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Forests Answers

1. Explain how forests reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
 Trees and plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to use for photosynthesis.
 The carbon is stored in wood and root tissues or returned to the soil when leaves decompose.

2. Discuss the role that different parts of plants play in the water cycle.
 The roots create channels which increase the amount of water absorbed by the soil and
 reduce surface runoff. The roots absorb this water and it is then returned to the atmosphere.
 This increases the water available to fall as rain.

3. Explain how deforestation might impact a species that is living in the forest.
 • The species itself might be cut down or destroyed which could mean it is lost from the area.

 • If trees are cut own, the species might lose its shelter/home and be unable to survive.

 • Other organisms might die and reduce the amount of food that is available to this species.
 This might cause its number to reduce; or it might be lost from the area.

 • Other organisms that pollinate flowers or help seed dispersal might die and the species
 will no longer be able to reproduce.

4. Suggest how deforestation might impact on human health in the future.

 Many medicines have been found by studying chemicals from organisms in forests. If we destroy
 the forests, we might lose the opportunity to find medicines that can help us in the future.

 If we have fewer forests, we will have less rainfall. This will increase the risk of drought which
 might prevent us from growing enough food to feed the population.

 Deforestation reduces the soil quality. This means we might find it difficult to grow enough
 food to feed the population.

 Deforestation contributes to climate change. Increasing temperatures and extreme weather

 can put people’s lives at risk.

5. Explain how we can make sure people who have relied on forests for their livelihoods
for generations can continue to do so sustainably.
 Local communities can be empowered to protect their forests from people acting illegally.
 They can be supported to develop agroforestry practices which provide enough food and
 income to support farmers while also supporting the natural ecosystem.

6. Explain how people in the UK can help to reduce deforestation.

 People can make sure they only buy wood or paper products that have come from
 a sustainably managed forest, such as products showing the FSC mark. If there is no demand
 for products from illegal sources, then they will stop being produced.
We can recycle items and produce what we can from recycled products. We can make sure
things are reusable so that they don’t need to be replaced often. We can use less. These will
all mean that fewer trees need to be cut down to supply us with new products.

Our Climate, Our Future

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