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Biodiversity Answers

1. What is biodiversity?

Biodiversity is the variety of different species of organisms on Earth or within an ecosystem.

2. What is interdependence?
Interdependence is the dependence of each species on other species for food, shelter, pollination,
seed dispersal, maintenance of the physical environment, etc.

3. Give two reasons that biodiversity is declining.

Any two from:
• Human activities have destroyed/degraded/ damaged forests/grasslands/wetlands/ecosystems.
• Humans have altered 75% of ice-free land.
• Oceans have been polluted.
• Wetland has been lost.
• Pollution from human activities changes the distribution of species.
• Climate change affects migration patterns.
• Climate change means organisms move to cooler regions.
• Farming has contributed to degradation/erosion of soil.

4. Explain why a high biodiversity is important if there is a change in the climate of an ecosystem.
The larger the number of species in an area, the more likely that there will be organisms living
there that can cope with the climate changes. If one species declines or is wiped out, there is more
chance that another organism will be able to perform the same role in the ecosystem.

5. Suggest why trees play such a significant role in the solutions to reduce biodiversity loss.
• Trees capture carbon from the atmosphere. If there are more trees, then there will be less
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and this will slow down climate change.
• Trees have large roots that strengthen landscapes and reduce soil erosion. This reduces the
disturbance to ecosystems and prevents flooding.
• Trees provide habitats for lots of wildlife.
• Trees improve soil quality which increases the diversity of plants that can grow which in turn
increases the number of other species that can live there.

6. Suggest some actions that individuals can take to reduce biodiversity loss.
Students’ answers may vary but may include:
• recycling
• buying reusable products/not buying single-use products
• buying products made from recycled materials
• buying second-hand products instead of new ones
• planting trees or plants in their gardens

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