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1. Tabloids: Image led

- popular newspapers, simple language, „middle market” dailies (target readership= between red
tops and broadsheet) eg. Daily Mail, Daily Express
2. Broadsheet: Text led
- quality newspapers, higher news content, longer texts, articles with in-depthy analysis, more
expensive, lower circulation. eg. The Times, The Telegraph, The Guardian

1. Feature=covers broader themes and issues; often human focused, greater depth, different angles,
variety of sources. Structure; flexible, eg. story telling. Language; description based witht personal
tones, anegdotes. Article takes longer research. Attractive design, more photographs. Used in every
form of newspapers.
2. Hard news= news story of recent/breaking news shortly summarised. Structure; inverted
pyramid. Language; simple and factual. Articles are written as fast as possible, tight deadlines.
Importance of information, accompanied by a relevant photograph.

- online; homepage with more headlines, rolling breaking news column, merge of different forms
of communication, interactive journalism; polls, comments, linkups, extra tools in articles;
embedded videos, timelines, maps, slideshows, world clouds

- news agencies, press release, press conferences, confidential contacts, broad public
-staff photographers, freelancer photographers, members of the public, news agencies

- newspapers agenda that reflects the style and the ideology of the newspaper set in place by the
owner, main editor or senior journalists (Gatekeepers)
- (Galtung & Ruge) recency, size, continuity, simpliyity, elite nations or people, predictability,
unexpectedness, negativity, personality,meaningfulness
a copy or a piece = written copy of the article written by a journalist
cicrculation= number of printed copies distributed to news standes on an average day
readership= total circulation x average number of active readers
= readers per copy
news angle= through which the subject matter is viewed

red tops= celebrity gossip, scandals (+ politics and international news)

masthead= large front title
splash= lead story
standfirst= summary o the article, introductory paragraph, in larger/bolder capitals
off lead= second most important story
byline= writers name
pull quote= key phraze from the main article
sidebar= short article placed alongside the main with extra information (specific for digital media)

Sunday editions= are produced by tabloids and broadsheets, magazines with additional sections on
culture, lifestyle, finance.


TV CREW= consists of television journalists; reporters + correspondents+ camera operators

(news gatherers), anchors (host news programs) and broadcasters ( professional media people
who create programmes).

NEWS PROGRAMME= can include: clips, extracts, dramatic footage, interviews, discussion,
talking heads (people in the crowd participating in studio discussion), vox-pop (reaction of
ordinary people, often in streets)

RATINGS/AUDIENCE BATTLES= crutial part of competition between networks, especially

during prime-time/peak-time (time of the day when TV is most viewd) or slot (any short period in
broadcasting reserved for a specific purpose). Audiences attract advertising; spots (commercial
PRIVACY= invasion of privacy, intrusive reportings and methods (paparazzi who take pictures
without the subjet's knowleage or premission, doorstepping; waiting infron of someone's house,
bugging; secret recording).

LAWSUITS=sue for libel (when you issue a libel writ you take a legal action for defamation of
character due to false information being published) or you can sue for invasion of privacy. In both
cases, the objective of the lawsuit is damages (financial compensation).

CENSORSHIP= gagging the press (limiting freedom of the press by the governments), might take
a form of a watchdog (informal name for a body overseeing the practices of the press, if
ineffective; toothless). Governments might also impose statutory controls (legal enforcments) in
order to crack down on the press.



BID FOR PRESIDENCY+RUNNING MATE (vice-president) =dream ticket (ideal combination

of candidates, can be used for a single candidate with attractive qualities or any other good political

run for election, speeches made standing on a stump or „on the hustings”.
electroneering= actions one takes during a campaign, can be used to show disapproval (cynical or
hecklers= people who shout and interrupt in disagreement during a speech.

CAMPAIGN= series of advertising, tv appearances, meetings and speeches designed to gain

supporters, or it can refeer to all parties' campaigns collectively, campaign trail; number of visited
places), run up or race (the period leading up to an election).

whistlestop tour= fast campaighning trip, lot of speeches and appearances in a short time, consist
of; rallies (large open-air political events with entertainment), walkabouts (glad-hands, shaking
people's hands in the crowd).
manifesto= a document outlining party's platform (promises of policies that will be put in place if
elected), planks in the platforn (individual policies).

gaffes= slips of tongue/offensive remarks/ image ruiners

spin doctors= professional consultants who's job is t minimise the effects of gaffes or candidates
image generally

SMEAR CAMPAIGN= an attempt to villify a political opponent by digging for

dirt/muckraking; searching for damaging information (sleaze) about a politician's personal
life/activities/business. Mudslinging (using that information to attack an opponent) if it's
unsuccesful that person is said to have a Teflon coating (allegations don't stick like food on a teflon

EXIT POLLS= conducted during election just as voters leave polling stations, to measure public
opinion and predict /forecast results, by pollsters (workers of polling organisations) on a sample
(typicaly mix of ages,social class,professions, etc.) ensuring reliale results/findings.

RATINGS= approval or popularity ratings (conducted between elections to measure politician's

or party's performance), a) favourite/front runner, lead (given in precentage points), b) running
neck to neck or level pegging, c) trailing behind (if improved they gain ground)

ELECTION DAY= voters (electorate) cast votes/ballots at the polls, turnout (total number of
voters) abstain/abstentions

ELECTORAL SYSTEMS= getting elected by A) proportional representation method(from a

list, in proportion to the number of votes for each candidat) B) first-past-the-post (most votes in
constituency) candidates gain seats/lose seats in legislatures (body that passes laws)

GERRYMANDERING= a form of irregular/fragulant election where the governing party draws

the boundaries of constituencies to their own advantage. Election returns might reflect electoral
fraud; (massive/widespread) vote rigging(opposing party might claim election was not free and
fair, ballot boxes could be filled with fake ballot papers, or could be counted improperly

ELECTION RESULTS= claim victory, admit/concede defeat, to win by a large

margin( landslide).
GOVRENMENT= A) absolute/overall majority (one party wins more seats than others combined
and forms a government on its own) B) coalition( inter-party negotiation, minority government is
formed). When elected there is often a honeymoon period, but after a while there might be a
cabinet reshuffle, ministers might be given new posts or even get fired or resign .
Governments/politicians who lost credibility are refeered to as lame ducks (crises, fear of a
collapse). Politicians/parties who leave office and no longer have power, influence are said to be in
the political wilderness.

UK; stand for election, (traditionally) speeches made standing on a soapbox.

PARLIAMENT and PARTIES= two party system, neither one gets an overall majority (fringe
parliament) A) fringe party (holds a small number of seats) B) breakawy party (extreme views,
little support) C) splinter party (may be made up of rival groups; factions, splinter faction; might
break away

VOTE OF CONFIDENCE = is called for by a government in order to establish it has majority, if

it loses this vote it may call for (fresh) elections (eg.USA) or go to the country (UK). An
opposing party may call for vote of no confidence (often in order to bring new election).
Interim/caretaker government (runs the country in the period before election, makes no important
Government support; grassroot support (during by-election, it is held in constituency when the
representative resigns or dies, ordinary voters), marginal constituency (during first-past-the-post
system, party/member's majority might be won by another party in the next election due to low
majority in the previous election, or they might lose by-election in marginals).


totalitarian/ one party= controlls all aspects of life, without opposition
dicatorship= small group of people or one person alone
strongman/dictator= has autocratic powers and methods
hardline regimes =refuse to allow any change to the political system
hardliners = particularly resistant members of those regimes
Junta= military group of army officers
MILITARY CONTROL= the military may seize power in a military takeover, so called
coup/coup d'etat/putsch and impose martial law to the country. Ordinary people,political parties
and usually the military too can particapate in a (bloody or bloodless) revolution= a sudden, often
violent change of regime. In both instances the government is ovwethrown/deposed/toppled and a
return or handover to civilian rule (or rule by non-military politicians) may be promised by the
military after some time.

#blacklivesmatter #criminalisthenewtermforslavery
RIOTING AND LOOTING= a demonstration that turns violent, clashes/riots can include
fighting, stone-throwing and general property damages. They can also be accompanied by breaking
into shops and houses in order to steal; looting. Security forces, the police and/or army could use
repressive forces in order to disperse the crowd such as; batons, rubber bullets, water cannons,
tear gas. The government might impose a curfew or a state of emergency (martial law is

REPRESSIVE MEASURES=autocratic governments accuse dissidents (opposers to

undemocratic regimes) of subversion/sedition or clampdown/crackdown with various means
(human rights violation, censorship, house arrest, imprisonment without trial, torture,..) or even use
hit squads (professional assassaints). Opponents are often exiled (ordered to leave the country, or
choose to leave).


STOCKS/ SHARES/ENQUITIES= are listed on the stock market/exchange or bourse (European

stock market) They are bought and sold by traders/dealers/brokers on the behaf of shareholders
(investors). Blue chip shares; safest investment in leading companies

STOCK MARKET= a bull market (when market prices are rising/making gains/gaining ground
and if they continue people are bulls), a bear market (when prices are falling/losing ground people
are bearish). To recovery/rally; prices regain ground after a period of falling, to play the stock
market; to try get money by buying/selling shares, speculators; make a living by speculating in
TRADE=commodities, currencies (on the foreign exchange markets), bonds; investments with a
fixed rate of interest (by financial centeres such as Wall Street,NY and the City, financial district
of London. When traded, shares; change heads.

TRADING= buying and selling on the (stock) market; goods/services or

shares/bonds/commodities/currencies. Traiding is often described as moderate or active v. high
share turnover, but it can also be a) dull, hesitant, lacklusture, light,negligible, quiet, slow, b)
bumpyy choppy, hesitant, uncertain, c) brisk,heavy,hectic (high volume of traiding), d) frantic
(very high).

CHANGES= prices; A) going up (increasing, rising) by a small amount (edge higher/ up, firm)or
by a large amount (surge climb, jump, roar/shoot up, skyrocket), B) going down (declining,
dropping, sliding) by a small amount (dip,slip,lower, edge down) or fast/by a large amount (crash,
collapse, crumble, slump) Records can be; broken, reach all-time record high

price and values= can also go up (advance) or go down (nosedive, plummet) and all of the above.

RECESSION= stock market boom does not reflect the Economy. Increase in demand and
production; economical growth is always followed by a slowdown/downturn (periods when
economy weakens) which might be the first sign of recession/slump; a period of little, non or
negative growth. Everybody awaits for the pick up/upturn or the recovery.

INDUSTRY PEOPLE= captain of the industry (leaders of companies), magnate, mogul, tycoon
(rich and powerful at the heads of organisations), bean-counter/number-cruncher (accountants),
techno-nerds (computer experts).

corporate conflict= is refeered to as; boardroom, dispute, row, split and might lead to a
reshuffle/shake up of the company's board.

COMPENSATION = is issued when a director departures or is ousted (forced to leave), from the
company, in a form of payment, payoff or a golden handshake.

BUSINESS CRIME= 1) creative accounting (forgery), 2)bribery, 3) embezzlement, 4)fraud,

racket or scam, 5) insider dealing, 6) market rigging (profiting from shares using illegaly gained
information), 7) money laundering
GOING BUST= company's doctors/receivers (financial experts, specialised accountants) are
called in to turn around/salvage the wreck in order to avoid insolvency or going into liquidation;
technical bankrupcy where receivers sell enything to pay off the debt. Companies may collapse, go
out of business or aling due to financial difficulties and file for bankrupcy in order to get
protection from their creditors, their assets are sold in order to pay the dept. Asset strippers; buy
companies in order to sell its assets for more than they paid for it.


WAY OF WORKING= flexbile woking hours (flexitime), nine-to-five, part-time, job-sharing

COMMUTE= teleworkers/telecommuting (working from home), telecottage (building with the

equitment for telecommuting, shared by workers)

BENEFITS= apart from salary, workers may get perks (fringe benefits in a benefits package; eg.
company car) Headhunters; search for specialist in order to try to persuade them to leave their
current job and work for a new employer

DISCRIMINATION= can be racial, sexual,ageism, or even unwanted sexual advantances; sexual


BEING FIRED=dismissed, getting the sack (asked to leave your job), one might sue for unfair
dismissal by taking their case to a tribunal.

BEING MADE REDUNDANT= being laid off because you are no longer needed; downsizing,
letting go of employees, due to being overstaffed, cuts to the payroll/workforce might be made.
Laid off employees might receive compensation in the form of redundancy payment, pay-off, a
severance payment (American English).

UNEMPLOYMENT= out of work and you join dole queue, people who are on the dole are
receiving unemployment benefits.

STRIKE=Workers are organised in unions (trade or labor in the US) and can choose in a strike
ballot to go on a strike, or it might be called off/averted. Usually if a settlement is reached with
managment or authoroties, often with a help of an arbitrator/mediator in the dispute.
However if they do not, walkouts/stoppages can cripple or paralyse things in affect such as
sercvices, factories, cities or the economy,.. and brings them to a (total, complete or virtual)
standstill. If governments/organisations don't give in to demands, protestors might ecsalate/step
it up until one side backsdown or an agreement is made. People who continue to work during a
strike;scabs, blacklegs, pickets; pick on them.

WELFARE= covers unemployement and sickness benefits and state pension. Welfare state; all
the things provided by a government + child day care/hospitals, (is said to cover people's needs
from the cradle to the grave).


CRIMES= rape, drugs, assault, arson, corruption, murder, kidnapping, fraud, manslaughter,

a)robbery; pickpocketing, shoplifting, mugging, burglary, heist, raid, smash-and-grab, ram-raid

(breaking in with a car).
foiling a robbery= flee empty-handed (not getting what you came for).
having-a-go = ordinary people trying to stop thieves

b) theft= petty/minor or serious (art, vehicle,carjacking+ joyriding, arms/guns,..)

c) escape= get away or make off in a getaway car with the haul/loot (stoplen property)

d) murder or homicide= stabbing, shooting, drive-by shooting, (packing a piece/gun). Saturday

Night Special; cheap, easily available handgun
ARREST= a suspect of commiting a crime/offence is arrested and may be held in custody/
detained and charged. Innocent until proven guilty, a crime is alleged until a person is tried in a
court (but only if you are a white middle class american, 60% of cases never get trialed, especially
black cases)

TRIAL= while a suspect awaits trial they might be remanded in custody (await trial in prison) or
they might be released on bail or they might jump bail/escape the country (the judge sets the bail
and it is to be paid by the defendent or in the name of the defendent).

CHARGED/INDICTED= formally charged of a crime on a number of counts (they are

brought/filed and they have to be faced/admited/denied) they plea guilty or not-guilty or a plea
bargaining is made where prosecutors agree on a lesser charge in return for a guilty plea (so that
the state carries no responsibility of its incompetence)

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