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GM1 Refresher: SPSB  

HR Segment

The area HR focused on was how ​mentor leadership​ was useful for ​individual improvement​.
Here are the 3 key takeaways from the session:

1. Focus on building a solid relationship with the individual (i.e., your mentee)
● Communicate your concern for the individual’s improvement
● A desire to help others improve their skills must starts with the SPSLs if this goal
is to ripple through the entire organisation

2. Actions speak louder than words

● Make your words count
● Even if you use large concepts and overarching concepts, people see through
the talk when it does not line up with the talk

3. Define success not by certificates or achievements

● Success is defined by factors such as ​character, attitude and consistency
● Focus on the long term goal - a solid relationship
● Put people first - the ideal style of a positive leadership is a positive influence

TnD Segment

Topics: Conflict resolution and Teamwork (from a Mentor’s point of view)

1. Conflict resolution (covered by the Kahoot)
a. Five main responses to Conflict:
i. Accommodating → you give in to the person entirely.
ii. Avoiding → you ignore the problem or deal with it later
iii. Bargaining/compromising → both parties sacrifices something to reach a
reasonable conclusion.
iv. Collaborating → all of you get what you want and everyone’s interest is
looked after.
v. Competing → you do not give way and stick to your opinions.
b. The ideal response is ​compromising​ or​ collaborating​!
i. Try to help your mentees achieve that during OT work as getting hung up
on the issue will only hinder progress!

2. Communication and teamwork (was not covered due to lack of time)

a. Lack of communication results in conflicts. To ​minimise​ chances of conflicts,
communicate actively!
b. Effective mentoring cannot take place without communication between you and
your fellow SPSLs.
c. Remember that you are now a Mentor → Remind them to keep you updated on
progress! Check in on them regularly to keep track of time.
d. Open OTs are group projects → PSLs will partake in the planning while SPSLs
work together to vet and ensure the event can happen.

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