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Activate 激活
Acute 严重的 灵敏的
Adolescent 青春期的;青春期
--Adoption 采用采纳
-Agrarian revolution
Allay 减轻缓和 alleviate
--不严重的疾病 Ailment
Amalgam of Chinese and western medicines
--放弃丢弃 Abdicate

1. Academician
2. 心不在焉的 Abstracted
3. Accordingly
4. Accretion
5. Accuracy
6. Acute
7. Inaccurate
8. Activate
9. Adhere 遵守遵从
10. Adjacent
11. Adoption
12. Adverse 不利的
13. Advent Intervention 干涉
14. Affirmative
15. Aggregate
16. Agrarian
17. Adept
18. Alleviate
19. Allay
20. Alien 外国人
21. Allegiance 忠诚
22. Allude
23. Alluvial
24. Altruism Altruistic 利他的
25. Alter 改变
27. Amateur 业余的 业余者 【要更敏感一点】
28. Amalgam 混合物

List 2
1. Amend 修订
2. Ambivalent
3. Amplitude
4. Analogy
5. Anatomy
6. Ancestry
7. Anesthesia
8. Anole
9. Anomaly
10. Anonymous
11. Anterior
12. Antibiotic
13. Antiquated
14. Apparatus
15. Appoint
16. Appropriate
--17. Applicable
-18. Apprentice 学徒 练习生
19. Arable
20. Architect
21. Archenemy 天敌
22. Arid
23. Ardent
24. Arithmetic
25. Articulate; 清楚地表达 -> Amplify:增强,详述
26. Analog(ue)
27. Ascribe 归因于 (to)
28. Artisan
29. Aspiration
30. Assemble

1. Ambivalent
2. Amend 修订改定 Amends 赔偿 补偿
3. Ample 充足的
4. Amplify 加倍
5. Analogy
6. Ancestor
7. 憎恶仇恨 Animosity
8. Anonymous 匿名的
9. Antagonism 对抗冲突
10. Anticipate 预期
11. Anterior 早于的 先前的
12. Antiquated 古董的过时的
13. Antique 古董,古老的
14. Apparatus
15. Appetite 胃口 【发音更敏感一点】
16. Appropriate
17. 淘气的 Ash
18. Arbitrary 任意的
19. Approximate
20. Ardent
21. 数学 Arithmetic
22. Articulate 精准地表达
23. Ambition Aspiration 志向,抱负
24. 装配 Assemble
1. Ambivalent
2. Amenable
3. Amend
4. Ample
5. Amenity
6. Amplify
7. Amplitude
8. Analog
9. Analogy
10. Anatomy 解剖
11. Ancestor
12. Animosity
13. Anomaly 不正常
14. Anonymous
15. Antedate or Anterior
16. Antibiotic
17. Antibody 抗体
18. Anticipate
19. Antiquated
20. Antiquity 古代
21. Antique
22. Apparatus
23. Apparel
24. Garment
25. Apparent
26. Appliance
27. Applicable 适用的
28. Apportion
29. Apprentice
30. Approbation
31. Approximate
32. Arable
33. Arbitrary
34. Archenemy
35. Architect
36. Ardent
37. Arid
38. Artery
39. Articulate
40. Artificial
41. Ascending
42. Aspersion 诽谤
43. Aspiration
44. Assemble

1. Attribute
2. Assert
3. Assign
4. Audit
5. Astronomy
6. Austere
7. Avidly
8. Barracks
9. Battalion
10. Aversion
11. Automate
12. Barren (of)
13. Bankruptcy
14. Bacterium Bacteria
15. Bestow
16. Bias
17. Bicker
18. Benchmark
19. Bilateral
20. Biography
21. Availability
22. Bluntly 坦率地
23. Bonus 奖金
24. Bifurcation
25. Betrayal
26. Authority
27. Attribution
28. Biosphere
29. Hemisphere
30. Bond
31. Beverage
32. Bilateral
33. Billing 营业额
34. Bar
35. Bisect
36. Blot
37. Bold
38. Bolster 支持 Buttress (Argument)
39. Bloc
40. Bind

1. Bygone
2. Candidate
3. Brew
4. Brochure
5. Bounce
6. Cease
7. Capture
8. -Brace
9. Caste 社会等级制度
10. Bulk
11. Calligraphic
12. Census
13. Captive
14. Capacity 容量 最大能力
15. Cascade
16. Carnivore
17. Cataclysmic
18. -Categorical
19. Catastrophe y
20. Ceramic
21. Cathedral
22. -Cater (to) 满足
23. Carbohydrate
24. Capitalize
25. Boost
26. Cabinet
27. Brokerage
28. Bylaw
29. Bronze
30. Buttress 支持 (argument)
31. Casualty
32. Bureau
33. Causative
34. Catalyst 催化剂
35. Bucolic simplicity
36. Cardiovascular
37. Carcinogen

List 5
1. Certitude
2. Certify
3. 描述 Characterization
4. Charter
5. Charity 慈善 (机构)
6. 证书 Certificate
7. Chore
8. Chronicle
9. Circumspect
10. Chauvinism
11. Circulate
12. Clandestine
13. Circumvent
14. circumstance
15. Client
16. Clog
17. Clarify
18. Classified
19. Chronic(al)
20. Colossal
21. Coalition 联合
22. Roller Costal
23. Cluster
24. Coincident
25. Collapse
26. Relapse
27. Commentator
28. Collateral
29. Collide 碰撞
30. Linear
31. Coherent
32. Remission
33. Combustion 燃烧
34. Combined 结合的联合的
35. Clan
36. Cereal
37. Commute
38. committed
39. Commonplace
40. Commoner
41. Community
42. Collaborate
43. Codify
44. Companionate
1. Compassionate
2. Compel
3. Compensate
4. Compile
5. Competent
6. Complainant
7. Complement
8. Compound
9. Complexity
10. Comply Conform
11. Compress
12. Compromise
13. Compulsory
14. Repulsive 排斥的 Compulsory
15. Compelling 强迫的 adj
16. 隐瞒隐藏 Conceal
17. 做出一些让步 Concede
18. Concrete
19. Concurrent
20. Condemn
21. Confederation
22. Confer
23. Confine
24. Confidentiality
25. Confront
26. Congenial
27. Congested
28. Conscience [发音]
29. Consecutive
30. Conservative
31. Consistency
32. Consortium
33. Constituent
34. Conspire
35. Constraint
36. Contaminant
37. Contemplate
38. Contend
39. 接近的接壤的 Contiguous
40. 傲慢的 Contemptuous
41. 收缩使狭窄 Constrict Contraction
42. Confess 承认

1. Contradict
2. Controversy
3. Conversion
4. Conviction
5. Convoluted
6. Coordinate
7. Cord
8. Incorporate 合并
9. Correspond
10. Corroborate 证实
11. Corrosion
12. Corruption
13. Cosmic
14. Cosmetic
15. Counteract
16. 伪造 Counterfeit
17. Countermeasure
18. Countervail
19. 送急件的人 Courier
20. Crack
21. 狭窄的 Cramped
22. Crass (美国本地人 – Crass American)
23. Criminology
24. Cripple
25. Criteria
26. Critic 评论家
27. Crude
28. Crucial
29. Crossbred 杂交的
30. Cryptical
31. Culpability
32. Cultivated
33. Cumbersome
34. Cupidity
35. Curtail
36. Cutback 裁员
37. Cynical 犬儒的 愤世嫉俗的

1. Debase 降低成色
2. Declension 衰退
3. Decipher 破译
4. Dedicated 专注的
5. Deduce
6. Deficit 赤字
7. Definitive 确定的
8. Degrade
9. Debunk
10. Decay
11. Deliberate 自由的
12. Deleterious 对身心有害的
13. Delinquent 拖欠的
14. Deluxe 奢华的
15. Delve 钻研
16. 证明 示威游行 Demonstrate
17. Dense
18. Delineate
19. Deplete
20. Deprecate 反对
21. Depression
22. Deprivation 剥夺
23. Deserve 值得
24. Detach 分开抽离
25. Detached
26. Deter
27. Deteriorate 恶化
28. Devoid 空的
29. Diameter 直径
30. Dialect 方言语调
31. Diagnose 诊断

1. Dietary 饮食的
2. Dimension 维度
3. Diminish 减少
4. Diploma 文凭
5. Diplomatic 外交的
6. Discharge 释放
7. Disciple 弟子门徒
8. Discipline 纪律
9. Discrete 个别的
10. Discretionary
11. Discriminate
12. Defiant Despise Disparaging Disdainful 轻蔑地鄙视的
13. Disenchanted
14. 不愿的 Disinclined
15. Dismal
16. Dismantle
17. 驱散消除 Dispel
18. Dispose 处置
19. Dispense 分配分发
20. Disseminate 传播散步
21. Dissociate 分开
22. District 地区
23. Distinguish 分辨区分
24. Diverge 分开演变
25. Diverse
26. Divisible 可以整除的
27. Division
28. Domain
29. Domestic
30. Domesticate 驯化
31. Dormant 休眠的
32. Dominate 主导
33. Dose
1. Downplay
2. Dramatize
3. Drastic
4. Dropout
5. Drizzle
6. Dubious 怀疑的
7. Ductile
8. Dump
9. Dumpster
10. 【发音】Duplicate 复制
11. Durability
12. Dwelling
13. Dynamic
14. Echolocation
15. Edge
16. Edible
17. Effigy 雕像
18. 支流 废水 Effluent
19. 平等主义
20. Egoist
21. Elaborate
22. Elective
23. Electorate
24. Elevate
25. Eligible
26. Eliminate
27. Elite
28. Eloquent
29. 逃避 Elude
30. Embark
31. Embrace
32. 暴露 Emerge
33. Eminent
34. Emulate
35. Empirical
36. Encode
37. Encounter
38. 侵犯侵害 Encroach
39. Endeavor
40. Endemic
41. Pandemic
1. Engender 产生引起
2. Enlightened
3. Enroll
4. Entertainment
5. Entail
6. Entice 勾引
7. Entrant
8. Enormous 巨大的
9. Enforce
10. Entrepreneur
11. Ensemble 合唱团(全体成员)
12. Engulf 吞噬
13. Enumerate
14. Envelop
15. Envision 想想
16. Enzyme 酵素 酶
17. Epidemic
18. Epochal
19. Equalize
20. Equity 公平公正
21. Equivalent
22. Eradicate
23. Erode 侵蚀
24. Erratic 奇怪的
25. Essence 本质
26. Eschew 避开
27. Estate 房地产
28. Esteem 自尊
29. Ethnic 种族的
30. Eternal 永久的
31. Euphoria 欢愉
32. Evacuation 撤离疏离
33. Eventual 最终的
34. 进化 evolve
35. Exacerbate 恶化
36. Exaggerate 夸张
37. Exceedingly 非常
38. Excessive 过分的
39. Exclusively
40. Excursion
LIST 12:
1. Exemplary
2. Execute
3. Exemplify
4. Exempt
5. Exile
6. Expulsion 放逐流放
7. Exhaustive
8. Exodus 大规模的离开移居
9. Exert
10. Exotic 外来的异乎寻常的
11. Expedient
12. Expertise
13. Expire
14. Explicit 详细的
15. Explode 爆炸
16. Explore 探索
17. Expound 解释阐述
18. 外面的表面的 External
19. Extinct
20. Extinguish
21. Extract
22. 无关的外来的 Extraneous
23. Facilitate
24. Faction
25. 才能 Faculty
26. Fetal 胎儿的
27. Fatal 致命的
28. Feasible
29. Federal
30. Fecundity
31. Fervent
32. Fertility
33. Feudal
34. Fierce
35. Fickle
36. Filibuster
37. Finite
38. Fiscal
39. Fixture (房屋)配置
40. Fledgling
41. Flippant 无理的
42. Flourish 繁荣的
43. Fluctuate
44. Fluctuation

LIST 13:
1. Forfeit
2. Fortify
3. Foster
4. Forecast
5. Fluid
6. Foreclosure 取消抵押品 赎回权益
7. Forthcoming
8. Handicap
9. Guarantee
10. Hail
11. Grind
12. Friction
13. Gregarious
14. Foreshadow
15. Forestall
16. Foresight
17. Gloomy
18. Gradient
19. Formidable
20. Grove
21. Gourmet 美食家
22. Glean
23. Genetic
24. Grill 烤架
25. Genuine
26. Fragment
27. Fragile
28. Fungi Fungus
29. Gauge 标准规格
30. Futile 无用的 无益的
31. Fragile
32. 兄弟的 Fraternal
33. Frustrate 挫败
34. Frugal
35. Frontier
36. Genial
37. Framework
1. Haven
2. Havoc
3. Hazard
4. Heed 留心
5. Hedge 限制
6. Headquarter
7. Herbicide
8. Hereditary
9. Hide
10. Hierarchy
11. Hike
12. Hinder
13. Hint
14. Hitherto
15. Hinterland
16. Hoary 古代的
17. Homeostasis 体内平衡
18. Homogeneity
19. Hospitable
20. Humane
21. Humble
22. Humid
23. Hurricane
24. Hypothesize
25. Hybrid
26. Identical
27. Ideology
28. Idle
29. Ignite
30. Illegal or illicit
31. Illuminate
32. Illiterate
33. Imitate
34. Impartial
35. Illustrate
36. Impede
37. Implausible
38. Implement
39. Implication
40. Implicit
1. Impoverished & indigent
2. Inalienable
3. Indiscriminate
4. Inevitable
5. Indispensable
6. Inextricably
7. Incineration
8. Increment
9. Induce
10. Incursion
11. Incur
12. Indicative
13. Indigenous
14. Indifference
15. Indulge
16. Inertia
17. Index
18. Infest 蔓延
19. Ingest 咽下
20. Infect
21. Ingenious
22. Inflate
23. Infuse
24. Ingenuity
25. Ingrained
26. Ingredient
27. Initial
28. Inhalation
29. Inherent
30. Innate
31. Inquisitive
32. Insomnia
33. Intact
34. Insecticide
35. Instantaneous 即时的
36. Integrate 一体化
37. Insulate
38. Insuperable
39. Inhibit
40. Infer
41. Instruct
42. Instrument

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