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Pagadian City

NAME: Roel M. Malon Jr. SUBJECT: GE 7


1. Are societies in the world becoming more similar (homogeneous) or more different

Countries are becoming more and more similar because people are able to buy the
same products anywhere in the world.

2. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of homogenization of culture?
How about heterogenization?

Homogenizaton it depends on how it is received. The advantages are that people have
access to the best those from a differing perspective have. The disadvantages are that it can
cause feuding. On the other hand people alike can feud to, actually it may be more common
when they are just close enough to compete for the same space and not close enough to feel
each other as family.
In Heterogenization Advantages are likely higher income rates and less poor, easy
choice for people who follow the idealogy, and easier to not offend anyone. The
disadvantages are increase fear/distrust of outsiders, likely will cause boredom/depression
and smaller gene pool.

3. Which of the aforementioned views on the history of globalization you find most
appealing? Why?

I found all the aforementioned views to be unviewable. But the most appealing idea
for me is the people starting to love one another as human beings, and because of that love, to
cooperate for the good of all rather than to compete on an ego basis.

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