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Ergonomics Management Program:

Model and Results

C. M. C. Varella(&) and M. A. L. Trindade

Samsung Eletronics Ltda., Thomas Nielsen Street, 150, Pq. Imperator,

Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil,

Abstract. The objective of this work is to present the Ergonomics management

program of a multinational company based in the state of São Paulo (Brazil),
and its positive results, which has generated an improvement in the working
conditions and the quality of life of the operators who work there. The program
involves several actions (planned, controlled and documented) based on the
Ergonomics of the Activity (whose main objective is to understand the work to
transform it) and in the national legislation, covering the ergonomic workplace
analyzes (which contemplate the three dimensions of ergonomics - physical,
cognitive and organizational), execution and validation of projects of ergonomic
improvements (conception and correction), investigation of work-related out-
patient complaints, follow-up of return to work processes and inclusion of
people with disabilities in workstations, trainings (both work-related and non-
work related issues) and actions aimed at the well-being and quality of life of the
employees, with relaxation, strengthening and postural alignment activities in a
place inside the company equipped and with professionals specialized in
Physical Education and Physiotherapy. Therefore, with the combination of the
Ergonomics concepts of the activity and the management model of the PDCA
cycle, it is possible to propose steps for an Ergonomics program that seeks the
continuous improvement of the work processes and the constant validation of
the actions performed by it.

Keywords: Ergonomics  Management  Program

1 Introduction

The industrial sector is an important segment for the world economy, and can be
considered one of the pillars of economic development, manufacturing goods and
generating jobs. The evolution of this sector has occurred since the beginning of
industrial revolutions and the introduction of new systems models, resulting in the
advancement of production and management systems within companies [1].
However, if on the one hand there is an increasingly competitive industry, generate
production and profit, on the other, there is human labor, fundamental for any system
productive. Regardless of the type: consumer goods industry, basic, intermediate, to the
service sectors, all these organizations need man to ensure that their processes are fully
implemented [1].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

S. Bagnara et al. (Eds.): IEA 2018, AISC 825, pp. 240–246, 2019.
Ergonomics Management Program: Model and Results 241

In this scenario, we highlight the discipline Ergonomics, which has as main

objective the understanding of the interactions between human beings and other ele-
ments of a system, being the profession that applies theory, principles, data and
methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system perfor-
mance [2].
Currently, the effective application of Ergonomics in the worksystem, is seen as a
facilitator within the reach of a balance between the characteristics of the workers and
job requirements, improving worker productivity, providing better security (physical
and mental), and job satisfaction. Second [3], several studies have demonstrated pos-
itive effects of application Ergonomics in the workplace, including machines, structural
However, in a study on management guidelines in ergonomics, [4] states that it was
possible to identify, through theoretical review and interviews with Ergonomics pro-
fessionals, that there is no uniformity in the performance of Ergonomics programs in
companies, each company does Ergonomics in a different way, and often, not following
a management model, such as the PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Action). In addition,
this same study carried out the investigation of norms related to ergonomics man-
agement, and identified that there are many international norms that mention Ergo-
nomics, however, none of them addresses the issue of management.

1.1 Objective
The objective of this work is to present a management model in ergonomics that has
been certified in Brazil by the representative body of ISO (International Organization
for Standardization), ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Norms) and has been
showing good results, through documented, registered and controlled actions,
respecting the PDCA cycle management system.

2 Ergonomics Management Program

The ergonomics activities in this company have existed since 2009, however, from
2015 onwards that the management program was set up and the controls and records
began to be made in a systematic way. With this, it is possible to monitor all program
results, create indicators and check the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) management
cycle, after all, management models need to facilitate the achievement of high levels of
efficiency, effectiveness and effectiveness.
The ergonomics program in question contains several actions, in order to meet the
requirements of the Ergonomics of the Activity and also to comply with local legis-
lation. Therefore, the main actions will be described below.
– Registered Program Procedures: all the actions mentioned above are registered and
documented according to the procedures of Ergonomics registered in company’s
internal system (“Ergonomics Management Procedure” and “Procedure Ergonomic
Guidelines for Workplaces). Through this control, it is possible to identify the
PDCA cycle of development of the management system, being possible to make
242 C. M. C. Varella and M. A. L. Trindade

comparisons with previous years and to identify the evolution of the program.
These procedures contain all workflows that involve ergonomics and other areas of
the company;
– Annual census of all the existing workstations in the company, for later elaboration
of the annual planning for the accomplishment of the Ergonomic Work Analyzes;
– Elaboration and control of visits and technical opinions requested by the medical
department or the company’s areas: according to the need of the clinic or the area,
ergonomics follows up complaints through employees, returns to work or profes-
sional rehabilitation, of pregnant and nursing mothers, medical restrictions of
musculoskeletal origin and even the support of skills that may involve the ergo-
nomic question;
– Request, follow-up and validation of ergonomic improvements: all the ergonomic
improvements made are validated by the operators who are involved in this
– Participation in the projects of new models and new workstations of the company:
this task was the biggest challenge for the area of Ergonomics, because in most
cases, ergonomics was triggered for corrective situations. However, now the
Ergonomics started to be included in the company’s projects involving new prod-
ucts, new workstations or new production lines;
– Training: Ergonomics-related training is carried out from the first moment the
employee enters the company, that is, in the Integration Lectures there is the
“Ergonomics” module, up to the day-to-day work, through security dialogues, and
specific training for some groups within the company, such as training for leaders,
process engineering, maintenance and innovation teams (Fig. 1);

Fig. 1. Trainings carried out in the last 6 months for different audiences on various topics related
to Ergonomics.

– Support to other programs: the company has a program called “Insert”, which is
responsible for all recruitment, selection, reception, insertion and monitoring of
people with disabilities in the workplace. There is also the “Maternal Program”,
dedicated to the reception and follow-up of the pregnant and nursing mothers of the
– Management of the Labor Gymnastics Program and the “Ergonomics Center”:
space for quality of life at work, where physical activities of different modalities
(Pilates classes, functional training, postural orientations, relaxation, among others)
Ergonomics Management Program: Model and Results 243

are carried out for all interested employees, who even receive gifts for their par-
ticipation (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Photos of the activities of Labor Gymnastics and Center of Ergonomics of Samsung.

3 Results

All actions carried out by this company’s ergonomics program seek to comply with
Brazilian legislation and Ergonomics of Activity, which has as a characteristic to
understand the work to transform it, through the Ergonomic Work Analysis, whose
essential characteristic is to examine the complexity of the work activity, taking care
that it agrees with the vast majority of those who will occupy it [5].
The fact that all the actions of the program are described in internal procedures,
allows the program to be conducted in a standard way and is not compromised in cases
of exchange of professionals, for example.
All actions are documented and recorded in control worksheets, which allows
generating graphs and reports of results and comparisons of all actions of the program,
besides helping in the annual planning of the actions of the management system. At the
end of the year it is possible to demonstrate comparisons of the number of analyzes
carried out, visits and opinions elaborated, improvements implemented and validated,
actions requested by other areas monitored. It is also possible to draw comparisons of
the actions of the management system between the years, as shown in the figure below
(Fig. 3).
Figure 4 is an example of the results that can be generated by the management
system, referring to the results of the ergonomic analyzes in terms of criticality, in the
years 2015 to 2017, i.e. in 2015, for example, there were two ergonomic analyzes with
high ergonomic risk. As early as 2017, there was no analysis with this risk.
The Fig. 5 shows an example of how the results are presented to the Ergonomics
area management. Graphs with ergonomic risk indicators are presented in the areas
analyzed, indicators of the number of ergonomic complaints by company area, number
of training and ergonomics trained workers during the year, among others.
244 C. M. C. Varella and M. A. L. Trindade

Fig. 3. Comparative history of the actions of the management program in ergonomics in the
years 2015 to 2017.

Fig. 4. Results of ergonomic analyzes in the years 2015 to 2017.

This presentation with the annual results is usually performed every beginning of
the year, with the ergonomics team and its management and board present. In this way,
it is possible to present to top management the effectiveness of the ergonomics
Ergonomics Management Program: Model and Results 245

Fig. 5. Examples of graphs of the annual results of the Ergonomics Management System

4 Conclusion

Through this work, it was intended to present a management model in ergonomics that
covers the concepts of Ergonomics of the Activity and meets the legal and normative
requirements of Brazil, and can be presented as a suggestion of a program for other
The fact that all the actions of the program were documented also helped to present
the results of the program to the top management, showing the importance of the
program for the entire organization and its search for better working conditions.
In this way, Ergonomics can be treated within companies as the other management
systems (quality, environment, health and safety), given their importance and strategic
role within the organization.

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246 C. M. C. Varella and M. A. L. Trindade

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5. Wisner A (2004) Epistemological issues in ergonomics and labor analysis. In: Daniellou et al
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