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Name of the Candidate

Positon Applied for

Unit Name

Date of Birth(DD/MM/YYYY)

Current Organization

Date of Test appeared


Jitesh Vilas Jadhav Yashwantrao

Restaurant Manager

Meluha The Fern , Powai

Sunday, April 18, 1982

High Spirit Lounge Bar (Tanzania, Africa)

Friday, October 6, 2023

Step 1: Recording Individual Preferences

Each person is to complete A Comparison Study of Managerial Values and indicate your
preference between the two alternatives of each of the following items by selecting the
appropriate numbers. Some alternatives may seem equally attractive or unattractive to you.
Choose the one that is relatively more like your current thinking.

There points are to be distributed for each item in any of the following combinations.
A 3
If you strongly endorse the (A) alternative over the (B) alternative, write 3 B 0
on the A line and 0 on the B line.

If you strongly endorse (B) over (A), write A 0

B 3

If you endorse (A) slightly more than (B), write A 2

B 1

A 1
If you endorse (B) slightly more than (A), write B 2

Use only the combination of numbers shown in the examples above. Try to relate each comparison to
your current managerial thinking regarding the most effective way to manage.

Make a choice from every pair of alternatives.

Time: 40 Minutes
Activity 00: A Comparison Study of Managerial Values

Goto TOP 1 of 12

1 When a subordinate disagrees, the manager should

A 2 shift to another position to maintain co-operation.

B see to it the subordinate follows orders.


2 When a manager is planning an operation and gets some of the ideas from
subordinates, the manager should include

the suggestions that are thought to be acceptable, remembering to thank all contributors for
A 3
their interests.
all suggestions in some modified form, whether initially good or not.
B 1

3 When a subordinate presents a new idea which goes against the manager’s convictions, the
manager should

A listen but reinforce the soundness of his or her own convictions.


B let the subordinate know that the boss will solicit ideas when needed.

4. When a subordinate runs into trouble carrying out a job, the manager should

A 2 give support and encouragement; the subordinate should learn that the manager
can be relied upon.

B 3 work with the subordinate for a common understanding of the problem so that
the difficulty can be corrected and eliminated in the future.

5 The manager who gets best results is one who tells subordinates what is expected

and refuses to accept anything else.

A 1

B 3 but realises that since people are people, they won’t be able to meet full

6 To keep within budget, the manager should

A 3 try to maintain a balance between cost considerations and meeting subordinates’

B 2 continually remind subordinates of cost considerations and thank them for


Activity 00: A Comparison Study of Managerial Values

Goto TOP 2 of 12

7 When a manager and a subordinate disagree, the manager should

1 not force the issue unless it becomes a crisis.

B 3 bring the disagreement into the open and seek to resolve the subordinate’s
reservations to achieve understanding and agreement.

8 A manager who really understands people will plan a job by

A 2 giving subordinates the overall picture -- encouraging them to resolve to handle

the task the way they would be most comfortable with it.

B 3 checking with each subordinate individually to get ideas and then pull these
together to make a plan.

9 In planning, the manager should

establish the plan but make a positive effort to see that subordinates embrace it
A 3 in a positive manner.

B 2 solicit co-operation of subordinates to establish a plan that keeps work flowing

at a level congruent with good feelings.

10 A manager should recognise that if people try to do as little as possible

2 they should be pushed hard, even if it generates dissatisfaction.

1 there is not much that can be done about it except to live with it.

11 In order to get highest respect when reporting to a manager, a subordinate should relate

3 matters that the manager needs to know in depth, whether things are going well
or not.

1 only things that are out of line and require direct action from the manager.
12 Manager should exercise control in such a way that

1 subordinates are more or less on their own unless chronic problems become

3 detailed reporting is expected with expressions of approval for those who co-

Activity 00: A Comparison Study of Managerial Values

Goto TOP 3 of 12

13 Production should be

2 high even though it places demands on subordinates.

whatever it takes to keep oneself out of trouble.


14 When a subordinate disagrees with the manager, the manager should listen to understand the
points of agreement as well as disagreement; then reach a sound agreement with the
subordinate to establish the best course toward the goal.

1 points of disagreement, while looking for ways to overcome or incorporate

these points into a solution that everyone can live with.

15 When exercising authority, the manager should

2 be direct but gracious, persuading anyone who questions that those in higher
positions have thought it through and know what is best for the organisation.

3 reach decisions be gaining the involvement of those who can contribute to

quality or implementation.

16 A manager can avoid trouble by

1 accepting, without comment, the work tempo subordinates set for themselves.

2 asking subordinates to set their own work tempo in order to create positive
feelings toward their job.

17 To promote best effort, important decisions should be developed

in a team

asking subordinates to set their own work tempo in order to create positive feelings toward
their job.
18 When a special assignment is given to a subordinate the manager should

1 outline the job for completion within a predetermined time schedule and tolerate
no deviations or excuses for failure to deliver.

3 assign the project a part at a time so that progress can be praised and the
manager can introduce corrections as needed.

Activity 10: A Comparison Study of Managerial Values

Goto TOP 4 of 12

19 Where there is a conflict, a manager should

3 Offer to help to ease the disruptive tension

1 Not get involved if possible.

20 When a new project is to be undertaken, a manager should

Gather the relevant information and seek ideas from those who will carry out
the project
Analyse the facts and request recommendations from subordinates, then present
3 a solution to subordinates, gaining their commitment to it by showing how the
manager has taken their ideas into account.

21 When evaluating performance it is necessary for the manager to

Keep a constant watch on subordinates in their own best interest to help them
avoid repeating mistakes and errors.
Offer praise for positive performance while withholding demoralisation

22 After a difficult job has been completed, a manager should

3 Show appreciation by easing off to relieve whatever tensions may have been

2 Have plans made for the next job and move people on to it as fast they finish the
previous task.

23 The way to handle suggestions is to

Defer reacting to them, either positively or negative, until you manager has
evaluated them; then pass his or her reactions along to your subordinates.

Listen to them with a positive attitude and pass those which imply no serious
criticism on your manager; sit in on the rest.

24 When communicating with subordinates the manager should

1 See that official information passes through organisation channels and use
informal channels t6o communicate unofficial information.

2 Pass through organisation channels what is in the best interest of others to know
and use informal channels to deal with the rest.

Activity 00: A Comparison Study of Managerial Values

Goto TOP 5 of 12

25 When planning, manager should call in the people affected

1 But let them arrive at their own plan, since they are more likely to follow it.

And work with them until the best plan is devised.

26 When a manager and a subordinate disagree on a decision, the manager should

3 Explain reasons for the decision and that, although he or she is sorry, the
decision must stand.

Tell the subordinate that the decision will stand.

27 When unable to resolve a disagreement with a subordinate’s decision the manager should.

Postpone the discussion to some later time.

2 make the decision and let the subordinate know that his or her acceptance of it is

28 Effective co-ordination among subordinates can be achieved through.

3 Actively engaging them in solving problems of work..

Letting them know that people come first.

29 In reviewing a subordinate’s performance, a manager should realise

3 It is important for the subordinate to understand whether he or she is doing all

the assigned task.

That since most formal appraisal situations are touchy and can lead to hard
1 feelings, experience on the job is the best teacher for correcting poor

Activity 00: A Comparison Study of Managerial Values

Goto TOP 6 of 12

30 When conducting a meeting the manager should

1 Listen to subordinates in order to gain their support, while reserving final

decisions to him or herself

See to it decisions reached are based on shared understanding and agreement.

31 Being what they are, as a general rule, people

1 Will produce if a manager takes care of their emotional needs by encouragement

and creating a supportive climate.

3 Will work for high production if commitment to it is through full understanding

of the stake involved.

32 When subordinates are in conflict, a manger should

3 Talk to them separately to get the facts and then offer a solution that is fair to
remain neutral since people are likely to turn against those who intrude.

33 When working with vendors of customers, the manager should

Express appreciation, but never give information about internal matters.

Emphasize organisational strength and minimise any weakness.

34 When a policy violation occurs, a manager should

Take quick and certain corrective action to ensure it will not be repeated.

Let it happen; best learning is through discovering one’s own mistakes.

Activity 00: A Comparison Study of Managerial Values

Goto TOP 7 of 12

35 When a manager meets with subordinates, a major purpose should be to

3 Develop goals and targets, to outline the work, and to decide how the work will
be done.

1 Give them a chance to participate, to make suggestions, but to realise the

manager’s job is to balance out the pressures imposed on the group.

36 When faced with complaints from outside his or her department the manager should

2 Respond with assurances that the problem is not serious and will be solved
while taking steps to be certain internal morale is not affected.

3 Take corrective action internally, but don’t let outsiders know that the action
was taken.
37 When planning a job, managers should

Set individual responsibilities and tell each individual how this job is to be done.

2 Get with each individual and lay out the job the way the subordinate wants to do

38 A manager should

1 Realise people don’t want to work too hard but see to it that they do enough to
get by.

Obtain production by making work meaningful to subordinates.

39 When appraising individual performance the manager should

3 Show appreciation for what the subordinate has done to meet requirements and
ensure the subordinate understands expectations for the future.

Conduct the appraisal as required, but keep discussions from entering into areas
2 that are likely to cause conflict, raise concerns, or encourage expectations for

Activity 00: A Comparison Study of Managerial Values

Goto TOP 8 of 12

40 Goals should be set

Not high, but not low, as in this way subordinates will know they are fair.

Only as high as subordinates willingly accept.

41 To avoid having to reverse a decision, a manager should base it on

3 Informed sound reasoning so that it will not be necessary to change if

subordinates resist it.

1 The line of thinking of the manager’s superiors(s) to ensure there is not question
concerning who is right if subordinates resist.
42 When taking disciplinary action the manager should

Be diplomatic, encouraging the subordinate’s attention on his or her strengths.


2 convey disappointment and see to it that the subordinate renews his or her
loyalty and effort.

43 When a manager reviews a subordinate’s performance, the manager should.

Weigh the subordinate’s strengths and weaknesses, pointing out the weak spots
2 where improvement is necessary and recognising where the subordinate has
done well.

Be sure that the subordinate understands that the evaluation is being made
3 against facts, showing causes of successes and failures and then setting mutually
agreed upon improvement goals.

44 In following progress of subordinates’ work a manager should.

1 Leave subordinate alone; if problems arise the manager will learn of it through
routine channels.

3 Keep in touch with how those doing the work are feeling, making sure they
know of the manager’s concern and interest in their welfare.

45 When inducting a person into a job that is new to him or her, the manager should.

2 Tell what, where, when, and how, with numerous comments of encouragement
and positive expectations for the person’s quick learning.

Work with the person to set mutual expectations for performance, encouraging
3 initiative where possible, and introducing the idea of critique for measuring

Activity 00: A Comparison Study of Managerial Values

Goto TOP 9 of 12

46 One way to obtain results from subordinates is to set goals for them and

Request their help if goals are not being met.

Ensure they meet expectations from the start.

47 When a job is completed, a manager should discuss it with those who did the work.
To help them learn, pointing out the group’s effective characteristics as well as
3 examining mistakes and suggesting improvements; individuals should be
encouraged to recommend reasonable suggestions for improvement.

2 To find out how the job went in order to recognise the group or individuals for
outstanding contributions, as appropriate.

48 When there is difficulty co-ordinating activities across divisions the manager should

Settle the issue through the established channels.

2 Establish the basis of co-operation and implement it in a way that no on effected

by it is offended.

49 If a manager sees subordinates leaving early, the best thing to do is

Remember that good feelings are important and not make an issue.

Ask each separately to try to stay a little later..

50 Getting subordinates together is sound when such meetings are used to

Get enough information to make the best decision on how work is to be done.

communicate decisions on how work should be done.

51 When introducing changes to staff members, the manager should

3 Point out in a convincing way the needs for unrestricted support, indentifying
the benefits the staff is contributing to the organisation by co-operating.

2 Convey his or her personal appreciation for the support as well as the
appreciation of all others who might be affected.

Activity 00: A Comparison Study of Managerial Values

Goto TOP 10 of 12

52 When a subordinate resists doing things in the prescribed manner, the manager should

1 Let the situation ride for awhile, hoping for compliance, as people usually will
do what is expected of them.

3 Show the subordinate how rules are for everyone’s benefit and request
compliance for the good of all.
53 The manager is responsible for

3 Keeping subordinates in a positive frame of mind, since production then will

take care of itself.

Getting out highest production since people then will respond.

54 When conflict arises among subordinates the manager should

Avoid taking positions that might further the controversy.

Terminate the conflict while thanking people for expressing their points of views.

55 After a job has been planned, a manager should

3 Keep up with the main points of progress and decide with those doing the work
if changes need to be made.
1 Allow subordinates to take the initiative since they will bring up problems that
they think are serious.

56 When confronted with problems, managers should

3 Check to see how others have handled such problems before and be guided

Use their own abilities of analysis to decide what should be done.

57 In Planning work activities a manager should

3 Involve subordinates through reviewing the plan in order to help them agree
with the way the work should be done.
1 Incorporate as many suggestions from subordinates as possible while
maintaining the basic accepted ways of operating.

Activity 00: A Comparison Study of Managerial Values

Goto TOP 11 of 12
58 A manager can reduce resistance to change by
2 Emphasizing the positive aspects to people.

3 only moving when it is possible to do so without disrupting the routine.

59 When there is disagreement between a manager and a subordinate, the manager.

3 and subordinate should openly determine the cause of disagreement and resolve

1 Should have the final word.

60 When introducing required change it is advisable for the manager to

2 Be certain subordinates understand the proposed changes, how these affect

subordinate, and work through reservations and disagreement.

3 Prescribe the basic character of the changes and help subordinates understands
how their support benefits all concerned

Step 2 : Transferring Preferences

Using the form on the following page, transfer the point distributions for each of
the 60 items. Total each column and verify that the totals ad up to 180. If your
columns do not add up to 180 points, check for an error in addition. If your
addition is correct, then check each item to be sure that 3 points have been
allocated between the A and B answers.

Activity 10: A Comparison Study of Managerial Values

Goto TOP 12 of 12
comparison Study of Managerial Values (post
1 B 3 A 0 31 B 3 A 1
2 A 3 B 1 32 A 3 B 1
3 A 3 B 2 33 A 1 B 3
4 B 3 A 2 34 A 3 B 1
5 A 1 B 3 35 A 3 B 1
6 B 2 A 3 36 B 3 A 2
7 B 3 A 1 37 A 3 B 2
8 B 3 A 2 38 B 3 A 1
9 A 3 B 2 39 A 3 B 2
10 A 2 B 1 40 A 3 B 2
11 A 3 B 1 41 A 3 B 1
12 B 3 A 1 42 B 2 A 3
13 A 2 B 1 43 B 3 A 2
14 A 3 B 1 44 B 3 A 1
15 B 3 A 2 45 B 3 A 2
16 B 2 A 1 46 B 3 A 2
17 A 3 B 1 47 A 3 B 2
18 B 3 A 1 48 B 2 A 3
19 A 3 B 1 49 B 3 A 1
20 A 2 B 3 50 A 3 B 2
21 A 3 B 1 51 A 3 B 2
22 B 2 A 3 52 B 3 A 1
23 B 0 A 0 53 B 1 A 3
24 B 2 A 1 54 B 1 A 3
25 B 2 A 1 55 A 3 B 1
26 B 1 A 3 56 B 2 A 3
27 B 2 A 1 57 A 3 B 1
28 A 3 B 1 58 A 2 B 3
29 A 3 B 1 59 A 3 B 1
30 B 3 A 1 60 A 2 B 3

28 24 16 23 17 9 29 23 24 24 20 15
Total Each Column

Name of the Candidate Jitesh Vilas Jadhav Yashwantrao 57 47 40 47 37 24

Positon Applied for Restaurant Manager 9,9 9+9 9,1 5,5 1,9 1,1

Unit Name Meluha The Fern , Powai 60 48 36 24 12 0

Date of Birth(DD/MM/YYYY) Sunday, April 18, 1982 -3 -1 4 23 25 24

Current Organization High Spirit Lounge Bar (Tanzania, Africa) -4 76

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