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Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Written and Edited by

Richard C. Edwards
Michael Reich
Thomas E. Weisskopf

Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts

© 1972

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may
be reproduced in any form
or by any means without
permission in writing f r o m
the publisher.

ISBN: 0-13-113647-X
Library of Congress
Catalog number: 71-171840
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

Prentice-Hall International, Inc., London

Prentice-Hall of Australia, Pty. Ltd., Sydney
Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd., Toronto
Prentice-Hall of India Private Ltd., New Delhi
Prentice-Hall of Japan, Inc., Tokyo

Printed' in
The United States of America
Preface ix

Introduction 1


Chapter 1. What's Wrong in America? 9

Introduction 10
~1.1 Inequality: Barbara Hayes STUDS TERKEL I/
1.2 Alienationz Inside the New York Telephone Company ELINOR LANGER 14
1.3 Racism: The Way It Spozed to Be JAMES HERNDON 22
1.4 Sexism: We Usually Don't Hire Married Girls ANONYMOUS 25
1.5 Irrationality: The Highway and the City LEwis MUMFORD 27
1.6 Imperialism: The American Impact on Vietnam NGO VIn1-1 LONG 30
1.7 A Brief Guide to Bourgeois Ideology ROBIN BLACKBURN 36


Chapter 2. The Sandy of Hisforiccxf Change: The Emergence of

Capitalism 49

Introduction 50
2.1 The Conception of History KARL MARX 52
2.2 The Method of Historical Materialism PAUL BARAN AND ERIC HOBSBAWM 53
2.3 The Essence of Capitalism MAURICE DOBB 56
2.4 The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism HARL MARX 6/
2.5 The Rise of the Bourgeoisie KARL MARX AND FR1Er>RrC:H ENGELS 66
2.6 The Crisis of the Slave South EUGENE GENOVESE 72

Chapter 3. The Copifafis$Mode of Production 87

Introduction is
3.1 The Role of Markets in Capitalist Society KARL POLANYI 92
3.2 The Logic of Capitalist Expansion RICHARD C. EDWARDS 98


3.3 Alienated Labor KARL MARX 106

3.4 Commodities and Commodity Fetishism PAUL SWEEZY II()
3.5 Bureaucratic Organization in the Capitalist Firm RICHARD C. EDWARDS N5
3.6 Supportive Institutions: The Family and the Schools PEGGY MORTON
3.7 Capitalism and Inequality THOMAS E. WE1SSKOPF 125
3.8 The Primary Function of the Capitalist State PAUL SWEEZY 133
3.9 Ruling Class Power and the State RICHARD C. EDWARDS AND

Chapter 4. The Fvofufknn of American Capifafism T43

Introduction 144
4.1 Business Concentration in the American Economy GARDLNER MEANS /45
4.2 The Evolution of the Multinational Corporation STEPHEN HYMER /56
4.3 The Behavior of the Large Corporation PAUL BARAN AND PAUL SWEEZY 161
4,4 The Concentration of Wealth and Power in America
4.5 The Evolution of the United States Labor Force MICHAEL Rel cu 174
4.6 Education and the Labor Force DAVID K. COHEN AND
-4.7 Corporate Liberalism and the Modern State JAMES WE1NSTE11~1 /88
4.8 The Expanding Role of the State JAMES O'CONNOR 192


Chopper 5. Inequality 205

Introduction 206
5. 1 The Extent of Income Inequality in the United States FRANK ACKERMAN,
5.2 Unequal Education and the Reproduction of the Hierarchical Division
of Labor SAMUEL BowLEs 2/8
5.3 How the School System is Rigged for Failure FLORENCE HOWE AND
5.4 The Effect of Taxes and Government Spending on Inequality
5.5 Who Fares Well in the Welfare State? RICHARD C. EDWARDS 244
Contents vii

Chapter 6. Aliencrfion 253

Introduction 254
6.1 White-Collar Woes and Blue-Collar Blues JUDSON GOODING 255
6.2 Women's Alienation: The Problem With No Name BETTY FRIEDAN 26]
6.3 The Alienated Consumer ERICH FROMM 265
6.4 The Alienating Consequences of Capitalist Technology
6.5 Alienation in Capitalist Society HERBERT G1NT1S 274

Chapter 7. Racism 287

Introduction 288
7.1 Institutional Racism and the Colonial Status of Blacks STOKELY
Institutional Racism in Urban Labor Markets HAROLD BARON AND
7.3 The Rise of Capitalism and the Rise of Racism JAMES AND
7.4 Monopoly Capital and Race Relations PAUL BARAN AND PAUL
7.5 The Economics of Racism MICHAEL REICH 313

Chapter 8. Sexism 323

Introduction 324
8.1 The Situation of Women JULIET MITCHELL 326
8.2 Families and the Oppression of Women LINDA GORDON 337
8.3 The Economic Exploitation of Women MARILYN POWER GOLDBERG 34/
8.4 On the Relationship Between Sexism and Capitalism MARGERY DAvits
8.5 Goals of the Women's Movement: A Clarification ELIZABETH KATZ
AND JAMCE Weiss 356

Croupier 9. Irrationality 361

Introduction 362
9.1 The Problem of Surplus Absorption in a Capitalist Society THOMAS
9.2 On the Creation of Consumer Wants JOHN KENNETH GALBRALTH 374
9.3 Economic Growth versus Psychological Balance WALTER WElSSKOPF 379
9.4 Private Priorities and Collective Needs ANDRE Gone 383
9.5 The Crisis of Our Environment MURRAY BOOKCH1N 388
9.6 Capitalism and the Military-Industrial Complex MICHAEL REICH AND

Chapter 10. Imperialism 407

Introduction 408
10.1 Capitalist Expansion, Ideology, and Intervention ARTHUR MACEWAN 409
10.2 Militarism and Imperialism HARRY MAGDOFF 420
10.3 United States Foreign Private Investment: An Empirical Survey
THOMAS E. WEtssKop1= 426
10.4 The Multinational Corporation and Modern Imperialism PAUL BARAN
10.5 Capitalism and Underdevelopment in the Modern World THOMAS


Chapter T 1. Contradictions of Advanced Capitalism 461

Introduction 462
11.1 The Development of a Revolutionary Proletariat KARL MARX AND
11.2 International Contradictions of Advanced Capitalism PAUL BARAN
11.3 From Petrograd to Saigon GORAN To-IERBORN 478'
11.4 Domestic Corttradictions of Advanced Capitalism ANDRE GoRz 478
11.5 Contradictions in Higher Education in the United States SAMUEL
11.6 The Making of Socialist Consciousness EDITORIAL BOARD OF Socialist
Revaluation 508'

Chapter 12. Visions of a Socialist Aifernative 519

Introduction 520
12.1 Marx's Concept of Socialism ERICH FROMM 52/
12.2 Socialism as a Pluralist Commonwealth GAR ALP18ROV1TZ 524
Biographical Notes 541

This book is only in the most immediate sense the result of our own work.
It originated in the collective effort of a larger group of graduate students
and junior faculty to develop a radical alternative to the Harvard Economics
Department's standard fare of courses. Our alternative--a new course en-
titled "The Capitalist Economy: Conflict and Power"-was introduced into
the undergraduate curriculum as Social Sciences 125 in 1968-69 and con-
tinues to be taught by a gradually evolving staff. In this book we have tried
to organize, to extend, and to communicate the main themes of Social
Sciences 125 so as to make available to others the results of our collective
experience. In preparing the book we have drawn freely on the ideas and
assistance of all the people associated with the course.
More generally, and more basically, this book owes its origins to the
radical political movement. Political struggles for civil rights and against
the Vietnam war-~and the subsequent growth of a broader radical move-
ment in opposition to imperialism, racism, inequality and other forms of
social oppression associated with capitalism-have educated us all and have
inspired many of us to study the economic and political structure of our
society. Stimulated by the movement, students have brought increasing
pressure upon universities to offer radical courses and have thereby created
the opportunity for preparing courses such as Social Sciences 125 and
books such as this one,
We three author-editors are in many ways typical of how the movement
has affected individual lives. In the early and middle sixties, we were college
students concerned with the need for social reform. It was a time when we
blamed social evils on the outcome of elections, or on bureaucratic stupidity
or incompetence. In the middle and late sixties . we studied orthodox
economics (Weisskopi at M.l.T., Edwards and Reich at Harvard), and at
the same time participated in current struggles against racism, poverty, and
the Vietnam war. This was perhaps the most fragmented period in our
lives: we were studying a well-established and sophisticated discipline, but
we became increasingly aware of its inadequacy. Not only did it deny or
ignore most of our political concerns, but even worse, it constituted a
system of belief that justified the .stains quo by defending the capitalist
Our work on Social Sciences 125, beginning in 1968, represented an
effort to resolve this contradiction. In seeking to develop an analytical
framework that would be relevant to oureoncerns, we recognized increas-
ingly that social oppression is embedded in the basic economic and political


institutions of capitalist society. Influenced by the writings of Paul Baron,

Paul Sweezy, and Andre Gorz, to whom we are greatly indebted, we were
attracted to a Marxist perspective. This is no coincidence: the Marxist
tradition of social concern, critical analysis, and interdisciplinary theory is
naturally congenial to the study of the complex issues confronting us.
We do not find everything that Marx or his followers have written to be
useful, or even relevant or correct. On the contrary, readers familiar with
the Marxist literature will notice (and may complain) that many strands of
Marxist thought are not represented in tiNs book. Nonetheless our primary
intellectual debt is to Karl Marx. M poach to social problems has
influenced us deeply. The following quotation by Ernesto (Che) Guevera
best describes our position!

When asked whether or not we are Marxist, our position is the same as
that of a physicist or a biologist when asked if he is a "Newtonian" or if he
is a "Pasteurian."
There are truths so evident, so much a part of people's knowledge, that
it is now useless to discuss them. One ought to be "Marxist" with the same
naturalness with which one is "Newtonian" in physics or "Pasteuriarl" in
biology, considering that if facts determine new concepts, these new concepts
will never divest themselves of that portion of truth possessed by the older
Concepts they have outdated. Such is the case, for example, of Einsteinian
relativity or Planck's "quantum" theory with respect to the discoveries of
Newton, they take nothing at all away from the greatness of the learned
Englishman. Thanks to Newton, physics was able to advance until it had
achieved new concepts in space. The learned Englishman provided the
necessary steppingstone for them. . . .
The merit of Marx is that he suddenly produces a qualitative change in
the history of social thought. He interprets history, understands its dynamic,
predicts the future, but in addition to predicting it (which would satisfy his
scientific obligation), he expresses a revolutionary concept: the world must
not only he interpreted, it must be transformed.

Explanation alone is not enough. The purpose of social and economic

analysis should be to help to eradicate the current sources of oppression
rather than merely to describe them, or-still worse-to obscure them.
We want to place our analysis squarely on the side of the growing move-
ment for radical social change. For, as a result of our studies and our
association with the radical movement, it ha.S become clear to us that to
achieve a better society the capitalist system must he challenged.

This book is devoted to an analysis of the capitalist system in the ad-

vanced capitalist countries, especially the United States. We had first in-
tended simply to reprint the most relevant material from the reading list
of Social Sciences 125. As we began our work, however, we found that the
unity and coherence of the book demanded rather extensive introductions
as well as a variety of new essays to fill gaps in the literature. Thus we
1"Notcs for the Study of the Ideology of the Cuban Revolution," Studies on :he
Left, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1960.
Preface xi

encouraged some of the members of the staff of Social Sciences 125 (in-
cluding ourselves) to contribute new readings that would convey many of
the ideas that had gone into the course but had not yet appeared in
written form. The result is that approximately one-third of the readings
in this book have been written by staff members of Social Science 125 or by
other close friends and associates. Most of these are appearing here in
print for the first time. Several of the new readings have been or will be
published also in current issues of The Review of Radical Political Eco-
We have edited judiciously most of the readings being reprinted. The
editing, we trust, improves Me clarity of exposition, avoids unnecessary
repetition, and focuses on points that are most gerinane to our analysis.
Deletions from the original text are indicated by elipses. Each source is
cited in full so that rediders can consult the original text as desired. In ex-
cerpting readings footnotes that are not essential to the understanding or
documentation of the piece were removed and all footnotes and tables
renumbered for continuity. Finally, we have included at the end of each
chapter an annotated bibliography to refer both teachers and students to
additional readings that we have found particularly useful.
The resulting book includes a variety of material selected and edited
from the work of many different authors. It has been carefully woven into
a logical sequence of twelve chapters, with extensive introductions to each
chapter and to each reading to bind the diverse writings into a coherent
whole. Though we have conceived the book as the basis for a radical course
on American political economy, its applicability as a collection of readings
supplementary to other courses in economics or in the social sciences is
We have already mentioned our debt to all the other members of the
staff of Social Sciences 125 during 1968-70. 'They are Keith Aufhauser,
Peter Bohmer, Roger Bohmer, Samuel Bowles, Herbert Gintis, Carl
Gotsch, Arthur MacE van, Stephan Michelson, Ralph Pochoda, and
Paddy Quick. We are grateful for the constructive criticism we received
at several meetings of the weekly seminar of the Harvard chapter of the
Union for Radical Political Economics, and we would like to thank
specifically the following persons who have contributed in various ways
to the book. Frank Ackerman, James Ault, James Campcn, Margery
Davies, Maria Delgado, Ellen Doughty, Carolyn Popc Edwards, Coburn
Everdell, Elizabeth Fenton, Elizabeth Katz, Pamela Pacelli, Adria Reich,
Janice Weiss, Susan Weisskopf, James Wetzler, and Andrew Zimbalist.
*Published by the Union for Radical Political Economics, 2503 Student Activities
Building, University of Michigan. Arm Arbor, Michigan, 48104.

Cambridge, Mass. THOMAS E. WE1SSKOPF
THIS BOOK HAS GROWN OUT OF A PROFOUND structure of its contents. The material to be
dissatisfaction with the society in which we presented has been organized into a sequence
live. We see a rich and powerful nation bom- that we have found useful from El pedagogic
barding and decimating poor and much cal point of view. Most of the essays in later
weaker nations on the opposite side of the chapters can be read with greater insight and
globe. We see enormous wealth coexist with understanding after a prior reading of earlier
abject proverty, we see whites oppress blacks chapters.
and men dominate women. We sec our en- Part I (Chapter l),"Problerns of Capital-
vironment despoiled in the name of greater ism," presents a series of graphic accounts
"productivity", we see highways split com- illustrating some of the forms of oppression

munities and parking lots displace parks, that arc so prevalent and intractable in the
fields, and meadows. And we see thousands contemporary United States. These readings
upon thousands of men and women retreat are intended to provide a glimpse of the
from the boredom of their jobs into a stulti- range and the urgency of problems which,
fying color-TV land, or into liquor, or into we Shall argue, derive to a significant ex-
destructive drugs. tent from the fundamental institutions of a
Why do these problems occur? Are they capitalist system. .
simply the modern equivalents of age-old Part 11 (Chapters 2-ll), "The Structure
forms of oppression, to be expected in any of the Capitalist Sstem," is primarily tl'1e~
society because people are inherently greedy, oretical M nature. cannot understand
selfish, and powevseeking? Or are these the relationships between capitalism and
problems, however formidable they seem at the oppressive problems described in Chap-
the moment, mere aberrations from the basi- tct° 1 without first examining what capi-
cally just and humane nature of Western in- talism is and how it has developed. Chapter
dustrial society? We reject both of these ex- 2 considers the general place of econom-
planations. We believe that human behavior ics in the analysis of social. systems and
is significantly shaped by the institutional examines the development of capitalism in
framework of a society. And we believe that England and the United States. In Chapter
oppression in its many forms is pervasive in 3 we turn to a detailed analysis of the capi-
and fundamental to Western industrial so- talist mode of production; Chapter 4 extends
cicty. this basic analysis to examine the evolution
Oppression has its roots in the basic eco- of capitalist institutions in the contemporary
nomic institutions of a society. The forms of United States.
inequality, alienation, racism, sexism, irra- In Part I l l (Chapters 5-10), "The Func-
tionality, and imperialism that we observe in tioning, of Capitalism in America," we turn
the United States today derive in large part to an analysis of the relationships between
from the existing capitalist institutions. The the oppressive problems described in Part I
purpose of this book is to analyze the rela- and the basic capitalist institutions examined
tionships between these forms of oppression in Part II. Each of the six chapters in Part
and the capitalist system, and to examine the III deals with one of the six important types
internal structure and dynamics of capitalism of problems that we highlighted in Chapter
itself. 1: inequality, alienation, racism, sexism,
irrationality (including rriilitarisni, consumer-
ism, environmental destruction, and related
THE ORGANIZATION OF THE BOOK problems), and imperialism. In each of these
chapters we argue that the basic institutions
We have divided this book into four parts that characterize the capitalist mode of pro-
and twelve chapters to follow the logical duction make it extremely difficult, if not

Introduction 3

altogether impossible, to eliminate the prob- inevitable in an advanced industrial society,

lems at hand. with its complex and sophisticated technol-
Nonetheless, we are by no means fatalistic ogy, its cybernetic systems, and its massive
about the persistence of oppression. We be- scale. Technological society is seen as a sys-
lieve that there are good prospects for radi- tern of domination, or as a machine out of
cal social change-the kind of fundamental control. in our view such arguments are fal-
change from capitalist to alternative institu- lacious and misplaced, To believe that in-
tions which would permit and encourage the dustrialism by itself generates social problems
development of a freer and more decent so- is to fall prey to technological determinism.
ciety. In Part IV (Chapters 11-12), "To- The villain is not the existing state of tech-
ward an Alternative to the Capitalist Sys- nology and productive capacity, but the
tem," we argue that the very process of power relations in society which, for exam-
capitalist development generates oppositional ple, dictate the ends of productive effort, the
forces which, in the long run, may lead to uses to which technology is to be put, and
a fundamental transformation of the capi- the very criteria by which some technologies
talist system. Chapter 11 examines the con- are methodically developed and others left
tradictions which develop in contemporary dorttiant and undeveloped.
capitalism-contradictions that cannot be re- As a specific example, consider the prob-
solved within the present social framework. lem of pollution. We shall argue in Chapter
Finally, Chapter 12 considers in broad out- 9 that in a capitalist society there are basic
line some important aspects of .an alterna- forces which operate to maximize the extent
tive, more desirable social system, which we of environmental disruption that accompa-
shall call participatory socialism. nies industrial production. These forces can
in principle be curbed by state intervention,
but such intervention is likely to be neither
A FEW PRELIMINARY REMARKS widespread nor effective because it goes
counter to the natural logic of capitalism. A
capitalist society cannot satisfactorily resolve
Throughout this book we will be criticiz-
environmental problems, but an alterer alive
ing the capitalist system that dominates the
industrial society dependent on different ba-
Western world today. In Part II we define
sic institutions would not be so handicapped.
quite explicitly what we mean by the capi-
In short, technology need not necessarily be
talist mode of production and how it is to be
destructive; under the appropriate conditions
distinguished from alternative modes. But
since the meaning of capitalism is subject to
it can in fact become in instrument of lib-
eration. Social theories that attribute every
considerable confusion, it may be useful at
modern problem to industrialism are clearly
the outset to clarify a few points about our
understanding and analysis of the capitalist
system. In particular, we would like to ex-
plain our point of view on ( l ) the relation- Ccxpifcalism and Socialism:
ship between capitalism and industrialism, Another common misconception is that
and ( 2 ) the relationship between capitalism
the difference between capitalism and social-
and socialism.
ism depends solely upon the legal relations
of ownership of the means of production.
Capitalism is often equated with private own-
Capitalism and lndustricllism:
ership of capital, while socialism is equated
It is often alleged that many of the char- with public or state ownership of capital.
acteristtes of the modern United States are In many advanced capitalist countries

such as England, France, or Sweden-the Socialism means democratic, decentralized,

state-owned branches of production have and participatory control for the individual:
grown in importance in recent decades, and it means having a say in the decisions that
the state has taken on the responsibility of affect one's life. Such a participatory form
regulating and managing the entire economy. of socialism certainly requires equal access
These countries are often said to be exam- for all to material and cultural resources,
ples of mixed systems, in that they embody which in turn requires the abolition of private
elements of both capitalism and socialism. ownership of capital and the redistribution
However, the state-owned production sectors of wealth. But it also calls for socialist men
in these countries tend to differ only mar- and women to eliminate alienating, destruc-
ginally, if at all, from the private sectors of tive forms of production, consumption, edu-
the economy, inasmuch as the state employs cation, and social relations. Participatory so-
capitalist-oriented criteria in organizing its cialism requires the elimination of bureauc-
activities. These countries are examples of racies and all hierarchical forms, and their
what we would call state capitalism. replacement, not by new state or party bu-
At the same time, in the Soviet Union reaucracies, but by a self-governing and
and the Eastern European countries, virtu- self-managing people with directly chosen
ally the entire economy is run by a central- representatives subject to recall and replace-
ized state apparatus, This system has re- ment. Participatory socialism entails a sense
sulted in a stratified, bureaucratic and of egalitarian cooperation, of solidarity of
hierarchical society in which the maximiza- people with one another; but at the same
tion of material goods production-subject time it respects individual and group differ-
to the constraint of preserving hierarchical ences and guarantees individual rights. lt af-
control--is a primary objective. Such a SO- fords to all individuals the freedom to exer-
ciety might best be called state socialism. In cise human rights and civil liberties that are
Serge Mallet's apt analogy, the state socialist not mere abstractions but have concrete day-
societies of the Soviet Union and Eastern to-day meaning."
Europe are to true socialism what "the mon- Our vision of a radical social transforma-
sters of the paleolithic era are to present tion of the United States clearly involves far
animal species: clumsy, abortive, proto- more than formal changes in political and
types.371 It would be incorrect to equate economic institutions. Such changes must be
mechanically state socialism and state capi- part of an ongoing process of change in so-
talism, for the two systems do differ in sig- cial and cultural consciousness that will con-
nificant respects. For example, the state so- stitute a revolution of social relations among
cialist societies have gone much further people. We do not regard men and women
toward equalizing the distribution of essential as inherently greedy, acquisitive, selfish, com-
goods and servic such as food, housing, petitive, or aggressive. 'Human nature has
medical care, and transportation. Yet state shown enormous variation in time and space,
socialism and StaQ capitalism 'area l in
many respects: neither are model societies of By these criteria, 110 country has as yet
socialism to be emulated. achieved participatory socialism. China and Cuba,
For us, socialism is more than a juridical however, have tried to avoid individual, competi-
tive material incentives by stressing social incen-
change in the legal relations of ownership. tives for economic development, and to some
extent they have also placed economic develop~
men in the proper context of overall balanced
1"Bureaucracy and Technology in the Socialist social development, Hence these countries can be
Countries," Socfahsf Revolzufon, I, No. 3 (Mayf contrasted favorably with the Soviet Union and
June, 1970), 45. Eastern Europe.
lntroducfion 5

and it seems to be in large part a product of tenacity of such phenomena as male suprem-
the social environment. We believe that acy and military expansion, which predate
changes in the environment can interact with the rise of capitalism and are not unique to
changes in the individual to usher in a new capitalist societies today. Yet we do believe
era of human cooperation. that in many cases capitalism makes use of
One final caveat is necessary, it will un- and reinforces these forms of oppression
derscore the preceding points. Despite our and thereby precludes their eradication. Thus
critical perspective on the capitalist system, the elimination of basic capitalist institutions
it is not our intention to imply that all forms is necessary, though not sufficient, to elimi-
of oppression are a result of capitalist insti- nate the oppressive problems of the modern
tutions, though a great many are, or that all world. To achieve a decent society, the strug-
social problems will automatically wither gle against capitalism must be intimately
away with the elimination of the basic insti- linked to struggles against social oppression
tutions of capitalism. We have respect for the in all its forms.

* m


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in America?
no ONE NEEDS To BE TOLD IN THE 1970's in contemporary America. Furthermore, the
that there is much that is wrong in America. selections we have chosen to depict these
If nothing else, the events of the past decade problems can necessarily only provide a
have brought home to every American the glimpse of the overall situation. Thousands
enormity and the variety of the problems of books and articles have been written
that plague our society and our economy. about various aspects of. each of the prob-
These problems take different forms for dif~ lems we examine. The readings in this chap-
ferent people, and some people suffer very ter aim simply to illustrate a problem and
much more than others. Yet no one can re- to motivate the reader to draw further from
main unaffected, for in the last analysis a his own experience and from the extensive
society is an organic whole that is shaped by descriptive literature that already exists.
every component part. Some of' the best of' Es literature is noted
To examine all of the problems in com- in the bibliography al- ' end of the chapter.
prehensive fashion is an impossible task. The first six readings treat selectively the
War, poverty, alienation, racism, crime, de- six major topics that are studied in Part III
struction of the environment, waste, hypoc- of the book. Inequality, alienation, racism,
risy-all of these and more compete for sexism, irrationality, and imperialism are il-
headlines every day in the newspapers. Their lustrated briefly by descriptive accounts that
combined effect is not only to oppress a are both personal and well informed.
great many people at home and abroad, but It is an understandable fact of life that
also to generate a widespread sense of anx- the most directly oppressed people are rarely
iety among those who are not or do not per- in a position to articulate their oppression in
ceive themselves to he oppressed. written f.orm. Instead, oppression h almost
in this book we attempt to analyze many always described by sympathetic M elvers
of these problems by studying the basic so~ whose background and education have
cal and economic institutions out of which spared them from the most obvious forms
they have arisen. Before beginning such an of oppression and enabled them to commu-
analysis, however, we believe that it is use- nicate effectively in writing. The readings in
ful to focus directly on some of the problems this chapter do not depart signiiicantlyfrom
themselves. For people who are not the most this rule. However, by reprinting reports by
immediate victims, there is a persistent air persons directly or very closely involved
of unreality about the disastrous news reports with the problems described, we hope to
that appear on a printed page or flash across convey some direct insight into what's wrong
a television screen. The most shocking inci- in America today.
dents in Vietnam can be absorbed without The last reading in this chapter goes on
emotion by people who have almost become 10 consider What's wrong with the way social
immune to the killing of innocent villagers scientists tend to analyze contemporary so-
and the destruction of their homes and land. cieties. The social problems that plague
Yet to undertake the study of serious social America today necessar.ily_call_ for attention
problems without an emotional sense of their by intellectuals whose fields of learning are
urgency is to open oneself to irrelevant the- supposed to be relevant to these problems.
orizing and intellectual gamesmanship, Economists, political scientists, sociologists,
In the readings in this chapter we draw etc., cannot wholly ignore the reality of. con-
attention. to a few of the problems that are temporary American society. Yet as Black-
examined in greater detail in Part Ill. The burn points out in his "A Brief Guido to
choice of problems cannot be comprehen- Bourgeois Ideology," the prevailing approach
sive, we have chosen to focuS on some which to social problems by Western social scien-
we believe to be among the most significant tists tries to minimize the significance of

Inequality 11

these problems, to inhibit a thorough-going Before undertaking the task in the chapters
analysis of their origins, and to suppress the to follow, it is useful to examine the nature
notion that preferable alternatives exist, This of the prevailing ideology and the biases that
book represents an effort to move against the pervade it.
prevailing ideology of Western social science.

1.1 Inequality: Barbara Hayes

In this first reading Studs Terkel interviews Mrs. Barbara Hayes, trapped
near the bottom of the American ladder.

Source: The following is condensed from Part VI of Division Szreerz

America by STUDS TERKEL. Copyright © 1967 by Studs Terkel. Reprinted
by permission of Pantheon Books, a division of Random House, Inc.

Number I520: a doorway facing our on the notice. This is the first time mine's been cut
gallery! As; apartment in the world's largest off. We're in darkness tonight.
public-housing project: the Robert Taylor
Homes, on south Stale Street, extending from
If one of the kids wants to read a book. _ . .
Pershing Road (39th Street) to 54th. We're No, they can't read a, book. They can't
in the kuchen of a six-room flat. Somewhere watch TV. They can't listen to the radio. If
in the vague diStance a child is whimpering. we didn't have a watch, we couldn't tell
"T/'ze little one," murmurs Mrs. Hayes. "Her what time it was, because we have electric
a)'1fer11oorz nap." A small boy of four or five clocks.
is observzrlg us.
In about three hours, ir'lz be totally dark.
She has eight c/fdldren, four boys and four
What happens?
girls-including a seeA of twins-ranging as
age from sixteen to the baby. Size has re- They'll light a candle. We'll probably eat
Gently been separated from /her husband and by candlelight, And just before it gets dark,
is on ADC, She came lo Chicago in 1954, they'll straighten up their rooms and change
and all these years she has lived r`rl a project. their clothes and lay out their school clothes
for tomorrow. And this will be -it. Then
Ir'S abou; two in the afternoon. The place we'11 sit in here, I suppose.
.is in .s'ernicleu'krl.e5s, the eZeetrzlcit}-° having . . . I like children and I always thought
been our off. Fortunately, rife battery of my that mothers needed a lot of understanding.
tap eweco rder was fully charged. I wanted to be a social worker because 1 re-
alized people had so many problems that
They said 'I hadn't paid my bills on time, they needed somebody to listen to them, to
and when you don't pay your bills OI] time, talk to them, to help them. This was a busy
you get El black record. So they don't bother world. People don't have too much time to
to send you a second notice. They send you listen. They have their own problems.
your bill and then they send you a final On a bus, it's easy to strike up a conver-
sation. You don't have to say anything. Just
1(Jallc1'y is the ocia] name for the balcony
look as though you'd listen and people start
that extends out on each story of the building.. The
words porffi and gaHery are used 111terchungcably. telling you, oh, something the boss did, or

somebody on the job, or what the landlord, acres. They raised their OWI1 vegetables and
say, or complain about prices-they might've flowers. Quite a few of the ladies canned the
just left a sale, you know, People want to vegetables. They were so pretty. Some of
talk, they don't have to know you. them had freezers and they had a whole fam-
But as far as life in public housing is con- ily dinner. I. think they enjoyed it because a
cerned, I don't think it's a very good place lot of the people are from the South. They
to raise children. They can't make noise, they had done farming and this might have car-
don't have freedom. They can't do like they ried them back to, you know, memories.
can in a small town. They can't lay on the I don't like the Taylor Homes. it's too
grass, they can't climb trees. ,,,.,. -- crowded, there are not enough activities.
Who does the child have to talk to at home?
The phone rings. It was the first of many
Mother's got other kids. If the father's there,
such calls during the conversation.
he's working or on relief and this he doesn't
That lady was not of this building. She's appreciate. So who wants to be bothered
in the 5200. I'nl chairman of this building's with some kids? So they say: "la/Iama, what
council. She called about the course in cash- is this?" And: "I don't know, don't bother
iering. The .Toe Louis Milk Company is of- me. Go play." So they send them out on the
fering it. If we could get the people. I told porch or downstairs.
them thi! is no problem. women here The kids have been shoved outside. So
would like to woH'<. People think people on they break windows, destroy property, fight
Aid won't work. If you have three or four -anything to get some attention. That` how
children and you really care anything about you get the gang leaders. Everybody wants
them, you want to be sure when you go to recognition. You get it whichever way you
work that they'rc taken care of. People will can.
accept your money and say they're taking We had some teen-age boys around here
care of your children, but this is not always that were pretty trouhiesome. Whenever we
so. I think I've talked to about thirteen peo- were going to had-llu, 1'd ask those
ple who say they want to take the course. boys to keep order so that nobody would
But one of the questions they ask: Where's start any confusion. They were the ones who
the last place you worked and how long started the confusion, so by having them
ago? If you haven't worked in six or seven look out for the others, I didn't have any
years, who's gonna hire you" (B-r-ringl) problems. They enjoyed this. And they re-
Excuse me. spect you, too. I started out one evening for
class and they were roughhousing downstairs
"She just got fired from the CHA-the Chi-
and one of them said: "Cool it, here comes
cago Housing Authority. She was a janitress.
Quite a thing going on here--among the row
Miz Hayes." I hadn't gotten two feet away
and they started again. But at least they let
people, Foo. They have a tough supervisor
me pass. (Laughs) This is the same group
and they clon'f want the employees to show
of boys that I would say: I need your help
an1 insnbordinarion, me then they're right
or wrong. There's a gregor deal of unemploy-
You push them outdoors, out in the .gal-
ment. Most people who do construction
leries: You can't play ball-no roller skat-
work, they're oil quite a bit. It's seasonal.
ing-you're making too much noise by the
The others who work of the post office or at
window- So they go downstairs: You can't
some stores d`orL'£ have too rnuch trouble-
sit OI1 the be11ches-you're not supposed to
I don'z think."
be around here. Or somebody throws some-
The people here want to do something. thing down: You're not supposed to be
Last year, we had a garden project, seven hanging around out front. So what are they
Inequality 13

gonna do? You can push them so far. Then they have a fire and the elevators don't work.
they're gonna push back. But if they had It'll take 'em longer. We had one in Taylor
more to do. . . . when a couple of kids did die because they
The turnover's so fast, you know. In a couldn't get an elevator.
crowded place like this, you . . . oh, so They say kids play on 'em and people put
what? You want to stay by yourself. You 'em out of order, but if this is the case, cer-
don't know about the people next door. You tainly CHA should do something about it.
don't know what they're like. A lot of peo- Put some operators on. They have repair-
ple are kinda suspicious. Maybe they resent men and electricians and maintenance men.
conditions. A lot of them are on Aid, a lot Wouldn't it be less expensive for the CHA?
of wrong things go on. So they stay to them- Of course, it would be more convenient for
selves and don't have to worry about it get- the resident.
ting out. We can't get cooperation from manage-
Often the elevators don't work. I think ment. Our council has gotten parents to say :
we have one working today. It might be We'll operate the elevators during the day,
working at noon, two o'eloek, it might be if they put some people on in the afternoon.
out of order. Three o'clock in the morning it We did this for two weeks. And they say
might be out of order, you hear bells ringing. you can't do anything with the kids. This is
Children and adults get stuck in them. Some- not so. After we had been on there for a
times they get frightened. Kids know how to week, the kids knew when to come down to
stick the elevators. They make a game out the first floor instead of going to the third
of it. They find a kid who is afraid and they Hoof to get on. Came to the first floor, lined
stick it. up and waited. In a matter of fifteen min-
I've walked fifteen flights quite frequently. utes, we had all the school kids home. It was
When I first moved in, I did it for the exer- working out.
cise. I do it now when I have to. It's not We asked management to send some peo-
too pleasant. You never know who you're ple up in the evenings. We were gonna help
gonna find on the stairs. People from off them, too. The kids had gotten used to see-
the street. The stairs are open. You might ing the parents down there, so they would
see people sleeping on the stairs, you straighten up, they wouldn't push. They'd
might see people gambling on the stairs, get on and wouldn't touch the buttons.
you might see drinking on the stairs. You They'd tell you what floor. They didn't
never know what you're gonna meet on the scream and just make a piano board out of
stairway. The light might be on, they might the buttons as they do now. The manage-
be off. If they're off, you're gonna come up ment didn't object. They just didn't cooper-
these stairs, you know. ate. They dldn't care . . .
Suppose somebody gets Mick, needs a doctor,
and :he elevator doe.slrz'A' work? If kids come out of this environment
stable, emotionally stable, thcy're lucky. It's
They're just sick then. You have to take very difficult. All the pressures, you know.
them down the stairs, Or, if somebody really
Say, I live on the fifteenth floor. You czln't
gets sick, they'd just die, I suppose. I often
wonder what's gonna happen when we have apartment, firemen said. Neighbors pulled Retinals
a iire?2 of. wonder what's .gonna happen when body from the apartment. Tirrlothy's body was
found under a pile of clothes in a closet where he
2From the Chicago Dc1fJ'y News, December 11, apparently sought refuge, The children':s mother
1965: "Two children were killed Friday in a $200 was at work, firemen said, and a girl who came to
fire in a Robert Taylor Homes building at 4352 S. baby-sit discovered the find. It was confined IO the
State. The victims, Timothy Larde, 5, and his Laude apartment." This item appeared months
sister, Regina, 3, suffocated in their tenth-floor after our conversation.

make too much noise, the people downstairs -where they'll not have to be pitiful on
complain. You can't go out to play. You public aid. And I hope to move from Taylor
have to study, watch your little sister. Be Homes into a place where I can have my
careful, don't talk to a stranger. It's an open own day-care center. Not just a baby-sitting
neighborhood, anybody can come through. thing. Expose them to the fine arts. And take
The building is like a street. Not just your them on trips.
friends and your bill. collectors, but every- Beauty. It's really all around. You just
body's you know . . . salesmen, anybody. have to find it. Look around and see. Some
The people here don't know how to re~ think the sun and a bright day, that's beauty.
sist. They'll come by with something they Not necessarily. I'm quite sure this would be
know you want, or maybe you need it, you a scene of beauty to an artist. With his CE1I1-
- , but you ii§ally can't afford it. And vas, He can see so many things we don't
they high-pressure people into taking it. On see, you know.
the installment. No money down, or a dollar
POSTSCRIPTZ The elevator going down was
down, dollar a week, make it sound so sim-
crowded. A number of jerky stops. Two
ple. Yeah, they always pay more than what
women, with Deep South accents, forlorn,
it's worth, you know. Sometimes they can't
lost. Their plaint: the obstinate elevator
keep up with the bill and then comes this
failed Fo stop at the fourteenth floor; they
pressure from the company. They take it
had pressed the button again and again; they
away or they pressure you about making a
had been going ap and down, three times;
payment. So you have to take your food
to-yos. "Lotsa time it don't work. I walk up
money or something else to pay them. They
fourteen floors, tnore'n I can count." One
want to get paid, they don't really care. You
talking, the other nodding: " 'At's the truth,
pay for bein' poor.
Lawd." Young Negro, in the hard hat of a
So >:= construction worker, gets off at seventh floor.
His departing continent over shoulder: "Pres-
What do you want most in life'
For my children to get a good education no laughter. -
ident's Physical Fitness Program." There was

1.2 Alienation.: Inside the New York

Tglgphgng Company

As public utilities, the American telephone companies might be expected

to differ in important respects from the large private corporations that
dominate the economy. Yet as Elinor Langer so vividly describes from her
own experience, the New York Telephone Company is as dedicated to the
art of selling as the most profit-hungry private Him with the same adverse
consequences for the quality of work and life.

Source: The i`oIlowing is excerpted from "The Women of the Telephone

Company" be .Elinor Langer. From The New York Review of Books
(March 12 a@-, 1970). Copyright © 1970 by The New York Review.
Reprinted by permission of Elinor Langer, e/o International Fashion
Aliencltion 15

From October to December 1969 I worked lieve that "The business of the telephone
for the New York Telephone Company as a company is Service" and if they have ever
Customer's Service Representative in the heard of the ABM or AT&T's relation to it,
Commercial Department, My oliice was one I believe they think it is the Associated Busi-
of several in the Broadway-City Hall area of ness Machines, a particularly troublesome
lower Manhattan, a flattened, blue-windowed customer on the Gramercy-7 exchange.
commercial building in which the telephone I brought to the job certain radical inter-
company occupies three floors. The room was ests. I knew I would see "bureaucratization,"
big and brightly lit-like the city room of a "alienation," and "exploitation." I knew that
large newspaper-with perhaps one hun- it was "false consciousness" of their true role
dred desks arranged in groups of five or six in the imper list economy that led the
around the desk of a Supervisor. The job "workers" to embrace their oppressors. I
consists of taking orders for new equipment believed those things and I believe them still.
and services and pacifying customers who I know why, by my logic, the workers should
complain, on the eleven exchanges (although rise up. But my understanding was making
not the more complex business accounts) in reality an increasing puzzle: Why didn't peo-
the area between the Lower East Side and ple move? What things, invisible to me, were
23rd Street on the North and bounded by holding them back? What I hoped to learn,
Sixth Avenue on the West. in short, was something about the texture of
My Supervisor is the supervisor of five the industrial system: what life within it
women. She reports to a Manager who man- meant to its participants.
ages four supervisors (about twenty women )
and he reports to the District Supervisor I deliberately decided to take a job which
along with two other managers. The offices was women's work, white collar, highly in-
of the managers are on the outer edge of the dustrialized and bureaucratic. I knew that
main room separated from the Hoof by glass New York Tel was in a management crisis
partitions. The District Supervisor is down notorious both among businessmen and
the hail in an executive suite. A job identical among the public and I wondered what effect
in rank to that of the district supervisor is the well~publicized breakdown of service was
held by four other men in Southern Manhat~ having on employees. Securing the position
tan alone. They report to the Chief of the was not without hurdles. I was "overquali-
Southern Division, himself a soldier in an field," having confessed to college, I per-
army of division chiefs whose territories are formed better on personnel tests than I in-
five boroughs, Long Island, Westchester, and tended to do, and I was inspected for symp-
the vast hinterlands vaguely referred to as toms of militanee by a shrewd but friendly
"Upstate" The executives at Street interviewer who noticed the several years'
were only dozens among the thousands in gap in my record of employment. "What
New York Tel alone. have you been doing lately?" she asked me.
Authority in their hierarchy is parceled "Protesting?" I said: "Oh, no, I've been
out in bits. A representative, for example, married," as if that condition itself explained
may issue credit to customers up to, say, one's neglect of social problems. She seemed
$10.00, her supervisor, $25.00, her manager, to agree that it did.
3100.0, his supervisor, $300.00, and so My problem was to talk myself out of a
forth. These employees are in the same re- management traineeship at a higher salary
lation to the centers of power in AT&T and while maintaining access to the job I wanted.
the communications industry as the White This, by fabrications, I was able to do. I
House guard to Richard Nixon. They all be- said: "Well, you see, I'm going through a

divorce right now and I'nl a little upset emo- Crete parts, then making verbal the discre-
tionally, and I don't know if I want a career tions that are made.
with managerial responsibility." She said: "If At first we worked chicfiy from pro-
anyone else said that to me, TIn afraid I grammed booklets organized around the
wouldn't be able to hire them," but in the principle of supplying the answer, then re-
end she accepted me. I had the feeling it phrasing the question. For instance:
would have been harder for her to explain to
her bosses why she had let me slip away, IF is annoying to have the other party to a
given my qualifications, than to justify to corzversarion Zeave Jhe line without an ex-
them her suspicions.
Before leaving, you shout excuse your~
I nonetheless found as I began the job self and what you are going to do.
that I was viewed as "management material"
and given special treatment. I was welcomed Performing skillfully was a matter of read-
at length by both the District Supervisor and ing, and not actual comprehension. . . .
the man who was to be my Manager, and Soon acting out the right way to deal with
given a set of firefly feminist speeches about customers became more important than self-
"opportunities for women" at New York Tel. instruction. The days were organized into
I was told in a variety of ways that I would Lesson Plans, a typical early one being: How
be smarter than the other people in my class, to Respond to a customer if You I-Iaven't
"management" would be keeping an eye on Already Been Trained to Answer his Ques-
me. Then the Manager led me personally to
the back classroom where my training pro-
gram was scheduled to begin.
ummnw or a slightly more bureaucratic render-
WMM-notion. ally [the instructor]
explained the idea, which is that you are
supposed to refer the call to a more experi-
enced Representative or to the Supervisor.
LEARNING But somehow they manage to complicate this
situation to the point where it becomes con-
The Reprcscntativds course is "ptlo~ fusing even for an intelligent person to han-
gram red." It is apparent that the phone dle it. You mustn't say: "Gosh, that's tough,
company has spent millions of dollars for I don't know anything about that, let me
high-class management consultation on the give the phone to someone who does,"
best way to train new employees- The two though that in effect is what you do. Instead
principal criteria are easily deduced. First, .
when the phone rings, you say : "Hello. This
the course should be made so routine that is Miss Langer, May I help you?" (The Rule
any employee can teach it. The teacher's ma- is, get immediate "control of the contact"
terial-the remarks she makes, the examples and hold it lest anything unexpected happen,
she uses-are all printed in a loose-leaf note- like, for instance, a human transaction bo-
book that she follows. Anyone can start tween you and the customer. )
where anyone else leaves off. I felt that 1 He says: "This is Mr. Sinith and I'd like
could teach the course myself, simply by fol- to have an additional wall telephone installed
lowing the program. The second criterion is in my kitchen."
to assure the reproducibility of results, to You say: "I'll be very glad to help you,
guarantee that every part turned out by the Mr. Smith (Rule the Second: Always ex-
system will be interchangeable with every
other part. The system is to bureaucracy
press interest in theu and lnellealte

ingress to help), but l"l1 need more 1nfor»

what Taylor was to the factory: it consists motion. What is your---1111~
of breaking down every operation into dis- He tells you, then you confess: "WelI, Mr.
Alienation 17

Smith, Fm afraid I haven't been trained in a rep in Illinois or Alaska docs it. We're one
new installations yet because l'm a new rep- big monopoly."
resentative, but let me give you someone else The logic of training is to transform the
who can help you." (Rule the Third: You trainees from humans into machines. The
must get his consent to this arrangement. basic method is to handle any customer re-
That is, you must say: May I get someone quest by extracting "bits" of information: by
else who can help you? May l put you on translating the human problem he might have
hold for a moment?) into bureaucratic language so that it can be
processed by the right department. For in-
The details are absurd but they are all stance, if a customer calls and says: "My
prescribed. What you would do naturally be- wife is dying and she's coming home from
comes unnatural when it is codified, and the the hopsital today and I'd like to have a
rigidity of the rules makes the Representa- phone installed in her bedroom right away,"
tives in training feel they are stupid when you say, "Oh Fm very sorry to hear that sir,
they make mistakes. Another lesson, for ex- I'm sure I can help you, would you be in-
ample, was: What to Do if a Customer Calls terested in our Princess model? It has a dial
And Asks for a Specific Person, such as that lights up at night," meanwhile writing
Miss Smith, another Representative, or the on your ever-present CF-1: *Csr vents Pro
Manager. Whatever the facts, you are to say inst bdr nu immedu issuing the order, and
"Oh, Miss Smith is busy but I have access placing it in the right-hand side of your work-
to your records, may I help you?" A cus- file where it gets picked up every fifteen
tomer is never allowed to identify his inter- minutes by a little clerk.
ests with any particular employee. During
one lesson, however, Sally said to Angela
[another student]: "Hello, I'd like immedi- SELLING
diately to speak to Mrs. Brown," and An-
gela said, naturally, "Hold the line a minute, It is largely since World War II that the Bell
please. I'll put her on." A cardinal sin, for System abandoned being a comparatively
which she was immediately rebuked. Angela simple service organization and began pro-
felt terrible. ducing such an array of consumer products
Company rhetoric asserts that this rigidity as to rival Procter and Gamble. It is impor-
does not exist, that Representatives are sup- tant to realize what contribution this prolif-
posed to use "initiative" and "judgment," to eration makes both to creating the work and
develop their own language. What that means to making it unbearable. If the company re-
is that instead of using the precise words "Of stricted itself to essential functions and serv-
course I'll be glad to help you but l'll need ` standard telephones and standard types
more information," you are allowed to "cre- of service-whole layers of its bureaucracy
ate" some individual variant. But you must would not need to exist at all, ind what did
always ( 1 ) express willingness to help and need to exist could be both more simple and
( 2 ) indicate the need for further investiga- more humane. The pattern of proliferation
tion. In addition, while you are doing this, is also crucial, for among other things, it
you must always write down the information is largely responsible for the creation of
taken from the customer, coded, on a yellow the "new"-white collar-"working class"
form called a CF-l, in such a way as to make whose job is to process the bureaucratic de-
it possible for a Representative in Florida to siderata of consumption.
read and translate it. "That's the point," In our classroom, the profit motivation
Sally told us. "You are doing it the same way behind the telephone cornucopia is not con-

cealed and we are programmed to repeat its customer a choice but to offer him a total
justifications: that the goods were developed package which he can either accept or re-
to account for different "tastes" and the ject. For instance, a customer calls for new
"need of variation." Why Touchstone Dial~ service. You find out that he has a wife, a
ing? We learn to say that "it's the latest teen-age daughter, and a six-room apartment.
The prescription calls for you to get off the
thing," "it dials faster," "it is easier to read
the letters and numbers," and "its musical line, make all the calculations, then come
notes as you depress the buttons are pleas~ back on and say all at once: "ML Smith,
ant to hear." We learn that a Trimline is a suppose we installed for you a wall telephone
"spacesaver," that it has an "entirely new in your kitchen, a Princess extension in your
feature, a recall button that allows you to daughter's room and one in your bedroom,
hang up without replacing the receiver," and and our new Trimline model in your living
that it is "featured in the Museum of Mod- room. This will cost you only X dollars for
ern Art's collection on industrial design," the installation and only Y dollars a month."
Why a night-light? we were asked. I con- Mr. Smith will say, naturally, "That's too
sidered saying, "It would be nice to make many telephones for a six-room apartment,"
and you are supposed to "overcome his ob-
love by a small sexy light," but instead helped
to contribute the expected answers: "It gives jections" by pointing out the "security" and
you security in the bedroom," "it doesn't "convenience" that comes from having tele-
interfere with the TV." phones all over the place.
Every Representative is assigned a selling
Selling is an important part of the Rep- quota-so many extensions, so many Prin-
resentative's job. Sally introduced the sub- cesses--deducted and derived in some way
ject with a little speech (from her program from the quota of the next largest unit. In
book) about the concept of the "well- other words, quotas are assigned to the indi-
telephoned home," how that was an advance vidual because they are first assigned to the
from the old days when people thought of five-girl unit, they are assigned to the unit
telephone equipment in a merely functional because they are assigned to the twenty-girl
way. Now, she said, we stress "a variety of section., and they are assigned to the section
items of beauty and convenience." Millions because they are assigned to the district: to
of dollars have been spent by the Bell Sys~» the Manager and the District Supervisor. The
tem, she told us, to find out what a customer tact that everyone is in the same situation-
wants and to sell it to him. She honestly expected to contribute to the same total is
believed that good selling is as important to one or the factors that increase management-
the company Eel he
the customer as it is to wor-ker soiidariiy.
company because "it makes additional and The women enact the sales ritual as if it
worthwhile revenue," to the customer be- were in fact in their own interest and origi-
cause it provides services that are truly use- nated with them. Every month there is a
ful. We are warned not to attempt to sell sales contest, Management provides the
when it is clearly inappropriate to do so, but money-$25.00 a month to one or another
basically to use every opportunity to unload Ive-girl unit-but the women do the work:
profitable items. This means that if a girl organizing skits, buying presents, or provid-
calls up and asks for a new listing for a ing coffee and donuts to reward the high
roommate, your job is to say: "Oh. Wouldn't sellers. At Thanksgiving the company raffled
your roommate prefer to have her own CX- away turkeys: the number of chances one
tension?" had depending on the number of sales one
The oliicial method is to avoid giving the had completed.
Alienation 19

SURVIVING while she is still on the line. For more com-

plex cases, however, this is not possible and
Daily life on the job at the New York Tele- the processing is left for "closed" time: a
phone Company . . . consists largely of pres- time when no further calls are coming in.
sure. To a casual observer it might appear This arrangement tends to create a con-
that much of the activity on the floor is ran- stant low-level panic. There is a kind of act
dom, but in fact it is not. The women mov- which it is natural. to carry to its logical con-
ing from desk to desk on missions of
iI», clusion: brushing one's teeth, washing a dish,
retri eying and refiling customers' records, or filling out a form are things one does not
the tote-a-tétes that look so sociable are anx- leave half done. But the company'S system
ious conferences with a Supervisor in which stifics this natural urge to completion. In-
a Representative is Thinking and Planning stead, during "open" time, the phone keeps
What to Do Next. Of course the more ex- ringing and the work piles up. You look at
perienced women know how to use the the schedule and know that you have only
empty moments that do occur for social pur- one hour of "closed" time to complete the
poses. But the basic working unit is one work, and twenty minutes of that hour is a
girl: one telephone, and the basic require- break.
ment of the job is to answer it, perhaps more The situation produces desperation: How
than fifty times a day. am I to get it done? How can I call back all
For every contact with a customer, the those customers, finish all that mail, write
amount of paperwork is huge: a single con- all those complicated orders, within forty
tact can require the completion of three, four, minutes? Occasionally, during my brief time
or even five separate forms. No problems can at the job, I would accidentally press the
be dispensed with handily. Even if, for ex- wrong button on my phone and it would
ample, you merely transfer a customer to become "open" again. Once, when I was
Traffic or Repair you must still fill out and feeling particularly desperate about time, I
file a CF-l. At the end of the day you must did that twice in a row and both times the
tally up and categorize all the services you callers were ordering new telephone service
have performed on a little slip of paper and --El process which takes between eight and
hand it in to the Supervisor, who completes ten minutes to complete.
a tally for the unit: it is part of the process My feeling tha t time was slipping away,
of "taking credit" for services rendered by that I would never be able to "complete my
one unit vis-a-vis the others, cotninitmcnts" on time was intense and hate-
A Representative's time is divided into ful. Of course it was worse for me than for
"open" and "closed" portions, according to the expert women not much
a recent scientific innovation called ~FADS worse. Another situation in which the pres-

(for Force Administration-Data of sure of time is universally felt is in the min-

which the company is particularly proud, the utes before lunch and before five o'clock. At
innovation. consists in establishing how many those times If' your .phone is II) on, you sit
Representatives have to be available at any hoping the In call will not arrive. A
one moment to handle the volume of busi- "'new line" order at Five mintues to five is a
ness anticipated for that month, that day, source of both resentment and frustration.
and that hour. Under this arrangement the
contact with the customer and the process- Given the pressure, it becomes natural to
ing of his request are carried Out simulta- welcome the boring and routinee-the simple
neously: that is, the R enresentative
L \.r does the suspensions or disconnections of service-
paperwork needed to take care of a request and dread the unusual or complex. The

women deal with the pressure by quietly got- mainly high-school graduates or with a lim-
ting rid of as many calls as they can, trans- ited college education. They live just about
ferring them to another department although everywhere except in Manhattan: the Bronx,
the proper jurisdiction may be a borderline Brooklyn, Staten Island, or Queens. Their
matter. This transferring, the lightening of leisure time is filled, first of all, with the dis-
the load, is the bureaucratic equivalent of the cussion of objects. Talk of shopping is end-
"cnlr}i.l:»1°1nrv" their TQKIIDT C`ll"l(1 t h e :J-fnrlv Qninn- Inca ac 1e f-hp n n r o n i f of if i n I n f t h . hnnre

tific managers were striving to defeat. It is after work, and on days off. The women have
a subtle kind of slowdown, never discussed, a fixation on brand names, and describe
but quickly transmitted to the new Repre- every object that way: it is always a London
sentative as legitimate. Unfortunately, it does Fog, a Buxton, a White Stag. This fixation
not slow things down very much. does not preclude bargain-hunting: but the
As Daniel Bell points out in his extraor- purpose of hunting a bargain is to get the
dinary essay, "Work and Its Discontents," brand name at a lower price. Packaging is
the rhythm of the job controls the time spent also important: the women will describe not
off the job as well: the breaks, the lunches, only the thing but also the box or wrapper
the holidays, even the weekends are scarcely it comes in. They are especially fascinated
long enough to reestablish a more congenial by wigs. Most women have several wigs and
or natural path. The work rhythm controls are in some cases unrecognizable from day to
human relationships and attitudes as well. day, creating the effect of a continually
For instance: there was a Puerto Rican changing work force. The essence of wiggery
worker in the Schraffts downstairs whose job is escapism: the kaleidoscopic transforma-
was to sell coffee~to~go to the customers: he tion of oneself while everything else remains
spent his day doing nothing but filling paper the same. Anyone who has ever worn a wig
cups with coffee, fitting on the lids, and writ~ knows the embarrassing truth: it is trans-
ing out the checks. He was very surly and forming.
very slow and it looked to me as if the
thoughts swirling in his head were those of an Consumerism is one of the major reasons
incipient murderer, not an incipient revolu- why these women work. Their salaries are
tionary. His slowness was very inconvenient low in relation to the costs of necessities in
to the thousands of workers in the building American life, ranging from $95.00 to
who had to get their coffee, take it upstairs, $132.50 before taxes: barely enough, if one
and drink it according to a precise timetable. is self~supporting, to pay for essentials. In
We never had more than fifteen minutes to fact, however, many of the women are not
get there and back, and buying coffee gen- self~supporting, but live with their families
or with husbands who also work, sometimes
erally took longer. The women tesentcd him
and called hint "Speedy Gonzales," in tones at more than one job. Many of the women
of snobbery and hate. I know he hated us. work overtime more than live hours a week
(only for more than live extra hours do they
get paid time and a half) and it seems from
CONSUMING their visible spending that it is simply to pay
for their clothes, which are expensive, their
The women of the phone company are mid- wigs, their color TV's, their dishes, silver,
dle class or lower middle class, come from a and so forth.
variety of ethnic backgrounds (Polish, Jew- What the pressures of food, shelter, edu-
ish, Italian, Irish, Black, Puerto Rican), cation, or medical costs contribute to their
Alienation 21

need to work I cannot tell, but it seems to me the sick-humor look that was popular a few
the women are largely trapped by their love years ago and still appears on greeting cards.
of objects. What they think they need in or~ On the outside the doll says "Joy is ... "
der to survive and what they endure in order and when you press down the springs a little
to attain it is astonishing. Why this is so is stick pops up that says "Extensions in
another matter. I think that the household Color" (referring to the telephone extensions
appliances play a real role in the women's we were trying to sell). Under that label is
family lives: helping them to run their homes another sticker, the original one, which says
smoothly and in keeping with a (to them) "Knowing I wu ' The doll is typical of
necessary image of efficiency and elegance. the presents the company distributes geri-
As for the clothes and the wigs, I think they odically: a plastic shopping bag inscribed
are a kind of tax, a tribute exacted by the with the motto "Colorful Extensions Lighten
social pressures of the work~place. For the the Load", a Keychain with a plastic Prin-
preservation of their own egos against each cess telephone saying "It's Little, It's Lovely,
other and against the system, they had to It Lights", plastic rain bonnets with the tele-
feel confident of their appearance on each phone company emblem, and so forth.
and every day. Outside work they needed it There were also free chocolates at
too: to keep up, to keep their men, not to Thanksgiving and, when the vending ma-
fall behind. chine companies were on strike, free coffee
The atmosphere of passionate consuming for a while in the cafeteria. The women are
was immeasurably heightened by Christmas, disgusted by the company's gift-giving poli-
which also had the dismal effect of increas- cies. Last year, I was told, the Christmas
ing the amount of. stealing from the locker present was a little gold-plated basket filled
room. For a period of about three weeks with velour fruit and adorned with a flag
nothing was safe: hats, boots, gloves. The containing a company motto of the "Exten-
women told me that the same happens every sions in Color" type. They think it is a cheap
year: an overwhelming craving, a need for trick--better not done at all--and cite in-
material goods that has to find an outlet even stances of other companies which give money
in thievery from one another. bonuses at Christmas.
The women define themselves by their con- It is obvious that the gifts are all pro~
sumerism far more than by their work, as if gram red, down to the last cherry-filled
they were compensating for their exploitation chocolate, in some manual of Personnel Ad-
as workers by a desperate attempt to express ministration that is the source of all wisdom
their individuality EIS consumers. Much of and policy; it is clear from their frequency
the consuming pressure is generated by the that a whole agency of the company is de-
women themselves: not only in shopping but voted to devising these gimmicks and pass-
in constant raffles, contests, and so forth in ing them out, In fact, apart from a standard
which the prize is always a commodity- assortment of insurance and pension plans,
usually liquor. The women are asked to par- the only company policy I could discover
ticipate in these raffles at least two or three which offers genuine advantage to the em-
times a week. ployees and which is not an attempt at ma-
But the atmosphere is also deliberately nipulation is a tuition support program in
fostered by the company itself. The company which the company pays $1000 out of $1400
gave every woman a Christmas present: a of the costs of continuing education.
little wooden doll, about four inches tall, with Going still further, the company, for ex-

ample, sponsors Q recruiting game among women receive a small gold charm, the men
employees, campaign
_._ . 'itled "People a "tic-tae." These grow larger with the years
Make the Difference." Employees who re- and after a certain period jewels begin to
cruit other employees are rewarded with be added, rubies, emeralds, sapphires, and
points: 200 for a recommendation, an addi- eventually diamonds and bigger diamonds.
tional thousand if the candidate is hired. The tie-tac evolves over the years into a tie-
Employees are stimulated to participate by clasp. After twenty-five years you may have
the circulation of an S&H-type catalogue, E either a ceremonial luncheon or an inscribed
kind of encyclopedia of the post~scarcity so~ watch: the watches are pre-fixed, pre-
ciety. There you can see pictured a GE Port- selected, and pictured in a catalogue.
able Color Television with a walnut-grained gm company We "scientifically struc-
polystyrene cabinet (46,'0100" psiarsjf a sif- tured" its rewards just as it has "scientifically
ver-Plated Hors d'Oeuvres Dish By Wallace structured" - But the real point is
(3,900 points), and a staggering assortment that the system gets the women as consumers
of mass-produced candelabra, linens, china, in two ways. If consumption were less cen-
fountain pens, watches, clothing, luggage, tral to them, they would be less likely to be
and-for the hardy-pup tents, power tools, there in the first place. Then, the company
air mattresses. attempts to ensnare them still further in the
Similarly, though perhaps less crudely, the mesh by offering as incentives goods and
company has institutionalized its practice of images of goods which are only further way
rewarding employees for longevity. After stations of the same endless quest.
every two years with the company, the

1.3 Racism: The Way It Spoked to Be

James Herndon's observations at the 98 percent black George Washington

Junior High provide some sobering insights into the effects of a racist

Source: The following is reproduced from Chapters 3 and 16 of The

Way In Spoked to Be by JAMES HERNDON. Copyright © 1965, 1968 by
James Herndon. Reprinted by permission of Simon & Schuster, Inc., and
Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons Limited. Published in London by Pitman
in 1970.

WELCOME BACK! what they're in for, yelling and laughing to

each other, talking, asking questions-Whose
The first morning of the year at any school room you got?-comparing summers and
is bound to be pretty exciting and espe- new shoes, all familiar and noisy and pleas-
cially, it seems to me, at a junior high. You ant. Nothing is required of anyone so far.
can stand around and watch the kids pour I moved down through the kids to the
in, dressed as nicely as possible, all of them end of the hall. There a huge new poster
like yourself having forgotten moment arils hung high on the wall above the stairs. WEL-
Racism 23

COME BACK! it said. Underneath these words loping by. One of then slapped the other or
a painted picture showed two kids, a boy something like that, and he said, Look out,
and a girl, carrying lunch boxes and books, man, I'I1 throw some white paint on you!
heading for school. An arrow sign painted Both of them laughed, running past, and we
in over on the side said thought it was one of the most hilarious
things we'd ever heard. It proved to us, also,
that colored guys really didn't want to be
white, just as our parents were always say-
SCHOOL ing, and we didn't have to do any worrying
about it.
It took quite a few visits to the art room
in case there was any doubt. before I asked Mr. Royal about that poster
The only trouble with the poster was that welcoming everyone back to school. What I
these two life-sized painted kids didn't look wanted to know was whether the kids at GW
like anybody I saw, or was likely to see, had ma< i l l l I I I l l * l ' @ » they did, he
heading for old George Washington Junior told me. He didn't volunteer anything else.
High. The girl wore a blue sweater with Well, I said, it was a pretty nice poster. He
buttons neatly painted down the front and nodded. Yeah, it was, wasn't it? But what I
a little round white collar on top, beneath wondered, I said, was why were the two kids
that she wore a plaid skirt. The boy wore a painted white? There hadn't seemed any
white shirt, red tie and a green letterman's other way to state the question, which was
sweater with a big W on it. They both wore what I really wanted to know.
brown-and-white saddle shoes. Mr. Royal looked at me, he didn't say
The girl was a blonde. Her hair hung in a much at first. Just, they all try to paint what
nice long curl around her shoulders. The boy they see. He'd been teaching there a long
had brown hair, combed straight back. They time, although still a young guy, a small,
were both white. Not just Caucasian. The dark, slightly popeyed man who looked a
butcher paper on which they'd been painted little like Baldwin. Warming up a little, he
hadn't been white enough to suit the artist or said, I mean, like all kids, they tend to paint
artists, and they had carefully painted the like pictures they've seen. I don't mean they
arms, legs, and faces of their subjects with a particularly copy-some do and some don't
thick, shiny, white paint. They were the -but they're influenced, when they paint, by
whitest kids I ever saw, and there they were, the paintings or posters they've seen, not by
headed for the list day of school at George real life. They all want to paint pictures that
Washington Junior High. look like real pictures, the kind they always
We left it at that; Malraux had said the
same thing many times in many different
THE UGLY STICK ways, none better, and I was surprised I
hadn't thought of it.
As a kid of about fourteen I went to a high- [Then there was the kids'] use of com-
school track meet with a friend of mine-I mon American epithets applied to Negroes.
remember we went because Jesse Owens' ... Not that they didn't know them or use
brother was supposed to be there-and dur- them-the point was that they applied them
ing the meet we were horsing around out on to themselves. Every common derisive word,
the grass when two Negro runners came all the abusive nicknames, nouns and adjec-

lives, all the big-lip, liver-lips, burr-heads, big-Iipped, fuzzy-headed, black and there-
fuzzy-heads, kinky-haired, nappy-headed, fore ugly, was I going to somehow agree that
big-leg, high-ass, apes, monkeys and too- he was uglier than the rest? Then I could be
blacks were dragged out daily and heaped on exposed as a racist, just another white
each other casually or furiously, continually mother, and could be dismissed. But as it
and fanatically. The focal point of all this kept on, day after day, all year long, even
was the head and color of skin, and the point after they had in many cases ceased to pay
was ugliness. Nose, lips, hair, all counted, any attention to me at all for long periods of
but nothing else could produce the real anger time, I could see it wasn't for my benefit. It
of a kid being called black, or the amount was for themselves.
of derision in the cry of watermelon~head l It never stopped. It was a characteristic of
The Three C's alone among the kids I The Tribe. They agreed that qualities which
knew were immune from attack, being, as I they all shared to some degree from birth
say, whiter than anyone else and having were to add up to bad. It was crucial that
fairly straight hair. The rest of the classes they join the people most hostile to them all
progressed through the traditional black, in order to establish relative degrees of ugly
brown and beige, and the blacker a kid was, ness, in order that some might be less ugly.
the kinkier his hair, the wider and flatter his I got over my surpriselgot over trying to
nose, the larger and more everted his lips, figure if it was meant for me, and it soon
the uglier he was and the more crap he had became only very boring, like slightly risqué
to take. Robert he got hit with the ugly stick, jokes schoolkids are always telling you which
Mr. Hem-don, some kid would yell, and that you've heard a hundred times. You couldn't
was that for Robert. When it dark outside ever say anything about dark, black, brown,
nobody can't even see Fletcher! Watch out gray, shadow, night, head, nose, mouth, feet,
somebody don't steal your head for a water~ legs, no raccoons, no dancing of jigs, no
melon! spades, no skin, without invoking hoots of
My own classes ran true to form. 7B laughter and a number of personal remarks.
rarely indulged in this sort of insult. 8B con- No one could read about any melons (your
stantly, but surreptitiously, because they head look like one), no one could read about
thought I'd disapprove and it would show apes or monkeys (you look like one) . . .
up in their grades, 9D constantly and openly and if you somehow managed to avoid all
because their free gift was such that they that, the rhymes would get you. Say crack,
did what they wanted to, and 7H whenever back, track, Mac, hack, and you'd soon
they could get their minds off their own prob- hear, Teacher, did you say black? or May,
lems long enough to remember to attack Mr. Herndon say you too black! Or there
someone else. At first I was extremely sur- would be the bitter variation, Robert, go on
prised and shocked. I couldn't imagine how, leave me alone! You too white (quite, flight,
with a whole white world ready and willing bright, knight and right). Whooo-eee!
to call them all these names and always mak- Times had changed, it seemed, since the
ing the distinction between African-looking track meet. White paint was now in favor.
(ugly) Negroes and Caucasian-looking If I had imagined that the students of GW
(handsome) Negroes, they could add to the would present a united front on the question
situation themselves. of their OWI1 (relative) blackness, it was a
For a time I began to think that it was mistake. If I had supposed they were con-
all a subtle way of finding out about Inc- cerned with testing me, V i v a s a mistake
if they said, for instance, that somebody was too. They weren't interested in degrees of lib-
Sexism 25

oral white attitudes like they spozed to be. poster, painting himself white if only for a
No, just let the cry of waterrrzeforz-head! moment, even if only relatively . . . painting
ring out through the classrooms of The Tribe himself into the good, white side like any
and you knew that somebody was making a other artist.

1.4 Sexism: W e Usually Don't Hire Married Girls

In recent years the Women's Liberation Movement has gained significant

strength among American women, this reading suggests some of the reasons

Source: The following was written anonymously and first published in

Quicksilver Times (Washington, D.C.).

I am 23 years old, I have a B.A. in Spanish I was hired and took the job because 1
literature, I am well traveled, I can speak was desperate. I was told I was awfully pretty
Spanish and French, and I am a prostitute and would most certainly be an asset to the
. . . I am a secretary, a wastebasket, a file- office. For the first two weeks all the older
cabinet, a hostess, a messenger boy, and a women did was smile at me with their huge
slave. I am everything but a woman and a wide plastic smiles. They are not young,
human being. pretty or available anymore, so all they can
offer is their smiles.
During my interview for this job my entire
body was numbed. My interviewer kept look- When 1 was hired I was told that two people
ing at my legs and talking about how inter- constitute a team that would work on 21 spe-
esting he thought the job would be for me cific project- "Teamwork alumni "together-

because I would be around men doing inter- ness" were the key words used it didn't take
esting work (not mentioning that my work long to realize the real situation-racism,
would be boring) . male supremacy, prejudice (you name it),
He than looked at my legs again and all in one carpeted, IBM-filled office.
looked up and gave me a very big paternal- The "team" turned out to be a male, mak-
istie smile. "We usually don't hire married ing around $15,000, and a female, making
girls," he said. "We like to have young, $6,000, Most girls have the same degrees as
pretty and available girls around the oilicc. the men, or higher ones, but are still in the
You know," he added, "it cheers things up lower positions. The reason for this, I was
a lot." told, was that most foreigners (whom the
No wonder so many women fall apart in oiiice deals with) don't "respect" women and
job interviews-our minds and our abilities would feel slighted if they had to deal with
are not questioned. lt is our bodies and our "one." (Wasn't that the reason given for not
smiles that are checked out to see if they will hiring blacks in offices and shops?-blacks
fit properly behind a mahogany desk. would turn away customers')

My job consists of serving coffee, answer- you after you have swallowed the last bite?
ing .Ethe telephone, typing boring letters, and I tried taking my lunch and a book and
taking constant orders from my male "part- going to the park for lunch. A chance to be
ne§' I love "taking" letters for him. This outside and read and enjoy the sunshine was
gives him a chance to shew me how really very appealing. One day a man masturbated
important he thinks he is. He leans back in behind me in the bushes as I tried to read.
his chair, takes a deep breath, and tries real The next day a guy asked me to come to his
hard to use the biggest words he knows. Dic- hotel. On different days I was told various
tating letters is a real ego-trip for these guys. parts of my body were "really fine." For four
It is incredible that the brainwashed females days I was followed, touched, and generally
in this office will not admit that they have harassed. On the fifth day I ate lunch at my
terrible jobs. desk.
I have now been at this job for two The only thing that is open for us to do
months. My partner has never asked me any- during that time is shop-whether it's food,
thing about myself nor asked me to lunch. clothes or shoes, the stores are all waiting
All he knows about me is that I type and (and panting) with cash registers ready.
take shorthand. Once in a while he will joke These stores are the only places where we
with mc, but I am unable to respond. I can be comfortably accommodated during
would only be more of a whore if I did. that hour. The drawback is that we must
In my office all the men go out to eat to-
LUNCHTIME gether and all the women go out to eat
together. No one has ever broken that un-
We secretaries, nurses and administrative as~ written law. The three blacks in the mail-
sistants have one hour to enjoy the day- room eat inside. They are not permitted to
lunchtime-and we usually are not even paid go out to eat.
for that period. During the summer I at- When I mention women's liberation to the
tended a "Summer in Parks" concert men in my otiice they always reply that we
every Wednesday §ron1 12 to 1 p.m. Some- women at least have to admit that things
times the concert would run a little after the have gotten better equal opportunity act,
scheduled time. One could notice that ex- equal pay and all that. But when you are be-
actly at 1 all the females would get up to go ing oppressed so severely, $1,000 or even
back to work. The males, who had no time $2,000 extra a year doesn't moan very much.
clocks to punch, would stay to hear the rest Because men are so hung up on money and
of the concert. titles on the door, they feel that we too
There are few things we can do during should be appeased with a larger paycheck
that short time. It is too expensive and not and a fancy title Iikc "administrative assist-
easy to take a bus home to have lunch. A ant" instead of plain "secretary."
nice relaxing lunch would be nice-but at At the end of my working day I am tired
People's Drug or Linda's Cafeteria that is and depressed. The entire day I have been
hardly possible, Havc you ever gone to an used as an instrument. So I get on a pollu-
expensive place at lunchtime? All men. How tion-emitting bus and go home. There I End
many wor'i<Tn§ wo-mgn_cgn afford to spend the baby, the dishes in the sink, dinner to be
more than $1 for lunch? How many restau- made, and a husband who wants me to look
rants are there that are cheap, relaxing, have like Twiggy. And people ask why women
good food and are not anxious to get rid of want to be liberated.
Irrationality 27

1.5 Irrationality: The Highway and the City

Lewis Mumford has spent a lifetime thinking and writing critically about
American society, here he turns his attention to the cult of the automobile.

Source: The following is excerpted from "The Highway and the City" by
LEWIS MUMPORD. From Lewis Mumford, The Highway and the City
(New York: Harcourt Brace & World, Inc., 1958). Copyright 1958
by Lewis Mumford. Reprinted by permission of Harcourt Brace Iovano-
vich, Inc., and Secker & Warburg, Limited.

When the American people, through their go where he pleased and halt where he
Congress, voted [in 1957] for a twenty-six~ pleased; and this machine itself appeared as
billion-dollar highway program, the most 8 compensatory device for enlarging an ego
charitable thing to assume about this action which had been shruniten by our very success
is that they hadn't the faintest notion of in mechanization. That sense of freedom and
what they were doing. Within the next fifteen power remains a fact today only in low-
years they will doubtless find out, but by density areas, in the open country, the pop-
that time it will be too late to correct all the ularity of this method of escape has ruined
damage to our cities and our countryside, not the promise it once held forth. In using the
least to the efficient organization of industry car to Hee from the metropolis the motorist
and transportation, that this ill-conceived and finds that he has merely transferred conges-
preposterously unbalanced program will tion to the highway and thereby doubled it.
have wrought. When he reaches his destination, in a distant
Yet if someone had foretold these conse- suburb, he kinds that the count reside he
quences before this vast sum of money was sought has disappeared: beyond him, thanks
pushed through Congress, under the spe- to the motorway, lies only another suburb,
cious, indeed flagrantly dishonest, guise of a just as dull as his own. To have a minimum
national defense measure, it is doubtful amount of communication and sociability in
whether our countrymen would have listened this spread-out life, his wife becomes a taxi
long enough to understand, or would even driver by daily occupation, and the sum of
have been able to change their minds if they money it costs to keep this whole system run-
did understand. For the current American ning leaves him with shamefully overtaxed
way of life is founded not just on motor schools, inadequate police, poorly staffed
transportation but on the religion of the mo- hospitals, overcrowded recreation areas, ill-
torcar, and the sacrifices that people are pre- supported libraries.
pared to make for this religion stand outside In short, the American has sacrificed his
the realm of rational criticism. Perhaps the life as a whole to the motorcar, like someone
only thing that could bring Americans to who, demented with passion, wrecks his
their senses would he a clear demonstration home in order to lavish his income on a ca-
of the fact that their highway program will, pricious mistress who promises delights he
eventually, wipe out the very area of freedom C2111only occasionally enjoy.
that the private motorcar promised to retain For most Americans, progress means ac~
for them. cepting what is new because it is new, and
As long as motorcars were few in nUm- discarding what is old because it is old. This
her, he who had one was a king: he could may be good for a rapid turnover in busi-

ness, but it is bad for continuity and stabil- necessary transportation, and in any event,
ity in life. Progress, in an organic sense, it offers a change of speed and mode to fit
should be cumulative, and though a certain a diversity of human purposes.
amount of rubbish-clearing is always neces-
sary, we lose part of the gain oliered by a
new invention if we automatically discard all Perhaps our age will be known to the fu-
the still valuable inventions that preceded it. ture historian as the ago of the bulldozer and
In transportation, unfortunately, the old- the exterminator, and in many parts of the
fashioned linear notion of progress prevails. country the building of a highway has about
Now that motorcars are becoming universal, the same result upon veget ation and human
many people take for granted that pedestrian structures as the passage of a tornado or the
movement will disappear and that the in.. blast of an atom bomb. Nowhere is this bull-
road system will in time be abandoned, in dozing habit of mind so disastrous as in the
fact, many of the proponents of highway approach to the city. Since the engineer re-
building talk as if that day were already here, gards his own work as more important than
or if not, they have every intention of mak- the other human functions it serves, he does
ing it dawn quickly. The result is that we not hesitate to lay waste to woods, streams,
have actually crippled the motorcar, by plac- parks, and human neighborhoods in order to
ing on this single means of transportation the carry his roads straight to their supposed
burden for every kind of travel. Neither our destination.
cars nor our highways can take such a load. The fatal mistake we have been making
This overconcentration, moreover, is rapidly is to sacrifice every other form of transpor-
destroying our cities, without leaving any- tation to the private motorcar - to offer,
thing half as good in their place. as the only long-distance alternative, the air-
What's transportation for? This is a ques- plane. But the fact is that each type of trans-
tion that highway engineers apparently never portation has its special use, and a good
ask themselves: probably because they take transportation policy must seek to improve
for granted the belief that transportation each type and make the most of. it. This can-
exists for the purpose of providing suitable not be achieved by aiming at high speed or
outlets for the motorcar industry. To in- continuous flow alone. If you wish casual op-
crease the number of cars, to enable motor~ portunities for meeting your neighbors, and
i t s to go longluillllnllllll, to more places,
.-. for profiting by chance contacts ac-
at higher speeds, has become an end in iF' quaintances and colleagues, stroll at two
self. Docs this overemployment of the motor- | miles an hour in J concentra free
car not consume ever larger quantities of gas, from needle al will alone meet your
oil, concrete, rubber, me steel, and so p1°o~ need. But if you wish to rush a surgeon to a
vide the very groundwork for an expanding patient a thousand miles away, the fastest
economy? Certainl but none of these make motorway is too slow. And again, if you wish
up the essential purpose of transportation. to be sure to keep a lecture engagement in
The purpose of transportation is to bring winter, railroad transportation offers surer
people or goods to places where they are speed and better insurance against being
needed, and to concentrate the greatest va- held up than the airplane. There is no one
riety of goods and people within a limited ideal mode or speed: human purpose should
area, in order to widen the possibility of govern the choice of the means of transpor-
choice without making it necessary to travel. tation. That is why we need a better trans-
A good transportation system minimizes un- portation sy.s'z'ent, not just more highways-
lrrationali+y 29

The projectors of our national highway pro~ ignorance, all the mistakes in urban planning
gram plainly had little interest in transports committed by their predecessors who de-
son. In their fanatical zeal to expand our signed our railroads. The wide swaths of land
highways, the very allocation of funds indi- devoted to cloverleaves, and even more com-
cates that they are ready to liquidate all other plicated multi-level interchanges, to express-
forms of land and water transportation. The ways, parking lots, and parking garages, in
result is a crudely over-simplilied and ineli- the very heart of the city, butcher up precious
cient method of mono-transportation: a re- urban space in exactly the same way that
gression from the complex many-sided trans- freight yards and marshalling yards did when
portation system we once boasted. the railroads dumped their passengers and
In order to overcome the fatal stagnation freight inside the city. These new arteries
of tragic in and around our cities, our high- choke off the natural routes of circulation and
way engineers have come up with a remedy limit the use of abutting properties, while at
that actually expands the evil it is meant to the points where they disgorge their traffic
overcome. They create new expressways to they create inevitable clots of congestion,
serve cities that are already overcrowded which effectively cancel out such speed as
within, thus tempting people who had been they achieve in approaching these bottle-
using public transportation to reach the I.1I`- necks.
ban centers to use these new private facile
ties. Almost before the first day's tolls on Just as highway engineers know too little
these expressways have been counted, the about city planning to correct the mistakes
new roads themselves are overcrowded. So made in introducing the early railroad sys-
a clamor arises to create other similar arter- tems into our cities, so, too, they have curi-
ies and to provide more parking garages in ously forgotten our experience with the
the center of our metropolises, and the gen- elevated railroad-and unfortunately most
erous provision of these facilities expands the rnuncipal authorities have been equally for-
cycle of congestion, without any promise of getful. In the middle of the nineteenth cen-
relief until that terminal point when all the tury the elevated seemed the most facile and
business and industry that originally gave rise up-to-date method of introducing a new kind
to the congestion move out of the city, to of rapid transportation system into the city,
escape strangulation, leaving a waste of ex- and in America, New York led the way in
pressways and garages behind them. This is creating four such lines on Manhattan Island
pyramid building with a vengeance: a tomb alone. The noise of the trains and the over-
of concrete roads and ramps covering the shadowing of the structure lowered the value
dead corpse of a city. of the abutting properties even for commer-
But before our cities reach this terminal cial purposes; and the supporting columns
point, they will suffer, as they do now, from constituted a dangerous obstacle to surface
El continued erosion of their social facilities : transportation. So unsatisfactory was elevated
an erosion that might have been avoided. if transportation even in cities like Berlin,
engineers had understood [the] point that a where the structures were, in contrast to New
motorway, properly planned, is another form York, Philadelphia, and Chicago, rather
of railroad for private use. Unfortunately, handsome works of engineering, that by pop-
highway engineers, if one is to judge by their ular consent subway building replaced ele-
usual performance, lack both historic insight vated railroad building in all big cities, even
and social memory: accordingly, they have though no one could pretend that riding in a
been repeating, with the audacity of confident tunnel was nearly as pleasant to the rider

as was travel in the open air. The destruction area. . . . [And] the vast sums of money that
of the old elevated railroads in New York go into such enterprises drain necessary pub-
was, ironically, hailed as a triumph of prog- lic monies from other functions of the city,
ress precisely at the moment that a new se- [making] it socially if not financially bank~
ries of elevated highways was being built to rupt,
repeat on a more colossal scale the same
errors. While federal funds and subsidies pour
Like the railroad, again, the motorway has without stint into highway improvements, the
repeatedly taken possession of the most val- two most important modes of transportation
uable recreation space the city possesses, not for cities-the railroad for long distances and
merely by thieving land once dedicated to mass transportation, and the subway for
park uses, but by cutting off easy access to shorter journeys--are permitted to languish
the waterfront parks, and lowering their and even to disappear. This is very much
value for refreshment and repose by intro- like what has happened to our postal system.
ducing the roar of traffic and the bad odor of While the time needed to deliver a letter
exhausts, though both noise and carbonmon- across the continent has been reduced, the
oxide are inimical to health. Witness the time needed for local delivery has been mul-
shocking spoilage of the Charles River basin tiplied. What used to take two hours now
parks in Boston, the arterial blocking off of sometimes takes two days. As a whole our
the Lake Front in Chicago (after the re- postal system has been degraded to a level
moval of the original usurpers, the railroads), that would have been regarded as into enable
the barbarous sacrifice of large areas of Fair- even thirty years ago. In both cases, an ef-
mount Park in Philadelphia, the partial de- ficient system has been sacrificed to an over-
facement of the San Francisco waterfront, favored new industry, motorcars, telephones,
even in Paris the ruin of the Left Bank of the airplanes; whereas, if the integrity of the sys-
Seine. tem itself had been respected, each of these
One may match all these social crimes new inventions could have added enormously
with a hundred other examples of barefaced to the efficiency of the existing network.
highway robbery in every other metropolitan

1.6 Imperialism: The American Impact on Vietnam

No single event has so torn at the fabric of American life in recent times
as the Vietnam War. Yet the damage done in the United States cannot bc-
gin to match the havoc wreaked in Vietnam itself. Some of the most de-
structive effects of the American presence in Vietnam are described in the
following reading by Ngo Vinh Long, a Vietnamese student in the United
Long's account is excerpted from a longer speech in which he began by
tracing the history of the anticolonial struggle of the Vietnamese up to the
point where the French in spite of substantial aid from the United States
-were defeated by the Viet Minh at Dien Bien Phu. There followed the
Geneva Conference on Indochina, at which the territory of Vietnam was
temporarily partitioned and general elections were scheduled to be held in
Imperialism 31

1956. But the United States refused to sign the Geneva Agreements, and
instead turned for an alternative "solution" to Ngé Dinh Diem.

Source: The following is excerpted from "The Vietnam War and Its
Implications for Southeast Asia" by NGO VINH LONG, a speech given O11
March 27, 1970, at the Conference of Southeast Asian Students at
Indiana University and first published in Thou-Béo Go, No. 9 (April
1970). Reprinted by permission of the author.

Vietnam, that, "In the area I visited, the

Communists have scored a whole series of
Ngo Dinh Diem, who had been sent back to
political, organizational, militia my-and one
[South] Vietnam by the United States to be
has to say it-moral triumphs. . . . What im-
the premier under Emperor Bao Dai, de-
pressed me most, alas, was the moral fervor
posed the latter in a sham plebiscite of Oc-
they had inspired among the non-Communist
tob Q with the & of American
cadres and the strong support they had ob-
dollars and* with the in-fluence of the Ameri-
tained from the peasantry..nt
can organizing genius, especially as reflected
in a large secret police force. Diem got 98
percent of the votes in spite of the fact that There was not much that the United States
the Americans had told him 60 percent and Ngo Dinh Diem could do except to re-
would be O.K.,1 and he became the first fuse to have the election and to cut off every
"President of the Republic of Vietnam," kind of communication between the two
ruling over the zone to the south of the l. 7th zones as they did in 1955. The Viet Minh.
parallel. Earlier in the year, on July 16, was constantly referred to by American lead-
1955, with the support of the United States, ers as "The Communists," and as Commu-
Ngo Dinh Diem had already announced that nists they could not be allowed to take over
his government would refuse to participate in the country even through fair and free elec-
the scheduled conferences to discuss the uni- tions. After sealing oft the border between
hcation of Vietnam or in the free elections the two zones and after cutting off communi-
called for in 1956. The reason behind this cations in order to contain the "Communists"
refusal was the same as that which President in the North, Ngo Dinh Diem began to try
Eisenhower later referred to in his book, to root out the "Communists" in the South.
Mandate for Change, in which he tells us A nationwide "Communist Denunciation
that, as of 1954, he had met nobody in~ Campaign" (Prong To-do TO Cling) was
formed on Vietnam who did not agree that started in 1955, in which people were forced
"possibly SO percent" of the Vietnamese to denounce those who had been members
people would have chosen HO Chi Minh in of the Resistance against the French. By
a free election..qu Columnist Joseph Alsop 1956, the term "Viet Cong," which literally
wrote in August, 1954, after a trip through means "Vietnamese Communists," was be-
ing used by Diem to mean anybody at all who
i L i f e Magazine, May 13, 1957, writes that opposed his regime.
American advisers had told Diem that a 60 per-
cent "success" would have been quite sufficient. During this time, peasant unrest was evi-
but Diem "insisted on 98 percent." In fact, in dent in the countryside as a result of a so-
Saigon, Dior got 605,025 votes from a total of called "land reform," by which the Diem
450,000 registered voters.
2Dwight D. Eisenhower, M r f f f f f f r f e for Change government sent landlords back to the coun-
(Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1963),
p. 372. kNew York Herald Tribune, August 1, 1954.

tryside to reclaim their land, and to collect placed in other areas known as qui-tip? The
land rents, averaging about 50 percent of the program, according to many observers, was
yearly harvest, for as many years back as devoid of any economic or social considera-
the landlords could lay claim to. As for those tions." People were taken from their plots of
lands previously owned by French landlords, ground, on which their houses, their rice
the peasants were made to buy them from fields, their ancestral tombs, etc., were lo-
the Diérn government in six annual install~ cated, and moved to totally unsuitable areas
ments. These installments amounted to be- where they were supposed to be "protected."
tween 40 and 50 percent of the crops, All It is not surprising that the relocated fami-
of the land claimed by landlords had orig- lies were not wholly enthusiastic in their re~
inally either been expropriated from the spouse. Moreover, since it often happened
peasants or ceded by the court to the French that many loyal families were grouped to-
during the French colonization period. Dur- gether with "suspect" families for no reason
ing their might with the French, however, the other than the fact that they might have rela-
Viet Minh took the land away from the tives in the North, this settlement technique
landlord in the reconquered areas, and re- brought protests even from the ranks of sen-
distributed it to the local people. It was only ior government officials.
then, for the first time since the French con- In April of 1959, more "sophisticated"
quest, that these peasants had some land of relocation sites were planned, with barbed
their own, on which they had to pay at most wire fences and spiked moats around them.
15 percent in tax. To carry out a Diem-style These were euphemistically called "agro-
"land reform" was, therefore, to invite unrest villes." "The application of the plan," wrote
in the countryside. When there was unrest in William Nighswonger, a senior AID advisor
the countryside, the Diem government for the Pacification Program, "involved enor-
blamed it all on the "Communists" Thus, a mous demands on the peasants: [such as]

"pacification program," which involved corves labor well beyond the ten-day assess-
wholesale resettlement of the resident popu- ment and long commuting distances to their
lation, was forcefully carried out in order fields. . . ."? In many cases, when the houses
to separate the "Communists" from the and fields of those who had been relocated
"non-Communists." American and British were considered too distant from the newly
"experts" were brought in. As for the Viet- constructed "agrovilles" and their smaller
nalnese majority living in the lowlands, by satellites (the so-called "agro-hamlets"), they
February, 1959, according to one American were simply burnt down to deny their use to
expert, "Relocation of families within com- the "Viet Cong." Resentment ran high
munities had begun and, in contrast to land among the population, but the "agrovilles"
development and refugee activities, these were simply too big for the Saigon govern-
relocations were often forced!" ment to effectively control the population.
The earliest form of relocation was based So in 1961 the program was discontinued, to
on a division of the population into so-called be taken over by the "strategic hamlet" pro-
"loyal" "disloyal" groups. Those sus-
pected of having contacts with the V f é r Minh.,
AM. E. Osborne, Strategic Hummers DO South
or known to have relatives in the North, were Vietnam (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University, 1965),
placed in one type of area known as qui~ p. 22.
Zhu, while those considered loyal were 5Nguyén Khan Nhén, "Policy of Key Rural
Agrovilles," Asian Culture, IU, Nos. 3-4 (July-
Dec., 1961), 32.
'3=W. A. Nighswonger, Rural Prrc.'i,5r.'ut1'on in 7Nighsworlger, Rum( Pacf'}'icrM'orr in VFI€f1m'm,
Viernarrz (New York: Praeger, 1966), p. 46. p. 46.
Imperialism 33

gram. The only difference between the "agro- turns the rice-fields yellow, killing any crop
ville" and the "strategic hamlet" was that the being grown in rebel strongholds." What
latter was smaller, with about 100 families Newsweek failed to say is that the Diem IC-
per hamlet. The families were divided into gime in fact began putting this training into
groups of five, which went by the name of practice before the end of the same year. The
liéln-gia. One family was put in charge of so-called "rebel strongholds" referred to by
the other four, and the group as a whole was Newsweek were more often than not, as I
responsible for individual behavior and for have witnessed personally, simply ordinary
reporting on each other to the government. communities, usually located in sparsely pop-
The basic strategy as stated by both the ulated areas, where the Diem government
American and the Vietnamese authorities found it expedient to kill crops as a means
was that of "isolating the Viet Cong from his of driving the population more quickly into
contacts in the hamlets and winning village "-'strategic Hamlets" inhis had replaced
support through relatively just and effective abortive [lll. earlier in the year. It
government programs. . . ."*' The first thing proved easier to order fliers to spray crops
the just government mentioned by the Amer- from the air than to send in ground troops to
icans did was to force the peasants to labor force the people out by setting fire to their
on the fences and the moats without any fields and houses. For one thing, it had been
compensation, while their houses and their discovered that government soldiers, on com-
fields outside the hamlets were burnt down, ing face to face with the misery and the tear-
again without any compensation. ful entreaties of those who were to be relo-
From 1959 till early 1963, I was part of cated, could not always be trusted to carry
a land survey expedition which was involved out orders. In any case, the combined effect
in making detailed military maps (of scale of regrouping the population in totally UH-
1/25,000) of the whole of South Vietnam, suitable areas and of killing their crops
and thus 1 had occasion to be, at one time brought hunger and starvation to thousands
or another, in virtually every hamlet and vil- upon thousands of people. Starvation ravaged
lage in the country. As a result of this expe- almost all of the strategic hamlets that I
rience, I was able to witness, at close hand, visited in the whole central part of Vietnam.
the living conditions of the Vietnamese rural In many hamlets, up to a hundred persons
population in both the "agroyilles" and the died monthly. Many of them had not eaten
"strategic hamlets." anything decent in months, and as a result,
In 1961, after the American defoliation their anal muscles had become so dilated
program had begun against jungle growth that whenever they would eat or drink some-
along highways, railways, and in places con- thing, it passed through them in just a cou-
sidered to be Viet Cong areas, the Diem ple of minutes or so.
regime came up with still other uses for the
chemicals: Seymour Hersh, in an article en-
titled "Our Chemical War" published in the The misery inflicted upon the population,
New York Review of Books on April 25, and the repression of the Buddhists and of
1968, quoted Newsweek Magazine in saying students, among other factors, finally led to
that by the end of November, 1961, the the downfall of the Diem regime. The AID
American special warfare troops had begun advisor, Nighswonger, wrote: "The fall of the
teaching Vietnamese fliers how to spray Ngo regime was accompanied by a com-
"Communist-held areas with a chemical that plete collapse of the pacification efforts in
many areas, and vast regions that had been
8Ib1ld., p. 58. under government control quickly came un-

der the influence of the Viet~Cong.1)f' In Sep- tinuous effort by American combat troops, a
tember, 1963, Rufus Phillips reported to the New York Tzlmes report of August 7, 1967,
President of the United States, "giving [him] in citing official United States data on the
the estimates of USOM Rural Affairs that loyalties of the hamlets, stated that out of
the Delta was falling under Viet Cong con- 12,537 hamlets, the number of hamlets un-
trol in areas where pacification was sup- der total Saigon government control was a
posedly complete.971*' Thus, after the Saigon mere 168. On the other hand, those totally
regime had declared that 8,544 hamlets, in- controlled by the Viet Cong was 3,978. The
volving 85 percent of the rural population, rest of the hamlets were listed as "contested"
had been constructed, the strategic hamlet or partially controlled by both sides. The
program failed miserably." By January, hamlets under total Viet Cong control were
1964, the pacification program against the declared "free strike zones," which meant
rural population was being carried on under that they could be bombed, shelled or gassed
another name, that of "New Life Hamlets" at any time. The total population in the
( E p Ten Sin/7). The U.S. military had by 3,978 hamlets totally controlled by the Viet
that time completely taken into their own Cong was given as just under three million
hands the task of spraying crops in what they persons. As for the contested areas, the
referred to as "Viet Cong territory."12 Americans had by then formulated another
However, the situation in Vietnam became new program which they called "The Other
increasingly worse, and in 1965 the United War: The War to Win the Hearts and Minds
States had to send in American troops in of the People." The name was invented in
great numbers. Beginning in 1965, the Amer- an attempt to differntiate it from the mili-
ican military initiated still another version of tary war, which involved tactics of search
"pacification" by sending in the Marines to and destroy. There were different ways to
"secure villages" and to root out "Viet Cong carry out the Other War, all depending on
infra~structures." Typical techniques, as de- how the population in the "contested areas"
scribed by Nighswonger, run as follows: were regarded by the Americans. One way
was to send out American troops with bull-
Before the operation to secure a village, dozers and bombers to raze the villages to the
leaders are dropped asking the people to ground, and then to transport the inhabitants
get into the open .fields )'or safety, so they
to the so-called "camps for refugees Heeing
can freely hit the Viet Cong in tunnels
around the houses and in hea'gerows.'3 from Communism" in and around the larger
towns and cities where they could be "pro-
As I well know, the tunnels around the tccted." Some American intellectuals have
houses were most often bomb shelters of the called this a process of "urbanization." Th e
villagers, and the people hiding in them were American military, however, have been more
not likely to be V.C. cadres as the Americans frank about it: A high U.S. field commander
claim. was reported from Saigon in 1966 to have
What was the result of these American said that, "If the people are to the guerrillas
tactics? After more than two years of con- as the oceans are to the fish, then . . . we
are going to dry up that ocean."'4
91bid., p. 62. Another way was the intensified use of
10lbid,, p. 64. chemicals, much in the same way that the
fluid., pp. 61-63.
12Seymour M. Hersh, "Our Chemical War," Diem regime had used them before. in his
The New York .RcWew of Book.r, April 25, 1968,
pp. 1-2 of the article.
13Nighswonger, Rural Paciticrf fiofl in I/iefnam, 1*U.P.I. dispatch, quoted in IVew Sfnrmmfuf,
p. 115. March 11, 1966.
Imperialism 35

article already cited, Seymour M. Hersh felt compelled to run long articles on the
writes: misery endured by these people.

By early I967, Presidential advisers had a By 1969, Saigon government' statistics

di/§erent reason for using Nerbicides, one proudly showed that they had been success-
that wasn't directly linked to cutting off ful in getting 4 million refugees "urbanized.'§
Viet Cong food supplies. The rationale was
presented to a group of scientists who met
During 1968 and i§5§, the U.S. Air Force
in February with Donald Horning, President sprayed about 10 million gallons of herbi-
] o r s o n ' s chief scientific adviser, to p r i e s t cides yearly over South Vietnam. Ten mil-
the use of anticrop chemicals. According Io lion gallons is enough to treat four million
one scientist who attended the session, acres, and one-third of the land treated has
Horning explained that the anticrop pro-
gram was aimed' chiefly at rnovfng the
been crop land. The denial of foodstuffs to
people. the rural population in order to drive the
people into the government-controlled camps
Mr. Hersh further states that the Pentagon and the effort to starve the so-called "enemy"
through the use of herbicides have produced
used 60 million dollars worth of defoliants
terrible side effects in the form of diseases
and herbicides, or 12 million gallons, in Viet
Nam in 1967, which was enough to cover and hideously deformed babies, as well as
"nearly half of the arable land in South Viet dangerous long-term effects on Vietnam's
Nam." He also writes that, since Pentagon ecology. All these have been amply docu-
mented. But let me not go into these matters
officials were arguing that the herbicides were
more effective in killing crops than in strip- here.
ping foliage : My point so far has been this: From the
very start, the enemy that the United
States wanted to crush has been termed as
. . . by the end of 1966 more Fhan half of "The Communists" or "Communism" But in
the C-123 missions were adrnitfediy direezed
at crops, and it i.y probable that any effort
the frantic search for this enemy, who has the
as a trebling of capability in 1967 was United States bumped up against? It has been
aimed not at the jungles' OJ' Sou!lz Vietnam the Vietnamese peasants which the Ameri-
but at its arable crop land. cans have bumped into at every turn. At first,
the United States thought that the reason for
In a study of American anticrop and defolia- the peasants' disapproval of the Diem re-
tion methods, Y6ichi Fukushima, head of the gime and its policies was because of "Com-
Agronomy Section of the Japan Science munist propaganda." So the United States
Council, claims that American chemical at- tried to devise means to separate the peas-
tacks by 19671had ruined more than 3.8 mil- ants from the so-called "Comlnunists." But
lion acres (or one-half) of the arable land afterwards, when the United States learned
in South Vietnam and were a direct cause of it was the peasants which furnished most of
death for nearly 1,000 peasants and more the enemy's manpower, food and informa-
than 13,000 head of livestock. The impact tion, the United States began to carry out a
of the U.S. anticrop program upon those virtually unrestrained warfare against Fha en-
peasants who have escaped being taken to the tire Vietnamese peasantry, . . . The tonnage
camps for "refugees fleeing from Commu- of bombs dropped on the countryside in
......__ is not known for sure. As for the "ref- South Vietnam alone, when added together,
ugeesl' their situation was (and is) so bad exceeds by far the total amount used against
that the editorial staffs of Saigon newspapers, the Japanese and the Germans on all fronts
in spite of the harsh government censorship, during the Second World War.

Well, in spite of all this, the so-called cent. Thus we see that, in spite of saying
ccenemy51 survived and became even more repeatedly that they are in Vietnam to help
numerous. When the United States saw that the Vietnamese people and to protect their
it could not weaken the enemy in the South, freedom, the Americans have by their actions
it was decided that the enemy's real strength proved that their real enemy has all along
must lie in the North. So the United States been the Vietnamese people except, of
went north after it. After two years of intense course, for the collaborators whom they call
bombing of North Vietnam, enemy forces oc- "The South Vietnamese."
cupied most of the cities in South Vietnam What has been the reaction of this "en-
in early 1968. What was most surprising to emy"'? Here is one example. On the occasion
many Americans was that even though the of Moratorium Day, i.e., October 15, 1969,
city people knew of the planned attack be- ninety-three Catholic priests and intellectuals
forehand, few of them, if not to say none, now residing in France, together with "a
reported it to the Americans or to the Saigon great number of Catholics in Vietnam"
authorities! (whose names were not published for fear
The Americans had known for a long time of retaliation by the Saigon government) sent
that no matter how hard they might try to an open letter to American Christians, in
starve out the enemy soldiers with their anti- which there appear the following words:
crop programs, American rice from the cities
was finding its way into enemy areas. But How can the U.S.A. be wicked enough Io
they merely supposed that it was somehow wish to exterminate all of our people to
being exacted from the city people by "en- defend an idea, a theory, which time has
adequately fern onstrated Io have only been
emy" trickery and deceit. But now, with the a myth and never a reality? . . . Those
occupation of the cities, there was no longer whom: the U.S.A. accuses i n its ignorance
any doubt that much of the city population as Communists, are i n reality our relatives,
had given in to "Communist" propaganda our brothers, our sisters, our friends dis-
too. Keeping this newly appraised fact in persed in villages and harnfets. They are
only peasants, workers, pedrilers, hair-
mind, the Americans, instead of trying to dressers, and hercismen. 'They ask only one
take back the towns and cities with ground thing: to be masters of their own horne and
troops (which they realized would be a near t o gain a Five fih ooa' by the .sweat of their
impossibility), made the decision that the brow,
cities of the South were to join the country-
side as targets for American bombs and Meanwhile, the "silent majority" in Vietnam,
shells. On the average, about 50 percent of who perhaps End it difficult to make public
every major town was destroyed by the their views in so many words, have chosen
American bombardment. In many cases the to express themselves by continuing to fight.
area of destruction was as much as 90 per-

1.7 A Brief Guide to Bourgeois Ideology

Having looked very briefly into some aspects of the problems that plague
contemporary American society, we turn now to an examination of the
way in which such problems are typically approached by Western social
scientists. In the final reading of the chapter, Robin Blackburn describes
A Brief Guide to Bourgeois Ideology 37

and criticizes the bourgeois ideology that prevails not only in his own
country (Great Britain) but in all of the advanced capitalist nations of the
world. Blackburn's lucid essay on the inadequacy of orthodox social sci-
ence provides a useful point of departure for the effort in the rest of this
book to develop a more fruitful approach to the study of capitalist societies.

Source: The following is excerpted from "A Brief Guide to Bourgeois

Ideology" by ROBIN BLACKHURN. From Student Power, edited by Alex-
ander Cockburn and Robin Blackburn (Baltimore: Penguin Books, Inc.,
1969). Copyright o 1969 by the New Left Review. Reprinted by permis-
sion of the New Left Review.


My intention here is to try to identify the
prevailing ideology in the field of the social
Let us begin where the capitalist system it-
sciences as taught in British universities and
self begins, with the exploitation of man by
colleges. This ideology, I hope to show, con-
man. We shall see that capitalist economics
sistently defends the existing social arrange-
refuses to consider even the possibility that
ments of the capitalist world. It endeavors
exploitation lies at the root of inequality or
to suppress the idea that any preferable al-
poverty-one can acquire a first class degree
ternative does, or could exist, Critical con-
in economics in Britain without ever having
cepts are either excluded (e.g., "exploita-
studied the causes of these phenomena. It is
tion," "contradiction") or emasculated (e.g.,
now a well established (though not so well
"alienation," "class"). It is systematically
known) fact that economic inequality within
pessimistic about the possibilities of attack-
most capitalist countries has remained
ing repression and inequality: on this basis it
roughly constant for many decades. In Brit-
constructs theories of the family, of bureauc-
ain, for example, the share of national in-
racy, of social revolution, of "pluralist" de-
come going to wages and the share going as
mocracy, all of which imply that existing
profits has remained more or less the same
social institutions cannot be transcended.
since the statistics were first collected to-
Concepts are fashioned which encapsulate
wards the end of the nineteenth century: the
this determinism (e.g., "industrial society")
richest 2 percent of British adults own 75
and which imply that all attempts to chal-
percent of all private wealth, while the in-
lenge the status* quo are fundamentally irra-
come of the top one percent of incomes is in
tional (e.g., "charissa"), In short, bourgeois
sum about the same as that shared out
social science tries to mystify social con-
among the poorest third of the population.
sciousness by imbuing it with fatalism and by
Marx and the classical economists tried to
blunting any critical impulse. Those aspects
explore the causes of such phenomena in
of this social science which are not directly
sharp distinction to their neglect by most
aimed at consecrating the social order are
modern bourgeois economics. The shift in
concerned with the techniques of running it.
emphasis is stated as follows by a recent his~
They are providing vocational training for
torian of the subject :
future market researchers, personnel man-
agers, investment planners, etc. And all this
Marx inherited both Ike strengths and the
in the name of "value neutral" social science. weaknesses of his classical forerunners. In
bark rheore rica systems, the central ana-

lyrical categories were moulder to filumfn- gories they so evidently need. In fact the
are the causes an/Z C`ONS€q£i€f'l(l@.S' of long most promising work in this Held is being
term economic change and rife re!atfcJn.ship
between economic growth and income o3:'s~
done on precisely this 'basis but without ac-
nzibufion. The roofs use]'r.nT for these pur- knowledgement from the mainstream of
poses were nor, however, weft adepferi (for bourgeois economics? For Marx, the ten-
were they intended to be) to ( l sysrematfc dency of capitalism to generate wealth at one
£.r1.spec:tfon of other 1natle,r.s'.' et., the process pole and poverty at the other, whether on the
through which market prices are former!
and the imp lica as ions of short fern: economic
national or international scale, was a conse-
fluctuations.' quence of the exploitive social relations on
which it was based. For bourgeois social sci-
It is these latter questions which have for ence, the very concept. of 'f.§xnl9i i..Qi1" is
so long preoccupied the main bourgeois anathema since it questions the assumed un-
economists and all too often the conceptual derlying harmony of interests within a cape
tools developed in these inquiries are then talist society. But of course the rejection of
used to tackle the Iaraer issues with predict- this concept is carried out in the name of the
able lack of success. Thus in the age of at- advance of science not the defense of the
tempted "incomes policies" economic theory stczrzm quo. For example, the whole question
is quite incapable of accounting for the share is disposed of in the following fashion by
of national income represented by profits. In Samuelson in the other main economics text~
the most recent edition of a now standard book: "Marx particularly stressed the labor
textbook we read : theory of value that labor produces all value
and if not exploited would get it all. . . .
W e conclude by raising the fnzeresrfng ques- Careful critics of all political complexions
rion of the .s'.*1ore of pro]?ts frz the Fat:lotzo:'
income. We have no 5alis)'acfory theory of
generally think this is a sterile analysis. . . ."-*
the share of national fnconie going as pro ft f s The tone of this remark is characteristic with
and w e can do [fide to expfairr. post he~ its reference to the academic consensus
Saviour of this share, nor do w e have a which the student is invited to join. A more
boafy of predictions about the effect on offs
recent work on this subject makes greater
share of oc.'c'urrerzce5 I k e the rise Go unions,
wage }'reeze.s', prol'ifs faxes, price c;-onfrols, concessions to the "sterile analysis" but pre-
efc,2 serves the essential taboo on the key concept:
the author writes that we must "retain the
In his conclusion on theories of income dis- germ of truth in Marx's observation of the
tribution as a whole Professor Lindsey con- wage bargain as one of class bargaining or
fesses: "We must, at the moment, admit do- conflict without the loaded formulation of the
feat, we must admit that we cannot at all concept 'exploitation',q15 By excluding co
deal with this important class of problems." priori such ways of analysing economic re-
His solution to the impasse is a little lame, lationships, modern bourgeois economics en-
faced with all this: "There is a great deal of sures that discussion will never be able to
basic research that needs to he done by stu- question the capitalist property system. Thus
dents of this subject." Lipsey writes1

A re-examination of the tradition of Marx
and the classical economists would have Various reasons for natfonoifzfng fn¢'f¢rslrif's
have been put forward and we can only
given these researchers the analytical catc-
*The work of Piero Strafe and his school.
1W. J. Barber, A Hfslor'}= of Economic Thozigghf, $P. "`" Samuelson, Ecolzon:ic5, Fifth Edition,
Penguin, UK, 1967, p, 161. USA, 19 pp, 855-56.
QR. G. Lindsey, /in Inf:'o{Il{'f.Q0I? to Po.s*i.»'z'v¢= Erro- Murray Wolf son, A Rea.19pral5c1f of Mr:r'.ric¢r:
tzomics, UK, 196?, p. 481. Economics, USA, 1965,
A Brief Guide To Bourgeois Ideology 39

give very brief mention to these. I. to con- Every individual naafuraily tench to look
Iiscate for the general public's welfare in- only at the fnznzedfaie economic e}§'ecfs
stead of the capitalist's. In so far as narfon- upon himself of an economic event. A
afized z'n.dustrz'es are profirabfe ones and in worker thrown out of employment in the
so far as they are not any less el§'icEen! buggy inctusiry cannot be expected to re-
under natforzalizatiorz than i n private hands fleer that new joins may have been created
this is a rational object. Quantitfvely how- i n the au romobife indusiryf but we trust
ever it is insignificant besides su(?/1 redis- be prepared to do .5'o.?
tributive devices as the progressive income
tax.** The "we" here is all aspirant or practising
Lipsey is to be congratulated for sparing a economists. Nobody, it seems will be en~
few lines to such thoughts in his eight hun- couraged to reflect that workers should not
dred page tome-most bourgeois economists individually bear the social costs of techno-
simply ignore the idea altogether. However, logical advance, that their standard of living
his argument is patently ideological. Firstly, should be maintained until alternative cm-
his confidence in the redistributive effects of ploymcnt is made available to them where
taxation is in striking contrast to his state- they live, etc. For the bourgeois economist
ments made a few pages earlier, and quoted the necessities of the social system are un-
above, that he cannot with current theory say questionable technological requirements. The
anything useful about income distribution or passage quoted is dedicated to informing the
the effects on it of taxation, More important student that: "the economist is interested in
is the implicit assumption that capitalists' the workings of the economy as co whole
profits are being confiscated but they are be~ rather than in the viewpoint of any one
ing compensated 1or the take-over of their group.
property. Nationalization without compensa-
tion would have an immediate, massive and . . . an eenietzrary infonomfcs does
no! pretend to reach one flow to r u n a busi-
undeniable effect on distribution. Even when n.e'.y5 or a bank, /row t o spend nrtore wi.s"eFy,
the bourgeois economist steels himself to or how to gel rich q u i a r o m the mock
consider the prospect of socialism being in- may 5 1 1 lo be hoped the! general
stalled in an advanced capitalist country, he economics we!! provide a uré.fuz' bmkgrourrca'
usually finds it impossible to imagine the for many such activities."
complete elimination of property rights. In
Professor I. E. Meade's Equality, Eu'icz'ency The one activity to which this brand of eco-
and the Ownershifp of Properly, he constructs nomics certainly does not provide a useful
a model where we find that the fledgling background is that of critical. reflection on
"Socialist State" is burdened from the outset
the economy "as a whole" and the social con-
with a huge national debt. T seems Ilia? EE tradictions on which it is based.
mind of the bourgeois social scientist is quite Classical economics could analyse class rc-
impervious to any "property is lationships because it was a constitutive part
theft" or that the expropriators should be of "political economy," the study of social
expropriated. Instead the only "rational" ob- relations in all their aspects. In contemporary
jectives for him are ones defined by the social science the economic, political and so-
rationality of the system itself. A good exam- ciological dimensions of society are split up
ple of this is provided by Samuelson's discus~
Samuelson, Economics, p. 10. The complex
sign of the problems raised by redundancy nature of capitalist rationality is :admirably dis-
in a capitalist economy. cussed in Maurice Godelier's Ra tionafiré or Irra-
tionaliré en Econ on-sie, Paris, l 96'F.
"Lindsey, An IntrocJ'ucHlon lo Positive Eco- Ssamuclson, laid., p. 10.
/eomfcs, p. 532. Ibid., p. 10.

and parceled out among the different aca- role of the capitalist world market or the US
demic departments devoted to them. This Marine Corps .as forces acting to maintain
process itself helps to discourage considcra~ the status quo. Further, note the sheer fatu-
son of the nature of the economic system on ousness of Parsons' belief that anything
other than its own terms. The whole design would be changed by the promulgation of
is lost in the absorption with details. carefully considered statements, etc. Even
Parsons' undoubted intellectual distinction
is no protection against the feebleness im-
IMPERFALISM AND SOCIAL SCIENCE posed on its devotees by bourgeois ideology.

The ideological character of a sociology [A] striking instance of the excessive value
which assumes on principle a harmonious emphasis encouraged by Parsonian theory is
economic system is particularly evident when The Pol1'tic.s' of Developing Areas by G. Al-
the relations between advanced and back- mond and J. S. Coleman. This book, pub~
ward countries are being examined. It is now fished in 1960, so persistently ignored Mao's
widely acknowledged that the gap between dictum that "power grows out of the barrel
them is growing and it should be equally evi- of a gun" that the index contains no refer-
dent that the relations between them involve ence for "army," "armed forces," etc, and
the domination and exploitation of poor capi- its discussions have been completely by-
talist nations by rich ones. . . . Yet we are passed by the subsequent wave of military
informed by Professor Aron that "In the age coups throughout the underdeveloped zone.
of the industrial society there is no contra- The assumption usually made in such writ-
diction between the interests of the under- ings is that the "West" provides the model
developed countries and those of advanced for the development of the underdeveloped
countries."'° Talcott Parsons is also deter- world. The fact that the Western capitalist
mined to ignore what he calls "irrational ac- powers were plundering the rest of the world
cusations of imperialism." He writes, at the time of their industrialization, whereas
the underdeveloped world is in the reverse
My hrs: policy recromnzendarion, Il1€re}'ore, position, is rarely considered. The profits of
is z'lzal every e.(j'ort be made to promulgate the slave trade, the sales of opium to China,
carefully considered .vtateinefzfs of value
the plantations of the Americas, etc. (not to
commitments which may provide a basis
for consensus among boil: /rave and have- speak of the expropriation of the common
not nations. This would r¢>c_/circ Ilia! such lands of the European peasantry and the
.statements be disassociczled from llze .s'pec'ifzc: grazing grounds of the American Indian) all
ideological posfrion of Gillser of tire polar- contributed to the early capital accumulation
ized C(I/np5.11
of the Western Imperialist powers quite as
much as their devotion to a "universalistic"
Parsons' notorious obsession with values
value system. Curiously enough, bourgeois
is patently ideological in such a context-cs-
economists do not recommend underdevel-
pecially since he goes on to assert that in
oped countries to follow the Western model
creating this consensus atmosphere "the
in this respect. In all the mountains of liter-
proper application of social science should
ature devoted to the strategy of economic de-
prove useful." Nowhere in this essay on the
velopment, writers who urge the poor coun-
"world social order" does Parsons discuss the
tries to nationalize the investments of the
1uRaymond Aron, 7710 lndlrsrriul Soci£'1'\=, UK, rich are very rare. Martin Bronllenbrennerls
1917, p. 24.
11TaIcott Parsons, So ciologrlxal Theory (Mid
excellent article on "The Appeal of Confisca-
Moderrz. Society, UK, 1968, p. 4'/5. tion in Economic Development," first pub-
A Brief Guide to Bourgeois Ideology F11

fished in 1955, has evoked almost no re- The attraction of the Hirschman approach
sponse and most textbooks on development is increased as earlier illusions about "under-
strategy ignore the question altogether. development" are eroded. The economists,
Not surprisingly the best allies of foreign in particular, have often acted as if economic
capital in the underdeveloped regions are the development can be induced aS soon as a
remaining traditional elites and the feeble few well-meaning tax reforms are enforced.
local capitalist class. At one time it was The fiasco of Nicolas Kaldor's policies in In-
hoped by Western strategists that the "middle dia, Ceylon, Ghana, Guyana, Mexico and
sectors" could carry through the process of Turkey illustrate this well.
economic development in their respective
countries. This ignored the fact that the con- Since I invariably urged the adoption 03° re-
text provided by the imperialist world mar- forms w i t h put more of the burden of
zaxonforz on rfre privifegcd ozino1'zlty of the
ket invariably poses an insuperable obstacle well-Io-do, and nor only on the brood
to the underdeveloped bourgeoisie of the masses of the populoOon, ft earned me (and
poor capitalist countries. As a consequence the goveffzment.s' I advised) co low OJ" un-
they have usually sought enrichment through populorfiy, without, I fear, afwayi' succeed-
battening on a corrupt government or spon- ing in making faze property~own:ng clos.s'e.9
r:'ntrftJutc .s'ub,sfa12z'fal amounts to he pubiicr
soring a military coup rather than producing purse. The main reason f o r rlris . . un- .
the hoped-for economic advance. All this rioubfecffhf Hay in the fact Ffzot Use power,
creates most unpleasant dilemmas for the behind :he scenes, of fire weaMly pro;JerIy~
bourgeois social scientist and accounts for owning cIa.s'.9es Ana' lJa:.f¢ines'5 f;rlreresIs proved
the growing acceptance of development IN be very muck §f'@o¢'er Ihczn . . . .ws-
strategies based on an analysis such as the
On the whole, bourgeois economists only
achieve such revelations in connexion with
I and frying to show how a society can begin
to r o v e ;'oru-'ard as in is, in spire of what it
remote places whose local "privileged minor-
is. Such an etzierprise will involve co sys- ity" appear to impede imperialist penetra-
tenzaiic' seancli along t w o closely relaxed tion. Even then they usually persist in
lines: fir.s'r, how acknowledged, well en- believing that their technical nostrums can
trerzched obstacles to change can be neurral-
be made to work :
ized, oatflankerl anal left to be dealt w i l l
decisively at some later stage, secondly and
perl.'aps more fandanienzafly, how many In most u:1c1'c'rdev'ek>pea' c'ow1N'£es, where
among the conclilions' and arfirnfcles that are e.\'l'refne poverty c'oexfst.s' wife: great inecgufrf-
widely considered as inimical tO elrange ity in uferlfflz and ('on.5*a£H1;)>ion, pro.;;r€s.s'ivc
have a hidden positive dimension and co: taxarfon is, in the end, the only crhfernaM*e
rlzerefore unexpectedly C'(JiF'l€ to serve and Fo complete et"proprfatEon t/:roxsglz violent
fzzirlure pY'0gr@S.§'_13 revolr,f dion. . . . The progressive Iecsders of
urrderdevelopen' <:o14nlrle,s' rimy seem ine1ie6-
dve if judgecf by fmmediare re5I1r'I5,' but :hey
This fantasy enables the bourgeois social are :fre only aZrer'rzc2t1l1-'es to Lenin and Mao
scientist to ignore the fact that the main ob- TS? T l £ H L 1.1
stacles to development are either directly
provided by imperialist domination or but- The political exclusion of expropriation
t1'essed by it. could scarcely be more unabashed.
12The writings of Frantz Fanon, Regis Debray.
André Grinder Frank and José Nun, explore dif-
ferent aspects of this process. 1*Nicolas Kaldur, E.s'.s'ay.s' on Econrmiic Policy,
13Albert O. Hirschman, .lcJurr2e)'.s' To u-"r:rd.s' UK, 1964, Vol. 1, pp. xvii-xx.
Progress, USA, 'I963, pp. 6-7. 1slid_

"INDUSTRIAL" SOCFETY AND garded "capitalism," including bureaucratic

TECHNOLOGICAL DETERMINISM organization, both private and governmental,
as essentially the "fate" of Western society:
The category "industrial society" has now
become the accepted definitional concept for . . . clearly to him capitalism in some sense
modern capitalism. Raymond Aron, who has had to be accepted, but equally on (I variety
done much to promote it, makes clear its in-
of grozuuls scientific and ezlaicnl, flue pre-
vailing im'erpreratfons were on the one lhrmd
tention: it is, he writes, "a way of avoiding inafleflware to the plrenomenrl itself, on .flue
at the outset the opposition between social- other our of afford wiilz his .1'eelinQs of
ism and capitalism and of considering them rightness and appropriateness . . . with re-
as two species of the same genus: industrial spec! to my own country I have long Jeff
aha: the designation of its social .<;ysn'!rr as
society.""' This way of thinking in sociology "r'apitafisa'i<'," even in Weber's lziglrly SU-
owes much to Weber. It contains a large dose plri."!ic°ate(l sense, was gros.s'l_1' inuzlc4qu¢zte."'
of technological determinism since it suggests
that the industrial nature of technology dom- Parsons eschews the term capitalist, no doubt
inates social organization as a whole. For because its critical overtones at out of ac-
pre-industrial societies' values may act as an cord with his "feelings of rightness and ap-
independent variable capable of re-shaping propriateness" as well as Weber's. But at the
society itself in important ways. But once a same time he manages to smuggle back the
society has industrialized, the range of sig- distinctive features of capitalist society in his
nificant institutional alternatives available to theory of "evolutionary universals," that is
it is very narrow. Thus the unavoidable con- the universal aspects of all societies as they
comitant of modern industry will be bureau- evolve into modern industrial states. These
cratic organization, the "nuclear" form of the evolutionary universals,. according to Par-
family (i.e., the family system of the modern sons, include "money and markets" and
American middle class), etc. By deducing "bureaucracy" The sociological theory of
social organization from industrial technol- bureaucracy deriving from. Weber has marked
ogy bourgeois sociology can portray capital- fatalistic overtones, as Gouldner has noted."
ist society as void of contradictions. In the It will be convenient to examine this theory
"industrial society" there is no possibility of in some detail as it is most often cited as one
a clash between the forces of production and of the forms of social organization made in-
the institutions of the property system since escapable by modern industrial society. In
they form a harmonious, non-antagonistic deed the more alert defenders of bureaucratic
unity. Capitalist social relations cannot be re- domination, wherever it is found, draw on
jected without abandoning modern technol- these ideas.
ogy. Nor with such a view can capitalist re-
lations of production (private property, the BUREAUCRACY AND BOURGEOIS
sale of l a b o r power as a commodity, etc. ) FATALISM
act as a fetter on the development of the
forces of production (technology, natural re- For Weber bureaucratic organization rep-
sources, etc.). resented a superior and necessary form of
According to Talcott Parsons, Weber re- rationality. He recognized that the historical
1'*Ray'mond AFOi1, Eighfeelz l,<'c'{zn'f'.v OH Indus- 1TParsons, .'>`ocio!ogic.'rf! Tllwzrjv CH'1'(. H/lrJd<':'r:
trifzf Society. UK, 1967, p. 42. The term "indus- Society, pp. 99-101.
trial society" can be used descriptively. without "Alvin Gouldncr, "The Metaphysical Pathos
the intention here acknowledged by Aron, in which of Bureaucracy," in Complex ()rgunizarion.v.
case its function need not he ideological. edited by A. Etzionc, USA, 1964.
A Brief Guide to Bourgeois Ideology 43

origin of modern bureaucracy was to be age which it is fruitless to reject since its im-
found in the internal organization of the early peratives are unavoidable. . . .
capitalist enterprise, and he further claimed
that this type of organization was the gen- Weber was aware that the type of bureau~
eral destiny of any society which developed cratic organization he was analysing was in-
an industrial economy. Indeed to some extent timately linked to the existence of a market
it was a prerequisite for industrial develop- economy. Thus he argued that the absence of
ment. The bureaucratic mode of organiza- a developed market produced a stnictural
tion was characterized as follows : weakness in the tr'aditional type of Chinese
Bureaucracy--thc taxation crisis. Simply to
finance the on-going operation of the bu-
(I) All o1']5cial actions are bound by rules
reaucracy a money economy was necessary:
with the olfciai subject I o srricz and sys-
tematic control ]'Rom above. without adequate funds a bureaucracy will
(2) Each hfndiorwry has co fifnited and begin to allow officials to make money OI1 the
defined sphere of c;'or71peter1c@. side by exploiting their official position. In
(3) The organization of offices follows a some ways the bureaucracy outlined by
principle of hierarchy w i t h each lower one
subordinate Io eacfz higher one.
Weber is an institutionalization of the im-
(4) Candidates are 5eiF2cfed only from; The peratives of market society with its con-
basis of technieai quaiihcation; "they are sequent alienations. The capitalist market
appointed, not elf cited." reduces quality to quantity, makes human
(5) Ofjiriois are salaried and have no l a b o r power a commodity and SHSLIICS that
right of ownership over their job: "The
salary scale is graded according to rank in
the exchange value of a commodity domi-
the hierarchy: but i n addition. to I'S cri- nates its individual use value. In the same
ferion. . . . the reauirenzenrs of iizcunlbeizt.s' way a bureaucracy reduces both its own
social status may he taken into accolml." workers and the public it administers to a
(6) The 013%-6 is the some, or at feast pri- set of abstract characteristics (age, formal
mary, occupaiiori of rho inc-zin:.hen1' and if
co nsritz:tes a career; "Pronzotiorz is depend'-
qualifications, sex, race, etc.). Just as the
ent on the judgment of' superiors."19 market organizes human behavior according
to unquestionable economic laws, so the bu-
For Weber the style of work originating in
reaucracy imposes man-made rules as if they
had some impersonal necessity. For Weber
the bureaucratic enterprise would inevitably
all this was part of the formal, abstract elli-
generalize itself through society in all other
cicncy which bureaucracy provides. Such
institutions (army, church, political parties,
efficiency can only serve the powers that be,
state machine, etc.). In this ideal type Weber
its formal rationality is dependent on the ra-
mixes together spine organizational rules
which may, in determinate historical condi
tionality of the capitalist system, of which it
sons, encourage efficient administration, to- is a part.
gether with others which can only foster the
negative effects for which bureaucracies are
so notorious (impersonality, manipulation of
the administered, evasion of responsibility,
empire-building, stifling working conditions, If Weber expels innovation from his concept
etc.). The whole is then presented as a pack- of bureaucracy where does he find room for
it in his sociology? In practice it seems that
Weber identified social innovation and cre-
19Max Weber. Economic and Soda! Organiga-
f o r , edited bY Talcott Parsons, USA, 1947, pp.
ativity with the irrational: they are subsumed
333-39. under the category "charisma." This category

has become very popular in later sociological but rather, exclusively, by some quality of
writing and tends to be used by leader writ- personal magnetism.
ers, pundits and social commentators of all *

types who wish to discredit popular move*

merits of any sort. Historically "charisma"' THE SOCIOLOGY OF REVOLUTION
was the "gift of grace which- eariy Chris- AS PHILOSOPHY OF
tian saints were supposed to receive from COUNTER-REVOLUTION
God. Weber used it to describe the source
of the attraction wielded by great popular We have seen that the drift of much bour-
leaders. As such it seems to be a survival in geois social theory is to undermine the idea
modern bourgeois social science of the medi- that men can ever transform society-its
eval doctrine of essences. This doctrine held, function is to induce a morbid paralysis of
for example, that life as a physical phenome- social will. In the twentieth century revolu-
non was to be explained by the fact that tionary disturbances have affected most parts
every combustible object contained a sub- of the world and in areas inhabited by one
stance, phlogiston, which was released when third of humanity the prevailing order has
it caught tire. In similar fashion the ascend- been completely overturned. Such events
ancy of every popular leader who rebels have only filtered relatively slowly into the
against things as they are is "explained" in consciousness of mainstream bourgeois SO-
terms of his possession of charismatic qualm ciology. . . .
ties. In addition to absolving the social scien- The technique adopted by bourgeois so-
tist from any real examination of the social cial science to deal with the consequences of
forces and circumstances which produce pop- successful revolution can be reduced to one
ular movements it also enables him to lump basic theme. Basically revolutions change
together quite disparate types of leaders. For very little. This is often a variation of the
Weber, Napoleon and St. Augustine were bureaucracy argument discussed above. In
both charismatic figures: for the modern his accustomed professional manner Ray~
bourgeois sociologist a typical amalgam mood Aron has announced:
might be Hitler and Mao Tse Tung. Here is
We have all becorrze intensely aware of
an example of how the concept is used: power as Fhe major phenomenon. in all SO-
cieries, and as a problem which no rel'urms
Cuba did not prove that a Latin American i n the property sy.s'tenz or in the furzciforzing
nation could delz'berale'Iy choose Commun- of the economy can solve.
ism.; it proved, if proof were sri!! needed,
fem! a char,€sn1arir~ leader' can make a nation Crane Brinton, in "Anatomy of Revolu-
choose almost anything even in fire ad of tions," talks of the "universality of Thermi-
denying he is choosing it for Item. . . . dorean reaction" as a law of revolution, For
Castro's charisma . . . cut across ah* classes; Talcott Parsons the only aspect of revolu-
he esrabiished a moss reiarionslzip primarily
with his person., not with his idc>as,2'* tions on which he dwells is the necessity after
the "ascendancy of the charismatic revolt
tionary movement" for a process of "con-
The term charisma is invariably used in this cession" to the development of "adaptive
way, namely to imply that support for a
structures." Of course, this approach is not
popular leader is not to be explained by ref-
wholly invalid. As Georg Lukacs has ob-
erence to his ideas, programme or actions, served, all false consciousness has its own
truth: but this truth is partial and inserted
20Theodor Draper, Ca.s'Iroi,s'm, USA, 1965, p.
12'7. "Raymond Aron, Genrxfrrz Sociology, p. 131.
A Brief Guide To Bourgeois Ideology 45

into a false overall perspective. In this in- and this is undoubtedly because they want
stance, for example, the one-sided approach them to fail. The bourgeois social scientists'
of bourgeois sociology renders it blind to the attempt to deny the efficacy of social revolu-
process of radicalization which often occurs tion by no means inhibits them from pro-
in revolution (e.g., the Cultural Revolution, claiming the existence or necessity of all
Soviet collectivization, etc.).122 Carrying out other sorts of "revolution" Indeed revolu-
a revolution is a momentous experience of tions are discovered everywhere: the "indus-
effective social action: if anything it is likely, trial revolution, "revolution of rising
at one point, to encourage voluntarism rather expectations' horological revolution,"
than a policy of concessions. The post-revo- etc. This oblique homage to potency of. the
lutionary history of Russia, China and Cuba notion is also to be found in the writings of
certainly do not substantiate any unilateral those who seek to avert them. Nicolas Kal-
adaptive concession theory. In short, bour- dor, writing on "underdeveloped" countries,
geois sociology only begins to understand puts the matter thus: "The problem which
modern revolutions in so far as they fail- has to be solved, and to which no one has
yet found a satisfactory answer, is how to
22A variant of this approach acknowledges this bring about that change in the balance of
radicalization but considers it only as an irra- power which is needed to avert revolutions
tional "totalitarian" phenomenon. . . . Many such
studies of post-revolutionary societies argue that without having a revolution.§J='1:]
revolutions do not so much change them as in-
tensify their basic characteristics: see for example, 23Kaldor, Essays on Economic Po1*&ry, Vol. 1,
Karl Wittfogel, Oriental Despotism. p. 265.


Further reading is recommended in Black~ Racism

burn, "A Brief Guide to Bourgeois Ideol- [5] Brown, Claude, Man ch ifd in the Promised
ogy," as cited in the source line for Section Land. New York: Macmillan, l 965."'
1.7. In addition, the following books are [6l Corot, Robert, Rivers of Blood., Years of
suggested as representative of the broad Darkness. New York: Bantam, 1967."'
range of descriptive literature on the prob-
lems of contemporary American society.
[7] Lessing, Doris, The Golden Notebook.
Inequality New York' Bantam/Ballantine, 1968.*
[I] Harrington, Michael, The Other Anze1'i(.yI. [8] Woolf, Virginia, A Room of Orze'.s Owrz.
Baltimore: Penguin, 1963 New York: Harbinger/Harbrace, I957."'
[2] Lundberg, Ferdinand, The Rich and the
Super-Rich. New York: Bantam, 19685*
[9] Goodman, Paul "Like a Conquered Prov-
Alienation ince," in his People or Personnel." Due
[3] Chinos, Eli, Automobile Workers and the (I Conquered Province. New York :
American Dream. Boston: Beacon, Random House, 1963.=E=
1965.* [IO] Packard, Vance, The Wane-Adcrk-ers. New
[4] Slater, Philip, The Pursuit of Lonelfne.s~.v_ York: Pocket Book/Simon & Schuster,
Boston: Beacon, 1970.=:= 1963

Imperialism Scholarship" and "The Responsibility of

[ I t ] Gerassi, ma
hn, The Great Fear ire Laffn
Intellectuals," in Noam Chomsky,
American Power and the New Mandar-
America. New York: Collier, I965.'"
ins. New York: Vintage Books, I969.=s=
[12] Horowitz, David, The Free World Colos-
sus- New York: Hill and Wang, I965.=e=
[14] Sweezy, Paul, "Toward a Critique of Eco-
nomics," Monthly Review, X X I , No. 8,
January, 1970.
[13] Chomsky, Noam, "Objectivity and Liberal :fcAvailable in paperback editions.

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E Study
of Historical Change:
of Capitalism
IN THIS BOOK WE SHALL ARGUE THAT MANY dynamics of capitalist development.
of the pervasive social problems that we see We begin with several important con-
around us--inequality, alienation, racism, cepts: forces of production, social surplus,
sexism, militarism, Hruction of the envi- social class, social relations of production,
ronment, consumerism, imperialism, etc.- and the mode of production. The }'onces of
arc significantly and systematically related to production consist of the tools, buildings
the economic institutions that make up a and equipment used to carry out production,
capitalist society. To understand how to deal as well as the existing state of science and
with these problems and to achieve a better technology, know-how, organizational tech-
society, we must understand the internal niques, etc. The simplest definition of social
structure and the dynamics of modern capi- surplus is as follows: the social surplus is
talism. Therefore, in this and the two suc- that part of the total material product of a
ceeding chapters we concentrate on analyzing society that is left over after the basic re-
the social system that we call capitalism, de- quirements needed to maintain the people
voting relatively little direct attention to the at a subsistence level of living have been
manifest, contemporary social problems that met."
were described in Chapter I. With historical progress in the develop-
In this chapter we examine in a general ment of the forces of production, the po-
way the importance of economic forces and tential social surplus that can be produced
the relationship between economic and non- gradually increases. Societies then increas-
economic forces in the structure of a social ingly tend to divide into two groups: those
system and in the dynamics of social change. who produce the surplus, on the one hand,
A central theme of the chapter is that the and those who appropriate the surplus, on
analysis of the production relations of a so- the other. We shall define a social class in
ciety is the key which unlocks the nature of terms of its common relationship to the pro-
that social system. duction or appropriation of surplus. The
Why start from production relations rather social relations of production are precisely
than somewhere else? We argue that the gen- the relationships between those who produce
eral character of a social system, as well as the social surplus and those who control or
the historical evolution of a society, is gov- appropriate it." Finally, we define the mode
erned primarily by the social relations which of production as consisting of both the exist-
people enter into in connection with produc- ing forces of production and the existing so-
tion. Consider questions such as the follow- cial relations of production.
ing: How did capitalism come into being? Examples from slave, feudal, and capital-
What are its long-run tendencies? How might ist societies may help to clarify the concept
it ultimately be transformed? Or, on an even of the social relations of production. Each
more general plane: What are the historical of these societies is characterized by funda-
forces which lead to the replacement of one mentally different social relations of produc-
social order by another fundamentally differ-
1We use the term materialism to suggest the
ent one? At what point do growing eco- importance of social and physical factors, but not
nomic, political, or social changes within the to imply the reduction of all phenomena to eco--
framework of one social order fundamentally nomic factors.
21-"or a more extensive discussion of the surplus,
alter the characteristics of that order? To see Weisskopf, Section 9.1, p. 364.
analyze these questions, we shall in this chap- 31-Iere we have reduced the concept of the
ter introduce the conceptual approach devel- mode of production to its barest essentials; as
Baran and Hobsbawm point out in Section 2.2,
oped by Marx known as historical mate- p. 53, it is a much more complex concept when
ria1ism,1 and apply it to the analysis of the actually applied.

lnfroduction 51

son. In slave societies, the producer (the tory of any society would by itself be grossly
slave) is attached to his master by force and inadequate, Social custom and tradition, cul-
does not own or control the instruments or ture, ideology, kinship system, religion, form
means of production (land, machinery, tools, of government, judicial forms-each of these
factories, etc.). The master owns the slave certainly has a historical life of its own and
as a piece of property, but he is also respon- conditions to some extent the basic produc-
sible for providing the slave with basic sub- tion relations.
sistence, the master is free to sell the slave But the important thing is to see the social
if he so desires. By contrast, in feudal socie- system as a whole. A lack of correspondence
ties, the producer (the serf) owns the means between the economic structure and the re-
of production but is forced by his lord to maining aspects of society cannot long en-
provide annually certain economic services. dure. In this sense, the relations between the
In return, the lord provides basic military other spheres of life and the economic foun-
protection and security. The serf is tied to the dation are asymmctricral. As Engels put it,
land and ordinarily cannot be sold by the economic factors are determining, but only
lord. "in the last instance." Boron and Hobsbawm
In a capitalist society the social relations carefully point out that "simplistic economic
of production are characterized by separation determinism" was never a part of the Marx-
of the producers (laborers) from the means ian conception of history. Marx himself once
of production. In this respect capitalism re- wrote that "Men make their own history, but
sembles slavery and differs from feudalism. they do not make it just as they please. They
The land, factories, machines, offices, etc. are do not make it under circumstances chosen
owned privately, by a small group of people by themselves."5
who use their control to organize the work How is the mode of production related to
process and sell goods and services in order historical change? The key point is that the
to make profits for themselves. Workers sell means or forces of production are continually
their labor-power to the owners of the means developing (here, technological change plays
of production (capitalists) in exchange for a key role), leading sooner or later to a non-
a wage. The employer is free to discharge correspondence or contradiction with the
any workers he does not need, and the prevailing social relations of production and
worker is free to change employers if he so the prevailing superstructure of society. Such
desires. Capitalism thus differs from both a contradiction can manifest itself in either of
slavery and feudalism in that the relationship two ways: ( 1 ) the existing relations of pro-
between the worker and the owner of the duction may become a fetter on the further
means of production is purely contractual; no development of the productive forces, or
additional obligations by either party are in- (2) the position of some class may become
curred.'* increasingly compromised or unbearable. For
While the mode of production is crucial in example, the development in England of the
governing the general character of a society, factory as a new form of economic organiza-
the connection between the economic base tion was predicated on the dissolution of tra-
(or foundation) of the society and other ditional feudal ties and guild restrictions, thus
spheres of life is not simple or unidirec- placing the rising capitalist class in direct
tional in causation. A purely econonfiic his- conflict with the landed aristocracy and the
guild masters.
-The characterization of capitalism in this para-
graph can serve temporarily as our definition of
capitalism. The defining characteristics of capital- ~`5*Enge1s, Letter to Bloch, September 21. 1890,
ism arc further discussed in Dobb, Section 2.3, Marx, The E1l8f1¢'een1'}z Brunrafre of Lords Hom:-
P. 56 and are examined in detail in Chapter 3. parte (New York: International Publishers, 1963),

But a dominant class, i.e., those who con- The first three readings in this chapter ex-
trol the surplus and most benefit from the plore the analysis of social systems and the
prevailing relations of production, is un~ dynamics of social change from the perspec-
likely to give up its previleged status peace- tive of historical materialism. In the remain-
fully. The contradiction tends to grow in ing three readings this approach is applied
severity and eventually produces tensions to examine the development of the capitalist
throughout society. A generalized social mode of production both in England and in
crises develops, and only a decisive, often the United States."
violent rupture with the status quo can re-
solve the contradiction. Historical exam- "For examples of the application of historical
ples of such ruptures include the French materialism to analyze relationships 'between eco-
Revolution (1789), the American Civil War nomic and noneconomic factors and changes which
occurred within the capitalist mode of production,
(1861-1865), and the Russian Revolution see Chapter 4, especially Weinstein, Section 4.7,
(1917). p. 188. and O'Connor, Section 4.8, p. 192.

2.1 The Materialist Conception of History

In the following classic reading, Karl Marx summarizes his principal thesis.
The reading, although short and rather complex, contains many important
ideas and should be read carefully and then read again.

Source: The following is excerpted from the preface to A Conrriburfcn

to the Critique of Political Economy by KARL MARX (f11°st published
in 1859).

I was led by my studies to the conclusion of those relations of production constitutes

that legal relations as well as forms of state the economic structure of society-the real
could neither be understood by themselves, foundation, on which rise legal and political
nor explained by the so-called general prog- superstructures and to which correspond def-
ress of the human mind, but that they are inite forms of social consciousness. The mode
rooted in the material conditions of life, of production in material life determines the
which are summed up by Hegel after the general character of the social, political and
fashion of the English and French of the spiritual processes of life. It is not the con-
eighteenth century under the name "civic so- sciousness of men that determines their exist-

ciety", the anatomy of that civic society is to
be sought in political economy. . . The gen-
eral conclusion at which I arrived and which,
ence, but, on the contrary, their social
existence determines their consciousness. At
a certain stage of their development, the Ina-
once reached, continued to serve as the lead~ terial forces of production in society come in
ing thread in my studies, may be briefly conflict with the existing relations of produc-
summed up as follows. tion, or what is but a. legal expression for
In the social production which men carry the same thing--with the property relations
on they enter into definite relations that are within which they had been at work before.
indispensable and independent of their will, From forms of development of the forces of
these relations of production correspond to production these relations turn into their tet-
a definite stage of development of their Ina- ters. Then comes the period of social revolu-
terial powers of production. The sum total tion. With the change of the economic foun-
The Method of Historical Materialism 53

dation the entire immense superstructure is of the old society, Therefore, mankind al-
more or less rapidly transformed. In consid- ways takes up only such problems as it can
ering such transformations the distinction solve, since, looking at the matter more
should always be made between the material closely, we will always Lind that the problem
transformation of the economic conditions itself arises only when the material conditions
of production which can be determined with necessary for its solution already exist or are
the precision of natural science, and the le- at least in the process of formation. in broad
gal, political, religious, esthetic or Philo sophic outlines we can designate the Asiatic, the
-in short ideological forms in which men ancient, the feudal, and the modern bour-
become conscious of this conflict and fight it geois methods of production as so many
out. Just as our opinion of an individual is not epochs in the progress of the economic for-
based on what he thinks of himself, so can mation of society. The bourgeois relations of
we not judge of such a period of transforma- production are the last antagonistic form of
tion by its own consciousness; on the con- the social process of production-antagonis-
trary, this consciousness must rather be ex- tic not in the sense of individual antagonism,
plained from the contradictions of material but of one arising from conditions surround-
life, from the existing conflict between the ing the life of individuals in society, at the
social forces of production and the relations same time the productive forces developing
of production. No social order ever disap- in the womb of bourgeois society create the
pears before all the productive forces, for material conditions for the solution of that
which there is room in it, have been devel- antagonism. This social formation consti-
oped, and new higher relations of production
never appear before the material conditions
of their existence have matured in the womb
prehistoric stage of human society. . . _
tutes, therefore, the closing chapter of the

2.2 The Method of Historical Materialism

A common but erroneous approach to Marx views his concept of historical

materialism as a form. of naive economic determinism in which everything
depends upon economic forces alone. But, as Paul Sweeny has put it,
"Marx was not trying to reduce everything to economic terms. He weS
rather attempting to uncover the true interrelationship between the eco-
nomic and the noncconornic factors in the totality of social existence." In
the following reading, Paul Boron and Eric Hobsbawm emphasize that his-
torical materialism is above all a method of approaching social questions,
not a set of mechanical formulas. The kernel of the approach is the exami-
nation of the unfolding contradiction between the forces of production and
the relations of production.

1The Theory of Capitalist Developrnenr (New York: Monthly Review Press,

1942), p. 15.

Source: The following is excerpted from "The Stages of Economic

Growth" by PAUL BARAN and ERIC I-IOBSBAWM. From Kykfos, 14, No. 2
(1961 ) . Reprinted by permission of Kyklos.

[What is] the nature of the engine which pro- They give rise to vested interests. Modes of
pells economic, social, and political evolu- thought freeze and display a tenacity and
tion in the course of history? To this funda- longevity giving rise to what is sometimes re~
mental question, historical materialism erred to as "cultural lags." When the for-
provides a comprehensive and sophisticated ward movement of the forces of production
answer. . . . What historical materialism . . . becomes stymied by the deadweight of domi-
claim[s] is tO have discovered an indispensa- nant interests and the shackles of dominant
b e approach to the understanding of histori- thought, one or the other has to yield. And
cal constellations and to have focused atten- since a dominant class never willingly relin-
tion on the nature of the principal energies quishes its time-honored privileges (partly
responsible for their emergence, transforma- for reasons of self-interest and partly because
tion, and disappearance. To put it in. a nut- its own horizon is more or less narrowly cir-
shell: these energies are to be traced back to cumscribed by the prevailing ideology sanc-
the always present tension between the de- tifying those very privileges), the clash tends
gree of development of the forces of. produc- to become violent. This is not to say that
tion on one side, and the prevailing relations obsolete, retrograde relations of production
of production on the other. To be sure, are always burst asunder and swept away by
neither "forces of production" nor "relations revolutions. Depending on the circumstances
of production" are simple notions. The for~ prevailing in each indivdual case, the process
mer encompasses the existing state of ration- unfolds in a wide variety of ways. Violent
ality, science, and technology, the mode of upheavals "from below" and relatively peace-
organization of production and the degree of ful transformations "from above" are as
development of man himself, that "most it much within the range of possibilities as pe-
portent productive force of all" (Marx). The riods of protracted stagnation in which the
latter refers to the mode of appropriation of political, ideological, and social power of
the products of human labor, the social con- the ruling classes is strong enough to pre-
dition under which production takes place, vent the emergence of new forms of eco-
the principles of distribution, the modes of nomic and social organization, to block or
thought, the ideology, the Welzansc/tauung to slow a country's economic development.
which constitute the "general ether" (Marx ) Marx's historical materialism insists, how-
within which society functions at any given ever, that the development of the forces of
time. The conflict between the two-somc- production has thus far been the command-
times dormant and sometimes active-is due ing aspect of the historical process. What-
to a fundamental difference in the "laws of. ever may have been its vicissitudes. whatever
motion" of forces and relations of produc- may have been the setbacks and interruptions
tion respectively. The forces of production that it has suliered in the course of history,
tend to be highly dynamic. Driven by man's in the long run it has tended to overcome
quest for a better life, by the growth and ex- all obstacles, and to conquer all political, so-
pansion of human knowledge and rationality, cial and ideological structures subordinating
by increasing population, the forces of pro- them to its requirements. This struggle be-
duction tend continually to gain in strength, tween the forces of production and the relu-
in depth and in scope. Th e relations of pro~ tions of production proceeds unevenly. Dra-
duction on the other hand tend to be sticky, matic conquests arc less frequent than long
conservative. Prevailing systems of appropri- periods of siege in which victories remain
ation and social organization, and political elusive, imperfect, and impermanent. Differ-
institutions favor some classes and discrimi- ent countries display different patterns which
nate against, frustrate, oppress other classes, depend on their size, location, the strength
The Method of Historical Materialism 55

and cohesion of their ruling classes, the cour- the peasantry, its political. traditions and its
age, determination and leadership of the un- ideological make-up, the economic and social
derprivileged, on the measure of foreign in- status, internal differentiation and political
fluence and support to which both or either aspirations of the bourgeoisie, the extent of
are exposed, on the pervasiveness and power its tie-up with foreign interests and the de-
of the dominant ideologies (e.8., religion). gree of monopoly prevailing in its national
Moreover, the course taken by this struggle business, the closeness of its connection with
and its outcome differ greatly from period to the landowning interests and the measure of
period. Under conditions of capitalism's com- its participation in the existing government;
petitive youth they were different from what the living and working conditions and the
they have become in the age of imperialism, level of class consciousness of labor and its
in the presence of a powerful socialist sectorpolitical and organizational strength). Nor is
of the world, they are not the same as they this by any means the entire job. On the
were or would have been in its absence. No other side of the fence are the groups, insti-
bloodless schema of 5 (or 3 or 7 ) "stages" tutions, relations, and ideologies seeking to
can do tstiee to the multitude and variety of preserve the status quo, obstructing efforts
economic, technological, political, and ideo- directed towards its overturn. There are
logical configurations generated by this wealthy landowners and/or rich peasants;
easing-battle between the forces and there is a segment of the capitalist class
relations of production. What Marx and En- Firmly entrenched in monopolistic positions
gels and Lenin taught those whose ambition and allied with other privileged groups in so-
it was to learn rather than to make careers ciety, there is a government bureaucracy in-
by "refuting" is that these historical config-terwoven with and resting upon the military
urations cannot be dealt with by "a gener- establishment, there are foreign investors
alization from the whole span of modern supported by their respective national gov-
history," but have to be studied concretely, ernments and working hand in hand with
with full account taken of the wealth of fac- their native retainers. Only a thorough his-
tors and forces that participate in the shap- torical-rnaterialist analysis, piercing the ideo-
ing of any particular historical case. logical fog maintai
To forestall a possible misunderstanding : tion of interests "2. HEe dominant coali-
Hoying the fetishes
the foregoing is not intended to advocate re- continually produced and reproduced by
nunciation of theory in favor of plodding e t those concerned with the preservation of the
piricism. Rather it suggests the necessity of status quo, only such historical-materialist
an intcrpenetraNon of ieory and concrete analysis can hope to disentangle the snarl of
observation, al empirical research illumi- tendencies and countertendencies, forces, in-
nated by rational theory, of theoretical work iiuences, convictions and opinions, drives
which draws Es We blood- from historical. and resistances which account for the pattern
study. Consider for instance any one of the of economic and social development.
many existing underdeveloped. countries. . . .
[For] an understanding of the country's
economic and social condition or . . . the Far from asserting that "history is
country's developmental possibilities and uniquely determined by economic forces,"
prospects . . . [what is required] . . . is as and far from ignoring the "significant links
accurate as possible an assessment of the so- between economic and non-economic be-
cial and political forces in the country press- havior," the theory of historical materialism
ing tor change and for development (the advanced by Marx a d his followers is noth-
economic condition and the stratification of ing if not a powerful effort to explore the

manifold, and historically changing connec- question whether man does or docs not have
tions between the development of the forces "freedom of will." No one in his right mind
and relations of production and the evolution -Marxist, mechanical materialist, or idealist
of the consciousness, emotions, and ideolo- -has ever denied that men make choices,
gies of men. So much so that the II/Iarxian exercise their wills, balance alternatives, or,
theory of ideology has served as the point of for that matter, move their legs when they
departure and as a guide to an entire disci- walk. The problem is and always has been
pline known under the name of' "sociology of' to discover what determines the nature of' the
knowledge," with all analytical history of re- alternatives that are available to men, what
ligion, literature, act and science deriving its accounts for the nature of the goals which
inspiration from the same source. Marx's they set themselves in different periods of
theory of. alienation, anticipating much of the historical development, what makes them will
subsequent d.evelopment of social psychol- what they will in various societies at various
ogy, is in the center of modern study and times. To this fundamental question there
criticism. of culture. la/Iarx's political theory have been several. answers. The tl*leologian's
has served as a conceptual basis for most that solution has been that all human acts and de-
is valuable in modern European and Ameri- cisions are governed by the omnipotent and
can historical scholarship. And The Eight- inscrutable will of God. The idealist who sub-
eent/1 of Brnmaire of Louis Bonaparte to stituted the human spirit for the Deity arrives
name only one unsurpassed gem of historical at a very similar position, unable as he is to
and sociological study-still shines as a explain what accounts for the actions and
model of a comprehensive and penetrating transactions of. the spirit. The adherents of
analysis of. the "significant links between eco- "psychologism" view human activity as an
nomic and non-economic behavior" in one emanation of the human psyche, itself an as-
particular historical case. . . . pect of an eternally constant human nature.
The problem of the "links between eco- The historical materialist considers human
nomic and non-economic behavior," or for actions and motivations to be complex rc-
that matter of the explanation of any human sults of a dialectical interaction of biotic and
activity, economic or other, is not and never social processes, the latter continually pro-
has been whether or not man "balances alter- pelled by the dynamism of the forces and
natives" or "adheres to the principle of max- relations of production as well as by the
imization" (which terms, incidentally, if they ideological evolutions deriving from them
mean anything at all, amount to exactly the and influencing them in turn.
same), no more than there is meaning to the

2.3 The Essence of Capitalism,

How should we define capitalism? What are its distinguishing features? In

the following reading Maurice Dobb argues that capitalism can be char-
acterized as a particular mode of production in. which labor becomes a
commodity like any other object of exchange, with this definition, capital-
ism can be identified as E1 distinct historical epoch. The p1°erequisite for
the capitalist mode of production was the separation of producers from the
means of production and the concentration of the latter in a few hands.
The Essence 01° Capitalism 57

Dobb further argues that it is instructive to divide history into periods,

each of which is characterized by a different mode of production, the (an-
tagonistic) social classes of each stage are defined by the manner in which
surplus product is appropriated. The process whereby one mode of pro-
duction replaces another is thus intimately bound up with changing rela-
tionships between social classes. In the last 500 years the central tendency
of history has been the growing separation of producers from the means of
production and their transformation into proletarians, i.e., sellers of their
labor power in exchange for a wage.
The analysis of the capitalist mode of production which Dobb begins
in this selection is continued in greater detail in Chapter 3.

Source: The following is excerpted from Chapter 1. of Studies in the

Development of Capitalism by MAURICE DOBB. Revised edition copyright
1963 by Maurice Dobb. Reprinted by permission of International
Publishers, Inc.

I known passage. "After more than half a cen-

tury of work on the subject by scholars of
half a dozen different nationalities and of
It is perhaps not altogether surprising that every variety of political opinion, to deny
the term Capitalism, which in recent years that the phenomenon exists, or to suggest that
has enjoyed so wide a currency alike in if it does exist, it is unique among human
popular talk and in historical writing, should institutions in. having, like Melchizedek, ex-
have been used so variously, and that there isted from eternity, or to imply that, if it
should have been no common measure of has a history, propriety forbids that history
agreement in its use. What is more remark- to be disinterred, is to run wilfully in blink-
able is that in economic theory, as this has ers. . . . An author . . . is unlikely to make
been expounded by the traditional schools, much of the history of Europe during the
the term should have appeared so rarely, if last three centuries if, in addition to eschew-
at all, There is even a school of thought, ing the wordgh ignores tile act." But if
numbering its adherents both among econo- to-day Capitalism has received authoritative
mists and historians, *ch has refused to recognition as an historical category, this af-
recognize that Capitalism as a title for a de- fords no assurance that those who claim to
terminate economic system can be given an study this system are talking about the same
exact meaning. . . . thing. . . . If it i.s the pattern which historical
To-day, after half a century of intensive re- events force upon us, and not our own predi-
search in economic history, this attitude is lections, that is decisive in our use of the
rarely regarded by economic historians as term Capitalism, there must then be one defi-
tenable, even if they may still hold the origin nition that accords with the actual shape
of the term to be suspect. . . . The prevail- which historical development possesses, and
ing view of those who have studied the eco- others which, by contrast with it, are wrong.
nomic development of modern times is Even a believer in historical relativism must,
summed up by Professor Tawney in a well- surely, believe that there is one picture that

is right from the standpoint of any given though they be men of substance, does not
homogeneous set of historical observations. sutice to constitute a capitalist society. Men
of capital, however acquisitive, are not
enough: their capital must be used to yoke
We [accept] the meaning originally given labour to the creation of surplus-value in
by Marx, who sought the essence of Capital- production.
ism neither in a spirit of enterprise nor in the
use of money to finance a series of exchange
transactions with the object of gain, but in a II
particular mode of production. By mode of
production he did not refer merely to the If it be right to maintain that the con-
state of technique - t o what he terned the ception of socio-economic systems, marking
state of the productive forces - but to the distinct stages in historical development, is
way in which the means of production were not merely a matter of convenience but an
owned and to the social relations between obligation-not a matter of suitable chapter-
men which resulted from their connections headings but something that concerns the es-
with the process of production. Thus Capital~ sential construction of the story if the story
ism was not simply a system of production is to be true then this must be because
for the market .--- a system of commodity- there is a quality in historical situations
production as Marx termed it - but a system which both makes for homogeneity of pattern
under which labour-power had "itself be- at any given time and renders periods of
come a commodity" and was bought and transition, when there is an even balance of
sold on the market like any other object of discrete elements, inherently unstable. It
exchange. Its historical prerequisite was the must be because society is so constituted that
concentration of ownership of the means of conflict and interaction of its leading ele-
production in the hands of a class, consisting ments, rather than the simple growth of some
of only a minor section of society, and the single element, form the principal agency of
consequential emergence of a propertyless movement and change, at least so far as major
class for whom the sale of their labour-power transformations are concerned. If. such be
was their only source of livelihood. Produc- the case, once development has reached a
tive activity was furnished, accordingly, by certain level and the various elements which
the latter, not by virtue of legal compulsion, constitute that society arc poised in E1 certain
but on the basis of a wage-contract. It is clear way, events are likely to move with unusual
that such a definition excludes the system rapidity, not merely in the sense of quantita-
of indep erodent handicraft production where tive growth, but in the sense of a change of
the craftsman owned his own petty imple- balance of the constituent elements, resulting
ments of production and undertook the sale in the appearance of novel compositions and
of his own wares. Here there was no divorce more or less abrupt changes in the texture
between ownership and work, and except of society. To use a topical analogy: it is
where he relied to any extent on the employ- as though at certain levels of development
ment of journeymen, it was the purchase and something like a chain-reaction is set in
sale of inanimate wares and not of human motion.
labour-power that was his primary concern- Clearly the feature of economic society
What differentiates the use of this definition which produces this result, and is accordingly
from others is that the existence of trade and fundamental to our conception of Capitalism
of money-lending and the presence of a spe- as a distinctive economic order, characteris-
cialized class of merchants or financiers, even tic of a distinctive period of history, is that
The Essence of Capitalism 59

history has been to-date the history of class critical forms in which the new ruling class
societies: namely, of societies divided into asserts its power come into conflict with
classes, in which either one class, or else a some further development of the productive
coalition of classes with some common in- forces, and the struggle between the two is
terest, constitutes the dominant class, and fought to a climax once again.
stands in partial or complete antagonism to The common interest which constitutes a
another class or classes. The fact that this is certain social grouping, a class in the sense
SO tends to impose on any given historical of which we have been speaking, docs not
period a certain qualitative uniformity, since derive from a quantitative similarity of in-
the class that is socially and politically domi- come, as is sometimes supposed: a class does
nant at the time will naturally use its power not necessarily consist of people on the same
to preserve and to extend that particular income level, nor are people at, or near, a
mode of production-that particular form of given income level necessarily united by
relationship between classes-on which its identity of aims. Nor is it suflicicnt to say
income depends. If change within that society simply that a class consists of those who dc-
should reach a point where the continued rive their income from a common source;
hegemony of this dominant class is seriously although it is source rather than size of in-
called in question, and the old stable balance come that is here important. In this context
of forces shows signs of being disturbed, one must be referring to something quite fun-
development will have reached a critical damental concerning the roots which a social
stage, where either the change that has been group has in a particular society: namely to
proceeding hitherto must somehow be halted, the relationship in which the group as 2.1
or if it should continue the dominant class whole stands to the process of production
can be dominant no longer and the new and and hence to other sections of society. in
growing one must take its place. Once this other words, the relationship from which in
shift in the balance of power has occurred, the one case a common interest in preserving and
interest of the class which now occupies the extending a particular economic system and
strategic positions will clearly lie in accelerat- in the other case an antagonism of interest
ing the transition, in breaking up the strong- on this issue can alone derive must be a re-
holds of its rival and predecessor and in ex- lationship with a particular mode of extract-
tending its own. The old mode of production ing and distributing the fruits of surplus la~
will not necessarily be eliminated entirely, bour, over and above the labour which goes
but it will quickly be reduced in scale until to supply the consumption of the actual pro-
it is no longer a serious competitor to the duccr. Since this surplus l a b o r constitutes
new.1 For a period the new mode of produc- its life-blood, any ruling class will of neces-
tion, associated with new productive forces sity treat its particular relationship to the
and novel economic potentialities, is likely to labour process as crucial to its own survival,
expand far beyond the limits within which and any rising class that aspires to live with-
the old system was destined to move, until in out l a b o r is bound to regard its own future
turn the particular class relations and the po- career, prosperity and inliucnee as dependent:
on the acquisition of some claim upon the
'It is not necessary to assume that this is done surplus l a b o r of others. "A surplus of the
as part of a conscious long-term plan, although,
in so far as the dominant class pursues a definite
product of l a b o r over and above the costs
political policy, this will be so. But it assumes at of maintenance of the labour," said Fried-
least that members of a class take common action rich Engels, "and the formation and enlarge-
over particular questions (e.g., access to land or
markets Of' labour), and that greater strength en-
ment, by means of this surplus, of a social
ables them to oust their rivals. production and reserve fund, was and is the

basis of all social, political and intellectual son of new and varied instruments of pro-
progress. In history up to the present, this duction, will beget new classes and by cre-
fund has been the possession of a privileged ating new economic problems will require
class, on which also devolved, along with new forms of appropriating surplus l a b o r
this possession, political supremacy and in- for the benefit of the owners of the new in-
tellectual leadership." struments of production. Mediaeval society
The form in which surplus l a b o r has was characterized by the compulsory per-
been appropriated has differed at different formance of surplus l a b o r by producers:
stages of society, and these varieties of form producers who were in possession of their
have been associated with the use of various own primitive instruments of cultivation and
methods and instruments of production and were attached to the land. Modern society,
with different levels of productivity. Marx by contrast, is characterized, as we have
spoke of Capitalism itself as being, "like any seen, by a relationship between worker and
other definite mode of production, condi capitalist which takes a purely contractual
tinned upon a certain stage of social produc- form, and which is indistinguishable in ap-
tivity and upon the historically developed pearance from any of the other manifold
form of the productive forces. This historical free-market transactions of an exchange so-
prerequisite is itself die historical result and ciety. The transformation from the medieval
product of a preceding process, from which form of exploitation of surplus labour to the
the new mode of production takes its depar- modern was no simple process that can be
ture as from its given, foundation. The con- depicted as some genealogical table of direct
ditions of production corresponding to this descent. Yet among the eddies of this move-
specific, historically determined, mode of ment it is possible for the eye to discern cer-
production have a specific, historical passing tain lines of direction of the flow. These
character."" At a stage of social development include, not only changes in technique and
when the productivity of labour is very low, the appearance of new instruments of pro-
any substantial and regular income for a duction, which greatly enhanced the produc-
leisured class, living on production but not tivity of l a b o r , but a growing division of
contributing thereto, will be inconceivable labour and consequently the development
unless it is grounded in the rigorous compul- of exchange, and also a growing separation of
sion of producers, and in this sense, as En- the producer from the land and from the
gels remarked, the division into classes at a means of production and his appearance as
primitive stage of economic development a proletarian. Of these guiding tendencies in
"has a certain historical justificzltion."'* In a the history of the past five centuries a spe-
predominantly agricultural society the crucial cial significance attaches to the latter; not
relationships will be connected with the hold- only because it has been traditionally glossed
ing of land; and since the division of labour over and decently veiled behind formulas
and exchange are likely to be little devel- about the passage from status to contract,
oped, surplus labour will tend to be per- but because into the centre of the historical
formed directly as a personal obligation or to stage it has brought a form of compulsion
take the form of the delivery of a certain to labour for another that is purely economic
quota of his produce by the cultivator as and "objective", thus laying a basis for that
tribute in natural form to an overlord. The peculiar and mystifying form whereby a lei-
growth of industry, which implies the invcn~ sured class can exploit the surplus l a b o r
of others which is the essence of the modern
2 / NH-D iHu'ing, 221 . system that we call Capitalism.
3 Capizcl Z, Vol. IH, 1023-24.
4Am'z'-Diihring, 316.
The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism 6]

2.4 The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism

According to Karl Marx, the emancipation of the serfs and the destruction
of the guild restrictions, separation of freeing from the land, and the
concentration of the moans of production into a few hands were precondi-
tions for the rise of capitalism. The forcible, violent process by which these
preconditions were achieved illustrates the historical perspective from
which Marx concluded that revolutionary action is necessary to bring about
such changes. As he notes in the next reading, the original accumula-
tion of capital on which capitalism was based was achieved through the
use of force: enslavement, exploitation of colonies, outright plunder, etc.

Source: The following is excerpted from Chapters 27-31 of Capital,

Volume I by KARL MARX (first published in 1867) .

The industrial capitalists, these new po-

tentates, had on their part not only to dis-
The economic structure of capitalistic soci-
place the guild-masters of handicrafts, but
ety has grown out of the economic structure
also the feudal lords, the possessors of the
of feudal society. The dissolution of the lat-
sources of wealth. In this respect their con-
ter set free the elements of the former,
quest of social power appears as the fruit of.
imrnediat ucer, the laborer,
a. victorious struggle both against feudal lord-
could only dispose of his own person after
ship and its revolting prerogatives, and
"lie had ce'aseE;l-to be attached to the soil and
against the guilds and the fetters they laid
ceased to be the slave, serf, or bondman of
on the free development of production and
another. To become a free seller of labor-
the free exploitation of man by man,
power, who carries his commodity wherever
he finds a market, he must further have es-
caped from the regime of the guilds, their In the history of primitive acoumuiation,
rules for apprentices and journeymen, and all revolutions are epoch-making that act as
.. ... . .

the impediments of their labor regulations. levers for the capitalist lamm in course M
Hence, the historical movement which formation, but; above .m ,,,,,.,,,; those moments
changes the producers into wage-workers, when great masses of men are suddenly and
appears, on the one hand, as their emancipa- forcibly torn from their means of subsistence,
tion from serfdom and from the letters of the and hurled as free and "unattached" pro-
guilds, and this side alone exists for our letarians on the labor-market. The expro-
bourgeois historians. But, on the other hand, priation of the agricultural producer, of the
these new freedmen became sellers of them- peasant, front the soil, is the basis of the
selves only after they had been robbed of whole process. This history of this expropria-
all their own means of production, and of tion, in different countries, assumes different
all the guarantees of existence afforded by aspects, and runs through its various phases
the old feudal arrangements. And the his- in different orders of succession, and at dif~
tory of this, their expropriation, is written ferent periods. In England alone, which we
in the annals of mankind in letters of blood take as our example, has it the classic form.
and fire.

THE EXPROPRIATION OF THE by the usurpation of the common lands. The

AGRICULTURAL POPULATION FROM rapid rise of the Flemish wool manufacturers,
THE LAND and the corresponding rise in the price of
wool in England, gave the direct impulse to
In England, serfdom had practically disap- these evictions. The old nobility had been
peared in the last part of the 1.4th century. devoured by the great feudal wars. The new
The immense majority of the population con- nobility was the child of its time, for which
sistcd then, and to a still larger extent, in the money was the power of all powers. Trans-
15th century, of free peasant proprietors, formation of aralMa land into sheep-walks
whatever was the feudal title under which was, therefore, its cry. Harrison, in his "De-
their right of property was hidden. In the scription of England, prefixed to Holinshed's
larger seignorial domains, the old bailiff, Chronicles," describes how the expropriation
himself a serf, was displaced by the free of small peasants is mining the country.
farmer. The wage-laborers of agriculture "What care our great encroachers?" The
consisted partly of peasants, who utilized dwellings of the peasants and the cottages of
their leisure time by working on the large the laborers were razed to the ground or
estates, partly of an independent special class doomed to decay. "If," says Harrison, "the
of wage-laborers, relatively and absolutely old records of e e r i e m a n o r be sought . . .
few in numbers. The latter also were practi- it will soon appear that in some m a n o r
cally at the same time peasant farmers, since, seventeene, eighteene, or twentie houses are
besides their wages, they had allotted to them shrunk . . . that England was never less fur-
arable land to the extent of 4 or more acres, nishcd with people than at the present. . . .
together with their cottages. Besides they, Of cities and townes either utterly deeaied
with the rest of the peasants, enjoyed the or more than a quarter or half diminished,
usufruct of the common land, which gave though some one be a little increased here or
pasture to their cattle, furnished them with there, of towns pulled downe for sheepe-
timber, tire-wood, turf, &c. . . . walks, and no more but the lordships now
The prelude of the revolution that laid standing in them. . . . I could safe some-
the foundation of the capitalist mode of pro- what." The complaints of these old chroni-
duction, was played in the last third of the elers are always exaggerated, but they reflect
15th, and the first decade of the 16th cen- faithfully the impression made on contem-
tury. A mass of free proletarians was hurled poraries by the revolution in the conditions
O11 the labor-market by the breaking-up of
of producing.
the bands of feudal retainers, who, as Sir
James Steuart well says, "everywhere use-
lessly filled house and castle." Although the The process of forcible expropriation of
royal power, itself a product of bourgeois the people received in the 16th century a
development, in its strife after absolute sov- new and frightful impulse from the Refor-
ereignty forcibly hastened on the dissolution mation, and from the consequent colossal
of these bands of retainers, it was by no spoliation of the church property. The Cath-
means the sole cause of it. In insolent con- olic church was, at the time of the Reforma-
fiict with king and parliament, the great feu- tion, feudal proprietor of a great part of the
dal lords created an incomparably larger English land. The suppression of the mon-
proletariat by the forcible driving of the peas- asteries, &c., hurled their inmates into the
antry from the land, to which the latter had proletariat. The estates of the church were
the same feudal right as the lord himself, and to a large extent given away to rapacious
The Transition from Feudcalism to Capitalism 63

royal favorites, or sold at a nominal price their supply of the free agricultural proletari-
to speculating farmers and citizens, who ans ready to hand. Besides, the new larT5"el8
drove out, en masse, the hereditary sub- aristocracy was the natural ally of the new
tenants and threw their holdings into one. baukocracy, of the nevvTy-l12ttci ed haute fi-
The legally guaranteed property of the nance, and of the large manufacturers, then
poorer folk in a part of' the church's tithes depending on protective duties.
was tacitly confiscated. . . . These immedi-
ate results of the Reformation were not its
most lasting ones. The property of the The last process of wholesale expropria-
church formed the religious bulwark of the tion of the agricultural population from the
traditional conditions of landed property. soil is, finally, the so-called clearing of es-
With its fall these were no longer tenable. tates, in., the sweeping men oft them. All

After the restoration of the Stuarts, the

the English methods hitherto considered cut
minted in "clearing" . . Where there are
no more independent peasants to get rid of,
landed proprietors carried, by legal means, the "clearing" of cottages begins, so that the
an act of usurpation, effected everywhere on agricultural laborers do not Lind on the soil
the Continent without any legal formality. cultivated by them even the spot necessary
They abolished the feudal tenure of land, for their own housing. But hat "clearing of

i.e., they got rid of all its obligations to the estates" really and properly signifies,

State, "indemnified" the State by taxes O11 learn only in the promised land of- modern
the peasantry and the rest of the mass of the romance, the Highla of S-cotland. There
people, vindicated for themselves the rights the process is distinguished by its systematic
of modern private property in estates to character, by the magnitude of the scale on
which they had only a feudal title. . . . which it is carried out at one blow (in Ire-
The "glorious Revolution" brought into land landlords have gone to the length of
power, along with William of Orange, the sweeping away several villages at once, in
landlord and capitalist appropriators of Scotland areas as large as German principalLy
surplus-value. They inaugurated the new era ties are dealt with), finally by the peculiar
by practicing on a colossal scale thefts of form of property, under which the embezzled
state lands, thefts that had been hitherto lands were held.
managed more modestly. These estates were
given away, sold at a ridiculous figure, or
even annexed to private estates by direct The spoliation of the church's property,
seizure. All this happened without the slight- the fraudulent alienation of the State do-
est observation of legal etiquette. The Crown mains, the robbery of the common lands, the
lands thus fraudulently appropriated, to- usurpation of feudal and clan property, and
gether with the robbery of the Church es- its transformation into modern private prop-
tates, as far as these had not been lost again crty under circumstances of reckless ter-
during the republican revolution, form the rorism, were just so many idyllic methods of
basis of the to-day princely domains of the primitive accumulation. They conquered the
English oligarchy. The bourgeois capitalists field for capitalistic agriculture, made the
favored t'he operation with the view, among soil part and parcel of capital, and created
others, to promoting free trade in land, to for the town industries the necessary supply
extenthng the domain of modern agriculture of a "free" and outlawed proletariat.
on time large Firm-system, and to increasing

THE GENESIS OF INDUSTRIAL The different momenta of primitive accu-

CAPITALISM mulation distribute themselves now, more or
less, in chronological order, particularly over
Now that we have considered the forcible Spain, Portugal, Holland, France, and Eng-
creation of a class of outlawed proletarians, land. In England at the end of. the l 7th
the bloody discipline that turned them into century, they arrive at a systematical com-
wage-laborers, the disgraceful action of the bination, embracing the colonies, the national
State which employed the police to accelerate debt, the modern mode of taxation, and the
the accumulation of' capita 1 ' sT11;q"fTl& protectionist system. These methods depend
degree of exploitation of labor, the question in part on brute force, e.g,, the colonial sys-
remains: whence came the capitalists origi- 1
tem. But they all employ the power of the
nally? State, the concentrated and organized force
of society, to hasten, hothouse fashion, the
process of transformation of the feudal mode
Doubtless many small guild-masters, and
of production into the capitalist mode, and
yet more independent small artisans, or even
to shorten the transition. Force is the mid-
wage-laborers, transformed themselves into
wife of every old society pregnant with a new
small capitalists, and (by gradually extend-
one. It is itself an economic power. . . .
ing exploitation of wage-labor and corre-
The history of the colonial administration
sponding accumulation) into full-blown capi-
of Holland--and Holland was the head capi-
talists. In the infancy of capitalist production,
talistic nation of the l'lth century-"is one
things often happened as in the infancy of
of the most extraordinary relations of treach-
mediaeval towns, where the question, which
ery, bribery, massacre, and meanness."
of the escaped serfs should be master and
Nothing is more characteristic than their sys-
which servant, was in great part decided by
tem of stealing men, to get slaves for Java.
the earlier or later date of their light. The
The men stealers were trained for this pur-
snail's pace of this method corresponded in
pose. The thief, the interpreter, and the
no wise with the commercial requirements of
seller, were the chief agents in this trade, na-
the new world-market that the great discov-
tive princes the chief sellers. The young peo-
eries of the end of the 15th century created.
ple stolen, were thrown into the secret dun-
geons of Celebes, until they were ready for
The discovery of gold and silver in Amer- sending to the slave-ships. An otlicial report
ica, the extirpation, enslavement and en- says: "This one town of Macassar, Ag., is
tornbment in mines of the aboriginal full of secret prisons, one more horrible than
population, the beginning of the conquest the other, crammed with unfortunates, vic-
and looting of the East Indies, the turning of tims of greed and tyranny fettered in chains,
Africa into a warren for the commercial forcibly torn from their families." To secure
hunting of blackskins, signalized the rosy Malacca, the Dutch corrupted the Portu-
dawn of the era of capitalist production. guese governor. He let them into the town in
These idyllic proceedings are the chief mo- 1641. They hurried at once to his house and
menta of primitive accumulation. On their assassinated him, to "abstain" from the pay-
heels treads the commercial war of the Euro- ment of £21,875, the price of his treason.
pean nations, with the globe for a theatre. It Wherever they set foot, devastation and de~
begins with the revolt of the Netherlands population followed. Banjuwangi. a province
from Spain, assumes giant dimensions in of. Java, in 1750 numbered over 80,000 in-
England's Anti~J acobin War, and is still go- habitants, in 1811 only 18,000. Sweet coin-
ing O11 in the opium wars against China, etc, merce!
The Transition from Feudalism to Ccxpifcalism 65

The English East India Company, as is and the commerce between the south-east
well known, obtained besides the political and north-west of Europe. Its fisheries, ma-
rule in India, the exclusive monopoly of the rine, manufactures, surpassed those of any
tea-trade, as well as of the Chinese trade in other country. The total. capital of the Re-
general, und of the transport of goods to public was probably more important than
and from Europe. But the coasting trade of that of all the rest of Europe put together."
India and between the islands, as well as the Gulich forgets to add that by 1648, the peo-
internal trade of India, were the monopoly ple of Holland were more over-worked,
of the higher employes of the company. The poorer and more brutally oppressed than
monopolies of salt, opium, betel and other those of all the rest of Europe put together.
commodities, were inexhaustible mines of To-day industrial supremacy implies corn-
wealth. The employes themselves fixed the mercial supremacy. In the period of manu-
price and plundered at will the unhappy facture properly so called, it is, on the other
Hindus. The Governor-General took part in hand, the commercial supremacy that gives
this private t1'af'f'ic. His favorites received industrial predominance. Hence the prepon-
contracts under conditions whereby they, derant role that the colonial system plays at
cleverer than the alchemists, made gold out that time,
of nothing. Great fortunes sprang up like
mushrooms in a day, primitive accumulation
went on without the advance of a shilling. The birth of Modern Industry is [also]
The trial of Warren Hastings swarms with heralded by a great slaughter of the inno-
such cases. Here is an instance. A contract cents. Like the royal navy, the factories were
for opium was given to a certain Sullivan at recruited by means of the press-gang. Blasé
the moment of his departure on an oilicial as Sir F. M. Eden is as to the horrors of the
mission to a part of India far removed from expropriation of the agricultural population
the opium district. Sullivan sold his contract from the soil, from the last third of the 15th
to one Binn for £40,000, Binn sold it the century to his own time; with all the self-
same day for at-Z60,000, and the ultimate satisfaction with which he rejoices in this
purchaser who carried out the contract de- process, "essential" for establishing capital-
clared that after all he realised an enormous istic agriculture and "the due proportion be-
gain. According to one of the lists laid be- tween arable and pasture land"-he does
fore Parliament, the Company and its em- not show, however, the same economic in-
ployes from 1.757-1766 got £,6,000,000 sight in respect to the necessity of child-
from the Indians as gifts. Between 1769 and stealing and child-slavery for the transforma-
1770, the English manufactured a famine by tion of manufacturing exploitation into
buying up all the rice and refusing to sell it factory exploitation, and the establishment of
again, except at fabulous prices. the "true relation" between capital and labor-
power. He says: "It may, perhaps, be worthy
the attention of the public to consider,
The treasures captured outside Europe by whether any manufacture, which, in order to
undisguised looting, enslavement, and mur- be carried on successfully, requires that cot-
der, floated back to the mother-country and tages and workhouses should be ransacked
were there turned into capital. Holland, for poor children; that they should be ent-
which list fully developed the colonial sys- ployed by turns during the greater part of the
tem, in 1648 stood already in the acme of night and robbed of that rest which, though
its commercial greatness. It was "in almost indispensable to all, is most required by the
exclusive possession of the East Indian trade young; and that numbers of both sexes, of

different ages and disposition, should be col~ flogged, fettered and tortured in the most
lected together in such a manner that the exquisite reiinemcnt of cruelty, . . . they were
contagion of example cannot but lead to pro- in many cases starved to the bone while
ffigacy and debauchery, will add to the sum flogged to their work and . . . even in some
of individual of national felicity?" instances . . . were driven to commit suicide.
"In the counties of Derbyshire, Notting- u .... The beautiful and romantic valleys of
hamshire, and more particularly in Lance Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Lanca-
shire," says Fielder, "the newly-invented ma~ shire, secluded from the public eye, became
chinery was used in large factories built on the dismal solitudes of torture, and of many
the sides of streams capable of turning the a murder. The profits of manufacturers were
water-wheel. Thousands of hands were sud~ enormous, but this only whetted the appetite
d e n y required in these places, remote from that it should have satisfied, and therefore
towns, and Lancashire, in particular, being, the manufacturers had recourse to an expe-
till then, comparatively thinly populated and dient that seemed to secure to them those
barren, a population was all that she now profits without any possibility of limit, Hnninnm
wanted. The small and nimble fingers of lit- began the practice of what is termed 'nigh-
tle children being by very tar the most in workingj that is, having tired one so in
request, the custom instantly sprang up of hands, by working them throughout the day,
procuring apprentices from the different par- they had another set ready to go on work-
ish workhouses of London, Birmingham, and ing throughout the night; the day-set getting
elsewhere. Many, many thousands of these into the beds that the night~set had just
little, hapless creatures were sent down into quitted, and in their turn again, the night-set
the north, being from the age of 7 to the age getting into the beds that the day-set quitted
of 13 or 14 years old. The custom was for in the morning. It is a common tradition in
the master to clothe his apprentices and to Lancashire, that the beds never get cold."
feed and lodge them in an 'apprentice
house' near the factory, overseers were as Such a task it was to establish the "eternal
pointed to see to the works, whose interest it laws of. Nature" of the capitalist mode of
was to work the children to the utmost, be- production, to complete the process of sepa-
cause their pay was in proportion to the ration between laborers and conditions of
quantity of work that they could exact. labor, to transform, at one pole, the social
Cruelty was, of course, the consequence. turusui re means of production and subsistence into
In many of the manufacturing districts, but capital, at the opposite pole, the mass of the
particularly, I am afraid, in the guilty county population into wage-laborers, into "free la-
to which I beloit lLancashire], cruelties the boring poor," that artificial product of mod-
most heart-rendering was practised upon the ern society. If money, according to Angler,
unoffending and friendless creatures who "comes into the world with a congenital
were thus consigned to the charge of master~ blood-stain on one cheek," capital comes
manufacturers, they were harassed to the dripping from bead to foot, from every pore,
brink of death by excess of labor . . . were with blood and dirt.

2.5 The Rise of the Bourgeoisie

The capitalists, having stripped away the cobwebs of. feudalism, were able
to achieve tremendous advances in the development of the material forces
The Rise o1° the Bourgeoisie 67

of production. There are few paeans SO eloquently praiseworthy of capi-

talisrn's accomplishments as the following classic reading from Karl Marx
and Friedrich Engels' Communist Manifesto. The bourgeoisie dominates
an ever-increasing proportion of social activity and draws into itself an
ever-increasing proportion of the globe. In the process it creates a prole-
tariat and begins to draw this proletariat together. The internal dynamic
of capitalism is described as contained in the contradi ction between (1)
the increasing centralization and private control of the means of production
on the one hand, and ( 2 ) the increasingly social character of the produc-
tion process on the other.

Source: The following is excerpted from The Communist Manifesto by

KARL MARX and FRIEDRICH ENGELS (first published in 1848).

The history of all hitherto existing society is From the serfs of the Middle Ages sprang
the history of class struggles. the chartered burghers of the earliest towns.
Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, From those burgesses the first elements of the
lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, bourgeoisie were developed.
in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood The discovery of America, the rounding of
in constant opposition to one another, car- the Cape, opened up fresh ground for the
ried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now rising bourgeoisie. The East-Indian and Chi-
open might, a light that each time ended. nese markets, the colonization of America,
either in a revolutionary re-constitution of trade with the colonies, the increase in the
society at large, or in the common ruin of means of exchange and in commodities, gen-
the contending classes. erally, gave to commerce, to navigation, to
In the early epochs of history, we 'rind al- industry, an impulse never before known, and
most everywhere a complicated arrangement thereby, to the revolutionary element in the
of society into various orders, a manifold tottering feudal society, a rapid development.
graduation of social rank. In ancient Rome The feudal system of industry, under
we have patricians, knights, plebeians, which industrial production was monopolized
slaves; in the Middle Ages, feudal lords, vas- by closed guilds, now no longer surliced for
sals, guild-masters, journeymen, apprentices, the growing wants of the markets, The man-
serfs, in almost all of these classes, again, ufacturing system took its place. The guild-
subordinate gradations. masters were pushed on one side by the
The modern bourgeois society that has manufacturing middle-class, division of labor
sprouted from the ruins of feudal society, between the diflcrent corporate guilds van-
has not done away with class antagonisms. It ished in the face of division of labor in each
has but established new classes, new condi- single workshop.
tions of oppression, new forms of struggle in Meantime the markets kept ever growing,
place of the old ones, the demand, ever rising. Even manufacturing
Our epoch, the epoch of the bourgeoisie, no longer sufficed. Thereupon, steam and
possesses, however, this distinctive feature, it machinery revolutionized industrial produc-
has simplified the class antagonisms. Society tion. The place of manufacture was taken by
as a whole is more and more splitting up into the giant, Modern Industry, the place of the
two great hostile camps, into two great industrial middle-class, by industrial million-
classes directly facing each other: Bour- aires, the leaders of whole industrial armies,
geoisie and Proletariat. the modern bourgeoisie.

Modem Industry has established the chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine senti-

world-market, for which the discovery of mentalisni, in the icy water of egotistical cal-
America paved the way. This market has culation. It has resolved personal worth into
given an immense development to commerce, exchange value, and in place of the number-
to navigation, to communication by land. less indefeasible chartered freedoms, has set
This development has, in its turn, reacted on up that single, unconscionable freedom-
the extension of industry, and in proportion Free Trade. In one word, for exploitation,
as industry, commerce, navigation, railways veiled by religious and political illusions, it
extended in the same proportion the bour- has substituted naked, shameless, direct, bru-
geoisie developed, increased its capital, and tal exploitation.
pushed into the background every class The bourgeoisie has stripped of its halo
handed down from the Middle Ages. every occupation hitherto honored and
We see, therefore, how the modern bour- looked up to with reverent awe. It has con-
geoisie is itself the product of a long course verted the physician, the lawyer, the priest,
of development, of a series of. revolutions in the poet, the man of science, into its paid
the modes of production and of exchange. wage-laborers.
Each step in the development of the bour- The bourgeoisie has torn away from the
geoisie was accompanied by a corresponding family its sentimental veil, and has reduced
political advance of that class. An oppressed the family relation to a mere money relation.
class under the sway of the feudal nobility, The bourgeoisie has disclosed how it came
an armed and self-governing association in to pass that the brutal display of vigor in
the medieval commune, here independent ur- the Middle Ages, which Reactionists so much
ban republic (as in Italy and Germany), admire, found its fitting complement in the
there taxable "third estate" of the monarchy most slothful indolence. lt has been the first
(as in France), afterwards, in the period of to show what man's activity can bring about.
l.llllllu! proper, Ii/ing either the It has accomplished wonders far surpassing
semi-feudal or the absolute monarchy as a Egyptian pyramids, Roman aqueducts, and
counterpoise against the nobility, and in fact, Gothic cathedrals; it has conducted expedi-
cornerstone of the gretal anarchies in gen- tions that put in the shade all former Ex-
eral, the bourgeoisie has at last, since the oduses of nations and crusades.
establishment of Modern Industry, and of The bourgeoisie cannot exist without con-
the world-market, conquered for itself, in the stantly revolutionizing the instruments of
modern representative State, exclusive politi- production, and thereby the relations of pro-
cal sway. The executive of the modern State duction, and with them the whole relations
is but a committee for managing the com- of society. Conservation of the old modes of
men affairs of the whole bourgeoisie. production in unaltered form, was, on the
The bourgeoisie, historically, has played contrary, the first condition of existence for
a most revolutionary part. all earlier industrial classes. Constant revolu-
The bourgeoisie, wherever it has got the tionizing of production, uninterrupted dis-
upper hand, has put an end to all feudal, pa- turbance of all social conditions, everlasting
triarchal, idyllic relations. It has pitilessly uncertainty and agitation distinguish the
torn asunder the motley feudal ties that bourgeois epoch from all earlier ones. All
bound man to his "natural superiors," and fixed, fast~frozen relations, with their train of
has left remaining no other nexus between ancient and venerable prejudices and opin-
man and man than naked self-interest, than ions, are swept away, all newly-formed ones
callous "cash payment." It has drowned the become antiquated before they can ossify.
most heavenly ecstasies of religious Eervor, of All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy
The Rise of the Bourgeoisie 69

is profaned, and man is at last compelled to compels all nations, on pain of extinction, to
face with sober senses, his real conditions of adopt the bourgeois mode of production, it
life, and his relations with his kind. compels them to introduce what it calls cid
The need of a constantly expanding mar- ionization into their midst, i.e., to become
ket for its products chases the bourgeoisie bourgeois themselves. In a word, it creates a
over the whole surface of the globe. It must world after its own image.
nestle everywhere, settle everywhere, estab- The bourgeoisie has subjected the coun-
lish connections everywhere. try to the rule of the towns. It has created
The bourgeoisie has through its exploita- enormous cities, has greatly increased the ur-
tion of the world»market given a cosmopoli- ban population as compared with the rural,
tan character to production and consumption and has thus rescued a considerable part of
in every country. To the great chagrin of the population from the idiocy of rural life.
Reactionists, it has drawn from under the Just as it has made the country dependent
feet of industry the national ground on which on the towns, so it has made barbarian and
it stood. All old-established national indus- semi-barbarian countries dependent on the
tries have been destroyed or are daily being civilized ones, nations of peasants on nations
destroyed. They are dislodged by new indus- of bourgeois, the East on the West.
tries, whose introduction becomes a life and The bourgeoisie keeps more and more do-
death question for all civilized nations, by in- ing away with the scattered state of the pop-
dustries that no longer work up indigenous ulation, of the means of production, and of
raw material, but raw material drawn from property. It has agglomerated population,
the remotest zones, industries whose products centralized means of production, and has
are consumed, not only at home, but in every concentrated property in a few hands. The
quarter of the globe. In place of the old necessary consequence of this was political
wants, satisfied by the productions of the centralization. Independent, or but loosely
country, we hrrd new wants, requiring for connected provinces, with separate interests,
their satisfaction the products of distant lands laws, governments and systems of taxation,
and clirncs. In place of the old local and na- became lumped together in one nation, with
tional seclusion and self-suthciency, we have one government, one code of laws, one na-
intercourse in every direction, universal in- tional class-interest, one frontier and one
terdcpcndence of nations. And as in material, customs-tariff.
so also in intellectual production. The intel- The bourgeoisie, during its rule of scarce
lectual creations of individual nations be- one hundred years, has created more mas-
come common property. National one-sided- sive and more colossal productive forces than
ness and narrow-rnindedness become more have all preceding generations together. Sub-
and more impossible, and from the numer- jection of Nature's forces to man, machinery,
ous national and local literatures there arises application of chemistry to industry and ag-
a world-literature. riculture, steam-navigation, railways, electric
The bourgeoisie, by the rapid improve- telegraphs, clearing of whole continents for
ment of all instruments of' production, by the cultivation, canalization of rivers, whole pop-
immensely facilitated means of communica- ulations conjured out of the ground-what
tion, draws all, even the most barbarian, na- earlier century had even a presentiment that
tions into civilization. The cheap prices of its such productive forces slumbered in the lap
commodities are the heavy artillery with of social labor?
which it batters down all Chinese walls, with We see then: the means of production
which it forces the barbarians' intensely ob- and of exchange on whose foundations the
stinate hatred of foreigners to capitulate. It bourgeoisie built itself up, were generated in

feudal society. At a certain stage in the de- much moans of subsistence, too much indus-
velopment of these means of production and try, too much commerce. The productive
of' exchange, the conditions under which forces at the disposal of society no longer
feudal society produced and exchanged, the tend to further the development of the con-
feudal organization of agriculture and manu- ditions of bourgeois property; on the con-
factoring industry, in one word, the feudal trary, they have become too powerful for
relations of property became no longer com~ these conditions, by which they are fettered,
patiblc with the already developed product and so soon as they overcome these fetters,
time forces, they became so many fetters. they bring disorder into the whole of bour-
They had to be burst asunder; they were geois society, endangering the existence of
burst asunder. bourgeois property. The conditions of bour~
Into their places stepped free competi- geois society are too narrow to comprise the
tion, accompanied by a social and political wealth created by them. And how does
constitution adapted to it, and by the eco- the bourgeoisie get over these crises? On the
nomical and political sway of the bourgeois one hand by enforced destruction of a mass
class. of productive forces; on the other, by the
A similar movement is going on before conquest of new markets, and by the more
our own eyes. Modern bourgeois society with thorough exploitation of the old ones. That
its relations of production, of exchange and is to say, by paving the way for more exten-
of property, a society that has conjured up sive and more destructive crises, and by di-
such gigantic means of production and of ex- minishing the means whereby crises are pre-
change, is like the sorcerer, who is no longer vented.
able to control the power of the nether world The weapons with which the bourgeoisie
whom he has called up by his spells. For felled feudalism to the ground are now turned
many a decade past the history of industry against the bourgeoisie itself.
and commerce is but the history of the re- But not only has the bourgeoisie forged
voit of modern productive forces against the weapons that bring death to itself; it has
modern conditions of production, against the also called into existence the men who are
property relations that are the condition for to wield those weapons--the modern work-
the existence of the bourgeoisie and of its ing-class-the proletarians.
rule. It is enough to mention the commer~ In proportion as the bourgeoisie, i.e., capi-
c a l crises that by their periodical return put tal, is developed, in the same proportion is
on trial, each time more thrcateuingly, the the proletariat, the modern working-class,
existence of the entire bourgeois society. In developed, 21 class of laborers, who live only
these crises a great part not only of the ex- so long as they find work, and who Lind work
isting products, but also of the previously only so long as their labor increases capital.
created productive forces, are periodically These laborers. who must sell themselves
destroyed. In these crises there breaks out an piecemeal, are a commodity, like every other
epidemic that, in all earlier epochs, would article of commerce, and are consequently
have seemed an absurdity-the epidemic of exposed to all the vicissitudes of competi-
over-production. Society suddenly finds it~ tion, to all the fluctuations of the market.
self put back into a state of momentary bar- Owing to the extensive use of machinery
barism, it appears as if a famine, a universal and to division of labor, the work of the pro~
war of devastation had cut oft the supply of letarians has lost all individual character,
every means of subsistence, industry and and, consequently, all charm for the work-
commerce seem to be destroyed, and why? man. He becomes an appendage of the ma-
Because there is too much civilization, too chine, and it is only the most simple, most
The Rise of the Bourgeoisie 71

monotonous, and most easily acquired knack The low strata of the m-iddle-class-
that is required of him. Hence, the cost of small tradespeople, shoplqeepers, and retired
production of a workman is restricted, al- tradesmen generally, the handicraftsmen and
most entirely, to the means of subsistence peasants-all these sink gradually into the
that he requires for his maintenance, and for proletariat, partly because their diminutive
the propagation of his race. But the price of a capital docs not suliice for the scale on which
commodity, and also of labor, is equal to its Modem Industry is carried on, and is
cost of production. In proportion, therefore, swamped in the competition with the large
as the repulsiveness of the work increases, capitalists, partly because their specialized
the wage decreases. Nay more, in proportion skill is rendered worthless by new methods
as the use of machinery and division of la- of production. Thus the proletariat is re-
bor increases, in the same proportion the cruited from all classes of the population.
burden of toil also increases, whether by pro- The proletariat goes through various
longation of the working hours, by increase stages of development. With its birth begins
of the work enacted in a given time, or by its struggle with the bourgeoisie. At first the
increased speed of the machinery, etc. contest is carried on by individual laborers,
Modem Industry has converted the little then by the workpeople of El factory, then
workshop of the patriarchal master into the by the operatives of one trade, in one local-
great factory of the industrial capitalist. ity, against the individual bourgeois who di-
Masses of laborers, crowded into the factory, rectly exploits them. They direct their at-
are organized like soldiers. As privates of the taeks not against the bourgeois conditions of
industrial army they are placed under the production, but against the instruments of
command of a perfect hierarchy of officers production themselves, they destroy imported
and sergeants. Not only are they the slaves wares that compete with their labor, they
of the bourgeois class, and of the bourgeois smash to pieces machinery , they set factories
State, they are daily and hourly enslaved by ablaze, they seek to restore by force the van-
the machine, by the over-looker, and, above ished status of the workman of the Middle
all, by the individual bourgeois manufacturer Ages.
himself. The more openly this despotism pro- At this stage the laborers still form a11 in-
claims gain to be its end and aim, the more coherent mass scattered over the whole coun-
petty, the more .hateful and the more embit- try, and broken up by their mutual compe-
tering it is. tition. If anywhere they unite to form more
The less the skill and exertion or strength compact bodies, this is not yet the conse-
implied in manual labor, in other words, the quence of their own active union, but of the
more modern industry becomes developed, union of bourgeoisie, which class, in order
the more is the labor of men superseded by to attain its own political ends, is compelled
that of women. Differences of age and sex to set the whole proletariat in motion, and
have no longer any distinctive social validity is moreover yet, for E1 time, able to do so.
for the working-class. All are instruments of At this stage, therefore, the proletarians do
labor, more or less expensive to use, accord- not fight their enemies, but the enemies of
ing to their age and sex. their enemies, the remnants of absolute
No sooner is the exploitation of the la- monarchy, the landowners, the non-industrial
borer by the manufacturer so far at an end, bourgeoisie, the petty bourgeoisie. Thus the
that he receives his wages in cash, than he whole historical movement is concentrated
is set. upon by the other portions of the bour- in the hands of the bourgeoisie, every vic-
geoisie, the landlord, the shopkeeper, the tory so obtained is a victory for the bour-
pawnbroker, etc. geoisie.


2.6 The Crisis of the Slave South

One of the most important chapters in the history of social change in the
United States was the transformation of the South from a slaveholders'
regime to El social system based on the capitalist mode of production, The
midwife of this great social transformation was force-a long and bloody
Civil War.
What was the nature of the social system of. the slave South? What were
the factors that precluded a peaceful negotiated settlement of the conflicts
between the North and the South? In a lucid application of the Marxian
approach to historical change, Eugene Genovese argues in the following
reading that both internal contradictions within the slave South and ex-
ternal conflicts with the capitalist North combined to produce a crisis of
the South's entire social system. This crisis was economic and political, as
well as ideological and psychological.
Genovese points out how the slave mode of production governed the
general social character of the South. The slaveholders were more than a
random collection of individuals with common interests. Welded together
by a common culture and a well~articulated ideology (or world view)
which regarded slavery as morally superior to capitalism, the slaveholders
formed a dominant social class, highly conscious of its own existence, and
whose culture pervaded the South's entire social system. Furthermore, as
Genovese argues, the nature of the master-slave relationship placed limits
on the material growth of the South, i.e., the relations of production be-
came a fcttet' on the further development of the productive forces. This
argument is worth summarizing here.
First, in order that they work ctliciently, slaves required close super-
vision, therefore, geological improvements which would have raised
productivity had ruled out because they involved complex and varied
operations. Moreover, the slaveholders' need to keep the slaves stupid so
that they would not rebel-in some areas slaves were forbidden by law to
learn to read or write-further limited the productivity of the slave mode
of production. Second, unlike capitalists, the slaveholders could not adjust
the size of their labor force with varying needs. Third, also unlike capi-
talism with its spirit of accumulation, the culture of the slaveholders fav-
am surplus num .reinvested
ored conspicuous luxury consumption, thus, »..........._
in the plantation economy, reducing the rate of. material growth. Finally,
the high concentration of wealth and the political dominance of the slave-
holders precluded the development of a dynamic industrial base in the
Meanwhile, the capitalist North was rapidly expanding its material base
and, as a proponent of natural rights philosophy, becoming ideologically
.. . .. . . . .

opposed to any restrictions on the market in free labor. Eventually, both

the ideologies and the economic interests of the Southern slaveholders and
the Northern bourgeoisie clashed head-on, placing the slaveholders in an un-
tenable position in the Union. Both the existence and raison d'él!re of the
The Crisis of the Slope South 73

slaveholding c l a ! e a t e n e d by the ensuing social crisis of the South.

It is precisely because the slaveholders formed a self-conscious class that
the North was unable to negotiate ZN peaceful agreement with the slave-
holders. The slaveholders were willing to use force to defend what they
considered to be a superior way of life, no material compensation from
the North would have been suiii c e r t to co-opt them.
In reading this essay, it is especially instructive to note Gellovese's bril-
liant use of Marxian methodology to show how ( 1 ) the social relations of
production governed the character of the South and became a fetter on
the further development of production in the South; ( 2 ) the ideology and
the economic interests of the slaveholders and the Northern bourgeoisie
clashed; and (3) the social classes were antagonistic: each dominant class
was ready to use force and did use force to defend its position in society.

Source: The following is condensed from the introduction to and Chap~

ter 1 o f The Political Economy of Slavery by EUGENE GENOVESE. Copy-
right e 1961, 1963, 1965, by Eugene Genovese. Reprinted by permission
of Pantheon Books, a division of Random House, Inc.

INTRODUCTION rate all others. Southern slavery was not

"mere slavery"--to recall Louis Hartz's luck-
. . . Slavery gave the South a social system less term-but the foundation on which rose
and a civilization with a distinct class struc- a powerful and remarkable social class: a
ture, political community, economy, ideol- class constituting only a tiny portion of the
ogy, and set of psychological patterns. I u I white population and yet so powerful and re-
[A]s a result, the South increasingly grew markable as to try, with more success than
away from the rest of the nation and from our neo-abolitionists care to see, to build a
the rapidly developing sections of the world. new, or rather to rebuild an old, civilization.
That this civilization had difficulty in surviv- [This study] sketches the main features of
ing during the nineteenth century--a bour- antebellum Southern civilization, which it de-
geois century if any deserves the name- scribes as having been moving steadily into
raises only minor problems. The difficulty, a general crisis of society as a whole and es-
from this point of view, was neither eco- pecially of its dominant slaveholding class.
nomic, nor political, nor moral, nor ideologi- The slaveholders' economic and political in-
cal, it was all of these, which constituted terests, as well as ideological and psychologi-
manifestations of a fundamental antagonism cal commitments, clashed at many points
between modern and premodern worlds. with those of Northern and European capi-
The premodern quality of the Southern talists, farmers, and laborers. The successful
world was imparted to it by its dominant defense of slavery presupposed an adequate
slaveholding class. Slavery has existed in rate of material growth, but the South could
many places, side by side with other labor not keep pace with an increasingly hostile
systems, without producing anything like the North in population growth, manufacturing,
civilization of the South. Slavery gave the transportation, or even agricultural develop-
South a special way of life because it pro- ment. The weaknesses of Southern agricul-
vided the basis for a regional social order in ture were especially dangerous and galling to
which the slave labor system could domi- the regime dangerous because without ade-

quite agricultural, progress other kinds of concluded that slavery neither needed nor
material progress were diiiieult to effect, gall-
had prospects for additional territory, As a
ing because Southerners prided themselves result of their work, the traditional or irre-
on their rural society and its alleged virtues.prcssible-conflict interpretation has come to
rest almost entirely on moral grounds: the
conscience of the nation could not tolerate
The War for Southern Independence, from forever the barbarism of slavery. The ques-
the viewpoint [of this study], arose naturally tion of a profound material antagonism has
from the long process of the development of thereby virtually been laid to rest.
the slaveholders' regime. Since this view- If we had to choose between the two po-
point is not generally accepted, it would be sitions narrowed to embrace the moral ques-
proper to give some account of the contend- tion alone, it would be ditlieult to avoid
ing interpretations. Historians fall into two choosing some variation of the revisionist,
broad camps: the traditionalists have seen especially since such neo-revisionist histori-
the war as an irrepressible or inevitable con~ ans as Allan Nevins and David Donald have
Indict, whereas the revisionists have seen it as avoided the more naive formulations of ear-
an unnecessary bloodbath that could have lier writers and olfcred attractive alterna-
been prevented by good will or statesman- tives. In effect, they each deny that North
ship. Until about thirty years ago the lines and. South represented hostile civilizations
were firmly drawn. and stress the inability of American institu-
In recent decades a great shift has of tional structure to cope with problems and
curred. The revisionists have scored a series disagreements that were in themselves nego-
of stunning victories over their opponents tiable. Against such an interpretation, con-
and forced them to abandon most of their tinued harping 011 the moral issue becomes
ground. They have done hard digging into trying. Moral issues do have their place, as
source materials, whereas since the appear- do the irrational actions with which they are
ance of Arthur C. Cole's admirable The Ir- sometimes associated, but to say that slavery
t'eprc>.ssible Conflict (1934) the traditionalists was merely an immoral way to command la-
have largely contended themselves with writ- bor and that it produced no special society is
ing essays. Originally, the traditionalist argu- to capitulate before the revisionists' thrust.
ment posited a wide area of antagonism be- They maintain simply and forcef.ull_y that time
tween the North and South, viewing slavery and good will would have removed slaver
as a moral issue but also as the basis of in- had a holier-than-thou
tense material differences. Their notion of in the North and had there not been so much
material did"ierences contained two debilitat- room for the demagogy qf'
ing tendencies: it centered on narrow eco- cans in both sections. The best that the re-
nomic issues like the tariff, which hardly cent traditionalists have been able to ouTer
added up to a reasonable cause for a bloody as a reply is the assertion that Southern im-
war, and it assumed, in accordance with a morality proved too profitable to be dis-
rigid theoretical model, a slavery-engendered pensed with. This is no answer. The notion
soil exhaustion and territorial expansionism that the values of the Soutlt's ruling class,
which empirical research did not establish. which became the values of the South as a
The revisionists have offered a great many whole, may be dismissed as immoral is both
monographs which argue that slavery did not dubious and unenlightening, but we may
necessarily prevent soil reclamation and ag- leave this point aside. If the commitment of
ricultural adjustment, they have investigated the slaveholders to slavery was merely a mat-
the conditions for Southern expansionism and ter of dollars and cents, a national effort
The Crisis of the Sieve South 75

could have paid them to become virtuous. nor in sin. I do say that the struggle between
The answer, I suppose, is that the North North and South was irrepressible. From the
could not be expected to pay to free slaves moment that slavery passed from being one
when it believed slave-holding immoral in of several labor systems into being the basis
the first place. As a matter of fact, it could of the Southern social order, material and
have, and there is not much evidence of such ideological conflict with the North came into
high-mindedncss in the North outside of a being and had to grow worse. If this much
small band of abolitionists. Either the revi- be granted, the question of inevitability be-
sionists are essentially right or the moral comes the question of whether or not the
question existed as an aspect of something slaveholders would give up their world, which
much deeper. they identified quite properly with slavery
.I begin with the hypothesis that so intense itself, without armed resistance. The slave-
a struggle of moral values implies a struggle holders' pride, sense of honor, and commit-
of world views and that so intense a struggle ment to their way of life made a final
of world views implies a struggle of worlds struggle so probable that we may call it in-
-of rival social classes or of societies domi- evitable without implying a mechanistic de-
mated by rival. social classes. In investigating terminism against which man cannot avail.
this hypothesis 1 have rejected the currently I have attempted to demonstrate that the
fashionable interpretation of slavery as sim- material prerequisites for the slaveholders'
ply a system of extra-economic compulsion power were giving way before internal and
designed to sweat a surplus out of black la- external pressures, that the social system
bor. Slavery was such a system, but it was was breaking on immanent contradictions,
much more. lt supported a plantation com- that the economy was proving incapable of
munity that must be understood as an inte- adapting itself to reforms while slavery ex-
grated social system, and it made this isted, that slavery was naturally generating
community the center of Southern life. It ex- territorial expansion, and that therefore se-
truded a class of slaveholders with a, special cession and the risk of war were emerging
ideology and. psychology and the political as a rational course of action. 1 have, in other
and economic power to impose their values words, tried to rebuild the case on which a
on society as a whole. Slavery may have been materialist interpretation of an irrepressible
immoral to the world at large, but to these conflict may rest.
men, notwithstanding their doubts and inner
conflicts, it increasingly came to be seen as
the very foundation of a proper social order THE PROBLEM
and therefore as the essence of morality in
human relationships. Under the circumstan- The uniqueness of the antebellum South con-
cos the social conflict between North and tinues to challenge the imagination of Ameri-
South took the form of a moral conflict. We cans, who, despite persistent attempts, cannot
need not deny the reality of the moral issue divert their attention from slavery. Nor
to appreciate that it represented only one should they, for slavery provided the founda-
aspect of a many-sided antagonism. These tion on which the South rose and grew. The
studies seek to explore the material founda- master-slave relationship permeated South-
tions of that irrepressible antagonism. ern lite and influenced relationships among
Let us make our bows to the age: I do not free len. A full history would have to treat
believe in inevitability in the everyday mean- the impact of the Negro slave and of slave-
ing of the word, nor in a mechanical deter- less as well as slaveholriing whites, but a first
Ininism that leaves no place for man's will, approximation, necessarily concerned with

essentials, must focus on the slaveholders, one industry, or one set of industries, among
who most directly exercised power over men many, and its conflict with manufacturing is
and events. The hegemony of the slavehold- one of many competitive rivalries. There
ers, presupposing the social and economic must have been something unusual about an
preponderance of great slave plantations, de- agriculture that generated violent opposition
termined the character of the South. These to the agrarian West as well as the industrial
men rose to power in a region embedded in 'd Northeast.
capitalist country, and their social system The second view, which is the more
emerged as part of a capitalist world. Yet, a widely held, emphasizes that the plantation
nonslaveholding European past and a shared system produced for a distant market. re-
experience in a new republic notwithstanding, sponded to supply and demand, invested
they imparted to Southern life a special so- capital in land and slaves, and operated with
cial, economic, political, ideological, and funds borrowed from banks and factors.
psychological content. This, the more sophisticated of the two in-
To dissolve that special content into an terpretations, cannot begin to explain the
ill-defined agrarianism or an elusive planter origins of the conflict with the North and
capitalism would mean to sacrifice concern does violence to elementary facts of ante-
with the essential for concern with the tran- bellum Southern history.
sitional and peripheral. Neither of the two
leading interpretations, which for many years SLAVERY AND THE EXPANSION
have contended in a hazy and unreal battle, OF CAPITALISM
offers consistent and plausible answers to re-
curring questions, especially those bearing on The proponents of the idea of planter capi-
the origins of the War for Southern Inde- talism draw heavily, wittingly or not, on
pendence. The first of these interpretations Lewis C. Gray's theory of the genesis of the
considers the antebellum South an agrarian plantation system. Gray defines the planta-
society fighting against the encroachments of tion as a "capitalistic type of agricultural or-
industrial capitalism; the second considers ganization in which a considerable number of
the slave plantation merely a form of capi- unfree .laborers were employed under a uni-
talist enterprise and suggests that the mate- fied direction and control in the production
rial differences between Northern and South- of a staple crop." Gray considers the planta-
ern capitalism were more apparent than real. tion system inseparably linked with the inter-
These two views, which one would think national development of capitalism. He notes
contradictory, sometimes combine in the the- the plantation"s need for large outlays of
sis that the agrarian nature of planter capi- capital, its strong tendency toward specializa-
talism, for some reason, made coexistence tion in a single crop, and its commercialism
with industrial capitalism difficult. and argues that these appeared with the in-
The first view cannot explain why some dustrial revolution.
agrarian societies give rise to industrialization In modern times the plantation often rose
and some do not. A prosperous agricultural under bourgeois auspices to provide industry
hinterland has generally served as a basis for with cheap raw materials. but the consequen-
industrial development by providing a home ces were not always harmonious with bour-
market for manufactures and a source of geois society. Colonial expansion produced
capital accumulation, and the prosperity of three sometimes overlapping patterns: ( l )
farmers has largely depended on the growth the capitalists of the advanced country sim-
of industrial centers as markets for food- ply invested in colonial land--as illustrated
stuffs. In a capitalist society agriculture is even today by the practice of. the United
The Crisis of the Slave South 77

Fruit Company in the Caribbean; ( 2 ) the and beyond a certain. point costs become ex-
colonial planters were largely subservient to cessively burdensome. Weber's remarks
the advanced countries-as illustrated by the could be extended. Planters, for example,
British West Indies before the abolition of have little opportunity to select specifically
slavery, and (3) the planters were able to trained workers for special tasks as they
win independence and build a society under arise
their own direction-as illustrated by the There are other telling features of this ir-
Southern United States. . rationality. Under capitalism the pressure of
In alliance with the North, the planter- the competitive struggle and the bourgeois
dominated South broke away from England, spirit of accumulation direct the greater part
and political conditions in the new republic of profits back into production. The competi-
allowed it considerable freedom for self- tive side of Southern slavery produced a
development. The plantation society that had similar result, but one that was modified by
begun as an appendage of British capitalism the pronounced tendency to heavy consump-
ended as a powerful, largely autonomous tion. Economic historians and sociologists
civilization with aristocratic pretensions and have long noted. the high propensity to con-
possibilities, although it remained tied to the sumc among landed aristocracies. No doubt
capitalist world by bonds of commodity pro- this difference has been one of degree. The
duction. The essential element in this distinct greater part of slavery' profits also find their
civilization was the slaveholders' domination, way back into production, but the method
made possible by their command of labor. of reinvestment in the two systems is sub-
Slavery provided the basis for a special stantially different. Capitalism largely directs
Southern economic and social life, special its profits into an expansion of plant and
problems and tensions, and special laws of equipment, not labor, that is, economic prog-
development. ress is qualitative. Slavery, for economic rea-
sons as well as for those of social prestige,
THE RATIONALITY AND directs its reinvesttnents along the same lines
IRRATIONALITY OF SLAVE SOCIETY as the original investment-in slaves and
land, that is, economic progress is quantita-
Slave economies normally manifest irrational tive.
tendencies that inhibit economic develop- In the South this weakness proved fatal
ment and endanger social stability. Max for the slaveholders. They found themselves
Weber, among the many scholars who have engaged in £l growing conflict with Northern
discussed the problem, has noted four im- farmers and businessmen over such issues as
portant irrational features. First, the master tariffs, hoinesteads, internal improvements,
cannot adjust the size of his labor force in and the decisive question of the balance of
accordance with business fluctuations. In political power in the Union. The slow pace
particular, efficiency cannot readily be at- of their economic progress, in contrast to the
tained through the manipulation of the labor long strides of their rivals to the north,
force if sentiment, custom, or community threatened to undermine their political purity
pressure makes separation of families difii- and result in a Southern defeat on all major
cult. Second, the capital outlay much issues of the day. The qualitative leaps in the

greater and riskier for slave labor than for Northern economy manifested themselves in
free. Third, the domination of society by a a rapidly increasing population, an expand-
planter class increases the risk of political ing productive plant, and growing political,
influence in the market. Fourth, the sources ideological, and social boldness. The slave-
of cheap labor usually dry up rather quickly, holders' voice grew thriller and harsher as

they contemplated impending disaster and planter with El great house and a reputation
sought solace in complaints of Northern ag- for living and entertaining on a grand scale
gression and exploitation. could impress a whole community and keep
Just aS Southern slavery directed rein- before its humbler men the shining idea of
vestment along a path that led to economic plantation magnificence. Consider Pascal's
stagnation, so too did it limit the volume of observation that the habit of seeing the king
capital accumulated for investment of any accompanied by guards, pomp, and all the
kind. We need not reopen the tedious argu- paraphernalia designed to command respect
ment about the chronology of the plantation, and inspire awe will produce those reactions
the one-crop syam, and slavery. While slav- even when he appears alone and informally.
ery existed, the South hadhinl-Id1! In the popular mind he is assumed to be natu-
plantation system and an agricultural econ- rally an awe-inspiring being. In this manner,
omy based on a few crops. As a result, the every dollar spent by the planters for elegant
South depended on Northern facilities, with clothes, a college education for their chil-
inevitably mounting middlemen's charges. dren, or a lavish barbecue contributed to the
Less obvious was the capital drain occa- political and social domination of their class.
sioned by the importation of industrial goods. We may speak of the slave system's irra-
While the home market remained backward, tionality only in a strictly economic sense
Southern manufacturers had difficulty pro- and then only to indicate the inability of the
ducing in suflicicnt quantities to keep costs South to compete with Northern capitalism
and prices at levels competitive with North- on the latter's grounds. The slaveholders,
crners. The attendant dependence on North- Fighting for political power in an essentially
ern and British imports intensified the out- capitalist Union, had to do just that.
ward flow of badly needed funds?
Most of the elements of irrationality were
irrational only from a capitalist standpoint. CAPITALIST AND PSEUDO-CAPITALIST
The high propensity to consume luxuries, for FEATURES OF THE SLAVE ECONOMY
example, has always been functional (socially
if not economically rational) in aristocratic
societies, for it has provided the ruling class The slave economy developed within, and
with the facade necessary to control the mid- was in a sense exploited by, the capitalist
dle and lower classes. Thomas R. Dew knew worl.d market, consequently, slavery devel-
what he was doing when he defended the oped many ostensibly capitalist features, such
high personal expenditures of Southerners as as banking, commerce, and credit. These
proof of the superiority of the slave system. played a fundamentally different role in the
Few Southerners, even few slaveholders, South than in the North. Capitalism has ab-
could afford to spend lavishly and effect an sorbed and even encouraged many kinds of
aristocratic standard of living, but those few precapitalist social systems: serfdom, slavery,
set the social tone for society. One wealthy Oriental state enterprises, and others. lt has
introduced credit, finance, banking, and simi-
'This colonial dependence on the British and lar institutions where they did not previously
Northern markets did not end when slavery ended. exist. It is pointless to suggest that therefore
Sharecropping and tenantry produced similar rc- nineteenth-century India and twenticth-cen-
sults. Since abolition occurred under Northern
guns and under the program of a victorious, pred- tury Saudi Arabia should be classified as
ntory outside bourgeoisie instead of under internal capitalist countries. We riced to analyze a few
bourgeois auspices, the "olonirxl bondage of the
of the more important capitalist and pseudo-
economy was preserved, 'out the South's political
independence was lost. capitalist features of Southern slavery and
The Crisis of the Stove South 79

especially to review the barriers to indLlstria1~ adopted the prevailing aristocratic attitudes.
ization in order to appreciate the peculiar The Southern industrialists were in an
qualities of this remarkable and anachronistic analogous position, although one that was
society. potentially subversive of the political power
The defenders of the "planter-capitalism" and ideological unity of the planters. The
thesis have noted the extensive commercial preponderance of planters and slaves on
l'lnks between the plantation and the world the countryside retarded the home market.
market and the modest commercial bour- The Southern yeomanry, unlike the Western,
geoisie in the South and have concluded that lacked the purchasing power to sustain rapid
there is no reason to predicate an antagonism industrial development. The planters spent
between cotton producers and cotton mer- much of their money abroad for luxuries.
chants. However valid as a reply to the The plantation market consisted primarily of
naive arguments of the proponents of the the demand for cheap slave clothing and
agrarianism-versus-industrialism thesis, this cheap agricultural implements for use or
criticism has un_justifiably been twisted to misuse by the slaves. Southern industrialism
suggest that the presence of commercial ac- needed a sweeping agrarian revolution to
tivity provides the predominance of capital- provide it with cheap labor and a substantial
ism in the South. capitalist eco- rural market, but the Southern industrialists
nomic systems have had well-developed com- depended on the existing, limited plantation
mercial relations, if every commercial market. Leading industri alists like William
society is considered capita the Gregg and Daniel Pratt were plantation~
word loses | er- oriented and proslavery. They could hardly
:ivee €'1IT5p5rTe
c a l classes _~¢1~ eexrsn no sys- have been other.
tem of production. As Maurice Dobb ob-
serves, their fortunes are bound up with
those of the dominant producers, and mer- If for a moment we accept the designation
chants are more likely to seek an extension of the planters as capitalists and the slave
of their middlelnen's profits than to try to system as a form of capitalism, we arc then
reshape the economic order. confronted by a capitalist society that im-
We must concern ourselves primarily with peded the development of every normal fea-
capitalism as a social system, not merely ture of capitalism. The planters were not
with evidence of typically capitalistic eco- mere capitalists, they were precapitalist,
nomic practices. In the South extensive and quasi.-aristocratic landowners who had to ad-
complicated commercial relations with the just their economy and ways of thinking to
world market permitted the growth of a small a capitalist world market. Their society, in
commerical bourgeoisie. The resultant for~ its spirit and fundamental direction, repre-
tunes flowed into slaveholding, which offered se11ted the antithesis of capitalism, however
prestige and economic and social security in many compromises it had to make. The fact
a planter-dominated society. Independent of slave ownership is central to our problem.
merchants found their businesses dependent This seemingly formal question of whether
on the patronage of the slaveholders. The the owners of the means of production com-
merchants either became planters themselves mand labor or purchase the labor power of
or assumed a servile attitude toward the freeworkers contains in itself the content of
planters. The commercial bourgeoisie, such Southern life. The essential features of South-
as it was, remained tied to the slaveholding ern particularity, as well as of Southern back-
interest, had little desire or opportunity to wardness, can be traced to the relationship
invest capital in industrial expansion, and of master to slave.

THE BARRIERS TO tages of scale, efficiency, credit relations, and

INDUSTRIALIZATION business reputation.
Slavery led to the rapid concentration of
If the planters were losing their economic land and wealth and prevented the expansion
and political cold war with Northern capital- of a Southern home market. Instead of pro-
ism, the failure of the South to develop vidina a basis for industrial growth, the
suflicicnt industry provided the most striking Southern countryside, economically domi-
immediate cause. Its inability to develop ade- nated by a few large estates, provided only
quate manufactures is usually attributed to a limited market for industry. Data on the
the inetliciency of its labor force. No doubt cotton textile factories almost always reveal
slaves did not ea* a51i]St;T6 T1TZl'G'§trial em- that Southern producers aimed at supplying
ploym , and tile indirect efTeEf§ of the slave slaves with the cheapest and coarsest kind of
system impeded the employment of whites." cotton goods. Even so, local industry had to
Slaves tied work effectively in hemp, ;tobacco, compete with Northern firms, which some-
iron, and cotton factories but only under times shipped direct and sometimes cstab-
socially dangerous conditions. They received lished Southern branches.
a wide variety of privileges and approached
an elite status. Planters generally appreciated
the potentially subversive quality of these ar- THE GENERAL FEATURES OF
rangements and looked askance at their SOUTHERN AGRICULTURE
Slavery concentrated economic and po-
The South's greatest ecorlolnic weakness was
litical power in the hands of a slaveholding
the low productivity of its labor force. The
class hostile to industrialism. The slavehold-
slaves worked inditierently. They could be
ers feared a strong urban bourgeoisie, which
made to worT reasonably- well under close
might make common cause with its Northern
supervision in the cotton fields, but the cost
counterpart. They feared a white urban
of supervising them in more than one or two
working class of unpredictable social tendcn~
operations at a time was prohibitive. Slavery
cies. In general, they distrusted the city and
prevented the significant technological prog-
saw in it something incongruous with their
ress that could have raised productivity sub-
local power and status arrangements. The
stantially. Of greatest relevance, the impedi-
small slaveholders, as well as the planters,
ments to technological progress damaged
resisted the assumption of 8 heavy tax bur-
Southern agriculture, for improved imple-
den to assist manufacturers, and as the
ments and machines largely accounted for
South fell further behind the North in indus-
trial development more state aid was required
the big increases in crop yields per acre in
the Northern states during the nineteenth
to help industry offset the Northern advan-
Slavery and the plantation system led to
2Slavery impeded white immigration by pre-
sentinqg Europeans with an aristocratic, caste- agricultural methods that depleted the soil.
ridden society that scarcely disguised its contempt The frontier methods of the free states
for the working classes. The economic opportu- yielded similar results, but slavery forced the
nities in the North were, in most respects. fur
greater. When white labor was used in Southern
South into continued dependence upon ex-
factories, it was not always superior to slave labor. ploitative methods after the frontier had
The incentives offered by the Northern economic passed further west. It prevented reclamation
and social system were largely missing, opportu-
nities for acquiring skills were fewer, in general,
of worn-out lands. The plantations were
productivity was much lower than in the North. much too large to fertilize easily. Lack of
The Crisis of the Stove South 81

markets and poor care of animals by slaves achievement of military and political honors.
made it impossible to accumulate sufficient Whereas in the North people followed the
manure. The low level of capital accumula- lure of business and money for their own
tion made the purchase of adequate quanti- sake, in the South specific forms of property
ties of commercial fertilizer unthinkable. carried the badges of honor, prestige, and
Planters could not practice proper crop ro- power. Even the rough parvenu planters of
tation, for the pressure of. the credit system the Southwestern frontier-the "Southern
kept most available land in cotton, and the Yankees"-strove to accumulate wealth in
labor force could not easily be assigned to the modes acceptable to plantation society.
the required tasks without excessive costs Only in their crudeness and naked avarice
of supervision. The general inefficiency of did they differ from the Virginia gentlemen.
labor thwarted most attempts at improve- They were a generation removed from the
ment of agricultural methods. refinement that follows accumulation.
Slavery established the basis of the plant-
er's position and power. measured his
affluence, marked his status, and supplied
leisure for social graces and aristocratic du-
ties. The older bourgeoisie of New Engled.
in its own way struck an aristocratic pose,
The planters commanded Southern politics
but its wealth was rooted in commercial and
and set the tone of social life. Theirs was an
industrial enterprises that were being pushed
aristocratic, antibourgeois spirit with values
into the background by the newer heavy in-
and mores emphasizing family and status, a
dustries arising in the West, where upstarts
strong code of honor, and aspirations to lux-
took advantage of the more lucrative ven-
ury, ease, and accomplishment. In the plant-
tures like the iron industry. In the South few
ers' community, paternalism provided the
such opportunities opening. The par-
standard of human relationships, and politics
and statecraft were the duties and responsi-
venu differed from *,;_ establiShed planter
only in being cruder and perhaps sharper in
bilities of gentlemen. The gentleman lived for
his business dealings. The road to power lay
politics, not, like the bourgeois politician, all
through the plantsIn. The older aristocracy
kept its lea¢l11lm made room for men
The planter typically recoiled at the no-
-following the same road. An aristoc ratio
tions that profit should be the goal of life,
stance was no mere compensation for a de-
that the approach to production and ex-
cline in power, it was the soul and content.of
change should be internally rational and un-
a rising power.
complicated by social values, that thrift and
hard work should be the great virtues, and
that the test of the wholesomeness of a com- At their best_, Southern ideals constituted
munity should be the vigor with which its .l rejection of the lrass, vulgar, inhumane
citizens expand the economy. The planter elements of capitalist society. The slavehold-
was no less acquisitive than the bourgeois, ers simply could not accept the idea that the
but an acquisitive spirit is compatible with cash nexus offered a permissible be
values antithetical to capitalism. The aristo- human relations. .Even the vulgar pa
cratic spirit of the planters absorbed acquisi- the Southwest embraced the p ll LHa t . :
tiveness and directed it into channels that and refused to make a virtue of necessity by
were socially desirable to a slave society: glorifying the competitive side of slavery as
the accumulation of slaves and land and the civilization's highest achievement. The slave~

holders generally, and the planters in particu- rians of all types, although their judgment
lar, did identify their own ideas with the es- seems almost bizarre. A farmer may be called
sence of civilization and, given their sense of "independent" because he works for him-
honor, were prepared to defend them at any self and owns property, like any grocer or
cost. tailor he functions as a petty bourgeois. in
This civilization and its ideals were anti~ Jeflersonfs time, when agriculture had not yet
national in a double sense. The plantation been wholly subjected to the commanding in~
offered virtually the only market for the small fluences of the market, the American farmer
nonstaple-producing farmers and provided perhaps had a considerable amount of inde-
the center of necessary services for the small pendence, if we choose to call self-suliicient
cotton growers. Thus, the paternalism of the isolation by that name, but in subsequent
planters toward their slaves was reinforced days he has had to depend on the market like
by the semipaternal relationship between the any manufacturer, if not more so. Whereas
planters and their neighbors. The planters, in manufacturers combine to protect their eco-
truth, grew into the closest thing to feudal nomic interests, such arrangements have
lords imaginable in a ninetecntlrcentury proved much more difficult, and until re-
bourgeois republic. The planters' protests ccntly almost impossible, to eflcct among
sons of love for the Union were not so much farmers. In general, if we contrast farmers
a desire to use the Union to protect slavery with urban capitalists, the latter emerge as
as a strong commitment to localism as the relatively the more independent. The farmer
highest Iorrn of liberty. They genuinely loved yields constantly to the primacy of nature, to
the Union so long as it alone among the great a direct, external force acting on him regard-
states of the world recognized that localism less of his personal worth, his independence
had a wide variety of rights. The Southerners' is therefore rigorously circumscribed. The
source of pride was not the Union, nor the capitalist is limited by the force of the mar-
nonexistent Southern nation, it was the plan- ket, which operates indirectly and selectively.
tation, which they raised to a political prin- Many capitalists go under in a crisis, but
ciple. some emerge stronger and surer of their own
excellence. Those who survive the catastro-
THE INNER REALITY OF phe do so (or so it seems) because of su-
SLAVEHOLDING perior ability, strength, and management, not
because of an Act of God.
The Southern slaveholder had "extraordinary The slaveholder, as distinct from the
force." In the eyes of an admirer his inde- farmer, had a private source of character
pendence was "not as at the North, the el'- making any inythmaking-his slave. Most
fect of a conflict with the too stern pressure obviously, he had the habit of command, but
of society, but the legitimate outgrowth of a there was more than despotic authority in this
sturdy love of liberty." This independence, master-slave relationship. The slave stood in-
so distinctive in the slaveholders' psychology, terposed between his master and the object
divided them politically from agrarian West- his master desired (that which was pro~
erners as well as from urban Easterners. duced), thus, the master related to the ob-
Commonly, both friendly and hostile con- ject only mediately, through the slave. The
temporaries agreed that the Southerner ap- slaveholder commanded the products of an-
peared rash, unstable, often irrational, and other's labor, but by the same process was
that he turned away from bourgeois habits forced into dependence 15on this other.
toward an aristocratic pose. Thoughtful Southerners such as Ruffin,
Americans, with a pronounced Jefferso- Pitzhugh, and Hammond understood this de-
nian bias, often attribute this spirit to agra- pendence and saw it as arising from the gen-
The Crisis of the Slave South 83

oral relationship of labor to capital, rather dependence stood out as his most prized
than from the specific relationship of master possession, but the instability of its base pro-
to slave. They did not grasp that the capi- duced personal rashness and directed that
talist's dependence upon his laborers remains rashness against any alteration in the status
obscured by the process of exchange in the quo. Any attempt, no matter how well mean-
capitalist market. Although all commodities ing, indirect, or harmless, to question the
are products of social relationships and con- slave system appeared not only as an attack
tain human lab they face each other in on his material interests but as an attack on
the market not as the embodiment of human his self-esteem at its most vulnerable point.
qualities but as things with a seemingly inde- To question either the morality or the prac-
pendent existence. Similarly, the laborer sells ticality of slavery meant to expose the root
his labor-power in the way in which the of the slaveholder's dependence in independ-
capitalist sells his goods-by bringing it to ence.
market, where it is subject to the fluctuations
of supply and demand. A "commodity fetish- THE GENERAL CRISIS OF THE
ism" clouds the social relationship of labor SLAVE SOUTH
to capital, and the worker and capitalist ap-
pear as mere observers of a process over The South's slave civilization could not for-
which they have little control. Southerners ever coexist with an increasingly hostile,
correctly viewed the relationship as a general powerful, and aggressive Northern capital-
one of labor to capital but failed to realize ism. On the one hand, the special economic
that the capitalist's dependence on his labor- conditions arising from the dependence on
ers is hidden, whereas that of master on slave slave labor bound the South, in a colonial
is naked. As a Mississippi planter noted : manner, to the world market. The concentra-
tion of landholding and slaveholding pre-
I intend t o be henceforth .Wifzgy as far as vented the rise of a prosperous yeomanry
MH*Z!I€C€.S'SQ'f']F expenditure-as a man should
and of urban centers. The inability to build
not squander what another accunlulares
with the exp0.s'ur.e of health and Zhe wearing urban centers restricted the market for agri-
out of the physical powers, and is not that cultural produce, weakened the rural pro-
the case wir/5 :he man who needlessly Paris ducers, and dimmed hopes for agricultural
with that which the negro by the hardest diversification. On the other hand, the
labor and often undergoing what w e in like
situation would call I k e greatest deprival
same concentration of wealth, the isolated,
dion. . . . rural nature of the plantation system, the spe-
cial psychology engendered by slave own~
This simultaneous dependence and inde- ership, and the political opportunity pre~
pendence contributed to that peculiar combi- sensed by the separation from England,
nation of the admirable and the frightening converged to give the South considerable po-
in the slaveholder's nature: his strength, gra- litical and social independence. This inde-
ciousness, and gentility, his impulsiveness, pendence was primarily the contribution of
violence, and unsteadiness. The sense of in- the slaveholding class, and especially of the
dependence and the habit of command de- planters. Slavery, while it bound the South
veloped his poise, grace, and dignity, but the economically, granted it the privilege of de-
we obvious sense of dependence on a de- veloping an aristocratic tradition, a disci-
spised other made him violently intolerant of plined and cohesive ruling class, and a myth-
anyone and anything threatening to expose ology of its own.
the full nature of his relationship to his slave. Aristocratic tradition and ideology inten-
Thus, he had a far deeper conservatism than silied the South's attachment to economic
that usually attributed to agrarians, His in~ backwardness. Paternalism and the habit of

command made the slaveholders tough stock, Even if the relative prosperity of the 18505
determined to defend their Southern heritage. had continued indefinitely, the slave states
The more economically debilitating their way would have been at the mercy of the free,
of life, the more they clung to it. It was this Which steadily forged ahead in population
side of things-the political hegemony and growth, capital accumulation, and economic
aristocratic ideology of the ruling class- development. Any economic slump threat-
rather than economic factors that prevented ened to bring with it an internal political dis-
the South from relinquishing slavery volun- aster, for the slaveholders could not rely on
tarily. their middle and lower classes to remain per-
As the free states stepped up their indus- manently loyal.'*
trialization and as the westward movement When we understand that the slave South
assumed its remarkable momentum, the developed neither a strange form of capital-
South's economic and political allies in the ism nor an undefinable agrarianism but a
North were steadily isolated. Years of aboli- special civilization built on the relationship
tionist and hue-soil agitation bore fruit as of master to slave, we expose the root of its
the South's opposition to homesteads, tariffs conflict with the North. The internal contra-
and internal improvements clashed more and dictions in the South and the external con-
more dangerously with the North's economic flict with the North placed the slaveholders
needs. To protect their institutions and to try hopelessly on the defensive with little to look
to lessen their economic bondage, the slave- forward to except slow strangulation. Their
holders slid into violent collision with North- only hope lay in a bold stroke to complete
ern interests and sentiments. The economic their political independence and to use it to
deficiencies of slavery threatened to under- provide an expansionist solution for their
mine the planters' wealth and power. Such economic and social problems. The ideology
relief measures as cheap labor and more land and psychology of the proud slaveholding
.for slave states (reopening the slave trade class made surrender or resignation to grad-
and territorial expansion) conflicted with ual defeat unthinkable, for its fate. in its own
Northern material needs, aspirations, and eyes at least, was the fate of everything worth
morality The planters faced a steady de- while in Western civilizatlon.
terioration of their political and social power.
'*The loyalty of these classes was real but un-
3Thcse measures met opposition from powerful stable. For our present purposes let us merely note
sections of the slaveholding class for reasons that that Lincoln' election and federal patronage
cannot be discussed here. The independence of would, if Southern fears were justified, have led
the South would only have brought the latent to the formation of an antiplanter party in the
intraclass antagonisms to the surface. South.


Further reading is recommended in Dobh, odology of historical materialism. Bendix and

Studies in the Development of Capitalism,Lipset [1] have assembled many of Maris
in Marx, Capital, Vol. I, Part 8, and in comments on social classes together with a
Genovese, The Political Economy of Slav- discussion of the role of classes in Marx's
theory. A summary of recent anthropological
ery, as cited in the source lines for Sec-
evidence on the relationship between the de-
tions 2.3, 2.4, and 2.6. Selsam and Martel
velopment of a social surplus and the rise of
[6], Part 5, and Feyer [2] contain basic state-
ments by Marx and by Engels on the meth- class divisions in primitive society is in Man-
The Crisis of the Slave 5oUTh 85

del [4], chapters 1 all 2. The usefulness of Class Status and Power ( End ed.),
a Marxian framework has been highlighted Bendix and Lipset. New York: Free
Press, 1966.
in a number of recent excellent general his-
[2] Feyer, Lewis S., ed., Marx and Engels:
tories of the development of capitalism in Basic Writings on Politics and Pfzilos-
England and in the United States. Hobsbawm ophy. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday,
[3] is a highly readable account of the ln- 1959.i'
dustrial Revolution in England. For a view [3] Hobsbawm, Eric J' : I n clzisvry arid lilmpire.
of the actual experiences of working people Baltimore: Penguin, ]969.l*'
during the Industrial Revolution, and the [4] Mandel, Ernest, Economic Theory.
ways in which the ha l f these expe- New York: Monthly Review Press,
riences involved the historical formation of
[5] Moore, Barrington, Jr., The Social Origins
a class, Thompson [7] is an indispensable Of" Dictatorship and Democracy. Boston :
classic. Chapter l in Moore l.5] on England Beacon, 1966.==s
is an interesting analysis of' the process by [6] Selsam, Howard, and Harry Martel, eds.,
which the capitalist class came to power; A Reader ire Marxist Philosophy. New
Chapter 3 on the Civil War in the United York: International Pub., 19635.=:
States nicely complements the Genovese [7] Thompson, Edward P., The Making of the
Ennis/z Working Cfass. New York'
work cited above. Finally, Williams [8] is a
Vintage, 1966,_\_
bold attempt to reeonceptualize all of United
[8] Williams, William A., The Confoiirs of
States history from a radical perspective. American History. Chicago: Quad-
rangle, I966."'

[1] Bendix, Reinhard, and Seymour Lipsct,

"Karl Marx's Theory of Classes," in *Available in paperback editions.
' II
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of Production
THE CAPITALIST MODE OF PRODUCTION PRO- sift, they can be resolved only by transform-
vides the key to understanding the character ing or "revolutionizing" society, i.e., by
of capitalist society. The mode of production changing the mode of production.
determines the context within which a soci- These propositions were the subject of
ety's social structure-itslaws, race relations, Chapter 2, which introduced the analytic
schools, class structure, government, etc. method for study of societies called "histori-
develops. Limits are set on the possible ways cal materialism", to illustrate that analysis, it
in which these elements of a society can de- examined the transition from precapitalist to
velop, and possibilities incompatible with the capitalist societies. The purpose of this chap-
mode of production are excluded. Further, ter is to apply the historical materialist
the mode of production creates conditions method in detail by turning directly to the
conducive to the development of some par- analysis of capitalism and the capitalist mode
ticular social outcomes rather than others. of production. In this chapter we shall at-
This description may suggest a harmoni- tempt to explain what is meant by "capital-
ous society in which people accept their fate ism" and how capitalist institutions function.
and capitalist institutions function smoothly.
But capitalist institutions confer power and
wealth differentially among different groups THE INSTITUTIONS OF CAPITALISM
of people. And so the relations of production
are antagonistic: the economic process gen- The essays in this chapter describe certain
crates conflict between. groups in society who institutions of capitalism which we consider
have contradictory needs and interests. These to be the basic or fundamental economic in-
conflicts are decided by the power relations stitutions. They are "basic" in a triple sense.
embedded in the mode of production. First, as Dobb argued' in Chapter 2, the
Further, capitalism does not continue emergence of these institutions defines the
unchanged, but is itself subject to historical historical period of capitalism; hence these
processes. As the nil of production de- institutions provide the historical delineation
velops, the concrete historical form which it of capitalism. Second, these institutions are
assumes necessarily changes. For example, basic in the logical sense: they initiate the
the unit of capitalist production has changed analysis by defining what we mean by "capi-
from the small independent producer of the talism." Third, they are basic in an empirical
nineteenth century to the large multinational sense, as the following chapters show, these
corporation of today, and production has be- institutions are the most important for un-
come highly complex and interdependent on derstanding capitalist society.
a. worldwide scale. This historical unfolding In the previous chapter we defined the
of the "internal logic" of the mode of produc- mode of production in terms of the "pro-
tion at the same time intensities the conflicts ductive forces" and the "social relations of
within society conflicts which induce people production." Within any particular society,
actively to oppose the existing relations of these productive forces and social relations
production. Under capitalism, the increas- arc embodied in, or take specific historical
ingly social character and consequences of form in, a set of economic institutions-that
production increasingly conflict with the ex- is, those institutions which surround and
isting prfvare control and ownership of govern the production, distribution, and con-
production, which have become more con- sumption of material goods and valuable
centrated than ever before. These "contra-
dictions" within the society continue to inten- 'See Dobb, Section 2.3, p. 56.

Introduction 89

services." Therefore, to understand the capi- these four institutions simply characterize
talist mode of production we need first to different aspects of what is historically one
describe the basic capitalist economic insti- unified process: capitalist production. The
tutions. institutions therefore do not exist and can-
'an must be careful to define precisely not be analyzed independently of each other :
what we mean by it stitution." An insti- each exists only in the context of the others.
tution is simply a social process whereby in-
dividual people or groups of people interact
(1)Th M r k t i L b r
with one another in a commonly understood,
typical, and patterned way. An institution, Throughout the centuries, people of many
then, consists of two parts. First, there must different cultures and economic systems have
be commonly understood guidelines (like traded a wide variety of goods with each
rules in a game) which point out what is other, so markets in physical goods existed
considered acceptable behavior, and on long before the appearance of capitalism.
which people base their expectations of how Sometimes these markets even included peo-
other people will act. For example, consider ple, as for example, trading in wives and
as an institution the free market in labor: the slaves. However, only with the emergence of
"rules of the game" declare that workers capitalism has production been based on the
must compete against each other for jobs and transformation of free men and women into
employers must compete against each other commodities in a market. For -_the_purposes
for workers. Any other behavior (for exam- of a market, people are transformed into
ple, using violence to force an employer to wage~laborers who "own" their labor-power.
hire you) is contrary to the rules of the free Labor is then treated as any market com-
market. modity: it must follow the dictates of sup-
Second, such institutional rules must be ply and demand, and it is assigned or allo-
accompanied by people actually acting HC- cated to various employments on the basis of
cording to those rules; that is, there must be whichever buyer offers the highest wage bid.
normal and patterned behavior consistent
with the "rules of the game." A set of insti- (2J Private Property and the Legal
tutional "rules" does not constitute an insti- Relations of Ownership
tution unless people behave according to
those rules' Property rules establish the rights of a
What, then, are the basic institutions of particular person, the owner, with respect to
capitalism? We will identify four such insti- property such as a physical object, a service,
tntions. We must emphasize, however, that or a valuable claim _(c.g., money). In gen-
eral these rights grant to the owner the ex-
By "material goods and valuable services" (or clusive right to control the use of the object,
the term "commodities" which we introduce be- enjoy the benefits from it, dispose of it, con-
low), we simply mean all those things produced
for sale in a market. sume it, sell it, and so forth. For personal
This definition of institutions as social pro~ items (e.g., household items for personal
cesses should be contrasted with the popular use use) these rules usually just reflect patterns
of the term. Sometimes people use "institution" to
signify a group or collectivity of people. In this of use: the "ownership" of beds among peo-
sense they speak of a "financial institution" (i.e., a ple in a family only identilics the way in
bank), a "mental institution" (a mental hospital), which the beds will be used. However, for
an "educational institution" (a school), and so
forth. In our use of the term, a bank, a hospital, social bjects (e.g., factories, schools, labor
or a school does not constitute an institution. services, recreation areas, land in a commu-

nity) property rules also estalalisfi relations Ir

profits which capitalists can mails largely
among people. But no matter how social in determined by supply-and-demand condi-
character "private" property may be, the Ie- tions. Hence the legal relations of ownership
gal relations of ownership under capitalism imply that the distribution of income is de-
still provide to the owner the legal right to termined primarily on the basis of market
control the property's use and disposition _ criteria.
The legal relations of ownership entail as
an inevitable consequence that people re~
(3) Privofe Ownership c d Control of the
cave income only in return for selling some-
Means of Production
thing-that is, as the result of a market ex-
change 4 Workers sell their labor-power for The factories, machines, and other instru-
wages or salaries; the more highly the market ments of production are privately owned by
values their labor-power, higher their in- capitalists, and ownership is highly concen-
come. Capitalists-the owners of the physical trated. Capitalists, by virtue of their private
means of production-derive income in the property rights to the means of production,
form of profits.5 A capitalists ' income (i.e., possess the ultimate legal right to control
his profit) is simply the difference between production. The other side of private owner-
the amount that his firm receives for selling ship and control of the means of production
its products and the amount it must pay out is that, as part of the wage bargain, the
to hire labor, buy its required raw materials, worker relinquishes control over the dispo-
and so forth. His profit depends on the abil- sition of his labor during the stipulated work-
ity of his firm to sell its goods for more than day, he also has no say in the disposition of
it cost the lira to produce these goods. The the thing he produces, his product. Hence
bigger the gap between labor and other in- the worker is separated or "alienated" from
put costs and the firm's sales revenues, then control over both his work activities and his
the bigger profits will be. work product.
The vast majority of people own very lit- Vesting ownership and ultimate control of
tie or no property, aside from personal prop- the society's economic apparatus in the hands
erty such as their own homes. In particular, of capitalists ensures that they will use that
they do not own income-earning property. control in their own interests. Hence, deci-
Most of the income-earning property iS sions about what technology to use, what to
owned by a few people. Since people can de~ produce, what to do with the goods that are
rive income only from a market exchange, produced, and so forth, will reflect their
most people can therefore earn income only needs and interests. In particular, capitalist
by selling their labor services as workers in control takes two forms: (a) capitalists set
the market the overall goals of the firm (profit-making)
The income which people receive, that is, and the dominant capitalist ideology creates
the price of the particular type of labor the cultural context within which people who
(skilled, blue-collar, managerial, etc.) which control the day-by-day operation of the firm
they have to sell, as well as the amount of must operate; (b) capitalists determine the
organizational framework within which peo-
*To the extent that people receive income from ple work in an enterprise. In particular, capi-
welfare agencies, criminal activities, gifts, etc., they
do so outside the institutional context of capital-
talists have instituted highly IzF'erarcltical
ism. If large numbers of people received significant work structures, establishing enterprises with
amounts of income in this manner, it would tend many different layers and levels of employ-
to undermine capitalist institutions. ees, from production and clerical workers
5Renl; and imorest income, as a return tO
property, are s form of profits. through "middle management" to the high-
Introduction 91

level managers and executives. They have or- functions as production organizers. For CX-
ganized production along these lines in OI'- ample, capitalism would collapse if capital-
der to maintain overall control of the large ists followed Christ's gconnnand: "If you
firm as well as to contribute to the efficiency would be perfect, go, sell what you possess
of production. Hierarchy in production and give to the poor" (Matthew, l 9 : 2 l ) .
means that managers and executives, whether Likewise, workers must respond to the sys-
they own the means of production or not, tem of individual-gain incentives; if they
control and direct the day-to-day activities didn't pursue higher wages, or it they didn't
of the workers. Thus the social relations of accept the capitalist proposition that the way
production take highly hierarchical forms to greater happiness is more money, the sys-
under capitalism. tem would not function.
It is important to note here that we are
not saying that people are inevitably moti-
(4) Homo Economicus ("economic man") vated by economic self-interest or the other
characteristics of homo economic-us. Nor are
In order for these economic institutions
we saying that homo economfcus is "ra-
to work eitectively, the people who partici-
tional" or "good." Nor are we saying that
pate in them must be motivated to act and
people in a capitalist society act only ac-
respond in certain ways. The primary ideo-
cording to the dictates of homo economics.
logical assertion of capitalism is that the most
Indeed, much of the rest of this book is de-
important method of increasing an indi-
voted to describing the tension which results
vidua1's happiness and welfare is by increas-
from the need of capitalist institutions to
ing how much money he has or earns. De-
have people behave as if they were homo
spite occasional references to the "unhappy
economics when in reality they are not-
rich," the powerful dictum of which capital-
when they feel many needs and have many
ism must convince its citizens is that "no
aspects and are not the single-mindedly
matter how happy you are now, you would
greedy, materialistic people posited by homo
be even happier with more income." That is,
We should also note here, however, that
. . . the culzural system of corporate eapfful-
the limited options open to the individual
i5nz must, and does, induce the view that
nearly any subjectively felt need can be Jerez within capitalist society are a mighty impetus
by some f o r m of goods-andoervices CDH- toward behaving as homo economics While
sumpUon. If your We is empty, earn more it may be true that "you can't buy every-
money and experience "the good life." If thing," so much of social life in capitalist so-
your body sags, get an exercise :Mac/zine, or
co television set and Eve through the bodies
ciety has become subordinated to the market
of others. If your sex life wanes, buy a that you can buy almost everything. And li.v
hoflsy new car, fake a Hawcziiun vacation, ing as a person who is free and integrated
of buy new decorated sheers and pillow- with his community, which is the alternative
ca.5'e.s'. If you feel you are not/ting. at Zeus! to acting as homo ecorzomicus, requires pre-
you can live through your belongzlng.s'.6
cisely what cannot be bought--a meaningful
community, an unpolluted environment, an
More specifically, capitalists by and large unalienatcd job.
must wish to remain capitalists, strive to
maximize profits, and perform their social These flour basic institutions of capitalism
operate so that the worker who sells labor-
UI-Ierb Gintis, "Activism and Counter~CLlltL1re"
in Raymond Franklin { e d . ) . Pkwy and Chess-Srrzre
power in the market docs not meet or equal
and Revofffrion (forthcoming). terms with the capitalist employer. The wage

bargain is not a free and voluntary exchange profits, that is, to survive and enhance their
between equals. Since capital ownership is privileges as cczpzrafisifs- Since the capitalist 1.

concentrated, a large number of people as as owner of the means of production also ul-
workers confront a small number of poten- timately controls the work process, the wage
tial employers. Although the worker does not bargain incorporates the surrender of the
have to sell his labor to any particular firm, workers' control over the disposition of their
nonetheless he is forced to sell it to some labor services, that is, the wage bargain is the
firm, as a simple necessity of survival. Capi- means by which the capitalist firm maintains
talists enter the wage bargain only to increase control of the work process.

3.1 The Role of Markets in Capitalist Society

We now turn in more detail to an analysis of how capitalist institutions

operate. In the following reading Karl Polanyi argues that capitalist insti-
tations (he prefers the term "market economy") organize production by
linking all of the elements of the production process-including man him-
self--together by means of markets. The work process, rather than being
determined on the basis of tradition, force, or collective decision, gets
determined according to profitability or market criteria. The market system
is therefore fundamental to the capitalist mode of production.
An important characteristic of Polanyi's conclusions is that they are
based on anthropological evidence. To an extent not adequately evident in
this reading, Polanyi has drawn from his studies of other cultures his con-
clusions about the powerful influence of institutions in shaping behavior.1
These studies demonstrate the great variety of both societies and patterns
of human behavior, hence they go far toward disproving the often-heard
assertion that the way people act in capitalist society (that is, homo eco-
nomfcus) is simply "human nature."
Polanyi notes that under capitalism the economic system begins to domi-
nate the rest of society rather than being submerged in it. Hoff to ecortonticas
faces the market alone, deprived of the counteracting supportive traditions
of community and kinship ties. The possibility of individual starvation amid
group plenty replaces the previous assurance of an individual's "just" share
of the community's collective material resources, even in the face of a
threat of group starvation. Polanyi also notes the powerful transforming
effect of the creation of a "market economy" OT1 other social institutions and
on society in general. This is a theme we shall pursue later." The important
point to note here is that as capitalist society develops, it becomes in-

1See .Polanyls essays in George Dalton, (EcL), Pain:ifi\=e. A mimic, Una' Modern
Econonz rle,s'.' Essays of Karl Pr;lr:n_w` (New York: Doubleday & Co., 1963). Sec ulrsfl
Ernest Mandel , Mar.r.i.s't Ecorfofnfc Theory (New York: Monthly Review Press,
1968), Volume I, Chapters 1 and 2 for 11 wide-ranging review of anthropological
See, for example, Morton, Section 3.6, p. 119.
The Role of Markets in Ccapitalisf Society 93

creasingly an economic society, that is, a greater portion of the society be-
comes determined by the market or measured in market terms."

Polanyi contrasts the "market system" with "mercantilism." Mercantilisrn is the

name for the economic philosophy that was dominant in Western European nations
during the period 1500-1800. The principal tenet of mercantilism was that the cen-
tral government (in most cases a king) should intervene in the economy to help
manufacturers prosper, especially capitalists who exported their goods for sale
abroad, For example, the king might charter a monopoly (i.e., outlaw any com-
petition), subsidize the cost of transporting goods, provide at bounty for every
article sold abroad, and so forth.

Source: Part I of the following is excerpted from Chapter 6 of The Great

Tf'ar1s}'ormarion by KARL POLANYI. Copyright © 1944 by Karl Polanyi.
Reprinted by permission of Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. Part 11 is
excerpted from "Our Obsolete Market Mentality" by KARL POLANYI.
From Primitive Archaic, and Mor.1ern Economies, edited by Cieorgc
Dalton. (Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Books, Doubleday and Co., Inc.,
1968). Reprinted by permission of Marie Helen Polanyi.

I are markets for all elements of industry, not

only for goods (always including services)
but also for labor, land, and money, their
A market economy is an economic system
prices being called respectively commodity
controlled, regulated, and directed by mar-
prices, wages, rent, and interest. The very
kets alone; order in the production and
terms indicate that prices form incomes: in»
distribution of goods is entrusted to this self-
terest is the price for the use of money and
regulating mechanism. An economy of this
forms the income of those who are in the
kind derives from the expectation that hu-
position to provide it, rent is the price for
man beings behave in such a way as to
the use of land and forms the income of
achieve maximum money gains. It assumes
those who supply it, wages are the price for
markets in which the supply of goods (in-
the use of labor power, and form the income
cluding services) available at a definite price
of those who sell it, commodity prices, fi-
will equal the demand at that price. it as-
nally, contribute to the incomes of those who
sumes the presence of money, which func-
sell their entrepreneurial services, the income
tions as purchasing power in the hands of its called profit being actually the difference be-
owners. Production will then be controlled
tween two sets of prices, the price of the
by prices, for the profits of those who direct goods produced and their costs, i.e., the price
production will depend upon them; the dis-
of the goods necessary to produce them. If
tribution of the goods also will depend upon
these conditions are fulfilled, all incomes will
prices, for prices form incomes, and it is
derive from sales on the market, and incomes
with the help of these incomes that the goods
will be just sufficient to buy all the goods
produced are distributed amongst the mem-
bers of society. Under these assumptions or-

der in the production and distribution of

goods is cLnsured by prices alone. To realize fully what this means, let us
Self-regulation implies that all production return for a moment to the mercantile sys-
is for sale on the market and that all incomes tem and the national markets which it did
derive from such sales. Accordingly, there so much to develop. Under feudalism and the

guild system, land and labor formed part of' sedative particularists. They disagreed only
the social organization itself. . . . Land, the on the methods of regulation: guilds, towns,
pivotal element in the feudal order, was the and provinces appealed to the force of cus-
basis of the military, judicial, administrative, tom and tradition, while the new state au-
and political system; its status and function thority favored statute and ordinance. But
were determined by legal and customary they were all equally averse to the idea of
rules. Whether its possession was transferable commercializing labor and land-the pre-
or not, and if so, to whom and under what condition of market economy. . . .
restrictions, what the rights of property en- Not before the last decade of the eight-
tailed, to what uses some types off land might eenth century was, in either country, the
be put-all these questions were removed establishment of a free labor market even
from the organization of buying and selling, discussed, and the idea of the self-regulation
and subjected to an entirely different set of of economic life was utterly beyond the hori-
institutional reszu zon of the age. . . .
The same was true of the organization of A selilregulating market demands nothing
labor. Under the guild system, as under every I.ess than the institutional separation of soci-
other economic system in previous history, ety into an economic and political sphere.
the motives and circumstances of productive Such a dichotomy is, in effect, merely the
activities were embedded in the general or- restatement, from the point of view of soci-
ganization of society. The relations of master, cty as a whole, of the existence of a self-
journeyman, and apprentice; the terms of the rcgulatina market. It might be argued that
craft, the number of apprentices, the wages the separateness of' the two spheres obtains
of the workers were all regulated by the cus- in every type of society at all times. Such an
tom and rule of the guild and the town, What inference, however, would be based on a fal-
the mercantile system did was merely to lacy. True, no society can exist without a
unify these conditions either through statute system of some kind that ensures order in the
as in England, or through the "nationalize production and distribution of goods. But
son" of the guilds as in France. As to land, that docs not imply the existence of separate
its feudal status was abolished only insofar economic institutions; normally, the eco-
as it was linked with provincial privileges; nomic order is merely a function of the so-
for the rest, land remained extra commer- cial, in which it is contained. Neither under
ciwn, in England as in France. . . . tribal, nor feudal, nor mercantile conditions
Mercantilism, with all its tendency toward was there, as we have shown, a separate eco-
commercialization, never attacked the safe~ nomic system in society. Nineteenth-century
guards that protected these two basic ele- society, in which economic activity was iso-
ments of production-Iabor and land from lated and imputed to a distinctive economic
becoming the objects of commerce. . . . motive, was indeed, a singular departure.
That mercantilism, however emphatically Such an institutional pattern could not
it insisted on commercialization as a national function unless society was somehow subor-
policy, thought of markets in a way exactly dinated to its requirements. A market econ-
contrary to market economy, is best shown omy can exist only in a market society. We
by its vast extension of state intervention in reached this conclusion on general grounds
industry. On this point there was no differ- in our analysis of the market pattern. We
ence between mercantilists and feudalists, be- can now specify the reasons for this asser-
tween crowned planners and vested interests, tion. A market economy must comprise all
between centralizing bureaucrats and con- elements of industry, including labor, land,
The Role of Markets in Capitalist Society 95

and money. (In a market economy the last and money are obviously not commodities;
also is an essential element of industrial life the postulate that anything that is bought and
and its inclusion in the market mechanism sold must have been produced for sale is em-
has, as we will see, far-reaching institutional phatically untrue in regard to thorn. In other
consequences.) But labor and land are no words, according to the empirical definition
other than the human beings themselves of of a commodity they are not commodities.
which every society consists and the natural Labor is only another name for a human ac-
surroundings in which it exists. To include tivity that goes with life itself, which in its
them in the market mechanism means to turn is not produced for sale but for entirely
subordinate the substance of society itself different reasons, nor can that activity be de-
to the laws of the market. tached from the rest of life, be stored or IHO-
We are now in the position to develop in bilized, land is only another name for nature,
a more concrete form the institutional nature which is not produced by man, actual money,
of a market economy, and the perils to soci- finally, is merely a token of purchasing
ety which it involves. We will, first, describe power which, as a rule, is not produced at
the methods by which the market mechanism all, but comes into being through the mecha-
is enabled to control and direct the actual nistn of banking or state finance. None of
elements of industrial life, second, we will them is produced for sale. The commodity
try to gauge the nature of the effects of such description of labor, land, and money is en-
a mechanism on the society that is subjected tirely fictitious.
to its action. Neverth eless, it is with the help of this
lt is with the help of the commodity con- fiction that the actual markets for labor,
cept that the mechanism of the market is land, and money are organized, they are be-
geared to the various elements of industrial ing actually bought and sold on the market,
life. Commodzries are here empirically de- their demand and supply are real magnitudes;
fined as objects pro¢2'uced for sale on the and any measures or policies that would in-
market, markets, again, are empirically de- hibit the formation of such markets would
lined as actual contacts between buyers and fpso facto endanger the self-regulation of
sellers. Accordingly, every element of indus- the system. The commodity fiction, therefore,
try is regarded as having been produced for supplies a vital organizing principle in regard
sale, as then and then only will it be subject to the whole of society affecting almost all
to the supply-and-demand mechanism inter- its institutions in the most varied way,
acting with price. In practice this means that namely, the principle according to which no
there must be markets for every element of arrangement or behavior should be allowed
industry, that in these markets each of these to exist that might prevent the actual func-
elements is organized into a supply and a tioning of the market mechanism on the lines
demand group, and that each element has a of the commodity fiction.
price, which interacts with demand and sup- Now, in regard to labor, land, and money
ply, These markets-and they are number- such a postulate cannot be upheld. To allow
less--are interconnected and form One Big the market mechanism to be sole director of
Market. the fate of human beings and their natural
The crucial point is this: labor, land, and environment, indeed, even of the amount and
money are essential elements of industry, use of purchasing power, would result in the
they also must be organized in markets, in demolition of society. For the alleged com-
fact, these markets form an absolutely vital modity "labor power" cannot be shoved
part of the economic system. But labor, land, about, used indiscriminately, or even left

unused, without affecting also the human in- -or, more precisely, fear of going without
dividual who happens to be the bearer of the necessities of life, and expectation of'
this peculiar commodity. In disposing of a profit. So long as no propertyless person
mall's labor power the system would, inci- could satisfy his craving for food without first
dentally, dispose of the physical, psycho- selling his labor in the market, and so long
logical, and moral entity "man" attached to as no propertied person was prevented from
that tag. Robbed of the protective covering buying in the cheapest market and selling in
of cultural institutions, human beings would the dearest, the blind mill would turn out
perish from the effects of social exposure; ever-increasing amounts of commodities for
they would die as the victims of acute social the benefit of the human race. Fear of star-
dislocation through vice, perversion, crime, vation with the worker, lure of profit with
and starvation. Nature would be reduced to the employer, would keep the vast establish-
its elements, neighborhoods and landscapes ment running.
deiilcd, rivers polluted, military safety jeop- In this way an "economic sphere" came
ardized, the power to produce food and raw into existence that was sharply delimited
materials destroyed. from other institutions in society. Since no
human aggregation can survive without a
functioning productive apparatus, its embodi-
I.I ment in 21 distinct and separate sphere had
the effect of making the "rest" of society de-
. . . By buying and selling labor and land
pendent upon. that sphere. This autonomous
freely, the mechanism of the market was
zone, again, was regulated by a mechanism
made to apply to them. There was now sup-
that controlled its functioning. As a result,
ply of labor, and demand for it, there was
the market mechanism became determinative
supply of land, and demand for it. Accord-
for the life of the body social. No wonder
ingly, there was a market price for the use
that the emergent human aggregation was an
of labor power, called wages, and a market
"economic" society to a degree previously
price for the use of land, called rent. Labor
never even approximated. "Economic mo-
and land were provided with markets of their
tives" reigned supreme in a world of their
own, similar to the commodities proper that
own, and the individual was made to act on
were produced with their help. The true
them under pain of being trodden under foot
scope of such a step can be gauged if we
by the juggernaut market. Such a forced con-
remember that labor is only another name
version to a utilitarian outlook fatefully
for man, and land for nature. The commod-
warped Western man's understanding of
ity fiction handed over the fate of man and
nature to the play of an automaton running This new world of "economic motives"
in its own grooves and governed by its own
was based on a fallacy. Intrinsically, hunger
and gain arc no more "economic" than love
or hate, pride or prejudice. No human mo-
Market economy thus created. a new type tive is per so economic. There is no such
of society. The economic or productive sys- thing as a Sui generis economic experience
teri was here entrusted to a self-acting de- in the sense in which man may have a reli-
vic|,1||| instituliona leehanism
§ l'= al controlled gious, aesthetic, or sexual experience. These
human beings in their everyday activities as latter give rise to motives that broadly aim at
well as the resources of nature. This instru- evoking similar experiences. In regard to ma-
ment of material welfare was under the sole terial production these terms lack self-evident
control of the incentives of hunger and gain meaning.
The Role of Markets in Capitalist Society 97

The economic factor, which underlies all The market mechanism, moreover, cre-
social life, HO more gives rise to definite in- ated the delusion of economic determinism
centives than the equally universal law of as a general law for all human society. Un-
gravitation. Assuredly, if we do not eat, we der a market economy, of course, this law
must perish, as much as if we were crushed holds good. Indeed, the working of the eco-
under the weight of a falling rock. But nomic system here not only "influences" the
the pangs of hunger are not automatically rest of society, but determines it as in a
translated into an incentive to produce. Pro- triangle the sides not merely influence, but
duction is not an individual, but a collective determine, the angles. Take the stratification
affair. If an individual is hungry, there is of classes. Supply and demand in the labor
nothing definite for him to do. Made des- market were identical with the classes of
perate, he might rob or steal, but such an workers and employers, respectively. The so-
action can hardly be called productive. With cial classes of capitalists, landowners, ten-
man, the political animal, everything is given ants, brokers, merchants, professionals, and
not by natural, but by social circumstance. so on, were delimited by the respective mar-
What made the nineteenth century think of kets for land, money, and capital and their
hunger and gain as "economic" was simply uses, or for various services. The income of
the organization of production under a mar- these social classes was lived by the market,
ket economy. . . their rank and position by their income. This
Aristotle was right: man is not an eco- was 21 complete reversal of the secular prac-
nomic, but a social being. He docs not aim tice. In Maine's famous phrase, "contractual"
at safeguarding his individual interest in the replaced "status", or, as Tinnies preferred to
acquisition of material possessions, but rather put it, "society" superseded "community",
at ensuring social good will, social status, or, in terms of the present article, instead of
social assets. He values possessions primarily Fhe economic system. beiNg embedded in so-
as a means to that end. His incentives are of cial relatiorzships, these relationships were
that "mixed" character which we associate now embedded in the economic system.
with the endeavor to gain social approval- While social classes were directly, other
productive efforts are no more than inciden- institutions were indirectly determined by the

tal to this. Muniz economy fs, as a rule, sub- market mechanism. State and government,
merged in his soda! relations. The change marriage and the rearing of children, the or-
from this to a society which was, on the ganization of science and. education, of re-
contrary, submerged in the economic system ligion and the arts, the choice of profession,
was an entirely novel devciopment. the forms of habitation, the shape of settle-
ments, the very aesthetics of private life-
everything had to comply with the utilitarian
At no time prior to the second quarter of pattern, or at least not interfere with the
the nineteenth century were markets more working of the market mechanism. But since
than a subordinate feature in society. . . very few human activities can be carried on
Markets through which otherwise sell'- in the void, even a saint needing his pillar,
sufficient householders get rid of their sur- the indirect effect of the market system came
plus neither direct production nor provide very near to determining the whole of soci-
the producer with his income, This is only . It was almost impossible to avoid the
the case in a market economy where all in- erroneous conclusion as "economic"
comes derive from sales, and commodities man was cccaI>n man, so the economic sys-
are obtainable exclusively by purchase. tem was "really" society.

3.2 The Logic of Capitalist Expansion

Polanyi's "market economy," or more precisely, the capitalist mode of

production, has grown to be a powerful mechanism for developing pro-
duction. Ever greater quantities of individual consumption goods reach
the market, and continued prosperity requires that they be sold.' The
following essay by Richard C. Edwards shows how the capitalist institu-
tions outlined in the introduction to this chapter necessarily generate a
continually expanding output.
The pressure created by the necessity to find markets for expanded pro-
duction constitutes one of the most fundamental characteristics of capital-
ism. As Edwards explains, competition induces capitalists to expand sales
and production of goods in order to realize profits. Greater output leads to
expanded profits and capital accumulation (that is to investment in more
factories, larger machines, etc.), but in order to realize profits on the
newly accumulated capital, even greater sales of output are required. The
pressure to find new buyers for these goods leads to exaggerated advertis-
ing campaigns stressing personal consumption, and indeed the creation of
a whole commodity fetishist culture, it leads to militarism as a means of
justifying immense arms sales_, and it leads to imperialism, as capitalists
attempt to find new mark el abroad. When these goods are sold, new
profits are realized and the whole cycle is repeated.
Thus it is not merely an individual capitalist's _greed for profits that is
important. Instead, the inexorable pressure for greater profits and expanded
sales is created by the entire economic system, by the capitalist mode of
production. And it is this system-produced, never-ending, increasingly in-
tensilied pressure for profits that drives capitalist society.
Several qualifications must be kept in mind in this discussion of the
"productivity" of capitalism. First, the growth process described below
does not apply to those capitalist countries which constitute the under-
developed part of the worldwide capitalist system? Second, everything
produced for the market is counted as "productive" economic output,
whether or not it increases the "standard of living"-nuclear weapons,
moon rockets, and TV commercials are included, to name a few. Many
aspects of society important to the quality of life arc excluded-wisdom,
community, justice, the opportunity for friendship. Further, the benefits
from increased production have been very unequally distributed. Finally,
measures of economic output do not take account of the widespread pollu-
tion and ecological damage resulting from production. So the pressures
to produce more marketable output often lead to socially irrational pro-
duction priorities: building supersonic jets (which sell) while real malnu-
trition (which has no potential for profit) exists in many American homes ,
producing 50 million cars and 40,000 miles of interstate highways, but
no mass transit, urban sprawl around decayed inner cities, and so forth.

1Rates of economic growth for several capitalist countries are given in Table 9.A,
p. 365.
See Weisskopf, Section 10.5, p. 442.
Th L gic FC pit l i t E p Si n 99

Hence while greater quantity of production may contribute to a generally

higher "standard of living," it by no means necessarily does so

See Chapter 9.

Source: The following essay was written by RICHARD C. EDWARDS for

this book. Copyright 1972 by Richard C. Edwards.

The capitalist period as an historical epoch own desire to accumulate) and "market
has been characterized by a rapid expansion pressures" (the necessity for the capitalist to
of production in the advanced countries? maintain a competitive market position).
The material productiveness of advanced The second section outlines the way in which
capitalist societies was noted by Marx and workers enter the production process under
Engels, writing in I 84812 capitalism, leading to the market allocation
of labor resources according to profit criteria.
The bourgeoisie, during i's rule of scarce
one hundred years, has created more rnas~
give and more colossal productive forces THE CAPITALIST AS OWNER
than have all preceding generations to-
getNer. Subjection of nature's forces to The capitalist mode of production is histori-
man, machinery, application of clzenr.-.istry to
cally unique in that it concentrates the means
industry and agriculture, steam navigation,
railways, electric ielegrapNs, clearing of of production in the hands of a few people
whole populations conjured out of the -capitalists-whose only role in the society
,ground-wfzat earlier century liaa' even a is to make profits, they stand to gain pcIT~
presentiment ina such productive forces socially, directly, and in large measure from
slumbered in the fap of social labor?
the expansion of profits. Their interest in
production, then, is not in the social merit
If the statement seemed true in 1848, how
or intrinsic value of what they produce, but
much truer it appears from the affluent per-
only in their product's potential profit-
spective of another hundred years.
The purpose of this essay is to show how
This social justification places the capital-
the basic capitalist institutions described at
ist in contrast to the feudal lord, the ancient
the beginning of this chapter have fostered
slave-owner, or the eastern potentate, all of
such a tremendous expansion of economic
whom controlled the production process as
capacity. How has capitalism led to the de-
firmly as the capitalist does today. However,
velopment of what Marx and Engels called
those earlier dominant classes rested their
"colossal productive forces"?
ideological superb rarity and their right to rule
The argument presented below is divided
on claims other than economic prowess.
into two parts. The Hist section deals with
Some classes had religious claims (the He-
those motivations and pressures which induce
brew priests, the medieval church, "divinely"
capitalists to strive to expand output, we note
appointed kings), others had military claims
both "internal" motivations (the capitalist's
(medieval lords, Roman emperors, Indian
"Note that we are talking only about the
war chiefs); still others had political, cul-
advanced countries, the I'a:'1zu*e to generate such tural, or other claims. Only the capitalist
growth in the outlying areas is one of the aspects class bases its claim to dominance and privi-
of this growth in advanced countries. lege directly on its ability to make profits by
The quote is from The Comm.tu1r'.s'f MfrJlife5'to,
excerpted in Section 2.5, p. 66. selling goods on the market.

Hence it is understandable that previous of production, while it rests in the first in-
dominant classes should have had less inter- stance on the inviolability of private prop-
est in expanding production, and that the erty, ultimately reflects a deeper ideological
capitalist class, whose single rationale is mak- assertion: that the whole society benefits by
ing and accumulating profits, should have granting capitalists the right to control pro-
been the historical agent for creating growth duction. Everyone benefits, the argument
in material production. goes, because property-owning capitalists or~
The fundamental characteristic of capital- ganizc society's production efficiently. The
ist production is that it is organized, con- magnitude of his profits provides the evil
trolled, and motivated by capitalists and their deuce demonstrating the capitalist's social
firms to make profits. The capitalist firm re- usefulness; for he realizes profits only to the
alizes profits only by producing goods and extent that he eiliciently produces what peo-
selling them on the market. Firms therefore ple want and need. This reasoning thus trans-
attempt to sell as much as possible at as forms the capitalist's act of making profits
high a price as possible. The motivation to for himself into a socially essential and use-
capture profits leads the capitalist firm to ful act. The rcdsofi. d'é7tre of the capitalist is
produce huge quantities of goods for sale on his ability to expand production for the good
the market if it thinks it can sell them. of all. This ideological justification reinforces
The question, then, is what motivates the the capitalists' personal stake in expanding
capitalist to strive so diligently to make and profits.
accumulate profits? First, of course, the prof- Capitalists' personal and ideological inter-
its which are generated in a firm belong to est in expanding profits would by itself lead
the owner-capitalist. So undoubtedly the pri- us to expect a powerful dynamic within capi-
mary motivation is simply the personal one : talism for expansion of output. But they are
the capitalist, by increasing profits, increases driven to expand profits not only because
his own wealth and ability to consume, ex- they want to, but also because if they are to
pands his own power and sphere of control, remain capitalists, the market forces them to
and enhances his own privileges and status. do so. Capitalists do not operate independ-
In capitalist society, power and status are ently, they sell goods in a market and buy
gained primarily through one's control over labor and raw materials in other markets and
commodities, especially ownership of wealth , must therefore face the constraints of supply
so the incentive to accumulate is correspond- and demand and market competition.
ingly stronger. Furthermore, these attributes The choice of technology, the need to ex-
are measured relative to other people's situ- pand production, and the organization of the
ations, so the desire to expand profits (and work process are determined primarily by the
hence increase one's wealth, power and structure of the market system, and only in
status) continues indefinitely. small part by the particular characteristics
Second, we have already noted the ideo- of individual capitalists. A particularly greedy
logical basis for capitalists' need to maxi- or insensitive capitalist may exacerbate the
mize profits. The social rationale for putting oppressive conditions of the workplace. for
capitalists in charge (rather than, say, run- example, but he cannot alter the basic situa-
ning firms democratically or letting commu- tion. Neither can a particularly kind and hu-
nities operate local firms) is that capitalists mane capitalist change matters. Capitalism;
own as private property the means of pro- act as capz'tali.s'ts b@cau.s'e, if they are to sur-
duction, and therefore they have the right to vive as capzl£aZz°s'zs, the marker forces them to
determine its use. act that way. For example, suppose a certain
But the efficacy of this claim for private capitalist decided on his own to pay higher
control of what is after all the social means wages, not to introduce oppressive kinds Of
Th L gic F C pit list Expo Si 101

new technology, and to distribute the prod- The method of production. and the means
uct to the community at a lower price. He of production are constantly enlarged, revo-
lutionized, division of labor necessarily
would be successful for a while, making
draws after or greater division of labor, the
smaller profits than other capitalists, but employment of machinery greater ernploy-
nonetheless remaining in business. ment of machinery, work upon a large scale
But sooner or later other capitalists would work upon a still greater scale. This is the
enter the scene. They would realize that they law that continually throws capitalist pro-
duction out of its old rats and compels
could make higher profits if they simply paid capital t o strain ever more the productive
the market wage rate, not the higher rate that forces of labor for the very reason that it
our "humane" capitalist voluntarily decided has .already strained thorn-the law that
to pay. They would also realize that they grants it no respite, and constantly shouts
could make higher profits it they were un- in its ear, March! March! . . .
No matter Now powerful the means of
afraid to introduce more efficient technology, production wNiclz a capitalist may bring
which our "humane capitalist" refused to do into the Yield, eornperifion will make their
because of the alienating characteristics of adoption general, and f r o m the moment
that technology. Finally, with the savings that they have been generally adopted; the
gained by paying lower wages and using more sole result of the greater proclucfivenes.s' of
his capital will be that he m a y ! furnish
efficient technology, these new capitalists at the same price, ren, t w e n t y , one Ix arrdred
would realize that they could reduce the price limes as nuzclz as before. Bat since he must
even a bit further than the humane capitalist find as market for, perhaps, a tlzou5'an(l times
did, and still make profits. By doing so, they as Mach, i n order to outweigh the lower
selling price by I/ze greater qaauffty of the
would undcrprice the "humane capitalist'
sales; since now a more extensive sale is
profits and drive his goods from the mar- necessary not only to gain a greater profit,
ket. but also in order to replace the cost of
Since he can no longer sell his products, prorlucfion (the insnrasnent of prodacrfon
the "humane capitalist" is now faced with a itself grows always more costly, as we have
seen), and since this more expensive sale has
dilemma: either emulate the other capitalists, become o qaesNon of life and death nor
reduce wages, and introduce the new tech- only for Mm, but also for his rivals, fire old
nology-in short, act as a "nonhumane" cap- struggle must begin again, and if t's all the
italist-or quit being a capitalist altogether. more vfolenl the more powerful the means
The conclusion is that no matter how much of prods ction already inventer! are. The
division of labor and the application of
he might wish to act differently, if he is to machinery will therefore take a fresh start,
remain a capitalist, he must act within the and upon an even greater scale.
constraints set by competition in the
m a r k Whatever be Zhe power of the 1?1eaJ*I.s' of
e t . - 3 production which are entpioyed, eorlzpeti-
described this process as follows:4
M a r x
tion Seeks to rob capital of the golden fruits
Notice that only certain decisions are made of this power by reducing the prrfee 0,1 corn-
by the market and that there is tremendous scope :nodities to the cost of produc'Hon,' i n the
left in capitalists' hands for control of work. The same HTé'O.5ll£!"é? in which prodtmtiott is cheap-
capitalist decides what products to produce.. who ened, i.e., in the $01716 treasure in which
shall work for him, where and at what hours more can be produced with the S(IJ'Vl@
work shall be performed, when new factories shall amount of labor, it cornpets by o low whtbh
be built, what the authority relations among the is :Irresistible cz still greater c'fleopening of
workers shall be, and so forth. The market merely production, the sale of ever greater ma.s'se.s'
places constraints on his options, requiring him. of product for .§m'aUer prices. Tfnfs the
for example, to pay the market wage, to avoid in-
capitalist will have gahzerf 11ofhr'n.g; more by
efiicient technologies, to ignore ecological damage,
his egorts than the obligation to ]'u.rnish .it
etc. For an excellent historical discussion, see
S. A. Marilin, "What Do Bosses Do? The Origins greater product in the some abor thue,' in
and Function of Hierarchy in Capitalist Produc- a word, rrzore rlifhcxdt corzcfitiorzs for the
tion" (Harvard University, 1971, Mimeo). profitable employment of his capitol. White
4Karl Marx, Wage Labour and Cast/cd. competition, therefore, corzstantlv pursues

Nirn with its law of the cost of production The essential point Io grasp is that i n deaf-
and turns against hintseif every weapon that ing w i t h capitalism w e are dealing with an
he forges against his rivals, the capitalist evolutionary process. . . . Capitalism is by
continnaiiy seeks to get the best of com- nature a form or method of economic
petition by restlessly introducing further change and not only never is, but never
subdivision of labor and new machines, can be stationary. Arly this evolutionary
which, though rnore expensive, enable him character of the capitalist process is not
to produce more cheaply, instead of wait~ merely due I o the fact that economic time
ing anti! the new fnachines sNail have been goes on in a social and natural erzvirotzrneat
rendered obsolete by competition. wlzicft changes and by its change alters the
If we now conceive this feverish agita- data of economic action; this fact is fm-
tion as in operates in the market of the portant and these changes (wars, revolu-
whole world, we sNail be in a position to tions, and so on) often condition irta'asfrial'
cornprefiend flow the growth, accarrntiation, changes, but they are not its prime movers.
and concentration of capital bring in their Nor is this evolutionary character d e to a
train an ever more afetaiiea subdivision of quasi-atu'omatic increase in population and
labor, an ever greater improvement of old capital or to the vagaries of monetary sys-
machines, and a constant appficatiott of terrzs of which exactly the same thing f:ota's
new machines-a process which goes on true. The furiatamental impulse that sets ana'
nninterruplediy, with feverish haste, and keeps the capitalist engine i n motion comes
upon an ever restore gigantic scale. from the new consumer goods, the new
me tleorls of PrOwL£CIiOrI. or transportation,
Thus, not only does the capitalist firm the new fnarlcets, the new forms of ina'us»
trial organf';»:zll.ion aha: cap itaifs z enterprise
want to expand production and profits, it is
creates. . . . I n capitalist reality as dfstM-
forced to expand production and cut costs guisned from fps textbook pier:fre, it is no!
to retain profits. The firm cannot stand still. price competition or a small cost advantage
It must push on. which counts but the conzpetffion from The
This pressure to keep up with the market new commodity, the new reehnofogy. tire
new .source of supply, the new type of or-
and to maintain one's competitive position gankgarion (the fargest-sc'ale u n ! of control
also induces firms to seek new products, en- for ir:stanf'e)--co1npetiIion which conzrnorlds
tirely new markets, and new technologies. a decisive cos: or qzfahiry clo'var.=fage and
Often this search for new sources of profits wfricrh strikes not at the 1r1arg.Ens of the
is carried on within the domestic economy as proofs and the outputs of oNe existing tires
but at their Mzzndations and their very lives.
new products are promoted by advertising, It is hardly necessary to point our Tina!
or old markets are entered by new firms. But cornpefifion of the kind we now have in
since the motivation is simply realization of :Hind acts not only when in being /Jo! also
profits, capitalist firms have increasingly when H is merely an ever-pre5em' Nzreai. If
disciplines before if Flttarks. The hn.s'hze.s'.s'-
turned to the cultivation of foreign markets.
:nan fee's Irifvzself to be in al competitive
So a powerful tendency towards geographic sifuarion even if he is flore in hirer tend' or
expansion and extension of market control if, though not alone, he holds a pos:lfion
on an international scale has likewise char- was: that investigating governmern experts
acterized capitalism." fail t o see any e)]'ective competihéon between
f i n n and any other frralw in fire same or a
This dynamic competition, in addition to
Jxeighboring field and an co;r15eqF.renc'e ('w'!-
the more routine price competition Marx dc- durfe (had his lack, under exumimrfiran,
scribed, poses both opportunities and con- about his cosnpefitive sorrows is of! :nake-
stant threats to all firms. According to heiieve. In rncH?y erases, through not i n all,
Schumpeter: 6 rhos w i l l in the I0 fzfg run erfzforee helzavMr
very .s*fnlialar to I k e perfectl'.1»' cofnpefitive
5Sce MacE van, Section 10.1, p. 409. pattern,
"Joseph Schumpeter, Clcfpf/(I/imI, .S`ocfal'f.s'm and Most indLlstl'ies have become so concen-
Den"oc:-racy (New York: Harper & Row Publish
ers, Inc., 1950), pp. 82-85. trated that one or a few firms dominate the
The Logic of Capitalist Expansion 103

entire national industry. In the United States It can afford the advertising, research, de-
a few firms in each industry account for most veiopment of new product varieties, extra
services, and SO on, which are the usual
of the market in automobile, steel, food proc- means of fighting for market shares and
essing, computers, oil, drugs, aviation, which tend Zo yield results in proportion to
chemicals, and most other goods. In these the amounts spent on the171. Other less
industries collusion and price agreements tangible factors are involved which tenet to
among the large firms have largely eliminated elude the economist's net but which play an
important part in the business world. The
price competition. lower-cost, higher-profit company acquires
But even the largest firms do not escape a .special reputation which enables it to at-
the market pressure for reducing costs, intro- tract and hold customers, bid promising
ducing more productive technologies, ex- executive personnel away from rival firms,
panding one's market, increasing profits, and and recruit the ablest graduates of engineer-
ing and hasiriess schools. For all flzese
repeating the whole cycle. Large firms face reasons, there is a strong incentive for the
in.ternanlonaZ competition from similarly large large corporation in an otigopoltstic in-
firms in other advanced countries. Likewise dustry not only to seek continuously to exit
nonprice competition continues in both do- its costs but t o do so faster than its rivals. . . .
There is an additional reason, in our
mestic and foreign markets. Baran and j u d g m e n t as important as it is neglected,
Sweczy describe the situation well:T why a tendency for costs of production to
fall is endemic t o the entire monopoly
The abandonment of price competition in capitalistic economy, it1(' those areas
monopoiiszfic industries does nor mean the which if left to themselves would stagnate
end of all competition: it takes new fornzs technologically. It stems from the exigencies
and rages on with ever increasing intensity. of non-price competition. i n the producer
Most of these new forms of competition goods industries. Here, as in inclustries pro-
come under the heading of what we call the ducing consumer goods, sellers mast be for-
sales effort. . . . Here w e confine attention ever seeking to put something new on the
to those forms of competition which have market. But they are not dealing w i t h
f t di re ct bearing on costs of production and layers whose primary interest is the latest
hence on the magnitude of the surplus. fashion or keeping up with the Jorzeses.
There are, or seems to us, t w o aspects of They are dealing with sophisticateo' buyers
non-price competition which are of decisive whose concern is to increase prol5ts. Hence
importance here. The ]'inst has to do with the new products o}j'erecl to the prospective
what may he called the dynenfc's of buyers must be designed to help them in~
market sharing. The second has to do with crease their profits, which in general means
the particular form which the sales egor to help them reduce their costs. If the :nan-
CZSSLUTZES in the producer goods in akfsrries. ... ztfacfurer can convince his (.'ll.Slf()I7I@l'.§` that
To begin wit/1, the firm with lower COSIS his new instrument or material or machine
and higher prolcffs enjoys a variety of advan- will save them money, the sale will follow
fages over higher-cos! rivals in ffze struggle almost automatically.
]'or rrzar/fer shares. (This face seems to have
been largely overlooked by economists, but As we noted earlier, the firm only realizes
it is perfectly c.-fear to bu.vrlrre.s5n1en.) The profits by selling its products in a market. So
firm with the lowest costs fmlofs the whip the drive for greater profits leads inevitably to
hand, if can a..6'of"d IO be aggressive even
the drive to expand marketed output. In
to the pain.:of fhreaterring, and in [ h e [imit-
ing case precipitating, a p a c e war. It can
many industries, especially the more mo-
get away with tactics (special di.~rcor,m.fs, nopolistic ones, unlimited expansion of sales
J'avora!;»!e credit terms, elf.) which if adopted (and profits) may be ruled out, because de-
by a weak frm w o a d provoke re fafia f io n. mand has been satisfied as much as the profit
criterion allows. However, if sales cannot be
*Paul Boron and Paul Sweeny, Monopoly Capi-
Mfl, (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1966)
expanded, profit can nonetheless be in-
pp. 67-70. creased by reducing costs, that is, by reduc-

ing the amount of labor and other inputs costs (thus freeing resources for employment
which the firm must buy. The resources rc- elsewhere), and expanding profits. Then the
leased by reducing inputs are then available cycle is repeated. This expanding volume of
for production elsewhere. Likewise, if output profits therefore impels the firm to look for
cannot be profitably expanded in one's own new markets, search for new products to be
may simply increases the incentive produced, and create more output to sell."
for the firm & enter new m rkets either This process ensures that production will
markets in different goods or geographically become increasingly efficient or market-
new markets. In either event, the result is rationalized, i.e., the capitalists will produce
the same: expanding profits directly or in- whatever brings the highest market value us-
directly require and hence lead to the ex- ing resources for which the capitalist had to
pansion of production." pay the least. Hence a new technology is in-
But output (and hence profits) are ex- troduced, people are thrown out of work,
panded only by reinvesting previous profits transferred, etc. when the savings of inputs
to make more profits. To this end, the firm from the new method promises higher profits.
will attempt to expand' its f'act'ory-or build Both "internal" motivations and competi-
a new one, buy new and better machines, or tive market pressures drive the capitalist to-
do whatever it thinks best to increase out- ward more profits. Capitalists therefore have
put, capture a price advantage from its com- the motivation to expand profits. With own-
petitors, develop new markets, or invade new ership and legal control of the means of pm-
industries-all in the pursuit of turning its duction, they have the power required to in-
previously earned profits into more profits. stitutc and carry out this drive for expanded
Now of course the capitalist firm will re- profits. Finally, their accumulated profits,
invest its profits only if it expects to get in their control over the social surplus, provides
return not only the amount reinvested but them with the material resources needed to
also a dividend, the interest on the capital, or expand production. The capitalist has there-
put simply, more profits than it invested. fore gathered into his own hands al! or the
Otherwise, there would be no reason for it to elements required for /aim, in his social role
invest-it could as well put the money in a as production organizer, to structure and re-
safe mattress. structure the workplace to .suit his drive for
Hence there is an ever-expanding volume profits.
of profits seeking opportunities for reinvest-
ment. Every time profits are created, they
must be reinvested. And reinvestment means
precisely creating more output, reducing
The market in labor is an important link
mIn industries where only a few firms dominate in this process of market-rationalizing pro-
the market, the prices are presumably set by an duction. The wage contract is viewed as a
agreement among the firms at the level which they
think will yield the greatest profits. Further ex-
voluntary exchange of labor services for
pansion of sales would require reduction of the wages. The capitalist is then free to hire, ile,
artificially high monopoly price, and if the price and reemploy workers at will and without re-
decline was large enough, would reduce profits. It
is sometimes claimed that since in this case firms
gard for the social consequences. In medieval
restrict output, the existence of monopoly refutes
the tendency described in the text for capitalism to "This expansion of profits particularly occurs
generate ever-greater output. But it should be when governmental policy is able t o avert depres-
clear that while output may be restricted in par- sions, since in this case the capitalist Firm can sell
ticular industries, the continuing incentive to reduce its products and thereby translate its output t.'npfH't'f}'
costs simply requires the expansion mechanism to into profit renfiatiorr. See Weisskopf. Section 9.I.
operate indirectly and does not change the result. p. 364.
The Logic of Capitalist Expansion 105

society, production was carried out with the organized production in the most profitable
workforce on the manor. The entire work- manner, hence who can offer the most "pro-
force serfs, artisans, bailiffs, and lord-all ductive" (i.e., profitable) employment. La-
shared the vicissitudes of the crops. They bor therefore tends to be "efficiently" allo-
shared unequally, of course, the lord get- cated among various uses.
ting many times the portion due the serf. The individual worker is given tremen-
Yet no one was fired in bad times; each dous incentive to obtain these skills which
person had a claim to his "just" part of the make him valuable to the production proc-
product, and everyone had EI right to partici- ess. Most people own no wealth assets which
pate in the tradition-determined organization could provide a large enough income to sup-
of work. port them without working. Consequently,
In a labor market, however, the capitalist for survival, they must sell their labor power
firm makes its decisions about whom to hire in the market. Since a worker's labor power
and how many to hire strictly on the basis of will be more highly valued in the market if
profitability. Labor is treated as a commodity he has productive skills, the incentive is cre-
like any other raw material required for pro- ated for him to obtain those skills. The
duction. The capitalist firm is not tied to its worker goes to school, learns vocational
workers by traditional obligations, as the skills, learns to be a "respectful" and disci-
feudal lord was to his serf. The capitalist plined worker, and so forth, in the hopes
need not consider workers' lives or rights that he can earn a higher wage.
when choosing a work force." Hence the al- The lnarkel allocation lilallllim di-
location of people among various jobs is rectly reinforces the tencicncy towards expan-
determined by the market criterion of proiit- sion of output under capitalism. Greater pro-
ability. Each worker, as the commodity "la- duction occurs because workers are assigned
bor," is assigned to that job where he has to their most productive employments and
the highest productivity, for that employment because workers themselves strive to become
will produce the greatest profit for the capi- more productive to gain higher wages.
talist, The major theme of this essay is perhaps
The size of the wage which a capitalist is best restated by Baran and Sweczy:11
willing to pay depends on how valuable a
worker is to the Arni-or more precisely, W e have come a long way since laze fzistor-
how much his work adds to the profits of the ical dawn of cap iiafist production and even
firm. For example, a skilled worker is more since Kari Marx wrote Das Capital. Now-
adays the avaricious capitalist, grasping for
valuable than an unskilled worker. Conse-
every penny and anxiously watching over
qucntly, when a skilled worker enters the his growing forume, seems like a stereotype
labor market, capitalist firms will compete to out of a nineteenth-cenMry novel. The corn~
hire him and. will be willing to pay a higher party manof today has a fliyfereni aifirude.
wage. To be sure, he likes try make as mucrli
money as he can, but he .spends ii freely,
Capitalists will bid against each other for
and :he retirement benefits and other per-
workers, and will quit bidding when they per- qiiisizes which he gets from his cfiirzparty
ceive that the wage they pay the worker enable him to rake a rather r°asifai a i iitziiie
would be greater than the additional profits rowarals' his personal savings. Noting the
C'OHfI'62St between the modern businessman
realized from his being hired. The winner
and his earlier counierparz, one might jump
in the bidding will be that capitalist who has to the conclusion that the old drive has

1"See the description of the first "mass firing,"

i.e., the expulsion of the peasants from their land, 1'Baran and Sweezy, .Monopoly Cup ilcf f , PP-
in Marx, Section 2.4, p. 61. 43-44.

. system, that he classical counts is what he does in his company life

picture capitalism =re5 if lessly propelled and his attitude toward the getting and
forward by - engine of accumulation is spending of the c'o1npany's' income. And
simply inappropriate in the c-anclizions of here there can be no doubt :hat Ike making
today. . - an and acc um ulating of profits hold as domi-
This is co sap e.t'ficial view. The real copi- nam? co position today as They ever did. Over
falisr today is not the individual business* the portals of The n1agnil5cent olfee building
man but tfze eorporaiion. What :he busi- of today, as on the wall of the modest
nes's'man does in his private life, his alritucle coaxing house of a century or I w o ago, if
toward the getting and spending of his per- would be eqaaily appropriate to find en-
sonal income-these are essenrialfy irrele~ graved' the motto: "Accz4maIate.' Accxuuu-
want Io The fiinctfoning of the system. Wliaf late! Tha! is Moses and the Prophersf"

3.3 Alienated Labor

So far in this chapter we have provided a preliminary view of the opera-

tion of basic capitalist institutions. We now return in more depth to .private
property and its crucial defining role in the fundamental social relation-
ship of capitalism, the relation between worker and capitalist.
As Karl Marx argues in the following cTassi'c essa f3_e_ _w_Qt;ker produces
the product but the capitalist owns it. 1i--trangement or alienation of
labor from its product is fundamenta l l capitziism, husc hlllllr "private
property is . . . the product, the necessary result of alienated labor. . . ."
Since the capitalist takes charge of work, the capitalist mode of produc-
tion requires that the workers surrender control over their work activities,
that is, workers are excluded from decisions about what product should be
produced, how it should be produced, or how it should be used once it is
produced. Compliance in this exclusion (or "alienation") from control is
part of the wage bargain, in which the individual worker exchanges con-
trol over his own work activities for a wage.
These decisions are instead made by capitalists and high-level managers,
withi.n the constraints of the market.' Decisions are taken according to
the owners' interests, lthat is, to realize profits. Capitalists choose the most
profitable product to produce, the most profitable way (technology) to
produce that product, and the most profitable market tO sell that product
to. Work iisdl is Qtsitlfzstri to make a profit (exchange value) for the firm
rather than directly to satisfy people's needs (use value) .
The alienation of workers from control of the work process has conse-
quences both for the individual worker and for the society as a whole.
Individual workers face the consequences of capitalist organization every

**The ability of unions to set certain limits on the capitalists' control (e.8., by work
rules, grievance procedures, etc.) is only a minor qualification to this statement.
Union demands are generally defense? f'nane!1v€I'.s', seeking to alleviate the very worst
aspects of capitalist control. On the question of introducing technology, for example,
unions at best can delay implementation of obnoxious forms of new technology.
For further discussion of the role of unions in the United States. see Reich, Section
4.5, p, 174.
Aliencned Labor 107

day at their jobs. They can take little satisfaction or pride in knowing that
their work is important to the community or themselves, or in deciding
how the work activity should relate to their community. They work only
to earn wages. For the society, the alienation of the workers means that
work will be privately rationalized (i.e., most profitable) rather than so~
cally rational (most useful), as indeed the irrationalities in capitalist so-
ciety indicate. l_
The alienation of workers from their work product is in the first instance
not a psychological condition of workers, but rather the social and objec-
tive fact that the workers produce the work product but the capitalist
owns it. Workers therefore have no control over (are alienated from) their
In exactly the same way, workers are alienated from the work process,
not in the psychological sense of not liking the activities of work (though
that may be true as well), but rather in the sense that the workers perform
the work activities but the managers control and direct them. Workers
therefore do not themselves establish (they are alienated from) the process
of work.
The following reading by Marx describes these characteristics of the
capitalist workplace.

Source: The following is excerpted from the section on "Alienated Labor"

in Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts, First Manuscript, of Karl
Marx Early Writings translated and edited by T. B. Bottomore. Copy-
right 1963 by T. B. Bottomore. Used by permission of McGraw-Hill
Book Company and C. A. Watts & Co., Limited.

clear on this presupposition that the more the

worker expends himself in work the more
This fact simply implies that the object
powerful becomes the world of objects which
produced by labor, its product, now stands
he creates in face of himself, the poorer he
opposed to it as an alien being, as a power
becomes in his inner life, and the less he bc-
independent of the producer. The product of
longs to himself.. It is just the same as in re-
labor is labor which has been embodied in
ligion. The more of himself man attributes
an object and turned into a physical thing;
this product is an objectilicotion of labor.
to God the less he has left in himself. The
worker puts his life into the object, and his
The performance of work is at the same time
life then belongs no longer to himself but
its objectification. The performance of work
to the object. The greater his activity, there-
appears in the sphere of political economy
fore, the less he possesses. What is embodied
as a vitiation of the worker, objectification
in the product of his labor is no longer his
as a toss and as servitude to the object, and
own. The greater this product is, therefore,
appropriation as alienation.
the more he is diminished. The alienation of
the worker in his product means not only that
AH these consequences follow from the his labor becomes an object, assumes an ex-
fact that the worker is related to the product ternal existence, but that it exists independ-
of his labor as to an alien object. For it is ently, outside /zimseif, and alien to him, and

that it stands opposed to him as an autono- Just as in religion the spontaneous activ-
mous power. The life which he has given to ity of human fantasy, of the human brain and
the object sets itself against him as an alien heart, reacts independently as an alien activ-
and hostile force. ity of gods or devils upon the individual, so
the activity of the worker is not his own
spontaneous activity. It is another's activity
So far we have considered the alienation and a loss of. his own spent annuity.
of the worker only from one aspect, namely, We arrive at the result that man (the
his relrttionsltip with raze products of his la~ worker) feels himself to be freely active only
bor. However, alienation appears not only in in his animal hlnctions-eating, drinking and
the result, but also in the process, of pro- procreating, or at most also in his dwelling
duction, within productive ability h' and in personal adornment-while in his
could the worka;w&§ l alien relation- l human functions he is reduced to an animal.
ship to the product of his activy | i i . The animal becomes human and the human
not alienate himself in the act of production becomes animal.
itself? The product is indeed only the résumé Eating, drinking and procreating are of
of activity, of productio . Consequently, a course also genuine human functions. But
the product of labor is alienation, produc- abstractly considered, apart from the en-
tion itself must be active alienation-the ali- vironment of other human activities, and
enation of activity and the activity of aliena- turned into final and sole ends, they are ani-
tion. The alienation of the object of labor mal functions.
merely summarizes the alienation in the work We have now considered the act of aliena-
activity itself. tion of practical human activity, labor, from
What constitutes the alienation of labor? two aspects: ( 1 ) the relationship of the
First, that the work is external to the worker, worker to the product of labor as an alien
that it is not part of his nature, and that, con- object which dominates him. This relation-
sequently, he does not fulfill himself in his ship is at the same time the relationship to
work but denies himself, has a feeling of the sensuous external world, to natural ob-
1nisery_rather than well being, does not de- jects, as an alien and hostile world, (2) the
velop freely his mental and physical energies relationship of labor to the act of produc-
but is physically exhausted and mentally de- tion within labor. This is the relationship of
based. The worker therefore feels himself at the worker to his own activity a s something
home only during his leisure time. whereas alien and not belonging to him, activity as
at work he feels homeless. His work is not suffering (passivity), strength as powerless-
voluntary but imposed, forced labor. It is ness, creation as emasculation, the personal
not the satisfaction of a need, but only a physical and mental energy of the worker,
means for satisfying other needs- Its alien his personal life (for what is life but activ-
character is clearly shown by the fact that as ity?) as an activity which is directed against
soon as there is no physical or other com- himself, independent of him and not belong-
pulsion it is avoided like the plaque. External ing to him. This is self-alienation as against
labor, labor in which man alienates him- the above-mentioned alienation of the I/zirzg.
self, is a labor of self-sacrifice, of rnortifica-
tion. Finally, the external character of work
for the worker is shown by the fact that it Labor, life acifivily, productive Hue, now
is not his own work but work for someone appear to man only as means for the satis-
else, that in work he does not belong to faction of a need, the need to maintain his
himself but to another person. physical existence. Productive life is, how-
Alienated Labor 109

ever, [the distinguishing characteristic of hu- A direct consequence of the alienation of

man life]. It is life creating life. In the type man from the product of his labor, from his
of life activity resides the whole character of life activity and from his species life is that
a species, its species-character, and free, con- man is alienated from other men. When man
scious activity is the species-character of hu- confronts himself he also confronts other
man beings. Life itself appears only as a men. What is true of man's relationship to his
means of life. work, to the product of his work and to him-
The animal is one with its life activity. It self, is also true of his relationship to other
docs not distinguish the activity from itself. men, to their labor and to the objects of their
It is its activity. But man makes his life ac- labor.
tivity itself an object of his will and con-
sciousness. He has a conscious life activity.
We have so far considered this relation
It is not a determination with which he is
only from the side of the worker, and later
completely identified. Conscious life activity
on we shall consider it also from the side of
distinguishes man from the life activity of
the non-worker.
animals. . . .
Thus, through alienated labor the worker
Only for this reason is his activity free
creates the relation of another man, who does
activity. Alienated labor reverses the rela-
not work and is outside the work process, to
tionship, in that man because he is a. self-
this labor. The relation of the worker to
conscious being makes his life activity, his
work also produces the relation of the capi-
being, only a means for his existence-.
talist (or whatever one likes to call the lord
The practical construction of an objective
of labor) to work. Pnivare property is there-
world, the manipulation of inorganic nature,
fore the product, the necessary result, of
is the confirmation of man as a conscious
alienated labor, of the external relation of
. . . being. Of course, animals also produce.
the worker to nature and to himself.
They construct nests, dwellings, as in the
Private property is thus derived from the
case of bees, beavers, ants, etc. But they only
analysis of the concept of alienated labor,
produce what is strictly necessary for them-
that is, alienated man, alienated labor, alien-
selves or their young. They produce only in-a
ated life, and estranged man.
single direction, while man produces uni-
We have, of course, derived the concept
versally. They produce only under the com-
of crlferfated labor (akenated life) from po-
pulsion of direct physical need, while man
litical economy, from an analysis of the
produces when he is free from physical need
m.overnem' of private property. But the analy-
and only truly produces in freedom from sis of this concept shows that although pri-
such need. Animals produce only themselves,
vate property appears to be the basis and
while man reproduces the whole of nature.
cause of alienated labor, it is rather a conse-
The products of animal production belong
quence of the latter. just as the gods are
directly to their physical bodies, while man is
fwtclamentally not the cause but the product
free in face of his product. Animals con-
of confusions of human reason. At a later
struct only i11 accordance with the standards
stage, however, there is a reciprocal in-
and needs of the species to which they be-
long, while man knows how to produce in
accordance with the standards of every spc-
cies and knows how to apply the appropriate We also observe, therefore, that wages and
standard to the object. Thus man constructs private propetxffy are identical, for wages, like
also in accordance with the laws of beauty. the product or object of labor, labor itself
remunerated, are only a necessary CUHSB*

quenee of the alienation of labor. in the wage work into 21 relation of all men to work. So-
system labor appears not as an end in itself ciety would then be conceived as an abstract
but as the servant of wages. We shall develop capitalist,
this point later on and here only bring out From the relation of alienated labor to
some of the consequences. private property it also follows that the
An enforced f'tlcrea.sle in wages (disregard- emancipation of society from private prop-
ing the other difficulties, and especially that erty, from servitude, takes the political form
such an anomaly could only be maintained of the emancipation of the workers, not in
by force) would be nothing more than a bet- the sense that only the latter's emancipation
ter remuneration of slaves, and would not is involved, but because this emancipation in-
restore, either to the worker or to the work, cludes the emancipation of humanity as a
their human signiNcancc and worth. whole. For all human servitude is involved
Even the equality of incomes which in the relation of the worker to production,
Proudhon demands would only change the and all the types of servitude are only modi-
relation of the present day worker to his fications or consequences of this relation.

3.4 Commodities and Commodity Fetishism

To this point we have described how the work process is organized in

capitalist society: how the worker becomes transformed into the commodity
labor and sells his services on the market, how the capitalist (or capitalist
Firm) organizes the work process to make profits for himself (or itself) ,
how the entire process of producing society's material needs becomes di-
rected and motivated by the firm's drive for profits, and how the basis of
this system, private property, is the worker's alienation from his work
product and his work activities.
Growing out of the capitalist mode of production is a consequence di-
rectly related to production itself: what Marx called "commodity fetish-
isrn." The concept of commodities-goods which are produced for ex-
change on a market-assumes enormous importance in a society in which
all material products (and even man and nature as the "fictitious commodi-
ties, labor and land") are commodities. Since the only relationship between
commodities recognized by the market is their relative worth, their er-
charzge relationship, all relationships within capitalist society begin to as-
sume the character of exchange relationships.
The exaggerated role which commodities and commodity relations
assume within capitalist society was hinted at by Polanyi in an earlier read~
ing. Commodities and commodity relations are important on the product
son side and the consumption side of the economy.
On the production side, men and women as producers do not relate
to each other as people, but rather as commodities. All prod ction rela-
tionships are reduced to the character of exchange relationships. For CX-
ample, the relationship between capitalist and worker is not the human
relationship based on a cooperative work activity, instead it is an exchange
Commodities and Commodity Fetishism 11 ]

relationship: the worker asks, "How much can I obtain in wages from this
capitalist?" and the capitalist asks, "How much in extra profits can be
realized if I hire this worker'?"
On the consumption side, the status of commodities is likewise inflated.
Instead of commodities serving as instruments for worthwhile human ac-
tivities, commodities themselves become ends: the accumulation of com-
modities and the exaggerated consumption of commodities replace rational
In the next reading Paul Swcezy discusses the basis for this "commodity
fetishism" and points out some of the consequences for the production re-
lationships which people enter into. A later reading will demonstrate some
of the consumption aspects.'

1 See Fromm, Section 6.3, p. 265.

Source: The following is excerpted from Chapter 2 of The Theory of

Capitalist Developmerzl by PAUL SWEEZY. Copyright © 194° by Paul
Sweezy. Reprinted by permission of Monthly Review Press.

The first chapter of Capital is entitled "Com- of economics are not only quantitative, they
moditics." It has already been pointed out arc also qualitative. More concretely, in the
that a commodity is anything that is pro- case of exchange value there is, as Adam
duced for C change rather than for the use Smith saw, the quantitative relation between
of the producer; the study of commodities is products, hidden behind this, as Marx was
therefore the study of the economic relation the first to see, there is 0 specific, historically
of exchange. conditioned, relation between producers.

Commodity production . . . is not the uni-

versal and inevitable form of economic life. USE VALUE
.It is rather one possible form of economic
life, a form, to be sure, which has been fa- "Every commodity," Marx wrote, "has a
miliar for many centuries and which domi- twofold aspect, that of use value and ex-
nates the modern period, but none the less a change value."
historically conditioned form which can in In possessing use value a commodity is in
no sense claim to be a direct manifestation of no way peculiar. Objects of human consump-
human nature. The implications of this view tion in every age and in every form of so~
are striking. Commodity production itself is ciety likewise possess use value. Use value is
withdrawn from the realm of natural phe- an expression of a certain relation between
nomena and becomes the valid subject of the consumer and the object consumed.
socio-historical investigation. No longer can
the economist afford to confine his attention
to the quantitative relations arising from EXCHANGE VALUE
commodity production, he must also direct
his attention to the character of the social In possessing exchange value relative to one
relations which underlie the commodity form. another, commodities show their unique
We may express this by saying that the tasks characteristic. It is only as commodities, in a

society where exchange is a regular method son to discover the substance of social rela-
of realizing the purpose of social production, tions. That W e are able to do this, however,
that products have exchange value. At first is no indication that the forms are unim-
sight it might seem that even less than in the portant. On the contrary, they are of the
case of use value have we here to do with greatest importance. Reality is perceived in
a social relation. Exchange value appears to terms of form. Where, as here, there is a gap
be a quantitative relation between things, be- between form and substance which can be
tween the commodities themselves. In what bridged only by critical analysis, the under-
sense, ..
'n .
is it to be conceived as a social
. | . I!..l.
standing plays queer tricks. Error and fan-
relation andTlence as a proper subject for the tasy are readily accepted as obvious common
investigation of the economist? Marx's an- sense and even provide the basis for sup-
swer to this question is the key to his value posedly scientific explanation. An incapacity
theory. The quantitative relation between to comprehend, a false consciousness, perme-
things, which we call exchange value, is in ates, to a .greater or lesser extent, the struc-
reality only an outward form of the social ture of thought. This principle applies with
relation between the commodity owners, or, peculiar force to commodities and commod-
what comes to the same thing in simple com- ity production. Thc thinking to which this
modity production, between the producers form of social organ ization gives rise fro-
themselves. The exchange relation as such, qucntly bears only a remote and perverted
apart from any consideration of the quanti- relation to the real social relations which un-
ties involved, is an expression of the fact that derlie it. In his doctrine of Commodity Fet-
individual producers, each working in isola- ishism, Marx was the First to perceive this
tion, are in fact working for each other. fact and to realize its decisive importance
Their labor, whatever they may think about for the ideology of the modern period.
the matter, has a social character which is In commodity production, the basic rela-
impressed upon it by the fact of exchange. In tion between men assumes TO their eyes, the
other words, the exchange Of' commodities is fantastic form of a relation between things.1-11
an exchange of the products of the labor of This reification of social relations [that is,
individual producers. What finds expression treating as objects or things what are really
in the form of exchange value is therefore relations between people Ed.] is the heart
the fact that the commodities involved are and core of Marx's doctrine of Fetishism.
the products of human labor in a society In the mist-enveloped regions of the re-
based on division of labor in which pro- Iigious world . . . the productions of the hu-
ducers work privately and independently. man brain appear as independent beings
endowed with life, and entering into relation
both with one another and with the human
race. So it is in the world of commodities
THE FETISH CHARACTER OF with the products of men's hands. This I call
COMMODITIES the Fetishism which attaches itself to the
products of labor, so soon as they are pro-
anaTysis of commodities has led us to duced as commodities, and which is therefore
see in exchange value a relation between pro- inseparable from the production of com-
ducers in a def mile system of division of la- modities.
bor, and in the particular labor of individuals This fetish character of the commodity
a component part of the aggregate labor
force of society. In other words, we have iKarl Marx, Capimr! (Chicago: Charles Kerr
and Company, 1933), Volume I. p. 83. "Fantastic"
looked beneath the forms of social organiza- is, of course, meant in its literal sense.
Commodities cmd Commodity Fetishism 1 13

world has its origin . . . in the peculiar social vary continually, independently of the will,
character of the labor which produces com- foresight, and action of the producers. To
modities. them their social movement takes the
As a general rule, articles of utility be- form of the movement of` timings which rule
come commodities only because they arc the producers instead of being ruled by
products of private individuals or groups of them." This is, indeed, '"a state of society in
individuals who carry on their work inde- which the process of production has the
pendently of each other. The sum total of the mastery over man instead of being controlled
labor of all these private individuals forms by him, 3:2 and in which, therefore, the real
the aggregate labor of society. Since the pro- character of the relations among the pro-
ducers do not come into contact with each ducers themselves is both distorted and ob-
other, the specific social character of each scured from view.
producer's labor docs not show itself except Once the world of commodities has, so to
in the act of exchange. In other words, the speak, achieved its independence and sub-
labor of the individual asserts itself as a part jected the producers to its sway, the latter
of the labor of society only through the rc- come to look upon it in much the same way
lations which the act of exchange establishes as they regard that other external world to
directly between the products and indirectly, which they must learn to adjust themselves,
through them, between the producers. To the world of nature itself. The existing social
the latter, therefore, the social relations bc- order becomes in the apt expression of
tween the labor of private individuals appear Lukacs, a "second nature" which stands
for what they are, i.e., not as the direct so- outside of and opposed to its members.
cial relations of persons in their work, but The consequences for the struggle of
rather as material relations of persons and thought are both extensive and profound.
social relations of things. Here we shall have to be content with a few
In earlier periods of history, when the re- suggestions which may serve to illustrate the
lations of production had a direct personal possibilities fo.r critical interpretation which
character, such a reification of social rela- are opened up by the doctrine of Fetishism.
tions was obviously impossible. Even in the
early stages of commodity production itself
Reification of social relations has exer-
"this mystification is as yet very simple" and
ciscd a profound iniiuence on traditional
is therefore easily seen through. It is, in fact,
economic thinking in at least two further im-
only when commodity production becomes
portant respects. In the first place, the cate-
so highly developed and so widespread as to
gories of the capitalist economy--value, rent,
dominate the life of society that the phe-
wages, profit, interest, et cetera-have been
nomenon of reification of social relations
treated as though they were the inevitable
acquires decisive importance. This occurs un-
categories of economic life in general. Earlier
der conditions of relatively advanced capi-
economic systems have been looked upon as
talism such as emerged in Western Europe
imperfect or embryonic versions of modern
during the seventeenth and eighteenth cen-
capitalism and judged accordingly. lt re-
turies. Here the irnpersonalization of produc-
quires but little reflection to see that this
tive relations is brought to its highest pitch
procedure slurs over significant differences
of development. The individual producer
between social forms, encourages an unhis-
deals with his fellow men only through "the
torical and sterile taxonomy, and leads to
market," where prices and amounts sold are
misleading and at times even ludicrous judg-
the substantial realities and human beings
merely their instruments. "These quantities 8Ii>irf., p. 86.

merits. Thus, it has been common for econ- thing to sell-this is true of landowners, cap-
omists to denounce medieval prohibitions italists, and laborers alike. As commodity
of usury as irrational and misguided because owners they all stand on a perfectly equal
(in modem capitalism) interest plays an im- footing; their relations with each other are
portant part in regulating the productive not the master-servant relations of a regime
mechanism. Or, to take another example, we of personal status, but the contractual rela-
lind Keynes evaluating pyramid building in tions of free and equal human beings. It does
ancient Egypt and cathedral building in me- not appear to the worker that his own lack
dieval Europe in terms appropriate to a pub- of access to the means of production is forc-
lic-works program in twentieth-century Eng- ing him to work on terms dictated by those
land. It cannot, of course, be denied that who monopolize the means of production,
certain features are common to all forms of that he is therefore being exploited for the
social economy, but to comprehend them all benefit of others just as surely as the serf
in a single set of categories and hence to ig- who was forced to work a certain number of
nore their specific differences is in a very days on the lord's land in return for the priv-
real sense a negation of history. That mod- ilege of working a strip of land for himself.
ern economics has consistently pursued this On the contrary, the world of commodities
course is the best evidence of its subordina- appears as a world of equals. The labor
tion to the fetishism inherent in commodity power of the worker is alienated from the
production. worker and stands opposed to him as any
In the second place, the attribution of in- commodity to its owner. He sells it, and so
dependent power to things is nowhere more long as true value is paid all the conditions
clear than in the traditional division of "fac- of fair and equal exchange are satisfied.
tors of production" into land, labor, and This is the appearance, Those who regard
capital, each of which is thought of as "pro- capitalist forms as natural and eternal-and,
ducing" an income for its owners. Here, as 5 fir speaking, Elis includes most of

Marx expressed it, those who live unclegas capitalist forms--ac-

cept the appearance as a true representai
we have the complete mysttjiiazio/1 of t h e of social relations. On this
capitalist mode of production, the trans"- has been erected the whole vast superstruc-
forrnattlort of social conditfotts into things,
ture of ethical and legal principles which
the indiscriminate amalgamation of the ma-
terial conditions of production with their
serve at once to justify the existing order and
historical and social forms. If is an en- to regulate men's conduct towards it. It is
chanted, perverted, Topsy-mrvy world in only by means of El critical analysis of com-
which Monsieur Fe Capital and M'adamf2 pa modity production, an analysis that goes be-
Terre carry 0/1 their goblin tricks as social neath
the superficial forms to the underlying
characters and at the .5`Of`?'I(2 time (IS mere
thzlngs.** relations of man to man, that we can sec
clearly the historically relative character of
capitalist justice and capitalist legality, just
Turning from political economy in a nar- as it is only by such an analysis that we can
row sense, it is apparent that the commodity- sec the historical character Ol' capitalism it-
producing form constitutes the most effective sclf. This illustration, while it cannot be pur-
possible veil over the true class character of sucd further here, shows that the doctrine of
capitalist society. Everyone appears first of Fetishism has implications which far tran-
all as a more commodity owner with some- scend the conventional limits of economics
and economic thinking.
3I1>id'., Volume III, p. 966. If commodity production has fostered the
Burectucratic Orgcanizcttion in the Capitalist Firm 1 15

illusion of its own permanence and hidden modify production does not mean that the
the true character of the social relations system is to be regarded as 21 planned or ra-
which it embodies, it has at the same time tional whole. On the contrary, the develop-
created the economic rationality of modern ment of commodity production under capi-
times without which a full development of talist conditions displays on the one hand an
society's productive forces would be unthink- intense rationalization of its part-processes
able. Rationality, in the sense of a deliberate and an ever increasing irrationality in the be-
adaptation of means to ends in the economic havior of the system as a whole. It is clear
sphere, presupposes an economic system that we have to do here with one of the most
which is subject to certain objective laws comprehensive contradictions of the capitalist
which are not altogether unstable and capri order. A social system which has sway over
sous. Given this condition, the individual can man educates him to the point where he has
proceed to plan his affairs in such a way as the capacity to control his own destiny. At
to achieve what is, from his own standpoint the same time it blinds him to the means of
and from the standpoint of prevailing stand- exercising the power which is within his grasp
ards, an optimum result. and diverts his energies increasingly into
That this condition is fulfilled by com- purely destructive channels. . . .

Bureaucratic: Organization in the Capitalist Firm,

Since capitalists own the firms and other productive enterprises under
capitalism, they control production itself. One aspect of this control is the
particular organizational form of the capitalist firm. Historically capitalists
have chosen a bz..*reaucratfle structure, within which employees work and
by which employees' day-to-day activities are "managed" or controlled.
This bureaucratic structure has become increasingly stratified as Firms
have developed and expanded. General Motors and other large corpora-
tions are examples of the most advanced development of this form.
In this essay on the bureaucratic organization of production, Richard
C. Edwards focuses on the organizational aspect of capitalist control.

Source: The following essay was written by RICHARD C. EDWARDS for

this book. Copyright 1972 by Richard C. Edwards.

Bureaucratic organization of firms and other Bureaucratic forms provide the means by
places of work (e.g., the state apparatus) which the owners and managers of a firm
has become a pervasive characteristic of cap- can retain overall direction of the lirln's ac-
italist society. Indeed, it has become so conj tivities. A hierarchical structure is instituted
on that people often have ditliculty imagin- so that some employees can watch over other
ing other forms of organization. But the employees, and the entire firm assumes the
dominance of bureaucratic forms is not in- shape of a giant pyramid. The owners at the
evitable in an industrial society, it derives in- top of the pyramid control the activities of
stead directly from capitalists' need to all those below them. Their "control" is less
control production. than perfect, of course, since workers in the

pyramid have some power as well (for ex- all capitalist production is hierarchical. But
ample, they can withhold information or sim- organizing production bureaucratically ex-
ply "work to rules," thus diminishing efh- tends and intensifies this basic hierarchy by
ciency). But the workers' power is mainly placing the workers themselves in a hier-
defensive, and open opposition always brings archical ordering. In the modern firm one
into play the most basic power relation: the finds "workers" (i.e., nonowners) as pro-
capitalist's legal right to tire the worker, So duction workers, foremen, and managers.
capitalists at the top of the bureaucratic firms Hierarchical relations have therefore been
define the main goals and activities of their extended throughout the capitalist firm.
firms and see to it that no large deviations Hierarchical control in production is noth-
from their decisions are permitted. ing new. It existed in feudal times, for ex-
Bureaucratic organization permits firms ample, in the relations between apprentice,
to extend their operations without the journeyman, and master.0#J Likewise, capital-
owners losing control. Bureaucratic growth ists directly supervised workshops and fac-
in firms paralleled historically the growth tories in the early days of capitalism. But
in the overall size of leading firms such as bureaucratic organization systematically ap-
the top 50 corporations? Growth in over- plies hierarchical principles; it rigidly struc-
all size brought increased complexity of tures the right and authority of employees,
a firm's operations, increasing as well the permitting owners and managers to retain
difficulty of coordination. But coordinating control over vastly expanded operations,
different divisions within the expanded firm where more direct supervision would be im-
is essential for its overall prost position. possible.
Over the past several decades business ac- In a bureaucratic organization work ac-
tivities involving sales work, advertising, tivities are carried on at many different levels
marketing, Financial and legal deals, tax within the firm. Specific tasks or activities of
"management," product "research," and cost work are performed at the different levels,
accounting controls have increasingly supple- depending on the nature of the work and the
mented physical, assembly-line production as "qualifications" required for its accomplish-
a means of realizing larger profits." These ment. For example, the actual physical pro~
aspects of a flrm's operations lend themselves duction of goods is performed by those at the
well to bureaucratic organization. lowest levels, whose work requires the man-
ual or mechanical skills associated with op-
THE NATURE OF BUREAUCRATIC erating machinery, the upper levels do work
depending more heavily on strictly cognitive
ORGANIZATION OF PRODUCTION processes. The duties and responsibilities of
each level are carefully delegated, each
Bureaucratic organization is founded upon
aBut as S.A. Marglin points out, there arc two
hierarchical control. The most basic hier-
essential differences between feudal and capitalist
archical distinction in capitalist firms is of hierarchy. The feudal hierarchy was linear, not
course the distinction between the capitalist pyramidal, with nearly as many positions at the
owners, who have ultimate control in deter- lop as at the bottom, therefore every apprentice
had a reasonable expectation of one duy becoming,
mining the goals of the firms (and in whose a master. Furthermore, overall control remained
interest the firms exist), and the nonowning in the hands of the producers; the master worked
and noncontrolling workers. In this respect alongside the apprentice in producing the product.
There was therefore no intermediary between pro-
ducers and market, so the producer controlled
1 See Homer, Section 4-2, P. 156. both his product and work process. She S.A. Marg-
For evidence, note the growth of white-collar lin, "What Do Bosses Do? The Origins and Func-
workers relative to blue-col1.a1' workers documellted son of Hierarchy in Capitalist Production," (Cani-
in Table 4-L, p, 178. bridge, Mass.: Harvard University, 1971), mimeo.
Bureciucrotic Organization in the Capitalist Fir m 1 17

person being responsible for certain tasks. cal. Contributing to this change in the na-
An essential feature of bureaucratic or- ture of work has been the growth of sales,
ganization is that it is highly stratified, with advertising, marketing, and other nonproduc-
each level being responsible for the levels tion "white-collar" jobs-jobs involving
below it and accountable to the higher strata. communication and the manipulation of
The organization's rules rant to each per- ideas and requiring primarily cognitive proc-
son a certain degree of authority (the right to esses rather than-or in addition to--me-
direct other people's activities) in order that chanical or manual skills.
he can perform his assigned duties. Natu- Unlike piece-rate work. these jobs are not
rally, the few at the top direct many people's conducive to direct, external control or di-
activities and have a great deal of authority, rection. It is usually impossible to identify
while the many at the bottom have very lit- discrete tasks by which to judge the worker"s
tle authority. People at the bottom usually performance. Feedback on the quality of an
work with some .kind of machine. employee's work, directly and immediately
While an individual in a bureaucracy is available in piece-rate work, must await more
granted sudicicnt authority to carry out his long-run evaluation. Furthermore, since the
assigned duties, he at the same time is dc- work does not produce simple, standardized
prived of any right to participate in other products. determining whether the task has
decisions, since those decisions are someone been performed "correctly" becomes more
else's assigned responsibility. So the reverse ambiguous! in this situation a new mecha-
side of delegating authorize to one individual nism for enforcing proper work activities be-
is die systcmajihul
II m
9 H.: U 1l II everyone else's
II came necessary, bureaucratic organization
Q l I I in the 1irrn's decisions. in this has been the response. "Good" workers in
way, specific individuals can be held ac- these jobs must be capable of some self-
countable if a decision is taken contrary to direction and initiative, since it is not feasi-
the firm's profit interests. ble to give workers specific instructions for
every situation that may arise. To Function
adequately, such workers must internalize
CONTROL AND MOTIVATION the values, outlook, and goals of the firm,
especially when the job depends significantly
Bureaucratic organization developed in rc- on cognitive processes. For example, con-
sponse to the need for a signiheant change sider what is involved in responding to a
in the mechanisms of control within capitalist business letter, or taking purchasing orders
firms. In El small Firm the capitalist himself, from customers, or making out voucher pay-
alone or with the aid of a few managers at ments, or interviewing prospective new per-
most, could oversee the activities of the sonnel.. If the employee is to do his job prop-
workers, control was direct and based on the erly, he must put himself in the position of
owner's legal authority-for example, his the firm (th at is, assume the firm's values,
right to dismiss a worker. Likewise in piece- criteria, and goals), and then interpret what
work industries, each worker performs a from that perspective would be the appro-
certain discrete task, e.g., mounting individ- priate response. But since the lirmls goals
ual parts to assemble a radio, and he is paid
on the basis of how many radios he assem- ~1 There exists a continuum of jobs. from those
bles. in this situation as well, control is di- that involve purely standardized_ piece-rate type
production t.o those that involve much individual
rect, open, and easily administered, interpretation of the firm's values. Yet even in
But the nature of work has been chang- certain jobs (c.g., secretaries in a typing pool)
ing: it has become more interdependent, where the work itself is more like piece-rate work.
the organization of the work tends to follow
more indivisible, and in this sense, more so- bureaucratic lines.

reflect The capitalist's interests, Inot the work- firm's values) and their exclusion from par-
er's own interests, bureaucratic organlzatlon ticipation in overall decision-making in the
encoun-ters a problem OT wor1<e.r motivation. firm. Second, the burden of training or "so-
The fundamental problem if motivation cializing" young people for adult work roles
results from alienated labor: where the has been imposed on both the family and the
workers have no control over work activities schools, and their development in response
or the product of their labor, they can be to this need has produced internal con~
motivated to work only by the external re- llicts in both those institutions. This conflict
ward of wages, including the threat of having is particularly apparent in the rebellion of
no income. This source of motivation con- workers and students from beiuu perfectly
tinues in bureaucratic firms. But bureaucratic "socialized" ( i.e., from being molded to i t
organization, by requiring greater reliance on harmoniously into the system)."
the worker's internalization of the firm's
(i.e., the capitalist's) goals, exacerbates the ECONOMIC RATIONALITY
motivation problem.
Both the firm's rewards (higher pay, We will conclude our discussion with some
status, promotions) and penalties (threats of observations on the alleged efficiency of bu-
being fired, demotions, actual dismissal) are reaucratic organization of work. Bureau-
geared to the quality of an individual's work cratic organ ization is often linked with
performance. But the internal social rela- economic rationality, it is argued that elimi-
tions of bureaucratic firms-the line degree nating the "human element" from produc-
of stratification, the multiple levels of au- tion also eliminates inef'liciencies." This claim
thority and subordinacy, the isolation from is no doubt true. But it is true in the strictly
participation in overall decision-making, and limited sense that bureaucratic organization
especially the need for workers to internalize promotes eflicicncy or rationality only wit*irin
the firm's values-require much of the the context of managerial control. Bureau-
worker. Attaining the term's rewards and cratic organization, with its reliance on mul-
avoiding its penalties--that is, being success- tiple levels of authority and supervision and
ful in a bureaucratic Erin-requires a par~ its emphasis on discipline and predictability,
ticular cluster of behavioral or personality is probably the only way of ensuring efficient
characteristics: workers must be "disci- production using alienated labor. In this re-
plinecl" and their behavior predictable; they spect, "efficiency" becomes a synonym for
must respect the authority of those higher in "successful control." Once the need to main-
the hierarchy, they must be able to assume tain managerial control is accepted, bureau-
the firm's values and outlook, they must di- cratic production becomes "eliicient."
vorce their motivation from the intrinsic That bureaucratic production is cilicient
content of the work and instead must value only within the contincs of managerial con-
highly the external reward of wages. Work- trol is indicated by both historical and C011-
ers are "successful" to the extent that they "For a more thorough analysis of these and
incorporate these characteristics. other contradictions, see Chapter 1I.
'wAs Max Weber put it: "[bureaucracy] develops
The personality requirements placed on the more completely it succeeds in eliminating
workers by bureaucratic organization of pro- from official business love, hatred, and all purely
duction create contradictions both within and personal, irrational, and emotional elements which
escape calculation, Max Weber, "On Bureau-
outside of the firm. First, there is a growing cracy," in Hans Gerth and C. Wright Mills. (edi -
contradiction internally between the need to tors), From Many Wr'fJr*r'.° F.r.s¢rv.s' in Soc.-iologv
involve individual workers in particular de- (New York: Oxford University Press. 1958). That
is, bureaucracy develops the more completely it
cisions of the firm (evidenced by the increas- succeeds in repressing the human side of its
ing demand to have workers internalize the workers-
Supportive Irmstifutions 1 19

temporary evidence. S.A. Marglin suggests Contemporary evidence also suggests the
from historical evidence that hierarchical re- limited rationality of bureaucratic organiza-
lations of control were instituted not to im- tion of production. Gintis draws on the find-
prove efficiency, but rather to provide an es- ings of recent studies in industrial psychol-
sential place in the production process for ogy to argue that bureaucratic organization
the capitalist._I It was only within the con- is chosen "because it is the only means of
straints of maintaining hierarchical control maintaining and stabilizing control over the
that changes in technology or work activities profit generated in production, and of avoid-
were introduced. Thus current technology, ing workers' gaining enough general expertise
which embodies and may require hierarchical and initiative to embark on cooperative pro-
control, must itself be seen as a product of duction on their own." He cites in particular
capitalist development, rather than an ex- one careful review of the industrial psychol-
ogenous, neutral force. ogy literature which concludes 1
Marglin argues that hierarchical firms
achieved a certain dynamic advantage from There is scarcely a study in :he entire Iitera-
ture which fails to demonstrate that saiis-
the concentration in capitalists' hands of con- faction in work is enhanced or . . . prociiic-
trol over the social surplus. The capitalists tivity increases accrue from a genuine
accumulated this surplus, and reinvested it to increase in worker's decisiorvmaking power.
reduce costs and produce greater output. The Findings Of such con.sis1'ency, I submit, ar e
advantage of bureaucratic production, there~ rare in social research . . . the participative
worker is an involved worker, for his job
fore, was in its ability to produce capital ac- becomes an extension of himself and by his
curnulation, not in its inherent "rationality" decisions he is creating his work, modifying
or "efliciency."5 c d regulating it.10

That genuine work participation has rarely

7"What Do Bosses Do? The Origins and Func-
tion of I-fierarchy In Capitalist Production" (Har- been tried, and then only for brief periods,
vard University, 1971, Mirneo). suggests that bureaucratic hierarchy has been
5Tl'1is is not to say that hierarchical control is instituted and is maintained primarily so
the only method for accumulating capital. One
can conceive of a democratic decision-making that capitalists can retain control.
process by which people as a group could jointly
decide the best savings rate. However, in the early t u t o r s of capitalism remained, the dynamic ad-
capitalist period there was no material basis on vantage of hierarchical firms which exploited the
which to build the collective consciousness re- workers and reinvested the surplus would have
quired for an alternative, collective, and demo- eliminated by market competition a n y other forma
cratic system of capital accumulation, hence there of production.
was no real historical alternative to the hierar- "See Gintis, Section 6.5, p. 274,
chical firms. As long as the basic economic insti- 1"Quoted in Gintis, fbrld.

3.6 Supportive Institutions: The Family

and the Schools

The previous readings have argued that capitalist society becomes increas-
ingly an "economic society." Economic institutions come to dominate other
social institutions in such a way as to subject the entire society to market
values and needs. In fact, the precondition for "rationalizing" social life
according to market criteria is that other spheres of society (state, family,
schools, media, etc.) not stand in the way of such rationalization. These
other spheres of life become subordinated to, and hence develop in ac-
cordance with, the primacy of the economic sphere.

One reason for economic institutions' assuming such an important and

dominating position within capitalist society is the power of capitalism's
drive for accumulation and expansion. The demand for new cost-reducing
technology, the struggle to gain new markets and expand old ones, and
the drive to accumulate and concentrate capital require continual change
in and expansion of the economic sphere. And this continual change and
expansion produce fragmentation and ferment in the rest of society.
The family and the schools are two institutions which have developed
in such a way as to reinforce the capitalist mode of production. Of course,
their development cannot be explained solely on the basis of their relation
to economic institutions, and conflicting pressures have produced important
contradictions both within these institutions and between them and the
economic institutions. The following reading points out some of the con-
nections between the needs of capitalist institutions and the development
of family structure and schools.
In Part I ("The Evolution of the Family Under Capitalism") Peggy

Morton links changing family structure to the requi rements of capitalist in-
stitutions. In Part II ("Economic Rationality and the Function of School-
ing") Herbert Gintis concentrates on the we in which schooling serves
capitalist institutions.
Family life and schools "socialize" the young. They arc the places where
children are taught how to behave "properly" in particular, how they are
supposed to act when they become adults. As the demands upon adult be-
havior change, so must the socialization process, if that process is to pro-
duce adults who function effectively in the new environment. For example,
as the factory system was introduced, adults ( and even children) were ex-
pected to work long hours at fatiguing and monotonous work, Morton points
out that this change in the nature of work required chan_ges in family struc-
ture to prepare people for such work. I jkcwise, bureaucratic production in
capitalist firms required the inculcation of certain person 1lll,lIer

istics among workers; Gintis shows how schools responded

- to meet this
In later chapters we shall examine the functioning of the family and the
school system in greater detail.' The importance of the present reading is
that it illustrates the relationship between social institutions and the basic
institutions of capitalism and shows in particular how social institutions
reinforce and support the capitalist mode of production.

'Sec especially Cohen and Lazcrson, Section 4.6, p. 183, Bowles, Section 5.2,
p. 218, Gintis, Section 6.5, p. 274; and Chapter 8.

Source: Part I of the following is excerpted from "A Woman's Work is

Never Done" by PEGGY MoraTon. From Leviathan, 2, No. l ( March
I970). Reprinted by permission of the author. Part II is excerpted from
"New Working Class and Revolutionary Youth" by HERBERT' GiNT1S.
From .Socirz! Revolution 1, No. 3 (May/June, 1970). Reprinted by
permission of Socialist Revoiutiori.
Supportive Institutions 121

Part I: The Evolution of the force, and the urbanization of the society.
Family Under Capitalism The pre-capitalist family functioned (as
does the farm family in capitalist society) as
There has been a great deal of debate over an integrated econoHim men, women
the past few years about the function of the and children took part in production work
family in capitalist society. Discussion has in the fields, the cottage industry and produc-
generally focused on the role of the family tion for the use of the family. There was a
as the primary unit of socialization, the fam- division of labor between men and women,
ily is the basic unit in which authoritarian but a division within an integrated unit.
personality structures are formed, particu- There was much brutality in the old system
larly the development of authoritarian rela- (the oppression of women, harsh ideas about
tionships between parents and children and child-raising, and a culture that reflected the
between men and women: the family is nec- limitations of peasant life) but the family
essary to the maintenance of sexual repres- also served as a structure for the expression
sion in that sexuality is allowed legitimate ex- and fulfillment of simple human emotional
pression only in manage, through the family needs.
men can give vent to feelings of frustration,
anger and resentment that are the products of
alienated labor, and can act out the power-
lessness which they experience in work by
dominating the other members of the family;
For those who became the urban proletariat,
and within the family little girls learn what is
this was all ruthlessly swept away with the
expected of them and how they should act.
coming of factories. The function of the fam-
ily was reduced to the most primitive level,
[How has] the family developed in differ- instead of skilled artisans, the factories re-
ent stages of capitalism as the requirements quired only a steady flow of workers with
for the maintenance and production of labor little or no training, who learned what they
power change? The essence of the position I needed on the job, and who could easily be
want to argue in this paper is as follows. . . . replaced. Numbers were all that mattered and
The family is a unit whose function is the the conditions under which people lived
mai;itenarzee of and reproduction of labor were irrelevant to the needs of capital. The
power, i.c.. that the structure of the family labor of women and children took on a new
is determined by the needs of the economic importance.
system, at any given time, for certain kind The result was a drastic increase in the ex-
of labor power. . . _ ploitation of child labor (in Britain, in the
By "reproduction of labor power" we period I780-1840). Even small children
mean simply that the task of the family is to worked 12-18 hour days, death from over-
maintain the present work force and provide work was common, and despite a series of
the next generation of workers, lifted with Factory Acts which made provisions for the
the skills and values necessary for them to be education of child labourers, the education
productive members of the work force. When was almost always mytiiical'-lx/hen teachers
we talk about the evolution of the family un- were provided, they the.msclves were often
der capitalism, we have to understand both illitcrz..I The report on Public Health, Lon-
the changes in the family among the prole- don, 13, documents that in industrial dis-
tariat, and the changes that come from the tricts, infant mortality was as high as one
increasing proletarianization of the labor death in four in the first year of life, as corn-

pared to one in ten in non-industrial districts. EL status to which the proletarian would like
As many as half the children died in the First to rise.
five years of life in the industrial slums not Colonized nations within imperialist na-
because of a lack of medical knowledge but tions have experienced this destruction of the
because of the conditions under which the family almost permanently. During slavery,
urban proletariat were forced to live. Girls the black family was systematically broken
who had worked in the mills since early up and destroyed. Because black people have
childhood had a characteristic deformation been used as a reserve army of unskilled la-
of the pelvic bones which made for difficult bor, there has been no need for a family
births, women worked until the last week of structure that would ensure that the children
pregnancy and would return to the mills received education and skills. And direct op-
soon after giving birth for fear of losing their pression and repression (racism) eliminated
jobs, children were left with those too young the need for more subtle social control
or too old to work, were given opiates to through the socialization process in the f a r
quiet them, and often died from malnutrition fly. Often the women were the breadwinners
resulting from the absence of the mother and because they were the only ones who could
the lack of suitable food. Find jobs, and when there were no jobs the
welfare system further discouraged the main-
On what foundation is the present .funnily, tenance of the family by making it more dif-
the bourgeois family, based' On capital, or ftcult to get welfare if the man was around.
private gain. In its completely developed
The bourgeois family has never existed for
form this family exists only among the
bourgeoisie. But this state of Iring,>s fznds its the black colony, instead children were seen
complement i n the practical absence of the not as individual property but as belonging
family among the proletarians, and in pub- to the whole community.
lic prostitution. . . . The bourgeois clap-trap For white North Americans, the family
about the family and education, about the
developed differently for those who first set-
hallowed correlation of parent and child,
beaconze all the more disgusting, the more., tled the continent and for industrial workers.
by the action of A/fodern Industry, all family "Frontier life" required the family in an even
ties anton the prolefczrians are torn asun- stronger form than in Europe, because all
der and their children transformed into members of the family had to function as a
simple artffeles of <i'omrn€t'ce and instru-
ments of labour. (The Communist Mani-
production unit in the back-breaking work of
festo) clearing land, ploughing and harvesting. At
the same time, the need for co-operation bc-
The need of capit alism in the stage of tween family units meant that a strong com-
primitive accumulation of capital for a steady munity developed. "Hwan
I industrial workers.
flow of cheap and unskilled labor primarily conditions were similar to those of Europe in
determined the structure of the family. in the early stages of capitalism, i.e., the f a r
contrast, the prevailing ideology was used in fly system was weakened by the employment
turn to prepare the working class for the new of all members of the family in the mines and
drudgery. The repressive Victorian morality, the mills.
brought to the working class through the The evolution of the family is ali:ected
Wesleyan sects, clamped down harder on the both by the proletarianization of the work
freedom of women, and perpetrated the ide- force engaged in agriculture and resulting ur-
ology of hard work and discipline. The Vic- banization, and by changes in the kind of la-
torian concept of the family was both a bor power required which changed the form
reflection of the bourgeois family, based on of the family among the proletariat itself.
private property, and an ideal representing The constant need of each capitalist to in-
Supportive Instifutiorms 123

crease the productivity of his enterprise in rather than simply on speed~ups and other
order to remain competitive was secured direct forms of increasing the exploitation of
both by increasing the level of. exploitation the workers. The family is therefore impor-
of the workers and by the continual introduc- tant both to shoulder the burden of the costs
tion of new, more complex and more eili- of education, and to carry out the repressive
cient machinery. Thus a new kind of worker socialization of children. The family must
was required as the production process be- raise children who have internalized hier-
came more complex-workers who could archical social relations, who will discipline
read instructions and blueprints, equipped themselves and work efficiently without con-
with skills that required considerable train- stant supervision. The family also serves to
ing. As the need for skilled labor increases repress the natural sexuality of its members
the labor of women and children tends to be ---HH essential process if people are to work
replaced by that of men-workers involve a at jobs which turn them into machines for
capital investment and therefore it makes eight or more hours a day. Women are re-
more sense to employ those who can work sponsible for implementing most of this so~
steadily throughout their lives. civilization.
At the same time, the growth of trade
unions and the increasing revolutionary con-
sciousness of the working class forced the
Part II Economic Rationality
ruling class to meet some of their demands
and the Function of Schooling
or face full-scale revolt. The rise in material
standards of living accommodated both the
It would be strange indeed if the [needs
need to restrain militancy, to provide a stand-
of economic institutions did not have an im-
ard of living that would allow for the educa- pact] beyond the economic sphere. In any
tion of children as skilled workers, and the
society economic activity establishes param-
need for consumers to provide new markets
eters [or the major non-economic institutions
for the goods produced. The abolition of
-the worker's basic consumption unit (be it
child labor and the introduction of compul-
nuclear or extended family, clan, or com-
sory education were compelled by the need
mune), the residential community, the work-
for a skilled labor force.
environment, education, the cultural system,
and the formation of individual personalities
REPRODUCTION OF LABOR POWER as well. These institutions are intertwined
IN ADVANCED CAPITALISM with the economic system, and mold the psy-
chological make-up of individuals in such a
The transformation in the costs of educat- manner as to facilitate its operation. The de-
ing and training the new generation of work- velopment of economic institutions along the
ers is fundamental to the changes that have lines of maximal production implies that eco-
nomic rationality governs the development of
taken place and are still taking place in the
family structure. A fundamental law of capi- society as a whole.
talism is the need for constant expansion.
Automation is required for the survival of [Schooling is an example of how other
the system. Workers are needed who are not institutions support and reinforce the basic
only highly skilled but who have been trained institutions of capitalisrn.] The function of
to learn new skills. Profits depend more and education in any society is the socialization
more on the efficient organization of work of youth into the prevailing culture. On the
and on the "self-discipline" of the workers one hand, schooling serves to integrate indi-

victuals into society by institutionalizing dom- the last of these functions, one central to the
inant value, norm, and belief systems. On question of educated labor as E1 class, and
the other hand, schooling provides the in- the role of (potentially) revolutionary youth.
dividual competencies necessary for the ade- The problem of developing individual
quate performance of social roles. Thus competence for adequate job-performance
educational systems are fundamental to the reduces to the need for a structure of' indi-
stability and functioning of any society. vidual motivation compatible with capitalist
In a society devoted to economic ration- organization, and the technical capability and
ality, education must be separated from the personality traits necessary for the execution
family and the community. Citizens are de- of bureaucratic tasks. These requirements
veloped in isolation from the general pattern limit the ability of the educational system
of social activity, the educational process isto foster the "human development" of the
segregated into a separate and jurisdiction- individual in two basic ways. First, many
ally distinct sphere-schools. This shrinkage personality types are incompatible with pre-
follows from the more fundamental removal requisites of individual motivation and ca-
of economic functions from family and com- pacity for adequate job performance. Thus
munity for two reasons. First, the rationaliza-
ET truly spiritual individual or an individual
tion of production places ever-increasing de- who values aesthetic, physical, or interper-
mands on the isolated individual. Production sonal activities may be incapable of adjusting
relations are not part of the "normal social to an alienating work-environment. in this
relations" of the family and the community sense, non-capitalist values are incompatible
and hence cannot be developed through the with competence for job performance. Sec-
gradual integration of the child into family ond, the time and energy required for the
and society. Second, technologies develop development of economic motivations and
over time in response to the criterion of capacities may be so great as to severely limit
maximal efficiency, and thus the requisites the time and energy that an individual has
for adequate job performance-the very to develop other interests and skills. As capi-
competencies which must be developed in the talist technologies become ever more highly
child-change from generation to generation. developed, the time and energy required for
An eduactional system imbedded in the fab- competence are correspondingly increased, so
ric of family and community cannot respond that the dimensions of individual personality
rapidly enough to changing demands imposed development become severely limited. In this
by developing capitalist technology. situation, the educational system tends to be-
An independent educational system pro- come functionally reduced to its role in gen-
vides the flexibility necessary to the opera- erating labor for the economy, and the de-
tion of capitalism. The functions of this sys- velopment of the inaliviciual becomes more
tcm include: (a) the preservation of social or less fully tailored to the needs of* "eco-
status along class lines; (b) the transmission nomic rationality."
and preservation of cultural norms, attitudes
and values to the degree that they remain
compatible with an increasingly materially- The personality traits rewarded and pe-
oriented economy, (c) the training of a stra- nalized in the classroom seem admirably
tum capable of developing new technologies suited to the generation of workers who Nt
favorable to capitalist development, and (ci) harmoniously in a system of hierarchical au-
the generation of an educated work-force, thority, and the concomitant personality
with competence to perform in complex, changes induced through schooling represent
alienated work-environments. I shall focus on a central element in the contribution of
Ccapifcllism and Inequality 125

schooling to individual productivity. .lust as "given," it follows that the development of.
subordination is required for adequate func- increasingly cost-minimizing technologies will
tioning in bureaucratic organization, so is a be limited to those technologies compatible
proper worker discipline. with bureaucratic organization. Potentially
Another aspect of adequate functioning in "efiicicnt" technologies that are destructive
bureaucratic roles involves the modes of of bureaucratic organization will not be in-
thought typically required of the worker. troduced, technology will not develop in
Roughly, advancement within a bureaucratic these directions. Bureaucracy itself is thus
organization requires the employment of a not necessarily "economically rational," but
more cognitive, as opposed to affective, mode is only a necessary instrument for profit-
of thought. . . . To what extent is this em- maximization. As a result, we cannot say
phasis on cognitive, as opposed to affective, whether the personality characteristics asso-
modes of personal organization developed in ciated with adequate job-performance in a
the classroom? According to Robert Dree- bureaucracy are required directly by efli-
ben, the very structure of the social relations ciency criteria in production, or only indic
in education is conducive to cognitive orien- rectly as a concomitant of capitalist hegem-
tation. ony. In either case, the educational system
The bureaucratization of work is a result must act as a repressive force in the produc-
of the capitalist control of the work process, fion of workers w/to Iii harmoniously irz. an
as bureaucracy seems to be the sole organi- alienating and bureaucratic work-envirom
zational form compatible with capitalist merit, and in either case education is produc-
hegemony. If bureaucracy in the factory is a tive only insofar as it is repressive.

3.7 Capitalism and Inequality

The existence of an economic surplus makes possible an unequal distri-

bution of income and wealth among people in a society. Great economic
inequalities have characterized most societies that have generated a surplus
in the past, including slave, feudal, and other precapitalist societies. In
these societies a small but dominant class appropriated most of the eco-
nomic surplus, thereby creating for itself the privileges of unequal status.
The capitalist mode of production has generated an unprecedented ex-
pansion of the productive capacity of advanced capitalist nations and a
correspondingly huge economic surplus. As in earlier class societies, this
surplus has been di';=ided very unequally, so that capitalist societies have
also been characterized by great inequalities in income and wealth.
In the following reading Thomas E. Weisskopf shows that a significant
degree of income inequality is functionally necessary to the capitalist mode
of production. Furthermore, he identities strong forces in a capitalist soci-
ety that tend to prevent the equalization of incomes over time and to trans-
mit inequalities from generation to generation.

Source: The following essay was written by THOMAS E. Wralssxovr for

this book. Copyright © 1972 by Thomas E. Weisskopf.

1. INTRODUCTION elation is passed directly on to the next

The rise of capitalism has engendered EL tre- In Section 2 I will discuss the fundamental
mendous increase in the productive capacity characteristics of the process of income dis-
of. the capitalist economies of North Amer- tribution under capitalism and argue that in-
ica, Western Europe, Japan, Australia, and come inequality is functionally essential to
New Zealand. Yet this tremendous growth the capitalist mode of production. The argu-
in the forces of production has been 21CCOTI'l- ment abstracts from historical and political
panied by vast inequalities in the distribution forces in order to concentrate on the frzstiru-
tional constraints on income distribution im-
of the fruits of that production. The disparity
in income and wealth between the industrial- posed by the capitalist system. In Section 3 I
ized nations at the center of the world capi- will turn to the dynamics of income distribu-
talist system and the underdeveloped areas tion and argue that there are strong forces in-
on the periphery has been increasing con- herent in a capitalist system that tend to pre-
tinuously since the early days of colonial vent the reduction of income inequality over
plunder. Moreover, within each capitalist na- time from any initial historically determined
tion tremendous fortunes coexist with inde- level. Some of these same forces in turn
scribable poverty in spite of the growth of limit mobility between income classes and
the modern "welfare state." thereby perpetuate income inequality from
Capitalism has historically always been one generation to the next. In Section 4 I
characterized by great inequalities in the dis- provide a brief summary of the conclusions
tribution of income and wealth. I shall argue to be drawn from the analysis of the preced-
in this essay that inequality under capitalism ing sections.
is no mere historical accident, rather, a sig-
nificant degree of income inequality is func-
tionally essential to the capitalist mode of
production. Furthermore, I shall argue that
there are dynamic forces at work in a capi-
The most fundamental characteristic of the
talist system that tend to perpetuate if not
distribution of income under capitalism is
to exacerbate the degree of income inequality
that it is tied directly to the production proc-
over time.
css. The ethical principle used to justify the
Income inequality must be distinguished
capitalist method of distributing income is
conceptually from income immobility. The
"to each according to what he and the in-
existence of a hierarchy of income levels at struments he owns produces."' Thus under
any one point in time need not imply that the
the capitalist mode of production the only
same families continue to occupy the same
legitimate claim to income arises from the
position in the hierarchy from one generation
possession of' one's own labor-power and
to the next. In principle, a high degree of in-
from the ownership of physical means of pro-
come inequality in a society could be accor duction."
ponied by a high degree of intergenerational
income mobility, such that opportunities to Milton Friedman, Capitalism and Frcedorn
receive income were equalized for all chil- (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962),
dren irrespective of family background. PP. 161-62.
2There are other sources of :income from which
However, I shall argue that a capitalist soci- some people do receive a limited amount of in-
ety is recess arily characterized not only by a come in capitalist societies, et., welfare agencies,
substantial degree of income inequality but gifts, prizes, crime, etc. However such sources are
always treated as exceptions to the normal capital-
also by considerable income immobility, for ist rules of the game exceptions that arise from
much of the income inequality in one gen- unusually distressing or pathological circumstances.
Ccnpitotlism and Inequality 127

Each individual receives income in the ownership of capital, the fundamental dis-
form of payments for the use of his "factors tinction between capitalist and worker would
of production"-the labor-power and the vanish. Each individual would be equally
physical means of production that he owns. capable of controlling the production proc-
The amount of these payments depends upon ess, and no individual would be compelled to
how "valuable" his factors are in the pro- relinquish control over his or her labor-
duction process, i.e., how much they con- power to someone else. .But the operation off
tribute to the market value of production. a capitalist economy is predicated upon the
The income received by any individual thus existence of a labor market in which work-
depends both on the quantity of the factors ers are obliged to exchange control over their
of production he owns and on the price labor-power in return for wages and salaries.
which these factors command in the market. If this obligation were removed, there would
Inequalities in income can result either from no longer be any basis for control of the
unequal ownership of factors of production production process by a limited class of capi-
or from unequal prices paid for those factors. talists. HenCe equality of capital ownership
For the purposes of this analysis, I shall is incompatible with some of the basic insti-
distinguish only the two basic factors of pro- tutions of the capitalist mode of production
duction: labor-power and capital. Labor- itself.
power includes all of the productive attri- If iNcome from capital could be separated
butes of. individuals, from the most ele- from ownership of capital, the inequality in
1nen.tary manual capacity to the most highly the latter would not necessarily imply in~
valued personality characteristics and man- equality in the former. But to divorce the
agerial and technical skills. Capital includes two would be contrary to the basic capitalist
all physical means of production: land, nat- principle that an individual is entitled to in-
ural resources, buildings, plant, and equip- come from property as well as from labor.
ment. Capital is thus defined to include all Thus the necessity of unequal income from
forms of productive property, but to exclude capital in a capitalist society follows directly
such possessions as resid ential housing, auto- from the functional necessity of unequal
mobiles, etc., insofar as they are owned only capital ownership.
for personal use. The capitalist mode of production likewise
Income from labor~power and income requires that the possession of labor-power
from capital together account for the overall and the earnings from labor income be dis-
income of any individual. I shall show that tributed highly unequally among workers.
income from each of these sources is neces- For if the labor market is to operate eNi-
sarily unequally distributed in a capitalist ciently in developing and allocating labor
society in such a way as to result in overall throughout an economy, there must be a
income inequality. significant degree of inequality in labor
In the advanced capitalist nations, labor earnings. Since workers under capitalism re-
income typically accounts for about thrcc- linquish most control over the process or
quarters and property (capital) income for product of their work, they are not likely to
about one-quarter of total national income.3 acquire and develop productive attributes for
The distribution of capital ownership in a their own sake nor to be motivated to work
capitalist society is necessarily unequal, for by intrinsic aspects of the work process. So
if every individual shared equally in the long as work itself is perceived as a burden
to be endured rather than a creative en-
deavor, workers must be motivated to in-
F*For evidence on this point, see Simon Kuznets,
A/Iodern Ernwzonzfc Growth (New Haven: Yale crease their labor-power and to work hard
University Press, 1966), pp. 167-86. by extrinsic rewards such as income with

which they can purchase material goods and of signilieant income differentials. The point
services. is rather that the capitalist mode of produc-
In principle, nonmonetary status rewards tion is characterized by a serious convict bc-
could substitute for income rewards and pro- tween income equality on the one hand and
vide an extrinsic psychic rather than mate- economic efficiency and growth on the other.
rial motivation for work. But the homo A high degree of income equality could be
economics of capitalist society41 is social- attained I n a capitalist society only at a very
ized to value quantitative and "objective" high cost in productive eliieiency. In order
monetary success much more highly than to remain economically viable, the capitalist
qualitative and "subjective" status achieve- mode of' production therefore requires sig-
ment. Hence status rewards unrelated to nificant inequalities in the distribution of la-
monetary success cannot be expected to play bor 1I'1C01T1@.
a significant motivational role under capital- The inequalities in income from capital
ism. Instead, material gain incentives are and income from labor-power combine to
generally necessary to encourage the devel- generate an unequal distribution of overall
opment of productive attributes and to call income. In order for the labor market to
forth the energies of workers who do not con- function effectively, most workers must have
trol the work process. little or no capital and correspondingly low
The productivity of a worker depends on capital incomes, The necessary differentials
certain relevant personality characteristics, in the labor incomes of workers will there-
on manual skills, and on certain cognitive fore be reflected in corresponding inequalities
skills, the required mix of these types of pro- in overall incomes. On the other hand, the
ductive attributes depends upon the nature necessary concentration of capital ownership
of the job. The development of these attri- will result in inequalities of capital income
butes depends to a significant degree on fam- that are not oilset by any contrary inequali-
ily background and socialization, hut later ties in labor income. Thus it can be con-
education and job training can also have an cluded that overall income inequality is in-
impact, especially on the acquisition of cog- deed functionally essential to the capitalist
nitive skills. Under the circumstances de- mode of production. No amount of political
scribed above, individuals will be motivated intervention short of a complete transforma-
to acquire needed skills through education tion of the mode of production could elimi-
and job training mainly insofar as this leads nate income inequality under capitalism.
to the prospect of higher incomes. Similarly,
workers are likely to apply themselves more
productively and energetically on mum
only insofar as this qua'l'i"fies them Tor 'bonus
pay or for promotions to higher-paying posi-
tions. In order for this incentive system to I have argued in Section 2 that a certain
operate effectively, it is essential to maintain degree of income inequality is inherent in
a hierarchy based upon the differential pos- any capitalist society. But the actual extent
session of labor-power and the correspond- of this income inequality may well be greater
ing differential receipt of labor earnings. than would be strictly essential to the capi-
The argument of the preceding paragraphs talist mode of production. Current inequality
is not intended to suggest that no work would in capitalist societies is in part the result of
be done in a capitalist society in the absence a historical legacy, but it is also attributable
to dynamic forces operating within the proc-
4See the introduction to Chapter 3, p. 88. ess of capitalist growth itself. To analyze the
Capitalism o nd Inequality 129

impact of capitalist growth on income dis- households is necessarily far more un-
tribution, it is useful to examine first how equal than the distribution of overall in~
the supply of factors of production owned by comes. Large owners of capital are clearly
an individual is determined and how that favored over small owners because they re-
supply can be increased over time. This re- ceive correspondingly greater incomes from
quires a study of the inheritance and the ac~ their capital. Their advantage is due both to
cumularfon of factors of production. Such a the greater size of their holdings and to the
study in turn will shed light on the question fact that they tend to get higher rates of profit
of income mobility under capitalism, for in- on their capital because of better access to
come mobility depends upon the extent of relevant information and to profitable oppor-
intergenerational transmission of income- tunities. As a result, large holders tend to
earning opportunities through the process of' save and invest much more than small l'1old~
inheritance. ers of capital, and inequalities in capital
The amount of capital that a person owns ownership are thus likely to increase over
depends on how much he inherits from his tithe.
parents and how much he accumulates him- Since capital consists of material objects
self. Since there is no limit to the amount of (or titles thereto), the inequalities of capital
capital one person can own, capital can be ownership that exist in one generation can
amassed into vast fortunes. The ownership be passed directly on to the next. Whether
of capital in all capitalist societies is in fact the process of inheritance tends to increase
highly uneq*ual.5 I shall argue in this section or decrease the dispersion of property owner-
that the process of capital accumulation ship depends upon the extent of selective
within a generation tends to increase the mating and on the relative reproduction rates
concentration of capital ownership, while the of the rich and the poor. So long as the
process of capital inheritance from one gen- wealthy marry among themselves and the
eration to the next fails to arrest this ten- poor do likewise, the existing degree of in-
dency. equality in property ownership is perpetu-
Capital is accumulated by an individual ated. To the extent that the wealthy tend to
when he saves-refrains from consuming- have fewer heirs than the poor, the inequality
a part of his income and invests these sav- is actually increased. On the other hand, any-
ings in the purchase of new capital to add to thing short of a perfect match of wealth be-
his existing stock. The ability to increase tween husband and wife tends to reduce the
one's capital ownership thus depends upon disparities of ownership in the next genera-
how much surplus income one receives in ex- tion." On balance, it appears that the proc-
cess of basic consumption needs. The higher ess of inheritance in a capitalist society is
one's overall income, the greater is the sur- unlikely to increase or decrease significantly
plus available for investment and hence the the degree of inequality of capital ownership
greater is the opportunity for capital ac- over time.
cumulation. Since basic consumption needs It emerges quite clearly from the preced-
do not vary as greatly as overall income, ing discussion, however, that inheritance con-
the distribution of surplus income among tributes heavily to intergenerational immo-
bility in capital ownership. Perfect mobility
5Fof evidence from the United States, see would require that each individual have an
Lundberg, Section 4.4, page 169. For evidence
from England, see J. E. Meade, E1$'i1.-!ncy, Equal- "See J. E. Meade, Emrxfency, Eqzmflfry and I r e
fry rand the Oiw:ef'.s'!:i'p of Property (Cambridge, Owners/:ip of Proper-ty, for a more detailed and
Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1964), Chap- rigorous discussion of the points raised in the
ter 2. last two paragraphs.

equal opportunity Lo accumulate capital. Ob- The accumulation of labor-power during

viously, differential inheritance of capital an individual's lifetime through investment in
transmits much of the inequality of capital education and training is in many respects
ownership from one generation to the next. similar to the accumulation of capital through
So long as property can be transferred read- investment in productive property. The proc-
ily from parents to children through family ess whereby labor~powcr is accumulated is
inheritance, the children of large holders will also likely to be disequalizing because those
enjoy great privileges relative to the children individuals with the greatest initial advan-
of small holders. Only a drastic curtailment tages-e.g., personality characteristics or
or a-bolition Wma! _his of inheritance cognitive abilities inherited at birth or de-
could prevent the transmission of inequali- veloped through the family socialization
ties in capital ownership from one generation process-are likely to be the best able to ac-
to the,aH Yet to interfere seriously with quire even more. Tracking systems in high
inheritance rights would l: incompatible schools, competitive admissions procedures in
with the capitalist mode of production be- colleges and universities, and the overall em-
cause it would undermine the fundamental phasis on promoting the "highest achievers"
capitalist institutions of private property and in educational institutions contribute to
the legal relations of ownership. As Milton highly unequal educational opportunities.
Friedman has appropriately pointed out_,. II Such inequalities are further reinforced by
seems illogical to say that a man is entitled the interaction of the possession of labor-
. . . to the produce of the wealth he has ac- power with monetary wealth. Parents who
cumulated, but that he is not entitled toiuass
1..V\. earn substantial labor incomes can use some
any wealth on to his cEiEren.'l'r of their money to invest in a longer and bet-
capital, h amount of labor-power ter education for their children than the
that an individual possesses depends both on children of the poor, thereby contributing
how much he inherits from his parents and further to the differential acquisition of pro-
on how much he accumulates himself. But ductive attributes by the next generation.
the processes of inheritance and accumula- There is only one major constraint on the
tion take on rather different forms in the accumulation of labor-power that does not
case of labor-power. As noted earlier, mar- apply to capital. This constraint is due to the
ketable labor-power involves several kinds of embodiment of productive attributes in indi-
productive attributes of an individual: per- vidual human beings and the fact that every
sonality characteristics, manual skills and individual life is finite. In order for the ac-
cognitive skills. These attributes are acquired cumulation of labor-power to "pay ell," an
in part at birth (through biological inheri- individual must work during part of his life.
tance), in part during early childhood This means that the time during which he can
(through family socialization), in part dur- profitably acquire productive attributes is
ing school age (through the educational sys- limited, and hence the extent to which labor-
tem), and in part on the job (through job power will be accumulated by any one in-
training, experience, etc.). Labor-power can dividual is also limited. Because of this
be inherited--directly or indirectly-at birth constraint, inequalities of labor-power are
and in the process of family socialization, unlikely to become as vast as inequalities of
and it can be accumulated-to some extent capital ownership, and the forces tending
-through education and job training. toward an increase in the degree of inequal-
ity over time are less powerful in the case
Milton Friedman, Cflpfmlisnr and F1'eed'on1, of labor-power than capital ownership.
p. 164. The extent to which the inheritance of
Capitalism and Inequality 131

labor-power accentuates and/or perpetuates ership of and earnings from each of the two
inequalities over time depends primarily on sources tend naturally to be associated with
the degree of selective mating in a society and one another. People with high incomes from
to a lesser extent on differential rates of re- their labor-power are better able to save and
production. Unlike property, which is pre- to acquire income-yielding capital than are
cisely defined in quantity and must be di- people with low labor incomes. And people
vided among heirs, personality characteristics with high incomes from their capital owner-
and cognitive skills are diffused .in E1 more ship are better able to purchase the educa-
general way through biological inheritance tional services that can help to increase their
and the family environment. The greater the marketable labor-power than are people with
tendency of men and women of the same so- little capital income. Thus there is a signifi-
cial class to intermarry, the more disequaliz- cant degree of correlation of ownership of
ing is the inheritance of lahonpower. There labor-power and capital that contributes to
are clearly very powerful social forces that the existence and perpetuation of an unequal
favor marriage among relative equals in so- distribution of. total incomes among individ-
cial and educational background, most nota- uals or family units.
bly educational channeling and class segre- Even if the degree of inequality in both
gation of neighborhoods. Whether or not labor and capital incomes were increasing
this effect is strong enough actually to exacer- over time, and it the two were perfectly cor-
bate the degree of inequality over time, it is related among individuals, there still might
clearly a powerful force working to perpetu- not be an increase in the degree of overall
ate the existing hierarchy of labor-power income inequality. This would be the case
from one generation to the next. if the percentage share of total income rep~
Having considered separately the patterns resented by income from the more unequally
of accumulation of the two basic factors of distributed factor were diminishing over time.
production within and between generations, Income from capital is typically much more
it remains to examine their interaction to de- unequally distributed than income from Ia-
termine their overall impact on the time trend bor. If the inequality in both types of income
of income inequality and the extent of in- is increasing, but if an ever larger share of
come immobility under capitalism. Whether income represents returns to labor rather
increasing inequality in the distribution of than to capital, then the increasing signili-
labor~powcr and of capital leads also to in- cance of labor incomes could result in a de-
creasing inequality in overall income depends cline in the degree of inequality in overall
upon ( 1 ) the extent to which the ownership income. There is, in fact, some evidence of
of labor~power is correlated among individ- a long-run increase .in the share of labor in-
uals with the ownership of capital, and (2) come in the rich capitalist 1iations.** This
the extent to which the relative shares of la- increase probably reflects the decline in im-
bor and capital in overall incomes change portance of independent proprietors and the
over time. Finally, it is important also to ex~ growth of the white-collar working class,
amine the impact of technological change more people now rely on the sale of their
on the overall distribution of income in a labor-power as their main source of income.'-*
capitalist society. The apparent rise in the share of labor in-
The more highly correlated is the owner-
ship of labor~power and capital, the more ¥*See Simon Kuznets, Modern Ec.'onon1F'c Gmuvth,
surely does the perpetuation of inequality in PP. 177-86.
9Fo1' thorough documentation on the changing
each contribute to the perpetuation of in- occupational structure of the labor force in the
equality in overall income. In fact, the own- United States, see Reich, Section 4.5, p, 174.

come has a dampening cllcct on tendencies torical context. One cannot therefore predict
toward increased income inequality over that a capitalist society will necessarily al-
time. ways tend towards greater income inequality
Thus far we have proceeded with the sim- over time. One can say, however, that there
plifying assumption that all income could be are very serious constraints on the reduction
attributed directly to the ownership of fac- of existing income inequality in a capitalist
tors of production, But the growth of an society.
economy derives not only from the accumu- . Some of the constraints which inhibit
lation of factors of production but also the reduction of income inequality under
through technological changes in the produc- capitalism act as formidable barriers to inter-
tive process that arise out of the devel opment generational income mobility. The inheri-
of new products and new methods of produc- tance of capital ownership and of labor-
tion. Such changes generate income that is power precludes equality of income-earning
received ultimately in the "form of higher opportunity and assures that the hierarchy
capital or labor incomes by the individuals of income inequality will be transmitted to a
involved, but the income really represents a significant degree from one generation to the
return to technological innovation or entre- next. Intergenerational income immobility
preneurial initiative. remains an inherent characteristic of a capi-
Inequalities arising from and perpetuated talist society no matter what the precise trend
by the differential ownership of labor-power in the degree of income inequality over time.
and capital tend to be exacerbated by the Although equality of income and equality
impact of technological changes in a capi- of opportunity to earn income (income mo-
talist economy. It is generally those who own bility) cannot be achieved in a capitalist so-
capital and/or control the work process who ciety, some of the pressures for further in-
are best able to introduce new technologies equality and further immobility might in
and new products and thereby to reap the principle be countered by deliberate state
initial and very important monetary gains interference with the natural processes in-
associated with their introduction. Likewise, volved. For example, the state could redis-
it is the highly educated groups in society tribute income by taxing the rich much more
who are best able to adapt themselves to the than the poor; it could redistribute capital by
new requirements of technical change and to levying high inheritance taxes; it could re-
seek out the most remunerative outlets for distribute labor-power by providing for
their labor. And, conversely, it is the least compensatory education, etc. Whether such
educated who are the least mobile geographic actions are in fact undertaken depends upon
cally and occupationally, and therefore the the forces that act upon the state_the direct
least able to protect themselves by adapting influence of the most powerful groups in the
to rapid technical and economic change. society, the indirect influence of the prevail-
ing ideology, and the pressures exerted by
the poor and the weak." In most capitalist
CONCLUSION societies, the evidence suggests that relatively
little redistribution has in fact been achieved
In summary, there are important dynamic by state action." And it remains fundamen-
forces at work in the process of capitalist
growth that tend to accentuate the degree of 10E*or E of the role of the state in
overall income inequality over time. There capitalist society, see Sweezy, Section 3.8, p. 183,
are also forces working in the opposite direc- and Edwards and racEway,. Section 3.9, p. 135.
11F01° evidence from R United States, see
tion, whose strength will vary with the his- Ackerman or al., Section 5.1, p. 207.
The Primary Function of the Capitalist State 133

tally true that a significant degree of in- short of a complete transformation of these
equality and immobility is functionally es~ institutions-i.e., a change in the mode of
sential to the institutions of a capitalist SO- production-could eradicate such inequali-
ciety. No amount of political intervention lies under capitalism.

3.3 The Primary Function of the Capitalist State

We have now completed the general description of the capitalist mode of

production outlined in the introduction to this chapter. One question which
remains to be addressed is: What about the government? Central govern-
ments have become vast and powerful in modern society, and many of
capitalism's most blatant irrationalities seem to involve the failure of gov-
ernments to act in a beneficial manner. No social theory can claim to be
adequate or relevant unless it explains the operation of the state.
The question of state power will recur throughout this book? In this
reading Paul Sweezy introduces the subject with a theoretical analysis of
the role of the capitalist state.

1See especially Weinstein, Section 4.7, p. 188, and O'Conno1°, Section 4.8, p. 192,
for a discussion of the evolution of the role of the state in the United States.

Source: The following is excerpted from The Theory of Capitafisl De-

velopment by PAUL M. SWEEZY (New York: Monthly Review Press,
I942), Chapter XIII. Copyright 0 1942 by Paul M. Sweezy. Reprinted
by permission of Monthly Review Press.

"In or what comes to the same thing, the

There is El tendency on the part of modern system of property relations is an immutable
liberal theorists to interpret the state as an datum, in this respect like the order of na-
institution established in the interests of so- ture itself. It then proceeds to ask what ar-
ciety as a whole for the purpose of mediating rangements the various classes will make to
and reconciling the antagonisins to which get along with each other, and finds that an
social existence inevitably gives rise. This is institution for mediating their conflicting in-
a theory which avoids the pitfalls of political terests is the logical and necessary answer. To
metaphysics and which serves to integrate in this institution, powers for maintaining order
a tolerably satisfactory fashion a considera- and settling quarrels are granted. In the real
ble body of observed fact. It contains, how- world what is called the state is identified as
ever, one basic shortcoming, the recognition the counterpart of this theoretical construc-
of which leads to a theory essentially Marx- tion.
ian in its orientation. A critique of what may The weakness of this theory is not difficult
be called the class-mediation conception of to discover. It lies in the assumption of an
the state is, therefore, perhaps the best way immutable and, so to speak, self-maintaining
of introducing the Marxian theory. class structure of society. supcrii ciality
The class-mediation theory assumes, usu- of this assumption is indicated by the most
ally implicitly, that the underlying class struc- cursory stud of history. 'in fact is that

many forms of property relations with their occupies what is for the time the key post-.
concomitant class structures have come and sons in the process of production gets the
gone in the past, and there is no reason to upper hand over its rivals and fashions a
assume that they will not continue to do so state which will enforce that set of property
in the future. The class structure of society relations which is in its own interest. In other
is no part of the natural order of things, it words any particular state is the child of the
is the product of past social development, class or classes in society which benefit from
and it will change in the course of future the particular set of property relations which
social development. it is the state's obligation to enforce. A ino-
Once this is recognized it becomes clear ment's reflection will carry the conviction that
that the liberal theory goes wrong in the 1nan~ it could hardly be otherwise. As soon as we
her in which it initially poses the problem. have dropped the historically untenable as-
We cannot ask: Given a certain class struc- sumption that the class structure of society is
ture, how will the various classes, with their in some way natural or self-enforcing, it is
divergent and often conflicting interests, clear that any other outcome would lack the
manage to get along together? We must ask : prerequisites of stability. If the disadvantaged
How did 8. particular class structure come classes were in possession of state power,
into being and by what means is its continued they would attempt to use it to establish a
existence guaranteed? As soon as an attempt social order more favorable to their own
is made to answer this question, it appears interests, while a sharing of state power
that the state has a function in society which among the various classes would merely shift
is prior to and more fundamental than any the locale of conliict to the state itself.
which present-day liberals attribute to it. Let That such conflicts within the state, cor-
us examine this more closely. responding to fundamental class struggles
A given set of property relations serves to outside, have taken place in certain transi-
define and demarcate the class structure of tional historical periods is not denied. During
society. From any set of property relations those long periods, however, when a cer-
one class or classes (the owners) reap mate- tain social order enjoys a relatively continu-
rial advantages, other classes (the owned and ous and stable existence, the state power
the non-owners) suffer material disadvan~ must be monopolized by the class or classes
takes. A special institution capable and will- which are the chief beneficiaries.
ing to use force to whatever degree is re- As against the class-mediation theory of
quired is an essential to the maintenance of he state, we have 71ere the underlying idea
such a set of property relations. Investiga- o wiiatitas-been called- iiie class-domination
tion shows that the state possesses this char- theory. The former takes the existence of a
acteristic to the fullest degree, and that no certain class structure for granted and sees
other institution is or can be allowed to com- in the state an institution for reconciling the
pete with it in this respect. This is usually conflicting interests of the various classes;
expressed by saying that the state, and the the latter, O11 the other hand, recognizes that
state alone, exercises sovereignty over all classes are the product of historical develop-
those subject to its jurisdiction, It is, there- ment and sees in the state an instrument in
fore, not difficult to identify the state as the the hands of the ruling classes for enforcing
guarantor of a given set of property relay and guaranteeing the stability of the class
sons. itself.
If now we ask where the state comes from, It is important to realize that, so far as
the answer is that it is the product of a long capitalist society is concerned, "class domi-
and arduous struggle in which the class which nation" and "the protection of private prop-
Ruling Class Power and the State 135

erty" are virtually synonymous expressions. Capitalist private property does not consist
Hence when we say with Engels that the in things-things exist independently of their
highest purpose of the state is the protection ownership-but in a social relation between
of private property, we are also saying that people. Property confers upon its owners
the state is an instrument of class domination. freedom from labor; and the disposal over
This is doubtless insufficiently realized by the labor of others, and this is the essence of
critics of the Marxian theory who tend to see all social domination whatever form it may
in the notion of class domination something assume. It follows M m e protection of
darker and more sinister than "mere" protect property is fundamental the assurance of
son of private property. In other words they social domination to owners over nonowncrs.
tend to look upon class domination as some- And this, in turn, is precisely what is meant
thing reprehensible and the protection of pri- by class domination, which it is the primary
vate property as something meritorious. function of the state to uphold.
Consequently, it does not occur to them to The recognition that the defense of private
identify the two ideas. Frequently, no doubt, property is the first duty of the state is the
this is because they have in mind not capi- decisive factor in determining the attitude
talist property, but rather private property of genuine Marxist socialism towards the
as it would be in a simple commodity- state. "The theory of the Communists,"
producing society where each producer owns Marx and Engels wrote in the Comnnmist
and works with his own means of produc- Manifesto, "can be summed up in the single
tion. Under such conditions there are no sentence: Abolition of. private property."
classes at all and hence no class domination. Since the state is first and foremost the pro-
Under capitalist relations, however, property tector of private property, it follows that the
has an altogether different significance, and realization of this end cannot be achieved
its protection is easily shown to be identical without a head-on collision between the
with the preservation of class dominance. forces of socialism and the state power.

3.9 Ruling Class Power and the State

In the previous reading Sweezy argued' that the primary function of the
capitalist so
v I
is to defend capitalist institutions. This view of the state
is essential for Understanding its role in capitalist society.
The stat* cannot be held accountable for the failure to "solve" the ir-
rationality and oppression of capitalist society, for it did not create the
problems in the first place. The problems result from the capitalist mode
of production. Insofar as the state helps to maintain the capitalist mode of
production, it perpetuates-but does not cause-the attendant social prob-
lems. an important implication of this theory of the state is that trans-
forming the state alone is insuilicicnt to end the irrationality of capitalism.
In the following reading Richard C. Edwards and Arthur MacE van
discuss the exercise of political power in the capitalist state. They argue
that the state is dominated-through a series of direct and indirect mecha-
nisms-by the capitalist class, and that this domination implies that the
state's activities will reliect and be responsive to the needs of that class.

This view of the state therefore builds directly on the interpretation given
by Sweezy; according to both readings the top priority of the capitalist
state is to defend and to facilitate the operation of capitalist institutions.
Note that Edwards and MacE van claim that political power is only
dominated-but not monopolized--by the capitalist class. It is possible
that in any given situation, other groups can win concessions. Furthermore,
preserving the entire system may on occasion require concessions within
the capitalist institutional framework. But what this theory leads us to
predict is that on fundamental issues, l.q, those involving the operation of
the basic economic institutions, no concessions are possible.
In this chapter we wish to establish only a general theoretical view of
the state. In later chapters we will consider in more detail the operation
and impact of governmental institutions.1

1 See in particular Weinstein, Section 4.7, p. 188, O'Cotlnor, Section 4.8, p. 192,
Edwards, Section 5.5, p. 244; Weisskopf, Section 9.1, p. 364, and MacE van, Section
10.1, p. 409.

Source: The following is excerpted from "A Radical Approach to Eco-

nomics; Basis for a New Curriculum" by RICHARD C. EDWARDS, ARTHUR
MACEWAN et of. From the American Economic Review LX, No. 2
(May 1970). Reprinted by permission of the Amerfcarz Economic Review.

CLASS DIVISIONS IN CAPITALIST of the existing social relations. Together,

SOCIETY these statements would lead us to hypothe-
size that power in a capitalist society is dom-
The development and operation of capitalist inated by the capitalist class, and since social
institutions divides society into classes. First, conflict may lead to instability in the institu-
class division is a prerequisite for the ellec- tions themselves, the class exercises power
tive organization of the institutions: most of primarily to maintain the institutions which
the population must be reduced to worker function in its favor. The intervention of
status while simultaneously a capitalist elite power-to deflect political threats, depoliti-
is created and its existence justified. Second, cize class conflict, and so forth-assures the
the basic institutions function so as to aug- smooth functioning of capitalism!
ment the wealth, power, and privilege of
lWhile we argue that power is dominated by
that elite. the capitalist class, that is not to say that it
The analysis of economic institutions monopolizes power or that its rule is unrestricted.
which leads to these conclusions provides a Furthermore, capitalists need not monopolize
decision-making positions nor must they operate
basis for examining the exercise of power- according to an articulated schema in order to be
the ability of groups to resolve the outcomes dominant. The existence of an ideology which
of social conliict processes in their own fa- favors capitalist interests and a suH'iciently perva-
sive common set of objective self~interests among
vor. First, the analysis provides the working capitalists serves to assure that decisions will be
hypothesis that economic organization is the in their favor. It is in this sense that we can
basis of power. Second, the analysis empha- identify the capitalist class as a ruling class. The
dichotomous division of society into workers and
sizes that the different classes have conflict- capitalists obviously involves a simplification.
ing interests with regard to the maintenance Other groups (e.g., highly paid professionals, land-
Ruling Class Power c d the State 137

THE OPERATION OF RULING work incentives, it would conflict with the

CLASS POWER-THE STATE principle that income is a payment for pro-
ductive factors. Therefore, political power is
An example of the interaction between the focused on the secondary factors and symp-
operation of institutions and the exercise of toms, but the basic processes remain unaf-
power is provided by the recent history of fected. Old age pension programs are
welfare programs. [As was pointed out ear- established, equal opportunity employment
lier in this chapter,] an unequal income dis- regulations are legislated, manpower training
tribution results from the functioning of the programs are set up, unemployment compen-
labor market, the systcin of individual gain sation schemes are developed. Even if such
incentives, and the linking of income to own~ programs were successful on their own terms,
ership and sale of productive factors. There they could eliminate only the most severe as-
are, however, several secondary forces which pects of inequality and poverty. In fact, most
exacerbate inequality, and the reality of capi- of these programs fail to achieve their own
talism is even worse than the model. First, modest objectives.
there are many family units which own no Opposition to system-preserving welfare
salable labor or other factors of production : programs derives not only from their conflict
the sick, the aged, the disabled. Second, there with the institutions. Often, interest groups
are those who own labor power but who are within the capitalist class or powerful profes-
discriminated against in the labor market: sional groups are hurt by welfare legislation.
blacks, other non-whites, and women. Third, Thus, the A.M.A. battles against medical
income inequalities are exacerbated by un- care, housing developers oppose public
equal access to activities through which la- housing programs and city planning, the au-
bor quality is "improved" (e.g., schooling tomobile companies work to keep public
and apprenticeship). Fourth, unemployment transit facilities inadequate; textile employers
is always present in a capitalist system, and subvert equal employment opportunity legis-
its incidence falls heaviest on the groups al- lation. These are cases where class interests
ready at the bottom of the income ladder. and self-interest seem to conflict. While the
This situation poses a threat to capitalism. ruling class as a whole would benefit by es-
Those affected have no stake in maintaining tablishing an ameliorative program and
the system and become unruly. The preser- thereby securing its position, some of its
vation of capitalism requires that the misery members would be hurt. Thus because ruling
of poverty be alleviated, or at least that class solidarity (see below) is at least as im-
something be done about its appearance. Yet portant for the preservation of that system
an attack on the basic causes of the problem, as is preventing disruption by the poor, in-
the functioning of the basic economic insti- adequate welfare programs are the outcome.
tutions, is ruled out. For example, an ade- Welfare programs are but one example of
quate welfare program would interfere with ruling-class functioning-taking action, com-
promising within itself, absorbing discontent
owning farmers, etc.) exist who cannot readily be -carried out through the state. Other re-
identified directly with either class. However, we vealing examples are public education, tarim
use the term "worker" broadly to identify all who policies, financing of research programs, ag-
sell their labor power on a market and therefore
the class categories extend to most of the popula- riculture and transportation subsidies, and
tion. Furthermore, our preceding analysis of capi- the structure of taxation. We believe that
talist institutions and our analysis below of the these operations of the state are best under-
exercise of power lead us fo the conclusion that
these are the most important groups to study for stood if the state is viewed as basically op-
understanding social change. erating in the interests of the capitalist class.

THE PRIORITIES OF THE STATE The enormous military establi segment pro-
vides another example of system-preserving
If, as according to our hypothesis, the state state operations, as such, it performs a dual
is dominated by the capitalist class, then the function. First, it provides the rationale for
operations of the state should reflect the huge expenditures which serve to maintain
needs of the capitalist class. In modern eapi~ aggregate demand without threatening the
talist states, when the basiC institution S have security or position of any group in the rul-
been thoroughly established, the maintenance ing class. For example, social welfare meas-
and preservation of these institutions upon ures often do threaten such groups. Second,
which the structure of class and privilege dc- as the capitalist system becomes increasingly
pends is of the greatest importance to the an intern ational system, the military directly
capitalist class. The uninhibited operation of protects the far-flung parts of that system.
the economic institutions will continue to The response of the state to changes in the
bestow power, wealth, and prestige upon the process of production -ich require more
capitalists. They do not need the state to en- highly developed labor, lustrates a second
hance their position, only to assure it. priority of the state, namely, the creation of
The system-preserving function of the new institutions. The rise of mass education
state is evident in several areas. A continued in the United States has occurred in response
threat to capitalism has been the failure of to the need by industry for a skilled work
the economy autonomously to generate ade- force. Because workers are not tied to par-
quate aggregate demand. This failure has ticular employment, individual capitalists
brought recurring crises with substantial un- cannot invest in the general training of work-
employment. to spite price seemingly in- ers and expect to appropriate the returns.
violable ideological objections to the con- Thus, capitalists turn to the state to provide
trary, the state has assumed the function of a skilled work force. When education is han-
demand regulator. Such regulation does not dled by the state and portrayed as social wel-
eliminate unemployment but simply reduces fare, it is paid for by general tax revenue
it to levels which are not system threatening. rather than by the capitalists themselves.
A second system-preserving function of The structure of the educational system
the state has been its decisive role in obfus- betrays its class-oriented genesis. Mass edu-
cation and suppression of class conflict. This cation in the United States covers a vast
is accomplished through suppressing system- quality range, and a positive association has
threatening groups ( e t , the Wobblies, Black been established between parents' incomes
Panthers), by deflecting their demands for or class and the quality of public education
structural changes into acceptable material which children receive. If, as seems reason-
demands (e.g., labor union economism, able, the benefits of education are correlated
black capitalism), or through atneliorative with the quality of that education, then the
programs. If we may modify the jargon of class bias of U.S. education is obvious. Thus
public finance, state actions such as suppres- the educational system operates to reinforce
sion or ameliora may be viewed as "class the class bias of the core economic institu-
goods." When the challenge posed by work- tions,"
ers becomes severe, no single capitalist can There is a further aspect of the educa-
protect himself. Were he to give concessions tional function which reveals its class bias;
to his workers, his competitive position namely, its role in transmitting ideology. Stu-
would be endangered. To employ private dents are taught a view of society which jus-
armies has been possible but highly ineffi- tifies the status quo and which poses efforts
cient. Thus, action by the capitalists as E1 for change as unnecessary or futile.
class is necessary. See Bowles, Section 5.2, p. 218.
Ruling Class Power and the State 139

The primacy of the roles of the state in surplus is of no help to subsistence farmers.
preserving the system and in developing new Government subsidies for capital-augmenting
institutions to meet changing circumstances technical change have the same class bias.
should not obscure the fact that the state also Military spending, agricultural subsidies,
intervenes directly in the economy to benc- and other such programs provide ample am-
Ht immediate interests of capitalists. The munition for the muckraker. However, in
most significant realm--in quantitative terms terms of their importance in the overall op-
--where the state intervenes is in military erations of the state, we believe they are not
and space spending, which we discussed of highest priority. Their position is behind
above. the system-preserving and sccondary-insti-
Another example of direct intervention, tutions-creating roles of the state. Nonethe-
one which illustrates the case particularly less, when studied as a group, these actions
well, is the governments relation to the agri- of the state which directly enhance the privi-
cultural sector. The general picture of what lege of the capitalist class reveal the basic
has happened in agriculture is well known. character of the state in a capitalist society
Wages in agriculture have remained low and and provide a useful starting point for the
unemployment high. Subsistence farmers analysis of power.
have been unable to survive. The rural poor
have been forced into the urban ghettos,
supplying the low~cost labor force for in~ COHESION OF THE RULING CLASS
dustrial expansion. All the while, large farm~
ers have received subsidies, price supports, The term "ruling class" may evoke the image
and protection. of a small, conspiratorial group which coldly
Furthermore, the very process which calculates the oppression of the poor and its
creates the agricultural problem is exacer- own gain. The actual functioning of the
bated by government programs. Govern- capitalist ruling class in the United States
ment expenditure on agricultural research cannot, however, be well understood in such
and extension has pla.yed.a significant role terms.
in raising agricultural productivity at a more A class operates as a class in a number of
rapid rate than general produ ctivity and has ways. First, the class can be conscious of
thereby contributed to the mass dislocation itself as E1 group with common objective in-
of rural workers and subsistence farmers. terests, and can function cohesively on the
Those statistical studies which are available basis of that consciousness. Second, the class
confirm casual empiricism: the overall im- can hold in common a value system or
pact of the government in its agricultural ideology which justifies the class's position
programs has been to increase inequality and serves as a guide to action- Third, the
within the agricultural sector. class can coalesce on specific issues which
The point is, however, not only that the serve the interests of some of its members
process has worked toward increasing in- if the favor is returned when the special in-
equality but that it is the large owners of terests of other members are at issue.
property-of the agricultural means of pro- In general, it is difficult to distinguish
duction-who benefit. Their benefit is de- which of these three mechanisms is at work
rived directly from the programs which have at any given time. In the case of the United
been developed for "helping agriculture." States, all three mechanisms operate. For ex-
Payment for unused land is of no help to ample, elite schools, class-segregated neigh-
rural laborers. Price supports for marketable borhoods, and social clubs tend to instill in
ruling class members a sense of identity and
See Barmen, Section 5.4, p. 235. of their separateness from the rest of society.

Thus, they become aware of their special cooperate to serve capitalist interests above
stake in the status quo social relations and their own. This is the case, for example,
consciously work for the stability of the sys- when white workers accept racism and reject
tem. Obviously, if aware of their own posi- a worldng-class consciousness.
tion and if working toward a common goal, On many issues, logrolling furthers the
the members of the ruling class need not class interest. This occurs when each group
"'conspire" to assure behavior in their com- within the capitalist class structures its own
mon interest. policies so that they do not come into
On the other hand, the very strong capital- conflict with other groups within the class,
ist ideology in the United States tends to expecting (and receiving) such cooperation
make class consciousness per se less im- in return. . . .
portant. A set of values that justify the posi- These mechanisms which tie a class to-
tion of the capitalist class, the basic institu- gcther should not be confused with the ob-
tions of capitalism, and. the status quo in jective identity of the class itself. The capi-
general providElla. l__g,u°ide t'9 action. Indeed, talist class in the United States is a ruling
the prevalence of the capitalist ideology not class. The tiegrce to which it has conscious-
only assures C l I I
" -
LI f111 ness, a strongTdeoTogy, and internal coopera-
the capitalist class but means that others will tion determines how successfully it can rule.


Further reading is recommended in Sweezy, [8], especially Chapter 1; Reich describes

The Theory of Capitalist Development, es- the mechanism creating the historical lag
pecially Chapters 1 to 4 and Chapter 13, between changes in the base and the result-
and in Edwards and MacE van, "A Radical ing ideology and personality changes. Mer-
Approach to Economics," as cited in the ton et al. [5] gives a useful introduction to
source lines for Sections 3.4 and 3.9. The the dimensions of bureaucratic forms, see
original expression of many of these ideas especially the essay by Merton, "Bureau-
is scattered throughout Karl Marx's writings, cratic Structure and Personality," for an
for which the classic and most comprehen- analysis of how the requirements of bureauc-
sive source, though very difficult and diffuse racy restrict personality development com-
reading, is Mani [4]; see especially Vol. I, patible with bureaucracy. Weber, "On
Part 1 for a basic discussion of commodity Bureaucracy" and "The Meaning of Dis-
relations under capitalism, and Vol l, Part S cipline" in [2], provides the classic definition
for an excellent historical description of "The of bureaucracy and statement of its operating
So-Called Primitive Accumulation." Nicolaus rules. On tlle state, Bachrach [I] traces how
[7] reviews Marx's analysis of exchange bourgeois theorists have redefined "democ-
relationships under capitalism in light of racy" to be more consistent with political
some important manuscripts of Marx which scientists' empirical observations of ruling
have only recently been published. An im- elites. Lenin [3], especially Part 1, is a good
portant book relating ideology and the de- exposition of the b position
velopment of particular character or per- capitalist state is dominated by, and acts in
sonahty types (clements of the Marxist the interests of, the capitalist class; Miliband
"superstructure") M ! c requirements of [6] is a more recent treatment of many of
economic institutions (the "base") is Reich these issues, including a critique of pluralism,
Ruling Class Power and 'the State 141

the role of- the state in defending private Hockey, and Hanan C. Selvin, Reader
property, and the state's new responsibilities in Bureaucracy. New York: Free Press,
"l v-

for avoiding depressions.

[61 Midband, Ralph, The State in Capt'rali.vf
[1] Baehrach, Peter, The Theory of Derrw- Society New York Basic Books, 1967.
cratic Elitism. Boston: Beacon, " _ - [7] Nicolaus, Martin, "The Unknown Marx,"
[2] Gcrth, Hans, and C. Wright Mills, New Review, In 43, March-
From Max Weber: E5-si
April, reprinted in Carl Oglesby,
New York: Oxford U. Mme.: Reader, New York:
[3] Lenin, V. I., State and Revolution. New Grove Press
York: International Pub., 1989.k First [8] Reich, Wilhelm, The Mass Psychology of
published 1918. Fascism, trans., Vincent R. Carfagno.
[4] Marx, Karl, Capiirzl, 3 vols. New York: New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux,
International Pub., 1967.* First Eng- 1970.
lish edition, 1887.
[5] Merton, Robert K., Alisa P. Gray, Barbara .|.'i'Available in paperback editions.
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The Evolution
of American
No SOCIAL SYSTEM IS EVER COMPLETELY significance of those changes for the capital-
stagnant. There are always forces at work- ist mode of production. Before turning to
external or internal, equilibrating or dis- the readings, it may be helpful to outline
equilibrating-that contain the possibility of briefly the major changes with which we are
change over time. In Chapter 2 we examined concerned.
some of the ways in which a combination of The most striking development in Ameri-
forces could lead to dynamic changes in the can business over the past century has been
basic mode of production; the method of the rise of the giant corporation. Most major
historical materialism was introduced as an industries are characterized by a very high
analytical tool for studying such changes. concentrat un:
M activity among a

In Chapter 3 we focused upon the capital- few large corporations. The large corpora-
ist mode of production and the institutions tions as a group dominate the American
that define it, since capitalism is the social economy and are increasingly expanding to
system that has dominated the Western dominate the world capitalist economy as a
world for the past few centuries, and its whole. American capitalism has clearly come
domination has only recently begun to be a long way single: days it which small
seriously challenged. But during the period family businesses were the typical unit of
of its growth and maturity the capitalist sys- enterprise. The increase in size and the in-
tcm has undergone many changes. The form creasingly hierarchical structure of the typ-
of capitalism that characterizes the modem ical firm have both responded to and helped
American economy differs from earlier stages to shape the development of an increas-
of capitalism as a result of a variety of forces ingly complex productive technology. In
that have been at work during this period. this chapter we shall be particularly con-
Just as the method of historical material- ccrncd with the impact of these changes on
ism can be used to illuminate fundamental the behavior of the firm and on its role
changes in the mode of production, so it within the economy as a whole.
provides a basis for examining evolutionary The changes in the structure of the
changes within the confines of a particular American labor force have been just as dra-
mode of production. The purpose of this matic, it too has responded to changes in
chapter is to shed light on the nature of the the forces of production. The decline in sig-
changes that have occurred in American nificance of the small firm has been ac-
capitalism over the past century. In par- companied by a similar decline in importance
ticular, it will be argued that these changes of the old middle class of independent pro-
have largely represented the response of the prietors. In their wake there has arisen a
economy and the society to the requirements "new middle class" of white-collar workers
of the capitalist mode of production in an whose numbers have grown much more
age of. increasing economic and industrial rapidly than the blue-collar proletariat. We
complexity. shall examine the extent to which white-
The various changes that have occurred collar workers themselves constitute a new

within the American capitalist system have
" " . significant Iv act upon the three
major sectors of American society: business,
educated proletariat, and the increasing role
of the educational system in preparing work-
ers to function efficiently in large hierarchical
labor, and the state. 'The readings in this organizations.
chapter are devoted to each of these sectors. Finally, we turn to the steadily increasing
In each case material is presented to describe role of the state in the modern American
some of the salient aspects of the changes economy. As the capitalist system has be-
that have taken place and to evaluate the come more and more complex, increasing
Business Concentrcafion in the American Economy I 45

demands have been placed upon the state fact the decline of independent proprietors
not only to protect the system itself, but also has led to an increase in the relative size
to regulate, to manage, and to intervene in of the proletariat, who remain sharply dif-
various ways directly in the functioning of fcrentiated from the small number of wealthy
the system. Thus we observe the rise of regu- capitalists and their managers who control
latory agencies, the increasing use of the large corporations. Finally, we shall
fiscal policy to ensure economic stability, argue that the increasing role of the state is
and increasing control and/or subsidization largely a response to the needs of the domi-
of activities such as education, transporta- nant capitalist class. Where there is conflict
tion, the space program, etc., by the Ameri- between individual capitalists and the capi-
can government. We shall be particularly talist class as a whole, the state is the key
interested in analyzing the relationship be- instrument which can and does represent the
tween the increasing role of the state and collective class interest. In sum, American
the interests of the dominant capitalist class. society remains fundamentally capitalist in
lt is sometimes contended that the major spite of-and because of--the major changes
changes discussed in this chapter constitute that have occurred in its recent history.
in themselves a fundamental change in the Although the readings that follow relate
mode of production. However, we conclude specifically to the evolution of capitalism
that this assertion is false. We shall argue that within the United States, most of the conclu-
the changes in business organization repre- sions are generally applicable to all of the
sent changes in form but not in substance : advanced capitalist nations. In the first place,
the giant corporation continues to pursue the many of the changes that have taken place
capitalist objectives of profits and growth in the United States are matched by similar
just as the old family firm did-in fact it changes in other capitalist countries. Sec-
is much better equipped to do so. The in- ondly, since the United States is the major
creasing stratification of the labor force has .power within an increasingly integrated capi-
not eroded the distinction between capitalist talist system, what happens in the United
and worker, for the educated white-collar States has an important impact on the evo-
workers are no less proletarian than their lution of capitalism throughout the world.
less educated blue-collar counterparts. in

4. ]_ Business Concentration. in the American Economy

The most obvious and at the same time the most important trend in
American business organization has been the growth of the modern corpo-
ration and the domination of' the economy by a small number of huge
corporations. Although there are some 5 million individual business units
in the United States today,1 the top 150 corporations are so big and
powerful that their removal "would eitectively destroy the American

'Rlchal'd Caves, An1r2ricc:n Ind'{sfrx=.' Srrnc.'fz1,"e, Comfy o f , P{*rfo:'1nn'f c¢= (Engle-

wood Cliffs, NJ.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1967), p. 1.
Robert Heilbroner, The? Limits 0 ] Amerr'c.'ar1 Cur.Jirr:1llsnr (New York: Harper and
Row, Publishers, 1965), p. 13.

In the following reading G_ardin.e~r Means assembles the available sta-

tistical informatiooh assess the degree of concentration in the economy
as a whole and in the manufacturing sector (where the most data are avail-
able). Not only does he document the high degree of current concentra-
tion, but he shows that concentration has been increasing over time-
although in recent decades more slowly than in the beginning of this
The reasons for which large-scale business tends to drive out small-
scale business are varied. Among the more important factors are: (1) tech-
nological economies of scale, where large-scale production is more efficient
and less costly than small-scale production, ( 2 ) financial economies of.
scale, where large firms are better able to lise money, to absorb losses,
to take risks, etc., than small firms, ( 3 ) market economies of scale, where
large firms are better able to capture markets with sales promotion cam-
paigns based on widely known brand names, etc. Such advantages can
often be translated into political as well as economic power, which helps
to reinforce the dominant position of large over small firms. in recogni-
tion of such tendencies toward greater concentration in private industry,
the U.S. government has legislated and implemented a series of antitrust
measures designed to curb excessive inonopolistic power. Yet the legal
restrictions imposed on economic concentration halve served merely to re-
strain but not to offset the natural forces at work in the opposite direction.3
A statistical appendix is included after Means's essay to provide further
documentation on the concentration of corporate power in the United

3FOI° a more detailed exposition of the issues raised in this paragraph, see Joe S.
Bain, lf zclustrfal Organization (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1959).

Source: The following is excerpted from "Economic Concentration" by

GARDINER MEANS. From Hearings $e)'ore'the Subcommittee on A n t i f r m f
and Monopoly of Rhe Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate,
88th Congress, Znd Session, pursuant to S. Res. 262, Part I : Overall and
Conglomerate Aspects (Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing
Office, I964).

interaction of a considerable number of

buyers and sellers in the market. There were
CONCENTRATION IN THE no telephones or electric power companies
ECONOMY AS A WHOLE then and the railroads were just beginning
to be consolidated. . . .
Let me take you back a century to the eco Likewise, with manufacturing, most pro-
romaic conditions which prevailed just before duction was in small local plants or in small
the Civil War. Then there was little concen- shops. The clothing industry was just coming
tration. Two-thir Of tileTaor force was out of the home with the invention of the
engaged in agriculture where the family farm sewing machine. The shoe industry was just
was the usual form of organization and being brought into factories and shoes were
flexible farm prices were determined by the still made by handsewing or by pegging.
Business Concentration in the American Economy 1 47

American ironmasters had only just shifted capital assets reported by all nonfinancial
from the old method of hammering out bar corporations. Thus, by 1929, the dominantly
iron in a forge tired by charcoal to the newer small-enterprise economy which prevailed in
methods of rolling, The Bessemer steel fur- 1860 had been largely replaced by one in
nace, invented in 1856, had not yet been which the huge corporation was the most
put into practical operation and the open- characteristic feature.
hearth furnace was still to be developed.
At that time, ours was indeed an economy Since 1929, there have been forces work-
of small-scale enterprise. For practical pur- ing both against and for greater concentra-
poses there was little concentration. For tion in the American economy as a whole.
theoretical purposes even such concentration In the I930's, legislation against holding
as existed could be disregarded. National companies was passed and many of the big
economic policy could be decided on the utility systems were broken up or forced to
basis of a body of economic theory which reorganize, further concentration in railroad~
assumed that all production was carried on in was kept to a minimum, and the autorno-

under conditions of classical competition; bile, bus, and truck, took business away
that is, competition in which no producer or from the railroads so that, today, transpor-
consumer had significant pricing power, one tation, as a whole, is probably less concen-
in which the laws of supply and demand trated than in 1929, in manufacturing, there
determined prices, and one in which most was greater resistance to mergers among big
prices could not be administered and such companies than prevailed in the 1920's, and
administered prices as existed were not sig~ a larger proportion of national effort has
nificant. gone into producing services such as health
The next 70 years saw a complete change and recreation, which tend to be less concen-
in the character of our economy. Mass pro- trated activities. All of these tend to reduce
duction and big corporate enterprises took or limit concentration.
over much of manufacturing, the railroads On the other hand, there have been de-
were consolidated into a few great systems, velopments which have tended to increase
public utility empires and the big telephone the degree of concentration. Today, less than
system developed, even in merchandise 7 percent of the gainfully employed are en-
ing, the big corporation played a part. gaged in agriculture as compared with 20
By 1929, the economy of this country had percent in 1929, manufacturing is more con-
become one in which the big modem corpo- centrated than it was in 1929, the chain su-
ration was the outstanding characteristic. permarket and other chain stores have in-
Only a fifth of the labor force was engaged creased in relative importance, . . .
in agriculture. Railroads, public utilities, over I have tried to make an estimate of the
90 percent of manufacturing, and much of proportion of corporate assets legally con-
merchandising was conducted by corpora- trolled by the 200 largest corporations com-
tions. In the year 1929, the 200 largest cor- parable to that we made for 1929. The re~
porations legally controlled 48 percent of the suits are too crude to be worth publishing
assets of all nor financial corporations, that but they suggest that if a careful study were
is, of all corporations other than banks, in- .
made . . it would show that] the [largest]
surance companies, and similar financial 200 corporations legally controlled some~
companies. If we locus on land, buildings, what more than the 58 percent of the net
and equipment-the instruments of physical capital assets controlled by the 200 that were
production-the 200 largest corporations largest in 1929. However, the most that I
had legal control of 58 percent of the net can say with reasonable certainty is that COU-

centration for the economy as a whole is not Also toward the end of the century there
significantly less than it was in 1929. was the first great merger movement culmi-
nating in the formation of the United States
Steel Corp. as a merger of mergers in 1901.
CONCENTRATION IN MANUFACTURING The pattern of mergers in this period is
shown in Figure 4-A, which indicates the
Though manufacturing employs less than a number of mergers reported in the Com~
quarter of the gainfully employed persons in mercia and Fincmrjal CIzrw1ff:le year by year
this country, it is the field in which unregu- from 1895 to 1914. lt does not include all
lated competition has been, par excellence, the mergers but presumably includes all the
the instrument relied on to convert the ac- important mergers.
tions of self-seeking individuals into actions As you can see, there was a great burst
which serve the public interest. . . . What of mergers from 1898 to 1902. All of this
has been the trend of concentration in manu- led to a great increase in manufacturing con-
facturing? centration even though a third of manufac-
1 have already pointed out that, in 1860, turing output was still produced by unin-
most of manufacturing was carried on in corporated enterprises.
small-scale unincorporated enterprises. In A very sharp peak in 1899, a heavy vol-
the major industrial center of Pittsburgh, ume of mergers in 1900, 1901, and 1902,
with 17 foundries, 21 rolling mills, 76 glass and then a fall off.
factories, and 47 other manufactories, not But the drive for monopoly created a
a single manufacturing enterprise was incor- strong public reaction. When Theodore
porated. The only industry in which the mod- Roosevelt became President i11 1901, he was
ern type of corporation played an important responsible for vigorous enforcement of the
role was the cotton textile industry. The big Sherman Aet. The Northern Securities de-
integrated cotton mills of Lowell, Lawrence, cision by the Supreme Court in 1904 out-
and some other New England towns were in- lawed the holding company as a device for
corporated with characteristics that today achieving monopoly and other eases were
look quite modern. Indeed, they were known brought which led to the breakup of the
throughout New England as "the corpora- Standard Oil monopoly and the Tobacco
tions." But apart from these cotton mills, big Trust. Also some of the early combinations
corporate business was almost nonexistent in proved to be less successful than had been
manufacturing before the Civil War. Alto- expected. As Figure 4-A shows, the wave
gether it is doubtful if as much as 6 or 8 of mergers came to an end as the goal of
percent of manufacturing activity at that time monopoly was clearly established as illegal.
was carried on by corporations and a much Between 1902 and the First World War, re-
smaller proportion by what could be called ported mergers averaged o n T 5 ~< 7
[| m
in these days big corporations. year. Whether there H - u a l decline in
Between the Civil War and the turn of the manufacturing concentration in this period
century, there was a great increase in cor- or a very slow growth is far from clear.
porate manufacturing so that by 1900, close A second merger movement occurred after
to two-thirds of manufacturing output was
produced by corporations'
World War -

c u m ma H
I ni and was
followed after W rcat de ression ,by as
quiescent period under II. second Frcsident
'U.S. Bureau of Census, Historical Statistics of
the United States (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Gov-
Roosevelt. This pattern of' mergers is shown
ernment Printing Office, 1960), p. 413. in Figure 4-B.
1200 .E.'.

= 'L

; .

1000 L _'-._
71 L..

I. s
. '\..'

1 I
'.1 ..-.

Number PerYear

'L T

_. 1


I r .


_ 1

400 |
I .
. '.


200 \
..- '.
. : 1
x 9 ' '~'~1
ii! |-

so -*. :
v.. _I
1895 1897 1899 1901 1903 1905 1907 1909 1911 1913

SOURCE: Nelson, Merger Movements in American Industry, Chap. III, App. B.

Fig. 4-A. Recorded mergers in munuiocturing and mining, 1895-1914.







1919 1924 1929 1934 1939 1944 1949 1954 1959
SOURCE: 1919-1939, 'Temporary National Economic Committee, Mnmogl'aph
No, 27, 1940- 1961, Federal Trade Commission.

Fig. 4-B. Number of mergers and ucquisi-tions in manufacturing and

mining, T919-1961


In this second merger movement, the aim factoring concentration and how far has con-
of combination appears to have been quite centration progressed?
different from that in the first. Particular big Clearly a peak in the rate of concentration
companies sought to strengthen their organ- was reached just after 1900. It would be nice
ization by 1111111nmies which sup~ if we had reliable concentration data for that
plies raw materials or used their products orperiod but we don't. Certainly some lines of
carried on similar-but not identical-types manufacturing such as steel were more con-
of manufacturing. Instead of monopoly- centrated at the turn of the century than they
seeking horizontal merging we had vertical are today and some product lines such as
merging to obtain efficiencies in production cotton textiles are more concentrated today.
and the merging of related products to ob- But this is not the issue when we are con-
tain economies in management and merchan- sidering concentration for manufacturing as
dising. a whole since mergers have been to El much
Since World War II, there has been a re- greater extent either vertical or conglomer-
newal of the merging process but not on the ate and their effect on concentration is not
scale of the earlier monopoly movement. The fully reflected in separate product or narrow
pattern of this third period also is indicated industry figures. Much careful research will
in Figure 4-B and includes all types of be needed before we can determine the rela-
merging. These figures come from the Fed- tive change in manufacturing concentration
eral Trade Commission and are more com- since 1900. And in this connection it is im-
prehensive in their coverage than those cov- portant to remember that, in 1900, only
ered by the first figure, but probably fail to about two-thirds of manufacturing was car-
include a significant number of small mergers. fied on by corporations while today, 95 per-
However, their inclusion would not change cent is corporates
the general pattern though they would alter The most reliable figures we have on con-
the actual number of mergers in particular ccntration in manufacturing are those re-
years. ported in the study made by the National
It is fair to assume that the greatest in~ Resources Committee for 1929. Among the
creases in manufacturing concentration have 200 largest corporations in that year, the Re-
come in the three periods of greatest merger- sources Committee report included 82 manu-
ing. But increased concentration can also facturing corporations. It included the West-
come from internal growth either through the ern Electric Co. along with the assets of its
reinvestment of earnings or from the sale of parent, the American Telephone 8: Telegraph
new securities, provided, of course, that the Co., and it presented unconsolidated data for
growth from these sources is more rapid for 107 large industrial corporations in 1935.
larger companies than for smaller companies. From these data I have derived two concen-
In a 6-year period in the I920's more than tration estimates for the 100 largest manu-
four-fifths of the growth of large companies facturing corporations in. 1929. According
came. from internal growth and only a fifth to these figures, 100 large companies in 1929
from mergers? Presumably the present day had legal control of approximately 40 per-
concentration has come partly from mergers cent of the total assets of all manufacturing
and partly from more rapid internal growth. corporations and 44 percent of their net capi-
What has been the actual trend oimanu- tal assets. (See Table 4-A.)

Adolf A. Berle. In. and Gardner C. Means, 3U.S. Bureau of Census, Historical Sffnisfiw of
T11( ]l»foa'f'r.'z Corporatzon and Privntw Property, ffre United Stores (Washington, D.C.: U.S. GOY-
(New York: The Macmillan Co., 1933). cmmcnt Printing Oiiice, 1960), D. 413.
Business Concentration in the American Economy 151

Let me explain just what these ligules The Iigures for "total assets" include to-
mean. The figures for legal control by the tal current assets such as inventories, ac-
100 largest mean that these companies Ether counts receivable, and government securities
own the assets directly W control em and the fixed assets such as land, build-
through owning or controlling more than 50 ings and equipment after depreciation and
percent of the stock of the corporations that depletion, but exclude the estimated holdings
do own the assets.* of securities of other corporations. The latter
By restricting the figures to legal control, are excluded since they represent, in large
the practical degree of concentration tends degree, double counting. This still leaves
to be somewhat understated, partly because some duplication in the Iigures due to inter-
the figures exclude joint ventures in which corporate debt between parent and subsidiary
each of two or more of the big companies but complete consolidation would probably
owns 50 percent or less of a smaller com- not affect the concentration percentages sig-
pany but in combination have legal control, nificantly.
and partly because practical or working con- The figures for net capital ets include
trol of one company can often be exercised only the net property--the land, buildings,
with a holding of stock which is not sufh- and equipment less depreciation and deple-
cient to give legal control. tion. They constitute the instruments of pro-
duction and provide the material basis for
corporate power. A corporation is not indus-
*Where two or more of the 100 largest corpo-
rations have a combined stock holdings of more
trially powerful because it has a large amount
than S() percent in another corporation which of bills receivable. It is not industrially
would otherwise he irlclucled in the 100 largest, its powerful because it has large inventories.
assets are combined with the assets of the 100
largest as if it were legally controlled by one of
It is not industrially powerful because it
them. has large holdings of government securities.


Tofu! Rubio to AH Rubio to AH

Consofida te d Manufac- New Capifaf Manufac-
Assets i'uHng Assets §ur¢'ng
{mifHons) fpercenfj {minions) fpercenfj

82 largest (excluding
Western Electric) $23,641 37.0 $11,803 41.4
Western Electric 309 .5 70 .2
17 next largest 1,350 2.1 605 2.1
100 largest manufac-
turing corporations 25,300 39.6 12,478 43.7
AH. manufacturing corpo-
rations (including
Western Electric) 63,955 100.0 28,531 100.0

SOURCE. For 82 largest: Gardner C. Means, The Structure of the America Economy
('Watshington, D.C.: National Resources Committee, 1939). For Western Electric, Mood;"s Manual.
For total consolidated assets of 17 next largest, the partially consolidated Figures given in the
Srrncnn-<> o,f the American Ecrnromy, pp. 274-75~-complete consolidation might increase the figures
slightly. For not capital assets of 17 next largest, the ratio of net capital assets t o total assets
for all corporations (44.3 percent), was applied to the total assets o f the 17 next largest. For
all manufacturing corporations. The Srr'1¢cIzare of fie American Iimnofny, p. 285 pllls Western

Its industrial power must rest on its con- making the study for 1929 back in the
trol of factories or natural resources. For l930's, a small sta{T and I were sworn into
this reason, the 44 percent of net capital the Bureau of Internal Revenue and had di-
assets legally controlled by the 100 largest rect access lo the actual. tax returns of cor-
manufacturing corporations in 1929 would porations. We selected what appeared to be
appear to be a more significant iigurc of con- the biggest 200 companies and then for all
centration than the 40 percent of total assets other corporations with 14 million assets or
held by the 100 largest. lt has the added more and for a sample of still smaller com-
advantage that the figures for net capital as- panies, several thousand companies in total,
sets do not involve any double counting. we searched the standard reference books to
Whether we consider total assets or net discover all cases in which more than 50
capital assets, the 40 ercent or more con- percent of the stock was controlled by one
trolled by the indi- of the big companies. While we undoubtedly
cates that a very considerable degree of con- missed some subsidiaries, we probably
centralion existed in m a n u f aI c , ll l 9 2 9 .
I picked up most of the important ones. . . .
What has happened since 1929? We have Today Much more information is pub-
no figures for manufacturing concentration licly available than in 1929 but it would still
which arc as reliable as those for 1929, How- be necessary to go into the detailed infor-
ever, I have attempted to make estimates for mation in the hands of Government to make
concentration in 1962 as nearly comparable an estimate as reliable as that which we
with the 1929 figures as published data will made in 1929. For my present estimates l
allow. 'Because these estimates are less rc- have done the best l could with the informa-
liable, I want to indicate just how they were tion that has been made public. . . . I [have
made. compiled a list of] what appear to be the
The big problem in making such estimates IO() largest manufacturing corporations in
arises from incomplete consolidation in the 1962, giving their total assets, including in-
published figures of the large corporations. vestments, and their net capital assets. . . .
A few , like Standard Oil of New Jersey, [I have also adjusted] the total assets and
publish balance sheets in which they consol-.
date the assets of all corporations in which
Proportion of Assets
they control more than 50 percent of the of All Manufacturing Corporations
voting stock. More often corporations con- Legally Controlled by the 100 Largest
solidate only those subsidiaries in which they Manufacturing Corporations
have 21 95 to 100 percent stock interest, re-
Total Assets Less Stocks of Other Corporations
porting the stocks of corporations over
which they have legal control by a smaller 1929

percent as "investments in subsidiaries" or in

the larger category of "other noncurrent as- 1962 49%
sets." As a result, the assets over which they
have legal control exceed the assets reported Net Capital Assets
in their balance sheets to the extent that the
assets of controlled companies exceed the 1929 . 43t~°/"a 1.

value of their stocks on tTle iioolts of time (. . : : = : ....

controlling company. h g..e_t_ a. Et Lecture 1962

of concentration, it is HCCCSSHTY to approxi- Fig. 4-C. Increase in manufacturing concentration

mate £1 more comply consolidation. 'm measured by assets, 1929-1962.
Business Concentration in the American Economy 153

property of these 100 companies for inter- of recovery. In measuring trends in concen-
corporate stockholding, [comparing] the tration as in measuring trends in so many
result with the adjusted assets of all manu- other economic factors, I believe the only
facturing corporations to [obtain] ratios of valid comparisons are between years which
concentration comparable to those for 1929. are reasonably comparable in the rate of
On this basis, I estimate that the 100 larg- business activity.
est manufacturing corporations in 1962 con- The question of whether--and the extent
trolled at least 49 percent of the assets of to which-events during and after World
all manufacturing corporations (excluding War II contributed to this overall increase
stocks in other corporations) and 58 percent is a subject on which I am not commenting
of the net capital assets--the net land, build- here. . . . What l. can testify to is that man-
ings and equipment--of all manufacturing ufacturing concentration, whether measured
corporations. by total assets or by net capital assets, has
These estimates, though less reliable increased greatly since 1929 and that, with-
than those for 1929, suggest that there has out taking account of joint ventures or com-
been a very considerable increase in concen- panies controlled through less than a ma-
tration in manufacturing as a whole in the jority ownership, somewhere in the close
last 33 years. The difference is shown in Fig- vicinity of 58 percent of the net capital as-
ure 4-C, which compares the estimates for sets of manufacturing are controlled by 100
the 2 years. companies. . . .
The top panel shows the increase in the
proportion of total assets held by the 100
largest from 40 to 49 percent, the area in
black. The lower panel shows the corre- Statistical Appendix
sponding increase for net capital assets from (by the editors)
44 to 58 percent. This is a very sizable in-
crease in concentration since 1929.
Just when this increase in concentration THE CONCENTRATION OF
took place is debzitaT5Te1'Hre§§§i§'11TTle
. .. . ..
son that there was a considerable increase in UNITED STATES
concentration from 1.929 to 1933 as business
activity declined in the great depression. How The degree of concentration of corporate
much of this was a temporary depression economic power in the United States is fur-
effect which would be reversed with recon ther illuminated in the following tables. Ta-
ery and how much it was a part of the long ble 4-B lists the top 25 industrial corpora-
run trend in manufacturing concentration is tions in the United States in 1969 ranked
not clear. Certainly some of it was reversi- by sales volume. For each of these firms, the
ble. The net capital assets of the big com- level of sales and the level of after-tax prof-
panies declined only 6 percent in that pe- its are shown along with the corresponding
riod while the not capital assets of smaller rank listings. In addition, the cumulative
companies declined 24 percent. Some of this sales and profits totals of the top 'I 0, the top
was the result of big companies acquiring 25, the top 50, and the top 100 firms are
the assets of smaller companies, But to a tabulated and expressed as a percentage of
greater extent it reflected the simple closing the corresponding inure for all industrial
down of many smal companies which corporations.
would be reopened or replaced in the period The extent of industrial concentration

in millions of dollars}
Corporation Sales After-Tux Profits
Rank Level % Rank Level %

General Motors 1 $24,925 1 $l,71 i

Standard Oil (N.J.) 2 14,930 2 1,048
Ford Motor 3 14,756 6 547
General Electric 4 8,448 11 278
IBM 5 7,197 3 934
Chrysler 6 7,052 J8 89
Mobil Oil 7 6,621 8 435
Texaco 8 5,868 4 770
ITT 9 5,475 15 234
Gulf Oil 10 4,953 5 611
TOP 10 99,595 14.4 23.9
Western Electric 11 4,883 17 227
U.S. Steel 12 4,754 18 217
Standard Oil (Calif.) 13 3,825 7 454
Ling-Temco-Vought 14 3,750 500 -38
DuPont 15 3,655 IU 356
Shell Oil 16 3,537 12 292
Westinghouse Electric 17 3,509 33 150
Standard Oil (Indian 18 3,469 1I 321

. Telephone & Electronics 19 3,262 14 237

Goodyear 20 3,215 27 158
RCA 21 3,188 32 151
Swift 22 3,108 225 22
McConnell-Douglas 23 3,024 44 118
Union Carbide 24 2,933 20 186
Bethlehem Steel 25 2,928 29 157
TOP 25 152,995 22.0 9,665 34.7
TOP 50 209,838 30.2 12,407 44.4
TOP 100 280,751 40.6 16,287 58.2
TOTAL 692,512 100.0 27,931 100.0

SOURCES: 1. Individual corporation data: Fortune. May 1970 (Directory of the top 500 industrial corporations)
2. Total corporation data: U.S. DepL. of Commerce, .5`ur!»'eJ' of Current Busir1e.s'5, July 1970, Table 6-15 (data for
mining, manufacturing and rest of world) and Table 6-19 (data for mining and manufacturing).


Asset cl:ss (lower limit)

Year $0 $50,000 $100,000 $250,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $50,000,000

1931 -21.6 -8.9 -6.3 -4.4 -3.6 -2.7 .... 1.5 -0.2 2.4
1937 -8.2 1.8 3.9 4,9 5.3 6.0 6.0 6.9 5.4
1943 14.6 15.9 18.0 20.5 22.1 22.6 22.8 22.0 17.0
1949 -3.4 7.4 10.5 12.9 13.5 14.3 13.9 14.6 13.9
1955 1.6
.-- 7.9 108 11.1 12.9 14.1 14.1 16.0 17.2
196] -4.9 6.4 8,2 8.1 9.4 9.8 10.2 10.6 11.2
- F - - - - r

*Total profits or losses before laxes were divided by equity lo obtain the profit rate. which is expressed as a per-
cartage, the data arc from U.S. Treasu ry Department, Internal Revenue Service, Statistics of Income. Tax Kce'urn.w.
vols. for 1916-1961 (Washington. D.C.: u.s.G.p.o., 1919-1965).
SOURCE: Excerpted from Howard J. SI1ct'mtu1° P1-oHr.s in Hrs* Ull.F!¢'d' Sra.'e.s'.' A n ht.rl'r:d:¢¢-firm In ( I Srufly of .Erro-
comic Corzcenrr-arinrr and Brf.sfm=5.s: C_w.-hw1 pp. "3 I»32. Copyright 1968 by Cornell L 11ivel'sity. Used he permission of
Cornell University Press.
Business Concentration in the American Economy 155

emerges plainly from the figures. The top 10 The data in Table 4-B suggest that larger
firms account for fully one-seventh of total firms not only make a higher absolute level
industrial sales and almost one-quarter of of profits than smaller firms, but that they
total industrial after-tax profits. The top 100 also make a higher percentage rare of profit.
firms account for more than 40 percent of A recent study by Howard Sherman1 con~
total sales and almost 60 percent of total firms the hypothesis that profit rates tend to
profits. Profits are evidently even more increase with the size of a l i m as measured
highly concentrated than sales or assets; of by the value of its assets. Table 4-C reports
the three measures, the level of profits is
probably the best indicator of the power of 1 Profits in the United States (Ithaca, N.Y.:
a firm. Cornell University Fress, 1968).


Percentage of Sales, Total Assets,

New Capital Assets, and Profits crier Taxes Accounted for by the
4 Largest Firms In Each industry {or 28 Selected industry Groups,
4th Quarter, 1962

Percent of total

Tofu I C`opr'taf
fndusfry Series Assets Assets Profits

Motor vehicles 80.8 79.7 83.1 89.1

Aircraft 47.3 41.9 32.6 46.6
Other transportation equipment 30.3 44.2 59.9 51.6
Electrical machinery 34.4 35.6 41.5 44.4
Metalworking machinery 14.5 16.3 18.5 19.1
H machinery 1 20.6 24.3 31.5 39.6
Primary iron and steel 40.2 48.0 48.8 44.3
Primary nonferrous metals 27.3 41.1 47.7 37.1
Other fabricated metal products 14.7 19.9 30.3 17.7
Stone, clay, and glass products 18.1 19.9 19.8 23.4
Furniture and fixtures 5.2 8.4 9.6 5.3
Lumber and wood products 21.2 31.0 41.5 48.6
Instruments 37.9 41.2 50.2 56.6
Miscellaneous manufacturing 16.3 33.1 34.3 25.2
Dairy products 42.9 48.8 47.4 73.9
Bakery products 33.6 39.6 38.2 52.8
Other food 12.5 13.2 14.9 20.1
Textile mill products 22.0 26.1 25.7 30.5
Apparel 4.9 7.7 11.4 7.4
Paper 20.7 23.2 22.3 35.0
Basic industrial chemicals 42.0 45.5 44.6 64.6
Drugs and medicines 31.0 29.2 33.3 32.6
Other chemicals 28.5 30.0 33.6 35.8
Petroleum refining 50.3 50.1 47.7 54.3
Rubber 48.1 55.0 56.4 51.6
Leather 26.7 32.1 35.4 28.8
Alcoholic beverages 41.4 47.2 30.8 58.3
Tobacco 70.9 72.7 69.8 72.5
SOURCE' Bureau of Economics, Federal Trade Commission.

the key results of Sherman's study: it shows other transportation equipment-and such
annual profit rates by asset classes for all basic raw material industries as iron and
corporations in selected years from 1931 to steel, industrial chemicals, rubber, and petro-
1961. leum. The least concentrated industries tend
The degree of concentration of corporate to be relatively light consumer good indus-
power varies considerably among dilterent tries, e.g., apparel, furniture, and "other
industries. Table 4-D shows the percentage food" products. The list of the top 25 cor-
of total sales, assets, and profits accounted porations in Table 4-B confirms that the
for by the four largest firms in 28 different most powerful firms in the United States are
industry groups. Among the most highly COD- predominantly in the core industrial sectors
centrated are the transportation equipment of the economy.
industries-motor vehicles, aircraft, and

4.2 The Evolution of the Multinational Corporation

The increasing concentration of capitalist enterprise has gone hand in hand

with a steady increase in the size of the representative firm. In the follow-
ing reading Stephen Hymer analyzes the changes in the scope and struc-
ture of the individual firm that have accompanied its growth from the small
workshop to the international corporation. One of the most significant
points that emerges from Hymer's analysis is that, with the passage of time.
it becomes less and less meaningful to analyze the capitalist system as
contained within the borders of a single country and more and more im-
portant to recognize it as a worldwide system dominated by a set of multi-
national corporations. in chapter 10 we pursue the analysis of the
multinational corporation as it contributes to imperialist expansions

1Sec especially MacE van, Section 10.1, p. 409, and Boron and Swcezy, Sec-
tion 10.4. p. 435.

Source: The following is excerpted from "The Multinational Corpora-

tion and the Law of Uneven Development" bey STEPHEN I-IYMER. From
Economics and We:-Id Order, edited by Jagdish Bhagwati. Copyright
1972 by the MacMillan Company. Reprinted by permission of the Mac-
millan Company.

xenon and now to the rrttzltirzatforuzl corpora-

Since the beginning of the industrial Revo- tion. This growth has been qualitative as
lution, there has been a tendency for the well as quantitative. With each step business
representative firm to increase W size from
- _ enterprise acquired a more complex admin-
the workshop to the ]*ac'z'ory to the national istrative structure to coordinate its activities
corporation to the muIZia'=Ew'siona! corpora- and a larger brain to plan for its survival and
The Evolution of the Multinational Corporcation 1 57

growth. . . . [T]his essay traces the evolution sultcd from specialization and cooperation.
of the corporation, stressing the development The reinvestment of these profits led to a
of a hierarchical system of authority and steady increase in the size of capital, mak-
control. ing further division of labor possible, and
creating an opportunity for using machinery
in production. A phenomenal increase in
productivity and production resulted from
THE MARSHALLIAN FIRM AND THE this process, and entirely new dimensions of
MARKET ECONOMY human existence were opened. The growth
of capital revolutionized the entire world
rant organizations nothing new in in- and, figuraiivcly speaking, even battered
ternational tra were a characteristic down the Great Walls of China.
__Ju.- of the mercantilist period when large The hallmarks of the new lystem were
joint-stock companies, e.g., The Hudson's the market and the ]'acfory, representing the
Bay Co., The Royal African Co., The East two different methods of coordinating the
India Co., to name the major English mer- division of labor. In the factory, entre-
chant terms, organized long-distance trade preneurs consciously plan and organize co-
with America, Africa and Asia. But neither operation, and the relationships are hier-
these firms, nor the large mining and planta- archical and authoritarian, in the market,
tion enterprises in the production sector, coordination is achieved through a decen-
were the forerunners of the multinational tralized, unconscious, competitive process.
corporation. They were like dinosaurs, large To understand the significance of this dis-
in bulk, but small in brain, feeding on the tinction, the new system should be com-
lush vegetation of the new worlds (the plant- pared to the structure it replaced- In the
ers and miners in America were literally pre-capitalist system of production, the di-
Tyrannosaurus rex) . vision of labor was hierarchically structured
The merchants, planters and miners laid at the macro level, i.e., for society as a
the .groundwork for the Industrial Revolu- whole, but unconsciously structured at the
tion, but the driving force came from the micro level, i.e., the actual process of pro-
Junas-scalo capitalist enterprises in manufac- duction. Society as a whole was partitioned
turing, operating at first in the interstices of into various castes, classes and guilds, on a
the feudalist economic structure, but gradu- rigid and authoritarian basis so that political
ally emerging into the open and finally and social stability could be maintained and
gaining predominance. It is in the small adequate numbers assured for each industry
workshops, organized by the newly emerg- and occupation. Within each sphere of pro-
ing capitalist class, that the forerunners of duction, however, individuals by and large
the modern corporation are to be found. were independent and their activities only
The strength of this new form of business loosely coordinated, if at all. In essence, a
enterprise lay in its power and ability to guild was composed of a large number of
reap the benefits of division of labor. With- similar individuals, each performing the same
out the capitalist, economic activity was in- task in roughly the same way with little co-
dividualistic, small-scale, scattered and un- operation or division of labor. This type of
productive. But a man with capital, i.e., with organization could produce high standards
sufficient funds to buy raw materials and of quality and workmanship but was limited
advance wages, could gather a number of quantitatively to low levels of output per
people into a single shop and obtain as his head.
reward the increased productivity that re- The capitalist system of production turned

this structure on its head. The macro system It is best to study the evolution of the
became unconsciously structured, while the corporate form in the United State environ-
micro system became hierarchically struc- ment, where it has reached its highest stage.
tured. The market emerged E1S a self- In the 1870s, the United States industrial
regulating coordinator of business units as structure consisted largely of Marshallian
restrictions on capital markets and labor MC* type,. single-function firms, scattered over
bility were removed. (Of course the State the Country. Business firms were typically
remained above the market as a conscious tightly controlled by a single entrepreneur
coordinator to maintain the system and en- or small family group who, as it were, saw
sure the growth of capital.) At the micro everything, knew everything. and decided
level, that is, the level of. production, labor everything. By the early twentieth century,
was gathered under the authority of the en- the rapid growth of the economy and the
trepreneur capitalist. great merger movement had consolidated
Marshall, like Marx, stressed that the in- many small enterprises into large national
ternal division of labor within the factory, corporations engaged in many functions over
between those who planned and those who many regions. To meet this new strategy of
worked (between "undertakers" and labor- continent-wide, vertically integrated produc-
ers), was "the chief fact in the form of tion and marketing, a new administrative
modern civilization, the 'kernel' of the inod- structure evolved. The family firm, tightly
ern economic problem."i Marx, however, controlled by a few men in close touch with
stressed the authoritarian and unequalha- all its aspects, gave way to the administra-
ture of this relationship based on the coer- tive pyramid of the corporation. Capita] ob-
cive power of property and its anti-social tained new powers and new horizons. The
characteristics. He focused on the irony that domain of conscious coordination widened,
concentration was|TQ a l f in the hands of a and that of market-directed division of labor
few and its ruthless use were necessary his- contracted.
torically to demonstrate the value of co- According to Chandler" the railroad,
operation and the social nature of produc- which played so important a role in creating
tion." the national market, also offered a model
for new forms of business organization.
need to administer geographically chspersed
operations led railway companies to create
an administrative structure which distin-
guished field offices from head cilices. The
The evolution of business enterprise from
the small workshop (Adam Smith's pin fac-
field oihces managed local operations, the
head office supervised the field oiiices. Ac-
tory ) to the Marshallian family Him repre-
cording to Chandler and Redlich, this dis-
sented only the first step in the development
tinction is important because "it implies that
of business organization. As total capital
the executive responsible for a iirnl's affairs
accumulated, the size of the individual con-
had, for the first time. to supervise the work
centrations composing it increased continu-
of other executives"
ously, and the vertical division of labor grew
3Alfred D. Chandler, Sirzlfegy and Strrfctrire
(New York: Doubleday & Co., 1961).
lAlf1'ed Marshall, PH?Icip;'e.¥ of Eco.*'.=omics, 4Alfi'ed D. Chandler and Fritz Redlich, "Re-
8th ed. (London: Macmillan, 1920), p, 75. cent Developments in American Business Admin-
KarI Marx, Capital, Vol. I (Moscow: Foreign istration and Their Cunceptnalization," Bu.wlr:e.v..v
Language Publishing House, 1961), p. 356. History Review, Spring, 1961, pp, 103-28.
The Evolution of the Mulfinotionol Corporation 159

This first step towards increased vertical its great power to increase material produc-
division of 1d1|.- within management tion.
function was quickly copied by the recently
formed national corporations, which faced
the same problems of coordinating widely [But] the uneven growth of per capita in-
scattered pla . Business developed a11 or- come [that characterized economic develop-
gan system of administration, and the mod- ment under capitalism] implied unbalanced
ern corporation was born. The functions of growth and the need on the part of business
business administration were subdivided into to adapt to a constantly changing composi-
departments (organs)-finance, personnel, tion of output. Firms in the producers' goods
purchasing, engineering, and sales-to deal sectors had continuously to innovate labor-
with capital, labor, purchasing, manufactur- saving machinery because the capital/output
ing, etc. This horizontal division of labor ration was increasing steadily. In the con-
opened up new possibilities for rationalizing sumption goods sector, firms had to con-
production and for incorporating the ad- tinuously introduce new products since,
vanees of physical and social sciences into according to Engel's Law, people do not
economic activity on a systematic basis. At generally consume proportionately more of
the same time a brain and nervous system, the same things as they get richer, but rather
i.e.. ET vertical system
d~ of control, had to be reallocate their consumption away from old
devised to conn and cool(§nate depart- goods and towards new goods. This non-
ments. This wII H major
decision~making capabilities. It meant that
in proportional growth of demand implied that
goods would tend to go through a life-cycle,
a special group, the Head Office, was cre- growing rapidly when they were first intro-
ated whose particular function was to co- duced and more slowly later. If a particular
ordinate, appraise, and plan for the sur- firm were tied to only one product, its
vival and growth of the organism as a growth rate would follow this same life-cycle
who." o;anization became conscious pattern and would eventually slow down and
of itself as organization and gained a cer- perhaps even come to a halt. If the cor-
tain measure of control over its own evolu- poration was to grow steadily at a rapid rate,
tion and development. it had continuously to introduce new prod-
The corporation soon underwent further ucts.
evolution. To understand this next step we Thus, product development and market-
must briefly discuss the development of the ing replaced production as a dominant prob-
United States market. At the risk of great lem of business enterprise. To meet the
oversimplification we might say that by the challenge of a constantly changing market,
first decade of the twentieth century, the business enterprise evolved the 1nultidivi~
problem of production had essentially been signal structure. The new form was origi-
solved. .By the end of the nineteenth century, nated by General Motors and DuPont
scientists and engineers had developed most shortly after World War I, followed by a
of the inventions needed for mass producing few others during the 19205 and I930s, and
at low cost nearly all the main items of was widely adopted by most of the giant
basic consumption. In the language of sys- U.S. corporations in the great boom follow-
tems analysis, the problem became one of ing World War II. As with the previous
putting together the available components stages, evolution involved a process of both
in an organized fashion. The national cor- dilCEferenti ation and integration. Corporations
poration provided one organizational solu- were decentralized into several divisions,
tion, and by the 19205 it had demonstrated each concerned with one product line and or-

ganizcd with its own head oll°1ce. At 21 higher monopolization of the sources of supply. By
level, a general umm was created to coordi- investing directly in foreign producing en-
nate the divisions and to plan for the enter- terprises, they could gain the security im-
prise as 21 whole. plicit in control over their raw material re-
The new corporate form has great flexi- quirements. Other firms invested abroad to
bility. Because of its decentralized structure, control marketing outlets and thus maximize
3. multidivisional corporation can enter a quasi rents O11 their technological discoveries
new market by adding a new division while and differentiated products. Some went
leaving the old divisions undisturbed. (And abroad simply to forestall competition.
to a lesser extent it can leave the market by The first wave of U .S. direct foreign capi-
dropping a division without disturbing the tal investment occurred around the turn of
rest of its structure.) lt can also create corn~ the century, followed by a second wave dur-
peting product-lines in the same industry, ing the 1920s. The outward migration
thus increasing its market share while main- slowed down during the depression but rc-
taining the illusion of competition. Most it sumed after World War .II and soon ac-
portent of all, because it has a cortex spe- celcratcd rapidly. Between 1950 and `l969,
cializing in strategy, it can plan O11 a much direct foreign investment by U.S. firms ex-
wider scale than before and allocate capital panded at u rate of about 1() percent per
with more precision. annum." At this rate it would double in less
The modern corporation is a far cry from than 10 years, and even at a much slower
the small workshop, or even from the Mar- rate of growth, foreign operations will reach
shallian firm. The Marshallian capitalist ruled enormous proportions over the next 30
his factory from an ofhee on the second years.
floor. At the turn of the century, the presi- Several. important factors account for this
dent of a large national corporation was rush of foreign investment in the 1950s and
lodged in a higher building, perhaps on the the 'I960s. First, the large size of the U.S.
seventh Roor, with greater perspective and corporations and their new multidivisional
power. In toclay's giant corporation, man- structure gave them wider horizons and a
agers rule from the top of skyscrapers, on a global outlook. Secondly, technological cle-
clear day, they can almost see the world. velopments in communications created a new
U.S. corporations began to move to awareness of the global challenge and threat-
foreign countries almost as soon as they ened established institutions by opening up
had completed their continent~wide integra- new sources of competition, We ons
tion. For one thing, their new administrative noted above, business enterprises were the
structure and great financial strength gave first to recognize the potentialities mman-
them the power to go abroad. In becoming gers of the new environment and to take ac-
national firms, 'We corporaNons armed tivo steps to cope with it.
how to become international their A third factor in the izard in
large size "aNd_ ..§n1'i"§5"p't T'§TiE'-J§'n gave
them an incentive. Direct investment bc-
U.S. capital was the rape# l
and Japan. This, combined with the
came a new weapon in their arsenal of oli- growth of the United States economy in the
gopolistic rivalry. Instead of joining a cartel 19505, threatened the dominant position of
(prohibited under U.S. law), they invested American corporations. Firms confined to the
in foreign customcr.s~,~ suppliers and competi- U.S. market found themselves falling behind
*EU1III.E' example, Nonie firms found they in the competitive race and losing ground to
were oligopolistic buyers of' raw materials
produced in foreign countries and feared a "See Table I 0-B, p. 429.
The Behavior o'F the Large Corporation 161

European and Japanese firms, which were a reaction to the United States penetration
growing rapidly because of the expansion of of their markets, and partly as a natural f e -
their markets. Thus, in the late 1950s, sult of their own growth, have begun to in-
United States corporations faced a serious vest abroad on an expanded scale and will
"non-American" challenge. Their answer probably continue to do SO in the future,
was an outward thrust to establish sales pro- and even to enter the United States market.
duction and bases in foreign territories. This This process is already well underway and
strategy was possible in Europe, since gov- may be expected to accelerate as time goes
ernments there provided an open door for on. The reaction of United States business
United States investment, but was blocked will most likely be to meet foreign invest-
in Japan, where the government adopted a ment at home with more foreign investment
highly restrictive policy. To a large extent, abroad. They, too, will scramble for market
United States business was thus able to re- positions in underdeveloped countries and
dress the imbalances caused by the Com- attempt to get an even larger share of the
mon Market, but Japan remained a source European market, as a reaction to European
of tension to oligopoly equilibrium . investment in the Ullitcd States. Since they
What about the future? The present trend are large and powerful, they will on balance
indicates further multinationalization of all succeed in maintaining their d ativc stand-
giant firms, European as well as American. ing in the world as a whole-an their losses
In the first place, European. firms, partly as in some markets are offset by gains in others.

4.3 The Behavior of the Large Corporation.

The preceding readings have shown that the large corporation is now the
representative and the dominant type of firm in the American economy.
The large corporation. is typically characterized by ( l ) great power and
considerable Financial independence and ( 2 ) a nominal separation of
ownership and control, where ownership is vested in a large number of
stockholders and control is exercised by top-level management executives.
These characteristics have suggested to some observers that the modern
corporation is capable of pursuing-and often docs pursue-policies that
serve socially desirable goals rather than the narrow private objective of
profit maximization.
In the following reading, Paul Boron and Paul Sweezy begin by examin-
ing some of the arguments i11 support of the proposition that the large
corporation has become a "soulful" one. They acknowledge the major dif-
ferences between the modern corporation and the individually owned busi-
ness enterprise of an earlier era, but go on to conclude on the basis of both
theoretical and empirical evidence that e. economy of large corporations
is more, not less, dominated by the logic of profit-making than the
economy of small entrepreneurs ever was."
In a careful statistical study,' .Robert J. Larncr has provided further

1 Robert I. Larner, "The Effect of Management-Control on the Profits of Large

Corporations," in Maurice Zeillin (ed.], Amt'r{c'rm Socicfy, Inc. (Chicago: Markham
Publishing Co., 1970).

support for the proposition that the management-controlled corpor ation

typical of the modern American economy is just as much oriented to the
maximization of profits as the more old-fashioned owner~controlled firm.
Larner separated 128 management-controlled corporations from 59 owner-
controlled firms (all in the top 500) and found that there are no significant
differences between the profit rates of the two types of firms. He attributes
this result in part to the financial stake that management executives have
in their own companies. His evidence on 93 chief executive from the
corporations he studied shows that the corporations' dollar profit. and rate
of return on equity were the major variables affecting the overall level of
executive compensation. Like Baran and Sweezy, Larner concludes that
the nominal separation of ownership and control in modern corporations
has made no significant difference to the behavior of the capitalist firm.
The analysis in this reading by Baron and Sweezy involves the applica-
tion to the contemporary American economy of many of the points intro-
duced in a more general context by Edwards in Chapter 3.2 The profit-
maximizing orientation of the American corporation is related specifically
to five significant factors: ( 1 ) that alternative goals of growth, size, status,
etc., are highly dependent on profit-making itself, ( 2 ) that managers them-
selves are typically also stockholders and derive significant property in-
comes from the corporations they control, (3) that there is great com-
petitive pressure to cut costs even in industries dominated by relatively few
firms, ( 4 ) that large corporations in fact devote much time and money
to systematic methods of profit maximization and are therefore extremely
well equipped to maximize profits; and most fundamentally ( 5 ) that the
maximization of profits is the criterion of success defined and imposed by
a social system-the capitalist mode of production-and its dominant
class-the capitalists--because otherwise the raison d'étre of both the
system and the class would be undermined.

See Edwards, Section 3.2. p. 98.

Source: The following is excerpted from Chapter 2 of Morropofy Capffu!

by PAUL BARAN and PALJL SWEEZY. Copyright © 1966 by Paul Sweezy.
Reprinted by permission of Monthly Review Press.

system since well before the time of Adam

Smith. Retaining this assumption amounts
What pattern of behavior can we expect in effect to making another: that in all re-
from huge, management-controlled, finan- spects that matter to the functi oning of the
cially independent corporations? system the corporation acts like an individ-
Formal economic theory has largely in ual entrepreneur.
mored this question, continuing to operate If one stops to think about it, this seems
with the assumption of the profit-maximizing unlikely on the face of it. Furthermore,
the central role in theories of the capitalist while economic theorists have largely in
individual entrepreneur who has occupied mored the corporation, other social scientists
Th B h i r f th L rg C r p r f i 163

have devoted much time and en rgyf to its graspingness, there is no attenrpf to push Of
study. So far as we know, none of them has onto workers or the cornmunfry or large
part of the social costs of the enterprise.
ever supported the proposition that the mod- The modern corporation is a soulful corpo-
ern corporation is merely an enlarged ver- rafion.9
sion of the classical entrepreneur. On the
other hand, there is a voluminous literature According to this view, which is certainly
dating back to the turn of the century and very widespread nowadays, the maximization
reaching its culmination in the famous work of profits has ceased to be the guiding prin-
of Berle and Means which argues most em- ciple of business enterprise. Corporate man-
phatically that the modern corporation rep- agements, being self-appointed and respon-
resents a qualitative break with the older sible to no outside group, are free to choose
form of individual enterprise and that radi- their aims and in the typical case are as-
cally different types of behavior are to be sumed to subordinate the old-fashioned
expected from it. According to Berle and hunt for profits to a variety of other, quan-
Means : titatively less precise but qualitatively more

It is conceivable-indeed if seems almost

inevitable if :he corporate system is to
survive-tha! the "control" of the
corporations should develop into a purely

n e u r a l technocracy, balancing a variety of

claims by various groups i n the community
and assigning to each a portion of the in-
truth is -
l m l c a g o n s f this doctrine: of the
IHusoulful corporation"' are far-reaching. The

*IL I L' accepted, the whole
corpus of tradition8H ,'li.'
_ i . | . 1 - must
be abandon d *_* time-honored justi-
C`°()I}'1('J siream on the basis of public policy
rather than private c-upidily.l
of economic efficiency, justice,
falls to the ground. This has been most ef-
fication of they existing social order in terms

fectively pointed out by Edward S. Mason :

What Berlc and Means described as "con-
ceivable" a quarter of a century ago is taken
But if profit maximization is not the direcl-
for granted as an accomplished fact by many ing agent, how are re,vources allocated to
present-day observers of the business scene. their most productive u.~re.s', what refafiftn
Thus Carl KayseII in a paper delivered at have prices to relative sfiarcitfes, and /tow
the 1956 annual meeting of the American do factors get remunerated in accordance
Economic Association, speaks of "the wide- with their contribr,f tz'on to output? Assume
an economy composed of a few lztmdrea'
ranging scope of responsibility assumed by large corporations, each enjoying substan-
management" as one of the "characteristic tial markef power and all directed by man-
features of behavior" of the modern corpo- agfements' with a "cons<~ienc'e." Each manage-
ration, and proceeds as follows: ment wants to do the best it can for .society

No longer zfze agent of prop:-ieforship seek- Carl Kaiser, "Th Social Significance all the
z`ng to »r?1axi!t7zlze return: on invesfmerw, man- Modern Corporation, Aifricrkxan Ecorzorriic Re-
ageiifzefif sees itself as responsible to .stock- i ren Max 1957. pp n' II :manual M. J.

holders, employees, customers, The general Rathbone, President I

m 'm New
Jersey, in the Sa!i.u'd'r:y R:>w'c'11*, April 16, 1960*
public, and, perhaps rrzos! important, the
"Managements of large companies must harmo-
pirtn f!sef)' as an in.s'ffn¢rion. . . . From one
nize a wide span of obligations: to investors, cus-
point 0)' view. this behavior can be termed tomers, suppliers, employees, communities and
r'espoflsil>1e.' there is no display of greed or the national inter an. Thus the large , v UW

may actually have I narrower range .

1 T:'n2 Modern Corpr>rn!.=lon and Private Prop- decision-making than the small. closely held cor-
0r/ .v (New York: The Macmillan Co., 1933), poration which is not so much in the public In
p. 356. and hence not so exposed to crilicismf

f'of1s1'.s'Ienf, of coarse, with doing the best 1st a study of the management policies of a
can f o r labor, ('z.fslome'rs, suppliers, and sample of large and successful American
owners. How do prf(."es get derennined i n
such an economy' f'1!'()w are factors r e i n ; r ~
corporations. Summing up a wealth of care-
nerczrec/, and what refacion is there between fully collected and analyzed empirical ma-
relnuneratiorz and performance' What is terial, Earley had little difficulty in dis-
fire mec'hclrli.wn, if any, aha! Cl.SIS1.H'(<'S ejjfccrive posing of Simon's theory, what is more
rexourcfe use, and how can c'orporFn'e man-
significant from our point of view is that he
aQc>mer`f.s' "do right by" labor, sr,¢pp¢'ier.y,
r'usIwrlw'.s', and owners while sinwiianeousiy
went on to give a most useful and illuminat-
.s'e/'1:£ng tfze public irztere.s'ts9'* ing description of how modern corporate
managements really behave. This statement
Economists have made no attempt to is so good that it seems worthwhile to rescue
answer these questions, and indeed it is large parts of it from the untitled obscurity
doubtful whether it even makes sense to of the Economic Association's Papers and
ask them in relation to an economy such as Proceedings. After noting some points E!
Mason postulates, that is to say, one made agreement and others of minor disagreement
up of or dominated by a few hundred soul- with Simon, Earley proceeds as fcilowsz
ful corporations. Prices and incomes would
be indeterminate, and there would be no I have more serious reservations concerning
theoretically definable tendencies toward what appears to be the major economic:
equilibrium. To be sure, economic life in theorem Simon arrives of; namely, that the
business enterprise looks for merely satis-
such a society might settle down into rou- factory solutions of its problems and spe-
tines and patterns which could be analyzed rxificfaiiy seeks rnerefy satisfactory profits.
by historians, sociologists, and statisticians, That his approach has led' so directly to this
but it seems reasonably clear that today's conclusion is one of the facts that makes
economic theorists would be out of a job. me especially doubt that it is a satisfactory
one. Whatever may be true of individuals
One school of thought, associated es- or of other types of organization, I cannot
pecially with the name of Herbert A. Simon square Simon's "safisfcing" behavior witN
of Carnegie Institute of Technology, seems the behavior of the Iar.g,>e-scale American
already to have drawn these conclusions and business firm. I agree that the conventional
is attempting to study the big corporation notion of profit maximization and of gen-
eral "optimization" must be modified. I
and its implications by means of what Simon ctr tend this is carrying the change much
calls "organization theory." According to too far. Let me briefly catalogue the main
this theory, corporations do not try to max- iy/2e.8- of evidence that feud Iris to reject
imize anything but merely to achieve "satis- the "salis}'icing" postulate.
( I J As a part of my rosea.='c'fr, I have
factory" rcsuits. Thus, to the maximizing
made a study of recent managemerzf litera-
behavior which was assumed to characterize lure, both general and specialized, one of
the old-fashioned entrepreneur, Simon con- my lryporheses in. doing so being aha: this
trasts what he calls the "satislicing" behavior Iilerarmve wif! reveal the ]'ram*z~es Of' reference
of modern corporate managements. At the and mares of advanced business }"NCH?(!g€-
ment. A striking cizamcrerisric of this litera-
annual meetings of the American Economic ture (except where p u b i c refusions is an
Association in 1956, a paper by Simon ex- evident objective) is i's systematic focus on
pounding this view was answered by James cost reclclclion, raze expansion of reverzue,
Earley of the University of Wisconsin who and the increase of Erofis. There is, of
had been engaged for a number of years on course much reference Q H lcmdardfr and
Io The need- of remedying unsatisfactory sit-
3Edward S. Mason, "The Apologetics of 'Man- nationE i-IEEE!
n i t - - - l l Q`T"L'6lY8 toward the
agcrialisn1.' The' Jrlurffal of Bu.s'fm's.vA January. better and freq_-_ the best, not just ifle
1958, p. 7. good. Like Samuel Gompers' ideal union
The Behavior of the Large Corporation 165

Decider, f i r e e,\feulpiary man of rnurfageirierir behovioroi posziifafe coiiffi best be briefly

seems to have "More!" for at feast one of descriiwd as "al sysfemotzlc ieniporai search
ft1'.*r inotioes. for highest pr¢'idicaf';»~ie pro}5!s'."
( 2 ) SeeonfzFfy, 1113> qifesficinnnire studies of The theory imderfyiiiq or runs, very
fire prczc'fi<:e.s' arm' policies of leading; so- Brie;*ly, as follows:
called "exceifeiitfy fHanagea"' conrpariies The major' goofs of modem forge-scofe
feed me forward generally similar ccmciu- fvusinesx are high managerial iiicomes, good
siorrs. I have piiiniidied the major r e s i f t s of prol'i!.s', a sfrorrg comperifive position, and
fire l'irst of these studies and wi!! not review growth, Modern incznoggefrienr does; not view
f i f e r . izere.* the:.'e goofs as .veriorisiy i'f'f c'onsi',sh;'f'1z but
(3) The I/Iird fact Him! :Hakes H16 doubt rather, incie-ed, as tlecemary, one to the
Sinionk' postulate as applied to Ike firm is other. Co:i'1petiri1»'e swerzgiii ons even sLfr~
Fire rapidly gi-o11=zlng,f use of' ecoI1omi.y.*.s', v i v i , nionageinent Oellieve.9, require forge
:Harder ariafysfs, other fj»=pe.s' of .s'pe(,'icdi5r5, innovative and Jiibstariiial growth expendi-
and nirmagernent ¢."'MnI5 by our larger Hu'e.s' in life ropidip choiiging ieehnicor' and
iJu5z'i1esse.s". The main. fiiriciiwi' of most o)' niorkfer cotlditflon.s' of the pt'eser1£ orly. Since
these people is I o help the lira reduce co.5'Z.y, growth by irierger is hazaidoiis and [re-
)'If7d slfrJe1'ir;»r I11elilo{i.9, choose f i l e :Host (;uem'f}»' ifivpossiivie, forge too' I?I£Jf'-E' or Jess
pt'o.f}tftHe alternatives, and ttrtffover new c°orltilniioifs c'opifaf expendiiuies ore i'eres-
prol'2t opport.1£rztlff€s. As these sophisticated sary. For weH-recognized f'(*a5or1.5, vr1arra.Qe-
,L)e11tt'@nzen gain in infittencs? in business nlern 1,*1.f.i5'l'1es 10 1n1l11fn1&e ou1.9t'de frrmncingy,
c'c3ftttL'.9t'5'-ftnff I cofttrfettth* believe they SO the }'1,fnd.s' for mos: of these e.r,rJef'Fd1l{Fu'e.§'
w.ffJI-proft-ot't'@r:tc0' rfttionaMy it likely to must be f:1.>'err1aNy getleratec.~'. TMS reqzdres
/we utorc and more t'epres€n Ilf,f ti1'e of busi- high and qrowfng p1'0}'iI.§' above diw'dend
ness behavior. feve1'.v, So, too, do h.f'.,<.3FI mf217ager:'tfF r e a m ' s ' .
(4) Most of aft I am r'mpr@.s.Qed by the High and rll.s'rlng pro}'ifs are Deuce an 1'115fr1,r-
rapid devehrtpfneftt of mmfytfcczt' und :Han- ment as we!! as u direct eon! of greet fru-
aqct-t`af fwhnfqrfes that both sir?nufate and porfarrce.
ffssfst the bt.fszlness yirfrts to find the Feast Wife;- these goals c d ' needs in view, ad-
costly art;'s of doing thtlnQ.s' and the most vanced nwnagemetzr plans' for prof! If1rouI.Q!z
proftaWe l'f't1°fzg.s` Zo do. Opc't'¢t!fon.s' re.s'earcft time. Er'.S'I.*I'§' c'oo:'rh.r:azed pro.Qram.s' 5tre{cf'ri,*1g
and tnatizefuaticatl ,UF'(F_Q!'tlf]TI?IftJ.if are only as far m".=ead as pracffeabfe. 'Use pro}'zt
the |*.*1'OI'€ farrcy of this growing genus. .'arg€.*'.5' :`rrc'orporr:rea*' in dress p,*'0..Q,*'(£HI.'»' are
There are also .qreatht ffrzproved }'orm.s' of .w:.{}"icl°e:r.f to #Nance not only good d:°w'a'e!?'s
acc'r1u11't1'ng and bud.Qett't'tg*, irnprovea' :neth- but aim desired ifinovafive and g3row.fh ex~
ods of F?1e.I'keI czrraI}*srl.s', re.I5»*1e:r:enr.s' in busi- pernf.":lmre5. The ,rJfo.gtranF.s' are revised fre-
ness l'oreca.s'I1lr1g. and im'ere.n'1'n.Q types of quenriy, as' experrem'e accrues and new op-
fromH2c1U'1emaffr?fn' p¢='o.Qrf:r tzrflirl'g, The zmfyfv- pof'1'u11flfe.v are rtllsc'ove1'ed.
ing r?h»fz:'ec:£er RJ]' .'1'1e.sle grew feefirzfques is T h e terzderzcy forward proflr nr:.crxf.rrlEzc.1rfoH
the! they seek to apply Use p r hieiples of {i.e., hr'.Qhe5I p,=*adif'r1fble ;Jro)$r) appears i n
1'm'frJ/1.c:I proMe/i!-.s'(J1'1»'itl,Q Io l'}ll'.5l.f'f1P(*S,§` pian- link' s1wren: aforzq severczf dfurensirim. In.
nb1*;;` and decision n'1akin.Q. the prore.s.'r of rs? rrrrd I'@fof'rH H1lff thr.;f
Let me conclude by bf'fe]'[}' skefcfring the Ir;»:'ograrr1.s', more cxrJen.s"1fw* and [ess prof!-
I'0:.9<1:t of tlusmess be/iclv:'or aha: seems t o he. HHH activfffes are pruned or dropprfrl and
enzerghrg )'ror?r1 my own .shrcl'£°c>5. If ]'aN.s' dteuper Ur' .furore p:"ol'il'r1Me ones are Qdcfcalrf.
.s'on1ewheJ*'e between Use of pos1'uLrfr'e of Less co.s'H}= pro(;'€s.§'e,s' and ffre more profit-
pro.Hf rnaxfmizarkwi and Szlmon'5 "surfs- afde prorhfd and marker serve as
.fcrcnu-y pro)'it." It fnffhs recognizes Zfte ffle .vz'rurdan<'/5 fO],1.'Q,r{IF 11,>f}'g'(':t] rJthc*r.5' are e x -
ilimifed inf0rn':eI1'o naI and computafiorial re- pecfed' to converge or be f'@pfac'e(l'. BY
.'§Ol'.f!`(`£'S as' the jflirrrr. If nl'.'§o ineorpof'alfe,s' fros s'<>k>c*:':'?1.Q rfrose I]?€>{h.(){lE'5' and 5c'c!ors
.s'f c'ur1'i»1\»'
.s'l:fg.Qe.s"2'ed concept of fire "asp:°rc2f.ion level" Thai' ;JrofH1'56 b6ff61' 1'€t!{"n.\'. U'1€.s'e s.*'cu1d'cFf'a'.s`
arm' (1 modEled prinrfpfe o,* "1=iabifir'j\=." Mlf are kip:' hf.Qh and, if IJo.s'."fbF€. ri§iflQ. ]"fnaH)x.
Use 01»'era1'f profs' Ann' g*ro11'l'f3 h:1z'g(>2'.s' of the
°lThc author's reference here is to Narcs S. €nrerpri.s'c us Cr whole are waived t/1roH;&4I
Earlcy. "Mal'ginal Policies of 'Flxcellently Nfan- time. unless adver'sf1'y pr'evenfs.
aged' Ci`on7pE1rlier;." The A mc=ri<ym Economic Re- These goals and Pf'O.Qll'(T}?'.E.S' and .s'tfu1rz'ards,
1'i£=11', March, 1956. H is True, represent as any time "a.vptrrI-

son ievefs," and the efforts to satisfy tlient What is involved here is an assumption of
receive prime attention. But the t w o major omniscience on the part of the entrepreneur,
points about tftern are that ( I ) tit-ey are Io
which, far from being a useful abstraction,
be Kara' to rear.-fi and (2) they wiki ordinarily
recede (i.e., grow larger) tftroagfi time. Even is of course an absurdity. In practice, to be
i n good titles the firm's aspiration levels, sure, economists have usually given a more
therefore, are fairly taut, and they are sensible meaning to the maximization prin-
it igft iy elastic itpwarci. O n the o f t e r ftanti, ciple, but by failing expressly to repudiate
there is great resistance to adjusting profit
the omniscience postulate, by failing to spell
and other standards downward, so that in
bad times the business .firth tries even out what is and what is not involved in the
harder to make the highest practicable assumption of profit maximization, they
profits. have left themselves vulnerable to attacks
I reaaftiv agree tftftt I have .sic etcftefi t h e of the kind mounted by Simon. lt is there-
behavior of wiz at rnigNt be eahfea* the "ex-
entpiary firm" rather than the trfn that is
fore valuable to have Earley's carefully con-
qaantitativeiy representative of
(are present sidered statement. By stressing the "limited
business population. But rriy main point is informational and computational resources
stat the rnanagetnent tecNnicjues and the of the firm," he makes clear that no assump-
expertise that can validate t t y notion are
tion of complete knowledge is involved, and
ffevefoping rapidly, are increasingly being
Tracie available to business, and are being his entire argument is based on the rejection
rapia'l3»' adopted by ieariing }'irnl's' Con- of any idea of an absolute maximum or op-
.seaaently, I .saspe<.'t, the exemplary firm wife timum. The firm (whether individual en-
he the representative jirrn of the future. If trepreneur or corporation makes no differ-
so ., its behavior wiki be snore r a f t e r than
ence) always finds itself in a given historical
less appropriately anaiyzeti by _§`(.J}H€ of our
time-iafonoreci t!'1'eoretieai notions, such as
situation, with limited knowledge of chang-
profit rnaxirnization. . . ing conditions. In this context it can never
do more than improve its profit position. In
Two aspects of this admirable statement practice, the search for "maximum" profits
call for comment. First, it introduces a can only be the search for the greatest in-
healthy corrective to what Earley calls "the crease in profits which is possible in the
conventional notion of profit maximization given situation, subject of course to the
and general 'optimization.' " This conven- elementary proviso that the exploitation of
tional notion has been tied to a more or less today's profit opportunities must not ruin
explicitly stated assumption that the maxi- tomorrow's. This is all there is to the profit
mizing entrepreneur has complete knowledge maximization principle, but it also happens
Of' all alternatives open to him and of the to be all that is necessary to validate the
consequences of choosing any combination "economizing" behavior patterns which have
of them. Given this assumption, he can al- been the very backbone of all serious eco-
ways select the combination of aitcrnatives nomic theory for the last two centuries.
which yields an absolute maximum. Fur- The second aspect of Earley's statement
ther, if it is assumed that his knowledge re- which we want to emphasize, and the one
mains equally complete in the face of chang- most relevant. to our present purpose, is the
ing conditions, it follows logically that he c o r i ricing demonstration that the big corpo-
can always make instantaneous and appro- ration, if not more profit-oriented than the
priate adjustments to new circumstances. individual entrepreneur (he quite properly
leaves this question open), is at any rate
5Amc8'."i(,',m Econornifr R('\'f('11', May, 1957, better equipped to pursue a. policy of profit
pp, 333-35. maximization. The result is much the same :
The Behavior of the Large Corporation 167

the economy of large corporations is more, ownership from control" is a fact. But there
not less, dominated by the logic of proNt- is no justification for concluding from this
making than the economy of small entre- that managements in general are divorced
preneurs ever was. from ownership in general. Quite the con-
trary, managers are among the biggest own-

Big corporations __
. are f u n by company
men. What kind of people are they? What
ers, and because oz a strategic positions
they occupy, they function as the protectors
and spokesmen for all large-scale property.
do they want 2 m y'? What position do
they hold in the class structure of American
Far from being a separate class, they con-
stitute in reality the leading echelon of the
society? property-owning class.
There is a widespread impression, and This is not to argue that managers have
much literature to support and propagate it, 110 distinctive interests qua managers. Like
that the nlanagemcnts of big corporations other segments of the propertied class, they
form some sort of separate, independent, do. But the conflicts of interest that arise in
or "neutral" social class. This view we have this way are between managers and small
already encountered in an elementary form property owners rather than between man-
in the "neutral tcehnocracy" of Berle and agers and large property owners.
Means and the "soulful corporation" of Carl
Kaysen, it is developed more elaborately in
such works as James Burnharn` The Man- The company man is dedicated to the ad-
agerial Revolution and Bcrle's The 20th- vancement of his company. This does not
Centary Capitalist Revolution. Most of the moan, however, that he is any more or less
variants of this theory have interesting and homo economicus, any more or less selfish,
enlightening insights to contribute, but in any more or less altruistic than either the
our view they all share a common defect: tycoon or the individual owner-cntrcprcncur
the basic idea is wrong. before him. All of these conceptions are at
The fact is that the managerial stratum is best irrelevant and at worst misleading. The
the most active and influential part of the problem is not one of "psychology" of any
propertied class. All studies show that its kind but of the selective and molding effects
members are largely recruited from the of institutions on the personnel that oper-
middle and upper reaches of the class struc- ates them. It might seem that this is too
"'*', they overlap with what C. Wright Mills elementary to require mention, but unfor-
calls the "very rich" it few and negligible tunately it is not possible to take for granted
exceptions, they are wealthy men in their such a degree iI enlightenment I mono
own right, quite apart from the large in- econornis i . Economic theory is SiM heavily
comes and extensive privileges which they permeated by the ' hologizinn" 'Mdition
derive from their corporate connections." lt g nineteenth-century utilitarianism, and
is of course true, as we have emphasized, economists need continually to be reminded
that in the typical big corporation the man- that this tradition leads only to confusion
agement is not subject to stockholder con- and obscurantism.
trol, and in this sense the "separation of To be a going concern, a social order
must instill in its members the ambition to
By far the best treatment of. these subjects be a success in its own terms. Under capital-
will be found in C. Wright Mills, The Power
Elite (New York: Oxford University Press,
ism the highest form of success is business
I956), especially Chapters 6, 7, and 8. success, and under monopoly capitalism the

highest form of business is the big corpora-. and strength and rapid growth may even
son. In this system the normal proced-
Di offset a big size differential if the larger

for an ambitious young man must Ee to work company is stagnant or declining. The pro
himself up to as near the top as possible of m a y objectives of cc1*rate policy-which
as big a corporation as possible.-| Once he are at the same time and Tnevitably tile per-
enters a given corporation, he devotes him- sonal objectives of the corporate managers
self to two ends: ascending the managerial -are thus strength, rate of growth, and size.
ladder and advancing the relative status of There is no general formula for quantifying
his company in the corporate world. In or combining these objectives--nor is there
practice these two ends are indistinguish- any need for one. For they are reducible to
able: the young nlan's rise in the company the single common denominator of proiit-
depends on his contribution to improving the ability. Profits provide the internal funds for
position of the company. This is the crux expansion. Profits are the sinew and muscle
of the matter, and this is why we can say of strength, which in turn gives access to
without qualification that the company man outside funds if and when they are needed.
is dedicated to the advancement of his com- internal expansion, acquisition, and merger
pany: he Is dedicated to the advancement of are the ways in which corporations grow,
his company precisely to the extent that he and growth is the road to size. Thus profits,
is dedicated to advancing himself. even though not the ultimate goal, are the
This remains true even after he has necessary means to all ultimate goals. As
reached the top of a given company. If he such, they become the immediate, unique,
makes a good record, he may be "called" unifying, quantitative aim of corporate
to a larger company. And even if he is not, policies, the touchstone of corporate ra-
or has no hope of being, he is still just as tionality, the measure of corporate success.
much interested in improving the position of Here is the real--the socio-structural as dis-
the company he heads, for standing, pres- tinct from individual-psycho1ogical--expla-
tige, and power in the business world are nation of the kind of profit-maximizing bc-
not personal attri bytes but rather are con- havior SU ably described by Earley in the
ferred on the individual businessman by the passage quoted on pages 164-66.
standing, prestige, and power of his company
and by his position in that company.
To sum up: Business is an ordered sys-
tem which selects and rewards according to
But size is not the only index of corpo- well understood criteria. The guiding prin-
rate status: this is an oversimplification. ciple is to get as near as possible to the top
Other important indexes are rate of growth inside a corporation which is as near as pos-
and "strength" as measured by such stan- sible to the top among corporations. Hence
dards as credit rating and the price of a the need for maximum profits. Hence the
company's securities. Thus, assuming equal need to devote profits once acquired to en-
size, one company will rank ahead of others hancing financial strength and speeding up
if it is stronger and growing more rapidly, growth. These things become the subjective
aims and values of the business world be-
7"The way Lo achieve and retain greatness is cause they are the objective requirements
always to be striving for something more." Os- of the system. The character of the system
born Elliott, £14011 at the Top. New York, 1959,
p. 40. This hook contains much useful informa- determines the psychology of' its members,
tion on American business leaders. not vice versa .
Concentration of Wealth cmd Power in America 169

4.4 The Concentration of Wealth,

and Power in America

The previous readings have focused on the concentration of business en-

terprise and on the evolution and behavior of the large corporation in the
United States. Although most such corporations are directed by salaried
managers, they tend to be operated so as to maximize the long-run profits
of their owners-the property-owning capitalists. In the next reading we
inquire into the distribution of. property ownership in the United States
in order to identify more closely the class of wealthy capitalists who exer-
cise ultimate control over most of the productive strength of the Ameri-
can CCOI'lOI1'lY.
Ferdinand LuI'1dbc1'g examines here the evidence on the distribution
of wealth in the United States presented in two recent studies by Robert J.
Lamp ran and by Dorothy Projector and Gertrude Weiss. Both studies
reveal a tremendously high degree concentration of overall personal
wealth. Furthermorli, the distribution of productive property (i.e., income-
earning wealth such as investment assets) is even more highly concen-
trated: some 200,000 families held almost one-third of all investment
assets in 11962. As Lundberg points out. this elite class of big capitalists
holds effective power over essentially all of Arrlerica's corporate wealth.

Source: The following is excerpted from Chapter 1 of The Rich rmd the
Super-Rick by FERDINAND LUNDBERG. Copyright © 1968 by Ferdinand
Lundberg. Reprinted by permission of Lyle Stuart, Inc.

THE LAMPMAN FINDINGS 38.2 percent of federal bonds, 88.5 percent

of other bonds, 29.1 percent of the cash,
What Lamp ran found. was as follows 1 36.2 percent of mortgages and notes, 13.3
I . More than 30 percent of the assets and percent of life insurance reserves, 5.9 per-
equities of. the personal sector of the econ- cent of pension and retirement funds, 18.2
omy (about 20 percent of all wealth in the percent of miscellaneous property, 16.1 per-
country being government-owned) in 1953 cent of real estate and 22.1 percent of all
was held by 1.6 percent of the adult popula~ debts and 111ortga1ges."`
son of 103 million? 3. [Table 4-E] shows the percentage of
2. This group of 1.6 percent owned 32 national wealth-holdings for the top 1/2 of
percent of all privately owned wealth, con- I percent and I percent for the indicated
sisting of 82.2 percent of all stock, `l 00 per- years. al
cent of state and local (tax~exempt) bonds, [Editors' note: Table 4-F, drawn directly
'All of Lampman's rcsultsnlh published in
from Lampmarfs study, documents the share
his detailed sllzdy: Robert r- Lampman. i i i . of personal property of different types held
Sfrare of Top I/'/eaffh-HoMe':'.s' .in National I4"¢'a!r:':, by the top 1 percent of wealth-holders in
1922-/956, A Study by the National Bureau Iup
Economic Research (Princeton "l,n§ Pl'irlceton
University Press, 1962). i'=Ibfd., pp. 23, 192-93.
2Ibfa'., p. 23. 1H>l.d., pp. 202, 204, 209.

different years. Note especially the high and TABlE 4-E CONCENTRATION OF WEALTH

increasing concentration of evaporate stock 54: of I Percent I Percenf

ownership, which belies the notion that in- of Adult Population of Aduff Popufaiion
vestment assets are widely and democrati- (percent) (percent)
cally $strJufeci HE org the people of the
1922 29.8 31.6
United States.] 1929 32.4 36.3
" . The estimated gross estate size for the 1933 25.2 28.3
total adult population in 1953, obtained by 1939 28.0 30.6
extension of the same methods, [was as 1945 20.9 23.3
1949 19.3 20.8
shown in Table 4-G].5
1953 22.7 24.2
1954 22.5
Uhid., p. 213. 1956 25.0 26.0


Type of Property 1922 I 929 1939 1945 T 949 T953

Real estate 18.0 17.3 13.7 1 1.1 10.5 12.5

U.S. govt. bonds 45.0 100.0 91.0 32.5 35.8 31.8
Stale and local bonds 88.0 :k
77.0 =I:

Other bonds s 69.2 82.0 75.5 78.5 78.0 77.5

Corporate stock 61.5 65.6 69.0 61.7 64.9 ?6.0
I'7.0 18.9 24.5
Mortgages and notes 34.7 32.0 30.5
a l mortg g , II Otes 31.0 34.0 31.5 19.3 20.5 25.8
Pension and retirement funds 8.0 8.0 6.0 5.9 5.5 5.5
Insurance 35.3 27.0 17.4 17.3 15.0 11.5
Miscellaneous property 23.2 29.0 ¥9.0 21.4 15.0 15.5
Gross estate 32.3 37.7 32.7 25.8 22.4 25.3
*In excess of 100 percent.
SOURCE: Robert J. Lamp ran, The Slaare of Top Wealrlz-Holders in F\»'ariomvZ Wealrll .
1922-1956 (Princeton, NJ.: Princeton University Press, 1962), Table 97, p. 209 (only the
part of the table dealing with assets and gross estate is reproduced here). Reprinted by per-
mission of the National Bureau of Economic Research.


Persons Aged Per- Ave rage Torn! Gross Per-

Gross Esf are Size 20 and Over ceM'- Esfofe Size Esfufe ceni-
(dollars) (motions) age (dollars) (billion doHars.} age

0 to 3,500 51.70 50.0 1,800 93.1. 8.3

3,500-10,000 19.00 18.4 6,000 114.0 10.2
I 0,000-20,000 21.89 21.2 15,000 328.4 29.3
20,000-30,000 6.00 5.8 25,000 150.0 ¥3.4
30,000-40,000 2.00 1.9 35,000 70.0 6.3
40,000-50,000 0.80 0.8 45,000 36.0 3.2
50,000-60,000 0.35 0.3 55,000 198 1.7
A1I l1I'ldcI' 60,000 101.74 98.4 7,900 810.8 72.4
60,000-70,000 0.18 0.1 61,000 10.5 0.9
60,000 and over 1.66 1.6 186,265 309.2 27.6
All estate sizes 103.40 100.0 10,800 I,120.(} 100.0
Median estate size 3,500
Concentr dion f We oh nd P wer in America 171

In [Table 4-G] is found one verification of TABLE 4-H TOP 1 PERCENT OF WEALTH-HOLDERS

my initial paragraph. It shows that 50 per- N umber of Persons Percenfoge Share

cent of the people, owning 8.3 percent of Years (Hrousancfsl of Gross Fsfufes
the wealth, had an average estate of $1,800
--enough to cover furniture, clothes, a telc- 1922 65 I 32
1929 744 38
vision set and perhaps a run-down car. Most 1939 855 33
of these had less, many had nothing at all. 1945 929 26
Another group of' 18.4 percent, adding up 1949 980 22
to 68.4 percent of the population, was worth 1953 1,030 25
$6,000 on the aver be, which would prob-
ably largely represent participation in life Of the 1.6 million top wealth-holders, over
insurance or emergency money in the bank. half had less than $125,000 of gross estate
Perhaps this percent be included some of the and less than 2 percent (27,000 persons)
select company of "people's capitalists" who had more than $1 million.-J5J
owned two or three shares of AT&T. There were, then, in excess of 27,000 mi1~
Another 21.2 percent of adults, bringing lionaires in the country in 1953-not only
into view 89.6 percent of the population, the greatest such aggregation at one time in
had $15,000 average gross estates-just the history of the world but a number
enough to cover a serious personal illness. greater than the aggregation throughout all
This same 92-plus percent of the population of history before 1875 (as of 1966, million-
all together owned only 47.8 percent of all aires numbered about 90,000). If consumer
assets. prices had remained stable from 1944 to
1953 there would have been fewer. "In
1944 there were 13,297 millionaires," says
TOP WEALTH-HOLDERS Lamp ran. "In 1953 there were 27,502 mil-
lionaires in 1953 prices, but only 17,611
The number of persons in the top I percent in 1944 prices.
of wealth-holders through the decades was What of the 1965-67 year-span? As the
as [shown in Table 4~H]:6 prices of stocks advanced tremendously in
But the top I I percent of persons in the the preceding dozen years, one can only
magic 1 percent (or 0.11 percent) held conclude that the proportion of wealth of the
about 45 percent of the wealth of this par- top wealth-holders also advanced impres-
ticular group while the lower half (or 0.50 sively. For this small group, as we have seen,
percent) held only 23 percent* owns more than 80 percent of stocks. The
Says Lamp ran: "The personally owned Dow-Jones average of 65 industrial stocks
wealth of the total population in 1953 stood at 216.31 at the end of 1950; at
amounted to about $1 trillion. This means 442.72 in 1955; at 618.04 in, 19605 and at
that the average gross estate for all I 03 mil- 812.18 in March, 1964. As of May, 1965,
lion adults was slightly less than $10,000. it was well over 900. The less volatile Sc-
The median would, of course, be considera- curities and Exchange Commission index of
bly lower. In contrast the top wealth-holder 300 stocks shows the same quadrupling in
group had an average gross estate of $182,- value, standing at 41.4 in 1950, 81.8 in
000. The majority of this top group was 1955, l 13.9 in 1960, and 160.9 in March,
clustered in estate sizes below that average. 1964. How many employees have experi-

'bIfid., p. 220. did., p. 84.

Tlfmfd., pp. 86-87. 9Ibf'd,, PP- 84, 276.

enced a fourfold increase in salaries in the holders has been increasing since $949."
same period? ._. Prime wealth, as they explain, is total wealth
The rise h value of stocks, ___bwever, less the value of assets in trust funds and
surely invalidates one of Lampman's specu- pension reserves.
lations, to this effect: "Our finding that the This is where the question rests on the
share of wealth held by the top 2 percent basis of the most recent data supplied by
of families fell from about 33 to 29 percent leading authorities in the field: Concentra-
from 1922 to 1953, or about one-eighth, tion of wealth in a few hands is intensifying.
would seem compatible with . . the general
belief that there has been some lessening of
economic inequality in the United States in DEFINITIVE DATA FROM THE
recent decades.771° The more recent rise in FEDERAL RESERVE
stock prices and in corporation earnings
shatters even that slight concession.
In a complex and comprehensive study pre-
Professor A. A. Berle, In., has rushed for- pared for the Board of Governors of the
ward to hail the Lampinan showing that the Federal Reserve System on the basis of Cen-
upper 1 percent saw its participation re- sus Bureau data under the title Survey of Fi-
duced from 32 percent of all wealth in 1922 nancial Characteristics of Consumers,11* the
to 25 percent in 1953, but his celebration
cold figures are ofiicialiy presented on asset
was premature and he did not fully report holdings as of December 31, 1962, removing
Lamp ran, who indicated that the participa- the entire subject from the realm of petti-
tion had been reduced from 1922 to 1949 fogging debate.
but thereafter was again increasing." On that date the number of households in
The Lamp ran findings were extended to the country worth $500,000 or more was
1958 in an extremely sophisticated statisti-
carefully computed at about 200,000. The
cal critique presented in 1965 to the Ameri- number of millionaires at the year-end was
can Statistical Association by James D. more than 80,000, compared with Lamp-
Smith and Staunton K. Calvert of. the Statis- rnan's 27,000 as of 1953. Only 39 percent
tics Division of the Internal Revenue Serv- of these 200,000 had no inherited assets.
These 200,000 at the time held 22 percent
After reviewing Lamp ran, revising him of all wealth, while 57 percent of the wealth
in a minor particular, Smith and Calvert con- was held by 3.9 million individual consumer
clude that "top wealth-holders owned 27.4 units worth $50,000 or more.
percent of gross and 28.3 percent of net The panorama of wealth-holding through-
prime wealth in 1953, but increased their
out the populace was as shown in Table 4-1
share to 30.2 and 32.0 percent respectively (in millions of units).1"
by 1958. These data support Lampman's In stating that 200,000 households held
conclusion that the share of top wealth- 22 percent of the wealth there is some dan-
ger of suggesting that the power of these
wzbfd.. p. 217.
HA. A. Berle, Jr., The American Economic 200,000 is less than it actually is. The nature
Republic (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, of the wealth held is of determining impor-
1963), p. 221.
Ulames D. Smith and Staunton K. Calvert,
"Estimating the Wealth of Top Wealth-Holders 13Dorothy Projector and Gertrude Weiss,
from Estate Tax Returns," Proceedings of the Survey of JFi:zalzcrlal Charac!eri.vri<:_v of Consumers
American Statistical Association, Philadelphia, (Washington, D.C.: Federal Reserve Board, 1966).
September, ]965. 11lbid., p. 151.
Concentration 01° Wealth and Power in America 173

TABLE 4-1 DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH BY SIZE than. indicated by their ownership of 22 per-
cent of all assets, it amounts to 32 percent
Percenfcxge of
Millions Households
of investment assets.
AH consumer units Experts concede that a 5 percent owner-
(households) 57.9 100.0
ship stake in a large corporation is sufficient
Size of wealth: in most cases to give corporate control. It
Negative 1.0 1.8 is my contention that general corporate con-
Zero 4.7 8.0 trol lies in this group of 200,000 very
$1-$999 9.0 16.0
$1,000-$4,999 10.8 18.0
probably, and almost certainly lies in the
$5,000-$9,999 9.1 16.0 combined group of 700,000 wealthiest
510,000-$24,999 138 23,0 households, slightly more than 1 percent
$25,000-$49,999 6.2 11.0 owning assets worth $200,000 and more.
$50,000-$99,999 2.5 5.0 There is a danger here, as the erudite
s 100,000-$199,999 .7 L25
$200,000-$499,999 .5 Less than 1.0 will recognize, of perpetrating the logical fal-
$500,000 and up .2 Less than 0.4 lacy of division-that is, arguing that what
is true of a whole is true of its individual
parts. That argument here would-d-be that be-
lance here. In general, the lower wealth-
holders mostly own inert assets such as au-
cause 200,000 households own 5:2 me cut
of investment assets they each hold a stake
tomobiles, small amounts of cash and some
of exactly 32 percent in the corporate sys-
residential equity, while the upper wealth-
tem. l. do not make such a ridiculous argu-
holders mostly own corporate equities in an
ment. First, this upper group concentrates
aggregate amount sufheient to show that they
its holdings for the most part in leading cor-
are in full control of the productive side of
porations, bypassing the million or so paper-
the economic system.
tiger corporations of little or no value.
Households in number of 200,000
Again, as just noted, far less than 32 percent
worth $500,000 and more held 32 percent
of ownership in any individual corporation
of all investment assets and 75 percent of
is required to control it. Control, as we shall
miscellaneous assets, largely trust funds,
see, is the relevant factor where power is
while 500,000 worth $200,000 to $499,999
concerned. Usually comparatively little
held 22 percent of investment assets. The
ownership is necessary to confer complete
700,000 households worth $100,000 to
corporate control which, in turn, extends
$199,999 held I l percent of investment
to participation in political control.
A man whose entire worth lies in 5 per-
cent of the capital stock of El corporation
CENTER OF ECONOMEC POLITICAL capitalized at $2 billion is worth only $100
CONTROL million. But as this 5 percent--and many
own more than S percent usually gives
We see, then, that 1.4 million households him control of the corporation, his actual
owned 65 percent of investment assets, operative power is of the order of $2 billion.
which are what give economic control. Auto- Politically his is a large voice, not only be-
mobile and home ownership and bank dc- cause of campaign contributions he may
posits do not give such control. The coo- make but by reason of' all the legislative law
nomic power of the upper 200,000 is greater firms, congressional and state~1egislative, un~
der retainer by his corporation, for every na-
15]/Did., 11. 136. tional corporation has law firms in every

state. There is additionally to be reckoned tually 100 percent, The power M this top
with all the advertising his corporation has layer corporatively would be no greater if it
to dispense among the mass media as a tax- owned 10 percent of invested assets. Actu-
free cost item, the lobbyists his corporation ally, it might be je : It would then receive
puts into the field and the cultural-charitableno support from many tremulous small hold-
foundations both he and the corporation ers but would probably Lind them in political
maintain. opposition.
Such a man, worth only Sl00 million net, As to distribution of investment assets
is clearly a shadowy_power_in th; tag, his among smaller property holders, 1 percent

ownership stake soastly multiplied by what are owned by the $5,000 to $9,999 group,
he controls--other people's property Et well 7 percent by the $10,000 to $24,999 group,
as his own. A-nd there are more than a few I I percent by the $25,000 to $49,999
group and 15 percent by the $50,000 to
On the other hand, many intelligent citi- $99,999 group, or 34 percent in all. In this
zens today complain, in the face of the al- group of. comparatively modest means one
leged complexity of affairs, of feelings of finds some of the most voluble supporters of
powerlessness. Their feelings are justified. the established corporate way. Within their
For they are in fact politically powerless. own terms they are all winners, certainly
The actual powel of such concentrated hold some financial edge. Most of them, as
ownership, therefore, is much greater than their expressions at stockholders meetings
its proportion. in the total of investment as- show, greatly admire the larger stockholders.
sets. The corporate power of the top 200,- In their eyes, a divinity doth hedge the large
000, and certainly of the top 700,000, is ac- stockholders.

4.5 The Evolution of the United States Labor Force

Just as the organization and concentration of business enterprise have

changed over time, so the structure of the labor force has undergone pro-
found changes since the early days of capitalism in the United States. In
the following reading Michael Reich documents the changing occupational
structure of the American population, and the changes that have occurred
in the character of the labor force. The proportion of wage and salary
earners in the population has steadily increased since the American Revo-
lution, but in recent decades white~eollar workers have become more im-
portant than blue-collar workers as a proportion of wage and salary earn-
ers, Although this trend might suggest that the proletarian character of
the labor force is weakening, Reich argues that the nature of modern
white-collar work is increasingly indistinguishable from blue-collar work
and no less proletarian. Despite changing conditions of work, all workers
are still obliged to sell their labor in the marketplace and almost all are
denied any participation in the control or direction of their work. Reich
concludes his essay with a brief discussion of the role of unions, stressing
their failure to challenge or affect the basic capitalist rules of the game.

Source: The following essay was written by MICHAEL REICH for this
book. Copyright o 1972 by Michael Reich.
The Evolution of the United States Labor Force 175

THE DEVELOPMENT OF A by 1969 more than 80 percent of all adults

PROLETARIAT in the labor force were non-managerial wage
and salary employees, sellers of their labor-
In 1780, just after the American Revolution, power on the labor market. In short, the la-

about four-Iifths of the enslave labor force bor force has been undergoing a dramatic
in the United States were independent prop- and continuing transformation over time
erty owners or professionals farmers, from professionals and independent owners
merchants, traders, craftsmen and artisans, of small capital into mere sellers of labor-
businessmen, lawyers, doctors, etc.' A cen- power i.e., the process of proletarianization
-is clearly indicated in Table 4-1.
tury later, after slavery was abolished and as
the United States was developing into a The growth of the wage and salary pro-
highly industrial economy, only one-third of letariat is even more dramatic when one
the adult working population was classified considers the transformed role of women
in the category of Findc endcnt enter- and blacks in the economy. As a result of
priscrs' The destruction and Tsa carancc both the growth of demand for labor in oc-
of small shopkeep 111all.-scale family cupations traditionally open to women and
farms, independent _professionals the decline in household production, an in-
sans continued unabated with the further creasing proportion of women work as wage
advance of large-scale industry. As a result, and salary earners, many of them on a full-
1SIaves totaled 20 percent of the population.
time year-round basis? In 1890, 18 percent
An extended examination of the class structure of all women of working age were in the
in this period is contained in Jackson T. Nliiin.
The Social' Structure' of Re\'ohfrio:farv America "For a more detailed explanation of the change
(Princeton. N.J.: Princeton University Fress, in women's work, see Davies and Reich. Section
1965). 8.4, p. 348.


Percerrf Wage Percent Seff- Percent Safaried

off Snfcrried Employed Managers and
Year Fmpfoyeesl' Enfrepre V19UI'5C OHEcio!s Tofu!

1780dI 20.0 80.0 100.0

1880 62.0 36.9 1.1 100.0
1890 65.0 33.8 1.2 100.0
1900 67.9 30.8 1.3 100.0
1910 7 ] .9 26. 1.8 100.0
1920 73.9 23.5 2.6 100.0
1930 76.8 20.3 2.9 100.0
1939 78.2 18.8 3.0 100.0
1950 77.7 17.9 4.4 100.0
1960 80.6 14.1 5.3 100.0
1969 83.6 9.2 7.2 100.0
Notes: a Defined as all income recipients who participate directly in economic activity, un-
paid family workers have been excluded. b Excluding salaried managers and officials. e Business
entrclJreneurs, professional practicioners, farmers and other properly owners. :I Figures for 1780
are rough estiniutes. Slaves, who comprised one-fifth of the population, are excluded; white in-
den1ured servants are included in the wage and salaried employees category.
SOURCES: Data for 17B0 from Jackson T. Main, The Social Struvmre mf Rerri-Iua'ionar)'
America (Princeton, NJ.: Princeton University Press, 1965), pp. 270-77. Data for 1880-1939
from Spurgeon Bell, Producrii-fry, Wages and National Income (Washington, D.C.' Brookings
Institution, 1940), p. 10. Data for 1950-1969 computed from U.S. Dept. of Labor, Alrmpower
Report of Use President, various years; and U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census.
C'r»nru5 of Populruirm, 1950 and 1960, and Curran Population Rcporrx, Series P-60. various years.

paid labor force, this proportion rose stead- for their livelihood, few have alternative
ily to 29 percent by the eve of World War sources of substantial income or control over
It, jumped to 38 percent during the war as productive assets. A recent survey (see Ta-
male labor shortages developed, and fell to able 4-K) indicated that in 1962, apart from
31 percent by 1947 as shortages eased. After a car, a house, household possessions, and
1947 the proportion began rising again: by a small (25500 or less) savings account and
1969, 43 percent of all adult women were pension fund, 45 percent of all households
active members of the paid labor force, most owned absolutely no income-producing as-
of them wage and salary employees. By sets (stocks, bonds, bank accounts, real
1969 women comprised 38 percent of the estate, c c . ) , while an adfMOlféh'
total civilian. labor force.3 of households owned income-producing, as-
Forthe r r o r , working for a wage or sal- sets of $10,000 or less (assuming a rate of
ary has become more of a permanent feature return of 8 percent, an asset wolf $10,000
of life for many women. The 18 percent of would bring in $800 per year in income).
adult women. who were working in the mar- By contrast, 1 percent of' all adults own over
ket economy in the late nineteenth century three-quarters of the corporate stock and the
were mostly unmarried and under 25 and corporate bonds in America."
most left the labor force never to return once In short, the United States has become a
they were married. By contrast, current pro- nation of wage and salary emp-loyees, ...1....
jections indicate that women born in 1960 have virtually no access income I
will spend, on the average, twenty years of property or cond l n l production
their life as wage or salary workers.** process, and whose economic welfare is de-
The most startling transformation of termined by the viscissitudes of the lain
working status has occurred among, blacks. market. The term "proletarians" applies to
After the Civil War some ex-slaves became all such employees and not only to
artisans. some became wage earners in urban assembly-line industrial day laborers. Inter-
areas or on reorganized plantations, and a cstingly, the process by which capitalist de-
few obtained land of their own to farm. But velopment progressively reduces more adults
most ex-slaves eked out an existence as farm to the status of seller of labor-power has
tenants or sharecroppers, dependent on the taken place in all capitalist countries, for
white landlord for credit, tools, work ani- example, data for France and Germany also
mals, and feed. Beginning about the turn of indicate a steadily increasing proportion of
the century, however. and particularly since wage and salary earners.7
1940. blacks have left agriculture and share- At the same time, the old capitalist class
cropping in .large numbers and joined the has also been changing. While the traditional
wage and salary proletariat. By 1969, 75 image of a leisure class of rcntiers who live
percent of adult black males and 49 per- by clipping coupons of stocks and bonds was
cent of adult black females were members never very accurate, it has become particu-
of the labor force, most as nonmanagerial larly obsolete under modern capitalism.
wage and salary workers." More common today is the large capital-
'Most w a c and salary employees in the owner who also participates in production,
United States are dependent Ol] their jobs for a high salary, as director, manager, trus-
tee, or executive. With the increasing com-
31969 Hara(e"/m(:'}< on Wonzcrr W0rr¥¢:'/'.s`. plcxity of modern corporate organizations
Department of Labor, Women's Bureau, p, IU.
Table ] .
£V. Perella, "Women and the Labor Force." "Sec Table 4-G, p. 170.
Monfltlgf Labor Review, Fcbllual'v, 1968. P. 2. 'Dam for France and Germany are reported in
5U.S. Department of Labor, 1'l4ru1pou'r'r Rvporr E. Mandel. Marxist Economic 1`hcof'y (New
of HIP fJ/'c'.s'M'.c'/If, 1970. Youk : Mun1llly Review Press. 1968), DD. 164-65.
To E luti n f th UnitdS1 i s L b r F r c 177


Size of Number o f con- Percent

porh'o.'io sumer units of con~
(in doI'.lars) (miHFons,} sumer urlrfs

0 11.8 20.4
1-500 14.5 24.9
500-2,000 10.2 17.7
2,000-5,000 7.4 12.8
5,000-10,000 4.9 8.9
10,000-25,000 5.2 9.0
25,000-50,000 2.1 3.6
50,000 and above 1.8 3.1
Total 57.9 100.0
*bank accounts, stocks and bonds of all types, real estate, mortgage assets, etc.
SOURCE: Dorothy Projector and Gertrude W'eis5, Surrey of Financial Charac'Ie:'fs!i1:.s of
Consumers, \Vashington, D.C,, Federal Reserve Board, 1966, Table A»36, p. 15. Percentages
may not add to total because of rounding,

and bureaucracies, managers have become changing composition of the labor force and
increasingly numerous in the labor force (see indicate how the character of white-collar
Table 4-L). A large proportion of high- jobs is being transformed.
level managers and executives in the largest The importance in the economy of blue-
corporations and banking institutions have collar labor in industry (mining, manufac-
substantial personal holdings in the stocks turing, and construction) increased continu-
and bonds of those companiesS ously in the United States until about the
1930's, as industry displaced the family farm
and the farm laborer. Since about the
THE STRUCTURE OF THE 1930's, however, white-collar and service
PROLETARIAT employment have replaced industrial blue-
collar employment as the most rapidly ex-
The growth of production on a large scale panding occupations in the economy. The
has led to important structural changes proportion of white-collar workers in the Ia-
within the wage and salary labor force. bor force grew from 6.7 percent in 1870 to
Along with a growing hierarchy in the pro- 33 percent in 1940 and 47 percent in 1969.
duction process, a pyramidal social struc- By contrast, blue-collar employees in min-
ture has developed as white-collar workers, ing, manufacturing and construction ac-
many of whom occupy intermediate posi- counted for 37 percent of the total labor
tions in the occupational structure, have t'orce in 1940 and have remained near this
grown in number. C. Wright Mills was fond proportion since."
of. referring to such workers as the new These long-run changes in the occupa-
middle class since, unlike the small farm~ tional structure reflect ( 1 ) advances in the
ers and shopkeepers of the old middle class, technology of production, (2) changes asso-
most of these white-collar workers do not ciated with the growth of corporate bureauc-
own property which is significant in the pro-
'-'Service workers comprise the remaining 12
duction process. In what follows we trace the

"See Robert I. I.arner, "The Effect of Manage-

Ill -
percent of employment. Unless otherwise noted.
in this paper are taken from otiicial
sources: for El fuller account and
ment-Control On the Profits of Largo Corpora- references : Victoria Bon fell and
tions," in Maurice Zeillin (ed.]. American So- Michael Reich, ' h e r s and the American
ciery, Inc. (Chicago: Markham Publishing Co., Economy," New England Free Press pamphlet,
1970). 1969.


. I

Occupational Group 1910 1920 1930 T940 1950 T 960 1967* 1975* F F

Muff agers, Of?cialls

and Prop rfero rs '
(except f a r m ) 6.6 o 7.4% 7.3% 8.8% 8.5% /KJc 10.4%
Workers 14.7 I8.8' 22.0 23.8 27.7 33.8 36.0 38. 1
Professional and
Technical 4.7 5.4 6.8 7.5 8.5 11.4 13.3 14.8
Clerical 5.3 8.0 8.9 9.6 12.3 15.0 16.6 16.9
Sales 4.7 4.9 6.3 6.7 6.9 7.4 6.1 6.4
Blue-Collar Workers 38.2 40.2 39.6 39.8 4/.2 39.5 36.7 34.0
Craftsmen and
Foremen 1 1.6 13.0 12.8 12.0 14.5 14.3 13.2 13.0
Semi-skilled 14.6 15.6 15.8 18.4 20.9 19.? 18.7 16.9
Unskilled 12.0 11.6 ] 1.0 9.4 6.8 5.5 4.8 4.1
Service Workers 9.6 7.8 9.8 I/.8 I0.3 1/.7 12.5 13.8
Private Household
(e.g., Maids) 5.0 3.3 4.1 4.7 2.5 2.8 2.4
Other service 4.6 4.5 5.7 7.1 7.8 8.9 10.1
Agricultural Workers 30.9 27.0 21.2 f7.4 1/.0 6.3 4.7 8.6
Farmers and Farm
Managers 16.5 15.3 12.4 10.4 7.5 3.9 2.6
Farm Laborers 14.4 1 1.7 8.8 7.0 4.3 2.4 2.1
TOTALs 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Data for 1967 and l 9'I5 refer t o ctnployed persons only. ~I Projected figures. ,g Individual items arc
rounded independently and therefore may not add up to totals.
SOURCES: Data for 19104940 from U.S, Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Ilisrorical Smriszics of Ure
Unffed States, Colonial T:'ule.\' to 1957, Table D 72-122, data for 1950-1960 from U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau
of the Census, U.S. Census of Popufalirm, I960, Table 201, data for 1967 and 1975 from U.S. Dept. of Labor, Man-
power Report o! the President, I96S, Tables A-9 and E-8,

racics, and (3) shifts in the sectoral compo- cent in manufacturing and by more than 60
sition of goods and services produced in the percent in mining. As I-Iymer points out
economy. elsewhere in this chapter," modern corpo-
(1) With technical improvements related rate enterprises have become increasingly
primarily to mechanization and automation, complex in their organizational structure.
fewer industrial workers are needed to pro- With the development of far-fiung corporate
duce increasing quantities of output. For ex- sales and distribution networks and corpo-
ample, in manufacturing total output in- rate divisions specializing in research and
creased '79 percent between 1950 and 1965, development and overall corporate coordina-
with only a 7 percent increase in production tion, more white-collar workers manage-
workers; in mining, output increased 38 per- rial, professional, technical, clerical, and sales
cent in the same period, while blue-collar -are needed. Research and development
production employment declined nearly 40 activities have become particularly important
percent." in many military-related sectors in American
(2) In the same period, white-collar non- industry. These high-technology industries,
production employment increased by 70 per- such as electronics, telecommunications, and
missile guidance systems, employ Iarse num-
1'*U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Luhor
Statistics, Bulletin 1599, p. 15. 11See Homer, Section 4.2, p, 156.
The Evolution o f the United States Labor Force 1 79

hers of scientists, engineers, designers, and greater than the total number employed in
technicians. Thus, white-collar workers are the steel, copper, and aluminum industries
becoming an increasing proportion of the in either year. The irzcrease ir1 employment
total labor force within the manufacturing in the field of health between 1950 and I 960
w can expect this
sector of the economy. II. was greater than the total number employed
trend to continue, nonmanagerial white- in automobile manufacturing in either
collar workers comprised less than 10 per- year.°=13
cent of employment in manufacturing in
1899, 20 percent of total manufacturing em- THE NATURE OF WHITE-COLLAR
ployment in 1952, and arc expected to be EMPLOYMENT
27 perccllt by 1975.12
(3) The changes in the sectoral compo- As the number of white-collar jobs has
sition of goods and services produced in the grown, the character of these jobs has been
economy have also contributed to the growth transformed. First, the greatest increases (in
of employment. The service sec- absolute numbers) in white~collar jobs have
tors-wholesale and retail trade, Finance, occurred in the low-level clerical and sales
insurance and real estate, professional, busi- categories. Second, the growth of bLlreaucra~
ness, and personal and repair services, in- cies and the increasing importance of ma-
stitutions (private hospitals, universities, chinery of various types in modern offices
foundations, etc.), and governtnent--be- -copying machines, new varieties of dic-
come increasingly important at higher levels tating equipment, improved typewriters, key
of gross national product. These service sce- punch machines, and other accessories to
tors tend to employ a high percentage of electronic data processing-have made much
white-collar workers. work in the modern office resemble factory
A large proportion of the increased em- and assembly-line labor. The work of a telc-
ployment in the service sector is concen- phone operator or o1` EI secretary in a typing
trated in increased state and local govern- pool is similar in many ways to the work
ment employment in education, health, and of a machine operator in a textile factory.
local public administration. For example, Hierarchy, barriers to advancement, extreme
"the inc-rr*a.s'e in employment in the field of specialization, and lack of control more and
education between 1950 and 1960 was more characterize many white-collar jobs.
Several recent national surveys have pointed
12Thc 1899 climate is cited in Chinos, Anfo-
Fnobile Workers and ffze A.rHer'icz:n Dream, p. 5; 13Victor Fuchs, The Se1'1»'fc(> Ec'onom'y (New
I9S2 and 1975 figures are taken from BUS Bul- York: National Bureau for Economic Research.
letin 1599. 1968), p. 1.



1940 I 952 1963 T 975 (projecfecf)

P r o f ' s signal and

Technical 3.0 5.3 9.3 11.2
Clerical 11.8 12.2 12.2
Sales 2.8 3.3 3.6
Total 17.1 19.9 24.8 27.0

SOURCE: U.S. Census of Population. 1940, Bureau of' Labor Sla1.isu'es Bulletin 1599: un-
published BLS data presented in E. Kassalnw. "White Collar Unirmism in the United States."
in A. Slurmlhal, Ed., ¥VhI!¢' Cralfar- Trade Uniorrs (Urbana: University o f Illinois Press. 1966),
p. 318.

to increasing job dissatisfaction among sales workers alone is below the average in-
white-collar workers as a result of such come of skilled blue-collar workers."
changes." The relative position on the income scale
Furthermore, the independent status of of professional white-collar workers has also
many once elite professional white-collar fallen. For example, in 1904, high school
jobs has been steadily eroded. Scientists, cn- teachers in large cities earned nearly three
gineers, architects, teachers, nurses, univer- times the wage of an average manufacturing
sity professors, technicians, etc., find that production worker." Today, high school
they work in ever larger organizations where teachers earn only about 50 percent more
the content of their jobs, as well as their than the average manufacturing wage earner.

working conditions, are narrowly defined If we look at the blue-collar component
and set down from above. In recent years of the labor force, we can also discern dra-
many professional and technical white-collar matic shifts within it. With mechanization
workers have become subject to layoffs, a and automation, unskilled labor jobs have
long-time hallmark of blue-collar employ- been rapidly disappearing and will continue
ment. to do so. Semi-skilled blue-collar workers
Even doctors and lawyers have not es- and skilled craftsmen, particularly the latter,
caped some loss of independence. For ex- increasingly dominate the blue-collar catc-
ample, an increasing percentage of all doc- gory. More blue-collar jobs involve the use
tors are employed on a salary basis in the of power machinery fewer #equine
large, urban, often university-connected brute physical strength. short, many of
hospitals, clinics, and research institutes. the old distinctions between blue~dinland white-
Fewer lawyers are engaged primarily in their collar work are breaking down.
own practice, many now work for large law
Firms or are employed directly by corpora-
tions and governments on an annual salary
Although the first workers' organizations in
Finally, the salaries of white-collar work-
the United States were formed before 1800
ers have not risen as fast as those of blue-
(Philadelphia printers conducted a strike in
collar workers. In 1890, white-collar work~
1786), as late as 1933 less than three mil-
ers received on the average about double the
lion workers about 5 percent of the total
average wage of the blue-collar manufac-
labor force-were organized into unions."
turing worker." Today most white-collar
These unions were predominantly structured
clerical and sales workers earn less than
along craft lines, i.e.. only skilled craftsmen
many blue-collar workers. While female
were eligible for membership. Very few
clerical and sales workers receive the lowest semi-skilled or unskilled workers, and few
pay, the average income of male clerical and
blacks, belonged to these craft unions.
Before the l930's, ethnic and racial an-
14For a summary of several recent studies, see
"Psychological Impact of Work." Manpower Re- 16BonneII and Reich, "Workers and the Amor-
port of the President, I968, pp. 47-55. ican Economy," Table 25.
In 1890, average annual earnings for clerical 11p.G. Kept, "Long-Run Changes in the Oc-
workers in manufacturing and steam railroads cupational Wage SLructure," Junrnu! of Pokricul
were $848, compared lo $439 for blue-collar Economy, December, 1960.
wage earners in manufacturing; sec Hi.$loriccrI 1*Figures cited on union membership are
.S'tczfis!fc.s' of the United Scalar from Colonia! based on official U.S. Department of 'Labor cs-
Times to the Preses: (Washington, D.C.: U.S. timales. See Handbook of Luhor Sinfisfics $967,
Government Printing Ohio), p. 92. BLS Bulletin 1600, 1968.
The Evolution oF the United States Labor Force 181

tagonisms, an open frontier, and above all, mobiles, aircraft, etc.). Many of the remain-
organized employer resistance (often vio- ing unorganized workers in these industries
lent and repressive and backed by the mili- were in the smaller scattered plants. As for
tary and police power of the state) combined regional differences, union organization
in blocking numerous attempts to organize tends to be less extensive in the South.
industrial-wide unions. But during the dec- Women and blacks are underrepresented in
ade of the Thirties, industrial unionism be- the unions: about 18 percent of union mem-
came a mass movement: four million work- bers are women, although they comprise
ers, many of them semi~skilled or unskilled, nearly 30 percent of the labor force; simi-
were organized into the Congress of Indus- larly, blacks comprise only 11 percent of all
trial Organization (CIO) between 1934 and union members, although they are one~fifth
1938 alone. The movement reached a crew Of the highly organized blue-collar occupa-
scendo in the massive sit-down strikes of tions. Recently, unions have grown rapidly
1936-1937, when tens of thousands of among white~collar public @mployccs-
workers successfully occupied factories, clerks, teachers, social workers, etc.
often for weeks, until their unions were rec- What has been the impact of the unions?
ognized as legitimate bargaining agents by Have the unions modified traditional em-
the employers. The CIO solidilicd its suc- ploycr control over the process of produc-
cess during World War II when it organized tion, or the conditions surrounding the work-
an additional four million workers into ers' sale of their labor-power? The overall
unions. picture is complex and we cannot here pre-
By 1947, union membership had reached sent a comprehensive and detailed answer,
14.8 million, or about 24 percent of the but a few generalizations can be made.
total labor force, and about 34 percent of Unions were originally primarily defen-
the nonfarm labor force. In 1960, about sive organizations trying to resist layolis and
half. of all blue-collar workers were rnem~ Brings as well as employer attempts to re-
bets of unions, and four-fifths of all union duce wages or the quality of working con-
members were in the mining, manufacturing, ditions. Once both illegal and radical, unions
and construction industries. By contrast, in have been recognized by legist ation and be-
1960 only 8 percent of service workers and come a conservative force. As Andre Gorz
13 percent of white-collar workers were points out, the legitimacy of the unions in
unionized. Thus the decline in blue-collar the eyes of employers and the state is dc-
production employment and the rise of pendent on two conditions :
white~collar and service employment have 1. First, that unions must voice only
led to u decline in proportion of the demands that are realistic, and that
nonfarm labor force which is unionized: 34 do not call capitalism into question;
percent in 1947 versus 28 percent in 1966 demands that are negofiabie.
Second, that ODCC an agreement has

(sec Table 4-N).

The degree of unionization varies con- been bargained out, unions must
stick to it and prevent the workers
siderably by industry, region, sex, and race. from breaking it."
In 1966, while approximately half of all
manufacturing workers were organized, Ag"
The first of these conditions has tended
proportion unionized was even l'iiglierin the to channel unions to concentrate on quanti-
more concentrated and Iksnuis.. industries, tative wage demands and place less empha-
reaching 89 percent in primary metals (steel, sis on qualitative demands relating to
copper, ac .), 80 percent in rubber, and 90 working conditions, since quantitative wage
percent in transportation equipment (auto- TO See Gorz, Section 11.4, p. 478.


Total Union Percent of Percent of Non-

Membership Tofu! Labor ugricuffurchll
Year (millions) Force Labor Force

1930 3.40 6.8 11.6

1933 2.69 5.2 1 1.3
1934 3.09 5.9 11.9
1936 3.99 7.4 13.7
1937 7.01 12.9 22.6
1938 8.03 14.6 27.5
1940 8.72 15.5 26.9
1942 10.38 17.2 2.5.9
1944 14.15 21.4 33.8
1946 14.40 23.6 34.5
1947 14.79 23.9 33.7
1950 14.27 22.0 3 1.5
1952 15.89 23.9 32.5
1954 17.02 25.1 34.7
1958 17.03 24.2 33.2
1962 16.59 22.6 <1»9.s
1964 16.84 2..2 28.9
1966 17.89 22.7 2.8.0
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Labor, Handbook of Labor Smri.wNc.\-, 1968.

demands both are easily negotiable and re- erring labor-management relations, both in
late only to how the pie is to be cut, not to the hiring process and within the workplace.
whether management has the prerogative to Uniform, structured procedures arc devel-
cut it. oped to handle seniority, promotions, trans--
This is not to deny the importance of fers, layoffs, employee grievances, cle.. thus
union struggles for higher wages. In fact, reducing arbitrary and inequitable treatment
unions have probably had some upward im- of workers by foremen and employers. In re-
pact on real wages of workers, though it is tum unions fulfill the second condition men-
difficult to estimate how much. By promot- tioned by Gorz and enforce no-strike clauses
ine. the idea of "equal pay for equal work," in contracts and otherwise discipline reluctant
unions have succeeded to a certain extent members to submit to the authority of the
in reducing some wage differentials and es- collective bargaining contract. The advan-
tablishing standard wage rates for production tages of such well-administered grievance
workers in all plants of a given industry, procedures have been summarized by a
But insofar as unionism has been concen- panel of collective bargaining experts as
trated among the oligopolistic, capital- follows:
intensive industries which are capable of ab-
sorbing wage increases by passing on higher A major achievement of c'oHc<'c:ri1-'e l'Jar.Qo:'rz-
ing . . . is the creation of a system of indus-
product prices to the consumer, part of the Irial _fuf'i.s'p rudef1c'c4 . . . under whiz-I: em-
wage gains won by unions may have come ployer and enfpfoyee rfgfzrs are .or forrfr in
at the expense of employees in unorganized contractual form and di.s'puh;=.s over fflc'
sectors rather than at the expense of em- meeting of the contract are .\'c>fIIff/ tfzroffg/1
ployers. a rational grievanc'e prowess. . . . T/'i.s~ sys-
fem helps proven! arbfrrary action on flee
Unionism has also generally resulted in a q!4e's1'ior1.v of discipline, f(Iy-o[]', promotion
systematized, formalized "web of rules" gov- and frarrsfer, and sets up orderly proce-
EdUccltion and The Labor Force 183

deres for the handling of grievances. Wild- written into the collective agreement, but
cat strikes and other disorderly means of many other junctions are left exclusively to
protest have been curtailed and effective management. . . . Although management
work discipline generally estabIishcd.2!* may consider it wise to consult with tote
(italics added) union before taking certain. types of action,
if is normally not obligated to seek ad-
Trade unions, opcrat11g within the con- vanced consent fro:n the anion. It is mis-
leading to equate collective bargaining w i t h
of capitalist institutions, have never joint management by union and employ-
cha11en&ed mallagement's perogatives in de- B1'S.21
cidin-g what 'to prod-ucc and have only mar-
ginal impact in deciding how to produce it.
We see that unions have had a dual char-
As Professors Bok and Dunlop, two well-
acter. SomG lnmli working condition
known labor mediators and academicians,
improvements have been obtained, but only
have written,
in exchange for the service of providing a dis-
ciplined labor force to the employer. Thus.
Some writers have contended that collective
ba/'gaining is a process of joint decision- the unions and collective bargaining lsystcm
making or joint manage/Tzenr. It is true that
many rules are agreed to by the parties and
have only marginally modified mu basic
character of the capitalist free market in la~
bor and capitalist control over the produc-
20The Public Im'e.='esf and National Labor tion process.
Policy (New York: Committee for Economic De-
velopment, 1961), p. 32. Cited in D. Bok and
I. Dunlop, Labor and the Aznericruz. Community 21Bok and Dunlop, Labor and the American
(New York: Simon & Schuster, 1970), p. 221. Community, p. 223.

4.6 Education and the Labor Force

With the advance of technology and the increasing complexity of produc-

tive techniques, the demand for labor has undergone a qualitative change.
Not only a disciplined labor force but also an incre singly skilled labor
force is required by the industrial. system. As a result of these develop-
ments, education has become increasingly important as a factor of produc-
tion in the economy, and no analysis of modern capitalism can afford to
ignore its role.
David Cohen and Marvin Lazerson in the following essay discuss the
way in which the development of the American educational system has
responded to the changing needs of the industrial capitalist economy. The
basic capitalist criterion of profit maximization in the market environment
determines the structure of production and hence also the nature and re-
quirements of jobs. Individual people must fit the requirements of these
jobs in order to find work; thus they need an education that will train
them appropriately.
The expanding educational system was often promoted as a means for
achieving social mobility and eliminating class distinctions. in fact, as
Cohen and Lazerson point out, the increasing differentiation of job require-
ments has led to a corresponding differentiation of educational offerings

that serves to reinforce the existing class structure. This point is developed
further by Bowles in Chapter 5_1

1See Bowles, Section 5.2, p. 218.

Source: The following is an excerpted and revised version of "Education

and the Corporate Order" by DAVID K. COHEN and MARVIN LAZERSON.
From Socialist Revolution 2, No. 3 (May/June, 1971). Copyright
1971 by David K. Cohen and Marvin Lazerson. Reprinted by permission
of the authors and Socialist Revolution.

In our view the main developments in edu- schooling is justiiicd as a way to expand
cation since the late nineteenth century in- wealth by improving production. The mech-
volve the schools' adaptation to industrial- anisms 11 l accomplish Jo are skill and
ism and the conflicts this engendered. The behavior training, sciecting students for oc-
period's dominant motif was infusing the 'In strait based on in ility, and
schools with the values of industrialism and matching students to occupations through
reorgionizing them in ways thought to be counseling and training. Education has been
consistent with the new economic order. The fashioned into an increasingly' refined train-
aims of education were closely tied to pro- ing and selection mechanism for the labor
duction--schoofng was justified as a way force. These ideas were nicely reflected in
E increasing w e t h , improving industrial the formulation of a Michigan educator in
output, andinaking management more ef- I921:
SCi100- was to socialize eco- W e can picture the educational system as
nomically desirable values and behavior, having a very important function as a
teach vocational skills, and provide educa- selecting agency, a means of selecting tfte
men of best intelligence from the deficient
tion consistent with students' expected occu- and mediocre. All are poured into the sys-
pational attainment. As a result, the schools' tem at the bottom; the incapable are soon
culture became closely identified with the rejected or drop out after repeating various
ethos of the workplace. Schooling came to grades and pass into the ranks of zmsfcilled
be seen as work or the preparation for work, labor. . . . The more intelligent who ure to
be clerical workers pass into the high
schools were pictured as factories, cduca- school; the most intelligent enter the uni-
tors as industrial managers, and students as versifies, whence they are selected for the
nm: materials lo be inducted into the professions.1
production process. The ideology of school
management was recast in the mold of the Such ideas had important implications for
business corporation, and the character of the conception and organization of school-
education was shaped after the image of in- ing. If schools were the primary occupa-
dustrial production. tional. training and selection mechanism,
then the criteria of merit within schools had
to conform to the criteria of ranking in the
occupational structure. The schools' effec-
tiveness could then be judged by how well
The most prominent feature of the indus-
I\V_ B. Pillsbury, "Selection A n Unnoticed
trial system of schooling is the idea that edu- Function of Education, Sc:i¢'n!ifi<° .M'0r1H1l_v. X II

cation is essentially an economic activity, (January, 1921), 71.

Eduction and the Lcebor Force 185

success in school predicted success at work. tendents conceived themselves as plant

The criteria for these predictions were work managers, and proposed to treat education
behavior and academic ability. as a production process in which children
From the late nineteenth century onward, were the raw materials It was equally nat-
schoolmen's concern with student behavior ural to evaluate schooling in terms of eco-
was justified in terms of training for work. nomic productivity. Indeed, if education is
In 1909 the Boston School Committee de- work then the only suitable criterion for de-
scribed the program of. instruction in an ele- termining its effects is extrinsic-income re-
mentary school given over to "prevoca- turns to schooling. This tendency to use
tional" classes-i.e., a school for children market criteria in evaluating education first
expected to become factory workers : flowered around the turn of the century: Ibe-
tween 1880 and 1910 scores of studies of
Ev-erythlrzg must conform as closely as pos~ income returns to education appeared Sum
sable to actual frzclustrial work i n Rea? life. perintendents, plant managers, and teachers'
The product must be not only useful, but
associations published reports which sought
Html be needed, and mast be put Fo actual
use. It must be something which may be to show that the more education students
produced I`ft quantities. The method tvtttst received, the greater their later earnings
be practical, arm? boils. product ala' :method would be. This was reflected in the schools'
mast be subjected t o the some commercial internal evaluation systems, as grades and
tests, as far as possible, as apply to actual
industry school retention were justified as strategies
for raising later earnings. The justification
Typically, school officials stressed that class- for learning had itself become an explicit
room activities should inculcate the values form of money fetishism.
thought to make good industrial workers- The ability criterion was no less impor-
respect for authority, discipline, order, clean- tant. Indeed, since the turn of the century
liness, and punctuality-and the schools the notion that adult success depended on
developed elaborate schemes for grading, re- school achievement has attained the status
porting, and rewarding student behavior. of religious dogma. As Ellwood Cubberley
"One great benefit of going to school, espe- revealed in 1909, this idea is closely linked
cially of attending regularly for eight or ten to the view that as production grows more
months each year for nine years or more," technological workers require greater eds
argued A. E. Winship, editor of the Jour- cation:
nal of Educatforr in 1900, "is that it estab-
lishes a habit of regularity and persistency in Along with these elranges [indusrrialfsm]
effort." "Indeed," Winship claimed, "the boy there has (,`()I7'I€ not only Ra Irernendous in-

who leaves school and goes to work does not crease in Fhe quantify of our knowledge, but
£2550 an demand for or large fncrer:.s*e i n the
necessarily learn to work steadily, but often amount o! knowledge t'l€(T€<'.5l.SIO)'}7 to enable
quite the reverse. Going to school, then, one to meet the efrangea' eorzdz'!.='or.=s OJ'
was better preparation for becoming a good modern life. The kind of knowledge needed,
worker than work itself! too, hues tundarnenltrlly changed. The ability
to read and write and cipher no longer dis-

If schooling is conceived as a preparation Hnguishes the educated from the urzeducazed
for work, it is only natural to organize it on man. A man mass: have berger, broader, and
the model of the factory. School superin-
Raymond Callahan, Education and the
Boston, Docntm?::z's of aha .S'choo:' Con':mfrF€¢=., Czfft of FJ{i'icfenc'y, (Chicago, 1962).
1908, #7, pp, 48-53.
PA. F. Winship, ]1fl'e.s~-Ed\w:f-ds (Hixr1'1sbLu'g,
Pa., 1900), p. 13.
Bulletin #22,
ington, "
i i ! Ellis, The fWofzey Va.'n£< of Edaccatiofz,
Bureau of Education (Wash-

a different kind of knowledge than did his require that industrial (manual-com
parents if he is to succeed under modern structive) activities form an import-
corzd.ition..s'_6 ant part of school occupations. . . .
4. The differences among children as
The idea that knowledge is power dates to aptitudes, interests, economic rc-
back to the scientific revolution, but here sources, and prospective careers fur-
nish the basis for a rational as op-
Cubberley was articulating a new version. posed to a merely formal distinction
It was not simply that knowledge was power, between elementary, secondary, and
but that trained technological ability was the higher educations
key to personal success.
The last point is important, for the in-
These themes became explicit with the
appearance of the differentiated curriculum. ventory of differences among children
The differentiation of educational olierings clearly reveals the frank class character of
emerged out of the new ideology of meri- educational differentiation. The point was
tocracy-the notion that individuals would not only that the children of the poor should
choose the educational program most suited get a different sort of schooling, but also that
to their particular abilitlcs.
` they should get Icss. The movement to dif-
But multiple
curricula offerings it arose out of the in- ferentiate educational offerings at first cen-
creasing differentiation of work, the demand tered on temporal differences. Working class
of business and industrial leaders for trained children were leaving school without com-
pleting the elementary grades: industrial
and disciplined workers, and the need to
elementary schools, prevocational programs,
protect educational opportunities for chil-
dren from advantaged families, something and junior high schools all were oilcred as
which seemed incompatible when the com- ways of assuring that such pupils would stay
mon curriculum was turned to mass school- in school and receive what was conceived
ing. Under the pressure of these forces the to be appropriate training." Cleveland's
older curriculum had begun to give way at school superintendent, for example, argued
the turn of the century and was being re- that working class children would neither
continue their education beyond the colnpul~
placed with a multiplicity of course offerings
geared to the major strata of the occupa- sory minimum, nor learn very much if they
tional structure. The National Education did stay. He proposed that their schooling
Association's 1910 Report of the Committee be limited to the elementary years, with a
on the Place of Inclusfries in Public Educa- curriculum which imparted basic literacy,
tion summarized the rationale for educa- good behavior, and rudimentary vocational
tional differentiation : skills." As time wore on, however, dilleren-
tiation centered more and more on curricu-
l. Industry, as a controlling factor in lar differences within secondary schools. In
social progress, has for education a part this resulted from the considerations ex-
fundamental and permanent signifi- pressed in the NEA report, but it was also
due to the gradual increases in schools'
2. Educational standards, applicable in
an age of handicraft, presumably
need radical change in the present TNationaf Education Association, Rcporr 01f
day of complex and highly specialized the Committee on the P1060 of ,f/!=iI'ustI'y hr PHHEc
industrial development. Educalfiof':, 1910, pp, 6-7.
*See Frank M. Leavitt and Edith Brown, Pra-
3. The social aims of education and the vocniricwial Educndou in the P1n')/'ic' S('»*'rooJ's
psychological needs of childhood atikc (Boston, 1915).
9801 Cohen, "The Industrial Education Move-
"Ellwood Cubbcriey, Chcurghlg (,`onccJpnlon5 of ment, 1906-1917," Afrt€ric'urz Qfrfnwdy., Fall,
En'11carz'on (Cambridge, Mass., 1909) pp. 18-19. 1969, pp. 105-6.
Education and the Labor Force 187

holding power. As the high schools became offered to support differentiation of educa-
less and less the preserves of children from tional offerings along class lines, this was
advantaged families, curricular ditlcrentia- rarely seen as inconsistent with the idea that
tion was necessary to maintain dillcrenees in "education should give to all an equal chance
educational opportunity. At the turn of the to attain any distinction in life,7713 The rea-
century special business and commercial son for this lay in the ready identification
courses already had been established in the of ability with inherited social and economic
high schools; by the second decade many status, an idea which the early testing move-
cities had created vocational, business, and ment only reinforced. in theory, at least,
academic curricula. The school board presi- there was no tension between the differentia-
dent in the Lynds' [book] II/Itlddlc*rowtr sum- tion of school offerings and the academic
marized the change succinctly, in the mid- meritocracy.
l920's: "Por a long time all boys were The appeal of the meritocratic idea ex-
trained to be President. Then for a while we tended far beyond a rationale for curricular
trained them all to be professional men. Now differentiation. Educators and social reform-
we are training boys to get jobs.as10 ers at the turn of the century were not insen-
The differentiation of educational eller- sible to the accumulation of a large, heavily
ings ran across the grain of established ideas immigrant industrial proletariat in the cities ,
about equality in education. As in so many they feared the prospect of class warfare,
things, Cubberley characterized the situa- and found in educational opportunity a
tion bluntly in 1909 : ready formula for remedy. The academic
meritocracy was thought to promise a rem-
Our city schools will soon be forced to edy for poverty and inequality. Schools
give up the exceedingly democratic idea would provide a mechanism whereby those
that all are equal, and our society devoid
of classes . . .and to begin a specialization who were qualified could rise on the basis
of educational e.(i'ort along many lines in an of ability. Even the greatest skeptics about
attempt Fo adapt the school to the needs the influences of environment on ability-
of these many classes . . . industrial and vo- E. L. Thorndike, for example-agreed that
cational training is especially significant of the schools should provide avenues for mo-
the changing conception of the school and
bility based on selection of talent.1-I And
the classes in society which the school is in
the future expected to serve." liberals maintained that schools ought to
remedy deficiencies which the environment
Although some schoolmen insisted that dif- inflicted upon children. Frank Tracy Carle-
ferentiation implied no change in the reign- ton wrote in 1907 that the schools should
ing ideas of equal opportunity, a greater reduce crime and dependency by providing
number embraced both didcrcntiation and special education for disadvantaged chil-
its implications for equality, The NEA jux- dren. If schools compensated for environ-
taposed "equality of opportunity as an ab- mental deficiencies, they would improve chil-
straction" to the idea that education should dren's chances for success in later life.15
be based on "the reality of opportunity as This faith in the transforming power of
measured by varying needs, tastes, and abili- education has been the basis for compensa-
ties."12 Although such formulations were tory education and social welfare programs
1HIf1fd., pp. 21-22.
10Robert and Helen Lynd, M':'dcUerown (New 1-118. L. Thorndike, Edzacutionrd P.s'yr:hology
York, 1956 edition) p. 194. (New York, 1903), pp. 44-46.
11Ellwood Cubbedey, Ch(61z2 f i g C`0:rr'@pH<;»n.\ 15FraI1k Carleton, "The School as a Factor in
of Educrstfofr, pp. 53-57. Industrial and Social Froblems," Echrcarion,
12National Education Association, Report, p, 7. XXVIII (October, 1907), 77-79.

since the late nineteenth century. Schooling to model their schools on industrialism fre-
was conceived as an engine of social reform, quently seemed to have little idea of how
a mechanism whereby injustice could be industrial corporations worked." Efforts to
remedied by distributing .rewards on the ba- articulate the curriculum with the occupa-
sis of talent rather than inheritance. It was, tional structure did not mean that educators
of course, an idea peculiarly suited to bour- knew, or tried to find out, what the society's
geois liberalism. The redistribution of social labor needs actually were. For the most part
and economic status promised through it meant little more than embodying the dif-
schooling was neither an attack on property ferences between blue-collar, clerical, and
nor an effort to weaken the class structure. professional jobs in schools' curricula and
Far from promising to eliminate inequalities offerings.
in the distribution of privilege, schooling As the economy shifted toward increas-
would only insure that they were consistent ingly technological forms of production, the
with qualification rather than birth. The no- schools slowly followed suit, The old model
tion that schools were a mechanism of social of the schools as factories is slowly being re-
reform rested on the idea that individual. re~ placed, as manpower needs change. But the
distribution of. wealth based on achievement commitment to the ability criterion, testing,
was preferable to across-the-board redistri- guidance, and differentiated schooling has
bution. The great appeal of social reform only been accentuated. While the character
through education was that all issues of dis- of work is changing, the school remains the
tributive social justice were translated into primary labor training and selection mecha-
matters of individual ability and effort in nism.
school and marketplace.
These developments did not occur all at 16See Michael , _ , , _ _ , *"I`he Emergence of
Bureaucracy in Urban Education in the Boston
once, nor was the industrial system of Case, ]850-188-4," History of Edncntfofz Qurn'Ier'l'.v,
schooling monolithic. Educators who sought VIII (Summer-Fall, 1968), 167-68.

4.7 Corporate Liberalism and the Modern State

The long-run forces-technological, economic, social and political-that

have caused significant changes in business and labor under capitalism
have clearly also aliected the state. Within the past century the state has
come to play an increasingly prominent role in capitalist economies. In
the next reading Jame Weinstein discusses the historical origins and sig-
nificance of the modern American "liberal" state. He traces the change in
the meaning of liberalism from laissez-faire individualism in the nineteenth
century to social control by the state in the twentieth century, and he
argues that the modern liberal state had its origins in the Progressive Era
at the beginning of this century.
Weinstein's account illustrates clearly how the changing role of the state
evolved out of the changing needs of the dominant capitalist class, which
in turn derived from the increasing complexity of production and eco-
nomic organization in the growing American economy. Laissez-faire poli-
cies appropriate to an earlier era of open frontiers and simple technolo-
gies were found increasingly inadequate by the corporate leaders emerging
at the turn of the century. Instead, new policies of centralized social engi-
Corporate Liberalism and the Modern State 189

needing were required to maintain the capitalist system and to secure the
hegemony of the corporate ruling class.

Source: The following is excerpted from the introduction to The Corpo-

rate Iafeaf and the Liberal State by JAMES WEINSTEIN. Copyright © 1968
by James Weinstein. Reprinted by permission of Beacon Press.

[My] two main theses , . . run counter to and middle-class reformers to bring together
prevailing popular opinion and to the opin- "thoughtful men of all classes" in "a van-
ion of most historians. The list is that the guard for the building of the good commu-
political ideology now dominant in the nity." These ends were the stabilization, ra-
United States, and the broad programmatic tionalization, and continued expansion of the
outlines of the liberal state (known by such existing political economy, and, subsumed
names as the New Freedom, the New Deal, under that, the circumscription of the So-
the New Frontier, and the Great Society) cialist movement with its ill-formed, but
had been worked out and, in part, tried out nevertheless dangerous ideas tor an alterna-
by the end of the First World War. The sec- tive form of social organization.
ond is that the ideal of a liberal corporate There are two essential aspects of the lib-
social order was formulated and developed eral state as it developed in the Progressive
under the aegis and supervision of those who Era, one tightly and sometimes indistinguish-
then, as now, enjoyed ideological and politi- ably intertwined with the other, but both
cal hegemony iN the United States: ; more clearly different. The first was the need of
sophisticated leaders America's largest many of the largest corporations to have the
corporations and financial institutions. government (usually the federal govern-
This position is not based upon a con- ment) intervene in economic matters to pro-
spiracy theory of history, but it does posit tect against irresponsible business conduct
a conscious and successful effort to guide and to assure stability in marketing and fi-
and control the economic and social policies nancial affairs. . . .
of federal, state, and municipal governments The second was the repla cement of the
by various business groupings in their own ideological concepts of. laissez faire, or the
long-range interest as they perceived it. Busi- Darwinian survival of the fittest, by an ideal
nessmen were not always, or even normally, of a responsible social. order in which all
the first to advocate reforms or regulation in classes could look forward to some form of
the common interest. The original impetus recognition and sharing in the benefits of an
for many reforms came from those at or near ever-expanding economy. Such a corporate
the bottom of the American social structure, order was, of course, to be based on what
from those who benefited i ii from the
*': banker V. Everitt Macy called "the indus-
rapid increase in the productivity of the in- trial and commercial structure which is the
dustrial plant of the United States and from indispensable shelter of us
expansion at home and abroad. But in the
current century, particularly on the federal 1Sidney Kaplan, "Social Engineers as Saviours :
Effects of World War I on Some American
level, few reforms. were enacted without the Liberals," The Journal of the History of Ideas,
tacit approval, if not the guidance, of the XVII (June, 1956), 347.
large corporate interests. And, much more Speech to the ]?tl'l Annual Meeting of the
National Civic Federation, January 22, 1917,
important, businessmen were able to harness
Box 187, National Civic Feclcration papers, New
to their own ends the desire of intellectuals York Public I_ib1'a1'Y.

The key word in the new corporate vision nature of American liberalism has been one
of society was responsibility, although the of the most powerful ideological weapons
word meant different things to different that American capitalism has had in main-
groups of men. To most middle-class social taining its hegemony. An intellectual tradi-
reformers and social workers-men such as tion has grown up among liberal ideologues
Frank P. Walsh of Kansas City, or Judge that embodies this false consciousness. Ar-
Ben B. Lindsey of Denver, or Waiter Weyl thur M. Schlesinger, Jr., intellectual in resi-
of the New Republic, or Jane Addams of dence of the Kennedy's, for example, writes
Hull House, responsibility meant, first of all, that "Liberalism in America has been or-
the responsibility of society to individual dinarily the movement on the part of the
Americans or to underprivileged social other sections of society to restrain the power
classes. To the corporation executives it of the business community." Consistent
meant above all, the responsibility of. all with this assertion is the popular image of
classes to maintain and increase the elli- movements for regulation and social reform
ciency of the existing social order. Of course -the Pure Food and Drug Act, the Federal
some middle-class reformers, like New Re- Trade Commission, workmen's compensa-
publiC editor Herbert Croly, understood that tion, social security, unemployment insur-
progressive democracy was "designed" to ance, the poverty program-as victories of
serve as a counterpoise to the threat of work- "the people" over "the interests," In one
ing class revolution. But even for them the sense this is true. Even so, Schlesinger's pro-
promotion of reform was not an act of cyn- nouncement is misleading. It is not only his-
icism: they simply sought a way to be imme- torically inaccurate, but serves the interests
diately effective, to have real indigence. Their of the large corporations Dy masking the
purpose was not only to serve as defenders manner in which they have exercised control
of the social system, but also to improve the over American politics in this century.
human condition. In the most profound sense Both in its nineteenth and twentieth cen-
they failed, and badly; yet they were a good tury forms, liberalism has been the political
deal more than simply lackeys of the cape ideology of the rising, and then dominant,
talist class. business groups. Changes in articulated prin-
The confusion over what liberalism means ciples have been the result of changing needs
and who liberals are is deep-seated in Amer- of the most dynamic and rapidly growing
ican society. In large part this is because of forms of enterprise. Thus in the days of An-
the change in the nature of liberalism from drew Jackson, liberalism's main thrust was
the individualism of laissez faire in the nine- against monopoly (and Arthur Schlesinger
teenth century to the social control of corpo- tells us this meant it was anti~business). But
rate liberalism in the twentieth. Because the more recent scholarship has shown that it
new liberalism of the Progressive Era put its was the new 'business class, made up of in-
emphasis on cooperation and social responsi- dividual small entrepreneurs (as well as
bility, as opposecl to unrestrained "ruthless" threatened and declining farmers and arts
competition-so long associated with busi- sans), that fought state chartered monopoly.
nessmen in the mud' the Robber Baron, Rising entrepreneurs struggled to free busy
many believed then, and more believe now, ness enterprise of the outmoded restrictions
that liberalism was in its essence anti big of special incorporation and banking laws
business. Corporation leaders have encour- and to end what was then an overly central-
aged this belief. False consciousness of the
*Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., The Age of Jack-
=*Kaplan, "Social Engineers," pp. 354_55. son (Boston: Little, Brown, I946), p. 505.
Corporate Liberalism c d the Modern State 191

ized control of credit. Their laissez faire son leaders did this by adapting to their own
rhetoric in opposition to "unnatural" or ar- ends the ideals of middle-class social re-
titicial privilege was that of the common formers, social workers, and socialists.
man, but their achievements-general incor- My main concern . . . is not with the so-
poration and free banking laws, the spread cial reformers, men and women who might be
of public education and popular Sui'frage-- called ordinary liberals. instead l . . . focus
created the conditions for unfettered compe- on those business leaders (and their various
tition and rapid industrial growth. Half a political and academic ideologues) who saw
century later that competition and industrial liberalism as a means of securing the exist-
expansion had led to the development of new ing social order. They succeeded because
forms of monopoly, grown so powerful that their ideology and their political economy
a relative handful of merged corporations alone was comprehensive. Radical critics of
came to dominate the American political the new centralized and manipulated system
economy, Thereafter, liberalism became the of social control wer(l . $ l l l l x_>

movement for state intervention to supervise by the corporate liberals who allowed poten-
corporate activity, rather than a movement tial opponents to participate, even if not as
for the removal of state control over private equals, in EI. process of adjustment, conces-
enterprise. sion, and amelioration that seemed to prom-
To achieve conditions suitable for free ise a gradual advance toward the good soci-
competition during the Age of Jackson, the ety for all citizens. In a formal democracy,
rising entrepreneurs and their political repre- success lay in evolving a social vision that
scntatives had to believe in, and promote, could be shared by most articulate people
ideals of equality of opportunity, class mo~ outside the business community. Corporate
bility, and noninterference by the govern- liberalism evolved such a vision. More than
ment with individual initiative (although, that, it appealed to leaders of different so-
even then, government subsidy of such nec- cial groupings and classes by granting them
essary common services as railroads and status and influence as spokesmen for their
canals was encouraged where private capital constituents on the condition only that they
was inadequate to do the job). At the turn defend the framework of the existing social
of the century the new trust magnates also order.
pressed for reform in accordance with their As it developed, the new liberalism incor-
new political, economic, and legal needs. porated the c o nd qo i; of social engineering
The nature of the ideals and the needs in the and social efficiency that grew Fl. along-
two periods were different. in the first, the side of industrial engineering and eliiciency.
principles of competition and individual efli- The corollary was ad'iEpara£é"1iiEII1Tf"'6f "irre-
ciency underlay many proposed reforms, in sponsible" individualism and localism. On
the second, cooperation and social eflicieney the municipal level, as Samuel P. Hays has
were increasingly important. But in each observed, the drama of business-led reform
case the rising businessmen or, at least, lay in competition between two systems of
many of them-helped promote reforms. In decision-making. One was based upon ward
both instances, business leaders sponsored representation and traditional ideas of grass-
institutional adjustment to their needs, and roots involvement in the political process,
supported political ideologies that appealed the other, growing out of the rationalization
to large numbers of people of different social of social life made possible by scientific and
classes in order to gain, and retain, popular technological developments, required expert
support for their entrepreneurial activity. In analysis and worked more smoothly if de~
the Progressive Era. and ever since, corpora- cisions flowed from fewer and smaller cen-

tens outward toward the rest of society. The son of forces outside the business commu-
same competition went on at the federal nity to political trends within business and
level, although formal changes in the politi- professional lite." . . .
cal structure were more difficult to make In short, . . . liberalism in the Progressive
and, therefore, extensive. In general, Era-and since-was the product, con-

however, the Progressive witnessed rapid sciously created, of the leaders of the giant
strides toward centralization End a decline corporations and financial institutions that
in importance of- tl'1ose institutions which emerged astride American society in the last
were based upon local representation, most years of the nineteenth century and the early
obviously in the decline of Congress and the years of the twentieth.
increasing importance of the executive
branch in the shaping of policy and in the *Samuel Hays, "The Politics of Reform in
Municipal Government in the Progressive Era,"
initiation of legislation. As Hays concludes, Pacific Northwest Q1.Fru'fe:'ly, LV, 4 (October.
this development constituted an accommoda- 1964), 168-69.

4.8 The Expanding Role of the State

The rise in significance of the large monopolistic corporation has led some
observers to characterize modern capitalism as "monopoly capitalism."1
The expanding role of the state has led James O'Connor in the following
reading to use the term "state capitalism" as well. O'Connor identifies here
many of the areas where the increasing socialization of labor in the produc-
tive process-i.e., the increasing degree of complexity and interdependence
of the economy--has led to an increasing role for the state in the American
capitalist economy.
In Chapter 3, the role of the state in preserving the basic institutions of
the capitalist mode of. production was given primary emphasis? Under
modern capitalism, the state must not only protect and enforce private
property, but it must also intervene directly in an increasing variety of
ways in the functioning of the economy in order that the privileges and
hegemony of private capital not be eroded. Thus control over the state
apparatus becomes increasingly important for the capitalist class, and the
links between private business and the state become ever closer.
There is one important aspect of state intervention in a modern capi-
talist economy that we shall defer until Chapter 9: the role of the state
in absorbing the surplus. Capitalist class interest calls not only for the
many forms of specific government activity described by O'Connor, but
also for general state action to protect the capitalist economy against cata-
strophic depressions of the kind that threatened the whole system in the

This term has been most widely publicized by Paul Boron and Paul Sweezy,
whose major recent work bears the title Monopoly Capirai (New York: Monthly
Review Press, 1966).
See especially Sweezy, Section 3.8, p. 133 and Edwards and racEway. Section
3.9, p- 135.
Expanding Role of the State 193

l930's. We shall argue in Chapter 9 that government spending now plays

a significant role in maintaining aggregate demand for goods and services
at a Ievl §1ateiy
_n £331I !
* equals the corresponding aggregate supply,
thereby contributing to the EJIJsorption of the aggregate economic surplus
and preventing mol-. crises of overproduction, underconsumption, and
After O'Connor's essay a statistical appendix is included to document
the expansion of the public sector in the United States economy.

31°Tor a detailed analysis of the problem of surplus absorption. see Weisskopf.

Section 9.1, p. 364.

Source: The following is excerpted from "The Fiscal Crisis of the State"
by JAMES O'CONNOR. From Socialist Revolution I , Nos. l and 2
(Jan./Feb. and March/April 1970). Reprinted by permission of S<Jc'ia?

In general, the state budget continuously The most itnporta. state investments
expands owing to the intensification of eco- serving the interests of specific industries are
nomic integration. Social production has ad- highway expenditures.1 Domestic economic
vanced so rapidly and along so many fronts growth since World War H has been led by
that it has pressed hard upon and finally automobile production and suburban resi-
spilled over the boundaries of immediate dential construction, which requires an enor-
private property relations. In brief, state mous network of complementary highways,
capitalism constitutes a higher and more roads, and ancillary facilities. Rejecting pub-
general form of social integration rendered lic transportation, on the one hand, and toll
necessary by the advanced character of so- highways, on the other, the state has "so-
cial production. cialized intercity highway systems paid for
by the taxpaper-not without great encour-
agement for the rubber, petroleum, and auto
I industries? From 1944, when Congress
passed the Federal Aid to Highways Act, to
The First major category of [state] expendi- 1961, the Federal government expended its
entire transportation budge é on §sua%
tures consists of facilities which are valuable
to a specific industry, Ol' group of related in- | ITE- .
rox-limatcl.y twcnt.y__pcr-
cent of non-military _government spendin_g at.
dustries. These are projects which are use-
ful to specific interests and whose financial all levels is destined for high-. inland
needs are so large that they exceed the re- waterway and airport expenditures total less
sources of the interests affected. They also than one billion yearly, and railroads and
consist of projects in which the financial out- local rapid transit receive little or nothing.
come is subject to so much uncertainty that And in area redevelopment schemes, high-
they exceed the risk-taking propensities of 'Weapon expenditures fall partly into this
the interests involved. Finally, these are proj- category, but since their ultimate determinant lies
ects which realize external economics and elsewhere, discussion of military spending is post-
poned until Iatcr.
economics of large-scale prod-uction for the 2Payntz Taylor, Outlook for the' R¢1Hroc:d.s,
particular industries. New York, 1960, D. 91.

ways receive the lion's share of the subsi- migration, tariff, and patent policies all
dies, more than eighty percent of the funds "represented and strengthened the particular
allocated by the Federal government to Ap- legal framework within which private busi-
palachia for economic development, for ness was organized" State subsidies to cap-
example, have been destined for road con- ital as a whole were confined to the State
struction. The reason was that the Federal government and local levels and were largely
planners needed the cooperation of the local the product of mercantile, rather than in-
governors, who together with electric power, dustrial capital, impulses."
steel and other companies combined to In the twentieth century, however, cor-
block other "solutions.1:3 porate capital has combined with state cape
tal to create a new organic whole. Corporate
capital, is not subordinated to state capital,
or vice versa, but rather they arc synthesized
into a qualitatively new phenomenon, rooted
in the development of the productive forces
The second major determinant of state ex-
and the concentration and centralization of
penditures stems from the immediate eco-
capital. More specifically, the rapid advance
nomic interests of corporate capital as a
of technology has increased the pace of gen-
whole. The budgetary expression of these
eral economic change, the risk of capital in-
interests takes many forms--economic in-
vestments, and the amount of uncontrollable
frastructure investments, expenditures on
overhead costs. Further, capital equipment
education, general business subsidies, credit
is subject to more rapid obsolescence, and
guarantees and insurance, social consump-
there exists El longer lead time before the
tion, and so on. In the United States, most
typical investment is in full operation and
of these forms appeared or developed fully
thus is able to pay for itself. The develop-
only in the twentieth century, although in
ment of the production relations has also
Europe state capitalism emerged in an ear-
compelled corporate capital to employ state
lier period-in France, during the First Etn-
power in its economic interests as a whole,
pirc, generalized state promotion buoyed the
and socialize production costs. . . .
private economy, in Germany, state eco-
The most expensive economic needs of
nomic policy received great impetus from
corporate capital as a whole are the costs of
political unification and war, in Italy, laissez-
research, development of new products, new
faire principles did not prevent the state
production processes, and so on, and, above
from actively financing and promoting accu-
all, the costs of training and retraining the
mulation in the major spheres of heavy in-
labor force, in particular, technical, admin-
dustry; and everywhere liberal notions of
istrative, and non-manual workers. Prelimi-
small, balanced budgets and indirect taxation
came face to face with the fiscal realities of mm the process of the
mary to an investiga-lf
socialization of these costs, a brief review of
wartime economies.
the relationships between technology, on the
in the United States, the budget remained
small throughout the nineteenth century,
one hand, and the production relations, on
the other, is required.
transportation investments were chiefly pri-
vate, and natural resource, conservation, *Henry W. Broude. "The Role of the State in
public health, education and related outlays American Economic Development, 1820-1890,"
were insignificant. The state served the eco- in Harry N. Scheibcr. Ed._ UHIIQFI Stulvs ECO-
HONHC Hzsforv: .S`@/0c'fc'd R<(a¢¢'irrg,s'. New York
nomic needs of capital as a whole mainly in 1964.
non-fiscal ways-land tenure, monetary, inl- 5Lo11is Hertz, E<ro::o.=nfc' PoHlc'.v and D(wlo~
c:rcll'ic T/longlif: Pwuz.s8Jwznfn, 1776-/860, Cam-
'*WaN Slrccl Jrnrrnuf, June 28, 1965. bridge, Mass., 1948, pp, 290-91.
Expanding Role of the State 1 95

The forces of production include avail- merits" will not seek employment in other
able land, constant capital, labor skills, corporations or industries. The cost of los-
methods of work organization, and last but ing trained manpower is especially high in
not least, technology, which is a part of, but those industries which employ technical
not totally identified with, the social product workers with skills which are specific to a
five forces. Th e advance of technology, the particular industrial process.
uses of technology, and its distribution be- World War II provided the opportunity
tween the various branches of the economy to rationalize the entire organization of tech-
are all determined in the last analysis by the nology in the United States. As Dobb writes,
relations of production, The transformation "a modern war is of such a kind as to re-
from a labor-using to a labor-saving tech- quire all-out mobilization of economic re-
nology in mid-nineteenth century Europe sources, rapidly executed decisions about
was ultimately caused by the disappearance transfer of labor and productive equipment,
of opportunities for industrial capitalists to and the growth of war industry, which ordi-
recruit labor "extensively" from the artisan nary market-mechanisms would be power-
and peasant classes at the given wage rate. less to achieve. Consequently, it occasions a
During the last halt of the nineteenth cen- considerable growth of state capitalism.
tury, the established industrial proletariat . . _ve The intervention of the state through
faced less competition, their organizations government grants to finance research pro-
were strengthened, and they were better able grams, develop new technical processes,
to win wage advances. Thus, it was the class and construct new facilities and the forced
struggle that compelled capital to introduce mobilization of resources converted produc-
labor-saving innovations. tion to a more social process. The division
Despite the rapid advance of technology of labor and specialization of work func-
during the first half of the twentieth cen- tions intensified, industrial plants were di-
tury, until World War II the industrial cor- versified, the technical requirements of em-
porations trained the largest part of their ployment became more complex, and, in
labor force, excluding basic skills such as some cases, more advanced. The end result
literacy. In the context of the further techno~ was a startling acceleration of technology.
logical possibilities latent in the scientific dis- At the end of the war, corporate capital
coveries of the nineteenth and twentieth cen- was once again faced with the necessity of
turies, this was a profoundly irrational mode financing its own research and training its
of social organization. own technical work force. The continued
The reason is that knowledge, unlike rationalization of the work process required
other forms of capital, cannot be monopoly new forms of social integration which would
lized by one or a few industrial-finance inter- enable social production to advance still
ests. Capital-as-knowledge resides in the further. The first step was the introduction
skills and abilities of the working class it- of the GI Bill, which socialized the costs of
self. In the context of a free labor market- training (including the living expenses of la-
that is, in the absence of a feudal-like indus- bor trainees) and eventually helped to create
trial state which prohibits labor mobility, a a labor force which could exploit the stock-
[lat impossibility in the capitalist mode of pile of technology created during the war.
production-no one industrial-linance inter- The second step was the creation of a vast
est caN afford to train its own labor force or system of lower and higher technical educa-
channel profits into the requisite amount of tion at the local and state level, the trans-
research and development. The reason is formation of private universities into Feder-
that, apart from the patent system, there is maurice Dobb, Capifaifsnr Y(J.'II{('Vlf/\! (Mid
absolutely no guarantee that their "invest- Today, New York, 1962, p- 75.

al universities through research grants, and with the socialization of private costs of pro-
the creation of a system to exploit technol- duction, which we have discussed above).
ogy in a systematic, organized way which Motor transport ation is an important source
included not only the education system, but of social costs in the consumption of oxy-
also the foundations, private research or- gen, the production of crop- and animal-
ganizations, the Pentagon, and countless destroying smog, the pollution of rivers and
other Federal government agencies. This oceans by lead additives to gasoline, the
system required enormous capital outlays, construction of freeways that foul the land,
a large expansion of teaching and adminis- and the generation of urban sprawl. These
trative personnel, an upgrading of teachers costs do not enter into the accounts of the
at all levels, together with programs of spe- automobile industry, ich is compelled to
cialized teaching training, scholarships, li- minimize its own costs and maximize pro-
braries-in short, vast new burdens on the duction and sales. orate capital is un-
state budget. In turn, this reorganization of willing to treat toxic chemical waste or to
the labor process, and, in particular, the develop substitute sources of energy for
free availability of masses of technical- fossil-fuels that pollute the air. (There are
scientific workers, made possible the rapid exceptions to this general rule. In Pittsburgh,
acceleration of technology. With the new, for example, the Mellon interests reduced air
rationalized social organization of technol~ pollution produced by its steel mills in or-
ogy and the labor process completed, tech- der to preserve the values of its downtown
nical knowledge became the main form of real estate.) And corporate farming--the
labor power and capital. There occurred a production of agricultural commodities for
decline in the relative importance of living exchange alone-generates still more social
labor, and an increase in the importance of costs by minimizing crop losses (and thus
dead labor in the production process. Thus, costs) through the unlimited use of DDT
statistical studies, beginning in the mid- and other chemicals that are harmful to
l950's and multiplying rapidly since then, crops, animals, water purity, and human life
indicate that the growth of aggregate pro- itself.
duction is caused increasingly less by an ex- By and large, private capital refuses to
pansion in labor "inputs" and the stock of bear the costs of reducing or eliminating air
physical assets, and more by upgrading la- and water pollution, lowering highway and
bor skills, improvements in the quality of air accidents, easing traffic jams, preserving
physical assets, and better organization of forests, wilderness areas, and wildlife sanc-
work. One famous study demonstrated that tuaries, and conserving the soils. In the past
increased education accounted in over these costs were largely ignored. Today,
three-fifths of the growth of output per man- owing to the increasingly social character of
hour in the United States from 1929-195'1.7 production, these costs are damaging not
only the ecological structure, but also prolit-
able accumulation itself, particularly in real
The uncontrolled expansion of production
estate, recreation, agriculture, I) then
by corporate capital as a whole creates still
branches of the economy in which land wa-
another Fiscal burden on the state in the
ter, and air are valuable resources to capital.
form of outlays required to meet the social
The portion of the state budget devoted to
costs of private production (as contrasted
reducing social costs has therefore begun to
mount. In the future, the automobile indus-
TE. F. Denison, The Sources of l`8c:onon1ic
Growth inthe U.S. and the Alrernatfves Before try can be expected to receive large-scale
Us, New York, 1962, p, 148. subsidies to help finance the transition to the
Expanding Role of the State 197

electric or fuel-ccll car. Capital as a whole -described by Eric Hobsbawm as "the

will receive more subsidies in the form of rhythm of social disruption"-not only are
new public transportation systems. Subsidies integral to capitalist development, but also
to public utilities to finance the transition toare considered by the ruling class to be a
solar, nuclear, or sea energy will expand. sign of "healthy growth and change." What
Corporate farmers will insist on being "com- is more, the forces of the marketplace, far
pensated" for crop losses arising from bans from ameliorating the imbalances, in fact
on the use of DDT and other harmful chemi- magnify them by the multiplier effects of
cals. And more Federal funds will be poured changes in demand on production. The de-
into the states to help regulate outdoor ad- cline of coal mining in Appalachia, for ex-
vertising, alleviate conditions in recreational ample, compelled other businesses and
areas, finance the costs of land purchase or able-bodied workers to abandon the region,
condemnation, and landscaping and roadside reinforcing tendencies toward economic stag-
development, and otherwise meet the costs nation and social impoverishment.
of "aesthetic pollution." These imbalances are present in both the
competitive and monopoly phases of cape
talism. Both systems are unplanned and an-
archic as a whole. But monopoly capitalism
III is different from competitive capitalism in
two fundamental respects that explain why
The third major category of state expendi- political subsidies are budgetary phenomena
tures consists of the expenses of stabilizing mainly associated with monopoly capitalism.
the world capitalist social order: the costs of First, an economy dominated by giant
creating a safe political environment for corporations operating in oligopolistic in-
profitable investment and trade. These ex- dustries tends to be more unstable and to
penditures include the costs of politically generate more inequ alities than a competi-
containing the proletariat at home and tive economy. The source of both instability
abroad, the costs of keeping small-scale, Io- and inequality is oligopolistic price-fixing,
cal, and regional capital at home, safely since the interplay of supply and demand
within the ruling corporate liberal consensus, that clears specific commodity markets is no
and the costs of maintaining the comprador longer present. Shortages and surpluses of
ruling classes abroad. individual commodities now manifest them-
These political expenses take the form of selves in the 'form of social imbalances. In
income transfers and direct or indirect subsi- addition, the national (and, increasingly, the
dies, and are attributable fundamentally to international) character of markets means
the unplanned -II anarchic c-haracter é that economic and social instability and im-

capitalist development. Unrestrained capital balances are no longer confined to a particu-
accumulation and technological Chan e _egg-= lar region, industry, or 1 patron, but
ate three broad, au: economic %5lzT rather tend to spread t-hroug-l the economy
imbalances. First, capitalist development as a whole. Finally, Federal ernlnent pol-
forces great stresses and strains on local and icies for economic stability and growth
regional economics, second, capitalist growth soften the effects of economic recessions,
generates imbalances between various indus- lead to the survival of inefli c e r t businesses,
tries and sectors of the economy, third, ac- and hence, in the long-run to the need for
curnulation and technical change reproduce more subsidies.
inequalities in the distribution of wealth and The second difference between competi-
income and generate poverty. The imbalance tive and monopoly capitalism concerns the

way in which economic and social imbal- pressing populations in revolt. In the l i s t
ances are perceived. by capital and wage- category are the expenses of Medicare, un-
labor. In a regime of competitive capitalism, employment, old age, and other social in-
businessmen exercise rcTativeTy TttTe control surance, a portion of education expenditures,
over prices, production and distribution. Un- the welfare budget, the anti-poverty pro-
employment , regional underdevelopment. grams, non-military "foreign aid," and the
and industrial bankruptcy appear to be "nat administrative costs of maintaining corporate
Ural" concomitants of "free markets." More- liberalism at home and the imperialist sys~
over, the level and structure of wages are tem abroad--the expenses incurred by the
determined competitively, individual capitals National Labor Relations Board, Ofiicc of
are not able to develop and implement a Economic Opportunity, Agency for Interna-
wage policy, and, thus, the impact of wage tional Development, and similar organiza-
change! ianThe volume -lolnposition of tions. The rising flow of these expenditures
production, the deployment of technology, has two major tributaries.
and unemployment, * f i l l be the conse- In point of time, the first is the develop-
quence of impersonal forces beyond human ment of the corporate liberal political con~
control. Because imbalances of all kinds are sensus between large-scale capital and or-
accepted by capital as natural and even de- ganized labor. Through the 19th century,
sirable, and because the ideology of capital private charity remained the chief l`orn1 of
is the ruling ideology, the inevitability and economic relief for unemployed, retired, and
permanence of imbalances and transitory physically disabled workers, even though
crises tend to be accepted by society as a some state and local governments occasion-
whole. ally allocated funds for unemployed work-
With the evolution of monopoly capital- ers in times of severe crisis. It was not until
ism and the growth of the proletariat as a the eve of the 20th century that state and
whole, this fatalistic attitude undergoes pro- local governments introduced regular relief
found changes. Business enterprise gradu- and pension programs. Until the Great De-
ally develops economic and political tech- pression, however, welfare programs orga-
niques of production and market control. nized by the corporations themselves were
Gradually, oligopolistic corporations adopt more significant than government programs.
what Baran and Sweezy have termed a Economic prosperity and the extension of
"live-and-let-live attitude" toward each "welfare capitalism" throughout the 192.05
other. in this setting, the imbalances gener- made it unnecessary for the Federal govern-
ated by capitalist development begin to be ment to make funds available (in the form
attributed to the conscious policies of large of loans to the state) for economic relief
corporations and big unions, rather than to until 1932.8
the impersonal forces of the market. Cor- The onset of the Great Depression, the
porate capital, small-scale capital, and the labor struggles that ensued, and the need to
working class alike begin to fix responsibil- consolidate the corporate liberal consensus
ity for the specific policies on particular hu- in order to contain these struggles, all led
man agents. Only in this context can the finally to state guarantees of high levels of
proletariat, local and regional capital, and employment, wage advances in line with pro-
the comprador classes be contained and ac- ductivity increases, and a standard of health,
coinmodated by corporate capital. education, and welfare commensurate with
The politcial containment of the prole- the need to maintain labor's reproductive
tariat requires the expense of maintaining powers and the hegemony of the corporate
corporate liberal ideological hegemony, and, *James Weinstein, The C'orpru°¢r!e Idrmnf' in aha
where that fails, the cost of physically re- Liberal Sfrrrr-' (Boston: Beacon Press, 1968). p. 'vs.
Expanding Role of the Store 199

liberal labor unions over the masses of in- ruling class is beginning to recognize that
dustrial workers. welfare expenditures cannot be temporary
expedients but rather must be permanent
The second. tributary runs parallel with, features of the political economy: that pov-
but runs faster and stronger than, the first, erty is integral to the capitalist system.
and flows from the same source-the devel-
opment of modern technology. Corporate
The second major cost of politically con-
capital at home and abroad increasingly em-
taining the proletariat at home and abroad
ploys a capital-intensive technology, despite
(including the proletariat in the socialist
a surplus of unskilled labor., partly because
world) consists of police and military expen-
of relative cap d abundance Tn- 11 ad-
ditures required to suppress sections of the
vanced economici @E$5mT5!ERlumd the
world proletariat in revolt. These expendi-

ready supply of technica*'lllfflTH'fl§TY!l'UVE la-

tures place the single greatest drain on the
bor power. From the standpoint of' large-
state budget. A full analysis of these expendi-
scale capital, it is more rational to combine
tures would require detailed development of
in production technical labor power with
the theory of imperialism, which cannot be
capital-intensive technology than to combine
undertaken here."
unskilled or semi-skilled labor power with
labor-intensive technology. As we have seen.
the fundamental reason is that many of the
costs of training technical labor power are I\
met by taxation falling on the working class
as a whole. In. the preceding sections, we have attempted
Advanced. capitalism thus creates a large to analyze state expenditures in terms of the
and growing stratum of untrained, unskilled development of. the forces and relations of

while, and other Third-World workers production. We have seen that the increas-
that strictly speaking is not P a M : ingly social character of production requires
trial proletariat. To relative size of this stra- the organization and distribution of produc-
tum does not regulate the level of wages, tion by the state. In eifeet, neo-capitalism
because unskilled labor power does not com- fuses the "base" and "superstructure"-the
pete with technical labor power in the con- economic and political systems-and thus
text of e l m technology. 'Nhis places an enormous fiscal burden on the
stratum is not produced by economic reces- state budget.
sion and depression, but by prosperity; it
does not constitute a reserve army of the un-
employed for the economy as a whole. Un~
employed, under-employed, and employed Statistical Appendix
in menial jobs in declining sectors of the (by the editors)
private economy (e.8., household servants),
these workers increasingly depend on. the THE EXPANSION OF THE
state. "Make-work" state employment, PUBLIC SECTOR IN THE
health, welfare, and housing programs, and UNITED STATES
new agencies charged with the task of excr-
cising social control (to substitute for the The expansion of the public sector in the
social discipline afforded by the wages sys- United States has been characterized by the
tem itself) proliferate. The expansion of the growth of at great variety of government ac-
welfare rolls accompanies tllc expansion Of'
employment. For the first time in history, the "See Chapter I O (Fdilors` note).

tivities. This trend emerges from the follow- Table 4-O traces the growth of govern-
ing data, which relate to two quantifiable as- ment purchases of goods and services in five-
pects of the public sector: expenditure and ycar intervals from 1929 to 1969. During
employment. this period, real GNP increased by 3%



YEAR (T) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) la) (9)


bifiion doHars at constant 7958 prices percenfoge of GNP

1929 203.6 22.0 18.5 3.5 n.a. 10.8 9.1 1.7 n.a.
1934 154.3 26.6 18.6 8.0 n.a. 17.2 12.0 5.2 11.21.
1939 209.4 35.2 22.7 12.5 2.9 16.8 10.8 6.0 1.4
1944 361.3 181.7 16.3 165.4 162.3 50.3 4.5 45.8 45.0
1949 324.1 53.3 25.7 27.6 18.2 26.4 7.9 8.5 5.6
1954 407.0 88.9 32.1 56.8 49.5 21.8 7.9 13.9 12,2
1959 475.9 94.7 42.2 52.5 45.0 19.9 8.9 11.0 9.5
1964 581.1 111.2 53.2 58.1 44.6 19.1 9.1 10.0 7.7
1969 727.7 149.8 73.7 76.1 59.2 20.6 10.1 10.5 8.1
- I

GNP : gross national product.

G : total government purchases of goods and services.
SLG : state and local government purchases of goods and services.
FG = federal government purchases of goods and services,
D :: government defense expenditures.
SOURCES: ( 1 ) . ( 4 ) ~ Economic Report of the President, 1970, Table C-2. ( 5 ) : Economic
Report of the Presidenz, 1970, Table C-1 (figures in current dollars converted into constant 1958
dollars using implicit price deflator for federal government purchases in Table C-3. (6)-(9)~ Calcu-
lated from (1)-(5).


(U (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Govs. Shore if
Year Government Employment Labor Force Labor Force

Tofof Armed
Federal' State local CivMurr Forces Total' Civilian Tokxf Civilian Toftrf
'000 '000 'OOO I000 '000 '000 'OOO 'OOO % %

1940 1128 3346 4474 540 5014 55640 56180 8,0 8.9
1945 3375 3181 6556 11440 17996 53860 65300 12,2 27.5
1950 21 17 1057 3228 6402 1650 8052 62208 63858 10.3 12.6
1955 2378 1250 3804 7432 3049 10431 65023 68072 11.4 15.4
1960 2421 1527 4860 8808 2514 11322 69628 72142 12.6 15.7
1965 2588 2028 5973 10589 2?23 13312 74455 77178 14.2 17.3
1969 2975 2614 7102 12691 3506 16197 80733 84239 17.3 19.2

SOURCES: ( I ) - ( 4 ) : US. Dcpl. of Commerce. Bureau of the Census, J'li.m>l-im! .'irrHi5!i¢w u,f flu' Iinif cm' S/r/i»:£.\.
C`rn'r:f:icr! Tim:-fs to I957, Series Y 205-222, and Srrlrisriczu' Ahsilwcr of the United States, 1970, Ta b`c 631. ( 5 ) . ( 7 ) .
( 8 ) : E`¢'olwmic Reprzri o_o' (he Pre.s'kI¢~rrr, 1970, Tabs: C-22. (6) = (4) & i s ) ( 9 ) = 14)"(7} ( 1 0 ) (6).»"(S 1
Expanding Role of the Stoite 201

times, but total government purchases in- quantities in the l930's to hover around
creased by almost 7 times, to rise from 10.8 10 percent of GNP in the I950's and 1960's.
percent to 20.6 percent of GNP. The rise in Table 4-P documents the growth of pub-
state and local government expenditure was lic sector employment from l 940 to 1969.
relatively modest, remaining not far from Both federal, and state and local civilian
10 percent of GNP throughout the period government employees have almost tripled
except when depressed by World War II. in number in the past 30 years. Discounting
However, federal government expenditure the war year 1945, there has been a steady
multiplied by more than 20 times from 1929 increase in the government share of the ei-
to 1969, rising from le§"f'r'ila'1'i 2° percent To vilian labor force from 8 percent to 17.3
more than 10 percent of GNP. The increase percent. Including the armed forces, some
in federal government expenditure was 16 million persons--almost 20 percent of
most entirely accounted for by the rise in the total labor force-are now employed in
military spending, which rose from negligible the public sector.


Further reading is recommended in Baran in which corporate business consolidated its

and Sweezy, Monopoly Capital, Chapter 2, control over American politics. Bottomore
in Weinstein, The Corporate Ideal in the [1] provides a clear introduction to the con-
Liberal State, and in O'Connor, "The Fiscal cept of class and discusses the relevance of
Crisis of the State," as cited in the source Marxian class analysis to contemporary
lines for Sections 4.3, 4.7, and 4.8. Heil- capitalist societies. Finally, Domhoff [3] at-
broner [5] is a very readable essay on the tempts to identify the membership and
role of big business in America. Zeitlin [8] modus operandi of the American ruling
reprints a series of studies on the political class.
economy of the contemporary United States ,
especially useful are the essays in Part I [1] Bottomore, , Classes in Modern So-
(Ownership and Control), Part 4 (Contem- ciely. New York: jiheon, 1966.*
porary Capitalism), and Part 5 (The Struc- [2] Cremin, Lawrence A., Transformation
of the School. York: Vintage,
ture of Power). Galbraith [4] illuminates 1964.*
many important features of American cor- [3] Domhoff, G. William, Who Rules Arner-
porate capitalism in what he describes as ica? Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice~
"the new industrial state", the reader need Hall, 19678
not accept the technological determinism that [4] Galbraith, John Kenneth, The New In-
dustrial State. New York: Signet, $968.*
Galbraith attributes to industrial society. [5] Heilbroner, Robert, "Capitalism in Amer-
Mills [7] is a classic study of the changing ica," in his The Limits of American
structure of the American "middle classes", Capitalism. New York: Harper Torch-
Mills' figures are updated by Reich in Sec- books, 1967.==
[6] Kolko, Gabriel, The Trfufnph of Anwerkarz
tion 4.5. A thoroughly researched account Conservation. Chicago: Quadrangle
of the changing role of education in the Paperbacks, 1967."'
United States is provided by Cremin [2]. [7] Mills, C. Wright, I/Vhife C`rJHcrr. New York I
Keiko [6], in an historical study that paral- Oxford U. P., I 956.=*
lels the work of Weinstein excerpted in Sec- [8] Zcitlin, Maurice, Cd., American Society
Inc. Chicago: Markham, l9'70.$
tion 4.7, presents a persuasive reinlerpreta-
tion of the so-called Progressive Era as one *Available i11 paperback editions.


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CAPITALISIW PRODUCES GREAT INEQUALITIES. command over labor-power and productive
Nowhere are these inequalities more mani- property, Income inequalities resulting from
fest than in the unequal distribution of in- existing inequalities in factor ownership are
come and wealth in the United States. The further exacerbated by the exercise of power
top 5 percent of all families in the United by one group against others. The exercise of
States receive almost as much income as the power can serve either to change the distri-
bottom 40 percent, the lop 1 percent of all bution of factor ownership, or to influence
adults own more than 60 percent of the na- the market evaluation of existing factors in
tion's corporate wealth. And while inequali- favor of the more powerful group.
ties in income and wealth reveal the primary Sometimes power may be exercised in di-
dimension of inequality in a capitalist soci- rect political ways, as, for example, in a
ety, Hflu top are r'¥se""t'o Tillffiier inequalities strike or the suppression of a strike. More
-in power, political iniiuence, occupational frequently and more effectively, however,
statuH"HH w h i c h exist alongside power is used to shape or "rig" the condi-

and lreinf"o1°ce the inequality in income and tions surrounding institutions so that the nor-
wealth. mal operation of those institutions will ensure
The generation of income inequality un- a favorable outcome. For example, a few
der capitalism can be traced directly to the large companies can jointly monopolize an
operation of basic capitalist institutions! industry and thereby effectively isolate them-
People in capitalist societies receive income selves from some market competition land
as payment for their labor-power or as a re- increase their profits- Once such a situation
turn to any capital which they may own. is established, no further exercise of power
The basic requirements of production, labor- is needed: the continued functioning of the
power, and capital, are called the "factors of monopolized "free market" will yield the in-
production." How much income people re- creased profits. Another example is provided
ceive depends both on the quantity of pro- by the medical profession. Doctors have
ductive factors they own and on how highly carefully limited the number of new doctors
their productive factors are valued in the trained every year, thereby ensuring a scarce
relevant market. Workers' incomes depend supply. Once this has been done, the unin-
on how much employers are willing to pay for hibited operation of the market will neces-
their particular kind of labor. Capitalists' sarily produce high incomes for doctors.
incomes depend on how much profit they Such exercise of power to affect the out-
can make with their capital, i.e., on how comes of institutions occurs in many forms.
much more they can realize in revenues for Several readings in Chapter 4 described the
the sale of their output than it costs them growth of monopoly, concentration, and the
to produce the output. In each case the mar- associated power to manipulate the market.2
ket plays al erEcai role in determining how Discrimination against blacks and women,
much income each individual receives, for it described in Chapters 7 and 8, serves to de-
Ts time marice which establishes the value or press their income relative to whites and
"return" to difTcrcnt types of labor-power men. Another important use of power
and productive property. through institutions is the systematic main-
The distribution of income that results tenance of unequal access to schooling for
from the basic distributional process de- children from different socioeconomic
scribed above tends to be very unequal be- classes.
cause different people have very unequal .In this chapter we shall first examine the
*Sec Weisskopf, Section 3.7, p. 125, for a more
thorough analysis of Lhe ftindamcntal aspects of See Means, Section 4.1, p. 145, and Baron
income distribution under capitalism. and Sweezy, Section 4.3, n. 161.

The Extent of Income Inequality in the United States 207

extent of inequality in the United States, es- as to achieve greater equality. Progressive in-
pecially inequality in incomes and wealth. come taxes, programs such as the welfare
This inequality is created because people re- system, the "War on Poverty," and other ef-
ceive different incomes according to the forts have at various times been regarded as
market-determined return to their labor- significant attacks O11 inequality in the United
power and productive property. Later in the States. But the equalizing effects of these
chapter we examine why some important in- programs have in fact been almost negligi-
termediary institutions, especi-T zhools, ble. Why has not the steeply progressive fed-
have failed to ameliorate significantly the in- eral income tax contributed greatly to equal-
equality which results from the basic capi- ity? Why have not the supposedly vast sums
talist institutions. Why, for example, have spent on the welfare system significantly in-
the public schools failed to provide the creased the incomes of the poor"
"equality of opportunity" which has long Although we will concentrate here on in-
been claimed for them" lt will be suggested equality in the United States, it should be
that far from reducing inequality, the educa- noted that the degree of inequality which
tion system has become an important means characterizes the United States is not unique.
for perpetuating inequality and passing it on As Table I 0-H, p. 445 shows, there are
from generation to generation. some advanced capitalist countries with
Finally, we consider how the state affects greater inequality and others with less in-
the distribution of income. The increasing equality than the United States. What can be
importance of the public sector in modern said of these countries, despite slight dilier-
capitalist societies has led many people to ences $11 degree, is that all of them are char-
look to the state to redistribute income so acterized by large and pervasive inequalities.

The Extent of Income Inequality in the

United States

in the following reading Frank Ackerman, Howard Birnbaum, James

Wetzler, and Andrew Zimbalist present detailed information about various
aspects of inequality in the United States. The evidence clearly substanti-
ates the assertion that the distribution of income is highly unequal and,
moreover, is not becoming more equal over time.

Source: The following essay was written by FRANK ACKERMAN, Howniiin

Copyright 1972 by Frank Ackerman, Howard Birnbaum, James Wetz-
ler, and Andrew Zimbalist. Printed by permission of the authors.

The persistence of income inequality in political issue in the United States. The pre-
America is well-known. Aftiucnce in the vailing ideology seems to bo that inequality
suburbs contrasts starkly with the slums of is needed for economic growth and that soon
any major city or the numerous "pockets" the economy will be so prosperous that even
of rural poverty. This inequality is embar- the relatively poor will have at high standard
rassing in a democracy. Perhaps for this roa- of living. This argument gains some apparent
son, income distribution is rarely an explicit plausibility from the history of Western Eu-

rope and North America: in these areas onces in material conditions tend to conceal
capitalism, with its great inequality, has been more fundamental human qualities and per-
the agent of economic development. vert interpersonal relations.
For several reasons, we reject this neglect Considerable confusion surrounds the
of distributional issues and its implicit toler- concept and measurement of income. The
ation of existing inequality. First, it would Net National Income (NNI) is the sum of
require many decades of growth without re- all of the income generated and received by
distribution to eliminate poverty, and there anyone in a year. We divide NNI into three
is no reason to assume that past rates of principal components: after-tax income re-
growth can be maintained this long. Eco- ceived by persons (personal disposable in-
nomic growth is having increasingly intoler- come), after-tax income retained by corpo-
able ecological effects; either resources will rations (undistributed corporate profits plus
be diverted to improve the environment or depreciation allowances), and income re-
ecologically expensive production will be re- ceived by government, the net taxes (taxes
duced. American growth, moreover, depends minus net transfers from government to the
on consuming a disproportionate share of the private sector). Most of this essay deals with
world's natural resources: if currently un- inequality within the first component of
derdeveloped countries ever begin to grow, NNI, personal income. However, corpora-
America's share will be reduced." tions and government are closely related to
Second, the need for inequality to pro- the personal income distribution: the indi-
mote growth arises in our society because viduals at the top of the personal income dis-
people are socialized to respond only to ma- tribution also control substantial corporate
terial incentives. Such responses are neither incomes, and, contrary to popular belief,
attractive nor unchangeable, and we can en- the government does not do much to alleviate
vision a society in which production takes personal income inequality.
place with little, if any, inequality. The first section of this paper is an over-
Third, there are several. human objections view of inequality. We examine the distribu-
to inequality. Meaningful democracy is in1~ tion of income among people and its sta-
possible in a society where political re~ bility over time, the effect of taxes and gov-
sources, such as wealth, are unequally dis- ernment spending, the distribution of wealth,
tributed. Inequality is wasteful since, after and the definition and extent of poverty. The
elemental needs have been satisfied, people second section focuses on income differences
consume partly to emulate others; as a re- between particular categories of people. We
sult, total social welfare (including our un- consider inequalities by class, race, sex, edu-
happiness over our rival's goods) increases cation, and family background.
more sfewly than income. Finally, differ-
1In 1968, North America, with less than 9%
of the world's population, had the following Personal Income Before Taxes
percentage of total world consumption of energy:
natural and imported gases
The best measure of ability to purchase
liquid fuel 38.6% goods and services is after-tax income. Ap-
total energy 37.5%
propriate data exist, however, only for the
In the same year the United States, with ap-
proximately 6 % of the world's population, had distribution of before-tax income, so we must
the following percentages of total world con- look at that First and consider the tax struc-
surnption of ture separately. A good way to illustrate the
steel 26%
rubber 42% income distribution is to rank the population
tin 35%
fertilizer (nitrogenous, potash, and phosphate) 26%
by income and measure what percentage of
SOURCE: United Nations. .S'!uafi.s-tical Yen-fzook. 1969. total personal income accrue to the richest
The Extent of Income Inequality ill the United States 209


1969 I 964 T 960 1956 1950 I 947

Poorest fifth 5.6% 5.2% 4.9 . 5.0% 4.5% 5.0%

Second fiflb 12.3% 12.0% 12.0% 12.4% 12.0% 11.8%
Middle fifth 17.6% 17.7% 17.6% 17.8% 17.4% 17.0%
Fourth infth 23.4% 24.0% 23.6% 23.7% 23.5% 23 .1 %
Richest fifth 41.0% 41.1% 42.0% 41.2% 42.6% 43 .0%
Richest 5% 14.7% 15.7% 16.8 16.3% 17.0% 17.2%
SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau, Current! Popniarion Reports, Series P-fall, NO. 75, Table I I , p. 26.

20% of the population, the second richest black incomes and unemployment, below).
20%, and so forth (richest here meaning The apparent decline in the share of the top
highest income). The more income going to income groups results entirely from the ex-
the richest 20% and the less going to the clusion from Census Bureau income data of
poorest 20%, the more unequal is the dis- capital gains-that is, of. the increase in the
tribution of income. value of assets such as corporate stocks. If
Table 5-A shows that in the U.S. during capital gains are included, the share 0J' the
the postwar period, the poorest 20% of all top jiftiz has been constant over the past
families have consistently received less than twenty yeczrs.3 We conclude that the entire
6% of total personal income, while the
See Edward C. BL1dd, Aniewrfccul Ecrononiic
richest 20% have gotten over 40%. In Review, May, 1970, and John Gorman, "The Re-
1969, the richest 5% of all families re- lationship Between Personal Income and Taxable
ceived over 1.4% of total family income, or Income," Survey of Current Busfne.s'.s', May, 1970.
Because fully one-half of capital gains and only
over twice as much as the entire bottom a portion of dividends are tax-exempt, individual
20%. Moreover, Table 5-A understates in- stockholders generally prefer capital gains t o divi-
equality since income received by people not dends; corporations now systematically retain
earnings rather than pay them out in dividends,
in families (see Table 5~B) is much more so capital gains are a customary, almost pre-
unequally distributed than family incon:1c:" dictable source of income for many rich people.
The improvement in the relative position A complete picture of money income distribution
should include capital gains.
of the poorest fifth in 1969 is probably due The following table is a rough adjustment of
to the reduction in unemployment during the the share of the top 20% to include estimated
Vietnam escalation (see the discussion of capital gains.

Share of Top Gains A s Cr Share of
.Fifth Without Percent of Top fafrh
Ccrpifof Gains Tofu!
Poorest Fifth 3.4% with
(tram Table Personal! Capitol
Second Fifth 7.7% Year 5-A) Income- GuM;
Middle Fifth 13.7% 1947 43 .0'2'E= 22G§~ 44.2"l.15;
Fourth Fifth 24.3% 1950 42.6 ca " .-:FTE 44.1 *H
Richest fifth 50.9% 1956 41 .295 *.3G1== 428 QE
1960 42.092- 2.6 43.5
Richest 5% 2 I.0% 1964 41.3% 8.2% 43 . I -r:-.1
!968 40. 6% -1.2/:1 4:1.5e'==§
SOURC1- : U.S. Census BL1I'er1u, Cm'J'e:.=£ Pop:n'a:rioH
RppoJ't5, Series P-60, No. 75, Tzahlc 11, p. 26. Reported capital gains are t w o times taxable
capital gains, since Federal income tax laws con-
2 For the family distribution in 1968, a family sider only half of lung-Icrm capital gains as Lax-
was in the top S'?oE.- if it had income exceeding able income. Data on taxable capital gains are in
approximately $23,0U0; in the top "0% with Gorman. We are azssurning that all capital gains
income over about Sl8,000; and in the bottom are long-term and go to the richest 20%. which
20% with income under about $4,600. is approximately true.


Pooresf Second Middle Fourth Riches! Richest

Fish Fifth Fifffi Fifth Fifth 5%

Before tax 4.6% 10.9% 16.3 % 22.7% 45.5% 19.6%

After tax 4.9% I1.5% 16.8% 23.1% 43.7% 171%

SOURCE: Edward C. Budd. Inequality and Pol'en]'. 1967, pp. xiii, xvi.

distribution has not really changed since a small step toward improving the income
World War II. distribution, the overall tax structure takes
a much smaller step. Less than 40% of all
Taxes and Government Spending taxes are individual income taxes, an almost
In theory, Federal income taxes take a equal amount is collected in property and
much higher percentage of income from the sales taxes (see Table 5-D). Most studies of
rich than from the poor. If this were true, property and sales taxes have concluded that
the distribution of income after taxes would they take a larger percentage of income from
be much more equal than the distribution the poor than from the rich. There is an in-
before the income tax. In reality, the effect volved, and still unsettled, academic debate
of the income tax is rather modest, as is over how completely corporations shift their
seen in Table 5-C. income taxes onto consumers by raising
In 1962, as in all years since World War prices. If the corporation income tax is
II for which data are available, the share of shifted, it could be considered similar to a
the top 20% of the population is only about sales tax. We might tentatively conclude that
two percentage points lower after the income taxes other than individual income taxes do
tax than before it. The Federal income tax not reduce, and probably increase, income
laws have nominal tax rates that increase inequality.
sharply with income, but they are vitiated by lt is sometimes argued that the govern-
various deductions which reduce taxable in- ment improves the income distribution
comes of the rich below their actual incomes. through its spending policies. We believe
Thus, the rich gain the political advantages that military spending, accounting for nearly
of high nominal rates and the economic ad- one-third of government spending (federal,
vantages of low effective rates. state, and local), disproportionately benefits
But if the Federal income tax takes only the wealthy. Many other programs appear to
*Sec introduction .to Section 5.4, p, 235. be of little benefit to the poor: foreign aid,


AH Levels of Federal Siafe and Local

Govemmenf Government Governments

All taxes 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Property and sales taxes 35.7 13.7 80.2
Individual income tax 38.2 53.4 9.6
Corporation income tax 20.6 29.5 3.7
Miscellaneous taxes 4.4 38 6.7
SOURCES: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Clcn.s'u.1 of G u rernmems, 1967. Vol. 4. Nu. 5: Corsi-
perrdlunz of Go1'crrzrm':z¢ Ffnanccx, Table 5. Motor vehicle license fees, 1.3% of all taxes r

are conxbinecl with properly and sales taxes.

Th E t t f l n c melnq lityi th U i 1 d S 1 yes 211


Weaffhfest Top Top

20 Perftenf 5 Percent T Percent

Total wealth 76% 50% 31%

Corporate stock 96% 83% 61%
Businesses &
professions 89% 62% 39%
Homes 52% 19% 6%
SOURCES: Projector and Weiss, Survey of Financial Characteristics of Consumers. PD- 110-
114, 151, and Irwin Friend, Jean Crockett and Marshall Blume, Murzfaf Funds and Other ln~
sritutionul Irzveslors: A New Perspective, p. 113.

space, police, interest on _public debt (largely merits (as well as foreign governments) by
paying for past military spending), their ability to locate their businesses
highways which, combined- In military in places where a favorable political environ-
spending, amounted 'to one-hail' of all gov ment exists. Wi must consider,
ernment spending in 1966. By comparison, distribution of various types of wealth, par-
spending of the traditional welfare-state va- ticularly corporate stock.
riety, on schools, parks and recreation, The best recent data on distribution of
health and hospitals, and welfare, amounted personal wealth are in a government-
to just over one-fourth of government spond- sponsored survey of over 2,500 house~
ing, and it is by no means obvious that these holds." Ranking households by wealth, Table
programs are primarily beneficial to the 5-E shows the wealthiest 1 % own 31% of
poor." total wealth and 61% of corporate stock.
Apologists for American capitalism often
Wealth refer to the statistic that over 30 million
people own corporate stock, implying that
Income distribution approximates the dis-
this form of wealth is widely distributed.
tribution of economic welfare because con-
This is clearly nonsense: many people do
sumption is usually limited by income. By
own a little stock, but the vast bulk of cor-
temporarily enabling some people to con-
poratc stock is owned by a very few people.
surne more than their income, personal
Ownership of unincorporated businesses and
wealth is a second source of economic well-
professions is only slip-htly more equahy dis-
being. More important, wealth is a principal
tributed than is corporate stock. pes
source of power in our society, especially
of wealth that are relatively more equally
political power. It is their superior wealth
that enables managements to outlast strikes.
distributed are such things as autos and
homes, which are not sources of power as
The wealthy control virtually all mass ine-
is ownership of businesses and corporations.
dia and thus have a disproportionate inhu-
Personal wealth, of course, does not tell
ence over public opinion. They finance po-
the whole story. Wealth is also held by pen-
litical campaigns and lobby in the legislature.
sion funds and charitable foundations. The
Above all they own and control the giant
foundations are largely formed by the
corporations that make many important dc-
wealthy, but many pension funds exist for
cisions about allocation of resources and
workers. In 1969, total pension fund assets
distribution of income. For instance, cor-
porations influence state and local govern- "Dorothy S. Projector and Gertrude Weiss,
.S`.tn-vey of Ffrrarzciaf Clzaracrerfstfcs of Conszmiers,
"See Edwards, Section 5.5, p. 244. Federal Reserve System, 1966.

were $238 billion, less than 10% of na- sortable, basis than the SSA budget. They
tional wealth? In 1968, private non~insured assume that, of the $5,900, taxes and social
pension funds held only 9.7% of the corps security take $700, leaving $5,200 after tax.
rate stock held by domestic individuals, per- Food, assumed to cost less than $1.20 per
sonal trusts, and private non-insured pension person per day (this requires very careful
funds. So, including individuals' shares of shopping and cooking mo meals away
pension fund assets probably raises slightly from home), takes $1,650 for the year, They
the share of the poorest 80% but does not assume , heat and utilities for an inex-
alter the basic pattern of great inequality. pensive 5-room, one-bath apartment, to be
The pension funds, moreover, are usually under $90 per month, or $1,000 per year.
managed by either banks or the government, House furnishings and household expendi-
so their wealth is not a significant source of tures add another $300 per year. Clothing
power to workers in the same sense that and personal care together total $700 for
personal wealth is a source of power to capi- the family, or $175 per person. Transporta-
talists. tion, assumed to be by an 8-year-old used
car except in cities with good public trans-
A View From the Bottom portation, costs $450. Medical care and
Extensive poverty accompanies oNe Rea? medical insurance cost $475. Less than
concentrations of income and wealth. $700 remains for other expenses.
most common Figures on poverty, published Most people would agree that a family of
by the SociH. Security Administration four living on the BLS subsistence budget
(SSA), define it as an income below $3,700 would feel quite poor and be consistently
for a non-farm family of four (with differ- concerned with making ends meet. By 1969,
ent income cut-offs for different family sizes inflation had raised the cost of the BLS
and residences). In 1969, 24.3 million peo- budget to $6,500. In that year, approxi-
ple, or l2.2% of the population, were living mately 20% of all four-person families had
in poverty by these criteria. The SSA allows incomes lower than $6,500.
food expenditures of 80¢ per person per day, Apologists for capitalism remind us that
and assumes that food makes up one~third even though vast numbers of Americans are
of the total budget. We reject poverty lines poor, poverty is declining. While it is grati-
in the neighborhood of $3,700, and thus fying to learn that 1.1 million fewer people
most power . 1ig.ures _published were "officially" impoverished in 1969 than

ment agencies, as implausibly low. in 1968 and that fewer people are dying of
A more reasonable definition I) f poverty starvation, the point is that a wealthy soci-
is the 'Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) sub- ety should do much better.
sistence budget for I96'/.S lt totals $5,900
for an urban family of four. The BLS cal- INEQUALITIES BY CLASS,
culates it on a much more detailed, and rea- RACE, AND SEX

Class cmd Income

?'Securities and Exchange Commission, Sta-
tisNcaf BuHetfn, May, 1970. Most people with very high incomes are
*This is the lowest of the three budgets pre- capitalists who own substantial assets, espe-
sented in Jean C. Brackett, "New BLS Budgets. . ,"
cially corporate stock, and receive income
Me/itfiiy Labor Review, April, 1969. The more
commonly quoted "modest, but adequate" budget primarily from those assets.
is the middle of the three budgets, amounting to
$9,800 for a n urban family of four in 1967. For Donald Light, "Income Distribution' The First
a discussion of the "modest, but adequate" budget Stage in the Consideration of Poverty," URPE
and related problems of defining poverty, see Occasional Paper #L
The Extent of Income Inequculhy in the United States 213

TABLE S-F TYPES OF INCOME, V966 (in billions of dollars)

Size of
Taxable Number of AH WUQ6 and Snuff
frlcome Tax Returns Types Salary Business Ccrpftaiisf

Total, all sizes 70,160,000 478.2 381.1 56.8 32.9

Under $20,000 68,230,000 401.1 349.1 35.1 128
$20,000-$50,000 1,644,000 48.0 24.7 14.8 ?.0
$50,000-$100,000 218,000 15.4 5.3 5.0 4.4
Over $100,000 53,000 13.5 2.1 1.8 9.0


Size of
Taxcrb.-'e AH Wage and Smog'
Income Types Sm'ary Business Capifaffsf

Total, al] sizes 100.0% 79.7% 11.9% 6.9%

Under $20,000 100.0% 87.0% 8.7% 3 .1 %
$20,000-$50,000 100.0% 51.4% 30.8% 14.5%
$50,000-$100,000 100.0% 34.3% 32.3% 28.4%
Over $100,000 100.0% I5.2% 13.3% 66.8%
SOURCE' Internal Revenue Service, .S`frui.s~zfe.c of' Incense, I966: Iruffvfdual Income Tax
Returns, Tables 7, 11, 19. See footnote 26 for a full description of these dzlLu. The lower
table simply converts the data in the upper table to percentages.

The only source that describes capitalist At higher income levels, the share of wages
income in any useful detail is the Internal and salaries falls steadily and that of capi-
Revenue Service." In 1966 fewer than 2% talist income rises. The 53,000 taxpayers
of all taxpayers received 74% of all divi- with net taxable incomes cxcecdina $100,-
dends and 76% of all capital gains. In the 000 received only 15% of their income
following discussion we define the capitalist from wages and salaries and 67% from divi-
class as this group of large Shareowners. dends and capital gains.
Table 5-F shows the types of income of Moreover, these IRS data are biased to
taxpayers at several income levels. We dc- minimize the relationship between class and
fine "small business income" as interest, income. About one-third of the capitalist in-
rent, and income of farmers, unincorporated come reported to the IRS was tax-exempt,
businesses, proprietors, and self-employed and therefore excluded from net taxable in-
professionals. "Capitalist income" is divi- come. So, many people who reported large
dends and capital gains. Total small business capitalist in.comcs on their income tax re-
income is almost twice as large as total capi- turns were classified in Table 5-F as hav-
talist income, but capitalist income is far ing small taxable income. A variety of tax
more concentrated in the hands of the rich. loopholes also permit the wealthy to under-
Taxpayers who reported under $20,000 state their taxable incomes. Interest on mu-
in net taxable income, the vast majority, got nicipal bonds is completely tax-exempt.
87% of their income from wages and sala- Exaggerated depreciation and depletion al-
ries and only 3% from capitalist sources. lowances are common. Tax-exempt charita-
ble donations can be padded and overstated.
"See IRS, ,5'f(£ri.s'f:'¢'.s' of lnconre, I966: Irfdh'fc!!
Income T a x Returns (hereafter abbreviated Tax
As a result of these and other loopholes,
Returns). there were approximately 250 capitalists

who reported zero taxable income, but over few blacks . . . are in. the capitalist class,
$100,000 each in capital gains or dividends. but it also accounts for substantial inequality
These individuals, all of whom are included within tile woricing class. The labor market
in the lowest income class in Table 5-F, effectively .preserves and aggravates inequal-
received at least $70 million in reported cap- ity between groups of people. The inferior
italist income, completely tax-free. Doubt- economic position of blacks . . . has survived
less there were others who achieved some- more than a century after the abolition of
what less spectacular success in reporting slavery.
their incomes as tax-exempt, no comprehen- In 1969 the median income for all black
sive statistics are available on the extent of males was $3,900, compared to $6,800 for
such behavior." white males. For workers who held year-
So those who receive profits (capitalists) round, full.~time jobs, the median incomes
earn much higher incomes than those who were as shown in Table 5-G.
receive wages and salaries (workers).
It is no accident that incomes from own-
ership of corporations are so unjustly high. TABLE 5-G MEDIAN INCOMES BY SEX AND RACE,
Many of America's most important social FULL-TIME JOBS
and political institutions act systematically
to serve capitalist interests. Laws against Movie Female
larceny, Tor example, are enforced much
more vigorously than laws (when they exist) Black $5,900 $4,100
against monopolistic combinations. The cor- White $9,000 $5,200
porations are allowed to pollute the air and
SOURCE' CzrI't'<'f1t Pvpulcrrfmr Rvporrx. Series I 1-(ull
water, to create demands for such dangerous No, 70, p. 5.
products as cigarettes, and to offset wage
increases or corporate income taxes with
Thus even for workers with stable jobs,
price increas am Military 'ding by the
black male median income is only 67% of
government iS an important in .urce of prof-
its, owing to I white male income and black female income
w r

1 ambiguous relationship
between the Pentagon and its military con- only 80% of white female income.
tractors. American foreign policies, sup- While lack of schooling is one cause of
posedly designed to "contain cornrnunism," the black-white income differential ( a rather
end up protecting profitable corporate for- ambiguous cause, as we shall show below),
eign investments. Both mass media and gov- discrimination persists when. individuals with
ernmenl oppose ideas and behavior that the same amount of schooling are compared
discourage individuals from doing the mean- (see Table 5-1-I).
ingless woric offered by big business. In sum, Finishing high school is worth $l,300
the economic power of corporate enterprise per year in higher income to a white male.
is reinforced by the other major institutions in the sense that if he completes high school,
of our society. he can expect his income to be $1,300
higher every year than if he had not finished.
Discrimincufion Against Blocks By contrast, it is worth only $900 per year
to a black male. A college degree is worth
A second pattern of inequality is discrim- $2.500 per year to a black man and $3.800
ination against blacks. . . . This overlaps to a white man. Black college graduates
the class inequality discussed above because seem to face the most discrimination, but
WE-ee Philllp M. Stern, The Grcfaf Tr'ca.wrry
this may result from a higher proportion of
Raid kNew York: Random House. 1964). whites attending graduate schools.
The Extent of Income Inequality in the United States 215

TABLE 5-H MEDIAN INCOME FOR ALL MALES (25 years old and over)

Years of Schooling Black Male While Mafe Rufio

Elementary-Iess than 8 3,000 3,600 .82

8 4,300 5,500 .79
High school 1-3 5,200 7,300 .71
4 6,100 8,600 .71
College 1-3 7,100 9,600 .74
4 of? more 8,600 12,400 .69
SOURCE: C`urrer:r Population Reports, Series P-60, No. 75, Table 47, p. 105.


Number of Women Percent of Women

.f`fafus in the Labor Force in the labor Force

Total, all women

in labor force 27.5 million 100.0%
Single 5.9 21.5%
Married, but husband
absent 1.6
Widowed 2.5
Divorced 1.7
Married, but husband
earns less than
$3,000 per year 2.5 9.2%
Total who must work 14.2 51.4%

SOURCE: Curran! Populurion Reports, Series P-60, No. 75, Table 47, p. 105.

Discrimination Against Women and women with the same education (see
Table 5-J).
The low status of women in the tradi- Restricting our comparison to workers
tional family structure is translated into low with full-time, year-round jobs clearly un~
pay and menial jobs for those women who derstates discrimination against women bc-
work. Most working women are in the labor causc the female unemployment rate is much
force not because they are bored with house- higher than the male rate. To 1969, the
work but because they must work to support adult female unemployment rate was 4.7% ,
themselves. 5 l .4% of all women in the l967 compared to an adult male rate of 2.8% .
labor force were either unmarried, separated Moreover, a higher proportion of women
from their husbands, or married to men withdraw from the labor force when they
earning less than $3.000 per year. The cannot find jobs or are forced to accept
breakdown was shown in Table 5--1. part-time or seasonal work and, in both
Nevertheless, the job market is segmented cases, are not counted as unemployed.
so that men and women compete only Sex discrimination does not seem to be
among themselves for different jobs, with declining. The ratio of female to male me-
women eligible only for the lowest paying dian wage and salary income for full-time,
jobs. For workers with year-round, full-time year-round workers has declined from .63
jobs, female median income is 58% of male in 1956 to .58 in 1968. Among the major
median income. This discrimination persists occupational groups, the relative position of
when we compare median incomes of men women seems to be improving (slowly) only

TABlE 5'-'J

Years of Schooling Male Income Femme Income Rufio

Elementary--less than 8 $ 5,300 $3,300 .62

8 $ 6,600 $3,600 .55
High School 1-3 $ 7,300 $3,900 .53
4 $ 8,300 $4,800 .58
College 1-3 $ 9,300 $5,500 .59
4 $11,800 $6,700 .57
5 or more $12,800 $8,300 .64
Total $ 8,100 $4,700 .58

SOURCE: Current Poplllatiora Raporrs, Series P~60. No. 66, Table 41, (J. 98.

for professional and technical workers. In jar relation is seen for both women and
the past 10 years, the number of white fe- blacks.
male unrelated individuals and families The notion of social mobility through
headed by a woman below the poverty line education is one of the most widespread
has not changed, and the number of such beliefs about American society. Is your job
nonwhite females and female-headed fami- terrible and poorly paid? Work hard, save
lies has actually increased. All of the decline money to put your kids through college, and
in poverty referred to above has affected they will escape into better jobs and com-
families headed by men or male unrelated fortable lives. As much as any other idea,
individuals. this has served to rationalize an alienated,
impoverished existence for millions of
Education c d Social Mobility Americans.
The belief that there is actual mobility
The close relation of education and in- through education, however, is a myth. .lt
come distribution is obvious from Tables is true that better-educated people earn
5-H (p. 215) and 5-J. For men with full- higher incomes. But it is also true that chil-
time, year-round jobs, median incomes in dren of wealthier families become far better-
1968 were $11,800 with a college diploma. educated. So the ell'ect of education is to
$8,300 with a high school diploma, and preserve and to legitimize existing inequali-
$6,600 for eight years of schooling. A simi- ties in income distribution.

Family Income Percentage of 1966 High School' Graducrfes

in ]965 Who Started College By February, 19:57

Under $3,000 19.8

$3,000-$4,000 32.3
$4,000-$6,000 36.9
$6,000-$7,000 .
4I 1
$7,500-$10,000 51.0
$10,000-$15,000 61.3
Over $15,000 86.7
Total, all incomes 46.9%
SOURCE: Current Popufafion Rvpof-fs, Series P-20, No. 185, Table 8.
Th E Tent franc me lnequ lityi th U it d St 1 s 217

Table 5-K shows that high school seniors prestigious private universities. They also re-
are much more likely to enter college if they ceive a disproportionate share of the bene-
come from wealthy families. A high school lits of public higher education.-1 1
senior from the top income group (family Public higher education is only one force
income over $15,000) is over four times as tending to preserve inequality from one gen-
likely to enter college as a senior from the eration to the next. A direct (although
bottom income group (family income under rough) measure of intergenerational prescr-
$3,000). vation of status can be seen in Table 5-L,
It is not hard to understand why wealthier taken from a Census Bureau study of occu-
students stay in school longer. Even in states pations of men working in 1962.
where public higher education is free, stu- 71 % of the sons of white-coilar workers
dents still have significant living expenses were themselves white-collar workers, while
which must be paid by their families. . . . only 37% of the sons of blue-collar work-
Family income affects education at all crs and 23% of the sons of farm workers
staves.. -Hoot chihliten l o r e likely to drop (farm owners and employees combined )
our- I igh school before the twelfth grade had white-collar jobs. In other words, the
or to drop out of college before graduation. chances of ending up in at white-collar job
Rich children attend the better and more were almost twice as high for at white-collar



When Son Son's Occupation in March, 1962
Was T6 Total' While ( l i a r me Colter Farm

White-Collar 100.0% 71.0% 27.6% I .5 c

Blue-Collar 100.0% 36.9% 61.5% 1.6%
Farm 100.0% 23.2% 55.2% 21.6%
Total 100.0% 40.9% 51.4% 7.7%
SOURCE' Caiculatcd from Blah and Duncan, America Occzapaliorml Strucmrc. Tabla _l2.l,
p. 496. The data were obiaincd from n Census Bureau survey of 20,000 men.

`l This was shown in a recent study of Cali- full cost of education less fees paid by the slu-
fornia higher education. one of the most exten- dcnt, was considerably greater to families with
sive :-md progressive systems in the country. children in the higher tracks. which were also the
Median income for the entire state was $8,000. families with higher incomes. Moreover, public
but it was $12,000 for families with children in higher education is financed by slate and local
the University of California, the top track of the taxes, which lake a higher percentage of income
educational system. The state subsidy. that is. the from the poor than from the rich.


Families Without Families wish Children in

AH Children in Calif. Junior Sfuie Univ. of
Fortifies Higher Education College College Calif.

Median family income $8,000 $7,900 $8.800 $l0,U{)0 P§l2.0(Jll

Average :-mhsidy received U 'Sl ,700 S 3,800 S 4.900
Subsidy % of
median family income O E 2€'é.= 31% 4]r;.

SOURCE' W. Lce Hansen and B. Weishrod, "The Distribution of Costs and Direct Bcncfils
of Public; Educzttioni The Case Of California," .frmrmcl of Human Resomves, Spring 1969,
Tables 5 and 6.

worker's son as for a blue-collar worker's SUMMARY

son, and three times as high for a white-
collar worker's son as for a farmer's son. Of We find, then, that American capitalism
course there has been some movement from is characterized by considerable unjustifiable
lower status jobs into white-collar jobs, inequality of income and wealth, a state of
there had to be, since the proportion of the affairs that is not improving over time.
labor force in white-collar jobs has been ex- Causes of this inequality include social class
panding rapidly. distinctions between workers and capitalists
To some extent Table 5-L reflects racial and economic discrimination against women
discrimination, since most nonwhites are in and minority groups. Legend has it that the
the blue-collar or farm categories. However, United States is the land of equal opportu-
most of the men in each of the three major nity, nevertheless, there is very little actual
occupational categories are white, Table 5-L social mobility. Wealth, both personal and
suggests the existence of a. hierarchy of corporate, is perhaps the most important
status, preserved across generations, even source of political power, and, in a vicious
within the white male working class. cycle, political power is used to preserve
existing accumulations of wealth.

D 2 Unequal Education and the Reproduction of the

Hierarchical Division of Labor

The first reading in this chapter documented in considerable detail the

enormous inequalities that characterize the contemporary United States.
The degree of inequality which emerges from the operation of the market
insures huge accumulated fortunes for a few, and a great deal of poverty,
disease, malnutrition, and inadequate facilities for others. Furthermore,
the persistence of such great inequality exacerbates many further problems
which we shall describe later: problems of environmental destruction, ir-
rational production, waste, and a frantic desire to consume ever~increasing
amounts of goods?
Although almost everyone admits that the basic institutions of capi-
talism tend to generate immense inequ ality, it is often claimed that other
institutions-progressive taxes which take more from the rich than from
the _poor_L the educational system, welfare programs, an*significantly
reduce inequahi ggregsitgh ures presented in
nnitcd States. The Ea
the preceding reading of Ute such claims on L statistical basis. ,-,..,,,,11
noted, m example, -Ish the after-tax distribution of income hardly dif-
fered from the before-tax distribution. I

In the next reading Samuel Bowles analyzes the relationship between

the educational system and inequality in a capitalist society.
In modern America the school has replaced the frontier and the Horatio
Alger type as the ultimate repository of that "equality of opportunity"
which was promised to all. Yet the educational system does not and can-

'Sec the introduction to Chapter 9, p. 362, and the readings in that chapter.
Unequal Education and the Reproduction o{ the Hierarchical Division of Labor 219

not lead to much greater equality of. opportunity or of income under

capitalism. The American school system is in fact instrumental in the
Iegitim ation of inequality and its transmission from one generation to the

Source: The following is excerpted from "Unequal Education and the

Reproduction of the Social Division of Labor" by SAMUEL BowLEs. Most
references and a concluding section have been excerpted by the editors.
From Schooling in a Corporate Society: The Political Economy of Educa-
tion. in America and the Alternatives Eeyore Us, edited by Martin Carney
(New York: David McKay Co., 1972). Copyright to 1971 by Samuel
Bowles. Reprinted by permission of the author.

The ideological defense of modern capitalist iicient explanation of the persistence and
society rests heavily on the assertion that pervasiveness of inequalitie in the school
the equalizing effects bf education can system. Although the unequal distribution
counter the discqualizing forces inherent in of political power serves to maintain inequal-
the Free market system-. That educational ities in education, their origins are to be
systems in capitalist societies have been found outside the political sphere, in the
highly unequal is generally admitted and class structure itself and in the class sub-
widely condemned. Yet educational inequal- cultures typical of capitalist societies. Thus
ities are taken as passing phenomena, hold- unequal education has its roots in the very
overs from an earlier, less enlightened era, class structure which it serves to legitimize
which are rapidly being eliminated. and reproduce. Inequalities in education are
The record of educational history in the a part of the web of capitalist society, and
U.S., and scrutiny of the present state of our likely to persist as long as capitalism sur-
college and sch_o9ls, lend little support to vives.
this comforting optimism Rather, the avail-
able; n
suggest an *rnativc interpreta-
tion. In what follows I will argue (1) that
schools have evolved in the U.S. not as part
of a pursuit of equality, but rather to meet
the needs of capitalist employers for a disci- In colonial America, and in most pre~
plined and skilled labor force, and to pro- capitalist societies of the past, the basic pro-
vide a mechanism for social control in the ductive unit was the family. For the vast
interests of political stability; (2) that as majority of male adults, work was self-
the economic importance of skilled and well directed, and was performed without direct
educated labor has grown, inequalities in the supervision. Though constrained by poverty,
school system have become increasingly im- ill health, the low level of technological de-
portant in reproducing the class structure velopment, and occasional interferences by
from one generation to the next, (3) that the the political authorities, a man had consid-
U.S. so-hool system is pervaded by class in- erable leeway in choosing his working hours,
equalities, which have shown little sign of what to produce, and how to produce it.
diminishing over the last half century; and While great inequalities in wealth, political
( 4 ) that the evidently unequal control over power, and other aspects of status normally
school boards and other decision-making existed, differences in the degree of auton-
bodies in education does: not provide a suf- omy in work were relatively minor, particu-

Iarly when compared with what was to mined the role of the family as the major
come. unit of both socialization and production.
Transmitting the necessary productive Small peasant farmers were driven off the
skills to the children as they grew up proved land or competed out of business. Cottage
to be a simple task, not because the work industry was destroyed. Ownership of the
was devoid of skill, but because the quite means of production became heavily con-
substantial skills required were virtually un- centrated in the hands of landlords and capi-
changing from generation to generation, and talists. Workers relinquished control over
because the transition to the world of work their labor in return tor wages or salaries.
did not require that the child adapt to a Increasingly, production was carried on in
wholly new set of social relationships. The large organizations in which a small manage-
child learned the concrete skills and adapted ment group d i r g e d the work activities of
to the social relations of production through the entire la The social relations of
learning by doing within the family. Prepa- production- hority structure, the
ration for life in the larger community was prescribed types behavior and response
facilitated by the child's experience with the characteristic of the workplace--became in-
extended family, which shaded off without geasingly distinct from those of the family.
distinct boundaries, through uncles and The divorce of the worker from control
fourth cousins, into the community. Children over production--from control over his own
learned carly how to deal with complex re- labor-is i _ I f important in under-
lationships among adults other than their standing the role of schooling in capitalist
parents, and children other than their societies. The resulting hierarchical social
brothers and sisters! division of labor--between controllers and
It was not required that children learn a controlled-is a crucial aspect of the class
complex set of political principles or ideolo- structure of capitalist societies, and will be
gies, as political participation was limited seen to be an important barrier to the
and political authority unchallenged, at achievement of social class equality in
least in normal times. The only major so- schooling.
cializing institution outside the family was Rapid economic change in the capitalist
the church, which sought to inculcate the period led to frequent shifts of the occupa-
accepted spiritual values and attitudes. in tional distribution of the labor force, and
addition, a small number of children learned constant changes in the skill requirements for
craft skills outside the family. as appren- jobs. The productive skills of the father were
tices. The role of schools tended to be nar- no longer adequate for the needs of the son
rowly vocational, restricted to preparation during his lifetime. Skill training within the
of children for a career in the church or the family became increasingly inappropriate.
still inconsequential state bureaucracy. The And the family itself was changing. In-
curr color of the few universities reflected creased geographic mobility of labor and
the aristocratic penchant for conspicuous in- the necessity for children to work outside
tellcctual. consumption _
The extension of capitalist production,
the family spelled the demise of the cxtendccl
family and greatly weakened even the nu-
and particularly the factory system, under- clear family. Meanwhile, the authority of the
church was questioned by the spread of secu-
1'Fhis account draws upon two important his- lar rationalist thinking and the rise of power-
torical studies: P. Aries, Cc/z!:u'l":.s' of Clrilcfhcnrzd ful competing groups.
(New York: Random House. l9?(l)' and B.
Bailyn, Ed.=fc-nrio/I in the Fornzillg as American While undermining the main institutions
Society (New York: Random House, 1960). of socialization. the rise of the capitalist sys-
Unequal Education and the Reproduction of the Hierarchical Division of Labor 2:21

tem was accompanied by urbanization, labor burgeoning industrial capitalist class, most
migration, the spread of democratic ideolo- notably in Massachusetts. It spread rapidly
gies, and a host of other developments which to all parts of the country except the South.
created an environment-both social and in- The fact that some working people's move-
tellectual--which would ultimately challenge ments had demanded free instruction should
the political order. not obscure the basically coercive nature
An institutional crisis was at hand. The of the extension of schooling. In many parts
outcome, in virtually all capitalist countries, of the country, schools were literally im-
was the rise of mass education. In the U.S., posed upon the workers.
the many advantages of schooling as a so- The evolution of the economy in the 19th
cialization process were quickly perceived. century gave rise to new socialization needs
The early proponents of the rapid expansion and continued to spur the growth of educa-
of schooling argued that education could tion. Agriculture continued to lose ground
perform many of the socialization functions to manufacturing, simple manufacturing
which earlier had been centered in the fam- gave way to production involving complex
ily and to a lesser extent, in the church. An interrelated processes, an increasing fraction
ideal preparation for factory work was of the labor force was employed in produc-
found in the social relations of the school: ing services rather than goods. Employers
specifically, in its emphasis on discipline, in the most rapidly growing sectors of the
punctuality, acceptance of authority outside economy began to require more than obe-
the family, and individual accountability for dicnce and punctuality in their workers, a
one's work. The social relations of the change in motivational outlook was required.
school would replicate the social relations of The new structure of production provided
the workplace, and thus help young people little built-in motivation. There were fewer
adapt to the social division of labor. Schools jobs like farming and piece-rate work in
would further lead people to accept the au- manufacturing in which material reward was
thority of the state and its agents-the tied directly to effort. As work roles became
teachers-at a young age, in part by foster- more complicated and interrelated, the eval-
ing the illusion of the benevolence of the uation of the individual worker's perform-
government in its relations with citizens. ance became increasingly difficult. Employ-
Moreover, because schooling would ostensi- ers began to look for workers who had
bly be open to all, one's position in the so- internalized the production-related
values of
cial division of labor could be portrayed as the firms' managers.
the result not of birth, but of one's own ef- The continued expansion of education
forts and talents. And if the children's every- was pressed by many who saw schooling as
day experiences with the structure of school- a means of producing these new forms of
ing were insufficient to inculcate the correct motivation and discipline. Others, frightened
views and attitudes, the curriculum itself by the growing labor militancy after the
would be made to embody the bourgeois Civil War, found new urgency in the social
ideology. Where pre-capitalist social institu- control arguments popular among the pro-
tions-particularly the church remained ponents of. education i.n the antebellum pe-
strong or threatened the capitalist hegem- riod.
ony, schools sometimes served as a modern- A system of class stratification developed
izing counter-institution.. within this rapidly expanding educational
The movement for public elementary and system. Children of the social elite normally
secondary education in the U.S. originated in attended private schools. Because working
the I 9tI1 century in states dominated by the class children tended to leave school early,

class composition of the public high plementary growth of the guidance counsel-
schools was distinctly more elite than the ing profession allowed much of the channel-
public primary schools. And university edu- ing to proceed from the students' "own"
gcation, catering mostly to the children of well-counselled-choices, thus adding an
upper-class families, ceased to be merely apparent element of voluntarism to the
training for teaching or the divinity and be- system.
came important in gaining access to the The class stratification of education dur-
pinnacles of the business world. ing this period had proceeded hand in hand
Around the turn of. the present century, with the stratification of the labor force. As
large numbers of working class and particu- large bureaucratic corporations and public
larly immigrant children began attending agencies employed an. increasing fraction of
high schools. At the same time, a system of all workers, a complicated segmentation of
class stratification developed within second- the labor force evolved, reflecting the hier-
ary education. The older democratic ideol- archical structure of the social relations of
ogy of the common school~that the same production.
curriculum should be offered to all children The social division of labor had become
--gave way to the "progressive" insistence a finely articulated system of work relations
that education should be tailored to the dominated at the top by a small group with
"needs of the child." In the interests of pro- control over work processes and a high de-
viding an education relevant to the later life gree of personal autonomy in their work
of the students, vocational schools and activities, and proceeding by finely dilleren-
tracks were developed for the children of tiated stages down the chain of bureaucratic
working families. The academic curriculum command to workers who labored more as
was preserved for those who would Iatcr extensions of the machinery than as autono-
have the opportunity to make use of book mous human beings."
learning, either in college or in white-collar One's status, income, and personal au-
employment. This and other educational re- tonomy came to depend in great measure on
forms of the progressive education move~ one's place in the hierarchy of work rela-
rent reflected an implicit assumption of the tions. And in turn, positions in the social
immutability of the class structure? division of labor came to be associated with
The frankness with which students were educational credentials reflecting the num~
channeled into curriculum tracks, on the be of years of schooling and the quality of
basis of their social class background, raised education received. The increasing impor-
serious doubts concerning the "openness" of tance of schooling as a mechanism for allo-
the class structure. The relation between so- eating children to positions in the class struc-
cial class and a child's chances of promotion ture, played a major part in legitimizing the
or tracking assignments was disguised structure itself.'* But at the same time, it
though not mitigated much-by another undermined the simple processes which in
"progressive" reform; "objective" educa- the past had preserved the position and priv-
tional testing. Particularly after World War ilege of the upper class families from gen-
1, the capitulation of the schools to business eration to generation. In short, it under-
values and concepts of efficiency led to the mined the processes serving to reproduce
increased use of intelligence and scholastic the social division of labor.
achievement testing as an ostensibly un- In pre-capitalist societies, direct inherit-
biased means of measuring the product of ance of occupational position is common.
schooling and classifying students. The com- Even in the early capitalist economy, prior
"See Reich, Section 4.5, p. I'74.
"See Cohen and Lazerson, Section 4.6, p. 183. -*See Bowles, Section 1 l.S, p. 491
Unequal Education c d the Reproduction of the Hierarchical Division of Labor 223

to the segmentation of the labor force on ties in the number of years of schooling re-
the basis of differential skills and education, ceived arise in part because a disproportion-
the class structure was reproduced- genera- ate number of children from poorer families
son after generation simply through the in- do not complete high school. Table 5-N
heritance of physical capital by the offspring indicates that these inequalities are exacer-
of the capitalist class. Now that the s-ochii bated by social class inequalities in college
division of labor is differentiated by types of attendance among those children who did
competence and educational credentials as graduate from high school: even among
well as by the ownership of capital, the prob- those who had graduated from high school,
lem of inheritance is not nearly as simple. children of families earning less than $3,000
The crucial complication arises because edu- per year were over six times as likely not to
cation and skills are embedded in human attend college as were the children of fami-
beings, and--unljke physical capital-these lies earning over $15,00()."
assets cannot be passed on to one's children Inequalities in schooling are not simply
at death. In an advanced capitalist society a matter of differences in years of schooling
in which education and skills play an im- attained. Differences in the internal struc-
portant role in the hierarchy of production, ture of schools themselves and in the content
then, laws guaranteeing inheritance are not of schooling reflect the differences in the so-
enough to reproduce the social division of cial class compositions of the student bodies.
labor from generation to generation. Skills The social relations of the educational proc-
and educational credentials must somehow ess ordinarily mirror the social relations of
be passed on within the family. It is a fun- the work roles into which most students are
damental theme of this paper that schools likely to move. Differences in rules, expected
play an important part in reproducing and modes of behavior, and opportunities for
legitimizing this modern form of class struc- choice are Most glaring when we compare
ture. levels of schooling. Note the wide range of
choice over curriculum, life style, and allo-
cation of time afforded to college students,
CLASS INEQUALITIES IN U.S. SCHOOLS compared with the obedience and respect
for authority expected in high school. Dif~
Unequal schooling reproduces the hierarchi- ferentiation occurs also within each level of
cal social division of labor. Children whose schooling. One needs only to compare the
parents occupy positions m the top of the social relations of a junior college with
occupational hierarchy receive more years of those of an elite four-year college, or those
schooling than working 111115 children. Both of a working class high school with those
the amount and the content of their educa- of a wealthy suburban high school, for veri-
tion greatly facilitate their movement into lication of this point.
positions similar to their parents'. The differential socialization patterns in
Because of the relative case of measure- schools attended by students m an diltererit so=
ment, inequalities in years of schooling are c a l classes do not arise by accident. Rather,
particularly evident. If we define social class
standing by the income, occupation, and *The data for this calculation refer to white
educational level of the parents, a child from males who were in 1962 aged 25-34. See S,
Bowles, "Schooling and Inequality from Genera-
the 90th percentile in the class distribution tion to Generation," paper presented at the Fat'
may expect on the average to achieve over Eastern Meetings of the Econometric Society,
four and a half more years of schooling than Tokyo, 1970.
"For recent evidence on these points, see U.S.
a child from the 10th percentile.5 As can Bureau of the Census, Current Pop rdatfon Re-
be seen in Table 5-M, social class inequali- ports, Series P-20, Nos. 185 and 183.


Percent of Made Children Percent of Those Fnroffed

Aged 16-17 Who Are Below
Enrolled in Public School the Modal Level

1. Parent's education
less than 8 years
Family income:
less than $3,000 66.1 47.4
$3,000_4,999 71.3 35.7
$5,000-6,999 75.5 28.3
$7,000 and over 77.1 21.8
2. Parent's education
8-11 years
Family income :
less than $3,000 78.6 25.0
$3,000-4,999 82.9 20.9
$5,000-6,999 84.9 16.9
$7,000 and over 86.1 13.0
3. Parent's education
12 years or more
Family income'
less than $3,000 89.5 13.4
$3,000-4,999 90.7 12.4
$5,000-6,999 92.1 9.7
$7,000 and over 94.2 6.9

SOURCE: Bureau of the Census. Census of Population, 1960, Vol. PC-(2)5A, Table 5. a.
According to Bureau of the Census delinilions, for 16-year-olds 9th grade or less and for 17-
year-olds 10th grade nr less are below the modal level. Fnlhcr's education is indicated if farther
is present, otherwise mother's education is indicated.

they stem from the fact that the educational and teachers, and the responsiveness of stu-
objectives and expectations of both parents dents to various patterns of teaching and
control, differ for students of different so-
cial classes' Further, class inequalities in
school socialization patterns are reinforced
Percenf Who Did Not by the inequalities in financial resources. The
Family Incomed' Ahencf College paucity of financial support for the educa-
Total 53.1
tion of children from working class families
unckr $3,000 80.2 not only leaves more resources to be devoted
$3,000 10 $3,999 67.7 to the children of those with commanding
$4,000 to $5,999 63.7 roles in the economy, it forces upon the
$6,000 to $7,499 58.9 teachers and school administrators in the
$7,500 to $9,999 49.0
$10,000 to $14,999 38.7 working class schools a type of social rela-
55,000 and over 13.3 tions which fairly closely mirrors that of the
*Refers to individuals who were high school seniors 7Th al working class parents seem to favor more
in October 1965 and who subsequently graduated from authoritarian educational methods is perhaps a
high school. Source; U.S. Deparlmcxlt of Commerce. reflection of their own work experiences. which
Bureau of the Census, Current Pnpuiarion Rcporl, Series
have demonstrated that submission to authority
P-20, No. 185. July 11, 1069. p. 6. College attendance
refers to both two- and four-year institutions. is am essential ingredient in nels ability to get
'lFamily Income for 12 months preceding October 1965. and hold a steady, well-paying job.
Unequol Education and the Reproduction of the Hierarchical Division of Labor 225

factory. Thus financial considerations in white high school seniors, those students
poorly supported working class schools mili- whose parents were in the top education dec-
tate against small intimate classes, against ife were on the average well over three grade
a multiplicity of elective courses and spe- levels ahead of those whose parents were in
cialized teachers (except disciplinary per- the bottom deciles' While a good part of
sonnel), and preclude the amounts of free this discrepancy is the result of unequal
time for the teachers and free space required treatment in school and unequal educational
for a more open, flexible educational en- resources, it will be suggested below that
vironment. The luck of financial support all much of it is related to differences in the
but requires that students be treated as raw early socialization and home environment of
materials on a production line, it places a the children.
high premium on obedience and punctuality , Given the great social class differences in
there are few opportunities for independent, scholastic achievement, class inequalities in
creative work or individualized attention by college attendance are to be expected. Thus
teachers. The well-linanced schools attended one might be tempted to argue that the data
by the children of the rich can offer much in Table 5-N are simply a reflection of un-
greater opportunities for the development of
the capacity for sustained independent work MALE WHO HAS REACHED GRADE I I *
and the other characteristics required for
adequate job performance in the upper levels Socioeconomic Gluartiles?

of' the occupational hierarchy. Low HJ°gh

While much of the inequality in U.S. edu- r 2 3 4
cation exists between schools, even within Low 1 .06 .12 .13 .26
a given school different children receive dif- Ability 2 .13 _15 .29 .36
ferent educations. Class stratification within Q11 artilesf 3 .25 33 .45 .65
schools is achieved through tracking, dif- High 4 .48 .70 .73 .87
ferential participation in extracurricular ac- *Based un a large sample of U.S. high school stu-
tivities, and in the attitudes of teachers and dents as reported in John C. Flttnnagan and William W.
Cooley, Project TALENT, One-Year Follow-Up Sluffiex.
particularly guidance personnel who expect Cooperative Research Project No. 2333. School of Educa-
working class children to do poorly, to ter- tion,-l-The University of Pittsburgh, 1966.
socioeconomic index is a composite measure
minate schooling early, and to end up in including family income, father's occupation and education,
mother's education. etc. The ability scale is a composite
jobs similar to their parents'." of tests measuring general academic aptitude.
Not surprisingly, the results schooling
equal scholastic achievement in high school
diITer greatly 'for c h a of c i i r c n t social
and do not reflect any addftiorzcil social class
classesl. The differing ell'-ucationaL objectives
inequalities peculiar to the process of college
implicit in the social relations of $cl10ols at~
admission. This view is unsupported by the
tended by children of different social classes
available data, some of which are presented
has already been mentioned. Less important
in Table 5~O. Access to a college education
but more easily measured are differences in
is highly unequal, even for children of the
scholastic achievement. If we measure the
same measured "academic ability."
output of schooling by scores on nationally
The social class inequalities in our school
standardized achievement tests, children
whose parents were themselves highly edu- "(,`alculation based on data in James S. Colc-
cated outperform the children of parents man. et up., Eqff aiily of Educfrtionfzf Oppof'Ir:nN'y,
with less education by a wide margin. A re- Vol. II (Washington: U.S. Dept. of Health, Fduca-
tion & Welfare, Office of Edtlealion, 1966), and
cent study revealed, for example, that among methods described in Bowles, "Schooling and
Inequality from Generation to Gerreration,"
14.See Latter and Howe, Section 5.3, p. 229. mimeo, 1971.


Fa+ller's Education
Some High School High School Graduate Some College or More
Doses of
Sur:"s Age College Less Than Percent Rubio to Percent RGHo to Percent Rubio to
in 1962 Graduofion* 8 Years Graduofing <8 Graduating <8 Gruduafing <8
25-34 1950-1959 07.6 17.4 2.29 25.6 3.37 51,9 6.83
35-44 1940-1949 08.6 11.9 1.38 25.3 2.94 53.9 6.27
45-54 1930-1939 07.7 09.8 1.27 15.1 1.96 36.9 4.79
55-64 1920-1929 08.9 09.8 1.10 19.2 2.16 29.8 3.35
*Assuming college graduation at age 22.
SOURCE: Based on U.S. Census data as reported in William G. Spady, "Educational Mobility and Access: Growth
and Paradoxes," Ariser-ivan Journal of Sociology, Vol. 73, No. 3 (November 1967).

system and the role they play in the repro- The argument that our "egalitarian" edu-
duction of the social division of labor are too cation compensates for inequalities gener-
evident to be denied. Defenders of the edu- ated elsewhere in the capitalist system is
cational system are forced back on the as~ patently fallacious. But the discrepancy be-
sertion that things are getting better, the tween the ideology and the reality of the
inequalities of the past were far worse. Yet U.S. school system is far greater than would
the available historical evidence lends little appear from a passing glance at the above
support to the idea that our schools are on data. In the first place, if education is to
the road to equality of educational oppor~ compensate for the social class immobility
unity. For example, data from a recent U.S. due to the inheritance of wealth and privi-
Census survey reported in Table 5-P indi- lege, education must be structured so that
cate that graduation from college has bc- the poor child receives not less, not even the
come increasingly dependent on one's class same, but more than equal benefits from
background. This is true despite the fact that education. The school must compensate for
the probability of high school graduation is the other disadvantages which the lower-
becoming increasingly equal across social class child suffers. Thus the liberal assertion
classes. On balance, the available data sug- that education compensates for inequalities
gest that the number of years of schooling in inherited wealth and privilege is falsified
which the average child attains depends at not so much by the extent of the social class
least as much now upon the social class inequalities in the school system as by their
standing of his father as it did fifty years very existence, or, more correctly, by the
21g0.10 absence of compensatory inequalities.
Second, considering the problem of ine-
10See P, M. Beau and O. D. Duncan, The quality of income at a given moment, a simi-
,4 nzerienn Occupnfliofrnl Sfrrfctuz-e (New York: lar argument applies. In a capitalist econ-
Wiley, 1967). More recent data do not contradict
the evidence Of no trend towards equality. A
omy, the increasing importance of schooling
1967 Census survey, the most recent available. in the economy will increase income in~
shows that among high school graduates in 1965, equality even in the absence of social class
the probability of college attendance for thursc
whose parents had attended college has con-
inequalities in quality and quantity of school-
tinued to rise relative to the probability of college ing. This is so simply because the labor
attendance for those whose parents had attended force becomes differentiated by type of skill
less than eight years of school. See U.S. Bureau
of the Census, C.t.frrc>n¢" Popnlnfirifr Reports. Series
or schooling, and inequalities in labor cam-
P-20, No. 185, July I I , 1969. ings therefore contribute to total income in-
Unequal Education and the Reproduction of the Hierarchical Division of Labor 227

equality, augmenting the inequalities due to teristic of each subculture are transmitted
the concentration of capital. The disequaliz- from generation to generation through class
ing tendency will of course be intensified if differences m. \. 1 • and com-
the owners of capital also acquire a dispro- plementary difference dam I Mm noW
portionate amount of those types of educa- amount of schooling ordinarily attained by
tion and training which confer access to children of various-class po§ti'ons. These
high-paying jobs. class differences in schooling are maintained
in large measure through the capacity of the
CLASS CULTURE AND CLASS POWER upper class to control the basic principles
of school finance, pupil evaluation, and edu-
The pervasive and persistent inequalities in cational objectives.
U.S. education would seem to refute an in- The social relations of production char-
terpretation of education which asserts its acteristic of advanced capitalist societies
egalitarian functions. But the facts of in- (and many socialist societies) are most
equality do not by themselveS suggest an al- clearly illustrated in the bureaucracy and
ternate explanation. Indeed, they pose seri- hierarchy of the modern corporation." Oc-
ous problems of interpretation. If the costs cupational roles in the capitalist economy
of education borne by students and their may be grouped according to the degree of
families were very high, or if nepotism were independence and control exercised by the
rampant, or if formal segregation Of pupils person holding the job. There is some evi-
by social class were practiced, or educa- dence that the personality attributes asso-
tional decisions were made by a select few ciated with the adequate performance of jobs
whom we might call the power elite, it would in occupational categories defined in this
not be difficult to explain the continued in- broad way differ considerably, some ap»
equalities in U.S. education. The problem of patently requiring independence and inter-
interpretation, however, is to reconcile the nal discipline, and others emphasizing such
above empirical findings with the facts of traits as obedience, predictability, and will-
our society as we perceive them: public and ingness to subject oneself to external con-
virtually tuition-free education at all levels, trois.
few legal instruments for the direct imple- These personality attributes are developed
mentation of class segregation, a limited primarily at a young age, both in the family
role for "contacts" or nepotism in the and, to a lesser extent, in secondary so-
achievement of high status or income, a cialization institutions such as schools. Be-
commitment (at the rhetorical level at least) cause people tend to marry within their own
to equality of iI al op ortunity, and class ( in part because spouses often meet in
a system of control of education which if not our class segregated schools), both parents
particularly democratic, extends far beyond arc likely to have a similar set of these
anything resembling a power elite. The at- damental personality traits. Thus children of
tempt to reconcile these apparently discrep- parents occup_yin_g liven position in the
ant facts leads us back to a consideration of occupational hierarchy 5%
grow up in homes
the social division of labor, the associated where child-rearing .MEthods and perhaps
class cultures, and the exercise of class even the physical surroundings tend to de-
power. velop personality characteristics appropriate
The social division of labor based on the to adequate job performance in the occupa-
hierarchical structure of production gives tional roles of the parents. The children of
rise to distinct class subcultures. The values,
personality traits, and expectations charac- 11See Edwards, Section 3.5, p. 115.

managers and professionals are taught self- cess thus provides a meritocratic appearance
reliance within a broad set of constraints, to mask the mechanisms which reproduce
the children of production line workers are the class system from generation to genera-
taught obedience. tion.
While this relation between parents' class Positions of control in the productive
position and child's personality attributes hierarchy tend to be associated with posi-
operates primarily in the home, it is rein- tions of political influence. Given the dis-
forced by schools and other social institu- proportionate share Ol' political power held
tions. Thus, to take an example introduced by the upper class and their capacity to de-
earlier, the authoritarian social relations of termine the accepted patterns of behavior
working class high schools complement the and procedures, to define the national inter-
discipline-oriented early socialization pat- est, and in general to control the ideological
terns experienced by working class children. and institutional context in which educa-
The relatively greater freedom of wealthy tional decisions arc made, it is not surprising
suburban schools extends and formalizes the to find that resources are allocated unequally
early independence training characteristic of among school tracks, between schools serv-
upper-class families. ing different classes, and between levels of
The operation of the labor market trans- schooling. The same configuration of power
lates differences in class culture into income results in curricula, methods of instruction,
inequalities and occupational hierarchies. and criteria of selection and promotion
The personality traits, values, and expecta- which confer benefits disproportionately on
tions characteristic of different class cultures the children of the upper class.
play a major role in determining an indi- The power of the upper class exists in its
viduaI's success in gaining El high income capacity to define and maintain a set of
or prestigious occupation. The apparent con- rules of operation or decision criteria-
tribution of schooling to occupational "rules of the game"-which, though often
success and higher income seems to be ex-» seemingly innocuous and sometimes even
plained primarily by the personality charac- egalitarian in their ostensible intent, have
.QL those. who. .have higher educa- the effect of maintaining the unequal system.
tional attainments.'F Although the rewards The operation of two prominent exam-
to intellectual capacities are quite limited in pics of these "rules of the game" will serve
the labor market (except for a small number to illustrate the point. The first important
of high level jobs), mental abilities arc im- principle is that excellence in schooling
portant in getting ahead in school. Grades, should be rewarded. Given the capacity of
the probability of continuing to higher levels the upper class to define excellence in terms
of schooling, and a host of other school suc- on which upper-class children tend to excel
cess variables, are positively correlated with (for example, scholastic achievement), ad-
"objective" measures of intellectual capaci- herence to this principle yields inegalitarian
ties. Partly for this reason, one's experience outcomes (for example, unequal access to
in school reinforces the belief that promo- higher education) while maintaining the ap-
tion and rewards are distributed fairly. The pearance of fair treatment.'3 Thus the prin-
close relationship between the amount of ed-
ucation attained and later occupational suc- -1-'*Thosc who would defend the "reward ex-
cellence" principle on the grounds of efficient selec-
T 2This view is elaborated in H. Girths, "Educa- tion t o ensure the most ef'Heient use of educational
tion, Technology, and Worker Productivity," resources might ask themselves this: Why should
.4 merfcafz Ecorloniic Associaffon Papers & Pro- colleges admit those with the highest college en-
c.'e"dr'frgs, May 1971. trance examination board scores" Why not the
How 'the School System is Rigged for Failure 229

ciple of rewarding excellence serves to legiti- segregation by income level, the effect of
mize the unequal consequences of school- this principle is to produce an unequal dis-
ing by associating success with competence. tribution of school resources among children
At the same time, the institution of objec- of different classes. Towns with a large tax
tively administered tests of performance base can spend large sums for the education
serves to allow a limited amount of upward of their disproportionately upper-class chil-
mobility among exceptional children of the dren e.vQ without suffering a higher than
lower class, thus providing further legitima- average tax rate. -Because the main resource
tion of the operations of the social system inequalities in schooling thus exist between
by giving some credence to the myth of rather than within school districts, and be-
widespread mobility. cause there is no effective mechanism for
The second example is the principle that redistribution of school funds among school
elementary and secondary schooling should districts, poor families lack a viable politi-
be financed in very large measure from local. cal strategy for correcting the inequality.
revenues. This principle is supported on the The above rules of the game-rewarding
grounds that it is necessary to preserve po- "excellence" and financing schools locally-
litical liberty. Given the degree of residential illustrate the complementarity between the
political and economic power of the upper
lowest, or the middle? The rational social objec- class. Thus it appears that the consequences
tive of the college is to render the greatest incre- of an unequal distribution of political power
ment in individual capacities ("value added" to among classes complement the results of
the economist), not to produce the most illustri-
ous graduating class ("gross output"). Yet if class culture in maintaining an educational
incremental gain is the objective, it is far from system which has thus far been capable of
obvious that choosing from the top is the best transmitting status from generation to gen-
policy. And because no one has even attempted
to construct a compelling argument that choosing eration, and capable in addition of political
from the top is the policy which maximizes the survival in the formally democratic and
increment of learning for students, we can infer egalitarian environment of the contemporary
that the practice is supported by considerations
other than that of etiicient allocation of resources
United States.
in education.

5.3 How the School System is Rigged for Failure

The preceding essay described a variety of ways in which the school sys-
tcm is instrumental in transmitting inequality, Two important aspects of
this process arc ( l ) the fact that the chi.dren of the rich tend to stay
longer in school than the children of the poor; and (2) the fact that the
school system equips the children of the rich much more than the children
of the poor with intellectual skills and person ality characteristics appro-
priate to higher levels of the work hierarchy.
How exactly do schools operate so as to discriminate in favor of the
more affluent children? After all, it is often argued that the educational
system simply rewards those children who do well. According to this view,
if the more affluent children perform better in school than others, they

deserve to be rewarded, furthermore, some poor children do well and are

rewarded for it. But even if schools did in fact work this way, the outcomes
would remain highly unequal. mesa the reality of the American school
system is far from this meritocratic "ideal"
The previous reading has suggested some ways in which-independently
of "merit" or effort-upper-class children receive disproportionate benc-
fits from public education. Schools in afliuent communities tend to be
better funded than schools in poorer districts-a consequence of the fact
that American schools are largely financed through the local property tax.
The structure and rules within the schools themselves differ according to
the class character of the school neighborhood, so that children are pre-
pared for the kind of jobs held by parents in the community. Even the
definition of achievement itself is biased in such a way as to reward the
kind of "learning" characteristic of middle- and upper-class families.
in the next reading Florence Howe and Paul Lauter describe one of
the most blatant mechanisms whereby schools transmit inequality from
generation to generation: the system of truckz'ftg (or "ability grouping" or
"streaming"). The tracking system separates children by such categories
as "college preparatory," "general," "vocational," and "basic", a different
curriculum for each track is then designed to best meet the "needs" of
the children in the track. Such a system clearly favors those who manage
at an early age to be placed in the higher tracks, and it is precisely chil-
dren from the more aliOluent homes who have the initial advantages in
placement. To determine how infrequently poor children "do well and are
rewarded for it," one need only observe how disproportionately the chil-
dren of the poor are placed in the lower tracks of public schools.

Source: The following is excerpted from "How the School System is

Rigged for Failure" by FLORENCE HowE and PAUL LAUTER. From
The New York Review of Books, (June 18, 1970). This article, part
of a longer chapter on the school system, is taken from Florence Howe
and Pau] Lauter, The Conspiracy of the Young, Copyright © 1970 by
Florence Howe and Paul Lauter. Reprinted by permission of the authors.

do not accomplish the goals which educators

have laid out for them, it may well be that
There has hardly been a time during the last
150 years when Americans were not being all they need . . . is more money, more in-
told that the schools were at a "turning novation, more machines, more specializa-
point," "confronted with a. crucial chal- tion. It may also be, however, that the stated
lenge," "entering an era of new importance." goals of American education are deceptive
At the same time, they have forever been and irrelevant ones; that their grand rhetoric
at the edge of failure. Indeed, one major cn- clouds the character and social objectives of
terprise of educators in every generation has * schools. A review if the alleged "fail-
been to analyze that failure and propose new ures the Selective Service System-the
remedies. uncertainty it has engendered, its unfairness,
its apparently arbitrary and harebrained pro-
But are the schools "failures"? If they ccdures-reveals features that have been
How the School System is Rigged for Failure 231

built in because they are necessary to its in abilhfy Io perform the kind of task which
function of channeling young men into what confronts those pupils i n Ike classroom. It is
not a social segregation. It is not a caste
are thought to be socially desirable activi- stratification. 11 is not an attempt to pain!
ties. Looking at what the schools do rather out those who are worth while and those
than at what they should or might do may who are not. It is nor a move lo separate I/ze
tell a similar story. What if the apparent leaders from the followers!
"failures" of the American educational sys-
tem have served necessary functions in Despite the best intentions of its promoters,
American society? Perhaps the schools, like ability grouping--or tracking, or streaming,
almost all other American institutions, have as it is variously called--has unfortun ately
been very, indeed horrifyingly, successful. become all that they asserted it would not
be. What it has not been is either a means
of keeping children in school or of improv-
In 1927 many Americans were troubled ing their performance while they attend.
about their society. Morals seemed to be In Washington, D.C., for example, where
disintegrating, crime increasing. Indeed, an elaborate track system reached far down
some felt there was a "legal bias in favor of into the elementary schools, 54 percent of
the criminal." He "is petted and pampered the classes of 1965 and 1966 dropped out
and protected to a degree which makes the before graduation. _____ most extensive and
punishment of crime relatively rare." Edu- careful study of aiaility grouping, moreover,
cators were quick to rise to this social crisis. concludes "that ability grouping, per se, pro-
They urged their fellow Americans to look duces no improvement .in achievement for
to the schools to train citizens not to "set any ability level and, as an administrative
themselves against the state." After all, there device, has little merit." The study indi-
was "no other organized force which aims cates further that children may learn better
primarily at citizenship and at the same in strongly heterogeneous groups. Arthur W.
time represents the state." Schools could, Foshay, who wrote the Foreword, suggests
moreover, satisfy the demands of industry also that evidence from Sweden and England
for "the type of help that knows something,
that has social graces arising from extended
"raises the dark possibility Emma .
grouping functions . . . as selective depriva-
social experience" of the sort provided by tion." Tracking may actually prevent chil-
high schools. dren from learning, the study indicates, bc-
There was one problem, however: how cause "teachers generally underestimate the
to keep the children in school. Many capability of pupils in lower-track classes,
dropped out because their main experience expect less of them, and consequently the
in the classroom was one of frustration. A
pupils learn less."3 None of this is surpris-
new way of organizing schools had to be ing, since teachers generally concentrate on
found that would not forever be confronting students who respond. But why, then, if
those most in need of schooling with failure, tracking has not succeeded in keeping most
that might more fully "individualize" their kids in school and has succeeded in creat-
instruction in order to prepare children
more effici ently for the kinds of jobs they
This quotation from Heber Hinds Ryan and
would get. This way was "ability grouping." Philpine Crecelius, Abil-
M Elpmg in the Jnrfrior
H:'gh School .(New YO1'k,- ), pp. 1-10.
Ability grouping in the junior high. school miriam I Goldberg, or II., The E.{i'e(.~1s of
is to be defined' as I k e c.'assil?cm'fon of the ,many cimmmmi
1l-'-il. 19661, p. 163.
pzzpiiv of the school' into groups which, "5G0ld Effccfs /4 flilil'y Grouping,
wr'fhi:z reasonable Zimfls, are homogeneous p. 165.

ing for those lower-tracked kids the "self- teal qualities (such as intelligence, dvcility,
fulfilling prophecy" that they won't learn aptitude) or the social charaeferi.s'tic.s' (such
as ethnic background, wealth, appropriate
anything in school why, then, has it per- conduct, previous education) which happen
sisted for more than forty years? to be*
In the first place, tracking is to schools
what channeling is to the draft. Its function Tracking is one of the educational system's
is idcnticai, namely, the control of man- major techniques for thmstini h rward stu-
power "in the National Interest." In demo- dents with the necessary qualities of school-
cratic societies like that of the United States, measured intelligence, docility, ckground, la
individuals are encouraged to believe that and the rest; and for channeling, the others
opportunities for social advancement are un- into "appropriate shots. James Bryant Co-
limited, such beliefs are part of the national nant is explicit about this practice. "I sub-
myth, and also necessary to encourage mit," he writes in Slums and Suburbs, "that
young people to achieve and get ahead. Yet in a heavily urbanized and industrialized
opportunities are, in fact, limited. Not cvcry- free society, in educational. experiences of
one with the talent can, for example, youth should fit their sequent employ-
L 13 '11

become a scientist, industrial mane or, on i-

neer, or even college professor; Iuna-
men e Accomplishing this goal in cities is
difficult, Conant continues, given the limita-
omy has greater technologists, tions of guidem and parental in-
technicians, salcsm white-collar workers, difference; therefore, "the system of rigid
not to speak of men on production lines. lt tracks may be the only workable solution
has been estimated that industry demands to a mammoth guidance problem.""
live semi-professionals and technicians to
enable every professional to function.
There must be "valves" which can help to Ability grouping has been operating effec-
control the flow of manpower into the econ- tively to limit competition with the children
omy. "Tracking" is one of those important of white, middle-class parents who, on the
valves, it helps to ensure that the American whole, have controlled the schools." In New
work force is not "overeducated" (as has York City in 1967, for example, nonwhites,
been the case, for example, in India, where the vast majority of them poor, made up
there are far too few jobs "suitable" for col- 40 percent of the high school population;
lege graduates). It 2550 helps to ensure that they constituted about 36 percent of stu-
unpopular industries, like the Army, or less dents in the "academic" high schools and
prestigious occupations, like sanitation work, about 60 percent of those tracked into "vo-
are supplied with manpower. cational" high schools. In the Bronx High
School of Science and in Brooklyn Tech,
elite institutions for which students must
Indeed, sociologist Theodore Caplow has qualify by examination, "nonwhites" totaled
argued that: only 7 and 12 percent of the students rc-
. . . Nze principal device j'o.r° the limitation 01'
But the real effects of tracking can better
ocrcuputfonal choice is the ea'.=fcafirm sysfenz.
It does liefs in two ways: first, by forcing
"The Sr1f'rlo!o.q_v of Wcurk (Minneapolis. 1954).
.fire student who embarks upon a lung
course of :mining to renounce other careers "'Sz'u/ns and .S`uhlu'£'>s (New York: MC G raw-
which also require extensive training' .vec- y
1961). 40. m
nmrl. by excluding from training and everl- _ j example. umitricia Caro Sexton, Edu-
tuaffy from the occupations !hem5e11-'es wrfiofz and' /mwnzz' llr.
York. 1962), pp. *28,
rfzose students who fuck either the intellec- 234.
How the School System is Rigged for Failure 233

be seen in the statistics of students in the reading scores, IO, and other standard
academic high schools. A majority of blacks achievement tests-"Qs well as teachers' rec-
and Puerto Ricans till lower tracks, which ommendations-l children are deter~
lead them-if they stay at all-to "general" mined ' or saupetiot
....... Yet Herbert
rather than "academic" diplomas. Only 18 Kohl reports that he was able to help his
percent of academic high school graduates students raise their reading scores from one
were black or Puerto Rican (though they to three years, within a period of months,
were, as we said, 36 percent of the academic simply by teaching them how to take tests.
student population), and only one-fifth of Middle-class children, Kohl points out, learn
that 18 percent went on to college, as com- about tests early in their school careers, in-
pared with 63 percent of whites who .grad~ deed, a "predo minantly white school located
rated. In other words, only 7 percent of the less than a mile down Madison Avenue
graduates of New York's academic high [from Kohl's Harlem school] even gave
schools who went on to college were black after-school voluntary classes in test prepay
or Puerto Rican. The rest, for the most part ration." But in the Harlem schools it was
tracked into non-college-preparatory pro- "against the rules" to provide copies of old
grams, left school with what amounted to a tests so that teachers could help their pupils
ticket into the Armyf prepare for them, Kohl had to obtain such
The statistics for Washington, D.C., are copies from friends who taught in white,
even more striking, in part because figures middle-class schools, where back liles were
are available on the basis of income as well kept and made availableH Recent studies
as race and ethnic background. In the na- have suggested, moreover, that the content
tion's capital, where, in 1966, 91 percent of of "standardized" tests conforms to the ex-
the students were black, 84 percent of those perience and norms of white, middle-class
black children were in schools without any children, thereby discriminating in still an-
honors track. In areas with a median income other manner against able children of poor
of $3,872 a year, 85 percent of the children or black parents.
were L a basic or _§enerai track, neither of 9 | |

them college-bound, while in areas where But statistics and abstractions may ob-
the income was $10,374 or better, only 8 scure the lives of children trapped in what
percent of the children were in the general has been called "programmed retardation."
track, and in such areas there was no basic A group of New York City parents, whose
track at all. Theoretically, tracking ranks children have been tracked into the special
students according to tbeir ability to achieve. "600" schools for allegedly "difficult" chil-
Yet WasI1ington's statistics suggest that the dren, has begun to prepare a suit to chal-
children of the poor have less than one-tenth lenge the compulsory-attendance law. While
of the ability of the children of the we11-to- the state has the right to make laws for the
do-an obvious absurdity. . . . health, welfare, or safety of children, they
If one stucMes the means by which stu- claim, it has no right to subject children to
dents are selected into tracks, one discovers a system that deprives and injures them.
a 1 i u r t h a v e r of discrimination against the Their point is that tracking is not simply a
chiiciren of the poor. It is on the basis of neutral "valve" to control manpower How,
as our initial image might at first have sug-
These figures were obtained by Columbia
University SDS from the records of the N.Y.C.
gested. Rather, tracking harms some child
Board of Education through the office of the
Reverend Milton Galamison, then a member of "See Herbert Kohl, 86 CoMdren (New York,
the board. 1968), P- 178.

dren, depriving those we call "deprived," those whose diplomas will not admit them
making them less competent, less able to to college; those who will be able to enter
reach, let alone to use, the instruments of only two-year or junior colleges, and the
power in U.S. society. In the light of track- lucky few in the honors classes who will go
ing, schools become for such children not on to elite institutions and to graduate or
the means of democratization and liberation, professional schools. Thus while tracking
but of oppression. may assure the "failure" of lower-class stu-
On the other hand-, tracking is also one dents, as a system it allows the schools to
means of controing middle-class students. "succeed" in serving middle-class interests
The Selective Service's "channeling" system by preparing their children to fill the techno-
benefits the young man who can aliord to logical and professional needs of corporate
go to college, and whose culture supports society.
both higher education and avoiding the draft
if he can. Channeling helps him, however,
[Tracking also affects higher education]
only so long as he lives up to the draft
Encouraged by U.S. society to believe that
hoard's standards of behavior and work. Just
young people can rise to the top, whatever
as the threat of loss of deferment drives draft
their race or class, blacks, Chicanos, Puerto
registrants into college or jobs in the "Na-
Ricans, and some working-class white stu-
tional interest," so the threat of losing priv-
dents are beginning to press into colleges.
ileged status within the school system is
Higher education in the United States has
used to drive students to fulfill upper-track,
had to manage an elaborate and delicate
college-bound requirements. In a school in
technique for diverting many of those stu
which students are tracked from, say,
dents from goals toward which they have
"l2-1"-the twelfth-grade class for college-
been taught to aspire, but which a stratified
bound students-down to "l2-34"-the
society cannot allow them all to reach.
class for alleged unreachables-dcmotion
"Cooling" them "out," the term openly used
not only would threaten a student's social
in higher education and now beginning to be-
position, but his entire future life. Having a
come as familiar to students as "channel-
child placed in a lower track is a stigma for
ing," means that certain students are de-
£1 college-oriented family, as every principal
liberately and secretively discouraged from
faced with angry parents pushing to have
aspirations middle-class youth take 1`or
their children in the "best" classes will tes-
granted. Working-class students are tracked
tify. Moreover, entry into prestige colleges,
into second-class or "junior" colleges,
or even into college at all, normally depends
"cooled out" and counseled into substitute
upon track and other measures of school
curricula (a medical technicians program
status. Thus though the threat, like that of rather than a premedical course), or if they
channeling in the past. has been largely un-
get to a university, programmed for failure
spoken, it continues to push students to be-
in large "required" courses."
having and achieving as required by the
California's three-tiered system of higher
education has provided a model for other
The track system provides a formal basis -
for translating class-based factors into aca- example, Burton R. Clark, "The
'Cooling- Function in Higher Education,"
demic criteria for separating students into
different groups' those who will drop out,
A.m er.*lc;rm ]0)HI(l[as Sociology, L X V (May,
I960) .
The Effect of Taxes c d Government Spending on Inequality 235

states: the "top" eighth of high-school grad- search funds) in the University of Mary~
uates may be admitted to the university sys- land."
tem, the "top" third to the state colleges,
the rest are relegated to what one writer has
The circular process is obvious: just as
described as "those fancied-up super high
the economic class of El student's family
schools, the local two-year 'community col-
largely determines his admission to a par-
leges.' "'!' Factors closely related to race and
ticular college or university in the first place,
economic class~students' high school track,
so does his placement at that college deter-
grades, and College Board scores determine
mine his future. Indeed, money is destiny!
placement into a particular level of higher
Given the process of "upgrading" jobs, one
education, though the fees students pay are
might find suitable the image of a squirrel
relatively similar wherever they may go in
in a circular cage: the faster he runs, the
the state. Like tracking in high schools,
more firmly does he remain bound to his
state-subsidized higher education channels
position. While the admission of working-
students into distinctly inequitable systems.
class students to community colleges may
111 Maryland, for example, the average per
seem to be serving their desire for upward
pupil expenditure during fiscal year 1966
mobility, in fact it may barely be keeping the
was $802 in community colleges, $1,221 in
lid on potentially explosive campuses.
the state colleges, and $1,724 (excluding re-
"Kingsley Widmer, "Why Colleges Blew Up, *1Mcr5!w' Plan for Hffgfrvf' Edwrsrrknrz 1'r: M a r y -
The Nanon, 208, (Feb. 24, 1969). p, 238. Iand, Section 2, p. 19.


The Effect Taxes and Government

Spending on Inequality

To complete our analysis of income inequality, one major consideration

remains: the redistributive impact of the state. .In the next two readings
we turn to the direct impact of government tax and expenditure programs
on the distribution of incoml. It must first be noted that the state is already
importantly involved in our analysis of income distribution that has been
presented up to this point. By defending the basic institutions of capital-
ism, the state perpetuates r l most fundamental source of inequality.
Government also analects the distributional process by creating and sup-
porting intermediary institutions such as schools which aid in the main-
tenance and transmission of inequality.
But the state's impact on income inequality is not confined to such
"system-maintenance" effects. In recent decades federal, state, and local
governments have increasingly acted to redistribute income directly among
dillierent groups in the United States. In so doing, have they had a sig-
nificant effect on the inequality which results from capitalist economic
in order to examine the distributional impact of government, we will
look both at the revenue side of the budget (Who pays the taxes? Do

the rich or the poor pay more?) and at the expenditure side (Who benefits
from the expenditures on government programs'?). This analysis must
unfortunately ignore the more complicated but equally important distribu-
tive effects of nontax or nonexpenditure policies-e.g., Who benefits from
the government's maintenance of high unemployment? What are the ef-
fects on capital earnings of the government's method of financing the
public debt? What is the distributive impact of implicit subsidies such
as the oil import quota or highway and airport programs?
Any discussion of government's role in redistributing income usually
begins by considering the federal income tax. it is widely known that the
nominal federal tax rare increases as one's income grows larger, so that an
individual with a high taxable income must pay not only more taxes, but
a higher proportion of his income in taxes. This should clearly result in
greater equality in after-tax income. And. since the tax rate increases to
very high levels (70 percent for the highest income bracket), one would
expect not only some movement toward greater equality, but significantly
greater equality.
As Table 5-C (p. 236) shows, however, the actual equalizing impact
of the federal income tax is considerably less than the rate structure would
imply. The disparity is created by the divergence of elective tax rates
(the rates people actually pay) from nominal rates (the rates established
by the statute). Effective tax rates are much lower than nominal rates be-
cause of various tax loopholes which reduce taxable income.
Figure 5-A shows, for the federal income tax, the effective tax rates
throughout the income scale after allowing successively for (1) personal
exemptions; (2) personal deductions; (3) the capital gains provision;
and ( 4 ) income splitting.' The overall impact of these various provisions
is to make actual tax rates much less than the nominal rates, and the
capital gains and deductions loopholes in particular greatly reduce the
difference in tax rates for rich and poor. The relatively flat curve for ef-
fective rates explains why inequality is nearly identical between before-tax
and after-tax incomes.
The federal income tax is not of course the only tax, in fact, other
taxes account for roughly 60 percent of total taxes paid. These taxes-
sales taxes, taxes on real estate, the corporate profits tax, excise taxes, etc.
-generally fall much more heavily on the poor than on the rich. The
sales and excise taxes, for example, take a fixed percentage of what people

1The personal exemptions provision allows one to subtract $600 of his income
for himself and each dependent before computing taxes on the remainder. The
deductions provision allows one to subtract certain expenses (e.g., medical, business
expenses) from taxable income. Capital gains are the income received when assets
(e.g., corporate stocks) are sold for a higher price than they were 'bought for; if the
asset had been owned for at least six months before being sold, the capital gains tax
provision permits this income to he taxed at a lower rate than income earned from
other sources, e.g., from labor. The income splitting provision allows one to assign
part of his income to children or other members of the family by transferring
income-producing property lo the other family member. thus it is possible to pay
lower rates than if all income were attributed to one person.
The Effect of Taxes and Government Spending on Inequality 237


90 : _



Effective Rate (Percent)

, I , ;

é . \

, ~ : : .

.» s .». \


. " $

: \` ~ , \. .. . ~". ca<p@raiGains
. . \

. ..

Nominal Rates < . \

... . . `
. \

`l / \
\ ,§. ~, ~ , \j

\ /
. /
v \.. `

Income Splitting
20 K

Exempfions H
10 '°*r Actual Effective Rates

1 l l I I 1 I I i l
00 e 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1,000

Total Income (Thousands of Dollars, Ratio Scale)

SOURCE: Richard Goode, The Individual Income Tax (Washi11gt.on, D.C. :

Brookings Tnslilution, 1966), p. 236.

Figure 5-A Influence of Various Provisions on Effective Rates, Taxable Returns, 1960

spend, since poor people are forced to spend all of their incomes, while
rich people save a good portion of their incomes, the poor wind up paying
a higher proportion of their income in taxes. The corpOfai .§?6li't"s` ii-55
probably only raises the price at which the corporations sell their prod-
ucts, and therefore the cost of the tax is actually borne by the consumers;
if so, the distributive impact would be similar to that of the sales tax."
Real estate taxes, where they refer to rental apartments, are probably
passed on to the tenants in the form of higher rents.'* It must be concluded
that any tendency toward equality created by the federal income tax is
wiped out by other taxes which take more from the poor than from the
rich. The pre- and post-tax incomes given in Table 5-C refer only to the
federal income tax. Taking all taxes together, it is likely that there would
be no change at all.
Even if the tax system makes no contribution to equalizing incomes,
it might still be true that governme ii cxpendures have an equalizing
impact. If the government took as taxes the same proportion of income
from rich and poor, the net impact of the government could still be in
favor of the poor. This would happen if most of the money was spent on
programs benefiting the poor. In this case, the poor would be better off
as a consequence of government intervention, since the amount they re-

2Thc problem of dctermmmg whctl-lcr consumers, corporate owners, the corpo-

ration's workers, or some combination of the three "rea.lly" pay the corporate
income tax is still much debated.
3Fo1' a good discussion, sec Gabriel Kolko, Wwxlf/z and Power in Afrlrfrtcrs, (New
York: 1~lrc:derick A . Praegcr, Inc., 1962) Chapter 2.

eeiverl back in the form of services would be paid for not only by their
own tax payments but also by those of the rich.
However, as James Bon f e n demonstrates in the next reading, the reality
is often the reverse. After failing to contribute to equality on the tax side,
the government often increases inequality by undertaking programs which
benefit the rich more than the poor. The following ease study of govern-
ment spending programs in the agricultural sector is an example of the
unequal benefits that derive from government spending.

Source: The following is excerpted from "The Absence of Knowledge of

Distributional Impacts: An Obstacle to Effective Public Program Analysis
and Decisions" by JAMES T. B U N N E N , from The Analysis and Evaluative
of Public b`xpend'': The PPB System, a compendium of papers
prepared for the Subcommittee on Economy in Government of the Joint
Economic Committee of the United States Congress, 91st Congress,
1st Session (Washington, .I).C.: U.S. Government Printing OlDFce, 1969).
Reprinted by permission of the author.

. . . In a general way we have known for simply cannot and do not serve all rural
some time that [the farm] program has people today.
concentrated. distribution of benefits. Many
agricultural economists, most prominently
T. W. Schultz, have long drawn attention to A 1967 study by the Department of Ag-
this fact. However, there have not previously riculture for the Senate Agricultural Com-
been any systematic quantitative measures mittee provides a direct insight into the
of the degree of that concentration. Little equity considerations that relate to the re~
has been known about distributional differ- source allocation arguments Four different
ences between commodities and between re- standards were used for computing a parity
gions and States within commodities. Nor income or parity return to resources in farm-
has there been any comparison of the dif- ing. Farm programs enacted during the Ken-
ferential distributional impacts of price sup- nedy and Johnson administration years had,
ports and the direct payments that have en- by 1966, provided parity or higher income
tered into the program as a major factor returns (by all four standards) for the 16
since 1962. percent of all farmers who had gross sales
.In the United States in the middle of the of $20,000 or more. This group produced
Nineteenth Century, rural life meant farm more than two-thirds of all agricultural
life. There was little rural economic activity products in 1966. The 16 percent of all
besides that generated by farming. The pre- farmers in the $10,000 to $20,000 gross
ponderance of U.S. population lived in rural sales category in 1966, who produced 18
areas and practically all of that was on percent of all output, earned 81 to 98 per~
farms. Today less than 30 percent of our cent of a parity return depending upon the
population is rural, and less than 5 percent standard used. While there is a wide dispel
is on farms. While some of that rural popu- signaround these mean figures, these pro~
lation living in small rural communities are grams have not generated a parity return or
dependent on the economic activity gener-
lPcrri2'y Refrnuzs to Ff:nr:crs. Senate Document
ated in agriculture, it is a prima facie matter 44, 90th Congress, first session, August 10, 1967.
that farm programs in the nature of things p. 22.
The Effect of Taxes and Government Spending on Inequality 239

better to the most eilicient farmers who pro- ing down this table you will see that the 40
duce the bulk of our farm products. percent of the smallest farmers (allotment
The entire structure of the industry has holders) receive much less than a propor-
been transformed from the traditional sub- tionate share of the program benefits even
sistence farming economy of the Nineteenth in the case of the programs with the least
and early Twentieth Centuries into a highly concentrated distribution of benefits. In a

specialized industrial enterprise in which typical program such as peanuts, Table 5-Q
command over 1°CSOLlIIC€S o1.1tput,_land in- suggests that it would be necessary to gen-
come in agriculture have become far more crate about $I0 of program benefits for
highly concentrated. Today less than 10 per- every dollar going to the lowest 40 percent
cent of all farmers produce over half of all of smaller peanut farmers. Variation across
agricultural output, about half of the farm- all the commodity programs would range
ers produce 95 percent of all the U.S. agri- from about $6 to $34 of total benefits for
cultural output With few exceptions, farm every dollar going to the lowest 40 percent
programi , whether they are credit, conserva- of the farmers. Looking at the very bottom
tion, or commodity programs, are designed of the distribution, this same table shows
#in access to them is that it would be necessary to generate from
today s6-inil1l1ll\i
directly related to the size of assets he con- $20 to $100 of benefits for each dollar go-
trols, the amount of land he operates and ing to the lowest 20 percent of farmers.
his volume of output. Under these condi- Even. after considering all the qualiiica-
tions it perhaps is not surprising that the tions that go with these numbers, the data
farm programs are increasingly questioned suggest very clearly that the farm programs
with respect to the equity of their distribu- are not efficient means for affecting an in-
tional consequences. come redistribution. to the smaller low in-
Recent work by the author throws con- come farmers. Since it is clear from the par-
siderable light on the distributional charac- ity illcome study that the more efficient
tcristics of farm commodity programs. For farmers are already receiving near parity
our purposes this _presentation will be lim- income or better, it seems an inescapable
ited to a s'umnlatl_of
_Fl the results and a sam- conclusion that any attempt to solve the low
plc of the statistical evidence for the reader's income small farmer problem via price sup-

own inspection. m a y resented are in ports would generate huge windfall profits
the form of -Lorenz curves and Gini con- to the more efficient larger scale operators.
centration ratios. The Lorenz curve tells one The welfare impact of these distributions
what percentage of the farmers received cannot actually be ascertained fully unless
what percentage of the benefits. The Gini we have a measure of the current distribu-
concentration ratio measures the degree of tion of income and assets among benefici-
concentration of the distribution of benefits aries for comparison with the distributions
-that is, it measures how far a given distri- of program benefits. Ideally, one would de-
bution departs from at completely equal dis- sire to have this not only for the U.S. as El
tribution of benefits between all benefici- whole for all farmers but one should also
aries. have the income and asset distribution of
From Table 5-Q it can be seen that all cotton producers for comparison w'iTE l"`
of the commodity programs are fairly highly
concentrated, some of them greatly so. Look-
ton program benefits, m»»m
the rest of the programs. Such estimates
» Ln

are not available. The best that is immedi-

2Econom'c Research Service, U.S. Department
of Agriculture, Farm Income Situation (FIS-211). ately available for this purpose is a measure
July 1968, pp. 64, 68-69. of the Lorenz curve of the net money in-



Percent of Benefits Received By rhe-

Lower Lower Lower Top Top Top Gini
20 Per- 40 Per~ 60 Per- 40 Per- 20 Per- 5 Per- Concen-
cenf it centL of cenf of cerrf of cenf of ceni of frcrfion
Farmers Farmers Farmers Farmers Farmers Farmers Ratio

Sugar Cane, 19652 1.0 2.9 6.3 935 83.1 63.2 0.799
Cotton, 19642 1.8 6.6 15.1 84.9 69.2 41.2 .653
Rice, 1963 : 1.0 5.5 15.1 84.9 65.3 34.6 .632
Wheat, 1964:
Price Supports 3.4 8.3 20.7 79.3 62.3 30.5 .566
Diversion Payments 6.9 14.2 26.4 73.6 57.3 27.9 .480
Total Beneiits'l 3.3 8.1 20.4 79.6 62.4 30,5 .569
Feed Grains, I964:
Price Supports 0.5 3.2 15.3 84.7 57.3 24.4 .588
Diversion Payments 4.4 16.1 31.8 68.2 46.8 20.7 .405
Total Benefits*
Peanuts, 19642
Tobacco, 19653
1 1.0
Farmer and Farm Manager
Total Money Income, 19635 11.7 26.4 73.6 50.5 20.8 .468
Sugar Beets, 19652 - 14.3 27.0 73.0 50.5 24.4 .45 6
Agriculture Conservation
Program, 1964:1
All Eligibles 7.9 15.8 34.7 65.3 39.2 (7) .343
Recipients 10.5 22.8 40.3 59.7 36.6 13.8 .271
This table presents portions of 2 Lorenz curves relating the cumulated percentage distribution of heneiits t o the
cumulated percent of farmers receiving those benefits. Cols, 1 through 3 summarize this relationship etmtulated up from
the lower (benefit per farmer) end of the curve, and cols. 4 through 6 summarize the relationship cumulated down
from the top (highest benefit per recipient) end of the curve.
For price support benefits plus Government payments.
For price support benefits.
4Includes price support payments and wheat certificate payments as well.
"David H. Boyne, "Chtulges in the Income Distribution in Agriculture," Journal of Farm Economies, Vol. 47, No.
5, December 1965, pp. 1221-22.
"For total program payments. Computed from data in "Frequency Distribution of Farms and Farmland, Agri-
cultural Conservation Program, l 964," ASCS, U.S. Department of Agriculture, .lamuztry 1966, Tables 3 and 8.
1'Not available.
SOURCE: Except as noted all figures are from James T. Bonnet, "The Distribution of Benefits from Selected
U.S. Farm Programs," Re:-nl Pot'erf.\' in the Urrifccl Smfest A Report of the Pre.rfds>n t's N(/tkma1 Advisory Contmissfon
on Rnrai Poverfjf. 'washington, D.C., G.P.O., 1968.

comes of farmers and farm managers esti- of farmers only tobacco, sugar beet, and
mated for 1963 by Boyne and for 1964 by ACP programs have the eitcct of' adding
Coffey? Boyne's figures are arrayed in Table proportionately more program benefits to a
5-Q where they can be compared with simi- farmer's income than he commands as a
lar Lorenz distributions for the various pro- share of farm income. That is, this group of.
grams. At the level of the lowest 40 percent farmers receives 1 1.7 percent of farm in-
come, but a higher percentage than this of
David H. Boyne, "Changes in the Income
Distribution in Agriculture," .lozerucd of Farm tobacco, sugar beet, and ACP program
Economics, Vol. 47, NO. 5, December 1965, benefits. The lowest 20 percent of farmers
pp. 1213-24, and Joseph D. Coffey. "Personal receives 3.2 percent of net farm money in-
Distribution of Farmers' Income by Source and
Region." A 2Hc'ric.*arlr .fun/:fri of' Farm Economies,
come. But they receive more than 3.2 per-
Vol. 50, No. 5, December 1968, pp. 1383-96. cent of the benefits of the wheat, peanut, to-

Perceni of Toto] Benefits Received By the-

Lower Lower Lower Lower Top Top Top Top Top Gini
70 Percent 20 Percent 33 Percent 50 Percent 50 Percent 33 Percent 20 Percent TO Percent I Percent Concenfra-
of Farmers of Farmers of Farmers of Farmers of Farmers of Farmers of Farmers of Farmers of Farmers #ion Ratio
S`fgfe (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9l (IO)


Ll U9

SL SI 9i7S`

Alabama S3 45

*-4 l\

61 69

<-1 on

oc oo

Florida 81 37

in pa


84 42



$9 SI
North Carolina 87 47

1 Q
to to In
SI 176§'

South Carolina 87 48

m O

$9 ION

Virginia 74 37


SI SL 19 VI I'S"
Southeast 85 47

08 OL Z§9`

. N . in 1`* OI U\ !. oc.

Arkansas 89 56


II E8 IL 099'
Illinois 89 53

08 519'

U 99 OT
Kentucky 89 47
6L 829'

ZI 69 91
Louisiana 88 54
6 178 SL VOL'

v on

Mississippi 91 64


171 VL 19 171 S9S'

~.o <r un
Missouri 86 44

c ('\l

Tennessee 82 42


N, In O. D, C* <32 N
18 LS9'


Delta 89 58


The Effect of Taxes and Government Spending on Inequality

ewoqnpig IZ S9 OS L 91717'

79 31

N N m N N n 1 V o l . m o I
SI IL go OI 0€S'

85 37



171 SL 95 avg'

qsamqqnog II
S6 39


\ 1""l
08 S9 SI 839'
Arizona 90 47
vq- or


g vs; ZL 989'
California 92 57


171 SL 09 II
New Mexico 86 42


F -

l"*- DO U""\
8 24 Hz zs9'
West 92 S6






08 69 IZ
United States 90 53 .653

This table preses LE port ions of 2 Lorenz curves relating the cumulated percentage distribution of benefits to the curl lated percent of farmers receiving those heneiits.
Cols. through 4 summzmrVe this relationship cumulzmtcd up from the lower (benefit per farmer) end of the curve, and cols. 5 through 9 summarize the rclarionship cumulated
down from the nop 'higher benefit per rccipiem end of lC curve.

SOURCES (a 1964 Upland Colon Final Planted Acres a n d Number of Farms Planting Croton by Size of Effecl'vc Allolme USDA. ASCS/Policy and Program
=rai5 .>1 t o , Nov. 64 nag: s ) ; \gr S: " USD; 196 p. 62, Pri is LE rcc used i :omputi je flue
_:so w- in :in 'ibl day a), rod JSDA , Do p.
[ron W( on

bacco, sugar beet and ACP program. Rice,

feed grains, cotton and sugar cane all pro- l t is also worth remarking that the varia-
vide to this lowest group of allotment holder tion in concentration within a particular
less of a share of program benefits than they commodity program from state to state and
average as a share of farm income. One is region to region can be rather large. These
tempted to say that these latter programs reflect primarily great variations in produc-
are regressive in their income impact in tivity and yield, and rather substantial dif-
farming, but this is not proved by this crude ferences in the median allotments as well as
though relevant comparison. Nor can we the relative variation around those medians.
argue conclusively that the ACP, sugar beet See the example of cotton in Table 5-R.
and tobacco (and possibly peanuts and feed
grains) programs have a progressive income
impact-even though our data seem to sug- Since the distribution of government pay-
gest this. ments are both very visible (unlike price
There are too many logical ditliculties to support benefits) and highly concentrated,
bridge. Cotton benefit distributions should efforts have been made in Congress in
be compared with cotton farmer income dis- recent years to place a limit on the size
tributions-not all farm income. Also some of the total payment that a single farmer
regionalization of the farm income distribu- may receive.
tion is needed to allow for geographic and Recently available data on the distribu-
industry mix differences associated with dif- tion of total payments in 1967 make it pos-
ferences in productivity. One cannot always sible to examine the concentration of total
assume that one is necessarily dealing with government payments and to test the distri-
the same general set of low incomes, or in- butional impact of a payment lirnitatiohI
deed with low income at all, when one A total of $3.1 billion in government pay-
speaks of the lower end of the distribution ments were made in l967. Eighty percent of
of benefits from a program. While it may this total went to three crops: $932 million
be fairly reasonable to assume that a small to cotton, $865 million to [eed grains and
cotton allotment represents a small farmer, $731 million to wheat. The only other com-
such an assumption is not necessarily rea- modities with direct payments were sugar
sonable in the case of wheat or feed grains. and wool which received $70 million and
Farmers do grow more than one commodity $29 million respectively. All the remaining
typically, and 21 small allotment may some- $439 million went into conservation (ACP,
times represent a minor enterprise in a sub- $225 million) and land withdrawal.5
stantial operation. It also should be noted In Table 5-S it can be seen that the dis-
that farm income accounts for a relatively tribution of total payments in 1967 was
small part of the total income of quite a highly concentrated, exhibiting a concentra-
number of smaller producers. This partially tion ratio of 0.671. This exceeds the con-
accounts for the very low concentration of centration in every commodity benefit dis-
total income of farmers from all sources as tribution in Table 5-Q except sugar cane.
compared to the high concentration of gross
and net incomes from farming operations Changes in program design such as have
that can be seen in Table 5-S. occurred since 1961, shifting emphasis from
Thus, the net effect of these programs price supports towards direct payments,
may be less regressive than the data suggest
Congressional old, Vol. I 14, No. 135,
--or possibly more regressive--but the pat- 90th Congress, Second Session (1968), p. H7928.
tern is clear. See footnote 2.
The Effect of Taxes and Government Spending on Inequality 243



Percent of Income Received By the-

lower 20 lower 40 Lower 60 Top 40 Top 20 Top 5 Gins

Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percern' Concen-
of of of of of of fraiion
1967 Farmers Farmers Farmers Farmers Farmers Farmers Rofio

1967 total government payments:

With no limitation on size
of total payment? 11 5.7 13.3 86.7 69.0 42.4 0.6'H
Assuming $25,000 limitationil I1 6.0 14.1 85.9 67,2 39.0 .652
Assuming $10,000 limitation3 12 6.5 15.3 84.'7 64.4 33.8 .623
Various measures of farmer
income in 1967:
Gross receipts from farmings 1.6 3.3 10.1 89.9 72.3 40.4 .693
Realized net farm income'-5 4.5 9.0 19.3 80.7 50.0 26.2, .54 I
Nonfarm income of farmers 25.5 51.0 70.1 29.9 15.6 5.6 .125
Total income of farmers 14.9 29.8 44.5 55.5 37.0 1 6.0 .21 I

1This table presents portions of 2 Lorenz curves relating the ctimulated percentage distribution of benefits to the
cumulated percent of farmers receiving those benefits. Columns 1 through 3 summarize this relationship eumnlated up
from the lower (benefit per farmer) end of the curve, and columns 4 through 6 summarize the relationship cumulated
down from the top (highest benefit per recipient) end of the curve.
Government payments to farmers as actually distributed in 1967. Total payments. were $3,100,000,000.
=*Assumes all 1967 beneficiaries continue to participate in programs and are eligible for payments. Under the S25,(l00
limit payments would total $2,800,000,000and under the $10,000 limit $2,600,000,000.
1lneluding Government payments and imputed nor money income from farm products consumed a t home and from
the rental value of the farm dwelling.
Net of farm production expenses and changes in farm inventories of livestock and crops.
SOURCES: Computed from data i n "Farm Income Situation," USDA, FIS-211, July 1968. PD. 68-69, except direct
payment data which are from the Congressional Record, July 31, 1968.

have considerable cifccts upon the distribu- which a higher proportion of the costs are
tion of the costs of the program also. While borne by the consumer in the form of food
no quantitative analysis is attempted here it costs, has a far greater impact on the low
is clear from the logic of the situation that income consumer than would be the canse
the cost of the price support operation is of direct payments in which the cost is borne
borne through the taxes necessary to sustain primarily by a progressive income tax. Thus,
the storage and control operation, and also price support acreage diversion programs
through consumers who pay some of the can be described as doubly regressive--that
cost through higher market prices. The shift is, a major share of the cost is borne by
toward direct payments shifts this relative consumers with below average incomes and
burden away from the consumer and toward a major share of the benefit is received by
the taxpayer. One exception to this is the farm producers with above average incomes.
wheat program where direct payments are The shift toward direct payments, while not
generated by a certificate system that is significantly affecting the distribution of
paid cventuaily by the consumer through benefits among farmers, has reduced the re-
the market. The price support approach, in gressivcness of the distribution costs-

Who Fares W/`ell i n the Welfare State?

The one government program which is supposed to be devoted exclusively

to the poor is the welfare system. In fact, Richard C. Edwards in this
essay defines the welfare system as all those programs which specifically
benclit the poor. The welfare system has been expanding rapidly: expend
ditures are up, and the number of recipients keeps growing. According to
the popular view, the welfare system must surely have had an equalizing
impact. But a careful look at the facts suggests a different conclusion.

Source: The following essay was written by RICHARD C. EDWARDS for this
book. Copyright © 1972 by Richard C. Edwards.

Official rhetoric aside, income inequality in system significantly to alter inequality in pa

the United States has diminished only capitalist society.
slightly over the last several decades. Aggre-
gate income data reveal that no significant
progress toward more equality has been THE POVERTY OF WELFARE
achieved since World War II, and in par-
ticular the poorest fifth of the population Included in the "welfare system" as that
continues to receive the same small propor- term is used here are all those programs
of total income, less than 6 percent,
which they received decades ago!
which grant either cash payments or goods
and services exclusively OI' at least princi-
These decades also witnessed the creation pally to poor people; eligiblity must be based
and growth of the manifold public assistance at least in part on the beneflciary's lack of
and other antipoverty programs. These pro- income." Table 5~T lists the major programs
grams-i weifa. system" have often which are included.
been perceived as !;El powerful force for While the welfare system has provided
greater equality; ucad they have had a gradually increasing absolute benefits to the
miniscule impact OH the distribution of in-
come in the United States. =*For example, general education programs are
The failure of the welfare system to at- not included, since they are undertaken on the
part of the general population and not in par-
tack inequality should not be surprising. In- ticular for the benefit of poor people; on the
equality is not only a consistent and normal other hand, some of Titlc I funds, which were
by-product of capitalist development, it is designated as antipoverty monies, are included.
The dividing line was generously applied, how-
also necessary for the functioning of capital- ever, including for example the federally financed
ist institutions." The welfare system in employment service, which with good justification
America must therefore operate within the could as well be considered as a subsidy to cm-
ploycrs rather than part of the welfare system.
constraints imposed by the need to maintain One large program sometimes thought of as part
inequality. To the first part of this essay I of the welfare system which we have nor included
describe the nature, size, and trends in wel- is the Social Security program, since it represents
fare expenditures in the United States, in no { or very little) transfer to the poor from the
rest of society but rather is mainly an insurance
order to assess the impact of the welfare sys- scheme in which poor recipients as a lifetime
tem. In the second part I investigate the the- group have paid in as much as they receive back.
oretical reasons for the f.ailure of the welfare It is true, of course, that the Social Security sys-
tem redistributes income over people's lifetimes,
1Sf:e Table 5-A, p. 209. 1't-zlurnirlg income during that part of their lives
See WcIssknpf, Section 3.7, p. 125. when their incomes are low. This does not con-
Who Fores Well in the Welfare State? 245

FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL PROGRAMS (billions of dollars)

Amount Spent
Category Sfufe and Loca! Federal

Public aid s 4.6 S 6.4

Unemployment insurance
and employment service 2.1 .9
Workman's compensation 2.3 .1
Health and medical programs 3.9 1.1
Public housing .1 .3
Education 1.0*
Other social welfare 2.3 1.8
(O.E.O., school meals, etc.)
$15.3 $11.6
Total: $26.9 billion
*Estimated for Title I, E.S.E.A.
SOURCE: SMrinfcrrl Abwracr as No Uniicd Starexz 1970, l§.S, Bureau of the Census, 'Wash-
ington, D.C., 1970, p. 277.

poor, it has never threatened the overall of the welfare system. Total welfare costs
sfruclure of inequality. First, the total ex- in 1968 were $26.9 billion. In order to grasp
penditures on welfare programs have never the impact of that magnitude, suppose that
been great enough to affect the income dis- in 1968 (with no other changes in tax or
tribution significantly; since the poor help welfare laws) the government had taxed an
finance the welfare system through their tax additional $26.9 billion from the richest
payments, the redistributive impact is even fifth (20 percent) of the population. At the
less than the total expenditures would indi- same time, imagine Piatt-lhs F5269 billion
cate. Second, the level of welfare benefits as had been transferred to the poorest fifth of
a percentage of median family income or the population, distributed evenly among
average weekly wages has remained constant them. What would have happened? The
or declined, so one cannot argue that wel- richest fifth would still be, by far, the rich-
fare programs contributed much to est, their "reduced" incomes would still be
greatmF equalize over 'Hme. These facts, more than one and one-half times greater
which l present below, explain why a rising than the next ricrizest ftfl Furthermore,
amo um of total benefitii has been entirely poorest fifth would still be the poorest., their
consistent with a nearly constant degree of "expanded" incomes would still he less than
income inequality. three-qz¢arter.~; of the income of the next
First let us look at the aggregate impact poorest fifth of the population
This exercise, insignificant as it would
be for income redistribution, gf-o.s'.sZy over-
stitute redistribution to the poor. however, since esnVnares the impact of the welfare system.
the beneficiaries have by and large paid for the
benefits they receive. For a careful study which This is so for three reasons. First, only some
comes to this same conclusion, see Elizabeth benefits from the programs we have included
Doran, "Income Redistribution Under Social Se- go to poor people. For example, all federal
Curity," National' Tax Journal, XIX, No. 3. p, 285.
See also John Britlain, "The Real Rate of Interest This assumes that aggregate personal income,
on Lifetime Contributions Toward Retirement as it appears in Department of Commerce Na-
Under Social Security," in Old-Age Income A5- tional Income Accounts, follows the income dis-
.9ur'rifncc', U.S. Congress, Joint Economic Commit- tribution which was cakelated from CPS data
tee, December, 1967, Part iii. and Qiven in Ackerman, or of., Section 5.1. p. 207.

health and medical spending, except that total personal income. While welfare expen-
relating to defense and medical research, ditures have been growing absolutely, they
have been included, yet many of these pro- have not grown relative to other economic
grams are not at all directed toward the magnitudes: in comparison to personal in-
poor. Second, I have ignored all of the ad- come, welfare expenditures have barely
ministrative costs, boondoggles, subterfuges, maintained their position. Needless to say,
etc., which accompany welfare programs in the income-equalizing impact has likewise at
this country. Certainly even with the best best remained constant over time.
intentions, much of the $26.9 billion spent In order to determine the overall redistrib~
on welfare in 1968 never actually reached utive impact of the welfare system we must
poor people, for example, the salaries of also consider who pays the taxes which fi-
welfare workers, and the cost of most "pov- nance welfare programs. Welfare expends
erty research" (including research support tores redistribute income to the poor only
for this paper) are included in this figure. to the extent that the poor do not themselves
Third, I assumed that the entire tax burden pay for those programs.
required to finance the welfare program was Welfare programs are financed slightly
paid for by the richest fifth. But the welfare more from state and local tax revenues (57
system is in fact paid for out of general tax percent) than from federal revenues (43
revenues to which the poor contribute, so the percent),5 Since federal taxes are slightly
redistributive impact is overestimated to the redistributive toward the poor, and state
extent that the poor pay for their own bent taxe are considerably more biased against
lits. the poor, a conservative estimate of the
That welfare expenditures have not been poor's tax contribution toward financing the
of sufficient magnitude to threaten the over- welfare system can be obtained by assuming
all structure of inequality becomes even that the $26.9 billion in 1968 was paid for
more evident if we relate the total cost of by income groups in proportion to their in-
the programs we have included in the wel- cornes." This assumption would mean that
fare system to other economic magnitudes. the poorest fifth would have contributed be~
In 1938, while the United States was TC- tween $1.5 billion and $2.0 billion toward
covering from the Depression, welfare ex-
penditures amounted to 6.78 percent of 55ltr1!isfilcr1t Abs:/uct, 1970, p, 277.
"This assumption is used by Robert Lamp ran.
total personal income. But, as Table 5-U "Transfer and Redistribution as Social Process,"
shows, since World War II the total amount in Shirley Jenkins (ed.), Social Security in In-
spent on welfare programs by all federal, terfzafional Perxpecfive (New York: Columbia
University, 1969), p. 41. Remember that this
state, and local governments has remained a
figure includes only the non.-Social Security taxes
roughly constant-and lower-proportion of which the poor pay to finance welfare programs.



AH Welfare Tofu! Personal! Welfare us a

Costs Income Percenf o f
Year (billions of $) fbiffions of $) PBf.§'OfllCll* Income

1938 $ 4.7 $ 68.6 6.78%

1950 $ 8.8 5228.5 3.86%
1960 $13.3 $400.8 3.31%
1968 $26.9 $685.8 3,82%

SOURCE: Calculated from Sranisrical Abslracr, 1940, pp. 3665.1 1952, p. 219, 1960, p. 283,
1969, p. 275, and The National Irksome and Product! Accormrs of aha United Srates. /9294965
1966, DD- 32-33.
(Supplement t o the Survey of Current Business), Dept. of Commerce, Ci.P.O., Waishingtcul, D.C:.,
Who Fares Well in the Welfare State? 247


(I) (2) 13)

Average Annuuf Money Median Income Average Poymenf
Payment Under General of Civilian A5 Percent of
Assistance Program Employed Mczfes Medium Income ( I ) / ( 2 )

1950 $ 564 $2831 19.9%

1960 $ 804 $4822 16.7%
1968 $1128 $7080 15.9%
SOURCE: Statistical Abstract, 1969, p. 296, 327. Current Pop rfifnifm Reports, U.S. Department
of Commerce, Series P-60, No. 69, April 6, 1970, p. 82.

paying for welfare benefits, and the poorest national income or to average wages--has
two-fifths of the population (all of whose occurred in other programs as well. For ex-
incomes were below 57,500) contributed be- ample, the unemployed worker, if he hap-
tween $5.5 billion and $6.0 billion. Hence pened to be among the 63 percent of the
any estimate of the her benefit to the poor civilian labor force who by 1968 were eligi-
from the welfare system would require our ble for unemployment compensation, did
reducing welfare expenditures by between little better: in l95U, average weekly bene-
$1.5 and $6.0 billion. lits for a worker who was unemployed were
The same point is made by examining the 34.4 percent of the average weekly wage in
benefits from individual programs. Public as~ manufacturing. In 1960, the average unem-
sistance, one of the largest programs, is the ployment benefits had "increased" to 35.2
program usually thought of when people percent of the average manufacturing wage,
mention "welfare." Suppose we express the but by 1968 benefits had fallen back to 34.7
average annual payment made to an individ- percent. Thus there was no change in rela-
ual under this program as a percentage of tive benefits."
some comparable magnitude, say the median
income of employed civilian males? Then "Siafisticaf Absfrrzct, 1969, p. 292. The worker
who was fully employed at the legal minimum
each of the five public assistance categoriesS wage did no better: as the following table shows,
had fewer payments in 1968 than in 1950. the minimum wage, while rising absolutely, has
The figures for the largest category, general not increased sufficiently to keep pace with inHa~
son and the general rise in wages. Thus a worker
assistance, are shown in Table 5-V. Relative "protected" by the minimum wage has suffered a
to the average income earner, the average decline in position relative to the average worker.
weZl'a1'e recipient suy§*'erea' a decline in The Minimum Wage as a Percent o f Average Wages
position. I

The same phenomenon-diminished or at re\ (29 (3)

legal Minimum Average Hourfy Minimum Wage as
best constant benefits relative to the median Wage'} Wcvge in AH Percent* of Average
Marvufcrcfuring Mfg, Wage: I?),f'l2!

1940 S{},1() $0.66 45.9%

Tl chose median income of employed civilian 1950 $0.75 $1 ,44 52.1%
males as our index only because the data are 1955 $1,00 $1.86 53.8%
convenient. For example, since many welfare re- 1960 $1.00 ST26 44.2%
1965 5 r .25 52.61 =:iT.*J"';:;~
cipients are women, it might have been more 1968 S1.60 $3.01 38.'.2'§8E>
appropriate to use median income of employed
civilian females. The results, however, would have *Notez the minimum wage law in 1968 covered only
been the same since lhc ratio of median incomes 62% of the civilian labor force. some of whom were
eligible only for a lower minimum wage than that given
of employed civilian males to females has re- in ( I J , most of those n o t crwcred earn less than the
mained nearly constant over the lime period we minimum wage, See Marvin Kusters and Finis Welch,
arc considering. "The Effects of Minimum Wages on the Distribution of
"Old age assistance, aid to dependent children, Changes in Aggregate Employment."
TAccording to at recent report to the Committee for
aid to the blind, aid 10 the disabled, and general Economic Development ("Who Are the Urban Poor?" by
assistance. Anthony Downs). a job at the current Federal minimum

The same is true of the Social Security None of the above is meant to deny that
program. We do not include Social Security some poor people benefit from the welfare
as part of the welfare system, since it is pri- system or that in some absolute sense they
marily an insurance scheme in which poor were better provided for in 1968 or 1971
recipients as EL lifetime group have paid in than in earlier years. Furthermore, struggles
as much as they receive back. But popular waged by groups such as the National Wel-
illusion about Social Security's impact makes fare Rights Organization to obtain rights for
the case illustrative nonetheless. In the cate- poor people directly improve the lives of
gory of old-age retirement benefits, for those aided. Nonetheless, the conclusion to
example, the average annual stipend as a the previous analysis is clear: welfare pro-
percentage of the average weekly wage in grams have not been growing relative to the
manufacturing industries fell from 17 per~ rest of the economy, and in many cases they
cent in 1960 to 15.3 percent in 1967. Or have even suffered declines. The welfare
again, taking together all categories for all system |- never threatened the overall
Social Security programs, average annual structure of inequality in the United States.
benefits as a percentage of the average The evidence cited above !, intended to
weekly wage in manufacturing fell from 21.1 show that the welfare system has operated
percent in 1950 to 19.7 percent in 1960 to within very narrow constraints. I suggested
18.8 percent in 1967.1U that those constraints are a consequence of
These trends are summarized in the fol- capitalism. All the evidence, however, has
lowing graph: been drawn from the U.S. context. In order
to show that the constraints result from
capitalism (rather than being something pe-
culiar to the American political system, for
60 Wage)\ example), it would be necessary to provide
the same kind of evidence from other capi-
. q

talist societies. While a. thorough examina-
tion of other countries is beyond the scope

Public (Social
of this paper, I can at least suggest some


reasons why the U.S. evidence is particularly


Assistance Security)
a= relevant.
First, the failure of the U.S. welfare sys-


l T
. I
tcm to generate greater equality must re-
llect something more fundamental than lack
1940 T 950 1960 1970
of political will, poor leadership, or "mis~
Trial welfare is shown as percent of' personal income.
takes." Such ad hoc explanations would be
Public assistance is shown as percent of median in- acceptable for a short span of history. But
come of' employed civilian male.
Social security and minimum wage are shown as per- starting at least as early as Franklin Roose-
cent of average weekly wage in manufacturing industries.
velt`s New Deal, the liberals dominating na-
Figure 5-B Welfare Benefits as Percent of Average tional politics committed themselves to se-
Wages or Income curing more income for Americas poor.
While we must doubt the depth of their com-
wage of SL60 an hour brings in $225 a year less than mitment, the imntertse political pres,s'w'e as
enough for basic subsistence. Sec pages 7 :md 40 of
he report. parenfly required in order to institute equal-
SOURCE: The Farm' Sfattdllrtlv Ad, l9.?8-1968, U.S.
Department of Labor, Wage and Hour and Public Con- izing progrants is itself t e s f a f r f e n i f to the
uuels Divisions. U.S. Government Printing Once, 1968, .w'rengz'h of the underlying ec.~onrJmit~ forces.
SrrlliA.rf¢'1d Ab.s.rnzcr, 1969, p. 'vJ8.
1*'S!atfstical Ab.s'frac1', 1969, pp. 278 and 228. Even the public commitment mobilized by
Who Fares Well in the Welfare State? 249

.lohnson's "War on Poverty" failed to pro- said about the direct relation between those
duce any significant trend toward greater constraints and capitalism?
equality. Given this history, there is a prima One of the consequences of the capitalist
facie presumption that the welfare system's development process is that it destroys mo-
failure to generate greater equality reflects a tivation for work other than that based on
more basic characteristic of the economic wages. In a society where individual mate-
system. rial rewards-wages-are the main incen-
Second, evidence from abroad suggests tive to work, significant inequalities in labor
remarkably similar conclusions. For example, earnings must exist in order to induce work-
a recent study of the celebrated "welfare ers to work hard, to acquire and apply pro-
state" in Denmark revealed that although the ductive skills, to accept alienation at the
Danish welfare system is much larger and workplace, and to acquiesce in their lack of
more comprehensive than its U.S. counter- control over productive activities." Inequal-
part, it has had almost no impact on the dis- ity is required so that "good workers" can be
tribution of income in Denmark,11 Another rewarded, "bad workers" can be punished,
study, by the Secretariat of the Economic the incentives to "go along" and "work
Commission of Europe, considered the dis- hard" are made clear to all. The need for
tributional impact of the entire system of inequality is most clearly manifest within
taxes and benefits in Western European bureaucratic offices, where both the incen-
countries. After noting that there was some tive to rise and the ex post justification of
redistributive effect for the very poor and hierarchical levels of authority are much
very rich, it concluded that "the general pat~ strengthened by income differentials.
tern of income distribution, by size of in- If the need for such inequality does not
come, for the great majority of households, seem plausible, imagine the opposite: sup-
is only slightly affected by government ac- pose all workers received the same wage.
tion." The standard response-"But then who
would be willing to work hard?"--simply
Inequality serves other functions is well.
If we provisionally accept that the con- For example, the ideological rationale for ac-
straints within which the welfare system has cepting alienating Ilmllil conditions that
worked over the past thirty years are im- alienating work makes possible higher con-
posed by the capitalist system, what can be sumption levels, and that higher consump-
tion is the true path to personal. fulfillment
1 'The study, veisrand Udell Veifuerd (Wealth
-also depends in part on the existence of
without Welfare) by the economist Bent Hansen,
is discussed by Jacques .Hersh in " 'Welfare inequality. An intense drive for higher con-
State' and Social Conflict," Mrriirflfy Review, sumption is more easily maintained, by ad-
XXII, No. 6 (Nov. 197 0), DD. 29-41. Hersh vertising, for example, in an atmosphere of
(p. 3 4 ) quotes Hansen as concluding: "Beneath
the surface of a modern welfare society, social
inequality, where a fundamental appeal can
injustice and social barriers are still thriving. . . . be made to the pleasure of consuming things
In our time, the gap between the rich and the which other people do not have.
poor is growing deeper." The statement is all the
more revealing since the author is E1 leading mem-
An adequate welfare system would be
ber of the Social Democrats, who until recently EVCI] more tenuous in a capitalist society
rated the government almost uninterruptedly
since World War II. 1F*This abstracts frorl. most concentrated
"Economic Commission of Europe. incomes source of inequality in capitalist socio-l , namely,
i n Postwar' HEr¢ropc'.' A Sturdy o}' Pol'icfr*s', Growth, concentration of capital capital
and Distinction, Geneva, 1967, pp, 1-15. income among a tiny portion of the population.

than equal wages. The welfare system pro- stamp program is devised to insure that the
vides income without work. The destructive stamps benefits a family only so long as the
impact on work incentives of an "adequate family has an alternative income with which
welfare income" would therefore be all the to buy the stamps. Public housing requires
greater. The obstacle to an adequate welfare people to pay rent. School meals, though
system is simply this: in a society which re- subsidized, still require some money. Wel-
quires and depends on the wage incentive to fare benefits as wage supplements may mar-
force people to work, HO one would work if ginally increase a family's standard of liv-
an adequate income were available without ing, but they do not weaken the necessity to
work. work.
One important feature o f the current wel- A certain minimal level of welfare which
fare system is that it never in any funda- docs not undermine the work incentive is
mental way breaks the link between income entirely consistent with the operation of capi-
and the necessity to work?" It avoids do~ talist institutions and the preservation of in-
ing so in several ways. First, work is almost equality. Unemployment compensation and
always more remunerative than welfare." employment services (counseling and re-
Second, few benefits are available to persons ferrals) help establish mobility in the labor
in the work force: 25 percent of the poor market and therefore provide genera] bene-
live in families headed by fully employed fits to employers as well as workers. Some
males who earn less than the poverty in- expenditures for basic public health meas-
come] is yet these families arc eligible for few ures maintain the health and welfare of the
benefits. Most benefits go to indigent chil- national work force and increase its pro-
dren, old people, the blind, female heads of ductivity. Public hospital expenditures divert
households with small children, etc., all of llllnmllllnl
v [hey arc sick, to public
whom cannot participate in the labor market. hospitals, thereby freeing quality hospitals
The point is not that these persons are not for their specialit-y, treating the rich.
deserving, clearly they are. However, the Finally, some welfare programs are re-
chief criterion for their benefit eligibility un- quired just because extreme poverty poses
der the present system is not that they are a threat to the economic system. Those af-
poor, but rather that they cannot sell their fected have no stake in maintaining the sys-
labor-power on the market. tern and may make demands for change. The
Third, benefits available to people poten- preservation of capitalism requires thesmu-
tially or actually in the labor force tend to city be alleviated, or at least that something
be more like wage supplements than wage be done about its appearance. In this sense,
substitutes. Benefits provided in the form of basic income support for persons not in the
services (health care, training, job counsel- labor force stabilizes the system from two
ing, etc.) cannot be used to purchase the directions. lt depolitieizcs conflict and diverts
family's food, shelter, and clothing. The food poor people's demands around which they
might otherwise organize to threaten the eco-
"Even Nixon's proposed Family Assistance nomic system. And by focusing exagger-
Plan would not do this. since the income pay- ated attention on welfare programs, it di-
ments would be so low that a family would still verts the animosity and frustration of the
have to work to support itself.
! S e e Bradley R. Schiller, "Thc Permanent lower-middle class downwards rather than
Poor: An Inquiry Into Opportunity Stratifica- upwards. Such expenditures therefore
tion," unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard strengthen the stability of the system itself.
University, 1969.
1 Cited in Anthony Downs, "Who Are the
In all of these ways, a minimal welfare sys-
Urban Poor" (CED Report). tem represents a good investment by capital-
Who Fares We1I in the Welfclre S'faTe? 251

ists in the preservation of the system and kept the poor from becoming too poor, that
the increased productivity of its workers. is, from becoming rebelliously poor. And an
In conclusion, the welfare system cannot adequate welfare system would directly and
be viewed as a meaningful attack on in- fundamentally conflict with the operation of
equality. Historically, it has never played the basic capitalist institutions. Under capi-
that role. From the English Poor Laws of talism, we can never expect a welfare system
the sixteenth century to the Family Assist- which significantly reduces inequality.
ance Plan, welfare programs have simply


Further reading is recommended in Lauter investigates how educational attainments are

and Howe, "How the School System Is related to age, race, and parents' social class,
Rigged for Failure" as cited in the source concluding not only that inequalities are
line for Section 5.3. For more on the theory great but that they are increasing. Sexton
of income distribution, especially on the con- [7] describes inequalites within one school
Hict between "efficiency" and "equity" and system ( Detroit) and how they are syste-
the great inequalities resulting from market- matically related to race and class.
determined efficiency, see Meade [4], espe-
cially Chapters 1 and 4. Michelson [5] [1] Gurley, John, "Federal Tax Policy," Na-
tional Tax Journal, September, 1967.
argues that actions of the state necessarily
[2] Hansen, W. Lee, and Burton A. Weisbrod,
affect the market distribution process, so the Benefits. Costs, and Finance of Public
state's distributive impact cannot be treated Higher Education. Chicago: Markham,
separately from and ex post to the market 1969.
distribution. More data on income distribu- [3] Kolko, Gabriel, Wealth and Power in
tion, especially by categories of income re- America. New York: Praeger, 1962.*
cipients, is given in Miller [6]. Both Kolko [4] Meade, James, E1'l°iciency, Equity, and Ike
[3] and Zeitlin [9], Parts 2 and 3, provide Ownership of Properth. Cambridge,

Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1965.

a broader view of inequality, including data
[5] Michelson, Stephan, "The Economics of
on income and wealth inequality, stock Real Income Distribution," Review of
ownership, particular data on the poorest Radical Po liticfaf Economics, H, No. I,
and. richest parts of the population, taxes, Spring, 1970.
etc. Chapter 2 of Kolko [3] is a very read- [6] Miller, Herman P., Rich Man Poor Man.
able description of the inability of the fed- New York: New American Library,
I 964.*
eral tax system to affect income distribution
[7] Sexton, Patricia C., Education and Income.
greatly; it also considers who pays state and
New York: Viking, I961.=1=

cussion of the entire to *

local taxes, so it is an extremely useful dis-
al~='l»=llh' [1]
[8] Spady, William, "Educational Mobility and

is a good critique of the "conventional _al

dom" on the distributional impact
policy. Hansen and Weisbrod [2] rovide an

Acccss: Growth and Paradoxes," Amer-
ieun Journey! of Sociology, November,
[9] Zcitlin, Maurice, American Society, Inc.
Chicago: Markham, l 9'70.=:=
excellent or 'I
study Q? time - w a s op-
posed to the alleged-equalizing benefits of
public expenditures on education. Spady [8] *Available in paperback editions.
=~. R.

\ @@Lf-uV



"ASKED I F HE LIKED HIS JOB, ONE OF meaning, that used by Marx in his early
John Updike's characters replied, 'He]l, it writings:
wouldn't be a job if I liked it." "1 After
reading Elinor Langer's description of her The alienation of the worker in his product
job with the telephone company, that reply means not only that his labor becomes an
object, assumes an external existence, but
is understandable." But why do most jobs
that it exists independently, outside himself,
seem so onerous? Must they necessarily be and alien to him, and that it stands opposed
burdensome? to him as an autonomous powers*
This apter investigates the relationship

between capitalist institutions and alienation In this usage, alienation from work means
-alien Quinn# i l l only at the job, but the being deprived of' control over, being sepa-
alienation which characterizes many of every rated from and uninvolved in the decision
individual's most important social relations: process determining the nature and purpose
relations in the family, in the community, in of work.
schools, at work. Hence, this chapter con- In the capitalist firm, both organization of
cerns a basic aspect of the quality of the re- work activities and disposition of the work
lations among people under capitalism. product are determined by the owners of
Alienation has come to have two mean- the firm rather than by those who perform
ings, closely related yet quite distinct. The the work; such work is therefore aZzlenaz'ed
term is most commonly used in its psycho- labor. Likewise, one is (socially) alienated
logifcal or subjective sense, meaning "dislike from his community if he is deprived of
of" or "separation of one's approval from." control over basic community decisions and
This is the alienation that individuals feel hence plays no part in the process determin-
and experience. In this usage, for example, ing those decisions. Other and equally im-
to be alienated from school means not to portant forms of social alienation are the
like school, for one's own values to be sep~ alienated family, where people, especially
rated from the school's values and pur- women, are bound by restrictive social tra-
poses. Seen as primarily a. _p/chological ditions and are not free to determine the di-
problem and experienced individually, this rection of their own lives; the alienated
alienation is typically categorized as a per- school, whore students (and often teachers)
sonal rather than a social problem. Yet most do not participate in deciding what should be
people feel alienated in some ways, and they studied and how, and alienated consumption,
usually can point to specific social sources where people follow consumption patterns
of their alienation: workers point to their which are socially approved but do not lead
oppressive, meaningless jobs, students, to to individual satisfaction.
repressive schools, and so forth. All this sug- A person's social alienation--his exclu-
gests that psychological alienation, though it sion from participation iN decisions affect-
may be experienced individually, nonethe- ing his life-need not refer solely to
less has a social basis. One purpose of this things which the person actively dislikes. For
chapter is to demonstrate that its social example, a person can be alienated from
basis inheres in capitalist institutions. meaningful community if he exists in a
Alienation also has a social or objective community where social contacts are super-
iicial, yet, he may not recognize that aliena-
1 1 o t e d in PaQ}_§_an and Paul Sweezy, Mo- tion if he has never been a member of a
nopofy Capital . York: Monthly Review
Press, 1966), p. 345. See Karl Marx, Section 3.3, p. 106 (last italics
~2EIinor Langer, Section 1.2, p. 14. added).

White-Collar Woes and Blue-Collar Blues 255

closer community or if he has had no ex- stances-rather than personal ones-is not
perience to know what community is. Ob- automatic, neither does it follow inevitably
jectively, he is alienated from community. that these social conditions are correctly
A second purpose o tins chapter is to illus- identified with the (socially) alienated char-
trate the consequences of alienation in this acter of capitalist institutions.
second, social sense. The first three readings in this chapter
In general, people in capitalist society do describe the personal experience and social
not participate in making the basic decisions roots of alienation in three distinct roles:
that affect their lives, instead, these decisions the alien ation of the worker, the alien ation
are made through capitalist institutions over of the housewife, and the alienation of the
which most individuals have little or no con- consumer. The fourth reading links certain
trol. The likely, it not characteristics of alienation with the require-
inevitably independent of the interests of ments of capitalist technology. The final
the persons Tnvolved, and the consequences reading provides a comprehensive analysis
of these decisions will be contrary to their that relates the particular manifestations of
needs. Hence, people's alienation from con- alienation, as described in the preceding
trol over basic decisions ensures that their readings, to the operation of capitalist insti-
needs will not be met; that is, social aliena- tutions.
.ti0nlredases the material conditions for Although we consider here some of the
psychological alienation. more direct consequences of alienation, the
When people feel that they are powerless, examples are illustrative and are not in-
this perception of their social alienation leads tended to describe all manifestations of
to psychological alienation. When people alienation. The special and particularly op-
perceive that their needs are not being met pressive alienation of blacks and Third-
through their work activities, their family World Americans is only hinted at, and the
life, or their community, the social basis of alienation most widely commented upon,
alienation creates its psychological manifes- that of students and youth, is not dealt with
tations. But experiencin alienation is dif- at all.
ferent from recogn

. in
source, llnd for
people to understand that their alienation 4We return to this problem in Chapter I l,
derives fundamentally from social circum- especially Sections I 1.5 and I 1.6.

6.1 White-Collar W/' obs and Blue-Collar Blues

In the following reading, Judson Gooding describes alienation at the job.

Although his perspective is necessarily somewhat different from that of
the actual workers, he nonetheless portrays well some aspects of what
makes jobs alienating. In reading this description, it is important to keep
in mind that about 35 percent of the labor force is occupied in blue-collar
jobs, while an additional 50 percent of the workforce performs non-
managerial white-collar and service jobs.T

Source: Part I of the following is excerpted from "The Praying White

Collar" by JUUSON GOODING, Associate Editor of Forl'urle Magazine.

1See Table 4-L, p. ITS.


Reprinted from the December 1970 issue of Forlurze Magazine by spe-

cial permission. 1970 Time Inc. Part II is excerpted from "Blue-Collar
Blues on the Assembly Line," also by Judson Gooding. Reprinted from
the July 1970 issue of Fortune i`l/Iagazine by special permission. 1970
Time Inc.

Part l ° \Vl1ite-Collar Woes the clerk rather than the man on the pro-
duction line is the typical American worker.
There are many groups undergoing transi- Under the broad definition of the white-
tions in America today, but none more rap- collar category used by the Bureau of Labor
idly than the country's white-collar workers. Statistics-covering the whole sweep from
The strong mutual loyalty that has radi- professional and managerial through clerical
tionally boy am white-collar workers and and sales workers
ite collars out-
management rapidly eroding. These work- number blue-collar workers, by thirty-eight
ers-clerks, accountants, bookkeepers, sec- million to twenty-eight million, In this
retaries-were once the elite at every plant, article, Fortune has excluded supervisors,
the educated peep mu . worl<ed- alongside
proprietors, and degree-holding technicians
the bosses and were happily convinced that and engineers-workers with authority over
they made all the wheels go Zi"i'i3'G"1"1"d. other employees or for committing company
there are platoons of them instead of a funds-and even by this narrower definition
privileged few, and instead of talking to the white-collar workers total about nineteen-
boss they generally communicate with a ma- million. Until the economy slowed down
chine. last winter, employment in these categories
The jobs are sometimes broken down into had been increasing by an average of 3 per-
fragmented components, either for the con- cent a year.
venience of thosa machines or so that the Now that they are needed by the millions,
poorly educated graduates of big-city high white-collar workers are also expendable.
schools can perform them. Despite their air- The lifetime sinecure is rapidly disappearing
conditioned, carpeted ol°flces cerIainly the as management experts figure out yet an-
most lavish working quarters ever provided other way to streamline the job, get in an-
employees in mass--the sense of distance other machine, and cut down overhead. Will
and dissociation from management has in- liar Gomberg, a former union official and
creased sharply, and the younger white col- new a professor at the Wharton School of
lars are swept by some of the same restless- Finance, says, "White collars are where ad-
ness and cynicism that afflict their classmates ministrators look to save money, for places
who opted for manual labor. . . . All too to fire. It's the law of supply and demand.
often, the keypunch operator spends the Once you're in big supply, you'rc a bum."
workday feeling more like an automaton When an unprofitable division is closed or
than a human being. a big contract slips away to a competitor,
layoffs are measured in thousands, and the
workers usually hit the streets with no more
THE NEW MASSES severance benefits than management feels
willing and able to provide.
The white-collar worker is caught in the Member .firms of the New York Stock EX-
middle-and indeed is chief actor-in one change cut payrolls from 101,314 to 86,123
of the most basic of the trends now sweep- nonsales employees during the first seven
ing the country. This is the trend toward a months all U j .; . deep slash of 15,191
predominantly service economy. Already, persons. In just one grim week in October.
White-Coilor Woes and Blue-Collar Blues 257

Sylvania Electric Products, Inc., announced volveinent that many white-collar workers
it was discontinuing semiconductor opera- have with the world around them. Few of
tions and the Celanese Corp. disclosed it was those interviewed by Fortune claimed much
cutting 2,000 employees, most of them interest in reading, in music, in any cultural
white-collar. Steel companies are reducing activity.
olhcc staffs by the thousands. The unem- There is a terrible, striking contrast be-
ployment rate for white-collar workers, "us- tween. the fun~hlled, mobile existence of the
ually somewhat more impervious to El gen- young opulents of America as shown on tele-
eral rise in joblessness," according to the vision, and the narrow, constricting, un-fun
Bureau of Labor Statistics, rose a full per- existence that is the lot of most white-collar
centage point during the first nine months workers at the lower job levels. You can't
of this year from 2.1 to 3.1 percent. buy much of what television is selling on the
The pay advantage white-collar workers salaries these young workers earn, about all
enjoyed when they were a select group has you do is stay at home watching those good
been eroded along with their job security. things go by on the screen. The result is
Until 1920, white-collar workers got be- frustration, sometimes bitterness, even anger.
tween 50 and 100 percent more pay than Workers in this stratum cannot but notice
blue-collar workers, but by 1952 they had that the federally defined poverty standard
fallen 4 percent behind. The pay gap has is climbing toward their level from below,
grown steadily since then. Raises for cleri- while above them the salary needed to enjoy
cal workers came to 21.9 percent from 1964 the glittery aspect of American life soars
to 1969, while factory workers, already ever higher, further and' further out of reach.
ahead, got raises adding up to 26.2 percent. For many, the office is the real world, not
Production workers made an average of only a livelihood but a focus of existence.
$130 a week last year and clerical workers They expect it, somehow, to be more than
only $105. A Penn Central station agent it has yet become.
with twenty-four years of service complains:
"New cleaning men make more than Td-0.
counting overtime, although I'rn in charge
of running the stalumni an handling Part II- Blue-Collar Blues
cash." Many white~collar workers feel their
status has declined as well. A twenty-nine- I Spend 40 Hours (I I4/ack Here'
Le ar-o-iii" secretary in a government agency - A m I S1/pposed to Work Too?
L says, "We're lower people. Sign in tavern near Ford Dearborn plant
Down at our level we'ro peons, that's what
they think of you." Detroit knows a lot about building new
cars, but there's a lot it doesn't know about
the new young men building them. . . . Of
Enlightened maneaIl already proclaim the 740,000 hourly paid workers building
that a central concern in any enterprise must cars today, 40 percent are under thirty-five.
be to provide fulfillinH satisfying work for The automobile industry, justly proud of its
the people who spend so muoN of their lives extraordinary record of past accomplish-
inside company walls. More than economic ments, is totally committed to the assembly
needs must be met. The importance of this line which comes down from that past, and
concept is reinforced by the fact that the its heroes are veteran production men who
job, dull as it may be, is the most active in- know how to "move the iron." At the plant
258 Al.lENATlON

level, managers are trying to build cars by has reached the point where an average of
the old methods with new workers they 5 percent of G.M.'s hourly workers are
don't understand and often don't much like. missing from work without explanation every
While it headquarters top executives are be- day. Moreover, the companies have seen
ginning to worry about "who's down there" only a slight dip in absenteeism since car
on those assembly lines, what "they" are production started declining last spring and
like, what "they" want from their jobs, there layoffs at the plants began. On some days,
is still a comprehension gap. notably Fridays and Mondays, the figure .
goes as high as 10 percent. Tardiness has in-
creased, making it even more difficult to
The central fact about the new workers start up the production lines promptly when
is that they are young and bring into the a shift begins-after the foreman has scram~
plants with them the new perspectives of bled around to replace missing workers.
American youth in 1970. At the beginning Complaints about quality are up sharply.
of this year, roughly one~third of the hourly There .are more arguments with foremen.
employees at Chrysler, General Motors, and more complaints about discipline and over-
Ford were under thirty. More than half of time, more grievances. There is more turn-
Chryslcr's hourly workers had been there over- The quit rate at Ford last year was
less than live years. The new workers have 25.2 percent. . . . Some assembly-linc work~
had more years in school, if not more of ers are so turned off, managers report with
what a purist would call education: blue- astonishment, that they just walk away in
collar workers between twenty-ive and mid-shift and don't even come back to get
forty-four years old have completed twelve their pay for time they have worked. . . .
years of school, compared to ten years for In some plants worker discontent has
those forty-live to sixty-four. lt doesn't sound reached such a degree that there has been
like much of a dilierencc, but it means an overt sabotage. Screws have been left in
increase of 20 percent, The new attitudes cut brake drums, tool handles welded into fender
across racial lines. Both young blacks and compartments (to cause mysterious, unfind-
young whites have higher expectations of the able, and eternal rattles), paint scratched,
jobs they Lil] and the wages they receive, and and upholstery cut.
for the lives they will lead. They are restless,
changeable, mobile, demanding, all traits
that make for impermanence-and for dith- Absenteeism is notably higher on the less
cult adjustment to an assembly line. The desirable late shifts, where there are more of
deep dislike of the job and the desire to the newer and younger employees. Lacking
escape become terribly clear twice each day any precise knowledge of why the absentees
when shifts end and the men stampede out stay away, beyond their often feeble excuses,
the plant gates to the parking lots, where the conclusion has to be that by staying out
they sometimes actually endanger lives in they are saying they don't like the job. . . .
their desperate haste to be gone. Automobile making is paced, in most of its
For management, the truly dismaying evi- production operations, by the inexorable de-
dence about new worker attitudes is found mands of the assembly line, usually turning
in job performance. Abscntecism has risen out about fifty-five cars per hour, leaving
sharply, in fact it has doubled over the past the men no flexibility of rhythm. At some
ten years at General Motors and at Ford, plants there are sternly detailed work rules
with the sharpest climb in the past year. It that would make a training sergeant at a
White-Collar Woes and Blue-Collar Blues 259

Marine boot camp smile with pleasure. The and they don't look as though they would
rules prohibit such offenses as catcalls, take much gull. They are creatures of their
horseplay, making preparations to leave times.
work before the signal sounds, littering, Management has tended to assume that
wasting time, or loitering in toilets. ... good pay with a good fringe is enough to
Working conditions in the plants, some command worker loyalty and performance.
of which are gloomy and old, do not match For some, it is. General Motors has issued
those in many other industries, the setting is to all its workers an elaborate brochure in-
often noisy, dirty, even smelly, and some forming them that even its lowest-paid
jobs carry health hazards. The pace of the hourly employees are in the top third of the
line and the separation of work stations limit U.S. income spectrum. (The average weekly
the amount of morale-sustaining camaraderie wage at GM. is $184.60.) But absenteeism
that can develop. The fact that 100,000 of continues, and learned theoreticians take is~
the 740,000 auto workers were laid oil for sue with the automobile executives about
varying periods this year has, of course, money as a reward, arguing that men work
added to discontent. . . . for more than pay and that their other psy-
Walter Reuther [former United Automo- chological needs must be satisfied.
bile Workers Union President] pondered the
industry's problem with youth in an educa-
tional~television interview a few weeks be- DON'T LIKE NOTHIN' BEST"
fore his death. Young workers, he said "
three or four days' pay and figure, ILJI.. What the managers . . . hear is a rum-
can live on that. I'm not really interested in bling of deep discontent and, particularly
these material things anyhow. I'm interested from younger production workers, hostility
in a sense of fulfillment as a human being." to and suspicion of management. A black
The prospect of tightening up bolts every worker, twenty-two years old, at Ford in
two minutes for eight hours for thirty years, Dearborn, says he dislikes "the confusion
he said, "doesn't lift the human spirit." The between the workers and the supervisor."
young worker, said Reuther, feels "I'1e's not By "confusion" he means arguments. He
master of his own destiny. He's going to run would like to set his own pace: "It's too fast
away from it every time he gets a chance. at times." The job is "boring, monotonous,"
That is why there's an absentee problem." there is "no glory", he feels he is "just a
The visual evidence of a new youthful in- number." He would not want to go any
dividuality is abundant in the assembly faster, he says, "not even for incentive pay."
plants. Along the main production line and A white repair man in the G.M. assembly
in the subassembly areas there are beards, plant in Baltimore, twenty-nine years old,
and shades, long hair here, a peace medal- says, "Management tries to get more than a
lion there, occasionally some beads-above man is capable of. It cares only about pro-
all, young faces, curious eyes. Those eyes ducdon'
have watched carefully as dissent has spread A black assembly worker at Chrysler who
in the nation. These men are well aware that shows up for work regularly and at twenty-
bishops, soldiers, diplomats, even Cabinet four, after Army service, gets $7,400-a-year
officers, question orders these days and dis- base pay, says, "I don't like nothing' best
pute commands. They have observed that about that job. ft really ain't much of a job.
demonstrations and dissent have usually The bondsman is always on our backs to keep
been rewarded. They do not look afraid, busy."

Talks with dozens of workers produced this infringes on their individuality and
few words of praise for management. There freedom.
is cynicism about possibilities for advance-
ment. "Promotion depends on politics in the
plant," a twenty-seven-year~old trim worker
for Ford said, and others expressed similar
The foremen, as the most direct link between
views. "They tell you to do the job the way
management and the workers, draw heavy
it's wrote, even if you find a better way,"
criticism, most of it from the younger men.
says an assembly worker, thirty-two, at
They are accused, variously and not always
fairly, of too close supervision, of inattention
Complaints about the lack of time for
or indifference, of riding and harassing men,
personal business recurred in different plants.
of failing to show them their jobs adequately.
"You're tied down. You do the same thing A young apprentice diemaker at Fisher
every day, day in, day out, hour after hour,"
Body says, "They could let you do the job
says a union committeeman, thirty-one, who
your way. You work at it day after day.
worked on the line twelve years. "You're
They don't." A General Motors worker in
like in a jail cell-except they have more
Baltimore, twenty-nine and black, says, "The
time off in prison. You can't do personal
foreman could show more respect for the
things, get a haircut, get your license plates,
workers-talk to them like men, not dogs.
make a phone call." With the increased com-
When something goes wrong, the foreman
plexity of life, including more administrative
takes it out on the workers, who don't have
and reporting obligations, more license and
nobody to take it out on."
permit requirements, more insurance and
medical and school forms, workers tied to the
production line have diiiiculty keeping up.
Unable even to phone in many cases, as "THEY HATE TO GO IN THERE"
their white-collar brethren can, they feel
frustrated, and one result is they sometimes The morale of the young workers is summed
take a whole absentee day oft to accomplish up grimly by Frank E. Runnels, ine thirty-
a simple half-hour chore. The problem af- five-year-old president o-f '0.I&Ni7. local 22
fects everyone similarly, but here as in other at Cadillac: "Every single unskilled young
areas of discontent, the young workers are man in that plant wants out of there. They
quicker to complain, and more vociferous. just don't like it." Runnels, who put in thir-
A prominent and somewhat surprising teen years on the assembly line, says there
complaint is that companies have required has been a sharp increase in the use of drugs
too much overtime. Workers, particularly and that heavy drinking is a continuing prob-
the younger ones with fewer responsibilities, lem. "This whole generation has been taught
want more free time and want to be able to by their fathers to avoid the production line,
COMM! on that time. . . . U.A.W. Vice-Presi-
to go to college to escape, and now some of
dent Douglas A. Fraser says, "In some cases them are trapped. They can't face it, they
high absenteeism has been caused almost ex- hate to go in there."
clusively by high overtime. The young
workers won't accept the same old kind of
discipline their fathers did." They dispute the Gene Brook, director of labor education
corporations' right to make them work over- at Wayne State University, blames the young
time without their consent, he says, feeling auto workers' anger on "the guy's feeling
Women's Alienotionz The Problem With No Nome 261

that he is not a part of anything," that he is side, some G.M. plants have even tried re-
an interchangeable cog in the production warding regular attendance with Green
process. "Workers who want a sense of scif- Stamps, or initialed drinking glasses.
development, and want to contribute," says
management consultant Stanley Pcterfreund,
Whatever is done, says G.M.'s director of
"instead are made to feel unimportant."
Campus and factory ferment have similar ori-
employee research, Delmar L. Lander Jr.,
it must be remembered that absenteeism and
gins, in the opinion of Fred K. Foulkes, an
allied production problems are only symp-
assistant professor at the Harvard Graduate
toms of the trouble. For too long the auto-
School of Business Administration. "People
mobile industry has "assumed economic man
want more control, more autonomy. They
was served if the pay was okay," says Lan-
want to be the acting agent rather than acted
den, who has a doctorate in industrial psy-
upon." Foulkes, author of Creating More
chology and fourteen years experience with
Meaningful Work, stresses that the discipline
G.M. "It didn't matter if the job was fulfill-
of the assembly line adds a special problem.
ing. Once the pay is good, though, higher
"People have to be there," he says. "There's
values come into play." Other satisfactions
no relief until relief time comes around. The
are required. "One thing is sure: if they
whole situation, therefore, is inconsistent
with what seems to be going on in society-
won't come in for $32.40 a day, they won't
and it's too costly to change the technology. come in for a monogrammed glass."
So the question remains: How do you per-
mit men to be individuals?" [One suggested Nobody disputes that these new workers
method] would have managers find ways to are the brightest, best-educated labor force
make the jobs varied and interesting through that ever came into the plants. If their po-
both motivation and technology. The indus- tential were somehow fully released, they
try is certainly looking. On the motivational would be an asset instead of a problem.

6.2 Women's Alienution: The Problem With

No Name

Women, to the extent that they perform alienated work or live in alienated
communities, experience the consequences of. alienation much as men do.
But to leave matters there would be to ignore the critical special condi
sons that define women's alienation. In this reading, Betty Friedan de-
scribes some of those conditions.

Source: The following is reprinted from Chapter I of The Feminine

Mystique by BETTY FRIEDAN. By permission of W.W. Norton & Com-
pany, Inc., and Laurence Pollinger Ltd. Copyright © 1963 by Betty'

The problem lay buried, unspoken, for many the middle of the twentieth century in the
years in the minds of American women. It United States. Each suburban wife struggled
was a strange stirring, a sense of dissatis- with it alone. As she made the beds, shopped
faction, a yearning that women suffered in for groceries, matched slipcover material,

ate peanut butter sandwiches with her chil- by science and labor-saving appliances from
dren, chauiTeured Cub Scouts and Brownies, the drudgery, the dangers of childbirth and
lay beside her husband at night-she was the illnesses of her grandmother. was
afraid to ask even of herself the silent ques- healthy, beautiful! educated, concerned only
tiori-"is this all?" about her husband, her children, her home.
She had found true feminine fulfillment. As
11 housewife and mother, she was respected
There was no word of this yearning in the
as a full and equal partner to man in his
millions of words written about women, for
world. She was free to choose automobiles,
women, in all the columns, books and arti-
clothes, appliances, supermarkets, she had
cles by experts telling women their role was
everything that women ever dreamed of.
to seek fulfillment as wives and mothers.
Over and over women heard in voices of
tradition and of Freudian sophistication that
If a woman had a problem in the 1950s
they could desire no greater destiny than to
and 1960s, she knew that something must
glory in their own femininity. Experts told
be wrong with her marriage, or with her-
them how to catch a man and keep him,
self. Other women were satisfied with their
how to breastfeed children and handle their
lives, she thought. What kind of a woman
toilet training, how to cope with sibling ri-
was she if she did not feel this mysterious
valry and adolescent rebellion, how to buy a
fullilhnent waxing the kitchen Hoor? She was
dishwasher, bake bread, cook gourmet
so ashamed to admit her dissatisfaction that
snails, and build a swimming pool with their
she never knew how many other women
own hands, how to dress, look, and act
shared it. If she tried to tell her husband, he
more feminine and make marriage more
didn't understand what she was talking
exciting, how to keep their husbands from
about. She did not really understand it her-
dying young and their sons from growing
self. . . . Women in America found it harder
into delinquents. They were taught to pity
to talk about this problem than about sex.
the neurotic, unfeminine, unhappy women
Even the psychoanalysts had no name for
who wanted to be poets or physicists or
it. When a woman went to a psychiatrist for
presidents. They learned that truly feminine
help, as many women did, she would say,
women do not want careers, higher educa-
"l'm so ashamed," or "I must be hopelessly
tion, political rights-the independence and
neurotic." "I don't know what's wrong with
the opportunities that the old-fashioned
women today," a suburban psychiatrist sftid c
feminists fought for. Some women, in their
uneasily. "I only know something is wrong
forties nu fifties, distill remembered pain-
because most of my patients happen to be
fully giving up those dreams, but most of the
women. And their problem isn't sexual."
younger women no longer even thought
Most women with this problem did not go
about them. A thousand expert voices ap-
to soc at psychoanalyst, however. "There's
plauded their femininity, their adjustment,
nothing wrong really," they kept telling
their new maturity. All they had to do was
themselves. "There isn't any problem." . . .
devote their lives from earliest girlhood to
Just what was this problem that has no
finding a husband and bearing children.
name" What were the words women used
when they tried to express it? Sometimes a
The suburban housewife-she was the woman would say "I feel empty somehow
dream image of the young American women . . . incomplete." Or she would say, "I feel
and the envy, it was said, of women all over as if I don't exist." Sometimes she blotted
the world. The American housewife-freed out the feeling with a tranquilizer. Some-
Women's Aliencntionz The Problem With No Nome 263

limes she thought the problem was with her happy in their role as housewives. "The
husband, or her children, or that what she road from Freud to Frigidaire, from Sopho-
really needed W aw rec coratc her house, cles to Spock, has turned out to be a bumpy
or move to a b( m iighborhood, be have one," reported the New York Times (June
an altair, or anolfF16r baby. Sometimes, she 28, 1960). "Many young women-certainly
went to a doctor with symptoms she could not all-whose education plunged them into
hardly describe: "A tired feeling . . . I get a world of ideas feel stifled in their homes.
so angry with the children it scares me . . . They find their routine lives out of joint
I feel like crying without any reason." ( A with their training. Like shut-ins, they feel
Cleveland doctor called it "the housewife's left out. In the last year, the problem of the
s y n d r o m e ) A number of women told me educated housewife has provided the meat
about great bleeding blisters that break out of dozens of speeches made by troubled
on their hands and arms. "I call it the house- presidents of women's colleges who main-
wife's blight," said a family doctor in Penn- tain, in the face of complaints, that sixteen
sylvania. "I see it so often lately in these years of academic training IS realistic prepa-
young women with four, live and six chil- ration for wifehood and motherhood."
dren who bury themselves in their dish- There was much sympathy for the edu-
pans. But it isn't caused by detergent and it cated housewife. ;("Like a two-headed
isn't cured by cortisone." schizophrenic ,,, ,bncc she wrote a paper
Sometimes a woman would tell me that on the Graveyard poets, now she writes
the feeling gets so strong she runs out of the notes to the milkman. Once she determined
house and walks through the streets. Or she the boiling point of sulphuric acid; now she
stays inside her house and cries. Or her chil- determines her boiling point with the over-
dren tell her a joke, and she doesn't laugh due repairman. . . . The housewife often is
because she doesn't hear it. I talked to reduced to screams and tears. . . . No one.
women who had spent years on the analyst's it seems, is appreciative, least of all herself.
couch, working out their "adjustment to the of the kind of person she becomes in the
feminine role," their blocks to "fulfillment process of turning from poetess into
as a wife and mother." But the desperate shrew.")
tone in these women's voices, and the look Home economists suggested more realistic
in their eyes, was the same as the tone and preparation for housewives, such as hiah-
the look of other women, who were sure school workshops in home appliances. Col-
they had no problem, even though they did lege educators suggested more discussion
have a strange feeling of desperation. groups on home management and the family,
to prepare women for the adjustment to do-
mestic life. A spate of articles appeared in
The actual unhappiness of the American the mass magazines offering "Fifty-eight
house m was - -.
being reported . . . al- w"2-}.y5 to Make Your Marriage. More Excit-
though talked about No month went by without a new book
it found some superficial reason to dismiss it. by a psychiatrist or sexologist offering tech-
It was attributed to incompetent appliance nical advice on finding greater fulfillment
repairmen (New York Times), or the dis- through sex.
tances children must be chauffeured in the The problem was dismissed by telling the
suburbs ( Time), or too much PTA (Red- housewife she doesn't realize how lucky she
book). Some said it WAS the old problem is-her own boss, no time clock. no junior
-education: more and more women had executive gunning for her job. What if she
education, which naturally made them un- isn't happy-does she think men are happy

in this world? Does she really, secretly, still matter what the experts say. For human suf-
want to be a man? Doesn't she know yet fering there is a reason, perhaps the reason
how lucky she is to be a woman" has not been found because the right ques-
The problem was also, and finally, dis- tions have not been asked, or pressed far
missed by shrugging that there are no solu- enough. I do not accept the answer that
tions: this is what being a woman means, there is no problem because American
and what is wrong with American women women have luxuries that women in other
that they can't accept their role gracefully" times and lands never dreamed of, part of
As Newsweek put it (March 7, I960) : the strange newness of the problem is that
it cannot be understood in terms of the age-
She is a'issaif isfied with a [of that women of old material problems of man: poverty, sick-
other lands can only dream of. Her discon- ness, hunger, cold. The women who suffer
tent is deep, pervasive, and impervious to this problem have a hunger that food can-
the superficial remedies which are oj'erea' not fill. It persists in women whose husbands
at every hand. . . . A n army of pro fessionai
are struggling internes ,ma_.___,law clerks, or
explorers have already charted the major
sources of trouble. . . . From the beginning prosperous doctors and lawyers, in wives of
of time, the female cycle has dehneai and workers and executives who make $5,000 a
confined woman's role. As Freud was year or $50,000. It is not caused by lack of
eren'it-eo* with saying: "Anatomy is destiny." material advantages; Ptimay not even be felt
Though no group of women. Nas ever pushes'
by women preoccupied with desperate prob-
these natural restrictions as far as the
American wife, if seems that she steel! can- lems of hunger, poverty or illness. And
not accept them w i t h good .grace. . . o A women who think it will be solved by more
young mother w i t h a laeauiifuz' farniiy, money, a bigger house, a second car, mov-
eharrn, talent and brains is app Io d:'srniss ing to a better suburb, often discover it gets
her role apologetically. "What do I do?"
you hear Ner say. " W h y nothing. Fin just a
housewife." A good education, it seems, has lt is no longer possible today to blame
given this paragon among worrier an under- the problem on loss of femininity: to say
standing of the value of ever}':'/ring except that education and independence and equal-
her own worth. . . . ity with men have made American women
unfeminine. I have heard so many women
The alternative offered was a choice that try to deny this dissatisfied voice within
few women would contemplate. In the sym- themselves because it does not fit the pretty
pathetic words of. the New York Times: "All picture of femininity the experts have given
admit to being deeply frustrated at times them. l think, in fact, that this is the first
by the lack of privacy, the physical burden, clue to the mystery. . . . Women who suffer
the routine of family life, the confinement of this problem, in whom this voice is stirring,
it. However, none would give up her home have lived their whole lives in the pursuit
and family if she had the choice to make of feminine fulfillment. - . , These women
again." Redbook commented: "Few women are very "feminine" in the usual sense, and
would want to thumb their noses at hus- yet they still suffer the problem.
bands, children and community and go off
on their own. Those who d o may be talented
individuals, but they rarely are successful If the secret of feminine fulfillment is hav-
women." ing children, never have so many women,
lt is no longer possible . . to dismiss the
desperation of so many American women.
with the freedom to choose, had so many
children, in so few years, so willingly. If
This is not what 'being a woman means, no the answer is love, never have women
The Alienated Consumer 265

searched for love with such determination. son explosion, the recent movement to natu-
And yet there is a growing suspicion that ral childbirth and breastfeeding, suburban
the problem may not be sexual, though it conformity, and the new neuroses, character
must somehow be related to sex. pathologies and sexual problems being re-
Can the problem that has no name be ported by the doctors. I began to see new
somehow related to the domestic routine of dimensions to old problems that have long
the housewife* When a woman tries to put been taken for granted among women: men-
the problem into words, she often merely strual difficulties, sexual frigidity, promis-
describes the daily life she leads. What is cuity, pregnancy fears, childbirth depression,
there in this recital of comfortable domestic the high incidence of emotional breakdown
detail that could possibly cause such a feel- and suicide among women in their twenties
ing of desperation? Is she trapped simply and thirties, the menopause crises, the so-
by the enormous demands of her role as called passivity and immaturity of Ameri-
modern housewife: wife, mistress, mother, can men, the discrepancy between women's
nurse, consumer, gook, chauffeur, expert on tested intellectual abilities in childhood and
interior decoration, child care, appliance re- their adult achievement, the changing inci-
furniture refinishing, nutrition, and dence of adult sexual orgasm in American
education? At the end of the day, she is so women, and persistent problems in psycho-
terribly tired that sometimes her husband therapy and in women's education.
has to take over and put the children to If I am right, the problem that has no
bed. name stirring in the minds of so many Amer-
This terrible tiredness took so many ican women today is not a matter of loss of
women to doctors in the 1950s that one de- femininity or too much education, or the de-
cided to investigate it. He found, surpris- mands of domesticity. It is far more im-
ingly, that if patients suffering from portant than any one recognizes. It is the
"housewife's fatigue" slept more an an key to these other new and old problems
adult needed to sleep-asmmuch as ten hours which have been torturing women and their
a day-and that the actual energy they ex- husba and children, nd puzzling their
pended on housework did not tax their ca- doctors and educators or years. It may well
pacity. The real problem must be something be the key to our future as a nation and a
else, he decided-perhaps boredom. culture. We can no longer ignore that voice
I began to see in a strange new light the within women that says: "I want something
American return to early marriage and the more than my husband and my children and
large families that are causing the popula- my home."

6.3 The Alienated Consumer

Although alienation derives ultimately from capitalist 1'elaf.io11s of. produc-

tion, its repercussions are not confined to the workplace. The hegemony of
economic institutions in a capitalist society insures that the effects of alien-
ation will be felt throughout society. For example, in the political sphere
alienation takes the form of voter apathy.
Alienation is also felt in the sphere of consumption and leisure. In our

discussion of the basic institutions of capitalism) we suggested that a

central element of homo economics was the assertion that the principal
source of personal welfare and happiness is individual consumption. Suc-
cessfully convincing people of this assertion legitimizes alienated labor
and justifies the exploitative role of capitalists.
The dictates of homo economics and the real needs of people diverge,
however, and consumpthm M capitalist society becomes the source of
alienation, not greater personal happiness. in the next reading, Erich
F1-omni points out some of the connections between capitalist institutions
and alienation in consumption and leisure.
1Introduction to Chapter 3, p. 88.

Source: The following is excerpted from Chapter 5 o f The Sane Society

by ERICH FKOMM. Copyright © 1955 by Erich Fromm. Reprinted by
permission of Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Inc., and Routledge & Kegan
Paul Ltd.

The process of consumption L as alienated the painting or the books I bought, and
as the process of production. In the first aside from a loss of money, I suffer no dam-
place, we acquire things with money, we are age. Mere possession of money gives me the
accustomed to this and take it for granted. right to acquire and to do with my acquisi-
But actually, this is a most peculiar way of tion whatever l like. The human way of ac-
acquiring things. Money represents labor quiring would be to make an effort qualita-
and effort in an abstract form, not neces- tively commensurate with what I acquire.
sarily my labor and my effort, since I can The acquisition of bread and clothing would
have acquired it by inheritance, by fraud, depend on no other premise than that of
by luck, or any number of ways. But even if being alive, the acquisition of books and
I have acquired it by my effort (forgetting paintings, on my eliort to understand them
for the moment that my effort might not and my ability to use them. How this princi-
have brought me the money were it not for ple could be applied practically is not the
the fact that 1 employed men), 1 have ac- point to be discussed here. What matters is
quired it in a specific way, by a specific kind that the way we acquire things is separated
of effort, corresponding to my skills and ca- from the way in which we use them.
pacities, while, in spending an money is The alienating function of money in the
transformed into an a ii act form of labor process of acquisition and consumption has
and can be exchanged against anything else. been beautifully described by Marx in the
Provided I am in the possession of money, following words:
no effort or interest of mine is necessary to
acquire something. If I have the money, I Mone}> . . . transforms the real human cmd
can acquire an exquisite painting, I von naiurczl powers into merely C1/).s't.t'0c't ideas,
and hence f m,r7erfec'tion§', arid on rife other
though I may not have any appreciation for France' it 1/'ansforms I/ze run] i1lzpc'1'fec'Iior1.s'
art, I can buy the best phonograph, 'Iven and inIa.£'i/U/rg.'§, the powers w/rid? 0/'I/}> expI
though I have no musical taste' Im- buy i n the inzczgination of the indivff/ual into real
a library, although 1 use it only for the pur- powers. . . . If z'ran.s'f orm5 foyaliy into v.%f'@,
pose of ostentation. I can buy an education, virus into vfrrue ., (fre stave info the master,
fire master info the stave. ignorance into
even though I have no use for it except as an reason, and r<3a.';'0n into r'Qrzoranre. , . . He*
additional social asset. I can even destroy who can buy velour is wllianl although he
The Afiencafed Consumer 267

be cowardly. . . . Assume man as man, and palate, our body, are excluded from an act
his relation to the world as a human one, of consumption which primarily concerns
and you can exchange love only for love,
them. We drink labels. With a. bottle of
corpUlence for Confidence, etc. If you wish
to enjoy art, you must be an artistically Coca-Cola we drink the picture of the pretty
trained person.; if you wish to leave influence boy and girl who drink it in the advertise-
on other people, you rn.u.s't be a person who ment, we drink the slogan of "the pause that
has a really s.=firnuluting and furthering in- refreshes," we drink the great American
fluence or: other people. Every one of your
habit, least of all do we drink with our pal-
relationships to man and to nature must be
o definite expression of your real, individual ate. All this is even worse when it comes to
life corresponding to tlze object of your will. consumption of things whose whole reality
If you love without calling forth love, that is mainly the Fiction the advertising campaign
is, if your love as .such does not produce has created, like the "healthy" soap or den~
love, in by means of an expression of life
tal paste.
as a loving person you do not make of
yoursel)' co loved person, then your love is I could go on giving examples ad infing
impotent, a misfortune. tum. But it is unnecessary to belabor the
point, since everybody can think of as many
illustrations as l could give. I only want to
But beyond the method of acquisition,
stress the principle involved: the act of con~
how do we use things, once we have ac-
sumption should be I concrete human act,
quired them? With regard to many things,
in which our senses, bodily needs, our aes-
there is not even the pretense of use. We ac-
thetic taste-that is to say, in which we as
quire them to have them. We are satisfied
concrete, sensing, feeling, judging human be-
with useless possession. The expensive din-
ings-are involved, the act of consumption
ing set or crystal vase which we never use
should be a meaningful, human, productive
for fear they might break, the mansion with
experience. In our culture, there is little of
many unused rooms, the unnecessary cars
that. Consuming is essentially the satisfac-
and servants, like the ugly bric-a~brac of the
tion of artificially stimulated phantasies, a
lower-middle-class family, are so many ex-
phantasy performance alienated from our
amples of pleasure in possession instead of
concrete, real selves.
in use. However, this satisfaction in p_ossess~
ing per se was more prominent in
nineteenth century, today most of the satis- Our way of consumption necessarily rc-
faction is derived from possession of things- sults in the fact that we are never satisfied,
to-be-used rather than of things-to-be-kept. since it is not our real concrete person which
This does not alter the fact, however, that consumes a real or concrete thing. We thus
even in the pleasure of things-to-be-used the develop an ever-increasing need for more
satisfaction of prestige is a paramount fac- things, for more consumption. It is true that
tor. The car, the refrigerator, the television as long as the living standard- of the popula-
set are for real, but also for conspicuous use. tion is below a digniii-cd-TeveT of subsistence.
They confer status on the owner. there is a natural need for more consump-
How do we use the things we acquire? Let tion. It is also true that there is a legitimate
us begin with food and drink. We eat a need for more consumption as man develops
bread which is tasteless and not nourishing culturally and has more refined needs for
because it appeals to our phantasy of wealth better food, objects of artistic pleasure,
and distinction--being so white and "fresh" books, etc. But our craving for consumption
Actually, we "eat" a phantasy and have lost has lost all connection with the real needs
contact with the real thing we eat. Our of man. Originally, the idea of consuming

more and better thi was meant to give of it, and it was painful when eventually he
man a happier, more saNs-iiefi-hte. éonsump- had to part from it because it could not be
tion was a means to an end, that of happi- . . ..
. . . .. . . .
used any more. There is very little left of
ness. It now has become an aim in itself. this sense of. property today. One loves the
The constant increase of needs forces us to newness of the thing bought, and is ready to
an ever-increasin effort, it makes us de- betray it when something newer has as
pendent on these needs and on the people peered.
and institutions by whose help we attain
them. "Each person speculates to create a
new need in the other person, in order to The alienated attitude toward consump-
force him into a new dependency, to a new tion not only exists in our acquisition and
form of pleasure, hence to his economic consumption of commodities, but it deter-
ruin. . . . with a multitude of commodities mines far beyond this the employment of
grows the realm of alien things which en- leisure time. What arc we to expect? If a
slave man." man works without genuine relatedness to
Man today is fascinated by the possibility what he is doing, if. he buys and consumes
of buying more, better, and especially, new commodities in an abstractitied and alien~
things. He is consumption-hungry. The act ated way, how can he make use of his leisure
of buying and consuming has become a com- time in an active and meaningful way? He
pulsive, irrational aim, because it is an end always remains the passive and alienated
in itself, with little relation to the use of, or consumer. He "consumes" ball games, mov-
pleasure in the things bought and consumed. ing pictures, newspapers and magazines,
To buy the latest gadget, the latest model of books, lectures, natural scenery, social gath-
anything that is on the market, is the dream erings, in the same alienated and ab-
of everybody, in comparison to which the stractiiied way in which he consumes the
real pleasure in use is quite secondary. Mod- commodities he has bought. He does not par-
ern man, if he dared to be articulate about ticipate actively, he wants to "take in" all
his concept of heaven, would describe a there is to be had, and to have as much as
vision which would look like the biggest de~ possible of pleasure, culture and what not.
partrncnt store in the world, showing new Actually, he is not free to enjoy "his" leisure,
things Ini1Ilni gadgets, and himself having his leisure-time consumption is determined
plenty of money with which to buy them. He by industry, as arc the commodities he buys;
would wander around open-mouthed in this his taste is manipulated, he wants to see and
heaven of gadgets and commodities, pro- to hear what he is conditioned to want to see
vided only that there were ever more and and to hear, entertainment is an industry
newer things to buy, and perhaps that his like any other, the customer is made to buy
neighbors were just a little less privileged fun as he is made to buy dresses and shoes.
than he. The value of the fun is determined by its
Significantly enough, one of the older success on the market, not by anything
traits of middle-class society, the attachment which could be measured in human terms.
to possessions and property, has undergone In any productive and spontaneous ac-
a profound change. .in the older attitude, a tivity, something happens within myself while
certain sense of loving possession existed be- I am reading, looking at scenery, talking to
tween a man and his property. It grew on friends. etc. l am not the same after the ex-
him. He was proud of it. He took good care perience as I was before. In the alienated
form of pleasure nothing happens within me,
2Kar1 Marx, Die Frflhsc'h riften, Al fred Kriiner
Verlag, Stuttgart, 1953, p. 254 (my translation,
I have consumed this or that, nothing is
E. F.1. changed within myself, and all that is left are
The Alienating Consequences of Capitalist Technology 269

memories of what I have done. One of the of snapshots has become one of the most
most striking examples for this kind of pleas- significant expressions of alienated visual
ure consumption is the taking of snapshots, perception, o leer consumption. The "tour-
which has become one of the most signifi- E ' with his camera is an outstanding symbol
cant leisure activities. The Kodak slogan, of an alienated relationship to the world. Be-
"You press the button, we do the rest." ing constantly occupied with taking pictures,
which since 1089 has helped so much to actually he does not see anything -at all, ex-
popul arize photography all over the world, cept through the intermediary of the camera.
is symbolic. It is one of the earliest appeals The camera sees for him, and the outcome
to push-button power-feeling, you do noth- of his "pleasure" trip is a collection of snap-
ing, you do not have to know anything, shots, which are the substitute for an ex-
everything is done for you; all you have to perience which he could have had. but did
do is to press the button. Indeed, the taking not have.

6.4 The Alienating Consequences of

Capitalist Technology

Work activities have a major impact on the way people develop psycho-
logically. Work influences people directly, in the great amount of time and
psychological effort expended during an adult's life on the job, and in the
personal identification that is connected with one's vocation. Furthermore,
socialization both at home and in schools is in part oriented toward pre-
paring children for their future lives as workers.
in what specific ways do work activities affect people? If, as we have
argued above, work activities in a capitalist society are not organized to
satisfy the creative and self-developmental needs of workers, then we
should be able to observe concrete conflicts between the needs of firms
and the needs of workers in the actual organization of production. Earlier
we suggested what form these conflicts might take?
In the following reading, Kenneth Keniston describes how the organi-
zation of production, and especially the nature of capitalist technology,
creates a "division of life" whereby the individual, in order to perform ef-
fectively on the job, is prevented from being an integrated person. He
must "purge" part of himself in order to function as a worker; he must
subordinate feelings and emotion to rationality and "cognition"
Notice that Kcniston takes the nature of technology as already deter-
mined and proceeds to describe its impact on the worker. In the subse-
quent reading, Gintis raises the question of how technology develops and
relates the contemporary characteristics of technology to the operation of
capitalist institutions.

1See Edwards, Section 3.5. p. 115, and Bowles, Section 5.2, p. '718.

Source: The following is excerpted iron Chapter 9 of The Unc:>rnmit£ed.'

Afienafed Youth in American Socfery by KENNETH KENrSTON. Copyright
in* 1962, 1965 by Kenneth Keniston. Reprinted by permission of Harcourt
Brace Jovanovich, Inc.

these capacities have increasingly become

We usually think of technology, like science, superordinate b other human potentials.
as "objective," uninterested in ultimate val- Thus, feeling as a force of independent value
ues, and uninvolved with basic philosophical -all of the passions, impulses, needs, drives,
assumptions. Thus, to speak of the "values" and idealisms which in some societies are the
of technology may seem a contradiction, for central rationales of existence are increas-
among the chief characteristics of technol- ingly minimized, suppressed, harnessed, con-
ogy is that it has no final values, that it is trolled and dominated by the more cognitive
little concerned with the ultimate ends of parts of the psyche. Feeling does not, of
life, and deals hardly at all with the whys, course, cease to exist, but insofar as possi-
whats, and wherefores of human existence, ble, it is subordinated to the cognitive de-
But though technology lacks final values, it mands of our society.
does specify instrumental values, values
about the procedures, techniques, processes
and modes which should be followed, values The characteristics of our technological
about "how to do it." values presuppose empfrfcfsm, a special view
The question "How to do it""' of course of reality that most Americans accept with-
admits many possible answers. Some socie- out question. In this metaphysic, what is
ties have given highest priority to those tech- "real" is external, sensory, and consensually
niques we term intuition, sensibility, revela- validatable: "seeing is believing." Other cul-
tion, and insight. In such societies, inner tures would of course have disagreed, for
vision, fantasy, and communication with the most men of the Middle Ages, Truth sprang
Divine are the most cherished aspects of' not from the objective eye but from the di-
human experience, "Rcalisrn," whether in vincly inspired soul. But for us, what is real
art, literature, domestic life, or personal ex- and true is the visible, external, and scien-
perience is almost unknown: superstition, tilically verifiable, and the rest is "specula-
magic, myth, and collective fantasies abound. tion," "mythical," "unverifiable," "merely a
The favored instruments of knowledge in matter of opinion." Empiricism thus rele-
these societies are those we consider "non- gates the invisible world of poetry, art, feel-
rational": prayer, mysticism, intuition, reve- ing, and religion to a limbo of lesser reality,
lation, dreams, inspiration, "possession." But sometimes termed "fantasy gratifications" to
in a technological society, these human po- permit men to repair the wounds incurred by
tentials take second place: we distrust intui- their daily struggle in the "real world."
tion and consider revelation a token of American psychology sometimes reflects this
mental illness, and in everyday language empiricism by a discomfort at the invisible
"sensitivity" connotes the quality of being workings of the mind so extreme that it re-
too easily offended rather than the capacity fers to thinking as "subverbai talking," or
to experience deeply. defines "reality factors" those impinging
The preferred techniques of technology on us from outside-as if fantasy, dream,
involve two related principles: that we give and idealism were not "realities" as well.
priority to cognition, and that we sul;»ordz'- "Experience," a term which in principle in-
nate feeling. By "cognition," I. mean men's cludes everything that crosses consciousness,
capacities for achieving accurate, objective, has come to mean "sensory experience"-
practically useful, and consensually verifiable "experience" of the "real world"--and we
knowledge and understanding of their world, can suggest that human beings have other
and by "priority" I mean to suggest that potentialities only by adding the awkward
The Alien ting C ns qu no s f C pi lis'rT chn I gy 271

qualifier "inner." Those who have over- l a y of deprecation is filled with terms to
whelming self-evident inner experiences are describe those who disobey the imperative
relegated to our mental hospitals, though against emotion: "prima donnas, "§zble" ,f

other societies would have honored them as or "impulsive" tI ; " ' _ | | 1 = pw e o -

M ,»J,1

saints, seers, and prophets. Our gods are ple who "act out Whatever we really feel,
accuracy, realism, verifiability, and objec- we must behave as if we only felt a reason.-
tivity; while intuition, fantasy, and private able eagerness to do a good job, and in re-
illumination are considered useful only in~ ward are called "dispassionate," "objective,"
solar as they lead to "objective" achieve- "self-controlled," "level-headed," "rational,"
ments or help dissipate the tensions created and "stable."
by the "real" world. Even the areas where these cognitive and
The triumph of cognition in a technologi- antiemotional rules do not apply support the
cal society thus involves a subordination of view that they take priority. For these other
feeling. The techniques of cognitive problem- areas of life, family and leisure, are almost
solving-analysis, reduction, measurement, invariably relegated. to a secondary role,
comparison, and empiricism-are all non- termed outlets, recreation, havens, or ex-
crnotional: they stress objectivity, they dc- ceptions to the basic rules of our social or-
mand dispassionateness, they purport to be der. implicitly or explicitly we view them as
universally applicable to all situations. Emo- compensatory to the "real w o r l d " t h e y are
tion must be "kept in its place"-and this the froth, frills, safety valves, and status-
place is ideally somewhere away from pub- symbols a technological society must allow
lic life, work, politics, or the economy. From itself. We pay reluctant obeisance to the need
an early age we are taught that strong fee1~ to "work off steam" built up by the emo-
ings on the job cause trouble-unless they tional suppressions required in work, we al-
are about doing an efficient job, in which low "unproductive" people like young mar-
n.l p - lo occupy
case they are desirable. Ideally, the "good ried women with s m aI I f. u
p J
+ L
,r1 1 rr I.

worker" is cool, impersonal, always friendly themselves with arts and antiques; we study
and ready to listen to others but never "per- emotions scientificall to learn _how better to
sonally involved." He does not panic, he is subordinate them, and we even lpprove if
not jealous, he neither loves not hates his our pianists beat the Russians on the con-
fellow workers, he does not daydream at certo front of the Cold War. A rich society
work. When all goes well, his work goes "by can afford its clowns and dreamers, and a
the book": it lives up to or exceeds the cognitive society may need them as "out~
standards established in his field. Even the de- lets." But let a young man announce his in-
sire for personal advancement-one feeling tention of becoming a poet, a visionary, or
our society does admit-must be controlled a dreamer, and the reactions of his family
it' it threatens to interfere with the worker's and friends will unmistakably illustrate the
performance: one does not wreck General values most Americans consider central.
Motors in order to become its president.
Men and women of course inevitably con-
tinue to have strong feelings about their The meaning of work-111 most tradi-
tional societies, young men and women have
livelihoods, and the people involved in them.
But we early learn that these feelings are had little choice as to their work, they worked
usually a "problem" to be "dealt with" in because they were men and women; their
other ways-in our families, in recreation- work was their life; and work, play, and
and not "acted out" on the job. The vocabu- social life flowed over into each other- Un-

der such circumstances, men rarely think or Even at upper levels of management, it takes
speak in terms of "work" (which implies considerable imagination for the executive
something else which is "not work"), they to feel a personal relationship with, and to
merely speak of the tasks to be done, the derive a sense of value from, his part in the
catching of fish, the tilling of crops, the say- production of iceboxes, soft drinks, insur-
ing of Mass. All things run together; dis- ance policies, or compact cars. Indeed, the
tinctions between sectors of life are meaning- reason high-level executives usually say they
less: "I work because I am a man." are relatively "satisfied" with their jobs may
For most Americans, in contrast, "work" not be because these jobs arc in fact more
has vaguely unpleasant connotations. lt is "meaningful," but merely because the ex~
most frequently paired with words like ecutive's education, training, and conceptual
"hard," or used in phrases like "a11 work ability give him greater capacity to under-
and no play." Work is implicitly felt as some- stand his tenuous relationship to his work.
thing to be gotten out of the way. If we ask The rising demands for performance on
the average American why he works, he will the job further aITect a man's feeling about
answer, "To earn a living", and this expres- his job. In some highly skilled jobs, grow-
sion says much about the relationship of ing demands for training and skill may por-
work and life. The goal of work is to earn mit a feeling of personal competence which
the money necessary for "living" when one compensates for a tenuous relationship to
is not working. The purpose of work is to the total task. The skilled surgeon, the sen-
make possible other things (a "living") ior machinist, the executive trained in or-
which are only possible after work. Im- ganizational theory, industrial management,
plicitly, work is seen as a necessary instru- and human relations-all may be able to
mental evil without inherent meaning. Just enjoy the use of their highly developed skills.
as for the Puritan, good work and good But for many men, more demanding job re-
works were the way a man demonstrated his quirements simply mean more taxing and
salvation the pain of this life which guar- exacting work, greater demands to "keep up"
anteed bliss in the next-so for most Ameri- in order to succed. Too few jobs challenge
cans, work remains a mildly painful ordeal. the heart, imagination, or spirit. (Jn the con-
The reasons for our implicitly negative trary, most work enjoins a rigorous subo1°~
attitudes toward work can be inferred from dination of these feelings to the cognitive re-
the characteristics of most jobs. The frag- quirements of the job itself. It takes a very
mentation of tasks means that the individu- special kind of person to derive deep fulfill-
a1's relationship to the total product or the ment from meeting the same exact specili-
total task is highly attenuated. As specializa- cations day after day, no matter how much
tion proceeds, each worker finds himself as- skill these specifications require. The erow-
signed a smaller and smaller corner of a ing demands for precise and high-level skill,
task, the whole job, the finished product, the for a capacity to follow exact routines in an
whole person as client or patient recedes orderly way, to mesh without friction in
into the far distance. A sense of connection large and highly organized firms, assembly
with a tangible accomplishment and a sense lines, or sales offices often make work less
of personal responsibility for what one does rewarding to the individual despite his higher
are inevitably vitiated in our highly orga- level of skill.
nized. society where the Ford Motor Com- Nor do the cognitive demands of most
pany, the Community Hospital, or DcVitale jobs add to the meallingllLllness of work.
Homes, Inc., is responsible for the task. Most men and women cannot suppress emo-
The Alienoling Consequences of Copitolisi Technology 273

son easily, they do have strong feelings factories, work often remains meaningless.
about the work they do and the people they The spirit of work and the human quali-
do it with, and the pressure to be cool, ob- ties demanded by work inevitably color the
jective, and unemotional is a pressure to worker's conception of himself. In every so-
subordinate their deepest feelings. Inevita- ciety, men tend to identify themselves with
bly, we find it hard to treat all our fellow what they exploit to earn their living: in
workers the same way, since our feelings our society, we often become identified with
about them are never identical; and it is not the machines we exploit to do our most on-
easy to judge others only according to their erous work. This identification is magnified
"job-relevant" accomplishments, when in or- by .the parallel between the characteristics
dinary human relationships these are usually of a good worker and a good machine.
among the least determining factors in our Whether at high levels of management or on
feelings about them. Businessmen, like in- the most menial assembly-line tasks, the
dustrial workers, therefore traditionally ar- good worker is highly specialized, is ex~
rive home tired from their work, full of pent- pected to show few feelings, to operate "by
up feelings which their wives are exhorted to the book," to be consistent, systematic, and
help them "release." precise, to treat all individuals impartially
As a result, Americans mention "work- and unemotionally. A man operating under
ing for a living" a hundred times more often such a regime Ends the most important parts
than they mention "living for their work." of himself-his hopes, feelings, aspirations
Even work that really does contribute to a and clreanis-systematically ignored. Like a
socially useful product is often so organized brilliant child with less brilliant contemn
that it yields little personal satisfaction. Most poraries, he is forced to suppress the major
important of all, we have long since given portion of himself on the job-to have it ig-
up on work, long since stopped even expect- nored by others and, most dangerous of all,
ing that work be "meaningful", and if we to ignore it himself. To be treated as if one
enjoy our work, it is usually because of good were only part of a man--and to have to act
working conditions, friends on the job, be- as if it were true--is perhaps the heaviest
nevolent supervision, and above all because demand of all.
the "good living" we earn by working en- Work therefore assumes a new signifi-
ables us to do other, really enjoyable things cancc in technological society. It requires a
in our "spare" time. The phrases "meaning- dissociation of feeling, a. subordination of
ful work," "joy in work," "fulfillment passion, impulse, fantasy. and idealism be-
through work" have an increasingly old- fore cognitive problems and tasks. As bread-
fashioned and quaint sound, Even our labor winners, most Americans neither find nor
unions have given up any pressure for more even seek "fulfillment" in their jobs. Work,
meaningful work in favor of demands for split away from "living" by convention and
less work and more fringe benefits and in- tradition, becomes instrumental, a dissoci-
come to make "living" better instead. The ated part of life that makes possible, yet
loss of meaning in work goes far beyond the often vitiates, the rest of a "living" Yet to
problems discussed by the youthful Marx, spend one's days at tasks whose only ra-
namely, the loss of worker's control over tionale is income and whose chief require-
the means of production. It extends to the ments are cognitive is another demand in
fragmentation of work roles, to the heavily our lives which makes our technological so-
cognitive demands made within work. Even ciety less likely to inspire enthusiasm.
when workers themselves own or control their

6.5 Alienation in Capitalist Society

The alienation that most people experience derives fundamentally from

the quality of capitalist societies rather than from individual or personal
characteristics. The previous readings in this chapter have illustrated a
variety of ways in which alienation results from specific social circum-
stances: the meaningless experience of most jobs, the restrictive aspira-
tions women arc expected to embrace, the self-defeating alienation of seek-
ing personal satisfaction through consumption. Finally, Keniston suggested
some ways in which the nature of capitalist technology, requiring the re-
pression of notational or Fznoneggnitivem ects of personality, leads to
a fragmented and consequently alienated life.
But to leave matters there, as Herbert Gintis notes in the following
reading, "fails to achieve the proper analytical depth," because the social
roots of alienation must themselves be explained. The alienating organiza-
tion of production is not simply given, but has developed historically
in response to certain needs of capitalists. It is important to recognize that
the technology embodied in capitalist production has emerged from a long
process of capitalist choices about what innovations will be researched and
careful selection of certain technologic from among the potential alterna-
tives for actual application. Likewise, the place of women in the family,
patterns of consumption, and other alienating institutions such as schools
are products of a similarly conditioned development.
Thus, the final step in the analysis of alienation is to explain the social
bases for the experience of alienation. In the following reading Gintis
argues that, since capitalist institutions are characterized by the drive for
profit, people's needs are considered only insofar as they coincide with the
requirements of profit maximization. The resulting organization of pro-
duction, distribution, and consumption will not therefore reflect or satisfy
people's needs.

Source: The following essay was written by HERBERT GINTIS for this
book. Copyright © 1972 by Herbert Gintis. Printed by permission of
the author.

SOME SNAPSHOTS leads them to believe, and so constructed

that the customer must return two and one-
A young exqnarine, perched atop a twenty- half years later for yet another sale. The
story University of Texas building with rifle salesman is alienated from his fellow men in
and rangefinder, topples several dozen un- that less dramatic manner .familiar to us all.
known passersby. He is alienated-alienated A clot of people on a crowded rush-hour
from his fellow men in the strongest sense street see a man stagger and fall to the
of the word. ground unconscious. They walk on by, un-
A car salesman spends his waking hours bothered, not wanting "to get involved." A
foisting on families automobiles more expen- young woman is threatened, then stabbed to
sive than they can afford, less useful than he death in full view of her Queens, N.Y. neigh-
Alienation in Capitalist Society 275

bars. They do not intervene and they notify Christmas by their children living in other
neither police nor ambulance. They are simi- cities, inconscient of, unaided by, and cut
larly alienated from their fellow man. oft from their neighbors, waiting to die. They
Showing her engagement ring to a friend, are alienated from their community.
a girl said: "You know what did it? I pre- A ghetto resident does not bother to vote
pared a home-cooked meal for him-in a in the municipal elections because, as he cor-
bikini." She is alienated from her body, and rcctly perceives, "the people don't have any
the course of her life may consist in substi- say anyway."
tuting her physical attributes for her true The suburbanite, who commutes thirty
self--exchanging her body for affluence and miles to work each day, does not know even
security. his next door neighbors beyond their daily
A man arrives home from a brutal day's opinions on the weather prospects, he joins
work and sits before the television set watch- forces with them only in the face of such
ing football, hockey, boxing, baseball; he "external threats" as higher property taxes, a
drinks beer and smokes cigarettes and never teachers' strike for better schools and work~
engages in sports or physical activity him- ing conditions, the threat of teaching sex
self. He experiences the "humanity of his education in the schools, or the imminent cn-
own body" only vicariously through a Hank trance of a black family down the street.
Aaron, Joe Namath, Ol' an Arnold Palmer, These suburbanites are alienated from their
while he slowly kills himself. He is alienated community.
from his body. Similarly, people are alienated from their
A teenager retreats to his room, liquiiies work: Monday is the start of a. long, boring,
twenty of his mother's diet pills, inserts the anxious, unfulfilled week; Monday is a
solution into a syringe, and finds a vein. He woman serving her bleary-eyed husband cof-
will be dead in three years. He is alienated fee, saying, "What do you mean 'Won't this
from his body. day ever end?' This is Brcakfastl"
A junior sales and promotion executive
has three Martinis for lunch at work-his
wife does the same at her Bridge Club at THE EXPERIENCE OF ALIENATION
home-and three more before dinner. Their
common, nonworking life is diffused with As Robert Maurer explains in his book
Scotch and experienced in an alcoholic haze. Alienurfonl arid Freefvmjl HI] worker ex-

They succeed in muting their anxieties and periences ahenadon from work in the form
in staving oiT the brute realization of their of powerlessness, meaninglessness. isolation,
personal loneliness and isolation at the cost and self-estrangement. Ho or she is powc9r-
of destroying themselves. They are also less because bureaucratic organization is
alienated from their bodies. ruled from the top, through Iincs of hier-
A throng of furious blacks in Watts (or archical authority treating the worker as just
Harlem or Detroit or Baltimore or Washing- another piece of machinery, more or less
ton, D.C. or . . . ) riot, loot, and burn, de- delicate and subject to breakdown. to be
stroying square blocks of ghetto "property." directed and dominated.
They realize their lack of control over their Work seems meaningless because it is di-
communities and lives. They are alienated vided into numberless fragmented tasks, and
from their community in a most overt form. the worker has some expertise over only one
An old couple sits in a dingy room with
1 Rubcrt Blauncr, Afiermrion. and Freedom
yellowed papers and magazines collecting in
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1964).
ragged and dusty piles, visited only on especially Chapter 1.

of these tasks, consequently, his contribu- [A man] does not experience Nirnself as an
active ogenf, as oNe bearer of Nurnczn powers.
tion to the final product is minimal, imper-
He is nfieneized from reese powers, his aim
sonal, and standardized. Work also seems is I o se!! hirn5eIl' sircoessfiiliy on the market.
meaningless because most workers realize His sense of self does no! seem from his Gt*
only too well the limited extent to which privily as a .»'o~vzng and thinking individual,
their activities contribute to perceived social but from his socio-ec:onornic.' role. . . . He
welfare. If he produces steel, his factory pol- experiences himself nor as 0: r o r i , with love,
fear, convictions, doio*Ji5, i n ! as that nb-
lutes atmosphere and streams. If he makes .s'Irfzc.*fion., aifennrefi f r o m his real nature,
automobiles, his product congests, smogs, tvNieffz f n:'fill.s a certain function in the social
kills, and, finally, after thirty months of s'ysferri. His sense of value eirena's on his
"service," falls apart. If he processes cost on whether he CON. make more of
himself than he starred out with, wheffier he
accounts or his secretary types the corpora-
is n sfn'r-ess. Hrs* ivory, his mind, and his
tion's plan to avoid paying taxes, they know son( are his capitol, and his task in life is to
their work is unrelated to satisfying anyone's invest if )'avof'obiy, to rnnfce ( I prof! of .»"i.rn-
real needs. It he sells insurance, he under- self. Hifinan qualifies Iiice }'riene:'iiness, cour-
stands that his success depends only on his resy, .*`<irio'riess, are rronsformeni i n f o corn-
relative cunning and talent in duping his n'ioriilie5', into assets of oNe 'oersonciiiry
poc'i(" eonofncrive Io H higher price on oNe
customer. personality rnurkef.
Moreover, the worker is supremely and
uniquely isolcffed in work: fragmentation of
tasks precludes true solidarity and coopera-
tion, hierarchical authority lines effectively
pit workers on different "levels" against one That capitalist society is alienating is a cen-
another, and since workers do not come to- tral element in the radical critique of capi-
gether to determine through their social in- talism, and the term has even attained gen-
teraction the important decisions governing eral public acknowledgement-bcmoaned by
production, no true work community devel- politicians everywhere, trotted out as a
ops. Lastly, the powerless, meaningless, and catch-all explanation of "youth unrest" by
isolated position of the worker leads him to television commentators, and generally seen
treat work merely as an instrument, as a by youth themselves as characterizing their
rrzearzs' toward the end of material security, own condition. But exactly what alienation
rather than an end in itself. But work is so is, and the nature of its causes, remains
important to a person's self-definition and shrouded in uncertainty and confusion.
self-concept, that he then comes to view The difficulty surrounding the concept
himself as an instrument, as a means, to of alienation arises from the fact that it
some ulterior end. Hence develops his .'rel_f- comprises both subjective, psychological ele-
e.s'l'r'rr;r1gerner1f. ments and objective, social elements. Before
That a person may be self-estranged the rise of the New Left in the decade of the
alienated from himself, his essence, and his 1960s, alienation was treated as a purely sub-
psyche has been characterized as the focal jective phenomenon, essentially independent
point of the industrial worker's sell'-concept, of the structure of society. in the Silent
be he blue-collar or white~collar. As Erich Decades following World War II, alienation
Fromm notes:2 was proposed as a part of the "human condi-
tion" by noted French philosophers, among
3Ea'ich Fromm, The Sane Socfefy (New York:
whom Sartre, Camus, and Beckett are the
I{in<-:hart and Winston, Tnc., 1955), p. 142. most widely read in the U.S. \'Ve personally
Alienation in Capitalist Society 277

encounter the phenomenon on this subjec- called socialist economies experience these
live level, and we respond most immediately same problems, it is due to some essential
to its manifestations in our own lives, in the similarities of their basic economic institu-
Beatles' "Nowhere Man," NicI1ol's The Grad- tions.
zfafe, and Phillip Roth's Porznoy's Com-
plaint. Yet the sources of alienation inhere AN ANALYSIS
in the social system. itself. Alienation as a
general phenomenon coincides with the rise The root meaning of the verb "to alienate"
of capitalism. is "to render alien" or, more concretely, "to
We now see the treatment of alienation as separate from" (e.g,, "She alienated my hus-
an element of human nature as merely symp- band's affections" means "She separated my
tomatic of the political quiescence of the Si- husband's affections from mc"). We can
lent Decades. Indeed, the very appearance use this root meaning to motivate a social
of the concept of alienation coincides with definition of alienation: when your pocket
the breakdown of feudal society and the rise is picked, you are "alienated" from your
of capitalism, in the works of Hegel and wallet, similarly, when the structure of so-
Marx, and the literary works of Kafka and ciety denies you access to life-aiving and
Doestoevsky. personally rewarding activities and relation-
Yet the growing awareness of the social ships, you are alienated from your life.
basis of alienation-an awareness of quite Alienation, on the subjective level, means
recent vintage-still fails to achieve the that elements of personal and social life that
proper analytical depth. This is due in part should be meaningful and integral, become
to the particular form in which this aware- meaningless, fragmented, out of reach, and
ness is couched. Alienation is seen to arise --if one has an existentialist bent absurd.
directly from the nature of technology i11 The alienated individual is powerless to COT]-l
"modern industrial society" and, hence, to trot central aspects of his life, just as he can-
remain independent of any particular set of not "control" the wallet snatched from him.
economic institutions. This view is rein- Alienation appears on many levels.
forced through our understanding of the of these can be explained in terms of social
historical development of eapitalism's main ro!e.s'. A social role is a "slot" that people [it
competitor, state socialism in the Soviet int o, carrying with it characteristic duties
Union and Eastern Europe. So-called "so- and obligations, and defined by what other
cialist man" seems to differ little from his people expect of the person in that role.
capitalist counterpart, and so-called "social- These expectations become institutionalized,
ist society" seems little better equipped to so the same behavior is expected of any in-
avoid the problems of Alienated Man and dividual who occupies at particular role. For
Alienated Woman than its avowed adversary- example, take the role of foreman. A fore-
This paper will try to show not only that man, no matter what particular individual
alienation is a social rather than a psycho~ happens to occupy the position, is expected
logical problem at its root but that it results to supervise his workers, remain somewhat
from the structure oftechnology only in the aloof and above them, and in general be
most immediate an d so.£>erficial sense, be- more responsive than are the workers to the
cause the form that technological .:velop- company's interests in getting the work
ment takes is itself strongly influenced by the done. Butcher, baker, worker, soldier, capi-
structure of economy II institutions and their talist, lover, husband, community member
day-to-day operations. If capitalist and so- -all these are social roles.

The nature of these roles and their avail- Decisions can be made either through in-
ability to the individual are quite as impor- stitutions or, consciously, in a political man-
tant as the distribution of material goods and
power in assessing the value of a social sys-
tem. Alienation occurs because the roles
ner. The bulk of decision mechanisms in
capitalist society are institutionally
nized. The distribution of income, the prices
open to individuals do not satisfy their im- of factors of productio the historical dc-
mediate needs in terms of their interpersonal velopment of technology, the organization of
activities in family, community, and work, work activities, and the structure and devel-
and their requirements for healthy personal. opment of communities are all basically di-
psychic development." Thus, we center on rected through the impersonal operation of
the role concept to emphasize the inherently economic institutions and through the eco-
social nature of alienation. To be alienated nomic power they bestow on individuals.
is to be " I I concrete and specific
lj 4

The decisive nature of institutional de-

ways froIH "things" important to well-being, cision making cannot be overemphasized.
however, these "things" lint physical ob- because it runs counter to our most imme-
jects or natural resources but are types of diate political experience. We experience the
collaboration with others, with society, and war in Vietnam-an inherently political de-
with nature. These "things" arc social roles. cision-while the most important aspects of
The structure of roles at a point in time, imperialism are effected through the normal
and the way they change and develop over operation of international commodity, fuc-
time, depends on criteria and priorities laid tor, and financial markets. We observe the
down by basic social and economic institute political battle over tax rates, minimum wage
sons. This is not an obvious assertion, and legislation, income redistribution, and wel-
its truth can only be ascertained through fare programs-all political decision mecha-
specific examples, to be presented below. nisms-while the fact that the income dis-
But its truth allows us a particularly simple tribution is basically determined by supply
crauscrl explanation of alienation under capi- and demand of privately owned factors of
talism: alienation arises when the social production, themselves derived from modes
criteria determining the structure and devel- of productive organization, is so basic it rc-
opment of important social roles are essen- mains unnoticed. We observe collective bar-
tially independent of individual needs. These .gainini zuglain a political decision mecha-
conditions are precisely what occur under nism--when in fact the level of wages is
capitalism: the social roles involving par- cietermined- by quite other forces, and the
ticipation in work process and community institutional context within which the wage
(and to a lesser extent family life) develop §§ts the determining limits
in accordance with market criteria and arc of its outcome. Anti so it is with the nature,
essentially independent of individual needs. development, and availability of social roles.
The result is alienation. An institutional decision mechanism will
be termed "alienated" when the criteria-
I*It is from this perspective that the other read- implicit or explicit that determine out-
ings in this chapter can best be understood. That comes are substantially independent of the
is. t o what extent do the roles of white-collar or wills of individuals whom the outcome af-
blue-collar worker, housewife, and consumer in
capitalist society satisfy immediate interpersonal fects. Hence the comfenr of these criteria are
needs and are conducive to personal development? likely, if not inevitably, independent of the
To what extent does capitalist technology further needs of allectcd individuals. In so far as
these goals" Other important roles (student; old
person, participant in govermnent) are equally this is true, we shall say that individuals are
alienated. lEds.] nm a n n u m ] n k . " - + r t . , 14.
".s11¢m,,l¢.,1'° Hn... A
Aiierlcxtion in Capitalist Society 279

physical object; a social role as worker, citi- decision process determining the nature of
zen, consumer, soldier, etc., another indi- work roles-their work activities have been
vidual; an element of culture; or himself) snatched from them.
that is the outcome of the institutional de- Objcctively, alienating control leads to
cision. predictable consequences. In the early stages
of the Industrial Revolution, this control re-
ALIENATION OF WORK PROCESS sulted in work activities that were brutal,
unhealthy, boring and repetitive, and re-
To illustrate the alienating consequences of quired long hours. More recently, it has
capitalist institutions, consider the organiza- taken the form of bureaucratic organization
tion of work activities. An individual's work of production, where individual work roles
is of utmost importance for his personal life. are so fragmented and formalized that the
Work directly engages nearly half of one's worker finds his initiative and autonomy to-
active life and is potentially the single major tally muffled by and subordinated to a mass
outlet for initiative, creativity, and craft. of regulations and operating procedures."
Moreover, work roles are basic and forma- Also, hierarchical stratification of workers
tive in individual personality development. along lines of status and authority subjugates
But are these considerations reflected in the some workers to the personal control of
actual social decisions determining the struc- others, subjects all workers to the control of
ture of work roles? For instance, is the fae- managers and capitalists, and precludes CO-
tory worker' S welfare considered when the operation and equality as a condition of pro-
capitalist decides to produce automobiles duction. Hence, bureaucratic organization
by routine and monotonous assembly line and hierarchical control are the concrete
operations? Arc the secretary's needs consid- modern manifestations of the worker's alien-
ered when she is reduced to the full-time ation from his work activities.
subservient role of typing, stenography, and Of course, there is a standard objection
stamp licking? The structure of work roles to the above analysis. Although we have at-
is essentially determined by a set of basic tributed alienation from work activities to
economic institutions that operate on quite capitalist economic institutions, some argue
different criteria. The market in labor means that bureaucratic organization and hier-
that the worker sells his services to the capi- archical control are simply immutable as-
talist l i m and essentially agrees to relinquish pects of "industrial technology", that, in
total control over his work activities, thus effect, any "advanced" society must experi-
leaving the determination of work roles to ence alienated labor. There are major errors
those who control capital and technology. in this view. lt is not true that bureaucratic
Both technology and work roles arc essen- organization is chosen by capitalists only be-
tially determined by the dictates of profit cause it is "eliieient" and "modern." It is
maximization or output maximization and chosen as well (perhaps primarily) because
maintenance of hierarchy. it is the only means of' maintaining and sta-
Control of work activities through alienat- bilizing control over the profit generated in
ing institutions has implications on both sub- production and of preventing workers from
jective and objective levels. Subjectively, gaining enough general expertise and initia-
workers mostly experience their work activi- tive to embark on cooperative production on
ties as "alien"-as opposing rather than con- their own. Technologies that potentially in-
tributing to their personal well-bcing and crease the breadth of collective and individ-
psychic growth. This is understandable in ual control of workers, however productive
that their own needs were peripheral in the and efficient, must be avoided if the "sta-

bility" of the corporate enterprise is to be Third, this bureaucratic organization of

secured. The loss of control, even in minor production, while insuring managerial con-
areas, might get out of hand: workers col- trol and corporate security against the vagar-
lectives might voice "wild" and "unrealistic" ics of worker morale, is by no means effi-
demands in a sort of free-for~all, union and cient in the wider sense. For even moderate
management alike might loose control over worker participation i11 decisions and goal
workers. I shall illustrate this through sev- setting increases p1°oductivity.T The average
eral empirical examples. quality of decisions made by a group is
First, bureaucratized and routinized tasks moreover greater than the average quality
do not iiow from the nature of "technology" of individual decisions," and the best results
but from the needs of centralized control. As are obtained when individuals think up so-
Vroom notes in his masterful survey of ex- lutions individually and evaluate and choose
perimental literature in industrial social psy- among them as solidary team."
chology:* Let us give some examples. The MIT-
generated Scanlon Plan of "participatory
[rife evfa'er:ce indicates Thai] decentralized management" has been tried in some ten
.s'truc.'1' ` advantage for tasks U.S. plants. This plan gives workers unlim-
which l
2'ff3'ic uIt CO! rtpielr.. or' unusual, ited power to organize and improve the
. c.'cntraI:lzed ._-.structures. w w w5 more ej'ec-
_... ...
t r v e )'or those wh.<ch are srmpfe and rofufn-
work process and working conditions, and
sited. guarantees them a share in the proceeds of
cost reduction. In these ten plants., the aver-
That is, given that the corporate unit is based age yearly increase in productivity amounted
on centralized control, the most efficient to 23.1 percent, and in one company 408
technologies will be those involving routin- out of the 513 innovative ideas were suc-
ized, dull, and repetitive tasks. In a decen- cessfully implemented because they led to
tralized environment, the exact reverse real improvements in the productive proc-
would be true. ess. Clearly, a stable dialogue between work-
Second, workers do not like fragmented ers, technicians, and planners would even
jobs. The experimental literature shows that increase this fertile activity.
job enlargement and decision-making con- These results are reproduced in many
trol on the part of workers increase their other individual studies. When workers are
satisfaction, while lowering absenteeism and given control over decisions and goal setting,
turnover." Nevertheless, managers have or- productivity rises dramatically."" As Blum-
ganized the normal bureaucratic diversion berg concludes :
of tasks so that actual worker performance
is sub.s*tcrm'ially independent of the worker's There is .vcarcefy a .s*IrL.*dy in :he enffre
cznitudes' and satis]'ac'rion.s'. This startling, Hreratzare whiz.-I'z fails Io deHlon.strate that
counterintuitive fact is one of the major re- sa! i.s'fc1(L'Ifop1 in work is €nPzanc'ed or . . _ pro-
duc:ivz't},) z'n.c1'ease.s' accrue frcJrrl a getnHln.e
suits of fifty years of investigation by indus- increase in of*ker's Dec,~fsfon-fnrzkfng power.
trial psychologists." f"inr:':'r:*.fvs of sztcfr c'onsf.l'Ierrey, I 52dJ/!IH. are
rare Ln 5-oer'u! res'eaF'c'}r . . . the pf:J*'ticipc2tive
*Victor H. Vroom, "Industrial Social Psy- worker is an :'nvoz'ved worker, for his job
chology," T h e HsuuU9ook of Socrlr:¢l P.wcftolo,'3v fJecoJrr:e.\ an extension of M:r1seU and b.v his
V, 2nd ed., ed. Gardner Lindzey and Elliot Aron-
son (Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley. TIbid., p. 228.
1969), p, 243. Hibid., P. 230.
,-.IU3/'<1'., pp. 199-201. !!laid., p. 232-33.
!ion.:[., D. 199, 1mud., p, 234-36.
Alienation in Capitalist Society 281

riecisions he is erecting his work, modifying ALIENATION FROM COMMUNITY

and regulating i!.11
The institutional basis of alienation from
But such instances of even moderate work activities is mirrored in other alienat-
worker control are instituted only in mar- ing forms. Individuals are also alienated
ginal areas and in isolated firms fighting for from their community in capitalist society.
survival. When the threat is over, there is a The roles open to the individual allowing
return to "normal operating procedure." The him to relate to his social community are
threat of worker escalation of demand for among the most central to his welfare and
control is simply too great, and the usurpa- personal development, and they define his
tion of the prerogatives of hierarchical au- contact with social life. Aside from his work
thority is quickly quashed. Hence, efficiency and his basic living and consumption unit-
in the broader sense is subordinated to the be it nuclear family or more extended com-
needs of bureaucratic control. mune-social community is the most im-
Moreover, it is wrong to think of tech- portant potential contribution to his well-
nology as a single unidimensional force of being. Yet when his community is ugly, vast,
which an economy _y can only have "more" and impersonal and through its fragmented
or "less," but whose so-bstance and form are and' Thcsrenf '1"5"le
essentially independent of social decision. l
um cture it fails to pro-
'alliéqililiE"t5el solly' outlets, the individual
What technology is lluliiillme is the becomes estranged from his community.
sum total of the past decisions made as to The community in capitalist society is
what forms of research are undertaken and molded by its economic institutions. Because
which results of research are embodied in land is controlled individually rather than
actual production in factory and office. communally, -an use conforms to private as
# -

Technology is "alienating" in capitalist so- opposed to social interests. If this individual

ciety (and its state-socialist imitators) in the control were distributed equally throughout
first instance because it is developed and dif- the population, possibly commouncss of in-
fused on the sole criterion of profit, and it is terest would lead owners to cooperate in the
locked into bureaucratic organization only interests of all. But land and property are
because capitalist and managerial represen- very unequally apportioned.
tatives will introduce no new technology that Howl II.'powerful owners of land and
is incompatible with their maintenance of capital decide its udg2 re.e a r l y the .by; is
power. So liberated, integrated, -in# to maximize their own benefit inme

hierarchical technologies will develop only profit. Here a basic economic institution en-
when we repla al capitalist economic insti- ters in, the "free market in land," whereby
tutions by a system of direct worker d each parcel of community property is allo-
community control. Workers arc alienated cated to the highest bidder for its most
from their work activities because they are remunerative personal use. Traditional eco-
powerless to determine, or even significantly nomic theory shows that free markets in
affect, the nature of work roles that hold factors of production and commodities in-
sway over their lives. Work is for the most sure, as did Adam Smith's famous "invisi-
part "meaningless," not because of the na- ble hand," the amassing of labor and the
ture of technology and the division of la- allocation of land according to their most
bor, but because the institutions determin- "ei'licicnt" use in individual commodity pro-
ing them are not tailored to workers' needs. duction. This maximal remuneration leads
to gargantuan accumulation of. individuals
11Paul Biumbcra, lndu.»-frz'a{ Dwnocfrfrcry (New
York; Schockcn Books, 1969). in "urban environments" and "sleeping sub-

orbs" whose only purpose is to supply the They lie, for one, at the root of his aliena-
labor needs of monolithic bureaucratic cn- tion from the product of his labor. When the
terprise. Commercial land use conforms to individual feels that the good or service he
profit criteria independent of community helps produce neither reflects his personal
needs. contribution through its properties and at-
Since the community as an autonomous tributes nor contributes to his welfare either
entity, aside from minor zoning and tax reg- personally or through those with whom he
ulations, has no control over economic ac- has bonds of community, the goal of his
tivity and patterns of land use, the basis of work activities becomes meaningless and ab-
stable and solidary community relations surd; he is alienated from his product. In an
withers and disappears. An architecturally integrated society, workers control their ac-
and socially integrated community cannot tivities and, hence, the attributes of their
thrive when the only power the community product, as true skilled craftsmen. The
holds over the autonomous activities of worker's attachment to his product results
profit-maximizing capitalists takes the form not only from his pride in the object of his
of crude constrai.nts on their creative, syn- labor, but also in the personal value he holds
thesizing enterprises and activities. for the community it serves. But in capitalist
Rather, a true community must be itself society, both disappear. Since the free mar-
a creative, initiating, and synthesizing agent, ket in labor and capitalist control of produc-
with the power to determine the architec- tion eliminate worker control, and since the
tural unity of its living and working spaces free market in land and private control of
and their coordination, the power to allo- resources fragment and impersonalize com-
cate community property to social uses such munity, his product becomes impersonal and
as participatory child-care and community external.
recreation centers, and the power to insure According to this explanation, alienation
the preservation and development of its nat- is a form of deprivation-deprivation from
ural ecological environment. It is not sur- important social roles. But this deprivation
prising that capitalist "communities" evince holds deep subjective implications because
so little and such apathetic support from individual psychic development is controlled
their members. The individual estranged by social experience. lust as "individuals
from his community is realistic in under- develop through their social relations of pro-
standing his lack of control over major com- duction" and become incomplete individuals
munity decisions. Clearly, alienation from when alienated from their work activities, so
community corresponds to our general prop- individuals develop through their roles re-
osition: the institutions determining the role lating to community, product, and other in-
structure, the power structure, and the physi- dividuals. When deprived of these forma-
cal structure of a community operate apart tive influences in healthy forms. they become
from the needs of individuals. "self-alienated." To continue a metaphor,
society may alienate a man's psyche as much
as a pi_eT<poci<ct wallet.. We arc alienated
from ourselves when we are not what we
really could be when we cannot love, play,
run, work, spiritualize, relate, create, em-
Alienation from work activities and com- pathize, or aid as much as our potential
munity arc the basis of the individual's es- allows.
trangcment from all aspects of social life. Self-alienation in this sense is often seen
Alienation in Capitalist Society 283

as a personal rather than social problem, shapes community and work in patterns alien
and the "afflicted" troop to counselors and to human needs.
psychiatrists (and drugs) in search of them»
selves. But the social base of even this most
intimate form of alienation lies in the depri- ALIENATION AND SOCIAL CHANGE
vation of social environments and relation-
ships conducive to personal growth, and its The virtue of capitalism is its level of eco-
cure is accordingly social. When one grows nomic growth in individual-as opposed to
up alienated from others, he cannot love or social-commodities, and the system accom-
relate; alienated from work, he cannot cre- plishes this at the expense of destruction in
ate, from community, he cannot mature as a other social realms. Capitalism "delivers the
social being. Capitalist economic institutions, goods" at the expense of destroying society,
by which decisions are made on the basis and this cannot be cured by merely altering
of profit rather than human need provide the forms of political control.
unrewarding social roles. So psychic growth Capitalism's virtue in delivering the goods
is thwarted, much as vitamin deprivation in- would be acceptable to workers and com-
hibits physical development. munity members only under one condition :
Individuals become alienated from them- that the goods the system delivers be valued
selves for yet another reason. To produce as the ultimate source of individual welfare.
workers with the proper ideologies, values, The submission of the individual to his per-
and personalities to participate effectively in sonal alienation is thus based on the ideo-
alienated social roles requires special attcn~ logical belief-capitalism's assertion-that
son on the part of those institutions that reg-material goods are the path to personal sal
ulate the development of youth. Communi- vation; this belief is instilled and reinforced
cations media, especially advertising, instill through media and schools. Yet it is doubt-
materialist values that hold meaningful work less false.
and community of no importance in com- An individual's welfare and happiness is
parison with individual consumption. determined not by what he has in the form
depersonalize and objectivize interpersonal, of individual commodities but by what he is
intersexual, interracial, and international re-and what he does, by his ability to undertake
lations, reducing them to brute power, com- self-fulfilling activities. Commodities cannot
petition, and ruse by equating the individu- do for you what you cannot do for yourself;
al's success as lover, worker, or community they can act only as instruments in the proc-
member with what he possesses in the form ess of human activity. The possibility of self~
of goods or status. realizing activity depends as much on the
Similarly, by mirroring the impersonal and social contexts open to the individual as on
competitive relations of community and the the means available to their performance.
bureaucratic-authoritarian aspects of alien~ Thus the quality of community, work, and
ated work, schools thwart the development environment appear alongside of individual
of true initiative, independence, and creativ- commodities as sources of' individual wel-
ity in their charges. As a result they tend to fare. An increase in the mass of goods avail-
produce docile, unimagirlative workers fit- able to the individual will enhance his well-
ting the needs of hierarchical commodity being only in so far as they expand the
production. The media and the schools are sphere vi his activities and only if the social
alienating but are not the true culprits, they roles involved in individual activity-roles
merely serve an economic mechanism that defined by community, work, and environ-

rent are themselves maintained or ex- once is limited and declines through the nor-
panded. Economic growth cannot overcome mal operation of economic institutions, and
the individual's alienation from these social the rich bid away this dwindling supply. We
spheres. cannot buy decent community and decent
The individual's ability to undertake self- work activities when their very destruction. is
fulfilling activities depends on his own level the basis of capitalist growth.
of personal p.s'ychic development, in terms of So economic growth, the "virtue" of capi-
physical, emotional, cognitive, aesthetic, and talism, the force in terms of which the sys-
spiritual capacities. The individual alienated tcm is justified and stabilized, is itself sub-
from himself, being alienated from growth- ject to a self-negating dialectic. If capitalist
conducive social roles through his forced rc- society justilics itself by delivering the goods,
duction to a purely efficient worker or child- its very deliverance undercuts its justifica-
raiser, is incapable of true fulfillment, and tion, for once satisfied in this direction, indi-
for him or her, commodities become a sub- viduals will make other demands on their
stitute for, rather than a complement to, social system, and such demands cannot be
personal activities. The individual discovers satisfied by a society wherein "all social
his alienation only by realizing this basic value is reduced to exchange value."
fact. A basic contradiction that capitalism
But the consciousness of alienation oc- faces, then, is the following: economic
curs not through the moral. exhortations of growth is a prerequisite to social stability,
the "converted" but the day-to-day experi- yet people have essentially satisfiable mate-
ences of people themselves, and a major rial needs, satisfiable in the sense that any
force in this realization is the process of eco- further increase in material goods and serv-
nomic growth. Capitalist ideology holds that ices plays a minor part in securing their wel-
increasing personal income is the main path fare regardless of whether they think it will
to happiness, that all we are not our money or not, economic growth leads to the capac-
and status can be for us. Yet even taking ity for satisfying these material needs but
account of inflation, incomes double every cannot satisfy their other basic needs, and
twenty-iive or thirty years in the U.S., and further economic growth will render the truth
we are not happier. On the contrary, social of this argument ever more manifest, ever
life continues to disintegrate and fragment. closer to the daily experience of the worker.
Economic growth itself. gives the lie to the Therefore, economic growth, the prerequi-
ethic of individual consumption as the sole site for stability, leads to instabil.ity.12
social source of personal well-being. We can-
not buy decent environment with increased
"This theme is elaborated more fully in Chap-
income, the total supply of ecological bal- let' II.


Further reading is recommended in Friedan, in the Crystal Palace," and Harvey Swados,
The Feminine Mystique, in Fromm, The "The Myth of. the Happy Worker", and Rap-
Saree Society, and in Kcniston, The Uncom- paport [7]. Blazoner [1] provides an analytic
mitted, as cited in the source lines for Sec- framework for describing work alienation,
Lions 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4. Good descriptions centering on the worker's powerlessness, his
of work alienation are Josephson [5], espe- work's meaninglessness. his isolation, and
cially the essays by Alan Harrington, "Life his self-estrangement. Nisbet [7] discusses
Alienotion in Capitalist Society 285

the destruction of traditional communities School. Reading, Mass.: Addison-

and the consequent alienation from and Wesley Publishing Co., 1968.*
search for community. Weaver [8] describes [3] Friedcnbcrg, Edgar Z. Coming of Age in
America. New York: Random House,
how the need to turn students into (future)
disciplined workers creates alienation among
[4] Henry, Jules. Culture Against Mars. New
students. Friedcnberg [3], especially Chapter York: Vintage Books, 1963.':'
2, relates the oppressiveness of high schools [5] Josephson, Eric, u Josephson, Mary, eds.
to their structure, rules, and teacher anti-tUdcs Man Alone. New York: Dell Publishing
toward the students. Dreeben [2] provides Min-lim _§
the most sophisticated, though not easily [6] Nisbet, Robert A. Community and Power.
readable, argument that the structure of
schools (for example, teacher-authority,
punctuality, etc.) is more important for what
is learned than the Subject content. Henry
[7] Rappaport, Roger. _
New York: Oxford University Press,

on the Line.
Labor in an Affluent Socrfeiy. me shed

[4] investigates schools, the media, advertis-

ing, and Bopular culture in general in show-
land Free Press, -.
as a pomp-hlet. Boston, Mass. Eng~
Available from
the New England Free Press, Tre-
ing the pervasiveness of capitalist values as .
mont Sth, Boston, H--= 02118.
a source of alienation. [8] Weaver, James. "The Student as Worker,"
In u ; Weaver end James H.
[ I ] Blazoner, Robert. Alienation and Freedom. Weaver, The University and Revolution.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall,
1964. §»m§
[2] Dreeben, Robert. On What Is Learned in *Available in paperback editions.

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_ °-
IN CHAPTER 2 EUGENE GENOVESE ARGUED crimination in employment, housing, educa-
that the ante-bellum North, a society based tion, and must -ex in
4 as sev-
on the capitalist mode of production, could eral of the readings in this chapter describe.
not coexist with the Old South, a society And sracial stcreo§rpes, cultural dep.riva.*- Emu

based on the slave mode of productions poliCl lharassmcntl-H so on still abound.

However, although the outcome of the Civil However, in recent decades the overt indi-
War was an important triumph for the vidual form of racism has been superseded
Northern industrial bourgeoisie, the destruc- to some extent by the more subtle institu-
tion of the slave system and the extension tional form of racism as the principal means
of the capitalist mode of production into the of subordinating blacks. For example, the
South did not result in true freedom or situation of urban ghettoes is in large part a
equality for blacks. On the contrary, as the result of institutional racism; the natural
history of? the more than one hundred years functioning of urban markets in land, labor,
since 1865 demonstrates, capitalism has had and commodities automatically leads to the
no apparent difficulty coexisting with and deterioration of black ghettoes within the
perpetuating racism. rest of the urban economy. The urban ghetto
Racism can be defined as the "predica- is an internal, racial "colony," doomed just
tion of decisions and policies on considera- as are the poor capitalist nations of Asia,
tions of race for the purpose of subordinat- Africa, and Latin America to a state Of' un-
ing a racial group and maintaining control dcrdevelopment because of its subordinate
over that group," or "the systematized op- economic relationship to the dominant me-
pression of one race by another."*' Modern tropolis."
racism differs from the c a s t i z u l m
11 'I The effects of racism in the United States
ethnocentrism that Europeans held include continued differentials in income, oc-
Africans in the fifteenth and sixteenth cen- cupational status, infant mortality rates, and
turies. It differs also from the slavery sys- many other measures. For example, blacks
tems of ancient Greece and Rome, which continue to lag far behind whites in income.
were not based on racial differences. In the Data on the relative incomes of black males
United States, racism has permeated every and white males (see Table 7-A) show that
sphere of social life; the systematic oppres- between 1945 and 1969 median black in-
sion of blacks has cultural, psychological, comes have been fluctuating above and bc-
sexual, and political as well as economic di- low an average level of. 55 percent of white
mensions. incomes. Black .i.ncomes rise relative to white
Racism. can take two different forms: in- incomes only during years of economic
dividuaf racism, the attitudes and practices boom when labor shortages reduce black un-
of individual whites against blacks; and In- employment and open new employment
srf'rm'ionaI racism, the normal functioning of areas for blacks. But the gains are all but
institutions in ways that result, often with- eliminated during recessions, little perma-
out conscious or deliberate intent, in the nent improvement in the rdcrzive income po-
subordination of blacks. sition of blacks has occurred since World
A substantial degree of' both individual War II. Table 7-A suggests that, even after
and institutional racism is evident in the accounting for inflation, the absolzfre black-
United. States. Blacks continue to face dis-
For an detailed exposition of the debilitating
'See Genovese. Section ".6, p. 79. effects o f subordination to the metropolis in the
"These definitions are presented in Sections; international context. see Weisrskopf. Section 10.4.
?.1 and 7.3 below. p. 44".

Introduction 289


Median Income* W-NT n/w

While Nonwhite Gap Rubio
Year (I) (2) (H~(2l 12) / H )

1948 2510 1363 1147 .54

1949 2471 1196 1275 .48
1950 2709 1471 1238 .55
1951 3101 1708 1393 .55
1952 3255 1784 1471 .55
1953 3396 1870 1526 .55
1954 3359 1678 1681 .50
1955 3542 1868 1674 .53
1956 3827 2000 I82? .52
1957 3910 2075 1835 .53
1958 3976 1981 1995 .50
1959 4208 1977 2231 .47
1960 4297 2258 2039 .53
1961 4432 2292 2140 .52
1962 4660 2291 2369 .49
1963 4816 2507 2209 .52
1964 4936 2797 2139 .57
1965 5290 2847 2443 .54
1966 5592 3097 2495 .55
1967 5862 3448 2414 .59
1963 6267 3827 2440 .61
1969 6765 3992 2773 .59

SOURCES' *U.S. Bureau of 1hc Census. Cu:-ren! Populnlion R¢~porz5-(fonsuu:er Income.

Series P-60, "income of Families and Persons in the United States." annual issues. Hgurcs arc
in current dollars.
1-The gap in incomes is in current dollars of the year indicated. Because the money income
overstates the changes in real income due to inflation, the increase in the gap In real in-
comes is slightly overstated.

white income gap has more than doubled 1,000 white births compared to 38.8 per
since 1947. 1,000 nonwhite births."
Furthermore, occupational statistics indi- Despite these gloomy statistics, it has
cate that whites have maintained their rela- often been argued that racism is an aberra-
tive advantage in occupational status over tion in the United States, a legacy from the
blacks since at least 1919. A comparison of past that must gradually disappear in a dem-
U.S. census data from 1910 to 1960 showed ocratic, capitalist society. Proponents of this
that although the overall occupational dis- view argue as follows: the capitalistic drive
tribution changed markedly during the fifty- to rationalize production and expand profits
year period, the relative concentration of is itself a strong force against racial. discrim-
black males in the lowest-paid occupations ination. Employers are profit-seekers, and in
changed very little.4 Noneconomic indices organizing their workforce they will be in-
display the same pattern. For example, in terested in a worker's productivity and po-
1966 the infant mortality rate was 20.6 per tential contribution to profits and not in his

11 D;1Ie L. Hieszand, Economic G r v w i i l or/:rl 5U.S. Bureau of the Census, Srcr!f.vnica1 Ab.\'!:'rrct
Eretp{o.w,=1w1I ()pporHrniff'c'.\` for .M11rfn'i!i€.\` (New of the United Srrrfcw: /970 (Washington, D.C.:
York: Columbia University Pl'css, I964). p. 5 3 , Government Printing OH"icc, I970). p. SS.

or her skin color. The pressures of economic in the United States precisely because the
competition from other firms can and will oppression of blacks is consistent with the
overcome the resistance of racist employers logic of class divisions under capitalism and
who persist in discriminating. Similarly, pur- reinforces the interests of the capitalist class
chasers of goods and services will be inter- as a whole. By contributing to divisions and
estcd only in the product's price and its antagonisms among the population, thereby
quality and not in the race of the workers weakening hostility to the capitalist class,
who produce it. Thus, market forces, by al- and by providing to whites a convenient
locating labor to its most efficient use, are scapegoat for social oppression that is gen-
themselves d strong stimulus for ending dis- erated by capitalism itself, racism plays an
crimination. And if market forces do not important role in stabilizing a capitalist so-
operate with sufficient speed or effective- ciety. Whatever its origins--and we should
ness, the government can pass and imple- keep in mind the historical importance for
ment anti discrimination legislation, create Northern capitalism of the westward expan-
job-training and compensatory education sion against Indian opposition and the profits
programs, provide aid tor ghetto economic from black slavery--racism is likely to take
development, and so on for the purpose of firm root in a capitalist society. Racism is
hastening the eradication of racism. There useful to capitalism, moreover, the hier-
has, in fact, been much governmental activ- archical, materialistic, competitive, and in-
ity along these lines in recent decades. dividualistic eiwirontnent of capitalism is not
Why then has racism proven so difficult conducive to the elimination of racism. It is
to eradicate in the United States? We argue therefore unlikely that racism can be eradi-
in this chapter that the conventional analysis cated within the framework of a capitalist
in the above paragraph is inadequate. society.
Racism is not an aberration, it has persisted

7.1 Institutional Racism and the Colonial

Status of Blocks

Many of us are accustomed to think of racism as consisting primarily of

overt discriminatory attitudes and acts by individual whites against indi-
vidual blacks. But as Stokely Carmichael and Charles Hamilton point
out in the following reading, racism is also to a great extent subtly em-
bedded in the normal operation of established social institutions. Often an
institution's operating rules appear fair and unbiased on the surface, but
have the effect of penalizing blacks anyway. Carmichael and Hamilton
analyze such institutional racism in terms of a colonial model and examine
the operation oth-laclc colonial status in its political, economic, and social

Source: The following is condensed from Chapter l o f Blmrk Power by

STol<u1,y CARMICHAEL and CHARLES V. HAMILTON. Copyright © 1967
by Stokely Carmichael and Charles V. Hamilton. Reprinted by permis-
sion of Random House, Ine., and Jonathan Cape Ltd.
Institutional Racism and the Colonial Status of Blocks 291

What is racism? The word has represented in words. But it is institutional racism that
daily reality to millions of black people for keeps black people locked in dilapidated
centuries, yet it is rarely defined-perhaps slum tenements, subject to the daily prey of
just because that reality has been such a explorative slumlorcis, merchants, loan
commonplace. By "racism" we mean the sharks and discriminatory real estate agents.
predication of decisions and policies on con- The society either pretends it does not know
siderations of race for the purpose of subor- of this l z i m l or is in fact incapable
dinating a racial group and maintaining con- of doing anything meaningful about it. We
trol over that group. That has been the shall examine the reasons for this in a mo-
practice of this country toward the black ment.
man, we shall see why and how. Institutional racism relics on the active
Racism is both overt and covert. it takes and pervasive operation of anti-black atti-
two, closely related forms: individual whites tudes and practices. A sense of superior
acting against individual blacks, and acts by group position prevails: whites are "better"
the total white community against the black than blacks; therefore blacks should be sub-
community. We call these individual racism ordinated to whites. This is a racist attitude
and institutional racism. The first consists of and it permeates the society, on both the in~
overt acts by individuals, which cause death, dividual and institutional level, covertly and
injury or the violent destruction of property. overtly.
This type can be recorded by television cam- "Respectable" individuals can absolve
eras, it can frequently be observed in the themselves from individual blame: they would
process of commissio .h second typ L _.e ;is never plant a bomb in a church, they
less overt, far more subtle, has identifiable would never stone a black family. But they
in terms of .specific individuals committing continue to support political officials and in-
the acts. But it is no less destructive of hu- stitutions that would and do perpetuate in-
man life. The second type originates in the stitutionally racist policies. Thus acts of
operation of established and respected forces overt, individual racism, may not typify the
in. the society, and thus receives far less pub- society, but institutional racism does with
lic condemnation than the first type. the support of covert, individual attitudes
When white terrorists bomb a black of racism.
church and kill five black children, that is *

an act of individual racism, widely deplored

by most segments of the society. But when To put it another way, there is no
in that same city Birmingham, A1abama-- "American dilemma" because black people
five hundred black babies die each year bc- in this country form a colony, and it is not
cause of the lack of proper food, shelter and in the interest of the colonial power to lib-
medical facilities, and thousands more are erate them. Black people are legal citizens
destroyed and maimed physically, emo- of the United States with, for the most part,
tionally and intellectually because of condi- the same legal rights as other citizens. Yet
tions of poverty and discrimination in the they stand as colonial subjects in relation to
black community, that is a function of insti- the white society. Thus institutional racism
tutional racism. When a black family moves has another name: colonialism.
into a home in a white neighborhood and is Obviously, the analogy is not perfect. One
stoned, burned or routed out, they are vic- normally associates a colony with a land and
tims of' an overt act of individual racism people subjected to, and physically separated
which many people will condemn---at least from, the "Mother Country." This is not al-

ways the case, however, in South Africa and The black community perceives the
Rhodesia, black and white inhabit the same "white power structure" in very concrete
land--with blacks subordinated to whites terms. The man in the ghetto sees his white
just as in the English, French, Italian, Portu- landlord come only to collect exorbitant
guese and Spanish colonies. It is the objec- rents and fail. to make necessary repairs,
tive relationship which counts, not rhetoric while both know that the white-dominated
(such as constitutions articulating equal city building inspection department will wink
rights) or geography. at violations or impose only slight fines. 'The
The analogy is not perfect in another re- man in the ghetto s CS the white policeman
spect. Under classic colonialism, the colony on the corner brutally manhandle a black
is a source of cheaply produced raw mate- drunkard in a doorway, and at the same
rials (usually agricultural or mineral) which time accept a payoff from one of the agents
the "Mother Country" then processes into of the white~controlled rackets. He sees the
finished goods and sells at high profit- streets in the ghetto lined with uncollected
sometimes back to the colony itself. The garbage, and he knows that the powers
black communities of the United States do which could send trucks in to collect that
not export anything except human labor. But garbage are white. When they don't he
i5 the diflercntiation more than a technical- knows the reason: the low political esteem in
ity? Essentially, the African colony is sell- which the black community is held. He looks
ing its labor, the product itself does not be- at the absence of a meaningful curriculum
Iona to the scsubjectsas because the land is not in the ghetto schools-for example, the his-
theirs. At the same time, let us look at the tory books that woefully overlook the his-
black people of the South: cultivating cotton torical achievements of black people-and
at $3.00 for a ten-hour day and from that he knows that the school board is controlled
buying cotton dresses (and food and other by whites.' He is not about to listen to in-
goods) from white manufacturers. Econo- tellectual discourses on the pluralistic and
mists might wish to argue this point endlessly, fragmented nature QF political power. He is
the objective relationship stands. Black peo- Lu 111111n 11 "white power structure" as
ple in the United States have a colonial re- monolithic as Europe's colonial offices have
lationship to the larger society, a relation- been to African. and Asian colonies.
ship characterized by institutional racism. There is another aspect of colonial poli-
That colonial status operates in three areas tics frequently found in colonial Africa and
-political, economic, social-which WC in the United States: the process of indirect
shall discuss one by one. rule . . . in other words, the white power
structure rules the black community through
local blacks who are responsive to the white
POLITICAL COLONIALISM leaders, the downtown, white machine, not
to the black populace. These black politi-
Colonial subjects have their political decisions
Studies have shown the heavy preponderance
made for them by the colonial masters, and
of business and professional] men on school
those decisions are handed down directly or boards throughout the country. One survey
through u process of "indirect rule." Politi- showed that such people, although only 15 per-
cally, decisions which affect black lives have cent of' the population. constituted 76 percent of
school board mr.-:mbers in a national sample. The
always been made by white people-the percentage of laborers on the boards was only 3
"white power structure." percent. William (I. Mitchell, The Arnwrfcan
Polity: A Social and C1/Ifural ln1c'rpre:ut¢'on (Glen-
coe, Illinois: 'Free Press, 1962).
lnstituiional Racism cmd the Colonial Status of Blclcks 293

cans do not exercise effective power. They It was an act of force nzotivared by inieresrs.
cannot be relied upon to make forceful de~ A n episode in the viral corr petition which,
from cm to man, from group to group,
rands in behalf of their black constituents, has gone on ever increasing, the people
and they become no more than puppets. who set out to seize colonies in the distaff
They put loyalty to a political party before lands were Ihirzlcing prfmarflpf of themselves,
loyalty to their constituents and thus nullify and were working for their own profits, and
any bargaining power the black community conquering for their own. power.2
might develop. Colonial politics causes the
subject to muire his voice while participating One is immediately reminded of the bitter
in the councils of the white power structure. maxim voiced by many black Africans to-
The black man forfeits his opportunity to day: the missionaries came for our goods,
speak forcefully and clearly for his race, and not for our good. Indeed, the missionaries
he justifies this in terms of expediency. turned the Africans' eyes toward heaven, and
Thus, when one talks of a "Negro Establish- then robbed them blind in the process. The
ment" in most places in this country, one is colonies were sources from which raw mate-
talking of' an Establishment resting on a rials were taken and markets to which fin-
white power base, of handpicked blacks ished products were sold. Manufacture and
whom that base projects as showpieces out production were prohibited if this meant-Et
front. These black "leaders" are, then, only it usually H competition I w@ H
as powerful as their white kingmakers will up Rich in. natural resources,
"mother court*"
permit them to be. This is no less true of the Africa did not reap the benefit of. these re-
North than the South. sources herself. In the Gold Coast (now
Ghana), where the cocoa crop was the larg-
est in the world, there was not one chocolate
ECONOMIC COLONIALISM This same economic status has been per-
petratcd on the black community in this
The economic relationship of America's country. Exploiters come into the ghetto
black communities to the large society also from outside, bleed it dry, and leave it eco
reflects their colonial status. The political nomically dependent on the larger society.
power exercised over those communities As with the missionaries, these lm loiters
goes hand in glove with the economic depri- frequently cold
II as the "friend of the
vation experienced by the black citizens. Qro." pretendi-II ollcr worthwhile goods
Historically, colonies have existed for the and services, when their basic motivation is
sole purpose of enriching, in one form or personal profit and their basic impact is the
another, the "colonizer", the consequence is maintenance of racism. Many of the social
to maintain the economic dependency of the welare agencies-public and private-fro
"colonized." All too frequently we hear of quently pretend to offer "uplift" services; in
the missionary motive behind colonization: reality, they end up creating a system which
to "civilize," to "Christianize" the under- dehuinanizes the individual and perpetuates
developed, backward peoples. But read these his dependency. Conscious or unconscious,
words of a French Colonial Secretary of' the paternalistic attitude of many of these
State in 1923 :
Albert Sarraut, Frcnch Colonial Secretary of
Stale, speaking at the Ecole Colonialc in Paris. As
What is rfre use of pairztfng the ruth? As quoted in Kwamc Nkrumah's Afrirw Mus! Unite
the start, colonization was not an ac! of (London: lIcinemann Educational Books, Ltd..
f:h=ihlzcNir>:1, nor was it a desire to civilfze. 1963), p. 40.

agencies is no different from that of many resale value in such goods which have prob-
missionaries going into Africa. ably already received substantial use. In ad-
dition, both the methods of garnishment and
repossession give the merchant a bad busi-
Again, as in the African colonies, the ness image in the community. lt is better
black community is sapped senseless of what business practice to raise the prices 200 to
economic resources it docs have. Through 300 percent, get what he can-dogging the
the exploitative system of credit, people pay customer for that weekly payment and
dollar down, a dollar a week" literally for still realize a sizable profit. At the same time
years. Interest rates are astronomical, and the merchant can protect his image as a
the merchandise-of relatively poor quality "considerate understanding fellow."
in the .first place--is long since worn out bc- The merchant has special ways of victim-
fore the final payment. Professor David Cap- izing public welfare recipients. They are not
lovitz of Columbia University has com- supposed to buy on credit, installment pay-
mented in his book, The Poor Pay More, ments arc not provided for in the budget.
"The high markup on low-quality goods is Thus a merchant can threaten to tell the
thus a major device used by merchants to caseworker if a recipient who isn't meeting
protect themselves against the risks of their his payments docs not "come in and put
credit business" (p. 18). Many of the ghetto down something, if only a couple of dollars."
citizens, because of unsteady employment Another example: in November, 1966.
and low incomes, cannot obtain credit from M.E.N.D. (Massive Economic Neighbor-
more legitimate businesses, thus they must hood Development), a community action.
do without important items or end up being antipoverty agency in New York City, docu-
exploited. They are lured into the stores by mented the fact that some merchants raise
attractive advertising displays hawking, for their prices on the days that welfare recipi-
example, three rooms of furniture for "only ents receive their checks. Canned goods and
$199." Once inside, the unsuspecting cus- other items were priced as much as ten cents
tomcr is persuaded to buy lesser furniture at more on those specific days.
a more expensive price, or he is told that the Out of a substandard income, the black
advertised items are temporarily out of stock man pays exorbitant prices for cheap goods;
and is shown other goods. More frequently he must then pay more for his housing than
than not, of course, all the items are over- whites. Whitney Young, l. of the -UrbaIn
priced. League writes in his book, To Be Equal:
The exploitative merchant relics as much "most of Chicago's 838,000 Negroes live in
on threats as he does on legal action to guar- a ghetto and pa 1 l

antee payment. Garnishment of wages is not for housing than their white counterparts in
particularly beneficial to the merchant-ab the-arm I 44-45). Black people also
though certainly used-because the em- havl a much more difficult time securing a
ployer will frequently fire an employee rather mortgage. They must resort to real estate
than be subjected to the bother of extra speculators who charge interest rates up to
bookkeeping. And once the buyer is tired, 10 percent, whereas El FHA .loan would
all payments stop. But the merchant can carry only a 6 percent interest rate. As for
hold the threat of garnishment over the cus- loans to go into business, we End the same
to1ner's head. Rcposscssion is another threat, pattern as among Africans, who were pro-
again, not particularly beneficial lo the hibited or discouraged from starting com-
merchant. He knows the poor quality of his mercial enterprises. "The white power struc-
.goods in the first place, and there little ture," says Dr. Clark in Dark Ghetto, "has
Institutional Racism and the Colonial Status of Blacks 295

collaborated in the economic serfdom of defect in their character. The colonial

Negroes by its reluctance to give loans and power structure clamped Hz boot of oppres-
insurance to Negro business" (pp. 27-28). sion on the neck of the black people and
The Small. Business Administration, for ex- then, ironically, said "they are not ready for
ample, in the ten-year period prior to 1964, freedom." Left solely to the good will of the
made only seven loans to black people. oppressor, the oppressed would never be
This is why the society does nothing ready.
meaningful about institutional racism: bc-
cause the black community has been the cre-
ation of, and dominated by, a combination
of oppressive forces and special interests in
The operation of political and economic co-
the while community. The groups which
lonialism in this country has had social re-
have access to the necessary resources and
percussions which date back to slavery but
the ability to effect change benefit politically
did not by any means end with the Emanci-
and economically from the continued subor-
pation Proclamation. Perhaps the most vi-
dinate status of the black community. This
cious result of colonialism-in Africa. and
is not to say that every single white Ameri-
this country-was that it purposefully. mall.
can consciously oppresses black people. He
ciously and with reckless abandon role
does not need to. Institutional racism has
the black man to :Q subordinated, inferior
been maintained deliberately by the power
status in the society. The individual was con-
structure and through indifference, inertia
sidered and treated as a lowly animal., not to
and lack of courage on the part of' white
be housed properly, or given adequate medi-
masses as well as petty officials. Whenever
cal services, and by no means a decent edu-
black demands for change become loud and
strong, indifference is replaced by active op-
position based on fear and self-interest. The
line between purposeful suppression and in- The fact of slavery had to have p1'of.ou11d
difference blurs. One way or another, most impact on the subsequent attitudes of the
whites participate in economic colonialism. larger society toward the black man. The
Indeed, the colonial white power struc- fact of slavery helped to fix the sense of su-
ture has been a most formidable foe. It has perior group position. Chief Justice Taney,
perpetuated a vicious circle-the poverty in the Died Scott decision of 1857, stated
cycle--in which the black communities are ". . . that they (black people) had no rights
denied good. jobs, and therefore stuck with which the white man was bound to respect,
a low income and therefore unable to ob- and that the negro might justly and lawfully
tain a good education with which to obtain be reduced to slavery for his benefit." The
good jobs. They cannot qualify for credit at emancipation of the slaves by legal act could
most respectable places, they then resort to certainly not erase such notions from the
unethical merchants who take advantage of minds of racists. They believed in their su-
them by charging higher prices for inferior perior status, not in paper documents. And
goods. They end up having less funds to buy that belief has persisted. When some people
in bulk, thus unable to reduce overall costs. compare the black American to "other im-
They remain trapped. migrant" groups in this country, they over-
In the face of such realities, it becomes look the fact that slavery was peculiar to
ludicrous to condemn black people for "not the blacks. No other minority group in this
showing more initiative." Black people are country was ever treated as legal property.
not in a depressed condition because of' some

The social and psychological effects on mered (dispersed is another term) in the
black people of all their degrading experi- white world. What actually happens, as Pro-
ences are . . . very clear. From the time fessor E. Franklin Frazier pointed out in his
black people were introduced into this coun- book, Black Bourgeoisie, is that the black
try, their condition has fostered human in- person ceases to identify himself with black
dignity and the denial of respect. Born into people yet is obviously unable to assimilate
this society today, black people begin to with whites. He becomes a "marginal man,"
doubt themselves, their worth as human bc- living on the fringes of both societies in a
inns. Self-respect becomes almost impossi- world largely of "make believe." This black
ble. Kenneth Clark describes the process in person is urged to adopt American middle-
Dark Ghetto : class standards and values. As with the black
African who had to become a "Frenchman"
Human beings who are forced to live under in order to be accepted, so to be an Ameri-
ghetto conditions and whose daily experi- can, the black man must strive to become
ence tells them that almost nowhere in so- "white." To the extent that he does, he is
ciety are they respected and granted the
ordinary dignity and courtesy accorded to
considered "well adjusted"-one who has
others will, as a n1a//6/' of course, begin
,g to "risen above the race question." These peo-
doubt their own worth. Since etery human ple are frequently held up by the white Es-
being depends upon his cumulative experi-
ences with others for clues as to how he
tablish as living examples i the prog-
rcss being made by the society in solving the
should view and value himself, children
wfzo are consistently rejected andersmn daily
race problem. Sufhcc it to say that precisely
begin to question and doubt whether they, because they are required to denounce-
their family, and their group really deserve overtly or covertly-their black race, they
no more respect from the larger society are rein forcing racism in this country.
than they receive. These doubts become the In the United States, as in Africa, their
seeds of d pernicious self- and group-hatred,
the Negro's complex and debilitating prej- "adaptation" operated to deprive the black
udice against himself. community of its potential skills and brain
The preoccupation of many Negroes power. All too frequently, these "integrated"
with hair straighteners, skin ftleachers, and people are used to blunt the true feelings
the like illustrates this tragic aspect of and goals of the black masses. They are
A/nericatz racial p1'ejtfclic'e-Negroes have
come to believe in their own in feriority picked as "Negro leaders," and the white
[pp, 63-641. power structure proceeds to talk to and deal
only with them. Needless to say, no fruitful,
There was the same result in Africa. And meaningful dialogue can take place under
some European colonial powers notably such circumstances. Those handpicked
France and Portugal-provided the black "leaders" have no viable constituency for
man "a way out" of the degrading status: to which they can speak and act. All this is a
become "white," or assimilated. France pur- classic formula of colonial cooptation.
sued a colonial policy aimed at producing a At all times, then, the social effects of
black French elite class, a group exposed colonialism are to degrade and to dehuman-
and acculturated to French "civilization" ize the subjected black man. White Ameri-
In at manner similar to that of the colo- ea's School of Slavery and Segregation. like
nial powers in Africa, American society indi- the School of Colonialism, has taught the
cates avenues of escape from the ghetto for subject to hate himself and to deny his own
those individuals who adapt to the "main- humanity. The white society maintains an
stream." This adaptation means to disasso- attitude of superiority and the black com-
ciate oneself from the black race, its culture, munity has too often succumbed to it, there~
community and heritage. and become im- by permitting the whites to believe in the cor-
Institutional Racism in Urban Labor Market 297

rcctness of their position. Racist assumptions and frequently not even recognized. . . _.

of white superiority have been so deeply cn- The time 15

' overdue for tile black
grained into the fiber of the society that they community to redefine itself, set forth new
infuse the entire functioning of the national values and goals, and ol'gnnize around them.
subconscious. They are taken for granted

7.2 Institutional Racism in Urban Labor Markets

The labor market is one of the most important institutions in which racism
is structurally embedded. In the next reading, based on a detailed study of
Chicago, Harold Baron and Bennett Hymer describe how institutional
racism in the labor market operates to keep blacks at the bottom of the
economic hierarchy. The division of the labor market along racial lines,
supplemented by de facto segregation in housing and education and rein-
forced by both the ideology of racism and black political powerlessness,
perpetuate the second-class economic status of blacks in cities.

Source: The following is excerpted from "The Negro Worker in the Chi-
cago Labor Market" by HAROLD BARON and BENNETT HYMER. From
T/ze Negro and the A American Labor Movement, edited by Julius Jacob-
sen. Copyright © 1968 by. Julius Jacobsen. Reprinted by permission of
Doubleday & Company, Inc.

The emerging pattern of Northern racial

Modern-day racial institutions in Northern differences that was becoming institutional-
labor markets were forged in the early twen- ized was explained by social scientists in
ties when Negroes entered the labor force in terms of the individual preferences of whites
large numbers. The ideology developed to to exclude Negroes and the failure of the Nc-
defend contemporary Northern racial insti- gro worker to bring certain acquired attri-
tutions was expressed in psychological and butes to the labor market-education, in-
individualistic terms, in contrast to the centive, skills, and middle-class habits and
Southern experience where racism was based appearances. The North refused to admit
upon an entire way of life. Racial attitudes that its own racial practices, like those in the
of Northern whites were attributed to factors South, formed a well-institutionalized socio-
like prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimina- economic structure of subjugation. Negroes
tion. These attitudes were rationalized by re- and whites were seen only as an aggregate of
lating the economic plight of the Negro to separate entities relating to each other within
his specific handicaps and circumstances- a lcu'.s'.s'ez-faire mari<et.
lack of education and training, ill-health, The racial folklore of the Negro worker's
weak motivation, and the instability of Ne- experience in the Northern labor market can
gro family life. The gaps in income, occupa- now be replaced with a more sophisticated
tion, and education, resulting from discrimi- analysis. By utilizing recent Iindings in the
nation and segregation, were interpreted as study Of' Northern 1°ace relations and urban
being the factors that produced the discrimi- labor markets. the disparities between white
nation and segregation. and Negro workers can be related to institu-

tonal factors within the large urban labor division of the labor market into a Negro
market-the existence of barriers that divide sector and a white sector is made more effec-
the labor market into distinct compartments tive by the existence of the barriers in non-
based upon. race. labor-market institutions. These barriers feed
For expository purposes a blueprint of the back to limit the Negro worker's access in
typical Northern labor market will be drawn . many areas of the labor market.
Although the main point of reference is Chi-
cago, the model is highly applicable to other
urban labor markets having a sizable Ne- RACIAL DUALISM IN THE URBAN
gro labor force. Basically, the blueprint con- LABOR MARKET
sists of three generalizations describing the
way in which the Chicago labor market gen- The racially dual labor markets found in
erates differences based upon race. These Northern cities have their origins in the
generalizations are: earlier system of Southern slavery and rural
1. The labor market is divided into two peonage. However, if the Negro' subordi-
racial components~=-II tor for the deploy- nate position in the North were merely a
ment of white labor and a sector for the de~ historical atavism from his Southern past, it
ployment of Negro_labO-rl Each sector has its would be expected that race would lose its
own separate institutions and mechanisms significance as I social and economic cate-
for the recruitment, training, and allocation gory with the passage of time. Instead, we
of jobs and workers. Firms are cognizant of find that the Negro's second-class status has
this division and have different perceptions up effectively tutionalized in the
of the two labor forces when they shop for Northern city* removed from Southern
labor. rural conchtions.
2. The Negro labor force has served as a The marked and systematic disparities
pool of surplus labor used to fill shortages that exist between whites and Negroes in re-
of' white labor that occur during war years gard to income, employment, occupation,
or periods of rapid economic growth. A and labor-force participation offer prima
large segment of the Negro labor force has facie evidence that a dual racial labor market
been frozen into positions that are regarded exists. The two distinct and enduring pat-
as traditionally Negro jobs. These jobs are terns of employment characteristics that
usually marginal and low paying; they re- have been described cannot be explained in
quite little skill or formal training; they often terms of a single homogeneous market. The
involve physical hazards; they frequently description of these disparities, however,
offer only seasonal or cyclical employment,
documents the dualism at only a general
and they are frequently in stagnant or de- level of observation.
clining industries. In more specific terms, a racially dual la-
3. Northern de facto segregation, in gen- bor market means that there exists a primary
eral, is maintained by a complex of inter- metropolitan labor market in which firms
related and mutually supportive institutions recruit white workers and in which white
whose combined effect is greater than the workers look for jobs, side by side with the
sum of the effects of each institution consid- major market, there exists a smaller labor
cred singularly. The racial distinctions and sector in which Negroes are recruited and
differentiations created in any one institute in which Negroes look for employment? For
tonal area operate as effective barriers sup-
porting the segregation and status differen- ' I n the Chicago zxrca Negro workers comprise
fiation that occurs in other institutions. The one-seventh of the total labor force.
Institutional Racism in Urban Labor Markets 299

each sector there are separate demand and state, or local government as compared to
supply forces determining the allocation of only 6 percent of employed white males. Six
jobs to workers and workers to jobs. Over percent of Negro males are in the primary
time, this dualism is characterized by a metal industry as compared to 3 percent of
transfer of jobs from the white sector to the white males. At the other extreme, 1.5 per-
Negro sector as the economy develops and cent of white males are in the banking and
as the Negro labor force expands in abso- finance industry as compared to only 0.2
lute and relative numbers? percent of Negro males. The existence of
To understand the perpetuation of the limited entry for Negroes can also be found
Negro's second-class status, it is necessary in manufacturing--for example, 6 percent
to examine the mechanisms by which the of all white men are employed in the non~
labor market and in a broader sense the electrical machinery industry while only 2
general socioeconomic structure have dis- percent of all Negro men are in that field.
tributed jobs between whites and Negroes. While an examination of broad industrial
The conception of a division of the labor classifications indicates certain. tendencies
market along racial lines in a city such as toward racial dualism in the labor market,
Chicago is an important factor in under- the pattern becomes much more distinct when
standing how racial differences have been individual firms and occupations within an
systematically maintained. industry are considered. A recent survey
The racial divisions in the Chicago labor based on a sample of firms from the mem-
market are visible in many dimensions-by bership of the Chicago Association of Com-
industry, by occupation, by geographic area, merce and Industry makes this point strongly
by firms, and by departments within firms. by showing the percentage of firms in the
In general, Negro workers tend to be hired Chicago labor market that do not employ
by certain industries and by particular firms nonwhites. Sever out of every ten small firms,
within those industries. Some firms have ab- one out of every five medium-sized firms,
solute racial barriers in hiring, with Negroes and one out of every thirteen large firms do
being completely excluded. Within all indus- not hire nonwhites. Construction, transpor-
tries and even in government employment tation and utilities, and finance and insur-
there is unmistakable evidence of occupa- ance are the mo.s~t segregated industries.
tional ceilings for Negroes. Within single es- Those small firms that employ any non-
tablishments that hire both white and non- whites tend to have labor forces with a very
whites, Negro workers are usually placed in high proportion of nonwhite workers. While
particular job classifications and production nonwhites account for 10.4 percent of total
units. A good rule of thumb is that the lower employment by small firms, they are con~
the pay or the more disagreeable and dirty fined to 30.9 percent of the universe of small
the job, the greater the chance of finding a firms.
high proportion of Negroes. Employment of some nonwhites by a firm
Racial concentration by industry in Chi- does not necessarily mean that it has an in-
cago is shown in the fact that 20 percent of tegrated work force. Within ET firm, racial
employed Negro males work for federal, segregation can take place on the basis of
production units, branch operation, or oc-
2Tt should be noted that the generalization COU-
cupational classification. Table 7-B offers
corning the dual labor market is Una at a high conclusive proof of this point. For each ma-
level of abstractnow-an there H obvious jor occupation it shows the percentage of
exceptions at the level Im particulars i n need
herc* is to comprehend the process, employees working for firms that have no

hcnsion requires some degree of. abstraction. nonwhites in that particular occupational

TABLE 7-B PROPORTION OF EMPLOYMENT seeking. Whites do not seek employment

SEGREGATION BY OCCUPATIONAL GROUPS with firms that they identify as being totally
in the Negro labor market, nor do they seek
Percent Segregated jobs that they identify as being Negro jobs.
Occupcrfion lnonwhifel
In firms which have integration among their
Professional 43.3 unskilled or semiskilled workers, it is t.he
Managers '75.1 whites in these categories who operate with
Clerical Workers 27.3
Sales Wn1'ke1's
the expectation that they will be chosen for
Craftsmen, Skilled 66.2 on-the-job training or considered for promo-
Scmiskilled 11.5 tion.
Service Workers 8.0 Negroes, on the other hand, shop in what
Laborers 11.0 they consider to be the Negro labor market.
SOURCE' Chicago Association of Commerce and T11- Firms are identified as employing Negroes,
duslry. Mrrnpralwfl' Sm'1'vJ', $964. p. 16. Table 1 I .
e_g. in Chicago certain mail-order houses
and the Post Ofiicc, or jobs, such as laborer
classification. It stands out clearly that within
or foundry work, are identified as being Ne-
individual firms, four occupations-p1°ofes-
gro jobs. The Negro job seeker expects au-
sional, managerial, sales, and craftsmen-
tomatic rebuff outside the identified Negro
tend to exclude nonwhilcs. In the case of
labor market, and he accordingly limits his
professionals and managers Table 7-B un-
shopping to the places where he feels that
derstates the segregation of Negroes, as a
he has some chance of success. Not surpris-
high proportion of the nonwhites in these
ingly, most jobs in the white labor market
classifications arc Orientals.
are never sought by Negroes.
in some firms that arc integrated by oc-
These segregated job-seeking patterns are
cupation, departments within that occupa-
reinforced by several practices. Many firms
tional group may be divided along racial
fill vacancies by word of mouth to friends
lines. Negroes arc especially segregated into
and relatives of employees, thus recruiting
hot, dirty departments like foundries and
from the same racial groups as their present
heat-treating shops. Sometimes within the
labor force. Labor-market intermediaries-
same operation there will be occupational
the Illinois State Employment Service. some
segregation in which the laborers are Negro
five hundred private employment agencies,
and the machine operators are white, or in
and vocational counselors-tend to operate
other cases the machine operators are Ne-
on the basis of the dual labor market. Ne-
gre and the higher paid mechanics are gro youngsters in school are encouraged to
white. A plant might have an integrated
seek careers in occupations that are tradi-
semiskilled work force, but it will almost in- tionally Negro jobs. Nonwhite job seekers
variably have segregation of its craftsmen
are counseled to apply for positions within
and lower-level supervisory employees, even
the Negro labor market. Both public and
though most of these jobs are filled by
private employment services, in spite of Ie-
within plant recruitment. in general, the
gal prohibitions, tend to respect the racial
lower the position on the occupational scale, lines of the labor market in their referrals.
the greater the chance that there will be in-
tegration for a particular job classification.
I n response to this segregated job pattern
in the total labor market, Negroes and whites The concept of duamlisrn is a convenient way
have developed separate patterns of job of describing a major feature of Northern
institutional Racism in Urban Labor Markets 301

race relations in the area of cmployment-- sector are either with major employers or
the segregation and division of the white with firms that are competitive with the ma-
and Negro labor forces. To understand fur- jor companies. Within this standard sector
ther the operation of urban labor markets Negro workers are often segregated by firm
where there is a sizable Negro labor force, and within firms by job classification or pro-
it is necessary to describe the processes of duction unit. The size of this sector is gen-
how Negroes advance occupationally and erally determined by the extent to which past
how certain jobs arc either kept from or al- or present labor shortages have allowed the
located only to the Negro labor force. entry of Neg_ro ._wo_rkers into areas where
Our second generalization, i.e. the surplus previously just whites were hired. Currently,
labor pool, shows that the Negro labor force iporoximately 'Nalffhc Negro labor force is
has served as an excess supply of labor in this category.
utilized for jobs that whites have recently The surplus sector of the Negro labor jobs
vacated, or for jobs where there are short- consists of workers bccupied in traditional
ages of white labor, or for jobs that have Negro jobs outside the standard sector and
become traditionally Negro jobs. According workers who are unemployed or are out of
to this generalization, the Negro labor force labor force, or are in marginal jobs. Workers
can be broken down into three distinct in the surplus sector who have jobs occupy
groups: positions that are at the very bottom of the
1. A Negro service sector selling goods
occupational ladder. These jobs are low pay-
and services to the Negro community, ing, involve dirty and unsafe work, are often
A slander!! .vector regularly employed of short duration, and have little advance-

by major white-controlled firms or in- ment potential. Many of these jobs are as-
stitutiot i n _ signed to the Negro labor force only as the
3. A. .rtnrplitr labor j'flc°for that is without
work or tenuously employed in low-
white labor force advances into higher oc-
paying, mark_if al lobs. " cupations. Traditional Negro jobs like boot-
blacks. car washers, busboys, washroom at-
By the Negro service sector we refer to
tendants, porters, and servants are positions
Negroes self-employed or employed by
that through custom have gradually formed
firms, either white or Negro owned, which
an area Ol' employment exclusively for Ne-
service the Negro community. .in the case
grocs, or other minority groups, regardless
of professional services, such as medical or
of employment conditions elsewhere in the
legal, the persons within this sector are us-
labor market.
ually well paid. At the other extreme are
small neighborhood retail establishments
providing only a subsistence income to their
proprietors. In general, the size of the serv- DE FACTO BARRIERS
ice sector is dependent upon the amount of
money that Negroes have available for con- Racial dualism in the labor market is only
sunlption expenditures. one of the several major forms in which the
By the standard sector of the Negro labor system of Northern screszation perpetuates
force WC refer to workers regularly em- the second-class status of Negro workers in
ployed in Firms and institutions that supply the Northern city. Housing segregation ---..
goods and services to the total economy. school segregation restrictl in the ae-
Annual earnings in this sector are well above quisition of both skills and jobs. At the same
the subsistence level. and in many cases are time, the ideology of racism and the lack of
comparable to those for whites. Jobs in this Negro political power reinforce these major

institutional patterns. Within the labor mar- The system of de facto segregation breeds its
ket these practices together with employment own children within its confines and keeps
discrimination act as the barriers that pro- many at the lowest possible level of income.
duce and maintainthe dualism. For example, in 1960, 25 percent of the Ne-
The overall effect of Northern racial in- gro mothers on ADCS Public Assistance
stitutions--housing segregation, school seg- had been born in Chicago-Northern-born
regation, employment discrimination-open women had almost as high a representation
sting concurrently is not confined just to the on the welfare roles as did women born in
labor varlet. There is an overriding system the South.
of race relation characterized by the social
and economic subjugation of the Negro via
the whole constellation of institutions. In ex- EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION
amining the components of this system we
find a number of similarities. Discrimination Firms seeking to discriminate can exclude
and segregation in the labor market operates Negroes in a number et different-ways. ' l e y -
in much the same way as residential segre- can directly turn down Negroes lnecause of
gation and de facto school segregation. In race, or screen them out by criteria that ap-
each case there are no modern laws either pear to be color-blind. Certain job require-
regulating or maintaining the practice, yet ments-residence near the job, a stable
the institutions operate almost as though work record, a high school diploma, and
they were ordained by a body of statute. no arrest-will tend to exclude a greater pro-
Second, none of these particular racial prac- portion of Negroes than of white applicants.
tices could persist by itself if there were not an Some of these criteria serve as cutoff points
array of reinforcing social, economic, psycho- and job-rationing devices, rather than actu-
logical, and geographical elements support- ally being related to job performance.
ing it. The various types of de facto segrega- Individual decision makers involved in the
tion in housing, education, and employment recruitment and hiring process personnel
each make the other types that much more men and foremen-will exert their own con-
effective and absolute. Consequently a re- scious or unconscious preferences by apply~
duction in one barrier say, employment in ambiguous and discriminatory hiring cri-
discrimination-will have only a limited ef- teria-looks, dress, speech patterns-rigidly
feet unless the other institutions also change. for Negroes and loosely for whites. Many of
Third, each of these racial barriers consid- the tests used by firms to select workers will
ered by itself has fuzzy edges and excep- contain cultural biases that handicap appli-
tions. However, when they are examined as cants from low-income nonmiddle-class
a group, they produce an overall pattern of homes. Finally, a firm may discriminate by
sharp racial differences and little interracial shopping only in the white labor market, not
contact. advertising in Negro newspapers or inform-
The total network of de facto segregation ing Negro placement agencies of vacancies.
in Chicago is so pervasive that the second- Employment discrimination is seldom an
class status of Negro workers is passed on all or nothing proposition (as we have noted
from generation to generation. Urban segre- in our section dealing with dualism). In
gation in the Northern city cannot be ex-
plained merely in terms of the problems of 3Gt'eeIll€igh Associates, Facts, I'I/(rde5 and
rural Southern migrants learning to cope with Future: A Sandy of
the Aid-to-Dcpendenl CM!-
dren Program of Cook Counrv, lFIinr)i.s ( N e w

city life--this is only one of many factors. York: Crccnlcigh Associates, 1960), p. 9.
Institutional Racism in Urban Labor Markets 303

practice there is a wide range of hiring poli- the craft. The result has been the widespread
cies that may be in operation. Although exclusion of Negroes from these skilled jobs.
some firms completely exclude Negroes, After four years of strong criticism by civil
most big firms will recruit Negro workers for rights groups and governmental bodies the
certain occupations or for certain depart- Washburn Trade School, which provides
ments and certain job classifications, while the training for most of the apprenticeship
still excluding them from others. Often firms opportunities in the Chicago area, has only
that hire Negroes establish job ceilings reached the stage where 2 percent of its en-
through on-the-job discrimination in promo- rollment is Negro.
tion. In general, the hiring and promotion Even when Negroes have managed to cn-
policies of most firms depend upon their im- ter the building trades, they have frequently
mediate manpower requirements and the ex- been shunted into Jim Crow locals. These
tent to which the government and civil segregated locals and discrimination in hir-
rights groups are exerting pressure. ing-hall procedures in the integrated locals
An individual firm may discriminate from serve as a rationing device in passing out the
the irrational motive of preiudicc. in other jobs. Negro bricklayers have difficulty lind-
cases firms may discriminate to placate cus- ing employment except in the peak season,
tomers HI employees. 'umm discrimination in the slack season the available work is
may be secondary, as in cases where union shared among the white bricklayers and the
membership is a requirement for employ- Negroes are excluded. .in other cases, such
ment and the unions exclude Negroes from as the painters, Negroes are generally con-
membership. A firm may also discriminate fined to working in the ghetto areas while
unintentionally because it is well within the whites can work anywhere.
area regarded by Negro job seekers as be- The industrial.-type unions, on balance,
ing part of the white labor market. Some have had a positive influence in breaking
firms may also use racial divisions as a down racial discrimination. This influence
means of weakening unions in organizing has not been of particular importance in the
and in collective-bargaining negotiations. initial hiring_g__procedure_. lt has been felt pri-
In the past some Iirms may have been marily through the operation. and the strict
able to benefit from the dual labor market enforcement of seniority provisions. Senior-
by paying Negro workers less than whites ity rules have given Negro workers job se-
for similar work. This point is indirectly curity and greater access to promotion to
gcstecl by a national study which showed that better paying jobs that are included in the
in 1959 there ii a 13 percent difference in bargaining unit. Nevertheless, even in indus-
hourly earnings between Negroes and whites trial union shops Negroes are still grossly
having the same individual attributes! underrepresented in the higher paying skilled
Employment discrimination is not totally jobs.
regulated by the employers. For certain oc-
cupations trade unions have n important HOUSING SEGREGATION
voice in hiring procedures. `si<iiiecT
trades, especially those with ap_prenticeships. The persistence of housing segregation in
unions-either solely m in joint councils Chicago has recently been documented in
with employers--determine lean enter the Chicago Urban Lea.gue's Map of Negro
Areas of Residence: 1950, /960 and 1964.
James M. Morgan el al., In f.-o1nr' and Waf-
fcrrc* in ffm' I/'H1IIOd S`l'a¢'r>s (New York: McGri\w~
The map shows that the large Negro ghet-
Hill, 1963), 11 56. tos on the South and West Side are expand-

ing in accordance with the long-established SCHOOL SEGREGATION

Chicago pattern of segregated housing on a
block-by-block basis. Residential segrega- Racial segregation in Chicago schools cre-
tion in Chicago is not on the decline, dc-
spite the changes in attitudes of whites
concerning the acceptability of integrated
housing nd despite changes in public and
private policies. Professor Karl Taeubcr of
the University of Wisconsin has demon-
strated that the intensity of residential segre-
atcs extreme differentials between whites and
Negroes in the skills and training which they
bring to the labor market. The system of

percent of ' i n _
Emma.. lefiicicnt-in 1964, 85.6
pupils were in Negro-
segregated schools (90 percent or more Ne-
gro) and 78 percent of all white pupils were
gation actually increased in Chicago between in white-segregated schools (90 percent or
1950 and l960." Housing segregation has more white). The segregation is more ex-
resulted from the practices and policies of treme at the grade school level than at the
members of the Chicago real estate industry, high school level. During the school year
the Chicago Board of Education's adherence 1964-65 there was a decline both in the
to a narrow type of neighborhood school number of integrated schools and in the
policy, and the influence of the ideology of number of pupils attending them.
racism on individuals. Chicago's Negro schools are delinitcly of
The effect of housing segregation is to inferior quality. L...USS money is spent per pu-
confine the Negro labor force to certain geo- pil in them, they have more pupils per class-
graphical areas of the labor market. The ac- roon1 I I ! concentration of inex-
cess of Negro workers to many jobs is perienced teachers. Tt is more often the rule
limited as they can sock employment only than the exception that substitute teachers
within reasonable traveling distances. Even are not provided in Negro schools when the
when workers are willing to travel long dis- rceular teachers are absent. In economic
tances, proximity to the job is often used as terms the segregated school system has served
a hiring criterion. as a device for rationing insufficient educa-
Most new jobs in the Chicago labor mar- tional resources to whites on El preferred
ket are located in areas remote from the basis.
Negro ghetto and generally out of reach for The school. system has low expectations
Negro workers. Since 1957 there has been for Negro pupils, and it graduates them with
a continual movement of plants and offices far less demanding standards. The Negro
away from the inner city near the ghetto to child tends to incorporate within himself the
the outlying, lily-white areas of the metro- low estimate that the educational establish-
politan. region, Between 1957 and 1963 the ment has of Negroes. Accordingly, the seg-
number of jobs near the Negro ghetto de- regated school system tends to dampen his
clined by almost 93,000 while the number motivation and to instill low career expecta-
of jobs in outlying and suburban areas in- tions in. him. Test scores show that formal
creased by 72,000--generally in the north- skills imparted to the Negro child are dras-
western suburbs farthest away from any tically lower than thosdn
\ * l m
sizable Negro population. The residential re- The effect of inferior segregated education
motcness of' Negroes from new jobs in grow- on the Negro student is obvious. He is less

ing industries reinforces the pattern of hir- likely to obtain a high school diploma, less
ing Negroes in declining. industries. likely to score well on a placement test, and
less prepared to acquire further skills on the
Karl and Alma E. Tacubcr. Neg:-rx».s' in C'iti¢~».s-
job. The situation was recently summed up
(Chicago: Afdine, 1965). in a quip by Professor Kenneth Clark, the
The Rise of Capitalism c d The Rise of Racism 305

distinguished social psychologist: "Personnel labor force, unlike those of other large eth-
managers need no longer exercise prejudicial nic groups, has not been allowed to assimi-
decisions in job placement, the educational late into the metropolitan labor market. One
system in Chicago screens Negroes for hundred years after emancipation and forty-
them." five years after urbanization, Negroes in Chi-
cago are still systematically restricted in both
the skills they may acquire and the extent to
CONCLUSlON which they can utilize any given level of
Segregation in the Northern labor market has Racial dualism in the urban labor market
been as efficient a mechanism for subjugat- is a structural phenomenon. While this does
ing Negroes to second-class status as segre- not necessarily mean that the social and ceo-
gation in housing and education. In Chicago nomic order depends on segregation, it does
the process of allocating jobs to white work- tell us that our basic social and economic
ers is so effectively separated from the proc- institutions have to be revamped in order to
ess of allocating jobs to Negro workers that achieve equality. A dual structure based
year after year the differentials between upon race is not merely a slight deviation
white and Negro workers arc maintained. At from some acceptable norm as to how the
the same time, a large segment of the Nc- labor market should function, but an essen-
gro labor force is relegated to the role of an tial feature of urban labor markets and
urban peasantry destined to live off welfare American race relations.
payments and white paternalism. The Negro

7.3 The Rise of Capitalism and the Rise of Racism.

The previous two leadings have described a number of facets of the opera-
tion of racism in the contemporary United States. We turn next to examine
the historical development of racism in the United States and its relation-
ship to the capitalist mode of production.
Numerous instances of color prejudice and ethnocentricity can be found
in the histories of pre-capitalist societies, for example, in Ancient Egypt.
Why, then, do we suggest that there is an historical link between racism
and capitalism? In the following reading, James and Grace Boggs associate
the development of systematic oppression of one race by another with the
rise of capitalism. The enslavement of Africans played a crucial role in
the early accumulation of capital, after slavery became entrenched, casual
racial prejudices were transformed into a systematized and codified ideol-
ogy and practice of racial subordination. Moreover, the continued develop-
ment of capitalism has been and still is accelerated by the systematic un-
derdevelopmcnt of the black community. The origins of racism are thus
related to the development of the capitalist mode of production itself.

Source: The following is excerpted from Chapter 12 o f Racism and the

Cfa.s'.§' _S`lruggle by JA1viJ8s a d G R A C E Boons. Copyright Lf 1970 by James
Boggs. Reprinted by permission of Monthly Review Press.

naturally and normally pursues the syste-

matic exploitation and dehumanization of
The list thing we have to understand is that
one race of people by another. An organic
racism is not a "mental quirk" or a "psycho- link between capitalism and racism is there-
logical flaw" on an individual's part.1 Racism
fore certainly suggested.
is the systematized oppression by one race of The parallel between the rise of capitalism
another. In other words, the various forms
and the rise of racism has been traced by a
of oppression within every sphere of social number of scholars. The Portuguese, who
relations-economic exploitation, military were the first Europeans to come into con-
subjugation, political subordination, cultural
tact with Africans at the and of the fifteenth
devaluation, psychological violation, sexual
and beginning of the sixteenth centuries,
degradation, verbal abuse, etc.-together treated them as natural friends and allies.
make up a whole of interacting and develop-
They found African customs strange and ex-
ing processes which operate so normally and otic but also found much to admire in their
naturally and are so much a part of the exist- social and political organization, craftsman-
ing institutions of the society that the indi-
ship, architecture, and so on. At this point
viduals involved are barely conscious of their
the chief technological advantages enjoyed
operation. As Fanon says, "The racist in a by the Europeans were their navigation skills
culture with racism is therefore normal." and firepower (both, by the way, originally
This kind of systematic oppression of one learned from the Chinese). in the next four
race by another was unknown to mankind in centuries these two advantages would be
the thousands of years of recorded history used to plunder four continents of their
before the emergence of capitalism four hun-
wealth in minerals and people and thereby
dred years ago-although racial prejudice to increase the technological superiority of
was not unknown. For example, some Chi-
Europeans by leaps and bounds.
nese in the third century B.c. considered Africa was turned into a hunting ground
yellow-haired, green-eyed people in a dis~ for slaves to work the land of the West Indies
tint province barbarians. In Ancient Egypt and the Southern colonies that had been
the ruling group, which at different times stolen from the Indians. As the slave trade
was red or yellow or black or white, usually expanded, its enormous profits concentrated
regarded the others as inferior. capital in Europe and America for the ex-
Slave oppression had also existed in
pansion of commerce, industry, and inven-
earlier times, but this was usually on the
tion, while in Africa the social fabric was
basis of military conquest and the con- torn apart. In the Americas the blood and
querors-the ancient Greeks and Romans-
sweat of African slaves produced the sugar,
did not develop a theory of racial superiority
tobacco, and later cotton to feed the reliner~
to rationalize their right to exploit their ies, distilleries, :md textile mills, first of
Western Europe and then of the Northern
Just as mankind, prior to the rise of capi-
United States.
tulism, had not previously experienced an The more instrumental the slave trade in
economic system which naturally and nor- destroying African culture, the more those
mally pursues the expansion of material pro- involved directly and indirectly in the slave
ductive forces at the expense of human
traffic tried to convince themselves and
forces, so it had never known a society which others that there had never been any African
culture in the first place. The more brutal
1 See Frantz Fanon, "Racism and Culture," in
Toward Iflc A,fricF1rz Revvlznion (New York and
the methods needed to enforce slavery against
London: Monthly Review Press, 1967). rebellious blacks, the more the brutalizers
The Rise of Ccmpitcaiism c d The Rise of Racism 307

insisted that the submissiveness of slavery the farmer for his produce, the doctor and
was the natural state of black people. The lawyer for their skills.
more valuable the labor of blacks to South- To white workers at the very bottom of
ern agriculture, precisely because of the rela- white society, African slavery also brought
tively advanced stage of agriculture in their substantial benefits. First, the expanding in-
African homeland, the more white Ameri- dustry made possible by the profits of slave
cans began to insist that they had done the trafficking created jobs at an expanding rate.
African savage a favor by bringing him to Second, in the Americas particularly, white
a land where he could be civilized by agri- indentured servants were able to escape from
cultural labor. Thus, step by step, in order the dehumanization of plantation servitude
to justify their mutually reinforcing economic only ceca seemingly inexhaustible nut!!
exploitation and forceful subjugation of supply of constantly imported African slaves
blacks, living, breathing white Americans to take their place.
created a scientifically cloaked theory of
white superiority and black inferiority.
In order to understand the ease with
which racism entrenched itself in Europe In the late nineteenth century . . . mo-
and North America, it is important to em- nopoly capitalism begun to export "surplus
phasize that not only the big merchants, capital" to what we today call the Third
manufacturers, and shipowners benefited World. . . . The capital invested in the colo-
from the slave trade and slavery. All kinds nies could be used to extract surplus values
of little people on both sides of the Atlantic from a work force prevented by the military
drew blood money directly from the slave power of 21 colonial administration from or-
trailic. Thus, "though a large part of the ganizing for better working conditions,
Liverpool slave traffic was monopolized by shorter hours, higher wages. Finally, the sur-
about ten large firms, many of the small ves- plus profits thus extracted from the colonial
sels in the trade were fitted out by attorneys, work force were not reinvested in the colo-
drapers, grocers, barbers, and tailors. The nies but were sent home to add to the total
shares in the ventures were subdivided, one social capital available for modernization in
having one-eighth, another one-fifteenth, a the oppressing country. In this way the co-
third one-thirty~sccond part of a share and lonial countries were systematically kept in
So on. . . . 'almost every order of people is a state of undevelopnlent in order to accel~
interested in a Guinea cargo' "2 eratc economic development at home.
The middle classes benefited indirectly An analogous process has taken place
from the general economic prosperity cre- within the borders of the United States,
ated by the slave trade. "Every port to which where the black work force has been used as
the slave ships returned saw the rise of man- u colonial work force to preserve the value
ufactures in the eighteenth century-rciinep of existing capital.
ies, cottons, dyeworks, sweetmaking-in in- The role which blacks were to play in this
creasing numbers which testified to the process was fixed after Reconstruction when
advance of business and industry."'* in the blacks were kept on the cotton plantations
expanding economy the shopkeeper found a not only by the brute force of Southern
growing number of customers for his goods. planters and sheriffs but by the violent hos-
tility of white workers to their entry into
"Eric Williams, Cnpi/0/1'.w:1 and Sl'(n'(°rv (New
the advancing industries of the North and
York: G. P. Putnam & Sons. 1966).
/ v r u l .11.Jr.
.|. lu.;/1}
South. Between 1880 and 1890 alone there
(New York: Monthly Review Press, 1969), p. 444. were fifty strikes in the North against the em-

ploynlent of black workers in industry. The and churches they make excessive payments
result was that in 1910 the number of blacks which add to the total capital available to
in industries other than cotton production the entire economy for new buildings, new
was less than 0.5 percent, while as late as plants, new churches, new homes. As in the
1930, 68.75 percent of gainfully employed days of primitive accumulation, the entire
blacks were still in agriculture and domestic white community benefits, not only from the
service. direct receipt of interest and principal on
As blacks began to move into the cities in these homes and churches but in terms of
this country, white workers acted as the new industries with their streamlined build-
principal human agent assisting American ings and their increasingly skilled jobs.
capitalism to counteract the fundamental The situation has reached its climax in the
contradiction between constantly advancing role assigned by the military-industrial state
technology and the need to maintain the to young blacks on the frontlincs of Viet-
value of existing plants. They have done so nam. The disproportionate number of black
by collectively and often forcibly restricting youth fighting and dying to preserve the sys-
blacks to technologically less advanced in- tem in Asia makes it possible for an increas-
dustries or to what is known as "common ing number of white youth to attend college
labor" inside the modern plant or in con- and be prepared for the new industries of the
struction. A perfect example of the system future. The systematic undevelopment of the
in operation on the job has been in the black community is thus the foundation for
building industry. "The black man digs a the systematic development of the white com-
ditch. Then the white man steps in and lays munity.
the pipes and the black man covers the ditch . The economic advantages to the United
The black man cleans the tank and then the States of having a colony inside its own bor-
white boiierrnaker comes on and makes the
This is the scavenger role in production
colonial force of blacks, Ml. "
ders have been tremendous. By using the
51 has
In I

been able to moderate the general contradic-

which white workers, acting consciously on tion of capitalist accumulation. That is to
behalf of their own social mobility and un- say, it has been able to accelerate technologi-
eormciously on behalf of constantly advanc- cal expansion and at the same time keep
ing capitalism, have assigned to blacks and profits coming in from continuing exploita-
other colored peoples, such as the Chinese tion of its obsolescent, "used" factories,
and Japanese on the West Coast, and the homes, schools, stores, etc. As a result, the
Mexicans and Puerto Ricans. United States has developed into the techno-
But the scavenger role has not been re- logically most advanced country in the
stricted to jobs. In the same way that blacks world.
have been forced to take on the old sub- But the human costs of this counteracting
standard jobs, disdained and discarded by of internal economic contradictions have
socially mobile whites, they have been con- been equally tremendous. On the one hand,
lined to used homes, used schools, used for the sake of American economic develop-
churches, and used stores. (Only in the mat- ment, twenty to thirty million blacks and
ter of the most ephemeral consumer goods thousands of black communities across the
-cars, deodorants, hair spray, clothing, etc. country have paid the high cost of ceutlomie
-arc they able and in fact encouraged to backwardness. As I noted earlier, "Their
buy the latest models.) For the used homes present state of decay, decline, and dilapida-
tion-their present stage of undevelopment
-*Sterling D. Spcro and Abram L. Harris. The
-is a product of capitalist exploitation.
Black Worker (New York: Athcncum, 1968). They have been used and reused to produce
Monopoly Capitol and Race Relations 309

profit by every form of capitalist: landlords, romaic ladder on the backs of blacks, the
construction industries, merchants, insurance American people have become the most ma-
brokers, bankers, finance companies, racket- terialistic, the most opportunistic, the most
eers, and manufacturers of cars, appliances, individualistic-in sum, the most politically
steel, and every kind of industrial com- and socially irresponsible people in the
modity." _ world. Step by step, choice by choice, year
Less obvious but increasingly dangerous after year, decade after decade, they have
has been the human price paid by the entire become the political victims of the system
country for advancing capitalism by all they themselves created, unable to make. po-
means necesin. In the course bf making litical decisions on the basis of principle no
America a unique land of opportunity in matter how crucial the issue. ans

which whites climb up the social and eco-

7.4 Monopoly Capital and Race Relations

In the past several decades blacks have moved in enormous numbers out
of the rural, agricultural South and into the urban, industrial North. Al-
though this migration has brought them some gains in money income,
blacks are still concentrated at the bottom of the overall income distri-
bution.1 Earlier in this chapter, Harold Baron and Bennett Hymen showed
how the mechanisms of institutional racism have prevented blacks from
rising in the urban economy In the following reading, Paul Boron and
Paul Sweezy argue wIry racial inequality will tend to persist in a monopoly
capitalist society. They examine (a) the benefits derived by capitalist
employers from a divided working class, (b) the sociopsycholoaical needs
of capitalism for a lowest status scapegoat group, and (c) the long-run
decline in the demand for unskilled labor.
It should be noted that Boron and Sweezy overstate the significance of
(c), the decline in unskilled jobs. As the entire occupational structure has
moved toward more skilled jobs, the number of black workers in basic
industrial and transportation sectors of the economy has grown rapidly,
for example, blacks now comprise a large majority in many automobile
plants. Although blacks continue to occupy the lowest-paid and most oner-
ous jobs that are available, they have become more central to economic
production, not more marginal, as Boron and Sweezy suggest.

See Ackerman ct al., Section 5.1, U. 207.

Baron and Hymen, Section 7.2, p. 297.

Source; The following is excerpted from Chapter 9 of Monopoly

Capital by PAUL BARAN and PAUL SW1:EZY. Copyright © 1966 by Paul
Sweezy, Reprinted by permission of Monthly Review Press.

been prevented from improving their socio-

. . . The conclusion seems inescapable economic position: they have not been able
that since moving to the cities, Negroes have to follow earlier immigrant groups up the

occupational ladder and out of the ghetto. "white" and "Negro" jobs, the exclusion of
. . . What social forces and institutional Negroes from apprentice programs, the re-
mechanisms have forced Negroes to play fusal of many unions to admit Negroes, and
the part of permanent immigrants, entering so on. In all these groups-and taken to~
the urban economy at the bottom and re- aether they constitute a vast majority of the
maining there decade after decade" white population-what Marx called "the
There are, it seems to us, three major sets most violent, mean, and malignant passions
of factors involved in the answer to this cru~ of the human breast, the Furies of private
cally important question. First, a formidable interest," arc summoned into action to keep
array of private interests benefit, in the most the Negro "in his place."
direct and immediate sense, from the con- With regard to race prejudice, it has al-
tinued existence of a segregated subprole- ready been pointed out that this characteris-
tariat. Second, the sociopsychologieal pres- tic white attitude was deliberately created
sures generated by monopoly capitalist and cultivated as a rationalization and justi-
iication for the enslavement and exploitation
society intensify rather than alleviate existing
racial prejudices, herc g also discrimination of colored labor. But in time, race prejudice
and segregation. And third, as monopoly and the discriminatory behavior patterns
capitalism develops, the demand for un- which go with it came to serve other por-
skilled and semiskilled labor declines both poses as well. As capitalism developed, par-
relatively and absolutely, a trend which af- ticularly in its monopoly phase, the social
fects Negroes more than any other group structure became more complex and difl'er-
and accentuates their economic and social cntiated. Within the basic class framework,
inferiority. All of these factors mutually in- which remained in essentials unchanged,
teract, tending to push Negroes ever further there took place a proliferation of social
down in the social structure and locking strata and status groups, largely determined
them into the ghetto. by occupation and income. These groupings,
Consider first the private interests which as the terms "stratum" and "stratus" imply,
benefit from the existence of a Negro sub- relate to each other as higher or lower, with
proletariat. (a) Employers benefit from di- the whole constituting an irregular and un-
visions in the labor force which enable them stable hierarch . In such a social structure,
to play one group off against another, thus individuals tend to see and define themselves
weakening all. Historically, for example, no in terms of the? !"statT1'S arc lmd to be
small amount of Negro migration was in di- motivated by ambitions l move up and
rect response to the recruiting of strikebrcak- fears of moving down. These ambitions and
ers. (b) Owners of ghetto real estate are fears are of course exaggerated, inlensifietl,
able to overcrowd and overcharge. (c) played upon by the corporate sales apparatus
Middle- and upper-income groups benefit which finds in them the principal means of
from having at their disposal a large supply manipulating the "utility functions" of the
of cheap domestic labor. ( d ) Many small consuming public.
marginal businesses, especially in the serv- The net result of all this is that each
ice trades, eall operate profitably only it' status group has a deep-rooted psychological
cheap labor is "to Them. ams: White need to compensate for feelings of inferiority
workers benefit by being protected from Ne- and envy toward those above by feelings of
gro competition for the more desirable and superiority and contempt Tor those below.
higher paying jobs. Hence the customary dis- lt thus happens that a special pariah group
tinclion, especially in the South, between at the bottom acts as a kind of lightning rod
Mnp1yC pill ndRceRltions 311

for the frustrations and hostilities of all the impact on the demand for different kinds
higher groups, the more so the nearer they and grades of labor. Appearing before a
are to the bottom. It may even be said that Congressional committee in 1955, the then
the very existence of the pariah group is a Secretary of Labor, James P. Mitchell, tes-
kind of harmonizer and stabilizer of the so- titied that unskilled workers as a proportion
cial structure-so long as the pariahs play of the labor force had declined from 36 per-
their role passively and resignedly. Such a cent in 1910 to 20 percent in 1950. A later
society becomes in time so thoroughly satu- Secretary of Labor, Willard Wirtz, told the
rated with race prejudice that it sinks below Clark Committee in 1963 that the percent-
the level of consciousness and becomes a age of unskilled was down to 5 percent by
part of the "human nature" of its members. 1962. Translated into absolute figures, this
The gratification which whites derive from means that the number of unskilled workers
their socioeconomic superiority to Negroes declined slightly, from somewhat over to
has its counterpart in alarm, anger, and even somewhat under 13 million between 1910
panic at the prospect of Negroes attaining and 1950, and then plummeted to fewer
equality. Status being a relative matter. than 4 million only twelve years later. These
whites inevitably interpret upward movement figures throw a sharp light on the rapid de-
by Nesfroes as downward movement for
themselves. This complex of attitudes, prod-
uct of stratification and status consciousness
tion since the Second H_.__._._ ____
terioration. of the Negro employment situa-
n 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . What

happened is that until roughly a decade and

in monopoly capitalist society, provides an a half ago, with the number of unskilled
important part of the explanation why whites jobs remaining stable, Negroes were able to
not only refuse to help N-egroes so But hold their own in the total employment pic-
bitterly resist their efforts to do so. (When ture by replacing white workers who were
we speak of whites and their prejudices and moving up the occupational ladder. This ex-
attitudes in this unqualified way, we natu- plains why . . . the Negro unemployment
rally do not mean all whites. Ever since John rate was only a little higher than the white
Brown, and indeed long before John Brown, rate at the end of the Great Depression.
there have been whites who have freed them- Since 1950, on the other hand, with un-
selves of the disease of racial prejudice, skilled jobs disappearing at a fantastic rate.
have fought along with Negro militants for Negroes not qualified for other kinds of
an end to the rotten system of exploitation work found themselves increasingly ex-
and inequality. and have looked forward to eluded from employment altogether. Hence
the creation of a society in which relations the rise of the Negro unemployment rate to
of solidarity and brotherhood will tak e the more than double the white rate by the early
place of relations of superiority and inferior- 1960s. Negroes. in other words. being the
ity. Moreover, we are conlidcnt that the least qualified workers are disproportionately
number of such whites will steadily increase har d hit as unskilled jobs (and, to an in-
in the years ahead. But their number is not creasing extent, semi-skilled jobs) are elimi-
great today, and in a survey which aims natcd by mechanization, automation, and
only at depicting the broadest contours of cybernation. Since this technological revolu-
the current social scene it would be wholly tion has not yet run its course indeed many
misleading to assign them a decisive role.) authorities think that it is still in its early
The third set of factors adversely affect- stages-the job situatHn of Negroes is likely
ing the relative position of Negroes is con- Hs' on deteriorating. To be sure, techno-
1 a5 many believe, the
nected with technological trends and their logical trends =Hs1unL

cause of unemployment: that role . . . is venting a catastrophic decline in their rela-

played by the specific mechanisms of mo- tive position in the economy as E1 whole. . . .
nopoly capitalism. But within the framework Between 1940 and 1962, total govern-
of this society technological trends, because ment employment somewhat more than
of their difl'e1'ential impact on job opportuni- doubled, while nonwhite (as already noted,
tics, can rightly be considered a cause, and more than 90 percent Negro) employment in
undoubtedly the most important cause, of. government expanded nearly jive times. As
the relative growth of Negro unemployment. a result nonwhite employment grew from 5.6
All the forces we have been discussing- percent of the total to 12.1. percent. Since
vested economic interests, sociopsychological nonwhites constituted `ll.5 percent of the
needs, technological trends-are deeply labor force at mid-1961, it is a safe inference
rooted in monopoly capitalism and together that Negroes are now more than propor-
are strong enough to account for the fact tionately represented in government employ-
that Negroes have been unable to rise out ment.
of the lower depths of American society. In- Two closely interrelated forces have been
deed so pervasive and powerful are these responsible for this relative improvement of
forces that the wonder is only that the posi- the position of Negroes in government em-
tion of Negroes has not drastically worsened. ployment, The first, and beyond doubt the
That it has not, that in absolute terms their most important, has been the increasing
real income and consuming power have risen scope and militancy of the Negro liberation
more or less in step with the rest of the movement itself. The second has been the
populations, can only be explained by the need of the American oligarchy, bent on con-
existence of counteracting forces. solidating a global empire including people
One of these counteracting forces we al- of all colors, to avoid as much as possible
ready commented upon: the shift out of the stigma of racism. If American Negroes
Southern agriculture and into the urban am v§§élb§Vméif§f lthc continuation of
economy. Some schooling was better than their degraded position, history teaches us
none, even a rat-infested tenement provided *WM*p snissieiiy wou'1E'have made no con-
more shelter than a broken-down shack on cessions. 1-".;~1~ 2:"'E;i"T"te"rme6T
once seT%u§j _g___ "%8;='
Tobacco Road, being on the relief rolls of a militant Negro strung it was forced by the

big city meant more income, both money logic of its domestic and international situa-
and real, than subsistence farming. And as tion to make concessions, with the twin ob-
the nation's per capita income rose, so also jcctivcs of pacifying Negroes at home and
did that of the lowest income group, even projecting abroad an image of the United
that of unemployables on permanent relief. States as a liberal society seeking to over-
As we have seen, it has been this shift from come an evil inheritance from the past.
countryside to city which has caused so The oligarchy, acting through the federal
many observers to believe in the reality of' government and in the North and West
a large-scale Negro breakthrough in the last through state and local governments. has
two decades. Actually, it was an aspect of a also made other concessions to the Negro
structural change in the economy rather than struggle. The armed forces have been deseg-
change in the position of Negroes within regated, and a large body of civil rights leg-
the economy. islation forbidding discrimination in public
But in one particular area, that of govcrn~ accommodations, housing., education, and
men employment, Negroes have indeed employment, has been enacted. Apart from
scored a breakthrough, and this has un- the desegregation of the armed forces, how-
qucstionably been the decisive factor in pre- ever, these concessions have had little effect.
The Economics of Racism 313

Critics often attribute this failure to bad When men like Kennedy and Johnson and
faith: there was never any intention, it is Warren champion such measures as the Civil
said, to concede to Negroes any of the real Rights Act of 1964, it is clearly superficial
substance of their demand for equality. This to accuse them of perpetrating a cheap po
is a serious misreading of the situation. No critical maneuver. They know that they are
doubt there are many white legislators and in trouble, and they are looking for a way
administrators to whom such strictures ap- out.
ply with full force, but this is nut true of Why then such meager results? The an-
the top economic and political leadership of swer is simply that the oligarchy does not
the oligarchy-the managers of the giant cor- have the power to shape and control race
porations and their partners at the highest relations any more than it has the power to
government levels. These men are governed plan the development of the economy. In
in their political attitudes and behavior not matters which are within the administrative
by personal prejudices but by their concep- jurisdiction of government, policies can be
tion of class interests. And while they may effectively implemented. Thus it was possible
at times be confused by their own ideology to desegregate the armed forces and greatly
or mistake short-run for long-run interests, to increase the number of Negroes in gov-
it seems clear that with respect to the race ernment employment. But when it comes to
problem in the United States they have housing, education, and private employment,
come, perhaps belatedly but none the less all the deeply rooted economic and socio-
surely, to understand that the very existence psychological forces I.
- --
> Jaime come

of their system is at stake. Either a solution into play. lt was capitalism, its en-
will be found which insures the loyalty, or throncment of are and privilege, which
at least the neutrality, of the Negro people, created the race problem and made of it the
or else the world revolution will sooner or ugly thing it is to . It is the Q y same
later acquire a. ready-made and potentially system which resists and thwarts every ef-
powerful Trojan horse within the ramparts fort at a solution.
of monopoly capitalism's mightiest fortress.

7.5 The Economics of Racism

in the if trod uction to this chapter we pointed out that racism is often
SUCH as an aberration in the United States. According to conventional
analyses of racial discrimination, employers hurt themselves financially by
discriminating against blacks since the labor supply that employers draw
upon is thereby restricted. On the other hand, white workers are said to
benefit since discrimination reduces the competition from blacks for the
jobs and wages of white workers.
In the TofosdiNergdting Michael Reich draws upon the perspective of
earlier $!*]iNI-ter' to undertake a statistical test of the efi'ects
of raci we in the United States. Reich criticizes the conventional explana-
tion of racism and concludes from his analysis that racism benefits white
employers and other rich whites while it hurts poor whites and white em-
'-See espcciaily Boron and Sweezy, Section 7.4, p, 309.

ployccs. Thus racism is seen as a phenomenon of capitalist society. Racism

is useful to capitalism because it obfuscates class interests and provides a
convenient psychological outlet for worker frustration, thereby reinforcing
the existing class structure.
it should be stressed that Reich argues not that racism is necessary to
capitalism but that capitalism nurtures racist ideologies and practices which
help to stabilize the capitalist system. Racism is likely to take firm root in
a capitalist society and to last as long as do capitalist institutions them-

Source: The following is a revised version of "The Economics of Racism"

by MICHAEL REICH. From Problems in Political Eco norrzy: An Urban
Perspective, edited by David M. Gordon. Copyright 19?U by Michael
Reich. Reprinted by permission of D.C. Heath & Co.

In the early 1960s it seemed to many that median white incomes, the ratio rising dur
the elimination of racism in the U.S. was ing economic expansions and falling to pre-
proceeding without requiring a radical re- vious low levels during recessions." Segrega-
structuring of the entire society. There was tion in schools and neighborhoods has been
a growing civil rights movement, and hun- steadily increasing in almost all cities, and
dreds of thousands of blacks were moving the atmosphere of distrust between blacks
to Northern cities where discrimination was and whites has been intensifying. Racism, in-
supposedly less severe than in the South. stead of disappearing, seems to be on the in-
Government reports pointed to the rapid im- crease.
provement in the levels of black schooling Besides systematically subjugating blacks
as blacks moved out of the South: in 1966 so that their median income is 55 percent
the gap between the median years of school- that of whites, racism is of profound inlpor~
ing of black males aged twenty-tive to lance for the distribution of income among
twenty-nine and white males in the same white landowners, capitalists, and workers.
age group had shrunk to one-quarter the size For example, racism clearly benefits owners
of the gap that had existed in 1960.1 of housing in the ghetto where blacks have
By 1970, however, the optimism of earlier no choice but to pay higher rents there than
decade had vanished. Despite new civil is charged to whites for comparable housing
rights laws, elaborate White House confer- elsewhere in the city. But more importantly,
ences, special ghetto manpower programs, racism is a key mechanism for the stabiliza-
the War on Poverty, and stepped-up tokenist tion of capitalism and the legitimization of
hiring, racism and the economic exploitation inequality. We shall return to the question
of blacks has not lessened. During the past of who benefits from racism later, but first
twenty-five years there has been virtually no we shall review some of the economic means
permanent improvement in the relative eco- used to subjugate blacks.
nomic position of blacks in America. Median
black incomes have been fluctuating at a THE PERVASIVENESS OF RACISM
level between 47 percent and 60 percent of
Beginning in the First grade, blacks go to
IU.S. Department of Labor, Burcau of Labor schools of inferior quality and obtain litllc
Statistics, Report No. 375, "The Social and Eco-
nomic Status of Negroes in the United States, -ar1-The data refer to male incomes: see Tabie
$969," D- 50. 7-A. p. 289.
The Economics of' Racism 3,5

of the basic training and skills needed in the from some of the impact of the recession.
labor market. Finding schools of little rele~ Blacks pay higher rents for inferior hous-
Vance, more in need of immediate income, ing, higher prices in ghetto stores, higher
and less able anyway to finance their way insurance premiums, higher interest rates in
through school, the average black student banks and lending companies, travel longer
still drops out at a lower grade than his distances at greater expense to their jobs,
white counterpart. In 1965 only 7.4 percent Sutter from inferior garbage collection and
of black males aged twenty-live to thirty-four less access to public recreational facilities,
were college graduates, compared to 17.9 and are assessed at higher property tax rates
percent of whites in the same age bracket when they own housing. Beyond this, blacks
Exploitation really begins in earnest when are further harassed by police, the courts,
the black youth enters the labor market. A and the prisons.
black worker with the same number of years When conventional economists attempt to
of schooling and the same scores on achieve- analyze racism they u§1 U7'6'e'iF'5 't 1g.
ment tests as a white worker receives much to separate various forms of racial discrimi-
less income. The black worker cannot get as nation. For example, they define "pure wage
good a job because the better paying jobs discrimination" as the racial differential in
are located too far from the ghetto or be- wages paid to equivalent workers, that is,
cause he or she was turned down by racist those with similar years and quality of
personnel agencies and employers or be- schooling, skill training, previous employ-
cause a union denied admittance or maybe ment experience and seniority, age, health,
because of an arrest record, Going to school job attitudes, and a host of other factors.
after E1 certain point doesn't seem to increase They presume that they can analyze the
a black person's income possibilities very sources of "pure wage discrimination" with-
much. The more educated a black person is, out simultaneously analyzing the extent to
the greater is the disparity between his in- which discrimination also affects the factors
come and that of a white with the same they hold constant.
schooling. The result: irz. /966 black college But such a technique distorts reality. The
graduates earned less than white high s'cr'wol various forms of discrimination are not sep-
r.»'r~opouts.4 And the higher the average wage arable in real life. Employers' hiring and
or salary of an occupation, the lower the promotion practices, resource allocation in
percentage of workers in that occupation city schools, the structure of transportation
who are black. systems; residential segregation and housing
The rate of unemployment among blacks quality, availability of decent health care;
is generally twice as high as among whites." behavior of policemen and judges; foremen's
Layoffs and recessions hit blacks with twice prejudices, images of blacks presented in the
the impact they hit whites, since blacks are media and the schools, price gouging in
the "last hired, first fired." The ratio of aver- ghetto stores--these and the other forms of
age black to white incomes follows the busi- social and economic discrimination interact
ness cycle closely, buffering white workers strongly with each other in determining the
occupational status and annual income, and
welfare, of black people. The processes are
F*U.S. Bureau of the Census, Series P-60. "Edu-
cationai Attainment." not simply additive but are mutually rein-
4U.S. Bureau of the Census, Serics P-60, "ln- forcing. Often, a decrease in one narrow
come in 1966 of Families and Persons in the form of' discrimination is accompanied by an
United States."
See, for example, U.S. Department of Labor,
increase in another form. Since all aspects
Manpower' Report of :he P:'c'.9idc=:1!, various years. of racism interact, an analysis of racism

should incorporate all its aspects in a unified of white tastes for discrimination. For him,
manner. these attitudes are determined outside of the
No single quantitative index could ade- economic system. (Racism could presumably
quately measure racism in all its social, cul- be ended simply by changing these attitudes,
tural, psychological, and economic dimen- perhaps by appeal to whites on moral
sions. But while racism is far more than a grounds.) According to Becker's analysis,
narrow economic phenomenon, it docs have employers would find the ending of racism
very definite economic consequences: blacks to be in their economic self-interest, but
have far lower incomes than whites. The ra- white workers would not. The persistence of
tio of median black to median white incomes racism is thus implicitly laid at the door of
thus provides a rough, but useful, quantita- white workers. Becker suggests that long-
tive index of the economic consequences of run market forces will lead to the end of
racism for blacks. We shall use this index discrimination anyway: less discriminatory
statistically to analyze the causes of racism's employers, with 115 " "psychic costs" to enter
persistence in the United States. While this in their accounts, will be able to operate at
approach overemphasizes the economic as- lower costs by hiring equivalent black work-
pects of racism, it is nevertheless an im- ers at lower wages, thus bidding up the black
provement over the narrower approach taken wage rate and/or driving the more discrimi-
by conventional economists. natory employers out of business.
The approach to racism argued here is
entirely different. Racism is viewed as rooted
in the economic system and not in "exoge-
nously determined" attitudes. Historically, the
How is the historical persistence of racism American Empire was founded on the racist
in the United States to be explained? The extermination of American fndians, was fi-
most prominent analysis of discrimination nanced in large part by profits from slavery,
among economists was formulated in 1957 and was extended by a string of interven-
by Gary Becker in his book, The Economics tions, beginning with the Mexican War of
of D:T5crin1inatfon." Racism, according to the 18405, which have been at least partly
Becker, is fundamentally a problem of tastes justiticd by white supremacist ideology.
and attitudes- Whites are defined to have a Today, by transferring white resentment
"taste for discrimination" if they are willing toward blacks and away from capitalism, ra-
to forfeit income in order to be associated cisrn continues to serve the needs of the
with other whites instead of blacks. Since capitalist system. Although individual cm-
white employers and employees prefer not ployers might gain by refusing to discrimi-
to associate with blacks, they require a nate and hiring more blacks, thus raising the
monetary compensation for the psychic cost black wage rate, it is not true that the capi-
of such association. In Becker's principal talist class as a whole would benefit if ra-
model, white employers have a taste for cism were eliminated and labor were more
crimination, marginal productivity analysis elhciently allocated without regard to skin
is invoked to show that white employers lose color. We will show below that the divisive~
while white workers gain (in monetary ness of racism weakens workers' strength
terms) from discrimination against blacks. when bargaining with employers; the eco-
Becker does not try to explain the source nomic consequences of racism are not only
lower incomes for blacks but also higher in-
"Gary Becker, The Ecorzomicas' of Discriniincr-
.f:'orz (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
comes for the capitalist class and lower in-
1957). comes for white workers. Although capital-
The Economics of Racism 317

ists may not have conspired consciously to ism and the degree of inequality among
create racism, and although capitalists may whites provides a simple yet clear test of the
not be its principal perpetuators, neverthe- two approaches. This section describes that
less racism does support the continued vi- test and its results.
ability of the American capitalist system. First, we need a measure of racism. The
We have, then, two alternative approaches index we use, tor reasons already mentioned,
to the analysis of racism. The first suggests is the ratio of black median family income
that capitalists lose and white workers gain to white median family income (abbrevi-
from racism. The second predicts the oppo- ated as B/W). A low numerical value for
site-capitalists gain while workers lose. The this ratio indicates a high degree of racism.
first says that racist "tastes for discrimina- We have calculated values of this racism
tion" are formed independently of the eco- index, using data from the 1960 Census, for
nomic system, the second argues that racism. each of the largest forty-eight metropolitan
interacts symbiotically with capitalistic ceo- areas (boundaries are defined by the U.S.
nomic institutions. Census Bureau, who use the term standard
The very persistence of racism in the metropolitan statistical areas--SMSA's).
United States lends support to the second There is i great E al of variation from
approach. So do repeated instances of em- SMSA to SMSA in the B/W index of racism,
ployers using blacks as strikebreakers, as in eyen within the North, Southern SMSA's
the massive steel strike of 1919, and em- generally demonstrated a greater degree of
ployer-instigated exacerbation of racial an- racism. The statistical techniques used are
tagonisms during that strike and many based on this variation.
othersf However, the particular virulence of We also need measures of inequality
racism among many blue- and white-collar among whites. Two convenient measures
workers and their families seems to refute are: ( 1 ) the percentage share of all white
our approach and support Becker. income that is received by the top 1. percent
of white families, and (2) the Gini coeffi-
cicnt of white incomes, a measure which
captures inequality within as well as between
Which of the two models better explains re- social classes."
ality? We have already mentioned that our Both of these inequality measures vary
approach predicts that capitalists gain and considerably among the SMSA's, there is
workers lose from racism, whereas the con- also a substantial amount of variation in
ventional Beckerian approach predicts pre- these within the subsample of Northern
cisely the opposite. In the latter approach SMSA's. Therefore, it is very interesting to
racism has an equalizirlg eITect on the white examine whether the pattern of variation of
income distribution, whereas in the former the inequality and racism variables can be
racism has a disequalizing effect. The statis- explained by causal hypotheses. 'if his is our
tical relationship between the extent of rac- first source of empirical evidence.
A systematic relationShip across SMSA's
. . .. .. . .

between on! measure of racism and either

TSee, for example, David Brody. S,"ee{11-'r)r:'c£>:'.s'
in A nrc-'ric'c1.' the Nonunion Fro (Cambridge:
Harvard University Press, 1966), .Herbert Gut- The Gini eoeilicient varies between 0 and L
man, "The Negro and the United Mineworkers," with 0 indicating perfect equality and I indicating
in The .l\r'e.:;ro and Use Anzerimn Labor Move- perfect inequality. For a more complete exposi-
mcgfr t , ed. J. Jacobson (New York: Anchor, 1968), tion, see H. Miller, Income Distribution in the
S. Spero and H. Harris, The Black Worker (New United Suites (Washington. D.C.: Government
York: Atheneum, 1968), pffssinl. Printing Office, 1966).

measure of white inequality docs exist and generated by racism was associated with in-
creased income for the richest l percent of
is highly significant: where racism is greater,
income inequality among whites is also white families. Further statistical investiga-
greater." This result is consistent with our tion reveals that increases in the racism vari-
model and is inconsistent with the predic- able had an insignificant effect on the share
tions of Becker's model. received by the poorest whites and resulted
This evidence, however, should not be in a decrease in the income share of the
accepted too quickly. The correlations re- whites in the middle income brackets."~'
ported may not reflect actual causality since This is true even when the Southern SMSA's
other independent forces may be simultane- are excluded.
ously influencing both variables in the same Within our model, we can specify a num-
way. As is the case with many other statis- ber of mechanisms that further explain the
tical analyses, the model must be expanded statistical Ending that racism increases in-
to control for such other factors. We know equality among whites. We shall consider
from previous inter-SMSA income distribu- two mechanisms here: (1) total wages of
tion studies that the most important addi- white labor are reduced by racial antago-
tional factors that should be introduced into nisms, in part because union growth and
our model are: (1) the industrial. and occu- labor militancy are inhibited; (2) the sup-
pational structure of the SMSA's; (2) the ply of public services, especially in educa-
region in which the SMSA's are located; (3) tion, available to low- and middle-income
the average income of the SMSA's; and whites is reduced as a result of racial an-
( 4 ) the proportion of the SMSA population tagonisms.
that is black. These factors were introduced Wages of white labor are lessened by ra-
into the model by the technique of multiple eism because the fear of a cheaper and
regression analysis. Separate equations were underemployed black labor supply in the
estimated with the Gins index and the top area is invoked by employers when labor
1 percent share as measures of white in- presents its wage demands. Racial antago-
equality. nisms on the shop Hoof deflect attention
All the equations showed strikingly uni- from labor grievances related to working
form statistical results: racism as we have conditions, permitting employers to cut costs.
measured it was a significantly discqualizing Racial divisions among labor prevent the
force on the white income distribution, even development of united worker organizations
when other factors were held constant. A 1 both within the workplace and in the labor
percent increase in the ratio of black to white movement as a whole. As a result, union
median incomes (that is, a 1 percent decrease strength and union militancy will be less the
in racism) was associated with a .2 percent greater the extent of racism. A historical
decrease in white inequality, as measured example of this process is the already men-
by the Gini coefficient. The corresponding tioned use of racial and ethnic divisions to
effect on top I percent share of white income destroy the solidarity of the l 9 ! 9 steel strik-
was two and a half times as large, indicating ers. By contrast, during the 1890s, bfack-
that most of the inequality among whites whi.te class solidarity greatly aided minc-
"For example, the correlation coefficient be- 1"A more rigorous presentation of these and
tween the B/W measure of racism and the Gini other variables and the statistical results is avail-
coefficient of white incomes is r = -.4'7. A sim- able in Michael Reich, "Racial Discrimination and
ilar calculation by S. Bowles. across states in- the White Income Distribi1Lio11" (Unpublished
stead of SMSA's, resulted in an r' = -.58. Ph.D. diss., Harvard University. 1971).
The Economics of Racism 319

workers in building militant unions among the potential tax base of school districts con-
workers in Alabama, West Virginia, and taining poor whites. Also, pressure by teach-
other coalfield areas." ers' groups to improve all poor schools is
The above argument and examples con- reduced by racial antagonisms between pre-
tradict the common belief that an exclu- dominantly white teaching staffs and black
sionary racial policy will strengthen rather children and parellts."' .
than weaken the bargaining power of unions. The statistical validity of the above mech-
Racial exclusion increases bargaining power anisms can be tested in a causal model. The
only when entry into an occupation or in- effect of racism on unionism is tested by
dustry can be effectively limited. Industrial- estimating an equation in which the per-
type unions are much less able to restrict centage of the SMSA labor force that is
entry than craft unions or organizations such unionized is the dependent variable, with
as the American Medical Association. This racism and the structural variables (such as
is not to deny that much of organized labor the SMSA industrial structure) as the inde-
is egregiously racist or that some skilled pendent variables. The schooling mechanism
craft workers benefit from racism." But it is tested by estimating a similar equation in
is important to distinguish actual discrimi- which the dependent variable is inequality
natory practice from the objective economic in years of schooling completed among white
self-interest of most union members. males aged twenty-tive to twenty-nine
The second' mechanism we shall consider years old.
concerns The allocation é expenditures for Once again, the results of this statistical
public services. The most important of these test strongly confirm the hypothesis of our
services is education. Racial antagonisms di- model. The racism variable is statistically
lute both the desire and the ability of poor significant in all the equations and has the
white parents. to improve educational oppor- predicted sign: a greater degree of racism
tunities for their children. Antagonisms be- results in lower unionization rates and
tween blacks and poor whites drive wedges greater degree of schooling inequality among
between the two groups and reduce their whites. This empirical evidence again sug-
ability to join in a united political move- gests that racism is in the economic inter-
ment pressing for improved and more equal, ests of capitalists and other rich whites and
education. Moreover, many poor whites rec- against the economic interests of poor whites
ognize that however: inferior their own and white workers.
schools, black schools are even worse. This However, a full assessment of the impor-
provides some degree of satisfaction and tance of racism for capitalism would proba-
identification with the status quo, reducing bly conclude that the primary significance of
the desire of poor whites to press politically racism is not strictly economic. The simple
for better schools in their neighborhoods. economics of racism does not explain why
Ghettos tend to be located near poor white many workers seem to be so vehemently ra-
neighborhoods more often than near rich cist, when racism is not in their economic
white neighborhoods, racism thus reduces
13117 'd similar fashion, racial autagunisms re-
1 See footnote 7 ahnve. ducc the political pressure on governmental atren-
12Sce, for example, H. Hill, "The Racial Frac- cies to provide other public services that would
Lices o f Organized Labor: the Contemporary have a pro-poor distributional impact. The two
Record," in The i\teg:-r: c d the Anwriccrrr Labor' principal items in this category arc public health
Mfnwnenr ed. .L Jacobson (Ne w York: Anchor, services and welfare payments in the Aid to
1968)- Families with Dependent Children program.

self-interest. In noneconomic ways, racism band can compensate by oppressing his

helps to legitimize inequality, alienation, and wife. Furthermore, not being at the bottom
powerlessness-legitimization that is neces- of the heap is some solace for an unsatisfy-
sary for the stability of the capitalist system ing life, this argument was successfully used
as a whole. For example, many whites be- by the Southern oligarchy against poor
lieve that welfare payments to blacks are a whites allied with blacks in the interracial
far more important factor in their taxes than Populist movement of the late nineteenth
is military spending. Through racism, poor century.
whites come to believe that their poverty is Thus, racism is likely to take firm root
caused by blacks who are willing to take in a society which breeds an individualistic
away their jobs, and at lower wages, thus and competitive ethos. In general, blacks
concealing the fact that a substantial amount provide a convenient and visible scapegoat
of income inequality is inevitable in a capi- for problems that actually derive from the
talist society. Racism thus transfers the locus institutions of capitalism. As long as build-
of whites' resentment towards blacks and ing a real alternative to capitalism does not
away from capitalism. seem feasible to most whites, we can expect
Racism also provides some psychological that i°i;l'entil'*ila-ble and vulnerable scapegoats
. .. . . . . . .. ...

benefits to poor and working-class whites. will prove functional to the status quo. These
For example, the opportunity to participate noneconomic factors thus neatly dovetail
in another's oppression compensates for with the economic aspects of racism dis-
one's own misery. There is a parallel here to cussed earlier in their mutual service to the
the subjugation of women in the family: perpetuation of capitalism.
after a day of alienating labor, the tired hus-


Further reading is recommended in Baron of racism, as well as its historical roots, are
and Hym "The Negro Worker in the Chi- the subject of much attention in Schwartz
cago Labor Market," in Boggs, IRacism and and Ditch 16]. Finally, Fusfeld [2] analyzes
the Class Struggle, am in Baran and Sweezy, the economic roots of the urban. and racial
Monopoly Capital, Chapter 9, as cited in the crises and examines the anatomy of the
source lines for Sections 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4. ghetto economy.
Williams [8] analyzes the role of slavery in
the early development of capitalism. Spcro [ I ] Baron, Harold M. "The Demand for Black
and Harris [7] trace the relationship between Labor: Historical Notes on the Political
Economy of Racism." Radfcm' America
black workers and the labor movement from (March-April I971}° pp. 1-46.
1865 to 1930, their account is comple-
[21 Fusfeld, Daniel R. "The Basic Economics
mented and brought up to date in both of the Urban and Racial Crisis." In
Jacobson [3] and Baron [1]. although the Conference Papers of the Union ,for
latter's primary emphasis is on the effects of Radical Polirieal Economirzv Ikcember
capitalist development on black labor. The I 96S. Available as Reprint No. I from
contemporary persistence of racial inequality the Union for Radical Political Eco-
nomics, 2503 Student Activities Build-
is amply documented in statistical terms in ina. University of Michigan, Ann Ar-
the essays in Parsons and Clark [5]. A more bor, Michigan 48104.
graphic account of racism is presented by [3] Jacobson, Julius, ed. The Negro and the
Malcolm X [4]. The psychological aspects An-ierican Labor Mo venienf. New York :
The Economics of Racism 321

Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1968. See es-

peciallv Herbert Gut nun: "The Negro
and the United Mineworkers.
I While Raci.s'n1.° ..
[6] Schwartz, Barry N., Hd Ditch, Roherl,
Hf.s'!ory, l'!Pa1fh»f>Iogy
and Practice. l m York: Dell Publish-
[4] Malcolm ' , with the assistance of Alex : I970.4:
Haley !Tlze A uzobiography of Malcolm [Tl Spero, Sterling D., and Harris, Abram L.
'1 York: Grove Press, Inc., l 966..l|qw The 8Ic1c'k Worker. New York: Athe-
[5] Parsons, Talcott, and Clark, Kenneth B., neum, 1977}.*
eds. ]`he Negro American. Boston: Bea-
[S] Williams, Erica Cfgrlifrrli.w11 and Situ'€r)'.
con Press, 1967. See especially St. Clair
New York: Capricorn Books, 1966
Drake, "The Social and Economic Sta-
tus of the Negro in the United States""'
and Rashi Fein: 'full Economic '5' .avail;iblc in paperback editions.
Social Profile of the Negro American."'
- m l

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A PROFILE OF THE SUBORDINATE STATUS OF fifths of full-time male workers' earnings.
women in the United States should begin Although it may have both economic
with women's relationship to work in this, causes and manifestations, the subordinate
the most "economic" of. societies. The work status of women is more than an economic
that dominates women's image--child boar- phenomenon. Women are everywhere sub~
ing and rearing, and maintenance of the fam- ordinated and degraded as sexual objects by
ily (cooking, housekeeping, shopping)-is men-in the media, in literature, in fashion,
not paid by wages, is not a commodity on a in advertising, in the very definition of "femi-
market, and is done in the home for private ninity." Women are taught that they are in-
consumption. Since in a capitalist society ferior and that they are expected to nurture
status and power derive from one's wealth, and sustain the men above them. Women are
income, or occupation, attributes which de- denied access to power and are prevented
note one's importance in the production of by social patterns and custom from pursu-
commodities that are sold on a market, it ing a whole range of activities which are
follows naturally that women are subordi- considered "unfeminine" or for which women
nated. are alleged to be biologically or tempera-
In fact, many women do participate in the mentally unit. In short, women's subjugation
labor market, in 1969 nearly two-tifrhs of is not confined to the economic sphere but
the labor force were women and nearly half extends into all aspects of life. We shall use
of all women between eighteen and sixty- the term sexism or, alternately, male su-
four were wage or salary workers. But this premacy, to denote this systematic oppres-
aspect of women's work is often not recon sion of women.
nized. Moreover, women are generally con- From the perspective of what human re-
lined to subordinate roles in the occupational lationships could be, the system of male su-
hierarchy of the capitalist economy; as Table premacy can be viewed as a structure of ex-
8-A indicates, the wages and salaries of pected sex roles that distorts and warps all
full-time female workers average three interpersonal relationships, creating barriers


Year All Income Recipienis % Full-timeT Full-Time Workers

Make Female F/M M F Maia Female F/M

1956 3608 1146 .32 62.4 29.3 834462 $2828 .63

1957 3684 1199 .32 60.8 29.6 4720 3006 .64
1958 3742 11.76 .3 ] 57.4 28.4 4948 3101 .63
1959 3996 1222 .31 58.5 27.4 5242 3205 .61
1960 4081 1262 .31 58.3 28.3 5435 3296 .60
1961 4189 1279 .31 57.5 27.5 5663 3342 .59
1962 4372 1342 .31
1963 4511 1372 .30 59.1 28.4 6070 3557 .59
1964 4647 1449 .31 59.5 28.2 6283 3710 .59
1965 4824 1564 .32 59.8 29.3 6479 3883 .60
1966 5306 1638 .31 60.2 30.0 6955 4026 .58
1967 5571 1819 .33 60.7 3 1.7 7302 4253 .58
1968 5980 2019 .34 60.3 31.0 7814 4568 .58
1969 6429 2132 .33 59.0 30.7 8668 5077 .58
*Income mum 1 [es of civilians 14 years or older.
1-Year-round full~time i workers.
Series P-60, annual issues.
of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Current Prrprdnrion Repo:-ls,
. . . .. .. . .

Introduction 325

between men and women as well as among economy women and men worked together
men and among women and preventing the as a single productive unit, the transfer of
full and free development of all human be- production from the homo to factories and
ings. For example, men's relationships with the creation of El wage-labor market reduced
women are often artificial and objectified. the economic interdependence between men
The cult of machismo pressures men not and women and enabled men to work sepa-
only to abuse women, but also to appear rately from women. Women were increas-
strong and hard and not to express their in~ ingly excluded from productive areas in
terra emotions, thus, men close many social which they had once participated, the conse-
roles to themselves. However, women and quent loss of sources of income made them
men are obviously not equally oppressed by more economically dependent upon men.
sexism. All men derive some privileges and Moreover, as Peggy Morton argued in
u from it, and are in many -
Chapter 3, the patriarchal n n v i n n v family
Ll1\\." u.u\»u...»u.1.

the actual agents of the oppression of both supports capitalism-by W

women. Men are clearly less likely to see all and reproducing labor power--and has been
the ways in which women are oppressed, and modified in different stages of capitalism
they are not likely to give up their privileges to meet the changing requirements for the
willingly. maintenance and reproduction of labor
How can we account for the present situ- power." It is largely in the family and in
ation of women, and what are its connec- schools that the personality and character
tions with capitalism" Contrary to common structures needed for alienated labor are
belief. the subordinate role of women is not molded.
biologically inevitable, but it is, as Juliet The subordination of W0171Cl1 within the
Mitchell points out in this chapter, a product conventional nuclear family, the subordina-
of social coercion.' Male supremacy was tion of women in the labor market, and the
probably the first form of oppression of one needs of capitalism are thus intimately
group in society by another, men were domi- linked. On the one hand, capitalism's limit-
nant over women in most precapitalist socie- less drive to expand has in recent decades
ties. Certainly by the time the capitalist mode brought more women into the job market,
of production had emerged, male supremacy undermining somewhat the economic domi-
had already become a deep-rooted and fully nance of males within the family. While
developed social, phenomenon. there are many areas of mutual reinforce-
lt is not surprising, therefore, that male ment between capitalism and male suprem-
supremacy inliuenccd the lines along which acy, there arc also areas o-f convict.
capitalism developed. In particular, as a This chapter explores the relationship be-
market in wage-labor was created, it became tween sexism and capitalism, ways in
necessary for men to discriminate against which capitalism has used, enlarged, and
women in the labor market in order to pre- transformed male supremacy, and the obsta-
serve the basis of. male supremacy in the cles that capitalism poses to the liberation
family. As a result, women became a vulner- of women and the end of deleterious sex role
able and easily manipulatable segment of constraints. Some of the readings examine
the labor force: as such, they were used ex- the situation of women in relation to produc-
tensively in the early factories. Sexism in tion, reproduction, sexuality, and the sociali-
this way assisted capitalism. zation of children. Others analyze the family
Capitalist development in turn reinforced as an economic unit under capitalism and
sexism. Whereas in the preeapitalist family- consider how capitalist development has in
Nice Mitchell, Section 8.1. p. 326. 2S6c Morton and Gintis. Section 3.6, p. 119.

some respects been undermining the nuclear nation of capitalism is necessary but not suf-
family at the same time that it makes good ficient to eradicate sexism. On the other
use of it. As we shall see, the relationship hand, sexism is an important prop of capi-
between capitalism and sexism is in many talism, and it is unlikely that capitalist rela-
ways symbiotic. Nonetheless, the sole elimi- tions of production can be overthrown in
nation. of capitalism need not spell the doom the United States without the simultaneous
of. male supremacy. Since the ultimate basis eradication of sexism.
of sexism lies in the power of men, the elimi-

8.1 The Situation of [Von en

It is often argued that the inferior position of women in society is the natu-
ral and inevitable consequence of their biological differences from men.
How significant are the biological differences of men and women in de-
termining social roles? In the following reading, Juliet Mitchell analyzes
female roles in the four areas of production, reproduction, sex, and the
socialization of children. Mitchell argues that female roles in each area
are in large part the product of social coercion, her conclusion is that the
social subordination of women is not an insurmountable biohistorical fact.
An analysis of female roles must examine the whole situation of
women, since the four areas distinguished by Mitchell are inextricably
linked to one another. For example, the partial exclusion of women from
production is related directly to their confinement to and role in the
family. Mitchell goes on to analyze the uneven development of each area
today and the interrelationships among them .

Source: The following is excerpted from "Women: The Longest Rcvolu~

son" by JULIET MiTCHELL. From the New Left Review, No. 40 (Nov,-
Dec. 1966). Reprinted by permission of the New Left Review.

flections on the different roles of women and

some of their interconnections.
The unity of women's condition at any one
time is the product of several structures
. . .: Production, Reproduction, Sex and So- PRODUCTION
cialization. of children. The concrete combi-
nation of these produces the "complex unity" The biological differentiation of the sexes
of her position, but each separate structure and the division of labour have, throughout
may have reached a different "moment" at history, seemed an interlocked necessity.
any given historical time. Each then must be Anatomically smaller and weaker, wo111an's
examined separately in order to see what the physiology and her psycho-biological metab-
present unit is and how it might be changed. olism appear to render her a less useful
The discussion that follows does not pretend member of a work force. It is always stressed
to give a historical account of each sector. how, particularly in the early stages of so-
It is only concerned with some general re- cial development, man's physical superiority
The Situation of Women 327

gave him the means of conquest over nature whole devel prent of feminine subordina-
which was denied to women. Once woman tion was women's lesser capacity for de-
was accorded the menial tasks involved in manding physical work. But, in fact, this is
maintenance whilst man undertook conquest a major oversimplification. Even within these
and creation, she became an aspect of the terms, in history it has been woman's lesser
things preserved: private property and chil- capacity for violence as well as for work that
dren. All socialist writers on the subject . . . has determined her subordination. In most
link the confirmation and continuation of societies woman has not only been less able
woman's oppression after the establishment than man to perform arduous kinds of work,
of her physical inferiority for hard manual she has also been less able to light. Man
work with the advent of private property. not only has the strength to assert himself
But woman's physical weakness has never against nature, but also against his fellows.
prevented her from performing work as such Social coercion has interplayed with the
(quite apart from bringing up children)- straightforward division of l a b o r , based on
only specific types of work, in specific so- biological capacity, to a much greater extent
cieties. In Primitive, Ancient, Oriental, Me- than generally admitted. Of course, it may
dieval and Capitalist societies, the volume of not be actualized as direct aggression. In
work performed by women has always been primitive societies women's physical unsuit~
considerable (it has usually been much more ability for the hunt is evident. In agricultural
than this). it is only its form that is in ques- societies where women's inferiority is so-
tion. Domestic labour, even today, is enor- cially instituted they are given the arduous
mous if quantified in terms of productive la- task of tilling and cultivation. For this coer-
boar? In any case women's physique has cion is necessary. In developed civilizations
never permanently or even predominantly and more complex societies woman' physi-
relegated them to menial domestic chores. cal deficiencies again become relevant.
In many peasant societies, women have Women are no use either for war or in the
worked in the fields as much as, or more construction. of cities. But with early indus-
than men. trialization coercion once more becomes im-
portant. As Marx wrote: "Insofar as ina-
Physique and Coercion chinery dispenses with muscular power, it
becomes a means of employing labourers of
The assumption behind most classical dis- slight muscular strength, and those whose
cussion is that the crucial factor starting the
bodily development is incomplete, but whose
Apologists who make out that housework, limbs are all the more supple. The l a b o r of
though time-consuming, is light and relatively women and children was, therefore, the first
enjoyable, are refusing to acknowledge the null
and degrading routine it entails. Lenin com- thing sought for by capitalists who used ma-
mented crisply: "You all know that even when chinery."2
women have full rights, they still remain factually René Dumont points out that in many
down-trodden because all housework is left to
them. In most cases housework is the most un- zones of tropical Africa today men are often
productive, the most barbarous and the most idle, while women are forced to work all day.
arduous work a woman can do. It is exceptionally This exploitation has no "natural" source
petty and does not include anything that would in
any way promote the development of the woman." whatever, Women may perform their
(Collected Works X X X . 43). Today it has been "heavy" duties in contemporary African
calculated in Sweden, that 2,340 million hours a peasant societies not for fear of physical re-
year are spent by women in housework com-
pared with 1,290 million hours in industry. The
prisal by their men, but because these duties
Chase Manhattan Bank estimated a woman's over-
all working hours as averaging 99.6 per week. 2Kar1 Marx: Crrpftrx! I. 394.

are "customary" and built into the role struc- by the total social structure and it is this
tures of the society. A further point is that which will determine woman's future in work
coercion implies a different relationship from relations. Physical deficiency is not now, any
coercer to coerced than exploitation does. It more than in the past, a sufficient explana-
is political rather than economic. . . . For tion of woman's relegation to inferior status.
far from woman's physical weakness remov-
ing her from productive work, her social
weakness has in these cases evidently made
her the major slave of it. REPRODUCTION
This truth, elementary though it may
seem, has nevertheless been constantly is- Wonlen's absence from the critical sector of
nored by writers on the subject, with the re- production historically, of course, has been
sult that an illegitimate optimism creeps into caused not just by their physical weakness
their predictions of the future. For if it is in a context of coercion-but also by their
just the biological incapacity for the hardest role in reproduction. Maternity necessitates
physical work which has determined the sub- periodic withdrawals from work, but this is
ordination of. women, then the prospect of not a decisive phenomenon. It is rather
an advanced machine technology, abolishing women's role in reproduction which has be-
the need for strenuous physical exertion come, in capitalist society at least, the spirit-
would seem to promise, therefore, the liber- ual "complement" of men's role in produc-
ation of women. For a moment industrializa- tion." Bearing children, bringing them up,
tion itself thus seems to herald women's and maintaining the home--these form the
liberation. . . . Industrial labour and auto- core of woman's natural vocation, in this
mated technology both promise the precon- ideology. This belief has attained great force
ditions for woman` liberation alongside because of the seeming universality of the
man's--but no more than the preconditions. family as a human institution. There is little
It is only too obvious that the advent of in- doubt that Marxist analyses have under-
dustrialization has not so far freed women played the fundamental problems posed here.
in this sense. either in the West or in the
East. In the West it is true that there was a The biological function of maternity is El
great influx of women into jobs in the ex- universal, atemporal fact, and as such has
panding industrial economy, but this soon seemed to escape the categories of Marxist
leveled out, and there has been relatively historical arly-sis. From it oTlows-appar-
little increase in recent decades. Do Beauvoir ently-th; stability and omnipresence of the
hoped that automation would make a de- family, if in very different terms! Once this
cisive, qualitative difference by abolishing is accepted, women's social. subordination-
altogether the physical differential between however emphasized as an honourable, but
the sexes. But any reliance on this in itself different role (of. the equal but "separate"
accords an independent role to technique ideologies of Southern racists)--can be seen
which history does not justify. Under capi-
talism, automation could possibly lead to an -Maternity is the distinctive feature on which
overgrowing structural unemployment which both sexes base their hopes: for oppression or
would expel women- latest and least in- 'Philippe Ari's in tvnfuri¢=.v of C`.*':iM»'mr2d
a c t recruits I & l a b o r force isuzu
's.r (1962) shows that the family tray in
idcoiogict ziie-niost expcndai'
geois soc'iety-from production __ ___é
E " L " "'

brief intcrluude in it. Technology is media

some form always have existed if was often sub-
merged under more forceful structures. In fact
according t o Ari's it has only acquired its present
significance with the advent of industrialization.
The Situation of Women 329

to follow inevitably as an in.s'urmounzable Contraception

bio-historical fact. The causal chain then
Contraception which was invented as a
goes: Maternity, Family, Absence from Pro-
rational technique only in the nineteenth
duction and Public Life, Sexual Inequality,
century was thus an innovation of world-
The lynefi-pin in this line of argument is
historic importance- .l.t is only now just be-
the idea of the family. The notion that "fam-
ginning to show what immense consequences
ily" and "society" are virtually coextensive
it could have, in the form of the pill. For
terms, or that an advanced society not
what it means is that at last the mode of re-
founded on the nuclear family is now in~
production could potentially be transformed.
conceivable. is widespread. lt can only be
Once child-bearing becomes totally volun-
seriously discussed by asking just what the
tary (how much so is it in the West, even
family is-or rather what women's role in
today?) its significance is fundamentally dif-
the family is. Once this is done, the problem
ferent. It need no longer be the sole or ulti-
appears in quite a new light. For it is obvi-
mate vocation of woman, it becomes one
ous that woman's role in the family-primi~
option among others.
five, feudal or bourgeois-partakes of three
quite different structures: reproduction, sex-
uality, and the socialization of children, The fact of overwhelming importance is
These are historically, not intrinsically, re- that easily available contraception threatens
lated to each other in the present modern to dissociate sexual from reproductive ex-
family. Biological parentage is not necessar- pcrience-which all contemporary bourgeois
ily identical with social parentage (adop- ideology tries to make inseparable, as the
tion). It is thus essential to discuss: not the raison d'étre of the family.
family as an unanalysed entity, but the sepa-
rate .s'fr'uc'ture.s' which today compose it, but R pr ducfi n nd Pr duct] n
which may tomorrow be decomposed into a
new pattern. At present, reproduction in our society is
Reproduction, it has been stressed, is a often a kind of sad mimicry of production.
seemingly constant atemporal phenomenon Work in a capitalist society is an alienation
-part of biology rather than history. In fact of labour in the making of a social product
this is an illusion. What is true is that the which is confiscated by capital. But it can
"mode of reproduction" does not vary with still sometimes be a real act of creation, pur-
the "mode of production", it can remain ef- posive and responsible, even in conditions
fectivcly the same through a number of dif- of the worst exploitation. Maternity is often
ferent modes of production. For it has been a caricature of this. The biological product
deNned till now, by its uncontrollable, natu- --the child-is treated as if it were a solid
ral character. To this extent, it has been an product. Parenthood becomes a kind of sub-
unmodified biological fact. As long as repro- stitute for work, an activity in which the
duction remained 21 natural phenomenon, of child is see11 as an object created by the
course, women were effectively doomed to mother, in the same way as a commodity is
social exploitation. In any sense, they were created by a worker. Naturally, the child
not masters of in large part of their lives. does not literally escape, but the mother's
They had no choice as to whether or how alienation can be much worse than that of
often they gave birth to children (apart from the worker whose product is appropriated by
repeated abortion), their existence was es- the boss. No human being can create an-
sentially subject to biological processes out- other human being. A person's biological
side their control, origin is an abstraction. The child as an

autonomous person inevitably threatens the position and dignity of women in different
activity which claims to create it continually societies. Some points are immediately ob-
merely as a possession of the parent. Pos- vious. The actual history is much more dia-
sessions are felt as extensions of the self. lectical than. any liberal account presents it.
The child as a possession is supremely this. Unlimited juridical polygamy-whatever the
Anything the child docs is therefore a threat sexualization of the culture which accom-
to the mother herself who has renounced panies it-is clearly a total derogation of
her autonomy through this misconception of woman's autonomy, and constitutes an ex-
her reproductive role. There are few more treme form of oppression. Ancient China is
precarious ventures on which to base a life. a perfect illustration of this. Wittfogel de-
Furthermore even if the woman has emo- scribes the extraordinary despotism of the
tional control over her child, legally and Chinese paterfarrzilfas-"a liturgical ( semi-
economically both she and it are subject to official) policeman of his kin group. In
the father. The social cult of maternity is the West, however, the advent of monogamy
matched by the real socioeconomic power- was in no sense an absolute improvement. lt
lcssness of the mother. The psychological certainly did not create a one-to~one equality
and practical benefits men receive from this -far from it. Engels commented accurately :
are obvious. . . . "Monogamy does not by any means make
Unlike her nonproductive status, her ca- its appearance in history as the reconcilia-
pacity for maternity is a definition of tion of man and woman, still less as the
woman. But it is only a physiological defi- highest form of such a reconciliation. On the
nition. So long as it is allowed to remain a contrary, it appears as the subjugation of
substitute for action and creativity, and the one sex by the other, as the proclamation of
home an area of relaxation for men, women a conflict between the sexes entirely un-
will remain confined to the species, to her known hitherto in prehistoric times."" But
universal and natural condition. . . . in the Christian era, monogamy took on a
very specific form in the West. ].t was allied
SEXUALITY with an unprecedented régime *ineral
sexual repression. in its Pauline version, this
Sexuality has traditionally been the most had a markedly antifeminine bias, inherited
tabooed dimension of women's situation. from Judaism. With time this became diluted
The meaning of sexual freedom and its con- -feudal society, despite its subsequent repu-
nexion with women's freedom is a particu- tation for asceticism, practised formal mo-
larly difficult subject which few socialist nogamy with considerable actual acceptance
writers have cared tO broach. ... Yet it is of polygamous behavior, at least within the
obvious that throughout history women hais ruling class. But here again the extent of sex-
been appropriated as sexual obects, as mucll ual freedom was only an index of masculine
as progenitors or producers. Indeed, the sex- domination. England, Iii truly major
ual relation can be assimilated to the statute change occurred in the sixteenth century
of possession much more easily and com- with the rise of militant puritanism and the
pletely than the productive or reproductive increase of market relations in the economy.
relationship. Contemporary sexual vocabs
lary bears eloquent witness to this. . . .
Some historical considerations are in or- 5Kzlrl Wittfogelz Ol'ic'1F.'rF¢l' Dr=.<p¢:>l'i.s-fn ( 1957]
der here. . . . What is necessary, . . . is some p, H6.
"Friedrich Engels: The' ()f'fg"fn of aha' F¢:1rr1l/v,
account of the co-variation between the de- Prfvale Pro.r"'I'/y and the Stan' ( I 834 ) , in Marx-
grees of sexual liberty and openness and the Engels: Sderfen' I/Vorks ( 1962) II 224.
The Situation of Women 331

Capitalism and the attendant demands of The current wave of sexual liberalization,
the newly emergent bourgeoisie accorded in the present context, could become condo
women a new status as wife and mother. Her cive to the greater general freedom of
legal rights improved; there was vigorous women. Equally it could presage new forms
controversy over her social position; wife- of oppression. The puritan-bourgeois crea-
beating was condemned. The patriarchal sys- tion of woman as "counterpart" has pro-
tem was retained and maintained by the eco duced the precondition for emancipation.
romaic mode of production. The transition to But it gave statutory legal equality to the
complete effective monogamy accompanied sexes at the cost of greatly intensified re-
the transition to modern bourgeois society pression. Subsequently-like private prop~
as we know it today. Like the market system erty itself-it has become a brake on the
itself, it represented a historic advance, at further development of a free sexuality. Cap-
great historic cost. The formal, juridical italist market relations have historically been
equality of capitalist society and capitalist a precondition of socialism, bourgeois mari-
rationality now applied as much to the mari- tal relations (contrary to the denunciation
tal as to the labour contract. In both cases, of the ComrmmzSt Manifesto) may equally
nominal parity masks real exploitation and be a precondition of women's liberation.
inequality. But in both cases the formal
equality is itself a certain progress, which
can help to make possible a further advance. SOCIALIZATION
For the situation today is defined by a
new contradiction. Once formal conjugal Woman's biological destiny as mother be-
equality (monogamy) is established, sexual comes a cultural vocation in her role as so-
freedom as such-which under polygamous cializer of children. In bringing up children,
conditions was usually a form of exploitation woman achieves her main social definition.
--becomes, conversely, a possible force for Her suitability for socialization springs from
liberation. It then means, simply, the free- her physiological condition; her ability to
dom for both sexes to transcend the limits lactate and occasionally relative inability to
of present sexual institutions. undertake strenuous work loads. lt should
Historically, then, there has been a dia- be said at the outset that suitability is not
lectical movement, in which sexual ex- inevitability.
pression was "sacrificed" in an epoch of . . . Anthropologist, Margaret Mead, com-
more-or-less puritan repression, which never- ments on the element of wish-fulfillment in the
theless produced a greater parity of sexual assumption of a natural correlation of ferns
roles, which in turn creates the precondition trinity and nurturance: "We have assumed
for a genuine sexual liberation, in the dual that because it is convenient for a mother
sense of equality and freedom-whose unity to wish to care for her child, this is a trait
defines socialism. with which women have been more gener-
ously endowed by a careful teleological proc-
Obviously, the main breach in the tradi- ess of evolution. We have assumed that be-
tional value-pattern has been the in- cause men have hunted, an activity requiring
crease in premarital sexual experience. This enterprise, bravery, and initiative, they have
IS now ygmaly
E l l i e tlmlzed in contemporary been endowed with these useful aptitudes as
bourgeois society. But its implications are part of their sex-temperament." However,
explosive for the ideological conception of
7Ma1-garet Mead: .S'c=.1' and Tcfnpenwrlefzr, i n
marriage that dominates this society: that of The Fwnffy and :he Sequa! Revofrafion, ed. E. M.
an exclusive and permanent bond. Schur (1964) pp. 207-8.

the cultural allocation of roles in bringing up course of an individual life-a psychic time
children--and the limits of its variability- disproportionately greater than the chrono-
is not the essential problem for considera- logical time. . . . These undoubted advances
tion. What is much more important is to in the scientific understanding of childhood
analyse the nature of the socialization proc- have been widely used as an argument to
ess itself and its requirements. reassert woreE quintessential maternal
Parsons in his detailed analysis claims function, at a time when the traditional fam-
that it is essential for the child to have two ily has seemed increasingly eroded. 5 a n
"parents," one who plays an "expressive" This ideology corresponds in dislocated
role, and one who plays an "instrumental" form to a real change in the pattern of the
role." The nuclear family revolves around family. As the family has become smaller,
the two axes of generational hierarchy and each child has become more important, the
of these two r S i . In all groups, he and actual act of reproduction occupies less and
his colleagues assert, even in those primitive less time and the socializing and nurturance
tribes discussed by Pritchard and Mead, the process increase commensurately in signifi-
male plays the instrumental role in relation cance. Bourgeois society is obsessed by the
to the wife-mother. At one stage the mother physical, moral and sexual problems of
plays an instrumental and expressive role childhood and adolescence. Ultimate respon-
vis-a-vis her infant: this is preoedipally when sibility for these is placed on the mother.
she is the source of approval and disap- Thus the mother's "maternal" role has re-
proval as well as of love and care. However, treated as her socializing role has increased.
after this, the father, or male substitute (in In the 1890s in England a mother spent lit-
in atrilineal societies the mother's brother) teen years in a state of pregnancy and lacta-
takes over. In a modern industrial society tion, in the 1960s she spends an average of
two types of role are clearly important: the four years. Compulsory schooling from the
adult familial roles in the family of procrea- age of five, of course, reduces the maternal
tion, and the adult occupational role. The function very greatly after the initial vulner-
function of the family as such reflects the able years.
function of the women within it, it is pri- The present situation is then one in which
marily expressive. The person playing the the qualitative importance of socialization
integrated-adaptive-expressive role cannot be during the early yearS of the child's life has
off all the time on instrumental-occupational acquired a much area significance than
errands-hence there is a built-in inhibition in the past-while the quantitative amount
of the woman's work outside the home. Par- of a mother's life spent either in gestation or
sons' analysis makes clear the exact role of child-rearing has greatly diminished. It fol-
the maternal socializer in contemporary lows that socialization cannot simply be ele-
American society. lt fails to go on to state vated to the woman's new maternal vocation.
that other aspects and modes of socialization Used as a mystique, it becomes an instru-
arc conceivable. ment of oppression. Moreover, there is no
inherent reason why the biological and social
mother should coincide. The process of so-
Infancy and Familial Patterns
cialization is invariable--but the person of
. . One of the great revolutions of mod~ the socializer can vary.
ern psychology has been the discovery of
the decisive specific weight of infancy in the
~ * T I C I § t P r s 5 a d R b e r t F . B les: Ffll?rifv,
.S`c:»cfa!1lza!ion and Ifueraction Process (1956 ), The lesson of these reflections is that the 1ih~
p. 313. aeration of women can only be achieved if
The Situation of Women 333

all four structures in which they are inte- not been integrated into the earlier attempts
grated are transformed. A modification of to abolish the family and free sexuality no
any one of them can be offset by a rein- general liberation has occurred. In China,
forccment of another, so that mere permuta- still another experience is being played out
tion of the form of exploitation is achieved. today. At a comparable stage of the revolt
The history of the last sixty years provides son, all the emphasis is being placed on lib-
ample evidence of this. In the early twentieth erating women in production. This has pro-
century, militant feminism in England or the duced an impressive social promotion of
U.S. surpassed the l a b o r movement in the women. But it has been accompanied by a
violence of its assault on bourgeois society, tremendous repression of sexuality and a
in pursuit of suffrage. This political right rigorous puritanism (currently rampant in
was eventually won. Nonetheless, though a civic life). This corresponds not only to the
simple completion of the formal legal equal- need to mobilize women massively in eco-
ity of bourgeois society, it left the socio- nomic life, but to a deep cultural reaction
economic situation of women virtually un- against the corruption and prostitution prev-
changed. The wider legacy of the suffrage alent in Imperial and Kuo Ming Tang China
was nil: the sufafragettcs proved quite unable (a phenomenon unlike anything in Czarist
to move beyond their own initial demands, Russia). Because the exploitation of women
and many of their leading figures later be was so Teat in the ancient régime women's
came extreme reactionaries. The Russian participation at village level in the Chinese
Revolution produced a quite different expe- Revolution, was uniquely high. As for repro-
rience. In the Soviet Union in the 1920s, ad- duction, the Russian cult of maternity in the
vanced social legislation aimed at liberating 1930s and 1940s has not been repeated for
women above all in the field of sexuality: demographic reasons: indeed, China may be
divorce was made free and automatic for one of the first countries in the world to pro-
either partner, thus effectively liquidating vide free State authorized contraception on
marriage, illegitimacy was abolished, abor- a universal scale to the population. Again.
tion was free, etc. The social and demo- however, given the low level of industrializa-
graphic effects of these laws in a backward, tion and fear produced by imperialist en-
semiliterate society bent on rapid industrials circlernent, no all-round advance could be
zation (needing, therefore, a high birth-rate) expected.
were-predictably--catastrophic. Stalinism It is only in the highly developed societies
soon produced a restoration of iron tradi- of the West that an authentic liberation of
tional norms. Inheritance was reinstated, di- women can be envisaged today. But for this
vorce inaccessible, abortion illegal, etc. "The to occur, there must be a transformation of
State cannot exist without the family. Mar- all the structures into which they are inte-
riaae is a positive value for the Socialist So- grated, and an "urzité de rupture." A revo-
viet State only if the partners see in it a lutionary movement must base its analysis
lifelong union. So-called free love is a bour- on the uneven development of each, and at-
geois invention and has nothing in common tack the weakest link in the combination.
with the principles of conduct of a Soviet This may then become the point of depar-
citizen. Moreover, marriage receives its full ture for a general transformation. What is
value for the State only if there is progeny, the situation of the different structures
and the consorts experience the highest hap- today?
piness of parenthood," wrote the official l . Prodrrcfion: The long-term develop-
journal of the Commissariat of Justice in ment of the forces of production must com-
1939. Women still retained the right and ob- mand any socialist perspective. The hopes
ligation to work, but because these gains had which the advent of machine technology

raised as early as the nineteenth century have the sexual inequality of Western society is
already been discussed. They proved illusory. only at its beginnings. It is inadequately dis-
Today, automation promises the technical tributed across classes and countries and
possibility of abolishing completely the phys- awaits further technical improvements. its
ical differential between man and woman in main initial impact is, in the advanced coun-
production, but under capitalist relations of tries, likely to be psychological-it will cer-
production, the social possibility of this abo- tainly free women's sexual experience from
lition is permanently threatened, and can many of the anxieties and inhibitions which
easily be turned into its opposite, the actual have always afflicted it. It will definitely di-
diminution of woman's role in production as vorce sexuality from procreation, as neces-
the l a b o r force contracts. sary complements. . . o

This concerns the future, for the present 3. Socialization: 'The changes in the com-
the main fact to register is that woman's role position of the work force. the size of the
in production is virtually stationary, and has family, the structure of education, etc.-
been so for a long time now. In England in however limited from an ideal. standpoint-
1 9 ] I 30 percent of the work force were have undoubtedly diminished the societal
women, in the I 960s 34 percent. Thc com- function and importance of the family. As
position of these jobs has not changed de- an organization it is not a significant unit in
cisively either. The jobs are very rarely the political power system, it plays little part
"careers." When they arc not in the lowest in economic production and it is rarely the
positions on the factory-Hoor they are nor- sole agency of integration into the larger
mally white-collar auxiliary positions (such society, thus at the macroscopic level it
as secretaries)--supportive to masculine serves very little purpose.
roles. They are often jobs with a high "ex- The result has been a major displacement
pressivc" content, such as "service" tasks. of emphasis on to the family's psycho-social
Parsons says bluntly: "Within the occupa- function, for the infant and for the couple.
tional organization they are analogous to the . . . The vital nucleus of truth in the cm-
wife-mother role in the family. The educa- phasis on socialization of the child has been
tional system underpins this role structure. discussed. It is essential that socialists
Seventy-five percent of eighteen-year-old girls should acknowledge it and integrate it cn-
in England arc receiving neither training nor tirely into any programme for the liberation
education today. The pattern of "instru- of women.
mental" father and "expressive" mother is . . . However, there is no doubt that the
not substantially changed when the woman need for permanent, intelligent care of chil-
is gainfully employed, as her job tends to dren in the initial three or four years of their
be inferior to that of the man's. to which the lives can (and has been) exploited ideologi-
family then adapts. cally to perpetuate the family as a total unit,
Thus, in all essentials, work as such of when its other functions have been visibly
the amount and type effectively available to- declining. Indeed, the attempt to focus
day--has not proved a salvation for women. women's existence exclusively on bringing
2. Reproduction: Scientific advance in up children, is manifestly harmful to chil-
contraception could, as we have seen, make dren. Socialization as an exceptionally deli-
involuntary reproduction-which accounts cate process requires a serene and mature
for the vast majority of births in the world socializer-a type which the frustrations of
today, and for a major proportion even i.n a purely familial role are not liable to pro-
the West-a phenomenon of the past. But duce. Exclusive maternity is often in this
oral contraception-which has so far been sense "counter-productive." The mother dis-
developed in a form which exactly repeals charges her own frustrations and anxieties in
a Iixation on the child. An increased aware-
'~*Talcot1 Parsons and Robert F. Hales: }~`un.=ilv. ness of the critical importance of sociaiiza-
Sodczfigafiorz and lf zf cwecf ion Pro f.'c'As (1956). p, 15. tion. far from leading to a restitution of
The Situation of Women 335

classical maternal roles, should lead to a last defense against vis inerriae. This same
reconsideration of them--of what makes a insight can be found, with greater theoretical
good socializing agent, who can genuinely depth, in Marcuse's notion of "repressive de-
provide security and stability for the child. sublimation"--the freeing of sexuality for its
The same arguments apply, a fortiori, to own frustration in the service of a totally
the psycho-social role of the family for the coordinated and drugged social machine.
couple. The beliefs that the family provides Bourgeois society at present can well afford
an impregnable enclave of intimacy and se- a play area of premarital non-procreative
curity in an atomized and chaotic cosmos as- sexuality. Even marriage can save itself by
sumes the absurd-that the family can be increasing divorce and remarriage rates, sig-
isolated from the community, and that its nifying the importance of the institution it-
internal relationships will not reproduce in self. These considerations make it clear that
their own terms the external relationships sexuality, while it presently may contain the
which dominate the society. The family as greatest potential for liberation-can equally
refuge in a bourgeois society inevitably be- well be organized against any increase of its
comes a reflection of it. human possibilities. New forms of reifica-
4. Sexuality: lt is dilTicult not to conclude tion arc emerging which may void sexual
that the major structure which at present is freedom of any meaning. This is a reminder
in rapid evolution is sexuality. Production, that while one structure may be the weak
reproduction, and socialization are all more link in a unity like that of woman's condi-
or less stationary in the West today, in the tion, there can never be a solution through
sense that they have not changed for three it alone.
or more decades. There is moreover, no
widespread demand for changes in them on
the part of women themselves-the govern- What, then, is the responsible revolution-
ing ideology has effectively prevented critical ary attitude? lt must include both immediate
consciousness. By contrast, the dominant and fundamental demands, in a single cri-
sexual ideology is proving less and less suc- tique of the whole of women's situation, that
cessful in regulating spontaneous behavior. does not fetishize any dimension of it. Mod-
Marriage in its classical form is increasingly ern industrial development, as has been seen.
threatened by the liberalization of relation-
tends towards the separating out of the orig-
ships before and after it which affects all
inally unified function of the family-pr0-
classes today. In this sense. it is evidently
the weak link in the chain-the particular creation, socialization, sexuality, economic
structure that is the site of the most contra- subsistence. etc.-even if this "structural dif-
dictions. The progressive potential of these ferentiation" (to use a term of Parsons')
contradictions has already been emphasized. has been checked and disguised by the main-
In a context of juridical equality, the libera- tenance of a powerful family ideology. This
tion of sexual experience from relations differentiation provides the real. historical
which are extraneous to it-whether procrc- basis for the ideal demands which should be
ation or property-could lead to true inter- posed: structural differentiation is precisely
sexual freedom. But it could also lead simply what distinguishes an advanced from a
to new forms of ncocapitalist ideology and
primitive society (in which all social func-
practice. For one of the forces behind the
tions are fused en bloc) .
current acceleration of sexual freedom has
undoubtedly been the conversion of con- In practical terms this means a coherent
temporary capitalism from a production- system of demands. The four elements of
and-work ethos t.o a consumption-and-fun women's condition cannot merely be con-
ethos. . . . In a society bored by work, sex sidered each in isolation, they form a struc-
is the only activity, the only reminder of ture of specific interrelations. The contem-
one's energies, the only competitive act, the porary bourgeois family can be seen as a

triptych of sexual, reproductive and social- to the call for the abolition of the private
izatory functions (the woman's world) ownership of the means of production,
embraced by production (the man's world)- whose solution-social ownership-is con~
precisely a structure which in the final in- fained in the negation itself. . . . The rea-
stance is determined. by the economy. The sons for the historic weakness of the notion
exclusion of women from production-social is that the family was never analysed struc-
human activity-and their confinement to :I turally--in terms of its different functions.
monolithic condensation of functions in I It was a hypostasized entity; the abstract
unity-the family-which is precisely uni- son of its abolition corresponds to the ab-
fied in the natural part of each function, is straction of its conception. The strategic
the root cause of the contemporary social concern for socialists should be for the
definition of women as natural beings. Hence equality of the sexes, not the abolition of the
the main thrust of any emancipation move- family. The consequences of this demand are
ment must still concentrate on the economic no less radical, but they are concrete and
cleincnt-thc entry of women fully into pub- positive, and can be integrated into the real
lic industry. The error of the old socialists course of history. The family as it exists at
was to see the other elements as reducible to present is, in fact, incompatible with the
the economic, hence the call for the entry equality of the sexes. But this equality will
of women into production was accompanied not come from its administrative abolition,
by the purely abstract slogan of. the abolition but from the historical differentiation of its
of the family. Economic demands are still functions. The revolutionary demand should
primary, but must be accompanied by co- be for the liberation of these functions from
herent policies for the other three elements. a monolithic fusion which oppresses each.
policies which at particular junctures may Thus dissociation of reprod uction from sex- over the primary role in immediate uality frees sexuality from alienation in un-
action. wanted reproduction (and fear of i t ) . and
Economically, the most elementary de- reproduction from subjugation to chance
mand is not the right to work or receive and uncontrollable causality. 'It is thus an
equal pay for work--the two traditional re- elementary demand to press for free State
formist demands but the right to equal provision of oral contraception. The legaliza-
work itself. tion of homosexuality-which is one of the
forms of nonreproductivc sexuality-should
be supported for just the same reason, and
Only if it is founded on equality can pro- regressive campaign! against Ii in Cuba or
duction be truly differentiated from repro-
elsewhere should be unhesitatinEly_criticized.
duction and the family. But this in turn re~ The straightforward abolition of illegitimacy
quires a whole set of noneconomic demands as a legal notion as in Sweden and Russia
as a complement. Reproduction, sexuality, has a similar implication; it would separate
and socialization also need to be free from marriage civically from parenthood.
coercive forms of unification. Traditionally,
the socialist movement has called for the
From Nature To Culture
"abolition of the bourgeois family." This
slogan must be rejected as incorrect today. The problem of socialization poses more
lt is maximalist in the bad sense, posing a difficult questions, as has been seen. But the
demand which is merely a negation without need for intensive maternal care in the early
any coherent construction subsequent to it. years of a child's life does not mean that the
Its weakness can be seen by comparing it present single sanctioned form of. socializa-
Fclmilies c d the Oppression of Women 337

son marriage and family-is inevitable. personal relationships. But there is abso-
Far from it. The fundamental characteristic lutely no reason why there should be only
of the present system of marriage and fam- one legitimized *form-and El multitude of
ily is in our society its m onolirlzism z there u legitimized experience. Socialism should
is only one institutionalized form of inter- properly mean not the abolition of the fam-
sexual or intergenerational relationship pos- ily, but the diversification of the socially
sible. .lt is that or nothing. Thi S is why it is acknowledged relationships which are today
essentially a denial of life? For all human ex- forcibly and rigidly compressed into it. This
perience shows that intcrscxuai Ami 'inter- would mean a plural range of institutions-
generational relationships are infinitely vari- where the family is only one, and its aboli-
ous-indeed, much of our creative literature tion implies none. Couples living together or
is a celebration of the fact-whilc the insti- not living together. long-term unions with
tutionalized expression of them in our capi- children, single parents bringing up children,
talist society is utterly simple and rigid. It children socialized by conventional rather
is the poverty and simplicity of the institu- than biological parents. extended kin groups,
tions in this area of life which are such an etc.-all these could be encompassed in u..
oppression. Any society will require some range of institutions which matched the free
institutionalized and social recognition of invention and variety of men and women.

8.2 Families and the Oppression of Women


The structure of the contemporary patriarchal nuclear family is basically

defined by the social division of labor within it: the husband is primarily
responsible for the family's financial support, while the ville is primarily
responsible for housework and child-rearing. This division of labor and
its attendant division of power limits the full creative development of
every family member, placing the greatest burdcnson women and chil-
dren. In the following reading, Linda Gordon examines the structure of
the modern family as it is generally constituted. and, in particular, its male
supremacist nature. In her assessment, Gordon points out that the family
system is not the sole source of the oppression of women and that the
family does serve some human needs. However, the family will have to
be radically reformed or restructured if real human needs for warm and
intimate groups are to be fulfilled in a nonexploitative, nonhierarchical

Source: The following is excerpted from "Families" by LINDA GORDON,

published as a pamphlet by The New England Free Press. Reprinted b\'
permission of the author.

. . . The family serves to reinforce the eco- a tremendous human cost-thc crushing of
nomic system and maximize profits only at human potential in some areas and the limit~

ing of it in many more. The family system is activity is diminished by her own low social
bad for men but worse for women and chil- status. There is a vicious circle here: in cap-
dren.' italist society a person's social importance
For example, families create Elli oppres- tends to be related to his capacity to earn
sive situation for many men, placing on them money, whether or not the person is exer-
the near certainly of having to be responsible cising that capacity. Since most women are
all their lives not just for their own liveli- not seen as having that capacity, nothing
hood but for that of one or more others. (In they produce is likely to be treated with the
the law of many states of the U.S., for exam- respect that a man's work might engender.
ple, no marriage "contract" that envisages The low social esteem of women's work is,
the women to be the chief provider is per- naturally, internalized by many women: the
missible.) A preference for nonlucrative results are that most women who try to ex-
activity, such as painting or writing or phil- press themselves in writing, painting, or poli-
osophizing, endangers a man's family or de- tics tend to suffer from their low, prior
prives him of the possibility of having a self-esteem, and for most women, that self-
woman and children to live with. Even prior esteem is so low that they never try at all.
to this, and destructive not just to the indi- In terms of the devaluation of women,
vidual man but to the whole society, the families are both cause and effect--this is
constant social expectation that each man another vicious circle. The division of labor
must become a life-long wage-earner de- in the nuclear family is El result of women's
prives i n n of even the possibility of form- low status and also helps to perpetuate it.
ing a preference for nonprofit activity in the It is reasonable, in capitalist society, that the
first place. Perhaps I should point out that family who earns the money should assume
this is not inevitable: that if groups of peo- the largest share of decision-making power.
plc larger than the nuclear family lived to- Thus in many young families, beginning with
gether fewer people could work full-time or high resolutions about equality between hus-
many people could work part-time to pro- band and wife, the fact that the husband is
vide for the community. This way more peo- the sole or chief breadwinner makes that
ple could have more free time to do useful equality difficult or impossible to realize.
things that are nonprofit-study, teach, grow This is particularly true since many of the
up, sculpt, play. Lacking such arrangements, key decisions within families are taken with-
the family in capitalist society helps to de~ out knowing it. The family moves where the
prive us of cultural activity that cannot be Man.'s job takes it, for example. As the wife
made to produce a profit, or worse, it dis- becomes increasingly bogged down in ad-
torts cultural activity to make it produce a ministering details of cooking, cleaning, dia-
profit. pers, and children's squabbles, she becomes
Any benefits housewives might reap from in ;fact less interesting and important in the
being exempt from money-making responsi- eyes of her husband. A typical middle-class
bilities are usually undercut by housework example is that of a brilliant college student
and child-raising responsibilities. But even passionately involved in philosophy, math,
should she have leisure time to spend on or medieval history-and who ten years later
voluntary activity, the social value of that believes herself, and is believed by others,
to be incapable of any serious intellectual
'It is probably worst of all for children, and endeavor. lt is everywhere the story of
we will try to point out how and where when tough, spirited women who are broken and
possible. but to discuss the cfiiccts of the family
on children properly would require an entire become terrified but infinitely forgiving when
separate study. their selfish and chauvinist husbands desert
Families and the Oppression of Women 339

them time after time for other women, "the sive. Women who have attempted to right
boys," drunkenness, fishing, golf, the office. the family's sexual repression individually,
As women's minds and spirits can be de- by becoming "promiscuoLls," or even by re-
stroyed by life on the inside of a nuclear maining celibate, suffer both from social
family, our sexuality is almost universally castigation and from the inner necessity of
repressed and distorted by the nuclear fam- adopting the social definition as their own
ily, whether or not we choose to enter into identity-by becoming the "loose woman,"
one. Historically, families help to repress the "tease," Ol' the prudish spinster. The fact
and control sexuality so that it would inter- is that there is no acceptable way for a
fere as little as possible with production woman to have a sex life after age twenty-
while allowing for continued reproduction. five except in marriage and that to choose
For most of history, in most of the world, therefore not to have a sex life is to con-
__._ was accomplished by imposing strict demn oneself to not having a satisfying so-
sexual lidclity on women." With the birth of cial life.
capitalism, when harder work for the accu- Within marriage, the family system in
mulation of capital was valued, a special the past has tended to chain women to their
ethic-Puritanism-strengthened the sexual reproductive function by implying, first, that
repression still further and made monogamy sex is inevitably connected with reproduc-
the mutual obligation of husband and wife. tion and, second, that biological motherhood
Despite the weakening of tha_t ethic today, is inevitably connected with the responsi-
women still carry its burden. Women in fam- bility for raising the child. The list connec-
ilies arc trained to see themselves primarily tion is now rapidly being broken down with
as mothers and reproducers, Hot as enjoy- birth control and an accelerating nationwide
ers of som while women outside families are attack on restrictive abortion laws. Break-
pressured to see themselves primarily as sex ing down the second connection is still far
objects-in order to catch a man and enter away. It is interesting that we already have
a family and "relax" into motherhood. Thus a rhetoric about collective responsibility for
the family structure limits the alternatives children: politicians are always telling us
of most women even. before they marry. The that youth are the future of our society. The
fear of not finding a mate, translated as the women's liberation movement is beginning
necessity of being always desirable, condi- to call them on that rhetoric now, and it
tions a woman's - whole world from the age seems likely that the state, big businesses,
0? puberty and sometimes earlier: the need schools, and all public institutions will in-
to be always beautiful and sweet-smelling; to creasingly be called upon to provide free
avoid competing or outstripping men, child~care facilities. If women are really to
or just being too skilled at anything not spe- be freed from the special burdens of child-
cifically considered the feminine province, raising, we will have to sec to it that no
above all, the fear of appearing too aggres- woman is denied any opportunity open to
aSexual fidelity was probably originally im-
anyone else in the society because of special
posed upon women by men when the system of responsibilities to children. This will mean.
private property made the ruling sex anxious to for example, that instead of demanding of
ensure that inherited property remained in his employers special provisions to make wom-
family. Earlier sexual fidelity was unnecessary be-
cause succession and inheritance was probably en's jobs compatible with their child-care
matrilineal, and it was always evident who the responsibilities, we need to start thinking of
mother of the child was; since it is not always demanding that men's jobs be made com-
certain who the father is, matrilineal succession
made necessary the strict enforcement of monog- patible with their assuming a full half of
amy for women. all responsibilities for children.

But a child-raising system based on the relevant here. To make children the prop~
nuclear family supplemented by child-care erty of a commune, or of the state, would
centers, no matter how equal the distribution be no improvement. Thus it seems that the
of labor, is not good enough because it is not liberation of children could not occur until
good for children. Children need much more the liberation of adults made them no longer
than babysitting. They need a great deal of need to use children as the carriers of their
love and attention from a small number of own aspirations.
people who are especially devoted to and
committed to just a few children. The nu-
clear family provides this, but it is damaging CONCLUSION
to children in other ways. To put it most
bluntly, families have oppressed children by The nuclear family is one among many . . .
making private property of them. Most chil- institutions and ideologies which help to keep
dren today are raised in an atmosphere of women down. We are not claiming that the
possessiveness, rivalry with siblings for the family is alone in playing this role. Espe-
love of two parents, and the sense that they cially important, we are not asserting that
must earn that love by behaving and achiev- the destruction of the family would auto-
ing well. To insist that children should not matically bring down the whole system and
be the property of their parents is not to allow women to be liberated. There a re
deny what we have just argued-that chil- many alternative structures that could con-
dren bcnelit from the special love of some tain, mold, and channel people along sexist
adults who cherish those children above lines equally well. Consider the society of
others. Indeed, the fact that parental love is ancient Sparta, based on slavery, in which
often confused with parental proprietorship men lived only with men, and women lived
demonstrates how much love itself has be- with women, old people, and children con-
come a commodity something to be owned trolled by the community in general rather
or possessed exclusively. Love is not owner- than by fathers or husbands. In contempo-
ship. Property in human. beings is slavery. rary society one could imagine all sorts of
In early industrial and agricultural socie- substitutes for the family's various functions
ties, children are valuable because they can that would be more, rather than less, oppres-
be put to work to help provide 1`or the fam- sive. Men organized in monkish business
ily, in these societies children are property in clubs could be induced to pour more subli-
a sense c o s to our conventional under- mated energy than ever into production for
standing of property, like cars and women U.S. imperialism. Child care could be given
in harems. In affluent bourgeois society the over to large nurseries and schools, provid-
services that children perform for their mas- ing huge profits for U.S. corporations, and
ters are often psychological: they are to be which could serve as efficiently as families
what the parents always dreamed of being. to the task of brainwashing children. With-
or they are to maintain the family name and out marriage. that is, without possessive ar-
tradition, frustrated parents, especially rangements between mates, this society might
mothers, must pour their creative energy into well organize its women into a. system of
hopes and nagging directed at the child. harems, that is, a system of collective pos-
R. D. Laingls analysis of how schizophre- session of women by men, because women
nia is induced in children (particularly girls would still be seen as commodities that could
in his case studies, incidentally) by parents be possessed.
who arc: not capable of accepting the child Some of these nightmares may not be so
as a separate being, as a subject, is exactly fantastic. In certain places and strata of our
The Economic Exploitation of Women 341

society families are already breaking down, Similarly a frontal propaganda assault on the
Divorces, birth control pills, youth rebellion, family would be of limited usefulness, for
and unemployment are splintering families, families are not like a vice to be cast off.
and this movement is an objectively revolu- Even it' their functions are on balance op-
tionary force. This is not to say that it is an pressive, they are only successful at per-
entirely desirable movement, nor do we think forming those functions because they serve
its outcome predetermined. We do not cheer certain needs. Families can only cease to
the way the hip capitalists are exploiting the exist when those needs can be met in other
hippies and their "chicks" as a market for ways, we hope, in a socialist society where
tie-dyed shirts, fancy marijuana pipes, in~ individuals can have the freedom to develop

cense, and black light. We find the cycles of
divo.rces, rcma1°ria_ges_ and divorces painful
and sometimes stupid. But we must not hide
their potential without the exploitation of
others. And even now, the family in itself
is not the ultimate or the only enemy. It is
from Me -57"
knowledge lat the old society must one time-worn social structure adapted to
aisimegra?EETE'e a New one can be born. the purpose o exploitation through a basic
The women's liberation movement is tend- form of the division of labor. The women's
ing something to strengthen that movement liberation movement has discovered and re-
towards disintegration, and it ought to con- discovered that everywhere, in every aspect
sider itself especially to supporting women of the society, the division of labor supports
who are outside of families and to provide antiwoman, chauvinist ideologies that in. turn
alternative supportive communities. support continued exploitation. The radical
But it would be foolish to make the dc- thrust of the women's liberation movement
struction of the family a program. That is precisely that it challenges all aspects of
would be like making the abolition of capi- the division of labor, all at once. Ven-
talism a program; an ideal is not a program. cer'efno.s'!

8.3 The Economic Exploitation of W"omen.


Male supremacy and capitalism reinforce each other in many ways. For
example, the oppression of women in the family facilitates their exploits
son by capitalists in vital but menial jobs and provides capitalism with
! convenient reserve army of labor that can be drawn upon as needed
when shortages of male labor develop.
To the first part of the next reading, Marilyn Power Goldberg focuses
on the exploitation of women by capitalists in the labor market. In the
second part, Goldberg explores the role of sexism in stimulating wasteful
consumption and in .both possessive individualism and aL1~
thoritarianism. Such practices B values are functionally important for
the viability of a ca_pitalist society.

Source: The following is reproduced from "The Economic Exploitation

of Women" by MARILYN POWER GOL,NNERG. From Emm ..
$1» -
Raeliam? Poifzif,-al 1;lc~ono1n:lcs II, No. l (Spring 1 9 . Reprinted by per-
mission of the author.
342 SEX¥SM

There are many ways in which capitalism they are given the tools of their trade: dolls,
endeavors to keep the pressure on it from tea sets, frilly dresses, and so on. They are
becoming too great. One of the most im- never encouraged to think in terms of a
portant is by creating divisions in the work career, unless it be one which is an exten-
force in order to keep wages low and other- sion of the serving, subordinate role in the
wise limit the power of labor. It does this family, such as nursing or being a secretary.
by creating a labor hierarchy, through dif- As they grow they learn that it is unlemininc
ferences in working conditions and through and therefore abhorrent to be self-assertive
perpetuation reinforcing ideology, so that or to compete with men. Thus most women
skilled wer will feel is error to un- mature with the understanding that their pri-
skilled, white to black, and male tO female. mary role is that of housewife and mother
At the same time capitalism repeatedly tells and that, while they may per chance work,
all workers that they have never before had their contribution will be merely supple-
it so good, that they are better off than work- mental and temporary, they will not have a
ers (blacks, women) have ever been before. career. This is true despite the fact that most
The division of the labor force is of further women who work are essential to support
importance h * h o u s e it allows themselves and their families: 70 percent of
certain gDpi namely Hnorities and women who worked in March 1964 sup-
women, to be superexploited, used as a mar- ported themselves or others or had husbands
ginal work force i order to smooth over who earned less than $5,000 in 1963.1 In a
cycles in the economy, and to perform vital survey of women who graduated from col-
but menial and poorly paid jobs. Ideology lege in 1957, while most were working or
is very important in perpetuating these su- planned to work at some point in their lives,
perexploited groups, as it affects not only only 18 percent planned to have a career."
society's assumptions about them but also Another survey taken in 1964 found much
their expectations about themselves. the same result, although of Negro women
Capitalism did not invent the nuclear fam- college graduates, 40 percent planned a ca-
ily or the concept that the role of women is reer, and many women who do work feel
to mind the home and the children. These guilt pangs about being outside the home
institutions go back thousands of years, to (although most of them face their traditional
the origins of private property, when man household tasks unaided at the end of the
the hunter began to acquire land and de- work day).H In a study of working wives in
sircd heirs to pass it on to. But capitalism the Detroit area in 1956, nine out of. ten
actively promotes the isolated family unit often felt that a job makes personal rela-
and the woman's role in it, through such tions in the home more difficult, hurts the
propaganda devices as the glorification of husband's pride, or disrupts the home.
motherhood, in order to facilitate its eco- These attitudes which women have
nomic exploitation both of men and women. learned about themselves and their work
make them a convenient. cheap marginal
SOCIALIZATION TO BE SECONDARY labor force for capitalism. Because they con-

1Wumen's Bureau, U.S. Department of Labor.

Women arc taught from the time they arc
Fn'c'1' Siren/f oH /h(' R c f a f i r c Posifirnxz 03' Womwi
children to play El serving role, to be docile and .Marr Econo/?2'~'.
and submissive, get what they want by be- "Valerie Oppenheimer. "The Sex-Labeling of
ing coy instead of aggressive. They are so- .lohs "_"f/usrrifff Rdufiofrs (May 1968). p. 23 l .

cializcd to expect that they will spend their "E.arQK! Wilensky, mmmerl's Work." [rrn/rf.v-
lives as housewives and mothers-for toys Nic!! Re{cm'ons (May 1968), p. 234.
The Economic Exploitation of Women 343

sider their economic contribution supple- 66 percent of all men in the labor force
mentary even when it is necessary to main- worked full-time, full-year in 1965, only 39
tain a decent standard of living for their percent of the 33.8 million women who
families, they are more willing than men to worked, or 13.1 million, did so. Of the rest,
accept low pay and poor working conditions, 10 million worked full-time less than a full
Because they have been socialized to be doc- year, and 10.6 million worked part~time for
ile and accept subordinate positions, they all or part of the year By 1967, 42.1 pe1'~
are far less likely than men to organize or cent of women who worked, worked full-
create trouble for the employer. As they time, full-year, an increase probably due in
feel responsible to continue their role as large part to the drafting of men to light the
housewives and mothers while working (and Vietnam War.
there are no facilities to relieve them of this Thus, women form a marginal work force,
burden), they are forced to accept a very important for several reasons. First, as indi-
low economic position and, even if skilled, cated above, part-time or temporary work-
to be exploited as a cheap labor force. They ers never achieve seniority or become eligi-
are bound to search for work near their ble for fringe benefits. Thus an employer
homes and very often for only part of the might well find it more economical and con-
day or the year. Thus, they are in a poor venient to hire two such workers to perform
bargaining position vis-a-vis their employers. basic or menial chores, rather than invest in
This situation is further exacerbated by the one full-time, full-year worker. Temporary
tendency of many women to work until their workers can be taken on or let go according
children are born, drop out of the work to Huctuations in business, taking the brunt
force for ten, fifteen, even twenty years, then of cycles and uncertainties that otherwise
return to work after their children are grown. might spread to the rest of the economy.
Thus they never acquire seniority or qualify They are the last to be hired and the first
for retirement and other benefits-employ to be fired. Business offices in particular feel
ers, who are reluctant to promote women to this need, as they have no product that can
prestigious or high paying jobs, have an ex- be stockpiled in case of waning demand. If
cuse not to do so. Besides these considera- they have overhired, their employees simply
tions of the detrimental effects the traditional go idle. This has been institutionalized in the
roles of women have on their economic po- flourishing temporary worker agencies-the
sition, there is also plain discrimination on Kelly Girl and SO on-allowing an employer
the part of employers, who are reluctant to to hire extra help by the week or the month.
hire women to positions of importance or Women form a significant portion of this
where they will have authority over male temporary office work force- Ninety-seven
workers and who, given the opportunity, pre- percent of all stenographers and typists are
ter to promote men and to lay off women. women, and one-third of all women workers
Many labor unions also discriminate and not were in clerical work-the most in any job
only show no interest in organizing women category." The importance of temporary
but frequently negotiate preferential treat- workers as a marginal work force is indi-
ment or pay for male workers. cated by the rapid growth in this job cate-

PART-TIME WORKERS- "Eli Ginzberg, "Paycheck and Apron-Revolu-

lion in Woman Power," (sic),°faI Relrdiomx
(May 1968), p. 194.
"Gertrude Bancroft McNally, "Patterns of Fe-
Women constitute a significant proportion male Labor Force Activity," Ina'.usff*fal Relarfons
of the supply of. part-time workers. While (May 1968), p. 195.

gory. In the . e a r s 1950-1965, the average lack of maternity leave means that pregnancy
annual increase of part-time jobs for women results in loss of job. Third, in industry they
was 300.000, or just bciow the average in- tend to have less seniority than men, and
crease in full-time §iale workers? Women custom and sentiment favor laying oH women
workers' role concept facilitates their accep- in preference to men, since women's work
tance of part-time or temporary work. Thus, is considered secondary and even an aber-
of the 17.6 million women who worked less ration, taking employment away from men
than full-time throughout the year-while (once again, women bear the brunt of eco-
22 percent did so because they were going nomic fluctuations). Fourth, since women
to school and 26 percent either could not have a more narrow range of job opportuni-
find full-time work or were kept from work- ties, stemming from a reluctance to hire them
ing by illness, disability. or other reasons- in many occupations, and their frequent con-
full 52 percent chose to work in order to comitant lack of training in these fields
take care of their homes."
ment opportunities. *
they do not have as many potential employ-
finally, there is an
element of discrimination that means H
UNEMPLOYMENT many employers will not hire a woman for
a job she is qualified for, especially if there
One of the important aspects of temporary are also male applicants for the position.
workers, as mentioned above, is precisely For nonwhite women the problem is even
their "temporary-ness." . is, they can be more serious, they tend to have an unem-
taken on in time of need and let go when the ployment rate twice that of white women at
need is finished. Women are ideally suited 7.8 percent in 1968, as compared with 3.9
to this purpose, both because they consider percent for white women."
their income of supplementary, and there-
fore secondary. importance to the family and
are therefore less likely to put up a fight, WORK CYCLE OF WOMEN
and because they tend not to enter the un-
employment roles but rather to disappear The tendency of women to drop in and
back into their homes. They are not "un- out of the labor force in their life cycle fur-
employed," they are housewives. Further, ther leaves them open to economic cxploita~
labor unions tend to be male supremacist son. Two-thirds of women in the age group
and are unlikely to fight the laying oiT of eighteen to twenty-five worked at some time
women workers. The unemployment rate for in 1965, However, in the age group twenty-
women is still higher than for men--5.3 per- ,live to thirty-four, this figure dropped to
cent in 1965, as compared with 3.2 percent one-third." This drop is sufficient to give
for men. If the number of women who re- employers an excuse to pay their young
tum to their homes could he included. the women employees less and not to promote
figure would undoubtedly be much higher. them to positions of importance, since there
First, their tendency to divide their career is a danger that the women will work for a
between work and home means they have a short time and then quit to marry or have
higher turnover in labor force participation, children. This danger is increased by the fact
Thus, since many of them are occasional that their husbands' careers are not yet set-
and seasonal workers, they are more exposed
to the risks of unemployment. Second, the "Womerl's Bureau, U.S. Depar tmcm of Labor.
Rcfporl of zfrf' Task Form' OH Labor SIrulr1'ru'rf.s',
um., p. 197. 1968.
*'[big'. ., p. 194. "'McNally. op, cir., p. 197.
The Economic Exploitation of Women 345

tied, and the women's work being secondary, women is evident from the great concentra-
if he wants lo leave the urea, she must quit. tion of women in certain occupations.
When women return to the labor force after Ninety-seven percent of all stenographers,
their children have grown, they have not typists, and private household workers are
worked for a long time, SO that employers women, as are two-thirds of all health
discount their previous experience and what- service workers, teachers (except college),
ever skills they might have had are consider- waitresses and clerks, and other clerical
ably rusty. Currently, 58 percent of women workers. Many of these jobs remain
aged forty-five-fifty-four work, more than female-dominated at least in part because
any other group except aged eighteen- they combine a need for a fairly high level
twenty-five. 11 of training and education with very low pay
(stenography, nursing, teaching) .

Whether working full-time or part-time, The economic exploitation of women is ind»

women tend to be employed in the less re- cared by their low median income in com-
rnunerative occupations, frequently in work parison with men. In 1965, women received
that is an extension of their role in the fam- a median of $2,098, or 40 percent of the
ily-that is, secondary, serving work, tradi- male median of $5,194.14 This inequality
tional housewives' tasks of cooking, clean~ can be explained in part by the tendency
ing, etc., tasks requiring patience, waiting, discussed above for women to be relegated
work requiring an attractive appearance; and to part-time and/or part-year work, but even
work dealing with children. They are rarely women who work full-time, full-year make
placed in positions requiring individual ini- only around three-fifths of the male median
tiative or decision-making and almost never for the same work load. This relative earn-
in a position of supervising or giving orders ing position, moreover, has not improved in
to men. A survey shows that 74 percent of the last twenty~five years, except for non-
employers in New Haven and 53 percent of white women. White men have the highest
employers in Charlotte preferred men for median income, then nonwhite men, then
administrative and executive positions." It white women, and finally nonwhite women.
was felt that men should deal with other Table 8-B shows the median income for
men, such as most clients, other manage- full~time, full-year male and female workers.
ment people, suppliers, and so on, and that Calculating from this table, white women
it was not appropriate for a woman to do had an income which was 90.1 percent of
so. Also, male supervisors were felt to com- that of nonwhite men, and nonwhite women
mand more respect, even from women work- had 41.0 percent of white men. It may be
ers. Men. after all, are accustomed to giving noted that white women and nonwhite men
orders to women, not receiving them, in the have exchanged relative economic positions
home as well as on the job, and women are since 1939.
used to taking orders from men and, look- In the category of full-time, fLlll~yca1° jobs,
ing at other women as rivals and competi- the discrepancy between the median incomes
tors, would resent taking orders from them. of men and women exists not only in gen-
The sex-typing of jobs available to eral but also within every occupational field.
ibid., p. 194. ' M c N a l l y . op, cir., p. 195.
'"Oppenheimer, op. if., p. 199. 111bid.


1964 Median Income 1939 Median Income

W as % W os %
Men Women of M Men Women of M

White $6,497 $3,859 59.4 $1,419 $863 60.8

Nonwhite 4,285 2,674 52.4 639 327 51.2
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Labor, \Von en's Bureau, Fact Sheer on :he Relurire Position
of Women and Men Workers :`n the Ecrmomj-.

For example, in 1965, for sales workers, the high cost, durable nature. Thus, each family
median income for women was $3,000 and unit must have its own washer, dryer, auto-
for men $7,000, for managers and otlieials, mobiles, camera, and so on, even though
$4,500 for women and $8,600 for men, and they may sit idle much of the time. Further,
for professionals, $5,500 for women and the isolation of family units from their neigh-
$8,200 for mend" From these figures, we bors may result in competitive, conspicuous
can see that the lower pay for women is not consumption among them. One has only to
simply due to their being employed in the Ry over Los Angeles and look at the row
less remunerative occupations, although this upon row of individual backyard swimming
is an important factor, they are also paid pools to comprehend the extent of the waste,
less than men for doing the same or similar and profit, thus generated.
work. Indeed, among full-time, full-year
workers, the median income of women as a
proportion of the median income of men has CONSUMPTION AND THE
fallen from 1939 to 1964 in every major in~
dustrial group in which the number of
women employed is significant," The role of housewife, one whose primary
concern is with the house, stimulates more
expenditure on it. This is especially true as
WASTEFUL CONSUMPTION prepackaged foods, smaller homes, fewer
BY NUCLEAR FAMILY children, and so on, make the basics of
housewivery much less time-consuming than
The other aspect of' die economic exploita- in the past. A modern housewife has time to
tion of women which this paper will discuss concern herself with buying new gadgets for
is less readily apparent, not easily quantifi-
her profession, expressing herself through
and inextricably involved with the ex- redoing the living room. Advertising en-
ploitation of men as well. This involves the courages her to attempt to assuage her fccl-
concept of the nuclear family as an eco- ings of inadequacy through consuming-pro-
nomic, consumptive, and psychic unit unto viding she is indeed fulfilling her role well
itself. On the most obvious level, the nu- by buying for her home, her children, and
clear family unit helps keep demand at an her husband.
artificially high level, as it leads to wasteful Housewives also spend a good deal of
consumption of indivisible goods, often of a money on themselves. They share with other
women's professions such as prostitution,
5/bid.. p. 196. modeling, receptionists, the circumstance
11'See Women's Bureau, Fact .sfrcw on file
R£fluM'e Posizion of Wonm/1 and Men l4~'0r»'<c'r.s in that their continuing in their job is dependent
in' Ec<1rfr7m'.v, op. c i r . on their remaining sexually and personally
The Economic Exploitation of Women 347

desirable to their employer, in this ease the to help her family "adjust" to harsh realities.
husband. Therefore, housewives spend a She therefore transmits the values of hard
good deal of money making themselves at- work and conformity to each generation of
tractive objects. After all, as the song says, workers. It is she who forces her children
"Day after day there are girls in the office, to stay in school and "behave" or who urges
and men will always be men. Don't send her husband not to risk his job by standing
him off with your hair up in curlers, you up to the boss or going on strike."1**
may not see him again." Finally, the separation of workers into
isolated family units, which are thought of
as complete unto themselves, so that the en-
PERPETUATION OF IDEOLOGY trance of an outsider into them is always
more or less an invasion, inhibits the work-
The home perpetuates the authoritarian ers from feeling community among them-
structures required in capitalist society. In selves or organizing against their common
any relationship, even the most intimate, oppression. The housewife, who creates and
there is always a dominant member. Thus maintains the home, becomes the symbol of
in a Chrorzfcle in June (long since relegated its isolated nature and may feel competitive
to the garbage, unfortunately), the Ques- with the homes around hers. Further, the
tionman asked young men and women who husband comes to see his wife and children
were about to be married, "Who will be as his possessions, which he must defend
the boss in your marriage?" All replied that jealously against interlopers, Thus, workers
the man would be although some qualified arc kept separate from ouch other, compet-
it somewhat. None questioned that a rela- ing instead of cooperating.
tionship between two people required a boss What, then, is the solution-the program
or that the male naturally fills that role. to end the exploitation of women in the
The nuclear family allows the man to get economy? It is not in merely demanding
rid of his feelings of frustration and humili- equal job opportunities with men, few men
ation about his job by dominating his fam- in this society have creative or satisfying
ily: "The petty dictatorship which most men work, and they are also exploited-the dif-
exercise over their wives and families en- ference between the exploitation of men and
ables them to vent their anger and frustra- women is largely 8 question of degree and
tion in a way which poses no challenge to of technique. Nor is the solution in a dc-
the system. The role of the man in the fam- mand that women no longer be socialized to
ily reinforces aggresshte individualism, au- be docile and subservient but be socialized
thoritarianism, and a hierarchical view . in the same manner as men. The competi-
social relations-values which are funda- tive, individualistic values wl'1icl'1 our society
mental to the perpetuation of capitalism.sa1" encourages in men are not a desirable alter-
The housewife, in her role as preserver native. We must struggle. rather, for an un-
of the family, is a profoundly conservative oppressive, nonexploitative society, where
force, promoting stability, and discouraging individuals are encouraged to lead creative
any activity that would rock the boat. "A lives within a communal context. This must
woman is judged as a wife and mother-the include a communal alternative to the iso-
only role she i s allowed-according to her lated nuclear family, which has been shown
ability to maintain stability in her family and to play an active role in facilitating @CO-
nomic exploitation.
1 TKathy McAfee and Myrna Wood, "Bread
and Roses," L61=inn'rcur (June 1969), P. 9. Ib5F.

IMPORTANCE OF WOMEN'S exploitation within the context of the present

STRUGGLE economic system, it is inherently exploita-
tive (there is simply no merit to demanding
The role women play in the modern Ameri- an end to superexploitation, equal exploita-
can economy is a vital one. If women re- tion with men). We must recognize that we
fused to accept their economic position, are fighting for El common goal with our
American capitalism would experience se~ exploited black and white brothers. But we
vcre difficulties In the work force, women, must also recognize that women have a cru-
in their jobs as secretaries, teachers, and so cial position in fighting their economic ex-
on, set the context in which capitalist ac- ploitation, because they are so important in
tivity can take place. If production cannot shoring up the economic system. Without
continue without production workers, nei- the guarantee of a docile, low paid marginal
ther can it long carry on if its paper work work force, investors might well hesitate to
is not done. As part-time and temporary risk their money. If women begin to seek
workers, women provide a mobile semi~ communal, nonauthoritarian alternatives to
skilled (sometimes skilled) labor force the nuclear family housing and living unit,
which helps prevent labor bottlenecks and the expectations of the work force, and its
assures business of a docile work force at concomitant docility might be changed.
low wages. This position women share with Also, as the vast majority of elementary
minority groups. This is a very important school teachers are women, they could break
factor in encouraging new investments. The down the socializing functions of school.
fact that employers can pay women less Finally, in developing a consciousness of
for the same work as their male employees, common oppression and uniting around
often in collaboration with labor unions, common struggles, women may provide the
keeps the workers divided against each other impetus for the consciousness of. a collective
and severely limits their effectiveness. struggle in the working class as a whole.
Women cannot successfully defeat their

8.4 Un. the Relationship Between. Sexism

and Capitalism

As we have seen, male supremacy and capitalism are not unrelated. In

several important ways, capitalism and male supremacy reinforce each
other, and in some ways they conflict. The following reading by Margery
Davies and Michael Reich examines several aspects of this complex re-
lationship. The intention is to suggest some significant connections, rather
than present a definitive statement on the topic.
Davies and Reich begin with a short addendum to Goldberg's discus-
sion of. the obstacles facing women in the labor market) and they go on
to discuss briefly how the subordinate position of women in the labor
market leaves them economically with few alternatives to marriage. Finally,
they examine the emerging contradiction. between sexism and capitalism:
while the dynamics of capitalism seem to be undermining even the nuclear

1She Goldberg, Section 8.3, D. 341

Relationship Between Sexism and Capitalism 349

family, at the same time capitalism and male supremacy benefit from the
maintenance of sexist institutions and therefore attempt to preserve the
nuclear family in its sexist form.

Source: The following essay was written by MARGBRY DAV1ES and

MICHAEL REICH for this book. Copyright O l 9'7?. by Margery Davies and
Michael Reich. Printed by permission of the authors.

f for women to enter medical, law, or gradu-

ate school than it is for men. Educational
institutions, by denying to women the train-
In the previous reading, Marilyn Power
ing they need to break down sexual discrimi-
Goldberg analyzed a number of ways in nation in the labor market, reinforce the
which the subordinate role of women in the subordinate position of women in the labor
family, as well as the socialization of women, market.
result in their economic exploitation in the 3. Employers often treat women solely
labor market. To the many obstacles facing as sexual. objects. For example, corporations
women in the labor market that Goldberg hiring secretaries and receptionists who deal
describes, we would emphasize in addition: with the public or with male executives are

often more interested in attractive window-
1. Married women who work in the dressing than competent workers. Conse-
market economy actually hold down two quently, women are often judged by pro-
jobs. in addition to their job in the labor spective employers in terms of their physical
market, they are also expects to perform appearance and not their skills.
the functions of housewife. It is unusual to 4. All women are not equally limited in
find a. family in which both husband and the job market; some have access to more
wife work and the household and child- schooling and training, and many see careers
raising chores are shared equally. A woman in the job market as primary and child-
with no children may manage both a job and raising or housework as secondary. Although
housework, many women with small all women are fat' from identical, employers
children wil lthc labor market en- and schools nonetheless tend to treat women
tirely, since satisfactory social. arrangements as a homogeneous group and to discriminate
H their children's je are generally un- against them as a group. Even those educa-
available. tional institutions and firms that claim not to
2. Educational institutions deny women discriminate against women per se argue that
preparation for jobs that are considered the it would be too costly to determine whether
unquestioned prerogative of men. Sexual or not each individual woman is seriously
tracking in school systems explicitly chan- committed to a career. Cost minimization by
nels girls into home economics and typing business depends on the calculation of prob-
and away 1`1'om shop and drafting. Girls are abilities and, given the social context of' male
socialized to believe that they have neither supremacy, the probability that any individ~
an interest in nor a talent for science and al woman will advance in her career is
mathematics, and therefore they tend to small relative to the probability for a man.
avoid these subjects in school. But even girls Thus. women. who have no intention of ever
who are interested in such "masculine" sub- marrying or raising children are still con-
jects will often not bother to take these sidered bad risks by firms and educational.
courses, since they know that their chances institutions.
of successfully pursuing a career in such This discrimination against women as a
fields are slim. Furthermore, admissions pol- group brings particular hardship to those
icies for many professional schools discrimi- women who must support themselves. One
nate against women, making it more difficult third of all women who worked year-round

and full-time in 1967 were single, separated, the other hand, women often tum to mar-
divorced, or widowed women holding a job riage as the means to an economic security
out of economic necessity. But few of the which the labor market generally prevents
jobs open to them paid well enough to pro- them from attaining themselves. Economic
vide adequate support for themselves, let forces place women in an inferior position
alone their children: the median income of in the labor market, and cultural and social
such women in 1967 was about $45()0.1
forces lead women to believe that they have
failed their destiny in life if they do not
II marry, the two sets of forces reinforce one
another and operate symbiotically.
This brings us to our next point: the sub-
ordinate position of women in the market
economy locks them into a dependent posi-
tion with the nuclear family. In 1969, the
median money income of all women four- The subordinate position of women in the
teen years or older in the civilian labor force family and in society as a whole has been
was $2,132, compared to a median income analyzed from a different perspective by
for men of $6,429. For women who worked Margaret Benston in a recent essay entitled
year~round and full-time in 1969, median in- "The Political Economy of Women's Liber-
come was 955.077: this represented 58 per- ation."3 Bcnston emphasizes the importance
cent of the corresponding income for men, of examining the precapifalfst nature of
having declined from a figure of 63 percent wolnen's relation to production in the home.
in 1956.q.I Since the opportunities for sup- Unlike workers under capitalism, women in
porting themselves are so meager, many the home are not paid for their work and do
women must view marriage as a matter of not produce commodities that are bought
economic survival. Although the motives for and sold on a market. Women produce serv-
marriage are generally love, desire for psy- ices in return for which husbands arc ex-
chological security, or escape from competi- pected to provide financial support. The
tion with men for jobs. it is nonetheless true subordinate position of women is thus ex-
that WOmm are arced into marriage for a plained in structural terms:
reason similar to that which forces workers The marerirzl basis for the inferior s a r i s of
to sell their labor to a capitalist for a wage women is In be fozzmd in just this de£nit.='on
--namely, economic necessity. This eco- of work. In a society M which money de-
ferrnines value, women. are CI group who
nomic dependency of the wife on the hus- work outside the; nxorzey ecorzoney. Their
band confers, at least implicitly, a certain work is' not world money, so' therefore value-
amount of power to the husband over the less, is Ihere)'ore not even real' o r . And
wife. olwen fhenzsefve'5. . t/1rl.s' valuesess
The economic factors operate to strengthen w o r k , can frardly be expected to be worth
as 1711/ii'/1 as 1TI6/Z, who work for money. In
the many social pressures forcing women 5tru»:'tzfrc:l terms, the closcésr thing to Ike
into marriage. On the one hand, women are c'ono'irzon of war?nen. is 1'he L-ondzln'on of
made to feel inadequate as women if they othc.r-.s' who ore or were also outsize of corn-
do not prove themselves capable of attract- morhky producion, i.e., 5e'1'j'.s' and peasunfs.
ing a man and bearing "his" children. On However, capitalist development has, in spite
1U.S. .Bureau of the Census, (Iurrenr Popula- of itself, been breaking down the "feudalis-
n`w1 Rc=po:'z'.s', Series .P-60. No. 64. "Supplementary
Rcpnrt on Income in 1967 of Families and Per- 3Marga1°et Benston, .§Thc Political Economy
snns in the United States." of Women's Liberarioni Mor1!hl}' Review (Sep-
"See Table 8-A, p. 324. tembcr 1969),
Relationship Between Sexism and Capitalism 351

tic" relationship that characterizes the nu- ties, care of the aged and the sick, and
clear family. We now turn to this point. psychological counseling that *once were
provided through the community and the
extended family are today increasingly pur-
IV chased as commodities on a market. The
extension of markets in commodities, by
To see how the spread of capitalist market undermining production for internal use,
relations has been undermining the nuclear removed one of the prime forces binding
family, it is instructive to review how the communities and extended families together.
spread of markets in land, labor, and com- Of course, the hegemony of these eco-
modities disrupted traditional community life nomic mechanisms is not total. Neighbor-
and reintegrated culture around commodi- hood communities and extended families arc
tics.-I- The spread of a market in land deter- still present in many areas of the United
mined that the sole criterion for land use was States, particularly where ethnic and rc-
profitability. The need for architectural inte- ligious ties have been strong. But in general,
gration and planning was ignored, .nil the such social institutions are breaking down.
dictates of profit u rooted communities and To a large degree the extended family has
tore them apart. ieanwlaile, $5 geograph- disappeared and the family has become
ical and occupational mobility required by a nuclear-one husband and wife together
smoothly-operating market in labor under- with children form the basic living unit; the
mined both neighborhood ties and ties to the husband primarily responsible for supporting
traditional extended family? As the location the family financially, the wife primarily ro-
of jobs and industry shifted, young people sponsible for housework and both sharing
and individual nuclear families broke away responsibility for rearing the children (al-
from neighborhoods and relatives to pursue though the wife must often bear the heaviest
economic opportunities. Communities and part of this load).
extended families were fundamentally in- But just as capitalist development under-
compatible with the needs of a capitalist mined the community and the extended
market in labor, since immobility impeded family, the extension of markets in labor
the allocation of labor to its most profitable and commodities has put the nuclear family
use. under attack as well: an increasing propor-
At the same time, much of the precapi- tion of married women work in the market
talist production of commodities and provi- economy, wTliie the penetration of commodi-
sion of social services that took place within ties into the home has reduced the necessary
the community and the extended family was amount . .of__housework. This undermining of
superseded by the purchase of mass-pro- the nuclear family creates a contradiction
duced commodities on the market. Today, in capitalist development, for the family per-
the decline in home production for use has forms functions that are themselves impor-
extended to more than the necessities of tant for the maintenance of the capitalist
food, clothing, and shelter. Services such as system. We shall argue below that the appar-
entertainment and leisure recreation activi- ent resiliency of the family in the face of
undermining forces is due, in large part, to
451 Polanyi, Section up. 92, and Ciintis, the combined dynamics of male supremacy
Sectic is thorough discus- and capitalism. 'in recent years, the tension
sign of these issues. lllllllllll created by this contradiction has become
"Al extended family is : that includes not
only parents and children Be! also grandparents, apparent in the development of a women's
aunts,i uncles, cousins, in»laws, etc. liberation movement.

The Undermining of the Nuclear Family will spend an average of twenty years in the
labor force. Between 1946 and 1968 the
Women were important in the wage labor
number of women in the labor force in-
force in the early days of capitalism. To~
creased by 75 percent, while the number of
ether with children they constituted an
men in the labor force rose only 16 percent.
overwhelming majority of factory workers at
By 1969 women comprised nearly two-Nfths
the time of the emergence of the capitalist
of the total civilian labor force.
mode of production in both England and the
What factors have produced these
United States. For example, women com-
changes? First, the logic of capitalism de~
prised a large proportion of the work force
rands that it constantly expand.Ti The con-
in textiles, one of the first large-scale manu-
sequent need for an ever expanding labor
facturing industries in the United States.
force has steadily increased the demand for
Female labor has always been important in
female wage labor and brought married and
the labor-intensive, low-wage industries and
single women into the labor market in large
for use as a convenient labor reserve to be
numbers. The importance of female labor
drawn upon during upswings in the business
grew especially as the reserve supplies of
cycle and released during recessions. But
male immigrants, farmers and blacks were
dramatic change5 have occurred in the
progressively exhausted. A substantial pro-
number, marital status, age and length of
portion of economic growth in the UNited
working life of women participating in the
States is attributable to the increased direct
capitalist labor market. These changes have
participation of women in production and
potentially important implications for the
distribution of goods and services in the
material basis of male supremacy and the
market economy. Furthermore, the character
nuclear family.
of work in factories has been changing with
In 1890, only 18 percent of adult women
advances in technology. The shift from
in the United States worked at jobs outside
heavy physical and manual labor to lighter
the home, most of these women were single,
work in modern industry has facilitated the
under twenty~frve, and tended to leave em-
expansion of demand for female labor.
ployment never to return as soon as they
Second, in advanced capitalism, employ-
were married. Most older women were mar-
ment in service and white-collar occupations
ried and worked primarily at home. Today,
has grown more rapidly than the labor force
however, a large and increasing number of
as a whole. The growth of employment in
women are wage and salary workers for a
these occupations, for example, secretarial
large proportion of their adult lives. In an
work, retail sales, teaching, nursing, social
average month in 1967, 49 percent of
work, and so on-occupations that women
women between the ages of sixteen and
have traditionally numerically dominated
sixty-four were in the labor force, nearly
precisely because of their "service" charac-
three out of five of these working women
ter-brought more women info the market
were married, and over half were between
economy. Indeed, one third of women in
the ages of thirty-five and sixty-four. One-
the labor force are employed in seven oc-
fourth of married women with children ut1~
cupations secretaries-stenographers, sales-
der six years and nearly half of all married
women, cleaning women, elementary school
women with children six to seventeen years
are in the labor force. Women are also in "Data cited here is from U.S. Department of
Labor, Women's Bureau, Ifundbouk of Women
the labor force on a more permanent basis : Workvrx 1969, Ch. I .
if past trends continue. women born in 1960 Tree Edwards, Section 3.2, p, 98.
Relationship Between Sexism and Capitalism 353

teachers, bookkeepers, waitresses and market replacing home production for use.
nurses.8 Similarly, labor-saving devices such as
Third, since children now attend more vacuum cleaners, washing machines, and
years of school, they have fewer opportune dishwashers reduce the necessary labor time
ties to work at jobs that would supplement needed in housework. Women, of course,
their family's income. As a result, many still spend a great amount of time in clean-
more married women must work, since the ing and cooking. This results largely from
additional income is still needed. In 1967, the socially induced elevation of "standards"
the income of husbands of 35 percent of of cleanliness and cooking to absurd heights.
working wives was $5,000 or less." The job of housewife is probably more frus-
Fourth, women now spend a smaller pro- trating now than it was in the past, since
portion of their lives bearing and raising much housekeeping is not really necessary,
children. The long-tcrm trend has been for and women, at least subconsciously aware
women to marry at a younger age, have of this fact, find it less and less intrinsically
fewer babies, and have their last child at an rewarding. Furthermore, preprocessed com~
earlier age. Today, the average woman has modifies and labor-saving devices undermine
her last child before she is thirty, so that whatever potential creativity some home-
about the time she is thirty-six her children making tasks once had. So women increas-
are all either in school or on their own. ingly turn to the labor market in search of
Furthermore, life expectancy has risen from rewarding work.
forty-eight years for women born in 1900 It is instructive to note that labor-saving
to seventy-four years for women born in home appliances have only facilitated the
1966.10 Thus the potential work~lif.e of mar- entry of women into the labor market. A
fied women has grown dramatically." recent study examined the factors influenc-
Finally, the decline of production within ing the varying degrees of participation of
the home and the introduction of labor~ married women in the labor market in
saving devices has reduced the amount of different metropolitan areas. The study con-
time women need to spend on housework. cluded that, apart from the need to supple-
The materials for food and clothing go ment family income, the principal factor
through several stages of processing before explaining the extent of female employment
being purchased. Women once spent long in a metropolitan area was the quantity of
hours tending vegetable gardens, churning employer demand for labor in occupations
butter and cheese, washing clothes by hand, in which females predominate."
and even spinning and weaving the cloth
necessary to make those clothes. Today, The Perpetucation oF The
these commodities are mass-produced and Nuclear Family
purchased in the market. Frozen foods,
The above changes in female labor force
"TV" dinners, and cake mixes are only the
participation rates ought to have had reper-
most recent manifestation of the trend to- cussions on marriage and the patriarchal
wards preprocessing p r o d u c t i o n in the
nuclear family. The increased number of
*U.S. Department of Labor, Women's Bureau,
women who work and receive a wage or
Haitdhook of Women Wof'1'cers I969, Ch. 1. salary should have shifted power relation-
9LlJz°a'., p, 3 4 .
3ulbfd., p. 7. 12William Bowen and T. Aldrich Finnegan.
"Alternative ehitd-care arrangements could, The Econofnfw of Labor Force Pa:-fic fputfoti
of course, result in further increases. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969).

ships within the family, since it is now pos- caring for a man and "his" children. Most
sible for more women to live outside the important, and as we have already indicated,
nuclear family, if they are willing to survive women are actively discriminated against
on a fairly low income. In this context, the when they do participate in the labor market.
resiliency of the family seems quite astonish- The Family and Capitalism. The func-
ing. In 1969, 82.8 percent of all women tions the patriarchal nuclear family serves
eighteen and over and more than 90 per- for capitalism also help explain the family's
cent of women over thirty were married or perpetuation. Goldberg points out how the
widowed, whereas 78.7 percent of women maintenance of a sexually segmented labor
twenty years and over were married or market is important in obfuscating class
widowed in 1900.13 The perpetuation of the interests among male and female workers
nuclear family, we shall argue, can be ex- and providing a convenient reserve labor
supply." in addition, supremacy les-

plained as a result of the collective interests, ,. '$~ al

ideologies and actions of males as a caste sens hostility to the capitalist system by pro-
and capitalists as a class. But though male viding a source of psychological gratification
supremacy and the nuclear family have been for male workers! wwllm. although without

retained, the contradictions created by the control over their work, can at least exercise
changing role of women in production have power within their families.
not been resolved. Here we would like to suggest two addi-
The Family and Male Chauvinism. Males tional crucial functions which the contempo-
as a caste enjoy privileges within the family rary family serves for capitalism. First, the
as it is now constituted and they have sup- family, along with the schooling system. is
ported its perpetuation. Women generally the primary institution that reproduces and
perform most of the menial household maintains the labor force. As Morton has
chores and service men's physical and emo- argued, the maintenance and reproduction
tional needs. The unequal power relationship of the labor force has become increasingly
between husband and wife is at root based important and also increasingly complex in
on the general unavailability for most women modern capitalism." It is in the family, as
of adequate alternative sources of income presently structured, that much of the sociali-
and on the social conditioning of children zation of children into the hierarchical roles
in the family to a patriarchal society. Men, necessary in a capitalist society takes place.
individually and as a group, are loathe to see Whether a child will become one of the few
destroyed the material basis of their power. who control or one of the majority who are
So they attempt, both on an individual basis controlled, all children must be trained for
with women and through male-dominated such a hierarchical system and to accept it
social institutions, to maintain their power as the natural order. One of the major
and preserve the nuclear family in its present sources of this education is the manner in
form. For example, many husbands discour- which parents treat their children and what
age their wives from taking a job, arguing children observe, copy, and internalize from
that a woman's duty is to care for her house, the hierarchical relationship between their
children, and husband. Similarly, the media parents.
promote the image of the successful woman Parents who force their children to obey
as one who finds fulfillment in pleasing and them without question condition them to

1"U.S. Bureau of the Census, Statistical Ab- "See Goldberg, Section 8.3, p. 341.
Mract of Ike United States, 1970, p. 32, and 15See Morton, Section 3.6, p. 119 and Bowles,
Twelfth Census of the United States (1900). Section 5.2, p. 218 for elaboration of these points,
Relationship Between Sexism and Capitalism 355

accept and cooperate with arbitrary orders. that judges co To according to what they

Children obey parents, generally not because do or own. With the disintegration of inter-
of the logic or justice of an order, but be- mediary u ' s of social organization, such
cause their parents are authority figures with as clubs, neighborhood bars. the church. and
a relatively great amount of power. Children small communities, the family becomes in-
have often been beaten or humiliated, not creasingly important in providing individuals
because their misdeeds have been very seri- with small close-knit groups based on warm
ous, but because they must learn to obey. and personal relations. People cling to the
Children also come to believe that an au- family because it is one of the few small and
thority figure (parent) is more capable than intimate groups that they have.
they of making decisions. Such attitudes A good society would provide people with
carry over into adult life, as in the common such groups. But many different kinds of
assumption that decisions of the boss or groups could exist, and the opportunity for
the President are not to be questioned by choice among them is itself important. Part
virtue of their august position-"They must of the repressiveness of contemporary so-
know what is best." Children who have in- ciety is that only one choice is available.
ternalized hierarchical social relations will Furthermore, it is neither necessary nor de-
make good workers under capitalism where sirable that women play a subordinate role
the social relations of production are them- within these groups. Both men and women
selves hierarchical." could share responsibility for raising children
It is also cntcial to capitalism that the as well as housework. And these small com-
existing labor force be maintained. The wife munities need not be governed by the au-
labors every day so that her husband will thoritarian relationships that exist in the
produce efficiently at the workplace. Women contemporary nuclear family, nor need they
feed their husbands, wash their clothes, sup- be as small and as atomized as are nuclear
port them psychologically, soothe their families.
nerves when they come home, and reinforce
their competitiveness in the job market.
Second, the family is important to the V
maintenance of the ethos of possessive indi-
vidualism--a value highly congenial to capi- To summarize, the development of capital-
talism. People tend to see themselves as ism has resulted both in an expanded role
owing primary allegiance to a very small for women in the labor force and the reduc-
group whose interests are opposed to other tion of necessary household work, thus un-
such small groups. For example, families dermining the institution of the nuclear
compete with each other for the best mani- family which performs important functions
cured lawn on the block. And children are for capitalism. Capitalism attempts to deal
treated as pieces of property, subject to with the tensions thus created as follows :
parelltaI whim.
In r
Families, of course, serve some positive
functions: they are often based on love and f same fi}7I[J women enter
bor force ho urge cMs society continues to
snnc°frl}'y the I'an§Y am? attempts to convince

provide an important refuge from a society Pl"Of7f€'fi| I/ral their bc/.s':lc s»:.>(.-ia! role corisisfs
of maintaining a happy. condonable home.
"Notice that here we are abstracting from Women learn to be "high need such:levers"
differences in family structure by 5OCiaI class and and 10 adapt z'I1em.?€h-'es I n the nude /Jour-
race, differences which are important for any dc- .geois ethic of personal arnbilion and con
tailed analysis of families. pe.rin'vene.s'.s' but s.imu='rarzeoz1Lv!y z'ea:'f1 the!!

they must subordinate their own aspirations

to their primary role as homemaker. The
mass media, the wofnen's magazines, the
The role that women customarily
the family is often unfulfilling. _
T. play iii
o r

women seek liberation in work, they lind
government, and basines.s' propaganda prom-
ise "prarfucrive careers" and "creative home- alienation. Most work in capitalist
Hlafcirrg" ffirozigh conzrnodiiies, and simul- society is alienating, and the jobs open to drum away as the I/zeme of most women are particularly unsatisfying.
women as submissive m men and as the Nonetheless, more women are able to survive
1rrainsray of the home. This Theme repeats
economically outside the male-dominated
itself in the entreaties and demands of the
f'1Lisba.r1rZ, who wants to escape aiienared nuclear family and so can challenge the tra-
labor in leisure. to be taken care of, be! who ditional power relationships in the Iarnily.
also believes that he needs a passive. de- But when they seek to improve their lot.
pendent snare. redeHI1€ their social relationships with men,
Wnmeu has e.\1perienee Fife as a series
and eliminate the harmful dominant-submis-
of c'ori1'Iz'etiug demands. .1 7
sive sex role dichotomies, women find the
path blocked not only by individual men but
1?"The Making of Socialist Consciousness," also by the institutions of a capitalist and
editorial statement, Soc-iaiisr Revoirrifon i . no. 2
(1970). Excerpts are reprinted in Section 11.6.
male supremacist society. lt is out of such
p. 503. tensions that a women's movement develops.

8D Goals of the Women.'s Movement :

A Clarification

The transformation of the sexual division of labor involves much more

than women approaching the present position of men. As Elizabeth Katz
and Janice Weiss point out in the following reading, the liberation of
women (and of men) requires a fundamental redefinition of the sex roles,
"masculine" and "feminine" Many aspects of "femininity" are desirable
and should be fostered for all in a good society.

Source: The following essay was written by ELIZABETH KATZ and Jam cu
Weiss for this book. Copyright i 972 by Elizabeth Katz and Janice
Weiss. Printed by permission of the authors.

The women's liberation movement is some- employers to consider women equal to men
times viewed as an effort to "raise" women when hiring people for high-level jobs.
to the positions men presently occupy. In To us, this interpretation is based on a
this view, what women want is a piece of the distorted concept of liberation, a definition
pie--of the power, status, and income- of liberation as access to power and to well-
that men currently have. One would infer paying but nonetheless alienating jobs in the
from this view that a solution to women's 1nan.'s world. As such, it represents neither
problems lies in somehow getting parents our analysis of the present situation nor our
and schools to train girls in the "toughness" aspirations for change.
and competitive spirit now reserved for Generally, women are expected, encour-
boys and in somehow convincing or forcing aged, and forced to have two qualities: un-
Goals of the Women's Movement; A Clarification 357

assertiveness and supportiveness (being pre~ partitive and self-aggrandizing when seeking
pared to serve others, to consider other and performing a job.
people's needs before one's own). This is so It is of course true that some aspects of
in the personal relationships a woman has men's roles are desirable, and the fact that
(especially with men) in her work life and men have a near monopoly on them arouses
within her marriage. Basically. women are resentment and envy in women. Simply by
expected to practice various forms of self- virtue of being of the masculine sex in a
denial, in fact, they are virtually required male-dominant society, men are awarded
to be this way it' they are not to be widely more social respect than women (for their
ostracized as "unpleasant" and even "un- talents, intellec 9"sfrengH1,") and are thus
natural." The result is, very often and not freer to express themselves and be listened
surprisingly, a feeling of frustration and re- to scriousl_y, initiate soci'lIt elations, support

sentment in women. Yet to end an analysis themselves walk down the
at this point can lead and often has led to street without continual fear. Thus women
distortion : that women want to be able to envy fen's status not for the power, but for
compete with men for the "top" jobs. that the freedom and dignity that status alone
"feillinine" W bility to consider things now confers.
purely "objectively" is a weakness to be For us, freedom and dignity mean not
overcome, That -being supportive means be~ having to bear most of the burden of
ing submissive and is therefore a quality drudgery-work--housework, typing and cler-
that would not be needed or desired in a ical work, diaper washing. They mean not
good society. being assigned, on the basis of sex alone,
Rat]iI H
l"l 111 stopping at this point, we the entire burden of the delicate and dc-

carry the analysis further. l\ lVomen are ex- manding task of child care and rearing.
pected, encouraged, and forced to be sup- They mean control of our bodies, precondi-
portive In others-boyfriends, 'cs, hus- tions of which are easily available and safe

bands. children-which means that women contraceptives and abortion. They also mean
are expected to be sensitive to others' feel- not being viewed as more sexual prey, fair
ings and needs and to be of help to others in game for continual harassment, molestation,
various ways. To us, these seem de.s'iraZ2Ie and all too often, rape. Far from having dig-
qualities, humane qualities which a good so- nity and self-respect, women now often feel
ciety would foster and on which a good so- scorn for themselves, which comes from
ciety would be based. Women's apparently viewing themselves through men's eyes. They
mlightcncd sensitivity to human needs and tend not only to judge themselves on the
suffering km meant that women are con- basis of their sexual attractiveness to men
sid'c1°cd-5n:1turals"! for such jobs as nursing, but, still more demeaning and debilitating.
:social work, teaching (except at the higher to feel that they are simply not very im-
levels), and child care. SC jobs, in portant and that what they do has little
the current male-dominant. alist ideol- worth. The logical consequence of these at-
ogy, are considered low-status, nno so very titudes is that women tend to scorn each
few men, mu And again, in the cur- other, judging each other on men's terms.
rent male-supremacist ideology, the sensi- This. in combination with other factors
tivity of womeN tO 13183 .noelS_ and suffer- (women's oppressive work, lack of financial
ing is viewed as a weakness when women security, and genuine need of intimacy and
find if difficult to be "objective" when hu- affection), leads women into competition
man concerns are involved or to be com- with each other for the favors (attention,

money) of men. Freedom and dignity re» socio-economic background), in which peo-
quire access to enough money so that we can ple's work has social value, nonmanagers are
live decently and are not forced to prosti- respected and participate in decision raking,
tute ourselves (in the form of marrying only and the innately unpleasant tasks are shared
for "security" or in other forms) out of des- by all, in which people can relate to each
pcrntion. The pseudo-respect we are now other not as objects or competitors but as
offered, as when men hold doors open for us fellow members of the human family. We
and let us step off the elevator first, hardly seek a humane society in which the needs of
qualities as respect, which seems to be avail~ all are weighed equally, not as secondary
able only to men. concerns to be taken care of, if possible,
Yet to be a male in our society requires after considerations of "e1'l'iciency," "out-
certain characteristics that we do not want: put," and "profit" have been dealt with, but
we do not want to program ourselves to be as the primary concern.
"objective" and competitive from nine to Thus we do not aspire to men's roles, but
five and then to "unwind" the rest of the to a completely different framework of
time. We do not want to hide our feelings things for women and men. Women have
or to try to project images of sell'-confidence a crucial part to play in a struggle for such
and decisiveness if we don't feel that way. a change, for they have had more experience
We regret that men are expected to do this, in dealing with human concerns on a human
not only because we are often made to suffer level. Further, men are not likely to give up
as a direct result of it but because we con- their privileges through acts of good will.
sider these inhuman and inhumane modes of We have seen socialist revolutions-in Rus-
behavior. sia, China, Cuba-that professed similar
In sum, our aim is a radical shift to a so- goals to ours and yet have not eradicated the
ciety in which roles arc not imposed upon subordination. of women to men. As long as
people by virtue of their sex (or any other sexual oppression exists, half the society-
"given" they are born with, such as race or at a low estimate is not free.


Graphic accounts of the subordination of [1] and Millet [4]. Millett, for example,
women and the emergence of the present-day stresses the historical continuity of patri-
women's movement are contained in Mor- archy and the importance of power, that
gan [5]. The New England Free Press [7] is, politics, in all interpersonal relationships
has an excellent packet of pamphlets as well between men and women. Benston [2] is
as periodicals covering all aspects of the E1 recent attempt to reformulate the analysis
women's movement. The most comprehen- of women's oppression from a Marxist per-
sive statistical source on the position of spective by analyzing the common relation-
women is [8]. Engels [3] is a classic Marxist sh@_of women to production. This task is
statement, attempting to relate the origin of continued and extended by Morton [6], ex-
the family and women's subordination to the ccrpts or
wIE1ieh are reprinted in Section 3.6.
rise of private propel Recent anthropo- [1] de Beauvoir, Simone. The Second Sex. New
logical evidence and a mid-twentieth-century York: Bantam Books, 1970.=a
perspective have led Q some criticisms [2] Benston, Margaret. "The Political Economy
Engels' thesis. Two such works, highly im- of Wonlen's Liberation." Monthly Re-
portant in their own right, are de Beauvoir view 21 (September 1969): pp. 13-27.
Goclls 01° the Women"s Movement: A Clclrificotion 359

[3 En] ., Friedrich. The Origin of the Fam- [7] Literature Packet OH Female Liberation and
LT, Private Properly and the Stare. First the Sexual Caste System. See especially
published! New York: Interna- Laurel Liinpus. "Liberation of Women:
tional Publishers, Sexual Repression and the Family," and
[4} Millett, Kate, Sex:mf Pofffics. New York: Meredith Tax. "Women and Their
Doubleday 8: Co., .I.9?'0."' Minds." Boston, Mass.: New England
[5} Morgan, Robin, ed. Sisterhood is Powerful. Free Press, 1970. Available [rom the
New York: Random House, `l970.2 New England Free Press, 7 9 ] Tremont
Street, Boston, Mass. 021 18
IN] Morton, Peggy. "A Woman's Work is
Never Done." Levfarhan (March 181 U.S. Department of Labor, -_hlen's Bu-
1970): pp. 32-37. reau, Handbook Women Workers
1969. Washington; ii.;.
.H s. Govern-
*Avaiiabic in paperback editions. ment Printing
.i 1 F
* H. I


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THE AVERAGE AMERICAN is RICHER THAN while many important social services were
the average citizen of any other nation in starved for funds.'* Expenditures by federal,
the world. Yet is he or she any happier? state, and local governments on health, wel-
Every year the productive capacity of the fare, natural resources, public transporta-
United States economy grows larger. Yet tion, urban renewal, and public housing to-
does it increase the capacity of the society to talled less than forty billion dollars. Even
meet the real needs of its people? The an- without considering the waste and the un-
swers to these questions are not at all obvious. equal distribution of benefits that character-
In a rationally organized society, one ize many of these expenditures, their abso-
would expect that the productive capacity lute size is far too small to meet adequately
of the economy would be used to contribute the social needs they arc intended to satisfy.
as far as possible to human well-being and Not only are useless activities undertaken
to the growth of human potentialities. Yet in both in the private and the public sectors,
our society, we observe countess examples but the organization of economic activity
of productive capacity and individual effort and the choice of production techniques of-
devoted to activities that to
nothing to hu- ten lead to unnecessary waste in the form of
man well-being and often impede the growth environmental disruption. No one needs to
of human potentialities. be reminded of the pollution of air and wa-
The United States economy turns out ter, the ravaging of forests and wild life, and
every year more new cars, more new tele- the threat to ecological balance posed by
vision sets, more cigarettes, more cosmetics, productive activity in the modern United
and more of an infinite variety of consumer States economy. And daily life in both cities
goods per person than any other economy and suburbs has become increasingly difli-
in the world. The energies and the resources cult as urban agglomerations have sprawled
of millions of people are devoted to the in- mindlessly outward, swallowing up more
vention and the promotion of new products and more of the surrounding land.
for popular consumption. In 1969, Ameri- All the phenomena described above-
can firms spent almost twenty billion dollars consumerism, militarism, inadequate social
on adverfi'§ng alone.1 1'¢.LaI. the same time services, and environmental disruption-are
it is widely recognized that the United States manifestations of the fundamental irration-
faces an acute housing crisis." Recreational ality of the capitalist system. The extent and
and transportatfbn Ta%l'l'lTles in urban areas seriousness of these problems vary from one
are deteriorating, and it is becoming increas- capitalist nation to another. Some of them
ingly difficult to obtain adequate medical also arise in contemporary state socialist na-
care. tions. Yet there are powerful forces arising
The United States government channels directly from the basic institutions of capi--
billions of dollars into the production of talism that serve to exacerbate these forms
modern weapons, the maintenance of power- of irrationality and to inhibit their eradica-
ful armed forces, and the construction of tion in capitalist societies. It is perhaps no
ever more sophisticated defense systems. In accident that the problems seem to be most
1969, the federal government spent roughly serious in the United States, the leading capi-
eighty billion dollars on "national defense" tahst power and the center of the capitalist
IU.S. Dept. of Commerce. .S'tarf5I:'c;'al Absfmc/
( W u ) . Table 1197. 3Thc data cited in lhisi agraph 1l===~l= &.
2Se:~: the Report of the Prr=5idc'm'.s C'onw1ilf c'c' fained from the US. Dept". of Commerce, S.r:r1°(=v
on U r b a n ffonMzg (Washington. D.C.: Govel'n~ No' Current BffsifI0.\'.s' (July. 1970), National ln-
rent Printing Office, 1968). come and Product Accounts, Tables 1.1 and 3.10.

Introduction 363

In this chapter we examine some of the of total productive capacity over the essen-
basic forces that affect production decisions tial consumption requirements of the society.
under capitalism. How does a capitalist so- In order that this surplus be absorbed, it
ciety decide what to produce and what not is necessary that the demand for goods and
to produce, how much to produce and how services keep pace with the expanding supply
to produce it? We shall argue that the proc- that a capitalist economy is capable of pro~
ess whereby such production decisions are dicing. It will be argued in"scvcral of the
made under capitalism is one that cannot readings to follow that a capitalist society
take into account the real needs of the peo- must resort to wasteful military expenditures
ple and therefore is irrational in the most and/or artificially contrived consumption ex-
fundamental sense of the word. penditures in order to absorb the surplus.
Several basic characteristics of capitalism The an all preoccupation with the produc-
underlie the irrationality of the process tion and consumption of material goods and
whereby production priorities are deter- services contributes to an increasing imbal-
mined. First of all, there is the logic of ex- ance between the satisfaction of material and
pansion which is inherent in the capitalist nonmaterial human needs. Nothing could be
system. The pursuit of profits and the desire more illustrative of the fundamental irra-
to accumulate lead to more and more pro- tionality of the capitalist system than the in-
duction for the sake of production and an tensity with which it seeks to create and
ever expanding productive capacity.|, But satisfy new material wants at the same time
why must an economy always expand? The as basic human needs for community, for
more productive an economy becomes, the stability, and for creative self-expression are
more seriously does the desirability of in- ignored.
creasing production come into question. A second fundamental characteristic of
On the one hand, continual expansion capitalism that contributes to irrationality is
exacerbates the problem of maintaining an its reliance on individual proyiz incentives.
ecological balance between human beings The relatively unrestricted pursuit of pri-
and their environment. The higher the rate vate profit that fuels the capitalist economy
of production, the higher the rate at which results in an exclusive concern on the part
natural resources are used up or destroyed of decision makers with private benefits and
and the higher the rate at which waste prod- costs, that is, those gains and losses which
ucts arc dumped back onto the land and show up on the balance sheet of the firm.
into the water. We have reached a point in But in a modern industrial society, many of
the rich nations where a good society may the effects of social and economic activity do
require not only an end to population growth not get translated into private gains or
but also an end to industrial growth. Yet losses. For example, 111
#me benefits that accrue
continuous growth in productive capacity is to a whole community from a well-designed
inherent in capitalist institutions and could neighborhood, a good public health system,
not be restrained without a fundamental accessible outdoor recreational facilities. and
change in the mode of production. so on, could not easily and fully be realized
On the other hand, apart from its dam- in the form of money receipts by any private
aging ecological consequences, continual ex~ firm that tried to sell such "__ds.i'
And the
pension under capitalism gives rise to the costs imposed on a community by polluted
problem of "surplus absorption": how to waters, smog-filled air, or noisy highways
dispose of the continually increasing surplus and airports are rarely paid for by the prin-
cipal offenders.
'See Edwards. Section 3.2. p. 98. Economists use the terms "external econ-

omy" and "external diseconomy" to refer to biased in favor of those whose incomes af-
those benefits and costs resulting from a pri- ford them the greatest purchasing power and
vate action that do not result in correspond- whose political power can influence the state
ing monetary gains or losses for the person to intervene where the response of private
who took the action. Economic theory shows decision makers is not deemed adequate.
clearly that such externalities invalidate the Apart from its obviously inequitable impli-
claim of a free market economy to optimal cations, the distribution of income and
resource allocation, but most economists dis- power under capitalism helps to perpetuate
miss external effects as relatively insig- the inadequacy of public collective services
nificant. It is becoming increasingly clear, by depriving such governmental programs of
however, that external effects are less the ex- a strong political and economic base. So long
ception than the rule in modern industrial so- as the rich can fill privately their own
cieties. External economies characterize the needs for health, education, transportation,
provision of almost all collective social serv- and so on, it remains difficult to provide for
iccs; the inadequacy of such services under everyone's welfare in a collective manner
capitalism can be attributed in part to the that would not only bring greater benefits
inability of private enterprise to realize pri- to the poor but also provide all the services
vate monetary gains corresponding to the in El more elective and less costly manner.
social benefits provided. External disecono- The readings in this section elaborate on
mies abound in the form of the environmen- the way in which the drive for expansion,
tal disruption that results from the private the private basis of decision making, and the
cost-cutting behavior of capitalist enterprise. inequality in the distribution of income and
Finally, a third basic fact of life under power that characterize a capitalist society
capitalism--which is partly the result of the interact to produce the rampant irrationality
first two-is the unequal distribution of in- that one observes in the United States today.
come and power. To the extent that private The first reading is designed to examine in
enterprise responds to needs felt and cx- greater detail the nature and consequences
pressed by the consuming public, it responds of the problem of surplus absorption. The
to "dollar votes." That is, it provides goods remaining readings deal selectively with vari-
and services where the existence of signifi- ous forms of irrationality as they have arisen
cant purchasing power promises a profitable out of the logic of capitalism.
return. Needless to say, such a response is

9.1 The Problem of Surplus .4 bsorption

in cc Capitalist Society

In the following reading Thomas E. Wcisskopf defines the concept of the

surplus and describes the problem of surplus absorption. The essay is in-
tended to provide an overall theoretical framework for analyzing how
the problem of surplus absorption gives rise to various forms of irration-
ality in a capitalist society. Many of the points raised here in general terms
are pursued in much greater detail in subsequent readings in this chapter.
The concept of the surplus was developed initially be Karl Marxl and

1Kar1 Marx, Capital. first published in 1867.

The Problem o1° Surplus Absorption 365

has been elaborated in a modern context by Paul Baran and .Paul Sweeny.2
In this essay the Marxist concept of the surplus is integrated with some
basic elements of the macroeconomic theory of income determination orig-
inated by John Maynard Keynes." The result is an analysis of the problem
of surplus absorption that is broadly similar to-but in some respects
different from-the analysis of. Boron and Swcezy.
A brief appendix to the essay documents the role of military spending
in absorbing the surplus of the United States economy.
See Paul Boron, Y'/r(* Political Economy s
row:/1 (New York: Monthly Re-
view Press, 1956), especially Chapters II-lunI Paul Buras and Paul Sweezy.
Monopoly Cnpim! (New ii Monthly Review Press, 1966) for the most com-
prehensive modern Marxist analyses of the problem of surplus absorption.
"John Maynard Keen . l E E T1':c>or'y of Enzpllownrvzt, I/zrefwr and
Mol:ey (New York: Harcourt Brace & Co.. U 6 ) .

Source: The following essay was written by T11o1vtAs E. WEISSKOPP for

this book. Copyright 1972 by the author.

INTRODUCTION to have yielded to the control of Keynesian

macroeconomic policy measures since the
.In the last century, the advanced capitalist Second World War. The evidence is that
economies of the world have witnessed a rates of growth in developed capitalist coun-
tremendous expansion of productive capac- tries have increased substantially in the post-
ity. There can be little doubt that-what- war period. (See Table 9-A.)
ever its implications for the quality of life Yet the expansion of productive capacity,
-the capitalist system has enabled the rich- which has become both more regular and
est countries of the world to multiply stcad~ more rapid in recent years, is not an un-
fly their riches. Even the periodic crises of mixed blessing Tor the capitalist system. Be-
output and employment that afflicted capi- hind the superficially impressive rates of
talist economies in earlier times, culminating growth lies a major problem which poses a
in the Great Depression of the I930s. seem continual threat to the stability of a capital-



1865-1950if 1950-1967

Tofu Per Copifa Tofu! Per Cupid

Output Output Output Output

I. United States 3.5 2.0 3.9 2.2

2. Canada 3.5 1.9 4. I 28
3. United Kingdom 2.1 1.2 2.9 2.3
4. France 1,5 1.3 4.2 3.1
5. Germany 2.5 1.4 6.2 5. I
6. Italy 1.7 1.0 5.2 4.6
7. Sweden 3.0 2.5 4.0 3.4
8. Japan 3.7 2.4 9.2 8.0
Unweighted Average 2.9 1.9 5.0 3.9

*The initial and terminal periods vary slightly from one country In anunher, see 1hc origiiwl
SOURCES' Data for 1865-1950: Kuznets. .Yix Lecture.: on IL:lconrmlfc' (yrmrrh (New York :
Free Press. 1961), Table I
Data for 1950-1967: United Nations, .Yrcrfh rfzrul l'eru'!Jonk, 1968, Table IST.

is economy: the problem of "surplus ab- whereas the latter is that part of its produc-
sorption." In order to understand the nature tive capacity that a society has some poten-
of this problem, it is necessary first to define tial freedom to allocate among competing
the concept of the surplus and then to dis- alternatives.
cuss the process of its absorption in a capi- In a very significant sense, the nature of
talist society. a society is revealed by the manner in which
it disposes of its surplus. Societies are dif-
ferent to the extent that they make different
THE CONCEPT OF THE SURPLUS choices about how to use the natural and
human resources they have available. But
The surplus of an economy in any given year there is little choice to make about the pro-
represents the excess of potential total pro- vision of essential consumption such as food,
duction over socially essential production in clothing, and shelter; these arc necessary for
that year. Potential total production is a the subsistence of the people and the survi-
measure of the maximum that the economy val of the society. There is a real choice to
could produce, given its natural and tech- make only about the use of the surplus. The
nological environment and its employable surplus could be used to provide additional
productive resources. Socially essential pro- (nonessential) consumption for some or all
duction is the minimum amount of product the people, it could be used to invest in ex-
son required to maintain the (growing) panding the productive capacity of the econ-
population at a standard of living necessary omy, it could be used in lighting wars, in
to its survival. It includes both production building palaces or churches, it could go
contributing directly to the essential cen- unused if leisure were substituted voluntarily
surnption of the population and production or involuntarily for the full use of produc-
required to replace whatever capital stock tive capacity. In various parts of the world,
and/or natural resources are used up in the and in various historical periods, different
process of that production. societies have been characterized by the dif-
The key to the definition of the surplus is ferent ways in which they have used their
the concept of socially essential production. surplus.
Socially essential production will vary not It is characteristic of a capitalist society
only with the population of EL society but to devote a significant part of its surplus to
also with such factors as the climate, the de- investment that expands the productive C8-
gree of urbanization, the nature of conven- pacity of the economy. Increases in produc-
tional social customs, and so on. More cloth- tive capacity can be generated both by in-
ing and stronger shelter is required to creasing the supply of resource inputs into
survive in a cold than in a hot climate, more the production process (labor power and
elaborate health, sanitation, and transporta- capital) and by increasing the productivity
tion facilities are required in urban than in of the production process through improved
rural areas. Although socially essential pro- organization and technology. The economic
duction is extremely difficult to measure pre- growth of the advanced capitalist countries
cisely, it is not difficult to conceptualize. has been due in considerable part to the in#
What basically distinguishes socially essen- creases in the quantity and the quality of
tial production from the surplus is that the both labor power and capital made possible
former represents a first and largely un- by investment in education and new plant
avoidable charge on the output of a society and equipment-
-without which it would begin to decay- As is evident from Table 9-A, the growth
The Problem of Surplus Absorption 367

of total output in the advanced capitalist producing what they can sell, the capitalist
countries has been sufficiently rapid to allow economy as a whole will tend toward an
for a substantial growth of per capita out- equilibrium at which actual output is equal
put in spite of unprecedented increases in to aggregate demand?
population. Even allowing for occasional Thc consequences of a failure to main-

shortfalls of total output productive tain sufficient aggregate demand to absorb
capacity, it is clear that potential output per the surplus are several. First, the shortfall
person has been increasing steadily and is in actual output below potential output re-
likely to continue doing so. At the same sults in a corresponding loss of goods and
time, to be sure, the increasing urbaniza- services and a decline in the profits realized
tion and the mounting complexity of indus- by producers. Second--and far more im-
trial life under capitalism are causing a grad- portant from a human point of view-it also
ual increase in socially essential production results in a loss of employment opportunities
per person. Yet it can hardly be doubted and a rise in unemployment. In a society in
that the rate of growth of potential output which both one's income and one's self~
per person in advanced capitalist societies is respect depend on regular full-time employ-
faster than that of socially essential produc- ment, the loss of one's job is catastrophic.
tion. As a result, the surplus tends to rise High. levels of unemployment due to a fail-
more or fess steadily both as an absolute ure to absorb the surplus can prove to be
amount and as a proportion of potential out- very unstabilizing for a capitalist society.
put. It is this steady rise of the surplus that The problem of surplus absorption in a
raises the problem of surplus absorption: capitalist society is not insoluble. In recent
how can a capitalist society absorb (utilize) decades the surplus has in_fact largely been
the surplus that it causes to rise continu- absorbed in most of the advanced capitalist
ously? nations: there has been varying degrees or!
unemployment, but not on a scale approach-
ing that of the 1930s.'I|-I Yet it remains criti-
THE ABSORPTION OF THE SURPLUS cal to examine how the surplus is absorbed,
for this has profound implications for the
The problem of absorbing the surplus can
be viewed as the problem of finding enough
nature of a so*. It will be argued below
that the capitalist system sets important con-
buyers Fo purchase all the goods and serv- straints on the manner in which aggregate
ices that the capitalist economy can pro- demand is maintained sufficiently high to ab-
duce. In economic terms, the problem is to sorb the surplus.
maintain a sufiicienlly high level of total 01' There arc three principal sources of ag-
"aggregate" demand so as to provide a mar- gregate demand in a capitalist economy: pri-
ket for the potential output of the economy. vate consumption, private investment. and
To the extent that aggregate demand falls
short of potential output, producers will not
1 For a more thorough presentation of this
be able to sell all that they can produce, and (Keynesian) theory of the determination of actual
they will fail to realize maximum profits output in a capitalist economy. sec the chapters
from their productive activity. If aggregate on macroeconomic theory in any elementary eco-
nomics textbook.
demand remains below potential output, Zln the United States. the overall l'atc of un-
either goods and services will go unsold or employment has fluctuated between 2 percent and
producers will have to curtail their output. 7 percent during the postwar period; at the height
of the Great Depression in 1933 it was close to
Since producers only have an interest in 25 percent (see Figure 9-B).

government expenditure." In the following vestment demand. Businesses desiring to ex-

sections of this paper, the private and pub- pand their productive capacity will devote
lic sources of demand are considered in turn. part of their profits to increasing the capital
stock of the enterprise, and they may also
borrow some of the income saved by private
consumers in order to undertake further in-
vestment. The rate at which businesses want
The pronounced inequality of income dis-
to expand through investment clearly de-
tribution. under capitalism implies that while
pends on their expectations about the pros-
people with low incomes will have to spend
pects of selling additional output in the
most or all their income on essential con-
future. Whether or not such investment de-
sumption, people with high incomes will
mand will be sufficient to make up for the
have much more than they need to spend
deficit between total consumption demand
to maintain even a high standard of living.
and potential output remains a key question.
Thus, there will always be more total income
In dealing with this question, it should
than total private consumption demand, and
first be observed that, to the extent that in-
the more unequal the distribution of income,
vestment demand fills the gap in any given
the greater the gap is likely to he. Since total
year, it exacerbates the problem in the fo]-
income in an economy is necessarily equal to
lowing year. For the more output that goes
the total value of actual production from
into investment this year, the greater will be
which the income derives.-* private consump-
the increase in capital. stock, and the greater
tion demand will remain well below actual
will therefore be the potential output and
output and it ;fvrliori below potential. output.
the potential surplus of the economy in the
A second principal source of private de- following year.
mand in a capitalist economy that can help
There is no general agreement as to
to raise the level of aggregate demand is in- whether private demand can remain suffi-
ciently bouyant in the long run to absorb
~`*A fourth source of demand is not foreign
demand: the excess of the demand for exports the surplus in ii capitalist economy. The
over the supply of imports. In most countries. not early orthodox Keynesian economists were
foreign demand constitutes an insignificant pro- very pessimistic on this score and believed
portion of total aggregate demand, and for the
purposes of this paper it can be ignored. For that stagnation was inevitable that the
further details, refer to any elementary economics growth of private consumption and invest-
textbook. ment demand would be insutlicient to match

-*The equality .of total income total

I .r.
Vil. ,.m yl

value of output produced in 1»


economy follows the growing productive capacity of the capi-

f1°om the definition of t her g I|1",.-
MmjMum total talist economy." More recently, bourgeois
value of the output of an economy is the sum I

economists have tended to assume optimis-

the "value added" in every productive activity.
Value added is the difference between the value
tically that the appetites of consumers and
of the output produced in the activity an d the investors will be continuously and sufiieiently
value of the materials used up as inputs into the stimulated by new products and new tech-
production process. This difl'crcncc represents
niques of production. However, in an in-
the income of the activity: part of it is paid in
wages or salaries to the workers, and the re- creasingly alT'lucnt as well as unequal society,
mainder accrues as profit, interest. or rent to the it is no trivial matter to ensure the steady
owners of the capital and natural resources ap-
growth of private demand.
plied in production. Total (national) income is
the sum of the wages and salaries, profits. in-

tcrcst, and rent received by all persons in the for example. Alvin Hansen. "Economic
economy: it is necessarily equal t o the sum of Progress and Declining Population Growth."
the value added in all productive activities, 'that AH1w'ic'(Hr Ec'wzon:z`(.' Rcv:'c'11` 29,
no. l (lWarch
is. total (national) output. 1939).
The Problem of Surplus Absorption 369

One would ordinarily expect the urgency are also more direct mechanisms that oper-
of consumption for an individual to diminish ate to stimulate consumption. No person in
as his level of consumption increased be- the United States, nor in other advanced cap-
yond the minimum necessary for survival. It italist nations, can escape the effort of pro-
is true that even in a country as rich as the ducers to induce consumers to buy their
United States there are many people who wares. Massive advertising is only the most
have less to spend on consumption than obvious manifestation of the pervasive sales
what would be const defed a socially essen- effort that characterizes the capitalist system.
tial minimum, for example, all those families Frequent model changes, fancy packaging,
whose income is below the "poverty line."" planned obsolescence, contrived fads, and so
Yet the majority of the population clearly on, all serve to increase private consumption
have more to spend, and the rich have very demand at a considerable cost in wasted
much more. What is to induce the more sources." irrational as it is, such stimulation
aliment to raise their demand for goods and of private expenditure plays a functional role
services continually over time? in helping to absorb the surplus of a capi-
The answer lies in one of the most deeply talist economy.
rooted characteristics of capitalist society-
the ethos of consumerism. Consumerism de- THE PUBLIC SECTOR
rives from a fundamental tenet of capitalist
ideology: the assertion that the primary re-
Yet even the widespread propagation of the
quirement for individual self-fultillment and
eonsumptionist ethic has not enabled the
happiness is the possession and consumption
growth of private demand to keep pace with
of material goods. Like :all aspects of capi-
the growth of productive capacity under
talist ideology, this consumerist assertion is
capitalism. The historical evidence for most
grounded in the basic capitalist relations of
advanced capitalist countries--and notably
production. A society based on alienated la-
so for the United States-is that, in order
bor allows most people little opportunity for
for aggregate demand to match potential
individual expression in production, the
output, it has become increasingly necessary
main outlet for expression is in one's life as
to rely on government expenditure, the third
a consumer. Relations among people in capi-
major component of demand. The share
talist production assume the form of rela-
of government expenditure (G) in total
tions among commodities. The resulting
output (GNP) has been rising over time in
commodity fetishism reinforces consumer-
almost every capitalist country." In the
ism, for it emphasizes the importance of
material goods-rather than social relations *The best~documentecl example of waste in
-as the primary source of individual wol- consumer goods is discussed in an innovative
study by Fisher, Griliches, and Keyser, "The
fa[€_T Costs of Automobile Model Changes Since l 949,"
Within this ideological framework, there Joan-:ral o.f Pofirir.-of Er:orluu1}.= 70, no. 4 (October
1962). The authors estimate conservatively that
"In 1969, 24.3 million Americans (12.2 per- the cost of model changes amounted to jive
cent of the total population) were living below billion dollars a year over the 1956-60 period.
the official poverty line of the Social Security plus at total of seven billion dollars in future
Administration. For a nonfarm family of four, gasoline costs. See also Paul Boron and Paul
the line was drawn at a money income of $3.743. Sweezy, Monopoly Capital (New York: Monthly
Sec the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Review Press, l966], pp. 131-38.
Census, C`HH'c*nI Pu,rJrrfn.fio:i Reports". Series P-60, "For evidence from the period 1950-1967, see
No. 76. the United Nations, .S'tali.stif:rrl Yerfrhnoff, 1968.
7 For a more thorough analysis of the ethos of Table 185. Of the advanced capitalist countries.
consumerism, see the introduction to Section 9.2, only Japan, Luxemburg, and Switzerland failed
p. 874, and the references cited therein. to show an increase in G.»'GNP during this period.

United States, the ratio of G to GNP has To some extent, the increasing importance
risen from 10.8 percent in 1929 to 16.4 of government expenditure in advanced capi-
percent in 1949 and to 20.6 percent in 1969. talist countries reflects a growing supply of
(see Table 4-O on page 200). essential public services that meet genuine
Increases in government expenditure do social needs. This is certainly true of at least
not necessarily imply equal increases in Q' part of the public provision of health care,
gregate demand. To the extent that the gov- educational facilities, housing, and so on.
ernment finances its expenditure by taxing Yet many of the activitie undertaken or
the private sector, private consumers and supported by the capitalist state serve pri-
businesses sacrifice income and presumably marily to socialize the costs of private pro-
cut back on private consumption and invest- duction. Public programs of highway con-
ment. But economists are in general agree- struction, vocational schooling, job training,
ment that the net effect of raising gov~ and pollution control, often have the effect
ernment expenditure and taxation by an of shitting some of the costs of private pro-
equal amount is to raise aggregate demand. duction on to the taxpaying public." Fi-
This is because private individuals would nally, an important share of government ex-
have used only part of their taxed income for penditure serves neither of the above two
consumption purposes, saving the rest of it, functions but represents simply a wasteful
while the government typically spends all way of absorbing the surplus. Such waste
the money it receives. is most evident in military spending, but it
Thus higher levels of government expen- permeates other government programs as
diture do lead to higher levels of aggregate well.
demand. Had the share of government ex~ There are significant constraints on the
penditure not been increasing in most of the ability of any capitalist government to un-
advanced capitalist countries, they might dertake public programs that serve genuine
well have had much greater difficulty ab- social needs." As a result, growing levels of
sorbing the surplus. In fact, it is precisely government expenditure are likely to involve
because the governments of these countries increasing socialization of private production
have learned to use their budgets to bolster costs and/or increasing waste. In the United
aggregate demand that the production and States, the historical record suggests that for
employment crises of earlier years have been the past forty years the government has had
more successfully avoided in the postwar to rely largely on military s p e n n g to H"
period." sorb the surplus (see the appendix to this

The mere fact of a rise in government ex- paper). i n general, the growth of government
penditure does not carry any negative irnpli- expenditure in a capitalist societ 15 '

cations for the quality Qi life in a capitalist to be no more rational than the growth of

society. In order to evaluate the social con- private consumption.

sequences of the growth of government ex~
penditure, it is clearly necessary to examine THE EXCLUDED ALTERNATIVES
its nature as well as its size.
The irrationality of the process of surplus
"An elaborate econometric study of the post- absorption under capitalism can be fully ap-
war American economy by Bert Hickman, !1w(;.\'i- preciated only when one considers the more
nzcnr Demand and US. Econ0fnfr- Grow!/1 (Wash-
ington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1965), rational alternatives excluded by the capi-
concluded that without the stimulus of govern-
ment spending the level and rats: of growth of l 1See also O'Connor, Section 4.8, p. 192.
output in the U.S, would have been substantially 12For a thorough analysis of these constraints.
lower. see Reich and Finkelhor, Section 9.6, p. 392.
The Problem of Surplus Absorption 371

talist mode of production. In a rational may not be necessary and may in fact be
society, productive capacity would be ex~ undesirable in an affluent society. The unin-
ponded and utilized only insofar as it con- hibited growth of material production leads
tributes to the satisfaction of genuine indi- to a growing ecological imbalance between
vidual and social needs. Rather than attempt people and their environment and to a grow-
to create new wants among those people who ing psychological imbalance within people
have more income than is required to satisfy themselvcs.'5 Thus it becomes increasingly
their existing wants, a rational society would rational for a wealthy society to limit the
use its productive capacity to meet the needs growth of production and for individuals to
of people whose current income docs not substitute leisure for work.
allow them to satisfy even their most basic To do this equitably, it would be neces~
needs. Rather than spend enormous sums of sary to reduce working hours across the
money on military weapons, space explora- board latheTa than to lay off a traction of the
tion, and other expensive pursuits of dubious labor force. Individual workers would need
social value, a rational state would devote to have the option of reducing their work-
itself. to the provision of adequate health ing hours rather than being forced to choose
care, cultural and recreational facilities, and between full-time work or no work at all.
many other essential collective services. Yet in a society in which private firms com-
Such a reorientation of production priori- pete with one another to maximize their
ties would require major changes in basic profits, and in which capitalists and their
capitalist institutions. In effect, it would re- managers retain Firm control of workers and
quire that claims to the output of the econ~ the work process, a general reduction of
omy be distributed according to need rather working hours is hound to proceed very
than according to productive "ability." The slowly, and individual options on working
distribution of real income, as well as the hours are unlikely to be granted at all.
distribution of power to influence the state, In conclusion, the surplus generated by a
would have to be greatly equalized. But in~ capitalist society is necessarily absorbed--ae
equalities of income, wealth, and power are if indeed it is successfully absorbed-in i
inherent in the capitalist mode of produc- very irrational manner. . rational alter-
ii0n.1H natives of limiting the scale of production
A rational society would not only reorient and devoting all productive activity to so~
its production priorities, it would also deter- cally useful ends are excluded by the capi-
mine the overall scale of production in a talist mode of production.
rational manner. If actual output falls below
potential output in a capitalist society, many
people lose their jobs while others remain Appendix: Military Spending and
fully employed. To avoid the inequalities of the American Ecuuonly
a high rate of unemployment, it is therefore
essential to maintain a level of actual out- Over the past forty years, from [929 to
put close to potential output. Since the logic 1969, the prosperity of the American econ-
of capitalist expansion" leads to continual omy has been closely linked to government
growth in potential output, it calls for con- military expenditure. This brief appendix
tinual growth in actual output as well. documents the link by presenting some rele-
But ever increasing levels of actual output vant aggregate data on the historical expe-
rience of the United States. To facilitate their
"For substantiation of this point, see Weiss-
kopf. Section 3.7, p. 125. "Sec Bonkchin, Section 9.5, p. 388, and w.
*~*See Edwards, Section 3.2, p. 98. Weisskopf. Section 9.3, p- 379.

interpretation, the data are depicted in two expenditure categories, from 1929 to 1969.
graphs When actual output falls below potential out~
Figure 9-A traces the growth of potential put, the difference is a measure of the idle
and actual output? as well as several major productive capacity of the economy. When
actual output exceeds potential output, the
bAll the data used in preparing the graphs difference is a measure of the (temporary)
were drawn from the Ecorionzicr Report of the
President transmitted to the Congress in February
overutilization of productive capacity. In the
1970. Figures for actual output, as well as private short run, it is possible to raise actual output
consu mption expenditure, (gross) private (domes-
tic) investment expenditure, government expendi-
ture and net foreign demand (exports minus designed to reflect the level of output that the
imports) in constant dollars at 1958 prices, were U.S. economy could achieve with reasonably full
obtained from Table c-2 of the report. Potential employment of the regular labor force and reason-
output 1 , = = `e e s t i m z i é described ably full utilization of plant and equipment. By
footnote below Military expenditure figures these criteria, potential output was set equal to
obtained in Eurrent prices from Table C-1 actual output in 1929. For subsequent years, po-
and converted to constant l 95S prices using the tential output was assumed to increase by an
implicit price deflators for government expendi- annual rate of 2% percent from 1929 to 1939,
ture given in Table C-B.i E unemployment 3 percent from 1939 t o 1946, 3 % percent from
figures were drawn from Table C-22- 1946 to 1961, and 4 percent from 1961 to 1969.
2There .is no precise way to estimate the po- While these figures are necessarily somewhat
tential output of an economy, since total produc- arbitrary, they do provide an acceptable order of
tive capacity depends in part upon the intensity magnitude for potential output with which to
with which the available productive resources are compare the actual output achieved by the
used. The estimation procedure used here was economy.

Figure 9-A Potential Output and i's Utilization in the U.S., 1929--1969

1 Potential Output
700 Actual Output
Billions of Constant Dollars at 1958 Prices

,.. .,.. Consumption
. Expenditure


and Net


Idle Productive


..-. .
. ...- . .... .... . f...


.. Q:
.. __ ..u~= ....
=- ....=.
... = 0
.. .: . /: "1 ":§="'":.. .=== ..:= ...= .. .. .. .. ". .J
: . ": _.. - _ ' . , . T .
..,= :.

=.. :.= ..... = :. -== "= - .
i ,.T..=
..="-.. ... ..5= ""..
.=== ..".
__ .... .. "=:. .. =. ... ..
. -
'.,. :"

=\::. "'=. .. ...
=."':|: :.. .. ..
. .. ::. :, Expenditure

{ turn .==. ..:|. .....

,,. ....
¢ .

= 5 ..:. "::. :
1 I -I ¥ 1
1930 1935 1940 19115 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970

SOURCE: See footnote 1, p. 372.
The Problem of Surplus Absorption 373

above potential output by bringing into the changing pattern of employment in the
labor force people who would not ordinarily United States. The percentage rate of un-
be economically active and by increasing employment from 1929 to 1969 is plotted in
the number of work shifts per week above Figure 9-B. From its peak level of almost
normal level. This is clearly what hap- 25 percent in the middle of the Great De-
pened during World War II and-to a lesser pression, unemployment fell to its minimal
extent-during the Korean War. level. of less than 2 percent during World
m 1 readigf apparent from Figure 9-A War II and tended to rise again thereafter
that, for mu oWle forty-year period, ac- except during the periods of the Korean and
tual output in the United States was Icss Vietnam Wars.
than potential output. The Great Depression Figure 9-A shows also the division of ac-
of the 1930s, and the smaller recessions of tual output into the three major categoric
the late 1940s, late 1950s and early 1960s, of aggregate demand-private consumption,
arose from the failure of the economy fully private investment, and government expen-
to absorb the surplus. Only during World diture-and military expenditure is shown
War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam separately as part of government expendi-
War did actual output reach and even exceed
potential outp unm-
cilang* - _ of mand-is "The fourth minor category--net foreign de-
included with private consumption. [See
actual output i 11l_§_U'E ed "Tir the footnote 3 on p. 368).
Figure 9-B Government Expenditure, Military Expenditure, and Unemployment in the U.S. 1929-1969




30 Total Government ExpcndttLre

Potential Output

I |.


Military Expenditures
Potential Outpu

0 AC

10 Rate of Unemployment

C _

1940 T 945 1950 19512 1960 1965, 1970


SOURCE: See funtnnle 1, p. 372.


turn. Figure 9-B plots total government CX.- for the government to absorb the surplus.
penditure and military expenditure as a pro- The renewed arms buildup for the Korean
portion of potential output (to measure their War once again heated up the economy and
surplus absorbing impact). Close examina- reduced unemployment rates in the early
tion of the figures reveals a remarkable cor- 19505. .But the subsequent reduction of mili-
relation between economic prosperity, gov- tary spending led to a measure of recession
ernment expenditure in general, and military during the late 1950s that continued into the
expenditure in particular. 1960s as military spending fell gradually as
Military spending was negligible, and gov- 21 proportion of potential (and actual) out-
ernment purchases were relatively low dur- put. Only in the second half of the 1960s,
ing the depression years of the l930s. The when expenditures on the Vietnam War be-
massive military mobilization for World War gain to accelerate, did actual output again
II put an end to unemployint and idle reach potential output. Unemployment rates
productive capacity where New Deal pro- declined slowly during the 19605 but never
grams had failed. The postwar cutback in reached the levels that had been attained
military and government expenditure was during the Second World War and the
followed by several years of minor recession Korean War.
that would no doubt have been far more In sum, the historical record suggests
serious were it not for the special conditions that the prosperity of the United States econ-
that obtained after the war. Because con- omy has been closely linked to military
sumers had been unable to spend freely dur- expenditure for the past forty years. To the
ing the war years, a tremendous backlog of extent that the government has been success-
pent-up demand was released after the war ful in getting the surplus absorbed, it has
to buoy up both private consumption and in- had to rely largely on military spending to
vestment and temporarily avert the need do so.

9.2 On .the Creation of Consumer Wants

The "dollar votes" of buyers in the market represent the principal force
determining production priorities in a capitalist society. The market sys-
tem for deciding what goods are produced leads to many forms of irra-
tionahty: for example, the whims of the wealthy take precedence over the
needs of the poor (since the rich have many times the "dollar votes" of
the poor), and consumers can express only private, individual consump-
tion wants. Furthermore, even the conscious consumption decisions of the
individual consumer do not necessarily reflect his or her real needs.
.in this section we will explore the reasons why the consumer cannot be
regarded as the Final arbiter of production priorities in a. capitalist system.
We begin by noting that consumers' wants in our society are not god-
given nor simply "human nature" but are instead the product of' a specific
historical context. As Richard Lichtman put it,
Every society.. in orrler :nerdy to .s'urvive, must .'ial f.s'fj.) the haven' .s'.w{Js.iWe:f ce
needs of it5 nfern/Ile:-5 for food, sheller, clothing and fwmarz refrognifion.
Cr ii FC ns m e r W fits 375

There is a level of productivity that must be achieved by any social group;

for human beings have lrundanzentai needs whose violation brings social dis-
organization or death. That is one half of I k e truth. The ozlzer it that hzunan
needs are satfsted throng!! sperifie means of production that shape and after
the original needs and give rise to new needs whose .satisfaction depends
upon new teehnreal insfrunlenfs and new forms of social organization.
Every society, therefore, in struggling t o safis;'y fundamental human needs,
shapes z'hese needs in di.s'linc1'ive ways and produces new needs muNich were
HO! part of any original 11111nan nature.

The capitalist mode of production conditions the needs and wants of con-
sumers: the extreme emphasis placed on consumption, variously referred
to as "consumcrisln," "consumptionisln," or the "ethic of consumption,"
pervades T5ofi. time consumption patterns and the production priorities of
capitalist society.
Consumerism derives first of all from the alienated nature of work un-
der capitalist relations of production. Work is eliminated as a potential
arena for the worker's expression and self-fulfiillment, that the principal
incentive to work is wages--external to the work process and useful only
during the non~work part of the day or week--testi es to the dcperson-
alizing content of work and the reasons for people's consequent "escape"
into consumerism.2
The alienation of the worker from production thus leaves only the
sphere of .e_onsun1.ption as an arena for expressing one's individuality, as-
serting one's humanity, and simply escaping the debilitating effects of one's
. Ellen W'Iillis points out that:
As it is, the prof usion of commodities ..
. is a bribe, but like all bribes,
it o.0'ers concrete benefits-in the average American's case, a degree of
physical comfort u n paralelled in history. Under present comiiafions, people
are preoccupied with consumer goods not because they are brain washed,
but because buying is the one pleasurable activity not only permitted but
actively encouraged by the power s£ruc' The pleasure of eating an ice
cream cone may be minor compared to the pleasure of meaningful, autono-
mous work, but the for/ner is easily available and the latter is not. A poor
family would umloubteafly rather have a decent apartment than a new TV ,
but since they are unlikely to get the apartment, what is to be gained by not
getting tlte TV?3

Furthermore, the commodity fetishism inherent in capitalist production

relations reinforces this emphasis on consumption, for commodity consump-
tion is seen not as $1 means but as an end in itself Capitalism asserts that
the best and indeed the only proper means for achieving greater happiness
or a better life is by increased consumption. To solve one's problems, to

Richard Lichtman, "Capitalism and Consumption," Soc'iaHst Revolution 1, no. 3

(May/June 1970): 83.
2Sce Kcniston. Section 6.4, p. 269, and (iintis, Section 6.5, p. 'Z'14.
8EIIen Willis, "Consumerism and Women," Socintisi Revolution 1, no. 3 (Mayf
June 1970): 70.
*Sec Fromm, Section 6.3, p. 265.

find happiness, to "lead the good life," one need only have the money to
buy the right things or to go to the right places.' Thus, increased con-
sumption, a higher "standard of living" (that is, more goods), and eco-
nomic growth become goals of. society and unquestioned ends in and of
Capitalist firms take an active role in stimulating consumption demand.
Many commodities are purposely designed and constructed in order to
wear out or fall apart very quickly, insuring that consumers will periodi-
cally have to buy a new model of the product. Automobiles are one of the
most blatant examples of such planned obsolescence, but they are by no
means atypical. Unnecessary frills are often attached to products such as
automobiles and forced upon the consumer in need of the basic good.
Needless to say, the embodiment of superfluous accessories onto basic
goods is a convenient way to stimulate consumption demand.
Firms also stimulate consumption demand by undertaking a tremendous
sales effort, exemplified by massive advertising. iiE§.§. advertising attempts

to convince people that the acquisition of commodities, Sian which they

otherwise would not have any use, will result in greater happiness. In a
society based on alienated labor, the effect of so much propaganda for
consumption is bound to be significant.
For all of the above reasons, it is simply false to assert that production
priorities in a capitalist society follow the dictates of consumers. John
Kenneth Galbraith helps to destroy the myth of "consumer sovereignty"
in the next reading.

5Rcca]l the discussion of this point in the introduction lo Chapter 3, p. 88.

Source: The following is excerpted from Chapter 11 o f The Affluent So-

.fiery by JOHN KENNETH GALB1<A1TH (Second Edition, Revised). Copy-
right © 1958, 1969 by John Kenneth Galbraith. Reprinted by permission
of Houghton Mifflin Co. and Hamish Hamilton Ltd.

I was poor, his soul may have become subject

to a new and deeper searing. And where a
The notion that wants do not become less society is concerned, comparisons between
urgent the more amply the individual is sup- marginal satisfactions when it is poor and
plied is broadly repugnant to common sense. those when it is aiiiuent will involve not only
It is something to be believed only by those the same individual at different times but
who wish to believe. Yet the conventional different individuals at different times. The
wisdom must be tackled on its own terrain. scholar who wishes to believe that with in-
lntcrtemporai comparisons of an individual's creasing af'Huence there is no reduction in
state of mind do rest on technically vulner- the urgency of desires and goods is not with-
able ground. Who can say for sure that the out points for debate. However plausible
deprivation which atllicts him with hunger is the case against him, it cannot be proven.
more painful than the deprivation which af- In the defense of the conventional wisdom,
flicts him with envy of his neighbor's new this amounts almost to invulnerability.
car? In the time that has passed since he However, there is a Haw in the case. If the
Creation of Consumer Wants 377

individuals want are new urgent, they in the position of the onlooker who applauds
must be original with himself. They cannot the efforts of the squirrel to keep abreast of
be urgent if they must he contrived for him.. the wheel that i s propelled by his own
And above all, they must be contrived by efforts.
the process of production by which they are That wants are, in fact, the fruit of pro-
satisfied. For this means that the whole case duction will now be denied by few serious
for the urgency of production, based on the scholars. And a considerable number of
urgency of wants, falls to the ground. One economists, though not always in full knowl-
cannot defend production as satisfying wants edge of the implications, have conceded the
if that production creates the wants. point. . . . [John Maynard] Keynes [has]
Were it so that a man on arising each noted that needs of "the second class," i.e.
morning was assailed by demons which in- those that are the result of efforts to keep
stilled in him a passion sometimes for silk abreast or ahead of one's fellow being "may
shirts, sometimes for kitchenware, some- indeed be insatiable, for the higher the gen-
times for chamber pots, and sometimes for eral level, the higher still. are they.:n|_ And
orange squash, there would. be every rea- emulation has always played a considerable
son to applaud the effort to and the goods, role in the views of other economists of want
however odd, that quenched this flame. But creation. One man's consumption becomes
should it be that his passion was the result his neighbor's wish, This already means that
of his first having cultivated the demons, the process by which wants arc satisfied is
and should it also be that his effort to allay also the process by which wants are created.
it stirred the demons to ever greater and The more wants that are satisfied, the more
greater effort, there would be question as new ones are born.
to how rational was his solution. Unless re- However, the argument has been carried
strained by conventional attitudes, he might farther. A leading modern theorist of con-
wonder if the solution lay with more goods sumer behavior, Professor Ducsenbcrry, has
or fewer demons. stated explicitly that "ours is a society in
So it is that if production creates the which one of the principal social goals is a
wants it seeks to satisfy, or it the wants .
higher standard of living. . . [This] has
emerge part pass with the production, then great significance for the theory of consume
the urgency of the wants can no longer be son .. . the desire to get superior goods
used to defend the urgency of the produc- takes on a life of its OWI1. lt provides a drive
tion. Production only fills El void that it has to higher expenditure which may even be
itself created. stronger than that arising out of the needs
which are supposed to be satisfied by that
expenditure."-f" The implications of this view
H are impressive. The notion of independently
established need now sinks into the back-
The point is so central that it must be ground. Because the society sets great store
pressed. Consumer wants can have bizarre, by ability to produce a high living standard.
frivolous, or even immoral origins, and an it evaluates people by the products they pos-
admirable case can still be made for a so-
ciety that seeks to satisfy them. But the case 'In M. Keynes, .r.<.fI\'.v in P¢>rsua.sion.
cannot stand if it is the process of satisfy- romaic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren" (Lon-
ing wants that creates the wants. For then Macmillan, Ma ). p. 365.
*Uames Duesenberry. !ac°omf=. .S`fn'ing :turf
h incIIvi'Lit1a1 who urges the importance of uhin Th£'of'3' of C»:Jn.sfu:lé'r Bvh(.=1'iru' (Cambridge,
production to satisfy these wants is precisely Mass.: Harvard University' Press, 1949), p, 28.

sess. The urge to consume is fathered by the in excess of a billion a yearsI Obviously,
value system which emphasizes the ability such outlays must be integrated with the
of the society to produce. The more that is theory of consumer demand. They are too
produced, the more that must be owned in big to be ignored.
order to maintain the appropriate prestige. But such integration means recognizing
The latter is an important point, for, without that wants are dependent on production. It
going as far as Ducscnberry in reducing accords to the producer the function both of
goods to the role of symbols of prestige in making the goods and of making the desires
the afliuent society, it is plain that his argu- for them. It recognizes that production, not
ment fully implies that the production of only passively through emulation, but ac-
goods creates the wants that the goods are tively through advertising and related activi-
presumed to satisfy. ties, creates the wants it-seeks to satisfy.
The businessman and the lay reader will
be puzzled over the emphasis which I give
Ill to a seemingly obvious point. The point is
indeed obvious. But it is one which, to a
The even more direct link between produc- singular degree, economists have resisted.
tion and wants is provided by the insti- They have sensed, as the layman does not,

tutions of modem advertising and salesman-
These cannot be reconciled with the
notion of independently determined desires,
the damage to established ideas which lurks
in these relationships. As a result, incredi-
bly, they have closed their eyes (and ears)
for their central function is to create desires to the most obtrusive of all economic phe-
-to bring into being wants that previously noinena, namely, modern want ereation.
did not exist. This is accomplished by the
producer of the goods or at his behest. A
broad empirical relationship exists between In unraveling the complex, we should al-
what is spent on production of consumer ways be careful not to overlook the obvious.
goods and what is spent in synthesizing the The fact that wants can be synthesized by
desires for that production. A new consumer advertising, catalyzed by salesmanship, and
product must be introduced with a suitable shaped by the discreet manipulations of the
advertising campaign to arouse an interest persuaders shows that they are not very
in it. The path for an expansion of output urgent. A man who is hungry need never be
must be paved by a suitable expansion in told of his need for food. If he is inspired
the advertising budget. Outlays for the man- by his appetite, he is immune to the infiu-
ufacturing of a product are not more im- ence of Messrs. Batten, Barton, Durstine &
portant in the strategy of modern business Osborn. The latter are effective only with
enterprise than outlays for the manufactur- those who are so far removed from physical
ing of demand for the product. None of this want that they do not already know what
is novel. All would be regarded as elemen- they want. In this state alone, men are open
tary by the most retarded student in the to persuasion.
nation's most primitive school of business
administration. The cost of this want forma-
tion is formidable. In 1956, total advertising
expenditure-though, as noted, not all of it The general conclusion of these pages . . .
may be assigned to the synthesis of wants had perhaps best be put with some formality.
-amounted to about ten billion dollars. For »'*1r7 1969 advertising expenditures amounted to
some years, it had been increasing at a rate almost 20 billion dollars. [Editors' note.]
Economic Growth Versus Psychological Balance 379

As a society becomes increasingly affluent, for goods . . . does not arise in spontaneous
wants arc increasingly created by the process consumer need. Rather, [the fact that wants
by which they are satisfied. This may oper- depend on the process by which they arc
ate passively. Increases in consumption, the satisfied] . . . means that [our concern for
counterpart of increases in production, act goods] . . . grows out of the process of pro~
by suggestion or emulation to create wants. duction itself. If production is to increase,
Or producers may proceed actively to cre- the wants must be effectively contrived. In
ate wants through advertising and salesman- the absence of the contrivance, the increase
ship. Wants thus come to depend on out- would. not occur. This is not true of all
put. In technical terms, it can no longer be goods, but that it is true of a substantial part
assumed that welfare is greater at an all- is suliicient. lt means that since the demand
around higher level of production than at for this part could not exist, were it not con-
a lower one. It may be the same. The trived, its utility or urgency, ex contrivance.
higher level of production has, merely, a is zero. If we regard this production as mar-
higher level of want creation necessitating ginal, we may say that the marginal utility
a higher level of want satisfaction. of present aggregate output, ex advertising
and salesmanship, k zero. Clearly the atti-
tudes and' values .his make production
Among the many models of the good so- the central achievement of our society have
ciety, no one has urged the squirrel wheel. some exceptionally twisted roots.
. . . [Yet] now we find [that] our concern

9.3 Economic Growth Versus Psychological Balance

The drive to expand is a fundamental characteristic of capitalist produc-

tion. The maintenance and expansion of profits requires the expansion of
output, whether or not such expansion is socially rational.
In the previous section we suggested that consumerism derives from
alienated labor and that consumer wants are shaped and intensified by
advertising and the sales effort. Thus the emphasis on economic growth,
and especially the stress on its efficacy for increasing individual well-being,
is misplaced. In this reading, Walter Weisskopf evaluates the conse-
quences of continuous growth for the satisfaction of human needs.

Source: The following is excerpted from "Economic: Growth Versus

(January 1965). Copyright _

Existential Balance" by WALTER WEISSKOPF. From Ethics LXXV, No. 2
1965 by the Univcrsitv of Chicago. Re~
printed by permission of the author and the University of Chicago Press.

This paper is concerned with El reexamina- technological, and business activities and
tion of the concept of economic growth institutions. Such an inquiry will have to
not as a short-run goal of economic policy transgress the traditional limits of economic
but as a basic orientation and a mode of life. thought. It will require criticism of economic
Such reexamination may put in doubt some values from the point of view of psychology
of the values which underlie our scientific, and philosophy. The main guidepost for this

inquiry is the effect which economic con- an ultimate goal.' In distinction from pre-
cepts, values, me an 'the indi- vious societies where the pursuit of wealth
vidual and how they affect his existence. I and hard work were considered as inferior
would like to I Vance the . . . that activities and as a curse, left to slaves,
there is a conflict between the idea of con- women, and inferior social groups, indus-
tinuous economic growth on the one hand trial society made the acquisition of wealth
and certain prerequisites of human existence morally acceptable and considered it as a
on the other. moral obligation. Economic thought justified
There is hardly any disagreement among this attitude by assuming that acquisitiveness
economists, businessmen, and politicians and the propensity to truck, barter, and ex-
about the desirability of aggregate growth of change in order to increase one's wealth is
the economy defined as an ever increasing a basic human propensity Et-\_ a unique
national income or product. There are differ- historical phenomenon, t acquisitive
ences about the details of national-income rude, was interpreted as a universal human
accounting and serious differences about the inclination. Thus it made acceptable an ideal
means of accomplishing economic growth. which ran counter to the traditional Chris-
The desirability of overall growth for the tian ethics. . . . Thus the ideas of economic
individual and for society is hardly ques- growth on the individual and on the social
tioned. A gross national product (GNP) levels are conceptualizations of the ethics
growing, if possible, at an increasing rate of acquisition. In present discussions this
has become a dogma of economic reasoning origin has been forgotten because growth
and an object of economic worship. There is and acquisition have become accepted
an obsessive preoccupation with the growth values. Growth is discussed not from the
and the rate of growth of the GNP which ethical psychological but from the functional
one could call GNP ]'Otis/ifsm. GNP figures, point of view. The pursuit of economic
conjectural and tentative at best, are watched growth has been rationalized by arguments
by businessmen and politicians alike. Their that it is necessary for full employment, for
decline, or allegedly insuliicient growth, is defense, for the increase in population, for
considered a national calamity. The com- the maintenance of the current economic
parison of growth rates of Eastern and West- institutions; whether it should be accepted as
ern nations has become a part of the cold a basic economic value is hardly eyer quest
war and a matter of international competi- tinned.
* o
. . . [The basic equilibrium of a con-
The concept of growth reflects the value- sumer] is a physiological one and, as such,
attitude system of early capitalism before is I temporary stage of saturation. lt is
and during the Industrial Revolution. The modeled according to the pattern of physio-
terms "acquisitive society" (Tawney) or the logical needs
_ ad
lhcir satisfaction. There is
"civilisation de toujours plus" (the civiliza- -lil'&lln=* of- tension which is relieved by
tion of more and more [Bertrand do Jouvc- the "pleasure" of need satisfaction. There is
nel]) characterize this attitude. Max Weber a general trend in economics as well as in
has called it the "spirit of capitalism" and psycliolosty to interpret all needs according
described it as a value system which elevates to this pattern. "The needs that are taken
the acquisition of riches pursued system-
atically through hard work, frugality, and ixfnTO/rc Profasmnt £5f//ic i i / u i /he Spirit of Cupifal-
(New York: 1958).
thrift to the dignity of a way of life and of Smith up a n p 13
Economic Growth Versus Psychological Balance 381

as the starting point for "ivation theory [additional] utility of additional goods and
are the so-called physiological drives.373 The services. This is not a situation of which peo-
physiological needs are appetites caused by ple are conscious. The ideology of "more
an actual. physical need or lack in the body , and more" is still. so strong that people are
the drives ' a t procuring what is lack- not aware of the fact that they are forced
ing and thereby move toward a state of satu- into more work and more acquisition by the
rati equilibrium, and homeostasis. Such socioeconomic system rather than by their
states of equilibrium are temporary; tension free inclination? However, the intensive ad-
arises again and again in the life of the vertising and the pervasive fact of artificial
individual organism to be eliminated by obsolescence are clear and present symp~
need satisfaction leading to homeostatic toms of this unconscious situation. Artificial
equilibrium. obsolescence is the man-made correlate to
Economic growth and acquisition can physiological needs. role's vole's, people
lead only to such a temporary, homeostatic get hungry several times a day. Planned ob-
equilibrium. No lasting satisfaction or equi- solescence replaces the emergence of physio-
librium can be reached on the physiological logical tension where no automatic tension
level. The "pleasure" of such need satisfac- arises. What firms and advertisers are doing
tion presupposes a state of tension which is is to create a hunger where nature has not
relieved by satisfaction. Without the emer- provided for it. By changing styles of such
gence of tension no pleasure can be received articles as cars and clothes and by exploiting
from physiological need satisfaction. Without the desire for conformity and for avoidance
hunger the intake of food is not pleasurable. of being different from the "other," they
This statement is so trite that one hesitates "force" people to develop a "need" for
to make it. However, this obvious truth is change. The same purpose is accomplished
overlooked when it comes to an evaluation by the continuous development of new prod-
of economic acquisition and growth. . . ucts. Once the new product is marketed, the
The industrial economy has immensely en- pressure of conformity creates a need for it.
larged the field of need satisfaction and Therefore, a relatively permanent balance
raised the standards of living to a peak never and equilibrium is impossible as long as all
reached before. We have come such a long needs are experienced and interpreted as
way that many social scientists and philoso- physiological ones. On this level pleasure
phers talk about an imminent state of affairs requires preceding pain and tension. In order
in which men will be freed of economic ne- to have pleasure, pain and tension have to
cessity altogethergi They predict that, in the be artificially created. This was age-old wis-
foreseeable future, man in the advanced in- dom of mankind until Western civilization
dustrial economy may be able to take the buried it under its empirical, naturalistic ap-
"leap from the realm of necessity into the proach. That sensual satisfaction requires
realm of freedom." However that may be, ever more excitation, titillation, tension, and
even at the present time the advanced West- pain was known not only to the Hindus and
ern economies have reached a level. of pro- Buddhists but also to the Greek philoso-
duction which has reduced immensely the phers. It was of course known to Christian
thought from the fathers of the church to
3A. H. Maslow, M'oth'atfon and Persorzulily the Middle Ages. Only modern civilization
(New York: 1954), p. 80. has elevated. physiological satisfaction to the
'*J. K. Galbraith, The Ayfflucrzt Society (Boston:
1958); R. Theobald, F/'ee Men and Free Markers
(New York: 1963); H. Marcuse, Eros and Civili- OH_ Marcuse, One-Dimerasional Mar: (Boston:
zarion (Boston: 1955). 1964)-

dignity of an ultimate goal. Economic growth dimension of physiological and creature com-
as an individual and social ideal is a reiiec- forts because all goals of life are reduced to
tion of this attitude which has pulled modern 8 quasi-physiological level. Neglected are
man into a vortex of continuous change and thus all the "higher needs" in Maslow's
expansion without peace and without end. terms, the needs for mental safety in the
form of 8 unifying world philosophy, the
needs for love and belongingness, the need
All this is quite in line with some findings for self-actualization in work. In Hannah
of modern psychology. A. H. Maslow" sug- Arendt'sH* hierarchy of values the neglected
gested that there is a hierarchy of needs. dimensions arc the field of creative work
Proceeding from the lower and progressing where a durable whole is created that forms
to the higher needs he classifies them as fol- a part of our stable environment, the oppor-
lows: physiological needs, such as hunger, tunity for meaningful political action by indi-
safety needs, such as the need for physical viduals, and the dimension of contemplation
and mental security, including the need for in the broadest sense: where man opens his
a comprehensive "philosophy that organizes mind and soul receptively to truth, beauty,
the universe and the men in it into a sort justice, and the good (the Platonic agazliori) .
of satisfactorily coherent meaningful whole" , Our overemphasis on economic growth
the needs for belongingness and love; the and on acquisition leads to a disturbance of
need for esteem, and the need for self-actu- the balance of our existence. Too much time
alization. What matters is not whether this and energy used for the procurement of
classification is correct and exhaustive, but goods and services for the market must, by
that there is a hierarchy of needs. "It is quite necessity, lead to a neglect of all those facul-
true that man lives by bread alone-when ties and modes of life for which not enough
there is no bread. But what happens to man's time and energy is left. Our excessively eco-
desires when there is plenty of bread and nomic orientation develops only those facul-
when his belly is chronically filled? At once, ties which are necessary for economic growth.
other (and higher) needs emerge." Various We are sacrificing those alternative faculties
needs related to different dimensions of ex~ and attitudes which cannot contribute to an
istencc have to be brought into balance al- increase in wealth. Too much economic
though certain physiological and quasiphysi- growth tends to destroy the balance between
ological needs are prevalent if they are not activistie effort and receptivity, doing and
satisfied. "Basic human needs are organized being*, grasping and receiving, between con-
into a hierarchy of relative prepotency." scious intentional effort and passive inner
Consequently, need satisfaction which con- experience. between intellect and feeling.
tinuously increases the supply of means along This destructive effect is wrought by ex-
one level and neglects needs' on ( I different cessive individual striving for acquisition as
level is contrary Zo human well-being. What well as by the exclusive emphasis on national
is required is a balanced system of need satis- economic growth. Unless an increase in the
faction on various levels. national income is counterbalanced by some
gains in these neglected dimensions, such an
increase may actually cause a decline in hu-
The dimensions that are neglected in in- man well-being.
dustrial society are those which transcend the
'M'1sIow op Ur p 83
TG. Vickers, The L»':uI1ls-ecxvd *S`oc:'cf.v (Toronto: *LL Arendt, T//e I I / : r a m CondWon chicago :
1959), pp. 73, 114. 1958).
Private Priorities cmd Coifective Needs 383

9.4 Private Priorities and Collective Needs

We have already noted how the unequal distribution of income biases

production priorities in favor of the rich, which results in inadequate food,
homes, health care, and other necessities for the poorest segment of the

Capitalist production is also biased against collective needs. In the
following reading, André Gorz describes the limitations that the capitalist
l1i§I.e.g;l_giE production imposes upon the possibility of satisfying the funda-
mental collective needs of a society. Gorz argues that the criterion of
private profitability, dependent as it is on existing market demands, will
inevitably bias investment in favor of individually salable commodities and
against socially valuable services. He cites the predominance of the private
automobile rather than public transportation as a means of urban trans-
portation to illustate the bias imposed by the private profit incentive.
Gorz argues that many collective services by their very nature cannot
be profitably marketed by private capitalist firms, even if the distribution
of income were far more equitable than it is. Such services must necessarily
be operated and financed by a government authority that is willing to limit
the range of private investment in the interests of social needs. Yet in-
creasing government control of this kind runs counter to the natural logic
of the capitalist system and hence cannot be expected to prevail.

SOURCE: The following is excerpted from Chapter 4 of Strategy for La-

bor by ANFJRE Gonz. Copyright © 1964 by Les Editions de Scuil; English
translation copyright © 1967 by Beacon Press. Reprinted by permission of
Beacon Press and Allen Lane The Penguin Press.

the limits which the criteria of profitability

The effects of capitalist production on the impose on capitalist initiative. According to
environment and on society are a . . source the logic of this initiative, the most profitable
of waste and of' distortion. . . . The most activities are the most important ones, and
profitable production for each entrepreneur activities whose product or result cannot be
is not necessarily the most advantageous one measured according to the criteria of profita-
for the consumers; the pursuit of maximum bility and return are neglected or abandoned
profit and the pursuit of optimum use to decay. These nonprofitable activities,
value do not coincide when each product whose desirability cannot even be under-
is considered separately. But if instead of stood in capitalist terms, consist of all those
considering the action of each entrepreneur
investments which cannot result in produc-
(in fact of each oligopoly) separately, we tion for the market under the given social
consider the resulting total of all such actions and political circumstances, that is to say,
and their repercussions on society, then we which do not result in a commercial ex-
note an even sharper contradiction between change comprising the profitable sale of
this overall result and the social and eco- goods and services. in fact this category
nomic optimum. includes all investments and services which
This contradiction results essentially from answer to human needs that cannot be ex-

pressed in market terms as demands for quence, the collective needs engendered by
salable commodities: the need for education, capitalist investment are covered haphaz-
city planning cultural and recreational fa- ardly or not at all, the satisfaction of these
cilities, works of art, research, public health, needs is neglected or subordinated to more
public transportation (and m so economic profitable "priorities" because these needs
plan finI reforestation, elimination of water were not foreseen and included in advance
and air pollution, noise control, etc.)-in in the total cost of the project.
short, all economic activities which belong Thus, when a capitalist group decides to
to the "public domain" and cannot arise or invest in a given project and a given locality,
survive except as public services, regardless it need not bother to ask itself what degree
of their profitability. of priority its project has in the scale of
The demand for the satisfaction of these needs, what social costs it will entail, what
needs, which cannot be expressed in market social needs it will engender, what long term
terms, necessarily to-kcs on political and col~ public investments it will make necessary
lective forms, and the satisfaction of these later on, or what alternatives its private de-
collective needs, precisely because it cannot cision will render impossible. The decis-ion of
be procured except by public services be- the capitalist group will be guided rather by
longing to the collectivity, constitutes a per- the existing market. demand, Q available
manent challenge to the laws and the spirit facilities and equipment, and the proximity
of the capitalist system. In other words, of the market and the sources of raw ma-
there is a whole sphere of fundamental, terials.
priority needs which constitute an objective The first result of this situation is that the
challenge to capitalist logic. decision of a private trust to invest does not
The acuteness of this antagonism-and in most cases -have any but an accidental re-
the sharpness of the contradiction between lationshi l l n M M h i nonmarketable
capitalist initiative and collective needs- needs of the local, regional, or national unit:
necessarily grows. It grows principally as a the model of development which monopoly
result of the fact that collective needs and capitalism imposes on insufficiently devel-
the cost of their satisfaction are not in oped regions is as a general rule a colonial
principle included in the cost of capitalist model. The balanced development of Brit-
decisions and initiatives. There is a disjunc- tany or Southern Italy, for example, if it
tion between the direct cost of the produc- were to answer real needs would in the first
tive investment for the private investor, and place demand investments to revive agricul-
the indirect, social cost which this invest~ tural productivity, to assure local processing
rent creates to cover the resulting collective of raw materials, and to occupy the under-
needs, such as housing, roads, the supply of employed population in industries having
energy and water, in short, the infrastruc- local outlets. Priority thus would have to be
ture. There is also a disjunction between the given to educational and cultural services,
computation of direct production costs by to food and agricultural industries, to light
the private investor and the social cost which industry, chemical and pharmaceutical man-
his investment will bring with. it: for exam~ ufacturing, to communication and transpor-
ple, expenses for education, housing, trans- tation. If these priorities were chosen, the
portation, various services, in short, the en- local communities could develop toward a
trepreneur's criteria of profitability, which diversification of their activities, toward a
measure the desirability of the investment, relative economic, cultural, and social au~
and the criteria of human and collective dc- tommy, toward a fuller development of
sirability, are not identical. As a consc- social relations and exchanges, and thus
Private Priorities and Collective Needs 385

toward a fuller development of human rela- concrete cages or in shanty towns: in the
tions and abilities. mother country as well as in the colonies
Capitalist initiative functions only in terms there is a process of "slumlnihcation"
of the existing market demand. If there is no ("croc°lzardisattlon"). The colonies, at least,
such demand in the underdeveloped regions can free themselves of foreign colonialism,
for the products capable of bringing about the underdeveloped regions in the mother
balanced development, then capitalist initia- country, however, are often irreversibly col-
tive will consist of setting up export indus- onized and deprived of independent liveli-
tries in these regions. The resulting type of hood by monopoly capitalism, or even emp-
development, besides being very limited, will tied of their population and turned into a
reverse the real priorities: the underemployed wasteland.
local manpower will be drained toward as- The drift of industry toward the under-
sembly workshops (although not to the ex- developed regions, in the conditions which
tent of providing full employment), toward have just been described, cannot really he
satellite factories which are subcontractors compared to an industrialization of these
of distant trusts, and toward the production areas. It tends rather to destroy all possibil-
or extraction of raw materials or of individ- ity of balance between the city and the coun-
ual components which will be transformed or tryside by the creation of new, giant agglom-
assembled elsewhere. erations which empty the back country. The
The local community, instead of being small peasants will not be able to rationalize
raised toward a new, richer internal equilib- their methods (that would require a policy
rium, will thus be practically destroyed by of. credit and equipment favoring cooperative
having a new element of imbalance grafted or collective modes of farming), instead they
onto its already out-of-date structures: agri- will sell their holdings to the benefit of the
culture, instead of being made healthier and agrarian capitalists. The former peasants will
richer, will be ruined by the exodus of man- install themselves as shop keepers, café
power and the land will be abandoned; the owners, or unskilled laborers in the new big
local industries, instead of being diversified city or in the capital. The drift of certain
in terms of local needs, will undergo special- industries toward less developed regions is
ization and impoverishment, local or re- therefore not at all comparable to decen-
gional autonomy, instead of being reinforced, tralization, On the contrary, it is only a
will be diminished even more, since the marginal phenomenon of industry's tendency
centers of decision making for the local ac- to concentrate geographically. Industry is
tivities are in Paris or Milan and the new attracted by industry, money by money. Both
local industries are the first to suffer the go by preference where markets and condi-
shock of economic fluctuations: the quality tions of profitability already exist, not where
of the local conlmuIlity` social relations, in~ these must host be created. Thus regional
stead of being improved, will be impover- disparities tend to grow.
ished, local manpower will .get the dirtiest The principal cause of geographic con-
and the most monotonous jobs, the ancient centration of industry has been the public
towns (boL/r§s) will become dormitory cities prefinaneing, during the past decades, of the
with new cafes and juke boxes in place of. social bases of industrial expansion in the
cultural facilities, the former civilization will highly dense zones: housing, transportation,
be destroyed and replaced by nothing, those trained manpower, infrastructure. Now, the
of the new workers who do not travel one, savings realized by individual industries due
two, or even three hours daily by bus to go to geographic concentration are an extra
to and from their work will be penned up in burden for the collectivity. After a certain

point has been reached the operating costs tal from priority tasks such as housing, edu-
of the large cities grow dizzily (long travel- cation, public transportation, public health,
ing time, air pollution, noise, lack of space, city planning, and rural services. The pri-
etc.). The overpopulation of the urban cen- ority given by monopoly capitalism to the
ters has as a counterpart the depopulation of automobile gets stronger and stronger: city
nondeveloped areas below the threshold of planning must be subordinated to the re-
economic and social viability, their economic quirernents of the automobile, roads are
and human impoverishment, and the oblit- built instead of houses (this is very clear in
eration of their potential; and the cost of Italy, for example), and public transporta-

multiplied. . ._
the social reproduction of labor power is

This double process of congestion and

tion is sacrificed.
And finally the private automobile be-
comes a social necessity: urban space is
decline has one and the same root: the con- organized in terms of private transportation,
centration of economic power in a small public transportation lags farther and farther
number of monopolistic groups which drain behind the spread of the suburbs and the in-
off a large part of the economic surplus real- creasing distance required to travel to work ,
ized in production and distribution and the pedestrian or the cyclist becomes a dan-
which reinvest that surplus where conditions ger to others and himself, athletic and cul-
of immediate profitability are already pres- tural facilities are removed from the city,
ent. Therefore the resources available for a beyond the reach of the nonmotorized su-
regional and social policy consonant with burbanite and often even of the city dweller.
real needs are always insufficient, especially The possession, of an automobile becomes a
because monopoly competition engenders basic necessity because the universe is or-
new consumer needs and new collective ex- ganized in. terms of private transportation.
penses which are incompatible with a gov- This process is halted only with difiieulty in
ernment policy aimed at balanced develop- the advanced capitalist countries. To the ex-
ment. tent that the indispensability of private auto-
The costs o1` infrastructure (roads, trans- mobiles has made life unbearable in the
portation, city maintenance and planning, large, overpopulated cities where air, light,
provision of energy and water) which mo- and space are lacking, motorized escape will
nopoly expansion imposes on the collectivity continue to be an important-although de-
as it spreads (namely in the congested creasing-element in the reproduction of
zones), in practice make it impossible to labor power, even when priority has returned
provide such services in the areas where the to city planning, to collective services, and
need is greatest: the billions swallowed up to public transportation.
by the great cities are in the last analysis
diverted from economically and humanly
more advantageous uses. On the level of collective needs, and only
Furthermore, the cost of the infrastruc- on this level, the theory of impoverishment
ture, which the orientation given by monop- thus continues to be valid. The social cost
oly capitalism to consumption demands, rep- of the reproduction of labor power . . . tends
resents an obstacle to the satisfaction of to rise as fast as or faster than individual
priority needs. The most striking example purchasing power, the workers' social stand-
in this regard is that of the automobile in- ard of living tends to stagnate, Eh worsen,
dustry. For the production 'of a means of m....... if their individual standard of living
evasion and escape, this industry has di- (expressed in terms of monetagl purchasing
verted productive resources, labor, and capi- power) rises. And it is extremely difficult, if
Private Priorities and Collective Needs 387

not impossible, for urban workers to obtain farther from their place of work, and impose
a qualitative improvement in their living on them additional expense and fatigue.
standard as a result of a raise in their direct -Collective services, such as public trans-
wages within the framework of capitalist portation, laundries and cleaners, child day-
structures. It is this quasi-impossibility which care centers and nursery schools. These are
gives demands in the name of collective nonprofitable in essence: for in terms of
needs a revolutionary significance. profit, it is necessarily more advantageous to
The nature of collective needs, in effect, sell individual vehicles, washing machines
and magical soap powders And since these
is that they often cannot be expressed in services arc most needed by those who have
terms of monetary demands. They involve the lowest incomes, their expansion on a
a set of collective resources, services, and commercial basis presents no interest at all
facilities which escape the law of the market, for capital. Only public services can Fill the
capitalist initiative, and all criteria of profit- need.
ability. These needs, inexpressible in eco- -Collective cultural, athletic, and health
nomic terms, are at least virtually in perma- facilities: schools, theatres, libraries. concert
nent contradiction to capitalism and mark halls, swimming pools, stadiums. hospitals,
the limit of. its effectiveness. These are the in short, all the facilities necessary for the
needs which capitalism tends to neglect or reestablishment of physical and intellectual
to suppress, insofar as capitalism knows only balance for the development of human fac-
the homo economicus-delined by the con- ulties. The nonprofitability of these facilities
sumption of merchandise and its production is evident, as is their extreme scarcity (and
usually great cost) in almost all of the capi-
-and not the human man, the consumer,
talist countries.
producer, and user of goods which cannot
be sold, bought, or reproduced. It is these -Balanced regional development in terms
needs which, although they are basically bio- of optimum economic and human criteria.
which we have already contrasted to neo-
logical, all have a necessarily cultural and
colonialist "mummification."
at least potentially creative dimension, due
to the destruction by industry of a natural -Information, communication, active
environment for which human praxis must group leisure. Capitalism not only does not
have any interest in these needs. it tends
substitute a new social environment and civ- even to suppress them. The commercial dic-
ilization. tatorship of the monopolies cannot in fact
Among these needs arc: function without a mass of passive con-
-Housing and city planning, not only in sumers, separated by place and style of liv-
quantitative but in qualitative terms as well. ing, incapable of getting together and com-
An urban esthetic and an urban landscape, municating directly, incapable of defining
an environment which furthers the develop- together their specific needs (relative to their
ment of human faculties instead of debasing work and life situation), their preoccupa-
them, must be recreated. Now it is obvious tions, their outlook on society and the world
that it is not profitable to provide 200 square -in short, their common project. Mass
feet of green area per inhabitant, to plan pseudo-culture, while producing passive and
parks, roads, and squares. The application stupefying entertainments, amusements, and
of the law of the market leads, on the con- pastimes, does not and cannot satisfy the
trary, to reserve the best living conditions for needs arising out of dispersion, solitude, and
the privileged, Who need them least, and t.o boredom. This pseudo-culture is less a con-
deny them to the workers who. because they sequence than a cause of the passivity and
do the most difficult and the lowest-paid the impotence of the individual in a mass
work, need them profoundly. The workings society. It is a device invented by monopoly
of this law also push the workers farther and capital to facilitate its dictatorship over a

mystified, docile, debased humanity, whose capable of giving them the degree of priority
impulses of real violence must he redirected which they warrant. This is why demands in
into imaginary channels. the name of collective needs imply a radical
Collective needs are thus objectively in challenge of the capitalist system, on the
contradiction to the logic of capitalist devel- economic, political, and cultural levels.
opment. This development is by nature in- 0


The Crisis Our Environment

The pollution and destruction of the natural environment reflect one par-
ticular way in which the collective needs of society are ignored in capi-
talist production. The society at large has an immense stake in protecting
the natural environment, but this interest is not mirrored in the determi-
nation of capitalist priorities. The focus on gross national product and on
consumption ignores the environmental costs of producing goods and the
environmental costs of disposing of goods. Such a focus might have made
sense in an earlier age characterized by open frontiers and an apparently
limitless natural environment. In the present age, however, it is all too
clear that we live within a closed system of limited natural and environ-
mental resources. As a result, we must devote much greater attention to
the quality of the world environment and restrain the unlimited exploita-
tion of resources for increases in the quantity of goods and services. The
implications of this necessary change in orientation are profound.
In the next reading, Murray Bookchin argues that environmental dis-
ruption cannot be considered simply as a combination of various pollu-
tion problems, but rather it must be considered as a fundamental ecologi-
cal crisis of mankind. This perspective illustrates the fundamental nature
of the conflict between social needs and capitalist institutions.

Source: The following is excerpted from "Towards an Ecological Solu-

son" by MURRAY Boo1<cH1n. From Ramparts Mcg;,*azzzze
8, No. I l (May
1970). Copyright 1970 by Ramparts A/[agc1.zine, Inc. Reprinted by Per-
mission of the Editors.

Popular alarm over environmental decay and the Industrial Revolution a period which
pollution did not emerge for the first time was marked by burgeoning cities, the growth
merely in the late 60s, nor for that matter is of the factory system, and an unprecedented
it the unique response of the present century. befouling and polluting of air and water-
Air pollution, water pollution, food adultera- ways.
tion and other environmental problems were Today the situation is changing drasti-
public issues as far back as ancient times, cally and at a tempo that portends a cata5~
when notions of environmental diseases were trophe for the entire world of life. What is
far more prevalent than they are today. All not clearly understood in many popular dis-
of these issues came to the surface again with cussions of' the present ecological crisis is
The Crisis of Our Environment 389

that the very nature of the issues has sons that alarmed an earlier generation, but
changed, that the decay of the environment long-lived carcinogenic and mutagenic
is directly tied to the decay of the existing agents, such as radioactive isotopes and
social structure. It is not simply certain mal- chlorinated hydrocarbons. These agents be-
practices or a given spectrum of poisonous come part of the very anatomy of the indi-
agents that is at stake, but rather the very vidual by entering his bone structure, tissues
structure of modern agriculture, industry and fat deposits. Their disperse is so global
and the city. Consequently, environmental that they become part of the anatomy of the
decay and ecological catastrophe cannot be environment itself. They will be within us
averted merely by increased programs like and around us for years to come, in many
"pollution control" which deal with sources cases for generations to come. Their toxic
rather mu systems. 'M [l J commensurable cifects are usually chronic rather than acute,
to the problem, the solution must entail far- the deadly and mutational effects they pro-
reaching revolutionary changes Lin society duce in the individual will not be seen until
and in man` relation to man. many years have passed. They are harmful
not only in large quantities, but in trace
amounts, as such, they are not detectable by
F human sensin even, in leases, by
conventional methods of analysis. They dam~
To understand the enormity of the ecologi- r
age not onl specific individual but the
cal crisis and the sweeping transformation it human species as a whole and virtually all
requires, let us briefly revisit the "pollution other forms of life.
problem"'! it exi§ltl€E1"a"ilE'vV d°é'cades No less alarming is the fact that we must
During the 1930s, pollution was primarily drastically revise our traditional notions of
a muckraking issue, a problem of expose what constitutes an environmental "pollu-
journalism typified by Kallet and Schlink's tant." A few decades ago it would have been
"$00 Million Guinea Pigs." absurd to describe carbon dioxide and heat
This kind of muckraking literature still as "pollutants" in the customary sense of
exists in abundance and finds an eager mar- the term. Yet in both cases they may well
ket among "consumers," that is to say, a rank among the most serious sources of fu-
public that seeks personal and legislative ture ecological imbalance and pose major
solutions to pollution problems. Its supreme threats to the viability of the planet. As a
pontiff is Ralph Nader, an energetic young result of industrial and domestic combus-
man who has shrewdly combined traditional tion activities, the quantity of carbon dioxide
muckraking with a safe form of "New Left" in the atmosphere has increased by roughly
activism. In reality, Nader's emphasis be- 25 percent in the past one hundred years,
longs to another historical era, for the mag- a figure that may well double again by the
nitude of the pollution problem has ex- end of the century. The famous "greenhouse
panded beyond the most exaggerated effect," which increasing quantities of the
accounts of the 1930s. The new pollutants gas is expected to produce, has already been
are no longer "poisons" in the popular sense widely discussed: eventually, it is supposed,
of the term, rather they belong to the prob- the gas will inhibit the dissipation of the
lems of ecology, not merely pharmacology, earth's heat into space, causing a rise in
and these do not lend themselves to legisla- overall temperatures which will melt the
tive redress. polar ice caps and result in an inundation of
What now confronts us is not the pre- vast coastal areas. Thermal pollution, the
dominantly specific, rapidly degradable poi- result mainly of warm water discharged by

nuclear and conventional power plants, has lotion growth, thereby divesting it of its ex-
disastrous effects on the ecology of lakes, plosive social content. Out of this focus has
rivers and estuaries. Increases in water tem- emerged a new version of "original sin" in
perature not only damage the physiological which tools and machines, reinforced by
and reproductive activities of fish, they also sexually irresponsible humans, ravage the
promote the great blooms of. algae that have earth in concert. Both technology and sex-
become such formidable problems in water- ual irresponsibility, so the argument goes,
ways. must be curbed-if not voluntarily, then by
What is at stake in the ecological crisis the divine institution called the state.
we face today is the very capacity of the The naivete of this approach would be
earth to sustain advanced forms of life. The risible were it not for its sinister implications.
crisis is being drawn together by massive in- History has known of many ditlcrent forms
creases in "typical" forms of air and water of tools and machines, some of which are
pollution; by a mounting accumulation of patently harmful to human welfare and the
nondegradable wastes, lead residues, pesti- natural world, others of which have clearly
cide residues and toxic additives in food, by improved the condition of man and the ecol-
the expansion of cities into vast urban belts, ogy of an area. It would be absurd to place
by increasing stresses due to congestion, plows and mutagenic defoliants, weaving mu-
noise and mass living, by the wanton scar- chimes and automobiles, computers and
ring of the earth as a result of mining op- moon rockets, under a common rubric.
erations, lumbering, and real estate specu- Worse, it would be grossly misleading to
lation. The result of all this is that the earth deal with these technologies in a social vac-
within a few decades has been despoiled on uum.
a scale that it unprecedented in the fire Technologies consist not only of the de-
history of human habitation on the planet. vices humans employ to mediate their rela-
Finally, the complexity and diversity of tionship with the natural world, but also the
life which marked biological evolution over attitudes associated with these devices. These
many millions of years is being replaced attitudes are distinctly social products, the
by a simpler, more synthetic and increasingly results of the social relationships humans
homogenized environment. Aside from any establish with each other. What is clearly
esthetic considerations, an elimination of
this complexity and diversity may prove to
needed is not a mindless deprecation of tech-
nology as such, but rather a reordering and
be the most serious loss ii dl. Modern so- redevelopment of technologies according to
ciety is literally undoing the work of organic ecologically sound principles. We need an
evolution. If this process continues unabated, ecotechnology that will help harmonize so-
the earth may be reduced to a level of biotic eiety with the natural world.
simplicity where humanity-whose welfare The same oversimplification is evident in
depends profoundly upon the complex food the neo-Malthusian alarm over population
chains in the soil, on the land surface and growth. The reduction of population growth
in the oceans-will no longer be able to sus- to a mere ratio between birth rates and death
tain itself as a viable animal species. rates obscures the many complex social fac-
tors that enter into both statistics. A rising
II or declining birth rate is not a simple bio-
logical datum, any more than is a rising or
In recent years a type of biological "cold declining death rate. Both are subject to the
warrior" has emerged who tends to locate influences of the economic status of the in-
the ecological crisis in technology and popu- dividual, the nature of family structure,
The Crisis of Our Environment 391

the values of society, the status of women, the so every aspect of nature is converted into
attitude toward children, the culture of the a commodity, a resource t-o -be II1a[1L\T;1
community, and so forth. A change in any and merchandised u ¢inliu11n&1 Entire Conti-=
single factor interacts with the remainder to mental areas in turn are converted into faE*
produce the statistical data called "birth rate" tories, and cities into marlietplaccs. The lib- 1

and "death rate." Culled from such abstract eral euphemistns for these unadorned terms
ratios, population growth rates can easily be are "growth," "industrial society" and "ur-
used to foster authoritarian controls and ban blight." By whatever language they are
finally a totalitarian society, especially if neo~ described, the phenomena have their roots
Malthusian propaganda and the failure of in the domination of man by man.
voluntary birth control arc used as an excuse. As technology develops, the maxim "Pro-
In arguing that forcible measures of birth duction for the sake of production" HEds its
control and a calculated policy of indilfer- complement in "Consumption for the sake
ence to hunger may eventually be necessary of consumption." The phrase "consumer so-
to stabilize world populations, the neo- ciety" completes the description of the pres-
Malthusians are already creating a climate ent social order as an "industrial society."
of opinion that will make genocidal policies Needs are tailored by the mass media to
and authoritarian institutions socially accept- create a public demand for utterly useless
able. commodities, each carefully engineered to
It is supremely ironic that coercion, so deteriorate after a predetermined period of
clearly implicit in the neo-Malthusian out- time. The plundering of the human spirit by
look, has acquired a respected place in the the marketplace is paralleled by the plunder-
public debate on ecology for the roots of ing of the earth by capital. The tendency of
the ecological _crisis_Iie .recisel in the co- the liberal to identify the marketplace with
ercive bean of modern society. 'The notion human needs, and capital with technology,
that man must dominate nature emerges di- represents a calculated error that neutralizes
rectly from the domination of man by man. the social thrust of the ecological crisis.
The patriarchal family may have planted the The strategic ratios in the ecological crisis
seed of domination in the nuclear relations are not the population rates of India but the
of humanity, the classical split between spirit production rates of the United States, a
and reality--indeed, mind and labor-may country that produces more than 50 percent
have nourished it; the antinaturalistic bias of of the world's goods. un. too, liberal
Christianity may have tended to its growth; euphemisms In "affluence" conceal the
but it was not until organic community rela- critical thrust of a blunt word like "waste,"
tions, be they tribal, feudal or peasant in With a vast section of its industrial capacity
form, dissolved into market relationships that committed to war production, the U.S. is
the planet itself was reduced to a resource literally trampling upon the earth and shred-
for exploitation. ding ecological links that are vital to human
This centuries-long tendency finds its most survival. If current industrial projections
exacerbating development in modern capi- prove to be accurate, the remaining thirty
talism: a social order that is orchestrated en- years of the century will witness a five-fold
tirely by the maxim "Production for the sake increase in electric power production, based
of production." Owing to its inherently com- mostly on nuclear fuels and coal. The colos-
petitive nature, bourgeois society not only sal burden in radioactive wastes and other
pits humans against each other, but the ctiluents that this increase will place on the
mass of humanity against the natural world. natural ecology of the earth hardly needs
Just as men are converted into commodities, description.

In shorter perspective, the problem is no is a living organism still remains in ques-

less disquieting. Within the next give years, tion. The ecological crisis, with its threat of
lumber production may increase an overall human extinction, has developed appositely
20 percent, the output of paper, 5 percent to the advance of technology, with its prom-
annually, folding boxes, 3 percent annually; ise of abundance, leisure and material se-
metal cans, 4 to 5 percent annually, plastics curity. Both are converging toward a single
(which currently form 1 to 2 percent of focus: At a point where the very survival of
municipal wastes), 7 percent annually. Col~ man is being threatened, the possibility of
Iectiyely, these industries account for the removing him from the trammels of domi-
most serious pollutants in the environment. nation, material scarcity and toil has never
The utterly senseless nature of modern in- been more promising. Thc very technology
dustrial activity is perhaps best illustrated by that has been used to plunder the planet
the decline in returnable (and reusable) beer can now be deployed, artfully and rationally,
bottles from fifty-four billion bottles in 1960 to make it flourish.
to twenty-six billion today. Their place has lt is necessary to overcome not only bour-
been taken over by "one-way bottles" (a geois society but also the long legacy of
rise from eight to twenty-one billion in the propertied society: the patriarchal family, the
same period) and cans (an increase from city, the state-indeed, the historic splits that
thirty-eight to fifty-three billion). The "one- separated mind from sensuousness, individ-
way bottles" and cans, of course, pose tre- ual from society, town from country, work
mendous problems in solid waste disposal, from play, man from nature. The spirit of
but they do sell better. spontaneity and diversity that permeates the
It may be that the planet, conceived as a ecological outlook toward the natural world
lump of minerals, can support these mindless must now be directed toward revolutionary
increases in the output of trash. The earth, change and utopian reconstruction in the
conceived as a complex web of life, certainly social world. Propertied society, domination,
cannot. The only question is, can the earth hierarchy and the state, in all their forms, are
survive its looting long enough for man to utterly incompatible with the survival of the
replace the current destructive social system biosphere. Either ecology action is revolu-
with a humanistic, ecologically oriented so- tionary action or it is nothing at all. Any at-
ciety. tempt to reform a social order that by its
The apocalyptic tone that marks so many very nature pits humanity against all the
ecological works over the past decade should forces of life is a gross deception and serves
not be taken lightly. We are witnessing the merely as a safety valve for established in-
end of a world, although whether this world stitutions.
is 21 long-established social order or the earth

9.6 Capitalism and the Military-Industrial

I J Complex

The immense military expenditures by the U.S. government-some eighty

billion dollars in 1970-constitute the most blatant and dangerous irra-
tionality of capitalism. The armaments stockpiled (or used in Vietnam or
elsewhere) represent not only resources wasted, but more importantly
they threaten to annihilate rebellious peoples around the world and ulti-
mately mankind itself.
Capitalism and The Military-industrial Complex 393

Yet military expenditures, because they are government expenditures,

are often thought to result from particular political circumstances rather
than from the institutional structure of capitalism. The high level of mile
t r y expenditures is sometimes explained in terms of external forces
(for example, the threat to national security) or in terms of unfortunate
but atypical events (perhaps a few powerful Southern Congressmen in
alliance with the Pentagon).
In response to these arguments, three points should be made. First, the
threat to national security used to justify a high level of military expendi-
ture is not entirely autonomous but is, in part, la direct consequence of the
American capitalist system. In Chapter 10 we will argue that imperialism
abroad is a natural consequence of capitalism at home, and that keeping
the world open for capitalist penetration ires a substantial commit-
ment of military strength -
Second, military expenditures maintain effective demand and therefore
act as a significant outlet for surplus absorption. The close correlation be-
tween military expenditures and national prosperity testifies to the im-
portance of "defense" spending? While expenditures to maintain effective
demand need not necessarily take the form of military expenditures, there
are, as Michael Reich and David Finkelhor show in the following reading,
powerful forces in a capitalist system making these expenditures most ac-
Finally, military expenditures benefit the largest and most powerful
corporations (contrary to the "enclave" view which holds that only a few
special corporations benefit), and their impact extends to many smaller
companies as well. Thus, role of "defense" spending is not to line the
pockets of a few unscrupulous profiteers, instead, as Reich and Finkelhor
demonstrate, "the military sector comprises the very heart of Capitalist
1See especially MacE van, Section 10.1. p. 409, and Magdoff, Section 10.2.
p. 420.
5'Sce appendix to Weisskopf, Section 9.1, p. 371.

Source: The following is excerpted from "The Military Industrial Com-

plex: No Way Out" by MICHAEL REICH and DAVID FINKELHOR. From
Up Against the American Myth, edited by Tom Christoffel, David
Finkelhor and Dan Gilbarg. Copyright 63 1970 by Michael Reich and
David Finkelhor. Reprinted by permission of the authors and Holt.
Rinehart and Winston, Inc.

THE IMPACT OF MILITARY tonal Product. Over a trillion dollars have

SPENDING ON THE ECONQMY1 been spent on the military since 1951, con-
suming on the average about 10 percent of
Before World War II, military spending the GNP. In 1967, 4.08 million civilian em-
never exceeded l percent of the Gross Na- ployees worked on defense-reiated jobs," add
to this the 3.5 million soldiers in uniform.
'Our debts to Paul Swcczy and Paul Boron
throughout this essay will be obvious to readers 2Richurd Oliver ., "The Employment l mp21cl ul'
familiar with Morlopofy Crrpiml (New York: Defense Expenditures." Monthly Labor RC'1':'c'u'
1966). 90. no. 9 (Sept. 1967). pp, 9-11.

and we have well over 10 percent of the en- mates that of the 500 largest manufacturing
tire labor force engaged in military~related corporations in 1964, at least 205 were
employment. significantly involved in military contracts,
aim mill-tary sector of the economy is either in production or in research and de-
huge. Yet the image of the weapons industry velopmentf Among the top 100 firms, 65
oten projected 158, liberals is of a small, are significantly involved in the military mar-
albeit powerful, coterie of contractors, many ket. As Table 9-B shows, all but 5 of the
of whom owe their existence solely to de~ largest 25 industrial corporations in 1968
tense work. Producing exotic military hard- were among the 100 largest contractors for
ware, these corporations form an economic the Defense Department. Of these 5, one-
enclave somehow separated from the re- Union Carbide-is the largest Atomic En-
mainder of the economy.3 ergy Commission contractor, two arc oil
According to the enclave view, most cor- companies indirectly involved in military
porations in the country are not affected one sales, and one is a steel company also indi-
way or another by the military budget (ex- rectly involved. It is difficult to think of
cept, of course, insofar as aggregate incomes these top corporations as constituting an
and demands are stimulated). There is some "enclave"
superficial evidence for this image. After Second, there are no self-contained en-
all, only one hundred corporations receive claves in the American economy. As the
over two~thirds of all prime contract awards study of input-output economics has re-
each year and fifty corporations receive 60 vealed, the structure of American industry
percent, and the list of the top one hundred is highly interdependent. Focusing only on
contractors has exhibited very little turnover the prime contractors is like looking at only
in the last twenty years.4 Prime contract the visible part of an iceberg. This is only the
awards are concentrated among just four direct impact of the military budget, the
industries: aircraft ( 4 3 % ) , electronics and indirect impact on subcontractors, on pro-
telecommunications (l9.3% ) , shipbuilding ducers of intermediate goods and parts, and
and repairing (10.3% ) , and ammunition on suppliers of raw materials ties military
M Moreover, subcontracts appear to spending into the heart of the economy. For
be just as concentrated among the big firms." evidence, look at Table 9-C, which indicates
But this enclave image is highly mislead- the wide range of industries over which di-
ing. First, a list of the top military contrac- rect and indirect effects of military spending
tors is virtually a list of all the largest and were distributed in 1967. With the excep-
most powerful industrial corporations in tion of the aircraft and electrical equipment
America (see Table 9-B). Nathanson esti- industries, no one industry accounted for
more than 7 percent of total private military-
3EmiIe Benoit, "The Economic Impact of Dis-
armament in the United States," in Di5arr:1umenr.'
related employment. Aircraft and parts ac-
[is PoI.i¢'fc°s and Economics, ed. S. Mel r a n (Boston : counted for 15 percent, and electrical equip-
1962)- ment and supplies accounted for 13 percent.
i*W. Baldwin, The Structure of the Dc'j'£'n.§'e
Marker, 1955-64 (Durham: 1967), p. 9.
This industrial profile shows that despite the
5U.S. Congress, Senate, Joint Economic Com- enclave image, a broad spectrum. of the do-
mittee, "Economic Impact Analysis," Economic mestic corporate economy is involved in mil-
E}§'ect of Vfenram Spending, vol. II 1967, Re-
itary production.
search Analysis Corporation (Washington, DC.:
Govt. Printing Office) p. 827.
*$M. Peck and F. Scherer, T h e Weapons Ac- TC. Nathanson, "The Militarization of the
qnrisirio/1 Proces.s' (Boston: 1962), pp. 150-52, and American Economy," in Corporafiong and Igor'
M. Weidenbaum, The M'oa'enz Public Sector, Cold War, ed. D. Horowitz (New York: 1969),
(New York: 1969), p, 40. .p. 231.

largest Defense Contractors Largest



A_E_C." I
Pentagon 1 NA5AI§ Corpora s o n s
l General Dynamics .l Union Carbide I North American I General Motors
Rockwell 2 Standard Oil (N.J.)
2 Lockheed 2 Sandia Corp, 2 Grumman 3 Ford
(9 )
3 General Electric 3 General Electric 3 Boeing 4 General Electric (Et)
4 United Aircraft 4 DuPont 4 McDonnell~I)ouglas 5 Chrysler (is)
5 I\1cDonneI}-DoL1gIas S Reynolds Electrical 5 General Electric 6 Mobil
6 A.T.& T. 6 Westinghouse 6 I.e,m. 7 ].B.M. (917)
7 Boeing 7 Bendix 7 Bendix 8 Texaco

8 Ling Temco Vought 8 Holmes & Narvcr 8 Aerojet-General 9 Gulf Oil (09)
9 North American 9 Douglas Lnited 9 RCA I() U.S. Steel
(9 )
Rockwell Aircraft 11 A.T.&T.
10 General Motors O Dow Chemical! 10 Chrysler 12 Standard Oil
1I (617)
Capitalism clod the Military-Industrial Complex

11 Grumman I Goodyear Atomic l. I General Dynamics (Calif.)

21 (80
[2 AVC() Z Idaho Nuclear 12 TRW 13 DuPont
13 Textron 3 Aerojet-General 13 General Motors 14 Shell Oil
14 LiL10n 4 Atlantic Richfield 14 Ling Tempo Vought IS RCA (26)
15 Raytheon 5 E.G.&G. 15 Lockheed 16 McDonnell-Douglaa ( 5)

16 Sper1'y-Rand 6 Gulf General Atomic 16 Philco-Ford 1.7 Standard Oil (Ind,
17 Martin Mariette 7 fVlonsanto 1.7 Sperry Rand 18 Westinghouse
81 (L J
18 Kaiser Incluslries 8 Kerr-lv1'cGee 1.8 Martin Marietta 19 Boeing
L9 Ford 9 National Lead 19 T.w.A. 20 Swift (et)
20 Honeywell I) Mason & Hanger 20 Federal Electric 21 I.T.&T.
21 Olin Mathicson l North American 2l Catalytic-Dow 22 Goodyear Tire
Rockwell (joint venture) & Rubber
2 Homestake-Sapin 22 United Aircraft 23 General Telephone
EZ (Iv)
3 United Nuclear 23 Brown Engineering and Electronics
4 Pan American 24 Honeywell 24 Bethlehem Steel

PJ f`*"l or in

r~l H ("»I pa
5 Phillips Petroleum 25 Control Data 25 Union Carbide
Military Prima' Contract
U00 CrJnr;Jcrnie.s' c d T*ler'r LSI1¢»'JsirUrrry C'orf)0rc:.!io11.v /is/vra' Ac~cordir:;; lu Na! Valor' of Military Awards' (Fiscal
Cm1Irac{ Awards (Fiscal Year 1968). Department of Deism1
"Annual Report for I968, Atomic Energy Commitsion.
=1Ar1nual Pwcnrerrawzz Report, NASA (I-liscz1] Year 1968).
*500 I,a:'.(;exr U.S. lrzdusrricll (,'orporat1'on.s', Frlrlune Directory (1968).
5NL1mbcr in parentlusses indicates rank among one hundred largest l)l:fcnse Department contractors,
SOURCE: Richard F, Kaufman, "We MLISL Guard Against Unw'L1rrurlIcd Infiuencc by the Military-Industrial Complex," New York Times Magazine, 22 June 1969.



PercerN of Tofaf
Sechnr Employment in Sector

1. Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries 2.5

2. Mining 1.3
3. Construction 2.3
4. Ordnance and accessories 6.2
5. Textile and apparel products 3.4
6. Chemicals and allied products 2.1
7. Petroleum and refining 0.5
8. Rubber and plastic products 1.1
9. Other nondurable goods manufacturing* 3.5
10. Primary metals 4.5
II. Fabricated metals 2.9
12. Machinery, not electrical 5.9
13. Electrical equipment and supplies 13.3
14. Aircraft and parts 16.0
15. Other transpor ration equipment 3.2
16. Instruments 1.9
17. Other durable goods manufacturingl- 2.6
18. Miscellaneous manufacturing 0.3
19. Transportation; and warehousing 6.9
20. Communications and public utilities 2.1
21. Wholesale and retail trade 5.6
22. Finance, insurance and real estate 2.1.
23. Business services 4.3
24. Medical, educational services and nonprofit
organizations 3.2
25. Other services 1.7
Total, manufacturing 68.0
Total, all private employment 100,0

*Food and kindred products, tobacco, paper and related products, printing and publishing,
leather and leather products.
-I-Lumber and wood products. furniture and fixtures. stone, clay. and glass products.
SOURCE: R. Oliver. "The Employment Effect of Defense Expenditures," Monthly' Labor
Review (September 1967), Table 1, pp. 10-11.

Third, corporations in the civilian market Military spending is very important for a
have been racing to get a piece of the mili- large number of industries within manufac-
tary action. Between 1959 and 1962, years turing. As Table 9-D sizes, about
for which a. study was done, "manufacturing percent of all manufacturing output
firms outside the defense sector purchased as 1958 i attriautaHI- '.-military-related
137 coin_panics in the defense sector (i.c., expenditure; the corresponding figure i
aircrafT and parts, Hs and boats, ordnance, percent for the metal-working production
electrical machinery, scientific instruments sector, comprised of metals and metal prod-
and con1putc1°s).'l' By H ninety-tiircc ucts, nonelectrical machinery, electrical
top five hundred nlai1'CiT&i'Li_Iii'ig' mwrrs equipment and supplies, transportation
had diversified into the defeNse sector from equipment, ordnance, and instruments. The
a traditional nondefcn -1I percentage of profits attributable to military
"&1b1'd., pp. 2 1 5 _ ] 6 . spending are probably even higher, given
Capitalism and the Military-Industrial Complex 397

that profits rates are higher on military con~ But we shall go further and argue that the
tracts-as is shown below. entire capitalist economy has a stake in mili-
tarism. For military spending is responsible
for much of the economic growth the coun-
HOW GREAT A STAKE try has experienced in the postwar period.
IN THE MILITARY Without militarism, the whole economy
would return to the state of collapse from
Having seen that the military sector com- which it was rescued by the Second World
prises the very heart of Capitalist America, War.
we can now ask what stake the economy has Military spending has been a key force
in the existence of this Leviathan. behind the trend toward increasing concen-
First, we shall point out the stake of the tration of economic power. We have already
most privi leged and powerful segments of observed that prime contract awards are con-
the economy. Military spending is in large centrated among a small number of corpora-
part responsible for the increasing concen- tions, fifty firms in an average year get 60
tration of economic power in the hands of a percent of the procurement contract dollar,
small group. It plays a role in the perpetua- about 94 percent of the research, develop-
tion of substantial inequality among the pop~ ment and testing contract dollar." This makes
ulation as a whole. And it is a key factor the war industry much more concentrated
behind the profitability of many of Alnerica's !lA.D. Liitlc Co., "How Sick is the Defense
largest corporations. Industry," (1963).



Percent of Torn! Output

Attributable Io
Sector Military

1. Food and kindred products 1

2. Apparel and textile mill products 1
3. Leather products 3 .691
4. Paper and allied products 7
5. Chemicals and allied products 5
6.* Fuel and power .033

7. Rubber and rubber products .6

S. Lumber and wood products
9. Nonmetallic minerals and products .97
10. Primary metals 1 .4
11. Fabricated metal products U
12. Machinery, except electrical '7534385

13. Electrical equipment and supplies f)

14. Transportation equipment and ordnance q
15. Instruments and allied products 2 .2840

16. Misc. manufacturing industries S

17. Transportation 9
18. Construction 1
Average, metalworking industries {Sectors $0-15) 1 9

Average, all manufacturing (Sectors 1-I6) 1I S

Average, sectors 1-18 N6

SOURCE' Computed from Leontief and I-loffenbcrg. "Thc Economic Impact of T)is:1rma1'nc11t,so
Scientific American (April ] 9 6 l ) .

than the economy as a whole, where the top industry are at work OI1 military or space-
one hundred llrlns usually account for only related projects. Many of the scientists and
35 percent of the manufacturing sales. The engineers pursuing research in the universi-
business of the war industry goes to the big- tics receive money from the Pentagon.
gest firms and is used by them as a base from The military industries generally employ
which to expand their area of control. So it a highly skilled work force. A 1962 Depart-
is not surprising that between 1947 and 1963 ment of Labor study of the electronics in-
the top two hundred industrial corporations, dustry showed that at military- and space-
boosted by defense business, increased their oriented plants 59.2 percent of employees
share of total value added in the economy were highly paid engineers, executives, or
from 3() percent to 41 percent!" skilled blue-collar craftsmen. In the con-
LeL's look at the increasing concentration sumer-oriented plants of the same electronics
produced by military spending on an indus- industry, in contrast, 70.2 percent of the
try level. Almost all of military spending employees were semiskilled and unskilled
goes to the most concentrated industries in blue- and white-collar workers."' Profes-
the economy. The standard measure of con- sional and managerial workers comprise 22
centration in an industry is the percentage percent of all private defense-related employ-
of sales accounted for by the top four firms. ment, but only 15 percent of all U.S. manu-
Industries in which four firms monopolized facturing employment.' ' Thus, a large pro-
over so percent of the sales accounted for portion of the people in the most educated
about one-quarter of all sales by manufactur- strata, many still university-based, are tied
ing industries in. 1958.11 But 90 percent of by military spending to a vested interest in
all military contracts go to these most con- existing national priorities. A large number
centrated industries. The most powerful of blue-collar workers are engaged in mili-
elements in the_cconomy have a large stake tary-related work. The carrot the government
in the military production because of the can dangle in front of major union leaders
opportunities it provides them to increase has been a factor in their growing conserva-
the concentration of their economic control. tism and endorsement of Cold War policies.
Military expenditures have a political base Military spending has a regressive impact
far stronger than the magnitudes involved on the distribution of income within the U.S.,
would suggest. that is, benefits the rich and hurts the poor.
Military spending has also created privi- This is suggested by the higher proportion
Ieged interest groups within the occupational of professional and skilled workers in de-
structure; it is an important factor tying fcnse-related work. Computations by econo-
many professionals. universities, and labor mist Wassily Lconticf show that one dollar
union leaders to government policy. A large of military spending generates hall as many
number of the most highly trained people in jobs, but 20 percent more in salaries, then
the economy owe their jobs to defense does one dollar of civilian spending." This
spending. For example, nearly half of all 1-'4BL1.reau of Labor Statistics. Ifrflhvin. I963,
engineers and scientists employed in private (October 1963). p. 37.
T 'Joseph 'I:_ Fulton. "Employment Impact of
"'U.S. Census of Manufacturers, C'onccn1rc:- Changing Defense Programs." Mrmflily f.rlfJor Rr'-
tr'o/I Ratios in Mf4rzu!rxc"tnrf11.Q, 1963. rieu' 87, no. 5 (May 1964), p. 514.
NJ_ Bain. 1rrdu.s'l:-frrf Onqnniznfion (New York: T From W. Lconlicf and M. Hof:fenberg, "The
I968), p, 158. Economic Impact of Disarmament." Scicr: !f.ffc.-
1"U.S. Congress, Senate, "Ecr.momic Impact Americrm (April 1961): 9, and W. Leontief ct al.,
Analysis." op. oil. These industries. E13 we have "The Economic Effect-Industrial and Regionai-
already mentioned. are highly interdependent with of an Arms Cut." Review' of Er.-onomic's and Stn-
the rest of the economy. fistirs 47, no. 3 (August 1965), pp. 217--41.
Capitalism and the Military-Industrial Complex 399

means that tax money extracted from the reader is strongly urged to examine one or
whole population is paid out in such a way more of these documentations of the waste
as to his earners much more than and profiteering endemic to the military sec-
low earners. Perhaps by accident, or perhaps tor of the economy. These studies reveal that
by design, military spending is one of the the excesses and horror stories presented in
mechanisms by which higher income groups the mass media about the military contract-
use the government to prevent redistribution ing business are far from isolated or atypical
of income from taking place. examples. Where these studies fall short,
Last, but not least, the military sector is however, is in failing to emphasize that the
a source of enormous profits for the corpo- waste and profiteering have a systematic
rate elite. It is an organized system of gov- basis in the structure of the military "mar-
ernmental subsidy for corporate coffers, or ket." This market differs in several impor-
as C. Wright Mills called it, "socialism for tant respects from markets in the civilian
the rich." We can see how deeply wedded economy.
the corporate giants are to this arrangement Unlike other industries, military contract
by examining the opportunities the military work is not determined in a "market" at all,
sector presents to them. in any usually understood sense of the word.
Contracts are arrived at through negotiations
between a company and Pentagon contract-
ing officers. The arrangement is rife with
opportunities for the companies. Government
as purchaser is alleged to have the same in-
The attractiveness of the military market to
terest as a private consumer in cutting costs
big corporations-the opportunities for
and buying only what is needed. i n fact, this
growth and fantastic profits-has been dc-
is not the case. First of all, procurement of-
scribed by a number of journalists and muck-
ficers-who represent the government in
rakers.1" In recent years, the hearings con-
these affairs-have an interest as military
ducted by the Senate Subcommittee on
men in expanding the arsenal of weapons
Economy in Government (chaired by Sen-
and thus the power and prestige of their
ator William Proxmire) have provided
branch of service. And so long as there is
further glimpses into the shadowy world of
slack in the economy, higher-ups don't pres-
the military contractor. The mass media have
sure them to hold down costs. Second, if they
reported horror stories from these hearings
are on the lookout for their future in the
and tales of corporate greediness and bu-
business world, and they are, they have the
reaucratic favoritism gleaned from the Prox-
most appealing reasons for currying the favor
mire investigations have been retold in ex-
of the corporations with whom they are sup-
cellent analyses by Henry Nieburg, Walter
po§EEl'To 'lllnlilI' When they retire, many
Adams, Richard Kaufman, and by the Prox-
military men involved in procurement regu-
mire Committee itself (in its pamphlet, The
lation go directly to jobs in one of the de-
Ec'onom.ics' of Military Procuremc>nt).1T The
fense companies. In 1967, 2,072 retired
regular military oiiicers were employed by
1!'For.° example, F. Cook, T/IC Warfare' Stare
(New York: 1961), V. Perla, Militarism' and
lnfl'ustry (New York: 1963); and B. Nossiter. Must Guard Against Unwarranted TnRuer1ce by
The Myfl1frrak<'1'.s' (Boston: 1964). Ch. 6. the Military'-Industrial Complex." New York
HH. Nieburg, In the Name of Scienfc' (Chr Times A/!rr.l,»azf:1£*. 22 June 1969; U S. CI Congress.
cage: 1966), W. Adams, "The Military-Industriai Senate. Joint Economic Committee. The Eco-
Complex and the New Industrial Stale," A.=nw':k.~au n o r r i s of .Milft<zrv I'.I'QC{U'(1}71£'1l[ (Washington.
Economic R@vrlc=w (May 1968), R. Kaufman, "We D.C.: Govt. Printing Office, 1969).

the ninety-tive top contractors. The top ten on a cost-plus basis, his profits go up three
contractors had an average of 106 former times also.
oncers E1 piece on their payrolls.1f* Companies do not lose their privileged
Contracting is supposed to take place status if their weapons do not meet up to
competitively. In fact, it almost never does. specifications or perform properly. A recent
Any one of ET catalogue full of. excuses can study of thirteen major aircraft and missile
be reason for by-passing the competitive bid- programs since 1955, which cost in total
ding procedure, for example, if the item is forty billion, revealed that only four of these
critical, if delivery is urgent, if security con- (costing five billion) performed at as much
siderations preclude it, etc.; 90 percent of the as 75 percent of the design specifications.
Pentagon's contract dollars are negotiated Yet the companies with the poorest perform-
under such "exceptions.as19 ance records reported the highest profits."
The exotic technologies involved in weap- What this all amounts to, of course, is
ons provide a perfect opportunity for boon- that profits for defense work are higher than
doggles. Only specialists understand what is those in every industry except pharmaceuti-
a superfluous and what is a necessary ex- cals. This is obscured by the Defense De-
penditure. This allows for enormous padding partment, which sometimes releases profits
and excessive costs, as a number of Senate computed as a percentage of sales or costs.
investigations have charged. A contractor But, in the normal. business world, profits
may sell the Pentagon a two billion dollar are figured as a percentage of in-=eslment.
missile when a one billion dollar one would Defense contractors invest very little of their
have worked equally well. Subcontracting own money because in most cases the gov-
creates the opportunity for pyratniding ernment provides most of the investment
profits on multiple tiers of subcontracts. and working capital needed by contractors
Moreover, once a contractor has done some to set up plants and machinery and to buy
work on a weapons system-whether in an- the necessary materials and parts. The profits
other contract or in a research and develop- when measured against investment are often
ment study--he obtains a virtual monopoly huge.
over the area. Since he is the only one with A study by Murray Weidenbaum, form-
relevant experts and the relevant experience, erly an economist for the Boeing Company
the government is stuck with giving him the and now Assistant Secretary of the Treasury,
business. It is practically impossible to over- of a sample of large defense contractors
see and account for the operations in these showed that between 1962 and 1965 they
areas. Both the complex technology and se- earned 17.5 percent on investment, com-
curity considerations bar most outsiders. pared to average civilian market earnings
So there is no bad blood created when of 10.6 percent." And this probably under-
costs of production far overrun those that states the ease. Many military contractors also
were written into the contract. Final costs sell in the civilian market. The machinery
average 320 percent of the original cost esti- provided free by the Pentagon, the allocation
mates." That is, the average contractor ends of all overhead costs to military contracts.
up charging the government over three times and the technological edge gained in cost-
the cost estimate he initially submitted to plus military contracts can be of enormous
"win" the contract. Since most contracts are importance in increasing profits on civilian
sales for firms doing some business with the
1 oR. Kaufman, op. cir., p. 70.
in The E(.'OI1OI?1iCS Of Mih'Mfry Pr0¢"lf/f'c'Hie1r/' op. " I T S Economy :'c.'s of .'14£h'mry ProFu'u'<'nrc=Hr, op.
cir., p, 4. (.'in'., p_ 1.
"UPeck and Scherer, op. air. 22Wcidenbaum, op. Ffif., p. 56.
Capitalism and the Military-Industrial Complex 401

Pentagon. In one of the most outrageous returned to taxpayers and corporations in

cases that has come to light, a tax count the form of tax cuts. This would quickly be
showed in 1962 that North_Arneriean Avia- ploughed back into the economy in the form
tion Company had realized profits of 612 of increased consumption and increased in-
percent and 802 percent on its investment vestinent-no slowdown necessary. There
O11 "military" contracts in two successive are few proponents of this view left.
years. Most everybody understands today that
Everyone-except the Pentagon, of course high levels of government spending are nec-
-agrees that laxity and profiteering are essary for economic stability and growth.
part and parcel of military procurement. The depression of the 1930s illustrated the
Liberals take this to be indicative of the way incredible levels of unemployment and busi-
in which the military complex has escaped ness lethargy the system would generate if
~the normal cheeks and balances of the politi- left alone, Only World War It showed how
cal process. To radicals, this seems a gross to cope with the problem. Massive levels of
understatement of reality. Politicians, bu- government spending in defense were nee-
reaucrats, and businessmen all know that cssary to create demand and alleviate unem-
these "excesses" exist. These "excesses" are ployment, In the post-war period too, mili-
not a subversion of normal government pro- tary spending has been responsible for a large
cedure-they are the normal government part of the economic growth that has taken
procedure. place. The fluctuation of military spending
The waste and profiteering ` ` has virtually determined the cyclical pattern
nous amount of military spending-are of the economy. Declines in military spend-
not aberrations or mistakes. Waste is winked ing have been followed by declines in overall
at because the entire economy has a stake in economic growth.
it. Not all advanced capitalist countries have
Of course, military men dabble in corrupt leaned on military spending to the extent the
practices. Of course, large corporation.5 use United States has. In part this is because the
strong-arm pressures to obtain favors. But United States, as the most industrialized
waste of this magnitude is neither simple country in the world, has the greatest prob-
profiteering nor economic gangsterism. Mus-- lem of inadequate aggregate demand. But
sive, wasteful military spending is allowed there .is more to American militarism than
to exist because it fulfills a need of the sys- this. After World War II, the United States
tem as a whole. The waste is what helps mili- emerged as by far the dominant leader of
tary spending fulfill its function: providing a the worldwide capitalist system- It took on
cushion to ward off stagnation and economic the task of defending the "Free World." This
crisis. required £1 large military establishment, and
the United States, the only country with its
industrial economy intact after World War
II, was the only country capable of taking
on this role. Furthermore, the necessity of
rebuilding in Western Europe and. Japan
Among liberal optimists, one used to be
postponed aggregate demand problems in
able to find those who argued that .govern-
these countries for almost two decades-the
ment spending of any kind could be cut with
destruction of antiquated machinery also re-
no ill effects on long-run economic growth.
moved some of the fetters on production.
The money freed from spending could be
Hence, the United States was far more in
"OR. Kaufman, op. ( i f . need of a stimulus for demand than other

advanced capitalist countries. Finally, the military spending increased from l billion to
tradition of "etatisme" is much stronger in 77 billion, GNP shot up in the same years
Western Europe, where most governmental to 211.4 billion.
functions are highly centralized. The de- Spending on arms succeeded where social
centralized and multilevel nature of govern- services spending had failed, because only
ment in the United States provides an addi- government spending on arms can be enor-
tional letter on civilian government spending. mous and expandable almost without limit.
Liberals do not deny that arms spending Why is this so'? For one, only military spend-
has served the necessary function of averting ing is so amenable to waste that can be made
stagnation. But they argue that other forms publicly and politically acceptable. Second,
of public sector spending are equally feasi- only military spending can expand so freely
ble. Instead of weapons, the Federal govern- without damaging the basic framework of
ment could sponsor vast projects to improve the economy. Massive social spending would
health, education, housing, transportation, compete with the private sector, it would
etc., etc.-some even envisage a "domestic damage the labor market, it would clash
.Marshall plan." head on with hundreds of powerful vested
But in order to provide an equivalent ag- interests at every level of the economy.
gregate economic stimulus, social welfare Given such opposition, social spending could
spending like that called for by liberals never expand adequately to fill the economic
would have to be roughly the same magni- gap. Consider the factors that allow the
tude- as the present level of military spend- enormous size, rapid expandability, and
ing. It would have to be just as expandable wastefulness of the military budget.
to keep pace with the growth of the econ~ First, a convenient rationalization of the
orny. Can social welfare spending do this? need for massive armaments expenditures
The historical answer seems to be no. exists. The ideology of anticommunism and
.Massive civilian government spending was the Cold War has been drummed into poli-
tried as a stimulus in the 1930s and failed. ticians and public alike for over twenty
In the depths of the depression, one of the years. This is E1 powerful force behind de-
impulses of the New Deal had been to in- fense spending as well as a general legiti-
crease social spending to stimulate the econ~ mizer of capitalism.
my back to life, Between 1929 and 1939 Second, armaments are rapidly consumed
government expenditures on nondefense pur- or become obsolete very quickly. Bombers
chases and transfer payments nearly doubled get shot down over Vietnam, ammunition
from 9.1 billion dollars in 1929 to 17.8 gets used up or captured, and so on. More
billion dollars in 1939.24 But this stimulus important, the technology of advanced weap-
was not enough-the economy hardly ons systems becomes obsolete as fast as de-
budged. The GNP in the same period fense experts can think of "improvements"
slumped from 104.4 billion to 91.1 billion over cxistine weapons systems (or as soon
and unemployment rose from 3.2 to 17.2 as Soviet experts do). Thus, many weapons
percent. Enough stimulus was just not gen- systems have proved obsolete even before
erated by social spending. But government production on them was completed. The de-
spending on arms, once the war mobilization mand for weaponry is a bottomless pit.
had begun, was enough-exactly what the Third, the kind of machinery required
disease called for. Between 1939 and 1944, for armament production is highly specific
to particular armaments. So each time a new
*Boron and Sweezy, op. C~ir,, p. 159, weapon is needed or a new process created,
Ccxpitalism cmd the Military-Industrial Complex 403

all existing production machinery must be Furthermore, there are generally accessi-
scrapped. Extensive retooling at very great ble yardsticks to ascertain how well social
new outlays is required. needs have been met. The public knows
Fourth, there is no generally agreed upon when adequate and convenient public trans-
yardstick for measuring how much defense portation is available. No one would want
we have. How do we know when an ade- to extend it out to a suburb that did not exist.
quate level of military security is achieved? In general, social spending beyond a cer-
National Security Managers can always claim tain point cannot be rapidly and wastefully
that by some criteria what we have is not expanded. The difference here is that invest-
enough. Terms like nuclear parity and su- ment in social services deals with people. not
periority are easily juggled. Military men objects like weapons. People are much more
always have access to new "secret intelli- resists allowing their lives to be domi-
gence reports" not available to the general nated by the priorities of waste-even if it
public. Since few people are willing to gas docs help to keep the economy running.
b e with national defense, the expertise of the For example, what would happen if a
managers is readily accepted. Politicians and housing project were built in the same way
the general public have little way of ade as a new missile? If a. missile doesn't work,
quately questioning their judgment. the company is excused and the planners go
These factors combine so that defense ex- back to their drawing boards armed with
penditures can be enormous and expandable another huge contract. Since it already has
probably without limit. But the same is not the expertise, the same company is more
the case for social services spending. The than likely to get a new missile contract.
above factors are all highly specific to the Imagine the political repercussions of a
military sector. lousy, but expensive, housing project? The
No readily available rationalization yet tenants complain, a public scandal is de-
exists behind massive social service spend- clared, and all contracts are canceled. The
ing. Of course, everyone has to admit health housing bill has a rough going the next time
care, hospitals, and schools are good, but it comes up in the legislature.
that docs not mean they are prepared to see So social spending can never provide the
masses of federal tax dollars funneled into opportunities for waste that are provided by
these areas. military spending. But this is not the most
Investments in social facilities are usually important reason why social spending is it
durable-they do not become obsolete very possible. For massive social spending inev-
quickly and are not rapidly consumed. Right itably interferes with the basic operations of
now, of course, there are plenty of unmet a capitalist system. How does this occur?
needs in these areas. But once everyone is First, many kinds of social spending put
provided with a decent house, once there are the government in direct competition with
new schools and health clinics stocked with particular industries and with the private
materials, then what? They cannot be im- sector as a whole. This is taboo in a capital-
mediately torn down and built all over again. ist economy. For example, in the government
The technology of social welfare facile built low-cost housing in large amounts,~it
ties is not particularly exotic. Very conven- would cut heavily into profits of private
tional standards exist to tell us how much a builders and landlords who own the existing
house should cost and how much a hospital housing stock. It would add to the supply
should cost. There is no possibility for of housing and take land away from private
enormous padding here to absorb funds. developers who w a i t to use it for commer-

c a l purposes. Similarly, building e1§'ecrfve the capitalist labor market is that workers
public transportation would compete with have no income source other than the sale
automobile interests. of their labor power. Capitalist ideology
Any one of these interests taken by itself has long made a cardinal rule that govern-
might not be sufficient to put insurmountable ment must not interfere with this incentive
obstacles in the way of social spending. Most to work. Powerful political forces thus op-
social service programs affect only one erate to insure that direct income subsidiza-
particular set of interests in the private tion at adequate levels can never come into
economy. But there are so many forms of being.
potential interference. Each of the vested in- Third, social service spending is opposed
terests are aware of this and so work to help because it threatens the class structure. Educ
one another out- They fuel a general ideol- cation, for example, is a crucial stratifica-
ogy that says that too much social spending tion mechanism that determines who gets to
is dangerous. They refer to creeping social- the top and legitimizing their position there.
ism, the dangers of bureaucracy, the faith Good universal education, extending through
in individualism and self-help, and the un- college, worM-fl put the whole system of in-
pleasant image of giving handouts to those equality into uestion. Moreover, having the
p a - a n
. . . . . . ...

who don't deserve it. The spectre of inter- r Q .

mug advanced education
ference haunts all those in the private sector.would undermine the labor market as well.
So they engage in the practice of "log-roll- Few workers would settle so willingly for
ing." You oppose interference with me, and the miserable, low paying jobs they now do.
I'll oppose interference with you. Massive Finally, good social services, since they
political opposition to rather minor increases give people security, comfort, and satisfac-
in social spending is thus forged. Further- tion, that is, fulfill real needs, interfere with
more, the capitalist system as a whole is the market in consumer goods. Corpora-
threatened by massive governmental social tions can only sell people goods in an econ-
spending because the very necessity of pri- omy of. abundance by playing on their un-
vate owncrsliip and control over production satislied needs and yearnings. In an era when
is thereby called into question. The basic most basic necessities have been provided,
assumption in any capitalist society that these new needs are mostly artificially cre-
goods and services should be produced by ated, the need for status, sex appeal, etc.
private enterprise according to criteria of They are based on fears and anxieties and
marltet profitability also fuels the general dissatisfactions that people have and that are
ideology limiting social spending. continually pandered to by the commercial
Second, social spending upsets the labor world. But if people's needs were being ful-
market, one of the essential institutions of' filled by the public sector, that is, if they had
a capitalist economy. Public expenditures on access to adequate housing, effective trans-
an adequate welfare program would make it portation, good schools, alld good health
difficult for employers to get workers. If the care, they would be much less prey to the
government provided adequate nonwage in- appeals of the commercial hucksters. These
come without social stigma to recipients, forms of collective consumption would have
many workers would drop out of the labor interfered with the demand for consumer
force rather than take low paying and un- products in the private market.
pleasant jobs. Those who stayed at jobs In addition, massive social services spend-
would be less likely to put up with demean- ing runs up against the obstacles of the exist-
ing working conditions. The whole basis of ing vested interests in the social services
Capitalism and the Military-lndustriol Complex 405

sector itself. The AMA opposes the exten- are well aware that social service spending
sion of federal aid to medical education and has in the past been very capricious. Since
is thereby able-in part with corporate as~ the impetus behind a conversion program
sistance from the drug companies--to limit might well dry up after a few years, corpo-
the supply of doctors produced each year. rations are reluctant to make large long~term
Entrenched civil service b111°eaucracies find commitments for fear of becoming ship-
grave threats in extensive Federal interven- wrecked. The risk of navigating uncharted
tion in local programs. The list could be pro- waters is large. No convincing proof will
longed indefinitely. ever be offered that conversion is profitable
The opposition of vested interests, the like defense has been profitable.
constraints of capitalist institutions and a There have been attempts by major de-
much lower potential for expandability- fense contractors in the last twenty-live years
these are the most important factors dis- to initiate large-scale conversion. But almost
tinguishing the social service sector from the without exception, M e have been failures.
military weapons sector. Military spending Murray Weidenbaurn, the expert on military
is acceptable to all corporate interests. lt economics cited earlier,__has reviewed the his-
does not compete with already existing in- tory of these efforts from the end of World
dustries, it does not undermine the labor War II to the late 19605.25 He concludes
market, it does not challenge the class struc- his survey of early diversification efforts as
ture. Social spending does all these things follows:
and, thus, faces insurmountable obstacles
for its own expansion. Liberals have not Most of I/re diver5il'ic.'atfor1. fzcf tivities by the
been able to overcome these obstacles to rrrajor, specirrtfzed' defense contractors which
were begun at the end of World We* H
obtain even small increases in social serv- were abandoned as unsuccessful or marginal
ices. How can they expect to overcome these or sold IFJ firntv traditionally oriented to in-
obstacles on the massive scale that would ctusfriat or COf?.YlH?I€?' markets. 1'he expan-
be needed if the defense outlet were cut off? .don of the mffitary budget brought on by
The facile liberal response to this argu- the Korean War .soon turned the primary
attention o.f these firms back t o the military
ment-one that views the problem in an ab- market. When. facet! with the alterna time,
stract fashion is that "anything can be few aircra]'t c"onlparf.ies preferred to manu-
made appealing" to corporations just by facf tore powered wheelbarrows or busses
making the incentive sufficiently large, With rather than bomber or fglxter airplanes.
enough promised profit, defense corpora-
tions can be lured away from defense to just Efforts at diversification after the Korean
about anything. Even assuming that a total War were equally unsuccessful:
giveaway to corporations could be some-
Most of these industrial diversification efforts
how made politically palatable-a dubious outside of aerospace fields have since been
assumption-this view lacks plausibility. abandoned. The surviving diversification
Corporations do not make large scale in- programs continue generally at marginal

vestment decisions just in terms of short- levels--ez'rller actually losing money, barely
breaking even, or as best .showing profit
term profit from a particular project. Their results below typical military business re-
minimum horizon is much greater, and a turns.
substantial element of inertia operates. First,
what is to convince corporations that there 25See Weidenbaum. H, Ch. lirecent
expression of corporate sentiment on version
are long-term growth opportunities in the can be found i l ' l series
articles by rnard
social services sector? Corporate executives Nossiter in the Waslzfrrgtorl Post. December 1968.

The explanation of these failures is offered gendered a strong conviction that inadequate
by Weidenbaum, many top corporate execu- commercial opportunities d xist for com-
panies which have become oriented pri-
tives were convince that military spending marily to government work. [Italics ao'ded.]
would continue to $4hand, perhaps a self-
fulfilling prophecy: The corporate elite is not going to sponsor
El move away from military expenditures on
. . . the
belief of the top managements (is) its own. If they continue to oppose con-
that there are adequate sales opporturtfnbs
i n government work and that :he pro fit rates version, and we have every reason to believe
are, in anything, higher than on risky com~ they will, there is little reason to believe their
mercfal ventures. Interviews with chief opposition can be overcome within the ex-
executives of the defense industry repeat- isting political and economic framework.
edly brought out their firm belief in the
The conclusion which emerges: the military
long~1e1'm nature and rising trend of the
military market. Also, their many prior un- sector is just too crucial to capitalist sta-
sttmessftrf diversification attempts have en- bility and to capitalist profits.


Further reading is recommended in Gorz, excerpted in Section 9.5. One of several ex-
Strategy for Labor, especially Chapter 4, cellent studies on the American rnilitary~
as cited in the source line for section 9.4. industrial complex is Lens [5]; others are
A classic statement and analysis of the prob- cited in the footnotes to the essay by Reich
lem of surplus absorption in a modern capi- and Finkelhor in Section 9.6.
talist society is provided in Boron [1], Chap-
[1] Boron, Paul A. The Political Economy of
ters 1-4. Thi s analysis is applied more Growth. 2nd ed. New York: Monthly
thoroughly and more specifically to the Review Press, 1962
United States in Baran and Sweezy [2], [2] Boron, Pau] A., and Sweezy, Paul M. B40-
Chapters 4-8 are especially relevant and nopoly Capital. New York: Monthly
most useful. Lichtman [61 examines the role Review Press, 1.966.*'
of consumerism in the stabilization of capi- [3] Gordon, David M., ed. Problems in PolM-
c:aI Economy: A n Urban Pef'.s"pec:2'ive.
talist society, while Willis [8] criticizes much Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath & Co.,
radical theory on consumerism as elitist and l97l.*
basically reactionary. In a rather dry but [4] Kopp, K. William. Social Costs of B.u.sfnes.s'
useful exposition, Kapp [4] analyzes the Enterprise. 2nd ed. New York: Asia
various ways in which a private enterprise Publishing House, 1963.
[51 Lens, Sidney. The Military-Induslrial Corn-
system .leads to significant social problems. pfex. Philadelphia: The Philadelphia
Gordon [3] reprints a great variety of essays Pilgrim Press, 1970.
on the problems of the contemporary United [6] Lichtman, Richard. "Capitalism and Con-
States; Parts VL-IX contain numerous il- sumption," .S'oczlulist Revolution no. 3
lustrations of the irrationality associated with (May-June 1970): 83-95.
[7] Ramparts & no. 11, (May l 970) Ecology
the fields of health, housing, transportation, Special.
and the environment. Ramparts [7] has de- [8] Willis, Ellen. "Consumerism and Women."
voted a full issue to a set of stimulating Socialist Revoliiiion 1, no. 3 (May-June
essays on the ecological crisis of modern ] 9 7 0 ) I 76-82.
capitalism, including the Bookchin essay *Available in paperback editions.

~<;<».¥ "

rwe 5 \


UP TO now, WE HAVE DISCUSSED THE CAPI- exercised on behalf of the capitalist class in
talist system as if it were more or less self- order to overcome nationalist and other
contained within national boundaries and, in types of resistance to capitalist expansion.
particular, within the United States. It is ex- In the modern world of nation-states, this
tremely important to recognize, however, power is most often exercised through politi-
that capitalism cannot be so contained- cal control and--when necessary-military
that, in its very essence, it is bound to be intervention. Thus imperialism necessarily
international. Since expansion is funda- involves the extension of control by the
mental to the capitalist mode of production) stronger capitalist powers over the weaker
it is inevitable that sooner or later barring countries and territories within the world
major disruptions of the world economy- capitalist system as a whole.
capitalist firms should cross national bound- Expansion, control, and intervention are,
aries and link distant areas together within of course, not unique to capitalism. A read-
one and the same economic system. ing of world history suggests that empire-
We will define imperialism very simply building has been the rule rather than the
as the internationalization of capitalism. It exception for human societies. The point of
manifests itself most visibly in the flow of this chapter is not to argue that expansionist
private capital from stronger capitalist na- drives arise only out of at capitalist society
tions to weaker foreign countries and terri- but to examine the particular form that ex-
tories. Less visible but more significant is pansionism takes under capitalism. This
the extension of capitalist social and cco- concern is warranted both by the dominant
nomic institutions to areas hitherto charac- position of capitalism in the modern world
terized by preeapitalist institutions. Imperial- and by the particularly tenacious character
ism is the process whereby labor is alienated of capitalist expansion, Ilist is, irnpcriahsm.
and (with land) turned into a marketable The process of capitalist expansion has a
commodity on an international scale." As long history. The early explorations of Eu-
a result, the inequality, alienation, irra- ropean explorers in the fifteenth and six-
tionality, and so on, that characterize na- teenth centuries were largely precapitalist,
tional capitalist systems arc compounded motivated by a spirit of acquisition and
within a single world capitalist system that plunder rather than capital accumulation.
benctits the few at the expense of the many. Nonetheless, they did serve as an important
In order to facilitate the international ex- source of primitive capital accumulation:
pansion of capitalist firms and the interna- the profits from foreign ventures returned
tional extension of capitalist institutions, the home and ultimately helped to stimulate the
capitalist state must play an active role. The rise of the new capitalist class. With the rise
development of capitalism within the rich of capitalism in England and later in other
capitalist nations required that power be European countries, the race to buildup
exercised by the nisi"I capitalist- class h overseas empires as a basis for economic ex-
order to overcome the manlolnstaclcs to its pansion was onLlJ'- and it reached its peak in
hegemony." Similarly, M internationaliza- the late nineteenth and ca twentieth cen-
tion of capitalism requires that power be turies as competing European powers fought
to carve up the world. In the nineteenth and
'See Edwards. Section 3.2, p. 98. early twentieth centuries, vast amounts of
"See the introduction to Chapter 3. p. 88, and capital loved out of Europe and into the
Folanyi Section 3.1, for an analysis of the funda- lesser developed regions of the world, help-
mental significance of alienated labor and market-
able land and labor for capitalism. ing to establish the political and economic
"See. for example, Marx, Section 2.4, p- 61. predominance of the major capitalist powers

Capitalist Expansion, Ideology and Intervention 409

and providing a base for lucrative economic modern imperialism is characterized by the
gains for the rich at the expense of the poor* progressive welding of national capitalist
The competitive imperialism of the early economies into a single world capitalist sys-
twentieth century-based largely but not tem dominated by the United States. Just as
entirely on direct colonial control of over- the nature of capitalism has evolved over
seas territories-was shaken by the disrup- time, so the competitive imperialism of the
tive events of the first half of the twentieth nineteenth century has become the "monop-
century. Two world wars, a major world- oly imperialism" of the twentieth century.
wide depression, and a series of revolutions In Chapter 4 we examined the way in
that took one third of the population of the which the unit of business enterprise under
world out of the capitalist orbit, altered com- capitalism has evolved from the small family
pletely the shape of the world economy. lira to the multinational corporation? Based
Since the end of World War II, a new most often in the United States, its opera-
imperialist system has been rising to take tions extend over all that part of the world
the place of the old one. Once again, the which is "safe for free enterprise." The mul-
logic of capitalism has dictated the expan- tinational corporation, in spearheading the
sion of capitalist firms into the world arena. international integration of the capitalist sys-
In contrast to the earlier period of competi- tem, is clearly the exemplary institution of
tive imperialism, however, the postwar in- modern imperialism.
ternationalization of capitalism has been The readings in this section are intended
dominated by the single major capitalist to demonstrate the importance of interna-
power that emerged with overwhelming eco- tional expansion to the capitalist system and
nomic strength after World War II: the some of its major damaging consequences.
United States. In the wake of the world wars These consequences include militarism at the
and the dismantling of the old European center of the world capitalist system and
colonial empires that ensued, United States Underdevelopment in the periphery. For, on
business has increasingly penetrated not only the one hand, the maintenance of the world-
the economies of the underdeveloped capi- wide capitalist system in the face of opposi-
talist countries but also those of the other tion not only from the socialist world but
advanced capitalist countries. As a result, also-increasingly-from within the capi-
talist system itself (among the many victims
*The benefits of the capital investment made in of capitalist expansion) requires an increas-
the lesser developed regions accrued primarily to ingly powerful military force. On the other
the owners of the capital in the form of profit
remittances and debt payments. Much of the in- hand, the very logic of capitalist expansion
vestment was geared to the export of raw ma- involves uneven development: development
terials for the home market and had little favor- in one part of the world capitalist system
able impact on the I economy.
Singer, "The Distribution of Gains Between In-
implies underdevelopment elsewhere.
vesting and Borrowing Counties," American Eco-
nomic Review 40, no. 2 (May 1950): 473-»85. 5Sce Hymn, Section 4.2, p. 156.

] 0.1 Capitalist Expansion, Ideology, and Intervention

In the first chapter of this book, Ngo Vinh Long described in chilling
detail some aspects of the American impact on Vietnam." There
1 See Long, Section 1.6. p. 30.

is clearly no more blatant and destructive example of modern imperialism

than the Vietnam War. Yet the very magnitude and horror of the United
States involvement in Vietnam has suggested to many observers that this
is a unique phenomenon, an aberration rather than a natural consequence
of A-meriean capitalist society.
In the following essay Arthur MacE van argues to the contrary that the
Vietnam War is only the most obvious example of a consistently imperial-
ist American foreign policy and that imperialism necessarily arises from
a capitalist system. MacEwan's essay develops further and in much greater
detail some of the points raised initially in the introduction to this chapter.
He shows first that the logic of capitalist expansion leads inevitably to
the flow of capital across national boundaries and that large monopolistic
firms tend to dominate the expansionary process. He then goes on to dis-
cuss the role of the state in the expansion of capitalism, and he illustrates
this role with a brief look at the history of United States foreign policy
since the turn of the century. Finally, MacE van examines the critical role
of capitalist ideology in supporting an imperialist foreign policy.

Source: The following essay was written by ARTHUR MACEWAN for this
book. Another version mmis essay was published in Upstart, No. 2
(May 1971). Copyrights E972 by Arthur MacE van. Printed by per-
mission of the author.

The war in Vietnam has forced us all to ask rural-it is in its most fundamental sense an
questions about the foreign policy of the economic phenomenon. That is, this inter-
United States. Such an intlugy reveals that national extension of control has its basis in
the United States hl a long history of inter- the economic organization of American so-
vening-militarily, politically, economically ciety. Within a capitalist economic system-
-in the affairs of other n aamaze
y.. inter- and the U.S. is the most advanced capitalist
vention in Vietnam is unusual only in that system in history-there are basic forces
it has developed into a full scale war that the which push that system toward expansion.
U.S. is unable to win. This expansion carries with it an extension
In order to understand the origins of the of control, hence, a capitalist system neces-
Vietnam War, it would thus be an error to sarily develops into an imperialist system.
coniine oneself to the history and immedi-
ate bases of that particular military inter~ THE EXPANSION OF CAPITAL
venation. The Vietnam War should be ex-
amined in the context of the entire history The fundamental principle of operation for
of U.S. foreign involvement. This history re- the capitalist iirrn is the search for profits.
veals the extent to which the United States This principle has its origins in purely com-
has extended its control over other nations. petitive conditions, where a failure to con-
It is this extension of control, in all of its tinually find new ways to expand the profit
aspects, that .I shall describe by the term margin will lead to the failure of the firm.
"imperialism." To the modern capitalist economy of the
While United States imperialism operates United States, where monopolistic market
in many spheres-political, economic, cul- conditions dominate, it is certainly not the
Copiiolist Expansion, Ideology and Intervention 411

case that at every moment the survival of the market may not be sufficient to take ad-
large firm is in danger if it slackens its search vantage of economies of scale, and interna-
for profits. Nonetheless, foreign firms, tional sales are necessary if production is
smaller domestic firms, and firms producing to be profitable. In each case profitability
substitutable products present $1 challenge is, of course, the criterion of geographic
that cannot be ignored. Moreover, in order expansion, but profitability is often limited
to protect their profits, large firms must be by uncertainty, lack of information, and po-
attuned to shifts in demand and changes in litical or economic instability. These factors
labor and resource supply conditions. These can be significant barriers to the geographic
pressures translate into the general operating expansion of the small firm.
rule: continually pursue the search for For the large monopolistic firm, such mat-
profits.1 ters of information, uncertainty, and insta-
The search for profits is a process which bility are of less importance. In confronting
takes on many forms. One form is the intro- each of these problems, the large firm has a
duction of new techniques of production and natural advantage. It has the facilities to gain
organization which allow cost reductions. knowledge and gauge the possibility for
The introduction of new techniques is often profits, and it can help insure its investments
associated with a dependence upon expan- against instability. There are additional rea-
sion in the size of the enterprise's operation. sons why the monopolistic firm is apt to
For example, an extension of the division of place particular importance upon interna-
labor-that hallmark of capitalist efficiency tional expansion of its markets. First, simply
-is almost always dependent upon an CX- in order to maintain its monopolistic posi-
pansion of sales. in this manner, technical tion, it must control markets outside its orig-
change in the production process is often in~ inal sphere of operation, Otherwise new
tricately bound up with another form of the firms may develop in those areas and even-
search for profits, namely, the search for tually threaten the original base of operation.
new markets. Whether or not cost-cutting The consequences of. a failure to control
innovations are introduced, the opening of new markets is clear from the development
new markets allows an expansion of sales of the European and Japanese automobile
without a corresponding decline in price. In industries and their subsequent inroads on
the absence of increasing costs, new markets U.S. markets. While U.S. firms did attempt
thus provide a basis for expanding profits. to control through the purchase of some
Particularly important for the purposes European firms (e.g., Opel) they were un-
of this essay is that the search for markets able to halt the European competition."
will often involve an expansion of the geo- Second, in the same manner that it will
graphic sphere of operations. Geographic ex- search for new products rather than expand
pansion has many advantages. Por a firm its own product line, the monopolistic firm
operating in a competitive industry, geo- will s e e l t o expander new markets rather
graphic expansion allows the exploitation of than expand and cut profits (through a low-
markets where the downward pressure on ering of the price) in its basic market. This is
prices is not so severe. For firms selling a exemplified by the pharmaceuticals industry,
relatively new product, the size of the local
2Et'ncst Mandel, Europe vs. America (New
1Por a more thorough discussion of the profit- York' Monthly Review Press, 1970), provides
making orientation of the capitalist firm, see much information and an analysis of the com-
Edwards, Section 3.2, p. 98, and Boron and petition for markets among enterprises from ad-
Sweezy, Section 4.3, p. 161. vanced capitalist nations.

which is notorious for its monopolistic prac- son operations in new areas is a means to
tices in the U.S. and which has become a exploit the markets of those areas. Some-
leader in the development of international times the nature of the product is such that
markets.3 it is necessary or desirable to undertake
In addition to the search for new markets, production, or at least the final stages of
there are other forms of the international production, close to the market in which it
search for profits. The availability of raw is sold. The refining of oil, the processing
materials has always drawn capitalist enter- or packaging of food products (Coca-Colal),
prises throughout the world. While a firm the provision of a. service, and construction
of any size may be attracted by the profita- projects all provide examples. Sometimes
bility of obtaining raw materials, it is the legal restrictions of the host country tar-
large monopolistic firm that is particularly iffs, for example require that a product be
active and successful. In the first place, the produced in the area where it is to be sold.
exploitation of raw materials often requires This is true of the automobile industry in
large capital resources. Second, the large Mexico and in several other Latin American
firm which is vertically integrated (e.g., the countries. insofar as the establishment of
bauxite-aiuminum-aluminum products com- production operations in a new area is based
panies) and thus uses the raw materials and on such motives, it often involves not a
sells the final product often has a special complete operation but only the final assem-
advantage. Third, and perhaps most impor- bly of a product.
tant, the monopolistic firm is concerned On the other hand, production activities
about control. Whatever the narrow prolix are frequently established in E1 new area in
ability of obtaining particular raw materials, order to exploit the relatively low~cost labor
controlling their supply is often important in that area. The assembly of electronic
to the large firm which must continue to components in Taiwan, punching IBM cards
insure that other firms do not make inroads in Hong Kong, making shoes in Italy, and
on its realm. The petroleum industry is the hand typesetting in several countries have
most prominent example of an international all been developed by U.S. industries to
exploiter of raw materials, and it exhibits avoid the relatively high labor costs at home.
each of these advantages of monopolistic op- As with other types of international expan-
eration. Aluminum, copper, and other min- sion, we can expect the monopolistic enter-
eral industries also provide stood examples# prise to take the lead in the international
Another form which the internationaliza- exploi ration of labor. In terms of its ability
tion of business takes is the extension to I1CW to control and to transfer technology, its
areas of the production process itself. On ability to secure sufficient demand tor the
the one hand, the establishment of produc- new production enterprise, an.d its political
ability to cope with the local population as a
-"Michael Kidron, Foreign Im=c.s' in: India work force, the large firm has marked ad-
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1965),
Ch. 4, Section 5, provides a particularly interest-
ing description of the inroads of Western pharma- In summary, the basic method of opera-
ceutical firms into the Indian market. tion of the capitalist firm leads to interna-
*For accounts of the operations of the petro- tional expansion in several ways. While the
leum industry that develop these points see: M .
Tanzer, The Polilicai Economy of fnmrnatiorral overall motivation is always profit, the par-
Of! and' the Underdeveloped Commrfes (Boston: ticular medium through which the profits
Beacon Press. 1969), R. Englcr, ]f`frc' Prlfifftrx C1.f are gained can be the extension of markets,
Of! (New York: Macmillan & Co.. Inc., 1961 ) ,
H. O. Connor, Wnrfd (.`risis in OH (New York: the obtaining of' raw materials, or the ex-
Monthly Review Press, 1962). ploitation of new sources of labor. In gen-
Capitalist Expansion, Ideology and Intervention 413

oral, monopolistic enterprises can be ex- talist economic unit. In this expansion the
pected hlinniu leading role in the state played a crucial role.
internationalization of capital. The key aspect of capitalist production is
internationalization II capital is a that the worker must be separated from the
process which does not take place in a po- control of any productive factors other than
litical vacuum. Capital requires direct pro- his or her own labor and that the production
tection and the institutions through which process must be controlled by the owner of
it operates must be protected. Thus the ex- capital The process of separating workers
pansion of the area of operation of capital from their means of production, and thus
is always associated with an expansion of forcing therm into the labor market and into
the political, influence of the state with which capitalist production relationships, was fa-
that capital is associated. In the following cilitated by the power of the state. The state
section I shall examine the historical opera- was instrumental in the development of capi-
tion of state and capital in the expansionary talism in England, for example, through pro-
process. motion of the enclosure movement in the
eighteenth century and through legislation
STATE AND CAPITAL IN THE forcing the poor to enter the work force in
PROCESS OF EXPANSION the nineteenth century. It played a similar
In the history of capitalist development, role in other parts of Western Europe and
we may distinguish three broad stages of in Japan (alter the Meiji Restoration in
expansionary activity. These stages, while 1868). where the persistence of feudal insti-
tutions threatened to impede the growth of
they do not conform in a precise way to his-
torical eras, are useful analytical tools for capitalism.
The profitable use of a developing labor
examining the internationalization of capi-
tal. First is the stage of creating national force by the capitalist firm depends upon
economies in which the locus of economic an expansion in the size of the unit of pro-
activity moves from cities or small regions duction. The division of labor which pro-
toward a national framework. Second is the vides the basis for capitalist efficiency could
stage of colonialism and spheres of influence not take place in a small craft shop of the pre-
capitalist era. However, an enterprise could
in which the business interests of advanced
be profitably expanded only to the extent
nations extend their control beyond their
own boundaries but with each nation oper- that there was a market for increased output.
ating in separate geographic areas. Third is (This was true, for example, of the develop- =
the stage of international ccipimlis-r integra- ment of textile mills i n Encl am a national
market was necessary to support these har-
tion, or modern imperialism, in which bar-
ricrs to economic activity among capitalist bingers of the factory system.) Thus it was
necessary for capitalist development that
countries tend to be eliminated and domina-
local restrictions on trade be broken down,
tion of the international economy becomes
centralized in one nation. In each of these that means of transportation and commune
cation be developed, that a uniform system
stages the state can be seen providing the
of law and order be established. over a wide
essential framework for expansion.
area-in short, it was necessary that na-
The First Stage; The Development
tional economic units be developed and
of' Notional Economies
"See the introduction to Chapter 3, p. 88, for a
The early development of capitalism re- more detailed discussion of the capitalist mode of
quired the expansion of the size of the capi- production.

The Second Stage: and England restricted the trade of its North
Colonies and Spheres American colonies with other European
The stage in capitalist development which
followed the political and economic devel- The Third Stage:
opment of the nation was characterized by United States Hegemony
colonial expansion and the creation of
spheres of influence. As in the preceding It is not surprising that the United States
stage, the economic integration of a larger was a latecomer in building spheres of in~
geographic area was the key to the expansion fluence and establishing colonies. First, the
process. However, while the need for mar- United States itself had been under the con-
kets and labor played some role, the effort trol of Britain and became a nation only
to develop sources of supply for important when many European nations were well-
foodstuffs and raw materials became par- established as international powers. Second,
ticularly important in the second stage. The as long as the United States was able to ex-
role of the state remained as before: to pand westward within the North American
break down local restrictions on economic continent, there was little pressure for the
activity; to create a labor force, to create more typical overseas expansionfi
means of transportation
1 .
gcomrnunica- As continental boundaries were reached,
tion, to insure stability through the imposi- the United States began to enter seriously
tion of law and order. the competition among the big powers for
Britain, example, united the regional new areas of exploitation. Around the turn
economies of IndI. and opened the whole of the last century, the U.S. and Britain
subcontinent to penetration by British capi- were instrumental in ushering in a new era
tal. Each colonial power established its own of capitalist international relations. The pole
currency as the medium of exchange cies of the new era were typified by the U.S.
throughout its realm. The European colonial demand for an "open door" in the Far East.
powers in Africa imposed monetary taxes With several European powers scrambling
on the local population, I cing them to to establish control in China, the U.S. in
leave the traditional economy and enter the 1899 demanded that all countries be al-
capitalist labor force to earn cash incomes lowed commercial access to this area-that
to pay the taxes. Throughout the colonial the door be left open to all. This policy sig-
world, railways directed toward import- nified a movement away from national
export activity were given priority. Britain, spheres of influence toward a single inter
France, Germany, and all of the colonial grated international capitalist economy. Two
powers backed up their economic decisions world wars were to be fought, however,
in the most direct manner-with armed before this final stage would be firmly estab-
force. lished.
In organizing trade within its particular Part of the reason that the U.S. govern-
sphere, each nation reserved for its own ment took a diplomatic lead in altering the
capitalist class special economic privileges- relations of international capitalism was that
both with respect to the subordinate areas in U.S. business interests were latecomers to
its control, as well as with regard to other international activity. Thus, short of all-out
leading capitalist powers. Thus, for example. war with other imperialist powers, the gov-
Portugal prohibited the development of man- ernment had no way other than diplomatic
ufacturing; in Brazil, reserving market initiative to gain access to many areas for
for goods produced in the parent country, "See Magdoff, Section 10.2, p. 420.
Capitalist Expansion, Ideology und Intervention 415

U.S. business. More important, the govern- of U.S. trade and financial interests in
1nent's demand for open access and equal Chi{1a_8
terms was natural since the nation was Military interventions, however, should
rapidly becoming the world's greatest eco- not necessarily be taken as typical of the
nomic power. Under conditions of open operation of U.S. imperialism, More often
access, the emerging political and economic than not, control has been exercised through
strength of the U.S. would insure that its economic power or through nonmilitary po-
interests would prevail more often than not. litical pressure.
Coincidentally with the rising internal
tonal power of U.S. business, the U.S.
government engaged in numerous military
interventions around the beginning of the
century. The Spanish-American War led to The ideology of capitalist expansion-the set
the establishment of formal U.S. colonies in of ideas that justify and support the system
Puerto Rico and in the Philippines (an -has developed out of the needs of the ex-
important stepping stone for establishing in- pansionary process. In providing support
fluence in China) and virtual colonial con- for the system, one of its most important
trol over Cuba (only nominally independ- functions is to establish criteria for judging
ent). In each of these areas, the extension of political activities. Thus, growing out of eco-
U.S. political control was followed by I.. _.
nomic process, the capitalist ideology pro-
rapid increase of U.S. economic interestsf
'This era is summed up in the following state-
In 1912 the U.S. intervened militarily in ment by a retired Marine commander:
Nicaragua in order to assure that the inter- I spent tl'rfrfy~f'hree years and four nzorrffzs in
ests of U.S. banks financing a railway were active service $5 ( I nawnber of our (:o:u1!r3.='.§
most agile nvilffary force--the Marine Corps.
not interfered with. In 1915 the U.S. occu- I served in ah' com'rnzlss:'ofFed ranks from u .sec-
pied Haiti in order to insure that the Haitian ond Iieurenarr t to major-genermf. Am! during
government "honor" its obligations to U.S. f r a t period 1 spent most of my time being a
Ir:'glr-class' nnsscle nzafz .for .Big .Brmi/rc.s.s, for
bankers. In 1916, the U.S. Marines were Wall Street, and for the bmlkc*rs. In .shol'f, I
sent to Santo Domingo and seized control of was a racketeer for capizfafisrn. . . .
the customs and treasury of that nation in T////.s' I fielped make Mexico of/za' <=.speciaUy
Tar pico safe for America/1 oil Nmreresrs r'fz
order to insure that obligations to American
1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decor!!
companies would be fulfilled. And again in pllacc' for I/rc* Nfrfcbnal City Bank boys Io co:'»
1916, when U.S. oil interests were threat- .
fact revwzues z'rl. . . I helped ,r>.w'i.fy Ntlcc:rugrn4
ened in Mexico, the Marines were sent to for the izz!er~Iza r.t'onru' lmfnk1ln.x2 house of Brown
B."O2'!'r€:'.s~ :'n 7909-/912, I brozfg/:F Hgfi! to f i r e
the scene. While the majority of U.S. military D on z irz fccuz Republ'£c for. American sugar ifr-
interventions in this period were in the tc>res.*s in ZQ16. I /refptd make Horiclzu-a.s'
Caribbean, they were by no means limited "fight" f o r American f r i ! c.~on1pcH1r'c'5 in 1903,
In China z'rz 1927 I helped sec t o it the! Srcmd-
exclusively to that area. In 191 l. and 1912, ard Oil went ifs wrfjs unrnofcfsicd.
and later in 1924 and 1926, U.S. armed Durhzg those years I had. US the b(}ys' .off
forces made their presence felt in China in rife hack rf2rJm 11wf3u/0' say, a .';n'vH' Ra(,-Mr. I
was rewarded with honors, medals, p1'011z0ti(.u1.
order to protect U.S. private property dur-
LoOk1'r"= buck or! H, I fee! I nlfgf':t fafwff' g i.v w i
ing civil disturbances there, these military A1 Capone a few kilns. The bras( he world do
actions provided the backdrop for the growth H'U.S' operate as
M m ii:ckel' i
#free A1'.srr :'cf.s'.
We MariHc?s opcrared on fhréc' continents,
*ma Nearing J. Freeman, Dollar Di- Major»(}encral Smedley IButler, Inman
plomacy (New ' Monlh}y Review Press, Sense {Novemb(i 1935), as quoted by L. lHuber-
1966), for the details of the early period of U.S. 1112111 and P. Swe Q .' A i m l o n z y of n R<*\'<)-
military interventions. Iuziorz {New YoII : Monthly Review Press, 1960).

vides a basis for unifying the economic and mechanisms for the general expansion of
political realms of the system and for facili- U.S. interests abroad: the U.S. government
tating their joint operation. encourages foreign governments to lower
The expansionist ideology is based on the tariffs for U.S. goods and to enter reciprocity
functioning of the capitalist enterprise, and arrangements with the U.S., the U.S. gov-
its primary element is simply the belief that ernment provides insurances against nation-
the function of economic enterprise is the alization or other political "disasters" in un-
pursuit of profit. As was argued in section stable areas, the international sections of
I of this article, acceptance of the pursuit various government departments-e.g., com-
of profit as a guiding principle means that merce, labor-devote themselves to provid-
the behavior of capitalist firms will be ex- ing U.S. business with investment and trade
pansionary. In order for capitalist expan- information on countries throughout the
sion to be successful, it is necessary that world. Finally, on the broadest level, the
basic capitalist institutions be created and role of the government in protecting the in-
maintained: the labor market and other ternational business interests of its citizens
basic factor and commodity markets, private is the protection of the system that allows
property, legal sanction for economic con- those interests to operate, i.e., the protection
tracts, control of the work process by the of international capitalism. -
owners of capital. According to the ideology The need to preserve the system of in-
of capitalism, these institutions promote ternational capitalism has extremely broad
"economic freedom." Actions taken by the implications, For example, to explain the
state that preserve this "freedom" or that government's actions, from aid-giving to mil-
facilitate its operation become synonymous itary intervention, we need not point to any
with actions that preserve a decent society. particular interests or set of interests that are
Translated into the realm of foreign pol- being served. it need only be argued that the
icy, the task of the capitalist state then be- system is being threatened, that the rules of
comes that of facilitating and protecting the international capitalist operation are in jeop-
international business activities of its na- ardy.
tionals. On the level of particular interests, Such is the case with Vietnam. U.S. busi-
for example: the U.S. diplomatic mission in ness has had relatively few direct economic
India sees to it that U.S. pharmaceutical interests in Vietnam or even in Indochina
companies are allowed to produce and sell as a whole. While one can point to its eco-
under "reasonable" conditions, in .Bolivia nomic potential or argue that Indochina is
and Peru, when U.S. owned oil companies the key to a much larger economic realm, an
are nationalized, it is the business of the U.S. argument that reasons directly from particu-
government, when Brazilian coffee producers lar interests to military intervention is clearly
begin to sell instant coffee below the price inadequate. In terms of particular interests,
at which U.S. companies can produce, the there is simply not very much at stake for
U.S. government "encourages" the Brazilian U.S. business in Vietnam. However, in terms
government to impose an export duty." On of the general interest of maintaining South
E1 broader level, the government provides Vietnam as part of the international capital-
ist system, there is very much at stake. A
"The Indian example is discussed by Kidron in
the book cited above in footnote 3. The Brazilian military defeat for the U.S. or a withdrawal
example is from The Ecofzorrrisxl, Feb. 24. 1968. would mean a government and social system
and is cited by I-larry Magdotl' in The Age of for South Vietnam that would break all the
Irziperiaffszai (New York: Monthly Review Press,
196 9), p, I63_ The Bolivian and Peruvian cases
rules of international capitalism.
are well-known. To argue that even. such an entire loss of

Capitalist Expansion, Ideology and Intervention 417

South Vietnam is not important would be to of capitalist economic relations, and this in-
miss the point. What is at stake in Vietnam cludes the internationalization of capitalist
is not ,just a geographic' area but a set of power relations. In the first place, the ra-
rules, a system. A capitalist government will tionale of commodity markets is that those
and Must go all out to protect that set of who can sell products the cheapest will hold
rules. In part, this is a tactical issue: failure the dominant position, important sec-
to protect the system in Vietnam would lead tors of the economics of secondary capital- ..

to further and more effective threats against ist countries are dominated by the more ad-
the system elsewhere. The "domino" argu- vanced enterprises of the primary imperialist
ment is a very real one. One need only look nations. While such domination has an im-
at the impact of the Cuban Revolution in pact at all levels of the international system,
Latin America or the impact of the Russian it takes on its most overt form in the poor
and Chinese Revolutions throughout the countries. Their indigenous industrial devel-
world to perceive the implications of a vic- opment is severely limited, and they tend to
tory for the socialist forces in Vietnam. remain dependent upon the export of agri-
In addition, and more fundamentally, a cultural products and raw materials to the
violation of the system is a serious offense in rich countries and upon the import of man-
and of itself. In order to function effectively, ufactures and technology from the rich."
a social system must be supported by a set Second, international capitalism tends to
of beliefs regarding its legitimacy and even develop or reinforce a class structure in poor
its sanctity. These beliefs constitute the countries that serves its interests. Classes in
ideological support for the system. If viola- subservience to and alliance with interna-
tion or destruction of the system in various tional capital tend to control the political ap-
areas is allowed on a pragmatic basis, then paratus, their power derives directly from
those beliefs are called to question and the their association with international capital.
whole system is in danger." Both directly through the market and indi-
rectly through the class structure, the eco-
l mperiolist Control nomic power of the capitalist elite in the
advanced capitalist nations enables them to
Economic power provides the basis for dominate the economies of the poor coun-
control in a modern imperialist system. Im- tries.
perialism is simply the internationalization The rapid growth in _recent ye- ¢||||q,
tinational corporations has greatly enhanced
lu/sm analogy may be useful. Suppose that the this economic power. The multinational cor-
Baltimore Orioles are playing the Washington
Senators in the last game of the regular season.
porations have l,'at deal of bargaining
Baltimore has already secured the pennant by power in setting the terms on which their
twenty-five games and the Senators are in last capital will be deployed in host countries
place by an equal margin. Baltimore is ahead by simply because they have numerous options.
a score of 31 to 2; there are two outs and no
men on in the last of the ninth. The Senator at They control technology and can regulate
bat who is batting .208 for the season, has two its dissemination according to their own pri-
strikes. He swings and misses a third pitch. But orities. They have the power, through in-
instead of walking off, the batter turns to the
umpire and says, "How about a fourth strike"
ternal pricing and bookkeeping adjustments,
He alludes to the above mentioned facts, and he to artificially adjust the international loca-
points out that no one's interests can possibly be
seriously jeopardized by giving him a fourth strike.
No immediate interests are at stake, but is it con- 11For an analysis of the impact of international
ceivable that such a violation of l.he rules of the capitalism on the poor countries, see Weisskopf,
game, a violation of the system, would be allowed? Section 10.5, p. 442.

son of their revenues and outlays and political position of international capitalism
thereby affect the finances and balance of has been severely altered. The system has
payments of host countries. The interna- been forced to move from II purely offensive
tional capitalist market is like any national political strategy toward a defensive posture.
capitalist market: those who dominate the In the early part of this century the state
control of the means of production domi- functioned to establish and to assure the
nate the economy. operation of capitalist relationships in areas
imperialist control operates through po- where those relationships had not been fully
litical. as well as economic channels. First, established or were unstable. This was true
day-to-day control operates through normal of the numerous Caribbean military inter-
diplomatic channels. The role of U.S. dip- ventions cited above. Failures by foreign
lomatic missions throughout the world is governments to honor contractual commit-
defined as looking after the interests of its ments with U.S. businesses, an elementary
nationals, and this means in practice looking condition of capitalism, brought on the U.S.
after the interests of U.S. business. Second. military. In the post-World War II era, how-
long-run control operates through the dc- ever, the dominant concern of foreign policy
termination of the institutions of the inter- has been the prevention of moves toward
national capitalist economy. Good examples socialism by countries within the capitalist
are the negotiation of trade agreements fav- system, Thus, the interventions in Iran
orable to U.S. capital and the establishment in 1953, in Guatemala in 1954, in Cuba in
of an international monetary system in which 1961, and in the Dominican Republic
the dollar is key. Such operations serve to in 1965 should be seen primarily as defen-
maintain the long~run international hege- sive efforts against the threat-real or per~
mony of U.S, capital." caved-that the nations in question would
Finally, the dominance of the world capi- opt out of the international capitalist system.
talist economy by the United States is backed As capitalism has moved to a final stage
up by tremendous military strength. Mod- in its international development, it is chal-
ern imperialist operations depend on the lenged by a system that is threatening to
actual deployment of the military only when displacE capitalism entirely and inaugurate
problems arise which economic power and a new historical epoch, Indeed, the develop-
quiet political dealings cannot handle. But ment of socialism has in some legree been
today imperialism is being presented with a direct outgrowth of and response to the
serious challenges, and as-hese allenges international expansion of capitalism. The
become a threat to the entire system, military progress of the socialist response, however,
responses become increasingly necessary. cannot be viewed as an automatic historical
phenomenon. Its development will depend at
The Chollenge to The System least in part on the nature of the capitalist
counter-response. It is the purpose of the
With the Russian Revolution in 1917-
following section to examine mechanisms of
but more eleurly following World War II
that counter-response.
when the Soviet Union emerged as a major
world power, socialism "spread" to Eastern
Europe, and successful socialist revolutions Spreading the Ideology
occurred in China, Korea, Vietnam-the
The preservation of international capital-
12For elaboration and substantiation of the ism by the U.S. government is a goal in
assertions of this paragraph see Harry Magdoff, which not everyone has an equal interest.
The A g e of Imperialism (New York: Monthly
Review Press, I969), Chaps. 3 and 4. On a direct and material level, income re-
Copitolisf Expansion, Ideology c d Intervention 4t9

turned to the U.S. from foreign activity port for the U.S. government's foreign
amounts to less than I percent of gross na- policy. The keystone of the ideology during
tional income.13 Taken as the direct contri- the post-World War II period has been anti-
bution to overall employment or as an aver- communism. Communism has been pre~
age contribution to individual income, this sented to the American people as an inter-
figure would indicate that the international national conspiracy which has as its design
involvement of the U.S. economy is not very the enslavement of all the peoples of the
important. However, this income from inter~ world and the consequent destruction of
national activity goes predominantly to those everything that they are taught to hold dear,
who obtain their income from profits. As a from the private family and religion to free-
percentage of after~tax corporate profits, dom of speech and the two-party system.
earnings from foreign investment have risen Such a threat must be fought at every step
to almost 20 percent of the total in recent of the way, partly to protect those immedi-
years (see Table 10-B). If one examines the ately in danger, but ultimately to protect the
very large corporations, the importance of American people themselves. The fact that
the international economy becomes even communism presents a systematic threat to
more apparent. In 1965, for example, thir- the uninhibited operation of international
tcen firms from among Fortune's top twenty- capital is not emphasized in the popular
five industrial corporations received more form of. the ideology.
than 40 percent of the total foreign earnings Anticommunist is not the only form in
of all industrial corporations, these foreign which the ideology of expansionist policy
profits accounted for close to 30 percent of has been popularized. At an earlier time,
the total profits of those firms (see Table Christianity, Manifest Destiny, and the White
l()-E). Man's Burden have all done service to im-
These data support two points. First, that perialist strategy. Indeed, today, as the force
U.S. business in general, and large firms in of anticommunism has begun to wane, a new
particular, have a very real interest in in- set of. popular justifications for U.S. inter-
ternational operations taken as a whole. ventions is taking form under the heading
They clearly benefit from the foreign policy of "modern liberalism." At its base lie the
described above. Second, people who earn sentiment that it is the task of the rich,
their income from sources other than capi- powerful United States to help the poor,
tal, and even a good deal of the business backward countries of the world in their
community, do not significantly depend di- quest for development. Economic advisory
rectly on the preservation of. international missions, foreign investment, the Peace
capitalism. This mass of the population Corps, and ultimately military involvement
should not find such great appeal in a for- can all be justified on this basis.
eign policy explicitly based on the concept In any society, over time the dominant
that the government must protect and facili- class molds ideology in terms of its own
tate the search for profits overseas. interests. We need only mention various
Where economic interest is lacking, how- ways in which the business community
popular tofm o f t h e ideology of cap- shapes ideas about' foreign "ri1Ta1i'S` tO""indicate
italist expansion provides the domestic sup- how all~pervasive is its influence. First, the
individuals who hold foreign policy positions
13In 1969, direct investment income returned in the government arc drawn heavily from
to the United States was $5.6 billion [see Table
the business community. The point here is
IO-A). while gross national product was $932.3
bilficn (see U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Statistical not the importance of these individuals in
Abstract of the United? States, 1970, p. 311). making particular decisions but rather their

role over a long period in shaping the instr over, the development of particular policies
tutors and developing the criteria by which need not involve any immediate action at all
decisions are inade.1'* §EI~G~QJI:1£1»,JW J.t§ ,Qontrol
by business. A powerful ideology provides
over resources, directly or through -founda- the guide for action, the link between eco-
tions, the business community sponsors in nomic interests and political policy.
conjunction with the government virtually I have argued that ideology provides the
all of the writing, research, and teaching link between economic interests and politi-
that is done in the area of foreign affairs. cal action, but I do not wish to imply that
Here, the concept of "a market place of the link is in any way weak or malleable. It
ideas" is truly apt. As in any commodity might be thought, for example, that the
market, the goods demanded by those who problem I have described is simply a prob~
control resources and who have purchasing lem of "ideas" and that it can be dealt with
power are the ones that continue to be pro- by changing the ideas and thus breaking the
duced. By this process, not only are the ideological link.
dominant ideas reinforced and strategy and The essence of mY argument supports a
apologia developed for actions, but the very ditlerent position. The ideology of cap-
growth of any ideological counterforce is italist expansion is an expression of the basic
severely limited. Other means by which the nature of capitalist enterprise: it reflects the
business community can shape concepts of needs and supports t operations of the
foreign policy include its control over the system. While the form o l h a t ideology may
media, its sponsorship of the Council on vary, its basic elements have a long and con-
Foreign Relations and lesser organizations sistent development in the history of capi-
of policy consideration, and its extensive talism. It would be futile to talk of seriously
lobbying practices. In "mu power altering the ideology without changing the
rests not on any formal arrangements but social forces which generate and sustain that
on the control over resources and on a com~ ideology.
on objective interest in the general design Thus, while the system remains intact,
sign of policy. the U.S. government might be forced to
Having established the conceptual frame- abandon l aggressor Gui H
___._!etna, but it
work for foreign policy, the business com- will not abandon the policies which led to
munity can expect relatively little difficulty that aggression. As long as those policies and
in having its way in particular cases. More~ the socioeconomic organizations which pro~
duce them are maintained, continued U.S.
"See G. William Domhoff intervention around the world can be ex-
American Foreign Polio! _. Co/-po~
ration and 1/16 Cold War, ,___ David Horowitz
(New York' Monthly RQvSw -Press, 1969).

10.2 Militarism and Imperialism

In the following reading Harry Magdoff documents the extent to which

the growth of the United States since its independence has been inter-
Militarism c d Imperialism 421

twined with economic expansion and-as a consequence-military spend-

ing. It becomes clear that militarism is an inevitable consequence of im-
perialism, especially at the center of the world capitalist system.

Source: The following is excerpted from "Militarism and Imperialism"

by HARRY MAGDOPF. From the Monthly Review 21, No. 9 (February
1970). Copyright 1970 by Monthly Review, Inc. Reprinted by per-
mission of Monthly Review, Inc.

Peace reigns supreme in the realm of neo- conditions for the reproducfiorz of capital
classical economics. War, militarism, and the provide the organic link between these two
aspects of the accumulation of capital. The
pacification of natives arc treated as merely
his'!or:lcaZ career of c:apiM1'z'sn1 can be ap-
elements which disturb the harmonious prec-icued om'y by faking them fogefhenl
equilibrium models which arc to supply us
with the universal truths about the alloca- The facts of U.S. history provide eloquent
tion of scarce resources. testimony to the accuracy of this diagnosis.
One of the distinguishing icatures of Thus, Professor Quincy Wright, who di-
Marxist thought, on the other hand, is the rected a major study of war under the aus-
conviction that economic processes must be pices of Chicago University, observed in
understood as part of a social organism in 1942: "The United States, which has, per-
which political force plays a leading role and haps somewhat unjustifiably, prided itself
in which war is at least as typical as peace. on its peacefulness, has had only twenty
in this context, militarism and imperialism years during its entire history when its army
are seen as major determinants of the form or navy has not been in active operation
and direction of technological change, of the some days,
allocation of resources within a country, Professor Wright identifies years of peace
and of the allocation of resources between aS those in which no action of any sort oc-
countries (notably, between rich and poor curred. A more revealing picture is obtained
countries). Accordingly, price and income if we measure months of war against months
relations, treated as the ultimate yardsticks of peace and bring the information up to the
of economic efficiency and social justice in present. Adding Llp the months during which
neoclassical economics, are viewed, in the U.S. military forces were engaged in action
Marxist context, as evolutionary products of -starting from the Revol utionary War and
capitalist institutions in which political force including wars against the Indians, punitive
and "pure" economics are intertwined. Rosa expeditions to Latin America and Asia, as
Luxemburg put the Marxist case this way' well as major wars--we find that the United
States was engaged in warlike activity during
Bourgeois' liberal theory fakes irzlo account
three~fourth. of its history, in 1,782 of the
orrfy [one aspect of economic develop/nenf]:
the realm of "peaceful competition," I k e last 2,340 months.3* In other words, on the
marvels* of tells noisy and pure commodity average, there have been three full years in
exchange; it separates it sNriclly from Ike
wirer' c'I$pecI'.' the reagen of' capilafs lnlusrer- lkosa Luxemburg, The Accfufudrrfion of Cap-
ing violence which 1's regarded as more or Hn! (New York: 1964), pp, 452-53.
less incidefrfal' to foreign policy and quite Quincy Wright, A Study of War, vol. I ( Chi-
Independent of rfre economic sphere of cano: l942), p. 236.
cylpffar'. -8(k1lculatcd from list in Lawrence Dennis,
In reality, political power is rzolfhing but Operufio/mf Thinker: for Survfl'af (Colorado
a vehicle for the economic PI'O(.l»'3SS. The Springs: 1969), appendix II.

which our armed forces have been engaged considered. Moreover, resolution of internal
in action for every full year of peace. This tensions, as in the Civil War, exercised a
comparison does not indicate the full ex- major influence on military aspects of U.S.
tent of the use of military power by the life. All of this, however, occurred within a
United States to enforce its will. For ex~ context of empire-building. For there has
ample, it does not include activities such been a continuous thread in U.S. history, bc-
as those formerly conducted by U.S. gun- ginning with colonial and revolutionary days,
boats in a "constant patrol in the Yangtze of economic, political, and military expan-
River . . .from the mouth of the river up sionistn directed towards the creation and
nearly 2,000 miles into the very heart of growth of an American empire. The origin
China."4 al expansionism, for which military invest-
It should therefore come as no surprise to ment was needed, concentrated on three
discover that war-related expenditures have main thrusts: ( l ) consolidation of a trans-
constituted the dominant sector of the fed- continental nation, (2) obtaining control of
eral budget throughout our history. Omit- the Caribbean area, and (3) achieving a
ting the years of the Second World War major position in the Pacific Ocean." It
and the postwar period, where the record is should be noted that this expansionism was
so well-known, a tabulation of federal ex- not confined to what is now considered the
penditures by decade, from 1800 to 1939, continental territory of the United States:
for army, navy, veterans' compensation and striving for control of the seas, as a shield
pensions, and interest on the debt-prior to and promoter of international commerce,
the New Deal federal debt incurred was has been an ingredient of U.S. policy from
primarily a result of war spending-shows its earliest days. In fact, the struggle to in-
that except for one decade, at least 54 per~ corporate the West Coast into the United
cent of federal expenditures were for military States was, among other things, prompted by
activities or preparations during the decade the desire to control Pacific Ocean ports for
or to meet obligations arising from previous the Asian traded
military activity? The one exception was the The experience thus gained in the early
decade of the great depression (1930-1939) stages of empire-building turned out to be
when the percentage dropped to somewhat most useful when the leading nations of the
below 40 percent. In seven of the fourteen world entered the stage of imperialism. Sev-
decades the war-related share of the federal eral decisive and coinciding developments
budget was 70 percent or more. in the late nineteenth and early twentieth
This almost continuous preoccupation centuries mark off this new stage:
with military affairs was clearly not inspired ( 1 ) The onset of significant concentra-
by fears of invading barbarians. Of course, tion of economic power in the hands of a
'W competing colonial and commercial in- relatively small number of industrial and
terests of France, England, Spain, and financial giants in advanced nations. Com-
Russia were pa rt of the reality in which the peting interest groups continued to exist, but
now the success or failure of. the advanced
infant and adolescent United States had to economies became closely identified with the
operate. At times, self-defense had to be prosperity of the new giant corporations
whose modus operaridi required control over
*Office Of Naval Intelligence, The United
Siafes Navy us an Irzciusrr-ia! Asset (Washington,
D.C,: l923), p. 4. "Richard W. Van Alslyne, The Rf.s'ing Ameri-
"Calculated from data in Hiszoric.-ul Statistics can Empire (Chicago, 1965).
of aha United Shares, Colonial Times to 1957 Tifzid., Chap, 5, "Manifest Destiny and Empire,
(Washington, D.C.: 1961), pp. 718-19. 1820-1870."
Milifcxrism and Imperialism 423

international sources of supply and markets. broadening the highway to the rest of Latin
(2) The decline of Great Britain's mo- America, and a solid base in the Pacific for
nopoly position as world trader and world a greater stake in Asian business.
banker. The burgeoning competitive indus- As far as the United States is concerned,
trial powers notably, Germany, France, there have been three distinct stages in the
the United States, and Japan-pressed for a drive to empire: ( I ) the period when the
reshuflie of established trade relations and a United States was the supplier of food and
redistribution of world markets. raw materials to the rest of the world, when
(3) Industrialization and new naval tech-
it was an importer of capital, and when
nology enabled competitive nations to build
up their own naval strength to the point maritime commercial interests were relay
where Great Britain could no longer main- lively very strong; (2) the period when the
tain unilateral control over the major sea United States began to compete with other
lanes. As Quincy Wright put it in the study industrialized nations as an exporter of man-
already referred to, "Naval inventions and ufactured goods and an exporter of capital
the spread of industrialization had ended the -a"time when a small number of industrial
pay Britannica. Control over sea routes and financial giants began to dominate the
also involved establishing military bases economic scene; and (3) the period when
where naval units could be refueled and the United States becomes the major, domi-
repaired. The availability of decisive mobile
nant capitalist economy, the largest manu-
military power on the one hand required
acquisition of strategic foreign territory to facturer, foreign investor, trader, the wor].d's
support bases and on the other hand pro- banker, and the dollar becomes the key inter-
vided the means for aggressive pursuit of national currency.
colonial possessions. The energy and determination with which
( 4 ) The earliest stage of the new im- the expansionist strategy is pursued change
perialism engendered a race by the major from time to time. In the transition from one
powers for control. of available foreign real period to another, and because of internal as
estate. According to Theodore Ropp, after well as external conditions, it appears at
1880 "every great power except Austria- times as if the United States is "isolationist"
Hungary . . . became involved in . . . active,
and uninterested in further extension of its
conscious colonial expansionism . . . ."" Of
the traditional colonial powers the Nether- influence and control." Yet it is especially
lands, Portugal, Spain, Britain, France, and noteworthy that the drive for business oppor-
Russia-the last four continued to add to tunities on a world scale is ever present.
their holdings. (Spain, after losing Cuba and Even when, as in New Deal days, domestic
the Philippines. proceeded to conquer Span- solutions were sought for crises, the devel-
ish Morocco.) And at the same time live opment of foreign business was high on the
new powers entered the race for colonial agenda of government and private enter-
territory: Germany, Italy, Belgium, Japan, prise- Given the structure of the economy,
and the United States. As for the United the major operating levers work in such a
States, it was the Spanish-American War, of
way as to repeatedly reassert expansionism
course, that placed it with both feet in the
imperialist camp. And it was success in this as the dominant strategy. In this perspective,
war, plus the subsequent pacification of the the history of the years since the end of the
Cuban and Philippine "natives," which satis- Second World War are far from a new de-
fied two long-term U.S. expansionist ambi- parture, instead, they are a culmination of
tions: a leading position in the Caribbean,
10The isolationism was usually more apparent
**Wright, op sir., vol, I. p. 299. than real. See William Appleman Williams, T h e
"Theodore Rapp, Wrrr frz the Fldodern World' Tragedy of Arn9t'.t°c.'an D1lpfomac}' (New York'
(New York: 1962), p- 206. 1952), chap. 4, "The Legend of Tsolationism."

long-term tendencies which profited by and lotions: in Russia, these efforts took the
matured most readily in the environment form of armed intervention and support of
created by the course of the last major war. anti-Bolshevik forces with food and other
The postwar leap forward in empire- economic supplies, in Hungary, the manipu-
building and the transition of U.S. society lation of food supplies to help defeat the
to rampant militarism are associated with Bela Kun government. Surely the issue at
two phenomena: (1) the desire to resist and that time was not fear of aggressive Rus-
repress socialist nations an d to defeat na- sion or Hungarian militarism. Nor can much
tional liberation movements designed to re- credit be given to political or religious ideal-
lease underdeveloped countries from de- ism. The relevant motive, clearly, was re-
pendence on the imperialist network, and covery of territory lost to free enterprise and
(2) the extension of U.S. power to fill "vac- prevention of the spread of the contagious
uums" created by the decline of Western revolutionary disease to Western Europe and
European and Japanese influence in Asia, the colonies. Any such spread, it was recog-
Africa, and Latin America. nized, would severely affect the stability and
Combating the rise of socialism is of prosperity of the remaining capitalist na-
course not a new objective. The destruction tions.
of the Russian Revolution was a top priority Capitalism as an economic system was
of the imperialist powers beginning in 1917. never confined to one nation. It was born,
In this connection, Thorstein Veblen's ob- developed, and prospered as part of a world
servations on the Versailles Treaty in his system. Karl Marx went so far as to claim,
1920 review of Keynes' The Economic "The specific task of bourgeois society is the
Consequences of the Peace are most perti- establishment of El world market, at least in
nent: outline, and of production based upon this
world market."12 One might add that it has
The events of the past mrmfhs go to show been the specific task of imperialism to fill
foot :he cenrrai and most binding provision out this outline and establish a complex in-
of I/ze Treaty (and of the League) is an un.- ternational network of trade, finance, and
rec:om'ed clause by wlzicrh Me govern.;nenrs
of fire Greet Powers are berideci together for investment. Given this network, it follows
the suppression of Soviet Russia-z.inre~ that limitation of opportunity to trade and
corded' unless record of in is t o be )'ound invest in one part of the world restricts to
sorriewhere orf1rJf7 Q the secret arfsiiives' of the a greater or lesser extent the freedom of ae-
League or of the Great Powers. Apery jrrorn
this uncicknoxvledged f:orrrr;aci' there irppearb'
tion of private enterprise in other parts of
to be nothing in: the Treaty Ihaf has any the world. The dimensions of the defense of
(::":a,*'ac'2'e/' of stczbiiiry or Mridfng force. Of free enterprise therefore become worldwide.
course, riffs coefpect for the reduction o! The United States had long ago accepted
Soviet Russia was nor w r i t e r into the Rex! its destiny to open and keep open the door
Of the Treaty; if r i a l rather he .said Io have
been the parchment upon which t h e Tex!
for trade an.d investment in other parts of
1v05 wrirten.1' the world. The obstacles were not only the
heathens who wanted to be left alone. but
The failure of the United States to join the preference systems established in the
the League of Nations reflected no slackness colonies of the older nations. The decline
in its efforts to contain art imperialist revo-
12ln n letter from Marx to Engels, October S,
1*Thorstein Veblen, "The Economic Conse- 1853, in Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Cor'-
qucnces of the Peace," in Essays in Our Cirrulgfrzg rcspondencc 1846-f895 (New York: i 9 3 4 ) ,
Order' (New York: 1934), p. 464. p. 117.
Militarism and Imperialism 425

of political colonialism and the weakness of technology which makes feasible the U.S.
the other .great powers thus placed upon the globe-straddling military posture.) An addi-
United States a primary responsibility for tional reason, of course, is the military
the defense of the capitalist system and at strength of the socialist camp. I would like
the same time afforded golden opportunities to suggest a third reason: that a substantial
to obtain special beachheads and open doors portion of the huge military machine, includ-
for U.S. enterprise. ing that of the Western European nations, is
With a task of this magnitude, it is little the price being paid to maintain the imperi-
wonder that the United States now has a alist network of trade and investment In the
larger "peacetime" war machine, covering a absence of colonialism. The achievement of
greater part of the globe, than has any other political independence by former colonies
nation in all of past history. Imperialism has stimulated internal class struggles in the
necessarily involves militarism. Indeed, they new states for economic as well as political
are twins that have fed on each other in the independence. Continuing the economic de-
past, as they do now. Yet not even at the pendence of these nations on the metropoli-
peak of the struggle for colonies did any of tan centers within the framework of political
the imperialist powers, or combination of independence calls for, among other things,
powers, maintain a war machine of such size the worldwide dispersion of U.S. military
and such dispersion as does the United States forces and the direct military support of the
today. In 1937, when the arms race in prep- local ruling classes.
aration for the Second World War was ai- Precise information on the dispersion of
ready under way, the per capita military cx- U.S. forces is kept an oilCicial secret. How-
penditures of all the great powers combined ever, retired General David M. Shoup,
--the United States, the British Empire, former head of the Marine Corps, who
France, Japan, Germany, Italy, and the Sov- should be in a position to make a realistic
iet Union-was $25. (Germany's per capita estimate, stated in a recent article in The
of $58.82 was then the largcst.)13 In 1968, Atlantic: "We maintain more than 1,517,-
the per capita military expenditures of the 000 Americans in uniform overseas in 119
United States alone, in 1937 prices, was countries. We have 8 treaties to help defend
$132. This was only in part due to the Viet- 48 nations if they ask us to or if WC choose
nam War: in 1964, our most recent "peace" to intervene in their aftairs."l 5 The main
year, the per capita military expenditures in substance of U.S. overseas power, aside from
1937 prices was $103.11 its present application in Vietnam, is spread
One of the reasons for this huge increase out over 429 major and 2,972 minor mili-
in military outlays is no doubt the greater tary bases. These bases cover 4,000 square
sophistication of weaponry. (By the same miles in 30 foreign countries, as well as
token, it is the advanced airplane and missile Hawaii and Alaska.1" Backing this up, and

acting as a coordinator of the lesser imperi-
13Wright, op. off., pp, 670-71. alist powers and the Third World incorpo-
"The data on military expenditures __l}the
purchases of goods and services for "national de- General David M. Shoup, "The New Ameri-
fense" and "space resea lEE technology' as can Militarism," The Atlantic, April 1969. The
used in computing Gross National Product. he figure of 119 countries seems too large. General
1964 and 1968 datl- reported in Survey Shoup was probably including bases on island
of Current Business", Qiuly 1968 and July 1969. The locations, which he counted as separate countries.
adjustment for price changes was made by using Our guess is that U.S. armed forces to man bases,
the implicit price deff atoms for federal purchases of administer military assistance, and train foreign
goods and services, as given in the Eemmmic officers are located in 70 to 80 countries.
Report of the Pi-esfcfent, January 1969. "New York Times, April 9, 1969.

rated in the imperialist network, is a massive exhausts the international iunetions of U.S.
program of military assistance. According to militarism. Space considerations permit no
a recent study : more than passing reference to (a) the
active promotion of commercial armament
U.S. military aid . . . since 1945 has aver- sales abroad (contributing a sizable portion
aged $2 billion per year. It rose lo as much of the merchandise export surplus in recent
as $5 biiiion in. fiscal' year (FY) 1952 and
years), ( b ) the extensive training of foreign
.fell to as low as $831 million in F Y 1956.
The number of recipient countries rose military personnel, and. (c) the use of eco-
from 14 in /950 to u peak so far of 69 in nomic-aid funds to train local police forces
I963, In all, some 80 countries have re- for "handling mob demonstrations and
ceived a total of $50 billion in American counterintelligence work."' s These are, in the
military aid since World War II. Except for
I Z hard-core communist countries and cer-
main, additional instruments for maintain-
Iain ion t`eZi-closef To eitlzer Eritain or ing adherence and loyalty of the nonspecialist
Fran very few nations have never re- world to the free-enterprise system in gen-
ceived military aid of one kind or another eral, and to the United States in particular.
f r o m the United States, 1s v

The above factual recital by no means 1*For {a), see ibid. (b), see John Dunn, Mili-
[ary Aid c d Mi/i!a1')' E/I/(>.s.' T/16 POHIECQI Po-
George Thayer, The War Bzrsirzem, T h e In- Ienfial of Anr(2rican Traitrhrg and Tecl1rz:'caf As-
ternational' Trade in Armaments (New York : sistance Programs unpublished Ph.D. dissertation
1969), pp. 37-38. This is a summary of data pre- (Princeton University: 1961). (0), see Edwin
sented in Mi1'iMry A.s'si.sfance Facts, May 1, 1966, Lieuwcn, The United' Sturm and' The Cr'laHerFgc to
brought up~to-date through Fiscal Year 1968. Security in Latin America (Ohio: 1966), p, 16.

10.3 United States Foreign Private Investment:

An Empirical Survey

The previous two readings have analyzed the origins and nature of im-
_perialism and emphasized the extension of political control and the growth
of militarism that result directly from capitalist expansion. In the next
reading we turn to the most visible economic manifestation of imperialism :
foreign private investment from the advanced capitalist nations.
The United States has accounted for the lion's share of the direct foreign
private investment undertaken in the postwar period! Investment by
American private enterprise in foreign countries has grown rapidly since
1950 and has been a major force in bringing about an increasingly inte-
grated world capitalist system in which the United States predominates. In
this brief reading Thomas E. Weisskopf presents some pertinent data to

1The United States' share of the outiiow of direct private investment from the
advanced capitalist countries averaged approximately 70 percent during the period
1957-1964. See S. Hymen and R. Rowthorn, "Multinational C`orpm~at.ion§ and
International Oligopoly; The Non-American Challenge," in The Inrwfzcrtionczl CT0rp0-
ratirui, Cd. C. P. Kindleberger (Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press, 1970). Table 9.
p. 78.
United States Foreign Private Investment: An Empirical Survey 427

document the growth and significance of United States foreign private in-

Source: The following essay was written by THOMAS E. WE1SSKOPF for

this book. Copyright © 1972 by Thomas E. Weisskopf.

The value of American. private investment an avcrago annual rate of almost 10 per-
assets held in foreign countries grew rapidly cent
from l950 to 1969; annual data are pre- Table 10-A also lists the annual value
sented in Table 10-A. Long-term assets ac~ of capital outflow and capital inflow associ-
count for the bulk of the total value of U.S.
private investment abroad, and among long- 'All the data presented in this reading arc
term assets, equity capital (in the form of based on dollar values al current prices. Thus
direct private investment) is far more irn- real rates of growth are overstated by the amount
of price inflation that took place in the period
portant than loan capital (in the form of. under consideration. From 1950 to 1969, the
commercial bonds). Total assets, long~term price level of exports and of imports (presumably
assets and direct private investment abroad, most relevant to international transactions) rose
by little more than I percent per year. (Sec The
have all multiplied by more than live times Ecr.1rlomic: Repos! of fate Pf'e.rid¢'n!, 1970, Table
within the nineteen-year period, growing at C-3.)


Value of Assets Direct Dh'ecf'

Long- Capital' fnvesfment
Year Tofu f Term Dhecf Oui'f]ow Income

(Bifl!ions o f doffcsrs a t year-end) lBiH'ions o f doffers during year)

1950 19.0 17.5 11.8 0.6 18

1951 20.5 19.0 13.0 0.5 1.5
1952 22.1 20.6 14.7 0.9 1.4
1953 23.8 22.2 16.3 0.7 1.4
1954 26.6 24.4 17.6 0.8 1.7
1955 29.1 26.8 19.4 0.8 1.9
1956 33.0 30.1 22.5 1.8 2.2
1957 36.8 33.6 25.4 2.1 2_3
1958 40.8 37.3 27.4 l.I 2.2
1959 44.8 41.2 29.7 1_4 2,2

1960 49.4 44.4 31.9 1.7 *.4

1961 55.5 49.0 34.7 1.6 2.8
1962 60.0 52.7 37.3 1.7 3.0
1963 66.5 58.3 40.7 2.0 3.1
1964 75.8 64.9 44.5 2.3 3.7
1965 81.5 71.4 49.5 3.5 4.0
1966 86.3 75.7 54.8 3.7 4.0
1967 93.6 81.7 59.5 3.1 4.5
1968 102.5 89.5 65.0 3.2 5.0
1969 110.2 96.0 70.8 3.1 5.6
SOURCE: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Su"1'¢'J' of Cr..-r'r.f.=::t l3usf.'r{>5.s' (monthly) 111111111-ll articles
on he international investment position of the U.S.

ated with U.S. direct private investment. A centage of total profits and. of total capital
major share of this investment is Nuanced in each year is also shown. The figures indi-
abroad, both from local sources and from cate that the value of direct investment
the reinvested earnings of foreign enter- abroad rose from 5 percent of the invested
prises. Thus the annual outflow of capital is capital of all corporations in 1950 to almost
much less than the corresponding annual in~ 10 percent in 1969. The share of foreign
crease in the value of direct investment as- profits in total after-tax corporate profits was
sets. The return How of capital from abroad const steely higher than the share of invested
represents that part of the income from exist- capital, rising from about 7 percent in 1950
ing foreign investment that is repatriated to almost 18 percent in 1969. This higher
back to the United States. As Table 10-A share of foreign profits reflects the greater
clearly shows, both the inflow of investment profitability of foreign investment, the for-
income and outflow of new investment capi- eign profit rate averaged between 13-14
tal have increased rapidly from 1950 to percent during the whole period as com-
1969, but the former has been consistently pared to an overall rate of about 7-8 per-
higher than the latter. Thus there has been cent.
a continuous net capital inflow associated The geographical and sectoral distribution
with U.S. direct private investment abroad."
During the period from 1950 to 1969, the earnings. The data available from the Department
of Commerce show foreign earnings after foreign
value of U.S. direct private investment
taxes but before U.S. taxes. Because U.S. tax laws
abroad grew steadily as a proportion of the allow firms to deduct from their U.S. taxes an
value of total corporate investment (at home amount equal to foreign taxes paid on repatriated
and abroad), This is hardly surprising. for income (provided foreign tax rates do not exceed
the U.S. tax rates), the elfeetive U.S. tax rate on
the average rate of profit on foreign capital foreign earnings is much lower than the rate
was substantially higher than on domestic (about 50 percent) which applies to domestic
capital throughout this period. profits. Evidence for recent years from the In-
ternal Revenue Service (see Statistics of Income-
Table I 0-B presents annual data that /962, .S'rrpple/rzelztal Report OH Foreign Income
document the increasing importance and and ?`crxes Reports=fl i n C<>rpo:°o1ilon Income Tax
relatively high profitability of foreign invest- Rdm'/is, Table IO) suggests that the average rate
of U.S. tax on foreign earnings-after deductions
ment. After-tax profits, invested capital, and -was approximately 10 percent. in addition to
the corresponding rate of profit arc listed subtracting U.S. taxes, it is also desirable to add
first for all corporate activity and then for to reported foreign earnings the reported value
foreign private investinent.8 The foreign per- of royalties, management charges, and other fees
which are levied by U.S. corporations on their
overseas affiliates and which constitute in clTcct
This net capital inliow belies the notion that a significant transfer of profits. The figures for
private capital from the United States adds di- total after-tax foreign profits thus calculated are
rectly to the capital resources available to the rest shown in Table 10-B.
of the world. In fact the return flow of profits ex- It should be noted that even these adjusted
ceeds the outtiow of new capital. But foreign figures tend to understate the profitability of for-
private investment has indirect as well as direct eign investment. O11 the one hand, profits made
effects on the availability of capital in foreign by overseas affiliates can be disguised by artifi-
countries. An estimate of the overall impact of cially high prices charged for the supply of inputs
United States private investment abroad would imported from the parent company. Such over-
have to take account of its net contribution t o invoicing has the effect of traIlsfel'rillg the profits
domestic income, the extent to which it displaces from the accounts of the overseas affiliate to the
or inhibits domestic capital formation and other accounts of the parent company in the U.S. On
such variables which alfcct the availability of the other hand. the reported value of foreign
capital in foreign countries. assets may well overstate the true value of the
To obtain comparable figures on profits from invested capital because of nverprieing of the
foreign private investment. it is necessary to make capital equipment and/or capitalization of costless
some adjustments on the reported data on foreign assets such as brand names, etc.

Corporcfe Totuis Forwigre Privcrfe Investment Foreign Tolal Ratios


AFter»Tux fnvesfecz' Proof Profit or-Tax

After-Tax Invested
Year Profits Capitol] Rafe Rafe Prof's
rofHs Cczfpifaf
(Billions of' doNarsj % % % %



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United States Foreign Private Investment; An Empirical Survey



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lDatz1. in brackets represent rough estimates extrapolated where precise data were Llnnvztilatble.
"Calculated E15 90 percent of reported earnings, plus royalties, fees, etc. (See footnote 3.1
"l-ligures for each veal' 1'c.prcser1 L the average of the year-end book value of assets for the preceding and the given year.
SOURCES: a. Corporate after-tax profits: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Income m l Product! Accounts, Table 6.15.
h. Corporate invested capital: U.S. Internal Revenue Service, .S`Mri.sfic-s of Ifzeoure: Crupor-are Income Tax Rertrms (annually) data. on new worth of corpt)r;1tior\s. .
c. Reported earnings, royalties, fees, etc., invested capital of foreign private investment: U.S, Dept. of Commerce, .S'i:r1'.rl.1` of Crow:at Businc.s.i (monthly) annual {H`[iE$l{IH
on the
the: international
intcrnatiunLll investment position of the United States.
d. After-tax profits O11 foreign private investment calculated as indicated in footnote 2.

e. Percent rates calculated directly from data in table.

of U.S. direct private investment abroad is creasing emphasis on the manufacturing

tabulated in Table l0-C for the years 1929, sector that has characterized foreign invest-
1950, 1959, and 1969. Although the abso- ment in recent decades. From 24 percent of
lute value of foreign investment has in- total foreign investment in 1929, the share
creased dramatically in all areas and all of the manufacturing sector rose to 42 per-
sectors during this period, there have been cent by 1969. Because of much higher
significant shifts in its distribution. The share standards of living, the developed countries
of. the underdeveloped countries has dropped offer a more lucrative market for manu-
from about 50 percent of the total in 1929 facturers than do the underdeveloped coun-
and 1950 to slightly less than 30 percent in tries, almost half of U.S. direct private in~
1969. The major area for U.S. investment vestment in the developed countries is in
has shifted from Latin America in 1929 and manufacturing.
1950 to Canada in 1959 and to Western In the underdeveloped countries, the ex-
Europe in 1969. traction of raw materials remains the nlost
These geographical shifts reflect the in- significant activity of foreign investors: more


BY AREA AND SECTOR, 1929-1969 (cell figures in m?IIions of dollars)

1929 }950 1959 1969

AH Countries 7,528 I 1,788 29,735 70,768

Latin America 3.519 4,576 8.996 l 3,81 l
Africal 25 147 520 2,215
Asian 334 982 2,026 3,974
Canada 2,010 3,579 10, 17 1 21,075
Europe 1,353 1,733 5,300 21,554
Other areas 28? 771 2,7211 s, 133
Mining and Smelting 1,185 1,129 2,858 5,635
Petroleum Ll 17 3,390 10,423 19,985
Manufacturing 1,813 3,831 9,692 29,450
Other Sectors 3,413 3,438 6,762 15,693

Underdevelloped CounMes'l 3,8?8 5,705 11,536 20.000

Mining and Smelting 751. 718 1,604 2.321
Petroleum 721 2,139 5,127 7.830
Mamlfacturing 297 847 1,614 5,167
Other Sectors 2,109 2,001 3,191 4,682

Developed Countries5' 3,650 6,03 18.199 50,763

Mining and Smelting 434 41 1 1,254 3,314
Petroleum 396 1,251 5.296 ]2,I55
Manufacturing 1,5 I 6 2,984 8,078 24.283
Other Sectors 1,304 1,437 3,57 I 11,{n 1

'excluding South Africa.

=excluding Japan.
"incliiding international.
"includes Me first three areas listed abra.
Uiiicludes the la1-:1 three areas listed ubiwc.
SOURCES: 1929 and 1950 data: S. Pizcr and F. Culler, u.,5'. Bi:.sfne.s's i'm'esr:n¢=rit in Fnrcigfz
Counkics. 1959 and 1969 dal:1: U.s. Dept. of Commerce. Surrcgr of Current B!l.§ineA.v (Sept. 1960
rind Oct. 10'}!'O).
United States Foreign Private Investment: An Empirical Survey 431

than half of U.S. direct private investment designed to promote capitalist social and
is in petroleum and mining and smelting. economic relations within the country. The
But even in the underdeveloped countries, desire to create a "favorable investment cli-
the share of the manufacturing sector in total mate" results in a continued spread of capi-
U.S. investment has been growing, and it is talism and an increasingly integrated world
likely to surpass the share of the raw ma- capitalist system.
terial extracting sector within the next Although the value of U.S. direct private
decade. investment is now much higher in the de-
The increasing significance of foreign in- veloped than in the underdeveloped coun-
vestment in manufacturing has important tries, there is much less of a difference in
implications for the (nonspecialist) under- the level of income from that investment.
developed countries. Where foreign investors Table 10-D presents data on the reported
in an earlier era were primarily C0I]C€l'n€d- earnings (after foreign taxes but before U.S.
with extracting and exporting valuable raw taxes), the value of investment, and the
materials, they are now becoming more and corresponding rate of earnings by area and
more directly involved in the local economy. by sector in 1959 and 1969.4 While the
This leads on the one hand to a greater de- share of total foreign investment located in
gree of influence and control over domestic underdeveloped countries was only 39 per-
economic affairs. It leads also to a new cent in 1959 and 28 percent in 1969, the
kind of relationship with the host govern-
ment. Rather than simply requiring a mini-
*The data in Table 10 anm intended to
lustrate geographical and :sectoral differences in
mum of interference with their activities, foreign investment activity; They ha I
not been
adjusted so as to be made comparable with the
foreign investors now seek the active coop- figures in Table I()-B. ( u n adjustments urn
eration of the host government in measures Table I0-B, see footnote 3, p. 428.)


BY AREA AND SECTOR, 'I 959 and 1969

Reported Vcfue of Rafe o f

Earnings Investment Earnings
fmifffons o f doors (Millions of dollars 1°/>)
during year) of year-endl

Total investment 3,255 29,735 11.0
Underdovclopcd countries 1,615 11,536 14.0
Developed countries 1,640 us, I 99 9.0
Mining and smelting 315 2,858 11.0
Petroleum 1,185 10,423 11.4
Manufacturing 1,129 9,692 11.6
Other sectors 626 6,762

Total investment 7,955 70,763 1 1.3
Underdeveloped countries 3,747 20,000 1S.'F
Developed countries 4,208 50,763 8.
Mining and smelting 844 5,635 15.0
Petroleum 2,494 19,985 12.5
Manufacturing 3,185 29,450 10.8
Other sectors 1,432 15,693 9.2

SOURCE: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, .5 lH'1l.'.I' u/ Curred B{r.§rlne55 (5epL 1960 and UCI. 1970]

data indicate that the corresponding share of were available account for more than 40
earnings was 50 percent in 1959 and 47 percent of total foreign earnings. These fig-
percent in 1969. These differences reflect a ures indicate that the overseas activity is
much higher average rate of earnings in even more highly concentrated. than the
underdeveloped than in developed countries : domestic activity of American private enter-
14 percent as against 9 percent in 1959, and prise.
18.7 percent as against 8.3 percent in 1969 The power of multinational firms within
(the gap is apparently widening). The dif~ the world capitalist system is brought out
ferential rates of earnings do not arise merely vividly by the data in Table 10-F, where
from differences in the sectoral mix of in~ nonspecialist nations and firms are ranked
vestrncnt, for the earnings rates shown in together by two indices of economic strength.
Table 10-D do not differ as greatly among First of all, h volume of sales of the top
sectors as among areas. The evidence clearly industrial corporations is compared with the
suggests that within each sector the average gross domestic product of the leading na-
rate of earnings is higher in underdeveloped tions. These figures measure the value of
than in developed countries. the gross output that is produced within the
The significance of foreign investment for Him and within the nation- Second, the level
the United States economy is much greater of after~tax profits of the top corporations
than is suggested by aggregate comparisons is compared with the revenues that are raised
of foreign and domestic activity. For direct by the central governments el the leading
private investment abroad is highly concen- nations. Th figures measure the e of
trated in the large -1 ustrial corporations gross outpu IW .."'-1o--
c s o"l'Efe him
M dominate private enterprise? Table and to the national government in the form
10-E presents data on the foreign opera- of not income.
tions of the top twenty-five U.S. industrial Table l 0-F indicates that in 1965 the top
corporations (ranged 'by sales volume) in twelve industrial corporations, each with
1965, the latest year for which extensive data sales in excess of three billion dollars,
were available. 'Mudlue of foreign sales. ranked among the top thirty-eight nations
assets and earnings--and the foreign per- whose gross domestic product exceeded
centage of the total~are listed for each three billion dollars. The majority of these
corporation insofar as the data were avail- tllirty~eight represent developed capitalist
able. At the bottom of the table the figures economies. Each of the top twelve corpora-
are summed for reporting corporations tions ranked ahead of the hundred-odd
among the top twenty-live they are also com- countries and territories (not listed in the
pared with the corresponding total values table) whose gross domestic product was
for all industrial corporations. less than three billion dollars. The ranking
Table 10-E suggests that foreign opera- of nations and firms by net income is simi-
tion S on the average account for between 25 lar to the ranking by fros S output, although
percent and 30 percent of the total sales, slightly less favorable to the multinational
assets and earnings of the top twenty-five corporations. Among the top forty-seven
industrial corporations: most of these can with not income in excess of 400 million
hence truly be labeled multinational firms. dollars, forty are nations and seven are firms.
The sixteen firms for which data on assets In sum, the major multinational Urms are
comparable in economic power to the
5Fo1' an examination of business concentration smaller developed capitalist nations and to
within the United States economy, see Means,
Section 4.1, p. 145, and Tables 4-A, 4-B. 4-C, all but the very largest of the underdevel-
4-D in the statistical appendix, p. 153. oped nations.
United S1 1 s F r ign Prim 1 In sum oh An Empiric I Surv y 433


% Foreign Value of Foreign

Rank Corplt=rufl'orI Safes Assets Earnl'ngs Sales Assets Earnings

(miHiorr dolforrsl

1 General Motors 18 12 10 3,730 988 213

2 Ford Motor 222 27 122 2,540 1,211 842
3 Standard Oil (N.J.) 68 52 60 7,800 4,510 622
4 General Electric 18 1,119
5 Chrysler 25 26 1,325 412
6 Mobil Oil 49 43 52 2,405 1,500 166
7 U.S. Steel
8 Texaco 351 251 1,540 159
9 IBM 30 32 30 1,133 824 143
10 Gulf Oil 33 29 1,260 124
11 Western Electric
12 DuPont 17 17 514 372
13 Swift
14 Bethlehem Steel 2 52
15 Shell Oil
16 Standard Oil (Indiana) 16 433
17 Standard Oil (Calif.) 351 91. 431 855 295 1681
18 Westinghouse Electric
19 International Harvester 28 26 19 650 290 19
20 Goodyear 40 34 360 37
21 Union Carbide 29 17 22 599 231 50
22 Armour 11 132
23 Procter and Gamble 16 18 147 24
24 RCA 6 6 5 123 36 5
25 General Telephone &
Electronics .- 11 224
% of firms lwitli
data available: IS 16 13 15 16 13
B Total for these
corporations : 29% 28 % 27% 24,609 13,001 1,814
C Total for all industrial
corporations 38,394 4,415
D B as % of C: 33.9 41.2

lExclL1des Western hemisphere

"Excludes .
SOURCE a. Rank of lop twenty-five industrial corporations: Fornfne (June 1966) Directory of the Top 500
l11dLlstria l Corporations.
b. Percent foreign sales, assets, and earnings' Brock and Lees, "Foreign Investment, Capital Controls, and the
Balance of Payments," The Bulletin. the Institute o[ Finance, New York University (April 1968), Appendix, Table II.
::. Value of foreign sales, assets, earnings' calculated by multiplying percentage figures 1 total H H given in
Fortune (June 1966) Directory of the Top 500 Industrial Corporations.
d. Total foreign assets and earnings fur all industrial corporations: U.S. Dept. of Conmacrec, .'i`ar\'e}' of Cm'l'c'n.f
Business (Sept. 1966), Hgttres for mining and spelling, petroleum and nianufactnring.


(I) '(2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Goy'f After-Tax
Nation/Firm Rani( GDP Safes Rank Revenues Profits

United States 1 688,000 I 117,000

West Germany 2 116,713 4 16,100
United Kingdom 3 97,720 2 29,000
France 4 94,044 3 19,500
Japan 5 85,207 5 11,300
Italy 6 56,742 6 10,200
India 7 49,623 8 5,150
Canada 8 49,104 7 8,400
Australia 9 23,113 10 4,510
Brazil 10 22,173 15 2,330
Spain 11 21,420 13 3,080
General Motors 12 20,733 16 2,126
Mexico 13 19,705 19 1,770
Sweden 14 19,223 9 4,660
Netherlands 15 18,829 11 4,250
Belgium 16 16,660 12 3,420
Argentina 17 14,982 22 1,480
Switzerland 18 13,668 26 1,150
Ford Motor 19 11,537 34 703
Standard Oil (N.I.) 20 11,472 28 1,036
South Africa 21 10,550 21 1,490
Denmark 22 10,040 17 1,870
Pakistan 23 10,028 33 800
Austria 24 9,341 14 2,580
Turkey 25 8,745 23 1,460
Venezuela 26 8,466 20 1,640
Finland 27 8,054 18 1,790
Indonesia 28 7,37 I 45 420
Norway 29 7,093 24 1,420
Iran 30 6,323 32 865
General Electric 31 6,214 355
Greece 32 5,751 29 925
Colombia I 33 5,427 37 625
New Zealand 34 5,345 25 1,350
Chrysler l 35 5,300 233
Phillipines 36 5,209 46 420
Chile 37 4,936 31 895
Mobil Oil 38 4,908 320
U.A.R. 39 4,701 27 1,110
Texaco 40 4,400 36 637
U.S. Steel 41 4,400 275
Peru 42 4545 38 585
Nigeria 43 4,040 205
Thailand 44 3,931 40 535
IBM 45 3,779 43 477
Portugal 46 3,689 41 525
Israel 47 3,602 30 895
Gulf Oil 48 3,385 44 427
The M It ii n I C rp r ii ndM d rn lmperi l i m 435

TABLE 10-F, continued

(T) (21 (3) (4) (5) (6l

Gov? Affer-Tax
Nation/Firm Rank GDP Safes Rank Revenues Profit

Western Electric 49 3,362 168

DuPont 50 3,021 47 407
Malaysia 2,939 42 490
Ireland 2,719 35 665
Iraq 2,268 39 545
SOURCES: a. Sales and after-tax profits of industrial corpolaLions; Fortune, (May 1970) Directory of' Top 500
industrial corporations.
b. GDP of nations: Hagen and Hawlyryshyn, "Analysis of World Income and Growth, 1955-1965," Ecwzrfmic De-
velopment and Cul./ural Change 18, No. 1 (October 1969), Part II.
c. Central government revenues: United Nations, Statistical Yearbook, 1968, Table 199; data converted into dollars
using exchange rates given in Hagen and Hawlyryshyn, op. cit.

10.4 The Multinational Corporation

and Modern Imperialism

The importance of the multinational corporation emerges clearly from

the data presented in Tables 10-E and 10-F. No study of imperialism can
begin without an understanding of the nature of the multinational corpo-
ration: its goals, its interests, and its methods of operation.
In Chapter 4, Stephen Hymer traced the growth of the capitalist unit
of enterprise from the small family firm to the giant multinational corpo-
ration and examined the internal structure of the latter.1 In the following
reading, Paul Baran and Paul Sweezy focus upon the international opera-
tions of the multinational corporation. The case of Standard Oil of New
Jersey is used for illustrative purposes, as Baran and Sweezy point out,
Standard Oil is typical i the many giant corporations that now dominate
the United States and the world economy.

1 I-Iyrner, Section 4.2, p. 156.

Source: The following is elccerpted from "Notes on the Theory of Im-

perialism" by PAUL BARAN and PAUL Sw1aEzy. From the Monthly Review
17, :me. 10 (March 1966). Copyright 9 1966 by Monthly Review, Inc.
Reprinted by permission of Monthly Review, Inc.

I able and in due course, through paying off

their debts and plowing back their earnings,
One can no longer today speak of either in- achieved financial independence and indeed
dustrialists or bankers as the leading echo in many cases acquired substantial control
lon of the dominant capitalist classes. The over banks and other financial institutions.
big monopolistic corporations, which were These giant corporations are the basic units
formed and in their early years controlled of monopoly capitalism in its present stage,
by bankers, proved to be enormously profit- their (big) owners and functionaries consti-

lute the leading echelon of the ruling class. Assets Earnings

It is through analyzing these corporate giants
and their interests that we can best eompre~ U.S. and Canada 67 34
bend the functioning of imperialism today. Latin America 20 39
Eastern Hemisphere 13 27
In size, complexity of structure, and mul-
tiplicity' of interests the corporate giant of Total 100 100
today differs markedly from the industrialist
or the banker of an earlier period. This can Route of Return on Stockholders' Equity
b EI most graphically illustrated by an actual
case, and tor this purpose we can hardly do During 1962 the percentage rates of re-
better than select Standard Oil of New Jersey turn on stockholders' equity in different 1'€-
(hereafter referred to as Standard or Jersey). gions were as follows (Annual Repo-rt) :
This corporation was the earliest of its kind
anywhere in the world, it is today the second United States 7.4
largest industrial corporation in the world Other Western Hemisphere 17.6
(second only to General Motors), and its Eastern Hemisphere 15.0
international ramifications are at least 21S
complicated and far reaching as those of any Number of Subsidiaries
other corporation. It shows in clearest and
most developed form the "ideal type" to As of the end of 1962, Jersey owned 50
which hundreds of other giant corporations, percent or more of the stock in 275 sub-
both in the United States and in the other ad- sidiaries in 52 countries. The following is a
vanced capitalist countries, are more or less list of the number of such subsidiaries by
close approximations. country of organization (Form 10-K) :
Here, in brief summary form, are some
of the most important data about the size,
structure, and operations of Jersey? U.S.A. 77 Morocco 2
Canada 37 Switzerland 2
Great Britain 24 Uruguay 2
Size Panama 17 Venezuela 2
France 12 Algeria I
As of December 31, 1962, Jersey had Bahamas 8 Dominican Republic 1
total assets of $111,488 million. its aggre- Italy 6 Egypt 1
gate revenues for the year 1962 came to Sweden 6 El Salvador 1
$10,567 million, and its net income to $841 Colombia 5 Finland 1
million (Form 10-K) . Netherlzands 5 Hungary 1
Australia 4 India 1
Brazil 4 Indonesia 1
Geographical Distribution of Chile 4 Kenya 1
Assets cm Earnings Germany 4 Luxemburg 1
Philippines 4 Madagascar 1
As of the end of 1958, the percentage Argentina 3 Mexico 1
distribution of earnings and assets by various Denmark 3 New Zealand 1
Ireland 3 Paraguay 1
regions was as follows (Notice) :
Japan 3 Feru 1
Neth. Antilles 3 Republic of Congo 1
1Thc sources arc the company"s /962 A1umm!
Report, its Notice of Special SlrJL'H£0 Mef'5" Meei-
N orway 3 Singapore 1
ing (October '7, 1959), and its Form I0-K' for the Austria 2 South Africa 1
Ffsr-af Yam- Ended' Daya-c=n1I1ef° 3 / , I962. filed with Belgium .
2 Spain 1
the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant Bermuda 2 Surinam I
to Section 13 of the Securities Act of 1934. These Iraq 2 Tunisia 1
sources arc identified as A nnu.r:1 Repo:-r, No ffce, Malaya 2
and Form IU-K, respectively,
The Multinational Corporation and Modern Imperialism 437

Recapitulating by regions, we find that Jersey pears clearly that foreign operations are
had 114 subsidiaries in the United States and much more prolatable than domestic, and
Canada, 43 in Latin America, 77 in Europe, this has been the case since the early days
14 in Asia, 9 in Africa, and 18 in other of the corporation. Under these conditions,
regions. a small initial export of capital could, and
undoubtedly did, expand rapidly through
the reinvestment of its own earnings. Not
Countries Marketed in
only that. So great have been the profits of
According to the Annual Report, Jersey foreign operations that in most years even
sold to "more than 100" countries in 1962. after the needs of expansion have been cov-
It would obviously be wrong to expect a ered, large sums have been available for re-
corporation like this to behave like a British mittance to the parent corporation in the
cotton mill owner interested in getting his United States. The year 1962 may be taken
raw cotton from abroad at the lowest possi- as an example: Standard paid out dividends
ble price and in exporting his products to a to its shareholders, the vast majority of
duty-free India, or like a Rothschild or a whom are resident in the United States, a
Morgan disposing over great amounts of total of $538 million. In the same year,
liquid capital and interested in investing it however, operations in the United States pro~
abroad at the highest attainable rate of duced a net income of only $309 million.
profit. Standard's interests are much more It follows that some 40 percent of dividends
complicated. Take, for example, the ques- plus whatever net investment may have been
tion of exports and imports. Though Stand- made in the United States during the year
ard, through its principal U.S. affiliate, Huln~ were financed from the profits of foreign op-
b e Oil and Refining Company, is one of the erations. Far from being an exporter of capi-
biggest producers in the country, the com- tal, the corporation is a large and consistent
pany is definitely not interested in protec- importer of capital into the United States.
tionist measures. Quite to the contrary, it is The foregoing gives hardly more than a
a strong opponent of" the present system of hint of the complexity of Standard's inter-
controls which limit the importation of fuel ests. It takes no account of the fact that the
oil. "In Q; interests otconsumers, the DH* oil industry as organized by the giant inter-
tonal economy, and the international rela-. national corporations is in reality a congeries
sons of our country," states the /962 Annual of businesses: extraction of the raw material
Report, we hope these unnecessary from the subsoil, transportation by pipe-line
controls not only will be relaxed . . . but will and tanker, processing in some of the most
be completely rernoved."l Behind this public technologically advanced plants in the world,
spiritedness, of course, lies Standard's inter- and finally set I ! variety of products in
est in having its relatively low-cost Vene- markets all over the world. Nor is Standard
zuelan. subsidiary, Creole Petroleum, sell confined to the oil industry even in this
freely in the lucrative East Coast fuel-oil comprehensive sense. It is a large and grow-
market. ing supplier of natural gas to the gas pipe-
Or take the question of capital exports. line companies, it is a major producer of
On the face of it, one might be tempted to artificial rubber, plastics, resins and other
conclude from the tremendous magnitude petrochemical products, and it recently en~
and variety of Standard's foreign operations tered the fertilizer business with plans which,
that over the years the corporation has been according to the /962 Annual Report, "will
a large and consistent exporter of capital. make Jersey an important factor in the world
The conclusion, however, would not be justi- fertilizer industry." Finally, Jersey, like other
Pied, From the data presented above, it as giant corporations, maintains a large research

and development program the purpose of to be developing along the same lines. Many
which is not only to lower costs and hence U.S. corporations of course had large inter-
increase profits from existing operations but ests in exports or imports, and quite a Jew
also to invent new products and open up had foreign branches or subsidiaries. In
new lines of business. As an illustration of neither respect, however, was the situation
the latter, we may cite the following from much different from what it had been in
the 1962 Annual Report: "Food from oil 1929. Direct investments of U.S. corpora-
through biological fermentation is an intrigu- tions indeed declined slightly between 1929
ing possibility. Esso Research, in a small and 1946.2 Most of the giant corporations
pilot plant, has produced a white powder which dominated the U.S. economy were, in
that resembles powdered milk or yeast. It is the words of Business Week, "domestically
odorless, has a bland taste, and is high in oriented enterprises with international opera~
protein and B vitamins. The first goal is to sons" and not, like Standard Oil, "truly
develop food supplements for animals, but it world oriented corporations.
is hoped that the technique may one day A big change took place during the next
help to improve the diet and health of the decade and a half. To quote Business Week
world's growin__g_population." Quite a prom- again: "In industry after industry, U.S. com-
ising market; one must admit. panies found that their overseas earnings
m is, of course, up lhe place for a were soaring, and that their return on invest-
detailed examination of the structure and ment abroad was frequently much higher
interests of Standard Oil or any other cor- than in the U.S. As earnings abroad began
poration. But enough has been said, we hope, to rise, profit margins from domestic opera-
to carry the conviction that such a huge and tions started to shrink. , . . This is the com-
complier institutional capitalist" can bination that forced development of the mul-
hardly be assumed to have exactly the same tinational company."4 The foreign direct
attitudes and behavior patterns as the indus- investments of U.S. corporations increased
trial or Nuance capitalists of classical Marx- sharply-from the already cited figure of
ian theory. But before we explore this sub- $7.2 billion in 1946 to $34.7 billion in
ject further, we must ask whether Standard 1961.5 While this tremendous jump of
Oil is indeed an ideal type which helps us to course involved actual capital exports by
distil the essence of capitalist reality, or many individual companies, it cannot be
whether on the contrary it may not be an overemphasized that for the United States as
exceptional case which we should rather ig- a whole the amount of income transferred
nore than put at the center of the analytical to the United States on direct investment
stage. account far exceeded the direct capital out-
II The figure was $7.5 billion in 1929 and $7.2
billion in 1946, U.S. Department of Commerce,
Up to the Second World War, it would Office of Business Economics, U..S'. Bimhiess In-
vesNnents in Foreign Coun.frie5.' A Supplement to
have been correct to treat -Stands-rd Oil as a the Survey of Current Business, 1960, p. I .
sort of exception-a very important one, to 3"]l/Iuftirzatfonal Conlpan&?s," A Special Report,
be sure, exercising tremendous, un t times
even decisive, influence 011 United States
Business Week (April 20, 1963).
5U.S. Department B I
Commerce, Sur!/'GV
world policy. Nevertheless, in the world- I
Carrera' Business (August 1962),;,". 22. [Editors'
wide scope and ramifications of its opera- note' BY 1969 the va ham direct private
investment abroad had surpassed $70 billion,
tions not only was it far ahead of all others; Table 10-A. p. 427.1 ""
there were only a handful that could be said 6[Edi£ors' note: See Table 10-A, p. 427.1
The Multinational Corporation and Modern Imperialism 439

United States.** Considering that aggregate

But this is not the aspect of the matter merchandise imports into the United States
which primarily concerns us at the moment. in 1957 came to $13.2 billion, it is a most
The point is that in the course of expanding striking fact that more than a quarter of this
their foreign assets and operations in this total was supplied by the foreign subsidiaries
spectacular way, most of the corporate giants of U.S. companies. And as for capital ex-
which dominate the U.S. economy have port, we have already seen that U.S. multi-
taken the road long since pioneered by national companies are on balance massive
Standard Oil. They have become, in Eusi- importers, not exporters, of capital.
ness Week's terminology, multinational cor- What all this means is that one must be-
porations. It is not enough that a multina- ware of easy generalizations about the spe-
tional corporation should have a base of cifically economic interests of the leading
operations abroad, its true diljerenzia spe- actors on the imperialist stage. Their interests
cilica is that "its management makes funda- arc in fact variegated and complex, often
mental decision on marketing, production, contradictory rather than complementary.
and research in terms of the alternatives Subsidiaries of a U.S. company in two for~
that are available to it anywhere in the sign countries may both be in a good posi-
world." This, of course, is what Standard tion to export to a third country. If one gets
Oil has been doing since roughly the begin- the business, the interests of the other will
ning of the century. The difference is that be damaged. Which should be favored? Or
what was then the exception has today be- 21 certain company produces raw materials
come the rule. through a subsidiary in one country, nm-» -
esses the materials through another subsidi-
ary in a second country, and sells the finished
product through yet another subsidiary in
the United States. Intercorporate prices-can
One cannot say of the giant multinational be so fixed as to allocate revenues and profits
company of today that it is primarily inter- in any number of ways among the subsidi-
ested, like the industrialist of the nineteenth aries and countries. Which set of prices
century, in the export of commodities; or, should actually be selected? These examples
like the banker of the early twentieth cen- illustrate the kind of problem which the top
tury, in the export of capital. General managements of the multinational corpora-
Motors, for example, produces automobiles tions have to solve every day, and about the
for the rapidly expanding European market only valid generalization one can make is
not in Detroit but in Britain and West Ger~
that in every case they will seek B solution
many; and it probably exports many more which maximizes the (long-run) profits of
from its European subsidiaries to the under- the enterprise as a whole. And this of course
developed countries than it does from the means that whenever necessary to the fur-
United States. In many cases, indeed, the therance of this goal, the interests of par-
foreign subsidiaries of U.S. companies are ticular subsidiaries and countries will be
large~scalc exporters to the U.S. market. In ruthlessly sacrificed. This is admitted with
1957, for example, m aggregate sales (ex- refreshing candor by the authors of the Hus-
cluding intercorporate petroleum sales) of iness Week report already cited: "The goal,
direct-investment enterprises abroad was $32 in the multinational corporation, is the great-
billion. Of this amount, more than $3.5 est good for the whole unit, even if the in-
billion ( I I percent) was exported to the
**U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Busincmv
7"M/:h'.F1:a!€onaI Compczmle5," op. cir. Investments in Foreign Courn'rfes, p. 3.

teresa of a single part of the unit must suffer. "this could well be among the most profit-
One large U.S. manufacturer, for example, able U.S. investment structures in the
concedes that it penalizes some of its over- world." However, this is only part of the
seas subsidiaries for the good of the total story. Commerce Department figures give
corporation by forcing them to pay more current costs of U.S. aluminum company
than necessary for parts they import from operations in the three countries for 1957.
the parent and from other subsidiaries. Says Of the total of $81 million, no less than
one of the company's executives: 'We do $31 million, or almost 40 percent, are classi-
this in countries where we either anticipate fied under the heading of "Materials and
or already face restrictions on profit repatri- Services." Since it is simply incomprehensi~
ation. We want some way to get our money b e how materials and services could con-
out.' as stitute so large a share of the costs of an
A whole treatise could--and should-be extractive operation of this kind (more than
written about the way the national interests 50 percent greater than wages and salaries),
of the subordinate countries fare under the one can only conclude that this item is
regime of multinational corporations. Here artificially padded to cover excessive pay-
we will have to be content with one illustra- ments to U.S. shipping, insurance, and other
tion--a ease which is less well-known than it interests. In this manner, profits (and hence
deserves to be but which we believe to be taxes) can be kept down and funds can be
fully typical. One of the most important nat- remitted from the colony to the metropolis.
urai resources of the Caribbean area is Nor is even this all. The price of bauxite
bauxite. Jamaica, Surinam, British Guiana, produced in the United States doubled in
and the Dominican Republic are all impor- the two decades from 1939 to 1959, while
tant producers, with operations being orga- the price of bauxite imported from Surinam
nized and controlled by a few U.S. and one and British Guiana remained almost the
Canadian corporate giants. Separate figures same throughout the whole period. This
on the operations of these subsidiaries are means that profits which should have been
not published. However, the U-S. Depart- realized by the subsidiary companies and
ment of Commerce does report the prohlts been taxed by the Surinam and British
accruing to U.S. mining companies on their Guiana governments were in fact realized
operations in Western Hemisphere depen- in the United States. At length, however,
dencies of European countries, at least 90 the parent aluminum companies, with one
percent of which must be attributable to exception, began to alter this price struck
bauxite production in Jamaica, Surinam, turn, and here we get a revealing glimpse of
and British Guiana. Adding a conservatively the kind of considerations that determine the
estimated figure for profits of the Canadian policy decision of the multinational corpora-
company, profits from operations in these tions. In Philip Reno's words: "The prices
three countries in 1961 were between $70 set on bauxite from all the Caribbean
and $75 million on an investment estimated countries except British Guiana did finally
at between $220 and $270 million? This begin to rise a few years ago. The explana-
profit rate of between 26 and. 34 percent tion lies with the law granting tax conces-
suggests, in the opinion of Philip Reno, that sions to U.S. companies operating in other
countries of this Hemisphere through what
11 figures are from an article "Ahuni:1.zmz are called Western Hemisphere Trade Con
0:1 rribbefnz Fcopfe, " by Philip Reno, prorations. Instead of a 52 percent corporate
Monrhfp Review (October 1963). Mr. Reno spent
several months in British Guiana studying the op-
income tax, Western Hemisphere Trade
erations of the go-mpanies. Corporations pay the U.S. only 25 percent.
The Multinational Corporation and Modern Imperialism 441

By raising the price of bauxite, U.S. com- policies which they expect their govern-
panies could now reduce their total income ments-and the governments of the domi-
taxes. The price of bauxite began to rise nant imperialist states are indeed theirs-to
for the first time in twenty years, except for follow? The answer is that there are com-
British Guiana bauxite mined by Altd, mon interests and desired general policies,
Canada-based and unaffected by Western but that for the most part they are not
Hemisphere Trade Corporation maneuvers." narrowly economic in nature. The multina-
If this is a fair sample of how the under- tional companies often have conflicting in-
developed countries are treated by the multi- terests when it comes to tariffs, export sub-
national companies, it does not follow that sidies, foreign investment, etc. But they are
these giant enterprises are any more con~ absolutely united on two things: First, they
corned to promote the national interests of want the world of nations in which they can
the advanced countries, including even the operate to be as large as possible. -
one in which their headquarters are situated. second, they want iu151111111 lu
Quite apart from particular actions-like be favorable to the unfettered development
the Ford Motor Company's remittance of private capitalist enterprise. Or to put the
abroad of several hundred million dollars point in another way, their ideal would be a
to buy out the minority interest in Ford of world of nations in every one of which they
Britain at a time when the U.S. government could operate uninhibited by local obstacles
was expressing serious concern about the to their making and freely disposing of maxi-
state of the country's balance of payments- mum attainable profits. This means not only
a plausible argument could be made that that they are opposed to revolutions which
in the last fifteen years U.S. corporations threaten to exclude them altogether from
have developed their foreign operations at certain areas-+~as, r example, the Cuban
the expense of, and often in direct com- Revolution excluded all U.S. corporations
petition with, their domestic operations and from Cuba o that they are ada-
that these policies have constituted one of mantly opposed to all forms of state capital-
the causes of the lagging growth rate of the ism (using the term in H ~broadest sense)
U.S. economy and hence of the rising trend which might tend to hamper their own oper-
of unemployment which is now perhaps the ations i s reserve potentially profitable
nation's fumier one lb mestic problem. areas of economic activity for the nationals
Whether or not this is really the case-and of the countries in question." Their attitude
it would probably be impossible to prove is well expressed in the 1962 Annual Report
either that it is or isn't-it remains true that of Standard Oil on which we have already
the decisions and actions of the multinational drawn for illustrative material: "Both at
companies are taken solely with a view to home and abroad, a greater awareness is
promoting the interests of the companies needed of the importance of private invest-
themselves and that whatever effects, bene- ment to economic progress. Some countries
ficial or injurious, they may have on the have shown a trend toward state enterprise
various countries in which they operate are both through government participation in
strictly incidental. new commercial ventures and through
o? course, that they op-
IV pose to 1"
10T1'1is does not mean,
governments' me
ertaking public
works~r , harbors, public health and educa-
Does this mean that the giant multinational tion pro rams, .. kind that will
benefit t own operations. such beneficent
companies have no interests in common on
activities they even favor generous "foreign aid"
which they can unite? Are there no general from their own government.

nationalization of established private busi- of the "Truman Doctrine" in 1947. The

nesses. The interest of these nations will best negative side of the coin is antiColnmunism.
be served, however, by fostering societies The necessary complement is the building
that are based on those principles of free up and maintenance of a tremendous global
enterprise which have produced the out~ military machine.
standing economic development of many All the major struggles going on in the
other nations. It is reassuring to see steps world today can be traced to this hunger
taken--such as the Hickenlooper Amend- of the multinational corporations for maxi-
ment to the Foreign Assistance Act of 196 I mum Lebensraum. And the connection
-to ensure that economic assistance funds usually has a direct, immediate, and visible
from the United States encourage a climate aspect. We cite just two facts relative to
of progress by emphasizing the importance Cuba and Vietnam where the essence of
and protection of private investment in no present-day imperialist policy can be secn
sons receiving aid tata the United States." in its clearest form. Under the heading
It would be wrong to think that the manage- "Standard Oil Co. (New ]ersey)," in Stan-
ment of Standard- Oil opposes government dard and Poor's Standard Corporate De-
enterprise in the subordinate countries be- scriptions, dated July 24, 1961, we learn that
cause of a naive belief that state action is "loss of $62,269,000 resulting from expro-
identical with socialism. The explanation is priation of Cuban properties in 1960 was
much more rational: government enterprise charged to earned surplus." And from the
and state action in these countries generally same company's /962 Annual Report we
represent attempts on the part of the native learn that "Jersey continues to look for at-
bourgeoisies to appropriate for themselves tractive opportunities both in areas where
a larger share of locally produced surplus at we now operate and in those where we do
the expense of the multinational companies. not," and that the following are among the
It is only natural that such attempts should measures being taken to implement this
be resolutely opposed by the multinational policy: "A refinery in which the company
companies. will have majority interest is under construc-
The general policy which the multina~ tion in Malaya, and aiiiliates have part in-
tonal companies require of their government terests in 21 refinery under construction in
can thus be summed up in a simple formula : Australia and one that is being planned
to make a world safe for Standard Oil. In for Vietnam."
more ideological terms, this means to pro- Losses in Cuba, plans for South Vietnam :
tect the "free world" and to extend its what more eloquent commentary could
boundaries wherever and whenever possible, there be on the struggles now going on in
which of course has been the proclaimed aim and around those two little countries on
of U.S. policy ever since the promulgation opposite sides of the globe?

10.5 Capitalism and Underdevelopment in the

Modern World

The postwar period has been characterized by the growth and spread of
capitalism in most of the poor countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin
America. On the one hand, foreign private investment in these areas has
Capitalism and Underdevelopmerlf in the Modern World 443

multiplied rapidly with the rise of a newly integrated world capitalist

system in the wake of the disruption caused by two world wars and a
major worldwide depression. On the other hand, capitalist forms of pro-
duction and organization have grown in scope and significance within most
of the poor countries--partly in response to the growth of international
capitalism. While the degree of penetration of capitalist institutions into
the poor countries varies from one country to another, the overall trend
is unmistakably clear.
Most observers of modern capitalism would agree that it has become
increasingly international, but they reject the ii "inlperialism"' un:
of its negative connotations, and they argue that capitalist expoills is a
good thing because it spreads economic progress throughout the world.
It is a matter of great importance in evaluating modern capitalism, then,
to ascertain what impact it really has on the poor countries. In the follow-
ing reading Thomas E. Weisskopf argues that the expansion of world
capitalism from the rich to the poor countries is likely to perpetuate rather
than to alleviate their underdevelopment. The historical experience of
capitalist growth in the rich countries in an earlier era is irrelevant to the
poor countries today, for the latter have been and remain the victims
rather than the agents of imperialism.

United States' direct private investment in the poor countries of Latin America,
Asia, and Africa increased from $5.7 billion to $20.0 billion in the period 1950-
1969, at an average annual rate of close to 7 percent (sec Table 10-C). About
one-half of the total private investment of the rich capitalist countries comes from
the United States (see The Commission on International Development, Partners
in Development, Annex II, Table 2).

Source: The following is an excerpted and revised version of "Capitalism,

Underdevelopment and the Future of the Poor Countries" by THOMAS E.
WEISSKOPF. From Economics and World Order, edited by Iagdish
Bhagwati. Copyright © 1972 by the Macmillan Company, Inc. Reprinted
by permission of the Macmillan Company, Inc.

I shall argue in this paper that capitalism oiently rapid to provide benefits to the whole
in the poor countries of the modern world population or to reduce the income gap be-
is likely to perpetuate underdevelopment in tween the poor and the rich countries.
several important respects. First, the in-
creasing integration of the world capitalist
system will tend to heighten the economic, THE PRESENT SITUATION
political, and cultural subordination of the
poor countries to the rich. Second, capitalist To analyze the role of capitalism in the poor
institutions within the poor countries will countries, it is useful first to consider some
tend to aggravate rather than to diminish economic characteristics of contemporary
inequalities in the distribution of income underdevelopment. These characteristics arc
and power. And third, capitalism will be to a significant degree the result of the
unable to promote in most poor countries colonial history of the poor countries-
21 long-run rate of economic growth suffi- a long history of subjugation that has trans-

formed their social, political, and economic upon the rich.l Exports from the poor
structure. countries consist chiefly of primary products
First of all, and most obviously, there is (agricultural produce and raw materials)
an enormous gap between standards of liv- and How mainly to markets in the rich
ing in the poor and the rich countries. The countries, whereas the imports of the poor
average per capita income of the poor coun- countries consist chiefly of manufactures
tries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America is that are obtained mainly from the rich
less than one-tenth of its value for the rich countries. Export earnings in most poor
capitalist countries (see Table l0-G). Sec- countries are highly concentrated in a few
ond, the distribution of income and wealth commodities: on the average, the principal
tends to be even more unequal in the poor export commodity accounts for almost one-
than in the rich countries. The available half, and the top three commodities almost
evidence suggests that the top 5 percent of three-quarters, of total earnings from
the population receive on the average about merchandise exports. This concentration
30 percent of the income in the nonspecialist makes the poor countries extremely vulner-
poor countries and about 20 percent in the able to changes in a few commodity prices
nonspecialist rich countries (see Table 10-
H). 1 For statistical documentation of the economic
dependence of the poor countries on the rich, see
Third, the poor countries today are in Tables 3 and 4 of the original essay §(cited
.. in
. .

various respects economically dependent source line) from which this reading was drawn.


Per Cupid
Income Pcpufuffon Tcfm' Income
(U,S. $) ll'miH:'ons,J {biHiun u.s. $1
Nonsocfalfst Coufz trues
South and East Asia (exc. Japan) 106 908.2 95.4
Africa (exe. South Africa) 126 279.9 35,2
Oceania (exe. Australia, 176 3.4 0.6
New Zealand)
Middle East (exe. Israel) 287 82.8 23.8
Latin America (exc. Cuba) 407 235.5 96.0
Poor Countries 167 1,509.8 252.0
Southern Europe 630 49.5 3 1.0
Japan, Israel, South Africa 840 118.4 99.4
Western Europe 1,730 273.5 472.3
Australia, New Zealand 2,030 14.0 28.5
North America 3,440 214.2 737. 1
Rich Countries 2,040 669.6 1,368.3
L5'ocrlalist Cou rtfries
Asia 99 732.1 72.6
Cuba 540 7.6 4.1
Poor Countries 104 739.7 76.7
Eastern Europe 820 121.3 99.8
USSR 1.150 230.6 265.2
Rich Countries 1,040 351.9 365.0
SOURCE: Hagen and Hawlyryshyn, "Analysis of World Income and Growth, 1955-1965,"
Economic Deraefopvtwnr and Cuhurrd Change XVIII, No. 1 (Oct. 1969), Part II, Tables 3--8.
Capitalism and Underdevelopment in The Modern World 445


Percentage of Total Income Received by

Bottom 2nd 3rd AM Top TOp Top Gini

Poor Countries Fifth Fifth Fifth Fifth Fifth Tenth 5% Rubio*

1. If dial (1951-60) 3.7 6.8 10.1 14.7 64.7 (44.0) (32.0) 0.57
2- Mexico? (1963) 3.5 6.6 10.8 19.6 59.5 42.1 28.8 0.53
3. CeyIon3 (1952-53) 4.3 8.4 12.2 18.5 56.6 42.5 32.4 0.50
4. Co1ombia3 (1953) (5.0) (10.0) (16.4) 12.2 56.4 48.4 41.6 0.50
5. Guatelnala3 (1948) (5.0) ( 9.0) (14.8) 15.8 55.4 43.8 34.5 0.48
6. Argentina2 (1959) 6.6 9.7 12.3 16.8 54.6 41.9 31.8 0.45
'7. Barbados3 (1951-52) 3.6 9.3 14.2 21.3 51.6 34.2 22.3 0.45
8. E1 Sa1vador3 (1946) (5.0) (10.0) (17.2) 15.7 52.1 43.6 35.5 0.45
9. Puerto Rico2 (1963) 4.5 9.2 14.2 21.5 50.6 (34.0) 22.0 0.44

Rich Counfries
1. W. Germany3 (I950) 4.0 8.5 16.5 23.0 48.0 34.0 23.6 0.44
2. NetherIands3 (1950) 4.2 9.6 15.7 21.5 49.0 35.0 24.6 0.43
3. Denmark3 (1952) 3.4 10.3 15.8 23.5 47.0 30.7 20.1 0.42
4. Sweden3 (1948) 3.2 9.6 16.3 24.3 46.6 30.3 20.1 0.42
5. U.S.A.4 (1962) 4.6 10.9 16.3 22.7 45.5 (30.0) 19.6 0.40
6. Italy (1948) 6.1 10.5 14.6 20.4 48.5 34.1 24.1 0.40
7. Norway3 (1950) 5.5 10.4 15.4 23.7 45.0 29.0 18.2 0.39
8. United Kingdoms
(1951-1952) 5.4 11.3 16.6 22.2 44.5 30.2 20.9 0.38
9. Australia3
(1954-1955) 5.6 12.5 17.8 22.4 41.7 27.9 18.9 0.35

SOURCES: Subramanian Swamy, "Structural Changes and the Distribution of Income by Size: the Case of
India," The Review of Income and Wealitfz (June 1967), Series 13, No. 2, pp. 155-74. 2Ricliard Weisskoff, Income
Disrrfbudrm and Economic Growth: An International Cmnparisorz, unpublished Ph,D. thesis, Harvard University, 1969.
SSimon Kuznets, "Quantitative Aspects of the Economic Growth of Nations (VIII) : Distribution of Income by Size,"
Economic Development cmd cuiznrnf Change (Jan. 1963). 'Edward C. Budd, ed., Iriequalizy and Prrrerly (New York:
W.W. Norton and Co., Inc,, 1967), Table 1, p. xiii.
*Gini ratios were computed directly from the ligules given in the table, including the bracketed figures which
were estimated by rough interpolation to make up for missing data.

and results in periodic balance of payments capitalist sector. The significance of. the
crises for which external assistance is re- modern sector varies greatly among poor
quired. Most areas of the underdeveloped countries, depending upon their colonial
world show a marked deficit in their balance history and the more recent impact of the
of trade that must be met by an inflow of postwar expansion of world capitalism.
foreign capital. Furthermore, there remains Related to these economic characteristics
in most poor countries El substantial degree are several important sociopolitical features
of foreign ownership and/or control of do- of contemporary poor countries that affect
mestic resources. the growth and operation of capitalist in-
Finally, most of the poor countries are stitutions. First of all, the poor countries are
characterized by $1 pronounced economic typically characterized by a class structure
dualism. A modern, foreign-oriented, largely in which power is highly concentrated
capitalist sector can be found in a few major among a small set of elites. These include
O r a n centers and around important sources on the one hand classes whose power is
of raw materials, in ile the rest of the associated with the traditional sector and
country remains dominated by a more tra- who constitute an aristocracy of long stand-
ditional, wholly '-venous, largely pre- ing; large holders of land, wealthy traders,

and other precapitalist elites whose dom- tivities in the modern capitalist sector de-
inance in the countryside was accepted pend either directly on foreign ownership
and often strengthened by colonial rule. The and control or indirectly on foreign tech-
elites also include several newer classes nological or managerial aid. Under such cir-
whose prominence is associated with the cumstances, it is only natural that a con-
growth of the modern sector and the achieve- siderable fraction of the emerging domestic
ment of political independence: the big capitalist class Ends itself in a subordinate
bourgeoisie, including established foreigners and dependent position vis-a-vis the foreign
and emerging nationals, and the highly edu- capitalist class. For similar reasons, many
cated and westernized national professionals, governments in the poor countries are de-
bureaucrats, and military officers who have pendent upon the advanced capitalist powers
displaced their colonial predecessors. While for political and military support. Thus, cap-
the relative strength of these el.ite classes italism in the poor countries today is not the
varies from country to country, depending relatively independent capitalism of old
on the local conditions and the extent of which stimulated the economic growth of
social and economic change, their combined England, the United States, Japan, and other
membership is almost everywhere very small rich capitalist countries. Rather, the capi-
in comparison to the mass of small cultiva- talism which is spreading in today's poor
tors, landless agricultural laborers, unskilled countries is far better described as a depend-
workers, and unemployed or underemployed cnt form. of capitalism, embedded within the
persons of all kinds who make up the bulk world capitalist system as a whole.
of the population. Between the elite classes
at the top and the masses at the bottom there
is usually only a very small middle class of INCREASiNG SUBORDINATION
petty businessmen, semiskilled blue- and
white-collar workers and small property There are several factors at work within the
owners. world capitalist system to reinforce the sub-
Such a class structure in turn results in a ordin ation of the poor to the rich countries.
state apparatus that is largely controlled by These can briefly be described as the demon-
and responsive to the interests of the elites stration effect, the monopoly effect, the
no matter what the formal nature of the brain-drain effect and the technology effect.
political system. Because of their over- Each of these effects serves to intensify the
whelrning power and prestige, the elites form demand of the poor countries for resources
a relatively cohesive ruling class: internal and skills available mainly in the rich,
conflicts are minimized by a strong common thereby contributing directly to economic dc-
interest in maintaining overall ruling class pendence and indirectly also to political and
hegemony. Thus there are rarely decisive cultural subordination.
struggles between older and newer elites; First of all, the increasingly close tics be-
the society remains in some degree both tween the poor and the rich countries that
precapitalist and capitalist, and the non- accompany the integration of world capital~
ruling classes are rarely able to turn ruling ism give rise to a "demonstration effect"
class divisions to their own advantage. whereby the consumption patterns of the
A Final important characteristic of con- rich countries are to some extent emulated
temporary poor countries is their dependent by those citizens in the poor countries who
relationship with the centers of capitalist arc in a position to afford it. Of course, the
enterprise. This dependence arises partly out majority of the population of a poor coun-
of the colonial legacy. Many economic ac- try cannot afford to consume like the ma-
Capitalism and Underdevelopment in the Modern World 447

jority of the population in a rich country, upon which its commercial success is based.
however, the elite classes in the poor coun- Under such circumstances, domestic enter-
tries (and, to some extent, the middle prise remains in a subordinate position and
classes) can orient their consumption pat- an important part of the indigenous capitalist
terns toward those of their counterparts in class remain dependent upon foreign capi-
the rich countries, To the extent that they talists. The interest of this part of the indige-
do so, their consumption tends to rise and nous capitalist class becomes associated with
to be oriented toward characteristically for- that of their foreign collaborators or bent
eign types of goods. This in turn leads to d factors, and the impetus as well as the means
relatively high demand for foreign exchange, for them to develop into an autonomous na-
either because the goods must be directly tional bourgeoisie is dulled.
imported from a foreign country, or because The technical and managerial dependence
their production in the underdeveloped coun- of poor on rich countries is often exacer-
tries requires the import of foreign raw ma- bated by a substantial "brain drain": the
terials, technology, or expertise. emigration of scientists, engineers, business
The second important factor that tends managers, and other highly educated pro~
to perpetuate the economic dependence of fessionals from the poor to the rich coun-
the poor on the rich countries-the "mo- tries where they can expect better-paying
nopoly effect"--arises from the relationship jobs and a more stimulating work environ-
between domestic and foreign private enter- ment. This outward flow of skilled labor,
prisc. Foreign enterprise has a distinct ad- small in absolute size but very great in po
vantage over domestic enterprise in the poor tential value because of its scarcity in the
countries with respect to technology, know- poor countries, is both facilitated and pro-
how, markets, finance, etc., often their mo- moted by the increasing integration of world
nopolistic control of some or all of these capitalism. Where people are encouraged to
factors accounts for their interest in invest- respond to individual monetary rewards,
ing in the poor countries. Even when the rather than collective social goals, and where
poor country does not rely directly on for- strong forces are operating to attract val-
eign enterprise to produce goods and serv- uable resources from backward to advanced
ices, it is often the case that it must rely on areas, disparities tend to become cumula-
collaboration with foreign firms or on some tively greater over time.
kind of indirect affiliation with foreign pri- The last general factor that tends to rein~
vate enterprise. While such collaboration and force the economic dependence of the poor
affiliation may serve to increase the produc- on the rich countries within the world capi-
tive capacity of the economy, at the same talist system results from the choice of pro-
it carries with it an unavoidable rela- duction technique adopted in the poor count
tionship of dependence. tries. The technology that is used both by
l Furthermore, it is typically within the in- foreign and domestic firms in the modern
terest of foreign private enterprise to main- sectors of. the economy is typically very
tain the conditions in which its activities or much iniiuenced by production techniques
its aid are essential, for considerable mone- are used in - rich countries. Such
tary rewards accrue to its monopoly of pro- techniques, arising as they do from an eco
ductive techniques and expertise. Thus the romaic environment in which labor is scarce
incentives are structured in such a way that and capital is relatively abundant, tend. to
it is usually not in the interest of a foreign use more capital and less labor than would
firm to impart to a domestic counterpart the be desirable in poor countries. Since the re-
knowledge or the skills or the advantages quired capital goods-and often also the

patents and other rights associated with the products. The same kind of demonstration
production and marketing of the outpiit- effect that biases demand in the poor count
must usually be imported from abroad, these tries in favor of foreign goods and services
techniques tend also to generate a relatively also serves to favor the import of foreign
high demand for foreign exchange. This ef- styles and fashions at the expense of do-
fect is most pronounced when a foreign firm mestic cultural autonomy. Just as a concen-
establishes itself directly in a poor country tration of purchasing power in the hands of
because that enterprise will have an interest the elite classes accentuates the demand bias,
in using equipment and services from its own so the dominance by the foreign-oriented
country. But the same effect comes about elite--and often foreigners themselves-of
indirectly when domestic Iirms collaborate educational institutions, communications
with foreign firms or even if they simply bor- media, and cultural resources tends to am-
row technology from a rich country. plify the threat to indigenous cultural de-
Continued economic dependence implies velopment.
also continued political subordination. So
long as governments of poor countries must INCREASING INEQUALITY
seek short- and long-term economic aid from
the advanced capitalist countries and the The nonspecialist poor countries are already
international organizations that are primarily characterized by great, i.nQg_uahty in income,
funded by those same countries (the Inter- wealth, and power-greater "in than in
national Bank for Reconstruction and Devel- most of the nonspecialist rich countries (see
opment, the International Monetary Fund, Table 10-H). Yet there are onces at work
etc.), their political autonomy will be se- in the nu countries that are i k e y to in-
verely restricted. Furthermore, it follows crease further the degree of inequality over
from the nature of the links between domestic time. Some of these forces are common to all
and foreign capital described above that a capitalist societies, others are operative only
significant part of the domestic capitalist class in poor countries within the contemporary
is likely to be relatively uninterested in na- world capitalist system. The tendency toward
tional autonomy insofar as it conflicts with increasing inequality in the poor countries
the interests of its foreign capitalist partners means that the benefits of any economic
or benefactors. Thus the state is likely to be growth will accrue primarily if not wholly
under considerable domestic pressure to cur- -to a privileged minority, and very little
tail whatever -nationalist instincts it might will trickle down to the masses.
otherwise have. in analyzing the distribution of income
Finally, the continuation of economic and in the poor countries, it is useful to dis-
political dependence is likely to limit the tinguish not only between the two basic
development of cultural autonomy as well. factors of production-labor power and
The more dependent the country is on for- capital" but also between "pure" labor
eign help of one kind of another, the greater power and labor "skills." Pure labor power
will be the foreign presence in the country, represents the natural productive ability that
and the greater the impact on indigenous every able-bodied person has, it is by deh-
social and cultural life. International capi- nilion very equally distributed in any so-
talism is especially threatening to the cul- Labor power is defined to include all of the
tural autonomy of poor countries because of productive attributes of an individual, capital in-
the strong interest that capitalist firms have cludes all of the physical means of production,
e.g., land, machinery, etc. For an analysis of in-
in transmitting the kind of consumerist men- come distribution in a. capitalism society, see also
tality that stimulates the market for their Weisskopf, Section 3.'7, p. 125.
Ccupitcalism and Underdevelopment in the Modern World 449

cicty. Labor skills represent additional pro- Even the distribution of new skills through
ductive attributes that can be acquired by the expansion of the educational system
an individual through a process of formal tends to provide disproportionately great
or informal education and training. Like benefits to those classes already most fav-
capital, labor skills can be very unequally ored.-* To expect intervention by the state to
distributed. counter effectively these tendencies is to at-
The vast majority of the people in the tribute to the lower classes a degree of po-
poor countries depend wholly or primarily litical power and influence that could only
on their own pure labor power for their sus- result from a funds mental transformation
tenance. The ownership of most of the capi- of the social structure of the society.
tal and labor skills is confined to a small The prospects for any improvement in the
minority of the population, including often distribution of income thus appear to hinge
foreigners as well as domestic elite groups. on the possibility of an increase in the share
In a society in which income is distributed of national income due to pure labor power.
roughly according to the market value of the amount of income due to pure labor
factors of production owned by each indi- power is equal to the product of the number
vidual such equal factor ownership necessar- of fully employed workers (or their equiv-
ily results in a very unequal distribution of alent) and the basic annual wage paid for
income. In order for income inequality to be pure labor. In order for this amount to in~
reduced in the non-socialist poor countries, crease as a share of national income, either
there would have to be either: (a) a more the level of employment or the basic wage
equitable distribution of ownership of capital rate (or some combination of the two)
and labor skills, or (b) an increase in the would have to rise more rapidly than the
share of national income representing the total income of the economy.
returns to the most equally distributed factor In most of the poor countries in recent
--pure labor power. times the rate of growth of population has
A redistribution of existing claims to not been as rapid as the rate of growth of
capital is not likely to get very far. In the total income (see Table 10-J), and we can
first place, inn respect for private property
-___ infer that the growth of the labor force has
that is fundamental to capitalism precludes also lagged behind the growth of income.
any large-scale dispossession of the rich in Under such circumstances, it would take a
favor of the poor. The requirement of com- continuous and substantial reduction in the
pensation and the political strength of the rate of unemployment merely to enable the
rich vis-a-vis the poor will work to limit the level of employment to keep pace with the
coniprehcnsiveness and the effectiveness of growth of income. A long-run increase in
any measures of redistribution. And the the share of total income due to pure labor
labor skills acquired by the educated elites power would most likely depend upon a rise
cannot by definition be redistributed among in the basic wage rate more rapid than the
the population. growth of income. In fact, however, there
Increases in the supply of capital and are several forces which restrain the growth
labor skills are unlikely to be any more of demand for pure labor in a nonspecialist
equitably distributed. Capitalist growth has poor country and thereby limit reduction of
always been characterized by a tendency unemployment and increases of the basic
toward increasing concentration of capital
*The disequalizing effects of education in a
See Means, Section 4.1 (with appendix), p. capitalist system are analyzed in Bowles, Section
145; and Hymen, Section 4.2, p, 156. 5.2, p. 218.

wage rate. As a result, the share of total in- nonspecialist poor countries. Money wage
come due to pure labor power is unlikely to rates in urban areas of poor countries are
increase over time. usually higher than the rate at which em-
First of all, the adoption of techniques of ployers would be willing to hire all the avail-
production in both industry and agriculture able labor. This results inter aka from con-
that have been developed in the rich coun- cessions made by the state to organized
tries tends to limit the demand for pure labor labor in response to union pressures, it favors
power. This is because the technology de- the minority of organized workers at the
veloped in the rich countries, where capital expense of the majority who are unorganized.
and labor skills are relatively less expensive, At the same time, the price of capital to
is designed to economize on the use of the private enterprise is often understated `be~
relatively more expensive pure labor power. cause of the various types of government
But foreign firms naturally tend to import programs, subsidies, and other benefits which
techniques of production from their home aid the investor. The result is that firms tend
country. And domestic firms that collaborate to use more capital and less labor than would
or enter into licensing agreements with for- be desirable from the point of view either of
eign concerns are also likely to be influ- greater efficiency or of 21 more equitable dis-
enced by foreign technology. in general, the tribution of income.
more closely the poor country is integrated All these effects serve to restrain the
into the world. capitalist system, the stronger growth of demand for pure labor power in
will be the tendency to adopt excessively the poor nonspecialist countries. As a result,
labor-saving techniques of production. the share of pure labor power in national
A second factor influencing the choice of income is likely to decrease over time, and
techniques by capitalist enterprise in the growing inequalities in the ownership of the
poor countries relates to the problem of other factors-c apital and labor skills-will
labor discipline. Because of the difficulty of contribute to growing inequality in the over-
organizing large numbers of untrained all distribution of income. Corresponding to
workers, Tai. individual capitalist employer
often has an incentive to keep down the size
this increasing economic inequ ality-and
continually reinforcing it-will be an in-
of his work force and to pay a small num- creasing inequality in the distribution of po-
ber of more skilled workers relatively high litical power as well.
wages rather than pay a large number of un-
trained workers low wages. And the capi-
talist class as a whole has an interest in cul- INADEQUATE GROWTH
tivating a labor aristocracy whose interests
will be tied to those of the ruling elites rather Increasing subordination and increasing in-
than to the masses; this serves to fragment equality are not necessarily inconsistent with
the labor force and thus to inhibit the de- _a_positivc rate of economic growth. Yet capi-
velopment of a revolutionary working class talist institutions--il* domestic and inter-

consciousness. To the extent that such forces national-impose serious constraints upon
operate, the benefits of employment are i s . ability of poor countries to sustain a
limited to only a part of the working classes, long»-run rate of growth adequate to provide
and labor skills are substituted for pure labor material gains for everyone. Economic
power. growth depends in large measure upon the
The tendency to underutilize pure labor acc um ulation of physical capital, the spread
power is further reinforced by the distorted of labor skills and education, and the adop-
prices that often characterize markets in the tion of improved methods of economic or-
Capitalism and Underdevelopment in the Modern World 451

ganization and production. These, in turn, Even where a substantial amount of do-
require that the economic resources of a mestic savings can potentially be mobilized
society be mobilized on a substantial scale in a poor country, these savings may not in
and channeled into productive investment fact be transformed into productive invest-
and other growth-oriented activities. In the ment because of a shortage of critical im-
following pages, the constraints imposed by ported materials required for investment. It
capitalism on resource mobilization and re- has been noted earlier that world capitalist
source utilization in the poor countries will integration tends to generate an excessive
be discussed in turn. demand for imported products in the poor
Resources can be mobilized either from countries. The result is often serious balance
internal sources, principally in the form of of payments difficulties which limit the avail-
domestic savings, or from external sources, ability of foreign exchange for investment
in the form of foreign aid or private capital projects.
inflow. The highly unequal distribution of Finally, one potentially very important
income that characterizes the nonspecialist source of domestic resource mobilization in
poor countries would at first appear to favor the poor countries is largely ruled out by
relatively high rates of domestic saving, for a capitalist system of social organization. In
it restrains the consumption of the majority many poor countries--especially in densely
of the population while placing very high populated areas-there is much labor power
incomes in the hands of the few. These high that remains id ,__iiw§'am- 1 un-
income recipients might be expected to save employment or underemployment. dn-
a larger share of their excess income than ciple, this labor power could be usefully ap-
would be saved by the poor if the income plied to public development projects. Yet
were redistributed to them. it has proven very difficult in the nonsocial-
Yet there are also important forces work- ist poor countries to mobilize this labor for
ing in the other direction. The demonstra- productive purposes, because the workers
tion cliect of consumption patterns of the potentially involved have little reason to be-
rich countries on the upper and even middle lieve that the benefits of their endeavors
classes in the poor countries tends to stimu- would be distributed any more equally than
late luxury consumption rather than saving. income is generally distributed in their soci-
This effect is likely to increase with the in- ety. Furthermore, an important element in
creasing integration of the world capitalist Mobilizing a large and previously idle labor
system and, therefore, to constitute an in- force to useful activity is a psychological
creasingly serious obstacle to private do- sense of solidarity and commitment to a
mestic saving in the poor countries. As for common, worthwhile cause. With its em-
public domestic saving, the high concentra- phasis on individual achievement and com-
tion of political power that follows from the petition, capitalism fails to provide an ide-
inequality of income distribution in non- ological basis for rallying large numbers of
socialist poor countries seriously limits the inexperienced and previously idle laborers
ability-if not the desire--oi governmental to a constructive, collective effort.
authorities to raise revenues from the excess Because of the difficulties of domestic
income of the upper classes. Furthermore, resource mobilization, many of .the govern-
the demonstration effect often operates just ments of poor countries have looked to the
as strongly on government officials to in- richer countries for much needed resources.
crease public consumption as it does O11 pri- Unfortunately, for those countries that arc
vate individuals to increase private con- inclined to rely on foreign help, the pros-
sumption. pects for increasing net inflows of foreign

capital from the rich countries to the poor World War II, the reported income repa-
do not appear very bright. As far as foreign triated from U.S. foreign private investment
aid is concerned, the overall level of net aid has in fact exceeded the outward flow of pri-
provided by the rich capitalist countries to vate investment funds (see Table 10-A).
the poor fluctuated between six and seven Unless foreign investment rises continuously
billion dollars in the 1960s and now shows and rapidly in a poor country, it is unlikely
every sign of decreasing rather than in- to make a net contribution to the mobiliza-
creasing. At its peak, the How of net aid tion of resources.
was only equal to approximately 15 percent In sum, only these countries whose small
of gross investment in the nonspecialist poor size makes it possible for limited amounts
00)n[11€3.5 of foreign capital to go a long way can ex-
Even though the prospects for high levels pect to rely largely on external sources of
of foreign aid appear rather bleak, it remains funds. The only nonspecialist poor countries
conceivable that the flow of private capital that are likely to escape any problems of
could take up the slack. Such is in fact the resource mobilization are those which are
exhortation often made in the rich capitalist fortunate enough to be well-endowed with
countries.*' Yet foreign private capital does scarce natural resources (such as oil) that
not flow to the poor countries out of a sense yield both high profits to the Firms exploiting
of service, it flows in the expectation of. gen- them and high tax revenues to the state.
erating profits which will ultimately be re- such countries, question is simply
mitted at home. Whether these profits are re~ whether the available resources will in fact
patriated directly in the form of investment be utilized productively by the existing gov-
income or indirectly in the form of artificially ernment authorities. .....
high prices of inputs exported from the home There are several forces at work in HDI]-
base, they constitute a return How of capi- socialist poor countries which tend to limit
tal that sooner or later offsets the original the elTectiveness of resource utilization. In
flow to the poor country. In every year since the first place, a substantial amount of pri-
vate investment resources is drawn into ac-
Data on the net How of aid from the rich
tivities which are relatively unproductive
capitalist countries to the poor are tabulated for from the point of view of long~run growth.
the years 1956-68 in the Commission on lnterna- Such fields as trade, commerce, and real es~»
tional Development, Partners in Development tate are attractive to private investors be-
(New York: Praeger Publishers, Inc., 1969),
Annex II, Table 15. The real value of the aid cause they often promise quicker and surer
disbursed is in fact greatly overs rared by the returns than agricultural or industrial invest-
money value because of the practice of tying aid ment. For similar reasons, private-and es-
to purchases in the donor country and because of
the overvaluation of U.S. surplus agricultural
pecially foreign-investors typically prefer to
commodities, see, for example, Harry Johnson, invest in consumer goods industries rather
Eco/rorrzic Policies Tollwu'ds Less Developed Conn- than in capital goods industries. Consumer
rnfes (New York: Praeger Publishers, Inc., 1967), goods cater to well-established markets and
esp. pp. SO-84. A complete evaluation of the
role of foreign aid in economic development must .involve limited risks, while capital goods
of course go beyond the issue of resource mo- often require a larger and longer commit-
bilization to consider the political impact of aid, ment of resources and generally face less
e.g. in buttressing the reactionary role of privi-
leged elites and thereby perpetuating economic predictable demand conditions. This pref-
dependence ercnce for consumer goods on the supply side
fuSee, for example. . the report to Presidenl serves to reinforce the consumption-oriented
Richard Nixon by the White House task force on structure of demand that limits the mobiliza-
foreign aid headed by Rudolph A. Peterson,
March 1970. tion of resources for growth. The failure to
Capitalism and Underdevelopment in The Modem World 453

develop domestic capital goods industries in toward desired objectives. In many non-
a poor country also hinders long-run growth socialist poor countries, the government does
because it confines the available technologi- in fact affect significantly the allocation of
cal options to productive techniques associ- resources. However, the critical question is
ated with the use of foreign capital equip- not whether the state intervenes, but how
ment. it affects the operation of the economy.
Just as capitalist market institutions in To answer this question, one must recog-
poor countries tend to turn the sectoral nize that the capitalist state does not func-
allocation of investment against growth- tion in a political vacuum, it responds to the
oriented activities, they also have an unfav- dominant political forces in the society. Thus
orable impact on the choice of techniques the government of a nonspecialist poor coun-
within any given activity. For reasons de- try will intervene to promote economic
scribed in sections 2 and 3 of this article, growth only insofar as this does not signifi-
there tends to be insuilicient employment of cantly conflict with the interests of the more
unskilled labor and excessive use of skilled privileged and influential classes. Unless the
labor, capital, and foreign exchange in non- interests of the latter coincide with a growth-
socialist poor countries. Quite apart from maximizing strategy, government policy can-
its impact on subordination and inequality, not be expected to lead to maximum growth.
this represents a form of. resource utilization In fact, in many important respects a
that is ineliicient from the point of view of growth-oriented policy docs conflict with
increasing output and growth. Skilled labor. powerful class interests. The disinclination
capital, and foreign exchange are scarce re~ or inability of government authorities to
sources in the poor countries and should be raise substantial revenues by direct taxation
carefully economized rather than lavished on of upper-class incomes has already been
a limited number of activities. And unskilled cited as an obstacle to resource mobilization
labor is an abundant resource that could in nonspecialist poor countries. As far as re-
make a much greater contribution to out- source utilization is concerned, government
put if given adequate employment oppor- policy can and docs in many ways serve
tunity. limited interests at the expense of overall
The inefficiencies inherent in the use of economic growth. High import tariffs to pro-
the free market criterion of private profit tect domestic industries often permit indig-
maximization to allocate resources have been enous and foreign firms to make lavish profits
widely recognized and much discussed in the while producing in a costly and inetlicient
literature on economic development? There manner. Government rationing of capital and
are many good theoretical and institutional foreign exchange often allows the most in~
reasons to expect that the unconstrained op- iluential firms to obtain these factors at a
eration of the free market would not maxi- relatively low price and thereby permits high
mize economic growth, much less any more profits while encouraging low priority use of
broadly defined social goal, For these rea- scarce factors. As noted in section 3 of this
sons, the state is usually called upon to inter- article, minimum wage legislation can serve
vene directly or indirectly into the operation the interests of organized labor at the cost
of a capitalist economy in order to steer it of overpricing and hence Underutilizing un-
skilled labor.
For a concise discussion of the problem of The allocation of government expenditure
market failure and the need for government plan~ is also subject to many points of conflict be-
ring, see Keith Griffin and John Enos, Platrfzfng
Dev@.r'opn7@nf (London: Addison-Wesley Publish- tween a growth-maximizing strategy and the
ing Co., 19?(}), Chapter 3. interests of elite minorities. For example, the

power of the urban upper classes operates scribed above. Unfortunately, the available
to influence the educational expenditures of data do not permit a thorough test of the
the state in favor of urban and higher edu- hypotheses advanced in the preceding three
cation at the expense of rural and lower sections-especially with respect to subordi-
education. Yet there is evidence that the eco- nation and inequality. Yet there is a limited
nomic returns to primary education are much amount of evidence from the postwar ex-
greater than to higher education in most perience of the nonspecialist poor countries
poor countries.S Gbvernrnen expenditures that can be used to throw light on some gen-
on public sector activities that might com- eral trends.
pete with private enterprise-domestic or Table 10-1 presents data on the postwar
foreign-tend to be discouraged in favor of growth of the nonspecialist poor countries,
investment in infrastructural facilities that the nonspecialist rich countries, and the so~
lower the cost of essential inputs to private cialist countries of Eastern Europe. The rate
firms. All this is not to deny that-within of growth of per capita income in the non-
the limits imposed by its ability to raise re- socialist poor countries was on the average
sources the state in a nonspecialist poor slightly over 2 percent per year, as corn-
country can and does undertake programs pared with more than 3 percent in the non-
to stimulate growth. The essential point, socialist rich countries and almost 7 percent
however, is that the extent and the effective- in the socialist countries. Obviously the gap
ness of these programs are invariably com- between the poor and the rich countries is
promised by the class interests that constrain widening. Furthermore, a substantial part
the functioning of the state apparatus. of the population of the poor countries is un-
In sum, capitalist institutions in the poor likely to have gained anything at all from
countries-linked to and strengthened by the growth that has taken place. If the over-
the expanding world capitalist system-place all rate of growth of per capita income in a
important constraints upon the mobilization country is 2 percent per year, and it the
and the utilization of resources for economic 10-15 percent of the population that gets
growth. As a result, it would appear likely half of the total income manages to increase
that only a few of the most favored non~ its per capita income by 4 percent per year,
socialist poor countries could achieve a satis- then there is no incremental income left for
factory long-run rate of growth. the other 85-90 percent of the population.
Comprehensive data on the distribution
of income by families or individuals are
RECENT EVIDENCE seldom available in a poor country for' one
point in time, much less for different years.
As the world capitalist system has gained To generalize about trends in income dis-
strength in recent decades, and as capitalist tribution, one must therefore turn to indirect
institutions have developed on a wider scale evidence. Some insight can be obtained from
within most poor countries, one should be published data on the relative rates of growth
able to observe and document the tendencies of different sectors within an economy. Ta-
toward increasing subordination, increasing blc 1.0-J presents data relating to the signifi-
inequality, and inadequate growth as de- cance and the growth of the industrial sector
in nonspecialist countries. The first two co1~
5*See Samuel Bowles, "Class Power and Mass urns show the share of industrial output
Education: The Beginnings of a Study of Social
in total output and the share of persons oc-
Structure and Educational Policy," mimeo, De-
parlment of Economics, Harvard University, cupied in the industrial sector in the total
March 1970. economically active population. To the ex-
Capitalism c d Underdevelopment in the Modern World 455


Average Annual % Rates of Growth, 1950-1967

Per Capita Tofu!
Income Population Income

Non-Sociaffst Countries
South and East Asiai 2.0 2.2 4.2
Latin America 2.1 2.7 4.9
Poor Countries? 2.2 2.4 4.6
North America 2.2 1.8 4.0
Western Europe 3.4 1.1 4.6
Rich Countriesg 3.0 1.3 4.4

Socialist Countries
USSR and Eastern Europe 6.7 1.4 8.3

*Excludes Japan.
flncludes also Africa (minus South Africa) and the Middle East.
"Includes also Japan, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand.
*Gross domestic product at constant prices for nonspecialist countries. Net material product
at constant prices for socialist countries.
SOURCE: Growth rates calculated from growth indices in United Nations, S!ar1'5.rfcal Year-
book, 1968, Tables 3 , 4 .


Share of lndustryl Annual °/> Rates of Growth?

In Eco-
In Gross nomicaify Gross
Dc-mesfic Active fndusfrinf Domestic
Produc!- Popufafion Incfusidaf fncfusfrhf Output Per Produc#
(co. 1965) (ca. 1965) Output Employrnenf Person Per Ccrpifa

% % 1948-1966 1950-7967

Ar (I) _(2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Nonsocialist Countries
Asian 18 10 8.3 3.9 4.3 2.0
Latin America 29 15 5.8 2.0 3.7 2.1
Poor countries* 22 11 7.1 3.5 3.5 2.2

North America 32 28 4.7 1.0 3.7 2.2

Western Europe 37 33 6.3 1.6 4.6 3.5
Rich countries 34 30 5.6 1.9 3.6 3.1

llncludcs mining. manufacturing, electricity, gas, and water.

=At1 growth rates based on constant prices.
'*ExcI1.\dc§ Japan and Israel (and entire Middle East for growth of product per capita)
!Il1C1l1d€s also Africa (minus South Africa)
Includes also Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Africa, and Israel.
SOURCES: (1) Calculated by aggregating country data (by gross domestic product) in United Nations, Statistical
Yearbook, 1968, Table 186.
(2) Calculated by aggregating country data (by population)i n International Labor Ollice, Yearbook of Labor
1969, Table *.
(3) Calculated from growth indices in United Nations. ibid,, Table 9.
(4) Calculated from growth indices in United Nations, ibid., Table 10.
(5) Calculated from ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) .
(6) Calculated from growth indices in United Nations, ibm., Table 4.

tent that the former share exceeds the latter, a flow of primary products from the poor
the output per person in the industrial sector to the rich countries and a How of manufac-
is greater than in the rest of the economy. tured products in the reverse direction. Fur-
The data in Table 10-J indicate that this is thermore, in most areas of the underdevel-
true in all areas but especially so in the poor oped world the deficit in the balance of trade
countries where on the average 11 percent increased as a proportion of domestic output
of the active population generates 22 percent during this period, giving rise to greater in-
of the total output. Hows of foreign capital and correspondingly
The last two columns in Table 10-J show higher levels of foreign debt." The cumula-
further that the rate of growth of output per tive external debt of the poor countries more
person in the industrial sector is considera- than doubled in the 1960s alone, by 1968,
bly more rapid than in the economy as a the sum of total debt payments and profit
whole-especially in the poor countries. remittances from the poor to the rich I1OIl-
Thus the sector which is already character- socialist countries exceeded 25 percent of
ized by a relatively high per capita output is export earnings in seven poor countries and
increasing its per capita output more rapidly exceeded 10 percent of export earnings in
than the rest of the economy, thereby ac~ twenty-nine countries." The increasing sig-
centuating the differential. Barring major nihcance of foreign private investment in the
intervention by the state to redistribute in! poor countries can be gauged by the rapid
come (highly unlikely in any capitalist coun- growth of the foreign assets of the major
try-), the increasing sectoral inequality in per capitalist investing country, the United
capita output will be matched by increasing States, form $5.7 billion in 1950 to $20
sectoral inequality in per capita income. To billion in 1969 (see Table 10-C).
the extent that income is also more unequally It is quite clear from such data that there
distributed within the industrial sector over has been no major break in the postwar
time, the increasing sectoral inequality period with the pattern of economic subordi-
understates the increase in the inequality of nation established in the poor countries in
income distribution among families or indi- colonial times. The continuing economic
viduals. suloortlination of most poor countries is re-
Inequalities can at least in principle- flected in the political sphere by a plethora
if not in practice--be quantified. Subordi- of political and military alliances with the
nation, especially in its political, cultural, major capitalist powersfl These alliances
and psychological manifestations, is almost
impossible to measure statistically. To meas- For statistical documentation of the points
ure economic subordination, it would be de- made in the first two sentences of this paragraph,
see Tables 7 and 8 of the original essay (cited in
sirable to have extensive data on foreign source line) from which this reading was drawn.
ownership and control of domestic resources 1'3!Tl1ese data are given in The Commission on
and on the dependence of domestic enter- International Development, Partners in Develop-
ment (New York: Praegcr Publishers, Inc., 1969),
prise on foreign assistance of one kind or Annex II, Tables 9 and 11.
another. In the absence of comprehensive "As of 1969, the United States alone had
published information on these subjects, one "mutual defense" treaties with forty-five nations-
most of them poor-and operated approximately
can only draw inferences from the limited four hundred major military bases in thirty-two
data available. overseas countries and territories. The U.S- pro-
The overall pattern of merchandise trade vided military aid to UNity-eight foreign countries
between the poor and the rich nonspecialist and trained military personnel from sixty-four
countries. See Globe! Defense: U.S. Military Com-
countries has note significantly changed in mfrinenrs Abroad, published by the Congressional
the postwar perio@ it is still dominated by Quarterly Service, September 1969,
Capitalism cmd Underdevelopment in the Modern World 457

not only directly limit the political autonomy pirical evidence presented above point to
of the weaker poor countries, they also the likelihood of increasing subordination,
strengthen the domestic classes most oriented increasing inequality and inadequate growth
to foreign interests and thereby indirectly in poor countries that are integrated into the
further hamper the development of national world capitalist system. These fundamental
autonomy. problems of underdevelopment are unlikely
to be soluble without a complete break with
CONCLUSION capitalist institutions, both domestic and
Both the theoretical analysis and the em-


The single most useful book on modern between the rich and the poor countries.
American imperialism is Magdofl [5], who
focuses on the economic basis and structure U ] Ala vi, I-Iamza. "imperialism z Old and
of the new imperialism. Williams [8] pro- New." In The Socialist Register 1964.
vides an excellent historical account of the Edited by Ralph Midband and John
Saville. New York: Monthly Rievew
persistence of imperialist tendencies in the Press, 1964.
United States since the late nineteenth cen- [2] Baran, Paul. The Political Economy o!
tury; the shaping of an imperialist foreign Growth. 2nd ed. New York: Monthly
policy is examined in a set of stimulating Review Press, 1962
essays contained in Horowitz [3]. Turner [3] Horowitz, David, ed. Corporations and the
[7] is a good and up-to-date source on the Cold War. New York. Monthly Review
Press, 1969.
nature and functioning of the multin ational [4] Jalee, Pierre. Pillage of the Third World.
corporation. Alternative theories of imperi- New York: Monthly Review Press,
alism are considered and evaluated by Ala vi 196e.===
[1], who stresses the changes in the nature [5] Magdoff, Harry. The Age of Imperialism.
of imperialism over time. Rhodes [6] reprints New York: Monthly Review Press,
a valuable collection of essays dealing with 1969.#
various aspects of imperialism but particu- [6] Rhodes, Robert, ed. Imperialism c d Under-
devefopmenz. New York: Monthly Re-
larly its impact on underdeveloped coun- view Press, I970.*
tries, the essays by Arrighi, Baran, and Frank [7] Turner, Louis. Invisible Empires. New
are especially stimulating. A more thorough York: Harcourt Brace & Jovanovich,
analysis of the predicament of the under- Inc., 1971.
developed countries within the world capi- [8] Williams, William A. The Tragedy of
talist system is presented by Baran [2], American Diplomacy. New York: Dell
Publishing Co., Inc., 19621
Chapters 5-7, and Qlalee [4] provides much
useful data on the uneven economic relations =.=Available in paperback editions.



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of Advanced
AT THE PRESENT TIME THE CAPITALIST society and intervene actively and collec-
system is under severe attack from many lively in a conscious attempt to direct and
quarters. Victims of inequality, alienation, control those forces and turn them to desired
racism, sexism, irrationality, and imperialism human ends. In short, a strategy for radical
are engaged in simultaneous struggles to social change must be based on an under-
overcome their oppression, and they are standing of the contradictions at work in
finding that capitalism is one of their princi- a capitalist society. The purpose of this
pal enemies. The very existence of such chal- chapter is to elucidate the principal contra-
lenges suggests that capitalism is neither a dictions of advanced capitalism.
smoothly operating system in which little What is meant by the term contradiction?
protest is heard nor a system unsusceptible By contradiction we mean more than simply
to any change. On the contrary, the entire a Haw in the logic of an argument or a con-
history of the capitalist era has been marked indict of interests. A contradiction of capital-
by resistance from those whom capitalism ism results when the very process of capi-
has sought to subordinate. Often this resist- talist development produces simultaneously
once has been overcome only through the the conditions needed to transform it fun-
use of violent force and coercion by the state. damentally; that is, when the successes of
The social oppression which capitalism capitalist development create situations
perpetuates and generates, and the protests which are fundamentally antagonistic to
and challenges that arise in response, lead capitalism itself. Contradictions tend to in-
us to the question: Is it ultimately possible tcnsify with time and cannot be resolved
to bring about a radical social transforma- within the existing social framework. In the
son of capitalism, one that would result in a following paragraphs we shall outline some
more humane society? We already know of the domestic and international contradict
that to achieve a better society, a radical sons of advanced capitalism.
transformation of capitalism is necessary, We have already noted that capitalism is
we have seen in Part III that each of the not a static society. The production process
forms of oppression that gave us titles to itself is constantly being revolutionized and
Chapters 5 to 10 are functional to the capi- capital continually attempts to extend its area
talist anode of production and will persist of influence and domination. But these de~
unless capitalism itself is fundamentally vclopments contain major contradictions:
transformed. They produce changes that ultimately call
Social systems do not fall simply because into question the social desirability of the
they are oppressive or considered by some capitalist drive for profits and the necessity
to be unjust. Dynamic forces within capi- of capitalist production relations. Capitalism
talist society insure that some social change has reached a stage where it is incompatible
will take place, but this social change with and holds back the further develop-
will not necessarily nor inevitably take the men of human potentials and capacities.
form of a fundamental transformation of the On the one hand, capitalism promises to
capitalist mode of production into a better meet basic human needs but is increasingly
society. Capitalism can be radically trans- unable to deliver on that promise. Through-
formed only if it produces dysfunctional out the underdeveloped world, and among
social forces that have the potential for fun- the oppressed minorities in the developed
damental change. Equally important, a radi- countries such as Blacks and Chicanos in
cal transformation of capitalism can occur the United States, Quebecois (French-
only if men and women understand the his- Canadians) in Canada, and Catholics in
torical social forces at work in a capitalist Northern Ireland-it is apparent that real

Introduction 463

economic and social development is impos- politicizes the issue of economic priorities.
sible within the confines of the international Equally important, the expansion of capi-
capitalist system. Capitalism by its very na- talist production draws an ever-incleasing
ture creates unequal development and is share of the population into alienating wage
unable to institute economic reforms that and salary work. Modern capitalist produc-
would co-opt burgeoning anti-imperialist tion has become incredibly complex and
struggles for national liberation. Yet it is interdeperodent, requiring the drawing to-
capitalism itself which, in attempting to gether and cooperation of labor from all over
extend its area of domination, promised the globe. An enormous expansion in the
economic development in these areas and size of the proletariat occurs within the
created an awareness of the possibility of de- United States as blacks and women increas-
velopment. Capitalism thus becomes caught ingly join the ranks of wage and salary
in a web of international contradictions. workers, and small entrepreneurial business-
In the developed world, where modern men and professional white-collar workers
capitalism has delivered a wealth of material arc subordinated to large capital. The pro-
goods, it has sought to define well~being, letarianization of these groups produces an
in terms of individual commodity consume awareness of the constraints of capitalist
son. But with continued economic growth, production relations, the oppression of wo-
the desirability of more individual material men and blacks becomes linked to their op-
consumption fades in comparison to other pression as workers.
dimensions of well-being, such as the avail- At the same time, the internationalization
ability of creative and socially useful work, of capital, accelerated by developments in
meaningful community, and liberating eds high-speed communications and transporta-
cation for individual development. Yet, be- tion, creates a worldwide proletariat and
cause capitalism must constantly expand, necessarily heightens the awareness within
the realization of these needs is incompatible the United States of social interdepend-
with capitalist relations of production. In ence with the Third World. The interrela-
stead, capitalist economic growth deepens tionships between the logic of capitalism at
the alienation of work and community, and home and abroad become clearer. Thus, the
poisons the environment, and comlnercial~ war in Vietnam exposes the destructive effect
izes all social relationships. People increas- of U.S. foreign policy on poor nations and
ingly recognize that well-being consists of reveals the linkages between poverty, racism ,
more than the individual acquisition and and sexism at home and imperialism abroad.
consumption of commodities, and that capi- Finally, as production has grown in com-
talisrn cannot meet their felt needs. plexity, capitalism requires a more skilled
Moreover, capitalist economic growth it- work force-workers with more developed
self becomes increasingly predicated on ir- capabilities. The simple rote tasks of the past
rationality and production of waste (e.g,, are replaced by work which involves a cer-
military and space expenditures and planned tain degree of initiative and autonomy, some
obsolescence in consumer goods) as produc- ability to conceptualize, analyze, and syn-
tion for profit increasingly subordinates pro- thesize, and a more active involvement of
duction for use. Continued economic growth workers in the production process; but by
threatens the ecological balance of the earth, educating workers capitalism provides them
and the expanding role of the state in direct both with a greater awareness of their ma-
production and maintenance of economic terial and emotional needs and the capacity
growth both undermines the ideological legit- to grasp the systeln's essential irrationality.
imacy of private ownership of capital and This leads very quickly to questioning the

present hierarchical social division of labor will not "evolve" or "develop naturally" into
and distribution of power. the transformed society we desire.
In these ways capitalism becomes increas- The capitalist class is a privileged and ex-
ingly caught in its own contradictions. Capi- ploiting class, and it is not about to give up
talist development generates expectations its special place without resistance. In the
that it cannot fulfill. As the impoverishment absence of a conscious political movement,
of daily life deepens, the gap between peo- the capitalist class will always be able to
ple's felt needs and what capitalism can de- obfuscate and mystify discontent, offer sham
liver grows wider, and both the necessity for concessions, co-opt leaders and causes, di-
and feasibility of radical social change be~ vide the movement, and suppress movement
come widely recognized. As the capitalist or anizations. What it cannot do, however,
class appears more and more parasitic and is to resolve the contradictions of advanced
the capitalistic system less and less instru- capitalism. Only a change in the mode of
mental to the welfare of society as a whole, production can do that.
each of the oppressive social problems dis~ One final implication of our analysis
cussed in Chapters 5 to 10 become a locus should be noted. Precisely because advanced

which to capitalist society capitalism has sought to reorganize and com-

can develop. ii is not s u r p r i s i r a t the re~ mercialize every aspect of daily life, the
volts from the Third World, blacks, women, transformation of capitalism cannot be sep-
students, and factore "Ann: war-kers aratcd from the overthrow II l forms of
against inequality, alienation, racism, sexism, oppression wHo which capitalism has associ-
irrationality, and imperialism have grown in ated itself. Purely economic exploitation, as
frequency and intensity in recent years. we have argued, is significantly intertwined
However, the emergence of contradictions by capitalist development with dehuman-
in advanced capitalism is not sufficient by ization in psychological, cultural, racial, sex-
itself to insure the fundamental transforma- E m f other dimensions. All oppressed
tion of capitalism. Indeed, there are count~ groups share a certain solidarity in that each
less examples of spontaneous individual is struggling for self-determination. At any
protests and rebellions that are either self- one time the contradictions around particu-
destructive, because they strike at wrong lar forms of oppression may be sharper
targets, or strike in a purely symbolic and than around others. But the revolutionary
ineffectual way, or become cooped and process is not reducible to struggle against
cornmercializcd as part of the capitalist sys- economic exploitation or the alienation of
tem itself. Fundamental social change will labor, it must incorporate simultaneous
occur only if a self-conscious class emerges struggles against dehumanization in all its
and engages in organized political struggle forms. That is, it must articulate and struggle
around the contradictions of capitalism in for a vision of a liberated society, in which
such a way as to challenge the basic capi- all social relations are transformed and all
talist relations of production, for capitalism hierarchical divisions of labor are abolished.

11.1 The De~velopm,ent of a Revolutionary Proletariat

During most of its lifetime, capitalism has been extent sively challenged by
its industrial workers. We begin this chapter with a second reading from
The Development of 0 Revolutionary Proletariat 465

the Comrnurrisz Manifesto1 in which Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels de-
scribed the social forces in nineteenth-century capitalism that they expected
would weld the developing industrial proletariat into a revolutionary force.
Although the industrial proletariat did not rise to break its chains in the
revolutionary manner foreseen by Marx and Engels in 1848, this account
is important and instructive in illustrating la/Iarx's method of analysis. This
method remains useful in exploring the contradictions of contemporary
capitalism, and it will be applied to that end in the succeeding readings
in this chapter.
It is important to note that the Communist Manil'esto was not just a
detached scientific inquiry. In another place, Marx once said that "the
philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways, the point,
however, is to change it..15q. In this same spirit the Manifesto was intended
to help bring about the very changes that it "predicted" on the basis of
scientific reasoning.

'An earlier part of the M»;wzi}'e.vlo is reprinted in Marx and Engels, Section 2.5,
p, 66.
9TIzeses on Feyer/nach, X I .

Source: The following is excerpted from The Communist Marzifesw by

KARL MARX and FRIEDRICH ENGELS (first published in 1848).

With the development of industry the: prole- occasional revolts. Here and there the con-
tariat not only increases in numbers, it be- test breaks out into riots.
comes concentrated in greater masses, its Now and then the workers are victorious,
strength grows, and it feels its strength more. but only for a time. The real fruit of their
The various interests and conditions of life battles lies, not in the immediate result, but
within the ranks of the proletariat are more in the ever expanding union of the workers.
and more equalized, in proportion as ma- This union is furthered by the improved
chinery obliterates all distinctions of labor means of communication which are created
and nearly everywhere reduces wages to the by modern industry, and which place the
same low level. The growing competition workers of different localities in contact with
among the bourgeois, §rld the resulting com- one another. It was just this contact that
mercial crises, make the wages of the workers was needed to centralize the numerous local
ever more iluetuating. The unceasing im- struggles, all of the same character, into one
provement of machinery, ever more rapidly national struggle between classes. But every
developing, makes their livelihood more and class struggle is a political struggle. And that
more precarious, the collisions between in- union, to attain which the burghers of the
dividual workmen and individual bourgeois Middle Ages, with their miserable highways,
take more and more the character of colli- required centuries, the modern proleta||!";"-
sions between two classes. Thereupon the thanks to railways, achieve in a To years.
workers begin to form combinations (trade This organization of the proletarians into
unions) against the bourgeoisie, they club a class, and consequently into a political
together in order to keep up the rate of party, is continually being upset again by
wages, they found permanent associations in the competition between the workers them-
order to make provision beforehand for these selves. But it ever rises up again, stronger,

firmer, mightier. It compels legislative recog- alone is a really revolutionary class. The
nition of particular interests of the workers, other classes decay and finally disappear in
by taking advantage of the divisions among the face of modern industry, the proletariat
the bourgeoisie itself. Thus the ten-hour bill is its special and essential product.
in England was carried. The lower middle class, the small manu-
Altogether, collisions between the classes facturer, the shopkeeper, the artisan, the
of the old society further the course of de- peasant, all these light against the bour-
velopment of the proletariat in many ways. geoisie, to save from extinction their exist-
The bourgeoisie kinds itself involved in a ence as fractions of the middle class. They
constant battle. At first with the aristocracy, are therefore not revolutionary, but conserv-
later on, with those portions of the bour~ ative. Nay more, they are reactionary, for
geoisie itself whose interests have become they try to roll back the wheel of history. If
antagonistic to the progress of industry, at by chance they are revolutionary, they are so
all times with the bourgeoisie of foreign only in view of their impending transfer into
countries. In all these battles it sees itself the proletariat, they thus defend not their
compelled to appeal to the proletariat, to ask present, but their future interests, they de-
for its help, and thus, to drag it into the po- sert their own standpoint to adopt that of the
litical arena. The hourgeoise itself, therefore, proletariat.
supplies the proletariat with its own elements The "dangerous class," the social scum
of political and general education, in other ( L ump enp roletariat), that passively rotting
words, it furnishes the proletariat with weap- mass thrown oil by the lowest layers of old
ons for fighting the bourgeoisie. l society, may, here and there, be swept into
Further, as we have already seen, entire the movement by a proletarian revolution,
sections of the ruling classes are, by the ad: its conditions of life, however, prepare it far
Vance of industry, precipitated into the prole- more for the part of a bribed tool of reac-
tariat, or are at least threatened in their con- tionary intrigue.
ditions of existence. These also supply the The social conditions of the old society no
proletariat with fresh elements of enlighten- longer exist for the proletariat. The prole-
ment and progress. tarian is without property, his relation to his
Finally, in times when the class struggle wife and children has no longer anything in
nears the decisive hour, the process of disso- common with bourgeois family relations;
lution going on within the ruling class, in modern industrial labor, modern subjection
fact within the whole range of old society, to capital, the same in England as in France,
assumes such a violent, glaring character, in America as in Germany, has stripped him
that a small section of the ruling class cuts of every trace of national character. Law,
itself adrift, and joins the revolutionary class, morality, religion, are to him so many bour-
the class that holds the future in its hands. geois prejudices, behind which lurk in am-
Just as, therefore, at an earlier period, a sec- bush just as many bourgeois interests.
tion of the nobility went over to the bour- All the preceding classes that got the
geoisie, so now a portion of the bourgeoisie upper hand, sought to fortify their already
goes over to the proletariat, and in particular, acquired status by subjecting society at large
a portion of the bourgeois ideologists, who to their conditions of appropriation. The
have raised themselves to the level of com- proletarians cannot become masters of the
prehending theoretically the historical ITlOV€- productive forces of society, except by abol-
ment as a whole. ishing their own previous mode of appropria-
Of all the classes that stand face to face tion, and thereby also every other previous
with the bourgeoisie today, the proletariat mode of appropriation. They have nothing
International Contradictions of" Advanced Capitalism 467

of their own to secure and to fortify, their velop into a bourgeois. The modern laborer,
mission is to destroy all previous securities on the contrary, instead of rising with the
for, and insurances of, individual property. progress of industry, sinks deeper and deeper
All previous historical movements were below the conditions of existence of his own
movements of minorities, or in the interest class. He becomes a pauper, and pauperism
of minorities. The proletarian movement is develops more rapidly than population and
the self-conscious, independent movement of wealth. And here it becomes evident, that the
the immense majority, in the interest of the bourgeoisie is unfit any longer to be the
immense majority- T he proletariat, the low- ruling class in society, and to impose its con-
est stratum of our present society, cannot ditions of existence upon society as an over-
stir, cannot raise itself up, without the whole riding law. It is unlit to rule because it is
superincumbent strata of otiicial society be- incompetent to assure an existence to its
ing sprung into the air. slave within his slavery, because it cannot
Though not in substance, yet in form, the help letting him sink into such a state, that
struggle of the proletariat with the bour- it has to feed him, instead of being fed by
geoisie is at first a national struggle. The pro- him. Society can no longer live under this
letariat of each country must, of course, first bourgeoisie, in other words, its existence is
of all settle matters with its own bourgeoisie. no longer compatible with society.
In depicting the most general phases of The essential condition for the existence
the development of the proletariat, we traced and sway of the bourgeois class, is the for-
the more or less veiled civil war, raging mation and augmentation of capital, the con-
within existing society, up to the point where dition for capital is wage-labor. Wage-labor
that war breaks out into open revolution, rests exclusively on competition between the
and where the violent overthrow of the bour- laborers. The advance of industry, whose
geoisie lays the foundation for the sway of involuntary promoter is the bourgeoisie. re-
the proletariat. places the isolation of the laborers, due to
Hitherto, every form of society has been competition, by their revolutionary combina-
based, as we have already seen, on the an- tion, due to association. The development of
tagonism of oppressing and oppressed modern industry, therefore, cuts from under
classes. But in order to oppress a class, cer- its feet the very foundation on which the
tain conditions must be assured to it under bourgeoisie produces and appropriates prod-
which it can, at least, continue its slavish ucts. What the bourgeoisie therefore pro-
existence. The serf, in the period of serfdom, duces, above all, are its own grave-diggers.
raised himself to membership in the com- Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are
mune, just as the petty bourgeois, under the equally inevitable.
yoke of feudal absolutist, managed to de-

11.2 International Contradictions of

Advanced Capitalism

The evolution of modern capitalism has created a worldwide international

system dominated economically by a few giant, multinational corporations
and dominated politically by the United State's. *Uh evolution has pro-
duced new tensions for capitalism. The following reatgng combiNed ex-

cerpts from two separate sources to present an exposition of the signifi-

canoe of international contradictions to the capitalist system. In Part I,
Paul Sweezy argues that the decline of revolutionary consciousness among
the industrial proletariat in advanced capitalist countries has resulted from
the development of modern methods of production. As documented in an
earlier reading) the modern capitalist labor force has become increasingly
stratified and differentiated with the growth of hierarchy in production,
the growth of white-collar occupations, and the relative decline in irn~
portance of the blue-collar workforce. Nonetheless, according to Sweezy,
the basic Marxian analysis of the contradictions and ultimate overthrow
of capitalism remains valid. For capitalism must be recognized and ana-
lyzed as a global system within which revolutionary class conflict is very
much alive-although its primary locus has shifted from the advanced
to the underdeveloped countries-
In part II of this reading, drawn from the closing pages of their book
Monopoly Capital, Paul Baran and Paul Sweezy argue that anti-imperialist
movements in the underdeveloped countries do indeed present revolution-
ary challenges to the world capitalist system dorniiiated 'By the UNited'
States. They Lind the capitalist system incapable of containing revolutionary
struggles with adequate reforms, and they contend that this failure will
help to reveal the irrationality of the present system to people within the
United States.
1 See Reich, Section 4.5, p. 174.

Source: Part I of the following is excerpted from "Marx and the Pro-
Ietariat" by PAUL SWEEZY. From the Monthly Review 19, No. 7
(December 1967). Copyright o 1967 by Monthly Review, Inc. Reprinted
by permission of Monthly Review, Inc. Part II is excerpted from
Chapter 11 of Monopoly Capimf by PAUL BARAN and PAUL SWEEZY.
Copyright 1966 by Paul Sweeny. Reprinted by permission of Monthly
Review Press.

Part I potential: the outcome can be, and in fact

history shows many examples where it has
la/Iarx's theory of capitalism, which was been, stagnation, misery, starvation, subjuga-
sketched with broad and sweeping strokes in tion by a stronger and more vigorous society.
the Communist Manifesto and achieved its In Marx's view capitalism was not such a
most comprehensive and polished form in society, it was beaded not for slow death or
the first volume of Capital . . . holds that subjugation but for a thorough-going revolu-
capitalism is a self-contradictory system tionary transformation. And the reason was
which generates increasingly severe difhcul- precisely because by its very nature it had
ties and crises as it develops. But this is only to produce the agent which would revolu-
half the story: equally characteristic of cap- tionize it. This is the crucially important role
italism is that it generates not only diflicul- which the proletariat plays in the Marxian
ties and crises but also its own grave-diggers theoretical schema.
in the shape of the modern proletariat. A In the eyes of many people, including not
social system can be ever so self~contra- a few who consider themselves to be essen-
dictory and still be without a revolutionary tially Marxists, this theory of the revolu-
Internafionol Contradictions of Advanced Capitalism 469

tionary agency of the proletariat is the weak- particular processes, and more recently the
est point of the whole system. They point to perfection of generally applicable methods of
the fact that the English and other Western partial or full auto ation, have reduced this
European proletariats, which Marx consid- traditional blue-collar segment of the prole-
ered to be the vanguard of the international tariat from what was once a. large majority
revolutionary movement, have actually de- to what is today in the most industrialized
veloped into reformist forces which, by ac- societies a small minority. Since the output
cepting the basic assumptions of capitalism, of this minority has at the same time enor-
in fact strengthen it. And they note that the mously increased, it is clear that modern
proletariat of what has become the most ad- technology has multiplied the productivity of
vanced and powerful capitalist country, the labor many times over and. put within soci-
United States of America, has never devel- ety's grasp a potential surplus of vast pro-
oped a significant revolutionary leadership portions.
or movement, and shows fewer signs of do- The obverse of this development is that
ing so today than at any time in its history. a great variety of new categories of jobs has
I do not believe that the empirical obser- been created. Some of these are integrally
vations which support this type of criticism related to the new technology scientists, re-
of Marx's theory can be seriously challenged. searchers, engineers, technicians, highly
And yet it certainly will not do to jump from skilled maintenance and repair men, etc.-
there to the conclusion that Marx's theory is but many more (both absolutely and rela-
"refuted" and must be abandoned. tively) are concerned in one way or another
with the manipulation and absorption of the
surplus made possible by the increased pro-
I will restrict myself to indicating in a very ductivity of the underlying production work-
general way why the advance of modern ers. Under this heading one could list gov-
technology tends to shape a proletariat which ernment workers of all kinds, including
is less rather than more revolutionary than teachers, those employed in the many
that which emerged from the industrial rev- branches of the sales apparatus, including
olution in the middle of the nineteenth most of the personnel of the mass commu-
century. nication media; workers and salaried per-
I would not put the i emphasis on sonnel in finance, insurance, and real estate,
the consequences of technological change for and the providers of many dillcrent kinds of
the workers who actually mind the machines personal services from beauty treatment to
and do functionally similar work, much of it sports spectacles. In the United States today
virtually unknown in Marx's time, such as these job categories, taken all together, prob-
manning assembly lines. These are still for ably account for close to three quarters of
the most part dehumanizing jobs requiring the employed nonagricultural labor force.
little skill; and speed-up of machinery and In terms of the occupational composition
increasing work loads certainly do not make of the labor force, then, the two chief cou-
them more bearable, not to say attractive. sequences of modern industry's revolution-
A proletariat dominated by operatives of this ary technology have been ( 1 ) a drastic (and
general description might well have as great continuing) reduction in the production-
a revolutionary potential as its mid- worker component, and ( 2 ) a vast prolifera-
nineteenth-century predecessor, The point is tion of job categories in the distribution and
that relative to the total work force there are service sectors of the economy. At the same
so many fewer jobs of this kind than there time there has taken place a slow but cumu-
used to be. Progressive mechanization of latively substantial increase in the real wages

of both production and nonproduction work- daughters . . . so they won't have to marry
ers. In part this reflects an increase in the some bum but can make their own living
cost of production of labor power as the ed~ and be free to decide whether they want to
vocational and training requirements of the .
marry or not marry. . ." (The American
new employment categories have risen. And Revolution, p. 14.) In other words, blue-
in part it reflects the fact that the workers- collar workers, being a diminishing minority
and here we mean primarily production of the whole working class, do not think of.
workers--have been able through nonrevo~ their families as permanently stuck in the
lutionary class struggle to wrest from the stratum which they occupy. As long as this
capitalists a part of the fruits of increasing is so, their attitudes and ideology are not
productivity. likely to be radically different from those of
To sum up: The revolutionary technology the nonrevolutionary majority of the work-
of modern industry, correctly described and ing class which surrounds them.
analyzed by Marx, has had the eitect of mul-
tiplying by many times the productivity of
basic production workers. This in turn has The belief that the industrial proletariat is
resulted in a sharp reduction in their relative the only possible revolutionary agent under
importance in the labor force, in the pro~ capitalism stems from focusing attention too
literation of new job categories, and in a exclusively on the advanced capitalist coun-
gradually rising standard of living for cm- tries where modern industry got start
ployed workers. In short, the Iirst effects of and where the new technology has had a
the introduction of machinery+expansion chance to develop under favorable condi-
and homogenization of the labor force I
tions. But capitalism as a social order has
reduction in the costs of production (value) never consisted only of industrialized count
of'labor power-have been largely reversed. tries. In fact, as Marx explicitly recognized,
Once again, as in the period of manufacture, the industrialization of. some countries had
the proletariat is highly differentiated; and as its counterpart from the outset the non-
once again occupational and status con- industrialization of others, with the two sets
sciousness has tended to submerge class con~ of countries being integrally tied together in
viciousness. a single-system.
lt might be thought that despite these So soon. . . . as the general conditions re-
changes the blue-collar proletariat would re- quistte for production by the modern in-
main a revolutionary element within the o'usfriat' system have been stab listed, this
working class as a whole. No doubt there is mode of production acquires an elasticity,
a tendency for this to happen, and it would co capacity for sudden extension by leaps
and bounds that Ends no hindrance except
be short~sighted in the entreme to overlook in the supply it raw rnateriot and in the
the revolutionary potential still remaining in disposal of the produce. On the one hand,
this large body of workers. But one must not the immediate effect of machinery is to in-
go too far in isolating them from the rest of crease the supply of raw material in the
same w a y , for exarnpfe, as the cotton gin
the labor force. As James Boggs says: "To-
augmented the production of cotton. On the
day most workers in the plant [i.e. blue- other Izanami, the cheapness o)' the articles
collar workers] have been to high school and produced by machinery, and the improved
quite a few have even been to college. All means of transport one' cornntunfcations
either plan or wish to send their sons and )'urn£sF'z the weapons for conquering fore fgrt
rnarkefs. By ruining handicraft production
daughters to college-their sons so they
in other countries, machinery forcibly con-
won't have to work in the factory on what verts tffern into jieicfs' for the supply of its
they call a dull and automated job, their raw material. In this way East India was
International Contrcxdictions of Advanced Capihufism 471

conlpellecl to produce cotton, wool, Nemp, will be to generate a less rather than a more
jute, and indigo for Great Britain. . . . A revolutionary proletariat.
new and international division of labor, a
But once again the coin has two sides. If
division suited to the requirements of the
chief centers of modern industry springs up, imperialist exploitation brings wealth to the
and converts one part of the globe into a industrialized countries and enables them to
chiefly czgriculrural held of procliiction for raise further the standard of living of their
supplying the other part which remains a working classes, it brings poverty and mis-
chiefly industrial field. (Capital, Vol. I,
pp, 492-93.)
ery to the great mass of the working people
-agricultural as well as industrial-in the
Once it is recognized that capitalism is dependencies. These masses now become an
not and never has been confined to one or agent of revolutionary change "in precisely
more industrializing countries but is rather the sense that Marx believed t.he industrial
a global system embracing both the (rela- proletariat of the mid-nineteenth century to
tively few) industrializing countries and their be. . . . And does not the pattern of suc-
(relatively numerous) satellites and depen- cessful socialist revolutions since the See-
dencies, it becomes quite clear that the fu- ond World War-highlighted by Vietnam,
ture of the system cannot be adequately China, and Cuba--demonstrate beyond any
analyzed in terms of the forces at work in doubt that these masses do indeed constitute
any part of the system but must take full a revolutionary agent capable of challenging
account of the modus operandi of the system and defeating capitalism?
as a whole.
Lenin was the first Marxist to see this and
to begin work on the theoretical extensions Part II
and reformulations which it made necessary.
His major contribution was his little book The United States dominates and exploits to
lmperh;r£zl.s'm.' the Highest Stage of Capzltcn'is'nz one extent or another all the countries and
which, having been published in 1917, is territories of the so-called "free world" and
exactly half as old as the 'first volume of correspondingly meets with varying degrees
Capital. There he argued that "Capitalism of resistance. The highest form of resistance
has grown into a world system of colonial is revolutionary war aimed at withdrawal
oppression and of the financial strangulation from the world capitalist system and the ini-
of the overwhelming majority of the people tiation of social and economic reconstruction
of the world by a handful of 'advanced' on a socialist basis. Such warfare has never
countries. And this 'booty' is shared between been absent since the Second World War,
two or three powerful world pirates armed and. the revolutionary peoples have achieved
to the teeth. . . He also argued that the a series of historic victories in Vietnam,
capitalists of the imperialist countries could China, Korea, Cuba, and Algeria. These
and do use a part of their "booty" to bribe victories, taken together with the increas-
and win over to their side an aristocracy of ingly obvious inability of the underdevel-
labor. As far as the logic of the argument is oped countries to solve their problems
concerned, it could be extended to a ma- within the framework of the world capitalist
jority or even all the workers in the indus- system, have sown the seeds of revolution
trialized countries. In any case it is clear throughout the continents of Asia, Africa,
that taking account of the global character and Latin America. Some of these seeds will
of the capitalist system provides strong ad~ sprout and ripen rapidly, others slowly, still
ditional reasons for believing that the ten- others perhaps not until after a long period
dency in this stage of capitalist development of germination. What scents in any case clear

is that they are now implanted beyond any dimension to the agony inflicted by an anti-
prospect of extirpation. It is no longer mere human social order. Will the effect be merely
rhetoric to speak of the world revolution: to hasten the process of decay already so
the term describes what is already a reality far advanced? Will the shock perhaps
and is certain to become increasingly the awaken more and more people to the urgent
dominant characteristic of the historical need for basic change? Or will, as some be-
epoch in which we live. lieve, the incre singly evident hopelessness
The implications of this fact for the fu- of its cause lead the American ruling class
ture of monopoly capitalism are only begin- to the ultimate irrationality of unleashing nu-
ning to become apparent. The ruling class clear holocaust?
of the United States understands, instinc- That no one can now answer these quest
tively and through experience, that every sons means that all the options are not fore-
advance of the world revolution is a defeat closed, that action aimed at altering the
-economic, political, and moral-for it- course of events has a chance to succeed.
self. It is determined to resist such advances There are even indications, especially in the
wherever they may threaten, by whatever Negro freedom movement in the South, in
means may be available, and it counts on the uprisings of the urban ghettos, and in the
its enormous superiority in the technology academic community's mounting protest
of warfare to bring it victory. But the truth against the war in Vietnam, that significant
is that in this struggle there can be no real segments of the American people are ready
victories for the counter-revolutionary side. to join an active struggle against what is be-
Underlying the revolutionary upsurge are ing cumulatively revealed as an intolerable
real economic, social, and demographic social order. If this is so, who can set limits
problems, and it is the very nature of to the numbers who may join them in the
counter-revolution to prevent these problems future?
from being rationally attacked, let alone But even if the present protest movements
solved. Counter-revolution may win, indeed should suffer defeat or prove abortive, that
already has won, many battles, but the war would be no reason to write off permanently
goes on and inexorably spreads to new peo- the possibility of a real revolutionary move-
ples and new regions. And as it spreads so ment in the United States. As the world
does the involvement of the United States. revolution spreads and as the socialist coun-
No one can now foresee all the conse- tries show by their example that it is possible
quenccs for the United States of this in- to use man's mastery over the forces of na-
creasing commitment to the cause of world ture to build a rational society satisfying the
counterrevolution, but equally no one can human needs of human beings, more and
doubt that it will profoundly affect the in- more Americans are bound to question the
ner as well as the outer course of events. necessity of what they now take for granted.
In the long run its main impact may well be And once that happens on a in ass scale, the
on the youth of the nation. The need for most powerful supports of the present irra-
military manpower seems certain to rise tional system will crumble and the problem
sharply, it may soon be normal for young of creating anew will impose itself as a sheer
Americans to spend several years of their necessity. This will not happen in live years
lives, if they are lucky enough to survive, or ten, perhaps not in the present century :
fighting in the jungles and mountains of few great historical dramas run their course
Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The psy- in so short a time. But perhaps even fewer,
chic stress and physical suffering experienced once they are fairly started, change their na-
by them and their families will add a new ture or reverse their direction until all their
From Petrogrud to Saigon 473

potentialities have been revealed. The its future. Having these, we can recognize
drama of our time is the world revolution; our moral obligation to devote ourselves to
it can never come to an end until it has en- lighting against an evil and destructive sys-
compassed the whole world. tem which maims, oppresses, and dishonors
In the meantime, what we in the United those who live under it, and which threatens
States need is historical perspective, courage devastation and death to millions of others
to face the facts, and faith in mankind and around the globe.

11.3 From, Petrograd to Saigon

In the past two decades, the most damaging and significant challenges to
the hegemony of the capitalist system have come from the people of Viet-
nam. The struggles and victories of the Vietnamese have produced reper-
cussions that undermine capitalism not only in the underdeveloped world
but also in the developed countries.
In the following reading Goran Therborn analyzes the meaning and
consequences of the Vietnam War, now the Second War of Indochina, in
these terms. Whereas the Cold War blocked the contradictions within
capitalism, the Indochina War has reactivated the internal contradictions
within the United States. The international military operations of the
world's foremost capitalist democracy increasingly reveal themselves as
logical outcomes and not aberrations of the capitalist mode of production.
In this way they cast a searchlight upon the domestic inadequacies of
Western society, and the profound crisis of the international capitalist
system penetrates the United States itself.

Souree~ The following is excerpted from "From Petrograd to Saigon"

by GORAN THERBORN, From the New Leif Review, No. 48, (March
April 1968). Reprinted by permission of the New Left Review.

The staggering blows that the National Lib-

eration Front has now dealt the American To understand the meaning and conse-
military expedition in Vietnam have changed quences of the Vietnamese War today, a
history. When some half a million American comparison of it and the classical phase of
troops with enormous technological superi- the Cold War, above all in Europe, is essen-
ority are no longer capable of. keeping even tial. This is the fundamental context in which
the U.S. Embassy in Saigon safe, the most it emerges with all its explosive force. For
rabid spokesmen of imperialism have tem- American imperialism is lighting the Vietna-
porarily lapsed into a stunned silence. The mese Revolution today with the identical
incredible heroism of the Vietnamese mili- ideological banner-Anticontmunism-utr
tants has awed the world. They have proved, der which it trampled on the Greek Revolu-
once and for all, that revolutionary peoples, tion twenty years ago. Yet the outcome and
not imperialism, are invincible. Socialists impact of the conflict has been totally dif-
everywhere owe them an immense homage. ferent. Why?

THE STRUCTURE OF THE COLD WAR Neither, in the form they took, threatened
bourgeois rationality. While the U.S.S.R.,
No properly constituted theory of the Cold anyway a vastly poorer society, was shat-
War exists. But its essential political char- tered by the German invasion, the USA-
acter is clear. The Cold War was Rx funda- already much the wealthiest society in the
mentally unequal conl'h'cl', that was presented world-emerged not merely unscathed but
and experienced on both sides as being actually economically assisted by the war.
equal. The Soviet Union was put forward as It was thus able to pour a profusion of dol-
a direct alternative model of society to that lars into Western Europe (while the U.S.S.R.
of the Western capitalist countries. The con- was securing reparations from Eastern
flict was seen, both within the Communist Europe), and get it on the path of a success-
movement and within capitalism, as a strug- ful capitalist restoration and reconstruction,
gle as to which was the better society, corn- greatly strengthened by the armaments boom
pared at a single moment of time. Posed of the fifties. Saturated with Cold War idea
like this, the conflict was inevitably detri- elegy, the working class in the West was by
mental to the advance of socialism every- and large enlisted in the cause of. the Tru-
where. For Russia in no way represented an man Doctrine and Nato, the defenders of
equivalent economic base to that of Western both freedom (parliament) and prosperity
Europe or the United States. It was still a (free enterprise) from the evils of' interna-
society marked by poverty and scarcity, ag- tional Communism. The Communists in
gravated by the tremendous losses and dev- Italy, France, Finland and elsewhere re-
astations of the Second World War, and trcnched themselves in isolated enclaves,
engaged in the inhuman imperatives of iso- and waited for the international situation to
lated primitive accumulation. (This condi- change. The noncommunist Left was
tion naturally determined its relationship to crushed or compromised. The Cold War,
the countries of Eastern Europe.) The af- fought out as a competitive conflict between
fluent and advanced West was never deeply the USSR and the USA in Europe, resulted
challenged from within by this social model. in the massive political and ideological con-
Russia was manifestly authoritarian and vio- solidation of capitalism in the West. An. un-
lent, whereas Western capitalist societies had equal conflict fought as equal redoubles the
in most cases a long bourgeois-democratic inequality. The Cold War was a long penal-
tradition. But politically, violence and bu- ization of socialism.
reaucracy was pitted, without historical med-
iations, against the bland parliamentarian-
ism of the West, in a world where socialism THE STRUCTURE OF THE WAR
was an encircled enclave within the world im- OF NATIONAL LIBERATION: VIETNAM
perialist economy. This was the moaning and
genesis of the Cold War. The specific form The contemporary conflict between imperial-
taken by the contradiction between socialism ism and national liberation, of which the
and capitalism thus determined an internal war in Vietnam is the principal aspect to-
neutralization of the contradictions within day, is totally different in structure. It is a
capitalism. The working class was by and conHir:! between unequal forces presented
large mobilized in the anticommunist cru- and lived as unequal. There is no question
sade, because of its fear of the Soviet model, of any comparison between the desperately
symbolized by a regime of shortages and re- deprived and rebellious workers and peas-
pression. Both economic and political "com- ants of' Asia, Africa and Latin America and
petition" between the blocs was, under these the wealthy capitalist societies of the West
circumstances, to the advantage of the West. which sends its praetorians to obliterate
From Petrograd to Saigon 475

them. The very essence of the struggle be~ son of the Western proIetariat.1 On the con-
tween them is their incommensurability. trary, the ideologies of imperialism and
This, indeed, is the meaning of the military racism with which the U.S.A. is fighting the
form of the conflict- The Cold War was a war in Vietnam have recoiled on it. The
struggle on the same plane between two war in Asia has triggered a war in the ghet~
forces at different levels. The protracted war toes. For the young in the West, the exam-
of El guerrilla army against an imperialist ples of dedication. and heroism are now
military expedition is the armed expression drawn from the movements of liberation in
of a conflict where the inequality of the par- Asia, Africa and Latin America.
ties is matched by a struggle on disparate Socialism here is no longer a dull, harsh
planes-each party fighting on different ter- austerity threatening the consumers of the
rain. All of Mao's writings on guerrilla war- West, but a heroic fight by exploited and
fare are concerned with this fundamental starving peoples for a human existence, de-
strategic asymmetry. The rule is, of course, nied them by imperialism and its lackeys. It
that normally there is only a one-way con- is no longer an alien social mode, but an
nection between the two planes. Successfully immediate ideological inspiration-a source
fought and led, the guerrilla army can erode of. emulation. The Vietnamese Revolution
and eventually disintegrate the social, po- has thus done what no other economic or
litical and military position of its cumber~ political force in the world has achieved for
some conventional enemy, while the latter thirty years-it has shattered the cemented
unavailingly unleashes its technological fury unity of American society and at last reacti-
on the population-before being decisively vated its internal contradictions. The poten-
defeated. tial shift in the international class struggle
But this strategic asymmetry reflects a that this represents is enormous, and may
deeper historical relationship. The struggle still. not be perceived by those whose politi-
in Vietnam today and Cuba yesterday is for cal horizons have become habituated to am
liberation from imperialist exploitation and world in which the citadel of imperialism
oppression. Given the global structure of was itself an undivided monolith. The emer-
capitalism, this means not merely secession gence of a militant, revolutionary Left in the
from, but a frontal attack on, capitalism as U.S.A.-no matter how quantitatively lim-
a system and the bourgeois ration ality that ited as yet-is a tremendous change in
integrates it. Two social models are now in world politics. The most lucid spokesmen of
a quite new relationship with each other. imperialism are aware of this today, and
Socialist liberation in Vietnam docs not they fear more than anything else the im-
compete with U.S. capitalism, it focuses a pact of the Vietnamese War at home.
diamond light on the internal structure of The Vietnamese War, then, shows that
the rich capitalist societies which compels an unequal struggle waged as unequal equal-
their negation of the freedom and develop- Ezes the inequality. All the political and
ment of other societies. Thus whereas the ideological consequences in the world at
"competitive" contradiction between social-
ism and capitalism during the Cold War lit might be added that the abandonment of
blocked the contradictions within capitalism, the comparison of socialist accumulation with
the Vietnamese conflict has detonated the capitalist affluence has been accompanied, in
China, Cuba, and North Vietnam, by a new
contradictions with U.S. capitalism itself. theoretical and political insistence on economic
For there is now no question of comparing egalitarianism (criticized in the U.S.S.R. during
a scarcity political model with the affluent the thirties). The Cultural Revolution, the "si-
multaneous construction of socialism and com-
societies of the West--the ideological de-
munism" in Cuba, and the war-time practice of
vice which successfully mystified a genera- the DRV share this preoccupation.

large are reversed. Imperialism today is on struggle, in the age of imperialism. An im-
the defensive, The social peace installed by portant example of this new phenomenon
the Cold War is disintegrating in the vortex was the antinuclear movement (CND) in
of the Vietnamese War. The tranquil con- Britain. We know that CND never theoreti-
science of 1949 has become the brutalized de- cally and strategically assumed the challenge
moralization of 1968. The mass detection of it constituted to the "whole contemporary
hithero conventionally anticommunist Am- teleology of British society." It rebelled
erican intelligentsia from the Johnson admin- against the ideological positions of both East
istration and its war is the most evident sign and West, but it never developed any other
today of this extraordinary transformation. articulated theory and ideology at all. It
was quite natural that the antinuclear and
neutralist movements should never have
THE NATURE OF THE RESISTANCE: done so, because such a theory would have
NLF AND DRV undermined the whole ideological rationale
of the movements, showing the inevitability
The crimes committed in Vietnam today of the Cold War, given the irreconcilabil-
are not committed by a Nazi Germany or a ity of capitalism and socialism and the current
colonial France. They are committed by the structures of that conflict. But in the absence
"Land of the Free," the world's premier of such a theory, the movements soon col-
bourgeois democracy. They thus lead, with- lapsed, leaving a very modest inheritance in-
out any confusion or side issue, straight to deed. The Cuban Revolution, with its de~
the political core of the system that perpe- cisive option for Marxism and Leninism, had
trates them: capitalism. The Vietnamese already rendered this tendency obsolete.
War has produced a parallel unprecedented Today, the Vietnamese Revolution has
focusing of the essential conflicts on the radically changed the coordinates of the situ-
other side. The Cold War did not pass un- ation. For just as it is the world's major
interruptedly into the Vietnamese conflict, bourgeois democracy which is waging an im-
of course. There was a considerable inter- perialist war in Vietnam, so the Vietnamese
mediary phase, during which detente devel~ Revolution is organized and led superbly
oped in Europe. Destalinization and poly- -by communist revolutionaries. The Viet-
centrism greatly modified the communist namese Revolution is not inspired by any
world. Abroad, "neutralism'' had become the cloudy "Third World" doctrines, but by the
official doctrine of many ex-colonial coun- ideas of Marx and Lenin. There is thus no
tries within the capitalist system, while sen- room for any ambiguity on the central is-
timentalisnl about underdevelopment often sue. Opposition to the American War in
replaced aggressive Cold War liberalism. In Vietnam sooner or later logically implies
the West, some important internal anomalies support . socialist revolution led by

began to be rediscovered by the Left. The Marxists and supported by a communist

myths of social equality and the abolition of State. increasingly, even one-time Cold War
poverty were exploded, structural unemploy- liberals in the U.S.A. §1ave admitted this
ment and urban neglect reemerged as major logic and publicly affirmed their support for
political issues. In this context, identification the NLF.
with the cause of the oppressed peoples of The political lesson, of course, is that only
the three continents became increasingly fre- such a Marxist-Leninist ideology and or~
quent among the young on the Left-but ganization today can prevail over the jugger~
often still in the form of a well-meaning anti- haut of American imperialism: resistance
colonialism dissociated from any under- movements all over the world will remem-
standing of the concrete dynamics of class bcr this from now on. But within the West,
From Petrogrcrd to Saigon 477

the lesson is no less salutary. The most sa- over the advanced capitalist world-in the
cred beliefs of the Cold War are being widely U.S.A., Japan, Germany, Sweden, France,
rejected by the young. The antinuclear Italy and England-the new social force
movement was an opposition against a con- which has been the vanguard of the strug-
tlictual relationship between the capitalist gle against American imperialism is the stu-
and socialist Big Powers, stressing what dent, high-school and youth population. For
united them, the threat of nuclear annihila- it is precisely their a mm.
tion. The Vietnam movement, on the other from the myths of the bygone era of the
hand, is based on opposition against an im- Cold War. They no longer constitute a se-
perialist war waged by the leading capitalist lected elite with a secure future status in
state against a socialist country and a move- the ruling class, but a young generation
ment sustained by Communists. It neces- massed together in crowded and bureau~
sarily produces solidarity with the latter. The cratic institutions adapted to the needs of
rupture with bourgeois society is much private industry and the politico-military
sharper and deeper than with the antinuclear apparatus. For traditional cultural reasons,
movement, no longer just drop-out but ac- they are the social group that is most in-
tive support of the enemy. It is an index of fluenced by international issues, and they
the change(I situation '1l1¢ In 'Vietnam have been most affected by the de-Western-
movement has to tight, not SO much system- ization of their conception of the world. In
atic ideologies (as did the antinuclear move- all capitalist countries, their numbers have
ment), as antiscientific and ad hoc "expla- grown enormously in the last decade. Set
nations" of the war in terms of the apart from the established society, in con-
ignorance, errors and misjudgments of the llict with bourgeois morality and bureau-
Johns on administration. Against this, there cratic routines, deriving-.all rapidly de-
is no reason why a theory of imperialism parting-from In spirit al
methods of
and a theory of advanced capitalism should left-wing liberalism In
antinuclear carn-
not at last emerge on the Left. in. aevide t paign, the campaign against apartheid and,
that it can only come from within Marxism. in the U.S.w the Civil Rights movement)
The dialectic of the war has transferred the the students have constituted the vanguard
ideology of the guerrillas into the culture f of the Vietnam movement.
the metropolis. In doing so, they have opened a new
phase in international socialist solidarity.
For many decades, this essential duty was
THE NEW DIALECTIC: FROM conceived as an unconditional support for
PETROGRAD TO SAIGON the "workers" fatherland"-a constituted
socialist state, which commanded the loyalty,
The i ter as al c tradicti n betwee s - 21 d [ten the act ns, of re l ti Aries
cialism and capitalism has thus been radi- abroad. The adverse effects of this form of
cally redefined by the Vietnamese Revolu- solidarity are now indisputable. During
tion. After a long and inescapable detour, Stalin's life, the relationship of socialist state
it has been restored to a direct and une- to socialist opposition (abroad) was para-
quivocal confrontation, This is the decisive mount-one of complete loyalty of the lat-
meaning of this unequal war. Its reverbera- ter to the former. During Khrushchev's
tions have already she-lien Tie world. A- gen- tenure in office, the stress of peaceful co-
ration is now being formed in the home- existence was a state relationship between
lands of imperialism which has experienced socialist and capitalist powers--one of eco-
the truth of their I- "deinocrati F 51 nomic competition and diplomatic negotia-
"affluent" societies. It is no accident that all tion. Today, however, the Vietnamese have

not imposed or requested any determinate and other countries-only marginally af-
form of solidarity whatever. They have wel- fected outside Japan-has, of course, yet to
comed the solidarity movements but have be done. It is obviously the strategic priority
not organized or guided them. The Vietnam of the Vietnam movement. But the longer
movements in the West have often spontane~ the war goes on, the more difficult it will be
ously developed from below, without any for anachronistic Cold War anticommunism
a priori directions. In the process, they to mystify the Western working class. Al-
have-especially in the U.S.A., Japan and ready, large sectors of the Negro population
Germany, the "vanguard" countries-dis~ of the U.S.A. have thrown oft this degrading
covered the violence and coercion of West- opiate. The future is now once again open,
ern societies behind the veils of consumer as the whole moral and ideological bases of.
affluence and parliamentary institutions. Im- Western imperialist society are increasingly
perialism is not a peripheral phenomenon: widely questioned. The deepest fear of
it is inseparable from contemporary capi- American capitalism is not of the Vietna-
talism. The Vietnamese War has sent a mese peasants but of the drugged and gagged
searchlight to the core of the West. The re- American population. Its morale has never
sult has been a simultaneous multiplication been lower than today, for the war is raging
and radicalization of the resistance to it. The on its own territory.
cause of Republican Spain and the Popular The crisis of the worldwide capitalist sys-
Fronts rallied even liberals to antifascism, tcm, which first matured in backward and
but it did not often make socialists of them. peripheral Russia, is now penetrating the
The Vietnamese have welcomed any form of United States. The Vietnamese War will
opposition to the American aggression, no probably become its first serious, direct mili-
matter what its political character. But the tary and political defeat. This will mean
course of the war itself, the example of the peace and independence to the Victnarnese,
Vietnamese struggle, has shifted the whole at least. But the general political crisis of a
axis of the Vietnam movements in the West starving world fettered by capitalist relations
towards revolutionary socialism, among its of production will not disappear. The inter-
main driving force--students and young nal contradictions and conliicts of the rich
people. There has been no incompatibility capitalist countries will doubtless be aggra-
between this and the broadening of oppose vated. Other revel utions will follow. The
son to the war, as the great U.S. mobiliza- end of the Vietnamese War will not be
tions in Washington and New York have the end of imperialism, but it may herald the
shown. On the COl'1tl"cwas* one -has had beginning of the end. For something un-
a crucial impact on the other, by radicalizing precedented has happened. The socialist
a whole spectrum of intermediate opinion. revolution in a poor Asian country has lib-
The fundamental job of mobilizing the work- erated the dialectic in its oppressor. Inter-
ing class of the U.S.A., England, Germany nationalism has passed into the facts.

11.4 Domestic Contradictions of Advanced Capitalism

The attainment of higher wages for workers, it is commonly thought, has

precluded the possibility of fundamental worker-capitalist conflict within
the developed capitalist countries. In Part I of the following reading
Domestic Conircsdictions of Advcmced Capitalism 479

("Workers' Control: Some Recent Experiences"), Andre Gorz differs

sharply with this view. Gorz argues that the gap between the needs and the
actual lives of industrial workers is as great as ever, The trade union bu-
reaucracies have coopted much discontent, but this cannot last because
unions necessarily become progressively more distant from their rank and
file once they accept the constraints of capitalist institutions. They avoid
qualitative issues relating to oppressive working conditions and the social
division of labor, even though such issues take on greater importance be-
cause of the widening discrepancy between the fragmentation and regi-
mentation of work and the creative abilities and skills of workers.1 As a
result, waves of wildcat strikes have occurred, particularly in some of
the European countries, and the revolutionary implications of the demand
for workers' control in the factories and oiiices have emerged.
In Part II ("Capitalist Relations of Production. and the Socially Neces-
sary Labor Force"), Gorz examines some of the contradictions created by
advances in capitalist production. Modern capitalism requires workers
with augmented skills and ability to reason in order that they can carry
out complex tasks, but intellectual independence is dangerous, since it
might lead to challenges by workers to the present division of social labor
and" the distribution wer. Furthermore, the increasingly autonomous
and cooperative character of production within plants and oiiices under-
mines the rational basis for industrial hierarchy and challenges the neces-
s y o capitalist relations of production. Such contradictions can easily
explode. -
1 See also Gintis, Section 6.5, p. 274.

Source: Part I of the following is excerpted from "Workers' Control :

Some European Experiences" by ANDRE Gonz, an address given on
November 12, 1970, as a Political Economy Lecture at Harvard Uni-
versity and published in Upstart, No. 1 (January 1971). Reprinted by
permission of the author. Part II is excerpted from "Capitalist Relations
and the Socially Necessary Labor Force" by Andre Gorz. From Infer-
national Socialist Journal, No. 10 (August 1965). Reprinted by permis-
sion o f the International Socialist Journal.

Part I: Workers' Control: become aware, first, that there is no hope

Some Recent Experiences for individual escape and, second, that by
acting all together they can actually change
or hope to change the oppressiveness of their
working conditions and of their lives. Both
Workers everywhere are not reconciled with, these points have been illustrated by strik-
but only resigned to, being workers, and ing examples such as these:
they secretly dream of escaping from their In the early 1960s, a British professor of
condition. This yearning for some unlikely sociology by the name of Goldthorpe made
individual esc . keeps !illuuI
m u m
alive and an extensive investigation of the Vauxhall
makes for loQUO class consciousness. Class workers at Luton. H C wanted to find out
consciousness will develop only if workers what class consciousness was left with them,

how they felt about their work, about wages, Wild rioting has broken our at tfze Vfxuxfroll
about life generally and what chances there oar factories in Luzon. T/zou5ar¢c1's of work-
ers screamed of! of Fhe shops and gatherer'
were that acute conflicts should break out
on the factory yard. They besieged the mon-
in a well-managed and advanced big factory. agenfzerzt offices, c:a!Zirzg for the managers to
Professor Goldthorpe had about 80 percent come out, singing the "Red Flag" and shout-
of the Vauxhall workers interviewed indi- ing "string rhee up." Groups otrernprefl to
vidually. His investigation lasted two years. story t'fle ojces arm' battled the poficre
whzt-I1 had been called to prolec! these.
His conclusions were very optimistic: he
found the Vauxhall workers to be completely The rioting lasted for two days.
integrated into the system. They had, so he Professor Goldthorpe had made a major
said, no deeply felt grudges. They were mistaimz he interviewed each worker sepa-
..L .. . ,"worker to be individ-

rather satisfied with their wages. They r-atelyne - . .

neither liked nor disliked their work. They ually resigned to, if not reconciled with, his
looked at it as a rather boring but inevitable condition. And .then@% concluded that all
part of life, They didn't want to give it too these thousands of individual resignations
much thought. Their general attitude toward made for a collective . ..

work, according to Professor Goldthorpe, thing happened which he had not thought
was to perform it SO as to get rid of it, they of: all these workers who had said individu-
wanted to forget about it at the end of the ally "that's how life is, there is nothing much
working day, to go home, to watch tele- that can be done about it," all these workers
vision, to grow vegetables in their gardens, started to discuss things among themselves.
to fiddle around in their homes. Their work- They started to discuss them because Mr.
ing lives were rather marginal to them, and Goldthorpe's conclusions were circulated in
what really mattered to them were their lives the factory. And as they discussed things,
at home, which were their real lives. they found out that they all felt alike: they
Therefore, Professor Goldthorpe con~ felt apathetic but frustrated; they were apa-
eluded that class consciousness was practi- thetic because, as individuals, in their indi-
cally nonexistent at the Vauxhall plant, that vidual isolation, they could do nothing but
the workers were behaving according to dream of escape. But when people start dis-
middle-class patterns, and that class struggle cussing their loneliness, their frustration,
belonged to the past. their powerlessness, they cease to be isolated
The Goldthorpe report was still at the and powerless. They Lind that there is no
printer's when a few militants got hold of a hope for individual escape, and they start
resume of Professor Goldthorpe's eondu- melting into a group which holds immeas-
sions. They had the resume xnirneographed urably greater power than the added-up
and handed out a few hundred copies at the power of all those who compose it.
plant. A week or so later, the Daily Mail The experience at Vauxhall is by no
printed a report about the profits that had means an isolated example. As a matter of
been made by Vauxhall. The net profit for fact, wherever extensive interviews and in-
that year amounted to about nine hundred vestigations have been made in factories and
pounds on each worker, and this net profit fed back to the workers, these investigations
had been sent back to General Motors in the have been followed within a very short time
United States. This piece of news also was by violent outbreaks and spontaneous
circulated among the workers. The next day strikes. What happened at the Vauxhall
something happened which the Times 1'e~ works in Luton also happened at the Fire-
ported as follows : stone plant in Oslo. It also happened at the
Domestic Contrcadictions of Advanced CcIpitc1lism 481

Ford plant near Cologne, where the head of ing class and that, in so-called normal
the local union had-complained for years periods, no one knows how deeply the work-
that wages, working conditions and labor re- ing class feels oppressed, exploited, frus-
lations were so good that there was nothing trated. No one knows, neither union
much that the union could do in the factory. leadership nor the workers themselves. Their
It so happened that the head of the Ford feelings and .
¢ ` about their bondi-
union died and was replaced by an inquisi- tions are normally repressed because they
tive young militant. This new man decided have no opportunity and no words to ex-
to have a more thorough look at things. He press them, to speak about them, to make
handed Ont questionnaires, inviting the themselves heard. It is because of this rc-
workers to say freely how they felt about a pression that expression of discontent al-
variety of issues: about working conditions, ways comes as a surprise and always takes
about working speeds, about piece work, the form of violent outbreaks, of so-called
about the foremen, etc. The replies were spontaneous wildcat strikes.
devastating. The immense majority of work- The recurrence and growing number of.
ers complained bitterly about the working wildcat strikes all over the advanced capi-
speeds, monotony, nervous exhaustion , talist world presently demonstrate that the
about the lack of breaks, about the despotic basic assumption on which modern trade
behavior of foremen, etc. A summary of the unionism was built no longer holds true:
replies was circulated. And a week later, this assumption was that improved wages
when management announced that the as- could compensate the workers for the
sernbly lines would have to he sped up pro- changes which technological innovation was
visionally, just for two days, the whole fac- making in their lives. in other words, unions
tory broke out into strike for the first time as well as management took to considering
in fifteen years. . workers as commodities that could be bought
The same kind of story could be told into submission if the price offered for their
about the Alfa Romeo car factory at Milan, labor was high enough. Workers were held
about the shipyards at Genoa, about the by union and management alike to care for
Pirelli tire factory at Turin, about the steel- their wages only, and all the uniorfs bar-
workers at Dunkerque, and so on. What gaining power was concentrated on quanti-
does it all mean? First of all, it shows that tative demands. Potential qualitative de-
when workers are given a chance to discuss mzlnds werc left aside.
and decide among themselves in open gath- There are various reasons for this purely
erings, the grudges and the claims that they quantitative approach. One of the more fun-
want to voice, their demands and their meth- damental reasons is the unions' inability or
ods always prove more radical than what top reluctance to question the basic criterion of
union leadership had expected. Free discus- capitalist decision making. This criterion is
sion and exchange within the rank and file maximizing output, eliiciency and profits.
about factory life almost inevitably lead up The quality of life, the physical and mental
to violent outbursts of protest and to unfore- health of the people, the personal develop-
seen strike action. ment of production or white-collar workers,
the social costs and nuisances of corporate
The Limiting Role of Unions growth are not normally the concern of cor-
We may then draw the lesson, I suggest, porate management. Needs are considered
that a potential of frustration and of revolt legitimate only in so far as they are func-
permanently lies dormant within the work- tional to the concern with increased produc-

son, efficiency, and commodity consump- been bargained out, unions must stick to it
tion. The needs for meaningful, enjoyable, and prevent the workers from breaking it.
enriching, healthy work and working condi Wherever these two conditions have been
sons are fundamentally considered illegiti~ accepted, labor unions have become per-
mate or even subversive since they basically manently structured and therefore hierarchi-
challenge the quantitative criteria on which ca] and bureaucratic organizations; they hold
managerial decisions rest. Unions therefore tremendous bargaining power, but they also
thought it wiser and more productive to hold the power to discipline and to police
voice quantitative demands only, that is, de- reluctant workers. As institutions holding in~
mands that do not challenge the preroga- stitutionalized power within the capitalist
tives of management, and that in fact appear state, union bureaucracies of course showed
negotiable to management. less and less inclination to jeopardize their
There is another important reason for the self-interest by stimulating demands and as-
quantitative approach: only quantitative de- pirations that are incompatible with the logic
mands can be dealt with centrally by the WM the power structure ii.._ the capitalist
union in institutionalized nationwide nego- system. Demands filiiaiw cannot be won by
tiations. Qualitative demands, on the con-
trary, are held to be too specific, subjective,
and diverse to be handled by the union ap-
bargaining and by juridically defined forms
mum action _.__.____ considered pointless. Dc-

inands that have no chance of being accepted

paratus in central bargaining. Moreover, by capitalist managers were thus discarded
qualitative demands, were their legitimacy from the outset. They were eliminated be-
recognized, might get out of hand: workers' cause top union leadership would not engage
collectives might voice wild and unrealistic in risky and losing battles. Realism thus led
demands in a sort of free-for-all, the union union leaders to translate all demands that
might thus lose control oiler the workers, sprang up from the rank and file into propo-
and this loss of control would jeopardize the sitions that would prove acceptable and ne-
bargaining power of top union leadership. gotiable to the representatives of capital. The
This fear by union leaders of loss of con- objective function of labor unions has thus
trol has not always existed. Originally, become a function of ideological and politi-
unions were nothing else but organs for the cal mediation. Union leadership has become
workers' self-organization and self-defense. a conservative force.
As such they tended to be quite radical: they It was inevitable from there on that a
did not care about the legitimacy and ac- divorce should appear between the union
ceptability of their demands since they held bureaucracy and the feelings and aspirations
no legal and legally codified existence. The of the rank and tile. This divorce grew
turning point came when unions were olii- sharper as management learned to defend
cially recognized or cooped as permanent the corporations ever more rigid financial
institutions holding legal rights and respon- planning against the inroads which rising
sibilities. Their recognition by management wages threatened to make on corporate profit
and by the state was made dependent on rates. There are, as you know, several ways
two conditions: . by which management can take away with
one hand what it grants to workers with the
1. First, that u n i o n s must voice demands other. Namely:
only that are realistic, anti tiiat 30 not call
capitalism into quesifon-demands that are I. Raising prices will reduce read wages;
negotiable. 2. Work will be intensified and sped up
2, Second, that once an agreement has and some of the workers laid off,
Domestic Contradictions of Advanced Capitalism 483

3. The work process will not only be sped workers' control something that capitalist
up, it will be "rationalized," which means management can accept? And second, is the
new equipment will be installed, skilled demand for workers' control compatible with
work will be replaced by unskilled work, the the centralized and bureaucratic structure
evaluation of skills and of jobs will be made of trade unions? The answer to these quest
according to new criteria. sons of course depends O11 the way in which
In one word, workers can be made to pay control is exercised and on the nature of
dearly and heavily for their increased wages. control. Shall this control really be exercised
So whatever the national agreement nego- collectively by the workers' assembly of any
tiated centrally by top union leaders, work- shop or plant? Or shall there be token con~
ers will remain at the complete mercy of trot only on behalf of the workers by ap-
unilateral management decisions unless they pointed delegates and spokesmen" That is
win sufficient power on the factory floor to the issue.
refuse new work rules, new work speeds, Up to now, only the second formula has
new definitions of skills and of rates, etc.- been accepted in any country by capitalist
unless, in other words, they win direct power management, namely in Sweden. And it
over the work process. This is what workers' works quite ineffectively. Swedish manage-
control is mostly about, at first sight. It aims ment retains undisputed power over the or-
to prevent management from taking away ganization of the production process. It may
with one hand what it grants with the other introduce whatever technical changes it
hand. lt aims at limiting or at blocking the deems best for increasing productivity. All
discretionary power which the management union-appointed shop delegates may do is
holds over the organization of the work to bargain out certain technicalities of work
process' speed, wage rates, and bonuses. This token
The demand for control, of course, im- control, which does not differ much from
mediately raises two questions. First, is what nominally [exists in the United States]
in fact amounts to union control over the
1There is a distinct difference between workers' workers: once the union has made a bargain
control and workers' Fitarmgervzefit. Control aims
at holding power on the shop Hoof so as to com- as to working conditions, speeds, and wage
pel management to lake the physical and psychic rates, it becomes responsible for the work~
needs of workers info account. Management re- ere' submission and for their discipline. Ten-
mains a separate entity with which workers enter-
tain an antagonistic relation of class struggle. So-
sions and dissatisfactions with the union are
called participatory management, on the contrary, as great in Sweden as anywhere else, and
aims at negating class struggle by giving workers wildcat strikes have developed there in a
a stake in successful capitalist management. spectacular manner in the last two years.
As regards workers' self-management (as in
Yugoslavia), this should be considered an ac- The Italian approach to workers' control
complished formula of collective capitalism, not is totally different and, to my view, much
of socialism: it perpetuates market relations and more real than anywhere else. Union activ-
capitalist relations of production since each factory
is still managed as a separate writ pursuing ists in Italy are well-aware that capitalist
maximum valorization of its capital, i.e., maxirnulli management will nevcr take into account
profit. To break with the logic of maximum profit the material, physical and psychic needs of
would require acoitofrnkr Units that are larger than
production units and that can plan economic
the workers, unless forced to do so. No
growth according to economic calculations in medical or psychiatric report on health-
which all socially useful effects of production on damaging work conditions has ever moved
the one hand, harmful effects (nuisances, environ- any corporation to do away with such con-
mental destruction, etc.) on the other hand, can
he taken account of so as to optimize (and not ditions. In this as in other countries, the
to rnaxhnfze) meaningful balanced growth. tendency has been rather to suppress such

reports or to prevent medical experts from was a sharp recession, most activists were
entering factories. fired from the plants. Unemployment was
In Italy, as in France, union activists such that wages remained beneath the agreed
therefore think it pointless to demand iln~ minimum rate and that industrialists had
provemcnts: improvements must be forced the power to speed up the work process
upon management, they must, wherever pos- ferociously.
sible, be enacted by the workers themselves; It took the union Ive years to gather
they must take control of the work process, strength for a new offensive. To make sure
they will be given rights of control only af- that they would not be defeated again, the
ter they have taken control already. In other unions this time decided that the workers
words, workers' control is held to be in- themselves should determine what they
separable from the collective and antago- wanted. Strikes had been declared sponta-
nistic struggle of the workers to break the neously in many places for demands that
power of management. union leadership had hardly thought of it-
The Italian workers' struggle for control self. By giving the right of self-determination
began ten years Is o. In its first stage, in of demands to the rank and file, top union
1960-62, the union wanted to build up mili- leadership hoped to win back the loyalty of
taucy in the factories by raising issues that an extremely restless working class.
were of more immedi ately direct concern to The right of self-determination of all lo-
the workers than nationally agreed wage cal demands of course implied some kind of
rates. The union would strike a central bar~ cultural revolution in the unions themselves :
gain over wages and fringe benefits but re- bureaucratic control of rank-and-tile initia-
fuse to make this bargain binding for each tives had to be broken, workers had to be
factory: the implementation of national given a chance to expel or to recall bureau-
agreements wellhnnnh h renegotiated- cratic delegates and local leaders, and to
in each factory and take local conditions into elect younger leaders that had become popup
account. In particular, all aspects of the jarduring spontaneous outbreaks.
work situation; including the organization This cultural revolution in the unions was
of the work process, could be challenged quite a success, and what top union leader-
permanently by the local union at any mo- ship had expected came true: the workers
ment. The union thus hoped to achieve two initiated some extremely imaginative meth-
things: first, to win the loyalty and to stimu- ods of struggling and, along with demands
late the militancy of the workers, second, to for higher wages, set out to demand or to
hold effective veto power over management enact workers' control over the work process
decisions and to keep issues open and strug- by reorganizing the work process without
gles on-going all the time. There would be anyone's permission,
no truce any longer between national bar- Thus, for instance, at the Candi plant in
gaining rounds. the northeast of Italy, which makes wash-
These formal rights of permanent union
control were forced upon Italian industry in
1962, after a nine-month struggle that cul-
six thousa"
ing machines and dishwashers and employs
strike broke out in
which workers spontaneously enacted job
minated in a general strike. But the union rotation,am ii enlargement, they de-
never had the power to enforce the rights it manded equal wages for all since in certain
had won. Italian industrialists reacted shops there were fourteen different wage
fiercely to the working class's formal victory. rates for jobs which the workers considered
One million workers were laid off. There equivalent.
Domestic Contradictions of Advanced Capitalism 485

At the Fiat automobile plant in Turin oped into the creation of organs of dual
(Fiat employs 120,000 workers), workers power which would refuse to enter compro-
demanded the outright abolition of so~called miscs or to bargain with management.
unskilled work and a 30 to 60 percent wage Never had there been so clear a demon-
increase for unskilled and semiskilled work- stration that genuine workers' control is a
ers. They asserted that no worker is devoid subversive and revolutionary demand and
of skill and that modern industry actually that it is compatible neither with institu-
thrives on such social skills as adaptability, tionalized trade union organizations and
ability E adjust to varying working condi- mediations nor with the power of corporate
tions, speeds and techniques, ability to per- management and of the corporate state.
form a variety of simple jobs. *Ea - iwork- Genuine workers' control must lead to the
ers not capable of doing more complex work formation of collective organs of workers'
than they are asked to do at any given mo- power, such as councils or soviets, and to
ment and were they not taking initiative an outright challenge of the power structure
permanently, the factory would grind to a of society. This challenge, of course, can~
stop. This point was demonstrated in a spec- not last for long, there can be no protracted
tacular way: repeatedly, thousands of :Fiat truce between organs of workers' control
workers in various departments decided to and management. Nor can such organs of
work to the rules and not to display skills workers' control be institutionalized and co-
they were not credited with nor paid for. In opted by management: they would imme-
a matter of. hours, bottlenecks developed all diately degenerate into new bureaucratic or-
over the factory and production was para- gans of mediation. Therefore, they have to
lyzed. wither away if the crisis brought about by
Self-determination of demands thus lead the creation of workers' councils does not
to a widespread revolt and attack against the lead to total social change to revolution.
social and technical division of labor and The Italian May of 1969 and the French
against the general oppressiveness of work- May of 1968 have further demonstrated that
ing conditions. In some key industries, fore~ the working class as a whole and each
men, technicians, and engineers were driven worker individually have much more insight,
out of the shops by the workers who took skill, knowledge and creativeness than they
over. Revolt against and general refusal to are allowed to display in their jobs. An un-
accept any kind of authtMty was so deep bearablc discrepancy has developed between
that even presently workers keep refusing to the stupidity, fragmentation. irresponsibility,
comply with orders and to bend to authori- regimentation of work and the actual or po-
tarian regimentation and discipline. The true tential creativeness of workers.
feeling of the workers was expressed in the Some rather isolated attempts are being
summer of 1969 when, after several weeks made in small plants [in the United States]
of on~and~ofE work stoppages, the unskilled to harness this potential creativeness through
Fiat workers adopted the following slogan: job enlargement, so-called participatory
"What we want is . . . everything!" At this management, and methods such as Scanlon's
point, the union clearly had lost control of Plan Y. The latter, as you know, gives the
the movement. The demands which sprang workers unlimited power to organize and to
up in free assemblies were generally not ne- improve the work process and working con-
gotiable since they aimed at total change and ditions, it guarantees to them a so~called fair
self-government from below. The struggle share of the reduction in costs which their
for workers' control spontaneously devel- inventiveness and initiative generate. We are

told that in ten plants where Scanlon's Plan cally feasible as of now. But politically and
Y was implemented, the average yearly in- economically, it is not. As long as production
crease in produ ctivity amounted to 23.1 per- will be geared to the market; as long as its
cent, a fabulous figure indeed, and that, in goal will be maximum capital accumulation
a particular company, 408 out of 513 inno- and not optimal satisfaction of the people's
vative ideas were successfully implemented needs within work and outside of work, and
because they brought real improvements to as long as management will be a social func-
the productive process. tion divorced from production work and
holding distinct privileges over it, workers'
Revolution cmd Workers' Control control will be fought by corporate manage-
ment as a direct attack on their prerogatives,
But we may then ask ourselves why Scan- on the power structure and on the logic of
lon's Plan Y has not been adopted by any of the system? I do not want to imply thereby
the large corporations. And the answer to that the struggle for workers' control will by
this question, 1 submit, is quite simply this: itself overthrow capitalism and the capitalist
If you make the workers responsible for the state. Much more is needed to achieve this.
eihciency and rationality of the process of The struggle for workers' control can only
production, they will tend to question the help to build class consciousness and to
underlying decisions that have led to the clearly identify the nature of class contradic-
production of this rather than that item, and tions and of the class enemy which has to
they will wonder whether these decisions are be fought.
rational, whether the allocation of the sur~ But, conversely, never will the destruction
plus generated is rational, and whether it is of the capitalist state and system lead u p to
rational to produce with maximum efficiency a classless society unless the masses, in the
things that are wasteful, useless, harmful or very process of struggling, have learned to
destructive. Furthermore, only marginal submit the process of production to their
companies operating in new fields and look- control, to their own needs and to their own
ing forward to a long period of growth can goals, unless they have experienced the
give their labor force the kind of job se- capability of. self-determination and self-
curity and stability that can breed team organization, and unless they have thus
spirit in the factories and pride in workman- 'prepared the ground for the abolition of hier-
ship. archy, of bureaucracy, in one word, of so-
In any large corporation, the limit to the cial division of labor. To this end, workers'
pursuit of efficiency by workers in produc- control, or rather the struggle for workers'
tion is the limit which the market sets to the control, is a self-educative means.
expansion of production. Any worker in a
large corporation knows that increased pro- 2William Foote White's Morley and Motiva-
ductivity will generate lay offs, that the cor- tion contains some striking examples (e.g. Chap.
poration will prefer to fire part of the work X ) of workers' control and self-organization lead-
ing to stupendous boosts to productivity while
force while speeding up production for those at the same time running up against mounting
who remain. Why then should the workers management opposition because: ( 1 ) increased
put their creativeness at the service of cor- production had not been planned by manngr'nr¢'nt
and cannot be marketed; (2) traditional manage-
porations if the more efficient they become, ment-labor relations are breaking down, the
the greater the chance of becoming unem- workers becoming unwilling to accept or to rec-
ployed. ognize the authority of bureaucrats; ( 3 ) man-
agerial personnel rebel against a situation in
Workers' control, self-determination by
which they are losing their power and hierarchical
the workers of the work process, is techni- privileges.
Domestic Contradictions of Advanced Capitalism 487

Part II: Capitalist Relations of joying it. example, the chairman of

Production and the Socially
Necessary Labor Force i
thing to be .____
Kodak-Pathé recently remarked: "It is a bad
l country where there is a
surplus of highly skilled personnel, since,
During the last twenty years, the develop- should a crii l l 1I!1"II!'.5' people who have
ment of the productive forces in the ad- spent a lonI time in studying but without
vanced capitalist economies has led, appar- being able to get a suitable post at the end,
ently at an accelerating pace, to a qualitative are not merely a pointblank loss, from the
change in the character of the labor force point of view of wasted investment, but also
which, at every level, is socially necessary a threat to the established order." The most
to the advance of the social process of extraordinary thing in this particular line of
production. management argument is not only the ex~
I hope, very briefly and rather schemati- pressed wish to restrict the number of
cally, to pinpoint some of the contradictions "highly skilled personnel" to the number of
-dormant or explosive-which this current _
"suitable posts . . should a crisis arise,"
change has created for European capitalism but also the utilitarian concept of culture
and the way in which it attempts to disguise (which is a "pointblank loss" if it does not
them, defuse them and prevent them. lead to a "suitable post") and the cultural
malthusianism motivated by fright at the
A thought that too much and too widespread
culture might imperil "the established order"
The cornradiction between the character or, as we might choose to put it, the capi-
and level of the training required by the de- talist relations of production and the hierar-
velopmenf of the productive forces and the chic relations of the firm.
character and level of size training required, In line, the problem for big management
from the managemerzfs point of view, to is to harmonize two contradictory necessi-
perpetuate ltierarclzic relations fro the factory ties: the necessity of developing human
and, more generally, the existing relations of capabilities, imposed by modern processes
production in society. of production and the-political-necessity
. . . Industry expects the universities to of ensuring that this kind of development of
produce swarms of skilled workers, who can capabilities does not bring in its wake any
be put directly to work in production, ap- augmentation of the independence of the in-
plied research and management. However, dividual. provoking him to challenge the
the monopolies arc perfectly well-aware of present division of social labour and distri-
the danger for the existing order of a general bution of power.
upgrading of educational standards. For, A solution is sought for-as we can see
once a certain level of culture has been quite clearly in the French Foucliet reform
reached highly skilled workers feel the vital -by backing specialization: educational
need for professional, intellectual and exis- reforms aim to set up, in contrast with tradi-
tential independence as much as workers in tional elite education, a stunted, utilitarian
old~fashioned industry feel or felt the gnaw- alternative, heavily biased towards technol-
ing need for material satisfaction. ogy. Frightened that an "over-rich" fostering
It is for this reason that the monopolies, of talents could lead to nonacceptance of dis-
although they are constantly clamourlng for cipline to work routines, an effort is made
education "more in touch with real life," at initial mutilation: the end-product must
attempt to cut back the quality of higher be competent but blinkered, zestful but
education and the number of students en- docile, intelligent as far as his immediate

functions are concerned but stupid about tific and technological developments, will
everything else. threaten him»-more than once in his pro~
The cry is for specialists, for people who ductive life-with the redundancy of his
are not able to situate their knowledge in store of knowledge and force him completely
the general movement of science or their to overhaul and renovate his learning in or-
limited activity in the overall process of der to avoid its depreciation and, in the last
social praxis. It is with this in mind that the resort, his own loss of employment.
Fouchet reform splits education into two: Hence, objectively technological develop-
the great majority of lycée and college stu- ment demands u solid and polyvalent educa-
dents will receive a technical education, tion encompassing both methodology and
completely shorn of any advanced theoreti- theory and stimulating independence, which
cal studies, such as philosophy, and-con~ presupposes a total recasting of educational
versely-the teaching of philosophy, unac- curricula and pedagogical methods. Manage-
companied by any mathematics or science, ment is against this not just because of the
will be nothing but an intellectual pastime; social cost of this kind of education-the
the point seems to be to deny access by per rapid production of specialists is less bur-
ple with a philosophical training to any jobs densome and their loss of skills has to be
in which their critical turn of mind might carried by themselves-but also because
endanger the established order. In other specialists, predeprived of any true profes-
words, higher professional training will be sional independence, will be more tame and
separated oil from authentic culture-by ready to submit to the current division of
which I mean familiarity with the methods l a b o r ' and distribution of power.
and proceedings of creative activity in the lt is instructive to examine the precedent
sciences and technology-and "culture" will of the United States in order to get some
be cut off from social praxis and knowledge estimate of the chances of success of this
of productive work. It ought to be pointed education policy espoused by monopoly cap-
out that this choice really bears no relation italism. The remedies adopted by European
to technological advance: indeed, it actually capitalism to cope with the crisis in bour-
militates against it. It is completely untrue geois education are in many ways parallel to
that modern technology demands specializa- those essayed during the thirties in America,
tion: quite the reverse. It demands a basic whose rotten fruits William H. Whyte de-
"polyvalent" education, comprising not a scribed ten years ago-from a bourgeois
fragmentary, predigested and specialized humanist point of view, it must be admitted
knowledge, but an initiation-or, put more -in The Organization Man. He recounted
precisely, a faculty of self~initiation-into there how theoretical studies, particularly in
methods of scientifico-technological research the natural sciences, were allowed to fall
and discovery. There is no purpose in cram- into discredit and decadence, while simul-
ming the student with immediately useful taneously, with monopoly encouragement,
information and set-pieces, the important specialized studies (management, public re-
thing is to teach him to learn, to inquire and lations, marketing flourished hand-
to develop his knowledge in an independent somely, their curricula rigidly utilitarian and
way, to dominate a whole field of activity adjusted to the immediate needs of industry,
and knowledge conceptually and syntheti- attracting the great majority of students and
cally in its connexions with adjacent fields. teaching them "know-how" rather than a
Only an education of this kind would enable coherent complex of knowledge.
the worker to maintain his standard of skills The advantages of this system for big
or, put another way, to master innovations business seemed astonishing: secondary
which, given the rapid turnover of scien- schools kept piping in a labour force which
Domestic Contradictions of Advanced Capitalism 489

was not only directly utilizable but actually grasping how they are being stunted; it is
preconditioned and preintegrated in the impossible to contain the independence in-
sense that the education given encouraged herent in cognitive praxis within tight limits,
careerist ambition and discouraged habits of even by early specialization. In fine, it is
criticism. While the traditional universities impossible, in the long run, Ito bottle up in~
of Europe stick to their old academic and dependence. Monopoly capital dreams of a
mandarin ways, they too are leaving the particular kind of specialized technician, rec-
field open to free enterprise in education, to ognizable by the coexistence in one and the
private specialized schools, mushrooming same person of zest for his job and indif-
everywhere, which give no Rroper technico- ference about its purpose, professional en-
scientifid or practice-theoretic lture but terprise and social submission, power and
only formulae for making a successful responsibility over technical questions and
career. impotence and irresponsibility over questions
Yet, at the time when Whyte published of economic and social management. It is
his book, the educational system he de- the task of. the workers' movement to ensure
nounced was already virtually over and done that this dream really does prove a delusion,
with. A report compiled D: b Allen Dulles, to bring the contradictions involved into the
head of the CIA, on the comparative num- daylight and to counter the repressive and
ber of scientists and researchers in the U.S.A. mystifying ideology of organization capital-
and the Soviet Union, witnessed to Ameri- ism with the possibility, through struggle on
cans that they were in danger of building up every level, of a total alternative and a re-
a time-lag and provoked the government conquest of man.
into taking measures to develop theoretical
studies right across the board, through mas- B
sive injections of funds and a vast pro-
gramme of scholarships. The contradiction between the growing-
The fruits of this development pro- latent or actual-autonomy of productive
gramme are already visible: overcrowded work for an increasing number of workers
universities, dispensing mass instruction to and its plainly social character and the saa-
an unprecedented number of students, cut ation of work within the factory and within
off from overloaded staff, seething in revolt, capitalist society, Or, in fact, in other words,
often with staff backing, protesting the lack the contraditioa, in a particular corttext,
of proper teaching; demands for a voice in between the nature of the productive forces
creating curricula, in organizing courses, in and capitalist relations of production.
fixing work methods and conditions protests During the era of Taylorism, capitalist
against authoritarian university administrate relations of production found their natural
so n, protests, more or less explicit, against extension and confirmation in work relations.
the whole policy of American imperialism For the vast majority of workers, l a b o r
and the American way of life. power was merely a quantity of physiologi-
The general trend of this revolt, rather cal energy, undiffcrentiatable between work-
reminiscent of others in Italy ( architectural ers, and without any value in itself: it had
students, for instance) or in France (at the value only when combined and utilized out~
Sorbonne or the IDES), is that, once a cer- side itself with other quantities of human
tain level of education has been reached, it energy. In other words, it was valorized only
becomes out of the question to try and limit by management fiat and by being alienated
the need for independence: it is impossible into a product and production whose ulti-
to teach knowledge and ignorance in the mate finality remained foreign to the worker.
same breath, without those taught finally The worker was supposed to "work," not

"think", other people had the job of think- his material, mediated by his tools, but rela-
ing his work, and that of others, for him. tions of groups of workers to the industrial
In short, his dehumanization and the aliena- process, emerging from the conscious COITAL*
tion of his labour found their natural basis bination of human actions. Production no
in the division of labour and the process of longer requires combination imposed from
production. outside, by a third party-the combination
Bu t, for a growing number of workers, of labour as a quantity of raw physiological
this objective basis for the dehumanization energy, more and more, it is coming to re-
of the worker by capital--and for its single quire the reciprocal combination of those
possible form of n gator: violent suppres- who actually accomplish production--in
sion of unhumanizable labour-is tending to other words, cooperation within workteams,
disappear. I am not claiming that new tech- in which traditional divisions between
niques, such as automation, are producing a worker, technician and engineer have dis-
new working class and a, generally greater appeared.
amount of individual autonomy at work. The Additionally, the natural basis of the in-
process is, in fact, 'ala much more com- dustrial hierarchy tends to be dissolved in a
plex: previous individual grades of skill are number of advanced sectors and the whole
being rendered obsolete-a new kind of traditional system of wages and grades,
semiskilled worker is ousting the old, who is based on individual work, productivity and
required on account of his technical respon- qualification, is thrown into crisis. The tech-
sibilities to have some qualification and, nical or scientific worker in automated indus-
most important, a general level of education try is consigned to permanent underemploy-
higher than that immediately required by his ment as far as his individual tasks go, and
tasks. His tasks, though they require a lesser hence, as far as his level of consciousness
degree of individual qualification and direct allows, he tends to transfer his interest from
initiative, demand a much broader spectrum his purely individual work to his social func-
of knowledge and involve control over a tion and from his purely individual role in
much more extensive section of the produc- production to the social significance and
tion process. The personal involvement of a purposes of management.
worker supervising a multiple semiautomatic Furthermore, in scientific industries stim-
lathe, for instance, is less than that of a ulatcd by automation (electronics, heavy
worker using a precision lathe, but his machinery, research, etc.) the work itself
position in the production process is less takes on a potent ally--or even actually-
restricted and he can gain a much more ex- creative character and there is a latent con-
tensive understanding of it. The same thing liiet between the teams of scientific and
applies to a worker supervising an auto- technical workers, conscious of their abilities
mated line or a technician in a refinery or a and eager to valorize their labour power, and
petro-chemical or atomic energy plant, etc. the capitalist management of. the firm, whose
Individual skill and job qualification are sup- policy subordinates-and often sacrifices-
planted by more directly social functions and this valorization to criteria of short- or long~
qualifications. Qualifications are no longer run profitability. In France, an interesting
centered round man's relations with inor- example of this was the Neyrpic affair and,
ganic nature but round social collaboration even more striking, the vanguard role played
with` others-that is to say, harmonious by the employees at Bull-Gambetta (tech-
group action, collective team work, etc. nicians and engineers) who drew attention
Briefly, the labor force is socially qualified to management errors and foresaw the 1964
as a whole, relations are no longer the soli- crisis more than a year in advance. and
tary relations of the individual worker with whose struggle ascended from the issue of
Contradictions in Higher Education in the United States 491

the firm to general political issues, denuncia- ing," "public relations," "management psy-
tion of the management and demands for chology" and so on. Oppression through the
nationalization and the socialization of re- necessary division of l a b o r is replaced,
search, since the development of the produc- wherever it is on the way out, by indoctrina-
tive forces and the valorization of "human tion, ideological repression, smooth grim-
capital" had proved impossible under the ness and "cultural" conditioning, which starts
system of capital management. at school, in the content and method of teach~
In a key group of industries, scientific and ing, and which is prolonged and projected
economic pacesetters, the character of work into public life through the degradation and
-either on account of its social or its cre- diversion of genuine cultural needs in order
ative aspects--increasingly tends to enter to benefit needs (and merchandise) of per-
into contradiction with capitalist manage- sonal consumption, comfort and escape.
ment criteria and decision-making powers. It would be unrealistic to imagine that the
It is more or less openly felt that tasks objective contradiction between capitalist
should be reorganized and reshuilled, that relations of production and the character
the command system should be recast and of the labour force-its cost of production
workers' control over the process of produc- and reproduction, its mode of training and
tion be introduced, and that all this is quite employment-will necessarily become con-
within the bounds of possibility. And, at the scious and explode. In reality, this contra-
same stroke, this very possibility demon- diction is, as a rule, disguised in advanced
strates the true despotism of capital: it re- capitalist societies, able to engage an enor-
veals that the alienation and mutilation of mous arrnoury of repression, conditioning
the worker has never been the necessary and stupefaction, it will only explode at
conclusion of the technology employed, but special moments of crisis. The importance
that capitalism actually needs shattered and of political and cultural work by the work-
atomized men and that, as long as it sustains ing class party must be kept in the forefront,
the old system of traditional centralized and to make these contradictions explicit and to
military hierarchies, arbitrarily limiting tasks weld together the scientific and technical
and responsibilities even against the interests neoproletariat, the students and the teachers
of greater productivity, it needs them, above with the working class, by demonstrating the
all. in order to perpetuate its domination character and prospects of the solutions to
over men, not only as workers, but also as which their own specific problems will lead
consumers and citizens. The natural basis of them, while taking the greatest care to re-
enslavement and dehumanization is replaced spect them in their specificity and relative
by deliberate techniques, gleaming with sci- independence.
entific chrome and dubbed "human engineer- 1 *

11.5 Contradictions in Higlwr Education

in the United States

In several earlier sections we saw how continued economic growth has

required 21 complementary expansion of enrollments in secondary and
higher education in the United States. In the following reading Samuel

13:26 Cohen and Lazerson, Section 4.6, p. 183, and Bowles, Section 5.2, p. 218.

Bowles briefly elaborates on this theme and argues that the role of edu-
cation in reproducing the social relations of production is being under-
mined by the process of economic growth itself. Bowles contends that
the rise in enrollments in higher education perforce raises expectations
and aspirations that cannot be fulfilled. Schooling produces youth who
demand interesting and socially useful work, but such jobs become
increasingly scarce in the economy as capitalism increasingly bureauc-
ratizes and "rationalizes" production. Furthermore, as enrollments at
higher levels of schooling increase, it becomes increasingly di1".Flcult for
the educational system to obfuscate and lend legitimacy to the class strati-
fication that it engenders. As a result, the whole system of higher educa-
tion in the United States is caught in a contradiction that promises to
become increasingly serious over time.

Source: The following is excerpted from "Contradictions in U.S. Higher

Education," by SAMUEL BowLEs. From Political Economy: Radical Versus
Orthodox Approaches, edited by James Weaver. Copyright 1971 by
Samuel Bowles. Reprinted by permission of the author.

INTRODUCTION of a capitalist system. Until recently, col-

leges and universities have succes sully pro-
The appearance of a radical student move- duced the high-level labor and much of the
ment and the organization of radical pro- advanced technology needed for economic
fessional and other white-collar workers in growth. In addition, these institutions have
the late sixties and early seventies raises given collective consciousness and legitimacy
an important question: will this radicalism to groups occupying the peaks of the occu-
among the well educated play an important pational and political hierarchy, while at the
role in bringing about revolutionary changes same time forestalling social discontent by
in U.S. society? Will the movement be assim- maintaining the illusion of upward mobility
ilated, bought off, isolated, or destroyed; or through access to education. The expansion
will it grow and spread into other sectors of higher education has served as once to
of society? enhance the material forces of production
and to reproduce the social relations of pro-
In this paper I will argue that the student duction.
movement and radicalism among young Yet a hundred years of economic growth
professionals is the manifestation of struc- and continued expansion of higher education
tural weaknesses endemic to the advanced have revealed some basic weaknesses. I will
capitalist system, that the continuing evolu- argue that the role of higher education in the
tion of the capitalist system will exacerbate further extension of the material forces of
these weaknesses and thus help to create the production has come into conflict with its
opportunity for radical change in the U.S. role in the reproduction of the social rela-
Let me summarize the argument at the out- tions of production. The internal consistency
set. of the reproductive functions of higher edu-
For at least at century, the growth of cation in the past was not rooted in any
higher education in the U.S. has contributed inherent versatility of our educational insti-
to economic productivity and promoted tutions. Rather, it was a consequence of the
stable political evolution within the context particular level of development of both the
Contradictions in Higher Education in the United States 493

economy and the educational system. With A slower or negative rate of economic
continuing economic growth and college ex- growth would hardly solve the problem, for
pansion, the reproductive functions and poli- there are numerous groups in the society
cies which were once complementary are whose continued acquiescence to the capi-
rapidly becoming contradictory. talist system is purchased by the expectation
The imperatives of continued economic of an economic payoff which can be pro-
growth and the need both to obfuscate and vided only through the process of continued
to justify a system of social stratification growth at a reasonably high rate. More-
based on hierarchy in the social relations of over, even the most optimistic economists
production have required an increasingly doubt that it would be possible to achieve
large enrollment of students and employ- full employment and high business profit,
ment of faculty at colleges and universities. were the growth rate significantly reduced.
Yet the level of economic growth itself, and While some of the roots of student radi-
the process by which it has been achieved, calism lie within the system of higher educa-
have had contradictory consequences. In- tion itself, others have grown out of broader
creasing numbers of students have little in- contradictions in the society as a whole. At-
terest in doing the well paid but alienating tacks on campus racism arise less from the
work available. As high-level organizational peculiarities of college life than from the
skills and the capacity to handle new tech- nationwide movement for racial self»deter-
nologies have become increasingly important mination. The fight against ROTC and
elements in economic growth, the culture of campus military recruiters is just a small part
the college community has become ana- of the worldwide anti-imperialist struggle.
chronistic, dysfunctional, and particularly un~ Likewise, the radicalism of many young
suited to the new role of colleges in training teachers, technicians, social workers, and
technicians and bureaucrats for the power- other professionals is a response to the con-
less middle levels of the production hierar- tinuing failure to place the nation's produc-
chy. The expansion of enrollments has neces- tive capacities in the service of man.
sitated the reproduction within higher educa- The fact that the political manifestations
tion of class distinction reflecting the hier~ of the movement are confined largely to the
archical nature of production relations in campuses and the professional societies
the economy. As the internal structure of should not obscure their broader social im-
higher education has come to mirror the so- portance. The breakdown of the reproduc-
cial relations of production, it has begun to tive role of higher education repro sents an
expose the myth of mobility and at the same opportunity for radical change, not only on
time to create a new, potentially radical po- the campuses, where the contradictions are
litical force in the society. now most acutely felt, but also in other sec-
It seems likely that further growth of the tors of the society, where the crisis in high'
system will not ameliorate, but intensify education will help to destroy the mythology
these problems. The assimilation of radical of opportunity and progress and thus reveal
movements has in the past been achieved the shortcomings of social institutions
_ " _ _

through a redistribution of the increases. in which regulate our lives. To take advantage
output due to economic growth. Yet the of this opportunity requires some under-
crisis in higher education differs from most standing of the ways in which the contradic-
past challenges to stability: Economic tory developments in higher education are
growth does not provide the means for the likely to unfold and the defensive strategies
solution of the problem. In very large meas- likely to be followed by the dominant groups
ure it is the problem. in the society.

It may be useful, then, to study the eco- of training the middle-level bureaucrats and
nomic and social forces giving rise to the technicians of the future. While the adapta-
current crisis in higher education. . . . In tion to both of these consequences of growth
section 2, I will survey the recent evolution has for the most part preserved the funda-
of higher education and demonstrate that in- mental functions of higher education, the ad-
creasing enrollments have produced serious justments are far from perfect and have re-
strains in the system. I will argue in section vealed some of the underlying weaknesses
3 that these strains are manifestations of of the advanced capitalist system.
fundamental weaknesses which have their
origin in the structure of the U.S. economy.
The process of college study itself under-
Some political implications of the analysis
mines much of the legitimacy of the @pi-
are suggested in the concluding section.
talist system, for it is simply impossible for
higher education to transmit useful high level
COPING WITH GROWTH: skills to students without at the same time
TECHNOCRACY AND THE developing some of the students' critical ca-
JUNIOR COLLEGE BOOM pacities and without transmitting some of the
truth about how the society operates. Un-
The fact that colleges and universities have critical acceptance of the legitimizing myths
often been centers of discontent should not of the capitalist system by the economic and
obscure the fundamentally conservative func- political elites does not provide the intellec-
tions of these institutions, namely, the repro- tual basis for the extension and preservation
duction of the social class system from gen- of. its main institutions. As long as the vast
eration to generation, m.____ the legitimation proportion of college students were destined
of the 1°csu inequalities. The reproduc- for positions of leadership, the tradition of
tion of class relations is facilitated by social scholarship and unfettered inquiry was prob-
inequalities in higher action. Acquies- ably an appropriate context for college train-
cence to class stratification is encouraged by ing. Yet with over half of each age cohort
maintaining the illusion that social mobility attending college, it is clear that both lead-
and personal betterment are possible ers and followers are being trained. The edu-
through open access to higher education. cational processes best suited to training an
Higher education further contributes to po- elite may be less successful in fostering qui-
litical stability through its contribution to a esccnce among followers. Incompatibility of
rapid rate of economic growth. Rapid functions seems certain to arise as higher
growth in both the levels of enrollment and education is forced to play an increased role
in the economy has been necessary for the in the perpetuation of a conservative social
performance of these functions. . . . mythology and the socialization of docility
among middle-level workers.
The expansion of enrollments n e a r i==.l=
brought about two important changes in the The growth of two-year colleges and post-
social role of highs education. First is the secondary technical institutes is another
increasing scientific, cultural, and social role manifestation of the underlying problem,
of the college cormnunity. Second is the namely, the impossibility of accommodating
frank recognition that colleges have become one-half of each age cohort in "elite" insti-
the training ground for much more than the tutions. In what follows I will argue that the
economic elite, junior colleges and many junior colleges have served to create a class
four-year institutions have taken up the task stratification within higher education, thus
Contradictions in Higher Education in the United States 495

allowing an expansion of the number of has been necessitated by a shift in the occu-
students in higher education without under- pational destinies of the students. Higher
mining the elite status and function of the education in the 1960s and 1970s thus pre-
established institutions. sents many parallels to secondary education
With a small fraction of each age group around the turn of the present century, as
attending college, most could be accommo- working-class and immigrant children began
dated at four-year institutions from which to attend high school. They could not be
graduation assured a high chance of COO-° kept out, for the economy apparently de-
romaic and social success. Of course there manded a more thorough inculcation of skills
were always institutions which could not and attitudes than was being provided in
confer automatic status, but these were con- the elementary schools, and in any case, the
fined largely to a few fields (such as educa- ideology of the American system including
tion and divinity) and to the South (particu- the mobility myth-had to be taught to
larly black colleges). these new participants in the political proc-
The idea that those who had made it into ess. Yet if they were to sit in the same class-
college had made it to the top could not sur- rooms with the children of the privileged
vive the tremendous increase in enrollments. groups, education would cease to confer the
But it was not merely the expectation of __ _
badge of- status, gnoreover, the new-

success which had to change, the entire comers might begin to expect to take up
structure of higher education had become white-collar occupations for which the aca-
inadequate. A relatively uniform system of demic curriculum of the high school was
higher education enrolling such a large frac- ostensibly a preparation. These problems
tion of each age group would fail in a num- were perceived and debated during the first
ber of ways. The right to rule and the ex- decades of this century.1 The outcome, pur-
pectation of power would be extended to portedly based on the best interests of all,
social groups who in their jobs and their was to accept the fact that working-class
political activities had previously exercised children would take up working-class jobs
very little influence over their OWI1 lives or and to provide them with an education ap-
those of others. Unrealistic status and occu- propriate to their future work. This was the
pational expectations would he encouraged era that saw the beginnings of the industrial
in lower- and lower-middle-class children, education movement, vocational tracks in
disappointment would undoubtedly result in high schools, and the development of class
discontent. Equally important, the social re- stratification within high school education.
lations of the educational process itself.- The repetition of this process in higher
based on the notion that the colleges and education has been under way for some
universities were socializing an elite-would time, and for similar reasons. Concerns
prove to be inappropriate when these insti- about poverty and racial discrimination and
tutions began training middle-level workers. the desire to placate the previously excluded
Thus a uniform system of higher education groups have given increased impetus to the
would foster discontent and competition for movement. Enrollinents in junior colleges
power, for it would legitimize the power as- are well over three times what they were ten
pirations of much more than the old elite years ago. Higher education has developed
and fail to inspire the expectations and sub-
missiveness appropriate to the future work 1Sec Sol Cohen, "The Industrial Education
roles of most of the newcomers to post- Movement, 1906--1'f," American Quarterly 20
(Spring 1968): 95-110 and Lawrence A. Cremin,
secondary schooling. The Trnflsy'ormafion of the School (New York:
Structural change in educational processes Vintage Books, 1964), Chapter 2.

a tnultitiered system dominated at the top and counseling--to convince students that
by the ivy league institutions and the great their lack of success is objectively at-
state universities, followed by the state col- tributable to their own inadequacies The
leges, and ending with the burgeoning junior magnitude of the task of lowering student
colleges. This system reflects both the social expectations can hardly be exaggerated, as
class structure of the families of the students something like seven times as many entering
and the hierarchy of work relations me junior college students plan to complete four
which each type of student will move after or more years of college as actually succeed
graduation. in doing so.4= in

The results of a recent study of one of Studies at junior colleges are, much more
the more equalitarian systems-California's often than in four-year colleges, explicitly
-illustrates this stratified system. As Table vocational, emphasizing such middle-level
ll-A indicates, over 18 percent of the stu- training as nursing, computer work, and of-
dents at the University of California in 1964 fice skills. The student is allowed less discre-
came from families earning twenty thousand tion in selecting courses or pursuing a liberal
dollars or more, while less than 7 percent of education. Systems of discipline and student
the students in junior colleges came from management resemble those of secondary
such families. (Less than 4 percent of the education more than those of the elite uni-
children not attending higher education came versities, some have called junior colleges
from such families.) Similarly, while only "high schools with ash trays." The teaching
12.5 percent of the students attending the staff is recruited heavily from the corps of
University of California came from families high school teachers. Pressures from state
earning less than six thousand dollars, 24 legislatures seek to increase teaching loads
percent of the students attending junior col- and class sizes and in some cases, even to
leges and 32 percent of the children not en- standardize curriculum and teaching meth-
rolled in higher education came from such ods.5 Whatever the original educational in-
The segregation of students not destined 3 Burton R. Clark, "The 'Cooling Out' Function
in Higher Education," The American Journal of
for the top has allowed the development of Sociology, Vol. LXV, No. 6 (May, 1960), pp.
procedures and curricula more appropriate 569-77.
to their future needs and actual life Though the proponents of junior colleges
chances. The vast majority of students in make much of the opportunity for students to
transfer at the end of two years and receive a
junior colleges are programmed for failure, bachelor's degree from a four-year college, less
and great efforts are made-through testing than ten percent of the entering freshmen in
California's junior colleges actually do this. See
W. L. Hansen and B. Weisbrod, "The Distribution
2Similar studies of Florida confirm this pattern of Costs and Direct Benefits of Public Higher
(D. Windham, Educazio/z, Equal'1'ry, and Income Education: The Case of California," Journal of
Rea'fst1'fl>ut:'o1f1.' A Study of Pu.b!Ilc Higher Educa- Human Resonrcav, Vol. IV, No. 2. (Spring, 1969),
zion, (Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath and Co., p. 180. Over three quarters of a large nationwide
1970) as docs a nationwide census survey show- sample of entering junior college freshmen in
ing that college students from families earning less 1970 stated that they intended to receive n B.A.,
than five thousand dollars a year are over twice B.S., or higher degree. [National Norms for En-
as likely to be enrolled in l o - y e a r (as opposed to ferirzg College Freshmen' Fall, 1970 (Washington :
founyear) colleges, compared to students from American Council on Education, I970).]
families earning fifteen thousand dollars and over. "We may expect to see resistance to these
See Bureau of the Census, Current Popularism pressures from junior college faculties. Their pro-
Reports, Series P»20, No. 183 (May 22, 1969). fessional status depends on their membership in
See also National Norms for Entering College the community of university and college teachers.
Freslznn=n.~ Fail, 1970 (Washington: American Acquiescence to these pressures would not only
Council on Education, 1970). make their work more difficult and less rewarding,
Contradictions in Higher Education in the United States 497



Families With Children in California

Families Without Public Higher Education
Chiklren in
AI! Cofifornia Public Junior Smote University of
fncome Class Families Higher Education Tofu! College Coffege California

s 0- 3,999 16.1% 17.0% 6.6% 8.1% 4.1% 5.0%

4,000- 5,999 14.8 14.9 13.0 15.9 10.2 7.5
6,000- 7,999 18.9 19.0 17.6 19.6 17.0 11.1
8,000- 9,999 18.1 18.3 16.4 16.9 17.2 13.1
10,000-11,999 12.4 12.1 15.8 14.4 19.9 13.3
12,000-13,999 7.4 7.3 8_8 7.2. 10.8 11.3
14,000-19,999 7.9 7.5 13.0 11.1 13.0 20.3
20,000-24,999 1.8 1.6 3.4 2.6 3.3 6.6
25,000 and over 2.6 2.3 5.4 4.2 4.5 11.8
Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Median income $8,000 $7,900 $9,560 $8,800 $10,000 $12,000

tent may have been, the social relations of college education actually holds some prom-
the junior college classroom increasingly re- ise of paying off in access to the high pay-
semble the formal hierarchical impersonality ing, high status jobs ordinarily held by
of the office or the uniform processing of the college graduates. And this it does not do.
production line." First, it is clear from U.S. census data that
All this, of course, must not be seen as the occupational opportunities and likely in-
a failure of the junior college movement but comes of workers with less than four years
rather as a successful adaptation to the tasks of college fall far short of the opportunities
which they were set up to perform: process- open to four-year college graduates. Second,
ing large numbers of students to competently the monetary payoff to a junior college edu-
and happily ill the skilled but powerless cationis falling, particularly when compared
upper-middle positions in the occupational to the monetary rewards of a four-year col-
hierarchy of the advanced capitalist econ- lege degree?
But as the channeling of junior college
graduates into these middle-level jobs be-
comes increasingly evident, these institutions
lose the capacity to legitimize the class sys-
tem which they so obviously reproduce. In-
The consequences of rapid growth in enroll-
creased access to junior colleges cannot re-
ments-the now anachronistic culture of the
inforce the myth of mobility and personal
university community, the admission of an
betterment through education unless a junior
increasing portion of college students into
it would signal their descent into the mass of institutions which effectively channel their
white-collar proletarians, following the route of graduates into the middle-level jobs in the
the high school teachers some decades ago. occupational structure [and the growing ten-
This statement does not apply to the small
number of exceptional liberal arts junior colleges.
sion between effective learning situations and
See Z. Gamson, I. Gusiield, and D. Riesman,
Acadefmb Values and M'as5 Edurfrs tiofr. (New TSee Tables 5 and 6 of the unexcerpted version
York: Doubleday I970). of thins paper cited in the source line.

the need to socialize workers for hierarchical techniques in the universities, it has at the
production]--have produced serious strains same time undermined the traditional bases
in the structure of higher education. These of discipline and "rational" choice of "eco-
strains are not simply the growing pains of nomically productive" specializations in the
a healthy organism, but they are instead evi- universities.
dence of fundamental contradictions. While the very success of the economy
The nature of the contradiction may be seems to lie at the heart of. the problem, it
briefly summarized: the growth of both en- might be thought that an advanced economy
rollments and the economy continues to be would generate tasks requiring a creativity
essential in legitimizing the class structure and perspective which would justify a whole-
and allowing its reproduction from genera- sale transformation of our schooling system
tion to generation. Yet economic growth has toward a more liberating education. Yet the
produced an incongruence between the job economy has little use for the products of a
expectations of college students on the one truly liberating education. The resort to pro-
hand and the manpower requirements of the duction on a large scale and to efficient
economy on the other. The increasing dis- bureaucratic organization, in which both
crepancy between jobs and expectations is materials and personnel are molded into spe-
no passing phenomenon, for both the change cialized parts, is a major source of our recent
in student consciousness and the declining increase in output of marketable goods and
opportunities for rewarding work are firmly services. Work tasks are fragmented, the
rooted in three aspects of the U.S. economy; mental processes associated with them are
namely, in the level of affluence, in the more specialized, and the social relations
alienating social technology of production defined by work roles are more limiting.
which is the price of affluence under capi- Increasingly, the rewarding work in the
talism, and in the pervasiveness of waste economy is eliminated in the interests of efli-
and irrational production necessitated by the cicncy and hierarchical control of the pro-
difficulty in absorbing the surplus produc- duction.*~
tive capacity of the economy. . In part this development may be ex-
The success of the economic growth plained by the elimination of hundreds of
process has itself undermined much of the thousands of independent positions held in
rationale for higher ation, for it has the past by small proprietors, self-employed
changed the way in which students value the professionals, and independent skilled crafts-
economic payoff to their studies. The in- men. Equally important, many previously
creased adiuencc of the families from which rewarding jobs, while not eliminated, are
the students come, and the increased alllu- transformed by the pervasive specialization
ence which the students may expect in their and fragmentation of tasks.
adult life, tend to make the calculation of The case of teaching provides a good ex-
monetary gain secondary to other aspects of ample. Among all of the jobs available to
education. It is no longer enough that edu- college graduates, teaching is probably one
cation pay off; college study must be inter- of the more rewarding and least restrictive.
esting and enjoyable and must contribute to The teacher is in direct contact with his ma-
the individual's personal development in terial and has at least a tnodieutn of control
terms of more than just his productive ca- over his work, given a sufficiently vivid
pacities or likely future earnings. Thus while imagination, he may oven entertain illusions
economic growth has led to an increasing of social usefulness. However, the teacher's
dependence of the economy on the produc- *See Edwards, Section 3.5, p. 115, and Kcnis-
tion of both a high level labor force and new ton, Section 6.4, p. 269.
Contradictions in Higher Education in the United States 499

job has undergone subtle change, and it is graduates. The growing number of young
probably true that work in education is less people who feel that we already produce too
rewarding today than it was in the not-too- many commodities for private consumption
distant past. The educational cfiiciency binge balk at most work prospects available in a
of the 1920s led to the application of busi- capitalist economy. Others, sensitive to con~
ness management methods to the high corns such as environmental issues, can feel
schools. The concentration of decision- nothing better than ambivalence about their
making power in the hands of administra- work. And while employment in military and
tors and the quest for "economic rationaliza- war-related work was not long ago seen as
tion" had the same disastrous consequences a social contribution, it is now taken on
for teachers that bureaucracy and "rational- only with a sense of humiliation, embarrass-
ization" of production had on most other ment, or even contempt. Even work in the
workers. In the interests of scientific man- production of education itself has lost much
agement, teachers lost control of curriculum, of its appeal. mis smug ideology hich
selection of texts, and, even to a major ex- once celebrated the enlightening and equal-
tent, methods of teaching. A host of special- izing mission of the teaching profession has
ists arose to deal with minute fragments of given way under the pressure of radical po-
the teaching job. The tasks of thinking, mak- litical movements and recent school airship to
ing decisions, and understanding the goals a more persuasive though less inspiring view
of education were placed in the hands of of education, stressing its inegalitarian and
educational experts and bureaucrats. Teach- repressive function.
ers, apparently, were not expected to be par- As the elimination of rewarding work
ticularly intelligent. To facilitate adminis- proceeds, the difficulty of finding a "good"
tration and reap economies of large-scale job is exacerbated by the fact that the num-
production, schools became larger and bers of college graduates are growing much
more impersonal. The possibility of intimate faster than the total labor force. Even if the
or complicated classroom relationships gave number of "good" jobs were propo rtionally
way to the social relations of the production unchanged, there would not be enough re-
line. warding work to go around. . . .
The fragmentation of tasks and the de- The most obvious vent for the surplus
mise of intimate personal contact has not of highly educated workers is to plow them
been limited to teaching but rather has per- back into the educational system itself. At
vaded all of the "service" professions. In the present time, education is by far the
medicine, for example, the pursuit of efd- largest field of study, constituting almost
ciency has spelled the rise of large imper- one-Hftli of total enrollments at all colleges
sonal medical bureaucracies, the ascendancy and a considerably larger number at four-
of specialists, and the demise of the general year colleges. Another vent for the surplus
practitioner who once ministered to the is the graduate and professional schools,
health of the whole body and the whole which now absorb a substantial portion of
family. the graduating class of four-year colleges.
But the nature of the work task is not But it can be seen at once that absorbing the
the only source of alien ation. The product surplus educated labor in the educational
of work may be as alienating as the proc- system, while alleviating the problem in the
ess. The waste and irrationality of what is short run, exacerbates it in the long run, as
produced in the U.S. is becoming increas- it builds up the pressures for producing yet
ingly evident, having a hand in producing it more higher education in later years.
has little appeal to more and more college For the above variety of reasons, the ab-

sorption of the surplus of educated labor dollars more of lawyers than would prob-
through the schooling system itself is increas- ably be necessary in a more rational system.
ingly difficult. Expanded employment in Some write tax laws and others become
other jobs of potential social usefulness does adept at tax evasion. In the spirit of New-
not seem to hold much more promise. The ton's third law, every new legal activity be-
practice of medicine at all levels, because of gets at least one opposing activity. But while
its direct and obvious usefulness, would contrived need may be a remunerative strat-
seem to be a likely outlet. But here we are egy, it must be transparently wasteful to
confronted with the monopolistic power of many of those who participate in it, and it
the medical lobbies, particularly the Ameri~ hardly appears as a rewarding way of life
can Medical Association, which, by restrict- for many young people. Large legal firms of
ing the supply of medical personnel, severely course recognize this and, to recruit today's
limits the capacity of the medical sector to top law students effectively, have allowed
absorb a greatly increased number of high- their young lawyers to work often as much
level workers.9 as a day a week on company time serving
Of course some of the surplus can be ab- ghetto organizations and other worthy
sorbed outside the area labeled "social causes. In other professions and industries,
service." similar concessions are being made.
The growing role of the U.S. in the world But there are limits to these concessions.
economy allows the "export" of some of the Given what young people now want in a job,
surplus educated labor. Direct U.S. foreign concessions may be the most profitable solu-
investment overseas and the operations of tion for firms, but nonetheless they are ex-
multinational corporations have resulted in pensive. The day off a week and the produc-
an intensification of the international division tivity foregone through despecialization have
of labor, with directing, coordinating, and to come out of somebody's pockets. With
innovating functions retained in the U.S. the present technological alternatives and so-
and functions requiring unskilled labor being cial priorities. it seems doubtful that the de-
shifted abroad." Though considerable, the mands for creative and rewarding work can
opportunities thus afforded for absorption of be met by business without seriously impair-
both high level labor and capital are limited, ing its ability to meet the political necessity
as much by nationalism and increasingly ef- of a rapid increase in output. Even major
fective competition in the advanced coun- concessions in job content cannot obscure
tries as by the antiimperialist movement in the pervasive waste and irrationality of what
the poor nations. is being produced and for whom. . . .
At home, the legal profession has devised While the hope of generating a sullieient
a set of procedures and conventions which amount of rewarding work in private em-
manage to use up the services of millions of ployment seems dim, it might be thought
that government programs to rectify the so-
"Other medical lobbies follow similar practices.
cial ills of the nation would open up a
The American Nurses Association recently sought virtually limitless number of creative and
to limit the supply of nurses by phasing out the socially useful jobs. Similarly, it was once
current three-year nurse's training programs in believed that the full utilization of the econ-
favor of a four~year degree, despite the greatly
increased expense to the student of the four year omy's capital stock and other productive
program and some evidence that four-year nurses resources could be insured by a federal com-
are in ne way professionally superior. mitment to decent housing, urban cornmu~
103. I-Iymer, "The Multinational Corporation
and the International Division of Labor" (mimeo, nity development, and the like. Of course
1971). one can conceive of government social it
Contradictions in Higher Education in the United Stcates 501

provement programs which would at once Scientists at MIT initiate a symbolic strike.
absorb the surplus productive capacities of Young city planners and lawyers forego
the nation and attract the enthusiasm and prestigious employment and dedicate their
commitment of young people in pursuit of skills to radical community movements.
rewarding work. But while such programs Dozens of radical professional organizations
are technically feasible, they seem to lack have sprung up in medicine, sociology, the
political viability." The experience of physical sciences, economics, engineering,
VISTA, the community organizing aspects law, city planning, Asian, African, and
of the poverty program, and the Peace Corps Latin American studies, to mention just a
illustrates how difficult it is to devise pro- few. These groups give tangible political ex-
grams which sustain the commitment of pression to a growing commitment among
idealistic young people and at the same time students, young teachers, and other intellec-
survive congressional scrutiny." tuals that their function is not to administer
The difficulty of finding rewarding work society but drastically to change it. Dr. Ed-
has sent shock waves from the labor market ward Teller's recent assessment of the
back into the schools. The urge to develop strength of the movement is clearly extrava-
competence is undermined by the limiting gant but heartening nonetheless. He told a
and wasteful ways in which competence is presidential commission that events in uni-
used in the present economic system and by versities in 1969 and 1970 had "practically
the very definition of competence which cut the connection between universities and
arises out of the alienating organization of defense related industries . . . In twenty
work. Thus young people in increasing num- years," he warned, "the U.S. will be dis-
bers reject "useful" studies in favor of less arrned.S!13
economically "productive" but more per- Campus recruiters for business and the
sonally rewarding pursuits. Many leave col- government are finding an increasingly cool
lege or choose not to go. Many more stay reception and a narrower selection to choose
but reject much of the curriculum or turn from. Direct political action which originally
away from intellectual activity altogether. focused on companies in the war business is
now aimed at a much broader range of tar-
gets-General Motors, General Electric, and
the Peace Corps, for example. Student at-
tacks on campus recruitment by the USIS,
Department of State, and companies with
The immediate political consequences of the
substantial international operations are indi-
contradictions in U.S. higher education have
cations of the repugnance felt by many stu-
been widely felt, particularly on the more
dents at being trained to administer the U.S.
elite campuses. Attempts to hitch up the in~
world empire. These political actions are but
tellectual community in more direct service
surface ntanifestations of a far more general
to the state and the business community are
problem. Business and government are be-
met with ever more direct resistance. At-
ing struck-more, it is true, by a wave of
tacks OI1 ROTC and other campus war-
indifference to their pursuits than by open
related establishments have been widespread.
hostility-but struck nonetheless at a crucial
"Paul Boron and Paul Sweezy outline the po- point in their network of production and
litical obstacles to such programs in Illonopoly distribution: ="=§= source of supply of their
Capfraf (New York: Monthly Review Press,
1966) Chapter 6.
skilled and profes signal labor.
12Since 1967 an organization of ex-Peace
Corps volunteers has called for its abolition. 13new York Times, 25 July 1970, p. 1.

Two long-run political manifestations of the foundation of its political defense.

the contradictory development of U.S. While the earnings of professional and
higher education and the U.S. economy are other white-collar workers have recently kept
less obvious, though no less important. First, pace with those of blue-collar workers,"
by escalating serious class and racial inc- the earnings distinction has become increas-
qualities from secondary to higher education, ingly unimportant for many. And the work~
the expansion of enrollments has done much ing conditions of otlice and "brain" labor are
more than increase the awareness of the de~ incre singly coming to resemble those of the
gree of inequity in our school system. It has production line. The widespread unemploy-
created in the mass of nonelite college stu- ment and job insecurity of engineers, teach-
dents a group of people who have had at ers, and technicians is symptomatic of these
least a taste of inequality and hardship, who changes." Since the late 1950s the differ-
are old enough to be politically active and ence between white and blue collar unem-
yet young enough to have dreams and take ployment rates has steadily diminished.
chances, and who are brought together on a Though the labor force remains highly
day~to-day basis through common experi- segmented by occupational level as well as
ences and in some cases common residence. by race and sex, the continuing "rationaliza-
Recent campus political discontent out- tion of production" has greatly reduced the
side the elite colleges may signal the begin- number of workers with a direct personal in-
ning of a broad struggle for greater equality terest in maintaining the hierarchical divi-
in higher education. Certainly events such sion of labor. Just as the concentration of
as the strike at San Francisco State College capital and the demise of the small property-
in 1968 have brought into the open the owning producer has narrowed the base of
shortsighted and narrow limits within which support for private ownership of the means
the dominant groups are willing to make of production, the concomitant decreasing
concessions to Third-World and less atlluent number of workers exercising independence
students. The conflicts have thus helped to and control in their work weakens the po-
clarify the fundamental role of the junior litical defenses of hierarchy in production."
colleges and some state colleges in the class Continued growth in the advanced capitalist
hierarchy of higher education, thereby UTI- economy may belatedly create a common
dermining one of the central legitimizing be- condition of work among all segments of
liefs of our social system. the labor force, and thus give rise to a corri-
A second source of potential radicaliza- prehcnsivc working class consciousness.
tion arises from parallel contradictions in Much will depend on the immediate
U.S. higher education and in the evolution objectives persued by students and by organi-
of the class structure. Until recently, profes- zations of young white collar and profes-
sional workers and white-collar labor have "Evidence for the period 1959-1969 is con-
smugly accepted the comforting view that tained in Bureau of the Census, Current Popula-
they constituted a privileged group-a mod- Ifofz Report, Series P-60, No. 73 (September 30,
ern aristocracy of labor. They had greater 1970). For the half century prior to the 19505
the earnings of white-collar workers fell in rela-
job security, greater control over their work tion to those of skilled blue~coIlar workers (see
and, of course, more money. They had lit- Reich, Section 4.5, p. 174.
tle reason to be critical of the hierarchical 15PreSSL1reS unionization among white-
collar workers in part reflect an attempt to achieve
social division of labor characteristic of at least the dagge j_Qb securing hc]-
d Elf union-
capitalist production. Along with the sub- ized blue-collaii workers. .._..

stantially overlapping group of. property 1!1The argument concerning property owner-
owners, they were the main beneficiaries ship is from I. A. Schumpeter, Cr:;Jflc1fis:rr., ,So-
cirffism, and Democracy (New York: Harper,
of the capitalist system and constituted 1942).
The Making of Socialist Consciousness 503

signal workers. If they seek to restore their bias towards hierarchy, waste and alienation
lost privileges in the hierarchy of produc- in production, and its mandate for a school
tion-as independent decision makers and system attuned to the reproduction and le-
the directors of the labor of others-they gititnizatioll of the associated social division
will isolate themselves from other workers. of labor may then be seen as the source of
Similarly, if they seek compensation for their the problem.
lost independence in higher earnings, allies As the individual salvation once seem-
will be hard to come by. But if these back- ingly offered through access to higher educa-
ward looking goals are rejected in favor of tion is shown to be an empty promise, the
demands for wider participation in control appeal of collective solutions will increase.
over production, the movement will find With much of the legitimizing ideology of
roots in a broad segment of the population, the capitalist system destroyed by everyday
for it seems likely that over the next decades experience, the ground would be laid for a
workers in all occupational categories as well broad-based movement demanding partici-
as students will increasingly trace their frus- patory control of our productive and educa-
trations to a common set of obstacles bar- tional institutions and the development of a
ring their pursuit of rewarding work and a liberating education and its complement-a
better life. The capitalist economy-with its humane social technology of production.

11.6 The Making of Socialist Consciousness

In recent years the hegemony of capitalist ideology has been breaking

down simultaneously in many of the advanced capitalist countries. Stu-
dentl, and youth in general, protest the Vietnam War and develop an in-
ternational, anti-authoritarian Youth culture, women challenge traditional.
sex mflinmaerm in the United States, blacks act increasingly on the assumption
that meaningful black liberation is unattainable within the confines of ex~
sting economic institutions; blue-collar workers reject the wage agreements
obtained by their union bureaucracy. The editors of the periodical Socialist
Revolution, in a comprehensive editorial statement excerpted here, relate
the development of these and other disparate protest movements to the
need of capitalism both to expand the size of the work force and to ir:-
crease the self-awareness and competence of the work force. The various
oppositionist tendencies will continue to grow and have a common cause
-opposition to capitalist relations of production-which can unite t h e n
to transform capitalist socio . For though the proletariat is currently
highly divided, it can achieve socialist consciousness if thought and practice
"force the struggle into the primary contradiction . . . [of] alienated labor
as a social relation." This reading contains an excellent and comprehen-
sive synthesis of many of the ideas and arguments which we have at-
tempted to present throughout the chapters of this book.

Source: The following is excerpted from "The Making of Socialist Con-

sciousness" by the editors of Socialist Revolution- From So(ff.-:df\'2` Revolu-
tion 1, Nos. 1 and 2, (Jan.-Feb. and March»April 1970). Reprinted by
permission of Socialist Revolution.

SOCIALIST REVOLUTION IN THE subdivision, the black ghetto, the computer~

DEVELOPED CAPITALIST COUNTRIES ized factory and the sweat shop, the traffic
jam, the new recreation-slums of the Yosem-
ite floor. Is it any wonder that an interna-
A small, well-integrated, bourgeoisie-the tional class consciousness has emerged only
corporate ruling class-dominates the de- in erratic and self-contradictory ways?
veloped countries. Its ruling practice of The revolutionary task of our time is to
private accumulation has produced vast ma- unite this heterogeneity around opposition to
terial wealth. It uses this record of economic the corporate ruling class and to develop its
growth and material abundance to sanction particularized grievances into explicit so-
its claim to represent, in its own interests, the cialist consciousness and practice by detn~
interests of society. Corporate capital has onstrating their common root in capitalist
thus satisfied its own criterion of success. Be- property relations. This in turn requires rev-
cause of this success, the world view of cor- olutionary theory that encompasses both the
porate capital has been rendered credible specific situation and the concrete, historial
and ruling-class imperatives appear as basic occasion of the entire world proletariat.
morality, social decency and common sense. Revolutionary theory mediates between and
Alienated labor appears as the only kind of unites individual feelings, introspective un-
labor; consumption as the highest form of derstanding, social vision, historical con-
life activity. Poverty and exploitation are sciousness, and political strategies and
defined as minor, remediable concomitants tactics.
of economic growth, which further growth Such theory is necessary for the prole-
will eliminate. In short, except in the under- tariat to understand and fulfill its dual task :
developed "internal colonies," the corporate the abolition not only of the bourgeoisie but
ruling class in developed societies rules pri- also of alienated labor and class society. In
marily through ideological means, precisely the process of revolution, the proletariat is
because its root idea shaped and therefore not fulfilling its present existence as a class;
corresponds with reality. it is repudiating itself.
The material wealth that justifies capital's For this reason, socialist revolution in de-
ideological domination has been produced veloped countries requires both a degree of
by, and has in turn produced, a world prole- self-consciousness and a theory of history
tariat characterized by a disparity of social that was lacking in the bourgeois revolution,
condition and consciousness' capitalist ex- and in underdeveloped socialist revolutions
ploitation and oppression reflects a disparity in the Third World. There is nothing extern
of evils. Worldwide, the social condition of na to man that can lay the basis for devel-
the proletariat encompasses Rio de Janeiro oped socialist society in the way that private
favelas, South African mining towns sur- property lays the basis for capitalist society.
rounded by barbed wire, the shanty towns in Developed socialist society will be rooted in
capital's cheap labor havens in Hongkong, the only "property" proletarians have-their
Formosa, Puerto Rico, the barracks of human capacities as social beings to rebuild
Caribbean sugar workers. Within the de- and manage society. The revolution which
veloped countries, the condition of the pro- finally establishes world socialism will be
letariat includes the shacks of Italian con- made by proletarians fully aware of them-
struction laborers in the Swiss Alps, the high selves as social beings.
rises outside of Paris, the new shopping cent This historical self-understanding is nec-
tens in provincial Europe, the crowded essary not only in the struggle to destroy the
streets of suburban Tokyo, the American corporate ruling class but also capitalist pro-
The Making of Socialist Consciousness 505

duction relations--alienated. labor-which In developed capitalist society, many still

have still to be overcome in the underde- assume that capitalism is capable of meeting
veloped socialist countries, and which define human needs. For people to comprehend the
exploitation in capitalist society. And to win magnitude of this failure, to feel this failure
the socialist revolution, l struggle against
the ruling class requires as well a struggle
without feeling anxiety and hopelessness, re-
quires that concrete experience, including
against those instrumental, manipulative, emotional experience, be informed by the-
and oppressive social relations-racism, na- oretical understanding, In societies in which
tionalism, chauvinism, and authoritarianism production is quintessentially social, the so-
-as capitalism produces them in all spheres cial character of individual experience is ex-
of life. It is the struggle against these capi- traordinarily complex and deep-rooted. Each
talist social relations that provides the con- individual act has a variety of social mean-
dition for a united movement toward a com- , which many skills and much knowledge
mon destiny. of history and of oneself are required to re-
Bourgeois society, built upon the ideals of veal. Because the ideological hegemony of
individualism and self-interest, has by its the bourgeoisie depends upon the core idea
very nature turned people against each other. of commodity accumulation, the prime
Integral to capitalist production relations, requisite for socialist revolution is the re-
men and women are forced to dissemble, definition of well-being, of abundance, in
ideas are cut off from feelings, and direct theory and practice. This requires historical
intimate social relations put one at an eco- comprehension: nthesis of self-con-
nomic, social, and political disadvantage. sciousness and social consciousness.
Historical self-understanding must therefore The task will not be easy. By virtue of its
serve to uncover the social nature of man, concentration of capital, the corporate ruling
the realization of which is impossible in class has been able to concentrate ideologi-
bourgeois society, and upon the basis of cal resources. A prime task of revolutionary
which a proletarian revolution will be made. organizing then consists of the struggle
In the most profound sense, the proletariat against the bourgeois world view, including
has not one enemy but two-the ruling class the idea that it is in society's interest that the
and itself. In the absence of a humanizing ruling class monopolizes these resources.
militancy and a militant humanism, in the Thus, the arena of struggle today is not only
absence of a fierce common hatred for the the streets and the factory. It is also the uni-
common enemy, and a fiercer common love versity, the public schools, the church, the
for the proletariat as a whole, history will de- labor union, the television stations, the pub-
generate into barbarism. lishing houses, the shopping center, the home
The revolutionary movement in developed -wherever men and women reproduce
capitalist societies inherits few guiding ideas bourgeois ideas and bourgeois social rela-
from the past. Third World revolutionary tions.
movements know what they want, because In the past, opposition to bourgeois ideo-
they know what they need, economic devel- logical rule has often been vaporous, senti-
opment, the prerequisite for political and mental, idealistic, utopian, divorced from
cultural development. In the developed coun- the social existence of the proletariat: that
tries, there are few existing guidelines for is, opposition to the bourgeois world view
the socialist revolution; quite the contrary, has never risen from cultural dissent into rev-
the proletariat does not want what it needs olutionary theory. The bourgeois idea that
today, does not need what it wants, and capitalism would produce material wealth
must discover what it wants to need. -proved largely correct, except during de-

precisions, especially during the Great De- lotions within the proletariat and between
pressi.on when the business classes lost much capital and the proletariat that are experi-
of their moral authority, and except for the enced in ways that engender radical and po-
condition of the subproletariat. Alternatives tentially revolutionary politics. Capitalist de-
to bourgeois definitions of well-being and velopment is producing a need for a politics
the good life that were glimpsed by only a oriented around the issue of alienated labor
few artists and intellectuals appeared utopian and around the revolutionary struggle for
in the onrush of material production and socialism.
were swept aside. The great majority of pro- This revolutionary potential is rooted in
letarians were too confined by the mundane a proletariat which has been transformed ac-
struggle for survival to contemplate alterna- cording to the bourgeoisie's need to expand
tive world views and practice and to strug- and realize surplus value [i.e., proflts]. The
gle for them. expansion of surplus value has required both
Today, however, capitalist expansion faces an expansion of the proletariat and the gen-
a worldwide antiirnperialist movement, which eral technical and cultural upgrading of the
recognizes that capitalism has generated eco- proletariat. On the DDC hand, the quantity
nomic underdevelopment rather than devel- five growth of the labor forces has required
opment in the Third World, that has com- the uprooting of the rural population, the
pressed the space for capitalist penetration. mass migration of Southern black and poor
At home, the inability of capitalist produc- white population to the cities, the destruc-
tion to expand without recourse to massive tion of small-scale industry and farming, and
expenditures on objects for waste and de- the mass entry of women into factory and
struction is now obvious, not only to a few office employment. In brief, the development
Marxist economists, but to a large number of twentieth-century capitalism has been
of people. Further, there are signs that the based on the proletarianization of the great
basic economic contradiction of capitalism, majority or the population. `

which has extended beyond the factory and On the other hand, the expansion of sur~
office, and has been partly displaced to the plus value has required rapid advances in
Third World, Europe, the state, and the sub- productivity, which, in turn, has required an
proletariat at home, is once again reappear- increasingly skilled proletariat. Advanced
ing at the point of direct production. capitalism has produced not only a larger
Even more important, the meaning of working class but also a new working class
oburzdonce and the good life themselves are --not simply in the form of a stratum of
being redefined by larger and larger sections technical workers or "mind workers" but
of the proletariat. Today, masses of people rather in the form of an entire work force
are repudiating the bourgeois definition of that compared to previous work forces in
abundance--the very meaning of life under history is increasingly educated to complex
capitalism. They, and we, are thus engaged techniques of production processes, commu-
in a common project, and self-consciously nications, and economic and social control.
or unselfconsciously are beginning to negate Advanced capitalism has become more "ra-
bourgeois ideological hegemony itself. tional," that is, more efficient, productive,
. I Q and profitable. The need to expand surplus
value has necessitated the development of
.REVOLUTIONARY POLITICS AND THE new productive processes, new synthetic ma-
REDEFINITION OF WELL-BEING terials, new rational forms of work organi-
zation, efficient control of raw materials sup-
The imperatives of expanding and realizing plies, a "systems" approach to production,
surplus value are today generating social re- distribution, and economic control. These, in
The Making of Socialist Consciousness 507

turn, require an upgrading of the technical motivational research, psychological depth

level of the proletariat as a whole. studies, a greater emotional knowledge of
The realization of surplus value has re- the proletariat, the use of the mass media to
quired new, expanding markets, the substitu- educate the proletariat that commodities will
tion of values in exchange for values in use, satisfy their deepest emotional needs. Mod-
and the creation of new needs, both domes- ern capitalism thus produces a kind of scn~
tically and internationally. Abroad, imperial- sitivity, the sensitivity of the salesman, the
ism has transformed traditional, semifeudal, copywriter, the sports promoter, the televi-
and semicapitalist modes of production. At sion director.
home, commodity production has replaced Both of these tendencies-the expansion
pre- and semi-capitalist production in small- and upgrading of the proletariat and the
scale industry, on the farm, and. in the home. search for new markets-have led to the
In most of the nineteenth century, factory interpenetration of the economic base and
production replaced basic commodities tra- superstructures, not merely in the form of
ditionally produced by artisans and crafts- an expanded role of government in the
men, the problem of finding new markets economy, but also in the integration of all
for the products of large-scale industry was secondary institutions and activities into
minimal. In the twentieth century, the mar- production itself. The state, especially the
ket for traditional "wage goods"-food, education system, petty commodity produc-
clothing, shelter, and the related demand for tion, the farm, and the home are all sources
capital goods-has been too thin to absorb of labor power and exploitable markets. Rec-
the product of large-scale industry, To sup~ reation, leisure time, and cultural activity all
plemcnt the market for "wage goods," capi- constitute growing markets. And accompany-
tal has been compelled to manipulate the ing the spread of commodities and com-
production of the entire range of human modity culture into all spheres of life is the
needs. spread of instrumental social relations and
The realization of surplus value requires new forms of social antagonism from the
the ruling class to direct the proletariat's sphere of direct production into the second-
search for the satisfaction of its needs, its ary institutions.
unconscious motivations and desires, to the Advanced corporate capitalism also re-
marketplace. Modern. advertising exploits quires the development of a political system
people's need for accomplishment, status, designed to maintain the social order by
prestige, even affection and love, it focusses politically containing and integrating the pro-
their awareness of these needs upon com- letariat into a corporate liberal consensus.
modities in the market rather than upon Keynesian and neo-Keynesian planning is
their relations with one another. The ruling impossible without cost-of-living indexes,
class is also compelled to manufacture new budgetary control, balance-of-payments anal-
needs by increasing the general level of ex- yses. Production and distribution plan-
pectations and hammering away at the theme ning is impossible without an extended gov-
that commodities are indispensable for the ernment apparatus that serves to coordinate
"good life," a "happy home," "good mar- corporate policies. Social planning is impos-
riage," and, in general, "success" in all sible without city planning, welfare depart-
spheres of life. And this requires product ments, "humanistic" approaches to child
differentiation, advertising, sales, public re- care, education, family counseling, schools
lations, entertainment, commercial sports of psych elegy. Military planning is impossi-
industries and activities that are need-pro- ble without an elaborate science apparatus.
ducing. The realization of surplus value de- And all of these activities rest on the devel-
pends upon surveys of consumer behavior, opment of an information industry, an in-

formation explosion, which includes "pres- to production, sales, and social problems.
entation depots" and "interpretation net- Capitalism educates people to new consump-
works." The development and consolidation tion horizons and then shortens these hori-
of the corporate liberal social order also en- zons by producing wasteful and destructive
genders EL kind of rationality and a kind of objects.
sensitivity-the ration ality of the economist, Material production is defined as well-
urban planner, "systems" expert, and cost being and then the bourgeoisie orders the
accountant, and the sensitivity of the social production of objects whose usefulness is
worker, public health nurse, psychotherapist, subordinated to the need to sustain aggre-
and teacher. gate demand, to maintain the corporate lib-
These changes taken together produce eral social order at home, and to firm up the
the conditions for a new kind of human be- imperialist system abroad. Bourgeois thought
ing: first, "rational man," with an ability to teaches people to respect nature and then
conceptualize, analyze, and synthesize. By capitalist development wastes and destroys
educating itself to the operation of the econ- the productive forces by polluting the air and
omy and society, the ruling class, at times water, fouling the land, poisoning the food,
deliberately and at times inadvertently, edu- the wild life, and man himself.
cates the proletariat as well. Second, "sensi- In these ways, advanced capitalism pro-
tive man," with an ability and need to duces new experiences for which it has no
empathize with others, to feel deeply. By satisfactory explanation, new promises of
educating itself to the emotional state of the personal liberation and happiness that can-
proletariat, the ruling class also educates the not be fulfilled, new hopes that it shatters,
proletariat, a proletariat that can potentially a new rational, sensitive man reproducing
identify well~bein,; with a social order in himself in a society that is increasingly irra-
which both men and women can afford inti- tional and insensitive. It teaches that men
macy, spontaneity, and joy. Modern capi- and women are historical subjects and treats
talism produces awareness-both of a cog- them as objects. It defines people as ends
nitive and emotional kind-partial and and treats them as means. Needing historical
distorted as it is, including the potential understanding, the proletariat finds ideology,
awareness of the irrational character of capi- which constrains its intellectual development
talism itself. and historical consciousness. Needing emo-
On the one side, capitalist society gives tional understanding, the proletariat finds
birth to a technically skilled, curious, aware, manipulation, coercion, and oppression,
and understanding proletariat--a proletariat which constrains its emotional development
that is potentially equipped to rule. At the and self-consciousness.
same time, the ruling class further consoli- Thus, people increasingly perceive and
dates its own rule by concentrating eco- experience capitalist society as impoverished,
nomic power, monopolizing the science not prosperous, as irrational, not rational, as
apparatus, deepening its control over the insensitive, not sensitive. Capitalism pro-
education system and taking control of the duces the idea that well-being consists sim-
state budget from the Congress. ply of material production and consumption,
Capitalism teaches that production is ra- and an experience that contradicts this idea.
tional and then hires people to waste and Thus, there arises the possibility of a redeli~
destroy it. It programs students in school to nition of well-being, the opposition of bour-
perform as "human capital" and then hires geois ideology by critical thought, an op~
them to design, build, program, and control position of bourgeois social relations by
machines and to create systems approaches potentially socialist relations, and, ultimately,
The Making of Socialist Consciousness 509

the opposition of bourgeois production re- a time when individuals feel the heaviest
lations by the struggle for socialist produc» pressures of alienation, escape from their
son. situation becomes impossible in bourgeois
daily life.
CAPITALIST DEVELOPMENT A vast, variegated proletariat lives under
IMPOVERISHES SOCIAL RELATIONS conditions of individual isolation, its life
outside of work organized around commod-
Advanced capitalism has created a new pro- ity consumption. As capital offers more and
letariat and a new culture for that proletariat. more distractions in the form of new and
It has spread into the home, leisure, recre- different commodities, these distractions be-
ation, culture, and education. The pene- come less and less emotionally satisfying.
tration of capital into spheres outside pro- As bourgeois ideology promises personal lib-
duction and exchange has transformed the eration and fulfillment through commodi-
social relations, the needs, the expectations, ties, the proletariat becomes confused, irri-
and the values of the proletariat. In general, tated, and angry. Students rise up against
the proletariat experiences social relations authoritarian institutions; blacks burn the
as more impoverished, and alienated, in cities, street people reject alienated labor
the sense that there exists a greater dis- and attempt to establish their own turf in the
crepancy between bourgeois thought and streets, drop-outs seek escape in drugs, in
promise, and perceived reality. Capitalism the intimacy of personal encounters, mysti-
has created a social and ecological environ- cism, rural communes, the majority search
ment in which people find themselves unable for meaning in fantasy, in new sexual rela-
to establish trusting, loving, collective social tions, escapist travel, televised heroism, con-
relations. trolled violence, and the military precision
The "traditional" proletarian cultures of professional sports. Antagonistic social
formed during earlier phases of capitalism relations, in the most chaotic, distorted, self-
in both urban and rural society have been deceptive, and violent forms, are displaced
replaced. The candy store gives way to the from the factories and cilices into the streets,
drive-in, the neighborhood block to the the schools, and the home.
"strip", the ethnic neighborhood to the ho- Capital tries to contain the chaos in the
mogeneous suburb, the rural sharecropping only way it knows how: by turning these
culture to the urban black ghetto, the village forms of escape, these outbursts, these new
and town to the megalopolis. Modern capi- experiments in living, into more capital. Eye
talisrn has disintegrated earlier subcultures drops are sold to counteract air pollution,
and reintegrated culture around commodity depressants to relieve anxiety, speed to cure
production and consumption. depression, "hoinernaking" objects for fami-
For these reasons, fewer traditional ave- lies in crisis, mace and machine guns to
l`lll€s of escape from alien ation in production solve the problem of the black ghetto, teach-
are available. The milieus of the family, ing machines to control the schools, "psy-
neighborhood, village, and town have been chedelic items," pro football, and films that
all but destroyed. The breakdown of neigh- begin and end with the individual "doing his
borhood and community social structures own thing" to camouflage a barren culture.
and the growth of super-organizations of And simultaneously corporate ideology "ex-
capital and the state and the social relations plains" these outbursts and this disintegra-
they create combine to atomize large sec~ tion in terms of new, mystified theories of
tors of the population, to transform associ- human behavior-or as "problems," solu-
ations, groups, and families into masses. At ble- in time, with compromise.

When the distractions no longer distract letariat is highly variegated, experiences

and the explanations no longer explain, the daily life in many different ways. The ruling
use of force becomes necessary, which still class develops diverse and conflicting needs
further dehumanizes social relations. The at- in the proletariat, which lead the proletariat
tacks against the institutions are extended to engzrgeirppotitiesthat"'drv'ide it from it-
into the courts, the jails, the army stockades, self, but that also contain the possibility of
"corrections" systems, into relations with dividing the proletariat from the ruling class.
school principals, probation officers, social Revolution requires a united proletariat
workers. Anger and rage become social and a divided ruling class, yet today the rul-
products, which are countered by producing ing class is more united than divided and the
more commodities, and by producing fear proletariat is more divided than united. The
to divert and suppress this anger and rage. point of revolutionary strategy, therefore, is
The effect, however, deepens the anger and to overcome the current divisions-between
rage. proletarian imperialists and antiimpcrialists,
racists and antiracists, male~chauvinists and
antichauvinists, authoritarians and anti-
THE RISING OPPOSITION TO authoritarians--and to reconstitute them
ALIENATED SOCIAL RELATIONS into the primary division: capitalists and
The new prolet ariat as a whole experiences In the forging of such a strategy, the
alienation in daily life as a tension between working class will have to overcome deep-
two competing perspectives, one established rooted social and ideological forces imped-
and developed by the bourgeoisie, the other ing the formation of revolutionary prole-
struggling to be born. This tension exists be- tarian unity. The majority of Americans do
tween that part of the proletariat that is still not understand that they produce not only
afraid to question its own ideas, values, and the objects they buy to satisfy their needs
needs, and to get closer to its feelings, and but also the needs that these objects are de-
that part that is trying to subject its life to signed to satisfy. Their past wage struggles
critical self-examination. These personal and wage advances have helped to force
conflicts lead to new consciousness and cre- capital to raise productivity, introduce new
ate the possibility of transforming personal commodity lines, new production processes,
antagonisms into political conflicts. The di- establish new location patterns-and, in
vided self is then seen as the divided society, general, to change the physical, ecological,
consisting of conflicting cultures, modes of and social environments. In other words,
thought, and structures of feeling. Such a every advance in wageS has been paralleled
society begins to reconstitute itself into pt)- by an expansion of needs. The majority no
Iitical divisions-those who support imperi- longer feels certain that higher wages are
alism and those who oppose it, racists and the key to the "good life." Nevertheless, the
antiracists, male chauvinists and antimale majority of workers will strike for higher
chauvinists, authoritarians and antiauthori- wages and continue to be preoccupied with
tarians. quantitative issue] until understand
These divisions run through the prole- fully that they are producing their own needs
tariat as a whole and between the proletariat themselves, needs that they might not want
and the ruling class. On the one side, the to have. Only when they are made con-
ruling class is relatively homogeneous, ex- scious of the discrepancy between bourgeois
periences daily life in similar ways, and has thought and practice and of the radical dis-
similar needs. On the other side, the pro- sociation of their own thoughts and feelings
The Making of Socialist Consciousness 511

by the further expansion of material produc- international conglomerate corporation, the

tion and increased social impoverishment by modern state, international organizations,
the practice of a revolutionary party will the and a worldwide military network.
majority of the proletariat begin to transform The creation of a world proletariat, eco-
its consciousness. nomic underdevelopment, colonialism and
The most important oppositionist prac- neocolonialism become preconditions for
tice today-the visible organized opposition revolutionary wars around the themes of na-
-consists of the struggle against alienated tional liberation and economic development.
social relations, instrumentalism, manipula- Revolutionary wars engender counter-revo-
tion, and oppression in the secondary in- lutionary, imper list attacks-that is, capi-
stitutions around the issues of imperialism, talism, in its final stages, produces a revolu-
racism, authoritarianism, and chauvinism. tion of the weak against the strong, wars of
The traditional relations between black and the strong on the weak, wars in which the
white, women and men, and youth and age weak defeat the strong. Vietnam is the great
are disintegrating, and are being reintegrated watershed. Previous wars were fought be-
along new lines. tween nations perceived as relatively equal.
The process of the disintegration of alien- The Vietnamese war is fought between the
ated social relations and their reintegration army of the most developed nation and the
around new principles, values, and needs is people of a preindustrial country.
rooted in the growth and structure of capi- The youth of the advanced countries ex-
talist production in the twentieth century. perience war, and the preparation and mo~
Alienated labor and private property itself- utilization for war, not as a patriotic neces-
the pillars of the capitalist mode of produc- sity but at the least as a drag and at the
tion--determine both the process of "de- most as a crime. War is not seen as mean-
alienation" in the secondary institutions and ingless, old-fashioned but as meaningful only
the limits on this process. to capital.
These aspects of modern imperialism
Imperialism produce an antiimperialist political move-
ment, revolts in the army, draft resistance,
The first, and from a world perspective, mass demonstrations, and insurgency in the
the most important social relation that is be- schools. The revolt produces more repres-
ing challenged is imperialism. Within Il sion, and repression produces more revolt.
United States, imperialism is experienced by And, Finally, the revolt, because it is in-
youth in obvious wwf-the mobilization for formed neither by a high level of theoretical
war, the draft, the tracking system, the army, understanding (historical consciousness) or
repression by the police and the courts, all by emotional awareness (selfconsciousness)
forms of alienated social relations outside of begins to express the distortions of bourgeois
production itself. society within itself in the form of intoler-
Capitalism produces imperialism because ance, insistence on the correct "line," the
of its need to expand and realize surplus outburst of rage and anger against all sym-
value. As capitalism spills over national bol s of authority irrespective of rational,
boundaries and creates a world division of strategic, or tactical considerations.
labor, more people and physical resources
are integrated into world capitalism as a Racism
whole. Economic integration requires forms
of social and political integration consistent The present forms of racism, like super'
with private property relations, such as the imperialism, are specific to advanced capi-

talism. The expansion and realization of sur- tum, produces more determined revolt.
plus value reshapes and reconstitutes the Black leaders acquire the need for a higher
black popul ation in. two important ways. degree of historical consciousness and self-
First, the mechanization of Southern agric consciousness, the only insurance against the
culture provided new markets for Northern danger that the antiracist movement will it-
capital and new efficiencies for capitalist self reflect the distortions and impoverish-
agriculture itself. Second, the Great Wars ment of bourgeois society. The development
produced a serious labor shortage, which led of the Black Panther Party and the League
to the uprooting of large sections of the of Revolutionary Black Workers--antiracist
Southern proletariat, both black and white. and anticapitalist movements-is a signifi-
Blacks were pushed North by mechanization cant advance not only for the black 1nove~
and pulled North by war' in these ways, men, but also for the proletariat as a whole.
capitalism proletarianized and ghettoized the
black population. Institutionalized racism
developed from its agrarian, slave forms into Antiuuthoritczrianism
corporate capitalist forms.
This development is crucial for any un- Paralleling, and partly developing out of,
derstanding of the black antiracist move- the antiirnperialist and antiracist political
ment: black people have been socialized into movements is antiauthoritarianism, which is
capitalist society, not in the earlier indus- the guiding idea for the development of an
trial capitalist stage but in the era of state organized movement in the schools and
capitalism--the stage in which the prole- which is a strong tendency in the home.
tariat as a whole has acquired an abundance Again, the ways in which authority is ex-
of expectations and needs. For blacks as a perienced today generate an organized, po-
race these needs cannot be satisfied, nor can litical movement, as well as personal and
these expectations be fulfilled: first oppor- cultural dissent.
tunities for upward mobility into independ- As we have seen, expanded surplus value
ent business, professional, and farm careers has meant the creation of a new proletariat,
are few and far between in the present era one which is socialized to capitalist society
of corporate capital and corporate farming; not only in the factory, other places of work,
second, opportunities for geographical mo- and the army but also in the schools and
bility, the acquisition of a little land, a home, colleges, which have become part of the pro-
and El small savings account--opportunities ductive apparatus- The schools retain their
seized upon historically by the white prole- older function of socializing individuals into
tariat, and ones that pléilyfctd an important the acceptance of bourgeois values and
role in conservatizing the white proletariat thought; they still try to structure experience
-are limited by institutionalized racism it- to produce a personality adaptable to bour-
self, third, opportunities for well-paid jobs in geois society. But they also take on two new
the private sector of the economy are small functions: first, a technical function-the
(in fact, the private sector provides fewer production of technical and administrative
and fewer jobs for blacks who, far more knowledge, research and development, nec-
than the working class in general, are de- essary for modern capitalist production. Sec-
pendent upon the state for employment, wel- ond, the schools order experience to produce
fare, and material help of all kinds). a structure of feelings that are needed not
The black revolt against these conditions only for survival in bourgeois society as a
produces brutal police repression, which, in whole (for example, obedience, orderliness,
The Making of Socialist Consciousness 513

patriotism, racism), but also in work itself. Male Chauvinism

In work, the manipulation of ideas, symbols,
and people is increasingly important, in the Male chauvinism, like imperialism, racism
"technostructure" of large corporations, in and authoritarianism, today expresses itself
the state bureaucracy, in teaching and social in forms that engender an organized, anti-
work, in the hierarchy of labor unions, in chauvinist movement. Capitalism requires
sales and public relations, in entertainment an expanded proletariat and new markets,
and sports, modern employment requires increasingly, women supply the first and the
men and women with advanced psychologi- home provides the second.
cal and social skills. On the one side, the development of cap-
To attain these goals, capitalism requires italism in the twentieth century would not
a high degree of eiliciency and rationality in have been possible without the integration of
the schools. Time is rationed and pro- women into higher education, the use of
grammed, the teacher's flexibility is lost, as women in electronics and other industries in
are individuals and individual differences. which the work process consists of light as-
The authorities see the student population in sembly operations, retailing, insurance, mili-
urban America as a problem in social con- tary, and other nonproductive sectors that
trol. The contradiction between the bour- demand masses of clerical and sales work-
geois idea of individualism and personal ful- ers, and the state sector, which requires mil-
Ftllment and the open and subtle repression lions of teachers, social workers, and other
of the individual deepens. With the introduce nonmanual employees.
son of tracking, specialization of functions On the other side, the exploitation of
and division of labor, teaching machines, women in production requires the substitu-
closed-circuit TV, and the rest of the para- tion of mass-produced commodities for the
phernalia of modern education introduced use value traditionally produced in the home.
to control, mold, and produce a certain kind Women have helped to produce the com-
of personality, the school is transformed into modities that till the home and leisure time
a protofactory. and also have helped to produce the need
Like workers in the past, students are for these commodities.
forced to organize themselves in radical The expanded role of women in the labor
unions and a host of other organizations, to force and the penetration of commodities
realize their own individuality, a difficult and into the home is one general process.
subversive act, because one of the main les- Women enter the labor force from necessity
sons of the school is that youth should look or in search of "satisfaction in work," "cre-
to authority to settle their dilfcrenccs and re- ative jobs," or "the opportunity to acquire
solve their conflicts. Students experience this things for her home and herself," or all three.
specific kind of authority, the synthesis be- At the same time that women enter the la-
tween the authority of the parent and that bor force bourgeois society continues to
of the factory, as a social phenomenon, not sanctify the family and attempts to convince
a personal one, and one that necessarily has women that their basic social role consists
social solutions. Again, however, without of maintaining a happy, comfortable home.
the corresponding development of historical Women learn to be "high need achievers"
and self-consciousness, the antiauthoritarian and to adapt themselves to the male bour-
movement risks the danger of turning in- geois ethic of personal ambition and com-
ward, rec re sting bourgeois social relations petitiveness but simultaneously learn that
and defeat. they must subordinate their own aspirations

to their primary role as homemaker. The formation of her relations with men and of
mass media, the women's magazines, the her dependence on the social milieu of the
government, and business propaganda prom- family. And this project again requires the
ise "productive careers" and "creative further development of historical and self-
homemaking" through commodities and si- consciousness-a transformation of all alien-
multaneously drum away at the theme of ated relations, including alienated labor, or
women as submissive to men and as the runs the risk of certain defeat.
mainstay of the home. This theme repeats All of these movements-by blacks,
itself in the entreaties and demands of the women, and youth--have already begun to
husband, who wants to escape alienated la~ link their opposition t_o alienated social rela-
bor in leisure, to be taken care of, but who tions with a critique of production. The draf.t
also believes that he needs a passive, de- resister opposes idle allocation of the largest
pendent mate. part of the Federal budget for military
Women experience life as a series of con- spending. The black militant begins to link
flicting demands. They seek liberation in racism with the utilization of public funds
work but find alienation. Jobs for many for business-oriented urban renewal, rather
women are temporary or part-time. For than for the needs of the black community.
nearly all women these jobs are sex-typed* The women's liberationist sees male chau-
work that maintains and reinforces stereo- vinism in advertising, styles, and fashions.
types of women that exist prior to their The radical teacher opposes the fiscal
entering the labor force. These conditions in- deprivation of. the school, the radical social
hibit the development of a proletarian con- worker, the fiscal starvation of the welfare
sciousness and also force women to continue budget, the radical scientist, the rape of na-
the search for their identities in their family ture, the radical industrial worker and tech-
role and through their social relations with nician, the production of unsafe, wasteful,
men. Necessary household work diminishes useless objects. The opposition begins to
and women feel ambivalent toward com- mount demands for a reorientation of pro-
modities and work-saving devices, wanting duction-free abortions, free client-con~
them and depending on them but resenting trolled child care centers, more classrooms,
them because they threaten any creativity black-controlled ghetto redevelopment, curbs
that women may have experienced in rela- on the automobile industry, the oil industry.
tion to their homemaking tasks. When critiques of this depth and scope
Thcsf: tendencies combine to produce a express themselves in action, the ruling class
need for an awareness on the part of women has difficulty containing the proletariat: SO-
of themselves as a definite, oppressed social cial democracy and corporate liberalism be-
group. The women's liberationist experiences gin to flounder. The proletariat's posing of
male chauvinism as a social phenomenon, alternatives to bourgeois social relations and
not only as an individual one, and learns ideological hegemony demonstrates the
that she can and her individuality only in a bourgeoisie's growing inability to rule on its
collective endeavor. Ouarrels in the home, own terms: through ideology. The coexist-
disappointment, hurt, sell~hate, and rage- ence of "orthodox" economic crises-in the
these emotions that follow the curve of the form of inflation, unemployment, the fiscal
growth of material production-are expe- crisis of the state, the imbalance in the in-
rienced as feelings that demand social solu- ternational balance of payments-hurries the
tions, She replaces the older, social definition process along- The ruling class is thus caught
of herself with a new one. Free to leave her between its own failures and the successes of
man and not starve, she seeks a total trans- the proletariat. At this point, it will be pos-
Th M king f S ci listC sci us ss 515

sible for the contradictions in the secondary son. It is rather that corporate capitalism
institutions to be dissolved into the primary has produced new needs and expectations
contradiction in production. that it cannot fulfill and that demand polite
cal solutions.
Individuals need to understand the proc-
THE DEVELOPMENT OF ess of formation of their needs, their social
ANTIBOURGEOIS CONSCIOUSNESS condition and social relation, inmmmun
selves. Advanced capitalism, which prides it-
All of these critiques, demands, and active self on its rationality and eiliciency above
ties reflect a definite stage in the develop- all else, and which demands an explanation
ment of proletarian consciousness, the cru- for everything, itself explains this need for
cial issue for re olutionaries in advanced understanding. And thus it attempts to ex-
capitalist countries. Why is this the crucial plain the emptiness, boredom, deception and
issue? Because in the advanced capitalist self-deception, coercion, and terror of mod-
countries, the bourgeoisie rules predomi- ern life through psychoanalysis, inystified po-
nantly by ruling consciousness. On the one litical theories and antiquated definitions of
side, the ruling class has convinced the ma~ "human nature." These explanations run
jority of the proletariat that well-being con- from Freud through Fromm and Spock,
sists of commodity accumulation in a society from Social Darwinism to modern social psy-
that provides a high level of production. On chology, from the bohemian poets of the
the other side, the prolet ariat in advanced 1920s to Tim Leary. All of these explana-
capitalist societies inherits no usehil pro~ tions of the human condition are ideological.
grams from the ruling class: the ends of The men who put these ideas into prac-
the proletariat are not the ends of the bour- tice are trusted but prove 5 be untrust-
geoisie. The aims of the "movement" do not worthy. A Kennedy does not end imperial-
consist of economic development but rather ism but obfuscates it. A James Farmer does
the construction of a different society with not end racism but frustrates efforts to un-
ditierent priorities and different social rela- derstand and abolish it. Ben Spock does not
tions. The "movement" in the United States, alleviate the anxiety of parents about child
unlike revolutionary movements in under- raising but intensities it. Madison Avenue
developed countries, does not seek to struc- and the women's magazines do not reduce
ture society in order to maximize the work the antagonism between men and women
effort, productivity, and production but but perpetuate it.
rather to structure it to maximize the free Advanced capitalism produces still more
development of the individual and social re- needs, the need for more explanations and
lations. It does this by identifying those ac- different practices, the need for trustworthy
tivities that require the reintegration of so- ideas and a trustworthy practice. Ultimately,
cial relations around dealienated principles, capitalism produces the need for Marxism,
values, and needs, and building the move- a class analysis of alienation, production,
ment around them. and distribution, one that roots the expe-
A precondition for successful struggle is rience of social relations in alienated labor
an understanding of how capitalism forms itself and leads people to realize that social
not only a bourgeois consciousness but also relations are impoverished not only because
an antibourgcois Consciousness. 'lt is not that one is a youth, a woman, or a black, but be-
social relations today are "objectively" snore cause the individual is a proletarian-a per-
brutal, cruel, a IFE inhumane 'Ma hose son whose impoverished social existence is
formed during and by the industrial revolu- rooted in the mode of production itself. A

person, no matter how successfully he or she domination of capital. Capital resists the
lights alienated relations in the secondary struggle against "managerial prerogatives"
institutions, still suffers under racism, au- in direct production and the political might
thoritarianism, and male chauvinism in pro- to establish new priorities for overall eco-
duction itself, not only in the form of the nomic planning more strongly than struggles
"superexploitation" of black people and for student power or community control. .. .
women, sex-typed jobs but in the form of Socialist revolutionary thought and pray
racist, authoritarian, and instrumental per- tice must widen and deepen the historical
sonal relations with supervisors, managers, consciousness and self-consciousness being
and the owners of capital. An individual who attained by a growing minority of the prole-
is saying "no" to those who oppress him or tariat and acted upon in many ways in the

pelled to say ' __

her in the secondary institutions is still corn- secondary spheres. Revolutionary thought
those same people in and practice must dissolve the secondary
production and the work experience. contradictions and force the struggle into the
primary contradiction, not the contradiction
THE MAKING OF SOCIALIST between wages and profits, which merely
CONSCIOUSNESS reflects the primary contradiction, but the
contradiction in alienated labor as a social
A theoretical critique of capitalism, ripped
relation. This requires the development of
out of the context of practical, oppositionist
theoretical and live alternatives to a social
activity, or vice versa, is at the least, irrele-
order based on alienated labor-alternatives
vant, and at the most, self-destructive.
based on mass participation in social plan-
Today, the movement against racism, This also requires the giving back to capi-
male chauvinism, imper alism, and authori- tal the irritation, anger, and rage that blacks
tarianism is acquiring a growing conscious- feel toward whites, women toward men, and
ness of itself as a historical category, as a youth toward age-the rage and anger that
historical subject. This is a promising devel- at present the proletariat has displaced and
opment for the socialist revolution. Already turns on itself but that should be expressed
there are signs that these movements may against capital in production.
begin to aim their critiques of alienated so- This requires the opening up of psychic
cial relations at production itself, that there space, emotional space, for the development
is a growing understanding among youth, of new relations within the proletariat, in OI*-
black people, and women that they cannot der that the struggle against capital inten-
successfully fight instrumental and oppress sifies, as the proletariat develops a capacity
sive social relations in secondary spheres, for more solidarity and more trust.
so long as they subject themselves to instru- Socialist revolution is a process that ne-
mental relations in production. gates bourgeois society and creates a new
Yet it is in the secondary institutions that society, a process in which the struggle for
instrumentalism and oppression can be humanity is inseparable from the struggle
fought without threatening the economic against the bourgeoisie.

The concept of a contradiction, the nature of the correct handling of contradictions, are all
the relationship among different contradic- discussed by Mao Tse-Tung [10]. Engels [2]
tions and the view that strategy hinges on presents the argument that the creation of a
The Making of Socialist Consciousness 517

new society must be based on an understand- [1] Cockburn, Alexander, and Blackburn,
ing of the historical forces at work in the Robin, cos. Student Power. Baltimore:
present. The essay by Althusser reprinted in Penguin Books, 1969. See especially
Jones, Gareth Stedman. "The Meaning
Oglesby [9], argues that contradictions are of the Student Revolt"; and Adelstcin,
always multidimensional, rarely reducible to David. "Roots of the British Crisis."''
narrow economic pheononiena, and their [2] Engels, Friedrich. Socialism, Utopian and
exact nature must be spccitied by concrete Sciemfijir,-. New York: International
historical study in each circumstance. The Publishers, 1935.#a
[3] Gintis, Herbert. "Activism and Counter-
intern ational contradictions of imperialism,
culture." In Parry and Class-Stare and
and the new factors introduced by the Revolution. Edited by Raymond Frank-
growth of a socialist world, beginning with lin. (Forthcoming)
the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, are dis- [4] Gorz, Andre. A Szrczgegy for Labor. Bos-
cussed by Horowitz [5]. The Mandel- ton; Beacon Press, 1967. Chapters 1
5 . 3 and
Nicolaus exchange [7] examines the nature
Horowitz, David. Enapire and Revolution..
[ 5 ]
of contradictions produced by competition New York: Vintage Books, 1969.=I=
among the developed capitalist nations. Part [6] Long, Priscilla, ed. The New Left. Boston :
II, "The Revolutionary Frontier," of Oglesby Porter Sargent, 1969.*
[9] contains essays that describe aspects of [7] Mandel, Ernest. "Where is America Go-
the revolutionary challenge from the Third i11g'?" New L e f t Review 54 (March-
April 1969): 3-15. See also the reply
World and from blacks in the U.S. Gorz [4] by Martin Nicolaus. "U.S.A._The Uni-
examines the domestic contradictions of dc- versal Contradiction", and Malndel's re-
veloped capitalism and poses a strategy joinder. "The Laws of Uneven Develop-
based on "nonreformist reforms." The cs- ment." In New Left Review 59 (Ian._
says in Cockburn and Blackburn [T] on the Feb. 1970): 3-38.
IS] O'Connor, James. "Some Contradictions
emergence of a student movement in the de- of Advanced U.S. Capitalism." In Eco-
veloped capitalist countries deepen and ex- noHu`c5.' Mkiinsfream Readings and .Redi-
tend the essays by Gorz and by Bowles in cal Critiques. Edited by David Mermcl-
Sections 11.4 and 1 1.5. Gintis [3] explores slein. New York. Random .l-louse, Inc.,
the role and potential of counterculture. Fi- ]970..|.
[9] Oglesby, Carl, ed. The New L e f t Reader.
nally, O'Conrlor [8] presents an overview New York: Grove Press, inc. 1969.
and synthesis of the various contradictions, See especially Louis Alt fusser. "Con-
including 21. discussion of the growing revolts tradiction and Ovcrdetermination.
among blue~coIIar and public~sector work- [I 0] Mao The-Tung. On Conzradfctfon. Peking :
ers, while Long 161 contains a number of Foreign Language Press, 196-4.=<
essays on the practice of the "New Left." .|..,.Available in paperback editions.

f I'F***'0/n/ 72 UW

of a Socialist
THROUGHOUT THIS BOOK WE HAVE CONCEN- city's encouragement to develop one's full
trated on the capitalist mode of production:potentials. Work must cease to be a means
of "making one's living" and become non-
its nature, its consequences for society, and
the internal contradictions that may lead toalienated, a part of one's living. Arbitrary
distinctions by race and. sex (or language
its eventual demise. But what kind of society
might replace capitalism? What is our visionor eye color) would cease to be criteria for
particular forms of oppression or for track~
of a more decent, humane, socilali'st society?
in people into limited opportunities. The
We cannot present a blueprint or an exact
specification of how a socialist "utopia" irrationality of. production for profits would
would work; nor should we attempt to do be transformed into the rationality of pro~
so, since constructing imaginary utopias duction to satisfy people's needs, and the un-
bears little relation to the actual task of equal relations of imperialism would be re-
building a decent society. Any real alterna-placed by a cooperative ethic recognizing
people's responsibility to each other.
tives to capitalism will be historically linked
to the forces and movements generated by But most importantly, socialism is more
the contradictions of capitalist society itself.
than a set of humane values, it is a process.
New institutions which liberate rather than And defining and describing this process is
oppress can only be created by real people more difficult than defining the goals of a
confronting concrete problems in their livessocialist society. Most fundamentally, social-
and developing new means to overcome op- ism means democratic, decentralized and
pression. The political movements arising participatory control for the individual: it
from capitalism's contradictions therefore means having a say in the decisions that af-
fcct one's life. Such a participatory form of
constitute the only means for society to move
from its present condition to a new and moresocialism certainly requires equal access for
decent form, and only out of these move- all to material and cultural resources, which
ments will humane as well as practical new in turn requires the abolition of private own-
institutions be generated. ership of capital and the redistribution of
We can, however, explain what values wealth. But it also calls for socialist men and
would characterize a truly decent society and
women to eliminate alienating, destructive
what goals should motivate the political forms of production, consumption, educa-
movement for a more decent society. This tion and social relations. Participatory so-
brief chapter on socialism at the end of a cialism requires the elimination of bureau-
long book on capitalism provides just a cracies and all hierarchical forms and their
glimpse of some characteristics of a better replacement, not by new state or party bu-
society, and we consider the chapter's pure reaucracies, but by a self-governing and self-
pose to be suggestive rather than exposi- managing people with directly chosen repre-
tional. The bibliography at the end of the sentatives subject to recall and replacement.
chapter offers guidance to a much fuller dis- Participatory socialism entails a sense of
cussion of alternative socialist societies and egalitarian cooperation, of solidarity of per
institutions. ple with one another; but at the same time
In a sense, the values underlying a de- it respects individual and group differences
cent society have been implicit throughout and guarantees individual rights. It affords
our analysis of capitalism. A truly socialist to all individuals the freedom to exercise
society would be characterized by equality : human rights and civil liberties that arc not
cquaTty in sharing the material benefits of mere abstractions but have concrete day-to-
the society, equality rather than hierarchy in day meaning.
making social decisions and equality in so- These socialist values and process-and

Mclrx's Concept of Socialism 521

the institutions which would encourage and of oppositional forces (hence our analysis of
promote them my out of specific contradictions), SO lappositional forces do
struggles against alienation and other forms not inevitably lead to the creation of liber-
of oppression. Hence one part of our strug~ ating institutions. The progression can occur
ile against concrete problems and forms of only on the basis of a self-conscious and
oppression that face us now must be to de- self-educated political movement. The two
velop institutions which promote equality, readings in this chapter provide some
nonah e a t i n g production, and the other req- glimpses of a socialist society. They are not
uisites of a decent society. specific "how-to-do-it" manuals, instead they
We must stress that this development is pose goals for the construction of new in-
not automatic: Just as the existence of op- stitutions.
pression docs not guarantee the emergence

12.1 Marx's Concept of Socialism

The central position that Karl Marx occupies in socialism?s intellectual

history would by itself make his thoughts on the nature of socialism im-
portant. But as Erich Fromm shows in this reading, Marx's concept of
socialism is even more important because j what it was and remains :
the vision of a humane society in which all men and women, no longer
exploited, oppressed, and alienated, would be free to develop their own
potentials to the fullest.

Source: The following is excerpted from Chapter 6 o f Marx's Concept of

Man by ERICH FROMM. Copyright 1961 by Erich Fromm. Reprinted
by permission of Frederick Unbar Publishing Co. Inc.

Marx's concept of socialism follows from clearly in the Economic and Philosophical
his concept of man. It should be clear by Manuscripts, "communism as such is not
now that according to this concept, socialism the aim of human development." What,
is not a society of regimented, autoinatized then, is the aim?
individuals, regardless of whether there is Quite clearly the aim of socialism is man.
equality of income or not, and regardless of It is to create a form of production and an
whether they are well~fed. and well-clad. It organization of society in which man can
is not a society in which the individual is overcome alienation from his product, from
subordinated to the state, to the machine, to his work, from his fellow man, from him-
the bureaucracy. lit the state as an self and from nature, in which he can return
l"abstract capitalist" were the employer, even to himself anti grasp the world with his own

entire social ca tal were united in powers, thus becoming one with the world.
1 4

the hands either ile capitalist or a Socialism for Marx was, as Paul Tillich put
single capitalist corporation," this would it, "a resistance movement against the dc-
not be socialism. In fact, as Marx says quite struction of love in social reality.m2
2Prot¢?s!antz'sche Vision. (Stuttgart: Ring Verlag,
1Cape£ai I, 1.c. p. 689_ 1952), p. 6. [My translation-E.F.]

Marx expressed the aim of socialism with political and industrial democracy. Marx ex-
great clarity at the end of the third volume pected that by this new form of an unalien-
of Capital: ated society man would become independent,
stand on his own feet, and would no longer
In fact the realm of freedom docs not com- be crippled by the alienated node of produc-
mence until the point is passed where labor tion and consumption, that he would truly
under the compulsion of necessity and of be the master and the creator of his life,
external utility is required. In the very na-
ture of things it lies beyond the sphere of
and hence that he could begin to make liw'ng
material production i n the strict meaning of his main business, rather than producing the
the term. Just as the savage must wrestle means for living. Socialism, for Marx, was
with nature, in order to satisfy his wants, never as such the fulfillment of life, but the
in order to maintain his life and reproduce
condition for such fulfillment. When man has
it, so civilized man has to do it, and he
must do it in all forms of society and under built a rational, nonalienated form of socio
all possible modes of production. With his ety, he will have the chance to begin with
development the realm of natural necessity what is the aim of lite: the "development of
expands, because his wants increase; but at human power, which is its own end, the true
the same time the forces of production in-
realm of freedom." Marx, the man who
crease, by which these wants are satisfied.
The freedom in this held cannot consist of every year read al] the works of Aeschylus
anything else but of the fact that socialized and Shakespeare, who brought to life in him-
man, the associated producers, regulate self the greatest works of human thought,
their interchange with nature rationally, would never have dreamt that his idea of
bring it under their common control in-
stead of being ruled by it a.S by some blind
socialism could be interpreted as having as
power, they accomplish their Zask with the its aim the well-fed and well-clad "welfare"
least expenditure of energy and under con- or "workers' " state. Man, in Marx's view,
ditions most adequate to their roman na- has created in the course of history a eul-
ture and most worthy of it. But it always ture which he will be free to make his own
remains a realm of necessity. Beyond it be-
gins that de veloprnerz l of human power,
when he is freed from the chains, not only
which is irs own end, the true realm of ,free- of economic poverty, but of the spiritual
rlonz, which, however., can flourish only poverty created by alienation. Marx's vision
upon that realm. of necessity as its basis.3 is based on his faith in man, in the inherent
and real potentialities of the essence of man
Marx expresses here all essential ele- which have developed in history. He looked
ments of socialism. First, man produces in at socialism as the condition of human free-
an associated, not competitive way, he pro- dom and creativity, not as in itself consti-
duces rationally and in an unalienated way, tuting the goal of man's life.
which means that he brings production un- For Marx, socialism (or communism) is
der his control, instead of being ruled by it not [light or abstraction from, or loss of the
as by some blind power. This clearly ex- objective world which men have created by
cludes a concept of socialism in which man the objectification of their faculties. It is not
is manipulated by a bureaucracy, even if this an impoverished return to unnatural, primi-
bureaucracy rules the whole state economy, tive simplicity. It is rather the first real emer-
rather than only a big corporation. It means gence, the genuine actualization of man's na-
that the individual participates actively in ture as something real. Socialism, for Marx,
the planning and in the execution of the is a society which permits the actualization
plans, it means, in short, the realization of of man's essence, by overcoming his aliena~
son. lt is nothing less than creating the con-
3Capifal III, translated by Ernest Untermann
(Chicago: Charles H. Kerr & Co., 1909), p, 954. ditions for the truly free, rational, active and
Mclrx's Concept of Socialism 523

independent man, it is the fulfillment of the truly love is felt by me as a necessity, as a

prophetic aim: the destruction of the idols. need, without which my essence cannot be
That Marx could be regarded as an fulfilled, satisfied, complete. Only on the
enemy of freedom was made possible only basis of a specific concept of 1nan's nature
by the fantastic fraud of Stalin in presuming can Marx make the difference between true
to talk in the name of Marx, combined with and false needs of man. Purely subjectively,
the fantastic ignorance about Marx that ex- the false needs are experienced as being as
ists in the Western world. For Marx, the urgent and real as the true needs, and from
aim of socialism was freedom, but [reedom a purely subjective viewpoint, there could
in a much more radical sense than the exist- not be a criterion for the distinction. (In
ing democracy conceives of it-freedom in modern terminology one might differentiate
the sense of independence, which is based between neurotic and rational [healthy]
on man's standing on his own feet, using his needs)." Often man is conscious only of his
own powers and relating himself to the false needs and unconscious of his real ones.
world productively. "Freedom," said Marx, The task of the analyst of society is precisely
"is so much the essence of man that even its to awaken man so that he can become aware
opponents realize it. . . No man fights of the illusory false needs and of the reality
freedom; he fights at most the freedom of of his true needs. The principal goal of
others. Every kind of freedom has therefore socialism, for Marx, is the recognition and
always existed, only at one time as a special realization of man's true needs, which will
privilege, another time as a universal right."* be possible only when production serves
Socialism, for Marx, is a society which man, and capital ceases to create and ex-
serves the needs of man. But, many will ask, ploit the false needs of man.
is not that exactly what modern capitalism Marx's concept of socialism is a protest,
does? Are not our big corporations most as is all existentialist philosophy, against the
eager to serve the needs of man? And are alienation of man, if, as Aldous Huxley put
the big advertising companies not reconnais- it, "our present economic, social and inter-
sance parties which, by means of great ef- national arrangement are based, in large
forts, from surveys to "motivation analysis," measure, upon organized lovelessness,"
try to find out what the needs of man are? then Marx's socialism is a protest against
Indeed, one can understand the concept of this very lovelessness, against man's ex-
socialism only if one understands Marx's ploitation of man, and against his exploita-
distinction between the true needs of man, tiveness toward nature, the wasting of our
and the synthetic, artificially produced needs natural resources at the expense of the
of man. majority of men today, and more so of the
As follows from the whole concept of generations to come. The unalienated man,
man, his real needs are rooted in his nature, who is the goal of socialism as we have
this distinction between real and false needs shown before, is the man who does not
is possible only on the basis of a picture of "dominate" nature but who becomes one
the nature of man and the true human needs with it, who is alive and responsive toward
rooted in his nature. II an's true needs are objects, so that objects come to life for him.
those whose fulfillment is necessary for the
realization of his essence as a human being. 5Ecozzo.*?Uc and Pfz:IIrJ.9o.rJhfca»' A4ar1.=4sc1'ipfs I,
As Marx put it: "all existence of what I la, p. 184.
6Cf. my Male for Himself (New York: Rine-
Quoted by R. Dunayevskaya, Marxism and hart & Co., Inc., I947).
Freedom, with a preface by H. Marcuse (New TA, Huxley, The Perennial Philosophy, (New
York: Bookman Associates, 1958), p. 19. York: Harper and Brothers, 1944), p. 93.

12.2 Socialism as a Pluralist Commonwealth

The values and ideals of socialism will only be realized through socialist
institutions-that is, through institutions that not only permit, but actively
promote, these values by making them a part of life's everyday experience.
But what can be said more specifically about institutions that will help
build socialism in the United States?
Historically, the primary programmatic objective of the socialist Left
has been to nationalize all major industry. This has led-rnost notably in
the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe--to a system of state-socialism in
which state bureaucracies run state industries in a centralized state
economy. Whatever else it might accomplish, state-socialism obviously
does not serve to promote the socialist values of egalitarian cooperation,
participatory control, and individual freedom which we have held out as
an important part of the socialist ideal. The tendency toward hierarchy
and centralization reduces individual and social responsibility, thereby
destroying the basis both for freedom and for a practice and ethic of
voluntary cooperation. The Old Left objective of nationalization clearly is
not sufficient to build socialism in its true sense.
In the following reading-drawn from the author's more comprehen-
sive book entitled A Long .Revolution-Gar Alperovitz addresses himself
to the problem of developing viable and valid socialist institutions in the
United States. After noting the problems of centralization inherent in
state-socialist societies, Alperovitz reviews several of the historical trade
sons that have attempted to deal with these problems. He then turns to
the problem of building socialism in the United States and describes some
elements of a "pluralist commonwealth" that could serve as a new socialist

Source: The following is excerpted from A Long Revofurion by GAR

ALtEr<ovrrz, forthcoming. Copyright or. 1971 by Gar Alperovitz. Printed
by permission of the author.

The ideal of "socialism" suggests an en- Although my primary concern here is

compassing set of values: justice, equality, with economic and social institutions, it is
cooperation, democracy, freedom. Yet so~ obvious there must also be discussion of po-
cialism in practice has often meant state litical institutions capable of preserving (and
agencies running state industries in a dreary, extending) positive elements which, though
authoritarian economy. Could socialisln's badly corroded, still inhere in aspects of
basic structural concept-the common Western democratic traditions of freedom.
ownership of society's resources for the . .
. At this point, however, the central ques-
benefit of all--ever be achieved, institution- tion is the structural. organization of the
ally, in ways which fostered and sustained- economy. Achieve a valid solution, and vari-
rather than eroded and destroyed-a co- ous political alternatives may be possible
operative, democratic society? (though by no means inevitable); without it,
Socialism as a Plurcxlisf Commonwealth 525

the power thrust of the economic institutions have long been correct to argue that cent
is likely to bypass whatever more narrowly tralization of both economic and political
political forms are created. . . . 'power leaves the citizen virtually defense-
less, without any z`nsritutz'onal way to control
CENTRALIZATION: CRITIQUES major issues which aiiect his life. They have
AND ALTERNATIVES objected to state-socialism on the ground
that it destroys individual initiative, re~
Socialism's historic authoritarian forms are sponsibility, and freedom-and have urged
often attributed either to the difficulties of that privately held property at least offers
capital accumulation in underdeveloped na- a person some independent ground to stand
tions, to war and external threats, or to the on in the fight against what they term
legacy of previous Czarist or Asian feudal "statism." Most have held, too, that the
traditions. While such factors are not to competitive market can work to make
be discounted, the structure of classical capitalists responsible to the needs of the
state-socialism itself also appears to have community.
inherent tendencies toward hierarchy, away Some conservatives have also stressed the
from participation and democracy. To the concept of "limits," especially limits to state
extent that nation alization centralizes de- power, and like some new radicals have
cision making to achieve the planned alloca- emphasized the importance of voluntary
tion of resources, alienation appears; per- participation and individual, personal re-
sons become ciphers- in the calculus of sponsibility.1L . . . Few traditional conserva-
technocrats, hope of a humanism based on tives, however, have recognized the socialist
the equality of individuals fades. Arbitrary argument that private property (and the
party directives, or in some cases the worst competitive market) as sources of. indepen-
forms of market competition, then naturally dence, power, and responsibility have led
become dominant modes of administration historically to other horrendous problems,
-for there must be some way to regulate including exploitation, inequality, ruthless
the often inefficient, irrational, and irre- competition, the destruction of community,
sponsible practices of bureaucracies estab- expansionism, imperialism, war. . . .
lished to achieve "efficient," "rational," and A second alternative-also an attempt to
"responsible" control of the economy. organize economic power away from the
Nationalization has, historically largely centralized state-is represented by the
precluded maintenance of an underlying net- Yugoslav argument for workers' self-
work of local power groups rooted in con- 1 management, lM f#centralization of eco-
trol of independent resources-a political-- nomic power to the social and organizational
economic substructure which might sustain a unit of those MIIII§IM work in a firm. This
measure of control over central authority. alternative may even be thought of as a
way to achieve the conservative antistatist
Since a number of traditions have at- purpose--but to establish different, socially
tempted to confront difficulties inherent in
the centralizing tendencies of socialism, it 1Kar1 Hess, Murray Rothbard, and Leonard
is worth reviewing some of their criticisms Liggio, among others off Libertarian Right,
have recently reasserted these themes as against
and alternatives as a first approach to de- old socialists, liberals., and more modern "statist"
31 F.
lining elements of a positive vision. conservatives like William Buckley,

To begin with, it is helpful to acknowl- servative sociologist, Robert A. Nisbet, has argued
additionally that voluntary associations should
edge frankly that some traditional conserva- serve as intermediate units of community and
tives (as opposed to rightist demagogues) power between the individual and the state.

defined priorities over economic resources. fortunately, suiier from a major contradic-
The Yugoslav model of decentralization tion: It is difficult to see how a political-
raises a series of diilicult problems: Though economy based primarily on the organiza-
Yugoslavs proclaim themselves socialists tion of groups by function could ever achieve
and urge that the overall industrial system a just society, since such a structural alter-
must benefit the entire society, the various native seems inherently to tend towards the
workers' groups which actually have direct self-aggrandizemcnt of each functional group
control of industrial resources are each in- -as against the rest of the community.
evitably only one part of society. And as The point may perhaps be most easily
many now see, there is no obvious reason understood by imagining workers' control or
why such (partial) groups will not develop ownership of the General Motors Corpora-
special interests ("workers' capitalism") tion in America. It should be obvious that :
which run counter to the interests of the ( 1 ) there is no reason to expect white male
broader community. auto workers easily to admit more blacks,
In problems "ltd akin to Puerto Ricans, or women into "their" in-
dustry when unemployment prevails; (2) no
those of a, system based on private property
have begun to develop in Yugoslavia. Over- internal dynamic is likely to lead workers
reliance on the market has ill-ix)reverted automatically or willingly to pay out "their"
inequality between communities and has led wages or surpluses to reduce the pollution
to commercialism and exploitation. An ethic "their" factory chimney might pour onto
of individual gain and profit has often taken the community as co whole, (3) above all,
precedence over the ideal of cooperation. the logic of the system militates against
Worker participation, in many instances, is going out of "their" business when it be-
more theory than practice. Meanwhile, as comes clear that the automobile-highway
competitive tendencies emerge between var- mode of transportation (rather than, say,
ious worker-controlled industries, side by mass transit) is destructive of the commu-
side the need for some central coordination nity as a whole though perhaps profitable for
has produced other anomalies: The banks "their" industry
now control many nationwide investment Were a socialist framework substituted for
decisions, several reducing local economic the capitalist market, such problems might
power, the Yugoslav Communist Party in part be alleviated, but the Yugoslav ex-
takes a direct and often arbitrary hand in perience (where both the commune and the
both national and local decisions. In general, nation have extensive powers) teaches that
it has been extremely difficult for social socialism does not automatically resolve the
units to develop a sense of reciprocal in- root contradiction inherent in a context
dividual responsibility as the basis for an which structurally opposes the interests of
equitable community of mutual obligation. workers and society as a whole. Some basic
The Yugoslav model recalls the historic
themes of both guild socialism and syndical-
the Revolution? (Yale University Press, New
ism? . . . Alternatives of this kind, un- Haven and London, 1970), Sec on other .models
of direct worker-based socialism: Coates, Kenneth,
bIt is also closely related to the "participatory and Topham, Anthony, Industrial Democracy in
economy" alternative recently otTered by Jaroslav Great Britain (MacGibbon & Key, Great Britain,
Vanek, and the model of workers' participation 1968).
proposed by Robert A. Dahl. See, for instance: Dahl, for one, is aware of some of these
Vanek, Jaroslav, The Participatory my Economy shortcomings; he hopes through interest-group
(Cornell University Press, 197] ) , The General representation that somehow an "optimum com-
Theory of f.rfbor-lfllrinaged Eeonornics (Cornell binatiun" of worker and general community in-
University Press, 1970), Dahl, Robert A., After terests might perhaps be worked out.
Socialism is G Pluralist Commonwealth 527

distinctions must therefore be confronted: is in part "internalized" by the structure it-

First, while workers' management of in- self: Since the community as a whole con-
dustry is important, the matter of emphasis trols productive wealth, ft, for instance, is
is of cardinal importance, workers' control in a position to decide rationally whether to
should be conceived in the broader context pay the costs of eliminating the pollution its
of, and subordinate to, the entire commu- own industry causes for its own people. The
nity. In order to break down divisions which entire community also may decide how to
pose one group against another and to divide work equitably among all its citizens.
achieve equity, accordingly, the social unit
at the heart of any proposed new system Although small scale ownership of capital
should, so far as possible, be inclusive of all might resolve some problems, it raises
the people-niinorities, the elderly, women, others: The likelihood that if workers
youth-not just the "workers" who have owned General Motors they might attempt
paid "jobs," and who at any one time to exploit their position-or oppose changes
normally number only some 40 percent of in the nation's overall transportation system
the population and 60 percent of the adult illuminates a problem which a society
citizenry. based on cooperative communities would
A second point: The only social unit also face. So long as the social and economic
inclusive of all the people is one based on security of any economic unit is not guar-
geographic contiguity. This, in the context anteed, it is likely to function to protect
of national geography, is the general! socialist (and, out of insecurity, extend) its own
argument; the requirement of decentraliza- special, status quo interests-even when
tion simply reduces its scale. In a. ter- they run counter to the broader interests of
ritorially-delined local connnunity, a variety the society. The only long run answer to
of functional groups must coexist, side by this basic expansionist tendency of all mar~
side. Day-to-day communication between ket systems is to establish some stable larger
them is possible and long term relationships structural framework to sustain the smaller
can be developed, conflicts must inevitably constituent elements of the political-
be mediated directly by people who have to economy. This poses the issue, of course,
live with the decisions they make. There are, of the relative distribution of power between
of course, many issues which cannot be small units and large frameworks, and of
dealt with locally, but at least a social unit precisely which functions can be decen-
based on common location proceeds from tralized and which cannot.
the assumption of comprehensiveness, and Some of the above questions may perhaps
this implies a decision-making context in be explored most easily in the context of the
which the question "How will a .given policy alternative to centralization represented by
affect all in the community?" is more easily the localized practice of cooperative com-
posed. munity socialism in the Israeli kibbutz an
When small, territorially-defined com- historically agricultural institution which is
munities own capital socially (as, for in- now rapidly becoming industrialized.4 The
stance, in the Israeli kibbutz or the Chinese The kibbutzim demonstrate, incidentally, that
commune), unlike either capitalism or small industrial units can be highly etlicient-
contrary to theorists who claim that large scale
socialism, there is no built-in contradiction is a technical necessity. The kibbutz movement
between the interests of owners or bene- has continued to grow in Israel, although the
ticiaries of industry (capitalist or local work- proportionate role of this sector has diminished
ers) as against the community as a whole. as huge migrations have swelled the capitalist
economy since 1948. The kibbutz experience is
The problem of "externalities," moreover, of course not transferable directly to advanced

many existing variations of the model sug- commune, a social and economic unit which,
gest numerous alternative ways to make de- though more agrarian, large, and infused
cisions involving not only workers' self- with a different ideology, is nonetheless
management but community (social) uses of structurally similar. )
both capital and surpluses. Some approaches The kibbutzim as a group have experi-
have been successful, some obviously mis- mented with confederation, an idea which
taken and wasteful. . . . begins with democratic decentralization as
Within the best communities one major a first premise and attempts to build a co-
point deserves emphasis: Individual re- operative structure between small units yet
sponsibility-to act, to take initiative, to responsible to them. (The Israeli confedera-
build cooperation voluntarily-is a ncces- tion, with units dispersed throughout the
sary precondition of a community of mutual, geggraphictdg §Q1I1_pact nation, hints at how
reciprocal obligation, and, ultimately, the small neighborhood Communities might
only real protection against bureaucracy. conceivably agglomerate into a larger, de-
When the ethic of an equitable, inclusive centtai-izg5 on i ven more compact
community is achieved, the cflicacy of true local, sites.) The confederate framework, in
-inr\¢=nf1unc" n o r l r n n n u i - \ r \ n 1 h r TDUBQIDA .
"rnnral the ¥crcn=l1 rvxnfn-vt i n 1~\nr+_la11+ nnlv IN n-rn-f

--.... L e - - u - - . - * . * . - * p . . ; . . \ f . . . , . * * . . - _ . . w ;awAF- \»v»-un. r v * . 5 A . J \ . v i a a v ; b . l u l \ r . ' l - 1-vp.L H V V W L A A L V

cording to their "product," but simply be- insecurity and the self-aggrandizing ex-
cause of their membership in the com~ pansionist logic of market systems. . . .
munity. But there are huge problems even One may raise objections to practical
in the best settings, not the least of which failings of the existing models or to
is that small communities tend easily to be- theoretical aspects of the various traditions,
come overbearing and ethnocentric. If they but it is hard to disagree with the judgment
are to break out of conformity they must that centralization through corporate capital-
allow range for Eree individual initiative-
without waiting for majority approval -*1l
they must find weOF In achieve flexibility
__ ism, fascism, or state-socialism has destruc-
tive implications for local communities-for
all the people, that is, except the managing
and openness to prevent provincialism m elites (and for them too, in more subtle,
antagonism against outsiders or (all) insidious ways). Accordingly, whether one
"others" - . . (Many of these issues are accepts the conservative view that indivi-
also emerging in the context of the Chinese duals must control capital, or the Yugoslav
view that workers must, or the radical
Israeli, Chinese, or anarcho-socialist view
industrial society. However, it is highly suggestive that "communities" smaller than the nation
as an expression of a final major tradition which
attacked centralization' Anarchism, a philosoph- state must, we are compelled to come to
ical tendency in which there has historically been terms with the general proposition that
a long-standing debate about socialism-about political power has in some way to be re-
whether it is possible 'Lo have individual freedom lated to decentralized economic power.
without El framework of state ownership of wealth,
about whether it is possible to have it will: state
ownership. The most hopeful attempts to resolve
the issue center on abstract formulations like A PLURAIJST COMMONWEALTH
Noam Chomsky's "libertarian socialism," but this
idea has not been developed much beyond the
level of generalization. Anarchist theory has To re jin!! Ami affi-rm Both the socialist vision
always been aware of the danger of both a so-
cialist "red bureaucracy" (in Bakunin's term)
and the decentra inm
lléto suggest that
a basic proT>Ien1 of positive alternative pro-
and laissez }'arc capitalism, but it has no fully
developed program. gram is how to define community economic
Socialism as a Pluralist Commonwealth 529

institutions which are egalitarian and equit- placing political demands on the larger sys-
able in the traditional socialist sense of own- tem out of this experience. The locality
ing and controlling productive resources for should be conceived as a basis for (not an
the benefit of all, but which can prevent alternative to) a larger framework of re-
centralization of power, cmd, finally, which gional and national coordinating institu-
over time can develop new social relations tions."
capable of sustaining an ethic of response A c011l111u11ity which owned substantial in-
ability and cooperation which a larger vision dustry. cooperatively and used part of its
must ultimately involve. surplus for its own social services would have
A major challenge of positive program, important advantages: It could experiment,
therefore, is to create "Common-wealth" in- without waiting for bureaucratic decrees,
stitutions through decentralization and co- with new schools, new training approaches,
operation, which might achieve new ways of new sell-initiated investments (including,
org aiiiziiig economic and political power so perhaps, some small private firms). It could
that the people (in the local sense of that test various worker-management schemes.
word) really do have a chance to "decide" It would be free for a range of independent
-and so that face-to-face relations establish social decisions based upon independent con-
values of central importance to the large trol of some community economic resources.
units of society as a whole. . . . It could grapple directly with efforts to hu-
Small units arc obviously only part of the rnanizc technology. It could, through coor-
answer. My own view is (1) that it is nec- dination and planning, reorganize the use of
essary to aiiCirm the principle of collective time, and also locate jobs, homes, schools so
ownership or control of capital (and demo- as to maximize community interaction and
cratically planned disposition of surplus); end the isolated prison aspects of all these
and (2) extend it, at least initially, to local presently segregated units of life experience.
communities, the sub-units of which are suf- Communities could work out in a thou-
liciently small so that individuals can, in fact, sand diverse localities a variety of new ways
learn cooperative relationships in prczczice. to reintegrate a community-to define pro-
These units might begin with the neighbor- ductive roles for the elderly, for example, or
hood in the city and the county in the coun- to redefine the role of women in commu-
tryside, but should be conceived only as ele- nity. They could face squarely the problem
ments of a larger solution as the natural of the "tyranny of the majority" and the con-
building blocks of a reconstructed nation of comitant issue of minority rights, and ex-
regional commonwealths.5 periment with new ways to guarantee indi-
In place of the streamlined, socialist vidual and minority initiative. The anarchist
planned state which depends upon the as- demand for freedom could be faced in the
sumption of power at the top, I would sub- context of a cooperative structure. Commu-
stitute an organic, diversified vision-a vi- nities might even begin to regard themselves
sion of thousands of small communities, as communities-communes, if you like in
each organized cooperatively, each working the equitable, cooperative, humane sense of
out its own priorities and methods, each gen- that term.
erating broader economic criteria, and each In their larger functions communities
6II1 its local form, such a vision is obviously
This poses as a research problem which in- .greatly supportive of the ideal of community
dllstries-from shoe repair to steel refining-can proposed by Percival and Paul Goodman in their
usefully be decentralized and which cannot, and book Communisms, see especially Schema II. Com-
what scale say, between 30,000 and 100,000- nrunims (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
is appropriate for "communities." 1947).

would obviously have to work together, for tens as well-but it raises a host of very spe-
both technological and economic reasons. cific problems :
Modern technology, in fact, permits great
decentralization--and new modifications can l . Could contradictions between interests
produce even greater decentralization if that within communities, for instance, be
more rationally resolved by new co-
is El. conscious objective. In cases where this
operative principles of ownership
is not possible or intolerably uneconoinical without engendering focal bureauc-
(perhaps, for example, some forms of heavy racies?
industry, energy production, transportation) 2. If each community were restructured
larger confederations of communities in a so that it might engage its own de-
velopment more directly, how, more
region or in the integrated unit of the nation
specifically, might it establish a basis
state would be appropriate--as they would for cooperative trade between com-
be for other forms of coordination as well. munities, and for control of larger
The themes of the proposed alternative industry?
thus are indicated by the concepts of coop- 3. How might large scale planning, in-
vestment, trade, economic balance,
erative community and the Commonwealth and ownership/ control issues be wisely
of Regions. The program might best be addressed?
termed "A Pluralist Corn1nonwealth"-
"Fluralist," to emphasize decentralization and There is no doubt that cooperative devel-
diversity, "Commonwealth," to focus on the opment proceeds best in communities stifli-
principle that wealth should cooperatively ciently small so that social needs are self-
benefit all. evident. Voluntarism and self-help can
The vision, of course, is utopian, but in achieve what centralized propaganda can-
the positive sense of the word. It is a set of not-namely, engender group involvement,
ideals to be discussed, a long-range forcecast cooperative enthusiasm, spontaneity. This is
of ultimate objectives. Its purpose is not to a primary reason to emphasize small scale
blueprint the future but to help define areas local structures at the outset--even if it may
for inquiry and experimentation, and to fa- entail short term disadvantages. The hope is
cilitate a serious dialogue about the relation- that thereafter, with the benefit of a real
ship between present action and future con- basis in some cooperative experience, it may
sequences. he possible to transcend historical starting
points in the longer development of a larger
framework. . . .
A key question is how to prevent local
centralization of power: Individuals as well
"The crux of the problem," Kenneth Bould-
as small groups must obviously retain some
ing has observed, "is that we cannot have
power as against the local collectivity as a
community unless we have an aggregate of
whole. (And the organization of individuals
people with some decision-making power.
and small groups is power-power to pre-
. . . It is easier for a relatively small unit to
vent bureaucratic domination, even in small
have some sense of community. . . ."" Al- settings.) One answer is self-conscious indi-
though Boulding offered his argument in
vidual responsibility--and therefore another
connection with management of traditional
requirement is the achievement of local prac-
municipal services, in my opinion his point tices and relationships which build the ex-
applies in many instances to economic mat- perience of responsibility at the same time

7BouIding, Kenneth E., "The City as an Elc-

they constrain bureaucracy. This will require
men in the International System," Daedalus, a further breakdown into smaller subgroup-
Fall, 1968, p. 1118. ings organized both by function and neigh-
Socialism cas G Pluralist Commonwealth 531

borhood geography within communities. (A ing, longer term capital financing, and taxa-
"city" would be understood as E1 confedera- tion, in order to rationalize the economic en-
tion of smaller communities.) Another an- vironment facing each community.
swer might be to distribute "vouchers" to Other issues which cannot be resolved
individuals so they could. freely choose differ- alone by one community, which point up
ent forms of such public services as educa- further functions of a larger framework and
tion and medicine. This financial network a larger decision-m aking body, include:
would also permit substantial freedom of op~ managing the ecology of a river system, de-
ration for a variety of semi-competitive, ciding the location of new cities, estab-
nonprofit service institutions." . . . lishing transp ortation between population
The need for a larger scale framework be- centers, committing capital in large scale in-
comes obvious when problems of market bc- vestments, and balancing foreign trade.
havior are considered more closely: What if Since the socialist argument for a large
every community actually owned and con- unit appears to be correct in all these in-
trolled substantial industry? Even if each stances, the issues become: How large? And
used a share of surpluses for social purposes how might it be established without gener-
as democratically decided, even if each be- ating a new dynamic towards centralized
gan to evolve the idea of planned economic power" A governing, continental scale
and social development, even if its people "state" would be tar too large for any hope
began to develop social experiences and a of democratic management by localities-
new ethic of cooperation-thcre would still and totally unnecessary for technical elii-
be competition in the larger unit of the re- ciency save, perhaps, in continental trans-
gion ornation. Community industry would portation and some forms of power ex-
vie with community industry, neighbor- ploitation. (But cooperation between areas
hood versus neighborhood, county versus is feasible, as present international air trans-
county, city versus city. If communities were port or American tie-ins with Canadian en-
simply to float in the rough sea of an un- ergy sources illustrate.)
restricted market, the model would likely end Accordingly, as William Appleman Wil-
in "community capitalism," trade wars, ex- liams and Robert Lafont have suggested, re-
pansionism, and the self-aggrandizing ex- gional units organized on the principle of
ploitation-of one community by another. "commonwealth" become significant ele-
(And internally this would tend towards the ments in a solution." Some intermediate unit
exploitation of wage employees, as some kib- larger than a "community" but smaller than
butzirn exploit Arabs. . . )_ a. nation of 300 million people (this country
Such problems can ultimately never be by the year 2000) appears to be required.
resolved outside of a context of assured sta- For 'many economic matters the present
bility: The conditions of insecurity in which states are too small and lack a tradition of
local expansionism arises as a defensive direct economic responsibility. The unit
strategy, even when the best intentions pre- must be capable of taking over (and de-
vail, must be eliminated. A larger structure eentralizingl) decisions now controlled by,
capable of stabilizing the economic setting say, the 500 largest economic corporations
is necessary, and it will inevitably have to -without escalating to the scale of the en~
control substantially much wholesale market- tire social system. In America today, the
SA form of this approach (socialized surplus, . S e e Williams, William Appleman, The Great
Anarchist administration) is in use in Medicare Eva¢'1'orz (Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1964),
payments and in some "transferable" higher edu- Lafont, Robert, La Revolurfon Regfonczffsre
cation scholarships. It will surely be extended for (France: Editions Gallimard, 196T). For the idea
health care. "Tuition vouchers" for elementary of regionalism, also see the writings of the Amery
education have also been proposed. can anarchist Alexander Berk ran.

most instructive example of a unit of ap- part be generated out of expressed commu-
proximate scale is the Tennessee Valley Au- nity needs and experiences, out of specific
thority, but one might begin to imagine a demands for goods and services over time,
system in which this nation, by the end of through stages-and that these must be bol-
the century, were broken into eight or ten stered by the development of indeperodent
confederated regions of 20 to 30 million peo- local bases of power. At all levels, the ap-
ple, each region made up of confederated propriate unit's control of a local market
communities (perhaps New England, Appa- through its direct receipt of some surpluses
lachia, Tidelands, Deep South, Mid-West, and its control of some capital, can offer
Plains and Mountain States, South-West, economic leverage, just as its organization
West Coast? In Canada, an independent or principles permit political leverage. The
scmiindependent Quebec might be another larger unit must have sufficient autonomous
regional unit of appropriate scale.) power, however, to balance the pressures
Part of the answer might also involve re- from the strongest community (but not so
gional units of different sizes for different much as to overwhelm them . . .).
purposes. The metropolitan area as a unit, In general, the difficult broader principle
for example, might control certain heavy in- in a three-level vision of community, region,
dustries or specialized public services such and nation is to anchor units in new social
as intra-urban transportation. A grouping of structures which preserve sufficient inde-
regions like New England and Appalachia pendence of decision and power (without
might control electric power production and which neither freedom nor responsibility is
distribution, the Pacific Coast and the Moun- possible), but which are not so powerful as
tain States might unite for a variety of func- to produce unrestrained competition and
tions, particularly for rational ecological deny the possibility of a substantial measure
planning and watershed control. In these in- of. rational planning. . . . The rule should be
stances, organization across regions is more to leave as many functions as possible to
rational: Black Americans and other minori- localities, elevating only what is absolutely
ties may for political reasons also wish to essential to the higher unit. . . .
establish racially organized associations A critical problem is to define specific
across the nation. The point of regional or- ways in which people living in localities
ganization as a guideline is not to exclude might constrain larger order systems without
higher order collaboration but rather to at- making it impossible for them to function.
tempt to solve some problems of cooperation Here, some clues are available from modern
and power by building up units of rational American experience: in the Tennessee Val-
scale which are still manageable by the Io- ley Authority, for instance, local corpora-
calities implicit in a decentralist vision. . . . tion farms (and other private business inter-
ests), rather than "communities" to a great
extent keep the bureaucrats in line, serving
their purposes-but T.V.A. authorities still
Within the larger unit decisions should re- retain sufficient power rationally to control
flect the needs of rea] (that is to say, local) much river development."
communities. But to avoid wastes and in-
10The way military contractors and the various
equalities, planning is obviously also neces- services often partially "co*opt" the Federal civil-
sary. The issues then are: Who controls the ian defense bureaucracy, paralleling the corpora-
planners? How are fundamental planning tion farms of the T.V.A., is also instructive. Only
criteria determined? The thrust of the argu- in imagination do Defense Department bureau-
crats simply "order" the corporations, the services,
ment is that controlling criteria should in and their Congressional allies to do their bidding.
Socialism cms a Plurcflisf Commonwealth 533

What if communities were the power base the central regional and national bodies
or building blocks of a new political- would have to resolve conflicting claims
economy? They might reduce regional units about resource allocation through the more
to more limited roles, largely responsible to broadly representative political processes.
(in part "co-opted" by) the interests of the
people-organized in new cooperative com- To identify socialism with streamlined,
munity forms. Given the proper social basis, computerized planning, as some do, is a fatal
a large unit (like El region) might be kept in error. "Planning" would more likely be an
cheek. Its ultimate role would then be partly "iterative" phenomenon, involving: first, in-
simply coordination, its broad policy making formation, prioritieL and criteria generated
and administrative functions would depend
upon the development (and acceptance) of
a rationally articulated political program. A
order "planning Sta *
at local levels; next an integration at a higher
the implications
calculated, a return to smaller units for re-
two-chamber legislature might perhaps rep- consideration; and finally back up again.
resent the organized communities, on the (The Chinese call a similar process "two ups
one hand, and the interests of the people at and two downs", and some large U.S. cor-
large, on the other. . . porations have developed sophisticated linear
In this setting, several other basic ques- programming models for their decentralized
tions could be addressed: What, for cxam~ internal management which arc of rele-
ple, might be the best process for making vance.)
decisions over such fundamental issues as One must recognize that decentralized,
how much of society's resources to allocate democratic planning inevitably involves in-
between consumption and investment (which efficiencies and considerably more time.
entails a series of broad ecological consider- However, if successful, the gains in released
ations and also the matter of zero growth energies, to say nothing of the quality of life,
rates), whether to make major new society- are likely to more than compensate what is
shaping investments, as in one or another lost. . . .
transportation system, how population But this returns us to the question of
should be dispersed, how much should be whether the basic social units in which day-
allocated to prevent the destruction of the to-day life occur are, in fact, likely to sus-
environment (directly, or indirectly through tain new, more humane experiences of com-
time~using, voluntaristic 1nethods)'? munity. lt should again be clear why it is
"Planning" is obviously required here too, important to place priority on local social
but again it is important to recognize that in structures and processes which have a po-
this sketch of an alternative program, the tential for developing and prefiguring a new
process of central "planning" would be quite ethic of cooperation, even if this may mean
different from that of the streamlined state local communities initially function to an ex-
or the Soviet "command economy." It would tent competitively as market operators. Stag-
be much more organic: Social priorities ing is critical: Could social relationships
would be developed in each community, first within communities be strengthened so as to
through local processes, and then subse- alter values and modify external relations
quently in regional and national politics gen- over time? Could a cooperative development
erated out of local experience. Ultimately, process permit the subsequent establishment
of the necessary coordinating structures be-
In fact, the reverse is closer to a description of a tween communities and, in combination with
reality which involves a complex interaction of
centralized bureaucratic direction and sub-unit
national political efforts, the larger frame-
lobbying and pressure. work for the overall economy?

There are no easy answers to such ques- grant that they might begin to develop a dif-
tions and very little guidance available from ferent ethic, a different concept of the na-
foreign experience or past history. Chinese ture of community and cooperation, grant
and Israeli developments suggest that com- even that they might help each other to a
munities may be able to sustain and deepen greater extent than under capitalism, there
the quality of internal social relations while is, nonetheless. no obvious reason why rich
at the same time external relations involve communities should be expected in practice
both the use of market competition and a to share their wealth with other communi-
larger framework. The historical record also ties. ( I n Yugoslavia, there are still regions of
suggests that some limited form of market the nation in which workers earn one-fifth
and planning both may be inevitable at cer- as much for the same work as in wealthier
tain stages of development under all types rcgionsl) Globally, one need only compare
of socialisinfl . . . One challenge, accord- the living standards of various socialist coun-
ingly, is to recognize that competition can tries to be reminded that even when the
be a method of exploitation or a tool of ra- rhetoric of equality is proclaimed, new so-
tional administration; a second is to elimi- cial structures (in this case involving whole
nate the former, and (if the social system is nations) do not automatically achieve it in
to overcome its origins in capitalism), to at- practice.
tempt shrewd trade-oils between competi- There are, I think, two answers to the
tion and cooperation at different stages of dilemma of equality: First (and this is cru-
development, as a new experiential basis cial), America is so far advanced techno-
emerges, as mutual needs develop, as larger logically that with different organization, it
national political possibilities open up, and would not be a huge burden to raise the
as 21 new vision is created. . . . lagging areas of the nation. The society is
In such a long process of development, as not a Yugoslavia fighting to climb the steep
Martin Buber urged, the permissive environ- hill of capital accumulation. Even now, at
ment which may be attainable if localities are the top of the system, young people are fall-
not totally subservient to central agencies is ing away from the false affluence of con-
more important, initially, than the apparent sumerism. Were the waste of unemployment,
top~down rationality of centralized planning militarism, and unnecessary consumption
systems. The conservative, the Yugoslav, the ended, the resources available would be
Israeli, the Chinese, and the anarchist all enormous. Poor communities could be aided
seem right also to argue that a degree of without intolerable cost. It would also be
local autonomy and a degree of competition possible to allocate huge resources to other
must be assured it freedom and spontaneous nations.
innovation are to continue over time. . _ . Second, politics would not die were the
nation organized as a many-level Pluralist
Commonwealth- (Indeed, what we are talk-
EQUALITY? ing about might best be defined not as an
achieved, static goal, but as a stage-by-stage
Ono issue noted in passing deserves special process of increasing mastery of rational and
consideration: Equality. Grant that comma irrational limitations on man's potential.)
nities might develop new cooperative ways, Even today, politics forces the creeping fed-
eral structure to reallocate funds in some
"Marxist theoreticians as different as Charles programs, though it does so very erratically.
Bcltelheim and Paul Swcezy agree on this point.
See, for instance, their exchange in Monthly Re- In a new Commonwealth, local and regional
view, Vol. 22, No. 7 (December, I9T0), pp. 1-21. bodies would have substantial influence on
Socialism is cl Pluralist Commonwealth 535

major decisions of investment and resource a dead end- And while diversity and democ-
allocation which are now left to private cor- racy seem to be antagonistic to equality, this
porations. Especially as a new vision and appears to be the only way to build up dif-
ethic develops, it is possible to imagine a ferent motivational patterns out of which
considerably reinvigorated politics which an ethic of universal equality might eventu-
could concentrate on helping under- ally develop. . . .
developed communities--perhaps progres- Over the long haul the inevitable trade-
sively narrowing the range of inequality by offs between centralization and decentraliza-
setting (and gradually lowering) maximum tion are likely to diminish as incre singly
income ceilings, by setting (and gradually productive technology makes it easier to sat-
raising) minimum income floors, and by isfy more needs-and as rational ecological
regularly introducing a greater share of such judgments reduce the pressure Tor economic
free goods as education, medical care, hous- growth. II" individual and community moti-
ing, and basic food stuffs. vation for high living standards can be re-
But a progressive process of this kind is duced by ending "consulnerisrn," there will
not the same as total equality, and the dis- also be l&'§" nets T€ilr"lilie hierarchical and
tinction is important: The only alternative centralized controls that ever-expanding pro-
to the process of politics is a central duction seems to require. Finally, as true
decision-making authority which forces its ( and voluntary) agreement with the princi-
program upon all communities. You simply ples of a new vision of equality develops,
cannot have it both ways. A basic problem centralized decision making to achieve it can,
of both democracy and equality is when and in fact, become more a matter of rational ad-
what is to be centralized and what is not- ministration than of bureaucratic compul-
and at which stages of development very sion.
specific trade-offs between conflicting values In the final analysis, therefore, the tension
are made. There is trade-off at one level be- between the socialist vision and decentralist
tween equality and decentralization, place alternatives is best understood not as an ulti-
absolute priority on the former and you must mate contradiction but as a transitional prob-
have enormous power at the center to end lem of societies moving towards the post-
variations between localities. On the other industrial era. ...
hand, if diversity and democracy are priori-
ties, they bring with them a substantial de-
gree of inequality between areas. PRECURSORS
Other considerations make it appear that
the nature of the trade-offs is even more A variety of existing youth communes and
complex. /Ufheugii centralization in theory collectives point in the direction of small
can establish equality between areas, most scale cooperative community. AMuent white
hierarchical systems have required highly youths' need to transcend isolated indi-
stratified, unequal patterns of individual in- vidualism seems to be generated system-
centzfves. (The resulting inequality of state~ atically out of the sterility of high income
socialist systems in practice is often ignored suburban (and nuclear family) life, out of
by their proponents and apologists.) Motiva- the collectivizing experience of migration to
tion is potentially different, however, in small the (university) ghetto, and out of the gen-
units (which are the only historic examples eral contradiction between liberal expecta-
of equality between individuals). Therefore, tions for fulfillment and American realities.
while centralization seems the short cut to Hcsitant and beleaguered though they are,
general equality, it is likely in practice to be collectives and communes all over the coun-

try are experimental arenas in which some the principal of one person, one vote, or
cooperative "commove alth" values are be- through confederations of local block clubs,
ing learned in practice-and in which the churches, and action organizations.
outlines of a new social vision are begin- Though once conceived only as O.E.O.
ning, however falteringly, to emerge. . . . vehicles or instruments of "neighborhood
Far more significant developments related government," such institutions become of
to the concept of a Pluralist Commonwealth much greater long-run interest when they as-
are to be found in parts of the black com- sume ownership of industries and stores col-
munity, particularly in a few areas which are lectively in the name of the entire commu-
politically far ahead of the nation. Increas- nity, as they are now doing in many areas.
ing numbers of black Americans today are The terms "community union," "community
attempting to articulate the idea of "the cooperative," or "community development
community" and are beginning to experi- corporation" (C.D.C.) are then more accu-
ment with ways to institutionalize the no- rate descriptions. Instead of letting individ-
tion that its interests should take priority. ual capitalists buy businesses and absorb the
Here, the collective ideal and higher expec- profits themselves, when a C.D.C. does so it
tations seem rooted partly in earlier agrarian either distributes small dividends to all mem-
traditions, partly in collectivizing migrations bers or, more significantly, it uses proceeds
to the (urban) ghetto, the experience of ris- collectively for such community-building
ing income levels (as compared with the services as day care centers, recreational
rural South), and the contradiction between programs, or training activities.
raised hopes and brutal denial and repres- Some C.D.C.'s (like FIGHT, in Roches-
sion, All have been important (and are con- ter, New York) are already operating
tinuing) conditions out of which a new vi- community-owned electrical manufacturing
sion is slowly being forged. plants of substantial scale. In Los Angeles,
If youth's experiments attempt to realize Operation Bootstrap has established a
cooperative social values in isolated settings cooperatively-owned toy factory, in the Chi-
from New Mexico to Vermont, or the per- cano community of New Mexico there are
missive but atypical atmosphere of a uni- a variety of cooperatively»owned industries
versity town, in most ghettos the notion of ranging from fanning and cattle feeding to
"community" has been expressed as a de- furniture and wood products manufacturing,
mand for control of institutions in existing in Cleveland a rubber moulding factory is
neighborhoods, like Harlem or Hough. The collectively-owned, in Philadelphia there is
emerging concept of the "community cor- already a large community-owned shopping
poration" is taking on increasing importance center (and one which is to be more broadly
in this concept-and may become a critical based in the community is in the planning
element in an "alternative program" if it stages in Cleveland).12 . ..
transcends the limitations of the inevitable In one or two instances, particularly in
initial compromises. the New Communities, Inc., experiment in
The mechanisms of a democratically con- southwest Georgia, the vision of commu-
trolled neighborhood corporation involve nity has been developed much further, and
little more than drawing a legal line around has led to the purchase of land for a black,
a neighborhood or rural area to establish a 12For information on these and other elTorts,
geographically defined corporate entity see: "Profiles in Community-Based Economic De~
which may undertake a variety of' social, vclopment," available from The Cambridge Insti-
economic, and political functions. The cru- tute and the Center for Community Economic
Development, 1878 Massachusetts Avenue, Cam-
cial feature is democracy-either through bridge, Massachusetts 02140.
Socialism as 0 Pluralist Commonwealth 537

collectively-owned city based on communi- owned vegetable cooperative and a higher

tarian ideals-similar in hope, if not yet order political authority is of special interest
in practice, to the Israeli moshe. Obvi- in that it illustrates in skeletal outline what
ously, none of the experiments represent the might be thought of as a two tier Pluralist
achievement of a fully developed alternative Commonwealth model. In this instance, the
vision, their significance is only as the pre- local community-based economic effort is
cursors of the possibility of El longer process fortified by political-economic decisions
which might conceivably transcend what made by the higher unit-however, given the
must begin as "community capita L . . power relationships, it is forced to be respon-
H "J

Two distinct ways of organizing power to sive to a coalition of smaller scale units. . . .
bolster these community efforts ave The achievements of the Calumet Com-
emerged: In many cities demonstrations, sit- munity Congress in Gary, Indiana, and the
ins, and other militant protests have success- election of the radicals in Berkeley, Califor-
fully wrenched control of housing and even nia, could conceivably help open the way for
urban renewal from public bureaucracy- a broadening of similar developments in
and placed ownership and control in the white communities, beyond a few experi-
hands of community groups. Elsewhere, a ments which are just getting underway in
more traditional form of power which at- Appalachia and Boston, Massachusetts. . . .
taches to the voting strength of well- Such illustrations are only fragmentary
organized groups has forced many conces- local beginning points-and only partial as-
sions. In New Mexico, for instance, at one pccts of what might one day become "a
point state authorities were brought to di- long revolution" towards some form of
rect state schools and hospitals to give Pluralist ComMonwealth vision--if they are
preferential treatment to the purchase of extended and combined with the develop-
vegetables from local community coopera- ment of regional and national alternatives,
tives. and if they become important in a longer
The linkage between a local, community- term effort to build new political power.


Further reading is recommended both in the gradual disappearance of the wage rela-
Fromm, Morris* Concept o)' Man, mm
in A1- tion, with state capitalism, state socialism,
perovitz, A Long Revolution, as cited in the and the welfare state. Mandel [12] provides
source lines for Sections I
H 11 J

a good analysis of production, distribution,

There is a wide-ranging debate about what and modes of living in a socialist society. He
the term "socialism" means and what insti- deals in particular with the socialization of
tutions might ensure a more decent society. production, choice in consumption, the "psy-
Guevara [7] gives an inspirational account chological revolution," and the possibilities
of the ideals of Cuban socialism and implie- for developing free, as opposed to alienated,
itly defines socialism in terms of socialist labor. His emphasis on the psychological as-
values an excellent reading. Huberman pects of a more decent society counterbal-
and Sweezy [10] present the classical view ances the limitations of his traditional Marx-
of socialism as public ownership of the ist view that socialism results from a society
means of production. Lichtheim [11] con- so affluent that scarcity ceases to be a prob-»
trasts socialism, defined as social ownership lem, our analysis of consumerism, contrived
of the means of production, planning, and needs, and the ecological damage associated

with high levels of production suggests that [15] and Bettelheim and Swcezy [1] on
the problems of scarcity will persist even in Czechoslovakia, see Zeitlin [16], especially
an aliment society until such time as the preface, on Cuba, see Blumberg [2],
Mandel's "psychological revolution" actually Chapters 8 and 9, on Yugoslavia, and see-
occurs. .
-....... Gurley [8], Robinson [13], and Snow [14]
Alperovitz (already cited) and Foley [4] on China.
argue for socialism as a decentralized social
ownership of the means of production. Foley [1] Bettelheim, Charles, and. Sweezy, Paul.
presents a careful analysis of the implications "On the Transition Between Capitalism
of decentralization for efficiency and incen- and Socialism." In M'ontfliy Rievew 20,
tives. Blumberg [2] shows, on the basis of No. 10, (March 1969): 1-19, and
extensive evidence, that even a limited de- "More On the Transition Between Capi»
talism and Socialism." In Monthly Re-
gree of workers' management and participa- view 22, No. 7 (December ]970) :
tion reduces alienation; the implications for l~21.
full worker control are obvious. Buber [3] [2,] Blumberg, Paul. Industrial Denzocmcy:
sees the establishment of genuine communi- The Sociology of Participation. New
ties of individuals as the only means for re- York: Schocken Books, 1969.
alizing the humanist values of socialism, [3] Buber, Martin. Paths in Utopia. Boston:
"the socialist idea points of necessity to the Beacon Press, l966.'I'
organic construction of a new society out of [4] Foley, Duncan. "On Replacing Capital-
little societies inwardly bound together by ism." In Massachusetts Institute of Tech
common life and common work." Goodman urology Economics Discussion Paper No.
and Goodman [6] carry this theme to a con- 64. Mimeo, 1970.
crete vision of the integrated work and con- [5] Goodman, Paul. "Can Technology Be Hu-
sumption patterns that might characterize a mane'?" In New York Review of Books
(November 20, 1969): 27-34.
socialist community. On another level,
Goodman [5] argues that science and tech- [6] Goodman, Paul, and Goodman, Percival.
Com m u ni f a s . New York: Random
nology-what others call the "technological House, 1960.*
requirements of the industrial system"-are
[7] Guevara, Ernesto "Che" "Man and So-
not in themselves inhumane, rather, "they
cialism in Cuba." Reprinted (among
have fallen willingly under the dominion of other places) in Venceremos! Edited by
money and power." He argues that a pru- John Gerassi. New York: Simon &
dent, ecologically minded, decentralized so- Schuster, Inc., 1968.*
ciety would develop a humane technology [8] Gurley, John. "Maoist Economic Develop-
that would greatly add to human welfare. ment: The New Man. in the New
Robinson [13] stresses the importance of China." In The Review of Radical Po-
Zitiicczif Econornifcs 2, No. 4 (Fall 1970) '
"cultural revolution" in creating a socialist
society, drawing in particular on the Chinese
experience. Gurley [8] contrasts capitalist [9] Haberman, Leo, and Sweczy, Paul, eds.
50 Years vi' Soviet Power. New York:
development goals with Chinese develop- Monthly Review Press, 1967.
ment goals, which place great emphasis on
[10] Haberman, Leo, and Sweeny, Paul. Intro
equality and give priority to satisfying human diction to Socialism. New York:
needs over gains in material production. For Monthly Review Press, 1968.
case studies of current "socialist" countries, [1 1] Lichtheim, George, "What Socialism Is
see Huberrnan and Sweezy [9], especially and Is Not." In New York Review of
"the Lessons of Expericnce,'- Books (April 10, 1 9 7 0 ) : 41-45.
Soviet Union, see i exchange in Sweezy [12] Mandel, Ernest. Marxist Economic Theory.
Socialism as ca Flurozlist Commonwealth 539

2, vols. New York: Monthly Review ism, and Socialism." In Monthly Re-
Press, 1968. view 20, No. 5 (Oct. 1968).
[13] Robinson (loan. The Culture! Revolution [16] Zeitlin, Maurice. Revolutionary Pofiffcs
i n China, Baltimore: Penguin Books, and the Cuban Working Class. New
Inc., 1969.* York: Harper and Row, Publishers, Inc.,
[14] Snow, Edgar. The Other* Side of the Rzlver. 1970.===
London: Victor Gollancz, Ltd., 1963.
[15] Sweezy, Paul. "Czechoslovakia, Capital- .r.Available in paperback editions.
Biographical Notes

ACKERMAN, FRANK-is Q graduofe student in ec CARMICHAEI., STOKELY-has been active for many
nordics at Harvard University. years cos Q Black Power cmdvoccf to and organizer in
the North and the South.
ALPEROVITZ, GAR-is C1 founder of the Cambridge
lnstituie, o group exploring the prospect of d COHEN, DAVID K.-Teaches education at Harvard
centralized socicmiism.
University, where he is director of the Center for
.Educational Policy Research.
BARAN, PAUL-wos the only Marxist economist to
hold o professorship of co mciior American university
i oh I st twenty ye rs; h i tight c mies t DAVIES, MARGERY-is ca gruduczfe student in sociol-
Stanford University until his death in 1964. ogy of Brandeis University.

BARON, HAROLD-is aftfi listed with the Urban DOBB, MAURKIE-is on eminent Marxist economist
Studies Institute of the Associated Colleges of the who recently retired iron Q Readership in Economics
Midwest. He was tormeriy Director of the Research :JT Cambridge University, where he had fought
Department of the Chicago Urban League. since 1924.

BIRNBAUM, HOWARD-is a graduate student in

EDWARDS, RICHARD C.-is an economist affiliated
economics at Harvard University.
with the Center for Educational Policy Research of
Harvard University.
BLACKBURN, ROBIN-is edit r F th British
bi-monthly Marxist periodical New Left Review. He
ENGELS, FRIEDRICH-was CO German-born socialist,
has fought sociology of the London School of
manufacturer, cmd writer, best known for his life-
long assoc dioncmd close collaboration with Karl
BOGG5, GRACE-hcns taught in the Detroit public
school sys m and is a Fong-time activist in the
BI co Liker ii n M v m nt. FINKELHOR, DAVID-studied of Harvard University
and is at work on co book about communal living.

BOGGS, .IAMES~wc1s born in Alabama, has worked

in oruto plants in Detroit since the 1940's and has FRIEDAN, BETTY-is cl prominent activist in the
written extensively on to Black Liberation Move- National Organization of Women.

FROMM, ERICH-was +rained in psychoanalysis in

BONNEN, JAMES-Teciches agricultural economics at Berlin and has wriifen many books on social and
Michigan State University. psych I gic I Ii II .
BOOKCHIN, MURRAY-hos written many books and
GALBRAITH, Jo:-ltq KENNETH- gcombined an
articles on ecology and on libertarian onurchism.
academic career teaching economics at Harvard
University with on active involvement in American
BOWLES, SAMUEL-teaches economics cat Harvard politics. He served as Km'lsadlor to India, 1961-
University. 1963.


GENOVESE, EUGENE-teaches history at the Uni- LAUTER, PAUL-has taught English at Antioch Col-
versify of Rochell r. H h s writhe num r us rticl s Ig ndisnw nth 5 : 6 f 1he U it d 5t 1 5
on slavery in the Western Hemisphere from co Marxist $ervicemen's Fund.
LAZERSON, MARVIN--teaches history of education
GINTIS, HERBERT--teaches economics and is af- at Harvard University, where he is affiliated with the
Filiated with the Center for Educational Policy Center for Educational Policy Research.
Research at Harvard University.
LONG, NGO VINH-is a Vietnamese graduate stu-
GOLDBERG, MARILYN POWER--is c: graduate stu- dent at Harvard University who has been active in
dent in economics o f the University of California at the peace movement. He edits cmd publishes Q
Berkeley. monthly bulletin, Thai-Béo Go, which carries news
from Vietnom.
GOODING, JUDSON-is an associate editor of
Fortune mogcfzine. LUNDBERG, FERDINAND-wcss for many years Q
fincmciol writer for The New York Herald' Tribune.
GORDON, LINDA-teaches history at the Uni- His first book on the super-rich became the subject
verity of Massachusetts at Bosl n. of* widespread public contra erst in the 15*30's.

GORZ, ANDRE-is o well-known French Marxist and MclcEWAN, ARTHUR-teaches economics at Harvard
re member of the editorial board of Les Temps University.
MAGDOFF, HARRY-is co-editor of the independent
HAMILTON, CHARLES-teaches political science at socialist iourncl, Monfhly Review.
Columbia University and Es the author of many
articles on black politics. MARX, KARL-hardly needs an introduction. His writ
ings have both contributed to the analysis of the
HERNDON, JAMES-h s be merch t s m , capitalist system and have been a source of in-
a File clerk, co machinist, an ob e player and-'most spiration for revolutionaries throughout the world.
recently-c1 schoolteacher.
MEANS, GARDINER-un economist and long-time
HOBSBAWM, ERIC--is an emir nt Marxist historian government adviser, is on expert on economic con-
and Reader in History at Birbeck College, University centration.
of London.
MITCHELL, JULIET--is 0 member o{ the editorial
HOWE, FLORENCE-teaches humanities and women's board of New Leaf Review.
studies at the State University of New York Col-
lege at Old Westbury. MORTON, PEGGY-is active in the Women's Libera-
Tion Movement in Toronto.
HYMER, BENNETT-has worked in the Research De-
portment of the Chicago Urban League since 1964. MUMFORD, LEWIS-hos written numerous books
about cities cmd the impact o f modern technology
HYMER, STEPHEN-teaches economics at the New on society.
School for Social Research.
O'CONNOR, JAMES-teaches economics at Sun Jose
KATZ, ELIZABETH-lives in Cambridge, Massacre usetts State College.
and is presently travelling in Central America.
POLANYI, KARL-was born in Ausfrio, educated in
KENISTON, KENNETH-teaches psychiatry it the Europe, and emigrated to the United 5Totes in 1940
Yale University Medical School. to teach economics and anthropology at Bennington
College and Columbia University.
LANGER, ELINOR-is Q free-lance iournulist whose
writings have appeared in various periodicals in- REICH, MlCHAEL--reaches economics at Boston Uni-
ciuding Science and the New York Review of Books. versity.
Biographical Notes 543

SOCIAUST REVOLUTION is bi-monthly bourn WEINSTEIN, JAMES-is an editor of the journal

whose purpose V I iusillllnund tHe~ theoretical Sociaiisf Revofufion; he has written several books
comprehension advanced capitalism which on American history.
prerequisite to the development of moss socialist con-
sciousness." t . i

WEISS, JANICE-is ci student cat the Harvard Gradu-

ate School of Education.
SWEEZY, PAUL-is Q founder and co-editor of
Monfhfy Review, in which he has written on numer- WEISSKOPF, THOMAS E.-teaches economics Gt
ous economic and political problems from a Marxist Harvard University.
perspective. He hos fought economics at Harvard
University and the New School for Social Research.
WEISSKOPF, WALTER-is Chairman of the Depart-
ment of Economics at Roosevelt University.
TERKEL, STUDS--has a radio show in Chicago; he is
a recognized master of the art of journalistic inter- WETZLER, JAMES--is u groduofe student in eco-
viewing. nordics at Harvard University.

THERBORN, GORAN-is an editor of Zenia, a Swedish ZIMBALIST, ANDREW-is Q graduate student in eco
New Left ioumol. nordics at Harvard University.

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