want to know what I see when I look at
Not really.
He glances over the gardens, and I turn my attention to the boundary wall.
“I see a younger version of myself. Your father is a piece of shit, and I
don’t blame you for wanting to kill him.”
My eyes shoot back to Alexei, surprise tensing my muscles.
Our eyes lock, and he says, “His days are numbered. He’s taken too many
chances and fucked up more than is allowed.”
The news brings me a surge of satisfaction, but then I think of my mother.
“I can’t kill him because it will leave my mother alone in Russia.”
“I think she will be happier to be with her son,” he mentions.
I’m not a citizen of America, so I can’t bring her over to live with me. It’s
something that’s worried me since I left her to do my training at St.
“If life has taught me one thing, it’s that everything sorts itself out in the
end,” Alexei murmurs. He places his hand on my shoulder and nods toward
the main mansion.
The corner of my mouth lifts, and I admit, “It’s been a lifelong dream to
meet you.”
He pats my cheek in a fatherly way. “Let’s go shoot some shit in the
armory. You can show me how good you are.”
Now we’re talking.
After familiarizing myself with the neighborhood and surrounding areas, I
drive in the direction of Pasadena, where Rosalie likes to go.
I’ve heard she’ll take Roman to a playground on a weekly basis, and I
want to check the area for escape routes and possible threats.
I’m dressed in a brand-new suit, and it will take some time to get used to
no longer wearing combat uniforms.
It’s going to take time for me to get used to a lot of things.
The day I got to spend with Alexei was out of this world. I even managed
to forget about the shitshow that’s my life while we were shooting targets.
But now that I’m alone in the car, there’s no forgetting.
I drive around the park where the playground is, my eyes skimming over
the kids before touching on the adults.
It’s an open space. Anyone can take a shot from any of the surrounding
As a car approaches from the opposite direction, my eyes lock on the
driver. My heart stutters in my chest as I stare at a woman who looks exactly
like Everleigh.
Same shoulder-length light brown hair. Same amber eyes.
She drives past me, and I catch sight of a child in the backseat.
Not thinking, I make a U-turn in the middle of the street. Horns blare, but
I couldn’t give two shits. I’ll fucking drive over the other cars to get to her.
My heart sets off at a crazy pace as I floor the gas to catch up to the blue
sedan, but it turns left up a street, and I lose sight for a moment.
When I turn left as well, there’s no sign of the blue sedan. It’s as if it
vanished into thin air.
“Blyadʹ,” I curse as I slam my palm against the steering wheel.
I pull over to the curb and slump back in my seat. Gasping for air, the
image of Everleigh haunts me.
I don’t know how much time passes before I manage to get control over
my mind again.
I glance at the buildings, but all I can see are back entrances, and I don’t
know which gate is for which business.
Everleigh is gone, Alek. What the fuck are you doing?
Letting out a hopeless sigh, I pull away from the curb and drive in the
direction of the estate.
Since I lost Everleigh, it’s the first time I’ve come across someone who
reminded me of her. It’s jarring, to say the least.

Lying in bed, I check Viktor’s schedule for tomorrow. He has a seven o’clock
appointment at the docks and a lunch meeting with a prospective buyer.
Other than that, we’ll be at the company that’s used as a front to import
illegal goods and launder money.
Things are very different here from the way they were in Russia. I don’t
even get to beat anyone.
I place my phone on the bedside table and stare up at the ceiling. I’m
starting to get used to the sounds in the cottage, and the bed isn’t
uncomfortable any longer.
I’ve converted the guest bedroom into a study. The walls are covered with
photos and names so I can memorize who’s who faster.
Life is quiet here at the estate, which I like. Whenever I cross paths with
one of the Vetrovs or Koslovs, I’m treated as an equal and not just another
Alexei checks the grounds with me every morning. I have to admit I
enjoy our walks. Sometimes he talks about the biggest load of shit, and other
times we have deep conversations that turn me into a sweating mess. I think
he likes to fuck with me.
As always, when it’s time to sleep, my thoughts turn to Everleigh.
Shoving the covers off, I get out of bed and walk to the kitchen, where I
pour myself a shot of vodka.
Since I saw the woman who reminded me of Everleigh, she’s all I’ve
been thinking about.
Christ, how I wish it was really Everleigh.
I only had two months with her, and I cling to the memories like a dying
Sometimes I torture myself by wondering what it would’ve been like if
we had met under different circumstances.
I never got to see her be carefree. I never got to hear her laughter.
“Jesus, I miss you, moya malen'kaya lyubov',” I mutter. “I think you
would’ve loved it here.”
Downing the vodka, I close my eyes and let memory after memory wash
over me.
It’s torture, but it’s all I have.
Chapter 25

A shipment of books came in, and I’m busy unpacking them when a man
comes into the store. I’ve seen him here before, and usually, he likes to check
the thriller section.
“Morning,” he greets before he starts to browse the shelves.
“Morning. Let me know if I can help you find anything.”
My eyes flick to where Vincent is coloring in a picture of an elephant
before I continue to unpack the books.
Every now and then, I check what the man is up to before glancing at
“Do you have any books about baking?” the customer asks.
“Yes.” I leave the counter and head to the aisle where he’s waiting.
Grabbing a book off the shelf, I hold it out to him. “This one is pretty
straightforward. You don’t need a degree to follow the recipes.”
“Oh good.” He pages through it then gives me a smile. “I’ll go with this
“Great.” I take the book from him and head back to the counter.
“Hey, little man,” I hear him talk to Vincent. My eyes flick to my baby
before they settle on the customer.
Leave him alone.
Luckily he doesn’t approach my son and comes to join me at the counter.
“So, I couldn’t help but notice you don’t wear a wedding ring.”
Oh crap.
He seems to be in his late twenties or early thirties. With dark blond hair
and blue eyes, he’s not bad looking. I’m sure any woman would like to date
him. Just not me.
“I’m a widow.” The lie normally works to scare off men.
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
Sure you are.
“I was wondering whether you’d like to have dinner with me?”
I almost let out a sigh but suppress it. “Thanks for asking, but I can’t. My
son and the bookstore take up all my time.”
He stares at me for a moment, then smiles. “I’m going to keep trying until
you say yes.”
Packing his purchase into a paper bag, I hold it out to him. “It will be a
waste of your time. I’m not interested in dating at all.”
“I’m sure I can change your mind.”
Geez, dude. Stop already!
When I don’t reply quickly enough, he adds, “You can bring your son to
dinner. I won’t mind.”
Trying to remain polite, I say, “Thank you for the invite but no. I’m really
not interested.”
“Okay. I’ll accept defeat this time.” He gives me a flirty smile. “But I’ll
see you soon.”
He walks to the door, then looks at me again. “By the way, I’m Barry.”
I don’t give him my name and just half-heartedly wave so he’ll leave.
When the door jingles behind him, I let out a sigh and shake my head
before getting back to work.
When I’m done sorting the new books, I place them in a cart and head
toward the aisles.
“Mommy, I need to wee,” Vincent calls from his corner.
“I’m coming, baby.” I shove a book into an open slot and hurry to the
back. “Let’s get you to the restroom.”
I take him to the back and point to his little potty.
“Wait for me,” he orders as he pulls down his shorts.
“I’m not going anywhere,” I assure him. Even though he wets the floor, I
still praise him. “You’re such a big boy.”
I wait for him to pull up his shorts and open the faucet so he can wash his
“Mommy’s big little man,” I murmur lovingly.
“Tsk.” He gives me a frown. “I can’t be big and little at the same time.”
Letting out a chuckle, I say, “You’re right. You’re just Mommy’s big
We walk back to his corner, and I ask, “Are you hungry?”
He shakes his head and lies down on his tummy to continue coloring in
the picture.
When I turn around to get back to work, it’s to see Barry coming into the
store with flowers.
Dear God. The man doesn’t understand the meaning of no.
Barry gives me a grin that would make most women swoon. “I’m back
for round two, hoping I can change your mind.”
When he holds the red roses out to me, I shake my head. “I’m not going
to accept the flowers, and I won’t change my mind. I’m really happy with my
life and would appreciate it if you stopped trying.”
“Look, I’m a nice guy. Would it hurt you to have one dinner with me?”
I let out a sigh, and lifting my hand, I rub my forehead. Giving it one final
try, I say, “I still love the father of my child, and I always will. There’s no
place in my heart or life for another man.”
“I’m not expecting you to stop loving your son’s father.”
God, give me strength.
“This is making me uncomfortable.”
Much to my annoyance, he places the roses on the counter. “Just as
friends? I’m not asking for anything romantic.”
Losing my patience, I snap, “What I’d like is for you to respect my
wishes. Please leave the store.”
“Mommy,” Vincent calls. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, baby,” I tell him sweetly before leveling the man with a glare.
“Leave before I call the cops.”
“You don’t have to be a fucking bitch,” Barry snaps. He grabs the flowers
and storms out of the store.
Was all of that really necessary?
Letting out another sigh, I return to work, but after a few minutes, I feel
bad for how I handled Barry.
You said no, and he didn’t listen. End of story.
When I’m done placing all the new books on the shelves, I walk back to
the counter. My gaze skims over the piece of paper with Rosalie’s number,
and in the spur of the moment, I dig my phone out of my bag to send her a
Hi. It’s Everleigh. Sorry, I’m only messaging now. Would you like to
meet at the playground this afternoon? At four?
Setting my phone down on the counter, I decide to check the financials.
It’s something I’ve become obsessed with doing.
The house I bought in Pasadena was cheaper than my parents’ home. The
extra money I made from the sale was used to open the bookstore.
It takes me an hour to work through all the figures, but in the end, I’m left
with a smile on my face.
Financially we’re good, and I have nothing to worry about.
My phone vibrates, and I check the device for Rosalie’s reply.
Yay!!!!!! I’ll see you at four.
A smile curves my lips, and I call out. “Baby, pack up your toys so we
can go to the playground.”
Vincent lets out a happy shriek and bounces up and down as he hurries to
tidy his corner.
Grabbing my handbag, I tuck my phone into it and hold my hand out to
Vincent. His face is beaming with a smile as we walk to the door, and while I
lock up, he says, “Faster, Mommy.”
Reaching the car, I quickly place him in his car seat.
My son’s smile wipes away the crap feelings left over from Barry’s
unwanted attention, and soon I forget about the man.
I drive us to the park, and when I bring the car to a stop, Vincent calls
out, “Yippee!”
“You’d swear I never bring you here.” I pretend to be grumpy, but I don’t
fool my son.
“Hurry, I see Jordan,” he orders like the little boss he is.
When I open the backdoor and unfasten the safety belt, Vincent shoots
out of the car like a missile.
Chuckling, I walk to where Rosalie is sitting on a bench. She’s rocking
the stroller, and when she spots me, a wide smile spreads over her face.
“You have no idea how happy I was when I got your text.”
I take a seat beside her. “Sorry, it took me so long to reach out.”
“Pfft.” Her eyes lock on my hair. “Did you put blonde streaks in?”
“No. It’s the sun. Vincent and I had a beach day on Sunday.”
Her gaze drops to my left hand. “Are you married?”
I shake my head and tell her the same story I’ve told everyone.
“Vincent’s father passed away before he was born.”
“I’m so sorry to hear that.” She doesn’t give me a pitiful look. “So you’re
a single mom?”
I nod. “Yes, it’s just Vincent and me.”
“No parents?”
I shake my head.
“Well, that’s it. Now you’re stuck with me,” she declares.
I let out a chuckle, then ask, “Are you always this friendly?”
Rosalie shakes her head. “I just really want to be friends with you.”
“Why?” I lock eyes with her. “You don’t know anything about me.”
She shrugs before adjusting the light blanket over Roman. “I just had a
feeling when I saw you.”
“What kind of feeling?”
“That we’ll make great friends.”
I lean back against the bench and watch Vincent play with Jordan.
“So, what made you decide to message me?” Rosalie asks.
I scrunch my nose before I admit the truth, “A man came into the store
and asked me out to dinner. He wouldn’t take no for an answer, and after he
left, I felt bad and needed someone to talk to.”
The friendly expression falls from Rosalie’s face, and her features tighten.
“What do you mean he wouldn’t take no for an answer?”
“No matter how many times I declined, he just kept trying.” I shake my
head. “Eventually, I lost my temper and told him to leave my store.”
“Good for you,” she praises me. “I’m glad you reached out.” She turns
her gaze to me. “Whenever you need someone to talk to, just call me.”
“Thanks.” I momentarily hesitate, then explain, “I’m a hermit. I love the
life I’ve built for Vincent and me, and I don’t want to date.” My teeth tug at
my bottom lip. “I still love Vincent’s father. No one will be able to replace
“There’s nothing wrong with that. You do you.”
A smile tugs at the corner of my mouth, then I lean forward to look at
Roman. “Has he walked again?”
“He hasn’t stopped. He should wake up any second now, and then we’ll
be running all over the place.”
Just then, Roman opens his eyes, and Rosalie lifts him out of the stroller.
“Can I hold him?” I ask.
She passes her son to me, and I admire his long black lashes. “It’s unfair
that our boys have better-looking lashes than us.”
I give her a playful grin. “Are you ready to run?”
She kicks off her high heels before nodding.
I place Roman on his feet, and once he gains momentum, Rosalie and I
go after him.
Every now and then, I check on Vincent while we follow Roman on his
mission to explore every stone in the park.
This is nice.
Chapter 26

I’ve been in LA for three months, and it already feels like home. I love
working with Viktor, and getting to stay busy helps keep the demons at bay.
But at night, they stream back in.
Driving away from the docks where a shipment of weapons came in, I
stop at a red light.
“I don’t trust Brayden Kelly as far as I can throw the man,” Viktor
mutters from the passenger seat.
We had a couple of meetings with the arms dealer over the past two
“Yeah, there’s something off about him,” I say as I watch the cars pass in
front of us.
“My gut tells me he won’t deliver.”
“Your gut is probably right.”
When the light turns green, I drive down the street. I glance to the right,
and my eyes lock on a woman who’s holding a toddler's hand.
The air wooshes from my lungs, and instantly my heart thunders in my
She disappears into a Starbucks.
“Alek!” Viktor snaps just in time to stop me from driving into the car in
front of us. “Iisus Khristos.”
Sweat beads on my forehead as I focus on the road. Just because I am
insane, it doesn’t mean I want Viktor to know that I’m now hallucinating.
Christ, am I going to start seeing her everywhere?
Is her ghost haunting me?
I feel Viktor side-eyeing me and apologize again. “I’m sorry. It won’t
happen again.”
“It looks like you’ve seen a ghost,” he mutters.
I did.
“It’s nothing.”
The rest of the drive is quiet, and when I park the G-Wagon by Victor’s
mansion, Rosalie comes out of the house.
As I climb out of the vehicle, she asks, “Alek, do you mind taking me to
the bookstore?”
“You’re going out?” Viktor asks. “I just got home.”
“I’ll only be an hour max.”
“Hell no. I haven’t seen you all day. You can go to the bookstore
Rosalie rolls her eyes at Viktor. “Fine.”
“Don’t ‘fine’ me, Moya malen'kaya roza. I’ll spank you.”
“I’m going to my place,” I mutter, quickly walking away before I see
something no amount of acid will wash from my eyes.
“Alek,” Viktor calls out. “See if you can find dirt on Brayden Kelly that
we can use against him.”
“Will do,” I reply.
Entering my cottage, I head to my office, where Viktor had an impressive
computer system installed. When we have a quiet day, he’s teaching me how
to hack into shit.
It’s fun.
I take a seat behind the desk and switch on all the monitors so I can get to
When my phone starts to ring, I pull the device out of my pocket, and
seeing Misha’s name flashing on the screen, I smile.
“What’s up?”
“Hey, I just wanted to check in with you,” my friend says. “How are you
“Good.” -ish. The couple of times I thought I saw Everleigh flash through
my mind. “How’s married life?”
“Amazing. Well, except for the part where Aurora wants to remodel the
entire kitchen.”
I let out a chuckle. “Good luck with that.”
“I’m going to need it.”
“So, have you met anyone?”
A frown forms on my forehead. “I’ve met a lot of people.”
“I mean a woman, asshole,” he mutters.
“You know I don’t date,” I reply, annoyance lacing my words.
“It’s been four years, brother.”
“Would you date if you lost Aurora?” I throw at him so he’ll shut up
about the matter.
“Right. Drop it.” Changing the subject, I ask, “Have you spoken to
Armani lately?”
“Yeah. They’re excited about the baby. They found out they’re having a
There’s a twisting sensation in my heart. “I’m happy for them.”
“You should give them a call. Tiana misses you. They both do.”
“I will.” Clearing my throat, I say, “I have to get back to work. We’ll talk
“Take it easy.”
We end the call, and I stare at the device for a moment. It’s hard to talk to
Misha and Armani when they’re so fucking happily married. My friends
deserve it, but it reminds me of what I’ll never have, and that fucking sucks.

We’re heading to a meeting with Brayden Kelly. I wasn’t able to dig up

anything on the man, so we’re going ahead with the deal.
I keep my eyes on the car in front of me because whenever I glance
around, I see Everleigh.
Driving. Walking into a store. Laughing with a little boy.
She’s fucking everywhere, and I think it’s because all my friends have
settled down, so now I’m hallucinating seeing her with our son.
I thought I was insane before I started working in LA, but at this rate, I’ll
end up in a padded cell, high on the good stuff.
It’s only a matter of time.
As I pull up to the docks and drive toward the warehouse where we’ll
meet, I catch sight of something reflecting in the sun.
Instinct kicks in, and I swerve the G-Wagon to the right. A bullet hits the
window, and instead of bouncing off, it slams into the headrest next to my
“Armor-piercing bullets,” Viktor shouts.
I floor the gas, spin the vehicle around, and race past our soldiers' convoy
toward the docks' exit.
Another bullet shatters the rearview mirror, slamming into the doorframe
by Viktor.
Gunfire erupts between our soldiers and Kelly’s men, but I keep going.
“Down,” I shout at Viktor, using my right hand to force him forward.
Another bullet hits, and I feel the burn in my left side.
I exit the docks with screeching tires and almost hit an oncoming sedan.
I only see a blur of the woman.
Now is not the fucking time, Aslanhov!
I don’t stop for any red lights and maneuver the G-Wagon past the other
cars on the road. Only when we race through the gates of the estate do I
glance at Viktor.
“Are you okay? Did you get hit?”
He shakes his head, and yanking his phone out of his pocket, he calls
someone. “Ivan, where the fuck are you?” There’s a moment of tense silence
while I bring the vehicle to a stop. “Get out of there. I want to know who was
supposed to check the docks before my arrival, and I want his fucking head
on a platter.”
He ends the call then looks at me. His eyes lower to the red stain
blossoming on my dress shirt. “You’re hit.”
“It’s just a flesh wound. Are you okay?” I ask again.
“I’m fine.”
We climb out of the G-Wagon, and Viktor glances at the shot-up vehicle.
He dials another number, then says, “Uncle Carson, I want a hit placed on
Kelly. One million dollars. The fucker tried to take me out.”
Viktor starts to walk toward the main mansion, and I follow him. Lifting
my jacket, I pull up my shirt and see it’s really just a flesh wound. It should
heal in a week.
Viktor ends the call with his Uncle, who runs St. Monarch’s, then lifts my
shirt to check the wound. “At least we don’t have to dig a bullet out of you.”
I let out a chuckle as we walk into the mansion.
“Mama,” he calls.
“In the kitchen.” When we get close, I hear her muttering, “I’m always in
the kitchen. Why the child has to shout, I’ll never understand.”
I chuckle again, and it earns me a slap against my back from Viktor.
It’s moments like this where I feel like I’m a part of the Vetrov family.
Chapter 27

“Yesterday, some idiot raced past us as if he was participating in Formula
One,” I complain to Rosalie.
It’s the first time I’m visiting her at her home, and let’s just say I’m
blown away. I knew she came from money, but the mansions (yes, plural) are
“The driver was a freaking maniac.”
She shakes her head. “It’s insane.” She glances over her shoulder, then
asks, “How many sugars?”
“Two, please.” I look at the living room where Vincent is trying to teach
Roman how to play with cars. Rosalie’s son is trying to eat them while mine
is patiently saying no, then showing how to push the little cars on the tiles.
I have an amazing child.
Rosalie places a cup of coffee down in front of me. “Have you heard from
that guy again?”
“The one who wouldn’t take no for an answer?” I pick up the cup and
take a sip.
“Yes, that one.”
I shake my head. “No. I’m glad he got the message.”
She scrunches her nose then gives me a playful smile. “So you really
don’t want to date again?”
“I’m closed for business.”
“Don’t you miss it?” she asks. “You’re only twenty-two.”
“Sometimes it gets lonely, but in my heart, I know I’ll never love anyone
besides Vincent’s dad.”
“It’s a shame,” she murmurs over her cup of coffee. “Viktor has a new
employee, and I think you’ll make a great couple. He’s on the quiet side, but
he’s a hard worker.”
“No, thank you.”
“He’s really good-looking.” I give her a look of warning for her to stop.
“Fine, I’ll drop the subject.”
We hear a car’s engine, and Rosalie's smile brightens. “Oh, I think
Viktor’s home. You’ll get to meet him.”
“You said he’s working late.” That’s the only reason I agreed to come
over. Just because I’ve become friends with her doesn’t mean I’m ready to
meet her family.
“Sometimes, he pops in during the day. It’s okay. Don’t worry.”
She sets her mug down on the kitchen counter and walks to the sliding
Nerves start to spin in my stomach, and I rush to where Vincent is
blissfully playing with Roman.
“Hey, you’re home early,” she says cheerfully.
A man in his mid-thirties comes into view, and the sight of him sends my
anxiety skyrocketing. The way he walks looks like he’s on the prowl to kill
something. Or someone.
God, he looks intimidating.
He smiles at Rosalie and gives her a kiss. “I missed you, Moya
malen'kaya roza.”
Hearing him speak Russian makes goosebumps spread over my body, and
before I know what I’m doing, I pick up Vincent.
“Mommy!” my little boy snaps. “I’m playing.”
Viktor’s eyes snap to me, and it feels like I’m hit with a thousand-pound
hammer. Instinctively I take a step backward.
“Who’s this?” he asks Rosalie.
“She’s the friend I told you about. Viktor meet Everleigh.” She glances in
my direction, and the smile drops from her face. “What’s wrong?”
Another man comes into sight, and my heart explodes from my chest. My
legs give way, and I sink to the tiles, my arms locking tightly around Vincent.
With wide eyes, I stare at the man I love, unable to make a sound. The
shock makes my vision tunnel on him.
He glances from Viktor to me, and I watch as the blood drains from his
face. He shakes his head as if he can’t believe what he’s seeing.
An eternity passes between us.
The long darkness where it was just the two of us. Watching him getting
beaten. Watching the skin being torn from his back. Vincent being killed.
Alek being shot because he pushed me out of the way.
His father dragging me out into a field and shooting me like an animal.
All the hell we’ve been through is laid bare between us.
I hear voices and feel as Rosalie crouches beside me. She pulls my crying
son from my arms, and all I can do is stare at his father.
He still looks the same…yet he doesn’t. He’s taller than I remember, and
his body is more muscled. His face looks older, all the boyishness gone from
his features.
He looks just as scary as Viktor.
Alek shakes his head again, his features tightening until he looks
devastatingly broken.
My breaths saw over my lips. My heart hammers uncontrollably, and I
start to feel dizzy.

I stare at the ghost of Everleigh, thinking I’ve completely lost it.
Today I’ll be locked up in a padded cell.
I hear Viktor’s voice. “Is your friend okay?”
“I don’t know,” Rosalie answers as she rushes to Everleigh’s side. “She’s
having an anxiety attack. Make some sugar water.”
I watch as Rosalie takes the crying boy from Everleigh’s arms, and it
becomes too real.
I shake my head, and still, I see Everleigh.
“Alek?” I feel Viktor’s hand on my shoulder as he shakes me. “What the
fuck is going on here?”
I blink, and unable to tear my eyes away from the ghost of the woman I
love, I ask, “Do you see her?”
“Of course, I fucking see her,” he mutters.
My body moves on its own, and when I reach Everleigh, I drop down to
my knees in front of her. I carefully lift a trembling hand, scared if I touch
her, she will vanish.
I hesitate for the longest moment, my eyes drinking in the sight of her
beautiful face.
My heart is nothing but a whisper in my chest as my fingers brush over
her cheek. I feel the heat of her skin and my heart stutters.
Wrapping my hand behind her neck, I feel her warmth again. I yank her
to my chest and pull her onto my lap. Just like we did in the dark room, I hold
the woman I love.
Is this really happening, or is it a dream?
I press my face into her hair, and when I take a breath of her, she smells
different. Something fresh and sweet.
My body shudders, and I groan, “I miss you so much, moya malen'kaya
lyubov'.” I start to press kisses against her hair. “It’s getting harder and harder
to live without you.”
“What did you say her name was?” I hear Viktor ask.
“Everleigh…Everleigh Adams,” Rosalie answers. “Shhh…your mommy
is okay. Everything’s okay. Shhh…” she pacifies the little boy.
Rosalie’s words sink into my mind, and pushing Everleigh back, I stare at
her beautiful face again.
“Are you real?” I ask, my mind a mess of madness and confusion.
Everleigh looks at me as if I’m the ghost. A sob bursts from her before
she nods.
Something detonates in me as the realization hits.
She’s real.
“Iisus Khristos,” Viktor whispers. “She’s alive.”
She’s alive. If they see her, she must be real.
The realization keeps hitting me in waves, my eyes locked on the woman
I thought I had lost.
“You didn’t die?” I manage to ask.
She shakes her head.
When she doesn’t say anything, I beg, “Say something. Say anything!”
“I m-missed you t-too,” she sobs.
The bubble we shared for over two months wraps around us. I pull her
back to my chest, soaking in the warmth of her body.
I don’t know how much time passes, and I don’t care.
Holding Everleigh, the cracks in my mind vanish, and my broken heart
starts to mend, beating stronger than ever.
My shattered soul becomes whole.
She’s alive.
Again the realization hits, and again I push her back so I can see her face.
Our eyes lock, and I feel her in my soul.
Everleigh never died in that field. She’s been alive all this time.
Chapter 28

Rosalie forced me to drink a whole glass of sugar water.
Vincent calmed down once he got to play with Roman again.
Viktor is blocking the sliding door like a damn thundercloud, as if he’s
scared I’ll try to make a run for it.
I’m sitting on a couch next to Alek, and I have no idea what to say. I
dreamed about this moment for years, but now that it’s happening, I don’t
know what to do.
I feel close to him but also miles away from him. It’s been four years.
It takes Alek longer to recover from the shock of seeing me. Up until
now, he hasn’t taken his eyes off me, but when Vincent lets out a burst of
laughter, Alek slowly turns his gaze to his son.
He tilts his head, and a frown forms on his forehead. “You have a child?”
“Baby, let’s give them some privacy. Bring the kids,” Viktor says.
I dart up from the couch, my eyes wildly flying to Vincent. “No, my child
isn’t leaving my sight.”
Viktor holds his hands up. “Okay.”
“You have a child?” Alek asks again, but this time his voice is stronger.
I sit down again, and pushing my hair away from my face, I say, “Yes.”
Tentatively, I meet Alek’s eyes. “His name is Vincent…Alek Adams.” I
swallow hard on the lump in my throat, and my voice breaks over the words.
“We have a son. He’s yours.”
Another wave of shock hits Alek, and he stares at our baby boy. “You
named him after Vincent and me?”
“Yes.” The word comes out sounding like I swallowed a squeaky toy.
He shakes his head then he says, “I saw you die.”
My breath hitches, and tears start to spill over my cheeks again. “An old
man found me and took me to the hospital.”
Alek closes his eyes, a look of intense pain tightening his features. “You
didn’t try to get in touch. I fucking thought you were dead.” His voice rises
with each word, then his eyes snap open. “You couldn’t think to let me know
you survived? I lost my fucking mind!”
Emotions explode in my chest. “I couldn’t reach out to you!” I wave a
hand at Vincent. “I had a child to think of. Your father shot me and left me
for dead right after I spent two months in hell with you. I was scared out of
my mind the bratva would find me and finish the job!”
“I’m going to step in here,” Viktor says. “This is no conversation for a
child to hear. Alek, take Everleigh to your place. We’ll watch the kids.”
Alek rises to his feet while he looks at his son. He moves closer and
crouching before our boy, he says, “Hey, little man.”
Vincent gives him a cautious look. “Hi.” Then a frown settles on his face.
“Why are you making my mommy cry?”
Alek shakes his head. “We haven’t seen each other in a long time.
They’re tears of happiness.”
“Oh.” Vincent resumes playing with his cars.
Alek reaches a hand out and brushes his palm over Vincent’s hair. “He
looks like me.”
I fold my lips into my teeth to keep the sob from escaping and have to
glance away so I don’t burst out in tears again.
Sucking in a deep breath, Alek rises to his feet and walks back to me. He
takes my hand and pulls me up from the couch.
Without another word, he tugs me toward the sliding doors. “I don’t want
to leave Vincent,” I argue while pulling against his hold on me.
“Vincent will be safe,” Rosalie says, her voice thick with emotion. “I
won’t take my eyes off him. Go with Alek.”
I see the promise in Rosalie’s eyes, and only because I know she’s a good
mother do I follow Alek out of the mansion.
We walk in silence, and as we cross a lawn toward a cottage, his fingers
link with mine.
In this moment, it feels right to hold his hand.
He opens the front door, and letting go of me, he waits for me to walk
inside before he follows.
I hear the door shut, and I hardly take in the living room and kitchen
before my eyes lock on Alek again.
Standing in front of the man I went through the bowels of hell with – the
only man I’ll ever love – I drink in the older version of him. He’s changed a
lot during the past four years.
Alek was attractive, to begin with, but now he’s on a whole different
level. There’s also a dangerous air about him, making my stomach flutter
with nervousness.
He gives me a heartbroken look before he closes the distance between us.
His arms wrap tightly around me.
God, he smells good.
I only got to see one side of Alek in that dark room. We were both starved
and reeking.
I never got to experience him in everyday life, and it’s honestly
overwhelming to feel the strength in his arms. To smell his woodsy
aftershave. To feel the muscle in his body.
“I fucking lost my mind. I couldn’t live without you,” he admits, his
voice deeper than I remember.
It’s like it’s Alek, but it’s also not Alek.
“I’m so sorry,” I whisper. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I had to think of our
unborn son. I was scared. As soon as I could, I left the hospital and came
“I can’t believe you’re alive,” he says, his voice hoarse with emotion. “If
this is a dream, I never want to wake up.”
“It’s real.” My voice cracks, and finally able to express the heartache I
suffered, I cry, “It was so hard w-without you. If it weren’t f-for Vincent, I’m
not s-sure I would’ve s-survived.”
“Christ, Everleigh,” he groans. “I’m so fucking glad you survived.”
We hold each other for the longest moment before Alek pushes me back.
His golden-brown eyes lock with mine, and I feel the intensity of his stare in
my soul.
“Four fucking years,” he murmurs. He lifts a hand to my face, his palm
cupping my cheek. “I’m struggling to believe you’re really here.”
I place my hand over his and give him a trembling smile. “I’m here.”
Before I know what’s happening, Alek’s body slams into me, and his
mouth crashes against mine. He wraps his free arm around my back and
keeps me locked to his body.
I’m so overwhelmed as he kisses the ever-loving crap out of me, I can’t
even breathe.
His tongue lashes at mine, his teeth nip at my bottom lip, and he
consumes me with a wild passion I’ve never before experienced.
Holy shit. He’s a hell of a lot more intense than I remember.
Chapter 29

I can’t explain how I’m feeling.
I get to hold her again.
I get to taste her.
She’s alive.
I kiss Everleigh with every ounce of insanity I felt the past four years. I
give her my broken heart and shattered soul, and she makes them whole.
I can’t stop myself from pushing for more. Now that I have her back,
there’s no controlling my need to make us one.
Everleigh lifts her hands to my chest and starts to push against me.
“Wait,” she mumbles against my mouth. “Alek.” She pushes harder and
manages to turn her face away from me. “Wait!”
Out of breath and overwhelmed with emotions, I grip her tighter so she
can’t pull free from my hold.
I’m never letting her go again.
“Wait,” she gasps. Her eyes meet mine, and she keeps her hands braced
on my chest in an attempt to stop me from kissing her again.
It takes a couple of seconds before I see the nervous expression on her
“I need a moment,” she says, trying to pull away from me. When I don’t
free her, she gives me a pleading look. “Please, Alek. Just give me a minute
to think.”
It takes more strength than I have to let go of her, but the second she steps
away from me, my hand shoots out, and I grab hold of her bicep.
I have to touch her. I’m terrified if I let go of her, she’ll vanish.
She grips my wrist and tries to pull free again. “You’re hurting me.”
Reluctantly, I let go of her again, but my eyes stay glued to her.
She rubs the skin where there’s an imprint of my hand, and instantly I feel
“I’m sorry,” I whisper. “It’s hard not to touch you.” My gaze drifts over
her beautiful features. “Don’t disappear. Okay?”
She nods, her eyes watching me with caution on her face. “Okay. Let’s
just take a moment to calm down and gather our thoughts.” Her tongue darts
out to wet her lips, and the sight makes me want to kiss her again.
Letting out a relieved breath, I whisper, “It’s so good to see you.”
A shy-ish smile curves her mouth. “You’ve changed.” Her eyes lower to
my chest before darting back to my face. “You’re taller and not as scrawny as
I remember.”
“Food makes a hell of a difference,” I chuckle drily.
“Yeah, it does.” Her gaze drifts over my body again. “You look good,
The urge to touch her overwhelms me, and I lift a hand to her cheek.
Brushing my knuckles over her soft, warm skin, I say, “You’re more
beautiful than I remember.”
We stare at each other for an intense moment, and when I take a step
closer to her, she moves backward.
Her voice is still filled with caution as she says, “We have a lot to talk
about, Alek.” Something akin to compassion fills her eyes. “It’s been four
Four fucking hard years.
The last of the shock wears off, and my mind clears.
For four years, I lived in perpetual hell without her, but maybe it wasn’t
the same for her.
“If you tell me anything along the lines that I have to let you go, I’m
going to lose my fucking mind,” I grit the words out, unable to stop
aggression from filling my chest. “Is there another man?”
There’s no right and wrong where I’m concerned. Everleigh Adams is
mine, and I’ll fucking kill to keep her by my side.
“There’s no one. I don’t date,” she says. “And I never forgot about you.”
Thank fuck.
I move closer to her again, and before she can take a step away from me,
I wrap my arms around her and hold her tightly. “Just let me touch you.
I feel her nod.
“This is all I ever wanted,” I admit. “Life has been hell without you.”
“I was scared, Alek,” she whispers. “Your world almost killed me a
couple of times. I didn’t dare try to make contact. I’ve built a life in Pasadena
for Vincent and me. A happy one.” She pulls back so she can see my face.
“It’s good to see you. It really is.” She shakes her head, her eyes shimmering
with tears. “But I can’t pick up where we left off. I’ve moved on.”
Carefully she extracts herself from my hold, and she gives me another
compassionate look. “I need to get Vincent home. Maybe we can meet for
What. The. Fuck.
Every crack she filled, every broken piece she mended – it all shatters
open like a hemorrhaging wound.
Not thinking straight – not thinking at all, I grab hold of her and force her
deeper into the cottage.
“Alek!” Everleigh shouts, her voice tight with confusion and panic. “Let
I force her into my bedroom, and yanking the door shut, I lock it so she
can’t escape.
She bangs her fists against the door. “Alek, let me out. Don’t do this.
Please. God. Alek. Please.”
I press my forehead to the door. “I can’t lose you again. I won’t.”
“Please, Alek,” she sobs. “I need to see Vincent. Don’t do this to me.”
She sobs uncontrollably, and it makes a tear roll down my cheek. “I’m
begging you. Please, open the door.”
I feel a hand on my shoulder, and my head snaps up. Seeing Alexei, some
of the feverish insanity lifts.
“What are you doing, son?”
I give him a desperate look. “I can’t lose her. Not again.”
He pulls me away from the door, and keeping his hand on my shoulder,
he says, “You can’t keep her locked up, Alek. That’s not how we do things.”
“She’ll leave,” I exclaim, my voice filled with panic.
“But she won’t die.” He nods to the door. “Unlock it.”
I shake my head, which makes him give me a look filled with warning.
“Unlock the door, Alek. The girl’s not going to disappear. We know she’s
alive and will be able to track her from now on. We can find her in seconds.”
His words manage to calm me enough for me to realize what I’ve done.
I’ve just attempted to kidnap Everleigh for a second time.
With our history and all the torture we suffered, that’s the worst thing I
could’ve done to her.
Hurrying, I unlock the door and shove it open. Everleigh’s body slams
into mine, and she starts to hit me. I don’t feel any of the blows as she
shrieks, “How dare you! How dare you do that to me? You were there. You
know what I went through. How could you do that?”
I wrap my arms around her and ramble apology after apology, “I’m sorry.
I wasn’t thinking clearly. I’m so fucking sorry. Forgive me.”
Yanking free from me, she rushes down the hallway. Her voice is hoarse
from crying. “I’m taking my son, and I’m leaving.”
“Everleigh,” I shout, going after her.
Before I can grab hold of her, she spins around and levels me with a
heartbroken look. “I can’t do this right now. We’re overemotional, and we’ll
say and do things we’ll both regret. I’m going home. We can meet for coffee
in a public place, but right now, I’m going home.”
My breaths start to come faster, and my heart thunders in my chest.
Again I feel Alexei’s hand on my shoulder. “Calm down, son. Let her go
home. We can track her.”
Everleigh’s eyes dart to Alexei, and the blood drains from her face. “Oh,
God,” she whimpers. “You’re still in the bratva?” Her gaze jumps between
Alexei and me. “You’re all bratva. Jesus.”
She spins around again and runs to the door.
“Everleigh! Stop!” I pull free from Alexei and rush after her.
Chapter 30

My God.
Now it all makes sense. Rosalie’s guards. The estate. All the freaking
I’m right in the freaking heart of the bratva.
Dear God, I can’t believe after being so careful, I let this happen!
I run to Rosalie’s house, and bursting into the living room, I go straight
for Vincent.
I grab him off the floor and swipe my handbag from the couch.
“Mommy!” Vincent exclaims. “You made me drop my cars.”
“Everleigh? Is everything okay?” Rosalie asks just as Alek appears in the
Feeling cornered, my eyes dart wildly between Alek, Rosalie, Viktor, and
“Let me leave,” I beg. “I won’t tell anyone anything about the bratva. I’ve
kept quiet for four years. I have a child. Please, don’t hurt us.”
“That’s enough!” Viktor snaps, and my gaze zooms in on him. He holds
up a hand. “No one’s hurting anyone. Let’s all calm down.”
The nightmarish two months of torture and starvation are all I can think
“Mommy,” Vincent cries, rattled by the volatile situation.
I can’t let my baby go through the hell I went through. I have to protect
There’s no reasoning. There’s only panic and fear.
“I just want to go home,” I plead.
Rosalie comes closer to me, and I give her a wary look.
“You’re safe, Everleigh. We’ll never hurt you or Vincent. Let’s just take
a deep breath. You can go home in a minute. Right, Viktor?”
“Everleigh’s not leaving,” Alek snaps.
“Son, you have to calm down,” Alexei mutters. “You’re scaring the shit
out of your woman.”
“Everleigh,” Viktor says to get my attention. When my eyes dart to him,
he continues, “As the head of the bratva, I promise none of my men will ever
hurt you again. You’re safe.”
The head of the freaking bratva. God.
I don’t trust a word coming out of his mouth and take a step closer to the
sliding doors.
When Alek approaches me, Viktor snaps, “Give her space, Alek. She’s
going to go home. You can follow her.”
Alek’s eyes flick to Viktor’s. “I’m not letting her go.”
The men lock gazes, and the air trembles from the intensity between
“It’s an order,” Viktor growls. “Let her go home. You can follow her, but
you will remain calm around her and the child. You will not kidnap them.”
Alexei steps closer to Alek. “I’ll go with to keep him in line.”
When I rush past Alek, I feel him right behind me. My heart leaps to my
throat as I hurry to my car. I yank the backdoor open and quickly place
Vincent in his car seat.
My poor boy is sniffling, his face filled with confusion.
When I shut the backdoor, and I open the driver’s side, Alek’s hand grips
hold of the metal. He moves into my personal space, crowding me with his
I’m a trembling mess as my eyes fly to his face, but when I see the
heartbreak etched into his attractive features, I feel rotten.
“I’m sorry,” I whisper. “I-I…” I shake my head and give him a pleading
look. “I’m sorry, Alek. I can’t be around the bratva.”
He lifts his hand to the back of my neck, and leaning forward, I feel his
breath over my ear as he whispers, “I’m never letting you go, Everleigh.”
Dear God.
“Alek,” Alexei says with a tone that sounds awfully dangerous. “Let go
of her.”
Alek pulls back, and his eyes lock with mine. “I never stopped loving
My heart.
I give him another pleading look. “I’m just going home. We’ll see each
other again. I promise.”
Thankfully, Alek moves a few steps back, but then he looks at my car,
and his eyebrows furrow. “The blue sedan. I wasn’t hallucinating seeing
God, I can’t stand much more of this. It’s breaking my heart. I feel for
Alek, but I have to ignore my heart and think of Vincent. I can’t allow the
bratva near my son.
Climbing behind the steering wheel, I pull the door shut before quickly
starting the engine.
As I start to reverse, Alek jogs to a G-Wagon and gets into the vehicle.
I make a quick U-turn in the wide driveway and see Alexei join Alek
before I drive toward the iron gates.
I nervously glance at all the guards, and when I pull into the street, I keep
watching my rearview mirror.
Alek sticks to my butt as I drive toward Pasadena.
“Mommy,” Vincent says in an exhausted voice. “Why were you fighting
with those people?”
“I wasn’t fighting with them, baby. I’m sorry we upset you, but we were
only excited to see each other again.”
God, I need to tell Vincent his father is alive.
A headache starts to pulse behind my eyes, and by the time I pull into my
driveway, I feel drained of all my energy.
I climb out of the car, and as I open the backdoor, the G-Wagon stops in
front of my house.
I worry about Alek’s obsessive behavior. I understand today was a shock.
I’m still trying to recover from everything myself, but what do I do if Alek
doesn’t back off?
What do I do if he tries to take Vincent from me?
I lift Vincent out of the car, and placing him on my hip, I shut the door.
Alek comes walking up the pathway while Alexei leans against the G-
Wagon, watching us.
With Alek’s eyes burning on me, I head to the front door and unlock it.
I glance at him and say, “I just want to get Vincent settled.”
He nods and follows me into the house. I go to the living room and place
Vincent down on the couch. “What do you want to watch, baby?”
“Shrek,” he mumbles sleepily.
While I switch on the TV, he lies down and gets comfortable.
The movie starts to play, and I press a kiss on his chubby cheek before I
walk to where Alek is waiting.
Not once did his eyes leave us.
“Let’s talk in the kitchen,” I whisper.
When I enter the room, I switch on the coffee maker and get two cups
I turn around, and pressing my back to the counter, I lock eyes with Alek.
“Are you calmer?” I ask.
He nods and cautiously takes a step closer. “It’s starting to sink in you’re
really here.” Again he moves a couple of inches closer. “I’m sorry I scared
Needing to address what he did in the cottage, I say, “Don’t ever lock me
in a room again.”
He nods. “I won’t. I was desperate to keep you with me.”
My heart softens, and as we stare at each other, I ask, “What happened to
you after that night? Did you go for the training you mentioned?”
He nods again. “I thought you died, Everleigh. I sent Misha to the field,
but your body was gone. There was only blood. It drove me insane.”
“I’m sorry,” I whisper. “If it’s any consolation, I had no intention of
leaving you until your father shot me. That changed things for me, and I had
to get away from Russia after I woke up in the hospital.”
He steps closer again, a pleading expression tightening his features. I
move forward, and wrapping my arms around his waist, I press my face to his
His arms engulf me, and he almost squeezes the life out of me. “It was so
fucking hard, Everleigh,” he murmurs, his voice filled with pain. “I lost my
mind, and this is the first time I feel whole again.”
I rub my hand up and down his back to comfort him, and remember how
they tore the skin from him with that whip.
God, this is the one person who understands what I’ve been through.
He’s the only man I could ever love, and feeling his arms around me
transports me to the dark room where we clung to each other.
“I missed you so much,” I gasp, unable to stop my love for him from
bubbling to the surface. “I haven’t stopped loving you.”
He pushes me a little back so he can see my face. “But?”
I shake my head, a sob sputtering from me. “But I have to think of
Vincent now. You’re still with the bratva, and I can’t have them near my
“Our son,” he corrects me. He tilts his head, and lifting his hand, he cups
my cheek. “Alexei talked some sense into my head on the drive here, and I
understand you need time.”
This time is my turn to say, “But?”
“There’s no way I’m letting you go, Everleigh. Especially now that I
know we have a child.”
My shoulders slump, and I close my eyes. “Don’t do this to me. Please.” I
open my eyes again. “Your world tortured and almost killed me. I won’t
survive it a second time.”
“There won’t be a second time.”
I take a step back, my voice rising as I say, “You don’t know that, Alek.”
His features grow harder, and there’s confidence in his tone. “The estate
is the safest place for you and Vincent.” There’s a flash of grief when he says
our son’s name. “I’ve completed my training, and I’ve worked my ass off to
become one of the best. You will be safe with me. I can protect you.”
I shake my head. “I can’t take the chance.”
Anger creeps into his eyes, making the golden flecks shine. “What do you
expect me to do?”
“I’m not saying you have to forget about us.” He already starts to shake
his head. “Alek, you can visit Vincent once in a while. I won’t stand in the
way of you building a relationship with him, but there can’t be anything
romantic between us.”
He lifts a hand to his hair and grabs a fistful of the long-ish strands. “No.”
He keeps shaking his head. “No.”
“Stop saying no and put yourself in my shoes,” I cry.
He gives me an incredulous look. “Am I the only one who remembers
what we shared in that room? Why was it so fucking easy for you to forget
“I didn’t forget!” I step closer to him and grab hold of his shirt. “I can
never forget, Alek, but I had to move on for our son’s sake.” I suck in a
shuddering breath. “In a perfect world, I would run into your arms and never
let go. I’d get to have you and Vincent. But we both know this world is far
from perfect, and Vincent will always come first. Before you and before me.”
Alek’s hands are trembling as he lifts them to my face. He brushes my
hair back with his palms, his eyes flitting over me with desperation.
“I love you, Everleigh. Don’t tell me I can only see our son occasionally
and that I have to keep my distance from you. There’s a lot I can endure and
survive, but living without you isn’t an option.”
“You’re making this so hard for me,” I whimper.
Like we used to do in the dark room, he presses his forehead against
mine. “I’ll give you time. I’ll try to be patient, but will you at least try to fight
for us?”
I can tell any other man to go to hell, and I’ve always used my love for
Alek as an excuse. But, standing in front of the man I love, it’s hard pushing
him away.
“I can’t fight for us while you’re in the bratva.”
Anger flashes in his eyes again. “The only way out of the bratva is death.
Losing you is death.”
“You’re not losing me. We just won’t be romantically involved.”
“That’s the same fucking thing, Everleigh,” he snaps.
I suck in a deep breath. “Let’s take a break from this conversation. I have
to get dinner ready.” I give Alek a nudge. “Spend some time with Vincent.”
Reluctantly he nods, and I follow him to the living room where Alexei
has made himself at home on the couch watching Shrek with my son.
Chapter 31

The situation with Everleigh is driving me insane all over again.
Alexei gave me a talking-to on the way here and told me to ease up on
Everleigh so I don’t scare her away, but that’s fucking hard to do.
My heart aches because it feels like she’s forgotten the bond we had in
the dark room.
How do you forget something so strong? How do you just move on?
Has she even thought about me for the past four years?
Where the memory of her kept me up at night and drove me over the
edge, she just went on with her life.
Walking into the living room, Alexei’s watching TV with Vincent.
There’s a sight I never thought I’d see.
Everleigh pauses the movie, and taking a seat, she lifts Vincent onto her
“I was watching Donkey,” the little guy complains.
“You can continue watching in a minute,” Everleigh says, her voice filled
with love. “Mommy has something to tell you.”
His big eyes lock on her face. “What?”
She gestures for me to come closer, and I crouch by her legs.
Jesus, she’s alive.
“This is Alek,” she tells him, her voice sounding emotional. “He’s your
Confusion washes over his face. “But you said Daddy was with the
No, son. I was with the demons.
Reaching for him, I take his little hand in mine. “They sent me back so I
could be with you.”
“Really?” His precious face crumbles, and fat tears roll over his cheeks.
“You’re really my daddy?”
Alexei clears his throat, looking a little too emotional for a retired bratva
Everleigh presses a kiss to Vincent’s temple before she hands him to me.
“Yes, little man,” My eyes devour his adorable face. “I’m your daddy,
and I’m never leaving again.”
He leans against my chest, giving me the impression he already trusts me.
Climbing to my feet, I hug his body to me. “I’m here to stay with you
A smile breaks through his tears. “Do you like cars?”
“Yes,” I chuckle.
“And ice cream?”
“And playing on the jungle gym?”
Another chuckle rumbles from me. “Yes.”
“Jonas says his daddy is teaching him how to play football. Will you
teach me too? So I can be the best?”
“Definitely,” I promise. I’m going to have to learn everything about
His eyes wander over my shoulders and arms, then he asks, “Will I get
strong like you when I’m big?”
He lifts his hand to my hair, then glances at Everleigh. “I want long hair
like Daddy.”
She wipes tears from her cheeks. “Okay, baby.”
“Vincent,” Alexei says to get my boy’s attention. “Ask your mommy to
make me coffee, please. She seems to listen to you.”
I let out a burst of laughter while Everleigh’s cheeks turn pink.
“I’m sorry. I’m not used to having guests over,” she apologizes.
Her eyes linger on Vincent, and it has me saying, “He’s safe with me,
moya malen'kaya lyubov'.”
She nods before she heads to the kitchen, then we hear her call, “How
many sugars?”
“Three for me and none for Alexei,” I answer before I take a seat on the
couch and adjust Vincent on my lap.
“Did Mommy tell you where you got your names from?” I ask.
“She said it’s from my uncle and Daddy.”
I nod, my heart clenching at the thought of my brother. “Yes. Your uncle
was a brave man, and the angels decided to keep him.”
“It’s okay,” my boy says, “They sent you back. Mommy says we
shouldn’t be greedy.”
“She’s right,” I agree.
Everleigh did an amazing job raising our son on her own.
She comes out of the kitchen with two coffee cups and sets mine on the
table before she hands the other one to Alexei.
“Thank you, little one,” he murmurs, his eyes scanning over her face.
“Will you be staying for dinner?” she asks.
“Yes,” I answer before Alexei can decline.
“It’s nothing special.” She looks nervous as hell. “Just mac and cheese.”
“And hotdogs,” Vincent demands. “Cut them into tiny pieces, Mommy.”
“Say please,” I murmur.
“Please, Mommy.”
I press a kiss to his head. “Good boy.”
It hits me square in the chest that I have a son, and overwhelmed, I hug
It’s surreal how quickly you can love someone. This morning I didn’t
know he existed, and now I’ll do everything in my power to keep him safe.
“I love you, little man,” I say with my heart in my voice.
A grin spreads over his face, and he leans his cheek against my chest.
“Can I watch Donkey now?”
Everleigh presses play so the movie can continue, and while she fixes
dinner, I watch Shrek with my son and Alexei.
Christ, my life has done an entire one-eighty. In a matter of hours, I’ve
become a father and found the love of my life.
Soon the aroma of grilled cheese and hotdogs fill the air, and a smile
curves my lips.
This is all I ever wanted. It almost feels like we’re a family.
While Vincent watches his movie, my eyes are locked on him. I take in
every strand of hair, the healthy color of his cheeks, his little hands, and how
he smiles when he chuckles.
Christ, how did we make something so perfect in the middle of hell?
Everleigh carries two plates into the room, handing one to Alexei before
she places the other one on the table where my coffee is getting cold.
I forgot about the beverage.
“Come eat, baby,” she tells Vincent.
He slides off my lap and goes to kneel by the table. I watch him pick the
hotdogs out, popping them into his mouth.
After returning to the kitchen, Everleigh comes back with two more
plates and holds one out to me.
When I take the food, I murmur, “Thank you, moya malen'kaya lyubov'.”
She sits beside me, and we all watch Shrek as we eat.
I scoop mac and cheese onto my fork, and taking a bite, my eyes drift
closed as emotion wells in my chest.
It’s the first time she’s made me a meal.
I savor the moment, then whisper, “It’s delicious.”
“Yeah? You don’t think I added too much cheese?”
“There’s no such thing as too much cheese,” Alexei mutters before
shoveling a huge bite into his mouth.
A cautious smile curves Everleigh’s lips. “I’m glad you like it.”
When Everleigh takes a bite of her food, my eyes lock on her face, and
I’m hit with a wave of emotion I didn’t expect to feel.
She’s no longer starving.
It’s the first time I’m seeing her enjoy a meal, and she’s not trying to
share it with me.
To this day, I can’t eat bread and chicken breasts.
She glances at me, and seeing the expression on my face, her free hand
grips mine and gives me a comforting squeeze.
Taking advantage of the situation, I link our fingers. When my thumb
rubs over her soft skin, she lowers her head, swallowing hard on the memory
it brings to light.
I used to hold her hand like this during the long days before pulling her
onto my lap so we could keep each other warm while we tried to sleep.
“I’m done,” Vincent suddenly exclaims excitedly, yanking me out of my
Reluctantly, I let go of Everleigh’s hand and eat my food.
I want this more than anything. A family.
Nothing will stop me from having it.
Everleigh and Vincent belong to me.
Forever and always.
Chapter 32

After I’ve taken the dishes to the kitchen and tidied up, I take a moment to
clear my head.
Getting to spend some time with us has calmed Alek down. It was very
emotional watching him with Vincent, but at least that went well.
Now I just have to figure out how to handle Alek so he doesn’t go all
crazy on me again.
That’s one thing about him that’s changed completely. When we were
held captive, he was always the calm one, but now he’s borderline insane.
I understand why, though. After suffering for months in that hellhole, he
lost Vincent and me. That would drive anyone over the edge.
And now that he’s found me again, he’s like a man on a mission.
It’s not that I don’t want to get romantically involved with him. It’s the
bratva and all the violence and danger that comes with the world he lives in
that has me running for the hills.
I have to think of Vincent.
And I’m no longer a naïve eighteen-year-old. I have to think with my
head and not my heart.
But still…
Whether we pick up where we left off or just remain friends for Vincent’s
sake, we’re still tied to the bratva.
How the hell am I going to keep them out of my life without having to
run and hide constantly?
Alexei suddenly comes into the kitchen, and all my muscles tighten.
“Alek is tucking Vincent into bed,” he murmurs.
Every time I lock eyes with this man, the blood chills in my veins.
“Okay,” I whisper.
Alexei stares at me for a moment, then shakes his head. As if he can read
my mind, he says, “It’s no use to run, little one. Now that Alek knows you’re
alive, he’ll find you in seconds.”
He leans his hip against the counter and crosses his arms over his chest.
“It will take time, but you’ll learn there’s a good side to the bratva.”
I shake my head. “I seriously doubt that.”
He lets out a chuckle. “My wife has devoted her life to saving sex
Shock ripples over me. “Oh.”
“Viktor’s mother has a charity organization to help people with
Alzheimer's and dementia.”
When I keep quiet, Alexei moves closer to me. I watch him cautiously as
he takes his phone out of his pocket. He turns the device so I can see the
screen, and I look at a family photo. It looks so normal.
“That’s my daughter, Mariya, and her husband, Luca. And those are my
grandsons, Lucian and Alexei.” He practically beams with pride.
“You have a beautiful family,” I murmur.
“That’s what I wanted to show you,” he says. “I have a family, little one.
So can you.” His eyes lock with mine, and an unnerving feeling ripples down
my spine. “We protect our loved ones.”
Unable to keep the question, I ask, “Where were you when Alek and I
were held in a dark room? Where were you when they tortured and killed
Vincent?” All the dark emotions explode to the surface, and I level Alexei
with a glare. “Where were you when Alek’s father put three bullets in me and
left me for dead in a field.” I shake my head hard. “We were starved! We
were tortured.” I step closer to him. “Where were you?”
My breaths race over my lips, all the memories creating chaos in my
Alexei’s features soften, then he surprises me by saying, “I’m sorry, little
one. Contrary to popular belief, I don’t know everything. I was never
informed of the situation in Russia. Alek’s father chose to deal with the issue
on his own.” There’s sincerity on his face as he continues, “But had I known,
I would’ve flown to Russia and killed that fucker for daring to kidnap a
bratva son. I would have slaughtered him for taking an innocent girl.”
Again chills race over my body. “I wish you had known.”
Cautiously, he lifts a hand and places it on my shoulder. Leaning closer,
he promises, “You’re Alek’s family, little one. I won’t allow anyone to lay a
finger on you and Vincent.” His expression becomes more serious. “Alek
won’t allow it. He’s no longer a twenty-year-old boy. He’s been trained by
the best. When he says he can protect you, trust him.”
Trust. That’s where the problem lies. I don’t think I have it in me to trust
To end the conversation, I take a step backward and say, “I need time.”
Alexei nods, but then he murmurs, “Alek’s unhinged. He’s not going to
back down, little one. The more you tell him to leave, the harder he’ll fight to
“What do I do?” I whisper.
“There’s nothing you can do.” Alexei tucks his phone back into his
pocket. “Do you love Alek?”
“I’ll always love him. He’s the father of my child.”
“Then I suggest you spend some time together and get to know each other
again. Give Alek a chance to prove himself to you.”
“I have to think of Vincent.”
Alexei nods. “Once word gets out that Alek has a son, his enemies will
try to target the child. The only safe place for you is with us. You won’t make
it on your own.”
My eyes widen, and I gape at the man. “So that’s it. I don’t get a choice
in the matter?”
“You always have a choice, little one, but I suggest you make the right
one.” He begins to walk to the doorway, then pauses to add, “There’s no one
you’ll be safer with than Alek. The man loves you. He’ll do anything for
Confused and frazzled by the intense conversation, I hurry to Vincent’s
bedroom. He’s already tucked into bed, and Alek is sitting on the side of the
mattress, reading our son a story.
I stop in the doorway and stare at the wholesome scene. I fold my arms
around my middle and watch Alek closely.
The more I try to find the Alek I loved in that dark room, the less I see
him in the man before me. It’s like they’re two different people.
My Alek was calm, no matter the situation. But this Alek doesn’t know
the meaning of calm.
My Alek’s body was withered from starvation and bloody from torture.
But this Alek looks strong and healthy.
I’ll have to get to know Alek all over again. I can’t just pick up where we
left off.
I understand it’s not the same for him. Where I had Vincent to focus on
and poured all my energy and love into our son, Alek remained stuck in the
I’ll be patient with him, but I can’t promise I’ll fall in love with the man
he’s become.
Only time will tell what will happen.
Chapter 33

I watch as Vincent drifts off to sleep, and I stop reading. Staring at my son’s
peaceful face, the love I feel for him fills every corner of my being.
I’ll be the best father I can be, my son. I’ll give you all the love you need.
I’ll give you the world.
Everleigh comes to press a kiss on his forehead. “Sweet dreams, baby.”
Getting up from the bed, I place the book on the bedside table and leave
the room so I can talk to Alexei.
I find him by the front door, where he’s checking all the locks.
“We need to put up a security system,” he mutters.
“I’ll take care of it tomorrow.” I stop next to him. “You can go home. I’m
staying here.”
Alexei lets out a sigh as he locks eyes with me. “Don’t push the girl. She
needs time to adjust.”
“I know. I just want to be close to them.”
He nods, then warns, “If you’re not home in time for our walk, and I have
to drag your ass out of this house, you’ll regret it.”
I let out a chuckle. “Got it.”
He places his hand on my shoulder and pulls me in for a fatherly hug. “If
you can’t control your emotions, call me. Don’t lose your mind around
“I have you on speed dial,” I joke.
He gives me a serious look. “Take it one step at a time. Slow and steady
wins the race.”
I nod, then promise, “I won’t do anything stupid.”
“I’ll have one of the guards bring the car back so you have transport.”
Alexei takes one last look at me before he leaves the house.
“Alexei,” I call. When he glances over his shoulder, I say, “Thank you for
“That’s what family is for.”
His words hit me square in the chest.
I watch as he climbs into the G-Wagon, and when he drives off, I shut the
front door and lock it.
Just as I turn around, Everleigh comes down the hallway. She glances
around, then asks, “Where’s Alexei?”
“He went home.”
Her eyes widen. “He left you here? How will you get home?”
I shake my head. “I’m staying the night.”
“What?” she gasps. “You didn’t think to run that by me before you made
the decision?”
Slow and steady, Alek.
Closing the distance between us, I lift my hands and frame her face. “I
just want to be close to you tonight. I’ll stay calm.”
“Still.” She pulls away from me. “You can’t just decide you’re staying
The fuck, I can’t.
I take a deep breath to calm myself down. “It’s one night, Everleigh. We
have a lot to talk about.”
She lets out a sigh, and walking into the living room, she slumps down on
one of the couches.
I take a seat next to her and turn my body to face her. Leaning my side
against the back of the couch, I stare at her beautiful face.
“We don’t have to talk,” I murmur. “I’ll be happy with just staring at
Everleigh turns to face me. “No, we have to talk.”
Nodding, I get up and switch off the lights in the kitchen and living room.
“What are you doing?” she asks.
“Getting comfortable for the talk.” I take a seat on the couch again and
reach for Everleigh. I pull her onto my lap, and when she straddles me, I take
hold of her hand and link our fingers.
“Now we can talk,” I whisper.
Just like we used to do in the dark room. Only this time, I can see her
outline with the streetlights shining in through the windows.
We’re silent for a while, just staring at each other. I take the chance to
soak in the familiar feel of her.
Eventually, it becomes clear it’s up to me to break the silence, and I ask,
“Was it just me?”
“What?” she asks softly.
“Was I the only one who felt the connection in that room?”
She shakes her head. “No, Alek.” She lifts her other hand to my jaw, and
I lean into her touch. “Our connection was real. It will always be there.”
“Then why are you pushing me away?”
“I’m not.” I hear her take a deep breath. “I can’t pick up where we left
off. Too much has changed.”
“Nothing has changed for me.”
Her hand moves down to the side of my neck. “You’ve changed.” Her
voice fills with emotion. “You look different. You’re not as calm as you used
to be. It’s like you’re the opposite of what I remember.”
“I haven’t changed,” I argue. “I’m still the same man you fell in love with
in that room.”
She lets out a heavy breath and pulls her hand away from my neck. When
it looks like she’s going to climb off my lap, my arms tighten around her.
“Don’t,” I whisper with urgency tightening my tone. “Just sit like this
with me for a while.”
I want her to remember the bond we shared.
I press her head to my chest and bury my face against her hair. “Just feel
us, Everleigh.”
Her body remains tense for the longest while before she relaxes in my
hold, and then a miracle happens. Everleigh rests her cheek over my heart
and wraps her arms around my waist. Her body melts into mine.
“Imagine we’re back in that room,” I whisper. “Pretend I wasn’t shot, and
when my father came, I killed him. I killed them all, and we took the SUV
and drove away from that hellhole.”
I suck in a deep breath as I close my eyes. “We drove away, and I took
you home with me. You met my mother, Misha, and Tiana. I took a break
from work and showed you the beauty Russia has to offer. We found out you
were pregnant, and when I had to do my training at St. Monarch’s, you came
with me. I was there when Vincent was born. I proposed to you, and we got
married.” My voice becomes hoarse. “We were a family.”
“That didn’t happen,” she whispers. She lifts her head to look at me. “It’s
been four years. Yes, I’ve missed you, and I do love you, Alek. But…”
“Even though sitting like this with you feels familiar, you still feel like a
stranger to me. It’s weird to explain. I feel I have to get to know you all over
again. I love the man you were in that dark room.”
“But you want to get to know me again?” I ask, latching onto a glimmer
of hope.
“Of course. You’re Vincent’s father.”
“That’s not all I am, Everleigh.”
“I know.” She lets out a nervous chuckle. “Trust me, I know.”
Suddenly there’s a knock at the door, and Everleigh startles so badly she
jumps off my lap.
“It’s okay. Alexei sent the car back for me.”
“You’re leaving?” she asks, and it hurts when I hear the hope in her
Not answering her, I get up and open the front door. Peter, one of the
guards, holds the set of car keys out to me.
“Thanks, Peter,” I say as I take the keys.
I shut the door again, and lock it before I turn to face Everleigh. “No, I’m
not leaving.”
Chapter 34

Realizing there’s no getting through to Alek, I say, “You’re sleeping on the
The corner of his mouth lifts in a hot smirk. “That I can do.”
I shake my head at him. “And don’t get any ideas during the night.”
“Like?” he teases me.
“You know what I’m talking about,” I mutter.
When I walk toward the hallway, I change direction and check that the
front door is locked.
“What are you doing?” He asks.
“Getting ready for bed.”
He shakes his head. “We’re not done talking.”
At the rate we’re going, we’ll never be done talking.
“I’m tired, Alek. It’s been a crazy day. Let’s continue the conversation
tomorrow when we’ve had some rest.”
Agitation flashes over his features. “You asked me to place myself in
your shoes, and I’m trying. Can you do the same for me?”
I suck in a deep breath of air, then give in and nod.
“Thank you.” He walks back to the couch and sits down, his eyes
following me. When I pass him, his hand shoots out to grab mine, and he
pulls me back onto his lap.
Instantly my stomach erupts with nerves. It’s not that I’m scared of Alek.
I’d like to believe he won’t hurt me.
But I meant it when I said he feels like a different man. He’s more
attractive. He’s stronger. The intensity coming off him in waves has me
The man is unnerving and too dominant for me to handle.
If I set all the bratva business aside, I’d love to get to know Alek again.
Deep down, I know I’ll fall in love with him again.
Because when all is said and done, he’s still the only man I’ll give my
heart to.
Instead of forcing me to straddle him, which almost gave me a damn-near
heart attack earlier, he cradles me against his chest.
It’s twice as broad and hard as I remember.
His voice is tender as he whispers, “The last four years were the longest
of my life, but holding you like this, it feels as if no time has passed.”
I place myself in his shoes and think again about what he must’ve been
through. He believed he lost his brother and me. He watched Vincent and me
He mourned my death, and then I appeared out of the blue.
Pushing all my reservations aside, I lift my head and make eye contact
with him. I try to think of him as the Alek I knew, then admit, “I used to
dream about us finding each other again. I never dated, Alek. I told people I
was a widow and that I’d always love my husband. I could never love another
man the way I loved you.”
“Loved?” His eyebrows draw together, then he begs, “Love me,
Everleigh. Don’t leave me in your past. I want to be more than a memory.”
My heart.
I stare into his eyes until I see the man I fell in love with – the man I
formed an unbreakable bond with.
“I’ll try,” I promise.
What Alexei said about Vincent not being safe unless the family protects
him makes me feel restricted. Admitting the truth to Alek, I say, “I didn’t
want to cross paths with the bratva again. I barely survived the first time.”
He lifts a hand and brushes my hair away from my face. “I couldn’t
protect you back then, but I can now. Give me a chance to show you that I
can keep you safe.”
I don’t have a choice in the matter. Not really.
Accepting defeat because there’s no way I’ll be able to keep Alek and
Vincent apart, I say, “I don’t care about myself. Just make sure nothing
happens to Vincent.”
“I promise, moya malen'kaya lyubov'.” His fingers brush over my jaw to
grip my chin. “I’ll protect you and Vincent.”
“I’ll give you a chance to prove yourself, but in return, I ask that you give
me time to process everything. I’m not just going to jump into a romantic
relationship with you.”
He leans closer until I feel his breath on my lips, and the butterflies go
crazy in my stomach. “Tell me what you want, and I’ll make it happen.”
“I want to go out on dates.”
His mouth curves into a devasting smile. “Done.”
“I want to be swept off my feet.”
“I want you to respect my wishes and take things slow.”
He takes a deep breath, then mutters, “I’ll try.” I raise an eyebrow at him.
“Fine, I’ll take things slow.” His eyes narrow. “How slow are we talking?”
Letting out a chuckle, I shake my head at him. “Super slow. No kissing
until the third date. Definitely, no sex until I’m comfortable with you.”
“Blyadʹ,” he mutters as he slumps back against the couch.
A smile curves my lips. “Vincent doesn’t know any Russian. I didn’t
want to risk it.”
“I’ll teach him.”
Moving off his lap, I get comfortable next to him. “How was your
training? Tell me what you’ve been up to the past four years.”
“Training was good.” I can see he wants to reach for me, but he holds
himself back. “Misha got married, and Armani married Tiana.”
“Who’s Armani? I don’t remember you mentioning him.”
Alek hesitates before he says, “Armani is an enforcer for the Italian
mafia. We became good friends during training.”
Italian mafia. Bratva. God, what have I gotten myself into?
Alek sees my anxious expression, then murmurs, “Not everyone in my
world is bad.” His features soften. “Misha and Armani will drop everything
to help us if there’s ever a problem. The Vetrovs and Koslovs will kill for us,
Everleigh. They protect their own.” Anger flashes over his features again.
“We’re not like my father and Prodi.”
Only time will reveal whether that’s the truth.
Turning his body toward me, he leans against the couch. “Tell me
everything I missed.”
It takes me a moment to realize how close we’re sitting and how intimate
it feels.
“After returning home, I sold my parents' house in Ohio. I packed up
everything and moved to LA because I remembered you said that’s where
you wanted to go.”
A smile spreads over his face.
“I took the money I made from the sale and bought this house. I opened a
bookstore and called it Fiction Anonymous. After that, I got everything ready
for Vincent’s arrival.”
Alek hangs off of every word I say. “How are you doing financially? Do
you need anything?”
I shake my head. “You don’t need to worry about my finances.”
He places his arm on the back of the couch, and his fingers play with my
hair. “I want to take care of my family.”
“We can talk about it at a later stage.”
Reluctantly he drops the subject. “What happened after you had
A smile curves my lips. “He’s such an easy child. He started walking at
eleven months, and I cried my eyes out when he called me Mommy for the
first time.” My body relaxes more. “I always told him about you.”
“Thank you,” Alek murmurs, totally captivated by our conversation.
“His best friend’s name is Jonas. I take Vincent to the playground once a
week so he can interact with other children.” I begin to feel sleepy. “Your son
has an unhealthy addiction to ice cream.”
Alek chuckles, and when he pulls me closer so I can lean against him, I
don’t fight him.
He holds me tenderly and sighs with satisfaction. “You’re an amazing
mother, moya malen'kaya lyubov'. Thank you for taking such good care of
our son.”
I never got to ask Alek what the words meant and take the chance while I
have it. “What does the Russian words mean?”
“My little love.”
Be still my heart.
“And the other one. Blat…or something like that?”
“It means fuck,” he chuckles, the rumble deep from his chest vibrating
against my cheek.
“You’ll need to teach me the language as well.”
Silence falls between us, and Alek begins to trail his fingers up and down
my back. The comforting sensation makes my eyes drift closed.
“I’m sleepy,” I murmur. He presses a kiss to my head. “Sleep, moya
malen'kaya lyubov'. You’re safe with me.”
My mind wants to argue that this is inappropriate, but it loses the battle
against my exhaustion.
Chapter 35

I don’t dare move a muscle while Everleigh sleeps. I hold the love of my life,
feeling the happiest I’ve ever been.
This is all I wanted.
With Everleigh in my arms, I process the shock of finding her and
Vincent, and I form a plan to win Everleigh’s heart again.
My woman wants dates. She wants to be swept off her feet.
She better fucking brace herself because I’m bringing out the big guns.
I manage to dose off occasionally, and when the sun starts to rise, I
carefully climb to my feet with Everleigh in my arms. Carrying her to the
bedroom, I glance around her personal space before I place her down on the
After I cover her with a blanket, I pick up the framed photo of her and
They’re on the beach, and both have happy smiles. Everleigh is wearing a
pair of shorts and a t-shirt, and Vincent has a little Speedo on. My boy is
covered in sand.
I almost let out a chuckle.
Taking the photo, I glance at Everleigh’s sleeping face before I walk out
of the bedroom. I check in on Vincent and adjust the covers he’s kicked off
during the night.
With my woman and son fast asleep, I walk through the house. I check
for weak spots and mentally make a list of the supplies I’ll need to upgrade
the security inside and outside the property.
I’d rather move them into the cottage with me but knowing that’s not a
possibility, for the time being, I’m going to make sure this place is Fort
Finding an extra set of house keys, I let myself out and lock the door
behind me. Heading to the G-
Wagon that’s parked in front of the house, I climb behind the steering wheel
and drive back to the estate.
I have enough time to shower and change into a clean suit before I start to
walk around the boundary wall. Not even ten minutes later, Alexei comes
toward me.
“Morning,” he mutters.
“How did things go after I left?”
“Good,” I answer. “We talked a lot.”
“And you did nothing I should worry about?” he asks.
“I was well-behaved,” I mumble.
“Good. I really don’t feel like beating your ass first thing in the morning.”
I let out a burst of laughter. “That makes two of us.”
“What are you going to do?” he asks.
Our pace is slow, and I’m not even checking the wall for weak spots.
“Everleigh’s agreed to give me a chance. She wants time to get to know
me, so I’m going to date her.”
Alexei lets out a chuckle. “What is your definition of dating?”
“If it were up to me, I’d have them moved into the cottage already,” I
mutter. “Everleigh wants actual dates, so I’m going to take her out for
“Everleigh and Vincent are a packaged deal. Don’t forget that.”
“I know. I want to spend time with both of them.”
His sharp gaze flicks to me. “How do you feel about being a father? Are
you ready for that kind of commitment?”
Locking eyes with Alexei, I admit, “Weirdly, it feels like I’ve always
been a father. It was instant.” I shrug as I try to think of a way to put my
thoughts into words. “It also feels surreal. Like I said, it’s weird, but I’m
excited to be a father.”
“Good.” He clears his throat. “Because your father is a bastard, I feel I
have to have this conversation with you.”
Christ. Please don’t give me a talking-to about sex.
My eyebrow rises, and apprehensively I ask, “What conversation?”
“A woman isn’t a punching bag.”
Jesus Christ, that’s the last thing I expected him to say.
“You protect your family. If you have a rough day, fuck your wife, but
you never take it out on her.”
I understand why Alexei is telling me this. My father never missed an
opportunity to beat my mother. He used it to teach us how to switch off
“I’ll never raise a hand to Everleigh.”
Alexei takes hold of my shoulder and pulls me to a stop. “We’re bad
people, Alek, but when it comes to our families, we’re fucking angels. Give
your woman the world, and she’ll worship you.”
I nod to show I understand. “That’s what I plan on doing.”
“And if you need to let off some steam, come to me. We’ll shoot a couple
of targets in the armory.”
Locking eyes with the man that’s quickly becoming like a father to me, I
say, “Thank you, Alexei. I don’t think you know how much this means to
“I know,” he murmurs. “My father was a bastard too. The first chance I
got, I killed him.”
I never knew that.
The new information makes the bond between Alexei and me grow.
We start to walk again before he asks, “Where are you taking them to
“I don’t know. I’ll look around.” Glancing at the man beside me, I ask,
“Do you have any suggestions?”
“Galileo. You have to make reservations. I’ll text you their number.”
When we near Viktor’s house, he steps out onto the veranda. I smile at
Alexei. “I better get to work.”
He nods, and with a wave at Viktor, he heads to his house.
When I near my boss, he gives me a questioning look. “Is there anything I
should be worried about?”
I shake my head.
“Is that Alek?” Rosalie calls from inside the house.
“Yes,” Viktor answers.
She comes out and asks, “Is Everleigh okay?”
“She’s fine. When I left the house, she and Vincent were fast asleep.” I
turn my attention to Viktor. “You have an appointment at one. Is it okay if I
disappear until then?”
“Disappear?” He frowns at me. “Elaborate.”
“I want to install a security system at Everleigh’s place.”
Relief washes over his features. “Sure. Take a couple of men with to help
Before I can walk away, Viktor mentions, “You might want to leave one
of the guards with Everleigh. If word gets out you have a woman and child,
they’ll be easy targets.”
Fuck. Everleigh is going to lose her shit.
“Wait for me, Alek,” Rosalie says. “I’m coming with you.”
She rushes back into the house, and I lock eyes with Viktor. “Which
guard do you recommend?”
“Peter. He’s one of the best we have.”
I nod, but before I can make a second attempt at leaving, Viktor adds,
“Invite Everleigh over for a BBQ on Saturday. If she sees us in a normal
setting, it will help your case.”
“Thanks, Viktor.” I pause before I continue, “I really appreciate
everything you’re doing for me.”
He gives me a grin. “You saved my ass the other day. It’s the least I can
I finally walk toward the guard house, and finding Peter, I say, “Get two
men and meet me by the car.”
“Yes, sir.”
I only wait a minute for Peter and the men, but Rosalie takes her sweet
fucking time. My patience is non-existent when she finally joins us, but I
force myself to remain calm.
There’s no way I’m losing my shit with Viktor’s wife.
I have a reason to love life again.
Chapter 36

I’m woken by Vincent, who’s bouncing on my bed. “Come on, Mommy. I
want to see Daddy.”
“Then go to him,” I mumble.
“He’s not here,” Vincent complains. “Get up so we can go to him.”
My eyes pop open. “What do you mean he’s not here?”
My boy gives me a worried look. “He’s gone.”
Climbing out of bed, I walk to the living room, but there’s no sign of
Alek. I peek through the curtains, and seeing the car is gone as well, I let out
a sigh.
“Daddy had to go to work,” I tell Vincent. “And we have to get ready for
the day so we can go to the bookstore.”
Vincent’s face crumbles, and he starts to ugly-cry. “But I want my
I rush forward, and picking him up, I coo, “Aww, you’ll see your daddy
again. Mommy will call him.”
Crap, I don’t have his number.
I’ll ask Rosalie for Alek’s number.
“There-there. Let’s get ready for the day. You can have something from
the coffee shop for breakfast. Okay?”
He sniffles as I carry him to his room, and while I’m dressing him, he
says, “What if the angels take Daddy back again?”
“That’s not going to happen, baby.” I wipe the tears from his face.
“There’s no backsies.”
Vincent nods and seems to be calming down. “I want a chocolate muffin
from the coffee shop.”
Dear God. This child and his sweet tooth will be the end of me.
When Vincent is dressed, I take him to my bathroom so he can brush his
teeth while I try to flatten the patch of hair that refuses to go down.
While I’m busy, he mumbles around the toothbrush, “When will I have
hair like my daddy?”
“At the rate your hair grows, probably by the end of the month.”
His face lights up. “Yay!”
“You’re spitting toothpaste everywhere,” I chastise him. “Finish up while
Mommy gets ready.” I hurry into the bedroom and grab a summer dress that
has a green leaf pattern on it. Matching it with sandals, I head back to the
Vincent is rinsing out his mouth, then he grins so I can see his teeth.
“Good, boy.” I lift him off the little step stool. “Watch TV while Mommy
“No, I want to get my favorite cars so I can show them to Daddy.”
When he hurries out of the bathroom, I quickly switch on the faucets.
While the water warms up, I brush my teeth and pin my hair up so it won’t
get wet.
I shower at the speed of light, and once I’m dressed, I free my hair and
pull a brush through it while I walk to Vincent’s room.
“Are you ready, baby?”
“Yes.” He comes into the hallway with his arms full of cars.
“We need a bag for those.” I grab one from his closet and help him place
the cars inside. “Let’s go.”
I grab my house keys and quickly leave the house before locking the
When we’re finally in the car, and I’m driving to town, I let out a sigh of
relief. I hate opening the bookstore late. It messes with our routine, and then
Vincent gets cranky.
I park in front of the store and gather my bag. As I climb out, I see April
coming out of the coffee shop to have a smoke break. My eyes widen when I
notice her black eye and busted lip.
“April, what happened to you?”
“I went on a date, and the guy got a little violent,” she says, not looking
bothered by the fact that a man beat her up.
“Jesus. Did you press charges?”
She shakes her head. “It’s too much trouble.”
What the hell? I’ll never understand how some people’s minds work.
I open the door, and lifting Vincent out of the car seat, I place him on his
feet before taking his hand. I walk to my store, and while I unlock the door, I
glance at April again. “Can you bring a chocolate muffin over for Vincent?”
“Sure, let me just finish this cigarette. Do you want anything?”
“No, I’m good.”
I push the door open and let go of Vincent’s hand. “Go put your bag in
your corner, baby.”
Walking to the little kitchenette, I switch on the coffee machine.
My thoughts turn to April, and I shake my head.
A man must try to hit me. It will be the last thing he does.
Not only will I knee the bejesus out of him, but I’m pretty sure Alek
would kill him.
The thought makes me pause, and I focus on how good it feels to know
there’s someone I can turn to if I need help.
I have Alek back.
I hear the doorbell jingle and walk to the front. April holds a paper bag
out to me. “One chocolate muffin.”
“Your breakfast is here, baby,” I call.
“Yay!” Vincent comes barreling around an aisle of books, and taking the
paperback, he hurries back to his corner.
“Listen,” April says to get my attention. “Have you seen a guy with dark
blonde hair hanging around? He’s about five foot nine. Seems nice?”
“Barry?” I ask, a frown forming on my forehead.
“Yeah.” She gives me a look of warning. “Apparently, he’s doing his
rounds up and down the street. He’s the guy I went on a date with.”
“Barry is the man who hit you?” I gasp.
“Yeah. Just be careful of him. He’s real smooth until you won’t sleep
with him.”
“Jesus,” I whisper. “He tried his luck with me the other day.” I walk to
the counter, and opening the cash register, I take ten dollars out. “Keep the
“Thanks, Everleigh.” I watch as she leaves the store before I go back to
the kitchen to make some coffee. I pour milk into a sippy cup and take it to
Vincent, who’s making a royal mess of the muffin.
“Clean your hands and face when you’re done,” I say before I go sit at the
counter to enjoy my coffee.
I can’t believe what April told me. I knew there was something off about
Barry. I feel sorry for April, though. It must’ve been traumatizing.
Opening my laptop, I check the bestsellers lists to see if there are any new
popular releases. I try to stay up to date with what’s happening in the book
The doorbell jingles again, and my eyes dart to the entrance. Seeing Alek
dressed in an immaculate three-piece suit, my heart skips a beat before
carrying on at a wild pace.
Damn, he looks good.
I’m still drooling when he comes around the counter. He places his hands
on either side of my hips and presses a kiss to my forehead. “Morning, moya
malen'kaya lyubov'.”
I swoon a little as I whisper, “Morning.”
“Daddy!” Vincent shouts, and Alek hardly has time to brace as our son
runs toward him.
“Your hands,” I yell, but it’s too late.
Alek lifts Vincent from his feet, and in horror, I watch as my son’s
chocolate-covered hands ruin Alek’s jacket.
The doorbell jingles again, and Rosalie comes in with two coffees she
must’ve gotten from the coffee shop.
“I’m so sorry about your jacket. I’ll have it dry-cleaned.”
“It’s okay,” Alek chuckles. “A little chocolate never killed anyone.”
“Hi,” Rosalie says, and holding one of the cups out to me, she smiles. “I
brought a peace offering. In my defense, I didn’t know you had a history with
“Yeah, and you wanted to hook me up with one of the new employees.
Can you imagine how that would’ve gone?” I tease her to lessen the tension
between us.
“New employee?” Alek asks, a dark frown on his face. “What new
Rosalie rolls her eyes at him. “I wanted to arrange a blind date between
Everleigh and you.”
Immediately Alek relaxes then he grins at me. “See, even Rosalie thinks
we make a great couple.”
“Don’t gang up on me,” I warn them. I point to the back of the store.
“There’s a restroom in the back. Will you wash Vincent’s hands, please?”
When Alek walks away, Rosalie takes hold of my hand and gives it a
squeeze. “How are you doing? Viktor told me everything last night.”
“I’m processing everything.” I smile so she’ll feel better. “You didn’t
know. I’m not angry.”
The worry doesn’t leave her eyes. “But how are you doing?”
“It’s a shock,” I admit. “I’m trying to focus on the positive. Vincent has
his dad back.”
“And you? Do you think things will work out between you and Alek?”
I shrug. “It’s way too soon to say.”
“I want you to know I’m here for you. I don’t want this to affect our
friendship. I like spending time with you.”
“I like hanging out with you, too,” I say to reassure her, but I can’t help
mention, “I’m just not comfortable with the whole ‘bratva’ thing.”
“I understand.” Rosalie lets go of my hand and picks up her cup of coffee.
“If you have any questions, just ask.”
“Mommy, look,” Vincent calls out. “Daddy did my hair.”
My eyes fly to Vincent’s head, where the short strands are perfectly in
“How did you get the strands to stay down?” I ask.
“Magic,” Alek chuckles. “And years of experience. That’s why I wear my
hair on the longer side.”
Seeing Vincent and Alek together makes my heart squeeze. Our son
really looks just like his daddy.
I glance between Rosalie and Alek, then ask, “Did you come together?”
“Yes, but I need to get home.” She glances at Alek. “I’ll have Peter drive
me home.”
“Tell him to go to the house to make sure the men are doing their work,”
Alek says.
“Will do.” Rosalie shoots me a smile. “I’ll call you so we can arrange a
play date.”
After Rosalie leaves, I glance at Alek. “You can put Vincent down. He
has a little space in the corner where he plays during the day.”
Alek widens his eyes at Vincent. “You have a little corner?”
“Yes.” Our boy points to the back. “It’s that way.”
I shake my head as I watch them disappear behind an aisle of books.
“I brought all my favorite cars to show you, Daddy.”
A smile spreads over my face, and picking up the cup of coffee Rosalie
brought for me, I take a sip as I continue to check the bestsellers lists.
I hear Vincent’s chuckle and Alek’s deep voice, and my smile grows.
Chapter 37

I had to leave the bookstore so I could take Viktor to his one o’clock meeting.
Every time I see Everleigh and Vincent, I feel a little calmer.
“What’s on your jacket?” Viktor asks. “It better not be shit.”
I let out a burst of laughter. “It’s chocolate.”
“Thank, fuck,” he mutters. When we get to the office, check on the
shipments that are due. I want to know what the rest of the week looks like.”
“Okay.” Hesitating for a moment, I decide to go ahead and ask, “How did
you get Rosalie to fall in love with you?”
“I kidnapped her,” he chuckles before he gets serious. “I showed her
she’s safe with me. It took three years, Alek. She didn’t take it easy on me.”
He glances out of the side window of the car. “Everleigh already loves you.
Just remind her who you are.”
I nod as I steer the G-Wagon into the underground parking. “Any news
on Brayden Kelly?” I ask as we climb out of the vehicle.
“No, but I’ve increased the hit on his head to two point five million, so he
should be dead soon enough.”
That’s good news.
I make enough to give my family a good life, but I want that two point
five million. And it will help me blow off some steam if I kill Kelly.
It’s a win-win situation.
I escort Viktor to his office before I head to the shipping department. I get
the list of incoming shipments and tell the supervisor to email me an updated
list daily.
While I wait for Viktor, I call Peter.
“Do you have eyes on her?”
“Yes, sir. She’s walking through the aisles and seems to be checking the
“And my son?”
“I can’t see him from outside the store. Do you want me to go in?”
“No. Keep your distance and make sure Everleigh doesn’t notice you. I
haven’t told her you’re guarding her.”
“Not a problem.”
We end the call, and I dial Misha’s number.
“I’ll be damned. Did hell freeze over?” my friend answers.
I let out a chuckle. “Something like that.”
“You sound different.”
“I have news.” A wide smile spreads over my face. “Everleigh’s alive.”
There’s a moment’s silence, then Misha cautiously asks, “What do you
mean she’s alive?”
“She’s living and breathing.” I chuckle again. “She never died.”
“Alek,” Misha’s voice is tense, “do you need me to come to LA? Maybe
it’s time to see a doctor again.”
“I haven’t lost my mind. Some old man found Everleigh and took her to
the hospital. She never fucking died. That’s why you didn’t find her body.”
“Jesus,” he whispers. “Really? How do you know this?”
“She’s friends with Rosalie. Yesterday I bumped into her at Viktor’s
“Fuck, brother. That must’ve been one hell of a shock.”
“There’s more,” I chuckle.
“I have a son.”
Absolute silence comes over the line.
“Misha? Are you still there?”
“Yeah.” More silence follows before he lets out a heavy breath. “Jesus
Christ, Alek. You have a son? Are you sure? Are you going to do a DNA test
to make sure he’s yours?”
“Vincent. Everleigh named him Vincent. He looks exactly like me. That’s
all the proof I need.”
“Holy fuck. My mind’s blown. I need a minute.” Seconds later, he asks,
“Does Mama know? And Tiana?”
“No. I called you first. Keep this between us before you tell anyone. I
want to make sure they're safe.”
“You don’t think your father will go after her?”
“No, he won’t. But there are other people who might try to take out my
“True.” Misha lets out a burst of incredulous laughter. “Holy fuck,
brother. Are you happy?”
“You have no idea how happy I am. It feels like I’m going to explode.”
“That’s good to hear.”
“I have to go. I just wanted to tell you the good news.”
“Thanks. Keep me up to date.”
Smiling, I say, “Will do.”
When we end the call, I contemplate calling Armani, but Viktor comes
out of his office before I can press dial.
“Done?” I ask.
“Yeah. I have to get ready for the meeting with the priesthood.”
“Need me to come along on the trip?”
If it weren’t for Everleigh and Vincent, I would’ve loved to go to Las
Vegas with Viktor. The priesthood comprises of the five bosses – Viktor,
Luca, Nikolas, Liam, and Gabriel. Together they rule the world. It would be
one hell of an experience to meet them all.
Viktor shakes his head. “No, I’ll take my usual group of men. I need you
here to make sure there are no problems.”
“Okay.” I’m relieved because there’s still a lot Everleigh and I have to
talk about.
Viktor smirks at me. “And I know you’re in a hurry to get back to your
family. Take some time for yourself this week.”
“Thank you.” As we leave the building, I say, “I got the shipping list.”
“Forward it to my email. I need to check when Nikolas’ weapons are
docking at the harbor.”
I send the email before I climb into the G-Wagon. “Home?” I double-
check with him.
After I drop off Viktor, I head straight to the bookstore. I’m just in time to
catch Everleigh before she closes for the day.
Glancing in Peter’s direction, I head into the store.
“You’re back,” Everleigh says, and I might be mistaken, but she actually
sounds happy.
“Yeah. I want to make sure you get home okay.”
“Will you get Vincent?” she asks.
“Sure.” I head to the back, where I find my son drawing a picture. “What
are you drawing, buddy?”
“Us,” he says. Sitting up straight, he holds the paper out to me. When I
take the drawing from him, he scrambles to stand up. I crouch down to his
level, then he points out, “That’s you. That’s me in the middle. That’s
I’m fucking huge. Is that how he sees me?
My heart swells to twice its size, and I wrap an arm around him. “This is
the best drawing I’ve ever seen. Can I keep it?”
Vincent nods. “I made it for you.”
“Thanks, bubby. I’ll frame it.” I look at the drawing again. “I love it.”
“Daddy?” he asks. “You’re not leaving again, are you?”
I shake my head. “No, I’m taking you and Mommy home.”
“Are you going to stay with us?”
“I’ll visit for a while.”
Instantly his bottom lip pushes out, and he frowns. “I want you to stay
with us forever. Mommy said the angels can’t do backsies.”
Christ, my heart.
Locking eyes with my son, I say, “I’ll see you every day. Mommy just
needs some time to adjust before we can all live together.”
“It’s time to go,” Everleigh suddenly says from behind us.
When I glance at her, she shakes her head, not looking too happy about
I rise to my full height, and taking Vincent’s hand, we leave the store.
While she locks the door, I ask, “Did something upset you?”
She gestures with her eyes at Vincent, then whispers, “We’ll talk at
Fuck. Is it something I did?
I walk with them to Everleighs blue sedan, and once she has Vincent in
his car seat and she shuts the door, I ask, “What did I do?”
Her eyes meet mine. “You can’t make him promises you can’t keep.”
I shake my head. “Where did I make a promise I won’t keep?”
“You told him we’re all going to live together. That’s not something you
can promise him. We might decide just to stay friends.”
The fuck we will.
I take a step closer, and not caring that I’m letting my insanity show, I
growl, “You and I will never be friends, Everleigh. I’m giving you the time
you asked for but make no mistake, you’re mine. From the moment we met
to the moment we die, you will always be mine.” Her lips part with a gasp,
but it doesn’t stop me from adding, “We’ll date so you can get used to us, but
come hell or high water, there’s only one outcome. We will get married, and
we will be a family. The sooner you accept it, the easier all of this will be.”
Everleigh’s cheeks flush, and her pupils dilate. She stares at me as if I’ve
grown two heads. “Ahh…” Her mouth closes and opens. “I…Okay…Ahh…I
need time to process all of that.”
She darts around me and quickly climbs behind the steering wheel. When
she shuts the door, I open it again and order, “Lock the doors, moya
malen'kaya lyubov'.”
Walking to the G-Wagon, a broad smile forms on my face.
Did Everleigh just get turned on by me being all dominant with her?
Chapter 38

Holy crap, that was intense.
My heart is fluttering in my chest as I drive home.
Did I like that?
God, the man was hot as hell laying the law down.
“Mommy, what’s for dinner tonight?” Vincent asks.
Something to cool me down.
“Ahh…we’ll see when we get home. Is there anything you’re in the mood
“Pizza is for special times, right?” he asks.
“So it’s special that Daddy came back.”
I let out a chuckle. “Okay. We’ll order pizza tonight.”
With Vincent happy, my thoughts return to Alek. He’s been amazing with
Vincent, and I love watching them interact.
I’m still apprehensive about a romantic relationship with Alek, but I said
I’d give him a chance, so that’s what I’m going to do.
When I pull into the driveway, Alek stops behind my car. I climb out of
the vehicle and notice an SUV parking in front of my house.
“Who’s that?” I murmur before I open the door for Vincent to get out.
When Alek walks toward us, I gesture to the car. “Will you check what
that man wants?”
“He’s with me,” Alek explains. He waves for the man to come closer.
“This is Peter. He’ll guard you and Vincent when I’m not around.”
“Guard?” I gasp like a fish out of water.
Alek gives me a patient look. “It’s for your protection, moya malen'kaya
“Ooookay.” Not too sure about this, I hold my hand out to Peter. “Hi.”
He shakes my hand, then says, “Hello, Miss Adams.”
I glance at Alek. “I’ve never had a bodyguard before. What do I do? Does
he come into the house?”
“No, Peter will always keep his distance. Just go on as normal. Pretend
he’s not there.”
I scrunch my nose. “I feel like that would be rude. I can’t just ignore
“Interacting with Peter will distract him. Just let him do his job.”
“Oh…okay.” I give Peter a lame wave before I usher Vincent to the front
Only then do I notice the door cam. “Did you install the camera?” I ask.
“Yes. There’s also a state-of-the-art security system. I’ll show you how
everything works.”
Holy freaking crap. When the man said he would protect us, he meant it.
We step into the house, and a beeping sound fills the air. Alek keys in a
code on a keypad before explaining, “You have five seconds to disarm the
“What happens if I take too long?”
“A couple of things will happen. Myself, Peter, and Alexei will be
notified, and you’ll have half the bratva on your doorstep in minutes.”
Jesus. That’s one hell of a security company to have.
“What’s the code?” I ask.
“Five, one, one, six. Everleigh and Alek forever.”
I stare at Alek for a moment too long before I say, “That’s kinda
“I’m glad you think so.”
Letting out a chuckle, I walk to the living room to turn on the TV for
Vincent. “What do you want to watch, baby?”
“The Incredibles.”
I search through Vincent’s collection of movies, then press play.
With our boy watching The Incredibles, I turn my attention to Alek.
“Vincent wants pizza for dinner. We only get it on special occasions.”
“What’s the special occasion?” Alek asks while he pulls his phone out of
his pocket.
His eyes flick to me, and a hot-as-hell smirk tugs at his mouth. “What
kind of pizza?”
“One pepperoni and one Hawaiian.”
“Let me guess, the Hawaiian is for you,” he teases me.
“Of course,” I chuckle. “And get whatever you like.”
“I’ll have the same as Vincent.”
“Like father, like son,” I whisper as I walk down the hallway to change
into something comfortable.
In the safety of my bedroom, I take a moment to calm my racing heart
because the organ hasn’t stopped fluttering since Alek went all alpha on my
I grab a pair of leggings and an oversized t-shirt and change into the
comfy clothes.
When I walk back into the living room, it’s in time to see Alek rolling up
the sleeves of his dress shirt. My eyes lock on the tattoos covering his skin,
and then I see the scars on the back of his right hand and left forearm.
I remember tending to his wounds with the little supplies we had and how
I prayed day and night he wouldn’t get an infection.
“Everleigh?” Alek says to get my attention. When my eyes dart to his
face, he asks, “You okay?”
I nod, and pointing at the keypad for the alarm, I remind him, “You were
going to show me how everything works?”
Alek walks me through the house, showing me where all the cameras and
panic buttons are. He also demonstrates how to activate and deactivate the
alarm, then he programs Peter’s number into my phone.
“And your number,” I say before he can hand the device back to me.
The corner of his mouth lifts, and I watch as he keys in the numbers
under ‘the love of my life.’
With a chuckle escaping me, I shake my head. “You couldn’t resist, could
“Nope.” He glances at Vincent, then he says, “The pizza should be here
soon.” Then his eyes lock with mine. “Let’s sit in the kitchen so we can talk.”
“Okay.” I go straight for the coffee machine. “Do you want coffee?”
Alek shakes his head. “Come sit, moya malen'kaya lyubov'.”
We take a seat at the little nook, and I feel a nervous fluttering in my
Alek looks confident as hell as he asks, “Will you have dinner with me
tomorrow night?”
A smile spreads over my face, and I decide to tease him. “I don’t have a
“Let me rephrase my question.” With a dangerously attractive look, he
asks, “Will you and Vincent have dinner with me tomorrow night?”
“We’d love to.”
“Good. I’ll have a dress delivered for you. Please wear it.”
My eyebrow lifts. “Okay, and what should Vincent wear.”
“There will be a little suit for him.” He tilts his head. “Which reminds me.
I’ll take Vincent to the store to get the right size suit.”
He’ll take Vincent. Alone?
Alek must see the panic on my face because he says, “Vincent will be
safe with me, Everleigh. I’ll never do anything to hurt him.”
“I’m just not used to letting him out of my sight. This will be a first.”
Shoot, it’s happening too fast, but how do I tell Alek he can’t spend time
alone with Vincent?
Alek gets up, then crouches in front of me. “Vincent will be safe with me.
I’ll send you a photo every ten minutes.”
Knowing I can’t be selfish when it comes to Vincent, I nod. “Okay.”
A smile spreads over his face, and rising to his feet, he leans down and
presses a kiss to my cheek. Instead of pulling away, he keeps still, and I feel
his breaths fan over my skin.
Butterflies go crazy in my stomach, and tentatively, I turn my head until I
meet his eyes. The golden flecks are on fire in his irises.
“Do you still want me to wait until the third date?”
He wants to kiss me.
Anticipation builds between us, and I love it so much, I nod. “I want you
to wait.”
Letting out a groan, he sinks back onto his chair. “You’re torturing me.”
“You’ve survived worse.”
Our eyes lock, then he whispers, “So have you.”
Knowing Vincent can’t hear us, I ask, “Did you speak to anyone about
what happened?”
“Just Misha.” He tilts his head. “You?”
“No. You’re the only person who will understand what I’ve been
Alek reaches for my hand and links our fingers. “Do you need to talk
about it?”
I shake my head. “I’d rather leave the ghosts in the past.”
“What would you like to talk about?”
I think for a moment, then ask, “Why did your father shoot me?”
Alek's face turns grim in a heartbeat. “He saw you as a liability.”
It hurts to hear the reason. My life was almost taken just because some
man thought I was a liability. I never would’ve talked.
God, some people are vile creatures.
“I know you said you weren’t close with your father, but if things work
out between you and me, you need to know I never want to see him. He’s not
allowed near Vincent.”
Alek nods. “Things are very volatile between my father and I. Honestly,
it’s only a matter of time before I kill him.”
I’ve always been against violence, but this is the one time I’d make an
“What about your mother? Is she still in Russia?”
Alek nods. “Yes, but I’m going to bring her to the US.”
My tongue darts out to wet my lips, then I whisper, “I’m sorry about
Vincent…your brother. How are you coping with it?”
“With seeing him die?” Alek asks. There’s a flash of pain in his eyes, and
I hate that I asked the question.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked.”
He shakes his head. “Some days are better than others.”
Unable to stop the question, I ask, “Why did you choose him instead of
Alek takes a deep breath before he answers, “Vincent couldn’t take it
anymore. He reached his limit.” Guilt tightens his features. “I just couldn’t let
Prodi shoot you.”
Climbing to my feet, I wrap my arms around Alek’s neck and hug him as
hard as I can. I press a kiss to his neck while he grabs hold of me.
When I close my eyes, I feel the intense bond between us.
Four years later and I just know I’m already falling in love with him
It’s like we were destined to be together, and nothing will change the fact
that our fates are intertwined.
Chapter 39

I didn’t stay late so Everleigh could get a good night’s rest. With Viktor in
Las Vegas for the meeting with the Priesthood, it gives me the perfect
opportunity to assassinate Brayden Kelly.
If Kelly is keeping tabs on Viktor, he won’t expect the attack.
I park the G-Wagon near the docks, and armed with a sniper gun, a small
rocket launcher, and two of my favorite handguns, I disappear into the
darkness. Dressed in full combat gear, I’m ready for any kind of action.
I’m sure Kelly is prepared for a full-scale attack, and he won’t expect just
one man. At least, that’s what I’m hoping.
With the sniper gun and rocket launcher’s straps flung over my shoulders,
I enter the docks from a side gate that looks like it hasn’t been used in ages.
The lock is rusted and easy to break.
Lightfooted and keeping my head low, I make my way between the
warehouses. Using a fire escape, I scale to the roof, where I’ll have a better
view of the area.
Once I’m on the roof, I move cautiously, my Heckler & Koch drawn and
I find a spot where I can see the street below and settle in for the long
Sure, I can storm the warehouse like the insane man I am, but I have
Everleigh and Vincent to consider. There’s no flying off the handle and
taking unnecessary risks anymore.
So I’ll wait for Kelly to either come or go.
Making sure the sniper rifle and rocket launcher are ready, I lie down on
my stomach and watch as Kelly’s guards smoke one cigarette after the other.
The fuckers are blissfully unaware that I’m here.
I watch them through the rifle’s scope, thinking how easy it would be to
pick them off one by one.
Time crawls by, and sweat beads on the back of my neck. It’s much
warmer in the US than in Russia. It’s been months, and I’m still not used to
the heat.
In the early morning hours, there’s finally movement. Through the scope,
I watch a convoy of SUVs drive toward the warehouse.
I swap the rifle for the rocket launcher, and lining it up with the target, I
launch the missile. It whistles through the air before slamming into the
second SUV. The explosion is bright and loud, and within seconds guards are
scurrying around like a disrupted nest of ants. I launch another missile,
hitting the last SUV in the convoy and effectively barricading the other
I grab the rifle, and using the scope, I scan every man until I spot Kelly,
where he’s being ushered out of an SUV.
With a sadistic smile on my face, I start to pick off all the guards around
Kelly. Like a cat playing with a mouse, I watch him run from cover to cover,
fear etched deep into his features.
“This is what you get for trying to take out my boss, motherfucker,” I
whisper as I watch him make a run for the warehouse.
I fire a shot, hitting him in the left leg, and he plows into the ground. A
guard tries to come to his rescue, but a single shot eliminates the fucker.
I’d love to take more time killing Kelly, but the authorities can show up at
any moment. Pulling the trigger, I bury a bullet into Kelly’s skull, blowing
half his head away.
I grab my phone, and zooming in on Kelly’s body, I take a photo and
send it to St. Monarch’s.
Target eliminated.
I quickly tuck the device back into my pocket, and gathering my
weapons, I run to the edge of the roof and take the fire escape down to the
With a weapon in each hand, I’m on guard for stragglers as I make my
way to the side entrance.
I make it safely to the G-Wagon and load the weapons into the
compartment beneath the backseat before I climb behind the steering wheel.
As I drive away, I let out a breath of relief and check my phone.
There are two messages.
The one from St. Monarch’s verifies the hit and states the funds have
been transferred to my account.
Two point five million.
The other text is from Viktor.
I heard the news. So this is what you’re up to when I’m away?
I type out a reply, then chuckle as I press send.
Needing to let off some steam and just taking care of the problem to
ensure your safety, boss.
A second later, he responds.
Thank you, Alek. I’ll double the payment as reward that you took the
initiative to get the job done.
With a massive grin on my face, I drive back to the estate so I can get two
hours’ sleep before the big day with my family.
Dressed in a suit, I drive to the bookstore to pick up Vincent.
My heart is beating overtime at the thought of taking my son to buy his
first suit. I just hope his will be more comfortable than mine. It’s taking some
time to get used to the formal clothes after wearing combat uniforms for three
When I stop the G-Wagon near the store, I check the area, and when I
don’t see Peter, I hurry out of the vehicle and run toward the entrance.
I slam the door open, and when I see Peter sitting in the corner with a cup
of coffee, I let out a breath of relief.
He jumps to his feet and explains, “Everleigh forced me to come inside,
Sir. She wouldn’t hear otherwise.”
I let out a chuckle and gesture for him to relax.
Everleigh comes out of a row of shelves, and when she sees me, a
beautiful smile spreads over her face.
She’s wearing a light pink dress, and her hair is in a braid.
Christ, I’ll never get used to how beautiful she is.
“Vincent is excited. He hasn’t stopped asking when you’re coming to
pick him up,” she says, but before she can head to the back, I grab hold of her
When I tug her closer to me, her eyes widen slightly, and her lips part.
“Morning, moya malen'kaya lyubov',” I murmur before I lean down to
press a kiss to her cheek.
It’s taking more strength than I have to not kiss the ever-loving shit out of
her. Every ounce of my being needs to become one with this woman.
Letting out a deep breath, I pull back to lock eyes with her. There’s a
flush of pink on her cheeks, and her pupils are dilated.
I can see she wants me, but still, she’s adamant to keep me at a distance.
It’s frustrating as fuck.
“You’re killing me,” I whisper.
She lets out a chuckle. “I’m not doing anything.”
“Yes, you are.” The corner of my mouth lifts. “And you’re enjoying it.”
She gives me a playful look. “No, I’m just making you work for it.”
My smile widens. “I love a challenge, and you’re worth every torturous
I follow Everleigh to the back, and when Vincent sees me, he lets out a
happy shriek. My boy shoots up and runs toward me. Never before has
anyone looked so happy to see me.
Lifting him off his feet, I hold him against my chest. “Are you ready to
get a suit like Daddy’s?”
Excitedly, he says, “Yes!”
“Give Mommy a kiss goodbye,” I order.
He leans toward Everleigh and presses a wet kiss to her cheek. “Bye,
“Bye, baby. Be good for Daddy.”
Worry fills her eyes as she follows us to the door, and it has me saying,
“I’ll message you every ten minutes. We won’t be gone longer than two
She nods, and putting on a brave face, she forces a smile to her mouth.
Before I can stop myself, I lean down and press a kiss to her lips. It’s
quick, but it packs one hell of a punch.
Our eyes lock briefly before I say, “I can’t wait for the third date.”
Her smile turns natural. “Me too.”
With my heart overflowing from happiness, I walk to the G-Wagon with
my son for our first outing.
Chapter 40

Watching Alek drive away with our son, I’m filled with anxiety.
You need to give them alone time together.
I chew on my thumbnail as I stand by the door, my eyes following the G-
Wagon down the road.
God, it’s going to be a long two hours.
Suddenly the brake lights go on, and a second later, the vehicle makes a
Did they forget something?
Alek double parks the G-Wagon, and lowering the window, he calls out,
“Lock up and come with us.”
My eyebrows fly up. “Really?”
He lets out a chuckle as he nods. “Yeah. I hate knowing you’ll be worried
the entire time we’re gone.”
I let out a happy shriek, and rushing to the counter, I grab my handbag.
Thankfully, Peter is already leaving the store, and I can lock up quickly.
I hurry to the passenger side, yank the door open, and climb inside.
Giving Alek a happy smile, I say, “Thank you.”
His gaze is tender as he murmurs, “Anything for you.”
Anything for me.
It’s only been a couple of days, but this man is making quick work of
winning my heart.
Not that he ever lost it.
“Yay,” Vincent says from the back seat. I glance over my shoulder, and
seeing him strapped into a car seat, Alek scores more points with me.
I pull on my safety belt as Alek steers the vehicle down the road again. I
don’t care about closing the store for the day.
Suddenly Alek reaches across the center console, and he takes hold of my
hand. I feel my cheeks flush when he rests my palm on his muscled thigh.
My mind goes straight to the gutter as I think about how close my fingers
are to his manhood.
I quickly glance out the window, taking deep breaths, but it does nothing
to calm the butterflies in my stomach.
My attraction for Alek was instant, and because of our forced proximity,
while we were held captive, I fell in love with him at the speed of light.
But this time, it’s different. There’s no fear and panic to distract me.
Alek is a million times more intense than I remember. His grins and
smirks are hotter than the surface of the sun.
The way he looks at me makes me feel like I’m the only woman he sees.
Were there others over the past four years, or did he remain loyal to me
the way I stayed faithful to him?
“What are you thinking about?” he asks, his tone soft.
“Ahh…” I turn my gaze to him before asking, “Did you date during the
past four years?”
I’m surprised when he shakes his head. “You’re the only woman I want.”
My heart threatens to burst from my chest as I stare at the handsome man
beside me.
He might be older and rougher around the edges, but he’s still my Alek.
“I’ve changed my mind,” I say.
His eyes flick to me. “About?”
“The no-kissing rule until after the third date.”
A smile curves his lips. “If you tell me I have to wait longer, I’m going to
take a page out of Vincent’s book and throw a tantrum.”
Letting out a burst of laughter, I shake my head. “Don’t you dare.”
“Mommy will give you a spanking,” Vincent says from the back seat.
Alek’s smile widens even more, and it becomes mischievous. “Is that
right? Hmm…sounds like a good time to me.”
“Alek!” I give him a pointed look.
“Sorry,” he chuckles. “I couldn’t resist.” He places his hand on top of
mine. “So, how long do I have to wait to kiss you?”
“It all depends on whether you behave today,” I tease him. “And if the
date goes well, I might let you kiss me tonight.”
He squeezes my hand and gives me a playful grin. “So either I behave,
and I get a kiss, or I misbehave and get a spanking. That’s a tough choice to
“You’re incorrigible,” I mutter, trying but failing to hide my smile.
Alek finds a parking and brings the G-Wagon to a stop. Before he allows
me to take off my safety belt, he lifts my hand to his mouth and presses a kiss
to my fingers.
My stomach constantly flutters, and I’m overly aware of every movement
Alek makes.
I think it’s safe to say I’m crushing hard on the man.
When we climb out of the vehicle, Alek and I each take one of Vincent’s
hands. It feels like we’re a real family as we walk into the store.
“Mr. Aslanhov. Back so soon?” A middle-aged man asks. “I hope
everything is right with the suits we made for you.”
“I’m here for a suit for my son,” Alek says. He picks Vincent up and
walks closer to the store attendant. “We need the suit for tonight.”
“I’m sure we can find something for the little master.” He gestures to a
row where there are children’s sizes. “This way, sir.”
I glance around at all the expensive clothes, then look at the immaculate
suit Alek is wearing.
I have no idea what Alek’s financial situation is, and I wonder how well
he gets paid. Not that it matters. I’m just curious.
I watch as the store attendant shows suit after suit to Vincent, who keeps
looking at Alek for approval.
Alek chooses a little black tuxedo, and when Vincent fits it on, he looks
so freaking adorable.
“Do I look like Daddy?” Vincent asks.
I crouch in front of him, adjusting the lapels of the jacket. “Yes. You’re
just as handsome as your father.”
When I rise to my feet, and I catch Alek staring at me with heat
simmering in his eyes, my abdomen clenches, and I struggle to form a
coherent thought.
This is what I wanted. To be swept off my feet.
It’s safe to say I’m on cloud nine and enjoying every second of it.

As promised, Alek had a dress delivered to my house.

It’s a vision of green silk that fits me like a glove. I curled my hair for the
date and took extra time to do my makeup.
When Alek opens the car door for me and helps me to climb out, I feel
He’s also dressed in a black suit, matching Vincent’s tuxedo, and as we
walk into the lavish restaurant, I’m struck with awe.
The ceilings are painted midnight blue with stars that twinkle in the
electric light.
I’ve never heard of Galileo, and if it weren’t for Alek bringing us here,
I’d probably never eat at a place like this.
We’re shown to our seats, and once we're sitting at our table, I keep
glancing at all the extravagance.
“How did you find this restaurant?” I ask.
“Alexei recommended it.” Alek reaches for my hand. “I wanted our first
date to be special.”
I give him a shy smile. “Thank you.”
His eyes drift over me, and with absolute reverence, he murmurs, “You’re
a work of art, Everleigh.”
I bask in the attention he’s giving me until a waitress brings menus to our
“My name is Celia, and I’ll be your server for the evening. Would you
like anything to drink while you decide what to eat?” she asks.
The woman is trying to keep things professional, but her eyes wander to
Alek every few seconds.
I don’t blame you, Celia. You can look but don’t dare touch him.
My thoughts startle me, and I pick up the menu, trying to focus on the
selection of foods.
Geez, jealous much, Everleigh?
Alek orders a soda for Vincent and a bottle of wine for us. When Celia
walks away, he gives me a knowing smirk.
“No, don’t tell me it was written all over my face?” I gasp.
His eyes have a playful expression as he teases me, “Babe, it looked like
you were a second away from launching yourself over the table at the
I let out a groan. “I’d never do that.”
Alek leans closer until I feel his breath skimming over my ear. “I like that
you’re possessive of me. The feeling is mutual.”
Trying to play my jealousy issues off as nothing, I say, “I was just caught
off guard. I don’t have a problem with other women looking at you.”
The man gives me a devilish grin. “You’ve always been a bad liar.”
“Can I have fish fingers?” Vincent asks, saving me from the conversation.
“I’m not sure they serve it here.” I glance over the menu, then ask, “How
about chicken wings, baby?”
“Okaaay,” he agrees reluctantly.
“What are you in the mood for?” Alek asks.
My cheeks flush, and I study the menu as if I’ll write an exam about the
contents later. “Ahh…everything looks good.”
Not wanting anything stuck in my teeth, I decide on gourmet soup. Alek
chooses smoked trout, and when Celia comes to the table to pour the wine, he
gives her our order.
Lifting our glasses, we wait for Vincent to take hold of his soda before we
clink our glasses together.
“Here’s to our happily ever after,” Alek says.
My heart is full as I take a piece of paper and crayons out of my handbag
so Vincent can draw.
I take a sip of my wine then look at Alek.
“I have to ask,” I say, and when he nods, I continue, “What’s with the
“Did you expect me to wear a combat uniform?” he teases. He lets out a
chuckle, “That would make things a little too obvious. Plus, Viktor wants us
to present a professional front.”
Professional, my butt. Alek looks like a wet dream in a suit. If anything, it
only draws more attention to him.
We stare at each other for a moment, then he says, “I’ve ordered tracking
devices from St. Monarch’s. As soon as they arrive, I need you and Vincent
to always wear them.”
“What do they look like?”
“Yours is a ring, and Vincent’s is a wristwatch. As he gets older, I’ll get
him something else.” Alek takes a little fob out of his pocket. “Also, carry
this on you at all times. You can attach it to your keychain.”
Taking the fob, I turn it over in my fingers. “What’s it for?”
“It’s a panic button. If you need help, just press it.”
“Great.” Teasing him, I say, “Next time the drain gets blocked, I’ll be
sure to press it.”
He lets out a chuckle. “That smart mouth will get you kissed.”
My eyes flick to his, and I’m hit with a wave of desire.
Chapter 41

I feel the date was a massive success as I carry my sleeping son into the
Everleigh helps to change him out of the tuxedo and into his pajamas
before I pull the covers over him and press a kiss to his forehead.
I leave Everleigh to whisper good night to our son and walk to the living
I’m fucking nervous. There’s been such a huge build-up to the kiss, and I
feel pressured not to fuck it up.
Shrugging my suit jacket off, I roll up the sleeves of my dress shirt. My
eyes keep flicking to the hallway, but when too much time passes and there’s
no sign of Everleigh, I frown.
What’s keeping her?
I check that the front door is locked, and when she’s still MIA, I head
down the hallway.
I peek into Vincent’s room, and not seeing her, I walk to her bedroom. I
nudge the door open, and hearing running water, I slowly move closer to the
A smile spreads over my face when I catch her staring at her reflection in
the mirror.
“You’re a confident woman. It’s just a kiss. Don’t pass out on the man.
Jesus.” She places a trembling hand over her stomach. “The butterflies are
going to make me puke. Crap. No puking. That would be a sure turn-off.”
Fucking. Cute.
Sneaking back to the living room, I take a seat and make myself
I hear her soft footsteps coming down the hallway and quickly pull out
my phone, pretending to read something.
“Hey,” she whispers.
As I glance up, I tuck the device away. “Hey.”
She’s changed out of the dress into a pair of leggings and a T-shirt.
“Soooo….” She gives me an anxious look. “Ahh…do you want some
I shake my head and pat the cushion beside me. “Come sit, moya
malen'kaya lyubov'.” Cautiously she moves closer, taking a seat. “Did you
enjoy dinner?”
She nods. “It was really amazing. Thank you.”
“Vincent looked adorable,” I mention.
A smile spreads over her face. “He did.”
“Sorry for keeping you out of work today,” I say, wanting to make her
feel comfortable before I kiss her.
“I’ll catch up tomorrow.” She leans back and lets out a relieved sigh. The
tension leaves her face. “I’ll have to get the tuxedo dry-cleaned.”
I reach for the side of her head and brush the strands of hair away. “I’ll
take care of it.”
Her eyes flit over my face, and I can see she’s waiting for me to make my
“I’m not going to kiss you tonight,” I say, wanting to see her reaction.
Her face goes slack before a frown forms on her forehead. “Oh…okay.”
Seeing how disappointed she is, I grip hold of her hips and pull her onto
my lap. When she’s straddling me, I lift my hands to her face. The fingers of
my left hand slip into her silky hair, and I brush over the soft skin along her
jawline with my right hand.
“Did you have sleepless nights because of me?”
“The past four years.”
When she nods, I feel a sense of relief. It wasn’t just me.
“So, at least I crossed your mind?”
Again she nods. “Every day.”
I stare at her until the world falls away. “I needed to hear that. It felt like I
was the only one who remembered the bond we formed in that room.”
Everleigh brings her hands to the sides of my neck, and with a world of
affection in her eyes, she admits, “I never forgot, Alek.” She leans closer and
softly presses her mouth to mine. It’s only for a moment before she pulls
back. “We’ll always have a special connection.”
This time I won’t tolerate a ‘but.’
I pull her closer again, and with an inch between us, I keep her eyes
imprisoned as I say, “You’re embedded in my soul, Everleigh. To remove
you would rip me apart.” Emotion washes over her features, and I move a
little closer. “You’re the only woman for me. Always and forever.”
“Alek,” she breathes, an expression of awe on her face.
Again I just stare at her, letting the tension build between us.
I move close enough to brush my lips against hers, and I hear how her
breath catches in her throat.
Lowering my right hand to her neck, I feel her pulse racing beneath her
The corners of my mouth lift, and I watch as the anticipation becomes too
much for her.
Everleigh is breathless, desperation darkening her eyes.
Unable to bear a second longer, my lips claim hers. She gasps from the
intensity between us, and I thrust my tongue into her mouth.
I taste the sweetness of Everleigh and instantly get drunk. Gripping her
tighter, I tilt my head before I devour her as if she’s the last meal I’ll ever
She lets out a moan, her fingers weaving into my hair.
Everleigh kisses me back with the same amount of passion, and it ignites
an inferno between us.
“Oh God,” she whimpers right before she seals her mouth to mine again.
Holding her to me, I adjust myself on the couch to sit up straighter, the
kiss becoming wild and bordering on filthy. I’m a second away from losing
control, but I can’t bring myself to stop.
Everleigh’s so caught up in the kiss, I don’t think she realizes when she
starts to grind down on my cock.
I swear I see stars, and my body tenses. My cock weeps to be freed, and I
struggle to focus on anything.
Again she rubs her pussy against me, and I groan from the sweet torture
she’s inflicting on me.
You can’t fuck her tonight.
Down, boy!
K chertu moyu zhizn'.
Unable to control myself, my hands wander to her breasts, and feeling the
soft swells beneath her shirt, it feels like I’m going to spontaneously
Our tongues fight for control, our teeth nip, and our lips massage. I’m
consumed by this woman.
I’m obsessed with every inch of her.
This is what I wanted.
Gripping her tightly, I hold her to me as I climb to my feet. With long and
determined strides, I carry her to her bedroom and take a second to shut the
door behind us.
I move to the bed, and still kissing the hell out of her, I lower her to the
She breaks the kiss for a moment. “We should probably stop.”
“Uh-huh,” I mumble as I claim her mouth again.
I lower my body on top of hers, and resting my forearms on either side of
her head, I lose myself in the kiss.
Time falls away, and for all I know, we kiss straight through the night.
Everleigh spreads her legs beneath me, and my cock settles against the
heat coming from her pussy.
Fuck waiting.
Breaking the kiss, my lips burn a path down her neck. I push her shirt up,
and before she can tell me to stop, I rip the fabric over her head, and my
mouth latches onto her hard nipple.
“Oh God,” she moans.
Her fingers grip my hair, but instead of pulling me away, she pushes me
harder into her breast.
She can fucking suffocate me for all I care.
I massage her other breast and take my fill of her nipples before I move
My eyes lock on the scars from the three bullet wounds, and my heart
I kiss each one, thanking all that’s holy, she didn’t die.
My little fighter beat all the odds.
Gripping hold of her leggings and panties, I pull them down her legs.
When I have her naked beneath me, I lose my breath at the sight of her.
We’ve had sex twice, and not once did I see her naked.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, moya malen'kaya lyubov.'”
I push her legs wider apart, and it has Everleigh making a squeaking
She was inexperienced before we met, and she hasn’t been with anyone
since we escaped.
I’m going to take a wild guess that no one’s gone down on her.
My suspicion is proven right when she asks, “Uhm…what are you doing
down there?”
Chuckling, I murmur, “I’m about to blow your mind. Hold onto
“What?” she whisper-shrieks, but the sound is cut short when my mouth
latches onto her clit.
Unable to go slow, I devour her pussy until she’s dripping with arousal.
Remembering how tight she was, I push a finger inside her to stretch her.
I want my woman ready, so she’ll enjoy it when I fuck her.
Chapter 42

It was just supposed to be a kiss, but with Alek’s head between my legs, I
can’t bring myself to stop him.
All my intentions of taking things slowly have flown out the window.
My body is wound tight, and I grab hold of Alek’s head to make sure he
doesn’t stop.
I almost died of embarrassment when he stared a the valley between my
legs, but the moment he started sucking and licking my clit, the pleasure was
too good, and the embarrassment went out the window, along with my
He pushes a finger inside me, and my butt lifts off the bed. My hips
swivel, and I shamelessly rub myself against his mouth.
“Crap,” I gasp. “Alek.”
The man goes to town on my clit while fingering the ever-loving hell out
of me.
Pleasure explodes through my abdomen, and my body convulses from the
intensity. The orgasm overpowers me, and whimpers and moans spill from
my lips.
I’m too loud.
I quickly cover my mouth with both hands, and Alek doesn’t let up on my
clit. He keeps going, prolonging the intense ecstasy washing through me and
turning my body into a quivering mess.
I’m numb when he finally lifts his head, and again he kisses the three
scars as he works his way up my body.
I pull my hands away from my mouth and whisper, “That was amazing.”
His eyes lock with mine, then he only thinks to ask, “Are you okay with
us continuing?”
I sit up, and pushing him backward until he steps off the bed, I say, “We
are definitely continuing.”
I pull his tie free before I undo the buttons of his shirt. Climbing off the
bed, I push the fabric over his shoulders and let it fall to the floor.
His chest and abs are a work of art, and I drag my fingertips over the hard
muscle. There’s a scar on his side and another by his shoulder. They weren’t
there before.
Lowering my hands to his belt, I undo it before unbuttoning his dress
pants and pulling down the zipper.
I push my hands beneath the fabric, and my eyes dart up to his as I nudge
the fabric down his legs.
Alek kicks off his shoes, and stepping out of his pants and boxers, he
removes his socks.
I move in behind him so I can see his back, and emotion wells in my
chest from all the scars crisscrossing over his skin. I trail my fingers over the
marks, clearly remembering every strike of the whip.
Pressing my face to his back, I whisper, “I never got to thank you for
everything you did to protect me.”
“You don’t have to thank me,” he murmurs.
I walk around him again, and when we’re standing face-to-face, I drink in
the sight of his muscled body.
His cock is bigger than I remember, and I hope to God it doesn’t hurt like
the first time we had sex.
Alek grips hold of my hips and tugs me against his body. Feeling his
hardness pressing against my stomach, my cheeks flush.
“It’s the first time I’ve been fully naked in front of a man,” I admit.
When I lost my virginity, the guy was in such a hurry because we were
parked at a mall, we didn’t even undress.
The second time I had sex was when Alek and I were forced.
The third time it was too dark to see anything.
A smile spreads over Alek’s face. “So I’m the only man who will ever see
you naked?”
When I nod, a look of satisfaction tightens his features.
Alek lifts a hand and brushes my hair out of my face. “Good.”
“You’re such a caveman,” I tease him.
He lifts me from my feet, and a moment later, my back hits the mattress.
He crawls over my body but pauses before lying down. “Do you have
I shake my head, and the look of devastation on his face almost makes me
“I’m on the pill.”
Instantly he frowns at me. “Why? You’re not sexually active.”
“It’s to regulate my periods. They were all over the place after I gave
birth to Vincent.”
“Christ,” he mutters as he slumps down on top of me.
Feeling his full weight and naked body against mine has my desire for
him skyrocketing.
Alek stares into my eyes, his love for me making the golden flecks shine.
He lowers his head, and his mouth claims mine again.
God, I could get lost in his kisses.
His hands move over my body, and it feels like he’s trying to memorize
every curve and inch of my skin.
Moving my hands to his shoulders, I brush my fingers down his muscled
back. Reaching the dip of his lower back, I almost hesitate before I grip his
While Alek kisses me with a burning passion, he braces his forearm next
to my head, and reaching down between us, he adjusts himself at my
He breaks the kiss, and pressing his forehead to mine, our eyes lock.
The corner of his mouth lifts, and with a world of love in his eyes, he
slowly pushes inside me.
The air tenses, and something vibrates between us. My heart fills with
uncontrollable love, and I quickly become emotional.
There’s an uncomfortable pain, but nothing unbearable as he fills me
completely, and then some.
With his pelvis pressed to mine, we’re finally one after the longest four
years of our lives.
We keep staring at each other, and I see the boy I learned to love under
traumatic circumstances. I also see the man who never stopped loving me.
I see my past, present, and future.
Totally overwhelmed, my face crumbles, and I sob, “I love you so much,
His eyes mist up, and I see the same emotions on his face. There’s intense
relief as well.
His voice is hoarse as he says, “Thank you for coming back to me.”
“I was right here waiting for you,” I whisper.
Our bubble wraps around us, and just like in the dark room, there’s only
us as Alek begins to move.
“You’re even tighter than I remember,” He groans.
At first he keeps a slow pace giving me time to adjust to his size, but the
moment the sound of my arousal fills the air, his features tighten, and he
loses control.
“Fuck, it’s been forever. I’m not going to last long.” His voice is hoarse,
and his body quivers.
I open my legs as wide as I can to give him full access to me, and placing
my hands on his shoulders, I dig my nails into his skin. “You feel so good.”
Alek lifts his chest off mine, and bracing both hands on either side of my
head, he begins to slam into me. His thrusts are powerful, and my body jerks
with each one.
“Blyadʹ! ya lyublyu tvoyu kisku. Ty takoy mokryy dlya menya,” he says,
and the fact that he’s switched to Russian tells me he’s close.
He probably can’t think straight enough to speak English.
I lower my hands to his ass, and gripping him tightly, I let out a moan as I
meet him thrust for thrust.
In seconds, Alek’s body jerks against mine. I feel his manhood grow even
bigger right before a groan of pure satisfaction escapes him.
Totally captivated, I watch as pleasure tightens his features.
I’m so close and keep rubbing my clit against his pelvis for the friction I
Even though he’s orgasmed, Alek doesn’t stop. He adjusts his angle, and
I swear the world lights up with a million stars. I don’t know if I’m coming or
going as intense pleasure almost renders me unconscious.
I can barely breathe, and my vision goes spotty for a moment.
The orgasm is too intense, and I can only manage a whimper. I feel
Alek’s mouth claim mine, and he kisses the hell out of me while we come
down from our highs.
Chapter 43

We’re lying on our sides, and with Everleigh in my arms, her naked body
nestled against mine, we just stare at each other.
I don’t know what I did to deserve this miracle, but I’m so fucking
thankful I have her back.
Slowly, I keep brushing my fingers through her hair, drinking in every
inch of her beautiful face.
“I love you,” I whisper.
“I love you too.”
Hearing her say the words and knowing she’s mine to keep, a smile lifts
the corners of my mouth.
“I love you,” I say again.
She lets out a chuckle. “I love you too.”
Everleigh uses her body to push me onto my back before she straddles
me. I’ve been hard for a while, but I don’t push her to have sex again. I
remember she was sore the first two times, and the last thing I want to do is
hurt my woman.
She brushes the tip of her finger over the bullet wound on my shoulder.
“How did you get this scar?”
I let out a chuckle, and still unable to lie to her, I admit, “Viktor shot me.”
Her eyes widen, and she gasps. “What? Why?”
“Misha, Armani, and I disobeyed a direct order. He could’ve killed one of
us but instead just shot me in the shoulder as punishment.”
“That’s freaking insane.” A dark frown forms on her forehead. “Now I
like him even less, and I didn’t like him to begin with.”
Doing some damage control, I say, “It’s the way things work in our
world. Viktor is a good man. If he doesn’t enforce the law, all hell will break
Everleigh keeps scowling at me.
“I fucked up and had to pay the price. Don’t hold it against Viktor.”
She turns her attention to the scar on my side. “How did you get this one?
It looks new.”
“We were attacked a couple of weeks back. A bullet just grazed me.”
Her eyes narrow on me. “Do you hear how this sounds?”
“How what sounds?”
She slaps my shoulder. “How am I supposed to live knowing you can be
hurt or killed at any second?”
“I’ll be more careful at work.”
“You better!” she huffs. “I refuse to spend every day worrying about you.
I want to know you’ll come home to us.”
Grinning like an idiot, I ask, “Home? Does that mean you’re good with us
living together?”
She does a double take, looking a little startled. “No, that’s not what I
“Yes, it is.”
Everleigh surprises me by gripping hold of my cock and positioning me
at her entrance she slides down on me. “That’s…not what…I said,” she
“Uh-huh,” I mumble, too focused on the feel of her wrapped around me.
I sit up, and taking hold of her ass, I keep hold of her as I pull out before
thrusting deep into her.
I keep the pace slow, and with our eyes lock, she wraps her arms around
my neck.
“You feel so good,” I groan.
“Russian,” she gasps.
“Luchshe derzhis' krepche, potomu chto ya sobirayus' zhestko tebya
“God,” she moans, her inner walls clamping around me like a vice.
“Ty moi, Everleigh.” Our faces are an inch apart, and nothing else exists
at this moment. “Ty moy. Vechno i navsegda.”
Her features tense, and I can see she’s close. “What does it mean?”
I keep filling her with hard thrusts, my own orgasm threatening to tear
through me. “Better hold onto something 'cause I’m about to fuck you hard.”
I flip her onto her back, and gripping hold of her hips, I kneel between her
legs and slam back into her. “You’re mine. Forever and always.”
Everleigh explodes, and I feel as her orgasm hits.
I move faster, fucking her with all my strength. She covers her mouth
with her hands, muffling the sound of her scream as I fuck her raw.
My orgasm barrels through my body, but I’m unable to stop. There’s so
much friction between us, I clench my jaw, and within seconds another wave
of pleasure hits Everleigh.
She begins to weep from the ecstasy, and I’ve never seen anything more
beautiful than her.
My body slumps against hers, and breathless, we ride the last of our
Lifting my head, I press a kiss to her mouth before saying, “So, you’re
moving in with me?”
Everleigh lets out a burst of laughter and shakes her head. “No. It’s way
too soon.”
“Mommy,” Vincent calls.
I’m up in a flash and rush to the bathroom.
“Mommy’s coming,” Everleigh replies. “Shit.”
A moment later, I hear the door open and close, and I let out a breath of
relief. I don’t want to scar my son for life.
Chuckling, I walk back into the room and put on my boxers.
When I check the time, I notice it’s only three am.
I open the door and walk to Vincent’s room, where Everleigh is stripping
the sheets off.
“Did he wet the bed?”
“I’m sorry,” Vincent sniffles and my eyes dart to my boy, who’s busy
putting on clean pajama shorts.
“Hey, no, accidents happen.” I walk closer, and picking him up, I wipe
the tears from his face.
“It’s because he fell asleep in the car. He didn’t go to the bathroom when
we got home,” Everleigh explains.
Only then does Vincent realize it’s the middle of the night, and I’m still
here. “You didn’t leave! I want to sleep by you.”
My eyes dart to Everleigh. “It’s going to be a tight fit.” A horrified
expression tightens her features. “On the bed. All three of us on the bed.”
Letting out a burst of laughter, I carry Vincent to Everleigh’s room.
I place Vincent down in the middle of the bed and lie down beside him.
His eyes flit over my chest, then he touches the scar on my shoulder.
“You have an owie?”
“No. It doesn’t hurt.”
“Because you’re strong?”
When I nod, he snuggles against my chest. “Night, Daddy.”
My boy is lights out by the time Everleigh comes into the bedroom. She
turns off the light and climbs into bed on the other side of Vincent.
I reach over our son and rest my hand on her hip.
“I’m going to be dead at work,” she whispers.
“Take the day off.”
She lets out a soft chuckle. “You’re a bad influence.”
“You still love me,” I tease her.
“Yeah, I do.”
“Get some sleep, moya malen'kaya lyubov'.”
Just as quick as Vincent, Everleigh drifts off to sleep. I lie awake listening
to their soft breaths, and calmness I’ve never felt before settles in my heart.

Before I have to take Viktor to the office for a meeting, I create a three-way
call between Misha, Armani, and myself.
Misha is the first to answer. “Wow. It’s the second time you’ve called me
in a row. Miracles are happening.”
Armani’s face appears, and seeing Misha and me, a wide smile curves his
mouth. “This is a surprise.”
“Before Misha spoils the surprise, I have news. Get Tiana,” I say.
Seconds later, Tiana’s cheek is pressed against Armani’s.
“It’s so good to see you, Alek,” she says.
“I have good news and good news,” I tease. They all give me expectant
looks. “Everleigh’s alive.”
There’s a collective cheer, and Tiana actually looks like she’s going to
cry. “Oh, my God. How did you even find her?”
“I found her at Viktor’s house. Turns out she’s friends with Rosalie.”
“That must’ve been so emotional. How are you holding up?” Armani
Misha just watches with a huge smile on his face.
“It was a shit show. I kind of lost my mind,” I admit. “But everything has
been straightened out.” I grin at them. “And I have a son. Everleigh named
him after Vincent.”
“What the fuck?” Armani mutters in disbelief.
“Yep. I’m a father. My boy is three years old.”
“Jesus,” Tiana whispers. “Your entire life has changed.”
“For the better,” Misha adds his two cents. “I’m happy for you, brother.”
“Yes, we’re so happy for you,” Tiana agrees.
“You found your woman,” Armani says. “But is she willing to pick up
where you left off?”
“Yes. She’s as amazing as I remember. It’s like we were meant to love
each other.”
Unable to hold back the tears, Tiana sniffles, “God, this is the best news
ever. Have you told Mama?”
“Not yet, and don’t you dare tell her before me,” I warn them.
“We won’t,” Tiana promises.
We talk for a long while and take the opportunity to catch up on each
other's lives.
By the time we end the call, my face hurts from all the smiling, but my
heart is full.
Things are finally starting to go right for me.
Chapter 44

Lifting Vincent out of his car seat, I set him down so he can run to the
playground, where Jonas is waiting for him.
“I have a Daddy,” he shouts for everyone to hear.
Grinning from ear to ear, I walk to where Rosalie is sitting on a bench.
I take a moment to peek into the stroller and brush my hand over
Roman’s hair. “Hi, sweetie.”
He’s chewing on a teething ring looking content to be at the park.
Smiling at Rosalie, I say, “Sorry for keeping you waiting.”
“I’ve only just gotten here.” Her eyes scan my face. “It feels like it’s been
ages since I last saw you. How are you doing?”
Has it been that long?
After doing a quick calculation, I chuckle, “It’s been three days.”
“When you’re worried about your friend, it’s an eternity,” she mutters.
To put her at ease, I say, “I’m good, Rosalie. There’s no need to worry.”
A smile brightens her face. “So, I’ve noticed Alek’s hardly home. Is there
something you want to share?”
I check on Vincent, and when I see him on the jungle gym with Jonas, I
turn my attention back to my friend.
“Alek and I talked about everything.”
She lifts her eyebrows, giving me an impatient look.
“Things are good between us.”
“And?” She gestures with her hand for me to share more.
“We kissed.”
Well, we did more than kiss, but she doesn’t need to know that.
Rosalie lets out a happy shriek, startling the other mothers. “I’m so happy
to hear that! How was it?”
A burst of laughter escapes me. “It was really good.” I widen my eyes.
“Like mindblowing good.”
“Eeek…I’m so happy for you.” She scoots closer. “Are you a couple?”
I nod, and it has her grabbing my arm. “This is the best news. I was
worried things wouldn’t work out.”
“I just needed time to adjust.” I glance at Vincent again. “It was actually
easier than I thought it would be to pick up where we left off.”
“Has he asked you to move in with him? It would be so awesome to be
I shake my head at her. “He asked, but I said no. It’s not that I don’t want
to live with him. I’m just apprehensive about the whole bratva thing.”
A look of understanding settles in Rosalie’s eyes. “It can be a little
intimidating at first, but there’s nowhere you’ll be safer. I promise.” She
gives me a hopeful look. “We’re having a BBQ on Saturday to welcome you
to the fold. I think it will be a good opportunity to meet everyone.”
I glance at Vincent again as I think about the invite. The bratva is an
integral part of Alek’s life. There’s no avoiding them.
And I really like Rosalie.
Turning my gaze back to my friend, I nod. “We’ll be there.”
She lets out another shriek. “You won’t regret it. I promise.”
“Who will I meet?” I ask, wanting to be prepared.
“Alexei and Isabella. My in-laws. I’m pretty sure Mariya and Luca will
also be there. And their twins, of course.”
“Who are Maryia and Luca?”
“Maryia is Alexei’s daughter, and Luca is the head of the Italian mafia.”
My eyebrows fly up. “Just great. The bratva and the mafia.”
“You’ll see, we’re all normal people like you.”
Yeah, I don’t think so.

When Alek steers the G-Wagon through the iron gates of the estate, I’m once
again struck by how huge and extravagant the grounds and mansions are.
There’s a stretch of lawn between two mansions, a fountain in the middle.
Everyone’s already sitting on lawn chairs, and I see Viktor is busy setting up
a grill.
“You okay?” Alek asks.
Not really, but I’ll fake it until I make it.
He brings the vehicle to a stop, and we all climb out.
Before I can take Vincent’s hand, he runs toward Roman, who’s standing
on wobbly legs next to Rosalie’s chair.
My gaze touches on a beautiful woman who looks more like a queen than
anything else. Next to her sits a man who, I guess, is Luca. He lets out a bark
of laughter when Alexei says something to him.
One of the older women spots me, and getting up, she walks toward us.
Holy crap.
She moves with so much grace I feel a little intimidated.
“This must be Everleigh. I’ve heard so much about you.” She gives me a
comforting smile, and surprisingly it sets me at ease. “I’m Isabella. Alexei’s
We shake hands. “It’s a pleasure meeting you.”
If I remember correctly, she rescues sex slaves.
“I’ve heard amazing things about you,” I add.
“Come, let me introduce you to everyone.” As we walk toward the group,
she calls out, “Everleigh is here.”
Everyone’s attention turns to me, and I feel like a bug under a
Alek places his hand on my lower back, and I move closer to his side.
Isabella gestures at one person at a time. “This is my daughter, Mariya,
and my son-in-law, Luca.”
“Hi.” My stomach is a tight ball of nerves.
She moves on to another couple. “This is Viktor’s father, Demitri, and his
wife, Ariana.”
“Hi.” I squeak again. I clear my throat before saying, “It’s a pleasure
meeting you.”
“You’ve met everyone else,” Isabella says, but then she adds, “Oh wait.
Those two are my grandsons, Alex and Lucian. Alex has the same name as
my husband, so to avoid confusion, we shortened his name.”
“Got it.”
Rosalie gets up, and giving me a wide smile, she comes to hug me. “I’m
so glad you came.”
“I almost chickened out a couple of times,” I admit.
“Come sit by me.”
I’m pulled toward an open chair, and as I take a seat, I smile at Alexei
and Viktor. “Thank you for having me over.”
“You’re welcome, little one,” Alexei says.
Alek asks Viktor, “Anything I can help with?”
“Sit and take a load off,” his boss orders.
Alexei takes a seat to my right, shifting his chair closer. “I hear you have
a bookstore?”
“Yes, I opened it before Vincent was born.”
“I take it you like to read?”
I nod. “I love books.”
“What’s your favorite?”
I frown at the man like he's lost his mind. “It’s impossible to choose a
“Okay.” I see a teasing glint in his eyes. “Give me your top five.”
“You’re torturing her, Alexei,” Alek chuckles.
“I know,” Alexei admits. “It’s fun.”
I shake my head at the retired bratva boss. “What’s your favorite book?”
“The Art of War,” he answers without hesitating.
“Why am I not surprised,” I mutter.
“Would you like something to drink?” Viktor asks me.
“Ahh…what do you have?”
“A glass of wine would be nice. Semi-sweet?”
I watch as he walks to a table with various drinks available, and on the
spur of the moment, I get up and join him.
“I’ll just grab a soda for Vincent,” I say. Picking up the bottle, I pour
some into a red solo cup. My eyes dart to Viktor, who’s focused on pouring
wine into a glass.
“Is there something you want to ask?”
His eyes flick to me.
“Can you give it to me straight? How dangerous will it be for Vincent and
me if I continue this relationship with Alek?”
Viktor turns his body toward me, a serious expression on his face.
“You’ll be safe here, but I can’t guarantee the same should you decide to stay
in your house. You’re an easy target on your own.”
“In other words, move in as quickly as possible?”
He nods. “The sooner, the better. For your safety and Alek’s sanity. He’s
been through hell the past four years. I’ve never seen him this happy,
Everleigh. There’s no reason to fight the inevitable.”
“I just wanted to make sure about the safety issue.”
He gestures at his family. “You’re part of the family. I promise nothing
will happen to you.” He pauses momentarily, then adds, “As long as you
don’t do something stupid.”
Is that a threat?
“Like run off on your own. Always take your guards with you.”
“I only have Peter,” I mention.
“You’ll have more,” he assures me. “Alek is important to me, and I’d like
to keep him sane, so your safety is a priority.”
Oh, wow.
“Do you feel better?” he asks.
I nod quickly. “Yes. Thank you for answering my questions.”
I take the cup of soda to Vincent and watch as he drinks some before I
say, “I’ll keep the cup by me, baby. Just come take a sip when you’re
“Okay, Mommy.”
When I take my seat again, I glance at Alek. He winks at me, a grin
tugging at his mouth.
“What did you and Viktor talk about?” Rosalie asks.
“Our safety should Vincent and me move here.”
A happy smile forms on her face. “I can’t wait. It’s going to be so
awesome. Let me know if you need help packing your belongings.”
I get the feeling if I give Alek and Rosalie half a chance, they’d have us
moved in before the sun sets.
I have to admit, though. It’s nice having people in my life who care about
Chapter 45

Watching Everleigh relax makes me relax. I was worried she’d want to leave
early, but the food is almost ready, and it looks like she’s having fun.
“How did you and Viktor meet?” she asks Rosalie.
Oh, Fuck. I spoke too soon.
“I kidnapped her,” Viktor mutters from the grill.
Everleigh laughs, “Funny.” She glances at Rosalie again. “So, how did
you meet?”
“No, really. Viktor kidnapped me a week before my eighteenth birthday.”
Everleigh’s mouth drops open, then her eyes flit to Isabella. “But I
thought you saved people from sex slavery?”
Jesus Christ.
Before I can jump in, Viktor says, “I waited until Rosalie was twenty-one.
Give me credit.”
Rosalie places her hand on Everleigh’s arm. “He was the perfect
gentleman. He basically saved my life by kidnapping me. Then he let me go
and had to save me again. Now he’s stuck with me for life.”
“Oh,” the word pops from Everleigh, then she gives Isabella an
apologetic look. “I’m sorry. The words came out before I could censor them.”
“It’s okay.” Isabella brushes it off as if Everleigh didn’t just insult her.
“But yes, I rescue sex-trafficking victims. It’s a passion of mine.”
“I think it’s amazing.”
“You know what else is amazing?” Alexei asks.
When Everleigh shakes her head, he places a book on her lap. “Read it.
Best work of literature ever.”
“I thought you were joking when you said The Art of War is your favorite
book,” my woman mutters as she pages through it.
“The greatest victory is that which requires no battle,” Alexei quotes the
book. “Sun Tzu was a wise man.”
“I like the sound of that,” Everleigh says, a smile curving her lips. She
starts to read, and Alexei leans closer, pointing out more quotes.
That’s what a father should be like.
Emotion wells in my chest because Alexei is a father to us all.
Needing to hug my son, I get up and walk to where he’s playing with
Alex and Lucian.
He points at me. “This is my daddy.”
I crouch by him and press a kiss to the top of his head before sitting flat
on my ass to play with him.
Minutes later, Viktor calls out, “Food is ready.”
I climb to my feet and lift Vincent to my chest. “Do you want a hotdog,
“Yes. I want two.”
“Please, Daddy.”
It will never get old hearing him call me Daddy.
Everleigh grabs two plates and loads some food onto them. “Sit down so
you can eat.”
“Yes, Mommy,” I say to tease her.
“She’s not your mommy,” Vincent laughs.
“What is she to me?” I ask.
“She’s your…ahh…she’s your wife.”
“From your mouth to God’s ears,” I mutter.
I place Vincent on a chair and wait for Everleigh to give him his plate
before she hands mine to me.
“Thank you, moya malen'kaya lyubov'.”
“You’re welcome.” She goes to get food for herself, and when she sits
beside me, she glances at Demitri. “Is he always so quiet?”
I nod while I swallow a bite of the potato salad. “Demitri is Alexei’s
“What’s a custodian?”
Demitri overhears our conversation and answers, “I protect Alexei.”
“Oh…so like a bodyguard?” Everleigh asks him.
Demitri shakes his head. “No, it’s more than that. I’m sworn to Alexei for
life. Where he goes, I go.”
“Oh wow,” my woman whispers. “How long have you been his
“Almost fifty years.”
“Holy crap.” She lets out a chuckle. “That’s impressive.”
“Eat, moya malen'kaya lyubov',” I remind her.
“Oh, right.”
I lean closer and whisper, “Or you won’t get any dessert later.”
She lets out a burst of laughter before she takes a bite of her flame-grilled

When we get home, Vincent is fast asleep. Before we left the estate, I made
sure he used the bathroom, so hopefully, he won’t wet the bed. I hated how
upset he was the other night.
I help Everleigh change him into his pajamas before I kiss him good
night. I wait for my woman to kiss our son, then taking her hand, I lead her to
the living room.
“So, how do you feel about the BBQ?” I ask.
We sit down on the couch before she answers, “Surprisingly, I enjoyed it.
I really liked talking to Alexei.”
“He’s an amazing person,” I say. “What did you and Viktor talk about?”
“Hmm…wouldn’t you love to know,” she teases me. “I asked him
whether Vincent and I would be safe if we lived on the estate with you.”
“What did he say?”
She takes hold of my hand and links our fingers. “He said you’re
important to him, so that makes our safety a priority because he’d like to keep
you sane.”
I let out a burst of laughter. “And? Has that changed your mind about
moving in sooner?”
She leans her shoulder against the back of the couch, her body facing me.
“I don’t want to sell this house.”
“You can keep it as an investment.” I think for a moment, then
excitement bubbles in my chest. “Or I can rent it from you?”
“That would be stupid. Who would live here?”
“My mother.” My expression grows serious. “I want to bring her to the
US as soon as possible. I hate that she’s all alone in Russia.”
“That would be amazing.” Everleigh gives me a worried look. “Do you
think she will like me?”
“My mother’s a woman of few words. She’s from a different world, but
with time, I’m sure you’ll get along.”
I haven’t told her about Everleigh and Vincent. I wanted to do that in
“Can she speak English?”
I nod. “Yes. She had us all take lessons.”
“When are you going to bring her to the US?”
“I need to talk with Viktor, but as soon as I have a date, I’ll let you
With a bit of luck, I can go get Mama in the next couple of weeks. But I
need Viktor’s approval because I’m also going to settle the score with my
Bringing the conversation back to our original topic, I ask, “When are
you moving in with me?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Everleigh teases me. “It’s all happening a little fast,
don’t you think?”
“Fast, my ass. It’s been four years in the making, Everleigh. I think it’s
long overdue.”
“Well, if you put it that way.” She gives me a playful look. “I guess the
sooner, the better.”
“Are you fucking with me right now?” I ask.
When she shakes her head, I grab her face and kiss the ever-loving shit
out of her. Once she’s breathless and a little dazed, I free her mouth.
“The love of my life and my son is finally coming home to me.”
Love shines from Everleigh’s amber eyes. “Vincent is going to jump out
of his skin when he hears the news.”
I relax against the couch and pull my woman into my arms. “I love it
when he calls me Daddy.”
“He thinks the world of you, Alek.”
A grin spreads over my face. “It makes me feel invincible.”
“How do I make you feel?” she asks.
“Besides constantly turned on?” I ask teasingly. “You make me feel like
the luckiest man alive.”
Everleigh’s expression grows serious again. “I want to open some kind of
investment for Vincent. If something happens to us, I want him to be
financially taken care of. My parents did it for me, and it helped a lot.”
“I’ll set up an investment for him tomorrow,” I say. I’ll transfer half of
the funds I got for the assassination to my son.
Fuck, it feels good to be able to provide for my family.
Chapter 46

Alek has been constantly asking when we’re moving in with him. The man
doesn’t understand it takes time to pack up an entire life.
Of course, he’s offered to bring men over to help, but that’s where I put
my foot down. This is something I want to do myself.
During the day, I go to work, and at night we pack a couple of boxes. It’s
become our routine.
I like taking my time, that way, I can get used to the idea of living with
Sitting behind the counter in the bookstore, I listen to Vincent talking to
his cars while I place an order for new books. One of those books is The Art
of War by Sun Tsu.
I want to read it and see why Alexei loves it so much.
My thoughts turn to the BBQ, and I must admit, I enjoyed it a lot. And
Rosalie was right. Everyone seemed pretty normal.
I don’t know what I expected. Maybe guns and men smoking cigars while
plotting the end of the world?
I let out a bark of laughter. What a stupid thought.
Anyway, I’m really impressed with Isabella and Ariana. I think what they
do is amazing.
I didn’t talk much with Luca or Demitri. I’m a little wary of Luca and
Viktor because of the titles they hold, and Demitri is just a quiet person.
When the doorbell jingles, I expect to see Alek and glance up with a wide
My face freezes at the sight of Barry.
The bastard isn’t welcome in my store after he hurt April.
“Afternoon.” He smiles, and I see the creep he is right through his fake
Standing up from my chair behind the counter, I move a little closer to
Vincent’s corner. “Please leave. You’re not welcome in my store.”
Only then do I remember the panic button Alek gave me, and I quickly
grab my keys.
“Hey now,” Barry says, his hands in the universal sign for ‘I come in
peace.’ “That’s no way to talk to a customer.”
“You’re not my customer,” I say, my tone tight. “Leave.”
Instead of respecting my wishes, Barry saunters closer. “You’re being
very rude.”
“And you’re an abusive asshole. I know you prowl up and down the
street, bothering all the women.”
He lets out a burst of incredulous laughter. “Wow. A nice guy shows you
some attention, and you make a big deal out of it. You’re all kinds of crazy,
He moves closer again, and just then, Vincent comes barreling around the
aisle of books. “Is Daddy here?” His expression turns from excited to
Barry takes a step toward my son, and I hiss, “Stay away from us.”
The doorbell jingles and my eyes flick to Alek as he enters. There’s a
thunderous expression on his face. Honestly, he looks a little unhinged.
Peter is right behind Alek.
Alek walks to Vincent, and picking our son up, he places him in my arms.
“Someone want to tell me what’s going on here? From outside, it looked a
little heated.”
“Barry was just leaving,” I mutter, scowling at the creep.
Barry looks at Alek, and when he daringly raises his chin, my stomach
Oh no.
“I’m talking to the lovely lady,” Barry says to Alek. “Mind your own
My man’s eyebrow lifts, and his eyes narrow. “I am minding my
business. You’re talking to my wife.”
Barry lets out a bark of laughter. “Nice try. She told me she’s a widow.”
His eyes flick to me. “Unless you lied to me.”
“I’m back from the dead, fucker,” Alek growls.
I glance at Alek and explain, “He came in a week or two ago asking me
on a date, and I kept saying no. Then I found out he went on a date with April
from the coffee shop, and when she wouldn’t sleep with him, he gave her a
black eye and a busted lip. He’s apparently been up and down the street,
chatting up all the women.”
“Hey now,” Barry chuckles. “Don’t go spreading more lies.”
Alek moves so fast that I let out a startled shriek when his fist connects
with Barry’s nose. Not even a second passes before he punches Barry again.
Peter stops Barry from falling backward, then Alek orders, “Take him
Alek glances at Vincent and me. “Stay here.”
I watch as the three men leave. They cross the street, but then they
disappear behind the G-Wagon. I hold my breath until I see Alek walking
back to us while he tucks something behind his back and adjusts his jacket.
When he enters the bookstore, he stalks toward us and wraps his arm
around us.
I smell gunpowder, and my eyes widen.
When he pulls back and sees the shock on my face, he takes Vincent from
my arms and sets him on his feet. “Go to your corner, buddy. I just want to
talk to Mommy, then I’ll come to play with you.”
“Okay, Daddy.”
Vincent runs off, and Alek tilts his head to catch my eyes. “Are you okay,
moya malen'kaya lyubov'?”
I nod a couple of times before focusing on his concerned face. “Did you
shoot Barry?” I whisper so Vincent won’t hear.
Alek lifts his hands, and when he frames my face, I smell the gunpowder
“Don’t worry about the fucker. He won’t bother you again.”
I widen my eyes at Alek. “You can’t just shoot people!”
“The fuck I can’t,” he snaps. “No one insults and harasses my wife. No
His wife. Alek keeps calling me that.
That’s not what you should focus on!
“Still, you can’t go around killing people,” I argue. “It’s not right.”
“In my world, it is, Everleigh. It’s my priority to keep you and Vincent
safe. If it means I have to kill half the people on this planet, then I’ll do it.”
Don’t you dare freaking swoon, Everleigh.
I stare at Alek, and seeing he’s dead serious, I know I’m not going to win
this argument.
We stare at each other for a moment before he leans down and presses a
tender kiss to my mouth. When he lifts his head, he whispers, “I will never
allow anyone to hurt you again. Give me the freedom to protect you the only
way I know how.”
This is who Alek is and who he will always be.
He comes from a world of violence, which I have experienced firsthand.
There’s no telling what Barry would’ve done if Alek didn’t stop him.
Down the road, he could’ve become an abusive husband or a freaking serial
killer. He could’ve been one of the bratva’s enemies.
I can’t trust people will do the good thing. Not in our world.
“Okay,” I whisper.
“We’re good?” Alek asks.
“Yeah, we’re good.”
He leans down again, and this time, he kisses me until I’m a breathless
mess wishing we were at home so we could take this further.
When he breaks the kiss, he stares deep into my eyes. “I wanted to plan
something romantic, but that’s a thing of the past.”
Confused by his words, I watch as he pulls a little black velvet bag out of
his pocket. My eyes widen when he drops a ring into the palm of his hand.
“This is the tracking device,” Alek explains, and taking hold of my left
hand, he pushes a massive diamond onto my ring finger.
His thumb brushes over the ring. “Hopefully, this will keep the men
I let out a chuckle. “So I just have to pretend I’m married to you?”
Alek’s eyes flick to mine. “There’s no pretending, moya malen'kaya
lyubov'. You are mine, and I am yours. Forever and always. We’ll make it
legal once I have my mother settled in the US.”
“I want a romantic wedding,” I demand.
The corners of his mouth lift. “Okay.”
Chapter 47

I’m still angry as fuck at that idiot who tried to make a move on my woman,
then insulted her in front of me.
The memory of burying two bullets in Barry's gut and ordering Peter to
let him bleed out before disposing of the body is the only thing keeping me
It’s been a fucking week, and Everleigh is taking her sweet time packing.
We’ve already put Vincent to bed, and my boy is in dreamland, yet it doesn’t
look like we’ll be going to bed soon.
I glare at the box of linen, then mutter, “Why do you like to make me
She gives me a surprised look. “What do you mean? I haven’t done
I give the box another glare. “You’re taking forever to pack. Are you
doing it on purpose?”
She climbs to her feet and lifts her chin. “Don’t take your foul mood out
on me.”
Instantly I school my face into that of a saint. “I’m sorry, moya
malen'kaya lyubov'. It’s just as soon as I have you and Vincent safely in my
place, I can go to Russia to take care of business and bring my mother home.”
“Oh.” She glances around the kitchen that’s become her packing area.
“You can go to Russia while I take care of the packing. That way, we kill two
birds with one stone.”
“I’m not leaving you alone in this house,” I say, my tone leaving no space
for argument.
Everleigh thinks for a moment, then sighs, “Fine, you can bring men over
to help pack everything.” She gives me a look filled with warning. “But
they’ll pack everything neatly. I don’t want my belongings thrown into
Relieved that she’s giving in, I promise, “I’ll make sure they handle
everything with care.” Taking hold of her left hand, my thumb brushes over
my ring on her finger as I pull her closer. “So, that means you don’t have to
pack anymore, and you can give me some attention.”
“What kind of attention do you want?” she asks.
“The kind where I get to bury myself deep inside of you,” I murmur, my
tone low and deep.
Her pupils dilate, and her cheeks flush with desire.
“Before anything happens, I need to shower,” she says.
I keep hold of her hand as I turn around, and checking that the front door
is locked, I activate the alarm before I drag her down the hallway.
I shut the bedroom door, and pull her to the bathroom, where I switch on
the faucets.
When I grab hold of her dress, and pull the fabric over her head, she lets
out a burst of laughter.
“Someone’s in a hurry,” she teases me.
“You have no idea,” I mutter as I unclasp her bra and remove her panties.
When I start to undress myself, Everleigh watches me with a smile. I
place my gun on the counter so it’s within reach. By the time I’m naked,
there’s intense desire burning in her eyes.
My body crashes against hers, and I claim her mouth with an urgency that
will never disappear. I’ll always be desperate for Everleigh.
I kiss her with my entire soul and pour every ounce of my love into her.
Once I have her breathless and under my spell, I turn her around so she’s
facing away from me and demand, “Hold onto the counter.”
I barely give her time to grab hold of something when I yank her ass
toward me and spread her legs with my foot.
Lining my aching cock up with her pussy’s entrance, I slam into her. A
groan rumbles from me as her heat wraps around me.
“Alek,” she gasps, lifting herself onto her toes.
I press my chest to her back, and wrapping my arm around her, my
fingers find her clit. As I start to hammer into my woman, I pinch and rub the
fuck out of her clit.
I fuck her with all my strength, finally finding release for the anger that’s
been simmering in my chest since I saw that fucker talking to my woman.
Everleigh whimpers and moans, the sounds she makes only making me
fuck her harder and harder.
“Alek,” she weeps. “Please. I’m so close.”
I angle my cock to where I know her G-spot sits, and within a second,
she’s clenching around me while her body convulses.
I hold her tighter to keep her standing as I chase my own release.
I press my forehead to the back of her neck, gasping for air while my legs
threaten to give way beneath me as intense pleasure seizes my body.
Everleigh doesn’t give me any time to enjoy the post bliss. She spins
around, and I’m shoved back into the shower. The warms spray hits me as
her mouth slams to mine, and my woman kisses the fuck out of me.
I chuckle against her lips, and grabbing hold of her ass, I pull her down
on top of my lap as I lower myself into a sitting position on the shower floor.
Droplets form tracks down our faces as we continue to kiss, and my
hands rub over her body, relishing in the feel of her breasts, curves, and ass.
I’ll never get enough of her. My hunger for Everleigh is insatiable.
It doesn’t take me long to get hard, and as I fill my woman again, we love
each other with tender touches and loving kisses.
I lose track of time, my thrusts slow and deep. I’m not chasing an orgasm
but enjoying being one with my soulmate.
Our bubble forms around us, and we connect on a deep level where it’s
just us.

With Everleigh and Vincent safely in the cottage on the estate, I can go to
Russia and not worry about their safety.
While I’m gone, Everleigh will get settled and make the cottage our
I’m sitting in a private jet with Viktor and Alexei. I told the men I could
handle my father on my own, but they refused to let me come by myself.
While Viktor is reading something on his phone, Alexei glances at me. “I
noticed Everleigh’s wearing an engagement ring. When did you propose?”
“I didn’t. I kind of just shoved it on her finger,” I admit.
My hero stares at me as if I’ve lost my mind. “No, tell me you’re joking.”
“I wanted to make it romantic, but there was an asshole hitting on her,
and I lost my mind. I’ll make it up to her with the wedding.”
Alexei shakes his head. “You better. When’s the wedding?”
“Once my mother is settled, I’ll take the family to Hawaii. Everleigh’s
always wanted to go there, and with the ambush and shit show four years
ago, she never got around to it.”
“That will be special. Let me know when you plan on going, and I’ll
make the arrangements so you don’t fuck it up.” Before I can argue, he adds,
“It will be my wedding gift to you.”
“Thank you.”
“We’re landing,” Viktor advises us. His eyes lock with mine. “Are you
sure you’re ready for this?”
This meaning I finally get to kill my father.
Without hesitating, I nod. “I’ve been ready for over four years.”
Viktor nods. “Let me just have my say before you go to town on his ass.”
“Of course.”
As the plane descends, my adrenaline spikes. I haven’t been back in
Russia since I left for training at St. Monarch’s. The country doesn’t hold
fond memories for me.
Stepping off the private jet, a small army waits for us. Viktor arranged for
bratva soldiers to escort us as we have several enemies on this side of the
We all pile into SUVs, and soon we’re heading toward my parents’
house. I didn’t tell anyone I was coming, so I have surprise on my side.
My heart beats faster and faster as we near my family home, and when all
the SUVs stop in front of the house, everything looks quiet from the outside.
I climb out, and with Viktor and Alexei behind me, I walk to the front
door. I don’t have a set of keys and have to knock twice before I hear
The door opens, and when my mother lays eyes on me, she instantly
bursts out in tears.
“Zaika!” She throws herself into my arms and clings to me while she sobs
with happiness to see me.
Gripping hold of Mama’s shoulders, I push her back so I can inspect her
face. There are old and new bruises, and my mother looks older. It seems he’s
getting bolder now that it’s just my mother and him in the house. While we
were all at home, he used to leave bruises where we couldn’t see them.
Fuck, I should’ve come sooner.
“I’ve come to take you home with me,” I say. “Go pack whatever you
want to bring.”
Shock makes her face go slack. “Really? Don’t play with me, zaika. My
heart can’t handle it.”
I press my palm to her cheek, and leaning down, I lock eyes with her.
“Go pack, Mama. I’m taking you with me.”
I follow her into the house, then ask, “Where is he?”
“In his study,” she murmurs.
I nod toward the stairs. “Go pack.”
I watch my mother hurry up the stairs and glance at two of the guards.
“Go with her.”
They follow her up to the second floor, and with my mother out of the
way, I walk to the study.
The house is filled with memories, but I refuse to let them cloud my
When I slam the door open and walk into the study, my father’s head
snaps up, an aggressive expression on his face.
He clearly expected Mama and not me.
Shock ripples over his features, but when he sees Viktor and Alexei, he
quickly hurries from behind his table, a smile spreading over his face.
“I wasn’t aware you were coming to Russia,” he says to his bosses. “I
would’ve gotten Katerina to prepare a feast.”
“We’re not here for a friendly visit,” Alexei says. My father worked
under Alexei for much longer than under Viktor’s command.
Alexei comes to stand next to me, then gestures for Viktor to say
whatever he wants to say so we can get things done.
Looking at the man who destroyed my life, immense rage burns through
my veins.
Because he took so fucking long to find us, I lost my brother.
Because he saw Everleigh as a liability, I lost her for four agonizingly
long years.
I missed the birth of my son.
I missed his first steps and words.
Because of this man, my mother suffered gravely.
“Vincent,” Viktor says. “You’ve been doing what you want the past few
years. Arranging deals I didn’t authorize and promising a bratva princess to
the enemy to line your own pockets.”
“That issue has been dealt with,” my father says, a wary expression
tightening his features.
“No, it hasn’t,” Viktor mutters. “Did you really think I’d let you do what
you want without any consequences?” He lets out a dark chuckle. “I shot
Alek for disobeying me. What made you think I wouldn’t demand a pound of
flesh for everything you’ve done?”
As a show of respect, my father places his hand on the table, then says,
“I’ll pay right here, right now.”
Alexei takes a step forward, and tilting his head, he slowly shakes his
head. “You were one of my best men.”
“Thank you, sir.”
Alexei lets out a sigh, “Then you fucked up.” His features grow darker
and darker until he levels my father with an expression that gives me chills.
“Vincent, your eldest, was doing well with his training at St. Monarch’s. He
would’ve been a great asset to the bratva.” He takes another step closer to my
father. “If we don’t protect our future, there won’t be one. Because you took
matters into your own hands, we lost a good soldier. And as if that wasn’t
enough, you attempted to kill an innocent girl and caused your surviving son
to lose his fucking mind.”
“It was a family matter,” my father says.
I don’t think he understands how much shit he’s in.
“Yes, it was a family matter,” Alexei agrees. “The bratva family always
comes first. Viktor and I should’ve been notified. We could’ve found Prodi in
hours and saved both your boys and the girl.” Alexei steps backward until
he’s next to me again. “A good father wants the best for his children.”
“Of course,” my father agrees.
“I’m glad you understand.” Alexei turns his head and locks eyes with me.
“Take your revenge, my son.”
Emotion wells in my chest as I stare at the man who’s always been my
hero – the man who considers me his son.
Sticking to my plan, I pull my gun from the waistband of my pants and
aim it at Vincent Aslenhov.
“My brother was named after you, but after today there will only be one
Vincent Aslenhov, and that’s my son.”
Shock washes over his face. “Son?”
“Everleigh survived, and we have a son. A beautiful boy you’ll never
meet. He won’t know you existed.” Gesturing at the door with the barrel of
my gun, I say, “We’re going for a drive.”
My father’s eyes dart between Alexei and Viktor. “I’ve been nothing but
loyal to the bratva. I’ve carried out every order and lived for the family.”
Viktor shakes his head. “You don’t know the meaning of loyalty.”
“Let’s go. I don’t have all day,” Alexei mutters.
Guards come to grab my father and forcefully remove him from the
I leave another guard at the door to explain to my mother I’ll be back
My father is shoved into an SUV with a guard and me sitting on either
side of him. Viktor takes the front passenger side while Alexei slips behind
the steering wheel.
I’ve already told them where I want to take my father.
His world will end where mine ended four years ago.
We drive for thirty long minutes, and my father holds his head high all
the way to the location.
Alexei brings the SUV to a stop, and I drag my father out into the field.
Shoving him down to his knees, I point my gun at him. Our eyes lock,
and I say, “You’ll never destroy another life. I’m taking Mama to the US,
where I’ll give her the life you never gave her. She’ll never be beaten again.
She’ll be happy.”
My father just glares at me, pure hatred in his eyes.
“And I will erase the memory of you. You will leave no legacy behind.”
He lifts his chin, sucking in a deep breath of air.
When it’s clear he won’t say anything, I shake my head and fire three
shots. The bullets hit, and I watch as he falls to the ground.
I aim at his head, then whisper, “This is for Vincent.” I plant a bullet in
his head, then stare at his dead body.
It won’t bring Vincent back.
It won’t erase the two months of torture or the four years of living hell.
But it feels like I’ve finally gotten closure. I can let go of the past and
focus on the future with my family.
A happy future.
Chapter 48

After I have Mama settled in a seat, I sit down beside her and take hold of her
I wait for the private jet to take off and reach flying altitude before I look
at her and say, “I have a lot to tell you.”
She frees her hand from mine and rests her palm against my jaw. “You’ve
changed. There’s no sorrow in your eyes.”
“Remember Everleigh, the girl who was in captivity with me?”
“The one your father killed?”
“Yes.” A smile spreads over my face. “She didn’t die.”
Shock registers on my mother's face. “God is good.”
“I’m going to marry her,” I inform Mama. I take hold of her hand again,
then say, “I have a son, Mama. Everleigh named him after Vincent.”
Mama’s face crumbles, her grief for the loss of her eldest still unbearable.
I wrap my arms around her and pull her to my chest, then whisper,
“Vincent is three years old. He’s amazing. I can’t wait for you to meet your
She clings to me as she sobs, “You’re a papa.”
“Yes. I can’t tell you how incredible it is to hear my boy call me Daddy.”
Mama pulls back so she can see my face. “I’m glad you’re happy, zaika.”
I wipe a tear from her cheek. “You’re going to be happy too. Everleigh is
getting her house ready for you. It’s not far from us. I’ll be able to see you
Again she starts to cry, hugging the life out of me. “I’ll be happy
wherever you are.”
“I’m sorry I took so long to come get you,” I whisper.
She shakes her head. “It’s okay. I knew you would come.”
We settle back into our seats, and Mama takes a moment to compose
herself. Every now and then, she glances at Viktor and Alexei.
My mother is old school. She’s been taught to fear men and obey their
every word. It will take a while for her to adjust to life in the US.

“Shoot,” I mutter as I rush to the oven. I pull it open and let out a sigh of
relief when I see the mini cupcakes didn’t burn.
“We have a winner,” I call to Rosalie, where she’s tidying the living
“Really?” She comes rushing into the kitchen. “Let them cool off before
we put the icing on.”
If it weren’t for Rosalie, I wouldn’t have gotten it right to make the
cupcakes. She’s a patient teacher.
“What’s still left to do?” I ask after I’ve set the cupcakes down on the
cooling rack.
“We need to place the flowers in vases and get the welcome banner up.”
I place my hand on my stomach, then admit, “I’m nervous. What if she
doesn’t like me?”
Rosalie wraps her arm around my shoulders and steers me toward the
living room. “She’s going to love you. Stop worrying, or we won’t get
everything done in time for your mother-in-law’s arrival.”
“You’re right,” I mutter. Taking a deep breath, I grab the banner. “Let’s
get this up.”
“Mommy,” Vincent calls from where he’s playing in his old bedroom.
“Why can’t we go back to Daddy’s house?”
“Because someone very important is coming to meet you,” I shout so
he’ll hear me.
“It’s a surprise.”
“I want to know,” he wines.
“Vincent Alek Adams, Mommy needs you to be a good boy!”
“Take care of him. I’ll get the banner up,” Rosalie says.
“Thank you.” I rush to the bedroom only to see Vincent’s toys scattered
all over the floor.
Rosalie and I have been working our butts off to get the house ready for
Alek’s mother.
“We need to tidy this mess. Your father will be here within the hour.”
“I don’t want to be Adams anymore. I want the same last name as
“We’re busy changing your name. It takes time.”
“I want a cupcake,” he demands.
I give him a look of warning. “Stop being difficult and help Mommy, or
I’ll tell Daddy.”
Vincent jumps up, and much to my surprise, he hurries to collect all his
Wow, it worked. I’m so throwing Alek under the bus from now on.
I hurry back to the living room and see Rosalie is already done hanging
the banner. I go to the kitchen, were she’s arranging the flowers in a vase.
“You’re a godsend,” I say. I touch one of the cupcakes, then ask, “How
long do they take to cool down?”
“The longer, the better.” She checks the time on her wristwatch. “Let’s
give them another thirty minutes.”
“That’s cutting it close.” I help Rosalie arrange the roses and lilies.
“Thank you so much for everything. I would’ve been a mess if it weren’t for
“That’s what friends are for.” She smiles at me. “Besides, I’m actually
having fun.”
When I place the flowers on the coffee table in the living room, I glance
around to make sure we didn’t forget anything.
“Come take a seat and catch your breath,” Rosalie says.
We plot down on the couch and let out a collective sigh.
In less than an hour, I’ll meet my future mother-in-law.
God, I hope we get along.
For Alek’s sake, I’m going to do my best to win her over.
Chapter 49

My heart is beating out of my chest as I stop the G-Wagon in front of
Everleigh’s house.
“This house?” Mama asks, her eyes wide as she glances around the
“Yes. I’ve already installed a state-of-the-art security system, and you’ll
have a guard with you twenty-four-seven.”
Mama pats my cheek. “You take such good care of me.”
“Let’s go.”
We climb out of the vehicle, and I wrap an arm around my mother’s
shoulders as I walk her to the open front door, where Everleigh is already
My woman looks nervous as fuck, and there’s fear darkening her eyes.
I give her a comforting smile, and as we reach her, I switch from Russian
to English. “Mama, this is Everleigh.”
My mother stares at the woman whose supposed death broke me.
“So beautiful,” Mama says. She glances Everleigh up and down. “And
“Ahh…thank you.” Everleigh takes a cautious step closer. “It’s such a
pleasure meeting you.”
Mama stares at Everleigh until my woman gives me a panicked look.
I move closer to Everleigh and take hold of her left hand. “We’re going to
get married.”
“Daddy!” Vincent shouts from behind me.
I head into the house and catch my little man. With my son in my arms, I
turn around so I can introduce him to his grandma.
Intense shock hits my mother, and I quickly move closer. Her eyes are
transfixed on Vincent, and lifting a trembling hand, she touches his cheek.
“He looks like…” A sob overwhelms her, but she holds her arms open, and I
pass Vincent to her.
She gently bounces him the way she used to do with us when we were
“My vnushka,” she coos, and for the first time since my brother was
killed, I see the cloud of sorrow lift from her shoulders.
“Who are you?” Vincent asks.
“I’m your babushka…your grandmama.”
His eyes flit to Everleigh and me. “I have a grandma!” He claps his
hands. “I’m so lucky. Mommy! Daddy! I have a grandma.” He looks at her
again. “Jonas’ grandma always gives him candy. Do you have candy?”
“We have cupcakes,” Everleigh says. “Let’s head inside. I’m sure your
mother is tired from the long flight.”
“Come, Mama,” I say, waiting for her to enter the house before I shut the
door behind us.
Mama doesn’t let go of Vincent as she sits down on the couch, where she
starts to cry.
Vincent gives her a concerned look, and there’s panic in his voice when
he asks, “Why is grandma crying?”
“Because I’m so happy,” she sobs, hugging him tightly. “My little
“Aww…don’t cry, Grandma.” He pats her back in an attempt to comfort
her. “There-there. It’s all better now.”
“It is.” She looks at him with so much love my heart clenches. “How old
are you?” she asks, her voice much gentler than I’ve ever heard.
“I’m a whole three years old. I’m turning four soon.”
I look at Everleigh. “When’s his birthday?”
“September twenty-third.”
“When’s your birthday?” I feel like shit for only asking now.
Everleigh lets out a chuckle. “June tenth.” She lifts an eyebrow at me.
“And yours?”
“October sixteenth,” I answer.
I wrap my arm around Everleigh, and she leans closer to whisper, “It
doesn’t look like she likes me.”
“She does. If she didn’t like you, she would’ve told you straight to your
face you’re not good enough for me.”
“You’re lying,” she gasps.
“My mother is old school and very direct. Trust me, she’d tell you if she
didn’t like you.”
No, she wouldn’t. My mother is wired to obey the man of the house,
which is me. She’ll do anything I say, and she knows I love Everleigh. By
default, she’ll accept her into the family.
I watch as Mama bonds with her grandson. Everleigh pulls away from me
and goes to the kitchen. I follow her and smile when I see the blue and pink
mini cupcakes.
“You baked?” I ask.
“With Rosalie’s help,” she admits. “It’s going to take a while before I get
the hang of it.” She grins at me. “Taste one.”
“One isn’t going to be enough,” I warn her. “You know I have a sweet
“That’s why I made a dozen. You can have four.”
I pick up a cupcake, and pulling the paper off, I pop the whole thing into
my mouth. The sweet goodness makes me groan, and I pull Everleigh closer
to press a kiss to her lips. “They’re perfect. Just like you.”
“I’m glad you like them. I burned the first batch.”
I grab the tray while Everleigh makes coffee, and before I set the
cupcakes down on the coffee table, I pop another one into my mouth.
I look at my mother. “I missed your honey cake.”
“I’ll make one as soon as I’ve unpacked.”
Everleigh comes into the living room and places the tray down beside the
cupcakes. “Help yourselves. I didn’t add sugar and cream.”
Mama pats the cushion beside her. “Come sit.”
Everleigh quickly takes a seat.
Emotion washes over Mama’s features as she looks at the woman I love.
“Alek loves you a lot.”
Everleigh nods. “I know. I love him too.”
“My grandson is healthy and strong.” She stares at Vincent again. “You
did a good job.”
“Thank you.” My woman takes a deep breath then says, “I’m so happy
you’re here. If you need anything or you’d just like to go out for coffee, just
let me know. I take Vincent to the playground once a week. You can join us.
I can show you around the neighborhood and town so you can see where
everything is.” She glances around the room. “And feel free to change
anything in the house.”
Mama smiles at Everleigh and pats her cheek. “Such a good girl. Alek
chose right.”
Everleigh beams, and I watch as her nervousness falls away.
I sit on the other couch and take a cup of coffee and another cupcake.
Vincent wriggles off Mama’s lap, and picking up a cupcake, he hands it
to her. “This will make you feel better. Mommy always lets me have ice
cream to make me feel better.”
“Thank you, my grandbaby.”
He grabs one for himself and comes to sit next to me. Leaning into my
side, he starts to lick the icing off.
Mama turns her attention to Everleigh and asks, “Do you stay home to
look after Vincent?”
“No, I have a bookstore in town. I take Vincent to work with me.”
“Oh.” Mama’s eyes widen. “He can stay with me during the day.”
“We’ll talk about that another time,” I say to save Everleigh from
“Do you want me to show you the house?” Everleigh asks.
“Yes.” Mama climbs to her feet, and as the women disappear down the
hallway, I swipe another cupcake from the plate.
“Leave some for me, Daddy,” Vincent mutters as he slides off the couch
to grab two.
I let out a chuckle and help Vincent peel the paper off so he can enjoy
I try to catch the crumbs as he eats and give up after a while.
Everleigh and Mama return to the living room, and Mama looks all
emotional again. “The house is beautiful. I’m going to be so happy here.”
“That’s all I want,” I say.
She gives me a kiss on the forehead before she picks Vincent up again.
“Come sit by your grandmama. I want to hear what you like to eat.”
I get up from the couch, and heading outside, I bring in Mama’s luggage
and place everything in the main bedroom.
I go back to the living room and lean my shoulder against the doorjamb.
Crossing my arms over my chest, I stare at my family as they get to know
each other.
My heart is finally at peace. I have everything I want.
My mother. My son.
And the woman I love with all my soul.
Fuck, I didn’t know life could be this good.

I follow Alek as he carries Vincent to his bedroom. This time I had a change
of pajamas in his bag, so we didn’t have to struggle changing his clothes
while he’s asleep.
Alek lays our boy down on his bed, and I pull the covers over him. We
take turns to give him a good night kiss before we leave the room.
I leave the door slightly open, then Alek takes my hand and tugs me
toward his bedroom.
I’ve already unpacked everything, and when Alek sees my belongings in
his room, a satisfied smile spreads over his face.
I point to the framed photo next to the bed. “When did you take it?”
“The first night after, I carried you to bed.”
“Hmmm…” I give him a playful look. “We don’t have any photos of you
and Vincent.”
“We’ll have family photos taken soon,” he promises.
We get ready for bed, and I drool over my man when he puts on a pair of
sweatpants. When we climb under the covers, I snuggle against his side and
let out a happy sigh.
“Are you happy?” I ask.
“Incredibly happy,” he murmurs. He kisses the top of my head and
tightens his arms around me. “Who would’ve thought when I grabbed you off
the street, we’d end up like this.”
“Right?” I place my hand over his heart and feel it beating steady. “All
because I swapped clothes with Svetlana.”
We fall silent, and I wonder whether I’d do it all again for Alek and
All the torture. The fear. The agony.
For my son and fiancè, I’d go to hell and back.
“What are you thinking about?” he asks, already sounding sleepy.
“About you and Vincent. The loves of my life.”
“We should give him a brother or sister.” I’m pushed onto my back and
let out a chuckle.
“I’m on the pill,” I remind him.
“Stop the pill so we can have another baby.”
I smile up at Alek. “Okay.”
He undresses me before he settles his body on top of mine and enters me
slowly. His arms wrap tightly around me again, and keeping our bodies
pressed together, he makes love to me.
Our gazes are locked as we connect, our bubble forming around us.
“You’re my sanity,” he murmurs, all his love for me shining from his
“You’re my forever and always.”

The End.
Published Books
Mafia / Organized Crime / Suspense Romance
(Can be read in this order or as standalones)

Destroy Me
Control Me
Brutalize Me
Restrain Me
Possess Me


Mafia / Organized Crime / Suspense Romance
(Can be read in this order or as standalones)

Taken By A Sinner
Owned By A Sinner
Stolen By A Sinner
Chosen By A Sinner
Captured By A Sinner


Mafia / Organized Crime / Suspense Romance
(Can be read in this order or as standalones)

Merciless Saints
Cruel Saints
Ruthless Saints
Tears of Betrayal
Tears of Salvation
Organized Crime / Suspense Romance
(Can be read in this order or as standalones)

Beautifully Broken
Beautifully Hurt
Beautifully Destroyed

College Romance / New Adult / Billionaire Romance


College Romance / New Adult / Billionaire Romance

The Epilogue

College Romance / New Adult / Billionaire Romance

Coldhearted Heir
Arrogant Heir
Defiant Heir
Loyal Heir
Callous Heir
Sinful Heir
Tempted Heir
Forbidden Heir

Stand Alone Spin-off

Not My Hero
Young Adult / High School Romance


Suspense Romance / Contemporary Romance /
Police Officers & Detectives

The Ocean Between Us

The Girl In The Closet
The Lies We Tell Ourselves
All The Wasted Time
We Were Lost
Connect with me



Wow, what a journey it has been. Fifteen books later and the St. Monarch’s universe has come to an
end. These characters will always hold a special place in my heart. Thank you for loving this world so
much and taking this wild journey with me.

What’s next? I’m going to write a contemporary romance with my daughter-in-law. After that, a brand
new mafia series will be released.

My editor, Sheena, has nerves of steel with all the deadlines whooshing past us. Thank you for being so
patient with me.

To my alpha and beta readers – Leeann, Brittney, Sherrie, Kelly, and Sarah thank you for being the
godparents of my paper-baby.

Candi Kane PR – You’re the absolute best!!!

Yoly, Cormar Covers – Thank you for giving my paper-babies the perfect look.

My street team, thank you for promoting my books. It means the world to me!

A special thank you to every blogger and reader who took the time to participate in the cover reveal and
release day.


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