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- Furthermore = Además

I like vegetables, furthermore, I like fruit.

- Besides = Aparte de / Además de / Además

You should break up with him, besides he’s not handsome.

Social skills are so important, besides our knowledge.
I need to buy wood, besides a good glue
There is nobody here besides me and my sister.

- As well as = Además de / Así como

Play as well as any professional soccer player.
The chocolate is used to make desserts, as well as the oil to dress salads.
I’m going to exercise, as well as eat protein to get strong.
The store sells fruit as well as vegetables.


- On the other hand = Por otro lado

Manuel has good grades in history, on the other hand, he did not do well in
I am calm, on the other hand, I am fun.
I like to dance, on the other hand, I’m not good at singing.
On one hand he praised my report, but on the other hand he criticized it.

- Although / Even though = Aunque / A pesar de que

He managed to build the castle, even though he started 30 minutes late.

He is very careful, even though he is young.

- In spite of / Despite = A pesar de

He made it through, despite adversity.

In spite of eating pizza, I am hungry.


- For example / Por ejemplo

- For instance / Por ejemplo
I like cakes, for example, vanilla cakes.
I love fruits, for example, apples and oranges are delicious.
The weather in Arequipa is unpredictable, for example, the day before yesterday it
was very cold.

- Particularly/Specifically = Particularmente/Específicamente

In the store there are many products, particularly cleaning products.

I like to watch movies, particularly horror movies.
This is positive, particularly outside of Europe.


- Because of / A causa de
- Due to = Debido a

I was late because of the traffic.

The car’s tire was damaged due to the bad track

I failed my exam because of my mom. She told me to go to the cinema instead.

My flight has been canceled because of the pilot strikes.


- For this reason = Por esta razón

- Therefore = Por lo tanto

This is prohibited, therefore, you are disqualified.

I studied hard for my exam, therefore, I got a good grade.
I am catholic, for this reason, I go to mass on Sundays.


- If/Whether = Si

If you don’t get out now, you will be late for class.
I have to decide if I’m going to go out tonight or not.
If I were you, I would have waited till the last day
If you work more than necessary, you may get a raise.
Don’t worry if the idea is good or bad.
You will miss the bus if you don’t hurry.

- Provided = Siempre que / Mientras

I will sell this product provided there is a lot of demand.

Provided you are a good person, you will be happy.


- First / Secondly / Thirdly (En primer, Segundo y tercer lugar)

- At first
- After that / Afterwards (Después de eso / Más tarde)
- In the beginning / In the end (Al principio/ Al final)

In the end he was not a bad person

In the beginning we didn't get along, but we ended up being friends.

- Then (Luego, entonces)

She fell and then she started crying.

- Eventually / Finally (Finalmente)

Eventually it all comes to an end

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