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Ilyas Suryana


1. Heart attack _________ lead us to death.

a. May

b. Might

c. Will

d. could

e. should

2. A white woman _____wanted to marry a black man left South Africa because of apartheid.

a. Whom

b. That

c. Who

d. which

e. where

3. Sharks are marine animals ___________________ at the top of the ocean’s food chain for
million of years.

a. That have lived

b. Which have lived

c. When have lived

d. that lived

e. where have lived

4.The teacher __________ I admired is my English teacher.

a. Whom

b. Where
c. Which

d. who

e. that

5. To lead a well balanced life, you need to have other interest _________ studying.

a. And

b. Besides

c. On

d. beside

e. between

6. The company has launched the newest product.

The newest product ____________ by the company.

a. Had launched

b. Has been launched

c. Has been being launched

d. is launched

e. launched

7.The ballot box _____________ by an opposition in order to avoid being eliminated.

a. Might be stolen

b. Might steal

c. Would be stolen

d. might have been stolen

e. will steal

8.The streets are wet; it ______________ last night.

a. Must rain

b. Must be rained
c. Must have rained

d. might rain

e. rained

9. The theory of continental Drift assumes that there _______ long term climatic changes in
many areas during the past.

a. Must have been

b. Must

c. Might have

d. must be

e. must have

10. The officials enjoy having extra facilities but the citizen ________.

a. Don’t

b. Done so

c. Could

d. didn’t

e. Do

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