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Employee: Line Manager:

Job title: Department:

Covering Period: 2022

Performance Reviews

What is the purpose of a Performance

A performance review is a formal assessment in which a manager evaluates an employee’s work performance, identifies
a two-way dialogue in which employees should also feed back on the way they are managed, the direction their career i
engagement. When done right, performance reviews can help employees understand what they’re doing well, how they
them. Managers who use performance reviews effectively are better equipped to recognise high performing employees,
encourage growth and development, and foster employee engagement.

How should the Performance Review be c

Employees must complete their part of the form, either annual or half-year review (employee comments and employee
then complete their sections ahead of the scheduled discussion. Objective completion scores should not be entered prio

Consideration should be given to the DEKRA People Values, and Behaviours for Success throughout the Performance Rev

People Values Behaviours for Success

•Responsibility for Safety •Give honest information, even if it is not good news
•Entrepreneurship •Listen actively to internal and external partners, share insight
•Customer Orientation •Engage yourself and be proactive in seeking information
•Integrity •Encourage each team member to make suggestions on how t
•Team Spirit •Recognise and celebrate successes

Performance reviews should be conducted with reference to the Company's Performance Review Policy. A copy of which

What should happen after your rev

Once you have had your review meeting, your line manager will add notes to the form on SharePoint for you to review. O
form, by adding your initials to the end of the form.

Important Timings
December / January - End of year performance reviews should take place and new goals for the following year should be
development direction, business direction.
End of July- half year formal review of goal progress should be held between June and July.
Prior to the review meeting, the employee should prepare (if requested) evidence detailing progress made on objectives
line manager should also consider what objectives could be set for the coming review period.
Weighting for objectives should be decided during or after the review meeting. Line managers have the final say on the a
Each objective set should be in SMART format:
•Specific - the objective will be clear
•Measurable - evidence based
•Achievable - with resources and time available, it can be done
•Relevant - the goal matters to you and is aligned with business and departmental objectives
•Time-bound - by when it will be achieved

Objective Weighting and Scorin

Objective weighting gives employees focus on which objectives hold the highest priority to the business for the coming r
priority than an objective with a weighting score of 20%). All objective weighting should total 100%, resulting from discu
manager having final say.
At the annual review meeting, both line manager and employee will agree an overall percentage completion score for ea
weighting score, where applicable and appropriate. The agreed percentage completion for each objective cannot total m

Personal Development Plans (PD

What is a PDP?

Personal development planning is a systematic approach to continuously develop to ensure you have the necessary skills
necessarily imply upward movement; rather, it is about enabling individuals to improve their performance and reach the
to help the employee to formulate their plans. There is no specific order to complete these in.
Please also note, it is not mandatory to complete this; it is up to the individual employee to instigate it.

Personal Development Cycle

How do you set goals?

Identify development need - The aim of creating a personal development plan is to document a process of self-analysis,
knowledge. Therefore, a really worthwhile process would be to carry out some basic exploration in the form of a SWOT A
external factors that may influence that position. In Section A (PDP tab) you will find a template to carry out SWOT Analy

Establishing own purpose / direction - When creating your PDP, it is important to establish your own purpose and directi
tab), you will find a template to help document your goals over the course of the next few years.
Establish departmental need – It is important that your goals are aligned with the tasks that you and your department w
or a piece of work that you will be required to complete, that requires some personal development to raise levels of com
How should I formulate my PDP
The PDP template in Section C (PDP tab), will help structure your development plan in a SMART format. When creating y
and identify ways in which they can assist you with your development.
How should I formulate my PDP
The learning process is a cyclical process in which you need to identify your development goal, initiate the action(s) that
time to evaluate and reflect your progress is essential to enable you to make necessary changes to your plan. When eva
• What have I learnt?
• What more do I need to do to achieve my goals?
• Is my progress too slow or ahead of schedule?
• Do I need any assistance to achieve my goal?
• What's hindering my progress?
• Do I need to change my plan?
• What additional benefits am I gaining from the process?
Performance Reviews

he purpose of a Performance Review?

s work performance, identifies strengths and weaknesses, offers feedback, and sets goals for future performance. It is
ed, the direction their career is taking and any challenges that could be addressed to improve performance and
at they’re doing well, how they can improve, how their work aligns with larger company goals, and what is expected of
se high performing employees, correct issues before they become insurmountable, communicate expectations,

the Performance Review be completed?

oyee comments and employee self observation sections) prior to the performance review meeting. Line managers can
res should not be entered prior to the performance review meeting.

roughout the Performance Reviews, as a reminder, please see them below:

if it is not good news

xternal partners, share insights, and act consistently
ve in seeking information
to make suggestions on how to improve situations and solve problems

Review Policy. A copy of which can be located on the Hub.

should happen after your review?

SharePoint for you to review. Once you and your line manager have agreed the notes, you will both need to sign the

Important Timings
or the following year should be established. These goals need to take in to account the previous year goals, personal

g progress made on objectives that were set at the last annual review and /or half year review. Both employee and
gers have the final say on the agreed weighting for each objective.
bjective Weighting and Scoring

o the business for the coming review period. (EG. an objective with a weighting score of 30% would hold higher
otal 100%, resulting from discussions and mutual agreement between the employee and line manager, with the line

entage completion score for each objective. Scoring will automatically populate, based on each objectives pre-agreed
r each objective cannot total more than 100%.

rsonal Development Plans (PDP)

What is a PDP?

re you have the necessary skills and knowledge when opportunities to progress arise. Personal development does not
eir performance and reach their full potential at each stage of their career. The PDP template and sections within are
se in.
o instigate it.

Personal Development Cycle

How do you set goals?

ment a process of self-analysis, personal reflection and generate an honest review of your current skill set and
oration in the form of a SWOT Analysis to understand the present position (where you are now) and the significant
mplate to carry out SWOT Analysis.

h your own purpose and direction, as this can help align your PDP with your own career aspirations. In Section B (PDP
hat you and your department will face over the coming 12 months. Perhaps there is a project that you are assigned to,
elopment to raise levels of competence?
ow should I formulate my PDP?
MART format. When creating your PDP, it is important to engage in dialogue with your Line Manager to discuss ideas,

ow should I formulate my PDP?

goal, initiate the action(s) that you need to reach your goal(s) and then periodically evaluate your progress. Taking
anges to your plan. When evaluating your progress, you need to ask yourself:
Annual Review
Review of previous period – Objectives that were set at the last Performance Review should be listed, reviewed and s

Number Objective detail weighting
where applicable

1 0

2 0

3 0

4 0

5 0

6 0

Total (Must total 100): 0

Employee Comments: Reflection and feedback on areas to note based on the previous year, including reflection on DEKR

Manager Comments: Feedback on performance including feedback against DEKRA Values and Behaviours for Success, s
(please include feedback on the Team performance where the employee is a line manager)
Employee's self observations - including soft skills (think about the
following - communication, collaboration, presentation, teamwork etc)



Objectives for coming review

In addition to role specific targets, using the SMART model, agree and list objectives that will make a positive difference
development. Please add rows if necessary
Suggestion – 5 targets, made up of 3 operational; 1 personal development; 1 linked to values/behaviours for success

Number Objective Completion date

Manager and Employee to review Job Description - Is it accurate and up to date? (please return the updated Job Description to HR for uploading to

Any other business

Additional notes
By adding your initials you agree that the notes detailed above, accurately captu

Line Manager Initials / Date:

Employee Initials / Date:
should be listed, reviewed and scored in the table below.

Employee Comments Manager Comments

ear, including reflection on DEKRA Values and Behaviours for Success (Please include if applicable feedback on your Teams

es and Behaviours for Success, specific achievements and areas of improvement (following discussion), to include client feedback
Managers observations - including soft skills (think about the following - communication, collaboration, presentation,
teamwork etc)

Objectives for coming review period

t will make a positive difference to your performance for the coming year. These can be motivational, operational, or for personal

alues/behaviours for success

Detail support required to complete the objective Weighting where How this will be measured?

d Job Description to HR for uploading to the HR Information System)

detailed above, accurately capture what was discussed and agreed within the review meeting
Agreed Percentage Score
er Comments Completion (%) where

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

Final Score (%): 0

e feedback on your Teams

sion), to include client feedback

cation, collaboration, presentation,

onal, operational, or for personal

ow this will be measured?

Half Year Review
Objectives set at the beginning of this review year should be listed and reviewed in the table below.

Number Objective detail Employee Update / Comments

Employee Comments: Reflection and feedback on areas to note based on the previous review period, including reflectio

Manager Comments: Feedback on performance including feedback against DEKRA Values and Behaviours for Success, s

Additional objectives where applicable

Number Objective Detail support required to comp

Any other business

Additional notes

By adding your initials you agree that the notes detailed above, accurately capt

Line Manager Initials / Date:

Employee Initials / Date:
date / Comments Manager Update / Comments Support required

w period, including reflection on DEKRA Values and Behaviours for Success

nd Behaviours for Success, specific achievements and areas of improvement (following discussion), to include client feedback
ail support required to complete the objective Weighting where How will this be measured?

ailed above, accurately capture what was discussed and agreed within the review meeting
Support required

include client feedback

e measured?

DEKRA recognise that 1-2-1 meetings are crucial for managers and employees to stay in
This 1-2-1 document allows both you and your Line Manager to engage in dialogue and keep a track of discussions. R
Both employee and manager should suitably prepare for the 1-2-1 dialogue

Guidelines & discussion pointers

Reason for meeting: Please state the reason for the 1-2-1 - i.e. regular reoccurring 1-2-1;
Employee update /
Achievements, progress and performance since last 1-2-1; workload; work life balance; c

Manager update / feedback: Employee’s performance since last 1-2-1; progress on objectives;

Actions / objectives: List agreed actions and objectives from 1-2-1 meeting in SMART forma

Meeting 1
Reason for meeting:

Employee update/reflection

Manager update/feedback

Any other business

Actions/ objectives

By adding your initials you agree that the notes detailed above, accurately capture what was
Line Manager Initials / Date:
Employee Initials /Date:
are crucial for managers and employees to stay informed and build trusting relationships.
age in dialogue and keep a track of discussions. Recorded notes within this form should be summary only, not verbatim.
ger should suitably prepare for the 1-2-1 dialogue in advance of the meeting.

Guidelines & discussion pointers

son for the 1-2-1 - i.e. regular reoccurring 1-2-1; requested by employee; requested by manager, etc.

ce since last 1-2-1; workload; work life balance; challenges; ideas; successes; failures; development opportunities

ormance since last 1-2-1; progress on objectives; new tasks; departmental changes; company news

d objectives from 1-2-1 meeting in SMART format - (Specific; Measurable; Attainable; Realistic; Timely)

Meeting 2 Meeting 3
Reason for meeting: Reason for meeting:
Date: Date:
tes detailed above, accurately capture what was discussed and agreed within the 1-2-1 meeting
Meeting 4
Reason for meeting:
Meeting 5 Meeting 6
Reason for meeting: Reason for meeting:
Date: Date:
Meeting 7 Meeting 8
Reason for meeting: Reason for meeting:
Date: Date:
Meeting 9 Meeting 10
Reason for meeting: Reason for meeting:
Date: Date:
Meeting 11 Meeting 12
Reason for meeting: Reason for meeting:
Date: Date:
Personal Development Plan
This section should be completed in conjunction with the PDP guidance notes tab (Introduction & Guidance Notes)

Section A - SWOT Analysis

Strengths – What are you good at? In what areas do you make most contribution? What comments and feedback have

Weaknesses - What areas do you feel you need to develop? Have you received any feedback or comments that may su
your work do you find relatively easy to undertake and what areas are more difficult to complete? Think about what are
them so that they don't hinder your ability to achieve your goals.

Opportunities - Are there any external opportunities you have identified to develop, both personally and in the busines
opportunities that may arise at DEKRA that you could apply for if you had more skills and knowledge in your area?

Threat – Are there any external changes happening in your area of the business. Could this lead to changes in your role
continue with any changes to roles.



Section B - Personal Objectives

Short term goals (next 12 months)

Medium term goals (next 2-3 years)

Longer term goals (beyond 3 years)

Section C - PDP Template

What do I want to learn? What do I have to do?

ntroduction & Guidance Notes)

hat comments and feedback have you received that gives you an indication of how others see your

eedback or comments that may suggest that there are development needs in some areas? What aspects of
o complete? Think about what areas you should develop and consider how you can reduce or manage

both personally and in the business? What aspects do you feel you could have an impact on? Are their
and knowledge in your area?

ld this lead to changes in your role, explore what these could be? Do you feel you have the skills to

Weaknesses (areas for development)

Threats (changes)
Measurement for
What do I have to do? What support and resources will I need?
Target date
for review

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