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WT 1 (Pie Charts)

The pie charts compare the proportion of immigrants and emigrants from the UK based on six reasons in the
year 2007.

Overall, it is readily apparent that the majority of immigrants and emigrants are overwhelmed by the figure
of definite jobs. In contrast, a tiny minority of immigrants did not mention any reasons, while there was a negligible
proportion in the formal study for emigrants.

From a detailed analysis, the figure for definite jobs witnessed by far the highest proportion of migration to
and from the UK, at 30% and 29% respectively. With regards to immigration, the proportion of formal study followed
the second at 26% which is over 6 times larger than emigration. In addition, the percentage of immigrants joining
accompany is as similar to emigrants.

Regarding emigration, nearly a quarter of people looked for work as the second largest proportion. Another
category of emigrants for no reason stated was 18% which was three times bigger compared to immigrants. Then,
14% of emigrants and 11% of immigrants gave other reasons.

(Words 171)

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