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07 Gift Pick-up Process Procedure

Revision: Draft

1.1 This procedure applies to the Gift Pick-up process.
1.2 This procedure contains requirements for communication and interaction with:
1.2.1 Neighbors
1.2.2 CMC Volunteers
1.3 All CMC volunteers should remember that they are the face of Champion Forest Baptist Church and
shall be as cheerful, gracious, and friendly as possible to those that come to get food and other


2.1 Shall – a requirement.
2.2 Should – a strong suggestion.
2.3 CFBC – Champion Forest Baptist Church
2.4 CMC – Community Ministry Center
2.5 GPU – Gift Pick-up Volunteer
2.6 Neighbor(s) – A single person or a person representing a household.
2.7 Greeter – First and last contact with the Neighbors

3.1 Gift Pick-up Volunteers – those responsible for ensuring the correct order goes to the correct
Neighbor assisting in the selection of extra items. Also, may be called upon to assist in clothing
3.2 Greeter – responsible for taking the cart to the Neighbor’s car and loading the groceries into the car.

4.1 Completed Shopping Lists are forwarded to the Stock Room for picking.
4.2 Filled orders are delivered to Gift Pick-up in the green grocery carts with the shopping list by the
Stockroom Volunteer.
4.3 GPU shall ensure that the Shopping List matches the marking on the grocery bags.
4.4 GPU shall pick any diapers, wipes and/or baby food noted on the Shopping List.
4.5 The Neighbor is greeted as the Friend hands them off to GPU.
4.6 GPU shall assist the Neighbor with extra items, miscellaneous items, and cereal selection. The extra
food items, miscellaneous items, and the cereal selection quantities are determined at the start of the
shift. The decorated shopping bags are used for this purpose.
4.7 GPU may be called up to assist in the shopping of clothing.
4.8 GPU shall provide Bibles (if none have been presented during their previous visits. Verify this on
the information page in the folder) and other information pertaining to CFBC.
4.9 GPU shall ensure that the CFBC label is in each Bible in inventory.
4.10 GPU shall check all used Bibles to ensure that no Bibles not used by Baptists are in the inventory.
When found, these shall be discarded.
4.11 As salvations occur, GPU shall provide to the Friend to record the new Christian’s name and
date of their salvation with a new Bible and other literature for a new Christian.
4.12 The ticket/card shall be returned to the Welcome Desk
4.13 The Completed folder with completed Shopping Lists (food/clothing) is delivered to the
Administration Desk.
John 6:51 “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. This bread I will give for
the life of the world is my flesh.”
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07 Gift Pick-up Process Procedure
Revision: Draft

4.14 The Greeter shall bring the shopping cart to the Neighbor’s car and load the groceries into their
4.15 End of process

5.1 Completed folder with completed Shopping Lists (04A Food/04B Clothing).
6.1 Shopping
6.2 Welcome Desk
6.3 Administration

John 6:51 “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. This bread I will give for
the life of the world is my flesh.”
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