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Western Mindanao State University

College of Teacher Education

Bachelor of Elementary Education Department

Name: Salvador, Michelle Jane M.

Year & Section: BECED-2C


ASSESS: How can we adapt Loden and Rosener's Diversity Wheel to an early childhood classroom

Create your own diagram combining Loden and Rosener's Diversity Wheel and your own observations of an early childhood

CHALLENGE: Come up with your own definition of inclusive education based on your new diagram.
Complete the sentence.

Inclusive education is...

HARNESS: Drawing from your own definition of inclusive education, describe your idea of how an inclusive
early childhood education classroom should be.

IN A NUTSHELL: Write your reflection and conclusion.

Complete the following statements:

I learned that:

I realized that:

I think there is a need to:


EXPERIENCE: Ask an early childhood educator how he/she practices inclusion in his/her classroom.

List down his/her responses below.

ASSESS: Are the practices of your interviewed early childhood educator in line with global and local policies
on inclusion?

If they are, why do you say so? If they are not, what do you think are the reasons for this misalignment?

CHALLENGE: Justify the need for inclusive education.

Why is inclusive education important? Who should adopt this framework? Explain your answer.

EXPERIENCE: Run an informal survey on early childhood educators and check their response to inclusive

Using a web-based survey software (or an actual survey form if web-based survey software is inaccessible), have at
least 10 early childhood educators answer this questionnaire.

Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

Students with disabilities must first be

placed in SPED settings.

All teachers need to be trained in inclusive


I am confident that I can be an inclusive


I feel that inclusive education will increase

my workload.

If I were to be given a student with special

or additional needs, I will meticulously
plan my lessons every day to make sure all
my activities will fit this student's needs.
If given a chance to put up my own school.
I would put up one that is inclusive.

ASSESS: Of those who answered the informal survey above, do a follow-up interview with at least two who
answered mostly negatively. Find out what their pain points are. Write them below.

Are they generally against inclusive education? What about inclusive education do they not agree with?

CHALLENGE: Convince nonbelievers of inclusive education that inclusion is still the best direction to take.

Make a mind map or concept map to help organize your thoughts.

HARNESS: Form a small group. Think of a creative way to present the solutions you proposed.

IN A NUTSHELL: Write your reflection and conclusion.

Complete the following statements:

I learned that:

I realized that:

I think there is a need to:

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