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D&D drugs table

1: Rage. For the next minute, you gain the following benefits:
You have advantage on all Strength checks and Strength saving throws
When you make a weapon attack using Strength, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll
You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
During this time, you cannot make ranged attacks or cast spells, and must move towards and attack
the closest creature. When the effects end, you come to your senses, and gain 1 point of Exhaustion.
2: Speed. For the next minute, you gain the effects of the Haste spell. However, the wave of lethargy
mentioned in the spell lasts a full minute, instead of a single round.
3: Liquid Courage. You gain 2d4+4 temporary hit points, and for the next ten minutes, you can’t be
charmed, frightened, or otherwise dissuaded from action or inaction. You also get disadvantage on
perception, investigation, and insight checks.
4: Eyebuzz. This drug lasts an hour. For the next 10xd6 minutes (rolled secretly by the DM) you gain
the effects of the True Seeing spell. However, for the remainder of the hour, you merely see
apparitions as if you still were under the effects of True Seeing, which you believe to be correct.
5: Mutagen. For the ten minutes, you gain several random effects, as transfiguration contorts your
body. Roll twice on the following table (using a 1d4), or choose one effect:
1: Secondary Arms. You have two slightly smaller secondary arms below your primary pair of
arms. The secondary arms can manipulate an object, open or close a door or container, pick up or set
down a Tiny object, or wield a weapon that has the light property
2: Amorphous. You can squeeze through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide, provided you are
wearing and carrying nothing. You have advantage on ability checks you make to initiate or escape a
3: Shelled. Your AC can’t be lower than 15
4: Wings. You gain a flight speed equal to you walking speed. This has no effect when
wearing medium or heavy armour.

In addition, roll 1d3 on the following table:

1: Aquatic. You breathe water, suffocating when in air.
Remember: You can hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to 1+Con mod (minimum 1).
2: Fragile. You have vulnerability to piercing, slashing, or bludgeoning damage (your choice).
3: Contorted. Your walking speed is halved.

6: Onrush. Choose up to six of your stats: for the next minute, each of them counts as 19 (this has no
effect if these scores are already 19 or more). When this effect wears off, roll one Hit Dice per score
improved, and suffer that much necrotic damage, ignoring resistance and immunities.

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