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New immigrants to Canada face many challenges as they adjust to a new life in a foreign country.

significant issue that new immigrants face is the language barrier. In this essay, I will argue that taking
language courses is a solution for new immigrants to overcome the language barrier, and it is their
responsibility to do so.

The language barrier can be a significant obstacle for new immigrants. According to a report by Statistics
Canada, "Newcomers who speak neither English nor French were three times more likely to report
difficulty finding a job than those who spoke at least one official language." (Statistics Canada, 2011).
Moreover, language difficulties can also lead to social isolation, making it difficult for newcomers to
make friends and establish a social network.

One possible solution for new immigrants to overcome the language barrier is to take language courses.
Language courses can help new immigrants learn Canada’s official languages, English, and French. By
learning these languages, new immigrants can improve their communication skills, which will help them
to find employment and make social connections.

Learning a new language is a challenging task, but it is essential for new immigrants to do so. Taking
language courses is a responsibility that new immigrants should take seriously. As the authors of the
book "Immigrant Canada" argue, "In many ways, adapting to life in Canada is a two-way street. It is the
responsibility of immigrants to integrate themselves into the Canadian society and to respect Canadian
values and institutions." (Green & Green, 2019, p. 9).

Moreover, taking language courses shows a willingness to integrate into Canadian society and learn
about Canadian culture. As the authors of "Immigrant Canada" note, "By participating in Canadian
institutions and traditions, immigrants demonstrate their commitment to Canadian society and their
desire to contribute to it." (Green & Green, 2019, p. 9).

Some may argue that taking language courses can be expensive and time-consuming and that the
government should provide language classes for free. While it is true that language courses can be
expensive, there are many affordable options available, such as community colleges, non-profit
organizations, and language exchange programs. Additionally, some employers offer language classes as
a benefit to their employees.

In conclusion, the language barrier is a significant issue for new immigrants in Canada. To overcome this
barrier, new immigrants should take language courses to improve their communication skills and
integrate into Canadian society. Taking language courses is a responsibility that new immigrants should
take seriously, as it shows a willingness to adapt to Canadian society and contribute to it. While
language courses can be expensive, there are many affordable options available, and it is ultimately the
responsibility of the new immigrant to invest in their language education.


Green, A., & Green, D. (2019). Immigrant Canada. Pearson.

Statistics Canada. (2011). Language barriers to employment, income, and education in Canada.
Retrieved from

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