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Johnson Market
 Hi / Hello (sir / mam)
SCHOOL and we are in 8th grade .
 Myself Pagvi ………………, ……………….
 We are here to ask you some questions
about the Market for our G.P Project.

I. Can you Please introduce yourself .
II. When did you join this Market ?
III. Can you tell us about this Market .
IV. When was this Market built ? ( year )
And who built it ? Is it built by British
people ?
V. How many people are working here ?
VI. How much money do you earn in a
day ?
VII. What about the sales over here ?
VIII. What all products do u sale ?
IX. Which is the best product which has
good sales in the Market?
X. What did you think about this Market
when you first joined as a worker /
An employee and what do you think
about it now ?
XI. What is the reason that made you
join / work in this Market ?
XII. What do you do in a day ? Like what
is your role / job ?

XIII. What time do you come to work ?

XIV. What time do you leave your home to
reach here on time ?
XV. What time do you leave after your job
is done ?
XVI. Is it hard to work here ?
XVII. What are the recent problems that
occurred here ?
XVIII. What are the problems that occurred
before? Do you know any problems
that occurred before you joined?

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