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1. Macbeth and Banquo are both figures in the British kingdom.

2. The witches say that Macbeth will ascend to the throne.

3. The witches prophesy that Banquo will have kings in his family line however he himself will
never take the throne.

4. Upon hearing Macbeth’s new, Lady Macbeth insists that Macbeth murder Duncan to ensure
his place on the throne.

5. Macbeth envisions a floating dagger before murdering Duncan.

6. Banquo is killed next to further ensure Macbeth’s place on the throne.

7. Macbeth sees the ghost of Banquo at the feast.

8. The second set of prophecies are that Macbeth cannot be killed of someone born of woman,
to be lion-mettles and proud, and that Macbeth will be attacked when Birnam wood comes
to Dunsinane Hill.

9. Lady Macduff and her children are unfortunately killed since Macbeth was told to be lion-
mettled and because he is sure he won’t falter since no one born of woman is capable of
killing him.

10. Malcom is in England to challenge Macbeth for his rightful place on the throne and to
avenge his fallen relatives.

11. ------------------- At the end of the paly, Lady Macbeth unfortunately commits suicide since
she can no longer handle the grief that has accumulated.

12. The second part of the prophecies come true since Macbeth doesn’t die to anyone born of
woman and when Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane Macbeth is finally defeated.

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