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Worksheet Number

Jobs and People associated to the building career using verb

to be :
Affirmative Form Negative Form Interrogative Form
1. I’m Carpenter I’m not a carpenter Am I a carpenter?
2. Are you an Electrician You aren’t an electrician. Are you an electrician?
He isn’t a bricklayer Is he an electrician?
3. He is a Bricklayer
She isn’t an interior Is she an interior
4. She is an interior designer. designer?
designer It isn’t a mason Is it a mason?
5. It is a mason. We aren’t plumbers Are we plumbers?
6. We are plumbers. They aren’t topographers Are they topographers?
7. They are topographers


I. - Let’s complete the following exercises using Verb To Be : Is, Are, Am

1. His name _____ Mark. He ____ a plumber

2. Her name _____ Susan. She ______ an architect. She ___25 years old.
3. Roberto is 28 years old. He supervises the building. He ___
an architect.
4. The interior designer and the plumber ____ people associated with the
building industry.
5. The topographer uses the theodolite and the level. He ___ 23 years old.
He ____ a student at Sencico Institute.
6. The sewer and the carpenter works at the building industry. They _____
not in Guayaquil city. They ___ In Piura city.
7. The superviser ____ on the second floor at the skyscraper.
8. The civil engineer ___ at the mall. He ____ a professional.

II.- Write sentences use there is and There are:

There is _ Hay en singular
There are – hay en plural
Mixer machine - Tape measure - Power drill – Rotol drill – Tripod - Beet sheet
- Set square – Surveying equipment - Helmet - Meter _ Pallete - Security
Lens – Water pipe- Engineer level- Plugs

Example: There is a mixer Machine

There are mixer machines
1.1 Tape measure / Cinta metrica .
There is a tape measure
There are tape measures

Sentences using There is – There are:

1.There is a mixer machine

2.There is a tape measure.
3.There is a power drill.

Singular and Plural Nouns

A noun names a person, place, thing, or idea.

Usually, the first page of a grammar book tells you

about nouns. Nouns give names of concrete or abstract things in
our lives. As babies learn "mom," "dad," or "milk" as their
first word, nouns should be the first topic when you study a
foreign language.

For the plural form of most nouns, add s.

 bottle – bottles
 cup – cups
 pencil – pencils
 desk – desks
 sticker – stickers
 window – windows

For nouns that end in ch, x, s, or s sounds, add es.

 box – boxes
 watch – watches
 moss – mosses
 bus – buses

For nouns ending in f or fe, change f to v and add es.

 wolf – wolves
 wife – wives
 leaf – leaves
 life – lives

Some nouns have different plural forms.

 child – children
 woman – women
 man – men
 mouse – mice
 goose – geese

Nouns ending in vowels like y or o do not have definite rules.

 baby – babies
 toy – toys
 kidney – kidneys
 potato – potatoes
 memo – memos
 stereo – stereos

A few nouns have the same singular and plural forms.

 sheep – sheep
 deer – deer
 series – series
 species – species

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