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The Self-Love Solution Primer
By Lia S. Bernardo, PhD
The Happiness Doctor
Love Yourself First

Copyright © 2022 Atma Prema Wellbeing Group Inc.

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopy,
recording, or any other – except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the
prior permission of the publisher.

ISBN 978-621-96723-2-0 (downloadable PDF)

Made in the Republic of the Philippines

Published by Atma Prema Wellbeing Group, Inc.

Written by Lia S. Bernardo
Interior & Cover Design by Anton Lopez
Publisher & Editor : Thea Arvisu

• A message from Lia 5

• Our Natural State 15
• Embrace Your Humanity 18
• Coming From Wholeness 25
• Self-Love Is Not Selfish 28
• The Only Way 32
• Honor Your Potential 35


• The Ability To Choose 42
• Pain Is The Catalyst For Growth 48
• The Internal Shift 51
• Non-Negotiable 54
• Happiness Is An Inside Job 61
• Self-Love Is Not A Destination 64


• Start Within And The Rest Will Follow 68
• Testimonials 72

About The Author 74

My entire self-love journey came about because I
had been searching for answers all my life. It was
a literal quest to find happiness.

It wasn’t until I began my own healing journey that

I realized that everything I had been doing, in an
effort to make myself happy, was directed towards
finding something outside of myself. I never even
noticed how external I was being because I was
so wrapped up in the story I was telling myself.

I had this idea that some knight in shining armor

would come and save me. It was exactly like the
fairy tales and all the romance movies and novels
I grew up with, wherein a man would heroically
appear and swoop in to save the woman. It was
the stereotypical “happily ever after.”

For others, the idea of happiness is raising the
perfect kids, whatever their definition of perfect
might be. For some, it is achieving financial
success through business or their careers. Each
person is different, but at the end of the day, no
matter what we tell ourselves, the happiness we
desire, search for, or have been waiting for, has
always been and will always be within us.

I have spent many years counseling people and
teaching classes and have found the lack of self-
love to be the underlying cause of discontent in
people’s lives. I came to realize that we are, in fact,
our own heroes. We are that knight-in-shining-
armor we’ve been waiting for.

I am here to tell you that you are the measure of

your own success and the source of your happiness.

This is what I do. I teach people how to love

themselves and equip them with the necessary
tools for self-fulfillment. In turn, it is in reaching
their fullest potential that they are also able to
help others realize theirs.

Creating The Self-Love Solution Program was

my way of sharing my journey to help others. It
was the process I had learned through the study
and experience of Psychoneurology. I am who
I am today, and proud of it because I put in the
effort to take that deep-dive inwards, without the
intention of fixing myself, but to create a deep and
unshakable foundation to love and accept myself
just the way I am. This was no easy feat.

We can only fully love another and give, without
expectations, when we are fulfilled from within.
So, whether it be a class or a private session, all the
life skills I teach are based on self-introspection,
self-love, acceptance, life purpose, and limitless

It took a long time for me to embrace myself fully.

It was difficult for me to believe that I am more
than enough, that I am a good person, and that
I have what it takes to make the most of my life,
without millions in the bank and in the arms of a
loving man. Don’t get me wrong. I still want those
things, but my self-worth nor my definition of
success is no longer measured by those things.

I have learned that my past is a tribute to my

present and has become the foundation for my

This is a fast and easy read. The in-depth workbook

will follow. This is a taste of what it’s like to begin
your internal experience and gift yourself with
the most priceless gift of all — YOU.

Happiness is internal because it is all a matter of
perspective. Choose yourself, now! Love yourself
first, then everything else will follow.

This is for all of you who have found yourselves

here for whatever reason. And to those who made
this happen.

Tina Nakayama, for believing in Atma Prema

Wellbeing Group enough to own this business
with me, and for never losing faith in what we do.

Nathan Alba, for having witnessed my journey

since the beginning, co-teaches with me, and
above all, is really my guardian angel.

Thea Arvisu, for editing this and publishing this

e-book in record time. Grateful you came into our
lives and our space.

Anton Lopez, we are humbled and grateful that you

agreed to take this on. Your talent and contribution
is one of the greatest unexpected gifts that this
project has brought to us.

To Michelle Baretto, who has been my business
guru and guide. This was her idea, and it was

Thank you for your brilliance.

And to Dr. Colbey Forman, the founder of

Psychoneurology, for terraforming my brain and
teaching me the resources and life skills that I
now use to help others.

Love and Blessings,


“We are beings of love, and love is
our original state. We do not need
to learn self-love; we just have to

I always remind my students that their one and
only responsibility is to take care of their side
of the fence. Think about that for a moment. If
each of us focused on ourselves first and took
accountability for our actions, reactions, and
perspective towards everyone and everything in
our lives, what would that be like? 15
When we develop ourselves from within, we
liberate ourselves. This is true emotional freedom
and accountability. We become very clear and
aware of what we bring to the table. In full
recognition of our strengths and the parts that
still need work, we show up knowing our worth
and come with honor.

Self-love is all about the thoughts, beliefs, and

actions you have towards yourself. It is how you
treat yourself, talk to yourself, understand, and
trust yourself. It’s how you nurture all that you are.
Loving yourself simply means you are just being
who you are and that you’re okay with being you.

Without self-love, there is no authenticity— there is

no you. You lose yourself in your external world.

With self-love, you shine unapologetically. You

become the hero of your own story, and you create
a world wherein you are supported, cherished,
and appreciated.

When we come from self-love, we are comfortable
enough in our humanity to understand that we are
multifaceted beings. Feelings make us human,
and emotions are neither good nor bad — they are
part of who we are as whole beings.

To have a loving, compassionate, kind, accepting,

positive, and uplifting perspective of ourselves is
the very definition of self-love — and that includes
loving the parts of ourselves we have labeled as
“not so nice.” We don’t view ourselves as good or
bad, shadow or light. Those are but judgments
and labels. Simply put, we are who we are, doing
the best we possibly can.

Love is our true nature; it is the very essence

of who we are. In denying or changing who we
are, especially to please others, we negate the
very heart of our soul. We betray ourselves.
The repercussions of self-denial are incredibly
damaging to our existence.

• Pure unconditional love for the self
• Radical self-acceptance
• Intense gratitude for all that is
• Accountability for your state of being
• Self-direction
• Living your life with purpose

It’s important to understand that
loving ourselves does not mean
we will never be sad again. It
only means that when sadness
comes, we can either direct
ourselves out of it or choose to
stay in it. It means that sadness
is just sadness, as opposed to
someone or something causing
us to be sad.

We create and dictate our state

of being. Sadness, anger, and
pain are all part of human
existence; learning how to direct
our emotions is the secret to
thriving, and its foundation is
rooted in self-love. We thrive in
body, mind, and spirit with love
as our teacher and our compass.

“Do not try to transcend your
humanity. Accept it. Be human.
Be you.”

The way we connect with others is the result of our
relationship with ourselves and the interpretation
of our relationships with other people. This is
where projections come in, and we reflect onto
others how we feel about ourselves.

When we reach a state of unconditional love

for ourselves, we can give fully because nothing
diminishes us— the act of giving becomes
unconditional. We no longer expect anything
in return because we are whole and complete
on our own. Imagine being able to give without
expectations. Think of how this could change
relationships. Think of how much more we could
do for the world, for humanity, when we can give
of ourselves without depleting ourselves, and our
happiness is not dependent on how others respond
to us.

Sequentially, this also teaches us how to receive


Having said that the quality of
their relationships determines
a person’s happiness, then it
is only in loving oneself and
being in a lovingly harmonious
relationship with ourselves
can we truly be in harmonious
relationships with friends,
family, colleagues and a
romantic partner.

We do not give of ourselves,

or a part of ourselves. We give
from the abundant overflow,
coming from wholeness, and
complement those around us.
If we cannot give what we do
not have, then we must first fill
our cup and ensure that this
relationship is an amazing one.

There is nothing wrong with being “all about you”
because our lives are essentially designed that way.
It is all about you. There’s nothing selfish about
that. In being whole and genuinely ourselves, we
affect the people around us, and consecutively,
have the capacity to change the world. That is
service of the highest power. By creating examples
of our own happiness, we are able to teach others
how to cultivate their own happiness.

We ought to be able to nurture ourselves and
prioritize our state of being, but we were never
taught how. We have been indoctrinated that it is
selfish to focus on ourselves or put ourselves first.
We have been led to believe that we must first give,
and give until it hurts, and sacrifice for those we
love to be considered “good.” It is in our literature,
religion, TV shows, and movies. Some even go as
far as defining love, synonymous with service, as
giving until it hurts.
Most of us were brought up to think that taking care
of ourselves first is selfish. But as we’ve learned
over time, we know that neglecting our needs just
doesn’t work. When we constantly attend to other
people’s needs and not ourselves, it depletes us.
But when we love ourselves and nurture ourselves
accordingly, our cup fills up until it spills over, we
are able to give from that overflow, and we learn
to expect absolutely nothing in return. That’s the
most beautiful way to love another human soul—
to love them dearly without expectations.

If nurturing yourself is something that you aren’t

accustomed to, we can expect this change to
cause varying levels of discomfort. This is your
unconscious mind resisting change, fighting to
remain in your comfort zone.

What beliefs come out when you choose to nurture


“The most frightening thing
to the unconscious mind is the
Self-love is the only way to inner joy. Period.

I say this in all of my classes and talks, with

emphasis on the “period.” There is no other way.
The answers are never outside of us; they are all
within. The externals are never going to be our
source of happiness. However, that’s how most of
us start— by focusing on the externals.

Notice when we find ourselves saying:

“I will be happy when this or that happens...”

“When I find the right partner, I will be fine.”

Or statements like:

“It’s my job that is making me miserable.”

“When I get a raise, I will be okay.”

“When my child graduates, everything will fall into


We must be mindful of our self-talk.

When we put conditions on our happiness, this

often leads to misery and the belief that what we
have is never enough or that something is always
lacking. Being able to afford luxury travel or
material possessions will give us momentary joy,
of course. But it will not bring us happiness.

Happiness is not something that goes beyond us,

nor is happiness a result of something or

Regardless of any situation, the solution all boils

down to how we are able to love and accept
ourselves more. Happiness is created by us, for us.
Inner joy can only happen when we fill ourselves
with love. Self-love is the solution because it is the
foundation of happiness and our
ability to thrive.

“Changing perspective is a
transformation, and it is not about
creating a new life… it’s about
seeing life in a new way.”

Ask yourself the following questions:

• Do I put the needs of others over my own

• Do I give too much?
• Do I believe that showing love is giving of
myself until it hurts?
• Do I feel guilty when I do nothing all day?
• Do I feel like I need to be doing something all
the time?
• Do I give myself time to be alone, to be
pampered and rest?
• Does the idea of self-pampering feel like
something I do not deserve?
• Do I feel guilty when receiving?
• Do I sacrifice for my loved ones?

Now, I invite you to take a
different approach.

Let’s start with creating a solid

baseline foundation:

There is absolutely nothing

wrong with you.

A lot of people have a hard time

accepting this, yet our greatest
yearning and desire is to be
loved just the way we are.

Some even say, “But I am

constantly challenging myself
to be a better person.”

While this is admirable, I’d like

you to change that perspective
to “I am growing and evolving.
I am enough just the way I am.
I learn, I grow, and invest in
myself to evolve.”
Understand that you are the best version of yourself
right here and now. You will always continue to
evolve— learn a new life skill, grow in spirituality,
raise your frequency. However, you are still the
best version of yourself at this particular time, in
growth and evolution. Whatever you choose to
add from this point on will either hinder you or
boost your expansion.

This is now the basis of thriving. If you

keep thinking you are flawed, you will always
communicate to yourself that you are not enough.

What is the fastest way to happiness? It is in making

your choice.

Choose to be happy now!


By showing yourself love and knowing, with 100%

certainty, that you deserve it.


Our lives are the byproducts of the choices we
have made.

Every choice leads to a path, an experience.

Change the choice, and you create a new path, a
new experience. When you give away your power
to choose, it means giving someone, or something
else, that power over you. It is the greatest form
of self-betrayal.

Your life is a result of your choices. That’s how

powerful you are! We can argue this, or you can
read on. The choice is yours!

While love may be an almighty force to be

reckoned with, it is not the most powerful force in
the universe. That distinction lies in the choices
that we make. We all have the liberty to choose
love. Most people will choose fear.

“The two greatest healers of the
spirit, mind and body are LOVE and
ACCEPTANCE. Healing is the end
of conflict with yourself.”

Know that you are enough!

“I am enough”
Repeat this as often as you can. Every morning in
front of a mirror and throughout the day, as often
as necessary. One day, you will come to believe it
with your entire being completely. Remember, it
starts with a choice!

A person’s happiness — regardless of wealth, age,

health, and all the other factors — is determined
by the quality of their relationships. This is why
we tend to measure our happiness by finding that
one true love that will solve everything for us or
in creating the family of our dreams. We go out of
our way in the quest to find love and build beautiful
relationships, and at the same time, expect others
to do the same for us. We unconsciously give away
our power without even giving it a second thought.

When I started my practice, I wanted to call myself
The Breakup Doctor instead of The Happiness
Doctor. During this time, I realized that romantic
breakups are significant catalysts for growth
because this was usually what brought women
(and the occasional man) into my space. I took this
as an opportunity for both of us to grow because,
more often than not, I always see myself in my
students and learn from their experiences.

Everyone has this misconception that the end
of a relationship is a huge life failure. If there
is anything I could advise you to change your
perception on, it would be that none of your
relationships have ever been a failure. I’m not
sugar-coating this either. Not to say that the end
wasn’t painful or perhaps even tragic, but none of
it was a failure.

Pain will shift your behavioral patterns because
it is our natural tendency to choose joy over
despair. Pain brings you to movement. If you are
not moving, you are running shame, and you will
remain in that same pattern.

Pain will move you towards change if you

allow yourself to feel the pain. This is why in
Psychoneurology we use pain as the catalyst for
growth. While we transcend guilt and shame, we
use pain to be able to direct our unconscious minds
toward the state of being we want to achieve.

Bringing us back to breakups as an example, the

pain of the separation is the motivator in seek-
ing help because we want the pain to go away. So,
even before shame could settle in and take over,
the opportunity for me to introduce resources to
redirect that pain was wide open.

That pain brings to light specific patterns and belief
systems that we then use to redirect the person’s
unconscious mind. To me, that’s magic. It’s a
superpower. When we introduce new resources
to a student, their world is transformed because
they discover for themselves that the answers and
their solutions have been within them all along—
but they had to begin with choosing themselves
without guilt and shame.

“When you shift internally,
the externals follow.”

People who have built a solid inner relationship
with themselves will choose love, purposely and
consciously. You focus on your internal world and
create your heaven on earth by simply being

Without guilt.
Without shame.
Without apology.
Without judgment.

Choose— what kind of world would you prefer to
live in?

1. A world where you are sacrificing and suffering

in the name of “love.”


2. A world you have created where love is a

celebration of your authenticity, of who you are,
as well as the authenticity of those with whom you
choose and allow to be a part of your life.

Take a moment to reflect on how you feel and

behave when your needs are met, as opposed to
when you are constantly putting yourself on the
back burner to serve others.

The key to happiness is learning how to develop

this type of relationship with ourselves. More often
than not, people embark on a healing journey to
fix themselves and their “brokenness.”

Choose to take this journey, not with the purpose
of fixing who you are, but with the intention of
loving and accepting yourself just the way you
are. This is also the only way you will come to love
others just the way they are.

There is nothing wrong with you, so why not treat

yourself this way? Starting at this very moment,
make the decision to love yourself every day.

“To allow change is to honor your

limitless potential.”

“No matter what happens in my external world,
which I have zero control over, I will choose to love
myself because that is my greatest superpower.
Absolutely nothing and no one can ever take that
away from me, and it allows me to give freely and
unconditionally from my wholeness.”

Everything is about the individual; everything in
my life is a reflection of me, and everything in your
life is a reflection of you. This is why we see things
as we are, and our perception of the world around
us is the result of our unique belief systems. As
individuals, we are the mirrors of everything in
our lives. Our reality is a reflection of our personal
beliefs and thoughts. If you believe that life is
about suffering, that is exactly what your life will
become. 55
We grow and evolve, we gain more knowledge
and wisdom, and this is how we expand. We do
not make ourselves better people. Snap out of the
constant quest to be a “better” person because that
is just communicating to yourself that you are not

You are whole and complete just the way you are.

Emotions are created by your beliefs, not your


Your words become your thoughts.

Your thoughts become your beliefs.

Your actions/reactions come from your beliefs.

The way you feel largely depends on how you

think. Your mindset, therefore, creates your

Follow where your heart is telling you to go. It’s

creating your unique path. Allow it to form, and
follow your inner compass with absolute trust and

I continually learn and integrate
resources into my life that help
me thrive. I have re-coded my
past experiences, and instead
of recanting and re-enacting
the pain and trauma of the
past, I have chosen to see how
everything in my past has led
me, prepared me, and calibrated
me towards everything I had
asked for and desired for my life.
I now focus on joy, gratitude,
adventure, and excitement. I’ve
learned how to put more weight
on what feels good versus what
makes me feel bad about myself
and others.

Imagine a world where all human beings are
taught how to love themselves before they are
even taught math or science. What if our culture,
our educational system, and our communities
were set up to uplift us, as we uplift those around
us. Ideal? Yes. Possible? Absolutely.

Expecting someone outside of us to love and

accept us just the way we are is all well and good.
However, we forget that we ought to do this for
ourselves first so that we can appreciate when this
is given to us, rather than expect or demand it from
another. Besides, putting your happiness in the
hands of another person, especially in romantic
relationships, is the worst possible weight and
pressure you can put on another human being.

Happiness is an inside job. Being happy, staying
happy, and being unshakable in that happiness
can only be done through self-love. It is the
solution to finding peace, happiness, acceptance,
and empowerment. When it comes to taking care
of our well-being, it will always start and end with
how we truly love ourselves, no matter what.

Only then can true harmony exist in relationships.

When we are able to sincerely come from a place
of understanding and acceptance of another, we
can then choose to either nurture that relationship
or let it go.

Self-love is based on our relationship with
ourselves, all the way until the very end. When we
shower in the morning, it doesn’t mean we are
good to go for the rest of the week. When we brush
our teeth after a meal, it doesn’t mean we never
have to brush our teeth again.

Self-love is something we constantly validate

ourselves with. While it is our natural state, we
can still get derailed, and externals have a way of
getting us hooked. We have to constantly be aware
of using our tools and resources for self-love.

There is nothing love can’t heal. But we cannot

fully love another without first unconditionally
loving who we are and without coming from our
wholeness. My goal is to help as many people as
possible discover for themselves that self-love is
the only way to thriving, happiness, and bliss.

When we thrive, our permanent state is joy. It’s
not just in feeling; but also in our mind, body,
and whole essence. When our thoughts, health,
general frequency, and vibration are all good and
at their best— that is thriving.


The Self-Love Solution Program is a series of
private one-on-one sessions designed to gently
integrate practical and effective tools into your
daily life to teach you how to love and appreciate
all that you are.

Our Self-Love Solution Teachers will guide you

through a process of creating and sustaining
positive behavioral changes by focusing on
personal development, clarifying and resolving
issues, exploring options, as well as identifying
and changing limiting beliefs.

This program results in empowerment and self-

sovereignty by providing perspective, wisdom,
tools, knowledge, and other resources to ensure
that you are fully equipped to direct your state of

A Trial Session is available to see if this program
is a match for you. Should you want to dive in,
there are three (3) stages to this program:

a. Self-Nurturing
b. Self-Acceptance
c. Self-Sovereignty.

At the end of the day, we all want the same thing

— and that is happiness. Happiness and thriving
in body, mind, and soul can only be created from

If you wish to explore this program further, book

your trial session here:

The Self-Love Solution Program

“I’ve learned to honor myself by speaking my truth and taking accountability
for my choices and actions. Recognizing fear and self-limiting beliefs has
helped me understand my experiences better. Taking the program has
allowed me to look at myself honestly and be okay with what I see in the
mirror. This has resulted in an acceptance of what is, as well as an eagerness
to shape the future as I give reverence to my past.
Divinity is within!”

-Sharon Trota Fuentebella

Chairperson, Max’s Group, Inc.

“The self-love practices that Lia taught me lifted a crippling weight of

self-loathing. It has led me to accept myself—even the parts I thought I
shouldn’t. I learned that being kind to yourself takes work but ultimately
leads to a happier life.”

-Isabelle Daza, Mother of two


“Lia has further made me realize that happiness is never the next job,
partner, place, or purchase. Until we give up that idea, lifelong happiness
will never be with us! Practice and learn to be love & happiness!”

-Tonytoni Bueno, Radio Personality/Events Host


“The Self-Love Solution sessions are gentle yet powerful. I have learned
so many tools on how to adapt to the demands of life. I was constantly
and carefully guided and reminded of how limitless one can be just by
changing thoughts and beliefs about the self. I am so grateful!”

-JoAnn Bitagcol, Photographer


“The Self-Love Solution is a life-changing program. I’m a different person
today because it transformed me, and the way I think and live. It allowed
me to nurture and accept myself unconditionally with the loving guidance
from my teacher. I’m grateful because I am happier. I celebrate life knowing
each day is an opportunity to be my most magnificent self.”

-Melissa Tong, Banker

“Learning about self-love from Lia is by far the most empowering experience
I’ve ever signed up for. Investing in understanding the Self has been the
greatest gift for myself and those I deeply care about. I’ve developed a
personal compass that helps me navigate relationships while remaining
mindful of my ways and state of being. I also realised it’s THE only way I
could impart a sense of self-worth to my son. I had to do it for myself, first.

-Mavis Manotoc Fuentebella


“One of the greatest blessings I acquired in my spiritual journey is Lia.

Out of all the many valuable and impactful things she taught me, the one
I will always remember is that I am enough. It may sound so simple but
it is one of the hardest things to embrace if we have been told otherwise
all our lives. She taught me that life is indeed what we make of it through
our thoughts and mindful actions. The simplest concepts are sometimes
the hardest to grasp and Lia will teach you to go back to the basics through
ancient wisdom to make sure that our core and our foundation are whole.”

-Marga Medrano-Tupaz
Editor-in-Chief, Modern Parenting

You don’t have to look too hard to find tidbits about how Lia Bernardo has
helped change so many people’s lives. A quick Google search will tell you
everything you need to know about her accomplishments and her specialty,
but what’s usually left out of the reviews and the articles is how she does it.

She is known for her boisterous laugh, but her playful demeanor also
means business. Lia’s approach may be subtle, but the impact is undeniably
profound. She creates a space that makes you comfortable about knowing
yourself on a really deep level— if you’re willing. It’s only after you’ve found
yourself transformed by her teachings do you realize that even the tiniest
drop of water can create ripples that will cause a bucket to overflow.

The road that led us here is our greatest teacher… but just like everything
else, wouldn’t it be much easier if we had a guide to show us a few tricks
and point us in the right direction? For many of us, that’s exactly who Lia
Bernardo is.

Thea Arvisu

Publisher & Editor

Photograph by JoAnn Bitagcol
You can connect with Lia on Instagram : @liabernardo

Find her life’s work and other treasures at or @atmapremawellbeinggroup on IG

Published by Atma Prema Wellbeing Group

Publisher and Editor : Thea Arvisu
Creative Director : Anton Lopez
The Self-Love Solution Primer
By Lia S. Bernardo, PhD
The Happiness Doctor

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