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Generation Z, born roughly between 1997 and 2012, has grown up in a digital world with access to technology
and information at their fingertips. As they enter the workforce, their career aspirations differ from those of
previous generations. Here are some trends:

Purpose-driven careers: Generation Z is more likely to prioritize jobs that align with their values and allow
them to make a positive impact on the world. They want to work for companies that have a purpose beyond
just making a profit.

Work-life balance: Unlike previous generations, Generation Z values work-life balance and is willing to
prioritize their personal life over their career. They want jobs that allow them to have flexible schedules and
the ability to work from home.

Entrepreneurship: Generation Z is more entrepreneurial than previous generations, with many expressing a
desire to start their own businesses. They value independence, creativity, and the ability to pursue their own

Technology-focused careers: Growing up in a digital world has made Generation Z very comfortable with
technology. As a result, many are interested in careers that involve technology, such as coding, app
development, and digital marketing.

Diversity and inclusion: Generation Z is the most diverse generation in history, and they value diversity and
inclusion in the workplace. They want to work for companies that prioritize diversity and create a welcoming
environment for all employees.

Overall, Generation Z is looking for careers that align with their values, provide a good work-life balance, and
allow them to use their skills and creativity. They are entrepreneurial, tech-savvy, and prioritize diversity and
inclusion in the workplace.

Who is affected?
The career aspirations of Gen Z can affect various stakeholders in different ways. Here are a few examples:

Employers: Companies that want to attract and retain Gen Z employees need to understand their values and
career aspirations. Employers who can offer purpose-driven work, flexibility, and a welcoming environment
are likely to attract and retain talented Gen Z workers.

Educational institutions: Educational institutions need to adapt their curriculum to meet the needs and
aspirations of Gen Z students. For example, offering courses and programs in technology, entrepreneurship,
and social impact can be attractive to Gen Z students.

Society: The career aspirations of Gen Z can have an impact on society as a whole. For example, if more Gen
Zers pursue careers in social impact, we may see more progress on issues such as climate change, social
justice, and inequality.
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Family and friends: The career aspirations of Gen Z can also affect their family and friends. For example, if a
Gen Zer decides to start their own business, their family and friends may need to provide support and resources
to help them succeed.

Gen Z themselves: Ultimately, the career aspirations of Gen Z will affect themselves the most. Pursuing
careers that align with their values and aspirations can lead to greater job satisfaction, happiness, and
fulfillment. However, they may face challenges such as the competitive job market and finding the right
opportunities to achieve their goals.

What is happening?
As with any generation, there are challenges that Gen Z faces when it comes to their career aspirations. Here
are some of the problems that Gen Z may encounter:

Economic uncertainty: Gen Z entered the workforce during a time of economic uncertainty, and many are
struggling to find jobs that align with their aspirations or provide stability.

Lack of experience: Many Gen Z workers are just starting their careers and may not have the experience
necessary to land their dream job or start their own business.

High levels of student debt: Many Gen Zers have taken on significant student debt to pay for their education,
which can limit their career choices and make it more difficult to achieve their goals.

Competitive job market: The job market is highly competitive, and Gen Zers may face challenges in finding
the right opportunities or standing out from other candidates.

Mental health challenges: Gen Z is more likely to experience mental health challenges such as anxiety and
depression, which can impact their ability to pursue their career aspirations.

Bias and discrimination: Despite their focus on diversity and inclusion, Gen Z may still face bias and
discrimination in the workplace based on factors such as race, gender, or sexual orientation.

Overall, the problems that Gen Z faces when it comes to their career aspirations are complex and multifaceted,
and they will likely require a combination of personal, social, and systemic solutions.

Since when this is happening?

The problems faced by Gen Z in relation to their career aspirations have been ongoing for several years, and
are likely to continue for the foreseeable future. Here are some key factors that have contributed to these

Economic factors: Gen Z entered the workforce during a time of economic uncertainty, which has made it
difficult for many to find stable and meaningful employment. Factors such as high levels of student debt,
stagnant wages, and a competitive job market have all contributed to the challenges faced by Gen Z in
pursuing their career aspirations.
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Social factors: Gen Z is the most diverse generation in history, and they value diversity and inclusion in the
workplace. However, bias and discrimination based on factors such as race, gender, and sexual orientation
continue to exist in many industries and can limit the career options available to Gen Z workers.

Technological factors: The rapid pace of technological change is creating both opportunities and challenges for
Gen Z in the job market. On the one hand, Gen Z is highly skilled in digital technologies, which can open up
new career paths. On the other hand, automation and artificial intelligence are also creating job displacement in
certain industries.

Where is this happening?

The problems faced by Gen Z in relation to their career aspirations are happening globally, across different
countries and industries. While the specific challenges may vary depending on factors such as local economic
conditions, cultural values, and education systems, there are some common trends and issues that are affecting
Gen Z workers worldwide.

For example, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the job market, with many Gen Z
workers facing job losses, reduced hours, or difficulty finding employment. This has led to increased
competition for jobs and greater economic uncertainty, which can limit the career options available to Gen Z

Additionally, the global nature of many industries means that Gen Z workers may face similar challenges
regardless of where they are based. For example, bias and discrimination can occur in any industry, and the
rise of digital technologies is creating both opportunities and challenges for workers around the world.

Why the career aspiration of GenZ is becoming a problem for the world and
GenZ themselves:
I want to quote my brother on this one who is born in GenZ period. He said “OK, so here's the deal: Gen Z's
career aspirations are creating a bit of a prob for the world, mainly cuz we're all super passionate about stuff
like social justice, climate change, and making a positive impact, but there aren't enough jobs out there that
allow us to actually DO those things.

Like, we wanna save the planet and fight for equality and all that good stuff, but the reality is that a lot of the
jobs in those fields are either super competitive or don't pay very well. And then there's the whole thing with
the gig economy and freelance work, which can make it really hard to have a stable income and save for the

Basically, our career goals are clashing with the realities of the job market, and that can be a bit of a prob for
the world cuz we need people who are passionate and dedicated to making positive change. But hey, we're a
resilient generation, and I'm sure we'll find ways to make it work. Maybe we'll start our own businesses or find
creative ways to combine our passions with more traditional career paths. The world better watch out, cuz
we're coming for it!
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