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On my promotional trip we visited Xcaret, which is located in Cancun, that day I had a lot of fun,

the most interesting thing is that they have an aquarium, which is like a tunnel, the animals are in
their habitats and you can see them, I was impressed by how they took care of them and they did
not have them as slaves, finally there was a performance about the Spanish conquest in Mexico, at
the end they draw a virgin of Guadalupe with flowers and fabrics, that was the most exciting thing
because it was very beautiful, he felt the love of the people, made me missed my country

The most emotional moment of my life was when my mom got sick, she was very small and
defenseless, I did not understand what was happening, I just missed her and asked what was
happening, and she only answered that she was going to come back, from there everything
changed, it happened from being a girl who didn't even know how to put on a stocking to start
cleaning my room, cooking and being responsible for my actions, I felt scared, it was a moment in
which I began to value things more, now I am a more mature girl, centered and prepared for adult

I go to the gym 5 times a week, I usually like to train the lower body, I dedicate 3 days a week to it.
and I just need good shoes for weightlifting, since they have to be flat and without an inner tube,
straps for weight dead and you're drunk because the gym provides you with the other materials
such as: weights, the mattress for hiptrust, the machines, and a trainer to guide you.

I think that going to the gym helped me de-stress, concentrate more on my things and improve my
responsibility when organizing my schedule.

However, if you practice any sport without being aware of what it is like, you have the probability
of injuring yourself, so it is very important to have a mind-body connection.

The gym made me more persevering with myself because before I did no sport for more than
three months, but now I have been going to exercise for 8 months.

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