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Doogma + Videmo

An Exploratory Presentation

send me a video

Win with psychology,

Scale with technology.
Campaign Overview
● Produce dynamic video messages showing Doogma’s software

● Deliver video messages to a list of prospects

● Manage the inbox of replies & book calls

Cold Prospects → Warm leads

Our model began with outreach to Doogma’s prospects by our in house actress. We reached out over
email with the personalized video message created for each individual prospect.
Video Production

We used our proprietary

technology to develop
videos showing off
Doogma’s software and
capabilities, but only after
hooking the prospect by
showing their site and
relevant products.

Sample 1, Sample 2, Sample 3


Our AI Video Doogma’s Internal

Campaign Text Campaign

160 prospects 160 prospects

88 opens (55%) 32 opens (20%)

3 demos 0 demos

2 sales 0 sales
Key Benefits
More Video Feedback
We look forward to working together.
Founder, BHuman

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