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Al-Qadir Jinnah Science Academy Mallian Kalan

PALAC Name _____________________

1nd Term
English Part-I
Total Marks
Obtained Marks Sign

(Section A)
1. Explain with reference to the context any ONE of the followings: 7
(i) And ask no other question than to know
That they have helped the cause of victory
That with their aid the flag is raised on high.(2009 Group II)
(ii) Or to what distant lands were may have gone
Through all the years will never have been forgot. (2013 Group II)
2. Attempt any ONE of the following questions.  (220 Words Each) 10
i. The poem “Departure And Arrival” is for the youth. Discuss.
ii. Write a note on the moral message of the poem “ Departure and the arrival “ by T.S Eliot.
3. Attempt any ONE of the following questions. 10
(i) “The Duchess and The Jeweler” actually mentions the change in the English society.” Discuss.
(Section B)
4 . Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end. (Your own constructed
answers will fetch you better marks.)  25
A person who is aware of his duties and rights in his society in a good citizens. He knows that he is
a member of a group with which he is associated by a thousand and one ties. He realizes that he
should live in harmony with other members of society. Man cannot live without a society. He
cannot live alone. He must live with his fellow human beings. But living in a society means
cooperation with other members of that society. When you live in a society, you have to live as
others live. You have to accept the conditions and traditions that a society prescribes for its
members. These conditions and standards of behaviour are for the common good and welfare of the
society and individuals. Society gives you some rights and some duties. A good citizen does his best
to do his duty to the society. He always keeps in view the interests of his society and state. He lives a
clean and honest life. He keeps away from such activities that may harm the interests of his fellow
citizens. A good citizen is aware of the fact that his is indebted to his society in many ways. He knows
that the labour and work of countless persons have enriched his life. His life, to a very great extent,
depends on others. He has received much in material and spiritual benefits from others. It is only just
and right that he should pay his debts. How does a good citizen pay his debts to the society? By living
a useful and fruitful life. He lives not for himself alone. He lives for others. He pays his taxes. He takes
keen interest in the affairs of his state. He does not live in isolation. He is not selfish. He is tolerant,
kind and virtuous.
(i) Give a suitable title to passage.
(ii) Who is a good citizen?
(iii) Why is society formed?
(iv) What are the duties of a good citizen?
(v) Give other words for:
(a) Harmony (b) Prescribe (c) Indebted (d) Isolation
(vi) Make a precis of the passage in about 100 words.
5. Write a dialogue between two friend on black marketing .

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