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Take Home Challenge

Thanks for your interest in ONE and our Talent Operations Coordinator role! Please review
and respond to the following candidate scenarios. These types of situations can occur
often. There are no right or wrong answers, but we’d like to get a sense of how you’ll
respond on the fly, your communication style and your attention to detail.

Submit your responses in a Google Doc format, 1-2 pages. Please let us know if you have
any questions and best of luck!

Scenario 1: You have been trying to schedule an interview with a candidate named Emilee
Johnson for the past week. However, every time you confirm a time slot, Emilee requests to
reschedule due to conflicting commitments. The hiring manager is becoming increasingly
frustrated with the rescheduling requests. How would you handle this situation?

1. Outline the steps you would take to effectively communicate with Emilee and the
hiring manager.

2. Write an example of a follow-up email to Emilee.

Scenario 2: You receive a request to schedule an interview with a candidate named Rajesh
Mishra from Bangalore, India. The hiring manager is located in New York City, USA. However,
there is a significant time zone difference between the two locations, with Bangalore being
12.5 hours ahead of New York City. The hiring manager's calendar indicates their availability
from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM EST.

1. Outline the steps you would take to schedule this interview, considering the time
zone challenges.

Scenario 3: You have organized a panel interview for an engineering candidate named
Sarah Martinez, scheduled to take place today. However, one of the interviewers informs
you last-minute that they can no longer make it due to an unexpected personal emergency.
As a Talent Operations Coordinator, you need to quickly address this situation to ensure a
smooth interview process for Sarah. How would you handle this last-minute change?

1. Outline the steps you would take to reschedule the panel interview or arrange for a
replacement interviewer.

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