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Name:______________________________ Date:___________

Simple Test were calculators are not required.

(1) If a factory takes 5 minutes to make 5 shirts from 5 machines, how many minutes
would it take for a factory to make 100 shirts from 100 machines?
(Ans. 1) _________ minutes.

(2) In a lake, there is a patch of lily pads. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes
50 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to
cover half of the lake?
(Ans. 2) _________ days.

(3) 444, 434, 481, 245, 674, 984, 400. What is common in these numbers?
(Ans. 3) _________

(4) 444, 310, 257, 787, 900, 5, 752. What is common in these numbers.
(Ans. 4) _________

(5) What number comes next in the following sequence? 

(Ans. 5) 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25, _____________

(6) Why you left your Previous Job? __________________________________

(7) Six best things you have done in your Previous Job?___________________

Let us know your favorites?

a) What’s your favorite color? ______________________________________

b) Best place you traveled to. ______________________________________

c) Best place you wish to travel to. __________________________________

d) Your best dish. ________________________________________________

e) What makes you angry __________________________________________

(f)Describe yourself in brief ________________________________________


Your last Gross Salary _________________________________________________


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