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Jorge Antonio Castillo Hernández

Bachelor's Degree: Mechanical Engineer

Auxiliary Nursing Technician

Age: 29 years old

Personal Information: Jorullo No. 9 Int. 4 C.P. 02950 Del. Azcapotzalco Mexico City.

Email: jorge.castillo.he @

Cell. 563591194949

Education: Bachelor's Degree: Mechanical Engineering.

University: Universidad Tecnológica de México, UNITEC

Period: May 2016 - April 2019

Foreign Language Center, St. Thomas Unit

Period: January 2015- July 2016

Social Center No. 1 Plutarco Elías Calles

Nurse Assistant Completed, Certified

Professional Objective: Contribute to the growth and development of those who require my
services, always based on teamwork and the philosophy of continuous improvement, to achieve
the objectives of the organization.

Main Skills:

Teamwork, creativity, self-starter, innovation, leadership, presence, empathy. Persistence and

persistence to obtain the desired results.

Good communication skills, both verbal and written.

Commitment to new challenges.

Excellent leadership skills.

Willingness to think strategically.

Good ability to adapt to new changes.

Nursing: Sensitivity, sympathy, capacity for hard work and respect for the dignity of patients.

Job Development:
Construcción y Suministros Romero SA de CV November 2017- November 2020.

Direct Boss: Carlos Saut Hernández

Cell: 55 6439 4399

Position: Repair and maintenance of various machines used in the industry.

Current Employment Hotel Plaza Camarones

September 2022- Currently Position: Maintenance, General Assistant.

Direct Boss: Roberto Marroqui

Tel.: 55 2631 6551



Solidworks Office Package

Use of Mathematica Electrical Installations

Hydraulic and Pneumatic Connections Project Development and Design


Skills in giving injections, performing dressings, and cannulation, Taking body temperature, pulse,
cardio respiratory rate, blood pressure.

Taking of samples


Specialized in elderly care, grooming, dressing.


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