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Concepts :

1. Obstructive sleep apnea –

2. Snoring – when to go to a doctor
3. Different sleep study levels and their importance
4. When we can get a home sleep study
5. Different treatment modalities for OSA
6. Integrated approach to sleep medicine
7. Consequences of poor sleep
8. Sleep hygiene
9. Parameters to call a good sleep : sleep quantity, quality,
10. How our machine is better than other level 1 machines in Telangana
11. At center comfort as compared to other centers
12. Integrated approach of treating a sleep disorder patient
13. First in Telangana to adopt a blutooth sleep study machine which is compact and
14. Insomnia
15. Diet which induces good sleep
16. Circadian rhythm disorders
17. Why natural light is important – melatonin
18. New mothers, their sleep and their baby’s sleep
19. Sleep as per age

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