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Benchmark: SC.912.L.16.

17 Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis and relate them

to the processes of sexual and asexual reproduction and their consequences for genetic
SC.912.L.16.8 Explain the relationship between mutation, cell cycle, and uncontrolled cell
Biology Review Packet growth potentially resulting in cancer. SC.912.L.16.14 Describe the cell cycle, including the process of
mitosis. Explain the role of mitosis in the formation of new cells and its
importance in maintaining chromosome number during asexual reproduction.
SC.912.L.16.16 Describe the process of meiosis including independent assortment and
crossing over. Explain how reduction division results in the formation of haploid gametes
or spores.
Learning Objectives: Vocabulary:
SWBAT: Compare and contrast the process of mitosis and meiosis.  Cell cycle
SWBAT: Compare and contrast the function of mitosis and meiosis.  Mitosis
SWBAT: Relate sexual and asexual reproduction to genetic variation.  Meiosis
SWBAT: Describe the cell cycle, including the process of mitosis.  Genetic variation
 Sexual reproduction
 Asexual reproduction
 Crossing over
 Cancer
 Haploid/ Diploid
Key Points, Examples, and Diagrams:
 Meiosis produces cells with half the original chromosome numbers while mitosis produces cells with the same chromosome
 number. 
  Diploid= a body cell that contains 46 (23 Pairs) chromosomes. 
  Haploid= a sex cell which contains half the chromosomes (23). 
  Sexual reproduction increases genetic variation. 
  Mitosis produces 2 daughter cells while meiosis produces 4 daughter cells. 
 Mitosis is to make more body cells that are identical to the parent cells for growth and repair, while meiosis produces gametes
 for sexual reproduction. 
 Meiosis results in gametes (egg and sperm) that combine to form a zygote. Zygotes divide and make more cells
through mitosis. 
Directions: Write ―A‖ for mitosis or ―B‖ for meiosis.
1. _____ Produces all body cells except reproductive cells
2. _____ Produces somatic cells
3. _____ Produces gametes
4. _____ Produces sperm cells
5. _____ Produces four cells
6. _____ Produces two cells
7. _____ Produces diploid cells
8. _____ Produces haploid cells
9. _____ New cells have same number of chromosomes as parent cell
10. _____ New cells have half the number of chromosomes as parent cell
Matching: For 11-15 find the correct answer from the box below. All answers will be used.
11. ___ Homologous chromosomes
A. Chromosomes that are paired then separated from each other during meiosis I,
12. ___ Gametes they are the same size.
13. ___ Diploid cells
14. ___ Haploid cells B.. Another name for egg and sperm cells
D. Number of chromosomes in body cells (except gametes)
E. Having half the number of chromosomes found in body cells


Phrase Bank
 Makes somatic cells  DNA is replicated  Cytokinesis is involved
 End cells are identical to the
 Ends with 4 cells  Ends with 2 cells
 Homologous pairs separate  Ending human cells have 46
 Starts with one cell
first chromosomes
 Sister chromatids separate  Ending human cells have 23
 Makes gametes
first chromosomes
 Starts with interphase  Produces diploid cells  Produces haploid cells
Directions: Use the phrases in the table above to create a Venn Diagram that compares and contrasts mitosis and
meiosis. One circle will represent mitosis and the other will represent meiosis. Any similarities should be placed
in the section where the circles overlap. Draw your Venn Diagram below:

 DNA=contains the code for making all the proteins which control all
cellular activities. 
  Mutation= is a change in DNA sequence. 
  A DNA mutation affects how ONE cell grows and what ONE cell does. 
 A mutation in the DNA of the genes that control cell division may result in
uncontrolled cell division, which is called cancer= starts after one cell
 with mutated DNA divides uncontrollably 
  Tumor= a mass of cells caused by uncontrolled cell growth 
  If a mutation occurs in a gamete(s), it may be passed to the offspring. 
▫ If it is passed on, then the mutation will be copied when the DNA
replicates, and every cell in the offspring will have the mutation.

1. What is the number of chromosomes in a human body cell? ____________________________________________________________________

2. What is the number of chromosomes in a human sex cell? _____________________________________________________________________

3. What helix shaped structure tells the cell when to grow and what to do? ___________________________________________________________

4. What are three examples of a Diploid and 3 examples of a Haploid cell?

Diploid Haploid
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

EOC-Style Practice
1. A scientist is trying to discover a new treatment to stop cancer cells from dividing. In the cancer cells, which of these processes will stop if
the treatment is successful?
2. Which of these is the type of reproduction used by Streptococcus bacteria?

3. After an egg cell containing 16 chromosomes is fertilized, how many chromosomes will be present in the zygote?
SC.912.L.14.1 Describe the scientific theory of cells (cell theory) and relate the history of its
discovery to the processes of science.
Biology Review Packet
SC.912.L.14.3 Compare and contrast the general structures of plant and animal cells.
Compare and contrast the general structures of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
Learning Objectives: Vocabulary:
SWBAT Outline the three parts of cell theory  Prokaryotic
 SWBAT distinguish between plant and animal cells  Eukaryotic
 SWBAT distinguish between a prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell  Organelles
 SWBAT identify the structures that differentiate prokaryotic and from eukaryotic cells. 
Key Points, Examples, and Diagrams:
  The Cell Theory states: 
▫ All living things are made of cells.
▫ Cells are the most basic units in living things.
▫ New cells are made from existing cells.
Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic
  Prokaryotic =ONLY BACTERIA are in this category! 
▫ Do not have a nucleus!
▫ small cells and without many organelles—do have DNA and do have ribosomes!
  Eukaryotic = ALL organisms except bacteria have eukaryotic cells! (plants and animals) 
▫ Have a nucleus!
▫ Large, more complex cells with many special organelles
Plant vs. Animal Cells
  Plant cells have a cell wall and chloroplasts (animal cells do not!) 
  Plant cells have a large central vacuole (animal cells have small vacuoles) 
 Animal cells have centrioles for cell division (plant cells do not.) 
Independent Practice
For Questions 1 and 2 use the diagram to the right.
1. Which part of cell theory is the diagram to the right evidence of?
2. Which structures in the diagram below allow you to identify that it is a plant cell?

What organelles are structures 1, 2, 3, and 4? 2

1 1
2 4

4 3

3. Use the following table to fill in the function and structure of each organelle. For nickname, give a metaphor for the organelle (for example,
a nucleus could be nicknamed the ―brain‖ of the cell.

Organelle In Plant, Animal, Structure (What does it look like?) Function (What does it do?) Nickname
or Both?


Cell Membrane




Rough E.R.

Smooth E. R.


Cell Wall


4. Mitochondria are nicknamed the ―powerhouse‖ of the cell. Which body cell would mitochondria probably be the MOST abundant? Why?
5. A cell in your stomach just produced the enzyme amylase. What organelle was responsible for creating it? _____________________________
6. Analogy: The mitochondria are to production of energy as _________________________________ is to the breakdown of waste.
7. What is the difference between Smooth ER and Rough ER? __________________________________________________________________
8. If the cell was a city, which of the following would be the best analogy for the Golgi apparatus? _______________________________________
9. If a cell of an organism contains a nucleus, that organism is classified as what type of cell? __________________________________________
10. In which organelle does respiration take place? ____________________________________________________________________________
11. In which organelle does photosynthesis take place? ________________________________________________________________________
12. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have important similarities and differences. What are 3 major difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic
Prokaryotic Eukaryotic

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

13. Using the diagram to the right, tell which cell is prokaryotic or eukaryotic, and why?



Using the diagram to the right, which structure in ―Figure 2‖ corresponds (is the same) to structure I in ―Figure 1.‖ How do you know?




Benchmark: SC.912.L.14.2 Relate structure to function for the components
Biology Review Packet of plant and animal cells. Explain the role of cell membranes as a highly
selective barrier (passive and active transport).
Learning Objectives: Vocabulary:
SWBAT Explain the relationship between surface area and transport of materials in and out  Cell membrane
of the cell.  Phospholipid bilayer
SWBAT describe the structure of the cell membrane and how it lets only certain substances  Hydrophobic
pass through.  Hydrophilic
SWBAT explain the process of passive transport including diffusion, facilitated diffusion,  Diffusion
and osmosis.  Osmosis
SWBAT explain the process of active transport.  Active transport
 Passive transport
  Structure of a cell membrane: 
1. Made of a phospholipid bilayer (see diagram to the right)
2. Phosphorus ‗head‘ is hydrophilic (attracted to water) POLAR
3. Lipid ‗tail‘ is hydrophobic (afraid of water) NON-POLAR
4. Proteins embedded in the membrane so large particles can pass through (known as a
  Cell membranes are ‗selectively permeable‘ 
1. This means that some particles/molecules can pass through the cell membrane (carbon
dioxide, oxygen, glucose, salt, water, etc.)
2. However, not all things can pass through the cell membrane (it‘s selective, remember!)

  Passive Transport – does not require energy. Movement from areas of high concentration to low concentration. Three types: 
1. Diffusion – movement of particles from high concentration to low concentration.
2. Facilitated diffusion – movement of particle from high concentration to low concentration through a protein channel.
3. Osmosis – diffusion of WATER (this means movement of water from high concentration to
low concentration).
 Active Transport – requires the use of energy. Movement from low concentration to
high concentration. Moves through a protein channel. 

This is an example of diffusion (movement of particles)

This is an example of osmosis (movement of water)

1. Fill out the chart below.
Transport Type Movement of Particles Energy Use of a
(in terms of concentration gradients) Required? Channel?
(yes or no) (yes or no)

Osmosis _________ concentration _________ concentration

Diffusion _________ concentration _________ concentration

Facilitated Diffusion _________ concentration _________ concentration

Active _________ concentration _________ concentration

2. Which types of transport require energy? ______________________________________________________________________

3. Which types of transport do NOT require energy? ________________________________________________________________

4. What is the main way that diffusion and facilitated diffusion differ? ___________________________________________________

5. Oil does not dissolve in water. Does that mean that it is hydrophilic or hydrophobic? How do you know? _____________________


6. Salt dissolves easily in water. Does that mean that it is hydrophilic or hydrophobic? How do you know? _____________________


7. Use the diagram to the right to answer the following questions:

a. Which side has more solute? ______________________

b. Which side has more water? ______________________

c. If the membrane is permeable to solute, in which direction will the particles move?

d. If the membrane is permeable to water, in which direction will the water move?

8. Label what type of transport each arrow represents in the diagram to the right:

a. ________________________________

b. ________________________________

c. ________________________________
SC.912.L.15.6 Discuss distinguishing characteristics of the domains and kingdoms of
living organisms.
Biology Review Packet
SC.912.L.15.4 Describe how and why organisms are hierarchically classified and
classified based on evolutionary relationships.
SC.912.L.15.5 Explain the reason for changes in how organisms are classified.
Learning Objectives: Vocabulary:
SWBAT explain characteristics of the domains and kingdoms of living  Taxonomy
organisms.  Domain
SWBAT explain why organisms are classified based on evolutionary  Kingdom
Key Points, Examples, and Diagrams:
o Prokaryotes – No nucleus
o Eukaryotes – Have a nucleus
o Organic compound – A compound that comes from a living thing and is made of carbon
o Autotroph – Produce own food, using energy from light or inorganic chemical reactions (does not involve living things)
o Heterotroph – Organisms that depend on organic food sources (organisms or their by-products)

Eubacteria/ Archaebacteria/
Kingdom Protist Fungi Plant Animal
Bacteria Archaea

Unicellular or
Uni Uni or Multi Multi

Prokaryotes or
Prokaryote Eukaryote

Autotroph or Autotroph or
Autotroph Heterotroph
Heterotroph? Heterotroph

Includes 5000 Most live in extreme Absorbs nutrients Photosynthetic Able to move
species of bacteria environments from organic from place to
materials in the Cells contain cell
Distinguishing (oxygen-free environment; place
traits Some species are environments, hot includes yeast, wall, water
photosynthetic springs, human and mold, and vacuole, and Cells do not
cow intestines) mushrooms chloroplast have cell walls
Use the table to the right for questions 1-14. Kingdom
For each of the following examples, indicate to which kingdom the organism belongs. a. Bacteria
1. Tiger shark ___________
2. Prokaryote found on doorknob of bathroom _____________ b. Archaea
3. Tulip _____________
4. Mushroom _____________ c. Protist
5. Prokaryote found in a deep-ocean hydrothermal vent (a very hot environment) _____________ d. Fungi
6. Eukaryote lacking complex organ system _____________
7. Stegosaurus _____________ e. Plant f.
8. Bumblebee _____________
9. Streptococcus (spherical unicellular organisms that can cause serious diseases) _____________ Animal

10. The 6 kingdoms that all living things are classified into are listed at the right. Put a star next to the four that are eukaryotes. Circle the two
that are prokaryotes.

11. Which three kingdoms have members that are photosynthetic?

1) ____________________
2) ____________________
3) ____________________

12. The kingdom Animalia includes all of these except

A. Jellyfish C. Amoebas
B. Sponges D. Roundworms
13 A laboratory investigation included examining prepared slides of pond water. Singled-celled organisms with a nucleus and either cilia or
flagella were visible. These organisms probably belong to the kingdom
A. Animalia
B. Fungi
C. Plantae
D. Protista

14. Multicellular eukaryotes that are usually mobile and obtain food from other organisms probably belong to the kingdom _____________________.

15. The cell to the right most likely belongs to an organism of the kingdom _____________________.

16. Which is a characteristic of members of the plant kingdom that distinguishes them from members of
the animal kingdom
A. Storage of energy in chemical bonds
B. Exchange of H2O with the environment
C. Use of mRNA during protein production
D. Use of chlorophyll for solar-energy transformation

Look at the classification hierarchy for the following 3 animals.

Animal #1 Animal #2 Animal #3
Kingdom Animalia Animalia Animalia
Phylum Chordata Chordata Chordata
Class Mammalia Mammalia Mammalia
Order Carnivora Carnivora Carnivora
Family Felidae Felidae Canidae
Genus Felis Panthera Canis
Species domesticus pardus lupus

17. Which two animals are most closely related? How do you know?


Directions: Write in the words that match their corresponding definitions.

18. A unicellular, prokaryotic Kingdom that consists of organisms that can only live in places that do not consist of extreme environments.

19. A group of organisms that are able to produce their own food foods using sunlight and other inorganic reactions.

20. The grouping of objects or information based on similarities _______________________

21. A unicellular or multicellular Kingdom that consists of simple Eukaryotic organisms. _______________________

22. A cell that lacks a nucleus _______________________

23. A compound that comes from a living thing. Can also describe living organisms. _______________________

24. A Multicellular, Eukaryotic Kingdom that is Heterotrophic and consists of organisms that cannot move from place to place.
Benchmark: SC.912.L.16.13 Describe the basic anatomy and
physiology of the human reproductive system. Describe the process of
Biology Review Packet
human development from fertilization to birth and major changes that
occur in each trimester of pregnancy.
Learning Objectives: Vocabulary:
 SWBAT describe the structure (anatomy) and function  Sperm, vas deferens, seminal vesicle, prostate gland,
(physiology) of the human reproductive system. epididymis, scrotum, penis, testes, urethra
 SWBAT describe the process of human development from  ovary, oviduct = fallopian tube, uterus, cervix, vagina, egg =
fertilization to birth. ovum
 SWBAT describe the major events of each trimester of  Zygote, implantation, blastocyst, gastrulation, embryo, fetus
pregnancy.  Placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic sac, amniotic fluid
Key Points, Examples, and Diagrams:
  Male Anatomy: 
1. Inside of the testes are tiny tubules, which produce the sperm by meiosis.
2. Testes are located outside of body because they require a lower
temperature to make healthy sperm. They are enclosed in a sac called
the scrotum.
3. As the immature sperm travel through the epididymis, they become
mature and can be stored for up to a month.
4. Sperm older than one month will die, be reabsorbed by the body, and
be replaced by new sperm that are always being created.
5. The epididymis joins with the vas deferens, a tube that the sperm travels
through, past the seminal vesicle.
6. The seminal vesicle produces seminal fluid (not semen), which
gives nutrients to the sperm cells.
7. Next this mixture of sperm and seminal fluid travels to the prostate gland, which contributes another fluid to finally make semen.
8. Finally this tube merges with the urethra (which also connects the bladder for urine to pass out of the body), which is the
tube through which sperm leave the body. This tube is inside the penis.
9. When a male is sexually aroused, the penis becomes erect (firm) with blood. This allows
the penis to be inserted into the vagina, where sperm will be ejaculated.
  Female Reproduction: 
1. The ovaries are the place where eggs are produced by meiosis. (just like sperm
are produced in the testes in males)
2. Each month, a process called ovulation happens where one egg is released
from one of the ovaries into the fallopian tube.
3. Once the egg is released, it can be fertilized by a sperm if present. Usually
an egg is fertilized in the fallopian tube, but it must travel to the uterus for
implantation because the lining of the uterus is rich in blood which will
provide nutrients to the developing embryo until the placenta forms.
4. If the egg not fertilized, the lining breaks down and is shed (this is called
menstruation or period) via muscle contractions (causes cramps) and
passes through the cervix. The lining begins to be rebuilt in case the next
egg gets fertilized it will be able to support the growing embryo.
  Human Development: (40 weeks) 
1. First Trimester (months 1-3)
  
Fertilization, blastula, gastrula, embryo
  
Amniotic sac and fluid
  
Placenta and umbilical cord form to transfer nutrients and waste between mother and baby
  
Heart begins to beat
  
Becomes a Fetus
  
All Internal Organs develop
2. Second Trimester (months 3-6)
  
Increased muscle development and movements
  
Skin formation
  
Eyes open
  
If born at the end of this trimester the baby would have trouble, but could survive with medical attention.
3. Third Trimester (months 6-9)
  
Fetus doubles in size
  
Advanced brain activity
 
All organs and body systems complete development
1. Fill in the table.

Structure Description

1. Organ that delivers semen to the female reproductive tract

2. Where sperm are produced.

3. The tube that carries sperm from the epididymis to the urethra.

4. The tube that carries both sperm and urine through the penis.

5. Two organs that contribute to making semen.

6. Tubules where sperm are stored.

b) Place the path the sperm travel correctly in order. (Word Bank: vas deferens, urethra, penis, testes, epididymis, seminal vesicle,

prostate) 5. Add the following labels to the diagram of the female reproductive system below.

tube cervix

6. Fill in the following table with the words from the list below. (You may need to use some words more than once).
A. ovary, B. fallopian tube, C. cervix, D. vagina, E. uterus

Term Description

1. Chamber that houses and protects the developing fetus

2. Canal that receives the penis during sex

3. Usual site of fertilization; also the tube through which the ovum (egg) travels to reach the uterus.

4. Eggs are produced here.

5. The connection between the uterus and vagina; just prior to ovulation it promotes the entry of sperm;
after ovulation it produces a plug to deter the entrance of pathogens and sperm.
7. After puberty in females, the ovary releases an egg cell each month. What is the correct path of the egg cell after it leaves the ovary?
a. Vas deferens to uterus c. Fallopian tube to uterus
b. Uterus to Fallopian tube d. Fallopian tube to vas deferens
8. During human development, the fertilized egg divides into many cells in the first few days of life. The cells become specialized and develop
into an embryo. Cells in the embryo continue to develop and divide, becoming a fetus by 9 weeks. Many changes occur in the fetus during
each of the three trimesters of pregnancy. What are the main developments that occur during the third trimester of pregnancy?
a. Hands, feet, eyes and ears are developing.
b. Most of the organs are forming and the heat begins to beat.
c. The fetus doubles in mass and the lungs are fully developed.
d. The umbilical cord forms and eyes and eye lids are developing.
Biology Review Packet Benchmark: SC.912.L.18.7 Identify the reactants, products, and basic functions of photosynthesis.

Learning Objectives: Vocabulary:

SWBAT understand the equation of photosynthesis (identify the reactants, products, and Glucose, carbon dioxide, oxygen, photosynthesis,
basic functions of photosynthesis). reactant, product, autotrophs.
Key Points, Examples, and Diagrams:
Key Points
1. Photosynthesis occurs in autotrophs.
2. Photosynthesis in the process of rearranging the atoms in water and carbon dioxide in order to make the molecule glucose. Plants use the
energy from the sun to do this. (sunlight)

The chemical equation for photosynthesis is: CO2 + H2O 02 + C6H12O6

This can be translated into words like this: Carbon Dioxide + Water Oxygen + Glucose (sugar)
1. What is the chemical equation for photosynthesis? __________________________________________________________________
2. What pigment absorbs the energy from sunlight during photosynthesis? _________________________________________________________
3. If carbon dioxide is removed from a plant‘s environment, what would you expect to happen to the plant‘s production of sugars?
a. More sugars will be produced.
b. Fewer sugars will be produced.
c. The same number of sugars will be produced but without carbon dioxide.
d. Carbon dioxide does not affect the production of high-energy sugars in plants.
4. THINK: Which of the following represents the equation for photosynthesis?

a. i ii

b. ii i i. CO2 + H2O + energy

c. i iii ii. C6H12O6 + O2 + energy
d. none of the above iii. C6H12O6 + O2

Benchmark: SC.912.L.18.8 Identify the reactants, products, and basic functions of aerobic and
Biology Review Packet
anaerobic cellular respiration.
Learning Objectives: Vocabulary:
SWBAT: Identify the reactants and products of cellular respiration. Fermentation, ATP, aerobic, and
SWBAT: Distinguish between anaerobic and aerobic cellular respiration in terms of amount of ATP anaerobic
generated, use of oxygen, and location
SWBAT: State that ALL living things do respiration in order to get energy in the form of ATP
Key Points
1) Cellular respiration takes place in the mitochondria of cells and in the cytoplasm. Both oxygen and glucose diffuse into the mitochondria.
2) Cellular respiration releases the energy stored in glucose (made by plants during photosynthesis), and uses it to generate ATP,
which is the only USEABLE form of energy in living things.
3) Oxygen must be available for cellular respiration to happen. If it is not available, then fermentation will occur to break down the glucose.
The biggest difference is if oxygen is available you get A LOT of ATP; but if it is not available, you only get a little ATP.
Aerobic-(stem: aero=air) something that requires oxygen to work. Anaerobic-(stem:
an=non) something that does not require oxygen to work.
The Cellular Respiration Equation: 
O2 + C6H12O6
CO2 + H2O It is the exact opposite of photosynthesis!
EXCEPT… in photosynthesis you need sunlight for energy to make the glucose; in respiration, you are releasing
the energy FROM the glucose and generating ATP!
Alcoholic Fermentation:
  Happens in yeast and some other microorganisms 
  Makes only a little ATP for each glucose molecule 
  Humans use this knowledge to make alcoholic beverages--by feeding sugar to the yeast, the yeast makes alcohol 
 Lactic Acid Fermentation: 
 Happens in the muscles of animals (such a humans) when there is not enough oxygen to use cellular respiration; it will still produce a little
small amount of energy/ATP but not enough and may cause cramps. 
  Produces lactic acid that will make the sore after working out. 
  Makes only a little ATP. 
 Some bacteria use lactic acid fermentation. Many food industries use this knowledge to have microorganisms help us make food products 
such as cheese, yogurt, buttermilk, sour cream, and pickles!
1. Cellular respiration is called an aerobic process because it requires________________________
2. The two main types of fermentation are called
a. ____________________________________________ b. __________________________________________
3. Breathing heavily after a race is your body‘s way of ___________________________________________________________________.
4. Cellular respiration releases energy by breaking down what molecule?___________________________________
5. What type of respiration produces the most ATP?_______________________________________________

Biology Review Packet Benchmark: SC.912.L.18.9 Explain the interrelated nature of photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

Learning Objectives: Vocabulary:

SWBAT: Explain photosynthesis and cellular respiration form a cycle between products Photosynthesis, cellular respiration,
and reactants; and that they are ways of transforming energy from the sun, to glucose, to interrelated.
Key Points, Examples, and Diagrams:
Key Points:
 The relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration is that plants (autotrophs) use BOTH processes where as animals
 (heterotrophs) only use ONE process; cellular respiration. 
  Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration are inter-related. Each one depends on the other to work. 
 The products of photosynthesis are the reactants for cellular respiration; and the products of cellular respiration are the reactants for
photosynthesis 
 Photosynthesis captures energy and cellular respiration releases energy. 
Interrelated- (stem: inter= between) a relationship in which each depends on or is affected by the other or others.
How the Processes are Interrelated
Reason 1: The Equations

  The cellular respiration equation is 6O2 + C6H12O6 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy. 

  The photosynthesis equation is 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy (sunlight) 6O2 + C6H12O6 
 The reactants for photosynthesis are the products for cellular respiration. 
Reason 2: Energy
Photosynthesis captures the energy from the sun and stores it as glucose (sugar).
Cellular respiration uses the energy stored in glucose to make ATP which the cell can break apart to release energy.
Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration are interrelated because neither could happen if the other did not exist! If plants only did photosynthesis
they could never use the energy in glucose. If the Earth did not have photosynthesis there would not be any glucose to break down.

Directions: Complete all practice questions by using your background knowledge, notes
Independent Practice from class, the biology textbook, and the key points in the box above. You will be required
to re-take the exit ticket for this benchmark once you complete these practice questions.

Venn Diagram Photosynthesis Cellular Respiration

Products: Products:
What is one
Reactants: Reactants:

Does it capture or release Does it capture or release

energy? energy?

Is it done by autotrophs or Is it done by autotrophs or

heterotrophs? heterotrophs?
6. In the cycle shown below, which processes are represented by letters A and B?

a. A-excretion, B-respiration (breathing)

b. A-transpiration (evaporation), B-excretion
c. A-photosynthesis, B-transpiration (evaporation)
d. A-respiration (breathing), B-photosynthesis

7. How are cellular respiration and photosynthesis almost opposite processes?

a. Photosynthesis releases energy, and cellular respiration stores energy.
b. Photosynthesis removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and cellular respiration puts it back.
c. Photosynthesis removes oxygen from the atmosphere, and cellular respiration puts it back.
d. all of the above
8. Which of the following describes how photosynthesis and cellular respiration work together?
a. Photosynthesis adds carbon dioxide from the environment and respiration puts in back
b. Photosynthesis removes carbon dioxide from the environment and respiration puts it back
c. Photosynthesis and cellular respiration release oxygen into their environment
d. Photosynthesis and carbon dioxide both removes carbon dioxide from the environment
9. What is the best explanation for what the circles represent in the figure below?

a. The products for respiration are the same as the products for photosynthesis
b. The reactants for respiration are the same as the products for photosynthesis
c. The products for photosynthesis are the reactants for cellular respiration.
d. The circles represent the flow of energy in a food chain

10. Which statement best describes the processes used by autotrophs and heterotrophs:
a. Plants use cellular respiration and Animals use Photosynthesis
b. Plants use Photosynthesis and Animals use Cellular Respiration
c. Plants use both Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration and Animals use only Cellular Respiration
d. Plants use only Photosynthesis and Animals use both Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis.
11. Agree or disagree with the following statement and justify your answer: ―Photosynthesis and cellular respiration depend on one another.‖

Benchmark: SC.912.L.18.10 Connect the role of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to energy
Biology Review Packet
transfers within a cell.

Learning Objectives: Vocabulary:

 SWBAT: understand the connection between ADP and ATP. Chemical Energy, Photosynthesis, ATP,
 SWBAT: describe the structure and function of ATP. ADP
Key Points, Examples, and Diagrams:
Energy is the ability to do work. ATP is the only form of
energy that is useable in living things to do work.
 Energy can be stored in chemical compounds.
As chemical reactions take place, high-energy
bonds are replaced by low-energy bonds
between atoms. When electrons lose bonds, the
 extra energy is released as heat and light. 
 The chemical fuel of living things =
 ATP=adenosine triphosphate. 
- Adenine
- Ribose, a 5-carbon sugar
- 3 phosphate groups => the key to ATP‘s
ability to store and release energy.
 ATP is like a fully charged battery, but
energy can also be stored as ADP when it
 loses one phosphate group. 
 By breaking the bond between the 2nd and 3rd phosphate, energy is released; therefore ATP is used as the basic energy source of all cells. 
1. Draw and label an ATP molecule. Make sure to include the 3 parts.
Tri= three, Di=two, ATP =Adenosine
triphosphate, ADP=Adenosine diphosphate
Phosphylation- When the last phosphate is
added to the ADP molecule to make ATP

2. The breakdown of ________________ in the mitochondria provides the energy to add phosphate onto ADP to make ATP.
a. ATP b. Phosphate c. Glucose d. Water

3. How is energy released from the ATP molecule? ___________________________________________________________________________


4. What type of energy is stored in the ATP molecule? ________________________________________________________________________

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