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04A Food Shopping Process Procedure

Revision: 0

1.1 This procedure applies to the food shopping process.
1.2 All CMC volunteers should remember that they are the face of Champion Forest Baptist
Church and shall be as cheerful, gracious, and friendly as possible to those that come to get
food and other assistance.


2.1 Shall – a requirement.
2.2 Should – a strong suggestion.
2.3 CFBC – Champion Forest Baptist Church
2.4 CMC – Community Ministry Center
2.5 Neighbor(s) – a single person or a person representing a household.
2.6 Welcome Desk – verification of Neighbor identity and adding Neighbor Visit History forms
to the folder when needed.
2.7 Shopper – the volunteer that helps the neighbors select their food and completes the shopping
2.8 Shopping Station – a portable rack that has a display of food items. All shopping stations
shall be the same.
2.9 Friend Room – a specific room where the gospel is shared, and prayer occurs with the
2.10 “First In/First Out” – this term identifies a process by which a sequence is maintained.
This is who finished first in the intake and shopping process. This is not the sequence number
assigned to a Neighbor.

3.1 Welcome desk personnel shall be responsible for the logging of all Neighbors on the
Welcome Zone Neighbor Tracking Form, recording which Neighbors are ‘New’ and which
Neighbors have made a decision for Christ in the appropriate column.
3.2 Shopper personnel shall be responsible for:
3.2.1 Reviewing the folder information
3.2.2 Selecting the correct shopping list
3.2.3 Inviting the correct Neighbor to shop
3.2.4 Shopping with the Neighbor
3.2.5 Completing the shopping list

4.0 Process
4.1 Take the top folder from the “Ready to Shop” tray.
4.2 A manilla folder will indicate that the Neighbor has been to the CMC before. A yellow folder
indicates that the Neighbor is new.
4.3 Verify that the sequence card is in the folder and the visit note page has an open space.
4.4 Select the appropriate shopping list based on the total number of people in the home.
4.5 If it is a new Neighbor, draw a yellow highlight line diagonally. This allows everyone else
downstream that this is a new Neighbor.
4.6 Complete the shopping list header with the following information:

“If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and
filled,’ without giving them the things needed for the body what good is that? James 2:15-16
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04A Food Shopping Process Procedure
Revision: 0

4.6.1 Sequence Card Number

4.6.2 Last name
4.6.3 First name
4.6.4 Number of people in the home
4.6.5 Date
4.6.6 Your printed name
4.7 If an item on the shopping list is not on the shopping shelf, then the item is temporarily out of
stock and is not available.
4.8 Go in and out of the shopping door with the Neighbor.
4.9 When ready, go to the shopping door and call the Neighbor by their full name. This helps
ensure you get the correct Neighbor. Example, there could be more than 1 Maria or more than
1 Garcia.
4.10 It is important to greet the Neighbor with a smile and welcome them. Remember, many
people have a lot of pride they have to overcome to get there. They need to feel welcome at
all times.
4.11 Shopping:
4.11.1 Escort the Neighbor to a shopping station.
4.11.2 Allow the shopper to choose the items that they want in each group.
4.11.3 From left to right on each shelf follows the sequence on the shopping list.
4.11.4 Explain the process as needed, especially for the new Neighbors.
4.11.5 Maintain the group maximums and the line-item maximums.
4.11.6 You should try to get to the group maximum.
4.11.7 When finished, ask the Neighbor to return to the waiting area.
4.12 Place the folder in the top tray leading into the “Friend Room”.
Note: if a folder is already there, put the folder on the bottom of the stack to maintain
“First In/First Out”.
4.13 Take the completed shopping list to the tray at “Gift Pick-Up”.
4.14 End of Process

“If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and
filled,’ without giving them the things needed for the body what good is that? James 2:15-16
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